THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : Fill DAY , FKBUUA11Y 5 , ' 1892. SPEGIRL NOTICES. AliVEHTUKWE.STS FOH TIIKHK OOM'MNS w III tM > takcri until 1J W p. m . for tlm OTrnlni ? tin I until 8:8U : p. rn. , for tin : morning or Sunday cdl tlon , All nrtTcrtliirmpnlRln thrx * columns l" > ronti a line tlr-t Insertion , nml 10cntn n line thereafter , or 12 for line i > or month , No "ilTorllscmrnt iaken for Irr * I linn Ji wnts for tlio first Insertion T rm , ca-n In n < lvnnrp. Count ( ihotit 7 wont * to tlio line Inl Hull. tiiinrcii , symbols , vtc , . each count an a word. Alt pxlTcttlfcmi'iitK innH run cnnsrcullvely. Ailrrr llMr * . by requesting i numbered check , cnn htivo their letter * niMrppxpil tu a numbered letter In earo of Tim III R. Answer * m > ndilrcMeil will bo dellr- . < l on presentation of the check eie. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ) ll AM ItljmCKii1 . /columns will bo. tiikcnon the nboTo conclltl'ins M the following business house * , who nro ntithnr. IK cltii tnkn po < lal notice * at the name rntoi mean lii * had til tlm main ofllro ! Smith Omaha liratich Onicu No , SOT N street , 1 Istpr Mock , .lultn W. Hell , pharmacist , tltli nml Mason streets. H II. Karnsnorth , phnrmarlst. 2lli fuming street. W .1. Hughes , iihnriiiocl't.iai N. IBIh Mreet I P tnttcrllchl , | ihnrmaclst , 1118 LeaTunworth Mrcet. Ihnrhei' pharma-y. Zltli and Knrnam "SITUATIONS WANTED ! IIATKSIfte a linn flrsl lima anil lOcnllnn there- aftur No advertisement taken fiirle * * than Ka. HTKNOdilAPHKIlANDTVPKwTuTnUf lady , o'licrlonecil. Address M 67. llco. BM M POSITION I1V"AN N.M'KIIIKNCKI ) I.AIIV nlcnoKriiiihcr ; test of references. Aildrein M 10 , ) | pp. > ICT * " 7 WANTKU. HITUATION IIV YOONH I.ADV TO jVkpep Imiinn for n widower or ni travollna com- imiilim for nn rldorlr lady ! ran furnlch couil rofer- tenLt' . Address for ono week M 01 , Dee olllco. MH74 8 A I.ADV IIOOKKr.El'KU. TllOIIOUCilll.V KX iiprlpncpil , two ypar < In lat plaoo , deslrps lt- uatlon. Address II , I' . I ) , box 47.1 , City. M02il ! , < WANTED--MALE HELP. 11ATKS ISc n line llrst tlmn nml lOc n Hint there after , No advertisement taken for leai tlinir.'ic. n-WA'NTKi > | HALnSMKN ON HALAHv'oil TOM .1 'mission to handle ) tlio new patent chemical Ink niiKlng pencil. 'I ho nrontcat relllng noveltj over mixlnceil ; crapes Ink tlinriingly In two.aer < ind < , nn nhrnslon nf paper ; 200 tti HK > per cent prollt ; unu imcnt'n sales amounted tn f,20 ( In nix days , niiother fill In two hours. WH want ono general ngenl In rnch state nnd territory , Kor termn and full par llrnlnrn nddrcsa .Monroo Krnscr Mfg. Co , lacrosse , ma. x rn iJi _ ClTYl'ANVAbBKItS.yAI.AHV PAID WP.KKLY . -'SliiKer Sowing machlnu olllco. IM'l ' Douglas si i'l ; ' r.'S "IJ-ISTA1LOIIS WAM'KD , H2 PICK WP.KK. 'stomly Job. I cutter wanted , ti/0 per month Ticum-eh M'fg Co. , 'lecimisoh , Nob. t,72.4 p w"ANTKl7K11IST CLASS MAC1HNIST. J > liivls.tCowglll. ) li7J 31 CANVASSKIIH WANTKD. CALL Oil AD- ilreSsi2l : N. Y Llfn btilldlni ; . M2tlFl4 1VANTKII , A MAN WITH bOMK KXl'Kll- JJ I MII co In loan business , middle aitn prcferrol ; nnin ba wlllliiK to work for n small salary to cotr- ineneeon Itoom SO , Continental block. M b70-i' I ) - 4 SIIIHT HALF.riMUN FOIt NKIIHAS'ICA. NK- -I J brnska Hhlrt Co. M87JB 1WANTii : > A ! OI ) IIAlt.NIWS MAKKIIAT J'llcil Onk , la. C. A. Nrhun , 85S rTWAVrii : > , 2 IlAllNl iTMAKKIIS. MM I-KK J > not , at once. It Dlek A Son. Crete , Neb. KS7 4 I WANTKI > , HAI.KSMK IN KVKIIY 'In lena , MlM > ourl , KuriMis nnl NebniFkut $1i a tiny ( no book niicncyi no coiupetltlon. Addri'HH J , A West A. Co. , .lewoll .Junction , Iowa. 8S3 ( i p-l'Al'I'.U IUN'iitS ( : AND I'AINTKHH CAN J > secure winter runt In nxclm n o for rent of live- room houso. nqulre HS Harker block. ilfcvi 7 WANTED-FEMALE HELP. 11ATK8 ISc a line llmt time nnd lOc a line there after. No ndvertlfoment taken for less limn 25c C-I-II18T CLASS COOK ! UKKKUKNUK UK- ( julrcd , Mrs. L. M Ilennett , 4U4 N Kntl street. 7--U i \ _ rv-flOOUO A MONTH ' 10 LADY AOKNTS SKL- VIInK "White's Lilly of the Valley. " Address "Wlilte'n Toilet Co. , " South licml , Ind. U71-1J' C - A GOOD 8ALAUY OIJAllANTKHD TO ANY luily who will do wrltlnu for mo tit home. Ad dress In own handwriting with addressed and ftimped envelope. Miss Kdim Ij. bniythe , South licml , hut. , proprietor of the fatuous Gloria Water -.WANTKtl , A IJIHL FOIl OKNKUAL IIOUSU- work : must bo ifood cook , washer und Ironer 2022Cupltol avo. 6b ! , /"t-ONK KXl'Kllir.NCKD COOK WITH IlKFKlt- vyences , one experienced housekeeper with refer ences : only competent persons need apply. 2.4 N. iglhst. _ 6l ( /l-A TOUNIIC.IIIL TO ASSIST WITH IlOIlSK- V ; work sjul cure of children. Cull at unco , 2110 s.l lllhst. 849 & I _ C-A r.OOlH'.lHL KOKOKNKKAL HOUSr.WOHK J"K ) llnrney Mi ! ) > /"t-A ( llitL KOIl GKNKHATi HOUSKWOHK IN A > 'jninll family. U070 Mason street. M87J 5 * -WANTKD , AT ONTK. ( JIIIL , UHNKIIAL housework. 2521 California street. 8'JJ ' 5 ' / 1-WANTKD , ( Tool ) ( JlltL FOIt OKNKUAL V 'housework , small family ; 22UI > Wlrt st , VI ! 4 e-fiOODOIIILTOHKLIMNLAUNDIlY. APPLY llrownell Hall. : n.ri 5 Ct-JOOI ) lIOUflK-KKKI'KUlir WIDOWnit ; fiOOI ) unKea to the right party. ( J. II. Capon , 2iitli and J ft3 . South Omiihii. Ulli 7 * CWANTKD. . A ( JIHI. 1'OK CKNKIIAL . . ork. Small family. Itufercnco required Call wnnl. MDTU 6 f\-V > INTKI ) , A < ! OOI ) COOK : AI'I'I.Y WITH ' VtroJVrcnco at Woman's KxchaiiKo , Ueo hiilldlni ; , after Z | > m. . /-I-LAIO. ' . ASSISTANT ItOOKICKKl'KIl AND I V'rialilur. AildreasN3 , I'co. MIC'J 5 FOR BENT-HOUSES. HATKri IGo n line tlmt tlmn nml lOo n line tliero- after. No nilvertlreuiunt tnkun fur lens than Vic. Tro - 'coltaiieHulth bath and sewerage , at unil near rornur'ebater nnd IlUth streuta. lloiluceil to I'.t ) y fli. Henry W. Ynte- . in D -a , 4 js. a-iiooM H'OUSIW$10 to $15 ; HIST uns Idunco tlnta In city. Mead luv't Co. , la Ileo bldg ra fj-KOU HUNT , IIOUH15 10 IIOOV.S , AIJ. MOD- -'ern ImproTements , f.M per month ; Il d and Far- nain. . Daxter U Thomas 7''l -I-Oll IlKNT. it-KOOM IIOU8K. WITH 11OTU KOD ami laiigulf dealred , all In good condition : louillon near 20th nml ht Mary's uvcnuo. I'rlcu riMiMiiniliUi : special turnin glren to the right ilarl } . Imiiilru 11)12 ) rnrnum et , or U , II. 'Izachuck , Ileo otllro. b'M (1-llOOJl ( COTTAIIKH , 81ODHUN 1M- /provonicnl , "hliinforil ! Clrelo. " Apply O. H. .Cl ntter , room 4 , N. V. l.lfo milldlni ; . 7 i HOUrti : . 27T1I AND DAVHNPOUT , J-'iill c-oini'liU'llli's , f2JOO per month R K , Dar- 11 in : , Ilnrkei block. 7.M T4 (1 IIOOM rOTI'AUK , 55TII AND CLM1NU JJdtu-et ; 112. Knqulre BSJ S IBth. .Mini ( , -LAUOH LIST. (1KO. J. I'AUU IOU9 TAHNAM 1)LAUOH \ - POIl IlKNT. 10 IIOII.SKS , IAOO AND U 'per month , Thud. F. DnvU touipany , DID KIU \-8-ltOOM lirlUtfKi MODLUN ; B3JS21U hT. I-Toil IlKNT. IU ItOOM FUUNIS1IKU 1IOUSK , 'm Ml Farnuui itrvut. b2l 4 * 1K IIOOM COTTAUK , Rli ; H , .IhT. ST. J.J 85UV _ TiTMODKllN MtOOJI IIOIIKICH AT TII AND JL/1'aikor utriTU. Apply I'ri'il ChrlBtliuist'ii. MiiQJ b . \ 11-11 IIOOM IIOUflK. MOIIBUN IJlPHOVKMKNTfi , J ' ' . 'a' ' ' N. 2Mh BTU. II. Kallth , lallor. 211 N. Idtli. 72T -n-llOOSHlOUSK. CO'lTAflK , 27TH ANIt IHlll- ili'lte , K VO. Knqulre , Omaha Uook A btatlonery I'o , 117 N. loth st. m _ T\- roil ItKNT , AN KK1I1T-IIOOM COTTAOK JI-/41UJI Half llownrd Btri'c't , M'JUJ 10' FOB RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. 1IATKH- lAo a Uno flrnt tltuo anil IDu a line there- ufler , .No adiertlnt'iucut tnki'n for lee * than Mo , " 7 I IlOOji TlToUHKK'71 V'aA VK * 1 , ' - KU11N1H1IKI ) , hTKAM IIKATKD J J < roimn ; , ISITU-avuiiwortliiUrect bath , etc. 603 So' " V I'llUNT 1IOOU WITH Al.COVIi , Til ? - IlKNT , NICKLY Fl'ltMSllKI ) . SKCONII vttory backroom , sullallo for single tcullcuian , wllliout board , in 6 , 2Mb ttroot , Sii " -TuilNlHIIKI ) HOOJ1 WITH 11AT1I , K MONTH IWJ l-ariiam. 4 > < ] y K\UKLV \ > UllfiiaIIKI ) KLATMoSY"KOt M8 alfilJ llo nrd st. , W floor. MinJM' * ,1-r-llUNlHllKD , 110UM8 , WALK tMj lIloY , sou llarncy , Will' If KUHNlSHKDKHO.Vr HOOM. bTKAM IIKAT , JDbath , etc. , 1 blocki from Knrnuui t. fiWSo , tilth t tUtU. Kl 1,1 , KUHNltHlKl ) 1IOOM3 roil LIQ11T HOl'rtK. keeplinr. 416 H. ll'lli ' struct. MlUB 5 " T7 < TWO KUIINISUItll UOOM a AT.017 11AKN KV , Ji-it * * , bulh and heal. tOO-7' " yUBNISHBD ROOMS AND BOABD. . 'lUTKB-lto u line firs ) lima alia lOo a line there" mllvrNo dT"rll ui nl taken for le tlmn tto. f - _ - _ , . .j vnoet , IfJl Chlcivu tl. MBIT i * . -KLSOANTI.Y yUUKIBIIKIt ' 01 cu suite ; all uioclora ronronleuoos ! rlrtt cl i ( Msril. SISSoulU Mil ilrret. ? -l-\ltJK KIIDNT UOOM Wll'lI ALCOVK r1 > l uiui u-U lf.wltU board. .047 IHidjeitat ; S * FOR RENT-ROOKS AND BOARD. CnnHniirvt. 17 HINOLM IIOOMS , WITH BOAHD. FOIl L gentleman. Igtt Cass , MSM ) 10' FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. -1iciillnonriittlin ! amlinc nllno thrrpnf. tor. No nilrertl-ement taken for ICM than 2ic. fl UOOMH. ANY NfMIIKlt FHOM I TO 4 , IN vjflats , for housekeeping. Prices away down II , F. Untta,311 t'n-ton block. KB KM 1'AIITLY Ft'll- G-PAHLOIt AND IIKIWOOM. nlshed If doslred 2SI2 llarney. .M'.OO & _ GioiriTiNf. : ; rrjNVuiiNi iiKT : ) IIOOMH , rai s. lith street between Jackson ami Lcarenworlh , G-SONFtUN9IIK ; ! HOOM8 Hll ) HOUSK-KKKI * . Inff , or furnlsliotl If lU-slrvd. Apply , 8UM Howard , ft-VOH IlKNT , I'AHUU KI.OOH. UNFU11 VJInlshiHl , with board ; also other rooms. Call at IMS.Uthst. 01910 * BOARDING * . It ATKH-l.'vc line llrst time nntl lOo a line them- after. Nn ndrcrtlnomonl taken for less than 2'ic.a sio DOIMJI : , Kot HOOD -1 1 board , nlcur rooms , conveniences , rates and to- atliin It cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor ZUI M I0 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. UATIW-l.'xj n linn first tlma and lOa n Una there after. No advertisement taken for lOMthan 2oo. 1118 JACKSON's'f IUF.T. _ I FOIl 111CNT. Till ! 4 STOIIV 1JI11CK IIUII.DINO. lull ) Karnam street The bulldInK lias n tire proof cnmcnt basement , complcto stenm lioatlmc llxtiircs , ater on nil the tloora , KIIS , ote. Apply at the olllco uftliolloe. eld 1-KOIl HUNT , faTOUK , 1611 IIOWAIll ) . 704 T FltONTOF GRNrilALLY I.OCATKD STOIIK. lllnlchlnson .V Wuad , 1521 Douglas. ejfli 1 WKriOH'H OFl'ICK , CKNTItAf , LOCATION , lover ilruu store ! object to rlcht party. Address M. r , ( , Itec. M > 4 FOR RENT-MISOKLLANEOUS. ATr.S-l.'H ! a line llrst time and lOa a Una thcro- after .No ndvurtl ement taken for less than 2Jc. ' ' T ! MUUIIAY. J-KOH ) IINT : , I.IVKUY IIAHN. A. N. YOHT , Norfolk. Neh. M'iH . * > ' _ RENTAL AGENCIES. HATKSr > c n line Hrst tlma nml llo ) n Una thoro' nflct. No nilvurtlsoiiioiit. tnkon tor leas tlmn J5c. -itKNTA i. Ai IN : ( : YS n A N K unKutKNCK OH. C. tinrvln A , Co.03 t-hcoly block 7W 110 INSUUK QUICK UKNTINO. I.IS1' WITH J-Jtho Exclusive Hentnl Anency I'arrottu , Doiiulas block. M-itJ STORAGE. HATKS-ISjn line tlrst time ami Incallno thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less than 2jc. TYT-IHIY. CMUX AND IMHVATKI.Y STO11I5I ) l'lfunilturo.OiiiiihaStovoUcpalr\Vork , 1JII7 DOIIK. 7ISI f 12 M-OLnKST. C1IKAPK8T AND IIKST S1OIIAHK IIOUHO In the city. Williams A Cross , 1-U Hnrnuy. 7tO WANTED-TO BUY. 11ATIC9 IScn linn first tlmo nnd I Do a line there after. No advertisement taken for less thaniKc. AT FUHNlTUlli : BOUGHT , SOLD , 8TOIIUI ) 1 > Wells , 1111 Parnnm at 7JI \T-WE IIAVK CHSTOMKItS FOIl NKIWASKA -L > farms Co operative Land and Lot CoIW N Ibth street. Within 100 miles of Omnlia. TVT WANTKD TO HUY FAIIM OF S50 AOIIF.S I'Oll i t.5 per aero. C. K. Uarrlson , 1)12 ) N. Y. Life S-3 4 TV WILL injv KOlt CA81L AT A I'KIUK. STOCK l > of clothlnuand Bents furnlshlnK tfouils $ SUOU totl2OW. Address 1 > .O. box , 7 ) , city. 8'.U ' 4 T WANTKD , TO UUY UOAU CAHT Oil HUfiOY. S Adilres-M 2 , Boo. FOB SALE-FURNITURE. IIATKS ICon line tlrst time and lUc n line them- after. No advertisement taken for loss than 2.10. - OF A 10 IIOOM IIOL't-K. I 0 Cnss. MU01 10- FOR SALE-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. IlATKSi lie n line Hrst time and lOe n line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for loss than 2"K ) , > -A GOOD SKllVICnAUl.K IIUUCY , ALSO A 1A saddle und slnulu harness for saltf. V 1 < J Iinvnn- port st. Mb07 C P S-l'AI.I.loN. OKNTLK. BTYLISTI , Sl'KKUY I and well bred , for sale or trade for Mild prairie land In Iowa or Nebraska. Address M t'Ji. lice M'JOS M3 * FOR -MISCELLANEOUS. . ItATiS : I5o n line tlrst tlmo and lOo a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for ) OH than 25o. Q'-T , In the biilldliiK recently occupied by the Council UlnlTs bavluna bank. OtUcer A I'usey , Council 11 1 u If s. MWIFU - ! 25 KIMHAI.L OHCAN , NKW , KOH HS CASH. Q ; I3U1I N.'Ith t M8.K 7' ( - \ -HUNTING OUTK1T KOllPAIjK : lUI'I.K. SHOT- WKUII , decoys , etc. Aililrcs * M 65 , Ueo 8447 * MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS-IDc n line llrst tlmo unit lOo n line thereaf ter. No ailVHrtUeniont tukon fur leas than2.ic - ' WANTKD-A UOOD I'lIVSITIAN K-1'HVKICIAN cnn IInet a itculrnblu location hr aildrusnlim B IS llenchlcr , lllu Hprlnga , Nob. MMI (15 * . > , \\KIA. DIOCINU. PAllTV'rO PUT ilown a well , hrlck It up , anil tnke In payment a uuuil clear lot. Address "Wall , " 1 * . U box W , ' , Omnlin SIU7S T CLAIRVOYANTS. HATIIH 15c a line tlrst tlmo anil lOo n line thereaf ter. Noiiilvcrtlsoinonttukt'ii fur less tlmn 2jo. S"- AlllVA ! . 'KXTiAOlUHNAKV" WONluUKUI , revol. lions. Challcnucii the world , Mrs. Dr. M. l.i'i/riivo , itcml franco rlalriorant , nstrulottlit , pnlmlit and llforevdur ; tells your llfo from tbo crnillu to trra\o ; unltev the rtipamteit ; cnusci uinr- rlnuu " Ith thu ono you love ; tells rrhuro yon will nucccpil n net 111 what builncus bent art up I oil for ; lm the cclebratod KRyiitlnn brvastiilato for lurk ami tu dcKtror huiL Inltucncua : cnrui tit * . Intemperance nml nil urlvuto coniplnluts with maMnno. hnllis mill nlcohol treatment , hviut $2. lock ( if hnlr. nnmo ami itato of birth nml receive accurate llfo ohnrl ; . cents In tninpn for circular ; nho Inltlalaof uno you will marry ; ulno iiliotus of unnio. Utllco 11)07 ) South Ilth utri'ot ; llrrt floor ; m to U p. m. Tome onn , rome nil. and ba conrincc'il of this wonderful nriiclo. Ml'2 T S-JlltH. NAKNIIC \VAUUKN. . CLAIIIVOVANT , rcltablo bublnesa mcilluui , tilth jeur , at UU N. lull. 792 S-MIIS. MAI11T FIIITX. . 2I IAKK HTHKKV. clntrvoyunl and trnnco invdlum , Indepoinloiit Yolcvi ; lulli | m t nnd future , iTIP.'l" MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. ItATiS-15o : a linn tint time and lOa H line there after. No ailrrrtUoiuonl tnkun for It'll tlmn ' 'ic. ril-MAIlAV K LA 11UIJ. MAHSAOE TIIUATJIICNT 1 410ho. lith t.lrd ! floor Hat * . rp-.MAH AOK U'llKATMKNT. KLKOTIIU Til Bll. -t mat batlm , ociilp and hair treatment , manicure nml clilropiidl l.Mr8 ro t,3l ! > XS.IMli , Wlthuull blk "VISIT TIIK ONLY UllHT CLASS 1 p-rlura In Omalm. ovurdll ) U. Utli it. M2.'l Kll 'I'-MADAMi : HM1T1I. ll l DOUGLAS hTHEIKT , Jroom 7JJ Hour. AUoUol.iuluhur ml B batbi. MfcSI 7 PERSONAL , . HATKS-llo a line tlm Hum and lOo nllno thu'o. after , No adTerllx-mcnl taken for ! ( thin 24o U-DANIKL T. CUBTKU 1M.ICA8K ADIIltKHB hlii holher , Juieph N. L'uiter , Mnimtlehl , Ohio Jur liiforiimtlon IntvmtlnK to him. An > Infnr mn. tlon about him tlmnkfuHjr rvielvvd. MJIUil U.-1'KIIBO.NAI.-"IIBN ; " WOIIIUKII 'HOOl1 you ; wrltuM CUartrun for rebraarr ith ; acoynu twu weeks , K. T. 8hD 4 . ABT AKOLANQ UAOB. IIUVINO A 1'IANO L-XAMINKTHK now culoKlmb ll plauo. A. Jlotpo.lSU Douvlas , ir-0. V. ( IULLKNUiClC , II.IN.IC > TKACIlUlt , > with llotpe , or 33IH N , 1Mb ttruut.Sril door. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. _ llATtti- lie line lint llmViindloo llnu there- aftur. No udwrUnouienl taken for leu tlmn iic. .tlt HOUTUAUKti. .MOOllK , A. 4UI1JKU IILIIG. iy-ANTIlINVLOANANITllUSTl'0. 813 N , 1' . ' ' Life , lend at luw ratoi lor cuolco necurlty pn Ncbra.ku ur lo a fiirumor Oumha city pru | > urty \\r-l-OATKS.7 , D'U TIIADK. KABTKllK UUNKV. ' J S \\rlA ANBW.M HAIllllS * , II ! WHIBNZKU 11I.K. 740 \\r-LOAN3ON IMI'UOVKD AND UNllll'ltOVKD I city ( iroiMirtr , n Uandupviira > .aiu8 | > i > r coal. No Unlay * . W. Karnam tiinlta it U ) . , lila A llarnty. \\r-llU.NKV'I O LOAN ON UJNl ! Oil bllUKT lime la lanu of KJJ to f IU.OUI. Mutuallnirtutnieiit Company , 7J ] \\r APPLY TO J. 1 , LOVKTT TOK CI1KAP l uiuuey ; ooljr tlrsl class * ocurlly , 23)B. ) 13lh.OS OS ? \\f CI1A3. W. UAINKY. SIS OMAHA NAT. UK. ' ' H < ) . . C'llyiurtM . . LOWMI rule * . Monuy DlllltUd. " MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. / ConttiiMd. \ \ rS"'i7uT NTT s ju' ' Hicham C. Patterson , 1MI at. 7I.V \\r-HKAL KS rATKLOANS. PAUL , KwTFAUNAM \r IX ) ANH ONHKAti KSTATK , rale * . Then F.Darl * rompany. IW KIO \\r-LKXTHAIj LOAN A TIIU3TCO. 1IKK IlLlrtJ. ' m \\r HKAIi KSTATK IXUNS , fl TO T PKIl CKNT ! i no adrlllliinnl charge * for commission or attor ney's fees. W II. Melklo. First National bank bldit. 7U \V-LOANHON 1IKAL KSTATK AND COI.I.AT- " tprat note * ntut mortgages boticht , Heed A Sclby , .131 Ilonnl of Traile. 74 1 \ r LOAN3 , o r-MONP.Y TO LOAN ON IMPItOVKI ) CITY property , low rates. A. C , Frost , Itouglas hl'k , \ VWIMi LOAN MONl'.Y ON ANY KIND OF ' security ; strictly confidential. A. K. Harris , room I , Continental block. \U81 MONEY TO LOAN-OIIATTELS. UATKH-lSa a line llrst tlma and lOo n Una there after. No ndvcrtl-cir.ent taken for less tlmn 'A'x ; . V-.MONKY TO LOAN 11Y II. F. MA8TKHS ON --household goods , pltmos , organs , horses , mules , wagons , etc. , at the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change of pos session. Tlmo arranged to milt tlio borrower. Payments of any amount can bo made at any time , rednclng both principal and Interest , tlms giving pntruna all the bcnotlta of the partial pay ment plan. Call and see mo when yon want n loan , or If morn convenient , call telenhonu 11121 nnd your business can be transacted at home. Money always on hand ! no delay ! ho publlclly ; lowest rates ; business confidential , U. F. Masters , It. 4 Wllhnoll blk , Ilthnml , ifarney. 747 A' HOKT rUITCIIAlll ) , It. VWIT11NKU. , lll.IC. _ V 743 X .MONT.Y TO LOAN , SO , Ifl AND H ) DAYS ON furniture , otc. Dun Urecu , 11 , S , t V ) Darker blk , 740 MONKY TO LOAN ON CHATTKLN ! 1IONDS AmiMONKY A-mi lit city wnrrnnts boUKht. Uoom 402Karbsch hlk B-HFSfit - CllAlTKliIXJANS-UUN. : V LIFB. MOllllIS1 , autio * XMONKY ON FU11N1TUIIK , IUWSF.S , PIANOS. Keyalono Mtgo. Co. , room 203 , ShcUly block. X C1IATTKL LOANS , UKNKDICT A"WIIAY. ( ! 14 Paxlon block. Wo loan our own money , chnrgo no commission ; It will pay you to consult in. M.6CO MS X WIIKN YOU WANT A CItATTKL LOAN PKIS W. II. Davla. room 20 , Continental block. 'S''l ' XA.WI MONKY LOANKI ) ON FUHNITUItK. HOHSKS , A.WIMONKY A.WI aeons , pianos , etc. Fred Terry , r 431 , llnnixe. .204 BUSINESS CHANCES. HATKS-l..c . n Una first time ami lOrna llnotlieio- after No advertisement taken for less than Wo. Y buy half Interest In n nctl cstnlillshud meat bus iness In a thriving city of HUUO Inhabitants A good opportunity to the rlKhtman. Apply to Heller & Liver Co . 1217 Howard street. ' ' M3UI-7 _ V 1'UV ' THIS CO.MSIKllCIAL. TIIK LKADING .1 hutol of Urokon Uow , Neb. No trade SX'J Y KOH BALK , MKAT MA11KHT ; , DO < N(1 ( A Rood business , ( food reasons Klvoa for nelllnK. Boxni , Fremont , Neb. * T.i 11 Y-FULLY EQUll'I'KD CANNlNfilUCTOUY IN very best part of Nebraska : capacity 25,000 to : > 0OUO cans per day ; has made money lasttbn-u years ; bcstof reasons forsolllntf Aililn-ssJM xt.lleo. V rUUNISHKD IIOTKL FOIl HALT" OH ItKNT , J- the only hotel 111 city. Apply to Tlldon Stnlo bank , agout.Tllilcn , Nab. 41Ci f 2J \r-FOIl SALK , HALF INTKUKST Oil ALT , OF J. good pa > lng saloon , well located ; reason for oclllnn autlstactarlly ezulnlned. Address M I'A , Ueo. B'JO& Y-HKSTAUIIANT FOIl SALK CUKAI' . iilOJ Ixmvcnurorth St. M8W5' - FOIl SALK. ALL OR ' ' TUB BKST TINWAUK X an djobblntr business In city. GUI N Y , Life. UI4 S Y-Fon SALK. FI113T CLASS STOCK OF HOOTS and shoes , best trade In city of 15,000. very cheap for cash ; must bo taken at once. Cuas. II. HrlKUs. Uoittrlco , Neb1 018 IU * FOB EXCHANGE. IIATK8 15onllno llrst time and Ido a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than ' 'io. V-CLKAN STOCK OFOKNK11AL M'D'SK : WILL A/take real ustalo & money , Hot 2,15 , FrankfortInd , 7(3 Z VEHY DKSIIIAULK , OMAHA I'flOPKllTY FOtv Los AiiKOlcs property or fruit ranch In bo ? Cali fornia. David Jamloson , Don building. 70J y VOll TIIADK , A STOCK OF QKNKHAL MKlT- /-'cluindlso ( or lands and cash Address II. W. WatklnsA Co. , Frankfort. Ind V FOIl SALKOHKXCHANOK , TWO 1MI-OHTKI ) JNorman stallions nntl two Imported Norman marcs , 4 and ft years old ; fine nulmals. will sell low on easy terms or exchange for merchandise oreluur land ; will put In some cash on ni'dse deal If nec s sary. Address or cull ou J. W. Uolnn , Indlanola Neb. MH.I1 8 Z A | 4 YKAIIS' L1IA8K ON 2S > AOHKS OF school land for good speed curt and truck sulky or troltltiK horse equipment. Address M 6V. care Uee. , MSfit M V-W1LL OIVK J'AIIT CASH ANII HALANCB IN tfllt-ed c property for tnsldu Omaha buslmiss property Onico hours 2 to li p. m Uooui'lK. Oloho hotel -M87l > 6 < Z FOIIKXCIIANIJK , A VI3IIV bTYLISH CAIl rlago team , A No , I roadsters , can trot to the polo In tlm' mlniilua , nentlu anil sound ; oed wherever you put them , single or double I will o.chauiic this handsome lentu for n irood lot or land In eastern Nebraska , Fakirs or trade , sharks need not apply. For further particulars address -onnemcheln. . West 1'iUut , Neb , , a 884.1C Z-FOlt TIIADK , HKAL KSTATK'FOIl SToi'K OK general md'so orshoes. Address N l Z-THANSFKIl ODTF1T TO THAUE FOIl FARM ! difference In cash or secured to suit Address F4. llee , Council Illuffs ' MJ.ll 8 FOK SALE.-HEAB ESTATE HATK8- o line ( Irst time andjJUo a Unu .tliero- after. No advertisement taken forloan than 23c. FOIl SALU AT A 1IAIKJAIN , IXT IS , 1ILOCIC 4 , W. U Sclby'a first addition to South Omaha. tMimll payment duwn , balance munthly If Inqulro ( i , I ) Titschuck , Onialia llee. „ FOIt SALU , IIOMICS , ANY IMIICK , 7M. 11,260 Ul' ; easy terms ; take clear property as tlrst payment. 0. ( J. Wallace , Ilrown block , Ibth and Douglas . 740 IOH SALK , NKIIItASKA FAIIM LANDS. ' ( ) . 0. Wallace , J12 Ilrown block , lot I ; and Doug ) oVfl'M fl'M NK. COIINKIl > TII AND IliCKOUY , COxH ( ) feet ; a barxaln for a few days only F. K. Dar- linn , llnrker block , 751 "I7O11 SALK , ON SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS I IU houses. Tlio O.F.Duvls cumpany. 1'JI Kill QU ACUK FAIIM 12 MILKS F1IO.M LINCOLN. 5JO.IW Upur acre , on time , Co-Operatlvo Laud and I/ot Co. , 205 N. Itlli st. MMiitO 17011 HALK , fiOUTH DAKOTA FA11MS , . CIIUIQF. Jtmjualus bend for circular'Mention lli | pniier. II. K. Muyhew , Letcher , 8 I ) . ' M&U5 * 17011 HALK-S-K COUNKIl 1IT11 , DOltOAS , 62M.X I 1W , it common , stable for tl horsescan be divided Into & lots. Inqulroat promises 8(18- HAIR GOODS. UATKS-I.'M ) a line llrst time and lOa nllno there after. No advortliement taken fur lens than 25c , I AIIOKSTKTOCK I.V KNTIIIK WKSTi T1IKAT- -lyrical wins and beurds a specialty , Vi I tl > , batiits switches , hair ihslns , oto , send tor ratnlouuo Mall orders solicited. Davl s , 1)1 ) S , 1Mb st , , Omaha , 75 ? MMII ! IDKAL LADIKS1 11AIH DUF.bHINO 1'All- 1-lors , switches , banys. wigs , toupees , jewelry and hair ornaments In stock ; wigs to order , spftlat attention xlvuuiiiall orilers. KMSlithst , Srrtdoor , 4M KiV LOST. UATKS-lioallna llret tlmo and I0o a line there after , No advertisement taken for less than 2io. LOhT-l'ACKAdK O * NOTK8 AND VALUAHLK papers In bronu wrapiier with rubber bund. He- turn to room 415 Chamber of Commerce and ro. cutvo reward. SIUV7 8 * LOST A I'AIIIOFOOLD 81'KCTACLF.S IN HKD leather raio ; tinder return to No. 217 Hoard Trade and reculvo reward. Uil 4 LKiHT MACKINTOSH CAl'K WKDNKbDAYi Under return to 724 U. 19th si. , mid net reward. MW7 7 PAWN BROKERS. IIATKS-ISoa linn rirtt tlmo and lOoallne Hioro- after , No advertisement taken for IBM than .ic. ' " ' " " BKN F. MA11TI , IlKMOVKD TO 107 8. V71 Ml , ' Q SNYDKIl'S IAJAN OFFICE , IMOjDOIHin hT. O. 770 F 2V l UISI ) MOIII.K , 01T1CK I51IH FAI1NAM ST.u STOCK WINTERED , UATKS-llc a line tint lime and 10(3 a line there after. No adrertlitmivut taken for lc than 2ic. OUSK8 AmCOi'FKW ANl rAIIKI oil nn farm two uillvt of Omaha I rum II to U month. 411 U. | Ub street. Tel. 10. U2U3 rw MASQUER APE'COBTUMESTETO. HATKS-lSfl a line tint time and lOoalluo thuro- after. No adrertlieinent Uken for lets than Me. Tj ADIKS A OKNTLKMKN CAN tilCtb. Golden KiuU store. M-ini MANUFAOTU ; p JEWELERS. 11ATKR ISo n line flrnttlmp mil lOc a linn tliero- Itor. No ailTcrtlsnninnbitfikdn for les thn V.V. CASH PAID KOIl 01.1) ( HIM ) . CAUSON A llsnkn , room : W llarkrrtilnrk. Umaha. Til IIATKS- lie a line tlrst tlAin anil lOc a linn Ihpro- Noadtprtl'eincii'tftlicn ' for lo-n than .3c. ) IIAXOIIS , , KTC' . , 'o UK grounil to Undprlnnd A Co , 10(1 ( S , Ilth st. 7.V1 HATKS ISc a line flr-tilmo ) ami lOoa line thero- aftcr , Nti advertisement taken for lets than 2V ! DHKSSMAKINOTAtMntSVSTKMl W1L1 , KW by the day , f I.UU. AihUnrc smakvr , 1310 N 27tht. . 8SJ 4 n REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. . P. MEGEATH , II41PAIJNAM STltRRT. OMAHA. NKIt TOE BEST \ \ For Consumptives and In valids must surely be the most 'wholesome for those who use it as a beverage. PURE RYE. la the b jet for all purposes , be- oauso it Is positively pure and ma ture. It Is oxcojdlnsrly ploaeant to the taste and has a dollolous bou quet. N. R It dooan't burn nor scald the thtoat or atom ich like Inferior whlskays. It la rooommonded by the best physicians. Sold only at high class hotels , drusr and liquor stores. DAIifiRMAND & CO. . OIUCAOO. Tllli SHORTEST LINK TO CHICAGO V is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. as represented on this map. ctVSiCq , ? | RAPIDS iZ'l ' BlufT.PES MOJNES 3JL1 III ! Electric LightettJ Steam Heat ed Vestibuledr ! trains leave Omaha daily ati6o : p. m. , ar riving at Chicrfgb at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omah'a. F. A. NASHI Gen'j Agent. C. C. LiNCOLN.-iIPass. Agent. GLUCK , EyeEar , ; , Nose , Throat , Olnases ndjiiatod to a.II visual Uo foots. Outurrh oiiCL'Of'jfuUy troutoil , Room IS , Barker Blocli , (5th ( and Farnam 'IMPROVEMENT ' the ORDER of U AGE THE BEST. WHY ? Itocnusu wo Imvo profited l > y the sliortconilnss of tliu olil typowrltors. and Imvo overcome many dofouts und , between ntirsluvcs.vo liuvo iiddod inuny Improvements of wliluh tlielr Inventors nuvor droainoil. All type cloiineil In ton seconds without soll- Inir tlio Imnds. More manifold copies can 1)0 nmda lit OHM Im- prt'ssloti on tlio Sniltli 1'romlor than upon liny other typewriter tnunufnotiired bend for ontuloKue. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co , 100 ! ) } Fnrnam Street , Uninlin , Nd ; , K. U. MAVIlKir , . . . . 01 AX AO till. SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 10S3. An ( inllniiiico luvylnR u Jpoclnl lax < iiul im- ( cs'-iiii'itt on curtuln lots and rt'iil c'slnlo In tlio olty of Oimimi' . to covur the cost of ihuu- ( IKCH for irrndlni ! 15th street fiom Vinton street to Oak Hill Addition No U ; IL'lh stn-et from llnncroft strcpt , to Itlulnn sticutUt ; ntroot from Center to Yin tun mroi't : Uharlos ftreut from -tli to : uuii strnet ; and be nril htruiit from -'Hh tolkltli street. \Vliurons. It lutvlne bvcu nml Mortis linrcby ndjudKod , dotcrmlned nnd estiililUlied tliut the su vantl lots and piece * of renl OKtato liero- Inndoi' referred to , Imvo onuh liuon cpeclally liunnlitti'd to tlio full amount liurnln levied and as < suasr. ( | iiculn'sl eucli of ssild lots uti'l ' rstiito , ruatinullvoly , liy r''Rson of tlio aiuimires for Krtutliif ; at unit part of Utli uti'UL'l from Vlnton strent uiOiik lull Ad dition No. Si litli gin et from HiuiLTuf t uti'etst to Illnlno btriHit ; l | strent from Cent or to Vlnlon street : Oharli-s strcul from ' 'Uli Btrrtit 'Kith street : und tfnward atrcM from tli treut tu 'tilt li streot. , i. Tlieriiforn , for tlio pm'poio of puylnp tlio eo t of siieli iliinjiifebi u Holt orduliio.l by tliocirr council of the city of Omaha : Section I. Tlml tliocr i'pf damuifps forcrail- Inetliat part of IMIi strof , In Ilineltyof Ornii- tin. from Vlnton street tth north Unit Oak Hill Addition No. S , said cott bulnu tlm hum of t.ilUOO lie and the SJIHO Is hciepy luvlnd and iiMsui-hed , uei'OKlln ; to Special lienotlli. by leiitnn of- said dumnuui fur Kiiidlnn , upon Hie following lots und roll otulu uh.iliown by the eencrally rrcocnlzeif ? map of tlm city of Oniiiliii , IS fl. llthngr.tphinl ami pulillslipcf bv ( i K Maync , kali ) eo t bitmr so Intlpti onsild lots nnd rual estate , rt-ipbcltvoly , as follows , to-wlt : J A M U McCormlfk et ul , e 150 ft n 1 Jjk ] ft Deer I'nrk t < do ol.'Oft ll2lilUD do -'W do e I.Vlft 114) do 0150/1115) do olSlftltRlilkS'W ( i ) do do el.Vftlt7 olSlftltRlilkS ( . IU do , uittfiitui'iic'ii , j its Anxnst Kelsloroir.i fill 10 LilUS J IU A M O McCormlok ot ulr e ISO ft It II hlk 8 . 2 0.1 dti o l.Vl ft It 12 hlk H - ( do ulMftltl hllcl ) ! SIW do o IftUft It J hllcU .105 do uiMrt itfihiun unr dn 0 ISO fl It t 111k II U 05 do C IM ft HI III 1C II 3 04 do ol.0ft ItllhlkU a 01 do oi53 nit 7 hlk u at'i ' do ft us biku a 04 ilo e 150 ft It 0 hlk 0 . ' 104 M O Maul. H 40 ft It i DroxolA Mau | ' add 1 M .Muds.Morteiuon us " s ai do HO 4 B3 UOJliullHT 4 4d do It 8 . 5 IT do w 4U ft It 0 " 1I Uo w 40 ft It 10 ! 1 J7 do It 17 " 2 IT do It Itt ' 4 IS do It 10 ' 4 8'j do It'JO " . . ' 14 do w 40 ft It St " 1 : iT JTM Aliromtv 150 ft It 7 Kl.elei' sub ars Aufnu U DrolbitH w IVJ ft It 8 " % 63 Jacob ICojip w l.VJ It 9 " sea Anton PDrlolnH w l.Vl ft H 1(1 ( . do w ISO ft It U Mich-el Knpp w l.Vl ft It 1- 2 < M II Klwlo o IW ft It IS .Inhn Sherlock n IM ft It 11 Oco W Pox o ISO ft It 15 2 M Troil riernono I.V ) ft It 1(1 ( 2 fiS .Inhn Vlcko I.V ) ft It 17 2 GS An i ISO ft It H 2 M .lohn I'tMch w isofi Its Lewis' sub 2 .VI Albert Lewis w iso f l 119 " 2M tin w ISO ft It 10 " 2 5 < 1 Irllr Dninmann w ft It H " 2 M Max StnlilbtTj w IW ft It IS " 2 M Albert Lu Is w ISO ft Itll " 2 S . do w ISO ft It 14 " 2 74 Sebastian HUiinlc . w IW ft It 7 Mueller & lllcmlo's ndtl do w ISO ft It 8 2 fH Krll-T Itohiow ISOfl It0 " 20 .1 oh a n n Dolitc w l.V ) ft It In " 2 TA do w ISO ft It H " 2 IVS do w ISO ft It 12 " 2 07 s liltiiniooisoft it 1:1 : " 2 07 do o ISO ft It 14 " 2 ( VS iio o iv ) ft it n " 8 ( W Itnnry Sehoenor p ISO ft 11 IB 2 r > s Mtiollur , V Illnmio o ISO tt It 17 " 8 IW tin o ISO ft It H " AlbertM Kitchen HI Mutter's tub Patrick Murphy Hi 2 fit Irod Schnenlng o ! J It 3 1 7S 1 rank Koberts w 'j It n 0 81 Win K llurllmrt oi-J ft It 4 07 M II Uoblo w 15) ) ft s > ( It IR OUnliomn 10 01 Michael Harry w ISO fl it Hit Ifl 10 01 I'.tlll. . A * * " * J1 t . . _ . _ . . . . w ISO ( is09 ft HIT " 0 03 C llvornslns " w IfO ft n DO f t < IM ft H 17 " OKI John I'l-lior w 150 ft n IB ft It 17 " sat II N 1'otursoii w ft iti7 : S n ItoeorV plat Okuhoma 8 03 Heirs II N 1'otcrson w ISO ft It Its ai S H Knurrs u ISO ft It.'U R III John Thiiinas w ISO ft 11 40 8 04 Marv M DlliliUMv IS I ft It 41 8 (14 ( Malfnilii I'Cook w IV ) ft It41 14 HO H'lltns .letter n ISO ft n > j I * . II 0 70 Jacob Nell u l.'ul ft f'i n U It 41 (170 ( llaltns Jotter ulSO ft nM fl s i It 44 Diinlsl 1'riiny ulSO nGO slUS ft U 41 Margari-t 1'ov o 15) ) ft n 50 ft * IDS ft It 14 n 04 John H Mc.Mahan elM ft s.V , ft It II : i : is Omaha llorso lly Uo o ISO tt II 4' 1:1 : : M n II itliworih : o ISO ft n200 tt It 40 1217 llonry O Dovrlos o IV. ft s 20 fl It 4(1" ( 1 82 u5Dftlt47 ! " James riaiinory and Thus Oollopy 0 ISO ft. n .W ft It U " Hasmni Uasmttsscn u TO ft It 7 S K ( ( PRO : a' add 0 87 Omaha lloroa Hy Co \v5lfto150ftlt7 ' 1 n A Schlpporolts wL'4 ftltySeiilpporolts' sub (1 ( 77 do . 114 ' " 242 do It Ii " 2 41 do HU " 242 BslhL'rOaorehor It 7 " 242 do Itri " ' . ' 41 do HU " 24. do w 24 ft It 10 " 077 Catherine ! Lochloln o ISOsnb lta\U20 , * sou.'U-IVM 7 M Joscnh Luis o IM fl Kill ) 2 la1120 , see : niii : , : i o : > Julius Aitii7onl Q 150 ft sub 3 Iav lot 20 , scuii-i5-n ; : i oi Total 933.1 M Section 2 , Tlmt thn cost of damages for ffnidlntr tlmUmttof 1-th sltout. In thu city of Uninha , front llniicroft street to Illalnu street , said cost bolus thu Mini of J.RH.OO , bo and the same Is horuhv luvlud and nssessoil. accnidlni : to special benefits hy reason of s.ild daniaaos for trr.ullni ; . UIMII thu following lots nnd lonl estate us shotoit by thu Koncrallv ieiounl/eil man of the ulty of Omaha , liv-ti. lltliozniplicd and puhllshud hv O , r. . Muyne. said cost bulni ; so' levied on s-ilfl lots and real estnlo ru- spccilvul y , txs folows ( , to-\\lt : M lionilv.nn H 1 hlk 1 M Donovan's sub $14 14 do It 2 hlk 1 0 (51 ( Ho ItilulUt " I ) dT , do It 4 blk 1 II ( , ( ! do It 5 hlk 1 " o m do HO hlk 1 II OK MI''ltsiintYtekotal1t7blkl ' " 1) ) lilt Isaac Ilascull It 8 hlk 1 1) ) lid do HUhlkl " 0 ( Kj Charley fierolcl It 10 hlk I " i ) iirt John M Dougherty It 11 hlk 1 " u nil John A CrolRhton II 12 blk 1 U IK M Donovan It Klhlk 1 " 0 . " > do It Hill ; 2 14 14 do It 2 blk 2 " n co do IttblK2 : " o cu do U 4 bile 2 " D ( in do It 5 bile 2 ! ) dG rte It ( l blk 2 ' I ) fifi do It7bk2 | " 0 ( i do U8bk2 ! " 9 till do It 0 blk 2 " n fifi do It 10 blk 2 " ! ) M do Uil hlk 2 " o on John Ward ojj It 12 hlk 2 " i oj John O ttrndy mid > i It 12 blk 2 " 2 r > s U J rinum-ry w Ji It 12 blk 2 " 5 IS John Ward o Wit 1.1 blk 2 1 1)2 ) John U Cr idy mid > < It U hlk 2 2 fS U J nunnery v H It U blk 2 d n M l.cls c M It 1 Lois I'laco 220 . | O I > DU Luis w 'a It 1 8 HI M Lois e M It 2 I I ) . ! Joseph r.o ! ; ! w i 11 2 " 7 7.1 Philip Schmidt et ul It a " 0IUI Joseph Lola It 4 " II fifi do Its " 1) C > 5 John Schmidt n ! t It fl ' 4 K ? M I'olla'-k s y 116 4 8,1 Joioph Lois It 7 I ) " > JultuiSuhm dt It 8 Joseph I , air. : ItO 5 fifi John Wnuhlottle ot al n li It 10 4 at Jo uph timber ot : il s l/4 It 10 4 XI John WnuhliiUlu ot nl It 1 1 0 f > MathulsGruldlult U II M ! Joseph Lola It 13 0 fi'i ' do It 14 II 0 ! Total , , . . . J30S 00 Section.'I. That the cost nf dania us for Krmllim Hint purl of1st. . htieot. In thu city Of Omaha , from Ontui1 street to Vlnton strum , s.ild cost hcln , : tiu | fnm of I .it.'l.dO , liu and thu snmu li > hurehy levied nml asse- > d , nccordliiK to biiUrilil liL'iirlKs hv reason of Mild damages for LTiullntt , upon thn followlni ; lots and real ojtafu as shown by ( he Kcnorally recoRiil/od tnaiinf thu city of Oinithn. It n , llthoKiiiphud and pnhllslieu by f , K. Mnyno , gain cost buliiK 10 Iiwlud on Mild lots and real Oatuto , tc- speellvi'ly , as follows , to-wlt : WKriiKlt2l > ft\v Oftlt 10 h 1 Campbell's nd , ' ! 2S do n27ft , .f l ft .so ft It 10 blk 1 " : i ) Cail Anderson i-.T ft w8 > ft It 10 hlk 1 : i 21 W 1C run n 1,5 fl w ! 4ft It 10 hlk 1 U 51 Clu Ut llonoruo ! > ft w I.V ) ft It 10 hlk 1 II 27 Kebd Ac U.iinlJull w l.Vl ft. It 12 blk 1 27M Joseph Mollnor w ISO ft It 14 hlk 1 KM AndrotiH IhltllesB w IS ! ) ft It II ! 1.11 ; 1 Sfil Kinary 11 \ VlnnvI5U ft It IS hlk 1 Kcdnmn li IHUsim w ! .r < M ft It''t ) hlk 1 W TSno , ! y w 11).3 ) fto ) ' It 2 < hlk 1 1 0 * Heed & auiplmll w ii H-S hlk t 2 M Mary Mohr w : n ft 25 f l It ai blk 1 0 82 K O OUun u 15 ftys 25 ft It ,11 nil ; 1 I ) 211 K \Vnohsman. n Y tt.Y ) ft It 'JO hlk I 1 07 1'red llaiiHun w.'W ft m M ft It 21) ) hlk 1 1 ( iS \V T hweory o 12 ft ni W ) ft It 20 hlk I 0 fi2 do n 00 ft It 20 hilt 1 2 in Mary Mohr H < i't s SO ft It.10 hlk 1 24.1 T \Vachsnian n ! ' , sM ft ItUO 1)11 ) ; 1 2 4i : Kred lliuiicn in .VI ft ItltO hlk 1 1 hS WrbwPi niOft iti'Oblk 1 4 88 Itocd & CauiDhell w 44 : i ft It7 hlk 2 r > nn do olOftHBhlk'J 1 21 Christian i > firiinliolin \ \ 40 ft s 5 } ft It B hlk 2 1 M StnfY Nnwiicrscp w40 ft n 24 ft "l ft It shlk2 0 M John Milliner \\40ftsi4 ft nll4 ft It 8-2 0 87 Maty Hull w 40 ft ntirt ft It s hlk 2 II ! ! i OhrMlanDOriinholiiisnOft it H hlk 2 4 HS Slnir Niwborgcrn 24 ft 74 fl H n hlk 2 2 : n John Mh11nor.s2rfl n 114 ft 111) ) hlU2 2 i'A .MarvIlalliiDiin It U hlk 2 H in JohuTlddcmanlt 10 hlk 2 18 , " , li do It II hlk 2 8 li ) John Mirottnor ii It 1. hlk 2 : i2i Martin llaul/hiKUi w I'.Utft t > 'i ' H 12-2 2 4H Ueud & L'uinuholl > v 4t U f l U 7 blk ; i 5 ( ' ) dm It h hlk : i 8 OS do It H hlk , l 18 : iii Malign * A LnUupnt n ! i ni It 10 blkU 4 r > u I'l'ti'r SiulurbiirK k't \ n li It In blk ! l 4 M liciiRt I'dtcrHon s u It in hlk i II 18 r IMC i oderhunn tilt 11 hlki ; 4 1)4 ) Hoed k ( Jiinipholl t , ti It II blU , i fl III \V I'ctor Holt w Hit l.'bllCl ; i 21 Lara. ) Johnson u 111 rift u' , It 12 hllvll John 1C Dn.liluin . w 4I.M fl It 7 blk 4 4 HIKI do It n hlk 4 < > ( KI Itecd k Oarophcll It 0 blk4 IS 82 do w tilt 10 hlk 4 b .ri5 Andrew. ) Curluoinvji iiVilt 12 hlk 4 4 27 hwnn ! . .iuiliionvY ; t > /t ' It 12 blk 4 4 27 John&chmldt w1It 14 hlk 4 5 M Itecd .V Onmphcil wit nSi H III blk 4 27 John P Ji-rpn w 'i 'i It IU blk 4 4 .1 August Carlson ! i > ii { It 18 bllv4 4 27 John Wcfctcibcri.wti sii It 18 blk 4 4 V7 Heed \ Campbell wi ! It20 blU 4 H .15 ( Jluf Potemm w't It blk 4 8 .V. ( ins I'fjtcrion Hi' ni ! It21 blk 4 4 27 Krelorioli ; DalilonUt u'i b'It 21 bll4 4 27 Pnirlek Hnrtnoll \ > 'J It ibik 4 h M Heed k Oumpblell wK 11 S bill 4 8 rr > do will.'Wblu < lu in M Multlson wia.flt : ) ) > iniltHhlK4 ! ; l u- Uhiu (1 ( Jnrl n ) ( wli It lii hlk 4 i nci liiul A Johliiou 1U ! < ft c4 ! si ! It 118 U 4 Pulei-rorBlnndwii si ! ltiAbll : > 4 i : iA Iteed . t'umpboll It : t'J blk 4 G Ik ! Chus iiwiuioi : n04ftlt40blk4 A 25 IVIer K iisaSser : us ft It 40 blk 4 U.S7 Itecd A Campbell o l.V ) ft It i blk ft H 12 do oisoftlt2lill < 5 H 12 do ir > oftitabii.T h 12 do 41)111 r. H 12 do ni : < urt itf.hiuo h 18 do u 150 ft itii blk ia h IS do ( 11 do olVlft Ithhlkfi 5 11 do elM flit I hlkK U 1'J ' do n ISOfl It. hlk h 8 M do olWfl H'Jbll. H 8 'A do D IVI ft IH1.1K8 . H : , j do 0 IVIflltr.lilUB h ftj do u ISO ft It U blk H 8M do u 150 f tit ? hlk U H M do ul.'Jlfl It H 1)11H ) H r.i do KM o 150 , ft It 10 hlk 8 Alfred \ViB I t 4 Olbcn's sub ft U do S & IJ AugU t I' ' ( ilUUlfkOU ItO ' fi IU . H7 " 5 13 Maria NostroyelltS " 5 12 Fred Wentzelct silt 16 Vlnton 1'loco o 4. II PK.iKlandlti . : 0 W do It IB 1 Wi Trod Wenzol etui It 19 1 ill do 1120 1 70 do 2D7 Thoa KMetculf It-M 4 M. do It 24 t 10 Joseph MMotcU It 2i i ! JosopliM Richards otnlll9fl " 4 1ft do 1127 " 4 10 John A Wood It 2 * " 4 10 do It JO " 4 10 John Ullmoro lot : W " 110 Wm Kraneolt.'tl 410 do H : B 4 10 Martin Itogan It XI 4 11 Kllen Itofrnn ItlH 4 II Trod O Kims o ISOlt 1 hlk 14 Wlleox 1 add 8 II do olV ) flit 2 blk 18 S 11 Anton WlnhnuornlSOfttiil ItHh 19 4 00 Kmanurl IhiMcko IM > ftsH IClblS 4 on Joseph Konbn o ISO ft 114 hlk IS R 12 rrank flblkia 8 12 Henry II llolunmno ISO ft Itnblk 13 R 12 l'otorMcrKiisuiVsftlt7blkl8 4 70 Hans ( 'hrlstopherson , w 2.1 ft is K.lft It 7 hlk 14 1 JI 1 red DnhlborK 25 ft o KBft U 7 b 18 0 82 Samuel Morlcnsen . . n 12 ft xv Is ft u ISO ft It 7 blk 13 0 3rt Mats I > Sorenscn aCW ! ft wlifto ISO ft ItT hlk 13 1 IM J'ctorMorgus ens ft US blk IS 4 7(1 ( Huns UhrlstolTorien wain o-Mft its blk 14 I 14 IredPahlberKWiUlollNft It 8 h 14 0 85 MaHl'Jorcii eiiw42floi50ftlBb IS 1 3rt Mary LSchnudt , V10.7I ft-SOf < H8blklO 103 Jcnilmla O Townscnd w 10.71 ft n KHI ft ItS blk 19 1 3S Henry WeniiliiKhotTltO blk 111 5 ! tt O V DiivlsCo u 4A 10 hlk 10 2 05 Knsnuis I ) Nolsnn sH ni ! It 101)11 ; 10 2 05 ( 'oni-iul Huff n 22JJ ftsVi 1110 blk 19 1 0.1 \\Ilhcinlnn Hup n * . < ( ft - ( I7 ! ( It 10 hlk 19 . 102 Trunk Kcllvs'i - t It 10 blk 10 2 05 0 T Davis Co n.4 ti'4 It II blk 19 ! l f > 9 Uasnius U Nelson sijntt H 11 hlk 19 : i Kt 1 onrnd Hug n'i nH sM It II hlk 19 1 85 Wllhcmlua Ilnirs'i nli stilt lib 19 1 85 I rank Kelly s'i ni It II hlk 19 .1 70 l.lrr\o \ Dully It 12 hlk III H TM do It III hi U | < ) 820 do It 14hlk III ft tt do w 1H.7I fl It Hblk 19 2 411 Win 1'reston wl .7l ft It.shlkvo 2 4:1 : . . . do uiihiksn r > : n Win 1'reston et nl 1110 hlk 20 8 20 I'rnnk Kelly i-t nl It II blk20 14 " * Danlol O'Kcofult IJ hlk JO TO do n 1:1 : hlk20 8 20 Anna Hrunncr It 14 Ink 20 0 : Ci llattloi : Uudllold wl'.7l ' ) fl U15b20 2 III J 0 Wllco\ltl hlk 21 RIM do It 2 hlk 21 RW do It Ihlk21 8 Oil . do It 4 hlk 21 h in Wm Preston It 5 hlk21 8 in do ltd hlk 21 805 do It 7 hlk 21 8l > 5 do H8blk21 805 ehasP Reck It I blkSI - 8 0(1 ( do 112 blk 24 8(0 ( Albert Landerlti : blk 24 800 CliasT KlockH4blU2l 8 05 J 0 Wllcox It,1hlk2l S l Itlcliard Kyan It ( ! blk24 8 05 do It 7 blk 21 8 tn M II Uednuldlt 8 hlk 24 8 01 Win 1'reston 111.71 f I It 8 blk 25 2 42 do It II hlk 23 5110 do H 10 blk 25 S 12 do It 11 hlk 25 14 fifi , TJ Irnuii It 12 hlk 25 14 ( . do Itithlk25 ; 812 John II Travis II 11 hlk23 r. I'D do w 111.71 ft It I" blk 25 242 Thoi Collins uH It 1 hlk 27 5 01 Michael McDonald u7l ft wH It 11)27 2 2.1 Tho-i ColllnsuM H2hlk27 i > W MlebaclMcDiinullc71 flwiltib27 ( 2 111 ThusUolllna oJ4 lti : hlk27 5 KI Mlchaul MoDonald o7l fl w'41til ; > 27 2 2.1 Thus CoHiiisii'i H 4 h k-'T T M Michael MoDonaliluTl ft w'U4b27 ' 2 2.1 Thos Collins o ISO ft it Silk27 | ' 7 Ml .do 0150 ft ltl > hlk 27 7 Hide do or.0fllt7blk27 7 Sfi do u ISO ft ItS blk 27 ' 7 8fi Itccd.t Campbell o ISO ft of that part of si'o27iylnir w of 2 st st between Cas- tollar ami ( Junior sta , , 278 Of , Total , . . , Jl.tHI IK ) Section 4. 7'liat the coH of daniaces for zradlni ; that part of Charles street In the city of Omaha , from 24th street totHllh Htreut , said eosthehiK the biiniof JJll.t.r > 0. bo and theaaniu is hereby levied and assessed. aceordhiK to special bonuUts by reason of said tlamaKusfor Kr.iilliiK , upon the fullowlne lots and real cstato ussnonn bv the Konorully recognized map of the city of Omaha , Ib80 , llthuraphud and piihllshud byC. 1C. May no. sahV cost hulns ? solnvleilnn a ilil lots and real estate , respect ively , as followh , to-wit : Clrirlus Haddon It7 hlk Q Louo'sudd $11 01 KlehnrdllmldonllKblkQ 14 10 Cora MShlpnian wijltOblkQ 7 OJ .loss" S Shorn. an o ! $ ItUblkQ 7 02 M.mdu U.eson It 10 blk Q 14 in < Ute Holland wife ItUblkQ 14 01 ( JeeP Itemls It IV hlk Q t 14 05 Peter J lleyer It 7 blk. It 14 ( f Christian Andersen Its blk R 14 01 Oeo J Paul It 0 blk U 14 III Charles K KHck It 10 blk K 14 n : , Manco Duncan It 11 hlk H 14 HI Itiucrson Rn Inn It 12 bil ; It 14 05 Harold PKtoil w ' , It7 blkS 7 112 MorrlsS llvhifo't It'blkS 7 HI Andrew Kwansonlt8 blk H 14 01 James Emblem Sr , It 1) ) blk H 14 04 , , do . JtlDblkl4 , 14 115 Urlcli Krcilrlokson \ \ < i Uil bll ; 3 7 ( U \V O Kills o" Itll blk ft 71IJ KrncstKropt It 12 blk S 14 05 Ueo P UoinlsiUilt 1 hlkT 14 ( II n'iltSblkT 14 04 " iiHlti : blk't' 14 ( ft " nViJHhlcT 14 l > 5 Charles E Ilubl n'i It 5 hlk T 14 1)5 ) do nii uli hlkT 14 ir > John Daley n'/i 111 blkU II ll'i iiK'ltSblktT 11 ! ) * > Tlionms Patterson n' : It il hlk U 14 115 Mary II r.vuns n'/i It 4 blk U 14 05 Mury A bohrcckcnxiist o > ( n'-i It 5 bU 7 ( IJ Uudolph li'iilv'i nl' , It 5 hlk U 7 ( I-1 W U l/rs ! old etui nViltOhlk U 14 ( II John Uuik n'i It I blk V 14 01 do nlf.MilLV ( 14 1)5 ) Murcns Tlioinpson'nVJ It : i blk V 14 ( II \VH Unssellu'i ' n'i ' 114 blk V 7 ( li John W Lithnm uVin'/ill ' 4blk V 7 IU KrU 1'otoisim n' it ft blk V 14 (14 ( II .tit lleiiln'i It 0 blk V II ( H Walter II Cook It ! ) hlkO Prospect ' 1.1CO Ki lir Anna Wlntot W2.IS ft It lOblk O f > 41 ! Martin bohmldt C2.IK ft wlj ft It 10-0 ! i 4li Hot Schmidt oU > j f t U 10 hlk C 0 78 do W2) ) ft It 11 hlkO 4 OS JncohSchmldt eUl ft Itll blkU 7 02 UuoP Item s It 12 hlk U 11 71 lluriilantliidknlt IllhlkO II 71 GP HnmlsltU hlk Ode It 71 do It IS hlk 11 70 do Hill bll ; C 11 70 do It3 bll ; I ) II 70 do HI ) blk 1) II 70 do It 10 blk I ) 11 70 do It 11 blk O II 71 do It IS hlk D 11 71 do It M hlk D 11 71 do It 14 blk I ) 12 W J W&H Drown It 8 hlk H 11 71 VanUllderlt'JhlkB1 II 71 do Hill bll ; U II 70 WTSmithit II hlki : 11 70 Ohus S Smith It 12 hlk H It 70 A OTIiompnon K'J ' It I.I bll ; 15 H III ST Pottei .s" n' ( It llblki : 1 70 Thos A I'oltcrnU Itlllhlk i : 1 7(1 ( r.rlc ! ; Peterson sti Itll blk 10 15 2S ST Potter stf n'i It 14 blk IJ TlioA Pottei iiMU J4hlk P. 2 fil TCiitllno 7ft n.ll't ' ft It I bile K (1 ( 71) ) .1 W I'uilleti7fl nX'flBWIft IM b 4 IS Philip llospuri'liTftnr.'ftMilftltl-l' ' J llrt John J McC.ilTeltyoii7ft s'K ft It 1-1' ' 2 ; . ( ! .1 W Paul w8 ft n'i ' It I hlk I' ' I h7 John W Paul IIMilk ! ' 11 7il Kr.'dT Down H. 'Mill , I1 II 70 UP Hernia It 4 hlk ! ' 11 70 do lift blk ! ' 11 71 do I tli blU I'- II 71 ilo It 7 hlk 1' " 11 71 do It 1 hlk U 12 ( IS O W Arthur .V M'lio Herd It 1 hlk 0 11 74 Kit ! It II hlk U II 71 U PHcmlslt4 blkU II 71 do IllUilUU II 71) ) do HOblkll II 7U do U7blkU II 70 Mary K llabrock n'i ' H 1 hlk II II 70 do n'ilt2htl.H II 70 UhnH I'nlt n Itliblk II H 7J I'r.inkX-A Hoelen n ! { It 4 blk II II 70 Lvd.t ) P Moor nH II , ' > blk U II 71 ( il'llenilsii'/ ' ( link II 11 71 do niH7blH ! | II 71 do nmtSlilk II KI 1)7 ) Cornelius H 1'iinl It HJilk 4 fihliin' iidil 14 o : > Clias P Dleblltl ) hll4 14 1)5 ) John WlllluniKlt ID blk 4 14 05 Lui-lndu Merioll ot a I It 11 blk 4 II 01 Johnllamilnlt U' hlk 4 II (14 ( Henry. ) lluiihcsll 1,1 bll ; 4 A 41 Adnllne liilhbiirnet [ | I4bk4 ) 19 (0 llenrvVKuhnslt7blkft 14 05 do II 8 blk 5 11 0 % f'barlotto II Ayer wli ItUblkft 703 J M I'ronch o'i Ituhlkft 7 0. Uussell r.MuKllboy It 10 blk S 11 ( U Miuy I'Tol er w'i Itll blkS 4 2J Ida f ripiiiililliiKu'i It II blk S 4 21 Mary A Tolcerw'i ' it 12 blk ft I ) 81 Ida VFpauld'iiKC'/J ' II 12 blk 5 U 81 fcnmuul Kluhoiibur erlt 7blU fl II 115 do It 8 bll. li il nri PI ) Ilrown A , Oco N Clayton It'Jb U H ( il Ellen OAiiK > 'llll IDblUii 14 01 do wtiltllblkO 4 23 Wm i : HuilhtirtcHUIIblkO 4 21 do nii It r.'blkii U BJ 1) KI t-arah llioun It 1 hlk 7 19 ( ill . ar.ih ( ! Illalne Its hlk7 : i 4i Albert N Uraiit It : i hlk 7 II 05 Allen Kllra i'orjiiikoii It 4 b'.U 7 14 ( Win Arthur , u Si II5 blk 7 Hannahllunrcckkcn , vi ' , , ' It ihlk 7 70S NulU M.idbi'ii , It G hlk 7 14 (14 ( W 11 llll ) < 8 III W ( eorxn M Graves US bll.S 8 II Alien M , Slrinu.oii It II blk 8 * " ( f .Mary A Jaukhon. w ' 4 It U blk 6 7 ifi Silas i : Wlull , It 4 blk N 11 01 Mlaai : 3 hlk H II 05 Ulirlit Johnton. It 0 hlk 8 14 15 John llnmlln , It I blkU 10M William Miller. It 8 hlk 0 5 41 William L nuttiman. It J blk 9 14 01 John llamlln. It 4 hlk U 14 III JohnUJiteolM , It 5 blk 9 14 05 John O Jacobs , It C hlk U 14 tit JohnlJ 7 hlkO 14 Ul Jacob O Ionl5t > . u ISO ft n ti blk f ) 2J 0 ! Thumav 1 Crocker w 301 o 151 fut n iiblkt ) 70S Mary A LoniUon w 30 H o to ft n Y hlk O 70S V r. Whlto and W Nerlllou W ft w IMi ft n Y hlk 0 1171 do w 130 f l n Y blk U Martha I Dabolt It 7liodfrey'uiwb I 14 05 Johu 1 * Itoo U B < lo -ub I ) 14 05 .TAMeNlllon Ufl < lo fiub I ) " John P Hoe U10 do tub 1) " do U U do suh I ) " do H IS rte suh t ) " 0,1 yniylholt 8hlk X Shlnn'a.lrd mid lltuinnh 11 KdholmltObU X do w ij it 10 hlk X " Sarah A I'crlcn o > ( II 10 hlk X ' Mlnnln 0 Noldlck w 28 ft H 11 hlk X " J tMlrlnitead oX'fvlt II blk X " Mnrln Hutmnker 1112 hlk X " L'lmrlr * K Donahno It l.i hlk X ' Adallno It I'ord II 14 hlk X " John W Nichols It 7 blk Y " OeoT Wllklnsltsblk Y " Wm A Loud w40 ft It 9 hlk Y " MM Allen o 20 flit 9 blk Y " do w20 ft It 10 hlk Y " .Tolni II Caioy o 40 ft It 10 hlk Y Anna Mr liurrvtt It IIhlk Y Hannah M Mourn It I'.1 blk Y W Waller ot ul p. PJ ft n 47 ft hlk / Henry Dubinin ) ftOlft mi ? ft hlk / tH1 Dougherty o U ) ft , sllO'jft n b/ ' Helen Morrell w(0 ( fto12tn ) 'slilk / llonry Level wiwn o8Jft ! n i hlk/ H N Clinmlnirso KXi ft w is ) ft n ! l b / WAMowwwfttiHblk/ Allco M Hunker n'i 111 lluell's suh.V l 'l"VV ' Wlllu ! " S ! It I " .V , , , , , J A Whltosii " It 1 "A.1 Alieo.M Itiinkeriilt 112 " A Chas W WhltonSsSlt2 " A < J A WhltosUltS " A1 Alloo.M Hunker n' ( It II " A' Olms W White nit 8'i It 3 ' k J A WhltosU It II A I ) L Thomas 114 " A. ( 'hirlus Kverutt It S " A. David Little 11(1 ( " * Ann Wllkoo5ft WI25 ft n { .t' 1 W Munmaii w 120 ft nii " A ' Section A. That the cost of damnKoi for . ; radhiK that part of Sownnl street. In Ihu city of Omaha , from Twenty-fifth street to Thirty-sixth streetsaid cost helm ; tlio sum of r2ifcl.5Dba and the same Is hereby levied and assessed. accordliiK tostinclnl benontshv rt .i- son of said daiiiaRi's cradlim , upon the follow ing lots and ic-nl estate , as shown by I ho RCII- enilly leeiiKiil/ud miinof Ihu ally of Omaha , 18 < r > , lithographed anil published hy 0. H. MiiMio : said cost holni ! NO levied on snld lots anil real estate , respectively , us follows. 10- W II Alexander It 7 blk N Logo's ndil 1 80 . , do It 8 hlk N 1 89 Abraham Koscnhery II 1) ) hlk N " 1 M ) do H 10 hlk N " 1 8 ! do It 11 hlk N " 1 IM do. It 12 bin N " 1 IM noorire Waddell It 7 hlk O " MM I.loiuerViikeli < ylt8hlKU " 1 ml do Itll blk O " I MI do It 10 hlk O ' 1 8' ' ) Mlehiiul Dempoy n Ult II hlkO 28 K A Menu-hums li n ) l It II bk | O ' 2- ) Gee J Slonny o ! i s ' It II hlk ' Nl do K > 4 It II hlkO 82 Michael Diiiiipsoy n H It 12 bile O " 28 K A Mi-Kucliion s 'j n'S It IS blk O " 2sl ( .on J Stonuy n U s Silt IShlkO " l do a U It 12 blk O SS Ihomiisd .McUratu It 7 blk I' ' . l s'l ' Kdward U lloshyshell Ithhlk P ' 1 8'l O M Scott It U blk P i M > Maiy i ; Davidson It lohlk P ' I S'l do It II hlk 1- " l IH ) Ooortfo Wallace It 12 hlk P " i ' .HI Uasimin Jor cnscn It I blk Q " l IK ) Justin YanOrminlt2hlk : ( . ) " ] M ) do u : iblk Q ' l S'l ' Ueo II Paynu o > ' , It 4 hlk y in HattluA. WniKtuwait w Jj It4 bk Q ' U3 John Carr ItMilk y l Ml Andrew Ulloy 11 ( i blk Q j sil 1'aill Thompson 111 hlk H 1 IK ) Hello llnswllr It 2 hlk 1 { " 1 ! l ) Janu Hiirns lti ; till , U " I Ml do 114 blk K i s'l ' do ItS hlk K > l y ) do It ( Ihll , U > ] MI O P llumlsit 1 hlkS LowuHudd 111) ) r.lcanortirllllth It2hlk3 MM ( leol * Honils It.'llilk S l K ! ) M Icyiilnskl > t 4 hlk S > i M ) Charles W Wlillull 5 blk H " 18' ' ) ( i P llomlslttiblkS " l 8' ' ) M S Lindsay strip of li-nil n of blk H Pros pect Place , Lliiilsnv s add south ( if alloy 78 M S Lindsay stilt ) of land n of blk A Pros- peel Plnce.LlmKuy'H mid smith of alley fill O P llemls 118 blk A Prospect I'laoo 1 4 < l do ItOblk A l 40 do It 10 hlk A " 1 M do It II hlk A " l Ml Clias A Wilson w Itl.hlkA " 75 ( iiislas A Nelson o'i It 12 blk A " 75 Albeit II StaoUoy wV4 ft It 1.1 hlk A" 72 IliirtOwcns LuniburCo o2d ft It I'lhllc A 78 do It 14 hlk A 1 Ul Goo PllomlsllOhlk II 25 do It 10 hlk U 1 I'l ' do It 11 hlk It 1 49 do It 12blk II 1 4' ' ) nrilh-Blniml It 1'lblkQ 1 4U Marv KrlowItU blk II 1 4' ) r-nsanllallev It 15 blk II I 4f Andy Loiou'n Hit ! lill ; II 1 4& JuiisPuluiiion It I hlk U 1 SI Alex llKusolt 2blUU i M Cat ! Ivaiiijulmlt lti ; hlk C 1 M do emnil4hlka 57 Aiiily-l.niunscn wr.'ftU4 ; hlkU 1 III , . ) eiiiu | I'aulsen ItS hi ! , O 1 S3 t' f.Nelson : ot ill ltd bkU | , 1 SH Hasiini1VAndeisonlt7hlk \ O 1 SS U P IliiinU It8 hlkO 2 .Hi do It 1 blk I ) 1 71 nio.inoi riillllth It2hlk I ) 1 M ( i P llemls It II hilt D I M M Uvhplnakl It 4 blk D 1 . ' ,8 CluiHV Whltultfiblk D 1 SS ( J P llunila H l , bll ; I ) 1 SS do II 7 blk D i r,7 Oirlstl.ii. Aiidcr.-Min It I hlk C do ItJMUE 157 James T Itobliison It : t blk K 1 57 Mary A D Allison It 4 blk 10 1 M do It 3 blk I , I M 0 P Benin It ( i bll. U 1 SS ( into CIlv Land Co It 7 hlk E i r > 3 i : It Overall II 9 blk 5 Keen's. 3r , xdd "i ss. do It III hlk . I fiS Kmlly lll.inihaidlt : II hlk r i f.s Ole O Peterson w ' , II 12 hlkfi 7 ! ) L.tiii Itnsmnsiii'ii n ' 4 It 12 hlk 5 711 Alhiucht Muphuiibnn It III hlk 5 1 .IS do 11.14 hlk 5 1 .17 .Nells .U-nsun It n hlk S 1 .17 Hannah LulillieiK H in blk 3 2 II Mniy II Diitione ' , It 1 bTk 2 iJhln s add S llihlmrn mid > j it 1 blk 2 I ) II AndorMin \ \ n It l blk 2 Maiy II Dntloii o 'j It J blk 2 HS S 1) Osljorim ijild > , It 2 hlk M I ) II Anderson w ' , It 2 hlk 2 Ml iiuhnth : 1' Courtney It a blk 2 1 SO I'ulllHulmlsll4 blk 2 I H'l Lcoimid K Illndul u 'i It 6 hlk 2 ' . ) ' . Charles T llarmiH w Y It ! i blk 2 in William Tin nor HO blk „ ' Calvary llap Chinch u ii It I blk : t } > n8tns N illackiiiaii o ti w li l-il 28 C0 llousel w ' , 111 lill , : i ' . i Calvary Han Olinrch "i It 2 hlk Kraslns N IlliicKtJiaii u Y wi > 2-il OU lloiisul w It 3 hlk il d7 do ltililki ; : 1 H1 ! William L WrlKhl It 4 hlk : i 1 SO Duniils II Andrews Ii 5 hlk ; i Shim add 1 H'l ' Win AMhiirltlJ hlk II 1 S'l ' Trnstuen 1st Danish llapt'hurch ItohurlHanilln U llilk 4 2 G5 do 112 hlk 4 1 14 do Itibik4 : 1 h'l Liielniln Monoll et ul It 4 hlk 4 1 R'l ' David II Iiowmanll3hll.4 I b'l ' do ItO hlk 4 1 H'l . , . , do oUlt7hlk4 115 L lloinu-idloil w't It7hll4 in .loMi-ph Jliialty 111 hlk 5 2.01 Albert idholmlt2 : hlk 5 1 14 tiliilav A JuhiiH'm Itihlk5 : 1 Ml .loiin diet/a n er Itlhllc A I ft'l ( Jai l lu ) 'Donnelly It ft blk 5 1 h'l Ixt Ciiriiinn llap Church n'tltnljS 1 : : i .ImUon W Hauls si ; It Uhlk f > rr iilui ; | Itowu It 1 Cludfrey'sHtib 1) 2 Ki Kllen IIoult2 " 1 14 r.lhm Itoo It.'l " "I h'l ' I'elorlJaiisoii It I ' 1 Kt > Aniolla Kltluelt uU It 5 " Ktor. . .lolm W Illnolt wV ItS " us ThuihiVlllliinnltU " M 8 MjlliiWyiiiiuiiiKblk P /lG > i tll our ] Ilrown o'i wU blk P. t 8' ' ! Jnnieji J Ilrown ytti wM hlk K I ) 711 Au iislii Yoiinirltl hlk Y hhlnn's : Ittdil 1 II -liino WTlirntufjIt .lilkV ' 1 77 lyronO Iliirhankw'ili2blk Y SS annuls Morcnaard uM It : t hlk V SSU" > H I * I'utor-un wif It .Milk V ill Chailns ( iardimr H4 hlk V 1 S'l ' Thou PioclordSi Its bll. Y 1)5 ) Wm ptilhlliin wli Its blk Y 1)5 Snmnul J Hnls ni ! ItO hlk Y fi7 Lowls V TlndullsUll Gblk V 'i : u bliiion Hoiriiiiin It 1 blkV i u du 112 hlk W 2115 Jtli-haid M rintltiiblk W 1 S'J liirbary Peterson It 4 blk W ' 1 H'l H M ftloorullft hlk W 1 8' ' ! Jacob llulln HO hlk W 1 ! K ) .lohnTieiKli It 7 hlk W 1 Oil KH tslnnloy mt I IdkX OilM ( liiutav llunsiin mid li It 1 hlk X HS las Allen w > i It I hlk X H'l Arthur Potter II2 hlk X 1 II 1.1 lei ; 1'rost It.i MK X „ 1 S'l do It 4 blk X I h'l Piohllnjfa4Wtll5bUX ; i 4. Swo-i Wk-konmn w 15 fl ItOblk X 41 do i ) Yi It ( I blk X 1)5 Laura U Putnam w H It ft blk X 115 liet.yl NUUCMIII It 7 hlk X 1 B'l ' Wrn N Jonnsdn It I hlk Y 2 1,5 < ,1 ; * K K Iliudluy H2blk Y I II WTUr4li.iiiilt.lilk Y I S'l Johu Illuuit H4 hlk Y 1 8'l ' ( jBoT Wllkhnltfihlk Y M S'l ' " - - - - - ( Jo ,1 Uil Totnl , , "Heetlpn n. That the spvclnl tuxes and i. . , - inonU luvhxl und iib ( i i.l ( n'i iifdrixuhli khull budnu tinmiiiHuioly updn thu pavi.iKO and ap proval of thUimllimnco. und liall bouomedu- llininuiit If nut | iall within llfty days Ihuro- wflor : aim Iheruiipon IntDiust shall hu uddud ul the rutoof unti purpUnt a month , paynhtu In nilVHncc from tliu llniu Bald ttixi-4 bt-uomo so delliiinieiil. Soi-llonT. Tlmt this ordlufcricn shall take u lie : t und hu In furco from HUH ufiur IU uuii- u > : o. o.Puusod January 19th. IR'G. . JOHN OltOYK.1 * , Oily Clerk. K. I' DAVIS , PresidentUltyOoun'll. Approved January 3Hli. Ktft. OKO. 1MIUM1M , Jluyor , Thouhoro tax le now dnu mid pnyublo ul thu olllcu of thuolly troMiururuiul will buconn dollniiiuiit | aim hourliiturastufter March 12th , 1KI > 2 , UK oun In sfctlon o of nbovu orUlnutifu. UKNltY I10LLN , Tr