I ' I THE OMAHA DAILY KKE ; 51 DAY , FEBRUARY 5 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKET ! Wheat Opened Quiet and a Shade Untie Wednesday's ' Closing Figures. LATER CEREALS FIRMED UP MATERIALl lint the Almonte of Any Hull News nml Fre belling " > < thn Ailvmirc Checked the Upward Move * input. CHICAGO , III. , Tob. 4.-\Yheat opened qiilc thin morning and a shade under the e.osln figures of yesterday , and for a tlmo sbowud i slight tendency to weakness. Liverpool wa from ! id to Id lower , wlillo London appottroi to bo demoralize. ) , cargoes to arrive boln qnoted ut a reduction of lit tolslld. Till calmed rather freu offerings dtirlns whlo Mny. after opening ! do lower atfc8ic. louche kS c. The discovery was soon inuUo , however over , thiit the offerings worn being rapldlj absorbed and the market bojan to hnrdet 1'irdrldgo , Lynn. Gillette. HchwnrU-Uiipe and other operators wore need buyers , wlill shorts generally appeared disposed to cove on the break which has liken place durln the last ( lay or two. The Clnclnnutl 1'rlco Currcnt'ii crop sun ; mnry reported the condition of tlio Rrowlu. wheat In Kansas unfavorable and this put little strength Into the in arkot Then came dispatch from Minneapolis that 100,000 bu. n wheat Imil been titkcn there this mottling fo export , and also brought the sensational as ncrtlon Unit the expert engagements for thrc dnyawero catlmatoil ut 3tiUOOil bu. Whll thlB was not credited , thoerowdBcoinu.lt think that there nlust bo some basis for I nnd the buying was for u lime quite shnri many of the early BelluM irylng to got IMC tholr whoat. For u tlmo Iho feeling was r.itliu feverish and there was a gradual advance t 808c. ! Hut the absence of any other bull nnw nnd free Rolling on the advnnco chocked th upwiird movement and turned the market th other way. Miiy going toKSSo. Renewed buying , howovor. sent the price ute to MIKc and closed firm alM > ! iu. The specula the element scorned to feel Unit It wus unwls to attempt to bear the market further on thl break , romu reaction , they arguu , may li looked for. and hencn the crowd was Incline to be bullish. I'urdrldKo continued his sculi | Ingnmtralloiis to.lay , liavlnic bouchl heavh. curly , but sold q jlte as freely on all the mill scncnt udvanccs. Wheat and Hour export from the seaboard were equal to about liTiO.M bu , of whoat. I.ato cables tdiowcd continue weakness In the United Kingdom , with 1'arl and Antwerp ifo to ? { c lower , but llorltu was ; shade Jilgcr. Now York bought a good deal o wheat early through I'oolo-Shur.nan am Mllmlnc-llodmiin. but sold quite us Ireoly o the Hiilsoqncnt advance. Corn WIIB moro active and strong , cable were bettor , the shipping and export dcrauin was good. Stock * were low and the local re celptsynt failed to flhovr any of the contrac prude. Ttio prlco slowly advanced nearly al day with only one or two reactions , closln within u point of the top and ut an advancu o from ? ic to 54c , Oats-were quiet nnd firm nnd show an ud vnnco of ! { c. Hog products opened flrm on account of th lighter receipts of and higher prices for ho : nnd advanced further In sympathy with th MrciiHth In grains , closlnir generally slight ! ; beow ! the best figures , but nt something of ai advance over yesterday's last quotatluns. Estimated reco pts for tomorrow : Whoa 131 cars ; corn , 170 cars ; oats. 120 curs ; hog ! 25.0'Q head. The leading futures rnnjed as follows : AUTICI.KH. OI'KN. num. LOW. CLOSE W1IKAT-N0.2. February. . , . Mar 811 } CORN No.2 Fetiriiary. . . 407 March 41V May 4I4 ! 4IM 4I OATS No. February. . . . MM 281 May 80 > < 81 MEHH I'OIIK February. . . . u ta 11 CO 11 ( TH n m May 11 80 U .0 H77 ! ? 11 87 } LAUD February. . . . I137 a 35 C37S G ( O C W BIIOUT Hiiia- February * . . . 670 57S May. i Ui 000 Cash quotations wore as follows ; KLOUII Quiet ; spring patents. H 30 14.60 winter putuntn. } 4.lkKTj4.5o ; bakers , * 4.30a4.03 , . . . WHEAT-NO. 2 sprlnc whoat. 85ic ! ; No. spring wheat , ' 8ffi7Uo : No. 2 rod. 88s. CoiiN-Klrmor ; No. 2 , Ijjji'i No. 3 , yellow , 385 BSVtc. OATS No. 2 , 28 ; ® 29c ; No. 2 white , 30'5c No. a white , 20ai.Vic. ! : IlVB-No. 2 , 780. HAHI.EY No. 2 , 5&a58c ; No. 3 , 42 < a58o ; Nc 4 , : ij.Vic. KI.AX HEEI > No. 1. raa'J-T.lc. TIUOTIIV SKED Prime , Jl/.TOI.M. PCIUK--Mess pork , per bbl. , 3.5n ; Inrd. pe cwt. . tn.35UU.40 ; short ribs sides ( loose M.72iQ5.05 ! ; dry milted Hhouldors ( boxed (4.02iii.T5 ; short clear Bides ( boxed ) , $5. 55 O.i a WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal , HUOAUS Cut loaf unchancnd. Receipts and shipments today wore as fol lows ; On the 1'roJiico oxchiinno today the butte mnrkot WIIB nnchaiiRod , EJBS , 2.lli24c. OIIKBSK-I uuhiineod. HHIES UnchanKcd. 'J'AU.ow Uncban cd. Now York Market * . NKWVoiw , 1'ob. 4. FI.OUII Ilccclpts , 30.oi : packaics ; exports , l,2JObbls. 20,3 0 sucks ; ( hi I weak. IrrcKUlar ; sales. 13.U50 bbla. OOIIN MKAI-Qulot. WIIKAT Kccclpts. 3I100 bu. ; exports , 314 401 bu. ; Hales , O.OJD.IXK ) bu. futures , 112,000 ui spot. Spot market lilnhor , iii.ot ; No 2 ret ( UliUl.liu > 4 , In itoro and elevator ; } 1.0oc J.08'4 ' alloat ; * l.ouittl.03i ? f. o. b. : Na 3 ret USu ; unsriided red. tUcttJl.OI ' ; No. northern , f Lull ; Na 1 hard , tl.05 ; No. 2 nortli crn. lKJiW'J7tc. ' ! Options opened JiQl'ie lowe or. free Ncllln-r by forelmiur lower cables : in iluauclal troubles abroad ; advanced 7i@l > < on UirRO clearances. Wall street buylnc her and west and shorts covering , closing llrm n lilo over yesterday ; No. 2 red. Kobruari tl.iO.Cil.OOH. closlnu at JI.OO ? , ' ; March , ll.iioc J.01U , olosluu at J1.01U ; April , ll.ouffll.oi'j closlnc at ll.OOJi ! May , l'8 ' ? @UOli , elosliiiru ll.uo ; Juno.073ia08.4c. ( ' oloiliiK at 08Uc ; Julj Ofl'iiaw ? < ! . closing at tw ? c. HYE llull and\vuak ; western , Sftaoio , lUni.EV Dull and steady ; .So. 2 Milwaukee OOUi'Oo. llAui.EV MAI.T Quiet. CoilN llccelpts , 13.U25bu. ; export ! ) . IC9. . ' > ' hn. ! Bales. lUfiuoobu. of futures ; 137,000 bit. c pott upot market bUhor , llrm and fair de nin nil I No. 2 , 40 > i < a50c In elevator ; M > Ji@5l Hlloati ungraded mixed , 4552io ; No.2wblti D-'lio ; Np.3 , 4Wil8ie ! ; iteamur mixed , 4 a50j , ( Options advanced iiitfic and closed Ilrmoro llKbt receipts , poor uradliiR und Hbora clearances ; Kohruary , 4tliit. ? ( ' > 0e , closing atSJc March , JUsatUJic , closlnf at407 c ; April , 4D ! dilUlio , oloslnz at49Sioi May , 4H7ilS4U.Sc , cloi Ing nt4Uioi Juno , 47i'34Pc. closlni ? al4bo. UATB Hoi'olpts. 01,500 bu. ; oxports. 481.0 ; bu , ; Bales , lOu.OOU bu. of futures ; 77.0JO bu. t pot ; spot market HtroiiKor and iiuloii option dull and firmer ; February , cloidiiK at 35it March , W > G&Uiie , elosliiK at : : dic : May , 37 ( 87UC. cloalnuat 37Uc ; spot No. 2 white. ISC a8 ! * ° .l.i"l1' : K1"810"3l,5ji7o : ; white wc l ' ' ' ' orn , 37ffll'JJ4o ; Nn.'OlilCHEU , UI-USJ'c. II AV Quiet und eu r. lloi'H Hull and weak , BUOAH Haw In duniund , flrnier ; Hales 11 , 3 ; likKB. cent rlfuxals , Ud test , ul37-10ou , l , f , ; ri lined steady and quiet. MOI.AH8ES 1'orolgu and New Orleans ou c and Bicudr , KICK Kniy. nulot. I'KTiioi.KitM-qulet and easy ; United close at GOlio for March. COTTON HEEU Oli.-Hteiuly , qulot. TALLOW-Dlltl. KDSIN tUeudy and qyletl Btoawod commo to uood ll.U.'Jftl.3i' . Ell8-Qulet und easier ) weitorn , M'iQITi receipts. > i.Wi uackast's , I'OIIK I'lrm und dull. CUT MEATS I'lrm ; middles steady ; thoi clear , 5,4'i. LAUD Quiet and firm ; western stoum olose at U.72Si ; option sales. 1,000 tierces ; Februur closed at 1(1.71 ; March closed at ( . ( .74 ; Apr Mul at M774ia80 ; May , W.Vii0.ia , closu.l t . HUTTKU Quiet and weak ; western dalr 10U'ac ; western urcamcry. ' "Jttft'c : westci factory. 11X4240. CIIKKHI ; l-'lrin , fair ilemuud ; purt skims , a 101 ic. I'm Iiio.s-Qulot , easy : American , JI5.7J K.riu. CiippEH Dull and steady ; Irke , ItaTJ. I.KAD-Sieadyt domestic , II..U TIM Hull , stoadr ; strulti , liu.ca Nortlnvrsli-rn Sillier' * Jtcport , MINNEAI-OUB , Minn. . Kou. 4. The Nortli western Miller says ; The Hour output lui wcolc waa almost Idcnticul with that oft ) nei'k before. buuiK 137,710 burruls ; avuvau 22.&M ) barrels dally uk'nlnst IVUtoO barrels fi the corresponding tlmo in IMU an 10.1 , IM barr.'ls In 1MW. A larger ci | iH ity la In opcrutlou this week and ti HHk-ruuato production will khow au laoroas Two wutor mllU of th amullcr class lm\ bouu sbut down ( or luiproveuiunta to the races , while thru * other * ot u largo capaolt that wore Idle a wpok n o wflro t'irledMo | da jr. This ; Icnrcs flftncn mills ) In oporatlo tiro.lncltie at the rate of about 25,0 barrels dally. There li much complnli about tlm dnllncsi ot Irudn and wn II not for the fact Hint most northwcilnrn mil had a BOO < I many orduri accumulated liofo the liollditystlifiouttiiit diirlng.lKiiunry won doubllcHi have heini much Uglif or. Mont loc llrtns report that for the week Ju t cnd < they succeeded In solllnj an Amount of tloi nearly I'litiullni ; their production for tl Kama time. With the lower tendency "ho * In wheat , howrvcr.lowor prlroi urn eonslanl ! dcmandud. The domestic hr.inch of tra o still tbo ItcM , thoiuh fotelRiiers Imvo bid little hotter for a week back and sa'ei are fri qiicntly made that not the miller fully i much as he can tat In thta country , Onmliit I'roduco Miirkrl , ' ' . J13S I'littiTfl t'allfornla riverside oranaes. 2.iOVuslihiston ! navels , S.1.75 ; Callforn t.inzorluu ; , IJ.OO per box ; 1'lorida or.inR 5rl'bts , nofl ; russets. I2.0)2.75 ; I'lorh taueerlnus , ! : i.WT ( l.'iO : half IXI.VPS ncstei apples , choice , I..OOftZM per bbl. , fancy slat mlirht hrlnc ninru : Now York apples , (2,75. VKdKTAiit.KR-Oallfornlu cahbnxo. S\je pi Ib. in crates ; homo grown lettuce , 4.'ic per do potntoc.1. dull , GAME No sale for rabbits , will not brlti cnoiiKh to pay xhlpiilni ; clmrscfl. HiiTTKu I'ulr toKootl country. liillOo : choli country , If > ii2.'c. FI.OUII Omaha Mllllin : company's Itollam I'atont , (2.50 ; Inrlnclble I'atenU J-.4' ' ; I'Ot HtarSuperliitlvp. Ji25 ; fnowllakc. fl.Mt I'anc KKtnlly.tl.80 ; i > Hllman'uHold \ Medal , . ' . . ' > Snow \Vhllr. * 2.K : ) ; HnowllaUiJ'.OJ , low Rriu ll.ni ) : Queen of tlm I'un'ry. J..O ) . I'ntii.Titr Hupply llRht and prices linn It up. Uood to choice chickens. 7'Jc ; KCCS ducks and turkeys. lOo If choice. HAV Market oversupplled ; K.o : < a5.50 pi ton. HHIES-No. 1 Rreon salted nldcs , { ® ? No. 2 irreen sailed hides , : iil-Jc ! ! No. 1 urec suited hides , V.1 to 40 | ! ) M , 4'ilJI ? . , ' ' ; ! No. 2 Rroc salted bides. 25 to 40 llm. , 3iio | ; No , 1 vo ; calf. 8 lo 15 Ibs. , Be ; No. 8 vo tl calf. 8 lo H II ) ' 4c ; Na 1 dry Hint hides. 7fli < c ! No. 2 dry Mil bides , wane : No. 1 dry salted hides filo. ! Ta low. No. I , 3ttlc ! ; tul ow. No. 2. : " 4o : urois white A , 4ffJ.iio ! : grease , white 11 , : r,4 < 3'l.i' ? ' ercaso , yellow , 3c ; RrciiMc dnrk , 2 < ( c ; old hu tcr , ® ! ! ( beeswax , prime , ino ; roujh talloi l45l''c. ! Knns Thn arr.vals were larKor and ! 5c wi the urlco Kcncr.illy usKed , It wus hinted tin round lots could bo bad al 24c , Mliim > anillH | XVIii'Mt Miirkrt , . Minn. , I'ob. 4. The bill renewed their cournRO today and a talking of an advance iiRiiln. The marki started their way and kept It up to lliu ole of the session , tfm openlnR quotations belt near the lowest point of the day and the elo liiK prlco was the highest. There wore son lluctuallons but they were not strong enouji ou the bear side lo down Die strong reelln that was manifested when the session opcno May wheat opened this morning at8l'4u th closing price of last nUht , There was m much feature to the trailing except that the was moro buying by shorts tbin : for seven days , The pi Ice was rather unsteady an during tbo session made Ic advance fro the lowest point. May closed at H and Kobrtt.iry at 82c. The cash marki was In fairly aetlvo condition , hut some whet was held over. No. I northern sold from 81 to 33' ' lc. Receipts here were 25) ears and i Huluth and Superior were li" : > ours. Uloslr prices for No. 1 northern : KO riiary. closln today at82o ; yesterday , 8llc ! ; May opened i 84Uc ; highest , 85c ; lowest , 8lcr oloslnr todti ut85o ; yesterday , Rl'io : on trnc' . No. 1 bar KHJc ; No. 1 northern , 824o ! : No. 2 northern , ® 7to. _ Oinahii ( iraln .Market , Prices bused on delivery at Mississippi rlvc points , Nebraska Inspection tin I ten day shipment , unless otherwise .staled. Cas grain calls for shipment within live iln.fi. WHEAT No. 2 sprln " ; , 8Jc bid. live-No. 2. 70o bid. OATS No. 2 wbllo. Hie bid ; No , 3 wblte , ! , ( bid ; No. 2 mixed. iOi'obld ; No. 3 mixed , a bid ; No. . ! ! colored. 29o hid. COKN--NO. 2. cash , ! JO > { < & ) < ! iSc : No. 3 or botto February. 30c ; No. 2 white. March , 3Do bid. Ainonstho silos were : " > , 'Mi No. ilorhol tor corn , February . 38c ; 25,000 No. 2 corn , S Louis terms , thirty d-iy.s sblpmnnt , llfl' c ; 25 UOOsauio , live days shipment , 3l > it < ; 10.0)0. ) Ni " corn , prompt shipment , Omah i terms , 3i ! { < SJ.OOO No. 3 wlilto oats. Omaha terms. : .0o ; 2m No. 3 corn , Hurlliriton terms , twenty daj shipment , 30c ; 17,5'jO No. 3 or beilcr corn , Fel ruary , yOio. ! _ Kuusas City .Markets. KANSAS Ctrv. Mo. . Fob. 4 WIIBAT Hetti demand but p Ices unchanged ; No 2. lnir , so'd at 76c ; No. 2 red , S''c. COIIN Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 32tfi < M3c ; No. white , 3ic. OATS-Stoady ; No. 2 mixed , 20c ; No. 2 whit 300. 300.live Firm ; 76c for No. 2. FLAX SBED 81c ou the basis of pur : . HIIAN Steady ; 65tiOc forsaekou. HAY WonUj timothy , tS.5U ; prairie. M.O good to choice. $5.50. IlKCEilTa Wheat , 3,000 bu. ; corn , 3,00i oats , none. Siui'MBNTS Wheat , 41.000 bu. ; corn , 1,000 bi oats , 1,000 bu. _ London Wool Market. LONDON , Fob. 4. At tb" wool sales todn ir ,8J7 bales , comprising generally a good lo wore offered. There was a full attendaiu und the competition was active. HcstgreaB was keenly sought fur at full rates. A clrni lar Issued by Charles Halmo & Co. , woi brokers , snys : "Superior combing and greiu rule close to December values. Australia merinos have weakened since the opening i the series. The medium and coarser cro < breeds are readily saleable at previous qnot ; lions. The liner grades of last season woi purchased for America und are nuileclei The American aeman.l Is almost cxclus'.vol for merinos. " HoursuH Depressed. LONDON , Fob. 4. Dispatches from the var ous European financial centers state that a the bourses were depressed today In consi quoneu of the reporl In 1'arls rolattvo to tl troubles of seine large financial house In tin city. Foreign government socur tics deollncc thu Vienna boursuwas also adversely utTcctc by the belief that the adoption of a old cu renuy wus btlll distant. Colt'uo .Market. NEW YOIIK. Fob. 4. Options opened baroi steady ut from 10 to : :0 : points down and clost steady and unchanged to 10 points up ; sale 27,250 bags , including : February. tl2.K513.l Muroli. tl2.UOffil2.58 ; April , JI2.40 < af..60 ; Mu $12.25I2. : ; Juno. J12.2512.35 ; July. J12.2 September , lll.waiil.'i ; Ueconiljer. til.30 ; six Hlo quiul , llrm ; No. 7. tl4.l2Viffil4.25. Mllwmiltoo Murkots. MH.WAUKEE , WIs. , Fob. 4. WIIBAT Flrn May. 8 ? u ; No. 2 spring , 8Vj ; No. I norther 8'Jo ' * COHN Quiet at 37'l7 ! < c. OATS Quiet ; No. 2 white , 31c ; No. 3 whit 2fli ! < aiOc. : HAIII.EV Active ; No.2.5fic ; sample , 4'JGOc. HvE-Qulot ; No. I. 78K@70c. I.lvitrnool Markets. Ltvr.iti'ooi , , Fob. 4. WIIKAT Dull ; holdo olTer moderately ; No. 1 California , 7s Olid 7s lOlid per cental ; red weslurn spring , TN I < ii7rt H'/id ; No. 2 red winter. 7sGlidGis 7d. OOUN Steady ; demand fair ; mixed wester 4s3id ! percental. liAitu Prime western , U5s per cental , Ht. I.ouls .M ET. Louts. Mo. , Fob. 4 , WiiuAT-Flrn uMi. t7e ! ; May. ui : ? > ® tx ) > io asked. O < HN Firm ; cash. 3UKc ; May , : i8o bid , OATS Steady ; ciish. 20 io ; May , 3IHa POIIK Steady ; now. 1I.W. LAIlD-Qilletat jj.KViln.25. WiiiBKY-Steudy attl.14. Now York Dry ( ioods Market. NEW YOIIK. Fob. 4. Duslncus In drygooi was abjut us It has boon for some tlmo pai but with orders for replenishment u lltt larger In some Instances. The ludlcatloi point to liunrovlnx business , but as yet tun Is no sign of vigor to the demand. Cincinnati Markets. CINCINNATI. O. , Fob. 4. WIIKA.T Pair d niiind ; No. 2 rod. Ol'Jo. CHUN Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 4tu. OATS Fair demand ) No. 2 mixed , 32ic. WiuBKV-lllylier ; tl.15. Toledo drain .Murkot. TOLEDO. O. , Fob. 4. WIIBAT Hieber ; No. cunhund February Ole ; May , 04Ue. OOUN Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 'M'/iC. OATS Qulot ; cash , U'Jiic , Ilavauu Nuiur .Market , HAVANA , Fob. 4-Suiuii-Qiilet ; 7.830 bai centrifugal , tW ! } teat , void bore ut tJ.I7 ( 3.l7 gold per qulutul , STOCKS AND 1IONU.H. Uimliiem Done Was All Due to I'rrslsU'i Attack * < if Hears. NKW YOIIK. Feb. 4.-Tiie stock market w again active , but us usual of Into the Incroa In the buslncbs done was all duo to the pe sbtent attacks of the bear * ou the Indualrl blocks and Incidentally some of the rullwi list , though considerable buying of the coa era win responsible for a great deal of tl animation lute tn the day , Thu moat sovo drlvu wui made at the market during tl forenoon , and It created a largo short Intcre In nearly all the leading shares , Hurllnsto however , wan the only railroad stock luwhli thu transactions assumed any Importance nt u proposed ibsuoot convertible 5 per cent bom by the company caused some Investment sol IIIK ot the stock. Un the other hand In tl afternoon the market became stronger und the lead of Laokawirnna and with goo.1 bir ing lu that stock and Heading , \Vustorn Unto Luke tihoro und Loulbvlllu , New Albany Chicago the shorts bceamo frightened for tl mou.ont and soverlui ; wag In order , with tl effect of wiping out about all the early lo > si The IndustrlaU. however. Muro thu prlnolp features of the day und Distiller * , utter opet Ing otT a fraction renmlned very fovurli without yielding much for souiu tlmo but moil vicious drlvu at U lu tha nfUruooa brul Ha price to 45 % iiffalnstM'i ln t nvenlnl. Tl Cordajo stocks follonrd nud Chicago Ui wblln not fie active as usual felt the nIToe ylnldlng ticarl v 2 per cent The rallro.nl list suffered only ullitlit di cllnos , with the exception of Hiirllnplon nn New Kiiglaml , whose losses were over I IK cent. I'nc remarkable Mrengtn and acttvit developed in LnokuwanttH , in the last , lion however , ilrirm-d the whole llsl up ngaln an the early declines wore , n most-Instances ri covered. Juwey ( .Vntral sympathl/ed ole el with llin leader In this 'rise , lint Itpadltr which had risen 1 percent in thn face of I li early dculliio. was hold at a Mindu under I best price. Denver * Hlo Urando proforre was also a slron . feature of the early trail and a sharp rhc of about n per com In Kd sun Klectrlo marked the Until dealingsTl rest of the mnrkot .was traded I as a rule within narrow limits , thoirj ciinslileralili ) activity was seen In a few. Th opening WHS fairly sto.idy at Irregular bu sllvhtchaii os from lastnlglil's figures , nnd tl drive al the Industrials u uised fractional cor cessions In thu oar.'y trading , An .tdvaiicln tendency was shown whenever the prcttaui was removed , however , and the rush to cov < lu the last hour brought almost everything ute to last nlehl's llgurci. Tha close was acllv ami llrm to strong at liislgnlticunt chances fi tlio day. Thu only Important chances are tin of I'.dlsou Clcctric. wnlch Is up 5U per cen nnd Laokawaium2pcrcctit , while Distil.ers down2'4' percent , The following are the closing quotations fc the leading stocks on the New York Slock e ? chano today ; The total sales of stock-t to.lay wore 41M ; abarcH. Including : Atchlson , IH..l.Vi ; Chfcas Gns , W.tlT ; Dul.-iwaru. l.'ick-iwiintia .t West orn.i8.triEric. ; . .Mill ; Umlsvlllo& Naihvllli H1.K1) ) ; Missouri Pacific. : i.7li ! ; Nopthwcstcn U.Hii ; Now .lersi-y Central , a,443 ; Northern I'u clllo nroferroil. 4M4ow Kn > : lund. KI.O C HoadliiK. UT.COO ; St. Paul. 8.1.320j Union I'aclth 10.4UOcstorn ; Union. 10.0X1 Fliiiinciat Itovlew. NEW YOIIK. Keb. 4. The Post says : It re quires some llttlo time and a Kood uoil i back tllllns to cut tnu.untlcipatod bo.xr movn mcnt fairly under way. It did not tto forwur with rcat promptness tb's morning , th strength of the coal' stovks and nn uno.x peeled receipt of JJW.OO. of Imported gold nn at llrst Known to ho merely In transit , causln some natural hesitation. Hut ther.tlly wa shortlived. Towards noon the decline wa proceeding rap dly and thp demorall zatton bad become so general tha old Irinds devoted themselves mer ; l to watching for ev dcnco of covcrin purchases by the bear loaders. The rule a the recent market his : been ubout twenty fonrlio.irs decline before the leaders buy'I thnlr shorts , and twenty-four hours more oe fore the sinill fry know tb it tno crash Is ovoi ustons.bly tbo tnrowluiover of stocks on th exchange was caused by a further advance I sterlinz rates , which , of course , was acconi panled In the Hoard room by stories of an tin mediate and enormous oxnort of golu , Who the terror over this Impending catuo.yam wn nt Its.worst tbo larger iioara of eotirso hou.'li In their stock , and a rocovery'ensued whlc progressed with unexpectinl rapidity uu , t the close. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i Now York jilauef Jlarket. NEW YOIIK. Fob. 4.lo.VBV ox IUM. , Eas at Hi ® " pur cent ; lustloanYt per cunt. PRIME MKIICANTII.B PAI-EII j ttiU percent STKHI.INO ExciiANOE-Qulet but strong u W.SI for sixty day bllis and * I.K7 for dc mnnd , Tbo closing quotations on bonds ; bid. 1 UBked. l.oiuliiu Stock .Uurkut. [ CopvrlilMcd 1S32 by Jdinw Gnnlnn LONDON. Feb. 4. [ Nnw Yorlc Herald Cable- Sp.-clal tdTiiEllER.i lluslness on thu Htoc oxchnnRO has bei-u extremely slack. Fund wore sto.idy. Homo rails developed som strength during the Intter part of the du ; While the duullnjs havu been on a small seal they mostly closed llrm. After bavin ? bee more or less Hat all day Amor cuns closed with i ; bettor toiidcno ) Prices only rallied slightly over thu worst points so that most descriptions stl show a small decline , a favoruulo cxccutlo hoInK the rlsoof Lake Shore ! , oer cen Denver preferred and Louisville and Nasl vll o aio unchanged , after belli ? ) J per ccr lower , A feature of the Canadians JIMS bee the regular bear raid on ( 'unndlfin Pt dlllc , owing to the weekly trafllc statoinenl out showliri no lar o an Inu'raso as usuii Orand Trunks .show tolcrablo llrmnoss at th oose with a small Improvement. Mcxlcai were well maintained. American Hues wci depressed. Money was not much wantci Short loans were obtained at from 1 to l > t ui cont. Throe mouthj bills woroijnotocl atl.'i I 2 percent. LONDON , Fob. 4. The following were tl ; Loiiaonatockiiuolatlonseloslnx at 4 p. in. : ConnolB money . . . .t'5 Mil Illinois Central Ill Cunsols uccoiint..W 1-IG Mox. ordinary 2'J N. V. , P. & 0 lBl . . . ! 15U St. Paul couunon. . . bl Can. I'ncltlc blk Now Vork Ccntrnl. . | 17 : Krlo 'MH Pvnntylvunla K KrluVnds lOW ItoadlnK 2U UAH SII.VEII M'-d. MONEV IU porcunt. Hate discount In thu open market for bet cliort and throe months blllsS pur cent. Amount of bullion pone Into the Bank < England on balance ted ay , 21.000. The bullion In ilia Hank of England li creased i'Ul.OOO during the past wee The proportion ot the Hank of England's ri serve to liability wh.cb last week was 40. ; per cent li now 42,01 pnr cent. Nr.w OIH.EAN.S , La. , Feb. 4. Clcarlnz { . ' .811.175. KANxAsCiTV , Mo. , Fob. 4. Clearings todu. ( inu. iv. HAVANA , rob. 4-Spanlsb Bold. I.,40a3.40 ! Exuhuniro quiet. NK\V YOIIK. Keb. 4-OlearlnKS , I2(5,0.7,41 ( balances , * o,7b7.303. 1,1 Ier ccnv. HT , LOUIH. Mo. , I'ub. 4. CloarliiKK , (4bT4.r > 8 balances , fVU\Vi Monuy , KV ! pur cent. Ei chansu on Now York , premium , HOSTON , Muss.l'eb. 4 , llHiik clourliijtstoda l.1jr.W | ) ; balances. JI..iTU.KIi Money , 2ij per cent. Exchungo on Now York , IW1' ' . dlscuunu CIIIUAUO , III. , Fob. 4. Money taiv at 52 per cent , Oloarliiiis. 1111,182,770. New Vor uxchniiKe , par , rilorllnx oxuliarrzu dull i $1,8414 fur sixty days bills and JI.80J4 torslgl drafts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SHU rriinciuru Mlulnp ; Quotation * . SAN KiiANCirfCO , ( Ul. , Feb. 4 , The nfllcli cloliri nuotutlons for inlnln ; stoolcs toda were as foliows ; Xutv York .Mlnloi ; ( Jiiotutlnin , NEW Yutitc. Kob. 4. The following are th closing mining atouic quotatloiia. lloiton mock .Mnrkot. tlostON. Mass. , KolJ. 4.-Tho " follonln ? wcr thn closln ( prloot on stocks on the lloito stock market today ; Atchlmn A Tnpckn , : RI' ' < | IKntoii A MnntannV .11 A Albanjr , . 201 Calumet A llrcla.1. . . 7IU ' I.IVK STOCK .M OiiuiliH'H Prices Continue to Climb IJndi the linprtus of l.lglil Kims. OMAHA , Fob. 4 Receipts for the past foi dnys foot up P.HH entile. * ) , 3l hogs nml 1,81 sheep , agnlnst.nn.Scittp | , inOC. hogs nnd Il.li sheep tor the corrosponcllng four dnys la ! week. OATrt.E. The paitcltv of the supply so fn this week has had u very salutary ull'cct n hn market. Trud'iu was ngaln lively an seller * lud IHlli ! difficulty In obtaluln stronger prices for almost , nnythlui ; In III steer lino. Shippers did prnctlenll nothing , clnlmlnx that prices paid h tin ) dressed beet tnnn loft thci no margin and such N undoubtedly the casi l.oual killers n-anlo.ittlo und the active coin petition umouir themselves has put prices ute to a very satisfactory 1)4tiro ) compared wit other markets. Prices wore strong to K hlt'liurthiin Wednesday , an udvai.co so fa this week of from 'J e to .He , There were cum paratlvply few gondl Ight weight cattlonmon IhoolTer iigsau I : i good many of the hoavle strers were rvlher : eo.irso nnd o\ur. Ver gooJ l.lSJ-lb to I.T.O-b ! steers so d at from HI to M..U while fair to goo.I sloJrs welghln from I.WJ to l.'IOi Ins. brought , from * J.-r > t f.'l.iVi. Some ll'zht. thin s uff Mild arounJ fl.O toH'JJ. It , was u goo.l brisk m.irldit and th close of business fo.tnd everything decen sold , llutchor stulT of all crailcs sold generally good lOc higher and the iiiViinon : | . was free n the advance. AltuiMUnvurvtliln : In this Hn Issulllni : unywhura fr ; u i" > o to 4 chillier Ilia lasl weeu and ua y to sell at that. Iorn houses were the prluelpa . In fact practlualt the only buyers , but they took hold as If ther was a famine conilng.iiul 1111 early ami goo ulearam-o was olToclod. Uoo.l to choice cow and liolforssold fn.m S..T.'i lo fiw : , medium t good cows from li.O,11 ; > li.fii. with common an I'liniilns-HlulT largely at from $1.50 lo $ . ' .w Hulls , oxeii-iind staus were stronzat from ( I. ! to ? : ! . ' - ' ) , calvot Hrm from tl.u'i 10 $ . " > .0l. The stocknr nod forder trade was mostly I small lots and at stronz prices. Very IndllTei ontfeedersare soiling around Kl.uu and on bnncli of pi-otty good stock broiuht It.i3. I takes very common atulT to brliu less tlm * : . " . " > . Prices aru from I0c to Lie higher ilia last week. Representative .sales : MTBEUS. lions. Receipts were 2.503 lu s than a woo a wt ho past f our ilay > shi > wliig a decrease froi 5,000 hogs comparcil with tbo same four da ) of last week. The general quality of Hi oKcrlngs was nothing to brag of altlmug taken as a whole the hogs could by no mfcai bo c illod poor or even common. Tliero wus a good shipping.demand for llgi : and light mixed hogs and local dealers seemc to want thai class of hogs also. Inquiry ft heavy wolghls was almost entirely locu Huslnesa opened out rather slow und tli general feelliu seemed to bo eusler , bulii moro fuvoritblo eastern advices began t arrive and II became apparent that the Mippl would not bo any too lllnir.il a lilt I moro life was Infused Into the biislnci and trading was pretty brUic from thai on i the close. Uood heavy hogs were about stead at H.u : lo $1.40 , eoiiinioii. heuvy and mlxc linelcers firm at t4.25 lo tt.30 , light and Hid ; ml.\ed hogs stion : fioin $4.17ii to . : i5. Til L-enerul market was active and Hrm , the uei being practically cleared both of fresh recelpl und holdovers , tlio bulk of the ho a si'llin BiiEisi1 The only load ot f-licep received wu consigned direct to .Swltti Co , that bout bolng nnal. o to tcouro the nnmticrof shuu desired on this market. The demand fordi Blralile niiittoni U strong , und prices urn full steady. Quotations : fulrtogooii uullvunfrut f3.Tttnit.00 , westerns from ll.SOtol4.75.com' mon and stock sheep from 1153 to 1.1.30 , good tr choice 43-11. . to fO-lb. luint-s fron , JI.OO to M.50 * Ili-colpli nnil lUi > 3 < ltloo of Stock. Oniclfilrccolut * Nnd disposition ot stock < shown by the boohs of the Union Slock Yard' company for the Iwenty-fourho-ars , oiidlm ? ill fi o'clock p. m. February 4. It-OJ. IlKCKIITd. nous. siiKitr. HOUSES * M'lS Cam. lcad Cars , I Head Cars. 70 1,6)5 VI 4SO DISPOJITIOX. ( Ihleugii | , | vn Stork . ClllOAOo. III. . l > b. 4-lSpecliU Teln rain tr THE IH-.K.l-Tlio situation WHS ngnln In th < oattln sellers' fivnr , supplies rontlinilne Ugh nml tlio doiiiHim ilovKlopIng n fair ilogroo o tiut.vlty. Nooln < o ( cntt'o cold very mute rlully hlghor thuii on Wednesday , nor wn : there any prndo fortvhli-h the market' was no stronger. The most nttinctlvo stocks ernor iillvsoldnt from Ac to loc advniiro. That mnillfi to butchers' and canneri' stock us well us ti W.V9 to ? 4.W for dressed beef nml shlppln ; stt'ors. ThBt there were so few sales at ovei Jl.i.r > Is bccnuac only u very small pcrrcntati of the ofTnrlius graded above "Rood ; " cows hulls nnd half-fiitlcd stecrx preilomluntpd 1 hero was n eood Inquiry for stookcrs an- feeders at from . ' .03 to Kl.\ and for voa calves ut from Jiwi to M.3.X The market closed llrm fur all wr.ides of cattle. llous opened hUher. There wns at active eastern demand and for goo. sorts.vhuiher lighs tip hoavy. tin nvcrngo prlco was * about 5o bcttei than for Wcdm" lny. The best llghl sold around H.liJ ami tln < io worn sovcru. salei of heavy and medium wnlshts nt Jl.7\ but after shippers h.id "Hied no" the Mtuullot wns allrt-reut. I < ecu ° paukari would not | > uj I IIP prices current at thonpetiln rot' husluoss rimy demanded a reduction of I c and tin Inter trndlu : WhHon th it basis. The market Is likely to imrsiio this sce-s-iw course for some tlmo to com" , us'local packers seem dc' Icrinlncd to keep prices down , The sheep market was llrm todav. not bo- c.iiise of activity In the demand , bill JIB a natural consequence of tin Iglit arrivals slnco Mondav. Shipper bought very sparliuly anil the di-mam from the local romhlnn was not brisk falc.s wenon n basis of from t.r > to HIT fin fiiils. J.l t lol.'J.'i for poor to medium and nt from M.iO ! to.V i for iood to cliolco. Kxtrr wethors nro quotuU at from J5.tt : lo KM , The mnrkut for lamls was unehanued at tron : TI.OllottU.-i. Heeelpts wi-ru : Cattle. 10,000 ; IIORS. 28,000 ; sheep , 11,000. Thu Evening Journal reports : OATTI.B Itooelpts. ll.nuo ; shipment" , 4..V1I ; markel inodcrntoly active , steady ion lindo higher ! KOOU st > or.s..H.SO34. ; 0 ; no extra steers on sale ; other * . TL-JOUO ; stockers , * lB.vay.2 : > ; eows Ji.s.'ia-.v.n. Mom Uucelpts. 'JT.Oji ; shipments , 11,000 : market opcnuil aetlvo and strong but closed uiink to lower ; rough and common , $1.40(1 4.45 : nii.xod and piukprs , * l.r > 0l.ii ( : primi hparv-uud butchers' weights. fl.avS4.TA ; ll ht ' 'r ' . - . n,0.)0 ; shipments , 4 0 : market slow , steady lo weaker ; owes. llUOft 4V."i ; mixed. M.AOQCI.TA ; wetln-rs. Ul.bO'ttTi. : ! . ' ! westerns , * \.WV.M ; lambs. J. ' . no ® j.or . w York Ilvi > Stork .Market. NKW YOIIK , I''eb. ' 4 , IlKBVcs Upcolut . 'J.TOC bend , all forslaUL'htcrer- ; trade , fpuliti ; sioaily ; < lressed beef nluw : extra , : ilc per II ) . : shlpmenls to.lay. l. 'U bi-uvos and twenlj sheep. Calves , receipts. IIMi head ; inarkul steady : veals , J.'i.Olifris.n ) per 10J Ibp. ; grahsers und rcoMorns. W.'iVF > 'i.A. SiiKbP-Uccchits. 'I.-I7 hnad ; market llrm ; sheep , JI.003H.00 pop 10'J Ibs. : lambv. W n ftT.i'Oi drcsso : ! niuttcm.TftJ'ic ' pur Ib. ; dicbsod lamhs , nniiatMtOiJo. lions -Iterehits , : i.KiUio : id ; consigned .direct : nominal ut $ l.iOQ4.iir uer luo Mis. Kantiis City Live stock Mnrknt. KANSAS CITY. Mo. , Fob. 4. OATTI.B U - oelpts. 1'iOU ; shipments , 1.11)0. ) The market was generally strain : . Dressed beef nnd shipping stoars sold ut $ .l."r > 3ilO ) : eows and liulfurs , il.ri'JiilllH ' ; stoekeru and feeders. i-.O. < aa. . ' o. lions lUcelpts. MOO ; shipment" , 2iOO. : Tin mnrkut was aetlvo ami strong to r > o higher ; > ll grades. * A751tl.iTt : ! ; bulk. * l.a > S4.)0. : ) SHEEP ItecclpM. I.-OO ; .shipments , IrtO. The market was very dull auu weak to ll'c lower. St. I. "lilt l.lvo SI nek ST. Louis , Mo. , Fob. 4. CATTI.B Hecolpts. 1,100 ; shipments401 ; market steady : fair to good steers. . ' .flKai.O.\ ! : HOQS Hcoulpts , 2.80J : shipments. 2.'J0.1 : mur- kel opened ntrong , closed weak : heavy , $4.40 (34 ( ,5A : mixed , i4.004.45 ; light. H'0ai.40. ( VlininlierlHln's CoiiKh ItPiupdy. Mr. C. F. Davis , editor of too Bloomflold , la. , Fapiner. says : "I can recommend Cham borlatn's cough remedy to all sufferers with colds and croup , I have used llin my family for the past two years and have found it the be > t , I ever used for the puroosos for which it is Intended. " 25und uU cent bottles for sale by druggists. _ In tuo entire field of American Journalism wo liavo no such n distinctive personalty as Max O'ltell ( M. Paul Blouet ) , who is un questionably t'jo Keenest wit , tbo moat ready satirist , and the most genial uuuiorist that French Journalism has produced In this pen- oration. His boons have bcou very putiernlly roart by Omaha people , nnd they will now read with pleasure the announcement that his first appsnranco in Omaha will bo at the Grand opera house on Wednesday evening next. Those who expect an ordinary Iccturo by this brilliant foreigner will ho most agreeably disappointed. Ho furnishes an evening of rare comedy , such as ho only can provide , and lurtro oml delighted audiences have everywhere greeted him on his Ameri can tours. Ho will tell the people of Omaha of America as bo has seen it , through French spectacles. One ot the biggest and best Durlosquo com panies on the road U coming and will com mence a weeK'a ' ongacoracnt at the Farnum street theater on Sunday , during which time high class burlesque and high class vaudeville will bo Riven clear scope. The attraction is Mr. Sam T. Jack's Creole Bur lesque company , composed of IIfly falryouug ladlea whoso like was never seen on any stace'before. Thirty southern Creole beau ties and twenty fair Kgyptians , n half hun dred stars culled from two races noted for tbolr beauty , eraco and musical culture. In addition to the above there are also several llrsl class male comedluns and specialty artists , and as the Now York World recently Bald of the show , while playing a long on. euycinout at the Standard theater , Broad- wav , Now York ; "It Is too most unique and pleasing show of the seaton , " Suuduv mutlr.oo. .Siliieilil.vlie'K | ( | TlcinlileH. Have I got a coughf Do you think I'm an omnibus aud can't cougtif Well , of all the dodgasted women I over saw hero I've coughed for seventy days nnd you want K know if I've got a couirb , Now. Mrs. Spoop- oudyko , I want that bottle of llullor'n Sure ( jure Cough Medicine-.you hear ) TIII : KK.vi/rv MAUKir. : rNBTKlJMKNTS placed on record February i. 4. IbX'i WAIIICASTV IIEKIH. It I1 Knight et al to U M Twuddcll , lots H and 7 , blouk , ' > , Irvlnjton t 'JOQ Mutual Investment company to J 1 ( Joule , lot 'H , block 11 , Orchard hill 4,030 , Union I'aclllc Hallway comp.iuy loT.I O'Nulll , lot 4 In ill , lot : i anil o U of MV > { My Xi-IC-o llunry Arnold m Kll/ahuth llowltt , lots n and I' ' , block ! ) . Itodfoid place n.r > V ) ,1 II Urosi'iiian and wife to Julius Bene dict , und 1-Sinvnii l-15-l'J and strip ad jacent. i. . , i'.o : ) I'fdullty Trust company to Andy l.orcn- hon. lot a. block It , Tlpion place 1100 i ; I , Patrick and wife to .1 M l.owe , lot 'I , blorU 5. Patrick's 'Jnd Karatona add . . . I J M l.oHeuml hiiBliand to K Patrick , lot ) > , simo l B A Viitcs to W A I'uMoii. lot' ' , block r.'li , Omalia IlO.OCO / , J Diuwbtor and \\lfe loJ .M llronn. Bit he and lot 4 in IS-IS-HI i.nro tl .M llrowu toll It Olark , same : iMU ! Al'Tukov etui lo Kmaoiiel llrodln , lots 31 ainlK. blojk S , Clifton hill . . . . 1 (100 quiTCl.UM DIUIIS. : O A Ambrose and wlfu to M A Vatus. lot ' ' ' . ' ' Omaha 1 , . , block 'f-'it , ' Total amount of transfers. $ WtW5 DoWltt's l.lttlo fiixny ui > qr > ; DCH llttlo ills fordvsneijia.ao'.ir stomach , Ui 1 breath MOST WOMEN'S TROUBLES AiPOiuned lijr a dUordered utoiuncu. The xumilne CmlibadSirudol | Halt t * u'pmltlru runDir : fur a dlturilerod itonui'li. H cluarn tuu couipleilon and purlHci the btnud. Secure only the ifeiiuliiu Imported - ported article , which nun I Imvo the lunnlnru ot 'Kliner aud llcudeUuu Co. , " > ul ngenli , Muw Vurk. / i OMAHA Orel's' ' and Jotters' ' Directory 4 AWNIXtSS AND TUNTS. Oinnhn Ttnl A Aiculnu Co. . Hftt" . hammocks , oil ami rubbtir olothliiK. SonJ for catalogue. llil : Karnam. HiS AXI ) TXVINKS. 71cm to Oinnh\i \ Una Co. Importers nnd manufac turer * . Flour Sacks , llurlapi and Twine. A. 11. I 'trrlu" A-Oi. , M O , natnn , 1(01 Doduo street. lllcycle mild nn tnonthl/ l < nymciiti. goml for our cntaloguo nnd prlco. HOOTS AND SHOKS. Morse-ico Sho3 1101 ItownrdStrejt. rnctury pnrner lltli nnd Doimln * rtrcots. Wo arc nmklnn clo o prices to Mli I' lyers , nnd nre felling a flam < if ncmd nhlcli Is vcrj nal- eaMowltli morclmiit' . irilll iiu. Vn 11 , lrnium Kirhcntliill , Jour * ACo. . , , t llnrtr , WhelP nlo Mnnufnctn'r * . AtonH f.ir lldtlon lluli- IZIJ llarncjr street , bcr Shoo Co , 1IU' . ' , 1104 Umali.i , Neb. mid 1IOU llnrncj utrcol. O Kt/ia / ConCoftt / it Ciiutant A Squire * , Mm-C . . Hard nnd soft coal ship llnrd and soft co.il. B K. pers. ? urner Hilli aud loiilis | 130S Farnini street , ilrcett. Omatin. I' . I' , Muhuiuu ACo. . , Jii/llliiiil / Hint. , 1014 Barnaul tr cl , Soft-Coal Hard 813 N. Ifith Om.tlia Neb. COIIN1CH. Ki\U\c \ Cornlcf U'orhn ManiifnciurcM of cial > vonl/eJ Iron Cornice. VTludow eaps , nietAllo < k > llKliti , eta 1110 und IIU liodiru t. DIIY GOOD- . M. K. Sn.i hACo. /v / < lj lrifttoch ( Dru fjofids Co. , Dry gnndr , notions , fur Dry eonds.noilnns. KCCtV nishing KOOdd furiilililiiK voods. Cor. lltli and Howard sts. Corner llth nud Howard , EI.KCTRICAIj SUI'I'MES. Omahi OoiBoliditid Electrioil 0) . , Klcctro Dynamos. I.nmps , Wlro and Electrical Sup- plletof All Kinds. 111' ' Howard strout , Omaha. IfotKlfc'rteil Cn. , llluMratcd catalogue frro. 1GI4 Capitol Avcnuo. I'UHXI-IUIIK AND CAIII I3TS. Bttbe it rtunuan Fur- Successors to O.A. Hocbo * Co. , draco and 13th sts , Omaha GKNTS' FUUNISIUNG GOOI 8. Illni liku A-C.-lieit , J. T. Itiililnsnn Kvtton Cn. Cents' furnlshlni ! Kaods , lotlilna nnd notions , dents' furnlshluK noorts. live us a trial. Wo acnd m'f'K ciluDrntcd llraud lamples cxproja pru- ' llucknkln Oreralln , iald. pants. shlrlH. coati. etc. IIU llnrner. Cor. 12th and lluwurd sts. GltOCKKIICS. | I ) . M. Stcelc ACo. . , nialte , llrnccA Co. . ISOl-UW Jones street , 10th nud Ilnrney , Omaha , Oinr.U-i , Nob. Neb. CHAIN AND I'ROVISIO.VS. Uutltrtll Urns. , S. A. JlclIViorfiT. lrokor.1 onili'ixsll buyers , Tr.ido 215 Hoard of 'rlvatu wlros tf > New llrokor In Kr.iin , provisions rnrk , Ch1c.iKo , nnd Bt. . PrlvuFa . l.'oard uf sions nndstneks. uls. Iti-lS x > - ' wires to N. V. , Chicago , 1'rnde nnd Bt. Louts. HATS , mins. : iav. .t. / / . , t TO. tltn Ottitrn-AVt. , Hals , caps , stra llnyori of lil'lci , wojl , fkiToj an.l nillteni , tallow and fun. ISIIi aud llarnoy , Ml : South Ulh.st llttttrA tt'Hhtlmv C'.v LolitcliAMMII , Cor. lOth nnd JacktonSls ItnllderV hnrdwarj a o : ujclianloi t ) il s. Onialia. IKONVOHKH. . I'nrtnnA ' Vfcttin ; lr < .n ll'i rtj , Wrought and cast Iron hnlldlnn work , rnulnoi , brass work , nun oral I IQUOUS. Jltr.vD ) It. It , < lrttte , , Manor .Mrrchitnli , Importer and .tob jr of 1112 llarney Street , Wlnot and l.l < nior > Manufaetiir'rs ' v Kimnody's Kast India llliuri. 1'rlrellitiun application. 1-V el ( it llfflitrtf , i Whulc < n1e liquor tleitlori IWI Kariinra U -jj C/iirIf It. Ltr. Jnlm A. l llnnlirood lumber. wnoJ cnrpeti nnd pnrquot Iiuiorlol , Amorlcin Port lluorliiK , land ri'inrnl , MllwaiikM hydraulic eeiuent ail ) Ulli and Duuulnr , yulncy while lla'e , C. .4. . Millinery , notions , cloaks Planns , organs , nrttjtt * etc , miterlali , vie. I1C.-118 B ICth M. 0ualia : i street , OYSTKIIK. A. Un.ith'dcfrltio Co. I'lall ACo. . . ' Packers of oysters , flan Oysters , Fish and < 'olory and Celery , Sl < l South lOtli St COSI.uaronnortli SU David Cola , Mansjar. OILS. CVoKdufcil 7'ank Line C'n. , Ileflned and lubricating oils , axle urei e , etc. ritODUCIO COMMJS' ION. llranch , t Co. . UlllieaA-Sialth. Dealeri In country prod Produces fruits ot nil uce. , fruHs , Yonotablui , etc. kinds , oyslori , 1207 Howard Street 1,1th and llarney Streets * Klnhliraun A- Son * . Jos. A. Olark & Co , llullcr , choo.o , Dutter , CKEI aud poultry. poultry and Rama. 1400 Karuani it. ( WJ South 13th Street Riddell & Co. , G. Pegau. Commlssldii M o r ah a n 1 Outtcr. clicoie. OK I.TOJ- Produce , llullcr , Kiift , ' etablcs , frulti , poultry Chce-o und Poultry 12th and llownrd titj' and nauio. Omaha. Mullin & MoOlaii , Bingham , & 8oai , Sprclaltlei. biittjr. o u. Send us your KKKI , llll clioono. poultry , ola No. tor , Poultry. ( Inmo , I 1JH. IIU Hat. lit Nit. Hides , Ktc. bank. 1701-3 J.e TCn orih al. PAI'Kll. . Oo tug Piipjr Oj. Carpenter Paper , , Wrapplnx pa | > er , ni Carry a full stock of . of tvvlnes , etc. prlntlnK , wrapping aud HUS lIowurdKt. nrltltiK paper , card pa per , ota Tel. 17.1) ) . S'lOVK IIIJPAIKS. James Hughes , Omahi Stove Btoro repairs of alliclndi Wor1 . Cuoka and lleaterj Ptove repairs and wat f foriula. aitaclmionti fur any kind uf > lovemado. TO7 . 11th Str33t I2J7 J SAHII. I TO VS. M. A. Disbrow & ; Oo , H. Hardy Oo. , ' Manufacture of msh. Toyi , doll * , alburai fanoy good ! , house fut ( duors. blinds and . Ulif mouldings. Branch of- nl'hlnir iiou.li , , ' ' . I ron' cnrrlnk'oi. Oce 12th and Iiurd ati. , 1311) ) Farnam Street. < J SOUTH OMAHA. UNIOS STOCK YARDS CO. , - LP COMMISSION MERCHANT3. A.1 tn Hoot At Oo , flasnmu & Dilb HoomrU Hiclian o Ilulld- HODIIIS , C ] and 61 ( tji llulldlni ; Houtli clianxa tr.illdli { , Oin-iha. Houtli Oun'.l'L Fac-Simile of Letter from Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher. 40 Orange Street , Brooklyn , N , Y. , Feb. 11 , 1890. "I have used Allcock's Porous Plasters for some years for myself and family and , as far as able , for the many sufferers who come tous for assistance , and have found them a genuine relief for most of the aches and pains which flesh is heir to. I have used Allcock's Porous Plasters for all kind of lameness and acute pain and , by frequent experiments , find that they can control many cases not noticed in your circulars. " The above is the only testimonial I have ever given in favor of any plaster , and if my name has been used to recommend any other it is without my authority or sanction. r.DOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. The fiiibioni pciiHi In noivoun , thicr-lr , private , blooj , ikliiaud urinary dlicait'i. A rcuulor and . ami < -i'riltl'uti' li"iv iiniul truatlna with tint pro Hot IIITVII reIH catarrh < Ti'il , > ifnuiilurrlii uniuuululaiuedcliiu. > t'u , lutl mHnUoo.1 n diplomat , tinliiHl Wi > ukninlilil lo. e , liiipciiuiioir , i/pbllu. . > lrkluro. uon < | . ltal , rurlle * unablu to lorluool orrliova , iili'i-l , vnrlciioulu.ctii. No mercury uted. New irenlmiMit IIUW.T . liutrjutul liniiiu Iir currvxiuiidrncr , Muilidue or Initruuicnli funt by inu.l nr c | irHpi re- Tl lt at ineiiniy ' . , niaiVn loliullule mnluut urifiidsr , onu in-nuiiM ! liilervlow iirefrrrnd , CiuitullMiu rurely iiai'ko.l no . . Olllc-u Unur * U a. in , lo 'J p , nu\ t'iiriu > i > uudvni'U ttrli'llr liriv.tli ; . lluuk | > ly l < ! i1e ut l.llui tua true. nyt loa.m.io li iii.rii'iiJ taiiii | tur reply , nnnilTl SANIMI.WOOII CAi'.si'J.KS are the Illlllll I A bottamlonlr capiulvt preirlbed by UUUU I n rrilltr | ( ihytlcUn * Jor the turj ut 09 and dlirliarifut from tlm urluarr oriianil kUl tniUu . II.U p r * . All d l TO WEAK MEN BaRcrlns youtliful tllU l < IIl error l frnni * Ot * lull i man "wiio" i " n''m > ui 'anif rtJlillltuti'ilT I-rut. V. V , Vlt WLKll. MoodUi. Couu *