J | 3ho Ntrrowly Escapes Being Mobbed for Mistreating a Child , /W/FUL / / STORY OF LITTLE ANNA WALKER pturi'Ml nml llrntrn Until Mnlirnt Kiprrtn I'riiiKinnrn llrr I.lfii In lumber llrtnlls uf llrr Tt'rrllitn HnnVrliiK Arront of tlin Inliiimiiti Woiimii , S ( nuri.Kit. Nob. , Fob. 4. fSpoclal Tolo- frram toTnn Ur.E. | A terrible Cftio of In- jiumautty wns brought to light today ot the Village of Hogors , seven mlles east of here , Vhlch resulted In thn nrrostof Cora Wholl- for tor cruelly boating Annn Walker , n'.ittlo nirl about 3 years of ago. Tlio facts as learned uro that Wholtnor ana ills wlfu took the child last November to Jjrlni * up , as they hail none of their own , and boon nftor Mrs. Wholtnor commonccd n cries ol beatings , which seem to have boon fogularly admlnlstosod. The child Is now In 'p prccadous condition nna the physician can- fiot .siiy as to the probable recovery , It Is n complete , mini of bruises , the flesh on Its back being In almost a solid pulp. Tno nuts- plot of ono arm are ftncturou and the doctors think the bono Is alto fractured. Ono cyo Is closed , Its lips cut , J.iw bruised and scalp Injured. * Tbo child snys sbo lias bcon In the habit of iylng ner to Iho bed with bnllngwiro to whip lior and then leave her tied for half a day at | i tltno. The last boating sha received was yesterday , and It was done with a bed slat , When some of the cltbcns saw her and wont to the loscuo of tbo child and filed the comp - p ! lnt which caused the arrest. Tliu village was excited to the highest pitch und strong measures were talked of , but bottur judgment prevailed. Thu llttlo ono kept calling for food , and when nsked If she wns hungry she said the 'woman ' ga\o her hardly anything to cat. The trial wns continued , bonds being llxod In tbc sum ot.fVJO , whlrh she was tinablo to furnish , nnd U now lu the custody of the sheriff. Tno feeling hero Is very strong against her , hs the punishment Is Inadequate for thu In jury inflicted. NcliriiNkit'H Dentil Itoll. H VCIIOFT , Neb , , Fob. 4. [ Special to Tim fei'.F.j Enarlos Plcotte , n highly respected knd educated Omaha Indian , died at his lioino , about four miles north of this place , yesterday afternoon of consumption , ills death will bo very deeply felt by Iho Omaha trlbo ol Indians , as ho was Industrious und exemplary In his ways and always ready to elvo ail vlco to his fellow Indians und on- potir.ik'o them In the wavs of progress. Ho vlll lu burled In the cemetery at this place tomorrow. f WIST : POINT , Nob. , Feb. 4. [ Speclal to Tin : HKI : . ] Ludwlg llorso , an old settler of puralng county , died Tuesday afternoon nt Bla ii-sidenco abuut ono mile north of this city , tie had boon suffering from an attack pf la grippe for ever two wnoks. Mr. llorso settled on his fnrm about thirteen years ago. The deceased wns 58 years of ago \ nil leaves a wlfo nnd four children. The luncral toou place \Vedncsdayaftcrnoon. . F. U. Roppert , a prominent citizen of this place , died Wednesday evening of cancer of tbo stomach. Ho has been suffering with this disease for about two months. Mr. Rapport has been a resident of thU city for jvor twenty yonrs and has boon in the rurnlttiro business from that tlmo on. Ho ivas about forty years old and leaves three : tiildton. Tbo remains will bo Interred In iho public coraotery Saturday morning. Lot'isvii.i.u , Neb. , Fob. 4. [ Special Tele- rram lo TUB Unj.J Frank Slander , ono of no oldest ana most respected citizens of Cuss county , died at his residence this oven- jug , aged about CO years. Ho wus president Of tbo fxniisvillo bank , although actively cn- crngcd In farming. Ho leaves a widow nnd thirteen children , all In comfortable circuin- itnncus. ] One of County Treasurer Elckoff's twin Infant children was buried today. Its death wns caused by la grlppo. > ' DisriiNKlliK' Sugar Ifrots. { Cnniiov , Neb. , Fob. 4. [ Special Telo- ferani to THE BKE.J The preliminary stops nro being taken for ono ot the largest sugar boot conventions over hold In nortbwcstorn ' Nebraska on the 20th. The people of this /county have guaranteed ever 5,000 acres nf beets to any ouo erecting a factory at Chad- yon. At this mooting thu adaptability of this poll for the production of boots will bo dis cussed. It Is a well known fact that boots tbavo been raised here thra produced 32 per .cont of saccharine matter , and from analysis of tha soil it was learned that It was the yrlchoU in teat lor beets. , Several eastern capitalists nro expected to - bo present who uro ready to erect a factory Jf the proper arrangements can bo made. JJclcgatcs will bo prciont from all the coun ties In north nnd west Nebraska , ns they are J. fill interested In the establishment of a fae ry , and will use every effort to secure ono. lliiiniln County I'jirmcrx. GIIIIIOV , Nob. , Fob. 1. [ Special to Tin : on ! BBi.J : A three days' sosslon of th1) eighth Bnmml mooting of the Buffalo County Farm- era llnstltuto closed bore yesterday. This bat been by 'far the Inrgestaml best uttondod kneeling of tbo Kind ovbr hold in the county , If not In the statu , Tbo day sessions were bold In Davis1 hall , which was completely filled , The evening sessions were hold in the obupol room of the Independent Normal School building , which Is a much larger room than the bull , nnd yet this would not begin to hold all who dPslrud to attend , many re turning home , being unable to gain admit tance. Quito an oxhiblt of dairy products , grain , frulf , vegetables , xcuds , grasses , also up crayon work , drawing , needlework , etc. , wns ton bold , and for which quite liberal special premiums , contributed by the business mon of Shulton , Kearney and Gibbon , were of /oreil _ Work iif u Hinootli , Coi.i'Mims , Nob. , Fob. 4. [ Special to TIIK JJnu.J Further investigation of the Gu JCohlor forgery case proves that ICohlor Is much tnoro deeply involved than was at first reported , and that orders for fruit trees were forged Instead of promissory notes. D. W. SrhnfT , the proiecutlng witness , says thai b Kohlor forged ardors lo the amount of $1,000 or ever and that ho is 100 out of pocket In Ills dealings with ICohlor. When arrested ICohlor was asked by Schuff bow many of his urdeiM were gonulno , and replied that they wctniill forged excepting twoorthrco for mull HtiniH. District court ID now In sonlon bore und It is probablu that tha young forger vlll have his trial In a few days. There are Home sixty or seventy of the forged orders , nd ns no two of them look a * though the ami ! man had written the ' signature * . It \vonlil appear that ICohlor Is prettv handy at frith Ihu pen. Ili'Milt ufu at Cnmrortalilu Drunk , t EI.KIIOHV , Nob. , Fob. I. [ Special Tolo- ttram to Tar. BBK.J Chris Boat , a farmer at Jiving four or llvo miles north of this place , Whllo in town yesterday Imbibed u llttlo too freely and on bis way homo lu tbo evening tered ills team ran away. Ho was thrown out ot the wagon , but aside from a few bruises was tered Unhurt. Ho was powerless and lay by the roadside until an early hour this morning , terod When ho sought tbo friendly shelter of A straw tuck , where ho remained until this ovoning. ' Q'bopntlro neighborhood was searching for Jilm nil day , l'iiti lieil llm Communion Giuxi ) ISI.AXII , Nob. , Fob. 4. Conitnis- plonor Goaoral H. It. Groor of Kearney is In tt > a city looking after World's fair business , Owing to the fact that It was Impossible to cot tbo plans for the Nebraska building back xroui Chicago in lima for the meeting ol the oommisulon to have been held February i ) , It Nob. was ( bought advisablu to postpone the mootIng - Ing until such tlmo as tbo plan * could bo bad. Netllo It will bo subject to a call by President A. the ' it , Stranc , who In lomporarlly absent from * bo stuto. late Mi'lirnuku Nob. , Fob. 4. ( Special to Tun J The following U Blalno count v's her inorttMged indebtedness record for Jauuary , Loc Paris Farm mortgages tiled , three , $1,003 ; bU Bnr. | The following is the mortgage record for January In Doucl county : Farm raort- gages filed , ? T,10'J.i3 ! : released , none ; chattel raortgacos filed14(5S4.09 ( ; released , f5,99J.45. Nnf According tti Contrnct. Nob. , Feb. 4. ( Special to TUB DKB. | Jonas Coffmnn , a prominent citizen nnd taxpayer , has filed a protest with tbo county cleric against his delivering about $1.000 worth of warrants to the St. .loo liridgo nnd Holler company , ordered drawn by the commissioners tn payment of balanca duo on the two bridges lately constructed across the Norlb Plntto rlvor. lie alleges that the bridges nro not according to con tract nnd specifications , Mny I'lirrlmintlio 1'iipor Mill. KBAIIXBV , Neb , , Fob. I. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK Uucj A party of Omiiha gentlemen - tlomon were here today and looked ever the paper mill , which has been standing Idto for two years. They were favorably impressed with the quality of the machinery nnd loca tion ofthe mill , nnd they are quoted as bolnir prospoctlvn buyers . The plant has bcon In litigation since It was built , nnd will bo sold within a few weeks to satisfy creditors. IVII < ) rr n ItlntT. YOIIK , Nob. , Fob. 4. [ Soooial to Tim nii.J Barney Victor , an old soldier ever 00 years of ago , was nearly killed by n fall ever n bluff on the batiks of the Blue rlvor Just west of McCool yostordav. Ho was driving n colt to n cart v/non It became tinmanngo- nolo nnd backed ever the nvor bank , which was thirty foot high. Ho landed In the nvor nnd emerged with u couple of broken ribs and a number of very serious bruises. I'ri'iiiont .Itiin'H Venture. FIIEMONT , Nob. , Feb. 4. [ Special to Tin : Uni : . ] Frank Fowler , a prominent young Fremont business mun , who recently re turned from u year and half's tour around the world , delivered a public lecture tonight on what ho saw to a largo audloncn at tbo Woman's Cluistlan Temperance Uulon torn plo. 'fl Hunk fullnro. ICEAitsnv , Nob. , Fob. 4.-Special [ Telegram - gram to TUB BBB.JNo now developments have been mndo In the savings bank failure. The depositors nro n sorry lot und console themselves with an estimate that they Will get 50 po- cent of their deposits. Iti'Milt of Titst Sn Itching. Du.Niuit , Nob. , Fob. 4. [ Special to Tnu BBI : . ] Last night while a tr-ttn on the Mis souri Pnclflo was switching nt this place two cars were derailed , ono of thorn bavlnir the end knocked out. Tbo cause is attributed to fast switching. Objected to I'lijliig I'urc. B , Nob. , Fob. 4 , [ Special to Tuc BKE.I Fred Mooa , n Hastings saloonkeeper , boarded a B. & M. train at Sutton this raorn- Inp and refused to pay his faro. Ho assaulted the conductor and was soundly thrashed for his trouble. HIKIIV ut Krnrm-y. KEUIXIIV , Neb. , Fob. 4. [ Special Telegram - gram toTjm BEII.J Snow began falling1 early this morning and still continues. It is grow ing colder , and u blizzard Is anticipated. WAIT1XU l'Oll THK . Indians lu tlio Territory Anxiously Kxport- IiifjT thu Savior Whites to Ilo Destroyed. CIIICKIO , 111. , Feb. 4. Captain Ell L. Hug- gins , aide do camp to General Miles , returned this morning from an extensive trip to Indian territory. Ho was sent there to investigate and report on tno rumors of ghost dancing among tbo Indians there. "Tho Arapahoe , Cboyonne and Osage In dians still cling to the belief that tbo Messiah will some day appear to save them , " said Captain Hugglns , "and they are not at all disappointed in tha failure of the Messiah to corao among them last year. They did not pretend to know tbo date of his coming. The former frdnzy among them and their excited dances bavo civen way to a quiet belief , which has al most become a religion with them , that the whites are to bo destroyed and tbo Messiah will come. There li no excitement among the whites who llvo on the land bordering on the reservation and no excitement is at all apparent because no outbreak is feared , " Captain Hugglns witnessed the distribu tion of cattle for food for the Indians at the Chovonuo and' Arapahoe agoncio. The cnttlo were supplied by a contractor aud were so poor and thin that Llttlo Chief ob jected to tnem. The officer who inspected the cattle rejected them. An investigation showed that all the poor and worthless cattle were given to the Indians , the fattur ones being shipped to the oast. DoWitt's Little Jiariy lasers for tbo llvor. Htran Ixmrtl Trust. * CHICAGO , 111. , Fob. 4. The American Strawboard company mot in annual session hero today. The old board pf directors was continued in ofllco , the election of officer * re sulting ns follows : O. C. Barber , president ; . II. Guniaston , vlco president : William . Moore , treasurer ; E. M. Watkins , secre tary. The not profits of the company dur ing the year worn $ . i30,024 , or aS-10 per cent total stock of fi.000,000. It has partly pnld In quarterly dividends of 2 per cent amounting to180,000 ; has an undivided gurnliis ' of 122,154 , and Is said to bo in bettor of tlna'ncial condition than ever before. N. Dowltt's Llttlo Early lasers , oest pill ) nu . Mcmoilitl Tioin IJtuli. SALT LAKK , U. T. , Fob. 4 Tlio Utah legislature bus passed a memorial to congress urging the passage of the homo rule bill Introduced by Senator Faulkner and Delegate - gate Cain last month. The memorial rnclton oppression through tbo Utah commission ; repression of tba popular voice In the make of courts by appointment from Washing , and nays the conditions in the territory jail have changed , that polygamy has bcon odg abolished and some measure of self-govern ment.should bo granted. < Sick headache * Boochntn's pills will ro- llove' . I'.lll.UIIS.tl'llti. P. H. Wells of Lincoln is at the Dellono. U It. L. Smith of Fremont Is at the Paxton. grai N. W. Walls of Schuylor Is at tbo Alll- ma lard.Georao sup Georao McCombo of Norfolk Is at the Ar 0ycTl cade. A. C. Hosmor of Rod Cloud , Nob. , is at the yes Puxton. George Itccdor of Grand Island Is at tbo Arcade. J. G. Tate and wlfo of HaHlncs are nt the Mlllard. out P. H. Harris of Curtis , Nob. , Is at the Murrny. L. A. Pnyno of Grand Island is stopping with the Mlllard. , J. M. Griffith of Wahoo , Nob. , is stopping the Paxton. J. C. Fenton of Ponder , Neb , , Is stopping the Dollono , of George Boiartb of Shonar.donb was at the gery. Paxton yesterday. the George P. Stownrt of Kearney U regis at the Paxton. . Henry T. Oxnard of Grand Island U regis at the Murray , H. B , Itolllns of Hastings , Neb. , is rogis- his at the Millard. Frank smith of Blue Springs , Nob. , Is reg istered at tbo Dollono. Dr , O. L , Stepheuson of Geneva , Nob. , is says stopping at the Arcade. they Joseph Suydnraud wlfo of Alma , Iiob. , are stopping at the Murray. George Davenport of Norfolk , Neb. , U registered at tbo Millard , Ilobert FulUn and O. D. Chamberlain of Platte ore at the Arcade. . D , Werner and J. E. Thomas of Hebron , . , are ( oquostorod at tbo Arcade. N.V. . risk , bis wife and daughter. Miss , of Isle In Mote , Vt- , are domiciled at Murray. MujorUharlos E. Lee , a son-in law of the been Commordo ICitsou of bt , Paul , is at tbo arv Mlllard. HU wlfo has just sallou from Kuropo to her homo In Now York , leaving daughter , Miss Maud Hlchuiond Lee lu , where ho is now studying art. Mr , man will go to Paris lu May to return with daughter during tbo summer. MILLING IN TRANSIT RATES Insisting on the Demands of the Nebraska Grain Dealers , RAILROAD OFFICERS URGED TO ACT nftlin Shite Only Aik Tor ( ho Snnin Avrortlcil Otlior Outer * of Trniln Mnrnlii Nrwn Nii of Inti-rrnt. Lixcot.v , Nob. , Fob. , 4 , [ Special to TUB BKK.J The following letter signed by the members of the State Bonn ! of Transporta tion was mailed to tno managora of tbo sev eral iNooraskn. railroad lines today : "On the 2UU dny of November , 1801 , the Stnto Doard of Transportation ndarcssod n communication to the managers or the sev eral systems of railroads doing business In this state calling attention to the demands mnao by certain qruln dealers of thli state for n rntonn groin known as the milting In transit rate , or , moro correctly spoauing , waroliouso grain rates. Since that iltno the subject has boon a milter of discussion by the public prois , oy the grain men and by tbo people throughout the stato. Tim Justness "of the dornuud , nnd the Importance of the measure to our people , should , In our opinion , cnuso raoro prompt action than bos been taken regarding the matter , ns up to this date no answer what- ovur has boon received by our board to our communication , nor bus any movement boon tnado loaning toward the ostnbllsbmont of the ruto proposed , Whllo the board recog nises the fact that its jurisdiction to ouforco a giver rate Is only coequal with the bound aries of tbo state , yet the board is of the opinion Itiinav with propriety urge n matter of so much Importance nnd which ( s just , fair and equitable. Wo uro informed that , Omaha asks only to bo placed upun tbo same footing nnd to enjoy the same privlloaoj as are now enjoyed bv Kansas Olty. St. Joseph , Minneapolis and other points similarly sit uated. "Tho claim Is made by the gram men of Omaha , men of standing and reputation , that the concessions asked nro absolutely neces sary to tbo building up of n grain market in that city. It that bo into , then not only the grain men but ovary cltiron of the state , nnd especially the grain producers , are interested in the demand , "Since- our previous communication to you upon this subject our board has boon con stantly importuned by petitions , communica tions and personal visits from those inter ested , all urging that some definite action bo tanen looking to their relief. You should bo as anxious to deal fairly wltb tboso people us wo are to have you. "Wo sincerely hope the matter may bo ad justed at tin early date , and that the rate as asked for In our loiter of the -4th ! of Novem ber may bo given. " Gossip ut the State Homo. The Vallo.r Opera House association was Incorporated toaay by W. G. Whitmoro and others. The company proposes to erect an opera bouso at Valley , in Douglas county. Captain A. D. Yocura of Hastings was a visitor today. Governor Tliayor today Issued a number of notarial commissions. Hon. A. G. Scott , Nebraska's representa tive on the National World's fair commis- slon , called at the state house today. Secretary Koontz of the State Board of Transportation wontto Omaha today on busi ness connected wltb the grain inspection de partment. Lieutenant Governor Majors was at the state house today. Hon. George J. Sternsdorf of Omaha was at the capital this afternoon. Jtt'liiscil H Ortlllcillo. The Farmers Union Insurance compnnv of Grand Island has cone out of business. This is tbo company referred to in tbeso columns n several weeks ago. In the item published at that time the ouslness methods of the Grand Island concern were commented upon in no commendatory terms. Subsequent events bavo justified the statements tnado at that time. Early In the week Auditor Bentou do cllned to issue a cortillcato to unable the com pany to continue its business. The ofllcors of the company protested , but in vain , and last night the auditor informed them by tele- graph that his decision was final. HlH Itlclit Ann Crtialivd. James A. Kites , a colored man about 20 years old , mot with an accident this forenoon which deprives Dim of his right arm for the rest of bis life. Ho Is employed as an as sistant at the Jones-Douglas cracker factory and in some manner which ho Is unable to explain bis right band was caught in the cog wheels of a big pair of rollers. Bofoio bo could extricate himself bis arm was drawn In between tbo cogs nearly the whole length. Ho wits removed to his homo at Eleventh nnd J streets. The surgeons do- oided that the injuries were of so serious a M. nature as to require amputation. The in jured man stood tbo operation as well as could bo expected. Contest Cnno ItcRUii. The contest over tnn ofllce of clerk of the dlstilct court. Instituted by C. 12. Walte against Ellas Baker , came up for trial in countv court bofora Judqo Lansing this morning. Waite bases his contest upon the grounds that some ( ! UO votes cast for him were not counted. His attorneys , Judge Stewart , C. O. Whodon and C. E. Magoon , asked tbo court today to order an Inspection the ballots. Judiro Lansing granted the motion In spltdof the protests of Attorney * for . S. Horwood and J. 0. Johnston , who rep resent , Mr. Baker. Their argument was that Inspection 'of tbo ballots would bo going back of tl.o returns. Judge Lanslnc directed Its Sheriff McClav to secure tno poll books and ono ballots. Nothing further will bo done In case until the inspection of the ballots , which is now In progress , is completed. of lliinrnml an Olilu Mini. O , , W Orm came to Nebraska from the state of Ohio yesterday with $50. ) in bis in- side pocket. Ilo occupied a cell In tha city lust night. This morning bo acknowl row edged < that bo had got into bad company lust night and that ho bad boon robbed of all bis money and a gold watch. Tbo pollco are endeavoring - and doavoring to locate tuo parties who buucood coun hint. worl In the District Court. fn the case of Gibson nealnst Insuranoo Company of North America the jury rendered cbiu verdict for the defendant. that In Judge Field's court Mablo B. Davis was thatTt granted a divorce , her husband falling to make ! . Her appearance. grounds wore non- com support. She was given the custody of her Intel 0-year-old daughter. IntelA The Crookor guardianship case , referred to who yesterday , , wus continued until February I , ' ) , ard Judga Hold act asiuo the order In the Bronnan dluorco case and sot It for bearing imm 1 , mon monA Mary A. Sharp , who has petitioned for a divorce , Informs the court that slid Is with duu moans to prosecute her case und aslu for ages toinpornrv all nony and ? IW ) attorney's ' foes. num Mattlo Wojds , a colored woman charged resti stabbing her whilom husband , Both Alas Bolon , is Imvlng her trial this afternoon. A ploti This afternoon a telephone mnssapo was corn as received from Omaha asking for tbo arrest there onu H. G. Ulmffeo , who U wanted for for it . The police found their man later In afternoon , The remain ! ) of Engineer Ponnlngton semi , and killed in the wreck yesterday morning , wore would taken to Hastings for burial today , hU wife they accompanying thorn. ' John Ulxon , a IB-year old boy living with and mother at M4 North Fifteenth street , has "I mysteriously disappeared. wont good Mark Tuulu mixed "nomo folks are so stubborn that nl other need is four legs ana they irould pass was forawulo. " Ai May DO if people us > more of Halter's Barbed Wire LlnlrnoU mules drui wouldn't bo BO stubborn. Ado feared torn Will llniiiiu < t lloytl. a The Samosots and tha JaoKsonmns are jure preparing to give Governor Iloyd a fraud jureF banguet. It U tbo intention to have several thro length prominent democratic orators from the east present and the affair will bo one of unusual was pol ImpoitAuco. Tha oxaot date his not yet Posl announced , but It will bo about robru- from 10. tern The following couiinlttoai bavo uoen up- pointed to uiakotho necessary arrangements ; Arrangements t B. B. B. Kennedy , chair dren , Gooruo W. Shields , George Hlaoi , etc , L. Miller , Charles Oifdon. M. V. Gannon , Euclid Martlu. Frank Murphy , Dr. MAX Mover , G. W. Doatio , George E. Prltch- oil ; Invitation Gcor' 1 * Miller , chairman. O. S. Montgomery. Ubsrlos Ogdon. Warren Swltzlor , A. J. Popplrton , .1. N. H. Patrick , K. Wnkoloy , H. W. Yk'lF. . Charles Turner ; banquet llobortVf > Patrick , chairman , Ueorgo E. Prltchott , ( , In B , Khocnn ; recep tlon- Judge Frank Irvfno , chairman , C. V. GalUghcr , D. W. Mcttugh , Louis Hehnrod , Joseph Gorueau , Jr. tj T Constipation poisonstno blood ; DaWltt'i Llttlo Enrly Hisori euro..constipation. Tha causoremoved , the distijue Is cone. aETTINOOUt LINES. Itcnl Kstntn ( Hruors AsKiirlntlnii riniiiilne tn InrrniKii Onmlm'n lrosirrlty | < The Heal Estate Owdcrs association yostor any hold Us first meeting after the election of the advisory and executive boards. The followingofllccrs were reelected : George H. Boggs , president ; John T. Cathors , vlco president ; George P. Bemis , secretary , nml Cadet Taylor , troosutor. A few" Informal matters were discussed after the election of ofllcors , and among1 them was the question of inducing certain prop orty owners to subscrlbo 1,000 to a fund for the Phoenix Foundry and Machine company. The foundry company desires to add car wheel works to Its already largo machine In- dustrv. It la claimed by the company that the Union Pacific has civcn It a contract for a portion of tbo road's freight cars. Tim matter was referred to John T. Gathers , who was Instructed to m.iko n report to the asso ciation's manufacturing committee. A communication was presented by Cadet Taylor In which It was stated that a propo sition had been rnado to Induce the Illinois Central railroad to coma Into Omaha. It now enters Sioux City and Air. Taylor thought If the proper pressure could bo brouitht to bonr tbo Illinois Central would como boro. This matter was referred to the railroad commUtoo. In talking of I ho question n.s to how to got manufacturing enterprises to locate in Onmhn , Mr Bozga said ho would bo ono of the Mrst to subscrlbo $ . " > ,00l ( to n fund for thnt pu'rposo. if such an organitation for the nid of manufacturers could be created. The general mooting of stockholders of the association will bo hold Monday night. Small In size , great in results ; UoWitt's Llttlo Early Klsun. Best pilt for constipa tion , host forslok boadaoho , best for sour stomach. Dr. Dirnoy euros catarrh. BKB bldjr * jtt.ii 'itov.\i > .nioirr r/.v. Valentino republicans have formed a club. Plans are being drawn for a now hotel at Norfolk to cost between $40,000 and * > 0,000. , Onp , Clay county , now has a newspaper , the Loan Times , published by H. B. liousey. The B. & M. ha ? offered to put its depot at Fulls City uptown tf the citizens will pay for the right of way. Hov. Mr. Oloott of St. Edward fainted while In the pulpit nnd struck his bead on the organ , cutting a deep gash. George B. Bell of the York Observer has disposed of bis interest lu the same and Is now holding a position In tbo State Journal job rooms. Whllo hauling a corW s'hellor between Linwood - wood nnd Abie , tbo machlno foil ever on Frank Jollnek nnd Inflicted injuries which may provo fatol. Several timber rustlers who have been for aging on tbo Fort NYobrara military reser vation were hauled uptboforo the commander of tbo post and given & warning cot to repeat - peat tbo offonso. * , A call has been issued for an election at Norfolk to veto bonds'forS.10,000 in aid of the Yankton , Norfolk &rSouthwostorn ra'Iwuy ' , conditioned on the Completion of the road before January , iyj.1. A German Evangelfcal minister of Sutton is charged in a newspaper with expelling a member of his church because ho circulated German religious nowspanor , und the pas tor was agent for a rival shoot. The clocktOii the time jock of tbo safe of tha First National ' bank pf Harvard got out of order the other'day find the oflleors had to wait tweDtv-four hours before they could open tbo vault und got at their cash. A Chadron mun bouirht some dry ( roods boxes and was surprised to find in ono of them n number of homo made "ghost shirts" road v to receive the war paint. Chadron parties sola them at $ o apinco soon after the Indian war and the demand was so great a for runnini her es and told him if ho wouldn't co.tso his rashness ho must leave homo. The old man. didn't mean It , but the young man left just tbo samo. Ho is be lieved to have co mo to Omaha. Three accidents to B. & M. employes in ono day were reported from Plattsmouth. D. . Mlllikon , a brakotnan , whllo coupling oars cajgbthis hand and badly crusnud it. Am putation of some of the fingers was neces sary. Oswald Guthtnun , an employe at tbo round bouso , came t.oar being van ever on , the turntable. Ho jumpoU to the pit to save himself and broke his log just balow the unoe. Brakeman Lot ford of tha Lincoln branch fell from the top * of u car to a flat car loaded with iron and broke a log. Thcro nro 17(5 ( schoolhouses In Clayton county. Manilla has contributed a car load of corn the Kusslan sufferers , Atlantic has the largest Odd Follows loago In the state UOO mombors. O'Brien county has a contract by which poor are to roc'olvo medlcil attendance- .year for 3223. Iowa City's now citv directory will show a population of 3,031 for that city , an Increase 1,035 in sixteen months. Mrs. Katie Uavis , white , who killed Sam Blackstone , coloiod , of Dubuque , will bo tried in St. Paul this month. Irvm Ivorson was badly cut In n (3 run if on , which was the accompaniment ot a dune at Stanhope , Hamilton county. Twnnty dollars per aero has boon offered refused for wild pr.ilrlo land in Clay county , which ton years ago wai consldorod worth scarcely $3 per aero , C. F. McCready of Logan township , Cal- cial bout county , had a foot caught In the ma chinery of a hay press nnd so badly crushed amputation was necessary. The editor and proprietor of the McUrogor News has boon indicted for criminal libel , complaint | being Hied by H. C. Bishop , super ject intendent of schoolsfor that county. A Cedar Jlaplds woman entered a saloon where her husband , who Is a habitual drunk , had purchased , , liquor , and threatened immediate prosecution.unless ; sbo was given money , She got f25 , " 5 (1 A man named Majilp.n sued his son and daughter [ at Mount Pleasant for f. " > , uoo dam , alleging that ( boy were the cause of bis " numerous marital trdublos , and bud him ar Ho rested on false charge ? . ' The jury awarded Masden 1 cont. ' " Des Molnes boy'.pi.lft Is almost com ho pletely bald , and whqLlialr ho lias Is us gray that of a man of By' ' ; Ho has boon gradually writ corning to this condition1,1 for three years , and has been no pampalar disease to which can bo attributed.1 } The Sontlnol says a wiuiuryman called at somnoftho Lemur , ) hiitrber shops recently was almost offoiidmrbocauso the butcher * not sell him as< bldo. Ho thought > certainly killed-'dogs for tbo sausages bed bides to soll/yY / pots "Dick , " Colonel JL , Ifusb Lincoln's borao , und nil through the jjirir and was living In ' health at tbo' ago of 'M , until bo got plato up In a bat-bod wire fence at Amos the n day , and died of blood poisoning , Ho ered. burled \vth | honors. Adolpb and Johi ( liusp , brothers , had a drunken quarrel nt Mount Pleasant , and Adolph boat John no frightfully that it Is state bis lujurlei will prove fatal. In attempting - ing tempting to separate tbo quarreling brothers out MM , Tbqratraud was . considerably In the ably For ( toveral Sun Java a stranger has walked through the middle of tbo street , tbo entire of the town of Postvillo , silnglng gos hymns I and holding aloll Iho bible. It Brnm a novel slabt for so small n town ns log Postvillo. ItljHuld that ho recently came ut London , wberuho was en trailed in street ii..OOO temperance | and ovaiigutliUo work. Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing Kvrup for chil teething euro * wind colkdimrhajn , gram 25 cents a bottle. mat . Blnioytiosouud tru-o.u. UCK bldjr. finn by i HAMBURG BANK CLEANED OUT Eight Thousand Dollars Stolen by nn Iowa Bookkeeper. LEFT THE INSTITUTION WITHOUT FUNDS Ilo ritril thn Cnmblnntliiii < > Thnt HU Crlino ' ( 'onld Nut Ho l > Urmt < rcil Until Ilo Ilnil MII < | P oml Ills Kuril pc. HAMIIUHO , la , , Fob. 4. [ Special ToleRram to Tup. BKB.I Albert A. Borcbors , omplovod nttl Bank of Hnmbura ns bookkeeper , lib- scondcd with fS.OOO last night. The evening before ho borrowed n cun of E. H. Uillmnn , cashier , with notlco that ho was going hunt- _ | inc oariy in tbo morning. Ho left homo nt a o'clock this mornlug with the gutij saylnp that ho would enjoy n short hunt. When the bank was opened In the mornlntr the snfo was locked , and ns the combination had boon changed all efforts to open It were fruitless. The bookkeeper failed to show up , nnd a messenger was sent to his homo to inquire what had become of him. His wlfo claimed not to know anything about him , and It was finally found necessary to cot nn ox port to unlock tbo snfo. It was Hnnlly opened at about 10:30 : o'clock , nnd the bank oftlcmls were astounded to find thnt nil the cash had been removed from the vaults. The oUnbllshmont was absolutely without the necessary cash to carry on tbo day's business. J10.000 bad to bo borrowed trom an Omaha Institution before nny busi ness could be dono. One thousand dollars reward Is offered for his capture. Tha following is his description : Weight about 180 , llvo feet nine Inches lu height , gray eyes , full brown board , largo prominent upper front tooth , very proclso and pleasant talrfor ; talks as though ho bad catarrh. .Srhinlilfn l.lrrnso Hill. DBS MOISKS , la. , Fob. I. Among the bllU Introduced In tbo senate were the following : To regulate the establishment of section houses and amend the law rotating to rail way depots ; amending the law rotating to tbosalo of milk : appropriating WJ.OOO for tno penitentiary at Anamosa ; to regulate school elections. A communication from the attorney gen eral was received stating that further action In tbo Pulltmin car tax cases had boon de ferred till the Pennsylvania case bad been decided by the supreme court of the United States. The Schmidt license bill was reported fav orably nnd its consideration wbs fixed for next Thursday. Bill * were passed to rogulalo tha manner of the public aalo of lands and the senate ad journed till tomorrow. The house spent the otituo morning dis cussing the question of of the chairman. The Judiciary committee reported adversely on the resolution cutting off the Sunday pay for employes. If was decided that tbo minority report could not bo filed without the unanimous consent of the houso. Among the bills introduced were the fol lowing * To establish the ofllco of auditing commissioner ; to Increase tbo powers of the railway commissioners , and the Australian ballot bill. Adjouined. Tcrrori/eil by Toughs , CHCSTOV , la. , Feb. 4. [ Special Tolorram to Tun BKK. ] Burglars , gamblers , highway men and sneak thieves bavo taken possession ofCreston and the authorities seem powerless - loss to suppress them. Last evening the residence of G. D. Clark was entered by a burglar In the absence of the family and nverythingof value taken which could bo carried nway. Mrs. Clark was at a neigh bar's visiting and while absent her brother William Jones c/lled at the bouso and went in at the front door which bo found un locked. Ho discovered n man In tbo kitchen xvbom ho took for i friend of the family , and ho asked him where the folks were , receiving the reply , "Thov novo Just stepped out for a few mo ments. Won t you sit down and wait for thorn ! " Ho sat clown nnd talked with the follow a minute , when the latter stopped Into another loom and out tbo frontdoor. On Mrs. Clark's arrival a few mlnutos later it was found that tbo fellow bad taken every thing of value ho could carry. Hobbones occur every night nnd the cfty is actually terrorised. * IIHVU'S Coliiinhliiii Commission. DCS MoiNi'i , la. , Fob. 4. [ Special Tele to TUB BBF.J The Iowa Columbian commission today mot with the senate spe cial committee nn the World's fair and the Ideas of the commission on the question of appropriation were presented by ex-Governor Packard , Charles Asbton and others. It is said tha sentiments of these gentlemen in favor of a largo appropriation were very favorably received by the members of the committee. Thecom- mission will moot tomorrow with the senate and house special committees on World's fair and com mi fees on appropriations. The mooting will bo addressed by Hon. W. I. Buchanan , chief of the agricultural depart ment of the World's fair. I mm Siiiimnu | Court DcclilolU , DBS MUINKS , la , Fob. 4. [ Special Tele gram to Tni ; BKII. ] 'Iho following decisions u-oio filed In the supreme court today : Chris tiana Jones vs Sar.ih Campbell and otters , appellants , Crawford district , reversed ; C. Aultman & Co , appellants , vs Charles D , Goldsmith , Sau district , reversed ; Houbon Barton vs John Beno & Co. and others , ap pellants , Pottnwattninlo county. nOlmied ; Capital City State Bank vs Uoi Molnos Cot ton Mill Company , York Investment Com pany and J , F. and E. U. Mason , appellants , uOlrmed ; Richard Small vs ( icorga W.Wako- field , Judiro , cortiorarl affirmed ; J. E. Uor- gan nnd others , appellants , vs Christina Piolln nnd others , Chlckasaw county , of- firmed. IOHII .MuyoiH in M-HMliiii , DBS MOI.VBS , Ii. , Feb. 4 , [ Special Tele gram to TUB BHK.I The convo.itton of mayors and other officials today considered a number of bills and referred them to a spe committee of six for digesting and for presentation to tha logislutuio. Tim mooting passed a resolution favoring paid 11 ro depart ments to ha maintained byan-mlll lov'y : favoring the appointment of the boards of public works by tbo respectivemayors , sub to approval of the council , and tha pay ment of a regular salary to city treasurers , The afternoon was spent in a tour of the city. Stormy .lonlun in .lull OTTV.MWA , lu. , Fob. 4. "Stormy" Jordan's troubles have set In again and Iowa's famous saloonkeeper La once more In the county Jail. "Storaiy's" career has boon an unique one. bos been tried ever and ever again for lontompt Of court until thoru U moro than fW.OOO accumulated against him , all of which proposes to hoard out in jail until relief Is given him by tbo court * . A petition for a of habeas corpus has boon lllod before ( Judge Wilson of the United States district ' court. I thn Wrmiir 1'lnl'l. DPS MUINLS , la. , Fob. J. C. F , Duke , a prominent druggist of this city , Is dying In horrible agony tonight as a result of un unfor Cor tunate accident. Today las motbor bad two 011 tbo uitchon stove , one filled with lye the other wltb soup. She being near- sighted , accidentally filled bor son's soup from tbo wrong pot and bo swallowed eicry lit spoonful before tbo mistake was dlscor- . His suffering are terrible. Council IllnlU Will I'rnlml.lj- t It. DBS MOINIS : , la. , Fob. 4. Too democratic contra ! committed mot hero this morn , but udjoutT.od to U this afternoon with transacting any business. A citivass of members shows tne convention will prob g ° to Council Bluffs. li-iifrui-nt IIIIII > -H Iliirni'il. CIIIIAH 1UI'll > s , la. , Feb. 4. [ Special T'jlo- to Tun BBK.J Tbo Keys block , consist- of six or mivcii tenement bcuio-i , burned IIo'clock this ovoning. The loss 1s about ; partially insured. hiilrliltul liy llilliKlnK , CeiiAit KU-IIM. la. , Feb. I. [ Special Teli-- to TIIK Uue.J H. Alketi , n laboring at. Cloves , became deapondent owing to Bui Ilnanclal and domestic trouble aud suicided Kluu banging. A Written Guarantee to SYPHILIS CUKE EVERY CASE or MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro l permanent and not n patching tip. CMM trritlpil oren jf n m > hare nc rr eon rmplom lnro. lly il < > crlbliiuc o fully wo run trrnt ronbjr mill , mnl wpglrolho mo tronu guarantee In euro orrefund all money. Tbo ? wtn > prefer loromohiro for treatment ran ilo onn < l wo "III pay railroad faro tilth nnyfiml hotel l > tlh whllo li ro If wo full to euro \Vn ninllenio tlio WtirM for n ra q thnt our MIIO ( HKMKDV will not niro. Wrlto for particular * nnd HCttlincTlilenrj. In our oren yp rs' practice with llilt.MAOIC IIKMKIH" It hai boon ninU difficult to overcometho prejudice * nxnlnot sorallo.1 aprolfla lltitiimU'roiir tn > MR Kiiamnteo thoimndl nro tryltu J Itnnil beinvcuro ) , We Kiiitmntoo lo euro orrrfunt eterydollar , nnl a ito hire n rvputatlon to prwlajj nl'OlltmiKlnl lint-kin3of M n J It Is perfectly unfoto nil who will try the trontmont. Hor.Mofo-o you IIATO been putting tip nnl pa ln < out your money for ill Her cnt treatment ! , nn I ntthnnxti you nro not yet enrol no unct hat paid back yourtuoiiuy.Vo will no'lllvcly euro you , OM chronic , dpono\to I o > ni cure ! In 31 to iU ] tiny * . liiTMiluatoonr llnanclal stun lln , our reputation ni l > u lrn > * men. Wrlto tin for intnio * nml addresictof ttio wo Imro cured who IIKTO Klvon pvrmliMon to refer to then , It coin you only pent- niicto ilo thU. If your jrntmM : nro ere throat , mtieom pitcheIn in > uth , rhou nallum In bonoirtnd Joint'Imlr fnlllntt out , eruption on nny part of the body , ' foollniiof iieneralilopnmlon , pilm In hen ] or Donei. You li ro no tlnii to wa'lo. Thotn wlioora constantly taking luorcary an t pota h lioulddlici > rt' tlnuo It. ( 'orntmit uv ) of tlie'o ilruiit will unruly brlnit ore * nml eatliui nlevr < In the on I , Don't fall to Wrlto Alleorrwsponlonco aant sotlol In pHIn nnrolopiM. Welnvlto tliuiiuxt rlsl I Invo'tljtatton mid will do all In our power lo nl I you In It , A ldrr COOK REMEDJT CO. , - Oimki , Nobraa\a. MAGIC CURE W1OO for n ASO nf I.tHT or I'UMNII .MAN- limit ) , Oonii. or Nxnvotm nKiui.irv.vonk - ncssof > u Ivr .nlnil. the uuYrMnforroMOrux- eossotIn olcloryoniKtlmt woeiu > notcnri > . Wo utinr.inteo ' ovnry onso or ri'fiind every dollxr. I'lve days trial treatment 91 , full cinirxo * f > . I'crcoptlh'o hi'iipllts roullrod In three dnvs lly in ill. SDcnroly pu-Kod from observation. COOK KBMKHV Co , , OAKII v , Nin : LADIES ONLY IllOin rKMAI.K ItlXllJI.ATOlE , Safe nnd ITlHulU Certain to u day or mimoy rofiindcil. lly mull tl. Buotiraly sonlnl from olworvn- t'on. CliOK KKJIrill \ ' T . , Oniuhti. Noli. LEAVES A DELICATE AND LASTING ODOR. An Ideal Complexion Soap. snlohyftllUniBnnil Vnnry floods Dpnlom.nr If nnnble to procnro tlila AVondernil Soni > pond Slf cents in stamps nnd rcoolTO a cnko by return mull. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. n Dolls WnlU ( the pnpulnr Society Wnltilsont FICF.r. to nnyono sending U6 thrco wrappers uf Shnndon Hells Bonp. TiEONL ! CUREx5vs For Kerroai Prostration Norr. r NXy ou ancl I'hjrileal Deli III tjr. Vital Lxhaustlon , Inaomnla I'alnla Iho Hack. Cold Ilnndjorfe Uad Circulation , lljiioLtnei under tlin Iviesrilnplci nnilnll nther > orrnuN to the UloodOlsouBcalucllti FAHKII or > ex. TlitT mak clirck. Bur- nowheallhThlooil .jrcra from reitore tlio Nc 1'ornnitempnt ' OU9 } J8I | - uf the Nrrvofl , and b r I n K Jinpuro niooil or the reseat , Vnei Frrom. hotild Ilnsh or n t once t nkb DILIIOlin'B ' health ii- Tonic1'llln , lb lf Ilcn * rr. COrejlts A vial. Fur fulo bv Driic- cl ! * or ctit lir mall. SAFE , CERTAIN , SPEEDY.CO. CO. , "OAK FltANCIMCOorGIIICAGU. ro SAU : iOMAHA. . NKU. , nv Kuun & Co , Co r IMh Dousl.ii ) hW. J A Tuller & Co , Cor. 14th , t Mondial SU. A. D. roster & Co . Council lllulK la. " 14 YEARS BsijCcreltytwo Cettlei of DR. MILES RESTORATIVE NERVINE , " I Says A. P. Stork I'onn Van , N. V , " 10 yrs.ofSlok Headache cured tiy TWO nettles , " Kmellno FI Int , Ottawa , Ohlu. Nor vine la the quick remedy for Sleeplessness * , Nervous Prostration , Bpllepsy , St. VltiiB Banco , Opium Habit , Nervous Dyepnpela , Ilyntorlo , Conriilslous , Nenralgln , I'aralyals , utc. TliouKatidH tostlfy. Trial Ilottlo , elegant Iloolc Free ut drugglata. Jlllod Alodlcal Co. Kllilmrt , Ind. Forsalo by ICnhii & Co. , 1.1th and Douglas ' AMUSEMENTS. > 0 New OMAHA'S OT heater , t'AVOKITi : Seventeenth and llnrney i THItniC N1UIITS , UOMMKNUINd I'KllltU- AHV 4 , MATINii : : BATUUDAV. FrelerickP TheSTRUG8LEofLFE ! Saturday ' ovonlni ; , by Hpcolal reiu ( > st. Mr I'nuldlng will pioscnt Tobln's matchless comedy In four nuts , "THE HONEYMOON. " Coinlni ? r.iinclilna festival , "U nnd I , " .Sun day and Monday , I'rlcoi us usual. FARNAM STREET THEATER. livery Night'lhis Week. TUG MIDNIGHT AURH. U. a Situ r Jay. U 1'iuons - Itveil ) ni ) Hoi IIIV lk SAM T. JACK'S Hon'lnlnK ' "itl'iy ' nn 'MPO ' Creole Burlesque Co. Vjh. 7 , Mai n > rs . it'td und Thuji ry Cn HAM ? HUNrfi JM > DltKI ) - " EDEN JIUSEP. , lltli nnd Kariiam Sti IVualt O > > uiii3iolnf Mo a day , Iri'ii. 1. L'AMPHITJIITE , the Angsl of the Air. arTi'luui Illutlon li not preientad on a l tlmio. bulon a brilliantly ll < litei | tufa with conery Iiolittcil In npnce , > lia tluata In illrt'ctlon tliroiiKti tliu nlr , L'larle < Trluii , MrinluiinrlItU llr , Wulle' . H. lie > Co. PloldliiK'i Vaudavlllu tstarii. Aduilaalon I dime. Open , 1 to 10 p. to dally. KitT.tui.isurn Max Meyer & Bro. Co. , SCIENTIFIC AM ) OPTIGIRN8 OJK J'AUNAH AM ) SIXTEENTH 8TH. lit ( luld Hiccluln or KIU < 1U > from 13 up. TO Bleol bpfCtactloj or Kyu ( IUis > [ turn II up. Kyo 'JVuled Kroo t > y HkllloJ Optlclaui. " " flLI.KD Striking * Features * Of the Omaha Sunday Tlio Issue us usiinl will bj full of s. In this prospectus nro mentioned onlyafowlomllii" ; nrtlclos. Hut you will tfot u pretty fair iden fiom It of the oxtrnnrdinitry inorlt of Till ! SUNDAY Mark Twain s Letter. H onii'l m it do nincli difference what Murli Twtiln urltrs iilKiut , the snbjoot li nlwnjsv \ \ treated by him. This Is t" poiliilly ! trno of his ilo-i'rlptlon of "An Anstrliui Health Factory. " which THE Iii ! : will prlnt.SiindiiyIllustrated ( ) . 77ic Intcnontiinntal Railway. rranK (1. ( Carpenter's letter In TUB SUNDAY llri ; tolls u fasclnntlng slory of tbo work Ainerlcnnon-'lneois aio doIng - Ing In the mountains of Centr.il nnd South Aniurlcn. Mere nru ROIIIII of tlio siilihondsnf his letter : Nearly a Thou sand lilies of Unknown Country 1'.v- plnrod The Troubles cif the ; Hnrvoyors In I'ciitulor and How They Work on the I'lutoaii of tlio Andps Survuyor yiiiinU Doserlbes the Terrible Climate Ills Kvporiciicos In Colombia Tlio Won- ilrrful Iti'snurcos of the Country and FdiiH'thliiit Abuut the Mineral Regions Aloii ) ; th Iilni * The Itallro.ul A mom ! the Clouds Laid nut by tlin hi-contl I'.trty How the Iron HorsoAVIUTr.it a * Ton orTnultu Tlioiimnrl I'eut AlHivo the Pea SomuthliiK About thnUnllrotJ ystoins of o ltll America , Whom tin ) Intcrcontliioiitnl Line Wilt Go and tliu I Countries It Will Open up What Our , Navnl Olllcers Are Dolnu InOiiiitoiimlii and Snmutliln ? nsto the Cmitral Ainerl- oiin Konto ThoStirvuv to bo Completed In a i'ear and , t llnlf. IVakcman's Letter. The more aiinoiiiicoinont nf another I i lottnr from iVukeiiuin about his tnivola < j In Alornocn U Milllclent , The value o1 h's contrlhutlons Is \\ell Iniown. , Fred Nyc on Chicago. jMont cnrrospandcnls In troiitln : n ( Clik'.ii--o Dalian - iMirmliui-liueil plotiiM of her greatness and buiuty. 1'iod Nyc In his lettei to TIIK SUMIAV llr.K turns sui'h plctiirus tnthouall a few minutes whllo ho writes tif Iho bcROltliiK ovll.s of tin- LTD at inunlclpiillty. Vou will road ft , oCcoiuso. 'Imong Local Afnsiciaus. The success nf TIIK lliu'o mnslnal news cnliiiiin has heen iinpruoeduntcd. tVovt Huniliiy this dlstlnclKuly nous fu.itmo will present everything worth knowliif ; ahotit Inc.niuslclana ! und ovoiits. No words will bo wasted on Idiotic hpeunl'itlnn us to what tumid become of the people were there no music. Tills dot ) 11 incut deals with llvo subjects. It Is bused on IIUWH. Tlie Social World. As usual thlsdupartiiiontwlllcontaln nil tin * now'J. Aftorall , that's aliout nil you oxnout from It. The Rcporlorial Hopper. .fust as Hiiro AN you nlolc up a copy of TIIK HU.NDAV HIK : you ivlll bnvo spread before you u record ( if thu li.ips nnd mishaps of u lujy. pushing city. ( No 'Afy First Hundred. " Mon who huvo iiiiiilu fortunes from siniill lie liinliiKfl In llfo never foriiol the worlc nnd diuiial nocoss.iry In thn auoiiniiiliitliiii uf tlio llr t tlOa. Surno of Oniiihii'ssoir-iiindco ipltulbits will toll InTliK SII.SIIAV MIIK lioiv tliuy iot tlnilr start lii-.tliu world. Seed Growing in Nebraska. Under tlio bunding of homo Inilus- tilcsHpauIal iittontlou will bnunllod lo tlio growlm ; of socds In Niibrask.i und thn iMcat < lovulo | > inmit of lliobiiHlnoss , Hliowlnt ! Hint this Ktuto Is r.ipldly coin- lug Into the f nml rank us n Kuoil iir- ilucor. Hpoclnl tittontlon will hoc.nlod to the noccsslly of pHtrnnl/lug the Kiowlni ; IndiiHtrNia of Nubriisku , THE SUNDAY BEE. NEBRASKA National Bank. S. DEPOSITORY. . . . OMAHA , NE3 Capital $10DUM Surplus < tt-)0 ( ! ) Oniconnad Illrocton-Ilonry W. Vatot , prmldant : U Cuihlnx , vlcjiroil-iH. | | ( ( X H Maiirlca Vf. V. . , ( , niluer. John M. Colllin , J. N. U , Tut rick. | XT | S , TJ-lia IRON BANK , Corner 12th and Farnam Bti. PER ! CENT INTERESTPAIDONDEPOSITS i HAVIN&S BANK BECOR.IBi'J&DDUGLASBTB , CAPITALS : IOO.OOO.OO DlflECTORH.'A UWVMAN-C.W.NASH . IHKHtARO-CUy.CBARTON-G.B. L AKE. JJ-BrtOVVN-THOS-LKIMBALL. - . , " MOTHERS LESSEES DIMINISHES pm DANGER TTUFE' 0ooK"uni mi// "AnrfELD