Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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    HTVrAITA T.A1T.V 11 PI ? k
Ifellttrrd by Cnrrlcr to nny pnrtof tlio City
1I I.I.I ' HONES J Hu 'rH'M ' . Office No 41
} NBI | | | , (1or | ( No „ ,
N , Y. Plumbing Col
Council HlulTs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans. 204 Sapp bloc ! ' .
Some sneak thief stele n bundle of morning
papers from In front of Oell Morgan's drug
Uorc yesterday.
The lathes' of tbo Broadway Methodist
Episcopal church will hold an apron sale on
TnursuaVt March ill.
"Tho wood homo that tno Onvll used to
llvo In" and the "glass man" will bo al the
Balvatlon nrmv tonight. All nro invited.
George N. Willlnmi and Ornco U. lily ,
both of Hnrel Dell township , were married
f cstorday afternoon by Justice Swoaringon ,
Two cases of diphtheria bavo been re
ported , ono at 70.1 Sixth uvoniio nnd tbo other
t the corner of 1'lcrro nnd Thnma streets.
The Insurance on the boat bouso that was
burned at Mat < awa nlcht before last
Vfmountc'J to 8750 , which will cover the cntlro
The ropular conclave of Ivanhoo com-
mandory No. 17 , ICnlghts Templar , this
Thursday ovrnlng. All sir knights requested
to bo present.
A inoalt thief entered the residence of Hov ,
T. McK. Stewart on Fletcher avenue Into
Tuesday night nnd made away \\lth an over
coat nnu plush.
The case of Fnnnio L. Patterson against
tlio Uinaha and Council HlulTs liilclpo coin *
pony has been spcclallv assigned tor trial
February 111 , in the district court.
Calantho assembly , Pythian Sisterhood ,
cave one of Its enjoyable parties last evening
in tbo Knight * of Pythlns hall on Pearl
street. A large number weto present.
The Indies society of the Kountro Memor
ial Lutheran church of Om.itm uill visit the
Ladles' Aid society of St. John's English
Lutheran church of this citv tomorrow alter-
" * noon ut the residence of. Mrs. O. W. Snyder ,
LI 113 East Pierce .street.
In the district court yesterday the case of
E. J. Day against the Union Depot company
was practically bottled by the tiling of a
stipulation by tbo parlies that a Judgment
shall bo rendered In behalf of the plaintiff for
f . ' .ID.'t.On at the August term.
Tbo Catholic Mutual lionullt association
gave a concert lust evonlne In Hughes hall ,
which was well attended. An excellent , pro
gram of musical selections was rendered by
well Known homo talent , uftcr which dancing
was indulgciLjn until a late hour.
Judge McCJco heard testimony yesterday
lit the superior court in behalf of a motion
for a now trial In the case of Hodman and
Slodcntopf against Partridge , in which tbo
ownership ol some Iowa land on tbo west
side of the Missouri Is at stake , and the
question of irrndual accretions Is involved.
Helen Louise , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.
M. Burfker , died yestcrdavafloinoon at 13:10
o'clock at the family residence , 810 Third
avou uo , aged 0 years , of starlet fever. She
bad been 111 for several weeks. The remains
will bo taken to Walnut Hill cemetery this
morning at 10 o'clnc.K for interment , services
v being held ut tbo grave.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Fifth Ave-
_ 'uuo Methodist church w'll ' clvo a New Eng
land supper In tno church parlors on Thurs
day evening , between tha hours of 0 and S
o'clock. Following this a Jubilee service
will bo held , and addresses will bo mudo by
Hov. T. McIC Stewart , Hov. H. H. Barton ,
Rev. E. M. Flommlng , Hov. W. S. Hooker ,
and others.
The police court reports concerning the
Bowen case seem to have been somewhat ex
aggerated so far as Mrs. Pollard's actions
were concerned. She was naturally Indig
nant at having her charga against Bowen
dismissed so abruptly , but aha did not Indulge -
dulgo In any abuslro language or allow her
wrath to bo oxpresscd in such a manner as
to cause her removal from the room.
A horse ran away on Lower Broadway
night bofori * last and dumped a couple of
young men who were riding In the buggy
onto the bard pavement , breaking the arm of
one of them aud bruising them both badly.
The young men hurried off to Omaha without
stopping to glvo their names , and have not
been back slnro to get tbolr ripwhich Is now
in "Sandypolnt" Adams' barn
, on tbo corner
of Fifteenth street ana Broadway , awaiting
an owner. _
Jnrvls 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best.
The Boston Store , Council BlulTa , In. ,
, closes every evening nt 0 p. in. , unless
. / Mondays nnd Saturdays. Mondays 9 p.
- * * m. , Saturdays 10 p. in. Fothoringlwm i ,
White-law & Co. , Council BlulTs. In ,
} ' * ' ) Money to lonn. Lowest rates. John-
* f ston & Van Patten , Everett block.
Roller , the tailor , 810 Broadway , 1ms
nil the latest styles and now winter
goods. Satisfaction guaranteed.
t. I'.lli.lUK 11'llS.
Hon. Smith McPhorsou of Hod Oak Is in
the city. nn
Miss Or a Piper has loft for bor homo In
Chcnoa , 111.
A llttlo son ofV. . W. Hilger is ill with
scarlet fever.
Miss Matlo Thurbcr of Crcston is in the
city , a guest of Mrs. J. B. Atkins.
H. H. Bioomor , a prominent merchant of
York , Nob. , was in the city yesterday.
Kva and Lcln Sbordoman are confined to
their homo , 1010 Third avenue , with scarlet
Miss Mary Oliver loaves tomorrow for
Denver , where she will visit friends for a
few days.
B. S. Jo solyn , formerly a member of the
police force in this city , is visiting hero for
a few days. Ha is now located In Vermont ,
Jacob Ncumary loft last evening for St.
Louis , having locclved a telegram announc.
ing the serious Illness of his brother at that
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sapn , Jr. . have re
turned to their homo on Oakland avenue ,
after stopping at the roslaonco of W. W.
Lee in I for several weeks.
W. S. Ellis , woo has been connected with :
the Keva Bros , buggy factory for the past
year and a half as bookkeeper and cashier ,
Las accepted a position with tbo First Na
tional bank of Hod Oak , and loaves for that
pluco tomorrow.
Hov. T. McIC. Stewart loft last ovomng for
Now York to attend a meeting of the book
committed of the Methodist church , bo being
a member. Ho will bo absent two Sundays ,
on the Jlrst of whlcti his pulpit hero will s.JO
occupied by Hov. Mr. Shank , odltor of tbo
.Nebraska Christian Advocate. TlioSunaav
following , February U , Bishop Newman will
preach. _
Wo have our own vhuyards In Caltfor
nla. Jarvls Wino company , Co. BlutTs
Two apprentice nurses wanted at the
, , W. C. A. hospital , corner Oth street und
Oth avetnio _
Dru. Woodburydontl8tBnoxttoGrand
hotel ; line work a specially. Tola 145.
AVIII llrlurn the Coiiiplliiirnt ,
A meeting of young ir.en was held lost
evening at the residence of Harry Nusou on
Hetiton street to make arrangements for ona
return party for the young ladles who
gave the leap year party in the
Hoyal Arcanum ball. It ivas decided to
have a party on Friday evening , February
20 , in the Hoj al Arcanum hull , and tha fol
lowing were appointed to look alter tbo pro-
llmiuarlos : President , O , J , Martin ; secre
tary , Ashby F. Nesl ; treasurer , Harry
Davis ; Mark Smith , Will Murphy , Julius
L jingo , Ed , Ci-aimull , Ed. McCrary , usM
Hmlth , Harry Nason nnd Holla Hobliisou.
Hot fur the Murill ( Jrnsl
At Now Orleans. ! Ono faro , $ , ' 11.-15 , for
round trip. Tickets on sale Fob. 22 to
28 , For parllculars call on O. M. n ,
ticket agent K. C. , St. J. & C. B.
Vocal .Music ,
Prof. T. W. Davis , toucher of volco
nnd note reading. Lossop private.
Call or address at Grand . , Council
Owners of tbo Driving Park Will Endeavor
to Get it Into Use.
\Vllilt an Intcrmlcd I'nrlj Itns til Suy Con-
crriilng Ilu > fiillnroVlilrli UK * Turk
Hits llrrrtoforo Sfoirtl ntul n
ItniiMly Tlii'rrfor.
The secretory of the Driving Pork associa
tion Is corresponding with a number of prom
inent horiomon throughout the country wltb
a vlaw to Inducing them to locate boio nnd
lake the management of the driving park.
Among these on the string Is Wllflnms , the
owner of the famous kite ibaped trark at
Independence , la , , anil the terms of tbo
proposition which has bcon mode him
are that ho take the entire control
of tbo park for what ho can make out of it ,
rio rent being charged , and all the proceeds
to go to him. It bos already boon decided to
hold two meetings thirl lit : the coming sum
mer , and it Is hoped that by the tlmo it Is
necessary to begin making the nrraneomonts
something dcllnlta will bo learned from him.
' The park has been a financial failure for
Iho past year or two. " sold a gentleman yos-
teniny , who is connected with the Driving
Park association , "by reason of mismanage
ment. There is no reason In the world why
It should not be made to piy well , situated
M It is between two cities wltb an aggregate
potmlutlon ot 175,000. The main difficulty
\viis that every ono went in frpo and the goto
receipts were consequently cut down
enormously , nearly all the stockholders
of the park being also stockholders In the
motor company and well contented to take
their shaio of the profits of the motor line at
tlio oxpeiiso of tliObO who on tied the stock In
the association. I think that oven these who
do not own slock in the motor company will
be willing to let Williams or any ( other first
class man take hold of iho park free of rent ,
although the proposition that has bcon made
him will not bilng us In a cent of revenue. "
Dr. F. T Soybci-t has removed Jo tlio
Grand hotnl. Telephone 35.
Leading drugstore and news standln vis.
ruinous Will Cimr.
The public Interest has been amused some
what In un Interesting case which has bcon
pending for some lime in the supreme court
of Iowa , and in which tbo will of Baxter
Whiting , who died in March. 1880 , was the
subject of controversy. Attorney General
John Y. Stone was notllied about six months
ago of the facts of the case , which were
about as follows : Whiting died leaving a
largo amount of his property to various
public Institutions. Among oilier bont-
llcmrios were the "Orphans Asylum" and
the "Old Ladles' Homo. " There were no
Institutions in tbo state bearing these names ,
and the relatives of tbcdoad man accordingly
divided the money up among them. Five
years after the death of Whiting the author
ities of the Soldier * Orphans Home and
Home for Indigent Children at La\er.port )
ooaan a suit to collect the money which they
claimed was coming to them according to the
provisions of the will. A demurrer was liled ,
claiming that the will was void for uncer
tainty , nnd yesterday news was received et
thoolllco of the attorney general that the
court had overruled the demutror , thus
leaving a good prospect for the state institu
tion receiving the bequest after all.
Walnut block and Wjoining coal ,
fresh mined , received dnilj Thatcher ,
Ki Main.
Kvims" Mine Mori1 Closed.
For the remainder of this week Evans'
shoo store will bo closed between the
hours of 112 and 1 o'clock each. This is
necessary for the purpose of giving the
clerks n chance to cot their dinners and
straighten up the store ,
Itopmt lor the Year.
The secretary of the Young Men's Chris
tian association has had several hundred
copies of a small pauipnlot printed , giving a
resume of the work of the association for the
past year , and is circulating them about the
citv in the hope of Increasing public Interest
in tbo association. It contains the list of
ofllccrs and directors , financial reports and
an outline of the principal attractions. The
receipts In tbo past year trom memberships
and subscriptions have been f--Ol.ti'.l and tiio
disbursements JJ.20G.1U , of which iho princi ;
pal items were $ ( Kt3 for salary for the general
secretary and N541 for rent. There are still
liabilities to the amount of 91)30.71 ) and cash
and olodgos on band to the amount of $ ' 2fll(13. ! (
which leaves a sbortngo of JOIO 08. Fifty-
two gospel meetings have been held during
the year , with an average ottondancs of
48 1-3 ; twonty-threo railroad men's mooting
with an avorosro attendance of 1" 1-3 ; six
meetings during the week of prayer with an
average attendance of 183 : and the dally
attnndanco at the rooms has been IK ) . Hoy's
classes in gymnasium work aio now held at
7 p. m. on Monday , Tuesday and Friday , ann
at J p.m. Saturday. Young men's climes
at S p. m. on each of the sumo days.
Swunson Music Co. , Masonic toraplo.
E. II. Sheafo has eastern money on
hand for real estate loans.
Clmrli's round Dead.
At a late hour Tuesday night news was re
ceived In this city of the death of Charles
Sarr , who has been a resident of the cast end
of the county for many years. Ho went to
Gionwood on Tuesday on a matter of busi
ness and started to return to bis
homo In Silver City , Mills county.
Nothing more was soon of him , and
on Wednesday a party of men wont to
look for him , fearing that some accident had
befallen him. Ho was at length found lying
in Pony Creole with his nock broken , bis
wagon having evidently fullon over the side
of the bridge and precipitated him to tha
ground bolow. The deceased was 80 years of
ago and loft a wlfo and ono son. Tbo ro-
malni were taken to bis homo and tbofcnro-
oner of Mills county was uotllloJ , An in
quest was held yesterday. The funeral wil
occur this morning at 10 o'rlouk from 111
residence , and lorvlcos will bo hold In th
Plumer settlement church at noon.
The only reliable treatment known for
diphtheria is Dr. .TelTcrls' treatment.
For sale by Do Haven , Davis and
Boardsloy , .
Jarvlswlld blackberry U the host.
Altarhcilfor Attonu'j'H IVm.
A suit was commented in the district court
late Tuesday evening bv L. W. Koss to
rolled (500 attorney fees from tbo plaintiffs
m iho case of Gcorgo E. Gage and other's
against the Klmbull & Champ Invoitmon
company and others. Mr. Iloss was ono of
the first attorneys employed in tbo suit when
it was cpmmoucod to have tbo assignment o
the investment company set asido. After
tbo ' preliminary papers bad been /Ilee
he dropped out of tha case , and in resented u
bill of | 500 for the services ho bi ad already
rendered , that being the amount , so bo
alleges that had been agreed upon between
bin ) and Mr. Uago. who represented the cust
om stockholder * of Ibo companv. The bll
was never paid , and now a suit is commenced
to collect It , A writ of attachment was
Issue 1 on the ground of tbo nouro ldenc ol
tbo defendants , and tbo annex to the Gram
hotel was levied upon , together wltb a num
bor of cosh cUlmb that Uueo baa in tbo city
A , .O V.V. .
The grand lodge ot Iowa of the Ancieu
Order of Uultod Workmou will meat In
Council Hluff * next week , commencing on
Tuesday , the Uth , and holding over thre
day * . There are nlxty-two lodgot of tb
order In Iowa , and delegates are eipectoi
from each our. Tbo meetings will bo held ii
tbo Uoyal Arcanum ball , and tbo headquar
tors o ( tbo delegates will be at-tho Urani
nd Ogden hotels. Tbo convention wil
probably cloio on Thursday night with a
lau < juoU
Twenty Thousand Dollars worth of Shoes will be sold for less than it cost to make them. Not
damaged at all. Not a shoe in the' house damaged. There was no fire or water in the room where the
goods were. These goods are all new and clean and of the very best makes , and they will be. sold at
Drices never before offered to the people of Council Bluffs or Omaha.
. Laird's French kid hand turned shoes Ladies' cloth top hand turned Oxfords made , in silk vesting lop , bright don- All $4 shoos for $150. chance to buy
goods thnn
good cheaper
.hat Morse of Onmlm sells for $8 , for reduced . . .
$3.60 to $1.50.
gola tip , cloth top , Bulchor and all Ail .
$4./50. / ' ciu $3 shoos for $2. you over can ngain.
Ladies' kid top hand turned Oxfords , styles , all sixes and widths , the All $2 shoos .
Curtis ' same for $1. IT IS A WELL KNOWN
Wheeler's hand turned $5 redm-ed . .
$3 to $1.25. shoos that would
coat $8 and $9 In
. . you AND UHMUMHEH That Evans has
hoe for $3.50. Ladies'kid hand always handled nothing
turned , . .
top Oxfords
, for $5.50. These
Curtis & Wheeler's hand turned $ i.50 ) reduced from $2.50 to 81. the latest styles and poods are That these goods are all new , cluan and ing but llrst-cla s goods , nnd you can
shoe lor $2.50. And all Oxfords and slippers at even the best manufacturers perfectly in the made United by the very best make * ; . save ono-half Iho cost of those goods by1
Key ] n old'a Bros. $3 shoos for $2. less than half price. States . IT WILL PAY YOU buying them now.
All $2.50 shoos for $1.50. MEN'S SHOES. . . NO FAKE , BUT BUT A FACT.
All $ .5.50 shoos for $1. to examine thcso goods and of
get some
All $2 shoes for $1. Those goods will all bo sold in fo\r
a \
I will sell the best leather shoo .
patent All $5 bhoos for $3.59. the biriains. ; Don't overlook this days. Don't let this cluuico osctipo you.
At a recent mooting of the Dixon
( County Farmers' institute , Senator II.
J. Shutmvay rend the following paper on
Does Farming Pay : "
In the fall ot 1880 wo purchased 240
icres of land , of which 160 was improved
mil for which wo paid $10 per aero , or
13,840. In 1887 wo broke 40 acres more ,
[ nitting 150 acres In corn , wheat and oats
ind 40 acre1" in llax , leaving 50 ncrob for
lasturo and hay. That year wo paid for
cuttle , horses , ftoirs. farm machinery ,
etc. , $3,811.76. But before January wo
ind sold from the farm $2,121.U ! ! , in produce -
duce and live stock and grain , leaving
is after deducting all cost ot labor , taxes ,
ind 10 per cent Uiierost on all money
invested in land und chattels , a clear
jirolltof $957.58 , oraolear profitof almost
? 4 per act o , after deducting oxpciibcsund
In 1888 wo rented part of the land. It
was a mistnko.Vo" would have done
nuch better to have hired the labor and
'armed It oui'selvos. That year's in
voice only fallowed , after deducting ex-
Dense and 10 per cent interest , a clear
iirolit of $318 , out that left us , nfvor 10
> er cent interest , $1.30 per acre clear
In 188 ! ) wo sold ono 160-acro farm at an
idvanco of $000 , and added to our farm a
iialf boction at $20 per aero , so wo
farmed that year 400 acres. On ac
count of the great drop in prices of
live stock , light crops and low prices ,
1889 was probably the hardest year
northeast Nebraska farmers have had
since grasshopper times. It was a hard
voiir fo" us , also , for when we invoiced
wo lacked $220.50 of clearing 10 per
cent. But as wo farmed 400 acres it
snly lacked 55 cents per acre of clear
ing ten per cent. , or in other words , it
paid expenses , 10 nor cent interest on
all money invested in chattels , and 7J
per cent on farm lands.
In 1890 wo sold another 80 acres on
which wo made $480 , and loft us only
the half section to farm. The big prices
for this year's crops made this an ex
ceptionally good year , for when the
balances were cast it left us 8950 as clear ,
prollts , or $3 per acre besides 10 nor cent
Tlio year 1891 was goneraUy a good
year , but wo lost considerable money on
horses , so the invoices only showed a
clear profit of $400 , or $1.2. * ) per aero , be
sides 10 per cont.
This fall wo could have sold out-our
half section of land for $80 per aero. If
\vo had done so and stopped farming the
result would have boon as follows :
Clear profits , after paying all ex
penses , labor , taxes , and 10 per
cent InteroM on money invested
in land and chattels $2,405 03
Made by advance of land 4,280 00
Clear profits at Waltefleld ? 0,055 08
At Coleridge Everett has farmed
bOO acres for tbroo years , which
now show a clear prollt of 4,500 00
Totolproflt * 11.1B5 OS
So our linn is over $11,000 bolter off
thnli it would have boon had wo never
engaged in farming , while if wo had
charged farm land with 8 per cent in
terest instead of 10 per cent our invoice
would have shown over $1,000 moro
And when wo hear people complain
that they cannot make a living on a
farm wo fool that there must bo a screw
loose somewhere. Wo have farmed tea
a great disadvantage ; for my tiino has
been so occupied with my business that
I could not give iho farms the at
tention that they deserved : and there
are many farmers In this country wnoso
profits in comparison with the money
invested would make our profits appear
very insignificant. Wo can boo
in every direction farmers who came
hero only a few years ago with but llttlo
moans and now have nice houses , line
farms , largo herds , no debts except
these they can easily pay. and are
worth from $10,000 to $16,000.
Guided by our own experience , in an-
swoiinglho important question , "Does
farming pay'j" ' I would say most em-
plmtlciilly , it does ; and thai I fully bo
liovo il pays bettor than mercanlilo
business. Is proven by the fact that in
Iho last few years I have Hold out my in
terest in business atVinside , Concord
and Coleiidgo , and as fast as I could got
the money have invested it in landh , this
fall having bought 210 acres moro for
a pnrmanonl investment. I want my
boys to bo farmers , and good land
in this part of the state will Boon bo
hard to got at any price , and as fast as 1
got money iiho id I expect to invest it in
lands. I believe that farm land is a
bettor investment than umk : shares ,
railroad stock or even government
bonds. I have great faith in northeast
Nebraska , tor with the exception of
Arizona und Now Mexico I have visited
every state ana territory west of the
MUnltsippl river to find good , ohonp
farmland , and believe that today northeast -
east Nebraska oilers advantages un
equalled by any section in the western
half of the United States ,
And in conclusion 1 would bay that '
farming pays well , and the success of 05
per cent of our farmers proves that it
pays. And I believe that the future
prosperity of the farmer depends in u
great measure upon having a wUo pro-
toctlvo policy. But if our manufactor
ies are crippled , BO the masses of the
cities book the farms , the over-produc
tion would make farm produoa u drug
on the market , Our manufactories
should bo stimulated und increased until
the American cities moro than consume
the products of the American farms.
Then wo would have a homo market in
dependent of foreign countries. Then
the price of farm products would bo
increased not only by what it now costs
to ship products abroad , but also by
what it would cost other countries to
ship produce hero to compete with our
farmers. And if the protective policy
is wisely used , I believe there will como
to American farmers an era of pros
perity that has never been equalled by
any class of people in the history of the
Mr. Frederick Pauldlng , who was well
known in Omaba previous to-his stage career ,
_ and who was last seen bora almost two years
ago as leading man In tbo Jefforson-Florcnto
company , will open an engagement of three
nlgnu and Saturday matinee tonight at
Uoyd's now theater. On Thursday nnd
Friday evenings and SaturdaV matinee Mr.
Prmldlng arm his nblo company will prosoni
an elaborate and costly ' production of ace
co mody drama , typical of Now York City
experience , called "Tho Struggle of l ifo. "
On Saturday evening , Djr special request ,
Mr. Pauldlng will anpoar 'In ' To bin's un
rivaled comedy , "The Honeymoon. " The
following Is a brief description of the won
derful scenic features of ' < The Struggle of
Llio:1' '
Mpt of letters remaining uncjjlo-l for Inthopoit-
onico for Hie week ending February 4 , 1392.
Note Partial cnlllnn for Uioio letters will ploiue
gny"Ad7ertlod , " giving lha data itttho hovl of the
llBtaucl luqulro for sumo at tlio ladlsV delivery win
ToavolJ ralstukos hvro your mall oclJrosaed to
jour meet and number.
Abbott C Auce W R Anderson A-3
Aiiclurnon J Anderson mr Anderson H V
Anclt'ison J J Archer W S Arnold inr
ABllefurU G Atklna J U
narrows n W Unrlon IT IladerW
llnrbcr ( K llauchttmn C M llnrbcr OII
Hurnaril S I ) llcom K lleUvlcT
Ucalty I , w llennett C llerry C
Hllnkhorn WT llk'IIO It Ilosonmn mr
Iluwlca II llokcrt. lloliimler J O
Ilownmii W G Drown N W Ilruce II
llrooki I ) W Ilrnnen W Duller 1C '
Uurkmanll Illicit U U
CftrnenJ Z CnmpbeU J Cnllalmn O
CainiGr.1 Cnvnnaiiuti 1 * Llmmbcrs M A
CIIITortJ.M Cllnu J b Cluyton W It
Cuomba II W Cover H Covoll It A
CochranuT CooperO Crntnlmw rev J 0
Triune ' W Crul'heiul 0 Culfk J
( 'uinmlng ! W Curllu O W Curtis Til
Cujtur J
Dalton 11 Dalian 1 DBT F K
DflVlH I ) II Perln J Dawllt J
DennUton A DcMcnlly M C Dlxon AT
IllhclmeldorM Dohcrty J Dorfman A W
Downey C Doulin ) mr Doran K
Dost N II
UuVnl 11 Dunns II D
Dwyer J l
KniiGrH Kalon B Kby W B
Ku'iumciir B Klllson AO-J
KnrrcllCW Fanoyor F Ferguson. ! II
I Utier II C
HU AllunJ J Key Al Foster I >
Krall W I1 rands J C Francis T
OOBO O W Garner F II fielger CA
licrnoy J A 1)E. I ) ( k'lst H
( ijodhlll S I ) ( ionloa A
firuntJ Urubam mr and uirs J
Uulnolle Wli
Hnyos K M Hawks (3 Harlow i : L
llnlfen K II Hart I , IlaskliiH I , M
Hurt I , IlanklnsJ L Hcrcun J
Herlov K A livnry J O IleljerJ U
llollilcli J IllKKlns W G
lllniNO K HIM It Hooke A J
llowlDHAW IlulinO HoweOS
llornady 1. 1) Hoyte K UoOmanG
Jellcrco J Jcnksw .Irnscn W
JoliiuonO Jolineon J J < ilm > on WJ
Jort'uiibcn U Jolnoi 111 , Jones J
Kaplan ii 0 KoiilTu I * Kerr U W
KerrT Keller I ) U Kl slck J L
Klmbnll V KlnuJ J KoolilcrU
Krebbs H Kuru IS Knai > ii 12
Lamb T 3 i.amran 0 if Lane A K
l.Hiirlu A O Lawrence N
l.pKrpxa A
Llndqiilst U
I.IIUB I.lKhtfoot A L Llnxur W
l.llidatrum C J LofullJ L Lyoni a
M. < "
5latli on A Slansfleld V f ' Mason WN
MuUa 11 Meadows W I' UJ Meyer F A
Morolno J II Miller M K i , . Monroe J
Mtinruu II K MoorlicailJ , , ' MnrlonJII
Morrlaon 1 * looro W II * J ' ' ' Morrow 1
JdnrplijT J Murphy J M
MeClenfn U McDonnell J McDonald K
Mciriitor ! ! ' MiOruKor V > < " -Mciulro ( A 11
.MclntoBli W '
" 'l
Nelll W J W NoadliamM1 " 'Nye ' W O
O. "i
Oclii II Olson A. u a 'Olds A
Owens O
' ' " '
Parish CII rurtonJ ' ' ' ' ' "I'allurson J
I'ullurittm J C I'urklui L'c.ircy K M
I'crrr K11 I'elttnilll U , , rellurron V
I'ettL'reon J IMielpsd " I'ullllps H
I'luuu V 1'rusa K Ic fl'llcu AM
Q. Jl
QiilloyV M Quick J A ot
n. ft
Itntlkln J Ituscli II Ilernolds W L
lllnx.lll IllcbmondOU
Iloss W fl Uoebftk W llotfcrs J O
llutU W H
Pcrwersri Hctnmri M
Htbmltt 0 BcliuumkurW Abchull H U
Hellfvr G Hliepnartl U U bblulds J
hhalur A K Hniltli u Uopvr W T
buuthall VM ( Jirurl < HpuuldlnaT
htout.1 Htuurt A Blubt U
rilt'H'n ou G W iiuiurners W Hulllrnu J T
brabck A bwau K U
Tprutisb IIC Ti > | > on 1C Thorpe 0 II
'lliunil Turnrjiil.t o Tutrnur K
Van Ness J K Van Duiln J II Van Dergeo W
Vunbum C A
WauiiU A K Well.J Wadswortb M
Webb C a Wendell N. Whitman A
UIIIIMJM Wllllniiu K B Williams G U
Ullson 1' WooUmn 1 (
' V.
I'orgtr K
Adalr iur § U V Aadcrl inriM
WANTKD 1'oMtlon by flrat-clnss ( Inistflstfl
rculMprcd liy examination In lown ; Is
peed all iiroiinil bund mun. Address W n , lao )
ollluc. Council III lids.
TTHHt EXOHANOn-Good lloiirliiK mill to cx-
JL1 rliunco for Council Illuir-i iiruuuitv or
Rood Nobraokn lnnd. Tor mrllculurs cull on
Johnston k Vivn I'uttcn , Council HhilTs.
FOIt RENT Furnished room ; steam houtj
J7 per month. Address I KM ) , city.
TTIOU KHNT-Nlcoly furnished house , 7
-L1 rooms. Btoum heat , water , all modern Im
provements. EX H. Shcufo , over Ofllcor &
FAHMS I'OH SALE 137 acres near this city.
> erv cln'-ip. Also 123 acres In lloomcr
township. Will tra.lo . for house and lot. W.
A. Wood A. Oo.
FOK HALE Counters nnd vuult door In the
building recently occupied by the Coun
cil HlulTs SuvJnxa bunlt. Ufllcur & 1'usey ,
Council HlulTs.
COUNCIL IHjUrfS money on bund for
lomsV. . A. Wood .V Co. . 5JO Mulu.
" 171OK KEN'i' 7-room house , with bath loom ,
JL ? corner 1th uvo. and Dili sU lnqulrouoxt
IOKKRK the following choice barg.iln * In
fruit und vegetable lands : 57 acres bU rods
north of the Chuutamum RiounUs. eastern
blope , line sprlns mill line aurliiR-brook , lund
very rich nnd well adnutud to fruit.
12J acres on Grand nrninio. Uno orchard ,
windmill und fine grove ; situated on Mynstor
proposed motor line , ono nnd onc-lulf miles
from Council HliilTs postofllcc.
0 acres of very choice plowed lund on Grand
avonua , > 'i miles from uostolllco.
110 acres UVS miles from city limits ; Rood
house , barn and outbuildings : tine orcharj ; u
KrcutbarRuIn at &UUO. Easy terms.
V8 acrcn. choice fi ult farm , 0 acres In black-
berrlen , UOJyoune frnt | tree * . ! ) , OUUgrape vlnt
House , barn nnd outniilldln.'s A very choice
bargain. 10 acres ndlolnlngclty IImlts > ,2-story
house , good bum. orchard , grapes and small
fruits. W. C. Stacy , Uoorn t. Opera House
block. Council lilufTs. la.
JWA.NT to buv stock of groceries or boots
nnd shoes ; will pay part cash and p irt by
a u room house und lot in Omaha. U .8 Deo.
Council Hludi.
T71AHM8 , garden lands , bonsai , lots unU
-I ? business blocks for a-Uo or rent. Day &
Hess , L9 1'eurl sUuot. Council Illulfs.
I ) n finch A IlurnettM Itnrtnm mrs J
Hncon nirs K Union N llcttsmrn A
Ilcrhhcnil K B llcncon 1C llcnnett K
Ilcntler I ) lililillo C lllomqiiltit C
Hoyden mrs KM llurdln mra A Ilurchurd mro M
Hurt mm U B llrncu mm C F llruso I )
Drown 1 > ! I llrlttcn mrsO 11
CarlBonll . Carlson A Carney in TH A
Campbell C Campbell mrs J Cato mm < !
Chirk mrs 1C I ) Clark nirs A Collupr N i
Cousuns.M Cox U Connan M
Culver mr a J
Davis mre A K Dai Is A Day K I *
Dickinson mr I. Drrfroo inrs M I. Donahues A
II Dolan mri M Doulcy mm II
Drltcoll K Du Hums .M
Kdmondion mra Kkols Madaim Ekbarif M
AJ uru U Krti 1 *
Krlkesun K
Heoclmrdz K Klnod A KlynnM
Kux i"if 112 Korrnt .1 Kr.inkunborK mrs
Flick J.ll Fry uirs S
( lOtuchor mrn Ji niovor 1 Goodlctte mra
( juodwln mra H ( Jrnud 11-2 N
Urlllln 1)
Hastings A Hawkins I. Hanson ii
Hall 1. llelttsotz mraM Ilumlorsou F
HelmirM llerlueiuouH uirslluuhc : ! O
Hunter 113 W II Iluu-lios iiira J T-2
. ; .
Jeitcllmra Jennings C3 Johnson M
Julminn A Jordan mm J Johnson A
J u Men 11
Kennedy A Kutlor mri L
l.amlls I. I.arsen A Lett IS
Lonory nirs K I.onnun I
I.oomli mra K A l.utlier luriJ l.ncui A
Lyons mri
Mntoii mm A May II Mnlor mm 1C
Mack M Maimti nirs M Mulrey U
Mend mra C W Mayers inr II Mu.tkln K
Minor M Jllller nirn H illllurH
Miller mm C Miller M Miller I )
Mitchell mm M .Mlmniur inrnU Moritau mri H
Marten mm N .Mooro nirn H A MooruiunJM
Moore mm Ij II Murry mri M Mnllmiiti M
McDonald mri K McOnlro IS Mrlliuli mrs M IS
McKeoTCuM Mcl'Uikoy mrs C MuNclly niri V
NoljoiiiursC Nelson 0 NonlonmriX
NclnHuiiL'vr niri Noilrand nirs VO
Oakley J O'JIrlon M Olson iun
1'aler 11-2 I'onion II I'ctcmon mra M
I'eleraen U I'lersun T 1'ond nira U
Hreae K I ) Itobuiunc ] mrs A llodliiK 1C
Hock mrs li t Iloblnnon A M Uowley mm M
llotkfordA HOBU wrs J M Hyiin mra K 0
Bamuelaon B Buari" J Bclilank D
BcliulcnburK L He ilni 8 Kvrlio mrt M
Hent-er A Hliauu ran Sharp inriC IS
hhlulds K-2 Blicrwood M blocum 11
hmlley mm Ij Kwetliuin mnUISbnnvur 11mrilj
Biilicr uir N Hpekcr I ) Squire
HtlllaJ Wtlnd O HtVrr A
btarr Dr JO Btevona mm II buketa mrs U
Hulllvun M Brcnion I
Tliornlonoira V Tuouipson mmJOTIerca mra
Travln K-1
Vautilian II Varn.'r mra II K
Waaterman mm U'atfon M It Watson M
I , Walker A Wadtnortu mm
Wurrcn K Wells mra H B
WtMumer mra W Welsh U Wcnuerslen A
White mra K Wllion uira M A WllUon mra M K
Williams 0 Williams IS Williams mr < J
Wllllaius mm K
y.ucktctiiucrlli mm U-2
I'J Antonlnl U Btaquo
J Kollcr
uibcru..seoii8. .
KlDKManufaclurlnK Co , Xatlonnl ClolblnvCo. ,
Kcciicy Cntlle Co. . blunilanl l.lfo X Accldcui ln < ur-
unco I'u , hlmplelnh Co lire Co. , Union I'ortroll Co.
2. Manavt-r Mutual' Hen Aauoclatlou of I'lilladel-
iilila. llnmliiK Assoclollun , Lri < lmu Asylum of bt
\larr , Krvbbs & Co , Ii K. llrouidit \ Co , C. B
Ulril i Co. . J , W Wlniter & Co. . Welch i Co . B. I.
Wclih&Cu. J. Ixiwls & Co , K , W Itoiiem A Co. ,
I. yon i. Hosburtib , l.yon & Iloyd. Utidcn \ Kosa ,
Welsh & Illnsbaw. Woodard & TcaU. llouck A.
jroai.Cumuilni.'a A Hendorf , Hamniuo & Mellon-
nhl. lUeiior & Iloyd , Carlvr & ilarklvy , 11 1017 K.
loth at.
T. B CLAUKBOX , poilmailer.
A Rare Opportunity !
After 10 years ole e confinement , I am compelled through thoalvicoo
Physicians to change my business , as my health is irrnduiilly giving
away. Knowing and believing that it will only bo a short period when
I will bo unable to shoulder the responsibilities of an indoor occupa
tion I otter my entire
Stock , Fixtures and Goodwill for Sale /
Having been established for 10 years and the only ART STORE In a
city of 35,000 people , tins is ono chance of a life time. To any seeking
a nice , clean and prolitable business should inveatigato this
Opportunity Immediately.
This is strictly sincere and I moan , Just what I sav. From this date
on for tno NEXT 30 DAYS , all goods Mich as Framed Pictures , Etch
ings , Engravings , Cabinet Frames , Bamboo and Oak Easels , iVc. , will
bo sold at
$300.00 worth of Studies AT LESS THAN COST. 100 Assorted Pic
tures given away for the price of the frame.
20 Per Cent Dicoitnt
On all Frames made to order. Now is the Time to BUY CHEAP
FRAMES. For further particulars , call or address ,
Onmhu I Depol lOtti and .Misonits Omiti i
4 SO m . . . .
p .Chlcnxo Vcitlbulo H IK ) u m
V&C n m . . . . ( iica o KTprcss C 41 a in
9 20 p in . . . .Chicago hxpress. . . . . . . . . l , DO p m
CM 11 in , Chlraio A. Iowa Local 8.1S a m
leaves | IlUHllN < ) Ht.v MO. ItlVKIt I ArrUes
Omaha. | DC put 10th aim Maaon his | Ouiahii.
Leaves I ic. c. , sr j &c. u. I Arrives
Onnilia. I Depot lUlli nnd Mason SU Omaha
V.'M a ml . . .Kansas City Day Kxiintsa . . .I A.Vi p m
J 45 p in | K. C. Nlitht Hup via U. I' . Tram | II 4J a in
l.vo p nil Denver Limited I .Ml ) p m
705 p m | Denver Impress I'.JU a in
Lcayes ICllICAtiO , MIL & til' , rAUl7fA"rrlTO
Onialml U. I' , depot onrt .Mitrcy hts | ( Jmiilu
d 20 p m . ChlcRKO Kxprcss
1 oil | i in . Chliimo ixire : | 3 | 5 15 p m
Leaves SIOUX CITV i 1'ACII IT. Arrives
Uninlia Depot , lUlli Him Mnrcy hu. Omaha
a nil HKinxUly I'licHeniicr HI VIP in
i.ii p in | 8U 1'anl Hxpreas lUUOu in
Loaves I HIOUX CITV A PACIFIC. ( Arrives
Omalial Depot. I Mil anil Welister sts. I Onmlm
615 p nil SI. I'nnl Llmltuil | ! ) .25 n in
Leaves IClIlCAIiOX MmTIlWL'Sl'KHNIArrlves
OnialiaU. | I' cleiiol. lUlli and Marcy Ht | Onnliii
caves I OMAHA \ ST. LOOIH. ( Arrives
Unialmq. | 1' . depot. IQlli anil .Marey Sin.Oinulia |
111) ) p m | HI. Louis Cannon Hull. . . | 12.'l' > p m
Leaves I C. , bT , I' . . M. & O. lArrlves
Omaha Depol. IBtli and WclislcrSls I Onialin
Leaves I K. C. , SI' . JOK It. C. II. I Arrives
Transfer ) Union Depot. Council Illuffs. iTranstor
1000 u ml , . . . Kanuii City Day Kxprms . | ijjpln :
II ) 14 p m.Kanim | fllv Milht Klpresi. . Mil u m
leaves luillCAOll. IIUIIL'N i
T ransferl Union llopol , Cmim II Illnlls I'lruinfer
'U M it in I . . . . , Chicago Kxpress . . . , | 510 p in
IUUU p in . . . . ClilcaKO K i prom , , , . . iitt n rn
TU5 | > ni | Cri'slon Local I 7 15 a m
oil All A .V HI' LOUIS , Arrives
Tisnifof | Union Dopol. Coiiiicll llluITi Transfer
ltd 'ita\ \ Ht. I.ouln Canon'llall . . . . Uli ! p m
Leaves I SIOUX cmr "iiAClriX l/TrHves"
Traniferl Union Di-pol. Council HlniTs iTranster
7,15 u in1 bloux ( liy Aicoinmoriutlun | I(1UO ( p m
6'iQpini . . . . .Ut. Paul Kxprss | 11.40 u ui
Le Duo's Periodical Pills.
The I'rencli remedy acts dlructly upon tha
icneriit I ve organs aiul cures stippresilon of the
menses. ( Jor llirou for 15 , and UHII hn nmllocL
rlhouldnolheiibeddurln pretnAiior. Jobber
druggists and the publlo tuppllod by Uuodmaa
lrus ) Co. , Umaha
L'HAIIICA'lOU'-i urusnll ( lutoasot Ucciuio Itkllli
tlic inlcrobo ornsrui I'ut retailed In fMUait
Ii sius , Iliu latter 1 ualloni. Bent anywliora pre
paid on receipt of price or C. O I ) . Weluui * aiEuar.
anleu tu cure Tlin puLllo tr.nlo and jobbers sup.
iilltxl by tbo Kins er DruK diuipnnr , ( Jm lm ; ( I A ,
Mtlclior , Howard Meyerand K I' . Hajkcira , Houili
On.nlin ; A. I ) . Kuster anil II. J , iili | , Council Illurfs
I'lso's Ueuiody ( or Lacarrn it die
licit , ISulost to Vto , uuil Cliiuptot.
Bold br druKEliU or sent by mall.
We. K. T. Jluelllne , Wureo , I't.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Now , modern , woll-iipDointutl , thor
oughly woll-kopt , $3 u day.
E. F. CLARK , Prop.t
Of Council Bluffs.
7 AU STOCK . $ 150,03)
Umr.CTrws I. A. Miller , F. O. filoison. II I *
Slniirnrt , K. K. U irt , J. IX E Jiniimlsmi. Oliarlai
It. HunnatL Trans.iot Kunural b inking Ijiul-
noss. Lar auU surjUn of iitiy D nt
14 N. Mnln , Council Bluffs.
Sims & Sauntfcrs'ri
federal courK Koam * > , t uud 3
Uciioblouk , Couiiell limits. Ix
Chas. Lunkley ,
Fiincnil Director anil Uutlcrliikcr.
311 Broadwny. Council HlulTH.
. Telephone. Z'J'J.
I'rnjioHiilH lor III" In | " > ll of I'miilx ul tliv
City ot Onmlm ,
Jly direction < if the oily council scaled bldn f
will lies roculMMl ul UIK | ollluo up lo : i o'clock
p. m. , I'obruury . Ibir ' , for llio liest ruto of In- I I
turunt for tlio USD of ftintm iiitiiiiiuJnu to Ilia F
city of Oninlia fur tlio
perlrd uf out ) your. In
eoniplliiiHO with heullun W tif C'liurlor fur
Metropolitan OH it's , which ro.iiih HH follows !
hoctlunliU All fundaof llio cllv hliull ,
tbuhtinie 11 ecrun. liu by tbo city triMnurei' ua
pluviid on ilfiiiHil In gucti bunks wllliln nuld
olty , un sluilf iiuroo or nlTur to pity HIP iieit
rnlciof Inlurusl for tbu line uf Hiieli funds
tlcpiisltcd , nnd Ilinuitv eoiinull IH liuruby ill- HU
it'CUiil to advcrlUu for bld > for tliti ( lopiislt , of -
such fiiiuls ui Is berubv vonleniiilHliid , Hiicli
biinUi nliull ntiy to Iliu city tro.muniniiiontbly
Interest on tlio dully bnliinro In tnuli \ L
tlvu ; for Iliu current niontb , und Hueli In- I *
lerost iiinneyHslull bit reported liy the t rem
it oto llio elly uotinellunil roinntrollor und
bevovureil Into the fund of ( lioclty.
riuvitlcd. llio bjnkur bunks fogeleuled nfiul
Kl o bontls to Die elly to bo umirotrtl hy the ;
city council , for t'io b ifo kceplnu'tif HUM de
posits In double tbo iiiiioiini , of money ul
ouu l mo In ; h i r | IO H ji slon uny
1'iovldcd , nisei. Hint no tluposll slmll utunt
time bu iiiinlu In uny btinU IIUVIIIK less tliun
two linnilrcil tlions.tnd i,1Xo ) 0) ) dollurs pulil
up ciipltul htoek , und no tluposlt bliull bu ninilB
In unv bunlc Inext-eas of forty-live iriiperceul
of Us puld up eitpltul block. "
A ctrllllnl cliufli In tbusuin of twotliotiBuiid
lfJ.iKiOUjdolluiHwlll ) liu requited from lililduru
n H u KiKir.intei ) of food fultll , Also un utlltiuvU
of puld up uuplt.tlstock.
'llio rlulitlsrmiirVL'iI by llio elly council to
reject uny or nil bltU , vl'llio : OI , ) iN : ,
Notlco It liuroiiy irlvcn that the rcetilar
uiirinul mooting of Iho locl.holili < iH of lha
boullil'lattoLaml company lllbuliuld ul Iho
otllie of bald coiup my , In Lincoln , Noli.on the
first Wetlnuiday In Marchloirbeing ; llio second
duy of iho month.
liy order of llio Hoard of Directors.
It. U. 1'mi.t.ii'tf , Eocrit..ry.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Fob. 2 , low. i < "j duut if