THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 5 , 1802. SWINGING STONE AND BROOM Brawny Caledonians Engaged at St. Paul „ . in a Great International Bonspial. * WORK DID BY THE RINKS YESTERDAY National Amorlnllon of TrottliiR Homo Ilrrnlor * Drrlilr * In < Mn ilr < i tlin Purer Hi-null * of the Home Huron Vcsler- liny Other Sport * . ST. P\ru Minn. , Fob. l.-In the nntlona' ' bonsplol today the third draw In the chal- lonRO contest was cotnplotod. Games m the Jobber * union contoit wa also roMimoil. Tom HnitliiRs or Mlnnonpolli and A. J. Craig of V&rao. who wcro In the ! lwt draw IMI nlnht but did not play , had tholr ( jarae this morning. Three of the rlnlis matched In the second draw for this contest also played on their Ramos. The St. Paul cur ling club contest , will bo finished tonight , and It is also probable that the second drawn In the Jobbers union compatlllon will bo completed. With ttioio event * ever , playing for oltnor Oovornor Morrlam's medal or for tlio Men : consolation prize will commonco. This morning the games were as follows : S. a. Hataiono , Winnipeg. S8 , VRV. . W Iortmor , bt. Paul , 18 ; John Wilson , i'ortaRO. 15 , vs Alex McCullocti , St. Paul. 1U : Murk Fortune , Winnipeg M , vs John AtoCulloch , St. Paul , 15 ; F. Patton , Winnipeg , 20 , vs U M McKon/lo , Winnipeg , 1 ! ) . The Johbors union trophy : Tom Hastings , Minneapolis , 20 , va A. J. Craig , Karpo , 8 ; It. It. Hnrvny. St. I'aul , 23 , vs Alton Hrown , St. Paul , IK ) ; O. W. Hobcrlson , Milwaukee , 21 vs Dr. McDonald , Brnmlon , f > ; Hurry Hunton , Dulutn , 17 , vs J. II. Hill , Chicago , T. The result In the third draw in the challenge cup contest leaves two Winnipeg nud two St. Paul ranks In the Ilirht. This afternoon the garco between HartHlono and Alexander McCuIloch and V. L. Putton against John McCuIloch will bo played. The winners of these events will play oil tonight for the llrst and secona prl/es. The winner or the St. Paul challenge tankurd will bo decided - cidod by a single gatno to bo played tomorrow , the contest hating been narrowed down to two teams today. Mill Attracts Ititrroit. Ciiicioo , 111. , Fob. 4. The Berry combina tion sale of trotting .stock , now on the third day , continues to draw big crowds and de velops lively bidding. Sixty head sold toduy for $32,100. Among the best of which were Duukstono , 4-year-old by Buckeye Wllkes , to S. H.ltickart , East Brldgowator , Pu. , t,000 ; Hugh Gav , 4-your-old bv On ward. to .1. V. SulTans , Palmyra , Mo. , $ lt , 3 ; Kosallo , the well known Chicago pacer , rec ord la:4IJ/ : , for * 70 : ! to E. C. Clark of Eau Claire , WIs. ; Bacon , 7-year-old , paclnc , iccord 2:2.1 , to F. J. Uorry , Chicago , $1,001) ) ; Erma P , 2:2.'i : > i , by Director , to J. O. Smith , Chicago , $1,573 ; Creole , -l-yoar-old by On ward , J. P. McCullough , Cadar Falls , la. , 1025 ; Hope , H-year-oId by Onward , E. C. Clark , Eau Claire , S'JOO ; Miss Guy , 4-yoar- old by Uuy Wllkos , Budd Doblo , Chicago , . Thus far ISt head have boon sold for a total of fib , -1(55. ( The sate will bo continued Friday and Saturday. Kctilltft lit Nmv OrleiuiM. NEW OHLKA.XS , La. , Feb. 4. Results to day : First men , flvu ( urloncs :'unote won , Billy second , Lady Moore thrld. Tlmo : l:0i : bocond nice , soiling. "vu furlongs : Annie Moore won , LeluB second , toplilu Iluray third Tlmo : 1:0.1. Third race , milling , six and one-half fnr- lonus ; Oiiylord won. American kidy second , Yankee Hey third. Time : 1:10 , Fourth race , one mill" Wiiron Lulnnd won. Hunnybrook second. Marie li thlrJ. Thau : < ! olng ate o , N. J. , Fob. 4. The track was in good condition today. First nice , flvo furlongs : ' Ivanlioe won , Marty II second , Jay F. Dee third. Time : IMNH * . . , Second fiibo , o'no pillu ; Anophono won , Nar- txmtio second ; Unuil to tlilrd. " Tlmo : lvi. Third jjco. Mix liirloius : A/ruol won. I'rodl- giilaurond , Hob Artliur third , Tlmo : l-J'/i : ' , Fourth r.tco , flvo fiirloiiKs : Riinuocus won , Kleurotte second , I ! us 11 DuUe third. Time : HOI. , Fifth race , mile nnd n. furlontc Sir George won , Jjndrlppo Hocond. Elovo tlilrd. No time , bixtli , seven furlongs : Hill Hnrnes won. Longnrldu souond , C'orlnno third. Tltiio : * Will Ontraolrn the Vneer. Nnw YoaK , Feb. 4. At a liiootlng of the oxecutlvt ) commlttuo of the National Associ ation of Trotting Horse Brooders , hold today at the Fifth avenue hotel , It was unanimously decided to establish a now stud booic for the .registration of high class trotters exclusively , This movement to the sequel to the recent action of the American Register company ol Catcago in admitting pacers to the rostistoi on an equality with trotters. The sentlmcul among eastern breeders Is almost a unit against ttio admission of the pacer to the trotting standard. Headquarters will be located in Now Yoric with G. C. Guo , now ol Dosmolnes , la , , as recording secretary. Kulo : governing the making of records and ad mission to the stud book were adopted. AimtliiT riRlit 1'ulU. SAN FIUXCISCO , Gal. , Fob. 4. The Smith ICoogh tight , which was to bavo taken pluci at the California AtUlotlc club on tboOtl lust. , has been declared off , as Keogh Is ill Frank Keller of Michigan will meet Smitt ana has been .allowed n week in which tc t rain for the match , ItrnnltH ut ( ilmi GiotiCESTRii , N. J. , Fob. 4. Woathei cloudy. "Track heavy. I'lrst race , six and one-quarter furlongs , Kolllng : Wnnnoror II ( tlio fnvorltc ) won Illtio Oriibi Hociuid , Edgar Johnson third Time : 1-T4. : Second rme , thrfO-iiinrtursof | a mllis , soil- IIIR. : i-yvar-o : < U : KZuudou ( thu favorite ) non JBTHOV si'cond. Helali third. Tlmo : ! ; > . Tlilid rucu , onu milo. soiling : Drown Uharlk ( the fuvorltc ) won , Khlls second. Uortleell third. Time : IIM fourth rave , sovcn-ulKhths of n in Ho. Immli. cup : Cm teen won. Hells inns ( thu fuvorltc Horond , I'liiiy third , Tlinu : IWK. : : 1 Ifth ruec , tire-eighths of a mile , soiling I'cnrunuo won , Censor Itlio fnvorlle ) second , I'llerltii thlid. Time : ItUT . Hlxtli r.ieo , thtrluoii-Hl\tei > iitlis of u mile a : KdwurU F won , SUM I ) ( the fuvorltu il , Oarncalo third , Time : laiJ : ! , Tlljf ofVui - at ri-iuixnit. FIIKMO.NT , Nob. , Fob. 4. [ Special to Tin DEI ; . | Jack Prlnco of Omaha is managing i tug of war contest In Fremont this week The series will close Saturday night pud 01 Monday night the winning team of the Fro inoiit louinamont will pull the olmmplot Swede team of Omaha. On that occasion i special train will be run from Omaha to tbli city to bring up the friends of the Swedes. The Fremont contests uow stand as fol lows : Irulnnd from Autorlua . , . Denmark from Kngliinu . . . . „ , . , „ „ Hwodcn from ( luriiiuny . . . America from Germany . Denmark from Iromncl , , , . , . hwiuUmfrom Knxlund . Tips for TuUuy. Following are the horses whom the know Ing ones pin their faith to for the race mentioned. 1. i'atrlok . i Karly Iii n t'rub Older. 8. Jny F. I > et > Ohjootlon , 4. . 0 , Maud P. Illly-l'orty. ' 0 , LoiiKstrldo Joe Courtney , QLOUUKHTKU. 1 , llrown Cbarloy PrlneoCharuilnf. 2 , MorrljlmniVcxMlUury , a Crispin Juck Murray. 4 , Jiiokatrtfr-Eblls. 6 , HawUcye Uod Kim. & Duluuduut Austrul , Will Attenil the Dedication , I'liaiDBU-uu. Pa. , Fob. 4. Mr. Uoorg W. Child * will attend the dedication corn monies of "The Chllds.Drexnl Homo fo Union Prlutora" at Colorado Springs , Cole , 1 oa May It , the anulvonary of bU blrtt Thl * will Do Mr. Childs' tint visit to the U we t. 1'ruiul , LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Feb. 4. A moetlnnof th dupoiltors and stockholders of the Masonl Savings ban it , which assigned lust August , hold n meeting last night. They claim ttiat the affairs of thd bank nro not being so man aged as to not them the largest returns on the assets , nnd may nsk that n receiver bo appointed in place of the assignee. They tmmoJ a committee to look after tnelr Inter- osos. Ugly charges nro nfloal and develop ments of fraud , It is claimed , will bo mado. c'if i'tt.VA/i.s inn It Will runstriu-lfil on the I'lmi of tlin Oiniiliu I'lniit , CnnTBNNiVyo. . , Fob. 4. [ Special to THE HKK.J At a mass meeting hold In the opera house hero this evening the .sale of eighty ocros of city land at the uovornmont prlco per ncro to complete the bonus for the smelter plant was unanimously endorsed and will bo formally approved nt the city council meeting to bo held tomorrow even ing. The bonus which the city nnd citizens Kivo foots t.'OO.uOO , about ono-Ilfth in money and the halanco In real cstnto nt Its present market valuo. ThU proposi tion was received from Hen Ulanchard , buck of whom Is n syndicate of eastern capitalists , The proposition was to construct hero n smelter on the plan of the Grant smelter In Omaha , the plant to cost ( ,10,000 nnd employ not loss than 450 men ten months in tno year. The specifications for the machinery hnvo boon received hero together with the plans of the buildings , The latter will cover nine acroj of ground.and according to the plans will nctualiy cost over f)00OJO und employ over tlOO men. Under the terms of the nsreoment the work is to'bo commenced In ninety days after the signing of tlio contract nt wtiluh time the bonus , which Is in the meantime to bo kept In escrow , will bo turned ever , bonds to the amount of $ : ! 00OOJ bolna givun as security. The town is overjoyed tonight becnuso of the successful termination of this scheme upon which several others wore contingent , among which nro an iron blast furuaco and reduction works. Last fall n line body of Iron ore was discovered forty miles nortn of hero on the Choycno & Northern and de velopment work Is now being vigorously , pushed. It Is oxpoolcd that the force at the Union Pacific shops will bo doubled In the spring , nnd the Burlington , which has been given a free right of wnv , will bo ox'.endcd north from hoio to Alliance , and thus bring north ern Wyoming into direct communication with [ Jhoyeno. Negotiations are about completed for the sale of u body of DO.OOO acres of irrigated lands olghtv miles north of hero. About M,000,0K ( ) will bo expended In making the lurcliaso and in constructing a flour null , jloctrlc plant , bout sutrar factories and such iko enterprises. It is now evident that 3hoveno will be one of the most prosperous towns In the entlruwest for several years to come. AMUSEMIMTS. What K blessed relief It U to turn from tbo lurid vlco and hysterical virtue , from the ob trusive paint nnd rasping rant of the average melodrama to the intellectual delights bf 'Tho Struggle of Life" ns produced by Mr. Frederick Paoldlngl The Omaha engage ment began nt the Boyd last night , and the production was- notable for both dramatic mil scenic merit , The play Is an- old one , but it carries a moral , which is developed In an action of sustained Interest and abounding in strong climaclo situations. Mr. Pauldlng has tonoci down the melodramatic exaggeration and dressed the play with mountings that are gams of their kind. It is a bit odd that an actor who has achieved Mr. Pauldlng's distinction in tragic roles should turn to melodrama , but tno puu- lie with whom ho has bucn u favorite in the legitimate may console itself with the information that by this excursion Into the heroics of common life ho Is merely pluming his wings for higher illghts into tragedy. Mr. Pauldlng brings to a rather common- Dlaco role the arts of a consummate actor , the expressive play of a moailo f ace and the magnetic qualities of a vibrant , resonant volco tout is as clear as a bell und responsive to the lightest snndj of emotion. His char acterization is u finished piece of acting worthyta star of the first magnitude. Mr. Pauldlng Is supported by an excellent company and ntdod by realistic scenery. The action ot ° the play is placed in Now York. The second act shows a view of the bay from Battery park on a winter night , and it IB ah exquisite piece of sconia work. The third act gives a view of the exterior of St. Patrick's cathedral on Fifth avenue , togcthor wita a Vanderbilt residence and the Lung- ham hotel. The fourth act has another beau tiful scone and uses a double stage. It copies a section of the East river , showing the ship ping at a dock , and the mouth of a great city sewer , through which tbo hero escapes from a don of thieves. 1IAVI : NO FAITH JN T1IK HKCKI VElt. Crodltorxof the United htiltm Rolling Stock Company Uiiruriy. Cmcvno , 111. , Feb. 4. Henry Crawford , attorney for Orvls Bros. & Co. and other creditors of the United States Rolling Stock company , filed in the United Stales circuit court toduy a statement sworn to by himself alleging substantially that Receiver tlego- wlsch has surrendered a portion of his ro < coivorshlp and that ether creditors are net ting in on the ground floor aud securing judg. m'cuts Dy unfair means. It is alleged that Mr , Hogewisch , has surrendered that part ol the company's plant at Urbaun to VV. C. Lane , who is his ullogcd succoisor , and that Mr. Hogewisch has. or IB about to surrcudoi to Lane , the Now York ofllco und all the as sets of the company there. This Crawford claims Is In detmnco of the orders of the court hero. Ho says that L < aublin | and others of certain creditors will , uulcss re strained by the court * secure collusive litlgu tlon In ether cities , whereby judgments will bo confessed ib their favor uud u largo per tiou of the DSftota withdrawn from the pos session of the court. WITH A It.lXOJt. Cowardly Work of un Italian Itriitn In Kan 1'runclncu. SiN FIUNOISCO , Cal , , Fob. 4 , Antonio Lollu , a Sicilian who arrived hero from Now Orleans several months ago , and who Is said to bo a member of the Maila , made a savage attack with a razor this afternoon on Mrs , Hosa Campauna , tbo wlfo of n fruit dealer who had Lollu's brother arrastod for assault. Lolla throw the woman to the ground and Indicted a doup gash , encircling the throat , narrowly missing the 'ugular. Ho then slashed the woman on the loft side of the skull , euitlnc away u largo part of the flash. The woinnn seized tbo razor and had her fingers partly ovorod Lollu was arrostod. Will Uepiirt Monday. NBW YOIIK , Fob , 4. The board of trustees of the Now York Life insurance committee mot this afternoon to receive the report o : the special committee- the 'report of tb ( state superintendent as to the affairs of the company. Inasmuch as this special commit tee was not ready to report , the board adjourned journod until next Monday. A member ol tbo special committee aald after the meotinc that ho thought the report would be read ) by Monday. Itnv. Mr , Sptiri ; 'oii's llciimln * . MBNTOVE , Fob. 4 , The services over the remains of Itev. Mr. Spurgeon took place ii Scotch churoh hero today , after whiob tin body was taken to London for Interment Great crowds of people were present. Do Witt's Llttie Early miors ; the only pill to cure sick headache aud regulate bowels. A very small pill , but. a verv good oao. Oo Witt's llltlo Early Ulier * . Most complexion powdon have a vulgar Klaro , but Pozzonl' * Is a' true bcautittor whOio effects are lasting. No gripping , no uausea , no pain when Da- Witt's Little Early KUora ire taken. Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. DoWltl't Little Early itisors. Best llttla pill ever made. Cure conitlnatloq every time. Nona equal. U a thorn now. Gesulor's Msglo Headache Wafer cures i headaches/ / SO minute * . At all druggUti. OverlSO.OOO Howe soaloi nave bosa sol Bad the demand increasing oonUuuuily. 13 o ' dou&Sellock Co. Chicago , III. Vun Houteu' * Coooii'urg , soluolo econ omlcuu tV * snc'N ) cnmox.l \DIIV c7\\vhfi Allflll blAMJA Jacques St , Oora Writes Scathingly Con cerning the Effect of the Disclosures. CRITICISING THE NEW FRENCH TARIFF Kt-.MIiiMrr I.nrkrny Nnj < It I * n Mlilnltn mid n Slop Itiickiriiril U'lnit I'linplo Dninnnil Otlirr liuro- | ) Clll tCojij/rfl/Mf JW till /um'i Unnl /I'limtM PAIIIS , Feb. . [ Now York Herald Cabin Special to TUB Bin.J A sensation ha been caused In Franca and olsewhora by the rovplationi which Prlnco GuorgJ of Saxony bus Just made r < 3ardlng.lho way In which the Gorman onlooH are In the habit of treat ing thu men wnom they command , The ox- cltcmont Is only natural. The customs denounced - nouncod hi thd prince's jotters nro worthy of saragos nnd could hardly fall to rousn tUe Indignation of a nation like the French , which swonrs by equality. Much moro carious ttuti the criticism of the French aud EnglUh would bo nn nt- torapt of nn ofllrlal of Germany to explain away the outrages In question. It would bo hard to excuse the cru elty which goes on in the Gorman army , however much ono might bo In the habit of defending bad causes. Is It admlss- nblo that In a country which boasts of being the head of civilization human beings should * bo treated ns thn slave drivers ot Africa treat their .slaves t * Is It conceivable thnd Ina land wutch has produced philosophers llkoICautthinkers tltta Uojtlm , poets like Heine , n subaltern nhould bo allowed the right to b'ully'nnd strike men who differ only from himself in that they have an inch or two loss bullion on their sice vest Is It possible that in Germany , which up holds universal suffrage and where everyone is said to have the right to express his opin ion on publlo affairs , citizens and doctors should bo treated Hico beasts of burden ! Priuco Gcorgu has showii himself In bo a man of honor by exposing the abuses ho speaks of in his loUor , but ho has dealt a dreadful blow at the oniplro nnd unsettled Iho foundation of the Gprtnnn military svs- tom. Great affects htt\ ' often small causes. The pnnco in his letter baH pUtod humanity against force , and by so doing , he has con demned Germany. Emperor William has had a snrious acci dent. Whllo boar-bunting ho _ foil'on his left arm and lay for some tltno..insensible. His physicians have had his arm bandaged and ordered him rest. FHAXCK'S NK\V TARIFF. Effects ofltn Provision * Already Manifest l tlir T.argn Cllli's. ICupurlfjhtal IKXlbii Jiimri Onnbm PAIIIS , Fob. 3. | Now York rlorald Cable Special to TUB BCE. 1 The Hornld's corre spondent today had an interflow with M. Lockroy , late minister of commerce , on the subject of the new Frouch tariff , who said : "Thoso protectionist tariffs will first oe felt by the people of the largo towns. Mutton , for example , has alreadv gone up 30 centimes. This foils hardest on the poor , with whom mutton is the favorite moat , consequently the effect of the new tariff will bo that the laboring man will have to cut down the amount bo eats , which will result In dimin ishing the amount of labor he can do. Some saloons have increased the price of beer. Others have diminjshcd. the size of the glass1 , pretending only to use tbo sm.ulor glasses for imported beer. Restaurant kqepers bave alroadv held a meeting , at wh'lch it was dd- cldod to augment prices on the ground ol the new tariff. "The government might Just as well tax bread , and , by-the-by , it bus done so , for there Is a tax on wheat floucr ; so bread will Increase In price. Tbo tariff Is-also enor mously Increased on winos. Another very Injurious tariff is that on fruit , which will rnako us lese a line supply received from hot houses in Jersey and Belgium. Lobsters , crayfish and cheese uro also taxod. that on chceso being especially hard on th"o' Workingman - man , as Swiss cliccsi ; forms un Item , of his every day consumption. In fact , nearly all the food consumed oy the poor' inun is now taxed. "Ttio situation now Is that the worklncrman will now find a living -and clothes dearer , and thut exportation u ill diminish , because ether nations will no longer luivO advanta geous commercial conditions for denlingii \vitti us. Wo bavo already estranged Switzerland , Spain , Belgium. "The onlv pee pie who will gain by tho'new tariff are the monopolists , big landed p'rcprlctorr and rich manufacturers , but all their gain will be at the expense of the poor and mlddlo classes. Three-fourths of tho" farmers of Franco dc not grow enough wheat for their own con sumption. T hey will now have to buy 'what they need at an increased prlco. I look upon the present tariff as a great disaster to the country and a stop backwards , for I consldm It the duty of a democratic re public tc aisuro for thu poor the cheapest possible mode of living. "It is your McICInley bill , " said M. Lock rev in conclusion , "that has had much to dc with bringing about theneW tariff here. " CUMi is viitv riuiisni.v. Senor IVrclril IVrHoimlly Tlyinkii wMliilslei Ilgiliilor Mr. liliilnu'tf lit-ucnl Letter , lCoj > i/r/u/if l IKniiu Jllne ( Ionian llcnnctt , ] V.u.i'.iKMSo , ChllP ( via Galveston , Tox. ) , Fob. it.By [ Mexican Caola to the Nou York Herald Special to Tun BKB.J Senoi I'creira , minister of foreign affairs , called ui the United States Inga'tlon today and person' ally thanked Mr. Egan for Mr. Blaino's recent cent dispatch ucccpling Chlll'5 < reply to the ultimatum on the Baltimore affair us sutls- factory. The meeting bo.twooa tbo twc diplomats was apparently of thoingst-lvtondlj character. The oftlcas of Democracla , at Santiago , anil Opposlclon , at Valparaiso , have boon cleaned out. 'I hose two pupors nro regarded as un- Iriunoly to the present government. The former was attacked by n mob , nnd short work made of the oflico. In the cnso or the latter , it is claimed that some military oT llcors who were passing the oftlco werp In sulted from the windows and then assailed with Iron bars nnd'piutol shots. They broke into the oftlco , smashed tbo furniture , pled tne typo In the forms and otherwise wracked the onlce. Both papers , OK well as La Ho- publics , whoso onlce was cleaned out yester day. UsueJ Hiuall 11 v nhoou today , protesting against iho action of tlio mobs as a violation of tbo liberty of the pi ess. President Montt , with Captains Goun and Simpson , has gone to TiUoahuauo to iu < sped ttio uow docks und to plan forts for the protection of tlio hurbor. Talcahuano it tc bo made a naval station. Captain Garin. the lute commander of the Imperial under Balmaceda , has arrived here from Peru. Ho waa arrested und placed on board the euuboat O'Hlgglns. General Valosques is still a prisoner on boars' the cruiser Errauzurlz. The cabinet uiinUtoro uro taking tbcli summer vacation , MII lor M Uoul r. [ ffiHiyrtuMeil ISfiliuJame * ( ia PAHIS , Feb. 3. [ New York Herald Cable- Special w TUB BKE. | Mo s in coramomora ion of the anniversary ot tbe death ol Molssonior was celebrated yesterday ( Wednesday ) morning at the Madeleine with much pomp. Tbo eutlro family was present , also AleiHiidor DumoUe , Comto Curtrt Detall'.o , pupils of the aeceastd artist , and many celebrities of the artistic and lltnrary world of Perls. Gravln , the well known carlcaturlit , Is reported ported ill. He lives In a llttla country house at Champaign and is forbidden to do au ; work. General SelimlU , chief of staff of Genera ! Trochu during the sloeo of Paris , died yo < teraay , ugod n years. Ho were the grand cross of tbo Loclou of Honor and bad to bli credit forlticjon jcara of service nnd four teen campaign * . Wit IHH HlfltKfi MTIH.ITI ( .V. < itiipiiiy Ace"1 ! ! of railing to Vuy Niti'n mills Hills. V.ISot ) . 3. [ Special to THH BBK , ] A cnsiVxvhidh Is attracting considera ble attention bolnt ; tried in the district court of Union county. Last fall the water works planfST Cn'slon was completed nt a cost of nbflut $100,000. P. D. Watson & Co. of Futrtlelds Ii > , were the contractors and seemed supplfes for their largo number of laborers of different merchants In the city , the amounts aggregating several thousand dollars.VbebI ini'lr work was llnl.shod the wnlisr works failed to pay their bills. P , U. Watson & Co. now sue for * ISOJO whllo the ttnior Works companv put Inn claim for damages aggregating one-half that amount. The Water Work * co.npany has been gnrnlshecd bv local merchants and others for snpplicH furnished the contractors. All the Htiits bingo upon the result of tlio ono caso. NoarJv all the lawyers In this city ara cm- ployed In the CASO besides several attorneys from abroad , > Antiirlcuii llll > tlM In S < < * lnn. DBBAIOIXKR , la , , Fob. a. [ Special Tolo- RrnmtoTiirj Bun. ] At the session of the American Baptist Missionary socloly todav about I00 ! delegates were prdsont. T. U. Peters , state secretary ot Iho Baptist union of Minnesota , spoke at length upon brotherly IOVP and the query , ' 'Am I Mv Brother's Koeporl" nnd Was followed by Dr. Tuppor of Denver on "Foreign Missions , " which ho declared were tuithorirud by the Ilolv Spirit. "Tho Homo Relation oT the Church to For eign Missions" was the subject of n well oroparcd paper by Hav. I. N. Clark of Knnstis , nnd the discussion of this subject by Alone Abenmlhy , principal of the Usage nu.idumy , a thorough digest of the situ ation at this time. This afternoon the fol * lowing subjects wore" presented ! "Tho Mis sionary Education of the Church , " Hov. A. O. W'illiums. D.D. ; "Auxiliary Agencies , " Mrs. S. U. Whlje ; 'JTo Save Ono Wo Must SB.VO All. " Uov. Lemuel Moss. D.D. Ad dresses were made this" evening by Hev. C. II. Strickland , D.D. , Hev. Alonzo Buukor , D.D. . and Hov. II. C. Mablo , D.D. Slmix City Tlrril of llooillcrs. Stoux CITT , la. , Fob 3. [ Special to TUP. BRI : . ] The dcplorablo condition Into which the finances nnd public morals of the city have fallen Is prompting the better classes of all parties to Unlto In an independent move ment with n view to controlling the coming city election. Tno belief is iiiilvurnl that thuro has been elaborate booilllng in the city council In connection with contracts for public Improvements. Business men have been con fflri In . The idea is to await the nominations of both political parties and thru to soleU a ticket made up of the oe&t men of both party tickets. I nun's Culunilihlli Commission. DBS MoiS'K" , la. , Fob. 3. ( Special Tolc- pram to Tun * UEII I The Iowa Columbian commission began its tegular annual meeting hero today. Little business has bean done , the lime bolntf taken uu principally with n discussion of the probabilities of the appro priation which will DO inndo r > y the present assembly. Members of the commission seem to think the'rS will' be a good appropriation. A rosolutioinTlwUs > ndopled repudiating the claims of adjirj sinR apents who arc travers ing Iho stntp'op the alleged authority of the commission. low ( llrlck , Mnkf r * Mei-t , DCS , MoixijV.fn. , Fob. n. [ Special Telegram - gram to TIIR BR. J The Iowa Brlck.Tilo and Drain association rnet in annual session at the horticulture rooms lit ihe capltol building this morning. jjN1. Baling , president , of Stan- wood was In J.ho chair , and Secretary A. L. Smith of NoRtb > J3jiBllnli was jn his paco. ! The foronuon was taken up.In listening to renorts. There > is a fair , attendance. The railroad commissioners decided the coal rate T.iiov leiivu the rntos us they are , plvitigttiolr reasons in a lengthy ls" opinion. " . luwu 'ito ig1 | 'ob. . ; trlS. : a'm , , to TUB. Urn. ] The Sioux City So 'Northern , and the Wiirona & Southwestern nro Jointly surveying , i line across northern Iowa from Osage to Lyon courtv. The Northern terminal system In Slonx CHv will pivu the new road entrance via the bioux City t. Northern , from the Junctipn with the Winoim & Sqiithwcstoru ip uvor county. Vlnlon' * Socliil i\i'nt. : CKOUI R\riiH , in. , Feb. . [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEK. | The social event of the season at Vinton Is the annual hall of Cedar Vulo division No. 1 , Order of Hallway Tulegrapbcts , being held this evening. Operator fvom all parts ol the country are in attendance. _ _ Niws roil Tin ; AKMV. Coniplute List ol Clmugos In tlin ltujulir Scrilcn Yi'KlviUy. WA'jiny.TON , D. C. , Fob. 3. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; Br.u } . The following transfers of lieutenants of the Itilrd artil lery for Iho course of instruction indi cated in paragraph ! ) TO of the regulations are announced to take effect April 1. IS ! ) . ! : First Ltnutanaut Joseph \V. Callff , from light battery G to light battery G ; First Lieutenant Charles W. Foster , from light battery F to battery I ; First Lieutenant Wilbii" Lovcridgo , Irom battery I to light battery F. Lieutenants Woodward nnd Lovorldge will Join * the battery to which taoy are transfariod on the date specified , nnd Lloutcnantb UiUlfC anil Foster will then proceed to Join their proper batteries. I.eavo of absence for fpur days Is granted First Lieutenant Cliurlo ? S. Hall , Thirteenth Infantry , rocruitiui ; otllcer. The superln tendur.1 of the recruiting scivico wilt causa thirty recruits to bo assigned to the Fourth cavalry und forwarded under nropor char o to such point or nomts In the Department of Columbia as command ing general of the department shall deslg- iui',0. Fir&ttLlcutnnant William C. Hafferly. First artillery , will report by latter to the .superintendent of tha recruiting service , Now York City , to conduct recruits for tha Fourth oavalry to the Department of Colum bia. Paragraph of special orders , January 111 , 1MU , relating to Captain Cliiron II. Appol und Firs Lloulonant Julian M , Cabell , as .sistant surgeons , U suspended until further onlorj. Lieutenant Colonel Joseph P , Wright , surgeon , is ri > llovb , < l from duly us ntondlng Miru'oon at tbo military prison , Fort Loavimworth , Kan , , und will repair to Sun Francisco , Cal , , and assume the duties of acting assistant medical purveyor , taking charge of'tho medical purvnylng depot ut. that plnoa and relieving Liuutdnnnt Colonel ( Joorgo AL Stoni borg , surgeon , who , upon belne thus relieved. ' will proceed to Gov ernor's Inland , N. Y , und report In parson to the commondlngVenural , Department of the East , for duty as uttbndiui ; surgeon und ex aminer of recruits m Now York City. , SKr.lH.lTKI.V / > W.SJ/.V6T. Dlllt-rencc | l t r > ru tlio Allliincn und Hit- tplti'a Tarty , TOPKKA , Kan , , J ob. ! l. Tlio ofllclal organ of thu farmers llluui'o in this atuto this \veok coutuliu astaiement , AuthcrUed by Jho executive committee , .aliowlnt ; tno distinction beiwecn the people's party und tbo alliance. The two organizations uro , the committee states , entirely seaparato , the people's party bclag outsldo of und independent of the alliance. . The statement continues ; "Wo now olllclullv declare that there is no such tinny as an alitanca ticket. Neither can an > i alliance hold a party | iolltloal caucus , party primary election or 'adopt ' strict party measures us such wltbln the ullUnco meetings proper without ttio liability of forfeiting their charter , WoUavunotn shadow of right to use tha funds of the treasury for strict party purpjdeo , yet wo have n right to advocate any principle or platform adopted bv our state or national organizations and to judi cially spend money for Institutes , encamp ments , eta , hold or legally authorized us a part of the worlc of oar order. " rrrillriinirnt of u Cliliminuii , FAROO , tt. D. , Fab. It. Leo Turn , the Chinaman who was found Illegally In this country four mouths are , was arrested a ) Grand Forks , but wai 'IMcburircd by Com missioner Carroll , and was teurrentod and brought before Commissioner Spaldlni ; at Fargo , who ordered him ont toC'blno. Jn'lpo Thomas bus rovnrioil this utid ordun him sontto Canada. In order to cross the Canadian line $ V ) must bo paid the Canadian govern ment by somebody. The prisoner has. no money and Iho marshal will not pay It edt of his own pocket. The prisoner will bo put In JM1 nnu may stay there an Indefinite period. Ho has already boon in Jail hero for four months. or rt.i.i. > OA IIII.IT of the Conrt-Martlul nt Clrvo * limcl , U. n , O. , Fob. 3.--Tho court-martini of , Mi\or ] L. ( X Overman of the army engin eering corps commenced this morning. In the afternoon the court began business In earnest , nftcr Its members had boon sworn. Major Overman was arraigned nnd the specifications wcro read to him. Thov were very latigthy , and charged him with appropriating to his own use , on various oc casions , certain sums of money. The first ctmriro summed up was for embezzlement and violation of the articles of war. Thu second charge also contained several specifi cations nnd Accused the major of making false vouchers and certifying tnem to bo Just , thus defrauding the government of different sums -of monor. In effect , ho was said to havn bought nil sorts of household , goods for his own use and to have charged them to the government us supplies ot various sorts , the vouchers sent in being fraudulent In i-ncli case. Among ether things ho Is nccu ed of having placed his private coachman on the pay roll of the department. The total sum alleged to hnvo boon em bezzled Is about foQU In small amounts , but It Is clalniod by those who were active in bring- me thn charco that thu deficiency Is greater. Major Overman declined to plead to the arraign men t until his counsel had been heard. Judge Sanders then Introduced n motion that some of the specifications bo quashed. Major Overman's counsel Is making n hard light for him , Interposing objecllon.s pn every technicality , and tbo trial promises to be long and holly coulostod , QUKSrioys .IAstrinf ) . CODY. Neb. , Jan.'n. To the Hdltor of TIIK Hl'K ! Will you please answer the following question's In Tin : HKR : I. How many Judges of the supreme court nro there ? - . llns the Increase of number nt any tlmo had any particular political sU'iilnVancp ? A HU.VDIIH oi1 Tin : UKR. 1. Three. 2. No. \ Neb . 1'eb. 1. To the Dlttor of TIIK HKR ; To doeidu a hot. pleiibo answer lu vim I' columns tills question : 1'lrst. , What relation to Senator Paddock Is Major xT. W. I'nildnck , our county commis sioner ? Second. Is lit ) a democrat or a ronubllc'in ? Ans- . They nro cousins. U. Ho claims to bo a democrat this year. > vir.s or VK.S FKICDA r. DllllH'.Htlc. Knirsn-4 City , Ma , complains of a grain bloi'Ui ! < ln , am ) so docs Tupulc.i. Kan. John It tier , cnshlornf the defunct Glasgow bink : , boulsvlllu. Khnsgone Insane. . Donvor' * Chamber , "f Commerce at a recent rnrut ni > iMssoii a number of fioo - > llor reso lutions tiooiTto Sharp , onu of Ilerry Turner's Rang of outlawnuur rittuvlilo , Va. , wits killed In u JUht with onicer- , . Klclniin Or.iv ot Cincinnati shot nirl killed SroVe Urnciin ot the sann > oltv. CJragun , It : s claimed. Msdncod Gruy'sdnimlitcr. A nloremont'for tbo relief of sufferers by HID provallln : f.iminu In ICnssIa will lie orzan- Iud 1 tlio Now Vorlc chamber of commorcu. Adolpl ) ' Hegoswlch , receiver of the I'nited Stains ltollln-4 Stock company ot Chic. 120 , will llsht the utu < mts bolii mudu to oust htm from the receivership. Italian iind Irish cinulovcs of the street cleunhiK dep irttnont of Now York C'lty on- gnced In : i free II lit. Two of the Irishmen Hero iut. ; with stllluttoes , Tlio suit aiMlnst lohn Iloey , ox-prosldont of the iVilains n\nre < s comnuny. has been dls- mlssud. The suit WUH irouht ) U ) rcco\or TSIOi.tKX ) claimed by Henry C. Shnrbnrnc. The rice mill trust has huen fornioJ. The deal between the syndicate und hoiils'itim mill ownuis h'is lieun coiisiiniiiiiitod. Everyone ono ot the rice mills li is joined the trust. John .Morris of the LouUlnu * Lottery cmn- p iliy has wrlttou a letter to the people of that .state In which he aniioiiiico- , that his ciinip my will not iii'iKi' further efforts to secure it char ter. Ijtiry lipilottl. diughti r of Colonel George II. Helloltl of Ainstcnlnin. N. V. . coniiulltcil snJoldUv .Siio UriiU foiiu bill lots Into her ho'ul . aid ono Into lU'c brtist. No.cinso Is known for the act. Tttomy oxnress messensera In tbo employ of thu Adiitns lAprcss coinuany. have been ills- charted In the past twodnys. Moredlschiir cs arc In follow , Nociiuso" Is given for the com pany's action. At Cedar Grovp. Tonn , . John 1'iirtcot shot nnd Ivllli'd Prink I/.insdon. SlierllT Kusott nnd a. | , o so went to arrest the murderer and In the fUht that eii'ued the sherlft und I'anrot were hoth kllli'd. The I'oninilttuo liavlnz I if chiir e arrange ments for the niuotlng of the tie aooratlc nu- tlonul convention utChlcuio ; will erect a WIR- wum for it to uipot in. It will have a neatlni , ' c ipnclty of I5.U05. A"hovcl ic-ihock of airthqutl : < Q was felt nt I'orlliind , Ore. The shock lusteJ about thirty seconds. No dania o wns done except the i-riifklng of a few window Mhis. . Other lociilltics In the st.ito experienced light hhocUs. Tlio ptoainer Uuvler from Santos nnd St. Iuuli. : Which bus tirrived at. New York , reports th.if wlillo In port at Smtos slof the crow lo the wltn yellow fever , two of whom died , MIR. Ilii in iliy's will , known is the "Worrell will , " has heon tiled forprol ) itu In 1'iovhlenre , It , I , Dr. ( irivi's m named In tlio will as exec- ulojv-Tli'n Is thu Duly provision of Iho will Unit will hi ] pro tested. The nrlnclpal huslnoss of Interest In the niiH'ecdlii.b of tlin Now York State society unsa roportfrom a.ste-Iil committee on the 'Atmlltti'M r Nun-Abolition of thn Death ( Vitally. " The report takes the ground n JiiNoriiif iilmlldhliiK the death penalty. Frank \V. Newlmrjr , a colored rrook formerly of Dptrinl. IMS been sentenced to thlrtv-slx yenrs * Impi i-oniiicnt ( or bnr liirv. Newburg with tni ) colored pals on December IW biirglur- i/cd the residence of .Mrs I ' ! ore nee ( iotue- vooit. on Nortn sirt'ut , Grind Uaplds , Mich. TliOHtcaiiier Knn c. iccently arrived at Now Yuri , , reports puislng the Noi'weiiiiii nhln riorhllit iiliiimlont'il at se i. The vessel's sails were sot and her rudder lost. She uns on n Mint hern coursu und made considerable way , Al Hie milset f her > oynsu liur olllcor.- > hud trouble with u mutinous crow. The Inllnen/- ! , which prevailed at Vi enna for u loii time. U grtmtly abating. 1'ilncu AnsnsttiBOf S.t\onv. the heir to the I hi one. hasenteroil leinlo | In stale , uccoiiina- niuil by his bride. A crowd of workmen out of employment nllUutHl u niiiiilier of balio bhops In Ijlsbon. Jinny wcro in rested , Much property hi.s boon destioycd by u gulo and ten persons h.ivu btiun seriously Injured i/y fulling debris In Madrid. Thu c/ai-lpa of Uussl i him recovered from theuttiick of Inlluenra from which shu ha * liceji sulliii'iim furume time , A decree of divorce has been granted to Colonel ( J.ttiiTo by ihe divorce division of her majesty's lilirh court of Juit.ce at London Natives < if H.ihomov have ravage' ) the coun try around I'olio and huvo ciptnrcd : i.UUO nhives. Tnu Inhiitilt.uilH h.ivo hoii'-ht shultur In Uurmtui territory. Thu niuiitierof uiise-Kif Inlluen/a lu llerlln is dut-iuusliiv. In the provinces , ut llrn.slun partl"nlarty. however , the disease Is suread- iiiK und pinny fresh ease- , are reported dully , The ecclesiastical axllatlon ugulnst thu KOV- orninent of I'liiucu has been revived , A priest In Ilurus proaclu'd to u urowded utidluncu u bitter attack upon thu u'ovornment und republican - publican Institution ! ! . Tim now Imperial und I'riiistun loins , which to.-uthnr amount to : i.U.UJ'J.Oi > J murks , will bo Issued on I'uiiruury U atlH maiks LO pfennig , A syndicate of llerlln bankers ha * been receiv ing snlHcrlptlons to thu loan. Qnuun Vluloilu him sunt u message to thu v.irloiiH roast miaid stations which sent life boats to the asiUtanci ) of thu Kldor , express. In1.1 tlmnliH for tliu gulluntry dUuiavoil In ruu- enlnj the passunsora and crow of Iho stranded sterttner , The llrltlsh ateainer Hndoln , Captain Golds- woith , from New Vork January II , has arrived nt I.e. Ih. hhu repoi ts hut in ; iixpurlonced tor- ilblo wu.itlieron the > oyiiRu. One sea currleil oicrboaid a member ot iho Iliicloln's crew iind he wusdiownuJ I'mpcrur IVunoU .losonh if Austria U ro- Inctant to sl n the iloulhanantsof Trunk an > l Itosallo hchnulder , who were recently con victed of murdering and robbing eU'ht servant gh-lii. The doalli Hunluncu will probably be commuted to Imprisonment for life. Austrian frontier olllululs huvo been In- titriicte. tuhlop all monuylens Itiuslun Jews HuoUiii ) ! to uu to either Austria or liun- trary , No Htisslan will bo ullonud lo enter Austria or llniuiiry except thoju who Intend to pas- , through on tholr way tu America. Sir Michael llleUn-Houcli , president of tlio tloar.i of Trade , hui Uullvertid u siiuech ut Hr.slid , l'.i\K \ , Uu . " > led that tliu gov- ernmunt iiiuuut to < iru H work tm'.em of I'urlluiiiunt f ONIO crlud .for Iniinedluto dUso- lutlon ; hut for what reason ? The result of thfrltoaseiidalo election wan u serious defeut for the government , but It did not necessarily imply defeat lu thn general elections , Indian Truoji fur Ulnli. " OGIIKV , U. T. , Feb. a.-Speolal [ Telegram to Tin : UKU.Two ] car load * of Itidtau soldier. ) passed through Ogdou today oa their way to fc'ort Douglas , Salt Lak . They were from the Ilosebud ngtucy.Vhlt oftlcors had thorn In ohurg * . i-00 lltLLT } "Aff UfTICKtt. Actor CurtU Urine Trlrd for Hl I.lfo lie- fore California Court. SAxFnANCtsco , Cal. , Feb. fl. Tlio trial of ' 'Sam'l of 1'oson" for the murxler of Police Oftlcor Alexander Grant began before Supe rior Jiulgo Troutt today. The court room was crowded \vltli spectators. Ulstrlot At torney Barnes opened up the case by stating that about 1 o'clock on the morning of Sep tember 11 Ofllcor Grant was sutn to turn into Folsom street from Fifth utraot. He had a prisoner under arrest , and took the south side of the street. When near ttio mlddlo of the block there was a sou 111 o followed by thrco shots. Officer Grant fell to the side walk nnd the prlionor escaped and ran to Fifth street nnd turned .south. Ho was fol lowed by another o nicer and arrested. Upon his \vriils were Oftloer Grant's nippers. The prisoner answered the description of the man who had done the shooting. District Attor ney liaruos concluded by sitylnc to the jury : "Wo shall offer other testimony nnd show you facts from which wo shall expect a ver dict of Ktillty. " During the address of lUrnos , Curtis sst unmoved and apparently paid very llttlo at tention to what was being said , but his wife , who sfit nosr him , turned somewhat paler Oftlcor Hussoll was the llrst wltnes . After explaining tha diagram locating the scene ot the shooting , the diagram ho had made under Instructions of the police autnorlUos. ho was followed by Oftlcor Jnynes , who ten tilled to .seeing Grant on Foliom strcut shortly uftor the trnttody. The next witnwH was Au- gusllno Marcoval , an Italian vendor of tu- mnllos. Ho wus considered by the prosecu tion us ono of thelrmostlmportant witnesses. As Marcoval did not understand Kugitsh well an Interpreter was nocesssry. He tosti- Iled ns follows : 'I saw Ofilcer Grant on Slxtu street at ton minutes past 12 o'clock on the tno ruin it of September 11. Grant was coming along Sixth street with n man. The two men were polng nlonsr side by side. Oftlcer Grunt was outside. As they passed mo they were talk ing. They were not quarreling nftnr ttio.v turned thu 03L-nor , I , of course , lost sight of them nnd I thoucht no moro of tt , There was ouo other man on the street corner. " Marcovnl nil ml tied Hint ho hud signed a paper at the request of the police , but ho was confused us to liU knowledge of I Is contents. Dr. H. U. Willlumi , the police surgeon , testified ho held un autopsy on Grant's body , and described tbo character of the gunshot wounds which caused Grant's death. Curtis , when shown Iho pistol wltn which the klllniK was done , denied that It was tils. Ho dented all knowledge of Iho shooting and said bo Inut not boon drinking. Ho hud seine trouble with toughs oa .Fourth street. The court then adjourned.until tomorrow. THOIHIIIT UK IIA1 > MH' Consternation Crciiteil In Jay Conld'a OIIU-o by ii Visit from n Crunk. Nr.\v YOIIK , Fob. 3. A crank with thrco satchels entered the Western Union building today and tried to see Jay Gould. Ho de clared that ho had a great plan to unfold to the wizard , and be wanted ? l.r ( K,000 ) cash und ho wunted it today for his plan. His appearance nnd his manner attracted the attention of tbo people whom ho mot. and tt was feared thut ho might have dymimitn in ono of his satchels. He was liually told that Mr. Gould had com away and could not bo seen tor a week and he wont away mournfully , after defining his plan to bo the building of a cow city nt Center Grove , ri. * j. j.Ho gave his name as Euhralm I'ltio , and his residence as Mlllvlllo , N. J. Tha clorlts decided that the man was a harmless lunatic , yet they felt relieved wtion ho had gone. .Strainer Arriviiln. At London Sighted : ithaotia and Cali fornia , from Now Vorlc. At Philadelphia British Princess , from Liverpool. At Genou Worra. from New York. At Now York Rotterdam , , from Amster dam ; La Boursoirno , trom Havre. HUNTING "TREASURE. . tilting fur Lost llnlllon In ClilnesoVutrrH The Seattle ( Wash. ) Post says Captain Ii Ryan , the government diver , expects to complete arrangements in a few days to go to Yokohama to ruUo $2,000,000 worth of gold bullion which Hunk in i205 foot of water in tlio harbor thuro aomo years ago. Captain Ryan will got half of the treasure if ho succeeds in rais ing it. Mr. Ryan says the bullion was lost overboard while being transferred from one vessel to another , and that several Japanese dlvora have attempted to raise _ it and throe or four of them lost their lives in the undertaking , and that n diver on a. British man-of-war also lost hi.-i life in the rittompt. Ho bays that li n ally the Japanese government has re quested its cniibul at San Franulbuo to make arrungamnnth with an American diver , and promise half the treas ure to anyone who xvill recover it. Cap tain Ryan hoard of the matter and im mediately wont to see the Japanese vice consul at Seattle and made a proposition to him , which was forwarded lo the consul at San Prnnrlrico , nud Captain Ryan expects an answer in a few days. Captain Ryan suya that lie o ( To red to go to Yokohama and rniso the bullion for one-half of it , ns the Japanese gov ernment proposes , hut ho Wants $500 in cash hoforo starting , the expenses for him and his thrco attendants pnid , and $100 per day for himself , $ - < > per day for his tender , and S10 per day for oacli of his pumpers. Thin ho wants as a guar antee that the amount of treasure stated is really lost in not moro than forty-live fathoms of water. On re-covering the property ho will return all the money previously advanced. Speaking of tlio matter yesterday , Captain Ryan said : "Thoro arc no divers to oqi'.1 tno American divers , If that pitllion is really there In that depth of water I can recover it , and if I do won't I muko things hum in Seattle for a while with a million dollars ? I have hoon down (141 ( foot near New York , -Ho feet in Quohec , und 518 foot at West , Snporior. I won the pri/.o at the ulvjng toiirnamont in Now York harhor. The greatest depth on record in 8d. ' ! } foot , made by James Colson. Hut he Is now too old and is out of the huslnoss , I worked witli Col- son when I was a hoy. i.iw.ii.ifirrj.s. . After considering sovural dates Mudama Paul's munugors have llxod on February - " for the Omaha concert , which will probably bo glvun at the Collsoiim , John M. Tanner nf Ulnl'r was In the city yesterday , ' 'Don , " who wus for several yearn a tiowspapor worker in Onaha , Is now successfully maturing the iicdal Institute nt Ulnlr. JulluBSchlup , tbB man Dotectlvo Ha/o brought from bt. Louis recently on IhocharKO of embezzlement , tisd u hearing In pollco court yesterday und the disowns dUmUsed at the request of the county attorney. Oucar Hell Insulted little Mabel Davis on Cumlng btieot Tuesday evening und was clvon ttio full extent of thu law by Jttdgu Horku yoslorday. Hell was lined iO ami costs and thirty days In thu county jull , the first six on bread and water. Tbo oommandory of the Loval Region hold u business mealing last night at the Mllliird hotol. About thirty members were In attend ance auu about tbo only matters tiausaolod were the reception of applications for mom borsblp. Afior t be regular routiuo of business an Informal lunch was served , Mr , L. A. Torraas hus arranged r.n excel lent program for thu concert ut the Young Men's Christian association on Thursday uvetiing , The entertainment is for the benollt of tbo association , tbo proceeds to bo used for the decoration of the concert ball , Botno of tbo best of Omaha's musical talent will assist and a most oujoyablo evening is assured. Tickets are on sale at the Young Men's Christian Association building at r > 0 cents uacb , Ouunl Hrr Corn * . Iau night Mra. Frank Kaynolds ot Flor ence , Just retiringundertook to bathe a troubloiomo corn with oarbollo add , iy ) some mlicannce .the upset a quixntttjr of th < corroilvo fluid on har foot. All sorts homely rarnedlo * were tried without and At i ) o'clock this morning sn Oman * physician was telephoned for. During thn whole night the woman suffered Indnscrlb- able agony , ns the acid was slowly consuming - / ing her foot. * cn.iiKir.ii it ITU .itvitnwt. " " Cnnintrnrrnii'iit ol n Srinutloiml Trial nt WlliuliiKloii , llol , Wit.MisciTov , Del. , Fob. 3. The trial ot Walter Hlnckuurn , nvoting , married ma.i , on the chnrgo of having murdered his brother- In-law , KJwnrd II. Gardiner , ngod 8 years , began this morning. The case in some rn- spools li a remarkahlo ono. On October 11 last the hey wni inUscd when night cattio on , ncd It was supposed thntho had followed n pnrndo. The next day Rlackburn nnrrntoil to Hovernl uersons an alleged droitm I tint ha had hnd during an afternoon imp. Ho said that ho droa'ned that hU llttlo hrothor-ln-lnw was lying dead in n freight cnr which stood on H Hiding at the foot of Fifth stroot. Jilackburn told this story to his wlfo nnd others , and then hnadod a si-arching party. Thny wont lo some omiity hex curt on the siding , nnd In ono of them was found the boy , aead , with his nook broken. Tha family was not satis- tied , and lilackuurn's arrest followed. Homo months previous to the death of the boy ho was Inveigled Into a freight car which stood on the same siding , where ho was brutally treated by nruftlan , who was sent to Jail for . six months. A Jury was sucuroil. Anm < \ Unrdlner.mother of the dead boy , dotallcil * the Undine of the body. Illnekbiirn banded the body out to tlio woman who uhargrd him with the boy's death. The prisoner mndo no reply. Klcltnl for ! ! lKlil > * t'nur Yrnrft. Just how lonp a mule may outlive hla usefulness , if kindly trcatotl. hna never boon ilollnitoly nseortaincd , for few people - plo npnrocialo n uuiloV nprsonnl quali ties nftor ho has reason to bo nblo to draw n wa on , anil ho it not often elitor- tainoil in idlonobs , but Mr. Ilk-hard Mc Carthy ot Ulvor roail , union lownsbin , N..I. , has just , purchased u mule , wliluli certainly is not leas than 81 years old , and ho KI.VB bo can run away ( tout Homo of the fastest hoi sos in IJorfjcn county. White haired men remember trying in- olToctually to rldo Hiehardthat is iho mule's name wlion they were boys. Uu \VIIH a voncrablo animal then , and lie has a saw-like btok : that it was very dillk-tilt to sit upon even wlion bis hooltt worn sllll. sllll.Riolnird Riolnird Me.Maln , who sold Hiohanl the mule , to Mr. McCarthy , says ho i moro active now than ho was half a con < lury ago. Ho was never un army mule. It Is not to medals , badges or tne Insignia of royal favor that the qreat- - eat of all specialists , DRS. BETTS & BETTS \ Owe tholr wonderful per- / ' fional and professional - / al popularlty.Tbey won tholr hon ors bytheir merits. In the scientific treatment and success ful cure of over 86.0OO casoa of tnoso NERVOUS. CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES which are so for midable to the medical profes sion In cjoneral , DRS. BETTS & BETTS have proven that they possess extraordinary ability and skill. In , the . lon < L list of Prl- vateDlseasea as well as Stric ture , Hydrocolo , Varlcocelo and Rectal troubles , tlielr success has been truly marvolous. Therefore , they are entitled to wear the emblems of the hloh- eat honors , for those they have richly won by their own efforts Send 4c lor their new book of 12O pages. Consultation is also tree. Call upon or addrcsa with stamp. DRS. BRITS & BETTS 119 S. 14thSt. N. E. Coins Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. V A i J f rrTPYC * LAN8CI.T5 ARE THE STRONGEST NONEQENUiNCWITHOUTTHiC A LABEL There an ina e/A tlylci , eticlt at ill cutt , the betl you can btl.V. E/A Iliiluirls | li.ii ufAM , E/A Hilru Timl runks null to R/A linker. CVA Horbo UluukLts eolrt by ul ! dfiderB. BOUGH CURE 18 A One Minute Remedy i'nr all niToetloiuof the Tliroat , Lungs and liroocliidl Tul ) KXUKI' 1' CONSUMPTION 2D ANIJ 5O OBNTS. li'ur bulo by Dll. K , V WKsT H NRIIVIC AND JIHAI.V TIIKAT- MKNTu > | ivclUofurllr > l rla , Illiilnait , Kill , Nuu- Mlulo , llendtiolie , NLTTDUI I'ruilratluq cauioil \ > 1 u- diliol or toliocoo , Wnkviulnuu , tluutil UepronlouV huflenliiK o ( thu Uralu , ctuiliu lu nnltx. lalurr , % . > ilccar , ileatU , l'ruui > tur Old Ann , llirrouuen , Iuu of I'uvrttr In ltli r ex , liuuuteucr , l.ourorrlmeit and all tVuikleV kne > ei , Inroluiitury IAIHUI , Suor- malurrhoearjiutoJ bf urcr-ex rtlon or tli brain. beU-nbuitf , ov0r-liululKenod , A moulh'a tr Atiuun9 II , U fur tJ , lit mall. We Uuanuilou nix b u i to cum KniJi order lord boioi , wlllili will > enl wrlt- itn ictiarantea tfi rufond If nut cured. Ouuranti'itt Uiuotl onlr l > r A. bohrulfr , DrUKKltl , nola ntnlt , si. li. cur. 1UU iul fwruaoKU. ,