SPEGIRL NOTICES. ADVK11T1SKMKNTH foil TIIKHH COLUMNS will Im token nntll 17-30 p , m. , for the nveiiliiK mul nntll 8so : p. m , , for the rooming or Sunday oil- ( Ion. Ion.All All nilverllfcmentB In thp o column * IS rent * ft line first Insertion , nnd 10 cent * n linn thereafter , or H per line per month. No mtverll-ement taken for le n Ilian 2j cents for the flnt Insertion. Termscnn Inndvnncp. Count nl > out 7 words to the Hoc. Inl- tlnls , tlaiirc * , symbol * , etc , , cnch count a * n word. All advertisement * must run consecutively. A'dvcr * tlfer. . hj-reiue ( tlntf n numbereil check , can have tfiiMr letters addrcMcd to a numbered letter In care of THK lli.K. Answer * nt addressed will be deliv ered on prcrrnlMlan of Iho check. TIIANCH oKKicKs-AnvKHTisiNH KoTirTiltsB J'coliimiin will bo taken on Iho ahuvo conditions nt the fnllotvlnii bimliiPM house * , who nro nutlior- lied to take special notices nt the same rates as can be hod at the main olllre : hoiitli Omaha Urnnch Ofllce No. 3M.1 N Mreet , J.litrr block. John W. Hell , phnrmnclM , tlth ami Mnson street * . H. H. Karnswotth , phnrmncl l , 2115 fnmlnn ntieot. W J. Hughe * , nlmrinncljt.l-.24 N. ICth street. ( . ' K. Snltorflcld , pharmacist , 1719 Leavcnirotth fired. llniihc * ' pharmacy , 31th anil Karnnm SITUATIONS WANTED. RATKS- a line IHst limn nnd lOciilIno thero- tier. No advertisement taken for los than 2.X1 KNJTil.kJMA''NVioLIiNI/VirK'HIW8'rril.K ' ' ) / ' poslllon In n larim packlnif hon * office rte lre , on account of too clone connnemcnt , to secure an other position of trinl In Onmhn. wbero conllnc' uienl would not bo no close and dullcn less onerous. CIinnKP desired solely brcatipo adverllser'n hcnttb bclnitnl tnko. Many > enrV hiuilnosn experience. Excellent references. ' Aililru.-s 11 51 , llco-olflco- . SI6IO I' -HTKNOUIIAI'IIKH AND TYrKWIllTKIl ; lady , experienced. Addres * M 87. HPO. B.VI M A-WANTKI ) POSITION AH CLKHK IN CO.MMKH- rial litiKlnuM or railroad olllco by nn experienced nuns rotcrvncos ulven. Address M 58 , lleo. 840 S * -POSITION 11V AN KXPKH1I5NCKI ) I.ADV Mi'nuKrnphcr ; best of references. Artdren * M Ifl , ] lec. .MS7l : ! > ' AWANTKI ) . SITUATION MY YOUXU I.ADV TO keep linuno fnm whinner or at traveling com- nnnlon ; cuti furnlhh itood reference. Addre for olio week M III , Hoi ! olllrp. MH74 WANTED-MALE HELP. 'IIATKS ' I'm n line tlrl tlmo and Iflc a Una there after. No iidvuitlsemunt tnkcn for less Umii 1''e. -WANTKlJTsALKSMBN ON SAL A HV OH fM Jl'iiils lin to hnndlo the new luitcnl chemical Ink cralin pencil. The greatest pelllim novelty ever produced ; onsen Ink thorouuly In Iwo second * : no abrasion ' of pnpcr : 2IK ) lo Ml \ > < < r cent prollt ; onn nci'iit't ' snles nmoiinted to ! ir.1) ) In lv day * , another 13'ilti Iwo hours. Wu want Onu ncncriil IIKIMII In cnch Htiitn und terrllnry. Tor terms nnd full par- tieulnrn nddiess Monruu l-'raser Mfrt , Co. , LnCrOHse , wis..xre. TVI _ 1)WANTI' ! ) ATONCK , Ji IIAHNKSS MAKKHS J on heavy nnd tlKhl harness , steady work unr- nnteed lo cooil , sober men. Adilri' * * , The Konanti Unilillery. Ml sihley si. , 81. Paul , .Minn 8X1 : i T > UlTYOANVAhBKIiy.SAI.ARY 1'AIDWF.KKI.Y. J' SlMKer ijunlnit mnchlnu olllco. Ulli DoiiKl'in it. Bill r.'H B-n TAII.OUS \VANTKI ) . JI2 PKIl WKI5K. ' nlcndy job. 1 cutler wanted , ! ( HJ per month. t't'ciiniKvh .M'f'K Co. , Tvcumacli , Neb. ( i7S.4 * t > - WASTKI ) . K1UST-UI.AHS MACIIINIvr. J 'Dnvls A , C < iWHlll. 1175 77 XCANVAHHKH3 WANTKD. CALL Oil AD- J X 'dres.12l ' N. V. Llfo bulhllnif. JUKI KI4' 7T WANTKIl , A MAN WITH bO.MK K.XPKH- .I'lenco In loan huslnes * , mhlillo nno preferred : lui l ho wlllliiKto work for n small salary to cole- lueueeoii. Iloom 10 , Continental block. .M MO-5 * B -4HIIIIITHAI.iHMKN : FOll XKIIUASKA. NK- , briuku Shirt Co. ' BR M37. > 8 R ' -WANTHI ) A ( JOOI ) IIAHNI S MAKKIl AT lied Onk , In. C. A. Nolson. 8.1S-D' 1 ? ; - W AN1 K I ) , 2 HA 11N HSS MAKKHS. fO.OI ) I'KIl set. at once. H , Dick A Sun. Crete , Neb. 8S7 4 -\VANTK1) , 8AI.KP.MKN IN KVKUY COUNTY J'ln lonn , Mlnvonrl , Kanxnn nnd Nubrnrkn : fli n ilny ( no bonk nicency ) no competition. Aildrcxx J. \ A.-Wi Ht & Co. , Jewell J unction , Iowa. 868 ( ! T -WANTKI1 A WATCHSIAKKK AT I.ISD- J nny'n. l.'ill ! IHniK ns St. M3U7 1 iJ-rAl-KR IIANCKItS AND I'AINTUItH CAN .1 'secure winter rent In exchniiKu for rent of live- room house. Inquire : W llnrker block. .MSir.l ; T > MAN OK INTHLI.MUNCH AND ( JOOI ) CHAH- J'.icter : must bo fnlrly educated and wllllnulo ndnpt himself lo our business , tiO per month to hultnblomnn. Apply ntfia ) 1'nxton block. M-JIU'll ] ) WANTKD , HAI.KSMKN CAN KASIM * "jtAltK 'from f2S In f "fi per week nbovo expenses Kellliiu our patent iion-ovaporiitlnK , non-freeiliiK cheiul- ial tire palls , f 1UO a day possible ; blK demnnd for these Koodx : no e.xierlcnro | noccssnry. b'ohl only by tiKOiits , to whom exclusive territory la Klvcn. Wo can provo this ' slatement If you will nililrens the Vorcester t'lro Appllnnco Co. ( Incorporated ) , Wor- renter , Mnsi. Wo hnvo other iuoney-iuuklnK 'olnllleB. spo- MUIO 4 - WANTED--FEMALE HELP. IATKH-l..o n line first time nnd Ida n line there after. No advertlionicnt taken for lens thnn ' . 'Jc. -KIH8T CLASS COOK : KUKKHKNCK UK- iUlred. | Mrs. L. M. Ileunett , 404 N ' . " 'nil atrect. - TM 5 C-flUtlOU A .MONTH TO LADV AOKNTS SHL- " llnit "Whlta'n Lilly of Iho Valley. " Aildrcim "While'sToilet Co."South He-nil. Ind. C7I-IJ * A ( JOOI ) 8ALAUV OUAHANTKKD TO ANY lady who will do writing for me at homo. Ad- cliesa In own bandwrltlni ; with niMremeit nnd Rlnmpeil envelope. TMK. | < Kilnix U Smytho , South lluiiil , Ind , , proprietor of tbe fauioua Gloria Water , 1 WH'O-KS' M C-WANTHI > , A mill. KOIl ( JKNKIIAI. HOtlHK- work : must hu KOOI ! cook , n a slier ant ) Ironer. Apply a > 22 Capitol ave. S8'.i pWANTBD AT ONCH , TWO-I'KHSONB TO UK- V ' 'enlvo Instructions In bookkvnpliiK : yuod Y new hoitiu March 1 J. II. .Smith , nil N. Y. I.lfo nlnry bldK. ; . S1S.W C-ONK r.XI'KIUKNCKI ) COOK WITH HKKKH- eneen , ono experienced boiiHekeeper with roler- cncei : only competent persons need . ' 18th l. apply. ! t S , 8il ( C -A VOUNd 01IIL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSlT- llth work it. and care of children. Call at once , 2110 S. 8IU & fA ( iOODClltl. FOIIOKNKltAI. HOUBKWOIUC. vaiMllarney. SiOS -1 -A ( JIIII , FOIl (5KNKHAI. HOL'dKWOIlIC IN amnll family. MTU Mason street. M8K5 L 0-WANTKD. < ; ilITO WOUK KOIl IIOAII1) AND room and lenrn dressmnklnff. Wniics paid If trade learned. Mr * . 11. C. Moies , U3 Karnum. Mbli5 4 -WANTKI ) , AT ONCK. OIIU , , UKNKIlAJj houtework. 2521 Cnllfornln street , 8Kb rv-WANTHi ) . A aoon COOK- . Ai-i-r.v WITH v > roferenuo ' nt Woman's Kxchnnco Ueu bulldlnu Q after 'i . m p. B'JJ U . Q FOR KENT-HOUSES. IlATKd lo a linn II mt thnn nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken fur lesi ' ' than 'J. > c. Q "TV KOIt HI5NT , TlIlltiK N15W 7-UOO.M ' ' ' - , . KTOItV - I'rollnneMHli bnth anil sewcruue , nt mid nenr Turner Wnbsler nnd Mth ttri'utn. IteUuced to fid each. Henry W. Yntca. ; T-V . 1 A 6-IIOOM IIOUHKS. flOto US ; 1IRST UKH J- ' lileni-o Hum In city. Munil Inv't Co. , 442 lieu lililu 7KOIt HK.NT , IIOUHK 10 IIOO.M8 , AI.I. MOD J-'ern Improveiuents , I-U ) n - per month ; 32d nnd Knr 1 V Iinm , Dexter U Thoiuui 734 P-Olf HUNT. D-IIOOM HOUHK. WITH HOTH iu mid i nuu If ilenlred , all 111 liood conJIIIiin Jwuiton near ' . 'Ulh nnd HU Mary'N uveiiuu. Pilco ; rrnnonabloi special terms ( jlven to the rluht ilarty. ' Inquire 3012 r'arnutii ft. , or ( L U. Tuschuck , Heo olllci- . KO TfNKVf IMIOOM COTl'ACKS'JIODKHN iTT S J'proviiiiients , "Stanford Circle , " Apply C. S , - A KlKuller , room 4 , N. V. Llfo uulldlnx. 7W l"\-U-ltOO.M IIOUrtK. Z7TII AND JIAYICNI'OIIT , rlniro ' J-'ulli'iniveiilenccii , t .OJ per uiuntli. K , 1C. l > nr- Him , Din ker block. 7:11 the f0 1IOOM COTTAOK , J.STII AND CIlMINd alt 4-/ lreet | Ili Kilqulri'SidS Ibth. M71I4 ti cohol ( tote | iy -LAHK ! LIST. OKO. J. I'AUI , 10W KAHNA5I cents > fc'ioi-va' you botilli KOIl HUNT , IOIIOUKK8 , li.U ) AND OPWAHUd m. per month. The O , r' . Diivln company , IHO K10 ) ' 8-llOO.M ItOUdtil MODIillNi 832 8 2JD HT. - HT.m m i T- H HKST. 10 JltXIM HJUN1SHKH ' . / UtH.'SKi J-/f4V - Still Karnum strret. ' 811 < - ' ' JJ 1 V * ' - KOOM COTTACU , Kit ! N. ZST. | ST. voli-en . .8104' F TV -MODKIlrf 7-KOOM IIOUHKS AT ZM'll AND JVl'utkur streets. Apply Kred Clirl > tlau t > n. * \-u-HOOM IIOIISK. MODKIIN IMI'llOYKilKN'Fs. JM1 N. i'Mli . 11. . ovo. KiilUh , tailor. 211 N. Ittli. 727 7fi I X.M ) ) IOU8K , COTTAOK. nTH AND Mini' J/iUtlu , f7.X ( ) . Kiuiulrc , Oiu iilm liook A Stationery ru.in.v. icibnt. wa und fVroiilKNT. AN HlUllT-lOOiT coTTAHH J n-W4 Unit Howard ulreel. MMi-10 * ' - J FOB KENT-FURNISHED HOOM3. IIATKS lie a Una first time and Ida B llnu there ufter. No advertisement ttken for Ie Iban 2io , | j -J HOOM8. ' ' ' - * . HOL'SKK'I'-a.aiJdST. MAUV/AVl ! csv ? , ' FrUNlSHISI ) IloiwiTi. . ! , ( < VKNTKNClw ! Ijreiil lrea ou ble. Applr ; . ' Harnoy st. st.JI63)4 - U- H'HMSIli : ! ) , BTKAil HKATEP KHON'r for "uit < ISIT IxiiTi'iiworlb Ircot bath , etc. HOU 2n * lion -FKO.NT lj 1 HOUM WITH ' AI.COVB , 724 N , lHT7 U 41444 10' two < i'll1"11'011.KKNTi NICK1.V KIMINIBIIKI ) . BKCONIJ ; > i > IV li'ry bick rtjoui , sulUblu for ilotile gentleman , KlllioutbonriJ , IZIb , Ulliatrovt. 2ii " * J1- * ! HMMIKI ) ItOOU WITU MON'riT - i .i , . , j.roauj. . UATlt , hi iri FOtt RENT FUnNISHED ROOMS. / NICKLV ITIIMMIIKD FLAT , * , 4 OH 7 HOOMS lliKl7 Howard t. . 8.1 lloor. MROI 7 * ljiLiTsi | iiKi KHONT'IMHWISTKAM HKAT , I Jbnth , etc. , 2 blocks from Karnmti st. ! M fa. IMi Mat I . ) Mtt 4 'I- KUHNISIII'.D HOO.M8 IXJlt I.K1HT HOUSi : Ukccplne. 415 S. ll'th ' street. MMB & FUnNISHED ROOMS AND BOAKD. HATKH-t.V n line Itr l lln-p nml 10c n linethere - nftcr. No nilrrrllacnicnt tnki'ii for le i thnn J.V ; . . ' -DK3IHUILK UOO.MS AND HOAIll ) : HKKICIl- cnccs. mi Chicago t. Ali"-5 * lKI.KHASTI.V rUIINISIIKI ) HOOMS , FI.NIll.K J or MI unite : all nicxlern ciinrcnlcnccai Hrat-clniis bonrd , Ilia fputliJBlh utri-ot , .Man ) V ? ' I.A 1111 KT'iloTjIMToo.M WITH AI.COVKKOIl L' mnn nml wlfu with bonnl. 2047 lludeo ft. HTri-S * . , HOO.MS , WI1U 1IOAHD. I. Kcnllcmnn. ISJSCns * . MUOO 11) ) FOK KENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. IIATKS ISo n linn llrnt llnii ) nml IUn n line thnren f. ler. No nilvi'rllnciuunltnkcn for IL-SS llinu i'ic. G-HOO.MS. ANY NtlMIllill FltOM 1 TO 4 , IN flnU , for boiisoki'1'plntf. Trices awny down. U. K. Hiiltii , 311r tun liluck. liUlJSL. Gl > Altl.OU AM ) HKDIIOOM , PAHTI.V KtJII' nlslicd If ( lc lruil 2.M2 llarncy. .MMO .V ItATKS-llcn Una Jlrst time nml ICIo nllno the.ro. nftur. No inlrcrtlronivnt tnkcn for loss thnn'ic. . a K , i.n KODOK. Koitnooi > honril , nlror rooiut , conveniences , rates nml lo- ntlon It cnnnol bn excelled. .Mrs. Horn , proprietor FOU RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. IIATKS ISo n line lint tlmo nml lOcn line there ) , nftcr. .No ndrcrtlncinent inken for loss thnn S.'KJ. J VoirTnoiT"sToiiV : , ins JACKSON HTUKKT. 758 r-rou HK.NT. TIIH I-STOIIV IIKIUIC IIUIMUMI. I Dili Knrnntn strpet The biilltllni ! tins n Uro proof ciMiirnt biisenient , compltito ntenm henttni ; tlxturp * , \vMter on till the lloorr , cn , etc. Apply at the olllco of the Heo. i'la ' - HUNT , STOIIM , t t IIOWAUI ) . [ T-KIIONTOK CKNTIIAI.I.Y I.OPATKI ) STOHK. lllutchlniton & Wcnil , IMI Doimlnx. H.VI-5 I DOCTOlt'S OKKU'K , CKNTIIAIj LOCATION. I over ilriiK store ; object lo rluht purly. Ail.Hess . At. ill , lleo. bW 4 FOR RENT--MISCELI.ANEOUS. IIATKS ISo a'lino ' llrst tlmo nml lOo n line there- nflcr. No iiilvertlsumont tnken for less limn Me. I-UAUIIICN PAUMS TO HUNT. T. ML'ltltAY. I ( W I-I.MI'HOVKDI'-AIIM ' OK CU ATIIKS. 10 MIMW ' Must of Oniiihh. llnrtinun.V Itobblna , 240 lleo 1)W ) . Jl.11,4 l-'lli r-KOH 1 HK.NT , l.IYKHY 1IAIW. 'A. N. YOST , Norfolk. Neb. ' > I7H-S ! WANTED TO RENT. IlATKS-l. ' > c n line llrxl tlmo and lOc n line there- iiflur. No nilvertlecinont Inkcn fork-ss thnniV. K -"Kim"MAN A N ! MV IKKK U11N IS HII | 7110 t'slci tuoilern conveniences , Klve lociillon. Address M 63 , Hen. SISIS-I' AGENCIES ; HATKS-150 a line llr. t time and lOc a line there- after. No advertisement tukon for less than 'Jjo. -IIKNTAL AtSKN'Y ( ; HANK HHKKHHNCKS JR C. Oarvln & Co. , IMS .Shcely block. 7J L TO 1NSUHK QUICK UIC.VTINU , LIST WITH the Exclusive Itcntal Agency. 1'urrottu , block. STOKAGE. IIATKSI5cn line first tlmo and lOcnllno thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for less than Kc. M UKV. CI.KAN AND PHIVATHLY 8TOHKD furniture. OmnbaStoveltepalrWork , 1207 Do UK' . 7CU f IS M-OLDIWT , CIIKAI'KST ANI > HKST STOHAOU house In the city. Williams & Cross , 12U llarney. 730 WANTED TO BUY. HATK9 IScn line llrnt tlmo ami lOc n linn Ihero- ufler. No ailverlhemcnt taken for 1684 N FIIHNITI'UK IIOUUHT , SOLD , STOKHI ) Wells , 1111 Kanminst 731 \T-WK HAVK CU8TO.MKHS FOIl NEBHASKA -i. farms. Co-operntlvo l ind and Lot Co , , 205 N ICtli Btrcct. Within 100 miles of Omaha. \T WANTB1) TO 1IUV. TYl'K.WHITBH ; STATI ! li nmke , bow IUIIK In use and lowest cash prl ce. Addres-MW. Hue. 851 3 T-WANTKD TO IllIV KAHM OK 320 ACHES KOIl $25 per acre. C. K. Harrison , SIIJ N. Y. Life. 843.4 ' \VANTKU 1.000YAKUS DIHT ON LOTS IS AND Hi , Heed's 2il n.hi. . Call I4SI S. 2Uh st 6 0 3 ( VT WILT. IIUV KOIl CASH. AT A I'HICK , llof rlolhliiKanit Konts fiirnlftbliur goods f.'i.mXI to $12,001) ) . Addrens 1' . O. box , 7UO. city. 894 4 -WANTKI ) . TO HUV A HKTA1L M1LI.1NKHY > buMlicsn In this city , In good location. Address C7 , Uce olllco. .MfOl 4' "FOIl SALE-FURNITURE. . UATISS I5c a llnu first' tlmo and lOo a linn there- after. No advertlscmenl taken for less than 2. > o. 0-KUKN1TUKK OK A 10-HOOM HOIlsK. t < : l Cuss. M'JOI 10 * FOR SAI/E-HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. , IIATKS lie a line Ilrst tlmo and lOc a Una thereaf ter.No advertisement taken for less than 2Jc. P-I'ACKII on SINOI.K.FOOTHH HADDLK liorte wanted In e\elinliKo for $15SSafely bicycle. - Hoom.-omoardof Trailc. ' 31841-4 1)-A ( iKll ( ) HKHVIOIJAHMC IIUCCV. ALSO A saildle and alniflo huruesj for alo. % 32i ( Daven ' port it. M807 P-STALI.10N , OKNTLK. STYLISH , SI'KKDY and well bred , for mile or trade fur lld pralrlu land In Iowa or Nebraska. Address M Ui. Heo. 5IK3.V1J3' ' FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. IIATKS-l..a a line llr.it time and lOo a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for lets than 25o. KOU HALK A ( 'OOIJ FHKS1I JtILK COW. ' - Inquire 1112014 Charles el. 827-3 * for - ) H CALW. COIfNTKHS AND VAULT DOOH III the bullillni : recently occupied by the Council Hlntf * s--ivlni , ' * bank , onicar A Piisey , Council / - II2J KI.MJIALL U1IUAN , NKW. FOH 175 CASH. l iirj N. 2ith KU - A'f -HUNTINO OUTFIT KOH HA I.Kt nun , decoys , etc. Address M.55. Hoe. MISCELLANEOUS. nn HATKS Uc a line lire I llmo und lOo a line thereaf ter. No uitvertlteiiient taken for luss tbaii25o. VPIlVHICIAN WANTKD A 0 < ) l ) PHYSICIAN enn nnd it dcnlrablu loealloii by addrcsiliiK H. I1 , ' , / y lleachler , Hlu Hprlnis , Nob. It. CL AIR VOV ANTS. y ' - ' IIATKS I5e n line llrsl tlmo nnil lOo a line thereaf ter. Noiidvorllsciuciittaken lor Icn * than 25c. AHHIVAL KA'THAOHDINAHY. WONDISHKUL for revelation ! CballeiiKO the world. Airs. Dr M. Ix-urave , dead trnnco clalrvoynat , milroloKlst , palmist and life reader * ; ' tell * your life from tbu cradle lo fraye ; unites Iho teparutrd ; caufea mar I/- wllh the uliii you love ; tells wberu you will ' - ' succeed and In what business beat iidapled for ; bus or cu.ebratcd KgyptlHii brva > tplatu for luck and to Heo. ilentriy bad lntlueue > | cnreiitlti , Iritviupemnceana pilvntu complaints with niussaire , batliD unit al treatment. Send K , lock of biilr. name anil of birth nnd receive nccurnto life chart ; 3 In slumps for circular : tlve Initials of ono lioti'l. will marry ; nliu pbotoi ( if SKIUU. Olllco 1007 Hlh ttreet , llrsl Muori houn , u n. u. lo'J p. / Como line , couio all , unit bu convinced of lbl > ' womturful uruclo , M6U M 4 * polu S-MH8. NANNII ! V. WAIIIIKN , CLAIHVOVANT , reliablebuiliiesoiuedlunnflh ; year , nt HUN. I'Hh ' , laiiil need Kreil S-MHS. MAHV , K IT2IK" " LAKH STHKKT. elalrroyant imd truni-n luttdtuui ; Independent - ; tell pint mnt future , iTII- ' . ' ! ' " HA _ MAaSAOE , BATIfS , ETO. uft HATKd-l5o a llnu I ] ret ttmo and lOa a llnu there. TJuTi , JSv 1 alter. No \ advcrtltuniont taken for less than Kin. Hllllll A HUH , MAHSAUKTIIEATMKNT lllfl.ll 410SO , lithst , 3ril tloor Hut I. MM ) 4' I THKATMKNT. KLKCTHO TJIKIl- -l t > lual baiht. iculpnnd hnlr treatment , uianlcura li. chiropodist , Mrl'o t,8ll ) S.litli , Withuull blk M'-MASSACB. VISIT THK ONI.V KIHST CLASS J'fO piirlurii In Omaha , oyer MO 8. J3lh t. M tit t'H' WK . . . .SMITH. IIZ ) DOUOI.AS STHMKT AT , room 7Sd door. K Alcobot.iulpbur aud 101 batbs. 1 > . MM IT * ling. PERSON/.L. 110 HATKS-lie a line Ar < t time and after. No adygTtl e'menV'iak7a'VoVle Hue 'tna'i'i"ai ' t'per oo UDAN1UL T. CUSTKIl PLBA8K ADDHHSi Co. . Ills bulber Jotenh N. Cutter Inforraatluii , UumHeld. Ohio , IW1C lulerotlnn lo him. Any iiiforuia- abonl blip . , thonkfully received. WSIlitl H.U l'KUBONAl < llKKi' * WOIIIHKII MIOUT IJOIt you ; rlte in rindruu for February ithi J cck , K. T icayou Into , AUTAND'LANOUAOB. "nil VINI"A" ( AKO"KXAMINKTIIB r uew K lu Kluiucll pUDo. A. Uotpo.liU J 734 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. -O. F. ( ) KLLK > mKCK7 IIANJO with llospe.or 32l > * N. IMh street. ? rd noor. 913 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. HATKS lie > line first time and lOc n linn there after. Nn advertisement taken for less than lie. " \V ' f Investment Lo. fell their Investment liondi on ll monthly payment : * whereby the owners nro enobloil lo nlitnln loans from the company. The earnings ( if the bonds aru Inriti' and by this method the borrower unve.i Interest nnit al ihecnd of llm term hai a handsome surplus for hl Inveitment. Thl company I * operated on a very conservative and economical bafls. All earnings oflhneani * pany are mutual. For full particulars write to I ho npcrctary Neb. , rooms IXll and Oil lleo bnlhlluK , Omalii , MI8 40 ir--SI ) llOHTdAOKH. .MOOHK , A. 401 1IKK HIDO. 73.1 J \\T ANTIIDNVUIANAMITIIUSTIXX. SH N. Y. ' I.lfo , Irmlnl low rnlcn for rholcn Security on .Vi'brnsknor lown fnrinjoroninhacltr l'rolff1/- ' "W-COATKdT M , ll'l ) TIlADi : , KASTKIIN MONKY. 733 A\r-.OA.VS ] , W.M.HA1UU3 , l\r-.U AN8 ON IMI'IIOVKI ) AM ) UNi.MI'KOVKIl ' ' city property , fl.UUO nndUpwnnls.tf thspor cent , No doliiju. W. Knrnnrar Smith , t CotI5th : A'llnrnoy. 741 \\r-MO.NKY TO LOAN ON I.ONO Oil 8I10HT ' tlmo In sums of TO to J10.00U. MulunllnrcKlmcnt Compnny. T37 ir AI'ULY TO J , L LOVKTT KOIl (71 ! money ; only llrsl clam security , 220 S. I3lh ! > SO \\r-tl I'KIl CKNT KIHST .MOUTOAdK LOAN'S , ' ' Hlchnnl f. I'ntternon , I.M1 Knronlii ft. 715 \\r-llHAL KSTATK > LOANA 1UUU HX KA11XAM * ' W- , ' \\r-CHAS. W. HA1NKY , 31J OMAHA NAT. UK. bblK. City iTKirtcuui's. Lowest'rnte ; "Slonuy on hiiml. ' M817 \\r-LOANS O.V HKAI. KSTATB , I.OWKS > > riili-s. The O.K.DiivIs compiny. - 1U3 Kit ) \V-CHSTIlALLOANJi ' T-ftUBTCO. 1JK1J UI.D'tl. , . 73(1 ( \\r-HKAI , KSTATK LOANS , ! ) TO 7 I'Klt.CKNT ; 'i no mldltlonnlchnrKt'4 for c6iiml . ' ) $ lon.or nttor- tier's fro. W. II. .Mclklo , Flnt National bank I ) I ( In. 742 Tir LOANS ON IIKAL KSTATK AND COLLAT- " teral notes and mortKagcs boughl- Heed & Selby , 33I llonnl of Trade. 743 sT U. 0. WA1.I.ACK , ; II3,1IHO\VNHLKJ ' . 714 r MONKY TO LOAN ON 1MPHOVKI ) CITY properlv , low rates , A. C , Krost ; Douulas bl'k. 8(12 \\r-WII.L LOAN MONKY ON A.SY KIND OK * ' security ; nlrlctly conllilcntlnl. A. K. llnrrls , room I , Continental block. Mt8l MONEY TO JLOAN-CHATTJEXS. D HATIW-lSo n line llrsl llnii ! nnil 10c.n , line tlioro- nftcr. No advcrtliicir.cnt lnkei\ for Jew thatr 'J. c. XIONEY TO LOAN 11Y H. K. Tl'ASTBHS ' ON lionpcliolil k'nods. pianos , oruntls , tioitff , mules , wimoiiN , etc. . nt the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or chnnito of pos- aosilon. Tlmo nrraniieil lo suit tbe borrower. Payments of liny nuiount can be mailo ut nny time , reducing both principal nnit Interest , thus Klvlntt patrons ull tbo bonetltaof the imrllul pny- ment plun. Cull ami sec me when you wantn loan , or If nioro convenient , call tulephono IG2I and your tiuslnoss can bo transacted at lioine. Money alwayH on hand : no delay ; no publicity ; lo e t rntus ; btislnest conlldcntlHl. II. K. .Musters , H. 4 Wltlmull blk , 15th nnd Ilnrney. 747 X-HOlfT I'HITClIAllt ) , 11.8 , W1TI1NKU. Ill.K. 748 X .MONKY TO LOAN , SO , HO AND ! J DAYS ON furniture , etc Vatt Urcen , H. B & ' > Darker blk. 7411 AMONKY . TO LOAN ON CIIATTRLS : I1ONDS -.Vnnit city warrants bought. Hoom 4U2Knrbach blk G33K2I1 * r CUATTliL LOANS- N. Y L1FB. MOItUIS- iUI KID' MONEY ON KUHN1TUHB. IIOIISKS , 1MANOS. Kcyntonu JltKo. Co. , room 208 , Hheely block : M4BO X MOM : . TO IXJAN ON CHATTELS : istoiio days. gllSCuiiiinlngSt. M9l5-Ki , ; iiO ; ! U5 X CHATTEL LOANS , I1KNHDICT Jt WHAY , 614 ' 1'nxton block. We loan our own money , charge no commission ; It will pay you to consult us. M 6I3-M2 B.ilO X W1IKN YOU WANT A CHATTEL LOAN PKK 10.00 J.15 W. H. Davis , room 20 , Continental block. 8'JI 4.30 ( I.a0 MONEY LOANED ON KUHNITOHK , IIOHSKS , wngons , pianos , elc. Fred ' Terry , r 133 , Itnnmc , ' 50 * BUSINESS CHANCES. UATK3 15c a line tlrst tlmo unit 10o a llnotbere- after. No advertisement taken for less than 2&c. ( Y l.'M buy half Intorent In a well futitbllshcil meat bus- 7.05 lues/ In a tbrlvlni ; city of 3UOO Inluibltnnts. A Rood luesK to Ihe rlKht man. Apply to Heller A eaves Liver Co. , 1217 Howard street. M3I1I-7 V II1JY THK COMMKHCIAL. THE 0.20 Yb LKADINU 1 . l.UO liotel of Ilroken How , Neb. No trade. 821 Leaves Y ; KOIl SALK , MKAT MAHKKT ; DOING A teed business. ( Jood reasons Klveu for selling. T.-M Hex 221 , Kremont , Nob. ' 7H9 11 * 5.35 - Y7 KOLLY KQUll'l'KD CANNING FACTOUY IN Loaves - very best part of Nebraska ; capacity 35.0UO to M,00 < cans pur day ; has made money last three . 5.15 year ; bestof reasons foruolllni ; . Address MJJ.IIee. . ( ill K2i ) Leaves Y-KUHNISIIKD IIOTKL KOIl 8AI.1S Oil HUNT , Ihoonly bolel In city. Apply lo Tlldun Wtato bank , anentTlld n , Neb. 495-f- \ LrKOIl 8AI.K , HALK INTEHKST OK ALL Ol- ' L iiooil pnylnR saloon , well located ; reason for atisfactorily explained. Address M ( it , Hoe. V-HK&T.VUHANT FOIl SALK CHBAl' . 1003 4.It ) J- . I.envcnwortli - rit. M8W 5 I.eaviw FOB EXCHANGE. Sl.ua IIATKS 15o nllno tlrst tlmo and lOc a line there 'J.UO after. 'No advertisement taken for less than 25c. S.IO S.4& al estate & money. llox:2 : ; > 3 , Krankfort.lnil , Ixtavoa S.IO a y-VKIlYDHslKAHLKOMAHA I'HOI'KHTY KOr. \sn \ p AJI.OS Anuelcs properly or fruit rnneh In Ho , Call- fi.4.1 p ferula. David Jamleson , lleo bulldlnir. tti 5.1S p y-AIIVKKTlMKK WldllKS TO THADK A Laves cqully In Omaha real estnto anil pay f.'I.UOO cnsb a llrsl cliunS orU room house In BObil locution. Addti'ss .M 37. HOP. ' M71M D.ilO V-KOIl THADKf A STOCK OK UKNKHAIi'MKIC- J.UHVI-B /-'cbanillio for lands anil cash. Aililrtui' It.V. . Transfer Wnlklns & Co. , Kranktort , Ind WI-VK * R.'M 10.20 A'fMACHK KAHM IN KASTKIIN NK1I11ASICA I.UO ' ora'jichniii.'u. 1. W. Hulllnver , .Wallace. N b. ' Leaves MKSi ! Transfcrl KOIl BALHOHKXCHANGK , TWO IMroUTKD 1000 a Normnn tlalllons and Iwo Imporled Normun IO.I& p , t und 6 years old ; line nnlmali. will Fell low easy terms oruxclmnKO for merchandise orclear Ix-ave ; will put In nemo rash on m'llnu deal If neccs- Traves nary. . Address or call on J. W. Jlolan.ilndlunuln , „ , , JJKII g KOIl KXCIIANIIK. SO OMAHA JIKNTAL /Jproiiorly for oed farm land. Call 6r nddross J , Arnold , 2009 bo Ulli it , 8JI 3' Transfer fiOOD IIOUSK AND LOT. IIANSCOM I'LACW 4.40Mill -'for clear lot or Kansas or Nobriiska land. , House and lot. North 20tli t. morteuKe fax ) , for house and lot farther out , HoiiHoand lot near ' 'Ith and 1'nrber , t-,5 < .iO , , uJcur , food lot ; will IIBSIIIIIO. A ler. Moore , 431 lice Ilulldltur. Leaves _ . . 'ilMU , < Trurnforl - * . | 4 YKAHH' LKAHK ON SSO ACHKS OF 13.01 p -'school land for uood speed cart and track' sulky 6.15 p trotting luirse equipment. AUdreoi.MW.cnre lo.uo p . 800 p 7.40 ILL ( IIVK I'AHT CAHH AND 1IAI.ANOK I.V a etlzo property for liislda Omaha bUnluesi propeJty. ' . . Ollico liourn 2 lo a p. m. Hoom IB , IJIobe MK'JIJ' KOIIKXCIIANOK , A VKHY BTVI.IHII OAH- 'Jrlnco teiun , A No , I roadsters , ran Irot to the In three uilrlilleu , neiitlo und Bound ; good wherever you jiut Iheiii , alntde or don bio. 1 will uxchuniiethu haiiiliomo teum for a tfooil lot or In ruttcrn Nebrnikii , KuLIrs or trade Miarkn not apply. Kor further purllculara nildreaa BoiiiiensclU'lii. West I'olnt , Neb. 88 | III FOR SALE-HEAL ESTATE. HATKS-Iica llnu llrtt tlmo nnd llic o line there Tbe after. No advertisement Inken for less tlmnuic. NEW \V , HALK U AT ' A HAIKJA1N , IXV 15. HUCK t. Pclby's llrit nditltlon to Hoiitli Ouiaha , NEW payiuenl down , balancu monlhly If de lreO- liKHilru ( i. H , - Tiscliuck , Omalm llee. ItSl . OU SALK. 1IOMUS , ANY I'HICK , 7SO. 11,250 UI' rates ; D3WCD a > y term * ; take clear property an ilrst pnriiiout. , , Wallace , Urowu block , itlli and Douglab. lui > imi 750 Drifts > ] SALK. ' NKHKAKKA KAHM LANDS , n , U , Wullacv3U Hrowu block , lott and Dougl nt , 7M ; K. COHNKH KITH AND HICKO11Y , 50x150 .feet ; a bargain for a few day * only. K. K , Dur- . Uarkcr block , ' 751 _ _ SALK , ON SMALL MONTHLY 1'AYMKNTd lObouiei. TbuO.K.DuvU couipaay. 191 KIU ACIIK'TAHM u MILKS KIIOM"LINCOLN , r * oo . ncrw , on lime , Co-Operallro iJind and Ixn aa N. icth i. _ _ HALK , SOUTH DAKOTA KAHMS. CHOICK r ? " " ' bSnd tuT circular. Meutlon tbli pvper. . Mayliew , I.Btcher. B. D. wwa V _ SA1.K-S-K COHNKH I7TH. POHCAH. 8J X . 3 colUsen , sUblo for 0 hornen.can be dlvldnit 5 lots. . lu.UlrettprBuil | . e Hit 8- _ FOUND. OUND-LADY ilANlV 11AO , IN NORTH Oiuuba. Call at 8S3 N V3J it. , I'rove property ; ay for adv rtUUr | , HAIR"atOD8. tlATKS ISc Iln firsl Mme nd 19c linn Ihpro- after. No ndvartleniciUitakpn | far less than 2So. / „ , , . 'KSTsTIIKAT. --/rlcnl wlisano bearil * Vfycrl/illy. Win * , banes swllebcv hair chain * , pic , , ncnil tor calaloitno Mall orders sollcltpO. Dajj , III S. lith st. , Omaha. MnilK IDKAL I.ADIKS'(1l. ' ( in IHKSSINH PAIN 1 lor * , Kwllchoi , ban * * . W ! M. touprc * . Jewelry nnd hnlr ornament * In slurliiriwu * to onler. special nutation given mall oritors. , . SOUS lith st. : ird floor , i m 4M UK * IIATI5S--15C n lln nr t time and lOo a Hue there after. No nilvcrll enieli > , ( nlecn for le < than 25c. LOST1'ACK AHK OF NOTKH AND VAT.UAlli. V ) papers In brown wrnpperj lth rubber Imnd. lip. turn to room 415 ChambCf of Commerce and ro < celvo townril. .Mua7-3' T' OST , 1 LAHGH HLArK IIOUSK. WII1TK HTHIIMJ Jin forehead , left lilnil fool white , nnd one brown horse , blind In rlKht eye. Upturn lo Mil. hctitrcn K andj streets , next school hoiirc , Soulli Oni.ihn. M'.WI I * PAWN BnOKERS. UATKS-lScn linn Ilrst tlmo and ICeallno there- after. No ndvcrtlsrincnt tnken for le * Ibnn S. ' c. " " "J"J'1 IIKMOVKI ) TO 107 S . J5TH ST ? ' 071 MB' SNYDKH'S LOAN OKKICE , I3IOHOD(1K ST. Tj'HED MOIJLK , OKK1CK 15111 * KAHNAM ST. STOCK , WINTERED. HATKS-I5cAllno fll-st time nnd lOo a line there- nflvr. No advertisement taken for less Ihnn3. > c. nn farm Iwo miles of Omaha Ironi II lo dl month. 411 S. 14lh slreel. Tel. 1510. MJJ3 KI3' MASQUERADE COSTUMEsTETC. HATKS IScn line Ilrst lime nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less thnn 23c. LmsVOKNTLKM rado costumes al lit b ItJtb. Golden Kaalo store. l fl m5 MANUFACTURING JEWELERS. IIATKS l.'ic a line tlrpt lime nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement tnkcn for less Ilmn25c. CASH I'All ) KOIl OLD GOLD , CAHSON , V Hanks , room 30 llnrker block , Omaha. 751 CUTLERY. GRINDING. ItATKS-I.V n line Ilrst tlmo nnd lOo nllno there- niter. Noailvortlsement Inken for less Ihan 25o. SKNI ) YOL'H SCISSOHS , HA5O11S ; , KTC. , TO HK ground lo Uuderlnnd \ Co. , lor S , llth el. 7.VI DKESSMAKING. llATKS-ISc n line llrsl limn nnd lOna line Ihero- nfter , No nilvertlneinoilt Inkcn for less than 2. > o. - TAYlNOli SYstKM : WII.LSRW by the day , 11.00. Add. Diesxmakcr , 1310 N 27th si. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. R. MKGEATII , STREET. OMAHA , NF.I1 RHILWRYT-IMEGKRD Leaves ICUIOAOO IIURUUVUTOX & Arrive Omnlm. I Depot 10th unfl Mason His. Omaha. Leaves IIIUULINOTONiA MO. 1UVUH.I Arrlvci Omalm. | Depot lUlli null , Mn"On Sts. | Ouiaha. Leaves I K. 0. . ST. J. . & O. II. J Arrives Omaha. I Depot 10th ami 'Mason ! > ts I Oma 1m n ml..Kansas City Dfty Kxpress. . . . I 5.fii ! p m p in 11C. C. Night ICxp via . 1) P. Trans | li.40 a m Leaves UNION PAVIK1C I Arrives Omnlm. Union Depot lUth Alnl Marcy Sin. | Omaha. a mi . lleatrlce ICxpress 7.00 p m a m . .Dcnver tjircss. , 5.1X1 pm p m . . .Overlain ) Flyer. . . 0.15 p m p m 12.65 p m p m ll.M n m UoltiK I CIUCAUOril. l.'fi PACIFIC. I From Kost. | Union flcpoflOlh > t Marcy Sl . | KasU iolng I C111CAOO. H. 1 , A I'ACIKIC. | Kro m West. I Union Depot 10th and.Marcy Sta. | We t. p m Denver Llailtod. 1.1.40 p p m I Denver Kxprcss. [ : . ; ) a IC1IICAUO. MIL * ST. I'AUI. . Arrive Oniahttl U. t' . depot and .Marcy Sl . Omaha puil . Chicago Kxprosi. U.i5 : a m p m | . Chicago , . lixpreaa. 5.4.r > p m I rilOUX CTl'V i 1'ACIFIC. Arrives Omaha Dopol. IQIh and Marcy Sts. Omaha a m l . Slon.vClty. I'assiiiicur. . llU-.Mp m p m | . St , Paul Exprcua . IIO.OOii m 1 SIOUX CITY .V PACIFIC. | Arilves Omnhaf Depot. 16th'and Webslersta. Omaha p iu | . -.St. t'nill Limited I'.i.ai u m lo ICHICAOO i NOIlTHWKSTKHNlArrlvos OniohaU. | P. depot , loth mid .Marcy ! > ts. | Omnhn be p ml St. Louis L'annon Hall | I2.3S | > m I F. , K. & AIO. VAI.I.KV. lArrlvos Omahal Depot. I5lb and Webster Sis. lOiiinlm' ) a in Dcadwood Kxpross. . . . . . . .V.I ) p m u m ( Kx. Hal. ) Wyo. Kxp. ( Kx. Mon. ) S 20 p m p III Norfolk ( Kx. Hunday. ) 11.ID a m p III St. Paul Hxpross 11.23 a m to I U. , ST. P.-.M. & O. ( Arrives Omaha I Depot , lith. anil Webster Sts. Omaha m . .Slcur City Accommodation. . U.Oi p m m Uloux City Kxpro.is ( Kx , Humt'y ) 12.1) ) p in m SL Paul Llullteil ' . < : U n m m llancroft 1'aisnniter ( Kx. Huml'y ) 8.45 n m I MISS'OUHI PACIK1C. Oinobnl Depot I5III and WflbsturSH. Omaha 1 ml .St. Louis Kxpruss , , ll. : < 0 a m li m | St. Louis Kxpress. I . ' . .10 p in - CIHCAll ) . H. I. \ PACIFIC. Arrive- ) Union licpot.Councll Itlutft. Transfer p m NlKht I''xpresa. . . V.'M a m m Atlantic Kxpri'xs 'iM p in p in Veatllmle Limited , , 12.M p m I K. < ; . . ST , joi < ; , t c. H. lArrlvei Union Depot , Council HlulTs. | 7'riinstor ml..Kansas Clly Day Kxpress. . . I , .V.'j p m ml.Kansas ( 'Hv Night Kxpros > . . .1 | fl.211 a m IUHICAOO , HUHI/N & QIMNOY , I Arrival nsferl Union Depot , Council Ilium ( Transfer I D.MAIIA AST. LOUIS. 1 Arrives ! Union Depot.Council Illiilfs. ( Transfer -Mill St. Louis Canon Hall (12.11 ( p m . | CHlCAiO.VNOHTIIWKSTKHN ( Arrlvoi Union Depot. Council Hluffs. Transfer m . . . ( 'hlcauo-JUpress - nt . , . . . : ) p m m . . .VcBtlbulcil.lmlteil ii.10 a m m 1.30 p m It ( KxSut ) Atlantlalliill ( Ki'Mon ) 7.3J a m in : Carroll ' I'ws . oiiKer 10.00 p m to Ticket U. lAnreal , Fastcit atJd Flnett In the World. Cnpltnl r iii ngiiriict.-oiniid4tloiiaul > < ! icelli l. YORK. lONDONOfBRV AHD OIA800W. YOIIK , Ginlrjsand NAI'LUS , At reuulaiVIhtervals , U C 8AI.OOH , SECOHD-CWis AND STIERAOE Morse oil Inweit ternn tu.miil from tbe principle Heed KH3U3Q , I2IDH i ilL COHTL'IElJrAL rOKIO. Kteuralonllrkoti avalUblntnirtiirn by dllicr llm l.lc- * Clrda S North ut Irvlund or N pl ' it ( llbraftar :1 lint ; CMtn la At ? Anut it lovett Sttii , Apply to any of our local Aimntior to UKUTUKUM. Chlcaifo , IIL CURE , YOURSELF ! , ' Ask youc Druggist ( or , fcottlo of Blp O. The only ' non-poiionoui rouicily lur all I Hoom J Ihe iinimtural illicharKtsnnd I private dl ett of men uud the uubilllallui ; weakueu peculiar to women. It cure * In a tew | diya without lha ld or ubllcllr o ( a doctor , 'A * ( /nii-trinj American Cwc. Manufactured by I xTbe EMDJ Chemicsl & .1 CINCINNATI. O. U , S. . FOUND AT LAST. After Yaara of Unsucojssfnl Search for a Cure , Martin Anderson Gets Holloffrom the Chlnoso Doctor A Voluntary Tistt inpntal , OMAHA , Neb. . .Tnn. 18 , 1802. TQ whom - It-AIuy Concern ; This is to certify tliiit. J hnvo boon n constant aufToror for many yours with Cttu'rh. ! ) asthma nnd bronchial ulToc * ttons of the throat , and tried nil thu untont medicines nnd : rotncullcs I over hoard of , but with no success. I treated with doctors in various parts of the country , but none of thorn could do mo any good further than { jiving mo short temporary relief. I buttered night nnd day. and continued to grow worse not withstanding nil the mcdicfno I had taken. I hail almost crivonup mv cnso as hopeicss when L was iiiformcu by a friend of Dr. G. Gee \Vo , the Chinese doctor , and ml vised to go and see htm in the hopoof pettinp relief at least , if not per million ! euro for my trouble. I was slow ill 'making up my mind to make stieh a1 radical change in my treatment , as I know a trial with the Chinese dec or would ' bring mo , but I finally con - hided t'o give him a trial , so I called a t his office witli that intention. I found thn doctor a clover , entertaining gentle- mnn , thoroughly posted on my condi tion , nnd it took only a vary short time to convince mo that ho was the party I was BO long in search of. Ho told me my cnso was ctirablo , nnd that ho could euro mo , nnd jropirod ; nip a special treatment ' to suit my condition , and in t'wo weeks I wits so much bettor that I hud the fullest confidence in the doctor's ability find committed my case to his treatment. I continued to grow bettor rapidly and rim now entirely well. I ewe my cure to Dr. C. Goo Wo , and am not ashamed to admit it. I advise all who want relief from their troubles to call on Dr. C. Gcq Wo. nnd they will be cured. For nil particulars apply or write to MAUTIN' L. ANDKKSOM : , 3121 Cnming St. , Omaha , Nob. DR. C. GI5HVO , Regular cr.-ultmto of Chinese rnodlolnc. olzlit ytmrV study , tun yours' practice. Trouts suc cessfully all diseases known to snllurlng hu manity. Hoots , plants nnd liorbs nature's rotnodlos Ills inodlulnes tlio world his witness ; l.OOU tes timonials. ( Jiitl nnn sco him , Consultation frca Has also constantly on hand remedies for the following diseases ready prepared : Asthma , Catarrh , llhoiiniutlsin. Indigestion , Lost , Manhood. I'omalo Weakness. Hick Hcnd- ncliu , Blood I'urlflnr. and Kldn ° y und I.Ivor. Price , ono dollnr per hoHlo or six for llvo del lars. These who cannot cull , enclose 2-ccnl stump for question list und full particulars. Olfice , Cor. 10th and California Sts. , Omaha Protect your lungs by wearing Chamois vest. For colcl feet buy a Hot Water Bottle. We have all sizes , at low prices. Physicians Prescri p- tions prepared al low prices. The Aloe& Tenfold Company t.1tli Street next to P. O , rropotmlB for CiitH mill ICIeelrlo I.lj'lit Flxturi'K. Sealed Mds will be received nt the olflcn of tlio City I'onintrollor. Uinaha. Nolirtibkii , up l o'elock noon Murcli 1st. . ISlt' , for C'oiiibln- utlon gas und electric light fixtures , In no- uordnncu with tlio .sueullluutluns oil Hie at tlio olllco of 0. ! ' . llelndorir. Arohltoct , ( > 07 lleo ItulldliiK. Ulils to be accompanied with tlio sketches UH therein spccUlcd. All bids must nceoinuanled by a certified cheek to the amount of il.000.00 which will bo forfiolcd to tlieelty in case tlio bidder should bo awnrdotl tuo contract , and f.ill to furiiUh u bond ac- cuptublo t-o tlio Mayor und City Council In tlio HUIO of twice the amount ot conlr.iut price , such bond t'o bo signed by residents of Iouf'laK county. The Council reserves tlio rlalit to accept or reject tiny or ull bids , us In their jmlgoniunt II will buit servo thu IntorcstH of the Oily , llidn bo addressed , " 111(1 on ( In ? und Kleclrlo Light Flxttirus forOninliuC ty Hall. " TIIEO. OLSKN , Comptroller. F1-11-18-25M - - - O K. T. * ' . -IX LOUKAUD'H OltlK.NTAt , one AM , on JUAUIUAI. HKAUI'IFJKK. J IUmovi > aTAli , I'lniplen , Krrck. A It X& c Ti , lr , Mi/thr.ltCllef.H hnlidSkln Jo Ci i-O W utiii.d | every bloinl : > i oil WU - e - T Jt\ x-x hwmty , anil dm dru-rtlin. It hiu 7r2J tiiud tlio tort of 40 C'i// ) " . and ! > a Laiiiiffiiut U tolt to IHJ piiri * It I * pro | > - vrly liiailr. Accfpt no counterfeit of BluilUruimo. Dr.L. A. htijtr nld to a lAilrnriholinut-ton ( a pRti'jnt ) : MA0you coinnuiul * ( Jou < Ll'iClt:0m'ft : tha , , i.vTinrul ) : of nil Iliu l > kh ) | iitnift > * lloni. " fur Mia by . Faneliooos U. > [ noirnittfiritaii.il. ( 'anmlHifnil K'irnpp ' | l 'f | I""KIVS , I'l-np'r in > Mt.jMir St. N. V AllanLine ItOVAL MAIL SrHAMKHS , Ball rc2ularl-0iirlni wlntur from P.ORTLAND to 11VEBPOOL Direct. Cutiln f(0and upward : sccoml cnbln , fJJ. Bcarta ( loir ratai. No CAITLK CAIIUIKII , TTWT1 STATE j 1 AJULkA-N " ' LINE JUMXtM ( , STEAMSHIPS. New York and fllmcnw Kortnliditlr. Cabin lrt , Hi > C9nd Cabin I3X fitourazoll } . Apply ALLAN * CO. , Cblcazo 1L H. Ml ) J.1.11 , WaUuli OlDou ; W , li'VAILIIurllnirtqn Tlou ; O.tljj NEBRASKA . National Bank. SDEPOSITORY. . . - OMAHA , NE3 . 7. . $100,01)3 ) Surplus . ( Jlt.r.OI ) olIlfB Onicorsaad Director ! Henry W , Yatei , praildonl ; llntt , Cunhlnjr , vlcu prosldont. C. H. MmirTcu W. V. day , John H. I'olllni , J , N. H. Patrick. , Caihicr. IRON BANK. Cornur lilth unit Karnain Sts. Dr. GLUCK , rarlr I Eye Ear Nose Throat full , , , , A man SPECIALIST. ' Glussesj uUJiiHltHl to nil vUual dofocti , ' O'utarrh siieces-ifiilly tiuutiid , 18 , Darlicr lilucli , j5tli and Farnam PENETRATING IuiH PLASTER. to Qi'WK. Otiien Ji comnarleon aril tlow or 1JKA.U. HtuffcrlaKtrr WOOD'S PLASTER. It I'eiielratej , lie. lluv . Curr * . All UNSORUPOLOtP IMITATORS have sought to profit by the hitrli rojinlatioti of.lohnnn HolTs Malt I'Mriiot. Ilcwaro of thoia Look for thu st imturo of "Jo- hnnn HolT" on Uio ticnk of every - ory bottle , Klsnor iV Mumlol- son Co. , 0 Unrctny Struut Now York , neon Is. A Written Guarantee to SYPHILIS CUrfE EVfRY CAStor MONEY REFUNDED. Our f uro U penn.inrnt nml not n pstchlnit lip. Cie IronlPil JCTPP yrnnneo Imrn no pr scon n symptom * lnw. llj-iU > rrllilnitcn o fullwo run trout roittif mull , nnil wi-iilvothonnmo Mronu Riinrnnlco to cure or refund nllmoncj. The v Who pn-for to mine hero fnrtri-nlniont cmnli ) "iinii'l c "III pay rnllroml fnro Imlh "njsnntl holrl hills while here If wo full to euro Wo Chnllonito thn WorM for n c . o Hint our MAdtC 1IRMKDV will not euro. Wrllo for pAHIcu'ArJ ntiil RcttliKCTMrtipp. In our w n ymr ' prnclloo with thl MA01C lliMIiV : : U tm boon moU Oiniciilt Ui nvurcnmolho imijuillooi itgittnU i > ncnllol < | vcliloi , lintumlcr ( inr KtroiiR nunrnnloo tlmuvinilt nro trjliu Itnndbelnaciiixsl. We oiinrantoo lo euro orrofiml ereryilollnr , nnil in wo h v n raputntlon to pMtail nljonnnnrlnl Imcklnnof MXI.OII It t pprfectlr siifo to nllwhonlll try the Iro.Mraunt. llorctofoMyou Invo In'en puttlnRiipnn.l puylrm outrimr monojforillOar onttroatmcntii , niutnlthouxh you nro not jot enrol no one hiupnlit buck rnur ninnor , Wa will positively euro ' you. OM chronic , ilpcp ic Uvl c < ui enrol leiM lo'DI il.ir ? . Invi tlimtoiuir nnnnclnl ntnmlliw , our rcputntlon n Inislnc" men , Wrtto 11.1 for nnino nml mlilrn e of tluno wo bnvo ciiri'.t who hiuo glron perinl ilontorufiTtollioiii. Itco t ? yon only post- KKctoilo thl . If your nynipto-us nro itora throat , niucoti < .pntchelti moiilh , rhoitaiatlstn In bono nml joints , hnlrfullliiK out , oriiptlim * on ixny pnrt of the bixlyfuollntf of uoncrnl ilopronlKri , pnliu In hvitl or DOIIP * . Youlinra'no lima tn wntto. The o who ro roiutnntly taking mercury nil polnsh . "hoiiM illscon- tlnuolt. CoiHtnnl lisnof tlii adruitt will aurt'ly tarlni ! nn.'s an.l nitlnit > itevr < In tin ) en I. Don't , fall to wrlta Allcorriv iiomU'ucu ? unt yonlo.l In philn uurolopo . Wo Invite tin ) mint rl lil InrcsllH.illon nml will ilo nil In our pon-ur lo M I you In It. Aildru.ii OOOK EEMEDY CO. , - Onnhi , Nebraska. MAGIC CUB FOR MEN ONLY. Sisoo for n < i o of LO T or KAII.IMI MANHOOD - HOOD , Gene , or NKIIVOIS ; DKIIII.ITV , wunk- iiossof nilyr .nliiil.tliooll'ortijiiforrorsoriix- cossoslii oUtnryniinzthntwocannotouro. Wo LMiariintoo every rnso or refond ex'Hi-y tlolliir. Klvc dnys trial treatment 11 , full coin-so * * .T. I'orccptloto benotlis ritallzed lu throt ) iluyN , lly mall. Kocui-oly pnuKoil from observation. COOK liBMRtiv Co. . OMAHA. N n. LADIES ONLY MARIP I'l lAI.K IMMit'l\T01t , Safe nnd lllnUlU Curtain to a day or money refunded , lly mull $ . ' . . Securely s > oalo.l from ohsorva- ton. CIKHi It h.lln lt\ ' < ' / > . , Uniiiliii. Nel ) . m itm LEAVES A-DELICATE AND LASTING ODOR. An Ideal Complexion Soap. For tale by nlinnmnnrt Knnoy Oorxln Dcnlerfl , orlf nnablotoprocurothls IVanilrr/kil SonppenclSfi cent * In utiunps nnil receive a cnko by return mail. JAS.S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. SPEOIAT.-Slmndnn Tli-lls WnlU ( the popular Society \Vnltzpent FIIEK to nnyono Ecutliu UE Uiree wrappcnt of Sbandon Hells Bonp. 1)11. K. C. WESTSNKHVI ! AND 1IIIAIN THKAT- .MKNT , n spcrlllcfor llr.'torln , Illizliie , Kit ) . Nou- rululn , llendncbo , Ncrvoun Troatratloii cniuod by al cohol or tobacco , WnkofiilnoJS , Mental IH'praislon. oftenlntc of tbo llrnln. causing tnsinlty , misery , decay , rtoath , I'rcmntiiro Oht AKO , Harrpiinois , Lots of 1'ower In either sex , Impntuiicy , Loiu-orrliooa ami all KoniMo Weaknejso ) , Involuntary Lossas , Hpar- iiiatorrhoea cnnseil by over-oxortlon of the hr.iln , Helf-uibuHe , ovor-lndiileenca. Amonth't treatment II , ( i for J5. by mnll. Wo Uiinrintca six bxiai to euro. Kach order forl ! boxes , wlthf.1 will send writ ten Hiiaranlco to refund If not cured , CuarnntiuM Issued only by A. ISchriiter , llruvslst. ole S. aitonts , K. cor. llltli nnd KariHim sti. , Omnlm , Neb. MANHOOD RESTORED. . " 8ANATIVO , " the Wonderful Spanish Itciucdy , Is Rohl with a Written Cunrnntoo to cure all NCIVOUH Ills- rasi-8. BIK.II as Weak Memory , Loss of Ilraln Power , Headache , WakcfulncAs , I.oiitlan hood , Nervousness , I.aa- sltuilr , all drain ] anil Doforo & After Use. . las ) of power of the star Fliotograplicd from life. Crncrnllvo Oipani In of cither mx , caiued by ovcr-mrilliin , j-oiithrnl ImllscrelloiK , nr tbu ptrrulve aru ise of loliacco. opium , or itliniilnnH , ulilrli ultlniiitely Iwiil to Inllrmlty , CuiiMimptlnn and Inniiilty. 1'ut up thy In convenient fiirm In curry In ( be rent pwkrt , 1'ilcc n packiice , nr ( i for . ' . f > With every f > aider we Klve a written sunrantoo to cure or refund the money , rti'iil by mall lo unr nitdrrsi. Clri-nlar fiee In jilalii envelope. Mention this pupfr. Aililuiu , the MADRID CHEMICAL CO. . Drench Ofiice for U. S..A , 1M Denil.orn . Street. CHICAGO. IM. fOK SALE IN OMAHA. NEB. , DY Ktihn & Co. , Co.r 15th ft Douglas SU. .A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. 14th & DouchM SU. D Foster A Co. , Council IMuffa , In. JAPANESE the CURB The the food iimnd From of week. Tuft'sTiny Pills the A HliiBln iloso proiliireii lieiieflelal Tfl- suits , fjl vliiirrlirorriilni'iiHoriiiliiil anil liiiojiiney oflioily to ulileli you ro liefnro hi ranker. Tlioy tmjiiy u jnii. mJ of ulurlly iiiijinnilleled. 1'rlcc , y.'i-U. lain's ture grip HAVE , its U.r > YOU SCHIFFiyiANN'S A8THMA"oURE | Nuvur fall * to ulvu ImtAnt rellt-f " " * " " ' ' ' < In tliawonitl .L : i ! 'ffiTU Trill I'.lit. PUiK where olhir fall. ' Addrfbi DH.1J tin. : - r UmrrliU . . . . . .T r br - - " . HI. . . .n. .Muds T. ' NIocIdiiililnr'M JMfflliiK- , - ' Notlco Is lieroDelv n tlmt tlio regular 0 I- ' lilillinil ineolllll- thu atoekliolilurs of tlio : i , tiotith I'liittn Land company will be held at the UlnirliiH of said uonii.iny | , In Lincoln , .N"ulj.on the llnttVeiIiie ( liiy In .M.-irclilbWboliiK ihu &vcoud F II of tliuinontli. 1 , Jly order of llm Hoard of Dlroctora Iltinrv U. O. I'll 11.1.1 i'H , Di'i-ot..rv. lots , NcU. l > 'oli. S , IM. I < "J iiuift M K It TO WEAK MEN Safforlnc Uie c.Tucli from of . piirlc decay , vva-MliiKweKkne&a , loit joutliful iiiauhood errnrt , eu\ , Arthur will iwiul a valuable irvatliHi ineabxl ) ronlaliilns particulars Mr liumo cure , I'll HI ! of charge. II.I splendid luedlcul work ; fiiiiiubl Ip read by every H ! who li iicrvoni and dublllluU-d. . U7 , I'rof , 1' . C. ' I'O WLUU.aiootlu , C'uiiu. A ( J 1 JVrir , t'rrlulu Ilriiirtly. I.uit. lur Int'tuir , uuxrrelurui. 1 willn-uij ( naluljrrce to anr suff rer , H.M. . CURE tcrlptlon lo tnlaue niall , wfak ruirli and i-rrulu euro for Lo | lulxloiiM.Vuritvrrlo ( > teurr > J. : , Hoi-1 , All.luu.ilkU. and toll PISO'S CURE FOR tioof i „ cuntsyml Alt tutAIIS. . tluutr 1 VotCouvlitlyrup. Tostea ( iood. I broth In time. Huld by aruf ut . Asthma sorry DARING WORK OF KIDNAPERS They Oarrj OffaWoalthy Fnrmor's Boy ami Demand a Bausom , THREATENED MURDER IF NOT PAID TinFutlior StnrlK ( tut with Sit Tliominnl Dollurni lint tlio VllliiliK llrcnino I'rlRlilrnoil llcloro Hl Afrlvnl anil Siifroiulor the \Vuil. Nnw Voiuc , Fob. n. A bum ! of dating kltl- nnucrs stoloV nl l-'orrli Wntorbiiry , the S-yonr-oltl ton of Cluirlos P. Wutorliury ( n wcll-io tlo fiirmor of LOUR KldRO , ( Jotin. , which is nonr tno Now York line , nml hnve buon holilliip lilin for $0MX > ratisom , In many ros [ > cols tlio cnso la sltnll.tr to tlio fnraotu nbdnctlon of Olmrloy Kos § near Phllailcllihla In 1874. Thoehlld was stolen on Moiulny , within nn olghtli ot n inllo of hi * homo , whllo on Ills way to school. So well planned was tlio out- wgo Unit practlcnlly no trace of tlio kid * nupors was left behind after they had gonon mile nnd a nnlf. It nil Impponod In n thlslcly flottlod nnd rusnoctablo couiinunlty , nnd the father bad received n letter from the tnon who had his r.hlld threntcnlni ; that If ho did mot promptly pay thorn they would lull the lad , mid Intimating that they would also wreak vongoatico on Ills hoad. The demand of the child stoulors , who nleiiod ihomsulVM "Klvor Hoys. " was thnt the money should bo paid to tliom ntinld- nlKht last nlf-lii on n brldKo near Bedford , which Is on thp dividing line butwoou Con necticut \Vostchostcr countvNow Yorlc. It Is far from n railroad station and out of reach of the tolORrnph. The lather of the boy started to Iceup the nppolntmonl with $0,000 in tils pocUtit , all ho could ralso In such n short thr.o. Deputy ShurllTi Howard , I'liK'sluy and Stephen Hart of White I'lahm started for ; ho aeono Into last nlijht , ImviiiK receivei : word from Mr.Vntorbury. . They will protect the father und if possible appro uomftho Uldmipnrs. This niornliiff a dlspntch was rocoivcd from Lonir HUlKC that the kidnapers had boon brouKht homo early this inorninir by John Close of Stanevich , Conn. The lioy had boon loft nt his homo of by a atrango mini who then ran nwnv. The boy said ho was curried oft by two men who look him to n small house and kept him until til ht , w lie n they left him at the door of the Close cottnuo. The whole countryside was up in arms. Tha plan was a most darltiK oneuud the parents of the stolen lad were frantic. There limy yet bo u ly tic In 111 , ' If the villains nro cinplit. " About llfty armed men spent nil Monday night In searching the country for the bov with lan terns. Suspicion exists that Charles K. Wnterbury , who is a nenho'w of tuo boy's father , knows more about the plot than ho will admit. It wns ho who bora the note to Charles 1' , Wati'rbury , in which the kidnap ers made limit dommul for & ; , IXX > . lie claims to huvo done nothing , but HIW : mon armud with shotguns stunding bv tiio fltlo of u phuoton. Ho was directed to give thu note to Waiorbury. What may provo slgiilllcntit is that the father's relatives wcro not on good terms and claim that ho took an ud- vantugo of them in dividing the ostato. Oh ! yo xvlm tench the ingenious youth of our great nation , let them learn the noDlo art of self defense , as Salvation Oil is the spcclllo for hurts. Llttlo Atinio yesterday told us , in her way , what n good medicine Dr. Bull's Cougji Syrup is ; it had cured her of a very sevoru cold. iirti ICxnirnlnn to TOVIIH I'lilntH. On February 8 tickets will bo sghl nt Onmlm and Lineuln , and points intorinu- disito botwcon same , nnd ICansMH City.to Gitlvcslon , Tox. , and return , < rood /or ; fl ) days. : it ono faro for tlio round trip , reading via Atchiuon or Kansas City and the Santa Vo route. This is your opportunity to combine business with pleasure at vury tittjo cost ; visit tlio deep water -harbors of Texas and invest a few dollars in Texiifl property while it is being- sold so cheaply. ' If you do not wnnt to invert go any way. Tlio tt'ip will do you good. Grand excursion train leaves KaiiHU.s City via the Santa Fe rotilo at ft oVltwl : Tuesday morning , February ! ) . Huy your tieUot Fobniary 8 , from your nearest ticket agent and join the .crowd. Write or telegraph to ! ' . J . I'.tlihOr , Pussougcr Agent , tiimtii l-'ti Route , 1H ! < 5 Farnain Htropt , Omaha , for sleeping car accommodation. l-'lKiirliiK on County Siilurli-K. The county comii.lsslouors held another chamber HQjslon In thn interest reform yoslorday , and once more they pluncingthu knife into tho-salaries of county employes. Superintendent Mahoney of the poor farm and County Treasurer Irov wcro before bonrd in the forenoon. And diirlnir thu afternoon Sheriff Bennett was on the rack. According to the testimony of the com missioner who sprung1 a leak , thu whole movement will uo up in suiolio. Tiio talkatlv6 member said tuat salaries would immediately uo cut to some extent , but in end the wages paid additional clerks would mom than make up for the cuts. Already the county treasurer has boon al lowed an additional clerical lee per month. county judge wants two uioro men and chances arc that ha will got them. Other olllciuls domund more help , with a prospect of getting about all they ue- , ( 'liiiiiilirrlnln .t < 'i > . tlic Clinton f.'umitii .lilreitliiti ; Tn w , lit , It was the good fortune of u ropreBonUitlya this paper to visit the laboratory of'this cntorprislnp Una at DCS Molnus ono dnv this . It occupies four lloors of a double building nnd employs sixty-live lianas In thu different departments , which Include Urn compounding of the different preparations , bottling , packing , shipping und printing. In latter department timy have a ilnoly equipped printing ofiico , with luilf a do'iun presses , which uro kept nearly ronstuntlv 411 operntlon priitlng labels nnd dliTurant IdndH advertising matter. Their laboratory is especially nutty at thi I line , as Chamber ' Cough Kemody , which they manufac , has proven a splendid remedy for the , nnd in all cuses greatly relieves the putiunt after taking ono or two doses , whllo continued 1110 will cllect a complete euro. aud r,0 cent bottles for SKIO | by druggists. Till ! ItKAl.TV AI.IIIIUM- . rNSTKHMKNTS placed on rorurd I'uliruar/ , loir. ! / lituifeen und wlfn to .Siuniinl , Mnr- lutiNon. lot 10 , hloolc ; i , Arhnr pl.-u-n 41,30) Lund and wlfuloll II Kardur , loU'J ' , l-'iilriiiiuiil ( iiliii'ii l-'uhK umlwlfo loll \V \ Hrockutt , lot J(50D hlouk HI , Hun ( li Oninhii 1,01)0 ) Mlnzund wlfo in llonnan Tina- hrh'lc. n > ' , lot IT , Noel ; a MorrUun' * mid ! ! .TO Uuvls ut ill to A M K Hamilton , lot liloidCI , llrnld Hill ,1,100 , I'lindt and wlfn Id Miiflii Devlin ) , l und _ ' , lilpuk 4 , I'nndt pliiuu . . . . . . 7DO M.Muhon ! to K i ) llanilliu , lot IT , hlock li , lledfonl ' placo. , . . , . . . . , . , , . , . I.Q09 I.lnnuod I'arlc Lund coinpuny to I'IUIIT tlslcu Viuok , lot ! > , Dloulc I , l.lnivoud , 275 lluinlir-'toii ol til to Miuy Julil , lotLll , liloclc JI. Oniuhn Vluw CM Windsor nnd wife lo I'nink Kotvu , ' fuut lot 4 nnd n 11) ) foot lot 5 , Mock . . Vonth ( Jni.'thlu. , . . . , , . . . . . 1,150 Dawi'H und wlfo to IK unit Kiitu 1C Mnoitm ' , lot.i Kl (0 ( 1 , Ijlnuk U , A H J'itt- rlck'M udil Imrlrs ( ioliUinltli fl,00f , nnd wlfo to Walter llrandlt-N. lot' ' , ( iohUniUh'ti Hull In 1'ul- & Culm'n Becond udd to Hont'i Unniliu , , . . , LOW Total amount of transfers. . , . , . . . , . . . * 2I-MO HponjM-iKlj-bu HUH AHlliinu ho spool thirty-two ml mi to trying to his wife to go to ttitiudor and got bin hot- Dixon's AHthma Curb , anil ho ( poor ) ilutterod around and brought soma and a hair brush and things , aud Spoopondylio nearly died , but ho got tbo Cure finally and tUon- well , I'M ' for his wlfo.