THE OMAHA DAILY BKE ; TIintgDAY , FEKJIUAUY-J , 1892. LAST CHANCE FOR OMAHA Bho Must Deoido Today Whether or Not Bho Wants Base Ball. MEETING OF THE WESTERN MAGNATES flrrnt Nebraska Milliard Tnnrnninrnt , Ar- rnngril for Wrek Aflrr Nctl IVhnt tlio llnrnnnminrn DoliiK tlcn- ornl flrUt of .Spurt. John A. Spans , proaldont ol the Kansas City base ball club ; L. C. Krauthoff , couu- RcloroMho Woswrn league ; Walton Holmes pf the Kansas City Slrcol Hallway company nnd Mr. Carty of the Metropolitan Stroo railway lines , all of Kansas City , together with O. H. SchmoU of the Columbus , O. , club aod n number of other prominent bnsot bull men will arrive hero this morning. Some Vlmo during the day n comtnlltco of thrso K nilomnn will wait upon prominent business of Omaha for the purpose of aicortaln- Ing what they will do toward pulling In a club In this citj as a member ot the now Western league. The conditions governing this now base ball enterprise nro such ns will preclude all 'possibility ' of the failure of any of the clubs that tnako up Iho circuit , a-s rigid economy Is , thq rornorstonu of the wbolo project. Omaha I lias had case ball utn ble cost , but now the 'opportunity ' presents Itself to glvo her Just 'ns peed bull nnd on such conditions as rnakrs ill reasonably cortaln that its supporters will' { realize something on their Investment , or at fjcosl emerge nt the end ot the season with an Invon balance. Ibisnn opportunity that tbo [ Imslnots men , interested In the advance and lirosporltyof thoclty , should not allow to jiass unimproved. ' Stain Illlllitnl Tournament. , The Drunswlclc-llalko-Collohdor state bil liard tournament , opens at Kcnlston's rooms In the Now York Life ono week from tomor row ulghtitho 15th. This tournament prom ises to bo the best exhibition In this line over plvon In Omaha. It Ls for the state cham pionship , and already the entries , which c-loso tomorrow night , "reach double figures. Lieutenant Arrasmitb enters on condition thut any prize ho mav win ls to bo donated to Homo charitable institution , the iamo to bo named by TUP. 'OMAiit BIK. : The gold- mounted cue , emblematic of the champion ship , is now on exhibition in the show win dow of C. S. Kavmond's Jewelry store. This , with a cash purse of & > ( > , constitutes the first prlzn ; $10 second , MO third. & > 5 fourth , $31) ) fifth and ? 10 sixth. Among the entries from Omaha nro Lieuten- r.nt Arrosmlth , Frank Homston , Harry Symos , Mr. Warner and others. Tlio re U nlso a good entry list from abroad , and alto- pother the tournament will undoubtedly provoa brilliant success. Sum Morton' * Chiinrn. The awarding of the new Western League base ball franchise for Minneapolis has not yet boon made , but If the committee pays nn : ; heed to the demands ot the press tbo Morton faction nro sure winners. Throuch- outtbo whole country prominent base ball hi6n are pulling for the genial and capublo Slim. _ I'VnccrM Organized. A branch of the Amateur Fencers' League of America , whoso headauartora nro in Now York City , was organlrod at the Omaha Ath letic club last evening , where most of the lovers of this fascinating art were present. After some preliminary discussion as to the increasing popularity of fencing us a sport nnd healthful bodily recreation , the mooting was called to order and a roll call showed llftcon gentlemen present. The following ' olllcors were then elected : Ooorgo W. Amos , president ; F. J. Dt'spocbcr , vlco president ; S. P. Morse , troasurovf.E. P. Mullen , sopro tary. i . ' , The proper papers will bo forwarded to the League headquarters. Its rules ana regulations governing con tests. land exhi bitions wcro adopted. 1'nrk AIIIalrH. Tbo Omaha and Council Ttluffs Motor and , Bridge company has unloaded some of ils Block In the Council Bluffs driving park ou the directors of the Union Pacific. The stock Issued some time ago to Omaha horsemen was canceled because of the re fusal of the latter to pay up , und In Its place seventy shares have boon Issued to Frederick Amos and fifty shares to Sidney Dillon. This gives thnso two outsiders just ono-thlrd of tho.ttiO shares of the stock. The bndgo line company holds all thn balance , with the exception of sixty shares which nro hold bv J.JC .Lutz , William Moore , E. A. Wiokbaui and Charles Gregory of Council Bluffs. . -This leaves the Omaha horsemen foot loose to build a track on this side ot the rlvor. > 3'wo tracls of land arc now under consider ation , and it Is highly probable that either would bo donated by the owners provided no association would tnko them and Improve them In accordance with the proposed plan. Itrxnllx at ( iloucmtur. GtoucusTKii , N. J. , Fob. 2. Weather cloudy ; track heavy. first nice , thirteen-sixteenth * of a mile. Rolling : Topmast ( the fii vorlto ) won , Illuok- Inirn second , Lancaster third. Time : l'Ki. : Second nice , sevcn-oizhths of u mile : 1'lor- cnco ( the favorite ) won , Kmma J second , lllchnl third. Time : lV-4. Third nice , ono mile , selling : lilrthduy ( the fitvorltii ) won , .Iiulu-o Nelson second , The ) ' 'iirnm third , Time : -'JIj. ' ! Fourth ruco. throe-fourths of u mlle.HullIng : Jersey won. Kingdom ( the fuvorlto ) sckcond , Jackpot third. Tlnip ; IS9. ; Klfth inco. flvo-elKhths of n mile , soiling : I/eo Bristol won , llonnln Iinss aeeond , Nettle ( the favorite ) third. Time : lluy. ' t < lxtti race , tlilrteon-sKteonths of it mile , Hulling : Ulustor ( the favoritn ) won. Eriimu eecoiui , Dan l third. Time : luu. Tips for Today. Hero are some bors s that look Hko good things for tbo races named : " OU1TFNIIBUU. 1. Juy K. Deo-Qiilbblor. 2. fiiblini Xonuphonu. 3. I'rodlenl Kyrlo It. 4. Itam'oeaH OIICK Agiiln. n. l aUrlppu Toluphone. 0. Ijongstrldi ) Spurlliit , * 1. Wandeier H Edsnr Johnson. J. Jothiiy iCIimilom , a lllrtliday llrown Clint llo , 4. llollsarlus Cartoon. 5. I'cni'unco Censor. ' ' ( V Oiirnoglo Sam I ) , IlriiHllrlil'H Siilc , IjEXixdTox , Ky. , l-'ob . ! ! . BrasHoId .t Go's , horse sales amounted to over $50,000 today , Following are some of the principal ales : iJzzlo Champ , chcstuut maro. by Htrathmoro , dam tilg Ellen bv Clark Chief , to Kotcham farm , Toledo , O. , tlU7o ; Colonel Q'oni , 3.33 , brown IIOHO. by Lumlss , dam Lulu Morton , to J. F. Payne , Lexington. JCy. , ll.aoo. ut n. N.J. , Fab. ; ) . The track to- Oayv s heavy. There wa a fair attendance. I'lrbtriu'o , nun mllot Adullna won. t'uscado BOt-ond , Anontillv third , Tltnu : 1M1 : { . Hecoiid raoo , four und onu-half liirlonRs : Alarm Ilee wli. U road way icuund , Torchlight third. Tlinu ! 1:00J. : ! a'hlrd rueu. ono inllo : Olenlochy won , Smug gler second , VI rlo till rl , Tliiiu : l5t. ; Fourth r.ire. live fnilon 8i Tuntui won. T xt cond , Mary Lovoll third , Tlinu : ltwy : , Fifth race , u fiirliinus : Climax won , Slln- rile O. bewmd , liuwkstonu third , TImel I- ; " . ijlxth race , seven fnrloiu-s : Ak-ornon won , Corlnnu fcucono , Oraduuto third. Tlinu ; lUlli. : On Kirn Tvruu , HAVANA , Fob , 3. Stoinltz opened tbo four- "teouth panio of the chess match agulnst U' chlgorln with the Huy Lupez and won the catno after thirty-two moves , The iosroj JStoinlti , 5 ; Tscaigonn , 5 ; drawn . Itorry Cunililimtluu Sulu , Oiiicifio , Il ! , Feb. 3. The second day of the Berry combination lalo epanod with u largo and eager audience. The hoavlost /buyer WM .1 , H. WallBok. The stallion Bar ney WHltes went to A. W , Fltzgoruld , Muys- vllle , Ky. , for $4buO. Colonel Alfred YOUUB'S took by Uarncy Wllkcs nud Judge Salls- . bury'i sold nt a range of J75 to WT5. Dan ( Ilrowu of Chioasto nought the Onward ttlly. for flT8. ) Norwood , a yearling by Norvnl , sold for 11,200. The Oawnrds did not sell as well as expected. Nqcralson , brown stallion , 3 years' old , oy Norval , dam Trlest4 ? , by Messenger Uoroe , .1. II. Cart- wright , Oregon , 111. , $1,000 ; Moroa , buy mare , 10 years old , by Electioneer , dnm Maria Pilot , John E. Alnddon , tai2.V San Pnblo , bay colt , -I .roars old. by- Electioneer , dam Line , oy Don Victo , H , H. Stambaugh , Youngstown , O. 81'JOO. Catarrh can bo cured surely , safely nnd pleasantly by Plso's Homody. Retires when all clso falls. All druggists. 5Uo. WILli HAVE TO USE PILES. Clinrnctrr uT thn PnstiifHco IViunilntlnii I'nllyAnrrrtalnrd lijItrrrnt Iliprrlments. The sound of Iho pllo driver will bo hoard In the vicinity of block Sf ! before many more moons huvo waxed and waned. After boring about fifty holes through the gumbo and muck nnd striking solid clay nt an average depth ot about twcnty-flvo feet , Architect ItoindoriT has been thoroughly con vinced that the foundation for the tower of tbo now postofllco building , and possibly for nil the main walls of the structure , will have to bo piled. Mr. UclndorfT loft yesterday for Washing ton to.lay tbo inattor before the chief superlu- tehdout of buildings and to bo present at the opening of bids on the stone work. Mr. A. F. Wllgockl. the assistant archi tect , was seen In his oftlco at the old United Presbyterian church which stnmli on the government block , and said : "Tho basement for the tower of the new building out there will certainly have to bo piled nnd I thliiK It is probable that the main walls of the entire building will huvo lo bo piled. Wo hnvo sunlr a largo hole In tbo bottom of the tower excavation to provo beyond a doubt the character of the ground. I have hero a glass Jnrof earth taken nt different depths nil tbo way down , " and hi ) called attention to a box of samples of clay nnd gumbo. "Aftor wo get through tbo solid sttntum of about ton foot , wo , strike n stratum of water bearing soil. It would bo pretty solid if Iho water could bo drawn out of It but this siratum is higher than the sewers nnd the sewers are nbovo the bottom of the foundation , for the tOivor , so wo have no way of draining the water that permeates that stratum. When wo go down from twonty-flvo to thirty foot wo irot through this water bearing stratum and again striita solid clay which continues down to bed rock * which is reached nt a dopty of fifty foot. " "Thoro Is no spring or crock bed here in this block. That same stratum of water bearing clar , underlies this wbolo plateau niul seems to bo n sort of drainage - lubd for the water that naturally runs from the hills toward the rlter. " Mr. Wilson , a civil engineer , was engaged today in finding the lovrlings la the bottom of the excavation to ascertain whether or not the excavators had done their work prop erly. Ho aUo took thu depth at which tbo water stands in the numerous boles that have boon bored In tbo urea to bo covered by the building. Mr. Bomdorft has fitted up n very con venient und commodious oflleo In the old church from the rear windows of which ho can command a viuvv of the work as it pro- grcsso } upon the now building. Millions have dranic nnd praised Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne In the last forty years. IN THE COURTS. Orad Jury Working on thn Itimd House Cases Minor Litigations , The grand jury wont Into session at 11 o'clock yesterday , and at | once took up the investigation of the charges preferred against , tbo saloonkeepers within the two-mllo limit. Having now got down to business , the Jurors will hold two sessions each day. Judgn Doano und a Jury are listening to testimony in the case of Mary A. Dugdalo against the city ot Omaha , The plaintiff asks a Judgment in iho sum of 110,000 , alleg ing damages to property situated at Eighth aud Douglas stivets. At u former session of thoj.coUrt the plaintiff was awarded damages in tho'HUm : of SlVJ9 ! , but not satisfied with thut sum she succeeded in receiving anew now trial. . The case of White against Otis Is on trial before Judga Irvine. Jesso-F.-Shipley has asked the court to divorce her from her husband Robert. She alleges failure to support. William Downs also wants a divorce. Ho alleges that he and his wlfo , Mary Ann , v/oro wcddod twenly-flvo years ago ; ihut for years she has had a bad temper , nnd that In ISStl she became so mad that sbo loft his boa and board , Bacon & Co. have brought suit against the Union Pacilic Hallway company to recover the price of u car load of wheat. They allege that the grain was consigned to Brown Bros. , who failed ; that the railroad now holds possession without any shadow of title. The saloon men doing business within the two rnilo limit were arraicnod before Judge Davis yesterday and all plcadod not guilty. J. A. Unftlo has brought suit against J. H. Wlnspcar , und nt the same ttmo has secuicd a restraining order ou which argu ments will bo heard by Judge Hope-well Sat urday morning. Griflln alleges that ho sues Wlaspoar for S10U ; thut tie Is n poor man , owning nothing but two horses and a wagon , which are exempt from snlo. Ho further avoid that ho was nt work hauling Ice to Council Llu4Ts. ! and that Winbpnar sued out an attachment , which was placed in the hands of a constable , who levied upon the property. The restraining order.prohibits the ofllccr from disposing of Iho horses and wagon , DeWltt's Little Early lasers. Host lllllo pill ever mado. Cure constipation every tlmo , Nona equal. Use them no.v. KNIQHTS OF LABOR. Dclrfrittcx to St. l.oulM ClKmi'11-ltrnoliltlons r.iHut'il Thu Convent Ion , The seventh annual assembly of the Ne braska KnlRhts of Labor is drawing to a closo. Tbo deliberation's will probably end today. The principal item of interest in the pro ceedings last night was the election of dele gates to the great national gutburing of in dustrial organizations at St. Louts on Fobrunry 23. Twelve delegates nnd twelve alternates -were elected. Among the promi nent politicians elected ns delegates were oxSenatoran W.vck , W. H. Decb , J. H. Powers , Adolph d'Allemund , J. M. Thomp son and Alfred Fuwknor. The assembly passed a series of resolutions lost night. Congressman Kern's banking bill was endorsed , and the work done by iho poo- plo's party representatives in congress was heartily commanded. The Knights of Labor of Omahu were tendered iho thanks of the assembly for their kindness during the ses sion , Another resolution was passed with a whirl , requesting the national executive committee of the people's party to locate the national convention in Omaha. Another res- olulion declared it to bo the sense of the as sembly that presidents , senators nnd poU- masters should booleclod by the direct vote of the people. Ono of the loading delegates said to a DP.K reporter tliu a Tory earnest effort would bo pul forth by all Iho Nebraska delegates of the farmer * alliance , iho Knights of Labor und the people's iimopondont party to bring the national independent convention to Omaha. "It U probable , " said ho. "thai a special train carrying the delegates from tbcso three Industrial orgunlrntlons will be nuiuo up In Omahu , and wo will all go down to St. Louis yelling for the Nebraska metropolis. If that scheme Is carried out wo will come homo with iho convention. " No gripping1 , no nauio. % , no pom when Da- .Witt's Lutlo Early Klsorj ara lakoa. Small pill. Snfo pill. Jton pill , All SuInU llnU'rtrtln * . The third of u series ot entertainments was given by thu s'ocial club of All Saints church at thj Metropolitan club h&usu last ovuultii ; , An intuiistlnj aud entertaining musical program had boon prepared nndas very acceptably carried out. About 400 tlcketn bad been Issued and the spacious hall nnd parlors of the uow club bouso were illled to overflowing. Supper was sorvea by the ladles of the society after the musical entertainment , and tbe oveiilug's pleasure ended with dancing. Hum's Card , Oiuiu , Fob. 8.-To the Editor of TiiKfluB : Iho aliened loiter mentioned iu last oven- Ing' * BP.R purposed to hnvo b en from n Chinaman In Chlcaco to Ohlqf Scavcy , stat ing that the Chinese laundry on Twelfth nnd Howard or Hnrnov was n den of thieves , nnd that ho , Yen Cor , whllo stopping there two months ago was robbed nnd boa ton was n llo nnd a Alnndor , and that It wi-s Inspired by mnllco and hatred. The plnco In question Is a lattndrv nnd dis tributing point for Cnlnoso irrocfirles wboro Iho Chinamen of Omaha usually congrcsnto nnd play Chinese dominoes or talk. The nnmo of Yon Cor Is nol known horo. S\M Len. Most complexion powders have n vulffAr glare , bul Pozronl's U a Iruo bsaultllor whoso effects nro lasting. MAY FALlT TirtlOUQH. 1'romiitprs of thpVntlonnt Campntttlvn llrlll Mont Very l.lttlc Kncouritcprtiriit , There Is still a doubt as to whether Omaha will get thu encampment next 'Juno 'o ? tbo National Competitive Drill association. Although the military companion of the United States want to hold Iho first oncamp- mcntof Iho now association in this city , the local men who are In to rested In iho mailer nroavidonlly bcc6inlngdlscourngoct In getting iho citizens lo tnko hold of the scheme with a vim. Meetings of the various commltt ? qs ot the different organizations of business men have been hold , nnd yesterday afternoon another gathering assembled ut the Board of Trade rooms. The loading hotels wcro well repre sented bv their rospecllvo proprietors. Secretary Allchhon reported thnt tho'tllf- fcront committees on subscriptions to the guarantee fund of WO.IXK ) . bad got about $ . > ,000 pledged. This was all the encourage ment the mooting got. 1 * "Tho Heal Estate Owners association"re marked Attorney John T. Gathers , "will gunrantco one-third of Iho $ . ' ! 0OOQ fund If Iho olhor associations and business men will guarantee the remaining$20,000 ' . This was considered u liberal and fair proposition , but there was no.onoclso present who could guarantco the 20,000. The committee to bandlo th'o railroads nnd hotels was changed. Thomas'-Swobo of the Mtllard resigned from the coinmlttco as ho had to bo out of town. Chairman Broatch put John T. Clarice in his place , nnd now the committee Is composed of William Klorstoad and C. L. Chaffeo , together with Mr. Clarke. ' Wo can't do anything more , " said Mr. Broatch : "wo'll adjourn until-Mondny after noon and if then ihcro is no moro interest taken In the matter wo hart'Jusfns"wpll drop If Omahu does not got , Iho oncnmbmont it will probably go to a city further south , although Council Bluffs Is Irytnc lo db some thing it Omaha tots Ik g < 5 by default ; A very small pill , hum vcrv.goad''itae. Da W Ill's lilllo Early HUoH. _ "JL , . " In Di-fcnsn of Mr * . iMilard. TiiEBiu : In Ils Council Blurts TIOWS has detailed Iho financial lroublc3'-'of1.-Mr3. Nathalie Pollard , which were brought upon her by u rascally agent , oae A. Z Bowen , who , until recently , has had chargb of iho lady's lecture engagements. Upon further inquiry It is found that' Mrs. Pollard has suffered groatlv from.ho Impos ture and dishonnsty ot this man , who has Just been dlscnurgcd bv the pollco court in Council Bluffs. Had ft boon practicable to call nonresident witnesses ho undoubtedly would have been hold. Mrs. Pollard has been unfortunate In associating herself in a business way with Bowen , who played n similar prank upon her some years ago. Upon being confronted wllh his duplicity ho confessed his error nnd made th'o [ ollowing declaration under oath : SUI'EHIOU COUIIT. THE OlTV OF NFW YollK : Abner 7 . llowen vs Henry T. I orry City und Uovnty ot New York , ss. : Abnor / . Itowen bolni'duly sworn , says : l have learned ihut wlillo I was away last week , 1 was made the authority for varlonsabnalvoslanders aguWt Mrs. 1'oilaril. I hereto append and now muko uslmplu statement nndoro.itli of my acquain tance with her which will quickly dispel unv possibility of such bolns the truth , und will * lie how absurd and vicious such statements uru. < uru.I met Mrs. Pollard about two years ago whllo I was In the oflleo of linger Foster. I volunteered my services when shu was robbed ut.241 West Twenty-third street , und succeeded In having the tliluvns put Into the Tombs. For this service Mrs. I'ollard took nn Interest in me. which has never waned , and which , lms been of Immense value tome. She busbeen In overv sense u true mother to mo Shi ) Ifua advised , counseled und directed me ; has over been libnrul oven to Indiscretion hi giving ma financial aid. Not only has she furnished mo food und shelter , for which I Kin yet Indebted to her , hut shu has advanced to mo various sums of monay ut different times ( * WO ut ono time ) . When every one else fullod mo nnd It seemed Impnsslb'e to start a Law school , she came to my rescuu with all the money needed. So for bo.ird and money received I am In her debt not less than$1-,5jn. During the years of our acquaintance , liclni in almost dally communication with Mrs. I'ollard. 1 huvj never known her to do ono net which I could rrlllcUo If done by my own mother. And I feul from this dally socla- lion with her that her Ideal of icoral life are liiL'omp trnbly abovotho oof any other noiiiun with whom 1 have over been acquainted. I fool most dennly chagrined that nn erratic moment of mine caused her name to bo dragged Into pnlhio notice In connection with the 1.viinln ? Law school. When she backed mo financially In marling thu school shu did not wish to withdraw us muuh money from the investment us I tvlshod , so wo tried to got Mr. T. I ) . Malthind to advance u part und wo take equal one-third Interests. UUt-ut the last moment Mnltlund-wlthdrow.-so .Mrs. I'ol lard and I contracted to take equal Inturoits. she lo fiunlsh thu money unit nuverto be Known In connection with the school'at all , and 1 to do the work , take full charge , etc. When the work rosun to toll upon my health , my humorrnuges to return and 1 was advised by my phyalclan thut I mlrht drop off lit any moment , in order to protect Mrs. I'ollari ) , In cuse of my death or sudden Indisposition , al-ont the lust day of January 1 uSsUnt'd to her fill my tltlo anil Interest In the school , iho consideration for the assignment" helnir J'MJ Induhturlnrss under which I WHS htid > urn yut to her , excepting thut I htivu placed Into her hands thu money from Iho school , , which money she has steadily refused vi apply to other purposes than necessities of thu school. I do not believe Unit under thu iiirciim- Btancus of my Indebtedness thut there Is another person , man or woman , In the United States who would trout this inoney > iiR shu bus dune , und It Is n shame thut for Hellish pur poses him shonl'l bu slnndurud und ruvllud ns blio bus lieen I he lust row days. When thu hoiihO for the school wns to bo ob tained the landlord would not treat . .with u- UOIIHUI. so with her money I procured the lease In my own imne and fniinodlaluly trans ferred It to her. A. / . HDUKN. fworn to before mo this''lid day of February , lt 0l. I.VMAN L. BKTTKI . Notary I'nlillc. Klnus County. Certificate filed In Nuw Vorlv-oannty. * MM. Pollard , In addition to tbo above doc ument , has in her possession unpaid" notes and due bills signed bv Bowen , nrovlm ; con clusively that ho Is nor debtor In the sum ot $150 , If not moro. Publication Is given to these facts volun tarily , In Iho hope that Mrs. Pollurd'a stand ing may not bo impaired by iho misdeeds of an Irresponsible Ingralo. Mrs , Winslow's Soolhing SVrUp1 fdr cull- ( Iran teething cures wind colic , " lilarrhiua , etc. 2. ) cunts n botilo. iiwir i'oit Clilrugo Uiiderwrltorit Kua. JIp Inmiruiicu Kates to I'rohlbltlMj 1'1-urun. , CHICAGO UUHKAU of Tin : ORB , ) CUIUAOO , Il.U , Fob. 3. | The local underwriters bavo hit the sky scrapers n blow under the llfth rib' ) ' or , lo abandon ibo metaphor , Immediately above tbo sixth story. Every Inch above 100 foul ruusi pay un additional Insurance rate , on" u basis of 10 cents on thd dollar , In addition the association requires the presence of what It believes to bo necessary precautions , and tbo absence ot such appliances Is considered Jus- tltlcation for Iho 1'npositlon of an additional 10 cents ou the dollar. Incidentally tbo association further claims tbo right to tmpoio another 10 cents If the building is surrounded by other buildings beloved ( to bo unsafe in an Insurance souse , whether equipped with modern fireproof appliances or not. Tbo association asserts tuu right to ask an additional protection for iho Increased risk. Iu spccltlo cases passed upou by iho association thu not result is an increased rate of 20 cents ou the dollar. AK a consequence there Is some very tall kicking omuuutmtr from Iho owners of skyscrapers , but the underwriters remain firm and say they In tend to tight lloul on thli lino. CtltU und JiiKU. Tha worklnumen's organizations have taken Up the subject of child labor Iu earnest , and thuy proposn lo sco that U is enforced. Two big conlral organizations of workingmen - men ibo Carpenters council and Iho Building - ing Traders council have already signified thclt wIlllneiBSKto back tnulr representa tives , nnd tboro U no donbl that Iho Trade and Labor assembly will tnko simitar action. 'A strontfntMrlmonlal alliance was brought to light in ibo\l < vorcb case of Mnrv Jackson against Wllllata Jackson nt Bcllovlllr , I'l. ' Tha plulnllfuyas bat 14 year * of ago when she wiv married to the de fendant , who Is tlist ftO , In Eas.1 SU Louis , two years ago. * flhe Is white nnd the man she called husband ts black. Her mother forced her to uwcry Jackson , the latter offer ing to pay off n mortgage of $300 on n house the woirmn owned. Ttio rot usal' f the court to declare void the contract bolwtcii the Columbus Conslrucllon company nnd the Indiana Natural ( Us com pany is Interpreted as an assurance thnl Chicago is to b V natural gas and ihp opponents - nents of iho nro Jubilant. The North sloe is discussing plans for an nlorntcd railway system similar to these now in process of construction on Iho south and wcsl sides , Humor had It that Chicago dealers In broom corn had engineered n corner In thnl nrticlo nnd had succeeded In advancing Iho price lo broommnkcrs nt least 100 per cent. Most of lha prominent dealers in broom corn wore interviewed by a reporter , ohd whllo they nil deny Ihn existence of n corner , yet most ot them admit that the 1SUI crop is noiirry all In the hands of four Cbloago deal ers nnd that they practically control Iho mar ket. AVrnlorn IVopln In The following woslorn pcoplo nro in Iho ciiy : At the Grand Pacilic E. L. Lomnx , E. E. Nnuglo. Hon. John A. McShano , Omaha ; E. T. Koch , Cedar Uftplds , la. ; J. V. Mahonoy. Sioux Citv , la. At the Palmer J. E , Glover , Sioux Falls , o. 13 , At the Arlington Arthur Johnson , Omaha. At the Kicuollcu M , Ingrowson , J , H. Dunham , James P. Gnpo , Clinton. Al iho Auditorium P. M. Mussor , Mrs. Catine , 1C. C. Barton , Omaha , Charles F. Bolndorff , . .superintendent ot ronslruction on Omaha's new pnstofllco building , passed through on his way to \Vashington , where ho gees to open bids. Ho expects to ba nbsoht about ton dayU. Hon. John A. MrShano is hero lo mnko preliminary arrangements for the cnnslruc- Uon of bis now hotel ul Flflconlh nnd Har- uoy slroots. _ F. A. Do Witt's Lltllo Early Itisors ; Iho only pill to cure sick headache and regulate bowols. T.nttcr from ( iinornur PuttUoii. A few days ago the Sioux. City papers wcro full of n romanllo story , related by n woman who claim d to have been Imposed upon in business matters by General Robert E. Patterson - torson of Pennsylvania. The reporters con founded the general's nixmo wllh that of Governor Robert Paulson of. that stato. The letter's attention has recently neon called to the statement , and In-a * private letler to n prominent eltlzOli of this city the governor clearly shows that/ the Woman had' no reference - once to him. His'lettor reads as follows : COMMONWEALTH IV.NNSVT.VANIA. nxKCti- TIVI : OIIAMIIEII. llAiiiusiiumi. I'll. , Jan. Ml. My Dear - : The nrticlo which you Inclose , und others of similar Import , have uppo-ircd In thu dully press , und my attention bus hi > on called to them. As far us I. am concerned I have no connection whatever with the unfortunate vromun. f have no hulf-slstor nor half- brother. Neither of mv parents were married the second time. The General Itobort K. turtinii to whojn shu referred Is the distin guished alllcor.qfAhu lulu wiir , nnd Ins des cendants , who rnsirte In I'lilladolphlu. anil ono of whom Is GMlPtal Hobert E. I'.ittcrson , his son , huvo no knowlcdau whatever of the woman whoso Hujljbistory you record. With kindest rugurdsj iyid best wlsln-s. very truly yours. j ROIIEHT E. I'ATTISON. . IJoWltt's Lltlfojliariyltisors tor the liver. Now Vc > ik-llvu Stor NEW YOIIK. l'Vib.03. HBKVJSS Houolpts. 1,707 hoad. Including * ! oars for silo : dull ; nutlvostoorl7iXiil 8j per 10) ) Ibs. ; dressed beef lower nt ( KMjJi ; per Ib. yhlpinonts tpilay. 0.07S quat tors orbi-fcf ; tomorrow , 1,22) ) bcoves uml in Rheup ' " ' ( OAI.VKS Koculpts. : UT head : market steady : voiiIs.J'i.floa WpBrilOi ) Ibs. : gruiscra S2.tn2. . > 0. SIIKEP Kcuomtw.&IS * head : market , slow hut , steady : bUnqji. S4. , " > Jn.OO pqr 100 Ibs. : lambs. . ln.OOii7.QDixdrcssnd mutton Htenilv ut 7HOOHC po'rlb. rti'esso'd lambs lower nt SSO'iu per Ib. " " . ' lions Ri'celpf 'MTAt ! IIP id conslKiiod direct ; murkutnoihltiftHr iikdyatH.iOfflt.73 per JOO Ibs , TlJ .HT. fira yi * . ; ivisTKitN' 1'AoitiXtJ IXTIKISTS. : : Totnl for the .Sr.tsan Couiparas Very l'it\ora- lily Mlth I tKt.Vrnr. OinciNHATt. O. , Fob. . X fijpoclal Tolejrain to Tim IlEK.1 Tomorrow's 1'rlco Current will say : The Acuk's picking la 450.00 , ) . as uKnlnst 4Vi,000 lust year.1'otal for the o ison , d.aso.- 000 , uzulnst C.TS.XOOJ hint vottr. The outlook favors HtiKillor supplies than last yeur for some tlmo. Tim loading places compare as follows ; CITIKS. . | lS'.i. ' j 18UI. Oesslor's Made Headache Wafer cures a headaches in 20 mlnulas. At all druggists. Shirk" Tvrulii says "somo folks ftro so stubborn thnt nl they need Is four Jegs and they would pass for a mule. " Mayoo if people use more of Bailor's Barbed Wire Liniment mules wouldn't bo so stubborn. KlrkncHK AIIIOIIK Clillilrra Especially Infants , is prevalent moro or less at ull times , but is largolv avoided by giving proper nourishment .and wbolosomo food. Tbo most successful and reliable of all is lha Gall Dordon "Eaglft" Brand Condensed Milk. Your grocur and aruuglst keep U. Van liouten'a COCOA Tno original , most soluble. Constipation polsopj olooJ ; Da Witt's Llttlu Enrly Risers euro conitlputlou. Tbe cause removed , Ibo disease Is gono. Do Witt's Lltllo Enrly Uiser. ; best littla ills fordvspepiasour stomach.bil broatti FARM NOTESFOR FEBRUARY. _ HV P. P. T. MOOHE. ! ' obruury fls for. bprlug , R norgy and indusiry win , H reed and fcod intillfcnlly. ) | U ural II fo Is iho tmfosl. U nlon and co operation pay. A Iways plan work carefully. It oad , study and consider. Y oung stocl : ncod good cnro. February , 1116 lust month of winter- , is iho tlmo fa uj aniriigod in rural pur suits to compiotiti tbolr plans iintl tu1- rangoinontBapj lhO coming sonson. Every soil lillanbliotlld endeavor to ox- urcino the grimly/actors of thouglit nnd calculution to flriPbost advantage in do- oiding upon ami'W'ovldlng for practical flolJ oponit > ol a.s Uoforo the spring campaign opojibiisuch matlors as the kind and oxteriP'of crops to ho grown , the rotation uijy ublo , thu amount of live stock tntitsittji ho prollttibly kept on the farm , and the working force re quired , Bhouldjjminrofully studied and clearly undoratpo . During tlio lelsui'o of February fiftiiiars ougla 19 jirovido fpr such iininjvomoijis as Ihoy pnrpoao to institulo tmtni. thnlr promises , and also to arrange ( jiir the npeussnry soedti , fcrtili/cra and , Implements. Proper brain oxerclno io\v uroviOing \ for what tntiBl bo dotm wilt .firoatly lesson and facili'.nto the labor of tlio , bu y season. But in addition to niuntal Hgurlng and devising most farmers wil1 have tuucli to do tills month in completing their winter work pionrmttory to entering ujnn the moro pressing labors of apring. Tnuehlng the most important of those oncoming labors and duties wo olTor a few reinindoiti and lugi'osllons wliicli may provo of eervjco to oven wise uud progressive riirnlista. Can * nt J.lvu , St < ) ck. Caring for live stock is thc > first duty of most farmers at ttiis soubou , it heiug important to keep domestic animals h ) such good heart thut they will enter spring in a thrifty condition. There should bo no neglect in otthor stable , stall or yard , nnd these who hnvo failed to Iccon their animals clean , warm and well fud will n.iod to tnko special pains to carry them through the winter. Liberal feeding , warmth and good cnro are essential factors in wintering stock. I'rovido ample protection from inclam * ont weather and good conveniences for f coil inn and wnlorlng. Horse * need dally oxorolso and blan keting when loft slnndlng In the cold. Steady work in winter will not Injure a matliru horse , provided ho be well fed , groomed and kept from Undue exposure. When conllncd in close , warm nlablos horses beoonio tender and subject to colds , etc. , bunco the necessity of vontl- liiUnn. Cows duo to come in early should have good shutter and a diet of dry hay with it IttUo brtvn , but not heating food ( like corn or meal ) for a few weeks be fore calving. As the calves are cropped select the host heifers tor raising. All lice infested nninmls should -bo rubbed over With-- mixture of equal pans of sweat oil and kerosene , Sluiop need nn abundant supply of wholesome food , plenty of pure air , n dry yard , nbd coinfortablo'sloopltig quarters. I'rovido warm stables for owes near lambing 'tlmo ' , and give them roots rather than grain. Romomhor that ca-rlyhimbs ( as well as calves ) are profit able , and sco that nononro lostorstunted for lack of timely care. Swine jlrolils depend largely upon breeding and feeding so BOO that both these factors nro right. Cnro well for brooding sows and give them space for exorcise. See that store pigs are well housed and fed ; Unlit nnd frequent monls best secure thrifty growth. Poultry pays best when given the boat attention. Look well after the fowls nowj for cgg'i and broilers will soon bring" good prices. If you wish an nbuiuTijtnt supply of eggs , keep the hens in warm , dry quarters , giving thorn plenty of both green and dry food , lime , gravel , and pure water. Orclmnl niul l < 'rnlt < iiirilnn. Fruit < growers need not bo idle this month. AVlfnt with caring for tholr trees nndevines , nnd arranging to plant now orchards , vineyards , etc. , they will llnd litllo leisure. Younp orchards should b'd protected against marauding domestic animals , und staked to prevent injury from liotvvy winds. Tent cater pillarsmice nnd rabbits are great pests. T io caterpillar's eggs , glued in u , band rTearvlho ends of the twitrs , can be readily 80011 * on a cloudy duy and should bo cut olT and burned' To repel mi'cb trnmpsnow firmly arotrnd the trunk of each'free or mnko a mound of earth. To keep"ofY'rnbbits apply blood , or rub tlio tVunkd of trees with liver or bloody moat ! " The soil of orchards and fruit gardens should bo enriched by applying a good tpp dressing. Look after iho s'.mpo of fruit trees. Saw olT the stubs of broken branches and cover the ground with paint or melted grafting was. Scions from last yonr's growth may bo cut in n mild spoil , but bo sure to select good varieties. The iu lining of small branches of trees , as well ns of currants , grape vines , etc. , may bo done in mild weather. The season for planting fruit trees , shrubs , and vines is drawing nigh ; hence now is thetimo to consider the whole matter , decide upon varieties , nnd the number of each , nnd arrange to get them early , so that they may bo set out before other work domanda attention. Select only such as are known to do well in your locality , or at least in your lati tude. The Kltrlicn ( iimlen. A good vegetable garden is a great prouiotor of fumily health and comfort. 3ind - the farmer . . > vhor fails to have ouo neglects his duty. It pays in many ways , tiud should bo provided for early. En rich thj garden plot with manure or a good commercial fertiljzer , and as soon as iho woathnr permits nulverizo the soil 6,0 thoroughly that it will bo in con dition lo till and plant nt the earliest day practicable. A hot-tied , made in the usual way , is necessary for market gardeners to start plants ; but most farmers scarcely ncod a hot-bed to do this , as they can start seeds of tender vegetables nnd Hewers with a good kitchen range. Jn most cases only a few do on plants will bo Wanted , and a sqJarc foot or so of earth in a box'will give all tlio plants ono is likely to need in the vegetable way and a.similar ono for ( lowers. Seeds do riot need light to sprout ; all they require - quire is heat nnd moisture , and this they can got In a slow even , or u warm range as well as any where. Of course , us soon as the young leaves appear they must have Hglit. Than the boxes can bo moved to the windows , or to faorae sheltered plage in the open nir , giving thorn piotcclion under a sash if neces sary. 'In this simple way ono can have plants .somo weeks ahead of time , and at HtMo cost or trouble compared with the labor and expense of making a rog- ullir hot-bod. V'toHer ( lurilrn und r.awn. AIL farmers and most snburban rest- dents have ample space for line lawns , trees , shrub : * , vines and flowers , and thoso'who possess thcso beautiful homo HUrroiipdings should guard them well at this"'fa'eils'oii. Any serious injury may easily bu prevented by watchful care and prompt action. Hvorgroens and oilier closely limbed trees aio liable to bo damaged or destroyed by snow lodging und freoxing on the branches , but this may bo averted by shaking the trees aftoncachtStorm. It is nls'j important to clear the lawn p.itlis and roads after each Bnpwfullr an easy matter if shovels oivsnow plows are Uicd promptly. As Uiqsun's heat increases , jrreon- ! iquHo.uji ) ) , window plants will bloom y. thus augmenting their boa'uly. liub * that were potted last fnU'ought to now make tlio window gny with'spltfe's 6f hyacinths and clusters of narcissus. Hut with this array of beauty many iiinocts will appear and multiply rapidly , to chock wn toll ullectlvo romu- di is should bo promptly applied. Seeds of candytuft , sweet allybsum nnd mig- noiiQtto can now bo sown , and the plants muy bloom in the window , or a part of thunvcan 'bo transfer ! ed _ to tlio open border when tlio wo.ithoris mild enough. All who wish to keep up or increase their display * of fine shrubs , plants , lloworSj'Otc , , during the coming f > oason are advised lo make careful elections from the catalogues of trustworthy do\lors ! und order early , . papjt vByrisiiim'a BBQONII KIMTIOV. | Druiorr.itlu llliiHiiiil , DESVBII , Uolo , Fob. 2. The Groystono club banquet which will occur here February 5 in commemoration of the birth of Sutnuol J. Tlldoa promises to bo a mosl elaborate alf.ilr , and will equal anything of iho kind ever at- oinptod in Ibis country. Amoaithos peakers ro found the numoi of Hon. Horace Holes , governor of Iowa ; Hon. Charles A , Culbor- son , attorney general of Texas ; Hon. Thomas Urltlcndcn , ox-governor of Missouri ; Hon. James K. Iloyd , governor of Nebraska ; Hon. Robert. ! . Binith , ox-presldmil of tlio Ironuois club of Chicago ; Hon. G. W. Baxter , ux- povcrnor of Wyoming , aod othors. The character of the gplhcrlnj ; Is shown by the distinguished names glvon above , InituntlKlllfil , AMILINP , Nob. , Fab , 2. [ Special Tola- pram lo TIIK UEK. ] Dill Thompson , a well known resident of Memphis , a small town some six milea north of here , was in this city ywteiday und purtoolt too freely pf whisky. After uolnc assisted upon tbo train for homo , ho fell from tbo stops nnd was Instantly -mod. OUR RELATIONS WITH FRANCE Now Extradition Treaty Being Negotiated Between the Two Bepnblics. ITS SCOPE IS BROADER THAN USUAL Vnrlfiiii t.lnk .Hitpptiril Which Were Omit , trd In rr inlii | ; tint AiiRln-Aii linlrnmrnl < il 1HIIO All y tloiM i\p1ulnril. : 1132 by JiiRir < ( Innlnn nennrtt. ] I'uus , Fob. 2. | Now York Horatd Cable Special lo TUB net : . ] The relations between - twoon Uio United Stn'.os and Franco grow closer "dally. Besides tlio ondorataudltiR which has booa arrived at with regard to the duties on certain products , an extradition treaty Is oolnjf negotiated by tlioh'ovornnicnt , The outlines of the projected instrument have boon mapped out by M. Vlitnoud , sncretary to the United States legation In Paris , aud M. Uonnud , ouo of the chlof oltlclals of the French minister ot foreign affairs. The draft of the treaty was today submitted to Mr. Whltolnw Hold and to the French minister of Justice. According to more than one who have soon the doc ument the project Is Admirably conceived , and In fact Is a model for soch troatios. It supplies various links which wcro otnlttod in framing the AuKlo-Amorlcau troaly of extradition signed In 1810 , and ex plains all the International legislative sides of the questions at 'issuo. ' In alt ItKoltliood no changes will bo made In the draft by either guvorninant concorhod. As soon us the treaty is ilgned , Mr. Whitolaw Hold Intends - tends to leave Paris , unless the petidlnir negotiations should not by then huvo been completed. Jtcjur.s Sr. CKIIK. ait.VXi ) AUT' UXHUUTION. Fourteenth .Xnmml Opening of u Olcbrutml I'rrnrli < ) ! .tiimitlon. [ Capin IgMtil IM ! li\i \ Janice duiiim llcnnttt. ] PAIIH , Fob. 1 ! . [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun Her. ] This ovonlng tbo Soclcto d'Aqiianlllst.s Franuiils opened Its fourteenth annual exhibition in Unitary Petit , admission bolng by Invitation. It Is needless to say the rooms were crowded by the olltotoutof I'arh Indies In toilettes .which equaled , If not exceeded In splendor , the water colors on the walls. The plnco of honor was occupied by a big picture , No. 1814 , a water color reproduc tion , onlnrgud slzo. of a famous wont for merly In the Stewart collection , The next work which attracted attention was the Detaillo's "Charge , ' ' a reproduction of iho larger work in oil exhibited lust year. Uc- tattle's other contribution was a line portrait of General Appletoti on horseback * liargnin contributes several works , the chlof one n spirited reproduction of a navnl bittlo lio- twcon the Vonpuur and tlio British battle ship Brunswick , showing tbo former as she sinks at the close of the lleico llpht , her crow llrlng the lust shot. It Is a very spirited work. Among other artists represented on the walls by characteristic aquarelles are Jan- not EuRono Lambert , Charles Moissonler , Doilvin , Hochcgrosse.Uopcntio ana Haroncssu do Rothschild. Six of the moil clever studios of Madeleine Lemniro Vlbort , with the usual rods and Moncl with 11 n do sloclo portraits , showing masterly treatment in shades of white. Organizing it Iturp Circuit. CIIAIIROX , Nob. , Feb. 2. | Speclal Tele gram to TUB I5ii : . ] A mooting to organize a racing circuit was liolu in this city today. H. Flanders was clootcd president" , L. A. Browur secretary and Cbarlos C. Jameson treasurer. No dates have as yut been sot , and will not be until the other towns have fully organized and submitted their choice. Crawford , Hot Springs , Hushvllle , Gordon , Valentino , Harrison and perhaps Oolrlclis will bo in tbo circuit. One prominent horse man has promised to put a string of twenty horses in this circuit , which , taken with the many good horses owned by locil parties , will give this circuit an excellent lot of races. A. U. Putnam of tins city has purchased ra- contlv several thoroughbred horses , which will oo in this circuit. Selllnc Trotter * lit Chicago. CHICAOO. III. . Fob. 2. The Derry combina tion sale of hich brad trotting com menced today with the largest attendance of horsemen over assembled in Chicago. The bidding was spirited from the first , and the prices satisfactory all around. Fifty-seven head were sold for $ .23,5l'.l. The well known western trotting stallion , Ed Kosowatcr , sold for S.0l)0 ) ) ; V Italic , by Hod VVilkos , scld forSi,5X ( ) Tomorrow the Popper lot and Vornoy Wlllcos will bo sold , also the Have ? lots , _ Slmiv City's Trump * . Sioux CITV , la. , Fob. 2. Score of walKitifj match : Mllos. 1/1 ps. Ilcrty . , . ( ' , - , 11 Connors . . . us 5 Cot . , . M II T.iylor . . M 2 I'alinur . nt li ! Reynolds dropped out at the fortv-sixth mile and Unknown nt thirty. second railo. KCIIIK > | dull OlllrurH. The Omaha IConncl club held 1U annual meeting last night at its quarters at Four teenth and Farnam strootrf. The following oftlcors were elected : J. T. Evans , presi dent ; James Morrison , vice president ; w. F. Cudceon. secretary , und U. W , Waterman , tro usurer. Stramlxmt Ai-ritnlx. At London Sighted Norseman from Boston ; America and Havel fiom Now York. Arrived Norseman from Boston , At New York Anchorla from Glasgow. Nllirii 0 * ' YKSTKHn.IV. Diiiurallc , Oroodo , Colo. , Is having it mining hooin. Kansas City lacoiupl.ilnln' , ' of ti grain block ade. ade.Jim Jim Crnnnnnntl I'at Muxnlr lire nuppnsfil in have lent their lives In u hilow-slltlo near l.uudville. Colo. The Pullman HlcL'iilru car porlura on thn Trlsco line In ICun : , H nro uuliii ? arrested for violating the provision * of thu prohibitory laws. The jury In thn trlnl of yonnz Harris ut Nuw vorlc on thu clmr-H' of innriler bv poNon- IIIK hi * youii4 wlfo , rondurud it vuidlut of BUI ty. Uiipta'n Holiloy of the United Status Stnumnr Ilaltlinoru wnsKlvun a illnnnr at the Hhoio- haul , Washington , by Mi , Junios II. Mont- cnincry of Oregon. Thu Universal Hanking association of Iln-Uon IIIIH closed Its door. It wni , ono of the sheri term ur.lurJ , Mini Ural cortl'Jcatcs > Miru nbonl to nuitiiro , A hill allowing Iho pnsunco nf nowgpiiper executions und thi imlillua * thin ul thu detallH incicof him | i.ihst < d thu Nuw York lujrlsliitnre und goon to tlio Kuvurnor for h's slunatnru. At I'hlliiiluliihla thu liuarln of Henry II , Yurd. uunuoriK" ) with Har.lHluy In wri-oklii ; ? thu Koyfttnno liunltvns cnntlniiucl , Govern ment I'\icrt | II mutt ti'illlled to thu condition nf tint lunik's liooUiiml Yard's liiiliihtudnnss. I'rou Noudpuk , HL'nJ IK ) , u tiinntT of Mllwuii- Keu , ( jnairnlo.l with lih wjfu over inoniiy matters - tors mill lilllnd bur with n nuor. Hu triuil to kill nis l.-veur-old daiixutur , hut shu got uwuy. Nuoduck oloscii the tragedy by suvur- . fcuinvlo Jeiuii Blollus am ) 1'uilro Men- do n , who wuru Implluilud In llm murder of un Ancliutla dm in ; ; thu lulu troiihlu ut As- cunsliin , Mcx. , uru now iindor ariest at Ijim Unices. N. M. Thu Mexh''ili Kcnernnient Is ut- luinptliu to huvn Iliiini u\tr.idltuil , Al . i inootliix of Hi t whisky trust illruulorn In 1'lilOMKQ yustenlay I'roHldunt ( Irounbnt rouil u t > t ituiiiunidufiiiKlliiK hinifiolf und Nol- HO n Morrlx from roconl puljllu ullauku III con nection with certain stock duals. U was voted to reduce the prlcu of whisky \ ! uuntH on thu giilliin. Tlit ) I M at two of the inun waulied out to Boa from Now Vork on eurbujo scows wurn brought to I'hlladolplila hv it hcliiiunur which picked them up. .Soven duys und nlxhts thu inuii were on thucow with only a few hls- cnllaund n milk can full of uutor to sustain them. They uero almost frantic with lumber und thirst. Thu skin oi > thuir furtts Mad hu- come hard and cruuked with cold und they presented u most ultlublu Bight. 1IUHIUJH.K > AVOIUKST , Ilullcr ufu Kutr Clilrui ) > & Alton KIIKIIO ) Hi- liliulim ultlt I'utul KeiulU , JOI.IBT , 111. , Feb. 8. [ Special Telegram to _ TIIK UKK.J A horrible accident occurred at Zarloy' , ouo uillo louth of thu city , at 7:30 : this evening , The boiler of cnglno No. 47 , on the ChlcftROit Alton rovl , pulling a heavy I rolcht soul h , wi'h a pusher from thU city holnltiR over the hill , blow un Just as the cn glno reached the top of thu hill. The boiler exploded , throwing the engine and ihMO curs nT ( thn track The < lcndnro : UHANnON THOMAS ot nrlghtou Park , llromnn , HU fnoo WHH crushed and cooKcd with steam , bond crushed , Iocs broken and ImniM cooked. Ho died before ho reached thocltv. U. F. iIASTlNUd of Hlooministon , honit D.iiKotnnn. IJodv recovered at I ) o'clock In the Held , 500 fool from the engine. Ho wal dond , every botio In his body being crushed and the llosh dropping off. The only survivor wiw Uubols Williams. engineer of ItloomliiRton , who lud ono leg broken , bond and face crushed mid Rcaldnd. Ho Is in the hospital hero ulivo. The endue was the lust now ono turned out of the Hloomlncton shops- moeul , Owing to iho fcublo condition of the only survivor on the engine Duboli no definite Idea can t > 3 hail ns to what caused the acci dent. All trains nro being sent round en the Coal City brAnch. sin. IH. iff ; .s ALL itionr Chilians Suililonly l > lsror That tlio _ Ainrrlriiii .Minister In 1'rrnoim ( Iriiln , lO > | irfiW | ; ( l ts > 2 ba Same * lliintan lleiintU\ \ VAI.I'AHU < O , Chili ( via ( JalvostOn , Tex. ) , Fob. 2. [ Hy Mexican Cable to tbo Now York Herald Special to Tin : URK. ] The resolution introducoj ycstontay in the hoiuso of roprcsontntivos nt Washington , requesting President Harrison to rocnil .Minister Kgnti , was rend with Interest In Vnlpnrnlso and Santiago. Surprise was expressed in many quarter * that such n resolution should have boon presented to congress. Without entering into ndofonso of Mints- tor Egati , 1 can safely assort that there hn boon nn entire change in public feeling toward him in this country slnco iho solttoJ montof the diplomatic tangle * that have been .disturbing the relations of this country and the Uitltcd States. His attitude seems now to bo hotter under stood and Ills services in protecting many prominent members of the congressional party from the vongounco of the late dictator tater und In grunting nn asylum to tlm rofu- gcos who sotiuhi the Ai _ i-lcau logatiou after the downfall of Dalmnccdn nrn i.ow genorully rccognl/od ns having been both humane and proper. Was u City of Sufctj- . For the past twelve months Minister Egan's house has been filled with rofucocs. During Balmaceda's dlctntorshlu ho shielded muny of thu leaders of the congressional party and after the fall of Valparaiso many of those whoso doslro for vcngoaiico ho luul thwarted sought his protection from those who had formerly ashccd tils aid. All the time during the pant year from ton to thirty refugees , representing ono or the other factions of the country , have noon quartered In the American legation. Thov have teen entertained and fed entirely , at thu expense of Minister l gau. llo refused tone- copt a penny from thnso who sought his pro tcction , whether they were congrossionaltsls or B.ilmaccdists. Ho has oxi ended nearly as much as ono year's salary In behalf of the refugees whom ho has kept in the lega tion. The public of Chili upno.irs to bo get- tine better acquainted with those facts unit this accounts for the revolution of feeling iu icgard to Minister Egan's recall. AnxIniiH tu Itctaln i : an. Eduardo Motto , who Is now president of the Chamber ol Deputies and many othurs , whoso lives were saved by Minister Egnn durluir Balmaccdu's dictatorship , favor his retention hero ns the American mlnl Utr. Senor Perciro , minister of foieign affairs" , who instructed Minister Moult at Washing- ington to iisk for Mr. Egan's recall , now ap pears vcrv friendly to him as does Scnor Blanco Viol , the intcndcnto at Valparaiso. Augustine Edwards , whoso life und property were saved through Egan's influence , is the only prominent member ot the old congressional party who now seems anxious to have Mr. Egan called homo. I asked Minister Egun today what ho thought ol the resolution introduced nt Washington requesting his recall. " 1 court i full Investigation of nil my acts , " said Mr. Egan. "I have no four that ur.ythlng detrimental mental to my reputation would bo discov ered. My actions throughout these dilllcul- tles have been approved by Secretary Blalno nnd the administration at Washington. " A crowil of young men last night attacked the ofllcc of La Kopuolie , u novvsnipor which has vigorously opposed the pre out regime. The police were not present to afford any protection. During tlio past week there have boon many largo fires la Santiago , from which loss estimated at } , OODUOO , has resulted. In- surnnco agents boliuvo they were started by Incendiaries. I nm assured that all the money needed for the redemption ot the paper issues Iri Chili will bo furnished by local banks. Spiir iM i'H itoily Cmlmlmvil , LCojii ; lulital ISyjtiiiJiimit rftmlnin IlrmirfM MfiNTovii. Fob. 'J. [ Now Yoik Herald Cable Special to TIIK UBI.J Spurgcou's body has boon embalmed. The funeral ser vice will bo hold Thursday trormnor at the Scottish church hero and the body will then bo forwarded to London where It will arrive Monday. Tno prinro and princess of Wales .sent n telegram of sympathy to Spurgeon. _ Ntnrxutlou In LOVPOK , Fob. U. A bottle found floating near Lorwlck , n burg of Scotland , hn : been picked up. li contained n inotsngo from Fowlu , nn Island of the Shetland group , stating that , owlmr to the absence of com munication with Iho other Islands , caused by the exceedingly stormy vouthor thut has prevailed for the lust live weeks , the Inhab itants are on the vurgo of starvation. NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla - \ or porroct purity. Lemon -I Of great strength. Aim nd Zf EoonornylntholrU8o Rose etCfl Flavor as delicately and dollnlouelvao the fresh frttltt GY For Consumptives and In valids must surely be the most wholesome for those who use it as a beverage , PURE RYE. la the b at for all purposes , bs- oauso it la positively pure and m t- ture. Ic Iu oxoo jcllni/ly plentant to iho taste and has a clolloioui bou quet. N , B. It doosn't burn nor soald the throat or atcmioh Hko inferior whiskeys. It la recommended by the best physicians. Sold only at high olaBR hotala , dm ? nnd liquor atorrH. ' IAl.f.FMAMD & CO. , OlIll'AUO.