THE OMAITA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , FE1WUA11Y 3 , 1802. SPEG1HL NOTICES. ADVF.HTIKKMKNTS Kll TIIK K will be tnken until 17 30 p. m. , for the evening nnd until S.'W p m , , for the mornlnn or Sunday cdl lion All adtnrtlfcmpnts In these columns IS rontt n linn llrst InKortlon , nnd 10 rents n line therenttcr , or (2 per line per month Nn advertisement taken for Ic's I linn li cftits for the flrit Insertion Tcnn , cnsn liinilvnnco. ( 'mini nhont 7 ords to the line Inl tints , llmires , nymbol * , otc , , each count ni n word All adrcrtlcemcnt * must run ronsrcntlTcly. Adver llsors , by roqucstlnu n niimbi rod chock , cnn hnvn thPlr letters addrc eit tn a numbered letter In rare ofTnrlirr Answers so nddroMod will bo dellv prod on prienl tlon of the chock. TJK'ANCII in t ICKS AmKHTisiNGi'OiiT7iK3K J 'columns " 111 ba taken on the nbuvo conditions lit the follnnlnit business houses. rhci am author Ired to lake upprlnl notices at the same rates ns ran In' hart at thn main orllro : South Omaha llranch Ofllco No 2821 N street , ] , l ter block , .lohn W. Hell , pharmaolst , llth and Mnon streets H H , Inrniworth , phnrmacl't , Wi Cumlnit street W. J lliivhcs , phannacl > t.iU4 N. intli street , O II Snttctlleld , pharmacist , 1713 Icavcnworth troot. HnBhps' pharmacy , 24th nnd rarnnni _ SITUATIONS WANTED. MATHS l.'c n linn llrnt time nnil lOonllno tlicro nfler No nilvi-rtlnniiicnl taken for Ion than 25o - A ( IHNTIil'.MAN tlUt.DINK A Ill.HI'ONMIHI.K AA position In it larun pnrklntf liniino ndlco ilcslrc" . nu ntroiint nf too cloiio conllneinont , to necurn nn- ft1u > r ponHliin of trn t In Omntm , vrlicrn conllno- incnt would not Im no closn nnililiitlpnli'f.i oncroin ClinnKOilC'Iroil Kiloly liecnino nilvertlaor H lirnltli Iwlnirnt Btnkc. Mnny yriirn'bnnlnciin experience , llicullcnt rofcrcnccs Adilresn M ul , lieu ollico MSIO ' A-STKNOCHAPIinil AND TYI'KWHITKUi Indy , experienced. Address M 5' Hoe BK ) .t $ i WAM'KI ) I'OSITIOV ASCIiKHICI.VroMMKU' J clnl liiiilni'iiK or rnllronil ollico liy nn eipurlrnccd limn ; rntcrincoa nUen Address M 63 , Iteo. BIO I * A POSITION IIV AN HM'KHIII.SOr.ll I.ADV .tcnoiirnplicr : beat of rcfercnLra Aclilrpfi M IU , ] | < > c JI87I5 * i WAM'HI ) . SITUATION IIV YOUNd LADY 1O U\ keep lioiifu for a widower or in trnvellni ; tetn- imiiluii ; cnn furnlnh itnoil reTerenco. Address for ono wri'k 'M ill , Uoo ollico. M67I ( , ' WANTED-.MALE HELP. HATIJS IVj n linn Itrit time nnd IOC n line tlioro- iiftei > o nihcrllBcincnt lokrn for Icti tlinn i > eVAN T > -\VAN TKI ) , SAI.KHMK.V SAIiAllY OH COM I'mlimlon tn linndln the new pntont cliomlcnl Ink crnsliiKiioncll. 'llio Rrenti'it nclllni ; novolly u i'r | iroitiucil , crRKCH Ink thnmuKly In two nciond" nu nlira lunnf pnpcr , 21)11 ) to M > ppr cent pro lit imo fluent H Miilon ninuuntid to $ SO In HX | days , nnnthoi ffUlnt o hourVu \\nnt ono Kcnernl nxent 111 I'nili ntntii nnd territory I'nr torius nnd full pur tltuliirn nddrusn Munroo llrnsi'r MfK Co , l.nCroitu , JV In , V Til 7 l _ ! > WA.STI'.n ATONTK , 21 HAHNKSS MAKIIItS J'on honvr nnd llcht linrnesn , ntcndy work Kimr nnte < d to irootl. HOber mon Addron , Tlio Konnntz bnddlery. < I5I Hllilox ct , Ht run ) , Minn 82. ! II CITYOANVAPSKHS.S U.AKY PAIDWIIIIKLY ihiKer Sen Ing machine oltlce laid Douitln * . st 1,01 lit 13 TAILOHS WANTKI ) , JI3 PHIl \\KV.K 'Ktenily Job I cutter winted J il ) per month le cumseli M f a Co , 1 ccnmsch , Neb ( ,11 4 MUSI CLASS MACHINIST T > - AOKMS WA.NTKI ) FOUTHK WOULD M'AIK l Monxenlr Kxrluslvo territory Khen Snmplo , Mi"out nn reiolpt of prlco to nny iiddross Voi Id's 1 nlr oiivcnlrCo , 113 N Y Llfo Ilulldlnc Oiunlii , N ( lirnnkn. 4 n J * n-CANVASsHHS WANTBD. CALL OU AH J > drest 1 N. Y Llfo bulldlmr. MS33FII * WANTFI ) . HLACKSMITII , UltbT CL I'll\Ion .t Merllnit Iron Works. II-AHI : YOU A CATHOLIC' Aim YOITUMJM i'phijed'VIII > on work for JI8 pur wi ok' Write to iimnt once J. It , Gn > , 1 4 MntlNon st . ( ' 'hlravo , HI. MbuJ J1 BWA.MICI ) , A MAN WITH SOMH L'XPHH- \ lenccIn loan business , middle nKO proforrcd must be Milling to work for a nuiiitl snlnrv to1 con rncnceon. lloom'A ) , Continental block. M S70 3 * " | > - WANTIII ) . MAN OP AliOUT Ifl YIIAUS , 15 VSY J'work , Kited board , llbernl pay. 25U I street , Houth Uninha A1SUS3 < ) -4 SHIIIT SALKSMISN FOlt NK1IUASKA NI' . 'brnskn Shirt Co M673B BWAvruo. MHN TO TiiAvni. ion otm Cnnidn nurseries. Stonu , V WcllliiKton , Mndl Ison , WIs R-WANTKD A GOOD HAUNHS9 MAKIIll AT lied Onk , la C. A. Nol on. 8' S i ) ' WANTED-FEMALE HELP. HATKS I'C n line llrsl time nnd lOc a line there nfter. No iidvoitlnemcut taken for less than J" -MlteT CUSs rooic ! KKFiilKNCK KlT- quired Mr L M lleunett , 404 N Kind street 7JO 5 C -WA.MKH GIHL tOK GKNKUAL IIOUSII work. Mis G W. Loomls , 1011 S 30th avenue , CJu -JlfXlOO A MONTH TO LADY AOHNT S K r , lliiK " \ \ bite's Lilly of thu Valley. " Address "Whlto's Toilet Co. , " fcouth llond , Ind. 1,71 U * fA GOOD. SAL \HY OLAUANTKKD TO ANY v lady who M III do writing for me nt homo Ad dress In own handwriting with nddroised nnd stnmped envelope. Miss hilcm L. bmythe , South llcnd , Ind , proprietor of the famous ( ilorln Water rt-WANTKD , A GIUL Foil GIINKHAL HOUSl- V. work , must bo oed cook , nastier nnd Irnncr A pply .I ) . " " . ' Cnpltol nvo MI f 1-WANTKD AT ONCH. TWO PKHSO.NS TO 11 n V colvu InstruLtlons In bookkeeping , treed snlnry now liousu March 1 J U Smith , 'J13 N Y Life lildtf ( \ ONK KVPniHK.NCUD COOK Wl III UHI Kit V onces ruio experienced hoiibukeepcr with refer- 'puces , only competent persons need apply 2.4 N. IMhst. 8H1 /I-A YOUNO nillL TO ASSIST WITH IlOISti : V work and cure of children Cnll at once , 2110 S llth Ht. 81) ) V a-A GOOII GIUL FOU GKNKUAL HOUSKWoTlK' nsilurney SV.U' - A GIUL Hll OKNUHAL HOUSHWOHIC IN small family J070 Muson street. MS71 5 * / I-WANTHD. GIUL'10VOHK 1-OH I1OAHD AND V room and lenrn dressmaklnKr Wnitcs pnld If trade learned. Mrs H C Moses , 22J8 1 urimm " " " ' 4 * FOR RENT-HOUSES. _ ItATltd r-c a Una llr t tlmn and lOa n linn there after. No uihortlremont taken for ie s than Sic. UNT , THIIKK NK\V 7 HOOM , 2 STOIIY Aotlaueswlth bath nnd seweruKU , at nnd near corner \\obater and SOth streets. Heduccd to (20 each Henry \ Vntos 7JJ 3) -1,4 A. 5 UOOM IIOUSTS IO to HI , HINTIIFS Idenco Hals In ell ) . Mead Inv't Lo , II. Heo bide T1-rOK KKNT , 1IOUSK III IIOOMS ALL MOD- I/ern Impruvemi'iits , f a ) per month .I.M and Far Hum Duxlor L Thomas ; j | n-rOll HP.NT , ' .I HOOM HOUSR. WI'IH HOTH J 'KIIS anil iniiKH It desired , all In coed condition , location item Ullli nnd M. Marj's .avenue Price i.MiKoiiiitiUi : spiilal tormiKlvcMi In the rluht ilurty liniulro 201 i rninnin ut , or U H 'Izschuck , lieu NKW I. UOOM COl-TAGKS. MODKItN IMprovements provoments , "Mnnford Clrilo" Appl ) r. H. ittor , room 4 , N V. Life nulldlnn 7J5 yv-'UlOOM IIOUSi : . 37TH AND DAYKNPOKT Jullinn enlunces , fiJOJ per month F K Dar Unit , llnrkor block. 7.M I\-NiTJTl'lWOM HOUSH. MODKKN IMl'IIOYK a/menU , reiuiouabli ) , Uoj N , 2ith avu Apply II Kdllidi. lullor.JIIN , Ibtli tt. rn ' . IIOOSI HOUSK , HKOK LOT , HAHD \ ooft water , IS.UU. ' . ' blocks from motor hstcrst. K0i ! < f\ li HOOM fOl-TACJK. J5TH AND CUMING 1'elieet ; til KiiqulrottW S 18th M7SM li \ a-HooMiorsKj-'u ] J 'vory Uicnp lo Hrst cla ss tenant. How s X Hill , 1404 rurimm street , Ii7tl3 LAHliK LIST. GLO. J. PAUL. IUW FAKNAM _ _ _ 1-J Hll ItllNT.lOIIOUSI-s , fSXANDI'P\VAUDS ( J-ifrniuntli | , 'llm O. F. Davis eompaiiy. 910 HO D8.HOOM fiiYusJlS ; lN , 6J3 s ill ) Sl\ , Ul IV T ) HW1IKVT , II ) HOOM FUhNISHlID lIOUSi : , .l' H\ soil rnrnniii street. B.'l i1 I J - UOOM COTTAG15 , 6Jo N. J1ST. ST. . > S.VJ 4 FOB BENT-FUKMISHED BOOMS. ItATKS liu a line nrst tlmu and lOo a line there after. No udtorllsuiuent taken fur lets than Uo. 1J * lldmid , HOUtsKK'P 0,101 b f. MAK Y'tTA VKi * , uw , " ' rfltNIblU : ! ) 11OOM-ALL Jiri'iital rvutonablo , Appli 'JJ7J Harne ) > t.M6iM4' M6iM-4' 1 ? rUKNIrill ! ! ) bTFAM HKATKI ) -I Jruutus , 1817 Ijxyi'intcirtli elri'ol bath , etc. KM I , ' HtO.VT HOOM WlUl ALtO > t ; I.'l N ZlbT. JJ M444 _ If toil HUNT , MCKLY rllUNIbllKI ) , BKCOND ' lory buck loom , tultnble fur Inttlu gentleman , without board , 1M b , 25tli lruet. Ka T ? k UUNISHKiruoOinVlfU IIATU , KJ MONT H JjllHAJ 1-uruaiu. 43 V' NICKI.Y rUHMSHKD FLAT , 3 , 4 Oil 7 IIOOMS JI.UII7 llownrd it , 3d Hour , Mbdl ! ,17 ll'UMsllKI ) UOOMS FOU tXI.OHKD ) GKN 1 4il.lemun. 8ID81Ulti t. 853 FCTBNISIIED BOOMS AND BOARD. _ ilAThb-ISc'u line Urot'ttinTaini Ibo a line I ulter No adTi > rtl enn ut taken for tons than 1 v. iiKSHtA ULB'uoOiis A Nl iWAliU , c-uci - lift tlilc KO U Wb'IO' PUBNI3HED BOOMS AND BOABD. Cunttnudl. F-l > KSIItAHI.K IIOOM9 AND llOAflO. ONK Uriinroum anltahle fur two or three Kcnllctnon. 514 N. TM. 1.41 V _ Ti'-KLKdASTI.Y rt'ltNISHKO HOOMS , SIM1LR J or on suite ; all modern conveniences ! flrM-clnss board , 818South Alh street. MHO i | i-LAIIGKHtONT ItOOMVITI1 ALCOVKIOIl miin and wlfo with board ! OI7 IXiditn st S7 8 FOB BENT UNFUBNI8IIED BOOMS. HATF.M-l"ion line tlrst tlmo nnd lor n line tltcrcnf. tcr. No ndvortlsomcnt taken for le s thniiliic " " - I tOONI ( . AN Y N UMII ; K K TIU V "T"JTO 4 , IN lint * , for liunselii'oplnit. Prices nwny down G F Hutu , 311 Paxton block. rvi F59 Hj uNH'itNimiri ) IIOOMS rou LIGHT liotnek-i'pln * , | ii3 ; Dodge i > t. CM 3 * BOABDINO. KATKS IVin line llrst time nnd tOa n lln thcro nfter No ailvortlsomcnt taken for less tlmn J3c o PU H bonnt , nicer rooms , conveniences , rntcs and lo- ntlon It cannot bo excelled. Mrs Horn , proprietor SOI M IP- _ FOB BlfNT"ST < 5BES A ND OFFICES. KATKS-lSc Una tlrst tlmo and lOc n line them- after. No advortlsemeiit taken for less tlmnSSc. IIOK HUNT , STOUK , 1113 JACKSON STHIIKT. f Poll IlKNT. THK 4 STOUY 1III1CK IIUILDINCJ. J lllrt Furnam strin t Tlio bnlldlmr bus n tire proof cement bnscmunt , complete team lientlng tlxturis , witter nn all thu Doors , uns etc. Apply nt the otllcu of the lleo 918 [ -toll HUNT , S10KE , 1(81 ( 110WAIII ) . 704 I KUONTOP CKNTKALLY tOCATKD S1OHK. Mlntchlnson Aead , 1621 Douitlns Mt > & FOB BENT-MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS ISo n line llrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there- nfter No iiil\ertleiuont taken for le.s than J'ic. I-GAKDIN : FAiiMS TO HUNT. T MLIIKAY I nn I IMPKOYHDtAUU OF M ACHHS. 10 MIl.HS ' west of Omnhu Hartmiin & Hobblus , 210 Heo hldK M II.I I 1(1 ( WANTED TO BENT. KATi : - I'C n line llrst tlmo and lOo n line there after No ndverttxement tnken for less than ' > o. ol- modern conveniences , nlve locntlon Address At 5.1 , llee. M8I t 4 * BENTAL AGENCIES. KATICslie a line llr t tlmo and lOo n line Ihero- uftor. Nu advertisement taken for less than 23a HKN-TAL AG1INCY ; HANK UnFEKlINLKS -JR. C G irvln A. Co , ' 'OBheely block 7il L-TO INsUIli : QUICK UBN11SG , LIVT WITH tliiioluslvo ; Hi-nlal Atrency Parrotte , Douitlas block Mdftj STORAGE. HATKS-ISe re line llrst tlmo nnd Kionllno therenf- ter Nu ndTertlsement tnken for loss tlmn ic MDIIY. . Cl.KAN AND PHIVATKLY SIOUIU ) furnlturo Ouiulmbtovoltepalr Work , 1.1)7 ) Doiitf 701 f 12 M OlillKSr , CIIKP1J8T AND IlhbT hlOltAGII house lu tin- city \\llllnms iCrObs , I2U llnrney 710 WANTED TO BUY. IIA1'K3 r > cii line tlrst tlmo nnd lOo a. Una tliero- nfler No ndvcrtlxement taken for less than 2jc \T-MMIM rtlHi ; liuUliUT , HOLD , STOKED li Wells , 1111 Kurnnm st "JlO \T-WAM IM ) , I1HOKHK POWKK POIITAIILH - 1bolter , mounted on trucks and In good condition Stnto lowest cnsh price Address M 47 Hue M71B J -\T-\\E HAV1S Cl'SlOMIIIH 1OK NMilUAt-KA i farms -opcrntlvo Lund nnd Lot Co . .1) ) > N IbtUslrcot. Within 100 miles of Omaha M500f < > \T-\VA ' ) , 1O 1IUY SALOON HX1UIIES 1 oil -1.1 cnsh Anton K Dnornlc , llurwell i > "i'b M4MH' vr-TOnUYSKCONIl irANDUJKMrUllK.UKHI ' oat prices puld lloatou b'urnlturo Co , UJi N. li > th Ki 1 K2 * TV WAN'IKD TO 11UY , TYPEWIUTKU : STATK i. 1 make how lonff In usu and lowest cash price Addres. M. % Heo b.r > 4 .1 ' - TO BUY FAUM OF IX ACltnS HOI N'-WANTKD $25 per acre. C. F. Harrison , OU N. Y. Life TVT WANTED l.OOO.YAUDS DIHT ON I ) TS lr > AND IN Ii ( , Heed 8 2d mid Call 14.M S , J7th st 800I FOR SALE-FURNITTJRE. KATUSHe a line llrst tlmo anil lOo n linn there nfter. No advertisement taken for lets than I'M 0-1 UHNITUIIK COMPLKl'h l-Oll l-OOIl LOOMS , everything now nnd llrst class Call Wednesday nnd'Ihursday evenings between 7 JO aoillu m. at ilWGrnco street M 871 I' FOB SALE HOBSES , WAQONS , ETC. ICATIC3 lie a line llrst time and lOe a line thereaf ter. No advertisement taken for lets than Jjc p-PACKH OK SINLB ! lOOfHIt hAHDLK -I horsn wanted In nxchnniio for $ U5 Sufety bicycle , lloom .1,14 Itonrd of Trnde JIS4I-4 T-A OOOD SKUYICKAMLK BUGGY. ALSO A I saddle and slnulo harness for sale. 2J3I Ilnven- poitst. Mbl)7 V FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. IIAIIIS l"io a line tint tlmo and lOc a line thereaf ter No advertisement tuUen for lo s than Jic _ * FoirsvlLi' ' ; A ( ion FKnir MTLir'cow. Q Inquire nt ' . ' 014 Charles st. 8J7 V - tOll SALK. SIIDLOW'S IM- Q-PATKNT provcd Aih Sifter S bullion .1 bun , 2 > Lwen st , Hrooklyn , N S ( .70 i' Q KJH bAI.i : . COUNTKKS AND VAULT DOOIl 111 tlut bufldlnK recently occupied by thu Council lllutrs feavliiKS bunk Ollicer i Pnuuy , Loumll 11 luffs. Q -I.5 KIMHALL O1KJAN , NF.W , KK75CASH 11U-I N 24th ot. Mai2 7 * Q-1IUMIN ( ! OUTFIT h OK SALK , Kll LH , SHOT- KUII , decoys , etc- . Address M U , Hoe 8147 * II UOOM HOL'SK , ALL MODUIIN CONVKN Icnccs , 'J blocks from postotltco. ddrris M 03 lleo Mb78 J- MISCELLANEOUS. KATKS-18cn line llrst tlmo and lOc a line thereaf ter Noadvcrllsoment tnken for loss tbnnj'ic R-PH\SICIAN WAN'IHD A GOOD PllYhH'IAN cnn llnd n desirable locution by nddrosslnu S K Dent hler , IllK Springs , Neb M'.ll fIV CLAIRVOYANTS. HA'I'KS- n line llrst tlmo nud lOc n line theroaf- ter. Noadvorllscmcnt taken lor less than ic S AKHIVAL F.XTKAOKDINAKYVOMIC1U UL revolatloni ( hullciiies lliu world Mrs Dr M Itimiiu , dead trance clairvoyant , astrolOKlst , palmist and Hit ) reader ; tells > our Ufa from the cindlo to crave , unites the separated * causes mar rlniie with tlui ono you love , tolls n hero yon will succeed and In what buitiioss beat ndaplcd for ; has Iha celebrated Kxyptlnn brcastplato fur luck and tu destroy bad Intliieiices , cures Ills , Intemperance nnil all private complaints with massage , baths and ul cohol treatment , Send ti , look of hnlr. name anil date of birth nnd rttolvu accurate llfo eliartr ' rents In stampi fur cliculur , iilvu Initials of uno ynii n 111 marry ; til no photos uf snm O like 1007 houth llth street , tlrst lloor. hours. Un m to9p m Come ono. coinu all , and bo cuiivlured ot thin wonuurful orncle Msi'J M 4 * C-MIIH. NANNIIJ V WAKHKN CLAIKVOYANT , Orellablo business medium , tlftli year , at Hi ) N.liith _ S-MUS. MAHrun / , .Mil LAKH r ilnlrrnyant nnd trnntu mudlum ; Independe > ol < cs : tells past and futiiru 67IF2I * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. HATItS I5o a llnullrst lime nnd lOo n line thc-ro alter , No udvirtlscment taken for less than 2V > rp-MAIAVKLA IIIIK , MASSAiII ( TKKATMKNT 1 41li ho ISllint. , lrd Hour Hat 4 , MtHJ I rp.MASSAIJI ! THL'ATMKNT. KLKCTIIO 111KK 1 in U batlis. scalp unit hair treatment mnuliuro and chiropodist , .Mrs. Poit , , ! ! Uth , Wltbnuinilk i-MASSAGK VISIT TUB ONLY FIHST CI.AiS parlors In Omaha , over klO S Ulh stltil HI ri'-MADAMF. hMU'll. lli'l DOUtJLAi bl'ltbiKT -L roomI,8dlloor. Alcobnl.iulpbuuand * ea bathi MH4 ; PEBSONAL. ItATKh-IScallno tlrst time and lllculliio the'O after. No ucUertlsement taken for le * than 25 UHAM15L T Cl'hTKK I'LKASK ADDKISSS hli bother , Joitph N ( 'lister , Mnnitlold , Ohio for Information lutorcitlnu to him Any tnformn tlon about him thankfully received. MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGE. UATKS lie a Hnu tlrst time and lOoa line tbero aftef. No advertisement taken for lc s tliiiu Vic rr-'lthToTtlTuUViNTl A PIANO KXAMINK THi : > uewscuIuKlmbull plmio A. Huipu,15U Douglas 7 4 V G V. GELLKNIIKCK. IIANJO TKACHKII. > with lluspe.ur in < i N 1Mb Mruet 3rd tluor MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. KATKS I&u line Urit time and lOo B llneTheru * after No advertisement Uktm for lo than Sic. i\V ir umiTUAUK& MooTrKAT i UKKii'iva' 22 7 i \\r COATES,7. It'll THADB , KABl'KKN MONKY ' 783 _ \V-ANniONYI.OANANDTKl' l CO. Jli N. Y ' Life , lend at loir rules for cbolcu .ccuilty ou Nebraska or Iowa furuisor Uuiubu city property to MONEY TO LOAN---BEAL ESTATE. \\r-LOANS TIIKUNlTI'DSTATKm.OAN AND > Investmentto sell their Investment bonds an small monthly payments whereby tlio owner * nro cnnhlod tn nblnln lorxns from the company The carnlnK * . of the bonds nra larae and by this method the borrower saves Interest and nt tile end of the term hat n hnmUome surplus for his Investment. This company M operated on n very conervntlvu nnd economical hauls. All earnings of thn com * pany are mutual. Fnr full particulars wrltn to Ihn sm.nrt.ary , rooms ( VI and Wi lleo bnlldlnit , Omaha , Neb MTU 40 t\r-l.OAN8 WMHAIWI- 2lHIK.S7.KU ) lll.K. > > 749 \y-LOANS ON iMPiiovHD AND UNIMPHOVICII ' ' city property , MOOUnndupwnrds 8 toSpercont , No delay * . . \V iarnnm Sinllli A Co , 15th A. Hnrnoy. 741 \\r-MONF.YTO LOAN ON LONG Oil SHOUT > tlmn In Minis nf UM to (10 000 Mutual Investment Company "f ! \\r-APPLY TO J. T. UVKTT VOIt Clir.AP 'I money , only first class security , 220 S , 13th , A\r--B I'KH CKNT FIltbT MOUTGAOl ! LOANS , ' 1 Ulchnril C. Pnttcr .on , nil rnrnain * .U 743 Yir-HKAL USTATI ! LOANS. PAUL , IWIFAUNAM f bVl 12.1 * A\r-CHAS W HAINI5Y. SIS OMAHA NAT. UK. ' blilR City morlifages Lowest rates Money on hand M917 Y\r "WANTKD ATO.NCK LAHGK AND SHALL 't loans on unimproved Omnha property Also Improved lonns an resldcnco property , Mdellty rlru t Compnny , 1CI4 ( arnnni St. " 6 2 \\r-"llOOOOOOOTOIXAN AT OXCK ON OMAHA ' ' Improved property or vncant lots Hdellty lru.l Coinpnny , litu Inrnam SU" l4a ! 2 : : fl ON U15AL K'STATC , I.OWKST The O K Davis company. Ifl HO w- CKNTHALLOAN A , THUSTCO. 1IKIJ HLD'G 711 A\r-IliAh : KSTAIK LOANS , B TO 7 PKIl CUNT ; < < no additional charges for cniiiuils < don or alter noy'sfces. W H Melklo , UrsUAnttonal bnnkbldu | 7B AVLOANHON HIIVL FSTATK AND COLLAT ' ' teral notes nnd mortKaices bought , Iteeil ft Sclby , JJI Hoard of Trade. 7tt - _ , Ui U WAUjAUK , 3U HO\VN I-MC. 714 17MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPItOVKI ) CITY ' property , low rates , A , C frost , Douglas hi k 8 < B W-WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OF sccilrlty. strictly conlldcnllnl. A. K. Ilnrrli , room l.Contlnontnl block. MI-31 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. 15c n line llrnt tlmo nnrt lOo n line there after. No advurtlicrr.ent token for lc tlmn iie V MONKY lo.OAN UYl. - ; Vlioinoliulcl cooils plnnoa , omnns , hOriiLS. mules , wncon * , , oti * , nt the Iowc-4 pos.lblo rates nlthont publicity removnl of property or chniiio of pos sslon llmu urrntmed tu suit ( ho borrower. Payments of liny nmuunt can bo mndo nt > ntiy time , rediictiie both prlnclpnl nmt Interest , thus KlUnuimtrnns nil thu bcnetlUof tlio partial pn > ; niciil plnn Cnll nnd sec mehen you unlit n loan , or If more convenient , rail telephone 10J1 nntl youc .buelncsi can bo tran-iicted nt home. Money iilwnya on linml , no dclny , no publicity , lowest rntei ; bnslncHt ( onHdentlnl. 1) ) Musters , It. 4 \ \ Ithnull blk , IJth nnd Unrncy 747 1'OH'T 1'UITCHAUI ) , U 3 , WITIINKLL I11.1C. V 748 X -IIONI'Y TO LOAN , 30 , W ) AND ! Q DAYS ON furniture , etc DntT ( ireen , H 20ContliicMitiU blk. 74ti X MONKY ' 1O LOAN ON CHATTCLSi BONDS and city warrants boiiKht Uoom 403Ivarbiicli blk G.1311 * : CHATTKLLOANS-U.'iN. Y Lll'II. MOKUI31 201F10 X MONEY ON HJHNI'lUUi : . HOHSHS , PIANOS. Keymono Mtge Co , room OS , Sheoly blockM480 M480 \r MONKY LOANKDON HJKNI'i UUK , HOKSItS , Vwn ons , pianos , without removnl or change of possession Confidential 1- red Terry , r H3 , Itatuge -ill .A.MONK. . Tu LOAN ON CHATTELS 15 to 10 .A. da > s ZinCimimlDKSt MJI5-F4 X CItATTKL LOANS , IIKMCUIUTVKAY , lit4 Pnxton block Vfo loan our own money , charge no commission ; It will pay you to consult us. M8IJM2 BTIST TESS CHANCES. KATKS 15c n lintllrst tlmo nnd lOc n llneilutre- after No adTertlsemcnt taken for less than 'i"ic. rr\VAN ml ) A PRACTICAL 11UTC1IKH TO 1 buy hnlf Interest In a well established ment bus InesH In u thrlvine city of UJOO InhubltnntH A Rood opportunity to tbo rlKht man. Appl ) to Ilollvf & Liver Co , 1217 Howard street. MSI'i t'-UUY THK COMMKKCIAL. THK LKADING J- hotel of Broken HOB , Neb No trade S3I V-t-oii SALK , MIAT MAUKITT ; DOINO A JL KOod business ( > oed reasons Klveu for sulllai ; llox.'ii , ireinonl , Neb 719 11" Y-HILLY KQUlPPKD CANNING TACTOHY' IN very best part of Nebraska , capacity 25,000 to 10000 cans per day : has made money last three yenrsr bestof reasons forselMag Address M 21 lleo. 04J VA V-PUKNI9III5I > HOniL FOR 8ALK Oil HUNT , J-thu only hotel In city , Apply to Tllden Mate bank , aKCiit.Tllden , Neb I'C > f 11 \ * " NKWSPAPKll MAN ANI > PltlNTKU OF -1. thirty years' experience desires to establish local pnpcr In some KOOI ) town "hero a KiippOrt "III bo given Address llexf Wasp olllce , Wiilioo , Neb FOB EXCHANGE. KATKS 15en line first tlmo and lOo n line there after No advertisement taken for less than Ka ty-CI.RAii STOCK OF ( ilCNKKAlT r fvSKT VILL /Jlnko re ill estate A money llox 2& , triiukfort.lnd , 74J IVKHV DICSIHAHLK.OMAHA PKOPKUTY KOit A/Los AiiKC'les proi > erty or fruit rnnch In bo. Cali fornia. David Jamleson , lleo bulldliiir. "W ADVKitTisiiii WISIIKS TO THADH A fffooo / oqultyln Omaha real estatn and pa > $ IUOO cash for a llrst class 8 or'J room house In good location Add less M XIlw \ , M7Ui. r/-FOIl lUADII , A STOCK OP GKNHHAL MBU ' chundliu for lands and cash Address- W. Watklni & Co , Frankfort , Ind t7 > Vft" Z-SC-ACHE FAUM IN ICASTHItN NICllltASKA forekchantio. I. W Hulllnxur , Wallace. Neb -MM. < y-rOll SALKOU KXCHANQK , TWO IMPOUTKD / JNorman stallions nnd tire Imported Norman mnres,4 and A years old ; line animals will sell low on easy terms orexchaniio for merchandise or clear land , will put In SODIO ( ash on iu'dse. deal If neecs sat ) Address or call on JY , Ilplun , Indlanola , Nub JI83I 8 r/-.OIl | KXCIIANHK. SO. OMAIA | KKNTAL property for Kood fnrm laud Call or address J. It. Arnold , 200-J bouth st. K.C \ / ROOD1IOU8K AND LOT. HANBCOM PLACL' , fJtor dear lot or Kansas or NohiiiBkn land. House ; nnd lot. North -"Uth st , nioili'ut'e tWQ , for clcnr house and lot farther out. Honsu nnd lot nenr'.Mth nod Parker , fi'Mclear , for k'ood lot ; will nnsume Alux Moore401 Ueu IlulldliiK. M87U I 7 YKAIlS1 LHABK ON 2nO ACUICS OF l land for crioil speed cart and trm k sulky or trotting horeo oqulpinont. Address M .Vi. c.nro Bee M8U. i4 y WILL filVU PAIIT CASH AND HALANOK IN / Kllt-oduu property for Instdo Ornahu buslncns ) Otllru hours 2 to U p m. llooui III. Oloba hotel .M6TJ5- FOK SALE-HEAL ESTATE. HATKS- lien linn lint tlmo nnd lOo a line tlioro after No ndvurtlseiuont taken for less than tie , | 70It BALB AT A 11A1U.A1N , LOT IS , IILOCK 4 I W L. belby's tlrst nddltlon to Soutli Omaha fmull payment donn balancu monthly If deslrud Inqulruli II 'l/iihuck , Omaha llee. .1KI iou SAi.r , HOMIS : , ANY PHICK , iw , fi.zso UP , -L eaiy terms ; toke clear property as llmt payment , U ( i Wallace , llrowu block , luh and Douglas 7M " 1 .Mll SALK. NIUIKASKA FAItM LANDS n. U , Wallace , ill liromi block , Hub und Douiflun 720 AT i : COUNKit ? ITIl AND HICK01IVr JOilM 11 .feel , a baiualn fur a fuw daya only F. 1C Dar ling , Darker block. 75 ] ijjnit SALK CHIAP-MY : HCSIIIISKCB PUOPKU -I ly ono of thu best 10 room. J atorr hoimea In Countll 111 u \VouiatakusmalIliousolii lo or Nebraska In cxrhanicu Addla M , SS lleo JISI8-J * ] fUK SAI.i : , ON SMALL MONTHLY PAYMKNTS , i lUliututu The O F Davis company 191 FID II4ACUK , JMPKOVKD FAIIM , IN FltANKLIN A'o . Snbni kii , SDU ) per acri > , n bargain Co- operutlvu Land & Lot Co , . ' 05 N Itlth st. Oli- , ' 80 ACIIK FAIIM U MILKS FUOM LINCOLN. 12000 peracru , on tlmu , Cu Operative Laud und lat to , .Ui N. It-Ill at. MM1U I'.UACHK. IMPHOYKI ) FAItM. 21 MILKS FUOM Omuhn f.'ioo per acre , ruunlnE water und tlui bur Cu upcrutlru Lund i. Lot Co , 2U5 N. 1Mb at IUJJ 1OH SALK , SOUTH IHKOTA FAH1IS. CHOIOK J baJ uue | hcuil for circular. Mention thin pnpcr , II. K ilujrhuwLftcbur , M I ) 0ll SALK-S-K COHNKU ITTH7 JJOHCA. I 188 , 3 cottages , stable for i > horsusC4ii bo dlvljuj Into & lots. IpqulreatpreuiUei Dt7 8 < LOST. HATKS--I50 a line tlrnt tloie and lOo a Hut ) there after. No advertisement takcu for le than Jlo , r oar. HMAI.K BKV IKIUUKHoitKTAii JJuiarked Mlsi V H > Iey. Liberal reward for In formation or rularn tu Ml Ma > vr. Puxtou block , Public-Library llopr B'J5 ; r OaT-CUt F > V 1TH UUTION JlAUUKDi : . P V.t -l-'rc.luru tu Uoo oitlcu aud rucolva UIW rgirvrd. HAIR GOODS. HATKS-lSeallne tlr l' mie nJ lOc n line Ihore- nfter. No ndvortlspmtnl tnkon for le < than 2. < o. f A Jl K' T STOCK IN l l IlK'wF TrTHK " -1-Jrlcnl wlfr * nnd bpards A poclAltyIKA. . bnn switches , hair rhnlnvctd. send for cntalo Mall enters solicited. HaH , III S I Mil st , Omn . 'I'lIK IDKAIj LATMKS' llAIIl IlItKSSINlJ PAH- Mnr * . , iiwItehiM , banir . * FW . toupees , Jewelry nnd hair ornaments In sliKt ! wtzs to order , pec1ni attentionKlvcn mall oritclr * 2UOS l&tti * .t. .Jrd floor , ' . 4VI K2J * PAWN UATKS-l.Vn line llrst ; rtaip and 10r n linn there after. Nondverll * > tii6ultf kcn for lo < Ihnn 2."x : K.v"i\ 871 MH * S SNYDEIl'S IA5AN J5IOjlOIMlK ST . 770Fr' Ij'HUI ) M01ILK , OFl'ICK FAHNAM ST. STOCK WINTEBED. UATF8-lien Una first tlmo nnd 10e a line thorp- aftcr. No ailvcrtlsement tnken for loss than Xia 6VlS I5S * A NI ) COI.TM I' K1) ANDA " iVl > "ToT { on farm two nitlcs of Omaha Irom II to til month. 411 S. tlth strott. Tel I5W. MOT Fl t * MASQUERADE" COSTUMES , ETC. HATiS : lion line Hrst time and lOcnllne there after. No advertisement taken for less than 'i > e T ADIKS.VOKNTLKMHNCAN KKNT MASIIK- JUrndo costumes nt 114 Stllh ! Uoldcn Kaglo store. MANXTFAOTURINQ JEWELERS. KATKS IScn line Urn tlmo nnd lOc n line Ihore- nfter. No advertisement ivkon for loss tlinn 'iV. CsH PAH ) roiloYf ) ( oLD. CAKSON A linnk * . , room U ) Marker block , Omnha , 751 CUTLERY GRINDING : . 11ATHS rx-.allne llrst tlmo nnd lOo n line there after No luUorllsenicot taken for tens than Z > c S INH : Yoi'itscissois , o He crnuud to Underland , t Co , IIXI S tlttl st 7VI AllanLine nOYAL MAIL Sr-KAMHKS. Sill regnlnrly clurlnit winter from PORTLASD to LIVERPOOL Direct. Cnbln (40nnd upward ; eoond cnbln , $ JV Steoriuo atlowritui No ( ATTI.E CAIIIIILU , STATE LINE Now York and Glasnow I ortnlithtly Cabin Jin. Suaond Cabin Kt. Steerage { 13 Apply to ALLAN * CO , I hlcnxo It B M ) J tri j Wabi li llcket omao : W. fc'.VAlLllurllnztoa t'loij. Oil ) a SANOALWOOD CAI'SULKS nro the DOCUTA best nnd only capsule ) pretrlbod by regular phynlclani for the curd of ( Jonorrho ) nnd discharges fromtho urluiir Terit ensei In 5 days , il 50 per Jc All REMINGTON TYPEWRITER jBESTIM THE WORLD. JOS. P. MCGEAFII , | I5H TAHNAM STREET , OMAHA , NHI1 RHILWHYflMBOHRD leaves KUICAQO lltlllUtNfiTOS' X CJ.i Arrlvo Onmlm. | Depot lOtli ttvl MtsouSts | Omnh i Leaves | I1UHLIN ( . ION-K MO. ItlYliU I Arrives Omnha I Depot lUlh jin't ' Mason feU I Omaha 10 1' ) n m . . .Denver VcsitKilo I.lmltod. . . 400 p m 10 U a m ! Headword * l xpre < .t 40 > p m 7 10 p m Denver Kxpres 1US a m 7 10 p m DonveV Exposss ' 100 p m SOD p m .Lincoln Limited ( LxceptSun. ) II 10 n m 8 15 a m Lincoln Local 1121) p 111 es I K C.sdtf * C. II. ( Arrives Omni IE , | Depot lUtli rtijd Mason St * , Omaha I ) 10 n ml ' . . .Knnas Cltr l > ay lpress l . .1 fA p m 04'i ' p in'lC C. Nik-lit Hx vla U. P. Trans | 1.40 a m Leaves I UMOS7FM.1HC. I Arrives ] OmahaI I Union DupotlUtn andMnrcy 3ts. | Oiunha 8 10 n m- ! , . * ' < i. .HenlTk't * Kxpre8' ) . a" . . . 700 p ml 1000 a mr . . . " . . . .DenVei'liIxpress. ' . . . . ' . . . . iiuupm K. IVt * 2 15pm ! Overland Flyer. 015pm 4.JO p m BlneSpVsJklnlrlleldKxforbun ) U65 p m " ml Paclllc Kxpreas Ill n a n Golnir I niTlTTAllO K.I A I'AITIKIOI i l 1'rnni Knst. 11'nlon Depot 10th A Marcy bl Hast 1000 a ml . . .7..Atlantic Kxiiress ( t 0 p m 40" > p m Vestibule Kxprcs 1.10 p m II10 p mj , Night hxprcss J 40 a m Going | CHICAGO. K. I , A I rom West I Union Depot 10th and Marcy bt . | West 1.20 p ml . . . Denver Limited. I4 p m 705 p m | . . .Denver Kxpress. 7 10 a m Leaves ICHICAI.O. MIL & ST. PAULIArrlvo Ouiabnl U. P. depot and Marcy Ms. | Omaha H20 p ml Culcano Kxpress . . , Ill n u m 100 p m | Chicago Kxprcss pt'i p ni Lenvus 3IOIJY. CITY A. PACIUC. Arrives Omnha Depot. 10th nnd Marcy Sts. dm iha 7JU n ml . . . Sioux ( It ) Passenncr . . .7. . K'7op m : , q p m | St. Paul Kxpross . . . .1000 a in leaves I SlOUVCIl't A.PACIIIC. I Arrives Omilin ] Depot. IStli nnd Wob'tor sta ! Omuhi 6 4i p m I At Paul Llniltod Leaves ICHlUAHOi NOKU1WKS1KUN I Arrives OmabaU [ P depot. 10IU and Marcy Sis | Omaha 7.1J n m ( Ex auu'yi Carroll Pissen-jer 10 JO p m 11 10 n m . . . . Chicago Kxpress I ! 0"i u in SOU p m Vestlbiila Limited 9 W a m II11 p m . .1:0-1 tern rlyer 2 li p in 70 ! ) p m ( ix ; Sat ) Chic. I'nss ( Kx. Mon ) 8 Oi a m Leaves I OMAHA ,1 HI' , LOUIS I Urlves UiiinlittU | P. depot , IQtfi nud Marcy Sts 'Omaha ' 410 p m | St. Louis Cannon Hall . . | I2 l > p i Leaves I K. K. A , MO VALLKV | Arrl\es Omahal Depot. 16th and Webster Sts lonmhu Leaves CL , ST. P , M A O I Arrives Omaha ) Depot , 15th and Webstar Sta I Omaha Laves MISSOUH1 PAUHO Omahal Depot IStli and Webster Bts. Omaha 10 U n ml . .St. I.ouH Kxpioss. l > 10 n in 1 > .0 p ml . .St. Loulu Kxpross 5 10 p ui Leaves ( HICAliO , U I. A. PACIFIC. Arrive * Transtor Union Depot Council Ulutfe Trunsrei 1)30 ) p in . . . . , .NlKht ISxpress , . , . 9 .Hi u in 1020 a m Atlantic ISxpresn ASS p m 4 JO p m , Vestibule Limited , . . li a p m Leaves I K. rSl' JOB A. C II lArrhis Transfer ) Union Depot , Council Illulfa ITrunstor 1000 nil . . . .Kansas City Day Kxpress 5 . ' ' ) p m 10 IS p ml Kansas Lltv Night Kxprusa ISM a m Leaves I U1I1CAUO , IIIIKL'N \ OUINC TArrlvm U ransfurl U u Ion Dupot , Council Illulls IIrantfur Leaves | CHICAUOA. NOKTIUVF.STKKN Arrives Tritnstur Union Depot , Council HluiTs Trail ifur 1/01 p m , , Chicago ICxpress . . . , , , S a p ui A IS p in . . . VrnUliulo Limited U 10 u m 10 00 p ni Kastern rlycr . . . 1 M p m 800 p m ( Kr bat ) Atlantic Mall ( Ux Mon ) 7.lj n ni 7,10 a in . . , , Carrull PuseeiiKur 1000 p in 'IMPROVEMENT ' tile ORDER Of tllB AGE THE BEST. WHY ? liociinso wo ) iu\o profited by tlio bliortooinlnKS of tlio olil typuwrltors. nnd haruovorcoinu many dufouts mid , lietwuoii ouralorcji. wu Imvu aildoil nmuy ImiiritvuiiienU of which tlutlr ln\nnlcira nxvcr ilroanutil , All typuoloiiuodlu ton econda without soll- Inir the lianils. Mort ! niinlfolil conies can 1 > Q inuilo utouu Ini- Iire iloii uu the bmltli I'ronilur than upon any other typo-writer munutacturecl ccnil for c jtalugiio. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. The Smiih Pr0rnier Typawrller Co , 100111 yurnum Street , Uamlia , Ndn a , n , A Written Guarantee to SYPHILIS CUrlE EVPRY CASE or MNEY REFUNDED , Ourcnro l permanent niul not a pntchl'itfiip. Cn c treated sovrn years wro hate never seen n . 'inploni lnoo. ] | y ilpirtililnucn'p fully ire ( .in troll you by mall , and woirlvrthcannio Mrmig frunrnntco to euro orrornmt all money. Tlioovrtm preferto come hero fortrenlmont cuniloooaiid wo will pay railroad faro both wnysnnd hotel bill * while hero If wo full to euro \Vp Challenge the World for n cme thnt our MVJIO HKMKOY will not cure.Vrllo tor pnrtlcu ! M nnd ( jettheevldfwe. tnrmr oven yean * prnctlca with tills MAGIC HKXtKIIV It has tioon mo l illntcult In merconwtho prejudices njAlnU .i callol specific * llul under our < tronff guarantee lhouiutit < nra trying Itnnd hclngciirct Wo minrtintoo to euro or ratunl cverydollar , nnlm wolMvon rpputntlin to prut oct nlv > nnnnclnlba klngof MOO * ) It Itpcrfcctlr snfntrt nil who will try thn treatment. Heretofore you Imvo bcrnpiiltlnititpnnl imjlnu imtyoiir money forilinar cnt treatment * . , nnd nlthoiiKli you urn nut ypt curu 1 noonu 1m * . pMd back ynur money.Vo will positively curn you. O ! < l chronic , drop .oUo 1 cn oi euro I In 1) ) to 9) ) dayv Invc'lUnto our llninclnt sUndtiu , our reputation n * bii9lnos < mon.Vrlto in for nnnie * . rvml nddres c .of lhn o wo hire cured Mlu hnvo Riven permission to refer to Ihoii. Hco < ti you only post- one to ( to tills. If your symptom are * .are tltrofit , nuieoii * . patches In month , rhouumtlsii In bonosnnl joint * , hnlr fnlllnit out , eruption' on nuy part of the tiotly , feellneof irenernl depression , pilii * . In hen 1 or tiones. You IIHTO rte lima to w t3. Thoia who Bra constantly taking mercury nnl pi > tah should ilhcon- tlnuc It. Constant use of these druir * will surely brlmj sores nticIenllniftilctTS In thaonl , Don't Mil to write Allcorrespordenco .ent senlol In plain envelope * . Welnvllothuniost rluldlnvestluntlon and will Uo nil In our power to nU you In It. Addre * COOK REMEDY ' 'P. , - Omaln , Nebraska. WlflfilR FOR MEN Bflnui&J ONLY. WJIOO fora i so of I.OST or TAir.tNn Mvv- HOOD. Qeuni or Nuivovs Diimt.lfr , wt-iik- tiessot ) o lyt .iilnil. thu otreo.tsof. orrorsornx- cnssoslii old nr you UK til it \ \ ociiiinutiMtrn.Vo trimraiitcoovory cnvo or tvfiiml oxory dollar. I'lve < l ivstrliil truatinont * M , full oourso * ffi. IVri'upUhlo biMiollts roiill/etl In three tiny. Hy mnll , securely picliud from olMorvntlun , UOOK ItKMiim Co , OMUIA. 2u.ii _ LADIES "ONLY MAfilP i' : : mxiii.ATOi : , bnfo and lllHUlU Certain to u. il ly or inonoy rnfiindoil. Hy mall $3. Securely so-ilud from olm-rvn- t'on. CliOK Kt.n + : t > Y Vll , , Omnhn , Nol ) . Oo rlslit ibotit It. Don't waste n mlniito 1'nr the splitting tic ulnuho1 * , racking p.iliu along ; the apliio utul In sldos and loins , rliuu- m.itlsm of muscles and joints , cjilllsuiul ft-vor iiiiusca : md disinclination for food , you must taLc thruo or four ot Dr , Schenck's ' ManJralo Pills lie first nlxlit , nud after tliat a sufllcloiit num ber to Insuru a d.itly .in 1 free action of tlio bowels. Ivtop tills up for sumo tlmu.aiid wliuro chills and fovcrs are stubborn.quinine In ro is- onibln doses , c in bo used to .iil.ititaKi ) wllli free.tho Pills. Tliosaplllssctyoiirjorod ( liver lu.inso thcatomachiind bonols , and start up normal secretions. You've scored .1 biff point Tlien. to aid digestion , crush the weiKnuaS and lassitude , drlro otf the feolln th it you'd as loa\oilla as llvc.and gho tonu and stron th to your system , you must tal\o a ttiblespoon- f ul of ofSchenck's ' Seaweed Tonic before an 1 after nioiili Alrcxidyyou Lcglnto feel Iilco a new uerson. But don't forgot your lungs Itowaro of the terrible tendency of Li Orfprietow.ird Pneumonl.i ! If you ha\o chest Dnltis or a cough , better settle the matter at onco-by a tablespoonfut of Schcnck's ' Pulmonic Syrup taken throe times a day. between mo ils oft- cnorlfthe coURb Is troublesome. You can thus surround the very worst case of La Oiliw | ) and drlvo 1C Into speedy surrender. And you'll do It right nw.ty If you are who. Ask your DmigUt for the Dr ydienclv Heine- dies. dies.DR. DR. SCHENCK'S boo't on Consumption , Liver Complaint and Dysiepsla ; s. nt free. DB. J. H. S HE1TK& 5 OF. Philadolubia. Pa VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses , Cattle , Sheep , Doge , Hogs , AND POULTRY. 500 Page Book an Treatment of Animals and C'lutrt vnt 1'rce. A. A. i Spinal flluuiuifitiii , JUilk I'cvcr. 11.11.--strains , J.nincucHH , IMicninuilHiii. ' . < ! . --Dlmi'iiiprr , Niimil DiHclmrcuK. D.D. llotfl or ( JruliNVorniM. . K.K. ( JnittrliH , Ilcnycx , Pnriimonln. F.lf. CJolic or ( ripi'M , Jii'lljncuo. R.S.--nilNi nrriaco , Ileiuorrlingi'H. 11.11. I'rlnnry ' and Kidnm Dlsenspfl. J.I.--T > ilpllvo DlHi'nHOH , niniino. J.K.--lHKcnNL H of JIlucMiIon , i'nrnlyslH. Single Bottle ( o\er 50closes ) , - - . ( JO Si bl r CiiHii , with Specific * , Manual , \ rtcrlimo Cure Oil and Medlcator , S7.00 Jnr Veterinary Cure (111 , . . 1,00 BoM br Ilrii gl.Ul or * rnt prrpnttl nujwbrre anil In any qnuttlly on rrtrlit | of prire. ui xniiiKTS'iiru. ro. , in * m wiiim SLmTorir. . " IHTTMPHEEYS' HOBIEOPATHIC JSPEC1FIC No _ _ , In use 20 renrs. The only nucre fnl remedy for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , nd Frostrntion , from over work or other caused. 91 per vial , or 6 vials and Urge vial powder , for$0. 8ol J I j UruyirUn , r tnnt ] Kj lp itloti reeelj t of prlca. 'D. CO. , Ill A113 millimbt. , hew York. lilt. K. C. WKflTS MKKYK AND IIHAIN TIIHAl * MKNT , a speclllu for Hysteria , ll ) lnon < , 1'lts , Nou. riliilii , Hendai bo , Nervous Prostration ctiucd by Ml. cohol or lobuito WnkcfnlnosH. Mental Deproiilon , SoflcnliiR of the llrnln cjiuilnx Insinlty , mlsory , decay , doilh , Prematiira Old AKO , jlarrennoss , Ixiss uf Power In olihur sex , Impotency , Leucorrhoca niul ullremalu Wunknc * < oi , Involuntary iMntei , buar inatorrliooaLauiiud by ovor-oxurtlun ot the brain , Sulf-abjst , ovor-lMilul-'uncM A month's treatment II , ( I for * " > . by mail \\o luar.inteo six bnxei to euro Kuril order fort ! boxes , wlthU will send wrlt- tui ( 'iiar.tntco to rnfurir ! It not cured. Guarantee ) lisuedonly by A Htlirutor , Drumrlst. solo nuonts , S H cor Hull and Fnnmm sti , Omaha. Neb. A GKNUINHMirilOIIK KILLKKIi KIDUS GKKM I.HADIUA'IOII Luroi all decease ! beuauin It kllH Ibu mlcrolio oriierm Put up and retailed In fi.fjaml Ktioi , the lattc'r IW Kiillom. Heut any whore pre paid on receipt ofprlio or C , O D WoUiiiu it isuar- antootocurtt The publla trade and jobbjrf sup plied by tbo Klniler Druit Company , Onmlm ; C. A. Melchor , HoHnrd Meycrnnd K P. Soykuriv , South Omnhn ; A. D hosier niul II. J. Kllli , Council Illutfs CAN PROVE TO WIVES AND MOTHERS reading tliia that OR , MILES' ' NEW CURE rou THE . HEART Is the only reliable care for the tlracl fecllnu pecu liar to women Buffering nlth weak lieurte , naln in eldo , elioulder and arm , weak Bad hungry epelle , Irrepular puleu , ( alntlne , emotliednt ; . Thousands testify1 to their permaueut cure. J2LEOAMT BOOK DB , MILES MEDICAL CO , Klkhart , Ind. _ KOI s.Uo hy Ivnlin ft Co. , IStli unil Iiiiiliisi CURE A now und Complete Trentmuul , consUtlnK of guppobltorleii Olutmunt In Capsules , also In llox nnd Pills ; u Positive Curu for Kutunml , Internal , Hllud or lllc-edliitf ItchliiK. Cbronlu , Hecunt or Hereditary Pllus Tills Jtumudy bin uevur been known to fall II pur box , I , for < 3 ; * ent b/ mall , Why tutfer from this tcrrlbto dlseata whun n writ ten ifuaruuteo Is puslilvulritUvii wllhoboxui , to refund tlio money If not cur ml Huml etamp for frcu Samplu liclurunteo limuud by Kuhn A Co , Drut-Klhts. holu AKenu , corner 15th and Douvlai Iri'ets. Omaha , NiiU I'l&o's Homody for tatarrn It the Iet , Kailost tu Utw , uucl Chiainut. CXTAft ft H Bold by drueglsti or teat by mall. We. K. T. UiuUUuo , Warrsn , P , DR , BILLINGS CALLED DOWN Full Text of SecrcUry Rusk's Letter on the Nebraska Mnu's ' Methods. CALLS THEM A DISGRACE TO THE STATE UN Attiiiksnii the Depart incut of turu Virulent niul niul the U'linlo < 'ontro or j it ( Ire Iiuproprlrtj. Vf vsiiiMiTov , D. CM Fob. 2. ( Spcciftl to TUB Jlr.n ] follow Ing is the full text of the loiter of Secretary tlusk on Dr. Billings of NobmsUti's Agricultural station : WwniMiTox , D. U. , .Inn. 21. Hon. A. S. Paddock , United Slates setmto My donr senator : I nm In i-ot-clpt ofthrao Inltors from citizens of Nobraskn referred by you tor my Information , which letters nssumo tlint Dr. Salmon , clilof of the Bureau of Antmnl In dustry , has boett carr.vlnu on n controvo y with Lr. nilllni j of the Nobr.isitn oxpon- tnont srntlon , nmklng unjust and unwarran ted nttncki , and inlcrfcrlnp ; with the lattor's sclonllllo work. The wrtlan of thcso letters request yon to take such stops as may bo possible to prevent such attaoka in the future , n.ul to cause the chief ot thu Bureau of Animal Industry "to lot your ox- ncrlmout station alono. " Comini * from lutoUlRont Routlomon , ona a member of the State Board of Agricultural , und ono u state senator , those ioltors are deserving - serving of attention ; and as their state ments are diumotricully opposed to the facts , I take this opportunity to place the matter before you with some detail , since if your eoneipondents Had directed tholr attention to thu state experiment station whcro the controversy originated , Instenil of to this do- p.utiiicnt , the evil of which they complain might huva been arrested IOIIK ago. It may not bo known to your corrosuoml- cuts that when Dr. Dlllhif s lli-st beciuno connected with the Nebraska liAparimant station in ISbll , n leanest was made on my prcdoicsior thst his salary bo paid from the appropriation for the Board of Anitmil Industry , so that ho could h.ivo moro funds to use for other purposes. It was not doomed piopor to comply with that re quest , and since it was declined , Dr. Billings has kent up n constant attack on the Bureau of Animal Industry , not In the form of courteous , sciontllic criticism , but made up of dogmatic assertions clothed in tno most or fensivo language , iitul tilling column aflnr column In the Nobtaska btuto Jouinal and Western Resources , but not by any moans conllned to tliesO. it is a fact which can bo established by documentary evidence , thnt when this Investigator llrst reached Ne braska , and before ho saw a case of swlno disease , ho began his attacks on Dr. Sal inon'a investigations of this subject in an ed itorial coveimg nearly n page of the Ne braska Taimer , which had been temporarily placed in his charge. These attacks wcio so fioquont , so viru lent , and so unuontlomanly in their language , and occupied so much of the spare lu Uie station bulletins , of which ho was the author , thnt it was considered a disgrace not only to Nubrnsica , but to the experiment stations as a whole , and resulted in a lesolutlon of "OTI- phtttlc disapproval1 passed by the Associa tion of American Agricultural Colleges and Experimental Stations. But the attacks \Vcro kept up , and ho finally demanded a commission of scientific mon. to da- cido whether or not ho had shown the investigations of the bureau to bo unreliable , whether the reports of the bureau worotruoor false , and whether , to use his own words , ho himself was or was not a fraud. On the request of the National Swlno Breeders' association , such a commission of scientific men was appointed by my predecessor - ser ; it was constituted in accordance with Billings' wishes , it was pronounced by him to bo satisfactory , and yet , after a long and careful investigation , it endorsed the inves tigations of the Bureau of Animal Industiy in every essential particular , and in every essential particulardocldcd that Billings was wrong , and intimated that his methods of work wcro not all that could bo defied. Not sntistled to allow thocontrovcmy to drop hero , ho issued n pamphlet entitled , "Evi dence Showing that the Henort of the Board of Inquiry Concerning Snino Disc.tso was FKcd , " in which ho attacked the honesty and veracity of the honorable , scicntific.gen- ttomon composing tbo commission. This disgraceful conduct , this use of ex periment station funds to carry on these bitter attacks against the Bureau of Animal Industry , must have attracted soma atten tion in Nebraska , for it was publicly stated by the press that it was a condition of his rocnll to Nebraska that this warfare should cease. Soon after his icappointniont I received a letter from him asking that $5,000 of the funds of the Bureau of Animal In dustry should bo turned over to the state experiment station , to bo expended - ponded bj him in his investigation' ; , the con ditions being thnt the poisons omplovea should bo selected by him , and thnt the Bu- iciui of Animal Industry should have no con nection with the work , anil no control or su pervision over the expenditure nf the inoncj At the Kama time bo assured ino that ho should do his utmost against the ouicau. Such a proposition , it is needless to say , was not accepted , and since that tuna it has not only boon Dr. Salmon and the Bureau ot Animal Industry that ho has attacked , but myself and the department of agriculture as a wholo. Under date of August 10 , 1S9I , ho pub- Uslicit an open letter addressed to mo , in which ho quoted trom department reports , garbling his extracts and misrepresenting tbo position of the writers In ot-derto deceive his icadors and convoy the Impression that the department had been Inconsistent in its published reports. Ho asked that a man bo sent to Nebraska to invcstipato hU methods und the results of bis inoculations ; but ho was caioful to dictate us to the man whom bo would receive , and couple this with the threat that various inllucntial men "are oil anxious to biing this about ; and I will re spect their clcslio quietly and conticmunlv if I can , bittorlv and determinedly if I must. " As I declined to contidor tis | ( proposition until the return of Dr. Salmon trom Kiiropo , ho telegraphed mo under tintaof September U ! > in the following- peremptory language ; 1'aroonsonly will bo adopted. Time o\plieu October 1 , I'ICANK H , Hli.M.Mjs A second open letter appeared soon alter which occupied-four columns in Western Ho souicos , and the main point of which was. that ho did not want a scientist sent to Ne braska to observe his methods and would not rcccivo onp. Still later , in the Nebrnaka State Journal of December 15 , IBI ! ) , Dr. Billings publishes an open latter three columns in length , headed , ' -Lot Uncle .lorry Answer. Is the Secretory What Ho I'rotonds to Bo } Dr , Billings Questions the Sincerity of lilt Pnotidship for the Farming Classes , Etc. ' Eto. " Without goiuK into n discussion of the mcrltb of the sclenliUc ouluious involved In the controveisy , jou corlaluly will atfioo with mo that it U u gross Impropiloiv for an Investigator in a state experiment station to attempt to dictate to a dupaitmont of the national covernmont what kind of an inves tigation it should rnako of a matter In which ho has a personal Interest , and whether It should make any investigation at nil or not. And no ouo can full to recognize the impio- pnoty of sucii an Investigator , paid out of uu appropriation made by congress for the advancement vancomont of agricultural science , spending his time and U ! PK tbo resources of the sta tion for discrediting the investigation of tbo National Department of Agriculture , nud for abusiiiK the secretary of uirrlcultuia and the chief of the Bureau of Animal industry. In roirurd to tbo iuvestlKatton askeu for by Dr. Billings , \voula state- that I am not making Investigations of ttio experiment sta tions , us their work is essentially separata anil distinct from the scientillo work of tills dopaitment. If 1 should attempt such au in- vestlgatlon , however , I should not allow in terested parties to dictate to mo where , u ben , und by whom thu investigation should bo mado. You will find by Investigating the matter that dnnnt ; neither his llrst nor second on- eagomont In Nebraska has Dr , Billing been attacked by DrSalmon ; on tlm contrary , Dr. Salmon has bueu the subject of continued at tacks and abuse by Dr. Hillings , and has al lowed most of thorn to o unnoticed. Whou , the misrepresentations and ( also claims o ( Dr. Billings have been exposed , however , nnd ho la driven to the wall , ho IlnoU it con venient to peso as u persecuted und lon > . ' - Bufforintr Individual , who has boon quietly und dliinturustedly laboring in the uauyo of the farmer. In this wuy , nud by ralslny the cry tliat NebraiUa Intorosu have boon t- incKod , ho hopes to oxclto sympathy anil receive - coivo sunporu After clamoring so long for an opportunity todemonMinto the success of his Inocula tion as a pro von live for liog eholora , It wni cortnlnircry ridiculous to IIml htm availing the opportunity whloh Dr. Salmon save him for making n comparntlvo toit nt Ottawa , III. Itu wnntotl nn InvostlfrMlon , but not by sclontUtf ; hero WAS n chance to demonstrate the vuluo of his method to auoinmimn of Intelligent farmers ; but instead of ncccptinic with nlaciity , ho did alt ho could to dolny the tost. The oxpcrlmont , however , was mnilo , Ono of his pupils whom ha declared to no competent , operated by his method , and thu result proves hoyonil n doubt that Dr. Sal mon was correct In stating that inoculation wns anngiifous nnu might spread the dlnmto. In this fjuo ( U per cent of the hogs inoculnt- od ny the liilitnrs mpthod have died fiom disease communicated by the lnooulattonatnl this dlsOAso has since spread to the hogs in oculated by the bureau , nnd also to thom which wore not Inoculated. After his uu- qunlillad recommendation of this method and bis statement thnt nny farmer coil Id sn.'olv use It , what moro U needed to show thnt ho cannot bo rolled upon , nnd thnt his teachings nro deceptive and dangerous I The Investigation , for which ho nretmulctl to bo so tloslious , having boon mndo , though notundor bis direction or control , anil having turned out as disastrously to his protonsloui as the Investigation by the commission of scientists made some years ngo , ho now turns to the people of nnd fran tically calls upon thorn , through the Stnto Journal , to sustain him by writing to tholr congressmen. "Stir thorn up , " ho says , "and lot thorn know that they nro your rep resentatives , and not the subjects of Jerry Kusk or his department. " The three letters to whlcti your refer np- pcur to bo the returns trom tills pathetic tip- poil , nnd thcsr > probably would not tmvo been written if the writers had not boon misinloimcd ns to tbo oilgin of the contra- voisy , nud ns to who was responsible for keeping it uu. It will bo scon front-ilia nbovo that your correspondents nro nuxlnken In assuming that it is Dr. Billings who is nttucked , nnd that they mo also mistaken In supposing that to silonoo Dr. Salmon would have the utToct of stopping tho.-o discreditable pioductions fiom the Nooruska oxparltuont station. The cnntiovorsv started with , and linn been main tained by , Or. Billings , and ho is responsible lor its unsclnntlllc , uudignillcd and discour teous tone. If the state of Nebraska wishes to continue this kind of n man In such a con spicuous pjsitlou , p wing him $ ) , OUO n year , and allowing him to expend two-lhtuls of her nxpoiiment station funds , I suppose sha has the pouer to do so ; but her poopla uatinot ex pect and have no light to shift upon outside parlios the discredit and disgrace which ho brings upon her fair namo. Hoping that the salient farts In this c.isn- have been undo plain In the biiof references which have boon made to tlioni , nnd assuring you oi my sincere desire to sea creditable and successful work done at the Nebraska experi ment station , 1 am , vorv rospuctfullyr , T. M. UMK , Secretary. Stop coughing at OIILO bv the immediate use of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ; 2 , " > cents a bottle. "I sco n star. Eve's first born , in wboso train" Comes the dump tu illght that bringQth pain. For nches of head , neuralgia , out nnd bruiso. Try Salvation Oil , those will you lose. NATIONAL CONVENTION" . or Labor OiKiiiiUatlnitit ( Pi'oplci'H Party ) ul St. f.olllrt For tlio nbovo convention the Wabash will soil Fob. IMth to i4th ! ticlcota to St. Louis and return at half faio good returning until March 10th. Uoinein- bor the Cunnou Ball Express with re clining chair cats fieo and Pullman sleeping cars Icavo Omaha 1:1(1 : ( , Council UlulTs4K : ) p. m. , daily arrives at SI. Louis 7:30 : next morning. For tickets and sleeping car accommodations call at Wabash ollico 1302 Farnam street , and at Union depot Council BlulTs. orvuto O. N. Clayton , Nortliwestotn passcngor agent , Omnha. IN THE "SHADOW SCENE. " Contemporary of th Weatlu'r I'liijM a Hi lilt Star KncjiiKciiii'iil. His Nibs , the Ground Hog , 1ms doubtless boon frightened back to Ills den to stay six weeks louder. The sun shone brightly nil day long und if tlio quadruped of iistronqmi- cal , astrological nnrt metoreolocical turn of mind was not stone blind , bo must buvc sur veyed bis shape as outlined by the sun uu'ainst the billsldo near Ins don thu very moment Unit bo ventured out. "My esteemed contonipoiaiy , tbo cliiof of tbocathcr bureau , has been luinlxlilncyoti some very rocky uealhorthls winter , " said the Ground IloL'.wbo was a icportor for Tin : DPI : In a quiet HOOK under tlc | ilvcr bank. "Ho bus made sued u muss of tlio bus iness that I don't wan t to touch the miichimi for six weeks vol. Tberu is n nopular error , tiowovor , In tbo minus of the pcoplo tbut I wish Tun OBI : would coirect for mo. 'llils old yiun about my being frightened Into my hole by tbo sight of my own shadow Is ull n mistake.- . It L. my modesty that sends mo blushing 1 back to my winter quarters. " "Modesty ! " echoed the loporter.Vhy aio you shocked ) You scorn to Imvo on tbo sumo suit.vouoro . all nut year. " "Ob , I nm not ualmmcd of my own perso nal nppearanco. Hut just look"at nil tnoso naked trees , " and hiding tils eyes with ono paw Mr. Grouud Hog dlsapnaarod. This Is to testify ttiat I have tested the medical properties of Ur. J , 1) . Moore' * Tioo of Llfo remedy to my enliro sutlsfaution , nnd can most boartllv recommend it to thu suf fering and afllicted cverywboro , to Uo all claimed for It in tbo ubovo statement. Lust Miring I wassuffoimg from loss of appotlto , constipation , etc. , oiiciuntlnp from kldnoy and Uvor ttoublo , unu f hr.d not used one bat- tlit of this great llfo tomedy until 1 uioatly relieved. My wlfo , also , being nt , n very ciitlcnl atago In lifo , was suffering much at times , ami by tha use of ibis roincdy Has been saved from much buffeting und pos- siblv from oicmnturo doatb. Our youngest son's health for so venal jours has been very delicate ! . Ho uoutrncted some liinj tiotihlo by tukint ? cold with measles , which produced meat nervous debility and occasional bleed- ins of tbo IUIIRS , ho has used some four hot- ties of Trte of Life , and feolb uiri looks ns though now ilfo hud been given him. IC > ou are allllelod , try it. Urn MIIIKJI , 1'ios , Lldor , Box ( II , Carlisle , Iowa For sula oy all druggists. llio Cn'oclii Cuiup i : < i llpiiirnt , Croeilo Cinnp proiiilrtos to beroino n , second Lotulvillo. Tlio nuinbor of you * ] > Io going into this wondorfiil ciinip IH uiiurucodunied in the hUtory of Colo- rauo xcuptonlyilurltigthoLoiidvilloox- citoinunt. It fs ostiniittcd that now the towiiBilo is located , that there will DO ton thousand people in the ciun | > bv Juno I. Tim now discovery is only reached b tlio Denver & Rio Griuulo railroad , und thuru is no blaging. Tlio February Icim of the county couit convened yesterday morning with JudgoJKIIor on iho buiub : , Tao docKot. was unusuallv largo , LonUlulnB moro than ax ) cases , ,1111 lie Tunlii says "somo folks are so sttihtiorn that ul they need Is fnur lo a nnu they would pass for u mule. " Mayuo it poonlo use mete of Ilullur's Barbed Wire Liniment mules wouldn't bo so stubborn. , THK Ui\LT\- ; M.XHKIM- . rNSTUUMKNTS ulaceil on rogord 1' -I. i , ISIC'J VTAHIIANTVIinKIH O MUlhbims to ( ) II K'ellorv' ; lot 3 , liloak liUril.iliu WOOO 51 V Kilonou tn J I' Jlelln , lot 1 , block M , ooloimni'H udil . , . . . . . , , 13) A tut re-\s Not/nil mill wlfo to ( ic < iii.k htiitn Ininlc. lilt n , Ulrcu L' , Anililur placu . SM South Oinuliii Land foiapuny to John Mic-lul , lot 4 , block 104 , Houth Oiniiliu V J Wlllliini Coburn und wlfu to I ! IIHiblni , oifi-etof w 10 ffi-t lot , bloult : m. Uniiilm , _ 4CO II U CJurlc und wlfo to NuU 1'otun.ou , lot J-lIOLk 5 , Unpuijt ulaco ' . . . . . , . . , 530 UUtltA. J K lloyd. ahorlir , tu Huniuol I'ruyii , lot 7 , I'lnck ' 1) , innuh.i 700 Total Hiuoiint of transf3rM. . . , t 5,583 The Ilowesculos , t ho enl yscale with pro- tocucl bo.irlmrs , No chock will. Catalogue of Uorden & Sollooli Co , Chicago , 111