Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Trti' onniiiiT i Turn ninirpTO
"Wheat Declined Nearly All Day ami
Closed at Bottom Figures.
CnlilPK A ! o ItrniiKlit l.onr < r < JiintHlIon * mill
rnrrlRiirrfi Worr Snlil to l > r Srlllng
tlcncrotmly nt the .Scnlnmrd
Mocks anil Itomlfl.
CittrAdO , III. , fob. ! . Whontilcollnod nearly
all ilay ami cloiotl uaiy .it bottom lljrnroi
with a loss of Pioon M ly. tlio ivctlvo fiituro
comunrod with yesterday's last prices , lie-
sldes bolntt wcuk tliu mnrkat was ilnll. About
all of the news wus iintiivoriiblo to holders.
Longs \TLTO Runer.illy Incllnot ) to lot no
CubloB nlso brought lower ( imitations nnd for
eigners wcro Bald to bo selling Rcnorotisly nt
tliOBo iboard. The receipts In tbo northwest
were llbornl nnd the weather In tlio southwest
was moderating. There was a good deal of
buying at tlio start around OOo but It did not
tnKo. Ions to satisfy the doinnnd and
as the offering continued liberal , weakness
eon ru'cd. The worn sellers ,
Miowlir ; a dcorcaso of only 60.0)0 ) bu. In wheat
and Hour during the week whore ( Uo.OX ) to
600,000 bu. had boon expected and export
clearances wcro left light. I'urdrldgo who
baa bcon a Rood buyer at DOc noon found that
lie was Hotting It too easily and nulekly drew
out , hurried i < ronnd among his brokers and
canceled all ImvltM orders ; ho then put his
curlier purchases upon the market , nnd fol
lowed It up with liberal soiling. The tailors
soon got In his wake and as the market wont
off stop loss orders and llniililatlon helped the
downturn and May , which opened ut DOjio
niraliiHJ B04o ! at the close yesterday , soon de
clined toBuijc. There was rather free cover
ing by shorts at the decline and some ln\ost-
mcnt buying with a reaction to Hillfc , The
murkot wruKoned again on free Hollln ? dur
ing the InBt hour and closed easier at Hl'je.
Jjsto cables showed some advance In Ilerlln
but 1'arls was lov/er.
Corn wus fairly autlvo and showed a good
deal of strength , The liberal ovnort move
ment , the brisk eastern Mid Now l.nBland demand -
mand and tlio continued poor grading were
all fctronB factors , bhort sollrrs wore showing
a good dual of concern und iv general In
clination to cover. One of the notable feat
ures of the market WHS the strength displayed
In the near futures which uro very close to
May. This Is because of the continue 1 poor
grading , causing fours of a bcarolty of grain
to nil nearby contiacts , In fact thoioure fears
of a natural corner. Of the 117. ! cars of corn
Inspected In store today not nno graded eon-
trnct ; outof 2,110cursdiirlni : the last tendnys.
and only ton ha vo been con tract. As a result of
this condition of affairs. Tcbruary shows an
advance of le over yesterday's , closing within
' oof the top IIifnres ; while. Mi.y closed un-
cnangeJ. after having been o hlzhcr. The
advance was steady with very little reaction.
Oats mere quiet * sttiuly and without fea
The rather smaller stocks of provisions than
wcro looked forgave hog products totnporary
strength this morning , but frco offerings
c.insod the market to weaken afterwards.
There weio sever ; . ! narrow fluctuations later ,
leaving pork unchanged. Lard 1s r > e lower
nnd ribs. In which the stocks showed the great
est diminution , 7lio hinliei.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : \Vhoat ,
110 oars : corn , ' . " 00 cars ; oats , 132 cars : hogs ,
U,001 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Oash quotations were as follows :
KI.OUII Dull and unchanged.
WHEAT No. 2 spring wheat. 8V.Jrj ; No. 3
prlng wheat , E01tf8H2oiNo. ; 2 rod. 8S'SSOa.
C'OHN btoady ; No. 2 , 40c ; Mo. 3 yellow , 370
! )7'.iC. )
OATS No. 2 , 28JJc ; No. 2 whlto , 3JO30 > ; u ; rio.
8 willte , 2020 o.
KVE No. 2 , 71HSC.
llAiu.KV No. 2 , 57O"Sc ; No. 3 , 3352o ; No.
4 , :54(5c. : (
FI.AX SEED No. 1 , 03c.
TIMOTHY Hnno Prime , ll.251.30.
POIIK Mess pork , per bbl. , J8.M ) : lard , per
cwt , . M42H ; short ribs sides ( loose ) . K.774
dry salted Hhouldiirs ( boxed ) , M.G2K < 3 > 4.75 ;
ihnrt clear sklop ( boxed ) , $ U.OO@0.05 ,
WIIIBKV Distillers' Unlshed goods , per gal. ,
HuaAin Cut loaf nnchangod.
Hccelpts and .shipments today wcro as fol
lows :
On the Produce oxclmniro toiliiy the buttoi
nuiikot wus unclmngod. I'/gs , 2.i24o.
CllKtSK l-'lrin : full cream o lied a tin , llffj
JUici ; Huts. ll@ll4Ci Young American , K ®
New York Mnrk ts.
NKwVoiiK , Fob. 2. FLO UK Receipts , 47.09(1 (
packages : oxpoit * > , lfi'1.000 ' barrels. 14,410 sucks ;
weaker and ( | ulct ; Hiilos. 21,4V ) bhls ; low ox- t3.2Vft.LH5i winter wheat low grades ,
n.25.I.H5 ; fair to fancy , f l. ffBI.SJ ; putunts.
M 45545.15 ; Mlnnesotaclear , tl.001J54.75 : straights
tl.3.V < { 5.00 ; straights pitont , $4.5J5.2\
\YilBAT HucelplH. Ul.OJO bu. ; exports , 05-
057 hu. ; sales , 5,015,000 hit. futures. 13S.OOO oil ,
spot. Bpot market moderately active , lower
and wcuk ; No. 2 red. l,00lOI'i In store and
elevators Jl.oi'.ffil O.J , ; JI.01S4J1.U3 f. o.
b. ; No , 3 red , UI' { < 8i'io ; unurndud red. OliieCu )
tl.OI'i ; No. 1 northern , $ l.02&l.0.'ji ! ; No. I
Imrd , l,04s4'irol.0'iii ; Na 2 northern. 07ic.
i Ontlons Htuudlly declined and closed houvy
j ntlOI'aO under yesterday , with heavy und
1 lower cable's , foreigners soiling liberal re
ceipts and umall clearances ; there was con
siderable local realizing. No. 2 red , I'lihru-
nry. Il.t0sl.0l. ! eloslnir ut Jl.coiJ ; Murch ,
fl.ulisffll.01 % . olosliiKut'v : April. Jl.Ol fo
1.0. ' , cosng lit l.Oli ; Mny. ifl.OJVitUM ) I-I ( ,
oloslng nt (1.00 ! , ; June , Oiijf ( M 1-5 . eiosliiR
at OO'Je : July , 73iB07e ( , CloslQK Ut tWjC.
HVK Hull and Monk ; woBlern. OCSiOlo.
llAlit.KV Weak ; No. 2 Milwaukee , uO70c.
t'OHN Hecclpts , 108,059 hu , ; exports. 158,3)4 )
hu. ; sales. 1,720,000 bu. of futures ; 1111,000 bu , of
pot ; spot market weak ; No. 2 , 49 > { u In olo-
vntor ; W.iCWUiju alloitt ; ungrudeu mixed ,
filije ; No.2e , 52 < ic ; No. 3 , 4 < ) oj stuainor mUt'd ,
ihitlli' cj. Options deallncd from ' o to 9 o and
closud weak and lower on cables and linvii
naluui February , 41I'4C. ' closlnif ut 4'lUc ' ; March ,
40nic. , oloslnn ut 4ll'4o ; April , 40lie. ! ) ! closing
nt 4U > c ; Muy , 4by4J.4U l-Uo | , clonliiK ut
4So : Juno. 47fi4e. closing ut 47h'oi July.
46Utt48Hc , eloslnir ut48 > ic.
UATH Itucolpts. bu , ; otports , 11,1117 hu , ;
siiU-B,225,000 bu. of futures ; OJ.OJO bn. of spot ;
Knot market dull , cuslnr ; outlons , dull , weak ;
IVhruury. lUCcuijc , closing : ti' oi Mnruh , 35
© .Klc , closing sou ) May,3US'Wc'4' , closing 30 _ e ;
Bpot , No. 2 uhltc , 3tVSo : mixed western. 3IU ®
3t'iu : whtto , 37ffCI2o ; No , 2 Uhleago , 3J'40
1IAV Qulut , and easy ,
lloi'H Dull ; atutu common to choice. 20&
25'c ; I'ucillo coaat. lH.1o.
bUOAU Itaw.iiulutund cusy ; sales , 4.700 bass
ccntrlfuguls , Otltest at 3\o Itinilnd , 1,750 bass
centilfugals. M test at 3 i3-3.'c. and 1,0 0
bass molasses siiirur , 00 test nt 2 1-ICo ; refined ,
( iiileti off A , 3S < il3'I o ; ( > oiifuutloiier A , 'A\tl
till uowucrod , 4 ! © IUo ! Kruiuilatod , 4ai'iO !
cubes , 4 > 4 < 24o ! , '
MoiABSEs-NowOrloiuis , Qulut and steady
KICK Dull and ousy.
I'KTiiot.EUM-pulet ' und steady ; united
closed ulU''iio for March.
COTTON l-tr.D ( ) ii-Unnlc , 20'Jc ,
TALI.OW Kusy uud quiet j city ( W for pUgb. ) ,
JiOSIN Quiet nnd steady.
TliHi'K.NTlWK Dull and easy at 35O3.Mo. {
LodH-Qulet and llrm ; wtstern , Me ; ro-
i cclpts. 3I02Dackagcs.
Wont. Steady nnd ( julot ; domostlo fleece ,
80f 3Co ; pulled , 33o ; Toxus. lWZ'lc.
I'oiiK Quiet und btcady ; mess , J9.25O10.M ;
extra prime , frtf-0.
CUT MKAT8 l"irni | middles steady ,
LAUD Dull : rnther cusy ; western stoim
closed ut f < ! .77J ! ; sales , 1,250 tloroo ut Was ®
e.17 > i : option Bales. 1.000 : I'eliruiiry. fl.75 ) ;
Murch. ru.30 ; May , (6.05 0U7 , closliiK at ( C.U5.
lIUTTKii Qnlet und about steady ; uesturn
( lalry , n2Jo ; wcbturu cruamcry , 22t2lic ;
Ehu I'alr ilonmnd ; p rt skims , CffilOlic.
Pin IIION Quiet : easy : American. (15.75.
Copi'tii Dull und steady ; Irke. lia7U. .
rii Dull , bleiidy ; btrufti , * l0.6a
LEAD Quiet , sieady ; domestic , (1.20 ,
Tfnw York Dry ( ioods Market.
NEW YOIIK. Kob. 2. lluslncss In dry Roodtt
very fair with Improved Indications. Hoot
trudo wus moro actlvn and orders by mall
continue to call lor a wide variety of goods ,
There wns an Increase at department buyers
la the market nnd both stnplu and fancy
fabric * received an Incruiibed attention.
There wns no change In the character of the
demand , lluyera continue coiuorvulhe , few
largo truiiiuotloni being reported.
Minneapolis Wlimit Market ,
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Petx 2.IIBAT The
was out of tliowheat market today
nnd the price took u bU drop. Tlio decline
was over ic from last night's closliu price and
the opening todav was ' 40 under. It wns a
bear day from all points of the borlon , Muy
wheat opened this morning at fC ) ' c. Uc under
last nlght'fl closing prices Thcro was no
strength In the market It was evident and a
hurried decline m announced. The decline
nt the close WHS rapid and May finished titSiic.
The trading was\cry light. The ciuh market
was In nulto an actixo condition -g'lln todiiy
and a lareo amount of wheat of all grades
was sold. Receipts of who it hero were : uo cars
and at Dultith and at Superior fc. cars. Clos
ing prises- i c riinrv , closing K'io ' ; May ,
opening , M'.c : hlzhrM , Vi * c ! lowest , rt5c : clos
ing. Meson trac' ' < . No. t hard. Me ; No. 1 north-
urn , bile ; No. 2 northern. 77i370e.
Oinalin I'rcidnee Market ,
I'litltTS California tlvorslila oraneos. J2.35Q
2.M : Washington navels , 81.75 j t'allfornla
tangerine1 ! , woo per box ; I'lorlda oi.ingos ,
brlchtrt , HOO ; russets. f..flXa27V ! , Florida
tanecrlnos , H.Vk l.oo : half boxes western
apples , choice , fiOOft.2 50 per bbl , , fancy stand
mlahl bring more ! New York apples , f2.75 ,
VEORTAIII.ER California cabbage , 2Vr > per
Ib. in crates : homo grown lettuce , 45o per do ? :
potiitoev dull.
POUI.TIIY Chlcicns , & 37c ! gceso , dtlcUs und
turkeys , u&IOc.
OA.MR No sale for rabbits , will not bring
enough to pay shipping charges.
1IUTTKU I'alr togood country , I'ttlOoi choice
country. 1P2.'o.
1'i.ouii Omaha Milling company's Kcllanco
1'aiont. K.SO ; Invincible 1'atunU $ ' . ' .4'J ; l.ouo
Star Superlative , fcia'ij fnowllake , $1,00 : Pancy
Punilly , JI.HO ; S. I' ' ' . ailrnnn'B Cold Medal , tlM ;
Hnow While , JZIIO : i-nowllake. S..OO , low grade
t00 \ : Queen of the Pantry , S2.01.
lli ii : No. 1 preen salted Hides , 4 > iIVc :
No. 2 green snlted hides , : ® ' ! : No. 1 grron
salted hides. 25 to 40 Ibs , 4"iffl4 o : No. 2 green
salted hides. 25 to 40 His. , : ipn : : No 1 veal
calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. . Gc ; No. 2 vo il calf. 8 to 15 Ills. ,
4c : No , I drj flint bides. 75.So : No. 2 dry flint
hides. JWMc : No. 1 dry salted hides. JtfJOc. Tal
low. No. 1 , 3jft4c ! ; till OH. No. 2 , : iyc : grease ,
white A , 44 < , ic : grease , white It , : ) ' { ® : i3ic :
grease , yellow , lie : , darlc , 2'c ' : old butter -
tor , 22Hu ; beeswax , prime , Ifio : rough tallow ,
KKi ( Supply very llitlit and sales wcro
made at 24fM5o. Liberal receipts would bo
apt to send the price down very quickly.
Oinalin ( Ir.iln 'Market.
Prices based on delivery at Mississippi river
points , Nebraska Inspection and ten days'
shipment , unless othcrwNo stated , Cash
grain calls for shipment within five day * .
WHEAT No. 2 spring , 8 , " > c bid.
HVE-NO. 2 , fil'jcbld. '
OATS-NO. 3 whlto , WJo bid : No a mixed.
294u ! bid : No a colored , IWJic bid.
COIIN--NO. 2. cash , iin'Jo bid , : t o asUed ; I'ob-
rtuiry , No. 2 , 3 Uc : No. 2 white , IlSVJo bid.
Among the sales wore : 20UbO No. 2 corn ,
St. Louis terms , IKI'ici 7. > , WO No. II or better
corn , twenty days' shipment , Hurllngton
terms , IWc : Vi.OOO No 2 corn , bt. Louis terms.
'H'I'SC ' ; - > ,000 same , : 5ie ! ; l.'i.OOO No. U or better ,
Toledo terms , : r > ' { e.
Q. A , Stobblns a Hod Oak train man was In
looking over the market , The country roads
are In bad shape and very llttlo grain Is mov
ing at that place.
.Sum Cottier jr. , In the grain business at
IMckrcll , Nob. , Is In tlio city , tbo guest of his
father ,
Itoston Wool Market ,
llrmoN. Mass. . 1'ob. 2 , The demand for wool
has boon itilto | good so far this week and sales
are 10 a good extent. The inarliet Is about
steady on all good wools. Ohio X sells at2So :
XX and XXX and above at VOailJo : No. 1 at
O5u ; Mlchlcan X. 'MXWXe : Michigan X. No.
1 , 3lo ; No. I combing wools dull at
li&'B.'Mc , but fine dolalno .sells well at
; Kl'/Sfi4c ' for Ohio and ale for Michigan :
iinwabhcd combing wools In steady demand
at 24i42fic forono-quarterand 2Gc for three-
eighths unwashed , and unmerchantable
llocces are In steady demand at lIKfiile : toerl-
tory wools In fair request at M&GUo for ( Ino
clean , .V@ > 7e for line medium and MQ-Vic for
medium ; Texas , LVllfornla and Oregon wools
In moderate demand : pulled wools are selling
at nti"p42c : for good supers , ? . " > © JOc for extra :
Australian \voolsln steady deman.l ; foreign
carpet wools quiet.
Kansas City Markets.
KANSAS Cirv. Mo. . Fob. 2 WHEAT Cash
was hard to sell at a decline of Ic from yester
day's prices. No 2. hard , 7Gf47f./Jc : No. 2 red.
COIIN Irre uliir , weak ; No. 2 , cash , ! Cc.
OATS Weak ; No. 2 mixed , SOo ; No. 2 white ,
Uvc-Woak : 7Rc for No. 2.
FLAX SKEII 81o on the b isls of purs.
HllAN Easier ; KKSUlc for sacked.
HAY 50u lower ; timothy. J3. . ' > 0 ; fancy prairie.
SO 00 ; good to choice , $350 ; low grades , f 4 50 ®
r > .oo.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 0,000 ou. : corn , 3,000 bu. ;
oats. 1.000 uu.
Siiii-MENTS Wheat , 39,000 bu. ; corn , 1,003 bu ;
oata , 5,000 bu.
I.Ucrpoot Markets.
LiVBiii'OOL , Feb. 2. WHEAT Quiet ; holders
oiler moderately ; No. 1 California , 7s lldQiTs
114(1 per cental ; red western spring , 7s Od547s
04d ! ; No. 2 red winter , 7s 5Jd7s ! Sd. Receipts
of wheat past three days , J20.000 centals , In-
cludltu 4II.OUO American.
CORN Easy , demand poor ; mixed western ,
4s 3d. Receipts of corn past three days , 60,500
1'EAb Canadian , 5s lOd per cental.
L'otico Market.
NEW YOIIK. l"eb. 2 Options opened firm
at ftom 15 to 20 points advance and closed
steady ; sales. 42,000 bags , including : Fobiuaiy.
$ iU5iiii.r. : ! : ) : ; March. $13 05iU5 : ; April. JI2.7.V ®
U'.M ; May. l S.7012.7"i ; July , JI2.wffJI2.4n : ;
Aiieust , ti2.10@l2.I5 ; September , J12.1 0I2.HO :
October. JII.iXXiil2.OJ ; spot Rio linn ; nioro de-
tnaud ; No. 7. Sl4.l2H14.-5.
St. Io il Is Markets.
ST. Louts. ! Mo. , Fob. 2. WHEAT Weak :
cash. 88'4c : May. Ulaoni4c. ( ? , (
C'lii.M i'lrmj cash , 3J'4C ! May.
OATH Steady ; cusb , 2'l'Bc. '
POIIK riimur ; now.'lJ.
LAUU-UlL-her ; $ n.25@n.3fl.
Oil .Market.
LONDON , Fob. 2. LINSEED OIL ifls per owt.
Ttnil'ENTtNKSl'llllTS 2"s 3d porcwt ,
per cwt. _
Trailers' Talk.
CIUOAOO. Ill , , Feb. 2 , Counsolman & Day
to Cockie.ll liros. : Wheat wus very heavy
all day and , In fact , dragged surrounding
markets down with it. Several millions
bought locally for both long and short ac
count were thiown overboard on disappoint
ment In the dccioaso afloat. Further depres
sion In foreign markets kept olT buyers , and
opening prices were at the top and closing fig
ures at about the low point , with the
feeling still weak , Corn was strong
and no contract grauci among the
iccelpts , Free buying by shippers
would probably have closed It higher except
for the heavy tone In the wheat market.
Oats and lard i\ero dull , narrow In range and
neglected by operators for more autlvo
articles. I'ork and ribs wore In sharp demand '
from packers who proferrea buying manu
factured product to paying tno iCc to 15o ad
vance asked for poor hogs on sale to lay , The
closing downturn was on room traders selling
in sympathy with wheat. The stocks of pork
and lard were about as anticipated , but ribs
were aUout IUXW,00'J ( pounds under the esti
CiiiCAno , III. , Kob. 2. Logan & Co. to J ,
Hands Commission Co : Cables showing only
small decrease of wlieiit on passage , notwith
standing small amount put was the
first disappointment for the bulls. Light
clearings , light demand for cash , with droopIng -
Ing cables , added another burden , and when
the price declined below Ujc without any spe
cial buying at that figure many gave up and
thini was considerable liquidation which
closed the market at the bottom , The fact
that so lived a prlco should bo reached and
imsieu without finding many orders and tbo
further fact that wheat now Is in now ground ,
so toupcak , on IU bearish travels makes more
of the trade favorable to the view that a fur
ther decline. Is Imminent , Nearby futures in
corn were firm early on soft weather , which
caUKCd some cornerlii f , 1'iovlslons were .sold
by puukeis and closed at the lowest pi leu for
the day.
CHICAOO , III. , Feb. 2. Konnett , Hopkins &
Co 10 S. A , MoWhorter. Longs In wheat were
badly disappointed the " "
over "on jmhsuge" fig
ures , Thniu were coed grounds foroxpcctlnt ;
a lurxo decrease , but as on many previous oc-
oimloii the llgurtis worn wide of tlio oxporta-
tions. Cables weru lower than expected.
Clearances light , receipts of prlmaiy
inai kets rather more and longs ready
to sell out If the price should
to undoi OOc for May , When the prlco did
break below that figure the ciop nufined to bu
for sale and the pricu went Instantly tofc'J'iU '
on stop lo-s orders , the VN lical generally going
to till bhort contracts. The short Interest must
Inn o been m.ittn hilly reduced , which adds to
the weakness of the situation. The mar
ket closed heavy , the lowest prices
011 the cion having been mtidu.
An effort to buy February and March corn re ,
suited In advancing l\\ma \ \ months about Uc.
Owing 10 the fact that receipts contain llttlo
01 no contract grain , restricting sales for near
months , May sympathized moderately with
the advance. There Is less disposition to
pound corn und outs and nloro confidence In
prices. Provision * have ruled firm most of
the day. The published stocks were quite as
large an anticipated , but have apparently had
no weakening olfect on prices.
'I'll fin Was a l ) ( > rri > ao In the Volume of
HiihlnvNK Vestcrday.
NEwVoitK , Fob. 2-Uoallngs In the stock
market continue to show a decrease Iti the
> olumo and the activity tends to restrict It
self for the present to spots which uro paid
special attention to by the thorts and the
boars , London was u factor In the market
( luring the morning hours and the soiling wns
frco In the specialties In which that center Is
Interested , and while there was a suspicion
that the lower figures sent from London before -
fore thu opening heru weru received this side
of the water , It ioomed to have no Immediate
lulluuuce on thu speculation. Later lu thu
day the covering of the shorts bcc.'imo moro
pronounced , but nil through the day the buy
ing wns seen to bo of n much bolter
cnnrnctcr than the soiling , nnd with the
professionals ranged on the Mdo of the
lower ( I .lures and lines tors on thoother.Hldcd
bv the scare of the shorts thou.'h n decldudly
strong tcmpcrattiro devrlopod In the final
trading. The feature of thu Into rise was
Western t'lilon which continued Its luh unco
with u constantly Incrc.islnz business iinci ut
thou.oso It was tli * mostnctlvo stock on the
list. The buying wus hctle\ed to bo stimu
lated by iho Insiders. The selling of l.otils-
vlllo in thp forenoon was not In largo propor-
tlons and tlio Impression made on the "look
wusnogruatet than Hint In any other part of
the mnrknt. the concessions under thu frco
covering belli t nllko In all cuso * after the
opening losgcs.whlch nmoiinted to 1' per cunt
In New Vork Central und largo fractions In
I'nlon Pacific and I'rli' .
The drnuind In the loan crowd was very
murked and the selling nt the opening was
soon seen to bo for the purpose of buying
Mocks In different portion ? of Iho list so that
thu temper of the market tooii changed for
the belter while thu advances In the forenoon
wcro light. In ull cases , uxi'out Distillers
which was suddenly advanced 2 per cent nnd
us quickly let off o\or 1 percent , Tlio move
ments In this stock , howbvor , failed to a Meet
the lost of tin- market nnd the old Industrials
were Strom , ugar rising 2 pur cent on small
transactions. As the afternoon uoro along
the selling became less and loss
and the market drifted Into positive
dullness which at ono tlmo became qulto op-
prcsslxo. The hour , however , wns marked by
the nwnkonlngof a new demund , the shorts
becoming especially cnner In vluw of the
strength In Western Union , whllo the bull
points alioat wcro of the most discouraging
nut uro to thu bears. The fuar evidently was
that the Uould Interests hud entered upon u
cumpiilgn far higher prices , und the shorts to cover In ull purls of tlio list. The de
mand saw no abatement up to the final sales ,
nnd the market closed fairly nctlvound strong
at thu best figures. Western Union shows u
gain of 2 per cent , Distillers 1" . per cent nnd
Sugar 1'4 ' percent , while other changes are lu
most cases fractional gains.
( loveinmont bonds luivu been dull nnd firm.
State bonds have been dull nnd firm.
Thu following uro the closing ( imitations for
the leading stocks on the Now Vork Stock cx-
llBV !
Atcblson 3UU do preferred , . . . 111
Adams ICxprvsa , , , , 145 N. V Central II4K
Alton , T. 11 31 N. V Chi A St. 1. . . . . 13
do preferred . , . .158 do preferred 7 H
American Kinross 111) Ohio Mississippi . . . 22
H. C. 11 A N 40 do preferred , 85
Canada I'acinp. . . . 'M Ontario A Weslern. . HI
Canada Southern . , . 60 ! Oregon Improvcmo't 2G > <
Central 1'acino 3IH OreKOn Nav VQ
Ches. A Ohio . . . 2iX Oregon Trans. . . , , , , . 16 < {
do 1st preferred. . . 6lkj 1'acllle Mall 3S
ito 2nd preferred. . . 41)4 ) I * . I ) , i , E 20l {
Chlcncu A Alton 140 IMttsbum. . . . . 160
C. , II A U 10814 1'ullmaii I'alace . . . . .IBl
C. , CC A M. L S1U Heading 40J (
Del llnd'on 1:5 Hock Island V\3t \
Hoi. 1 * . & W HlSf St. L A S. F. 1st pfd 70
1) AH ( i pfd IBH St. I'aul 71 %
KastTenncsseo . , , , 7f } do preferred. . . .IZIH
do 1st preferred. . 15 St P. . Mln. A Man. I13H
do 2nd preferred. . II St. 1'iiul A Omaha. . . 4'J
Erie S0 > d do preferred . . 114
do preferred 71 Tcnn Coal A Iron. . 2" <
Fort Wayne 152 Texas I'aclflc IJ1
Chi AKast 111 1,7 , Tel AO. Cen. pfd , . . , MH <
Hocking Valley . . . , ll'i Ilnlon 1'acinc 4I > 1 <
Houston A Texas. . . . .1V U S. Kxprcss 49
Illinois Central . . .101H Wnbash , St. U A 1' . . UK
St. 1'aiil A Dututh. . ( . ' > M do preferred 30 > j
Kansas S Texas . . . . 17J1 Wells Knrgo Kxp . . .110
Lake Krlc A West. iBl Wctteru Union 87
do preferred . . . . 72d Am Cotlon Oil 34' <
LakoHboro IfH- Colorado Coal . . . . ft
LoulBTllleA Nash. . . 74K Homestake 12
Louisville AN. A . . . 28 Iron .Silver 135
Memphis A Char. . . . 26 Ontario 44
MIchliHin Central..107H Quicksilver 4
Mil L S. A W 93 do preferred 21
* do preferred 130 Sutro 6
Minn. A St. I * 0 llulwer 30
do preferred 20 Hlch. A W. I' . Tcr. . . . 15
Missouri Pacific 1,3 Wisconsin Central. . . ID
Mobile A Ohio IS ! < ( ireal Northern pfd. . ! ' . " !
Nashville Chatt 87 Chlcairo Oai 77'f
N .1. Central I15 Lead Trust 20' *
Norfolk A West pfd. 4UHi Huirar Trust 81H
Northern 1'aclllc. . . . 23V ; Southern 1'aclllc W (
do preferred G7M Orczon S. L A U. N. . 29U
U. 1' . . Denver A O.JH It. ( ! W 17'u
Northwestern . . . I17H II. C ! . W dls R'l
The total sales of stocks todny were J7S.324
shares. Including : Atchlson , 10,047 ; ( hlcago
Ous , 3.810 ; Delaware. Luekuwanna & West
ern , 0.870 : Erie. 18,1 5 ; Louisville & Nashville ,
15.02.1 : Mnnh ittjn , 3,140 ; Northwestern , 4,520 :
Northern 1'acltlo preferred. 5.9JO : Sow I'nu-
lund. . ' 1.800 ; Heading , 12.700 : St. I'aul , 21.200 ;
Union 1'aclfic. 11,500 ; Western Union , 31.300.
I'lmmrml Ke\low.
NEW YOIIK. I'eb 2. The Post says : The most
noteworthy movement In any stundurd stock
during the forenoon was In Louisville , which
the heurs are bundling In aery gingerly
fushlon und which advanced materially on the
nupuarunco of a few buvlnu orders. The cau
tion of the bear leaders in this and othoi quar
ters arose from their absolute f.ill uro to catch
stopordors In the course of their experimental
attacks on prices. In the afternoon they R.ivo
up the attempt and loft the market to rally.
A domoiistratlon of great strength In Western
Union late In the uftei noon stirred tno
market Into Incrensed activity. There were
variousspoelnl explanations for this sudden
uihanuo in Western Union , hut the chief
cause was easily found In the prompt support
given to any dividend paying stock the
moment it shows activity. Outside of Western
Union the recovery In thogoneral market was
New * York Money Murkot.
atli ! < 32 per cent ; last loan , 1J4 per cent ;
closed offered at 14 per cent ,
I'uiME MuiiCANTir.K 1'Ai'EU 3MV/ { per cent.
* 4.84Vi tor sixty day hills and il bO ? for de
The closing quotations on bonds :
U. S. 4sreu Mutual Unloads . . .lOii
U.S. 4scom HfiV , N. J. a Int. Cert . .Ill
U. 9 4 s re 100 .North. 1'acltlo Ists. . .llb ! (
1'acllle'sof U5 . . . . .lOil North I'acltlc 2nds. 114
La stumped 4s , . . . . 81S Northwestern Con .157
Tenn. now sol bs. . . .105 North. DeUcnt. So. 1U7
rTcnn new set 5s . .100 St L. A I. .M. linn . ' .s. 85
'i'unn. now set 3s. . . St L. A S. F. lien.M.108
Canada So. 2ndH , . , , ft.l'aul Contois . . . . U7
Con 1'aclllc Ists. St I' . C. Al'ac.lsts ,1IUVi
lien. A U. C. Ists , .117 Tor. 1' . L. U. Tr. Hcts B2' ' <
Den. Alt. ( i. 4s Tex. 1' . H. ( i Tr. Itcls 21I * <
Krle2nds Union I'nclllulbts. . 107j (
il. K. AT. Ucn ( is. . Weet Shore 101
M. K. AT ( Jen As. . 51
bid. t asked.
London Stock Market.
[ Cnpurttlliled 130 } I > u Jtunat GnrJnn llennelt. ]
IiONiioN. Tob. 2.--Now [ York Herald Cubic
Special to TIIEHEB.J ; The stock markets wore
aRHln Rloomy and | depressed today. Thniu
was no speculation and llttlo ilolnk' . Kvcn
sharp Investment business rpall/atlona con-
tlnuoto bo made paitlyon account , of the
estates of deceased owners. Calls on securi
ties wore not fully paid up , largely owing to
vague fears which help dishearten disap
pointed Bpeculatois fora rise. The List prices ,
nowo\or , were not the worst , Americans
have boon on the verso of u panic , the heavy
bclllni ! in some quarters , which , however , has
since been u.xplalnod , causing u rushof fright
ened holders to close out and brlnelng about
a morions Kfiicral fall In prices. Dili-inn the
latter part of the afternoon , however , a com
plete change for the bolter came
ovr the maruct , it closing distinctly
flrm , but prices had not fully
rocovornd the fall so that the general decline
established ranuort from " 4 per crmt to lij per
cnnt. The loud was taken by Union Paelllo
and Orand Trunk. Moxlcan railways receded
on rospeotlvo tialllo rolurna. Kupeo paper
doollned from K pur cent lo Ji per oont , silver
cloHiiiK Hat at 41.0-ICd. wliich Is tlio lowest
prlco o\er touched Consols left oil' unal
tered. Money uai In fair dcm ind , this being
pay day In consols Battlement. Call loans
were quoted at from I per uont to 1'4 percent.
Hills word aeiiln very scuiou , but the rate on
thrco months' hink paper wis nialntalnod at
from IH pur cent to 2 per oont.
IiONixw , lob. 2.--TliQ following were the
London stockuo.atloiisalo9ltii ] ! at 4 p. m. :
Consols money W Slox. ordinary 2S
Consols account , . 115 % SI , I'aul common. , , bl' <
N. V. , I' . AO Ista. , . SSHi NUH Vork Central. . 1H J
Can Tactile. 7.'M l'enn 7lvaiila
Krlo , . . . . .11 Hi 2IH
Krlo''lids llritj Mex Central , newls
Illinois Cenlral II1H
UAH Sti.vuii 11 0-lCd ,
MONKV ' © ! per cunt.
Amount of bullion withdrawn from the Hank
of Kntciund on bulanuo touay , i'0. ) ' '
riimiirliilciiiM. .
NEW . I'ol ) . ? . ClourlnzH.
t..N 0.4S2 ; coinnioivlul hunk , f.f | < o iiur
tl.wio iiruiiiiuin.
NKW i'oiw , Koli. 2. Olourlngg , ( Iil,83. ) ,5t9 ;
- I
L'HU'ACIO , III. , 1'ub. 2 , Monuy uasv ut 55VJ
per cunt. ( 'lomliiK-i. (111,717 , "iTU. New Vork
ovuhiuiKO , l"ir. iSlurlhiK oxchaii 'o oulot ut
JI.BI'a ' for sixty days bills unit * I.81 > J tor sl ht
HUSTON , Mass. , I'eb. 2. Hunk ulcarliiKitoduy ,
10OI.,7uti ; Icilunccs , ir..MXJJV .Munuv , li !
PIT cent , Kxch'iii ' u on Now Vork , ltxQ > r."tU
I'llll AiiKl.l'lliA , I'a. . I'eb. - . ' . Hunk olour-
IIIKS toiliiy. { I'l,71)8,7l3i ' ) Luiliuifcis , t.,30.lV12.
Monuy , 4 pur cent.
lUi/riMoitK , Mil. . Pub. 2. OlourliiKi , M,13J , '
C5 ; I ; ul ini.'us. iJO.'I.Vi ) liute , il per cunt.
CI.MJINNATI. O. , 1'ob. 2. Miinuy. 3'J1 ' per
cent ; Now Vork o\ohuiisu , U. > a4Jo pruinluni.
br. LoUJB. Mo. l'Vli.2. Oloarlnfs ,
balances , * ' > 4",4S. | Monuy , 0&7 per cunt , l-
uhmiKo on New Vork. DJo und 75o prtimlnni ,
' ITV , Mo , I'oh 2. Toduy'scloariiiK'
il,4J7B10. _ f _
X > v York .Mlniiij ; OiuitutluiH ,
New VOIIK. Tub. 2. The following uro the
closing mining
All l o Iron Mlvur . . . . . . U-S
Axpen 300 Meilcuu ll > 5
Cliollur 110 Untarlu 4MJ
Crown I'olnt , , , . 110 Oiililr . . . , 300
DeudnoodT 'Ml I'ljuioilth I' . J
Kureka { .an l& > IHUKU 125
( lould A Curry l.'i Slfrru Nuvuiln I'M
llulo A Norcross. , , . ISO landard I'U
Ilomestaku 127& nlon Con I'M
lloru silver. . . . . . . . . 3M follow Jacket 1UU
llustuu Ktork .Murkttt.
BOSTON , Mass. , 1'ob. 2. The followluz were
the closing prices onotocks on the lloston
stock inuikct todiiyi jn
AUhlion &Topc\ -iAtll | nllo . , , , . .
Hostiin .V. Albnnj M uinst A Mnntina.
PoUon \ Milno .uinet Allecla . . .
r it , ty rnklln . 114
Kastcrn It. It ( > s , rarsariro . I0' ' <
Mtclilnirii U II . ! >
Flint A I'ero M nM , 1'nmarack . IM
K. f. , S..1.AC It. 7 < Amdon Land Co .
I.lttlu llnck A Ft S. llotion I , anil Co . . .
Mass. Central , , . , . L . Wo t Knd Land Co. .
Mot , Cent common li l ( lloll Telephone . . .
N. V A N. KtiKlsiid l.nnnon Store 8 . II )
N V. A N. Knii 7s UUiiAVntcr Power .
Old felony . . . . Wt' fl' M .
Wl < t'cn common. ! ' . " ( . ' I lnnstonl'homon ( ) . _ , yH , | * _ .
l > n\cr Mining Stocks.
DENVKII , Cola. Fob , 2.-Tho following list Is
tlinoUMlngquotntlonsdn the Mlnlnj oxcnango
today. Sales : i2,203.
San 1'ntnelsco .IIInlnB ( Jnotiitlono.
SAN FHANCISCO , 0 , l. , Feb. 2. The ofllclal
closing ( inotatloiis for mining stocks today
were as follows :
Onuilia's Trade In Cattle \Vcnk Hoga Ac.
tlmill Higher.
OMAHA. Feb. 2. Two days'receipts foot up
. ' 1,07.1 cattle , U,43. hogs and 1,147 sheep , against
11.714 cattle. 1 201 hogs nnd 2,202 sheep for the
same two davs last week.
The general cattle market was dull and
weak with sales very uneven. Of the entire
ofTorliiRs aery small proportion could bo
called really good , at least good enough for
shippers. On these , there being some
competition , prices showed no particular
change and weie quotably steady. On
all ordinary grades. however , prices
were weak to a dime lower than Monday ,
flood 1.200 to I.IIM-lb steers sold for W.O. ) to
84.05. Fair to good 0V ) to 1,15 Mb steers from
i.l.'j : > to J.I.CO and common light and rough
stull around MOO to M2j. The dullness pre
vailing hero Is hut a tellnx of the conditions
existing at eastern market centers , the ship
ping demand being curtailed and local kllluts
having practically a clear field ,
The bettor giaites of butcherstock sold at
strong prices but there was no iiuotablu Im-
pro\cment in the medium and common
class of stuff. I'ricos were substantially
the same as yesterday iin'l the
trade was moderately brisk. Good to choice
cows and heifer.i soltf from IA63 to ? , J. 10. fair
to good stuff from'i to K' . . " > 0. Common and
Inferior lota sold largely at fiom C.2 ; > to IV.OO.
Hulls , oxon and stags were steady at from
$1.50 to $ .1.40 for poor to good stock. Cal\cs
wore firm on the basis of from (1.25 to $5.00 fur
poor to choice veals.
Slacker and feeder prices were strong
although the volume of trade was limited.
Fair to good stun" weighing from 700 to 1U80
Ibs. sold from JJOJ to $ .1.20. Representative
sales :
01 cows. . 70J } 2 00 29 cows. . . WO $1 40
30 cows . . . 800 1 65
Hoes The run wus not too liberal , but with
only a moderate shipping demand the openIng -
Ing wus not very lively and bids wcio barely
Hteadv ntMonnay's decline , Shipping oideis
were llglil and it loolioJ for a Hum as if local
buyers would take advantage of this fact and
and pound pi Ices , Karlv trading was very
Blow , but as moro favorable reports began to
arrive from other places and ft beoamo ap-
pnient that receipts would not bo excessive
lliero was a stronger tone to the trade and
buyers all raised their hands and business
from this on was brisk at prices f nlly 5c higher
than the opening. The best heavy hogs , and
there were more irooU liouvv hogs hero than for
many a day , sold at from 71.25 to IH.30. with
one load of "peaches" at { 4.35. Common heavy
and mixed nackorH sold at fiom 14.15 to fl.'O ,
with light nnd light mixed loads from $ UO to
J4.25 , largely , however , at from II , 15 to $4,20.
Koine vury common light lots went at from
$ J.r ! > lo $4.05. Trading was active at the ad
vance , and the pens were cleared at n tolera
bly o irly hour , thu uulk of the Hales helm at
from $1.15 to (4.30 , against from JI.I5 to tl.25
Mondav. The average cost wns K 2l''j , against
JI.I8S4 Monday und fl.'S last Tuesday , Hepie-
bentatlve Biles :
70 . . . .245 40 4 21 47. . . 415 4 .IS
ts . . no r.'o 4 ai
107 , . 7.1 2 75
SiiKKi1 onror.inB of sheep were llnora' '
enough , but as there bus been a bad bro-ik In
prices at eastern markets and buvor * were
bidding lowrrhore. trading was rather slow ,
and not over half the lecelnls sold. The do-
ir u lid was fair , but pi-Ices wcro lOo to''Oo lower
tliiiii last , wr-ok Fair to Rood iritlvcs are ouot-
able nt $1.75 to J.VUI ; western at MM to (1.7.1 ;
common unit stock sheep at t.W to KLMU lambs
nt Jl.oo to J5..10. Representative sales :
No. Av. I'r.
02 western ewp nt ; $4-JQ
8'l western owes no 4:10 :
84 westeinowcs II.I 440
120 western owes . nn 4 40
84 western owes 114 440
Itocolpls anil ll.i | ultlmi or St > . - ! ( .
Ofllclal receipts MH ! disposition of stock ns
shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards
company for the twenty-four hours , ending at
5 o'clock p m. February 2 , Jsii )
Oranlin PncklnR cuiupnnf 2 , < OI
( I , II. JUrnmoml cumimnr. , 441 t,71
HnltrAI'0 . . . . 1,029 I WU 480
Cudnlir 1'ncklugcanipanr. , WO 2Ci'.l 8t
HMttnln A Co . , SI7
A 11 179
I1. 1) . Armour . 182
bhlppers unit feeders . Mil
Total. 7.0TJ 74
t.lK > Stock .Mnrkot ,
CHICAOO. III , . Fob. 2-Spoclal [ Telegram to
THE I1EE.1 Scllorsot cattle today experienced
u slow and unsatisfactory nutrket. The light
receipts served to prevent any further sag-
gins of prices , but there was not enough
vitality In the demand to give thu market
oven the appearance of firmness. Local
butchers and commissioners bought with some
liberality while the eastern dcm md was
weak. The somewhat limited proportions of
the supply made It possible for sellers to make
a ( rood clearance , and the close was steady at
from Jl.vs to 9 ' .00 for Inferior to choice cows.
JI.W to W 75 for poor to extra bulls. Jl.75 to
W.05 for stockers and feeders and at from
JI.OO to 15.50 for common to extra dressed beef shipping steers. Extra cows sold at from
JJ.15 to fJ.50 and a 1.000 bull fetched JI.OO.
There were about 4U.OJO hogs received
yesterday whllo today scarcely 27,000 arrived ,
consuqiiQtitly there was a reaction In thu tone
of the market , The fact that the wuathor was
wet and mild did no' check the ardor of buy
ers , llnyors wuru Into the pens early and by
the middle of thu forenoon had about all the
hogs bought up. They paid from JI.IIO to M.05
for poor to extra assorted heavy wolchts and
from $4 10 to H.50 for poor to prime light , an
advance on vestorday's quotafons of f rora 5c
to lOo per 100 Ibs. The offerings averaged
much bettor than for Monday and
there were few transactions below
H.II5. The range at which most of the stock
was weighed was fiom $4.iT : > to $1,45 for light
and from JI.45 to $1.60 for heavy and medium
weights. Culls sold at from J2.SO to W.OO.
The sheep market was not a whit moro ac-
tlvo than buforo , but owing to the
big drop In the receipts ( and about
4,000 arrived today ) holders wore not re
quired to make any fuithor Important
prlco concessions. The fresh and stale lots
wore closely bounht up on a basis of from * ' .25
to JJ.M for poor to choice sheep and from JI.OO
to $6.2. > for Iambs.
Receipts were : Cuttle , 7,000 : hogs , 27,000 :
sheep. 4.000.
The Evening Journal reports : CATTLE
Receipts. 7.000 ; shipments , 2.MJ : market
steady ; aood to steers. JI.5035.UO ;
others. $1.00(31.15 ( ; slockcrs , Jl.85,85 ; cows
Hoes Receipts , 27,0utj ) shipments , 10,000 :
market fairly active and higher : rough and
common , $4 VSai.UO : mixed and packers.
f4.4Vftl.55 ; prime heavy and butchers' weights ,
* J.50400 ; Iliht. JJ.asai.iVO.
SiiKBi' lJecelpts. 5,000 : shipments , 300 :
markut weak ; native owes. 8l.uia4.uO : mixed.
J4.10U)0 ; wathors. J5.USn.O.V ( : Texans , H.CO :
westerns , J4.DU5.15 ; lambs. f5..r > 08,25.
Now York Live Stock Hirkct.
NEW YOIIK. Feb. 2. UKEVKS Receipts. U.5tl2
head , all for exporters and slaughterers. No
trade ; Teellng slow : dressed beef steady.
Shipments today , I.v.'ttbcnvos and 2,4'0 quar
ters ofbcof ; tomorrow. 0,07J ijuartors of beef.
CALVES Receipts. 215 head ; market dull ;
veals , $ r..r)0 ® < 50 per 100 Ibs. ; grassers anil
western calves. Ji.25S2.80
SIIFEP Receipts , 2,2'W ' head : market slow
and steady : slioep. J4.0J.00 per 100 Ibs. ;
lambs. $ fl.H5@7.0i ) : dressed mutton steady at
7K9SSc per Ib. ; dress-o.1 lambs flrm atO10J5c
per Ib.
Hoes Receipts. DJl head consigned direct :
market nominally stuady at SI. 1034.75 per 100
Kansas City Uvc Stock Market.
ceipts. 4,700 : shipments. 1,200. Thu market
was generally dull and barely Jte.ulv.
dressed beef and shipping steers , J.l.40@4.2.r > ;
cows ana heifers , Jl.T.VSstockeru ; and
feeders. M.U.50. : !
Hens RDcelpts. 0,000 ; shipments , 800 ; the
market was active and f > c higher , closing
strong ; all grades , U6.VS1110 : hulk. $ . } ' , @ . .
SiiKBi1 Receipts. 1,500 ; shipments , none ;
the market was'-'Jc lower than Saturday.
.St. Louis I.lve Stock Market.
ST. LoniB. Mo. , Fob. 2. CATTLE Receipts ,
2.0UO : shipments. : iOU ; market steady : fair to
good native steers , J3.5ua4M ; flr ( | to coed
Texan bteers , J..25l.55.
HoOb Receipts , 4IOJ ! ; shipments. 2tQQ ; inur-
ket stioriu : heavy. $4.'JO4 50 ; mixed , J4.00 ®
4.40 ; light , 14 M4.35. )
Gesslcr's Magic Iloadacho Wafer euros all
headaches in 20 minutes. At all druggists.
Denver Stone Men Want a Share of the 1'ost-
ollicoVoik. .
There was n tlolegatlon of Denver con
tractors in Omaha yesterday. They
came down out of the rare air
of the Rockies for the pur
pose of Inspecting the plans and specifica
tions for the new government building aero
so that they could out In bids for the work.
They will probably bid on the granite work.
Tbo Denver men were J. D. MtGiloray ,
Robert Finlay , James Carson , David Soolio
and R. W. Ross , ropresentitig four of the
heavy contracting iirms of Denver. They
visited thu olllco of the disbursing agent ,
Collectoi- Peters , at the postofllco building ,
and examined the plans carefully , getting an
estimate of tbo amount of stone that will bo
required for the now structure.
Mr. McGiloruy is a supervisor ami Mr Pin-
Iny a councilman of Denver , and they are in-
forested in gathering aata concerning muni-
clpnl expenses of Omaha.
The party visited THE HUE building with
Councilman Lovvry and Elsassur and Richard
Aslt for VatiHouton's CDBJI Ta'ts no
Tlio Domiirratle hlatn Oil Iimpcctor Ito.
minion Ills Otllclal DiitU-H ,
State Oil Inspector Hcinirou yesterday
morning ofllclally notiilcd nil tbo oil dealers
that ho had resumed tbo duties of bis office.
Ho has also called his deputies to report
for duty , and will at once proceed to the
business of inspecting oils at every ware
house and distributing center In the state.
Dewltt's Little Early Risers , oeit pilli
HciiKcm I'lacii A Hairs ,
The Uonson nnd Halcyon Heights fire
brlgado mot Saturday evening in their tem
porary quarters In the car barn and elected
officers as follows ; 10.11. Cone , president ,
George Knoll , vice president ; Charles I'or-
tcr , hecrotary , and Charles Johnson , treas
Among other Improvements talked over
were the. building of a permanent hull , tbo
purchase of a hook and ladder tructc and
olhor equipments. Committees were up
pointed to secure a suitable site and obtain
prices of lire apparatus ,
The roll of active membership Includes the
majority of tlio residents of the district and
among those on the honorary list are ;
Messrs. R A , llenson , W. II , Crary , Judge
K. M. Stonboru , William I'nxtoii , Jr. , J. IJ.
Carmicbaol , J , II , Flack , T.oaviU Durnhnm ,
W. J , Council , U. H , I'oit , Axtell Smith and
U. A , Limimst. Regular meetings of the
club are hold every Saturday night In the
car barn.
The school tire only delayed the school for
a week , a complete set of now books was
purchased and work is going on as usual ,
U. P , Cronkrito of Chicago , ono of the
owners of Halcyon Heights was out looking
over his property the other day.
IJoWItt1 ! , Little Karly itibnra tor tbo liver.
Dangerous Use of Strong Purgatives.
1'lllu and purgatives which act quickly upon
the bowels , irrltato und destroy thu mucous
lining * of thu stomach ami bowels. A contin
ued use of mich remedies inllamos the stomach
and bowels. Thu iitu of thu genuine Imported
Carlsbad b'prudel Salt U highly recommended
because IIH action U due solely to lib solvent
and bt mulatliiK properties , without Irrltal ug
the blomach. Obtain the genulnu Imported
urtlclu only.
0,11 , UK FS Directory 4
Omn'iu Tfnt t ( .
Co. .
HKK' . liMnmocks oil anil
riitibcr clothing Soml for
CHtnloituc. Ill ) Knrnnni
Htiilf Omn/iii llaa Co.
Importer' nmt mnniifnc-
tMrc-r .
Flour Sfftrki , tlnrliipi nmt
A > U. I'trrfun l Co , M U : flalim ,
HOI Dodita street. Illc'cles sold nn monthly
Send for our ntMoKiio
nnl | , t lcc . 1W > { Farnain st , Omaha ,
Morso-Qoo Shos Oompanj ,
t 110) ) Howard Street ,
K err roriu-r llth and liiuila streets
nra" a lnuelo < o prices to cash I ) iror' , and are
S3 Illn g n clasi of goods which Is very sal
eable with merchants.
Branclreth's ' Pills
When anything stands a test of sixty years among a
discriminating people like the Americans , it is pretty good
evidence that there is merit somewhere. The value of a
medicine is best proved by its continued use from year to year
by the same persons and families , as well as by a steady ,
increasing sale. Few , if any , medicines have met with such
continued success and popularity as has marked the introduc
tion and progress of Brandreth's Pills , which , after a trial of
sixty years , are conceded to be the safest and most effective
purgative and blood purifier introduced to the public.
That this is the result of merit , and that Brandreth's ' Pills
actually perform all that is claimed for them , is conclusively
proved by the fact that those who regard them with the
greatest favor arc those who have used them the longest.
Brandreth's Pills are purely vegetable , absolutely harmless -
less , and safe to take at any time.
Sold in every drug and medicine store , cither plain or sugar
1816 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tbe oinlncm specialist In nervous , chronic. prlTale. blood skin and nrlnarr diseases A regular an 4
fcglsteroditraduate In medicine , as diplomas and cerllBeilai show Is Hill treating wilt * the jruatuit suO <
eesi catsrrh , sper.iiatnrrhooa , lost manhood , seminal wenknesi , nL'bt loisui , liupotouar. syphilis strlJV
lure , fconorrhoe * . gleet , yarloooele. eto. No mercnrr Died. No IT treatiatnl for lost of rltal power Fafllil
unabla to vliltmt ) mar bo treated at homo b/eorroiponilouc * M nolQ or luilriiiuanti ont br mull or
iprcii 3urly packet no marks to lndloit contents or sender. Oa nersontl Inlsrvleir preferred. Lou *
ulutlcm rtca. Corrdiponconcoctrlctlr private. Hook ( Mrsierles of Ll ( ) sent free. OAoebouri , tf.
. ui buodar , 10 a. m. to 1 > m Bend stamp for replj , ji
National Bank.
Cnjiltftl . 7T7T. . 8100,01)1) )
Olllcersand Director * llonry W Valei urBjIdent ,
I U. CinMnK. vlo prujldenl. U. S MnurlcoV. . V ,
Morse- , John H. Collins , J. M II. I'.Urlck UwliS ,
tvcd , Caitucr ,
Corner 12th uuJ Farnaiu Stu
l ATS , I-H'O. | IIIDljS , KIT.
H * . .1. t , . HiMmnA Co. tltn. OttiCiH'A . ,
lints , rap , straw itoo > l % lluycri nf tdiloi , nojl ,
flurus ami mlttoni , tallow and furs
IJIh nnd Darner , Jil. ) South UtlfM
HtcttrA n'ilhtlmv 0.1 l , } > celt A'mi ,
Cor crs' hardware : n n
loth and Jackson Sis
n.-cliniiloi t ul s.
/'iuoii ( A Vltrllni lin
WrniiKht and ra t Iron
tiiillillnK work , cnKlno * .
brass work , cnnural
lltr A Ci ) It , It. < lr < ittr ,
l.lquor Morclianti , Importer and , l bt < i > r ot
lllillnrnor Htront , \Vlnoi and Liquors.
MriDufsetur'n Kennodr's 1070 and IOW KarnatiHt.
Kast India lllltsrj. I'rleoHilton appllcitlon.
llrrlrrtt ,
\Vhulcialo liquor dealora
IOJI FarnaiiKt.
Charles 11. Jo/ill / .1 , H'fihcfic < l ,
llardnood lumber , wood
carpets and pnrquct lni | > o-tol Amcrlein I'orJ
tloorlni ; , Inn 1 comc'it , Mllwniikeii
hrdralilli' ronu'iil an
Cth and Douular , Vnlnej' white Mn ,
C. .4. Stimchlll. .1 Ilnfi > c , Jr
Millinery , nntlonicloaks I'lanos ortfaii" , artHts'
etc ,
mitcrl-ili , vie
llG-lta S 10th ft. Omulia 151.1 Doiixlas it root ,
A , Uonth Faclniw Co. I'ldlt A Co. ,
1'aokcrs of oysters , Osh Oysters , Fhh and Co\Q \ *
nnd Celorx , Sl'.l South lOlh 81
COSLeavcnworth St. David Cole , Mana < or.
Cooll ( ( < icl ( Tnnk Line
Co. ,
Heflned and Inbrlcntllik'
oils , axle xrcasp , etc.
Ilrcwch A Co. , ItttiMl A Smith ,
Dealers In country prod Produce , fruits nf all
uce , fruits , voKOtabloi ,
etc. kinds , oyston ,
1Z07 Howard Street. 13th and llarner Streets ,
A"frs/i/irutn / / ,1 SOUK. Jas. A. 6 lark & Co7
Uuttcr , ehco o ,
Butter , egKs and poultry. ejna '
poultry and Kama 'd
14JO Farn.itu st. COJboutli IJili streot.
Biddell & Co. , G. Pegan.
Commission Merchant ,
nutter , cheoso. cjfcsveg 1'roduco , lluttcr. KKRI ,
etables , frulU. poultry ChuiMO and Poultry *
. 1 th and Howard bts.
and ifauie. Uumha.
Mullin & MoOlain , Bingbam , & Son ,
Specialties. tmtlr. o vs , Send us your K w Hut-
cheese , poultry , etc No tor , I'oultry. liHiuo ,
15 S llti liar , 1st Nat. llldus , Ktc
1701-J l.e-\Tunworih St.
Carpenter Paper Oo , , King Papir QJ.
Carrr a full stock of Wrapping paper , all klndl
prlntlntf , wrapplnx and of twines , etc .
writing paper , card pa
per , etc. Tol. 17.U
James Hughes , Ornaln Stove Eepair
Stores repairs of all tlnJ Wor' .
Cooks and Hoaleri Steve repairs and watcf
for sale altnchmenti for any kind
of stOToraado.
6074. . llth Street 1207 liomilas
W , A. Disbrow & Oo , H , Hardy Oo. ,
kianufacturors of sash , Toys , dolls , n Hi unn ,
doors , blinds nnd fancy goods , tiousufur-
moulding. Ilraneli of- nlhlnu child-
dco , Uth and liardSts. carrlaifoi ' ,
1319 t'arnam Street
Al en Root & Oo , & D lib/ .
Itoom'U UxclianKO Ilnlld- Hooini , 6) anil Gl Kr-
Ouiaha , boulh Oinalix