Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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DciUucd by Cnrrlcr to nny part of the City
Ilnslncss onico No < T
, -lltor ( j,0 sjj
Mt.\Olt .M/7.MIO.V.
N , Y. Plumbing Co.
Council llluffs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans. C04 Sapp bloci' .
Thcro will bo n social nnd entertainment
this ovonlngnttho Pirst ilnptiotchurch ,
L. Wagner , who was lined 12" n short tlmo
Bgo In police court for disturbing tlio peace ,
tiled an appeal jcstotdny in the district
Miss Haltic Pace entertained .omo of her
friends laU Saturday afternoon at her resi
dence , 713 ! Mynstcr street , In honor of her
llfteontb birthday.
Harmony chapter No. ' > , O. K. S. , meets
nt'Mosonl'o temple In special session Tues
day evening , for the p'lrplso of Initiation.
Vlsltlnc members are cordially invited. By
order of worthy marshal.
Hoy. T. S. Halluv , D.D. , superintendent of
homo missions of the Proibvterlnn churoh In
Iowa , will preach at 7,30 o'clock this even
ing nt the Second Presbyterian church , cor
ner Harmony and Logan strcots.
The case of Hoan against Uutlor , the first
law case to bo tried In the district court nt
the present term , was taken fioin the Jury
yesterday and n verdict was returned in
favor of Hnllor for the costs ol the suit.
Emma , the li-vonr-old duughtcr of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Holnrluh Frodorich , died nt 2:110 o'clock
Sunday night of lung fever , J'hn funeral will
taka place this nflei noon a o'clock from
the family residence nea tit. Bernard'
A mooting of younc men will bo held to
morrow evening at 7'HO o'clock atU'Oiosl-
dunce of Harry Nnson , 'J4r > Uontnn street , to
make arrangements for n teturn party to the
young ladles who gave the leap \uar party nt
the llo.val Arcanum hall last week.
The following venire of Jurors was Issued
yesterday for thu February term of superior
court , which opens next Mondav : Frank
Peterson , II. H. Oboiholtzor. George D.
Brown , J. S. Davis , Frank Grass , H O.
Mnxwoll , William Robinson , Henry Paschel ,
nnd L Xurmucblcn.
The Northwestern Houston Narcotic Cure
company , composed of Krastus A. Benson ,
Jonn 1 > . Unrmlchnel , George F. Wright nnd
John G. Cortclyou , Hied articles of Incorpora
tlon yesterday with the county recorder , in
order to onnolo them to carry on an Institute
In Minneapolis. The main ofllco will bo In
this city fiom a technical standpoint , but in
ronlltv the only reason for incorporating un
dcr the laws of lovvn was the fact that the
laws of lovvn are more favorable for n busi
ness of this kind than those of other states.
The capital Block of the enterprise Is f 100,000.
Hot for the Murdl ( iras !
At Now Orleans. Ono faro , $31.45 , for
rout'd trip. Tickets on sale Fob. " 2 to
28. For particulars call on O. M. Brown ,
ticket agent K. C. , St. .1. it C. B.
The only reliable treatment known for
diphtheria is Dr. .lolTerls' treatment.
For sale by Do llovon , Davis nnd
Drs. Woodburydontistsnoxt to Grand
hotel ; line work a specialty. Tele. 143.
l'7/f.SOAM / . IM K.I llll.l I'llS.
\V. W. Loomls has returned from a busi
ness trip to Cincinnati and Chicago.
Frank Shinn of Carson was In the city
yesterday , attending district court.
Mrs. G. A. Robinson loaves tomorrow for
Orlando , Fla. , where she will spend several
months visiting.
\V. F. Grafton , an Implement dealer of
western Nouraskn , was in the city yesterday ,
laying in n car load of implements.
.lames Jordan , a prominent implement man
of Arapnhoo , Nob. , was in the implement
district yesterday buying a car load of spring
Miss Eva Nason Is confined to her homo by
the clTocts of a fall she received Sunday
morning down tbo steps of St. Francis
Xavlor'b Cathollo church.
Louise , the little daughter of E. M. Bunker
who has beeu ill with scarlet fever for the
last two weeks , was very low last evening ,
and small hopes wcro entertained of her
recovery. Blond poisoning has sot In and
her physician can give but little encourage
We have our own vineyards in Callfor
uia. Jarvis Wine comuany , Co. Blulld
Jarviswild blackberry is the boat.
Vtiriil .Mimic.
Pi of. T. W. Davis , teacher of voice
and note reading. Lessons private.
Call or address at Grand hotel , Council
I.onit lit This Mufur I'rliTH Compare Tin-in
ulili Sales , nnil II Wi :
Alti : IN IT , Ooinii mill Sr Ux.
Ttomumbor there in no Binoko hero , but
it is nil flro. Tills lasts for W days , and
is business :
Ladies' line Edwin C. Hurt's Bhoes ,
woio $ r > .00 and 80.00 , now $3.50.
All VVrifc'ht it Potors' line kid , cotton
and lace shoes , were $5.00 und SO.00 ,
Ladies' fine cloth top itiul patent tip
ghoos , no Hinolco , were $1.00 nnd $4.50 ,
now $15.25.
, ' 1JO ( pairs ladios' line kid , patent tip
button shoes , were $ ; t.50 , now Si",1) .
k 100 pairs flno kid button , wult hand-
shoes , were $4.50 , now $2.00.
NOW $5.00.
Hoys' waterproof calf button and lace
Bhoch , were $2,50 nnd $ , ' ! .0l ( , now $2.00.
Youths watorpioof button 'and lace
ehocs , wore $2.25 , now $1.75.
All bovs' $2.00 shoes now$1.50.
Coino nnd see mo ana I will convince
you that you ran buy shoos cheaper here
for ciihli tliun any where in the city.
Mon's storm rubbers , 25c.
Women's croquet rubbers , 17c.
B. M , SAKOINT : ,
The old Phillips shoo store ,
413 B road u ay.
Murphy ut Tiiriium.
I'run els Murptiy , tbo npostlo of temperance -
anco , iind bU wife , Imvo Just completed a
tones of nn'otliiK's nt Tacoma , Wash , , In
which 0,000 signatures Imvo been secured to
tbo total utmlnenoo pledge. Tbo closing
mooting is described us a inanmllcont ova
tion , nnd thoTncotim papers pay Air. Mur
phy mid lila wlfo n line tiibnto in the editor-
iul coluinus. Among tboio who Imvo signed
the pledge during this campaign 1s Joint L ,
Bullivan , the put'llist , tbougb lie has. not
kept tbo faitb. _ _
Lending drugstore and news standDavis.
Jarvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best.
The Boston Store , Councill BlulTs , la. ,
cloHOB every ovonlng at 0 p. in. , unless
Mondays ami Saturdaya Mondays U p.
in. , Saturdays " 10 p. in. Fothoringhatn ,
White-law & Co. , Council Blulls , In.
Cut-On" CiiHf.
City Attorney Stewart , \vno hns Just returned -
turned from \Vushlugtoii. where bo went to
assist In looking nftor tbo luterosts of tbo
Btato of Iowa lu tbo Cut-Off island case ,
hpoaks very favorably of thu chauces of
Iowa winning tbe ease. The final decision of
the court is expected about February 'J.
Two apprentice nurses wanted ut the
W , C. A , hospital , corner Uth street und
Cth avenue
The concert ut Hughes' hall next
"Wednesday night by the Cuthollo Mutual
Bonollt usseulution will bo u ilno entor-
taiiuuont. _
Muilo Co , , Masoalo tern plo
Important Business Transacted nt the Oity
Oouncil Meeting.
t Attend Ilio Con-
trillion of Mnjorn to Ho llclil ut Ucs
.Miilni'A rohrmtrj' I mill < I Other
lntvir < tli > K I."fill Nutrn.
The city council hold Its ropular monthly
meeting last evening with the ruavor nnd nil
the aldormcn excepting Wood prosout. Un
motion nil propositions from owners of build-
IIIKH for the rout of rooms for city onicos
wcro rejected.
Tlio mayor , city altornoy , engineer nnd
two members of tlio city council , to bo se
lected by the mayor , wore appointed delo-
gntos to attend the convention of mayors , to
bo held nt DCS Molncs on tno tin and 5tb.
The Judiciary committee reported on the
bids for paving , rocominendluR that they nil
bo rojoctcd. Tills caused a kick from Pace ,
\vlio did not think tlio contractors vvuro
being piven 11 fair deal by bolnc comnollod to
blti on llio same work rupoutodly and tticn
hnvo their bids rejected by wholesale ,
liroun snld thcro were legal objections to
the bids , so hn had been Informed bv the
city attorney. nUhoiigh ho Jld not know
what the objections wore. City LtaRincpr
Foslovln said thnt so far as ho know tlio
mam uldlculty was thui the city was not
ready to pave , the pradlng and curbing not
yet beliiR done on the streets In question.
After some discussion the report was ro-
fotrcd back to the Judiciary committee with
Instructions to report more fully nt tuo next
Aidcrmnn Gasper moved to reconsider the
action of the council at tbo last meetlne ,
nlloulnp J. W. Paul to do the Rrndinz of
North Twenttotb street from Avenue
G to the alloy south nt his own expense -
ponso , ho having fulled to show
the reloiiso from tno contractor ns icqulrod
by llio resolution. Wind thought Casucr
\vus lalblng alnrgo row about a very small
mutter , and suggested that Mr. Paul bo
given a lltllo more time In which to tend
to the business. Graves , Pace and Smith
thought so too , ana the motion to reconsider
was llnally lost.
A petition was piesontcd by Aldormnn
Smith , bearing the signatures of all the
owners on Second avenue uotween
Property and Sixteenth streets and tuning
that a sidewalk bo laid on liotb sides of the
uvcnuo. It was referred to the committee
on streets and nllevs.
A number of petitions for refund or rovls
Ion of taxes wore loferrod.
Aldermnu Van Brunt stated that ho had
seen tame complaints In Tin : Tin : on account
of the ilarkncss nt the corner of Pearl street
nnd Droadway , und he would like -to have
the matter loforrcd to the committee on
lights , In order that it might be docldca
whether the demands of the property own
ers in the vicinity should ho acceded to or
not. It was referred.
Alderman Pace stated that as the council
had decidsd not to rent onices , he thought it
a good idea to have plans drawn by an archi
tect for improvements on the city building.
Ho suia plan * had already been diawn by C.
C. Bell , and they wcro submitted to the
council for examination. The ilrst
Iloor contained offices far the
clerk , auditor , treasurer and engineer
ginoer , with a vault for oacli one excepting
the engineer , while on the .second Iloor was a
council chamber 40x'J3 feet , with a railing
separating the council from the audience.
On this door were also ofllccs for the mayor
and city attorney und a Jury room. The
nimenslons of the "building ns proposed are
GUxoS feet nnd two stories high , while the
on is estimated at about * . > , OOU. The mat
er was loft in the hands of the , special com
About this tlmo there was a vigorous and
proniedlnteil kick on the part of the property
owners In the western part of the city , on
account of the neglect with which they had
boon treated. A larjro hole on Tbirtv-
fourth street between Broadway nnd avenue
A ivas the primary causa of the wail , and
while they were about it they found fault
with the sidewalk , which they claimed was
'inblo to cause the fracture ot the litnos and
locks of those who had to walk on It. They
also kicked bccnuso they bad no flre or
police protection , and no water works. J. J.
Crow , who was one of the chief comuloin
ants , said ho would spend every dollar he
had in suing the city unless ho nnd bis fel
low * were granted immediate satisfaction.
The petition was referred to the committee
on streets and allovs.
O. M. B A. concert next Wednesday
night. , _ _
Attend the concert at Hughes' hull
next Wednesday , under the auspices of
tlio C. M. 13. A.
_ _ _ _
Dr. R T Spybcrt hus icinoved to the
Grand hotel. Telephone . " 3.
M. Corona Langlilin , teacher of paint
ing ; , crayon , pastel and water colors , 309
Morrium block , Council J31utlb , la.
The Ladies' Social circle of the First
Baptist church will give a supper and
entertainment Tuesday evening.
Couldn't Sc'o tli Pluliillir.
A. 7j. Bow en , who has achieved consider
able uowspapnr notoilety of late from hi
connection with Mrs. Nathalie Pollard , who
claims to be the widow of thoauthor of "Lost
Cause , " was broucnt up In police couit
yesterday morning for a preliminary exam
Inatlon on the charge of enibcz/lemcnt. Ho
secured a continuance in order that ho might
see the plaintiff , as ho said , and patch tip the
IJcitor , the tailor , 1)10 ) Hroadway , has
nil the latest styles and now winter
goodb. Satlbfuction guaranteed.
Hi ) ! For the .11 11 rd I ( inn !
At Now Orleans. Ono faro , $31.45 for
the round trip. Tickets on sale February
Z'2 to 28. For particulars call on O. M.
Drown , ticket agent Kansas City , SL
Joseph & Council lihilTa.
Walnut block and Wjoir.tng conl ,
fresh mined , received dnilj Thatchor ,
10 Main.
round T oVut < ! lr ,
The police , who have been working for the
last two or thrco days upon the case of John
Hurko and W. H. Hall , now awaiting a trial
on the charge of vagrancy , have succeeded In
unearthing a couple of wutchcii which are
supposed to have been stolen by the two men
at a pawnshop in Omaha.
A social will ho given by the Indies'
Culnntlio assembly No. 1 , Pythian Sis
terhood , Wednesday evening , February
8 , in K. of P. linlt. All friends of the
ortlor are cordially invited. Dancing
and card playing uill bo the order ,
11 II. Shoafa 1ms eastern money on
hand for real estate loans.
Went Oirrdif Iliinlc.
W. H. Wilbor , who lives at Twenty-fifth
and Hurt streets , foil over an embankment
at Twenty-third and Hurnoy streets last
evening while in an Intoxicated condition.
When Wilbcr was found the patrol wagon
was called und ho was convoyed to police
headquarters , where Or. Tow ne , who had
boon summoned , was awaiting his arrival.
At lint it was supposed that the man' * neck
was broken , but an investigation showed
only a bad case of Jug. Wllber was tieatea
by the physician and put to bed ,
Jou Ti'uhiin'M Mltlmpii.
Just nt nildnlpht Joe Teuhon Attempted to
tire his young cannon at the corner of Four
teenth and Farnam streets in celebration of
the Uoyd decision and mot with a norious acci
dent. The gun ua loaded up to the muzzle
and failed to explode at the nrst pull of the
lanyard. Mr. Toahon stooped down and
touched a lighted match to the vent.
TuoKun went off with a deafening report
and Toabou was nearly thrown to the ground
by the recoil. Ills loft baud wo * oadly
burned and tilled with powder as was also
his face. In a moment Mr , Tcauon was
Ukou to Dr , Sumnej'i ofllcn by friends ana
Twenty Thousand Dollars worth of Shoes will be sold for less than it cost to make them. Not
damaged at all. Not a shoe in the house damaged. There was no fire or water in the room where the
goods were. These goods are all new and clean and of the very best makes , and they will be sold at
prices never before offered to the people of Council Bluffs or Omaha.
Laird's French kill hnnil turned shoes Ladles' cloth top hand turned Oxfords made , in silk vesting top , bright don- All $ shoes for $2.60. chance to buy goon goods cheaper thnn
that Morse of Onmlm sells for $8 , for reduced from $3.60 to $1.60. goln tip , cloth top , Bulchor cut and all All $3 shoos for $2. you over can ngain ,
8UO. Ladies' kid top hand turned Oxfords , styles , nil si/os and widths , lite same All $2 shoos for $1. IT IS A WKLL KNOWN PACT
Curtis & Wheeler's hand turned $5 reduced from $3 to $1.23. shoes that would cost you $8 and $ ! ) in AND HUM KM B1311 Thnt Evans has always handled noth
shoo for $3.60. Ladies'kid to ] ) hand turned Oxfords , Omaha , for $5.50. Those poods are of That these goods are all now , clean and ing hut llrst-chns goods , and you can
Curtis & Wheeler's hand turned $3.50 reduced from $2 50 to $1. the latest styles and perfectly made by the best makes. saVe one-half the cost of these goods by
shoe for $2.60. And all Oxfords and slippers nt ovnn the best manufacturers in the United very buying them now.
Reynold's Bros. $3 shoos for $2. loss than half price. Slates IT WILL PAY YOU NO FAKK , BUT BUT A FACT.
All $2.60 shoos for $1.60. MEN'S SIIOKS. All $5.50 shoos for $4. to examine these goods and got borne of Those goods will all bo sold in a fo\y
All $2 shoes for $1. I will soil the best patent leather shoo All $5 blioes for $3.60. the bargains. Don't overlook this days. Don't lot this chance oscupo you ,
the wounds dressed. The physician stated
that neither of Mr. Teahon's eyes bad been
injured , but that his face and hand had been
bidly burned and it wa-i more than probable
that the patient would bo laid up for at least
ten davs.
A cab was called , after bis face and hand
wcro diesscd , and ho was tulcon to his hotel.
Senator Srhmlilt'M MriiHiirrV111 1'ilss tlio
I'ri-srnt I.plsliitur Without 11 Dnilbt.
Dus Moixcy , la. , Fob. 1. [ Special Telo-
Kram to THE Br.K.J Democrats in both the
senate and house have held separate caucuses
und In each discussed the saloon question.
Tbo result Is ttiut all democratic legislators
now support what Is known as the Schmidt
olll. Senator Schmidt Is author of tbo bill
and It Is practically the same bill that ho In
troduced two years ago and is the ono that
was made tbo basis of the democratic platform
last fall. Tbo committee on suppression of
intemperance In the senate will report the bill
favorably some day this week and it Is ex
pected that It will bo made a special order
for Friday. It is quite evident that the bill
will pass tbo senate. To pot it through the
house will require the vote of Campbell , the
people's party representative , whoso record
is that of a prohibitionist , and five repub
lican votes , or six republican votes uithout
It Is claimed by oomo antl-prohlbiliontsts
that those will bo forthcoming , but no names
are given. It is said a Joint republican caucus
will bo hold on the subject and an effort
made to bold all republicans to the caucus
decision. There Is fear that this cannot be
donn , sufllclent to cause uneasiness in prohi
bition ranks.
Following IB n synopsis of the Schmidt
bill as modified by the democratic caucus :
' A special election may bo he'd on the
question of granting or refusing license upon
petition of one-llfth of the voters of any city
or Incorporated town or of the portion of a
county outside of cities and incorporated
towns , no other questions being voted on at
the same election. The license fee cannot bo
less than $500 a year , payable quarterly In
advance , and Is to bo granted py the
district court upon proof of the
good moral caaractor of the applicant.
Of this , $125 in case it Is granted in n cltv or
Incorporated town goes into the general fund
of tbo county and tbo balanoo into the gen
eral fund of the municipality. When granted
not In an incorporated town or city it will go
into the general fund of the county. All
licenses are to expire on the last day of
December. Selling to minors , intoxicated
persons or habitual drunkards is punished
by a line not exceeding tlOO or Im
pugnment In the county jail not ex
ceeding twenty days. Loss of license
follows the second conviction. Any
person soiling without license may bo pun
ished by a Hue of not less than 100 nor more
than $500 , and by ItnprUoment In the county
jail not less than thirty days nor more than
150 das. . The bond is fixed at $2,000. Per
mits to tell for medical , mechanical and
chemical purposes will bo granted to regis
tered pharmacists without fee and a penalty
for violation Is made a line of not less than
(10 uor more than ? 1UO or by Imprisonment In
the county Jail not longer than thirty days. "
Mrmix u Through l.lnc.
MASOX Cm , la. , Fob. 1. C. Hamilton
Drown , ono of the leading stockholders of
the Mason City & Ft. Dodpo railroad , says
ho has no doubt thai his road will either be
leased or sold to the \Vinotia & South
western , but as yet neither has been done.
This practically conIInils tbo recent state
ment that this section Is to bo traversed
by a great transcontinental line controlled
oy the Lackawanna system. Sioux City und
Denver nro to ba connected by the Pueblo &
Duluth and the gap between Denver and
Provo City will bo tilled in right away. This
will make a complete line from New York to
San Francisco. The VVluona & Southwest
ern will bring the line from New York to
Mason City , the Mason City & Fort Dodge
will take it to Sioux Citv , tbo Pueblo & Du
luth to Denver , tbo Denver. Lukowood &
Golden to Oeden and the Sun Francisco
Short Line to the coast.
Till ) ItlMlHdll.
"Johnny , you never toll stories to the
teacher , do you ? "
"No , sir. None of the boys in our
school docs. "
"That's very nice , but isn't it a little
remarkable ? "
"No , sir. Our teacher is so near
sighted blio can't see us when wo does
anything. "
Homrhtlc ,
Henry Ivos , the yuiuu Napoleon of Ilimner.
lus brought suit ncnlnxt J. 1) . Co II cry and \V.
V. Col lory of 1'lttaliiirK , I'a. , to recover $70,000
damages ,
I'rlnco luirblcle , It is stated In the City nf
Mexico , linn decided to postpone hlh marriage
with tbo dn lighter of Hunutor fctnnford of Cal
ifornia , owliu to his mother's recent deuoaso ,
Joint resolutions requesting the nreslclmit to
return to Mexico tha Hags captured by the
fulled Mate * ariuv durlnz the Mexican war
linn boon Introduced In the senate und noiibo.
Julin II. Milton , proprietor , and William
I'orter , editor of thu lleavur ( I'll , ) titur , have
each been sentenced to pay a line of K-OU and
to bo Imprisoned forblx months for libullnz
Senator Quay ,
The brother und two sisters ( if John W. Hlg-
gln , the sailor of thu llnltlinoru , who wns ono
of those Killed by tliu mob In Valparaiso and
uhoso homo was In Philadelphia , will send to
Washington a formal claim a ultiit the gov
ern MH nt for Indemnity.
The oooiin tue , Kdgnr T I.uctirnbaoh , re
turned tn New Vork nftor n fruitless three
ilny'a search for the missing fccow No. A. unit
no further effort will bo made to ictcue the
tuo men on bo.inl of her. The only hope for
thoiu u thnt they huvo been picked up by
tome putsblnivitsol ,
Spain will endeavor to purotlnte a more sat
isfactory treaty with 1'rancu than now uxlsti
between the two eountiles.
Advices huM ) been received from Samoa to
thu effect tlmt Mnttaufa's followersImto
abandoned tlielr euuso and the danger of civil
Mar U now over.
Juineu U'hUtlur , the well known painter , tins
been decorated by the Trench government
with the eros * of the I.oglon of Honor , a * baa
aUo the new khoJlvo ot Egypt.
KUl Can In- lined , lint It Slioiilil Ho Con
tra stril lth ( ioixl.
It socins to us that in good fiction ovi
must appear as a foil for good ; that it
must bo set over against righteousness
so as to make black blaclf indeed and
white purely white , says a writer in the.
Cliiiutuuqujin. '
The story teller need have no express
moral hobby to rldo post haste ; ills tale
will bo all the better if told with the
pure love of story tolling ; but wo may
lie quite sure that his taste Is unsound
if ho chooses a salacious story to tell
and gives it the unction of personal re
hearsal. Here , indeed , is whore wo
would draw the lino. Evil can bo iibed
by the artist with clean hands and to
wholesome elTect by contrasting it
with a healthy , solid projection
of good. The chief trouble with
current realism is that it does not do
this , but chooses to set hopeless evil and
nerveless commonplace side by side
without any triumphant moral heroism
to dominate or neutralize it.
The ethics of fiction shines in the
character , the moral nature of the story ,
more than in the ostensible or oven tno
actual , moral purpose of the author. It
is the genorai olToct that the work is
likely to produce when read by tlio
aggregate of readers which must'bo a
largo clement of the test.
Wlmt u lluliy I > 1 < 1 In an Hour.
The St Louis Republic chronicles the
wreck and ruin in sijctoon short chapters -
' '
tors : , „ .
1. "Veiled fifteen minutes without
taking breath. ( Undo Will declares
solemnly that this is a true statement. )
2. Pulled out enough hair from his
uncle's head and whiskers to stulT a
sofa pillow.
3. Cracked the wall paper as high as
he could roach with tlio poker.
4 Broke a stereoscope by sitting
down on it.
5. Swallowed six buttons and a good
part of a spool of thread.
G. Emptied the contents of his mother's
work babkot down the furnace reg
7. Tried to squeeze the head of a cat
into a tin cup and was scratched badly
in the attempt.
8. Knocked the head off a fine wax
doll belonging to his older slstor by try
ing to drive a tack into a toy wagon
with it.
1) ) . Fell of the edge of the whatnot and
brought down with him two costly vases ,
which were ruined.
10. Broke two panes of window glass
with a canp which uncle let him have.
11. Fell into a coal hod and spoiled his
now whi to diess.
12. Sot llro to the carnet while uncle
wns out of tlio room hunting up some
thing to amuse him.
13. Crawled under the hod and re
fused tocomeout unless uncle would give
him the molasbCB jug.
M. Got twisted into the rungs of a
chair , which had to bo broken to got
him out.
15. Poured a pitcher of water into his
mother's best shoes.
1(1. ( Finally , when ho saw his mother
coming , ho ran out to the porch and
tumbled oft" the stops , making his nose
bleed and tearing u hole ; v foot square in
Kicked fur iilily-I'oiir | JVoam.
Just how long a mule may outlive his
usefulness , if kindly treated , has never
boon definitely ascertained , for few people
ple appreciate a mulo's poreonal quali
ties alter he has ceased to bo able to
draw a wagon , and ho is not often enter
tained in ullonofcs , but Mr. Kichard Mc
Carthy of River road , union township ,
N. J. , has just purchased a mule , which
certainly is not less than 81 years old ,
and ho says he can run away from some
of the fastest horeos in Bergen county.
White hnirod men remember trying in
effectually to ride Kiohard that is the
mule's name when they were boys. Ho
was a venerable animal then , and ho has
a saw-like buck that it was very dilllcult
to sit upon oven whpri ills heels wore
still. ,
Richard McMains , who sold Richard
the mule , to Mr. McCirthy , says ho is
more active now than ho was half a cen
tury ago. Ho was never an army mule.
lllr < U Doctor 'J'ic.mheli ) < > s ,
Some interesting observations relat
ing to the surgical treatment of wounds
by birds were recently brought by M.
Fntio before tha Physical sooioty of
Geneva , says tlio Medical Record , Ho
quoted the case of tho/ ; snipe , which ho
hud often obborvod engaged in repairing
damages. With its be ilk and feathnrs
it makes a very cioditnbto dressing , ap
plying plasters to ble'cding wounds and
even securing a broken limb by means
of a btout ligature. On ono occasion ho
killed a snipe which hud on the chest a
largo dressing composed of down taken
from other paitsof the body and se
curely fixed to the wound by tlio coagu
lated blood. Twice he hud brought
homo snipes with interwoven feathers
strapped on to the site of the fracture of
one or other limb ,
The most interesting example was
that of a snipe , both of whoso logs ho
had undoubtedly broken by a misdir
ected shot. He recovered the animal
only on the day following und lie then
found that the poor biiu hud contrived
to apply dressings ana u sort of splint to
both limbs. Tn carrying out this oper
ation Boino leathers had become en
tangled around the beak and. not being
able to use its claws to got rid of thorn ,
it was almost dead from hunger when
Notice U hereby Kl\en to the owner or own
ers of tbo following ri-il estate. In the elty cf
Oinahii. to lav : ind icp ilrsidewalks In fionl
of and ucljo nlng their property \rlthln live ( * > )
dns from the 10th day of February , IS'c ' ; .
Such ' -IdouiilKs to bo constructed , repaired
nnd laid In accordance with utnns anJ ripcclli-
cntlons on ( lie In tint ofllue of the Hoard of
I'ubltc WorKfi. and In : iccor.lancc with resolu
tions adopted by the city council , viz :
North aidti of llnrncy struct , nOjolnlni : lots
11 und 12 , bhiL'1 % 1' . Mcl'ormtck s addition , six
feet Idc. present gr tde.
North sldonf Hurnev street , adjoining the
oust thrco and ono-half feet of lot 10 , blocU 10.
McConnlck's addition , s'x ' feet wide , present
West side of St. Lawrence uvonito. adjoining
lot 14 to'JO Inclusive , block 1 , I'opplcton 1'urlc
addition , six feet wldo , present irr.ulo.
West side of ht. I.iwenco iivonue. adjoining
lots 1 to 10 Inclusive , block G. I'opplcton 1'urk
addition , six feet wide , present grntle.
North side of Spring street , adjoining lots 1 ,
to Kl Inclushe , block 11 , Door I1.irk addition ,
six feet wide , present gr.ide.
Houthsldoot Chicago street , ailloln nz the
onst one-half of lot'I. block S , Heed s Ilrst ad
dition. (1 ( feet wldo. present grade.
North side of Giant street , adiolntng lots 10
to Ulnclushc. blouK I'.1 , Clifton Hill Addition ,
feet wldo. teninoraiy grade.
North side of Giant strcot. adjolnlnz lots 13
to 24 Inclusive , block It , Cl fton fllll addition ,
G feet wide , temporary gr.ide.
South side of Omul street , ndlolnlnz lots 1
toll. Inclusive , block II. Clifton lllll addition.
0 feet wldo. to < nporarr gr.ule.
South side of street , adjoining lots I
to 12 Inclusive , block 8. Clifton Hill addition , G
feet wide , temporary grade.
Noitb tilde of Oust slroat , adjoining lots 15
to 24 Inclusive , block 1 , Reunion ad lltlon , 0
feet wldo , temporary R ratio. *
West Hide of fourteenth Htrcot , ndjolnlng
lots 1 and III. block 'J , Sherman Avenue I'arlc
addition , n feet wldo. temporary gr.ulo
West side of Fourteenth stieet , adjoining
lots 1 nnd 114. block - ' , Sherman Avenue I'.trk
addition , G feet wldo , temporary grade.
Last side of Fourteenth street , adjoining
lots in and 17 , block 1 , bhcrman Avenue Park
addition , G foot wldo. temporary grade.
Hnstpldp Fourteenth street , adjoining lots
18 and 17 , block 4 , Sherman Avenue I' irk ad
dition , sly feet wldo. temporary grade.
East side of Sherman nvcnuo. adjoining tax
lots.'II. .T. ; and U.I , section II. township 15 , rungo
ii. : i ! feet w Ido , established grade.
East side of bhormim a\onuo. ndjolnlng lots
7,0. 11 , 1,1 nnil lr , Itarlier's subdivision , G feet
wide , established grade.
Kiist side of Sherman % onuo. ndjolnln : lots
7 to Inclusive , block li , llllloko's addition , G
feet wide , cstahllslipd grade.
Hast side of Sherman avenue , adjoining lots
11 to'-M. Inclusive , block 4 , Hlllcko's additionU
feet wide , established grade.
East sldo of Shormnn avenue , iidiolnlnc
rromont , nikhorn & Missouri Valley rallroiul
Glght-of-wiiy. section ' > . township lr > , range ID ,
1 feet \rldc , established grade.
East Hide of Sherman uvonue , adjoining St.
I".ml. Minneapolis & Onuihii Uatlroad com
pany's rUht-of-way , tectlon II. township lo ,
range ii. : G font wldo. established gr.ido.
East side of Sherman avenue , ndjolnlng lot
B , block B. Sixteenth Street addition , 6 feet
wide , established grade.
East hide of Sherman avenue , adjoining lot
R , block 'J , Sixteenth street addition , G feet
wldo , ostubllHhod grade
West sldo of Twenty-second street , ndjoln-
ni lot 1. block'Shnll's I'lrst audition , h feet
wide , present gr.ido.
\Vest sldo of Twenty-second strcot. adjoin
ing lots 1 und -0 , block n , bhnll'fi Second iiddl-
tlon , B feet wide , present grade.
\Vest sldo of Twenty-second street , adjoin
ing tux lotill. section , township ! . * > , raiMO U ,
8 feet wldo , present grade.
West Hide of Twenty-second street , adjoin
ing tax lot 37 , section " 7 , township. l' > , ran e M ,
8 foot wide , present grade.
South .side of Loavcnworth htrcot. adjoining
west 44 fott lot I , block''OJ , elty , fl foot wide ,
present grade.
South Hide of Loavcnwnrth strcot , ndjolnlng
lot 2 , block ! ! OJ , city , H foot wldo , pioscnt
South sldo of Irard stscct. adjoining lots 1 ,
2. : i , and 4 , blockr > , Walnut lllll addition , 0 feet
wldo , present grade.
South sldo of ( icorgu sticot , ndjolnlng lots 1 ,
2. II and 4. block 5 , Walnut lllll addition , 4 feet
wide , present gr.ido.
West side of r-uvcntconth btieot , adjoining
lots 1 to 1H , Inclusive , block II , Kountio &
Ituth'B addition.
South side of Mason sticot , adjoining lots I
ind ! 3 , block 1. ! , K'ounuo & liuth's addition.
East Hide of Klehteonth street , ndjolnlng
1ntH2 to' ' " ) . Inclusive , block 1.J , Kountze > v
Huth'i addition.
iast ; tide of Hovcnleeth street , adjoining
lots B to ! ! 4 , Inclusive , block 14. Union addition.
West sldo of Seventeenth street , adjoining
lota 1 , P , 10 , 1,1 , 14 , 17 , IS nnd 31 , J. i : . Uliey's
mihdUIsloii ,
Weal Hide of Seventeenth street , adjoining
lots I , B and 3 , Honor's subdivision.
West hide of bhormun avenue , adjoining tax
lots ' 'I , V. , U.I and ' 'I , section : i , township 15 ,
range 111 ,
West , side of Sherman aroniio. adjoining loin
1 to II , Inclusive , block 4 , Il'igodoin's addi
tion.West sldo of Sherman avenue , aijlolnlnslota
1 , 2 , : i and 4 , block I , llagedorn'a addition.
West side of Twenty-sixth street , adjoining
IOIH 1,1 and II. block .1 , Uupliol lllll addition.
Kast ( tide * of Twonty-iixth Htrcot , adlolnlng
lots I , 2 mid. ! , blook4 , Capitol lllll addition
North s do of Ohio street , adjoining lots 7 to
Kl. Inclusive , block G , Drnlso's addition.
North tide of I/ako street , adjoining lots 12
to24 , Inclusive , hlook 2 , Clarendon addition.
North Hide of Lake street , adjoining lots 111
to 21 Inclusive , blook H , Claiendon addition
boutb side of Inke strcot , adjolnlne lots 13
anil 14 , S. T. Porter's addition.
honth hide of J.aku street , adjoining lot 1 ,
K.iirmouni I'lnco uddltU u ,
East side of Twonly-foui thstroot , adjoining
lot II , block K , 11 V. t-mlth'n addition ,
Kust sldo of Tnonty-fourthfitroot , adjoining
nub lot 1 of tax lot U7 , section 15 , township 15 ,
range IX
West side of Twenty-fourth street , adjoin
ing lot ] , block a. I'oster'H addition
West sldo of Twentv-suth Ntrect , adjolnlne
lot I , block 4 , Swccsy'b addition.
East sldo of Twontv-slxth street , adjoining
lot U , block 5. SwocBy's addition ,
Kiiit side of Twenty-fourth street , adjoining
lot 2 , block d , U V. binlth's addition.
West side of 1'ortloth slcuot , adjoining lots I
und K ) . block I , Walnut lllll addition.
West ulile of Foil loth fit reel , adjoining lots 1
BIII ) 1G , block II. Walnut lllll addition
West sldu of Fortieth Btreet , adjoining lota 1
and 10. block 14 , Walnut lllll addition.
North ildb of Dodge street , adjoining lots 12
to24 inclusive , blocks , Hruko'i addition , and
Illl wnshonl.
West side of Seventeenth street , adjoining
lots 4 to 17 Inclusive , blook H. KountzoAc Uuth'a
addition. I * . W. IIIKKIIAl'bKlC.
( ' ) mlrmun Hoard of 1'nullc WorKi
Oinuha , Nub. , Jan. 28 , Ibirj ,
discovered , In a case recorded by M.
Magmn u snipe which was observed to
fly away with a broken log was subse
quently found to have forced the frag
ments Into a parallel position , the up pur
fragments reaching to the knee and
secured there by moans of a btrong band
of foathcrs and moss intermingled. The
obsur\ors wcro particularly struck by
the application of a ligature of a kind of
Hut-loafed grass wound round the limb ,
of u spiral form and llxod by moans of a
sort of glue ,
A Rare Opportunity !
After 10 years close oonfinomont , I am compelled through thoadvicoo
Physicians to change my business , as ray health is gradually giving
away. Knowing and believing that it will only ho a short period when
I will be unable to shoulder the responsibilities ot an indoor ocoupn
tion I olTc'my entire
Stock , Fixtures and Goodwill for Sale !
Having boon established for 10 years and the only ART STORE in ft
city of 35,000 people , this is one chance of a life time. To any seeking
n nice , clean and profitable business should investigate this
Opportunity Immediately.
This is strictly sincere and I moan , just what I say. From this date
on for tno NEXT 30 DAYS , all goods suoh as Framed Pictures , Etch
ings , Engravings , Cabinet Frames , Bamboo and Oak Easels , &C. , will
ba sold at
S300.00 worth of Studies AT LESS THAN COST. 100 Assorted Pic
tures given away for the price of the frame.
20 Per Cent Dicount
On all Frames made to orde Now h the time to BUY CIII3A.P
FRAMES. For further particulars , call or address ,
G. A. Sciioedsack , Proprietor , Offices 631 Broadway , Oounol
Bluffs and 1321 Fnrrxain St. , Omaha. Dye , clean and rafinish goods
of every description. Packages received at either ol'fice or at tha
WorksCor. Ave. A and 26th St. Council Bluffs. Send for prica list.
Merchants who have bhop-worn or soiled fabrics of any character cau hava
them redyod and finished equal to now.
nd most approved machineryato t at loss cost than yo t ovo.piid l > jfo 'a
" 1T1OU KENT l iiinlshoil room ; steam heat ;
-L $7 per iiionth , Address lc'.0. city ,
OiT HUNT , 7
rooms , hteuin hunt , water , all moilero Im
provements. 11 II. Shoafc , over Ulllcer Ac
17IAHM.S I'OK SAIn 1,17 acrcsnear this elty.
-L'\erv UUP in. Also ISJ acres In llooimir
tounshln.llltr.idoforlioiibo und lot. W.
A Wood & Co.
OK HAliK Counters und vault door In tbo
1 Imlldlni ; rt'cuntlv ovuiiplud by thu l/nnn-
cll IlluITu .S.ivln M b.inl > . Ollluur X 1'iibuy ,
Council lllnlls.
IIUJKK3 money on hand for
COUNCIL W. A Wood .1 Co. . 5jj Main.
FOft 11KNT 7-room house , with bath loom ,
corner Uh live , and Uth su Inqnlro next
IOI'I'KU tlio fjllowln ; cholci li.irRiilnn In
fruit an < l voKutablo lamlH : 07 acres MU rods
north of thu Uhaiitauuna Kionnils. eastern
slopu , llnosprln : s nnd line Hiirlnbrook , land
very rich und well ml u mod to finlt ,
'U acres on Gr.ind uvenilo , line orchard ,
windmill and line grove ; situated on Mymlor
proposed motor line , ono and one-h.ilf miles
from Council Illulls postonlcu.
U acres of very chok-o plowed land on Urand
avenue , I'i miles from WHtolHco.
110 auies : i'/i ' miles from eltv HmlU ; Kood
house , b.irn mid otitUulldliiKs ; llnaorch.n i ; a
Kreatb iruuln at 1'i.SJJ , Kusy torins.
M acres , cholco fruit farm , 0 aerus In black
berries , boayouni ; fruit Irons , y.OOOKrapo VJIIJH.
House , liiirn and outhulldlius A very rhoieo
bargain , oniv'Jli iiillos of pojtollloo In
Council Illiilfs. W. 0. htioy. Itoom 4 , Upora
Homo blook. Council HIiilVH. la ,
WA.STtohuv sTock of groconej or boots
and shoes ; will pay p irt cash an'l p irt by
a'i room house und lot In Omaha , O ,8 lleo ,
GIIIL wanted for cpnurul housework. J24
Illut ) street.
171AHMS. garden lands , holism , lots and
-I- business blogks for silu or rant , Uay Si
Hess , LU I'earl strout , Uounoll " "
3I1U > wnntod for Kcnnral hnuiouork ,
Illuir btreut.
Chas. Lunkley ,
Director and UndcrliiKor.
oil 13roadway , Council Bluffs.
Tflei.liomi Ji'J.
W' . C. ESTEP ,
14 N. Main , Covmcil Bluffs.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Now , modern , woll-apiiolnted , thor
oughly woll-kopt , W a day. ( j
E. F. CLARK , Prop. *
Or Council Bluff * .
T AL STOCK $150,00)
Dinr.CTiin 1. A , Mll'nr ' , V. O. Oloason , II & . '
ShiiL-iirl , II K. M irt , J. IX K Jiniindson. Uharla *
U HiiniiHn. Transact b inkln < umU I
ueta. hirxontu.ipltaluuil surplus of any baa'x I
InHouthwusteru Iowa I
Eye , Ear , Nose , Throat , f
Glasses udjimted to all visual defects.
Oatanh successfully tiuatml.
Room 18 , Barker JJlocli , ! 5tli and Faroam