Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1892, Image 1

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Generally Conceded That Political Ques
tions Should Bo Oast Aside.
1'ecullnr Tentiires of the Cniitrn\crny Ito-
vloued Comment H of Lending Stilton-
tiien of Itntli rurllen I'reiiH Notes
on the Subject.
WARIIIXOTOK , D. C. , Feb. 'J. [ Special
Tolcgrnm to THE Bp.n.1 There Is but ono
opinion in Washington of the Boyd-Thnycr
docillon. The conclusions of the supreme
cedrt ore satisfactory to every ono. Todny
'I'liK Br.n correspondent Interviewed about
twenty of the loading republicans nhd demo
crats In congress from the west , where most
Interest bus boon taken in the controversy ,
and without oxcoptton the decision of thu
supreme court was aogardod ns Just nnd good
Below is appended some ot those opinions
nnd comments. It would bo repetition lo
quote moro than nro given for tboro is a
monotonous similarity lu Iho comments ot
publio mon generally. The observations of
well known lawyers and statesmen alone
nro given. Generally speaking it is
believed tbut the Boyd senior
completed his citizenship prior lo iho close
of 1651 as alleged by the appellant and there
fore Iho sou Inherited citizenship. It is the
opinion of all logsslulors who hava hud to do
with tbo making of new states thnl Ibo en
abling net of Nebrnska conferred citizenship
upon nil white citizens ( moaning all but In
dians ) when the territory became n state and
thnt Boyd bad citizenship thrist upon him If
be did not hnvo It before. There Is appended
nlso the pith of comment from the loading
newspapers of Iho oast. It shows ulso that
tboro Is but ono view taken by Iho press of
Iho supreme court's decision.
Comment * ol Lending Statesmen.
Following nro the comments of tbo loading
republicans In congress , as talten stenograph-
Ically lor Tun UBB today :
Senator Allison of Iowa I bollovo the de
cision Is Just uu'l right bocuusu the supreme
court bus said si. There can bo no question
but thnt Iho naturalization of u parent is suf-
llciont to confer citizenship upon tbu child.
Secondly , there can bo no question that , the
enabling act , which specifies that all resi
dents of a territory shall become citizens of
thu stnlo when the territory is admitted to
statehood , will stand the test of law. The
decision can have un possible political In-
Ihicuco in Iowa or elsewhere , for It Is not a
t v political question. It was simply n quostlon
\ wholhor Mr. Boyd had become a citizen of
the stain.
„ Senator Wilson of Iowa I hnvo not looked
" the decision ever und would not want to
make n specific comment until I hud carefully
read the views of the suuromcmo court. Cer
tainly the conferring of citizenship upon Ibe
father would have vested citizenship in tbo
minor son , nnd no ono would question tlio
light of congress to confer citizenship upon a
resident of territory upon admitting Iho ter
ritory to stnlehood. 1 don't see how the de
cision of Iho supreme court ns it stands , or if
it hud gone the other way , could have nny
possldlo influence upon Iho polilics Of Ne
braska as Iho real question involved was not
partisan nnd without any political signifi
.Sound I'rlnelpli ) unit Good Law.
Senator Sanders of Montana I have not
road the decision yet , but , If I understand it ,
ono of the grounds upon which the citizen
ship of Boyd was declared tbo principle nnd
tbo law are both sound. It is certainly coin-
potent , for congress to declare nil residents
of a territory citizens of the now state In ad
mitting Ibo territory to statehood. Why ,
wo mnde the residents of California citizens
by Ibo simple trouty in which wo secured
the territory of Cnliforia.
Sonntor Cnroy of Wyoming The decision
wns Just and right. The republicans can
afford to bo liberal in matters of citizenship
when it relates to ono who has so long lived
in a state und boon regarded by ivory ono as
W / n citizen. Besides , wo can afford lo lot the
V - democrats lake Iho oflico under such condi-
' * lions ns Ihoy cot llttlo else.
Sonntor Dubois of Idaho I am glnd tbo
supreme court took this viow. I hnvo bud
from the first that It Is not n question lo bo
quibbled ovor. The republicans cannot
afford to sock technicalities in orkerto secure
the oflicos. Boyd wns n citizen nnd bo
should bavo had tbo ofllcc ntouco.
Niuer Should Have lieun liaised.
Kopresontallvo Perkins of Sioux City
I tblhk the raising of the question of citizenship -
ship against Boyd was lll-advlsod. It
dragged Into polilics a snored privilege and
should bavo had no connection with other
questions before the people. I bolluvod
Boyd was a citizen and have thought so all
the ! time. I think that Governor Thayer
should hnvo conceded Boyd's ' eligibility lethe
the ofllco und vacated the chair promptly.
I don't believe that iho decision of the
supreme court will cut any figure whatever
in Nebraska politics because It wns not u
political question and under the name cir
cumstances would probably have boon raised
apnlnst a republican.
Representative Picklor of South Dakota
I hnxo a great deal of faith In the supreme
courl. 1 ttllnk It is Just and bases its conclu
sions upon good laws. The decision is un-
ciuosllonably right , viewed from ovor.v point ,
1 do not think tbo decision will have any po <
lltlcnt influence In Iho stato. The people un
derstand tbo motives which prompted the
contest nnd have already made up their con
Representative C. D. Henderson of Iowa
I have not kept run of the case ; hnvo not
rcan Iho decision of Iho supreme court , and
would not , therefore , want lo oxprons nn
opinion. It Is n question for tbo people ol
Nebraska and for the lawyers of the country
lo comment upon.
Vle\\K of Lending Democrat * * ,
Hero nro the most Important vlows froir
domocrnts In congress. Chairman Sprlngoi
of the committee on wavs and moans , the
democratic loader of tbo house , nnd probably
tbo best posted upon the quostlon , having
had much to do with tbo admission of states
into Ibo union during Ibo lust quarter of out
century I hnvo only boon nblo lo give
cnsunl examination of the decision of tbt
supreme courl , out from my reading of the
testimony I am satisfied tbat the court has
decided rightly. In the constitution of the
states which bavo como Into tbo union tboj
generally provide that all persons ulso whc
wcro the residents of the state should bo
rn mo citizens thereof. The constitutions ol
Illinois , Iowa , Indiana aud Nebraskt
so specify , and many of the othei
states provide that all persons therein
residing at the tlmo of admission are to be
citizens nnd Iqoroln entitled to voto. In this
way Boyd's father became u voter aud a cltl
ten of Nebraska. The admission of Nebraska
braska Into tbo union with tbat provision
was u vlrtval rntlllcnllon of the citizenship o
persons In tbat territory. Mr. Bovd hai
held many ofllces In Nebraska , wns a'uoldle :
In the lute war and to deny bis citizenship a
this time would bo a great Injustice and i
travesty upon legal methods. The dissent
Ing opinion of Justice Field did not eo int
the merits of the case , but to the question o
Jurisdiction , It seems to mo , however , thu
the question of Jurisdiction before Involvoi
the coimruotlon of a law by congress a lav
of naturaUrution and thnt being tbo enl ;
point involved the covrt did bavo Jurlsuic
Opinion ofun Ohio Legal Light.
Chairman Outhwalto of the house com
inlttco on military affairs and a prouilnon
Ohio lawyer There will bo little criticise
of an adverse character upon any part qf in
decision. To my mind Boyd was a citizen b ;
vlrtuo of bis father's tdps toward natural !
ration prior to 1651. Ho was in fact u Citlze1
of Ohio when bo lived thoro.Vliea Nobrabk
was admit ted to strWiood nil Inhabitant
were rnndq citizens of the now state by tb
enabling act. I am surprised that Govcrno
Tbnyar raised tbo quostlon ot citizenship o
nil and Insisted upon retaining the ofllco ,
JJotb republican auu democrat lo uew
paper hero nnd In New York , Philadelphia
and Baltimore lake n similar vlow of the
decision as thnt expressed by mon In con
gross. Hero are extracts of press editorials
todny :
ixirr ; | < iloin of I'nuti-rn IMltorit.
The Washington Post ( md ) In politics :
All fair minded clllrcns will bo p'oascd to
learn that the decision Is In pnrfnct harmony
> lth tqunllly nnd popular opinion. H IB too
eloquently tlio cnso tbat tochnlenlltli's nro
successfully Interposed to ilefrnl the will of
the people ns expressed nt the ballot box Mid
It Is vpry seldom the cn'-o that such procedure
Is Instituted In the Interest of tha popular
cixnsiIn sneaking nf Iho political nspoct of
Iho case. It Is but lust to say that there wrro
very few newspapers to sustain tbu position
of Mr. Tlinvor. In many Instances the
republican papers of Ncbrnxkn were fjiilok
tooxpri'ss Ibolr disapproval nf Ihu proeted-
Ings In nnd tbu decision nf the Nebraska
ounrciiin court. They rccossnl/ed the Injustice
Involved und were qulto ready to point out
thu strong and almost unanswerable points
contiilned In Governor Ilovd'.t claims to ctl- !
Tonshlp. Tim dissenting opinion of Justice
'Icld rests upon Iho extreme stnto rlrhtsuoc-
rlnn that the court had nothing to do with
ho Internal administration of a states at-
nlM. Justice Tlold need Blvp hlircelf no un-
nslneas on this point. The Interference ! of
bo court wus asked for , nnd Its decision willet
ot bo resented ns nn Invasion of popular
lahts. but on the contrary be approved us
ultlnpnn Important question out of the Hold
f local controversy and tottllng It upon urln-
Iplufl of justice nnd equity.
The Washington Slat ( Ind. ) fays :
If the supreme tribunal has o\or boon
inilcr partisan Influence : , and Its jurtpcs uro
nortals thU does not suom to be one of sueli
occasions Two of the iletnocrutlo Justices
ontMir In the Huliununl of the court ns to Its
iKlit of jurisdiction and the only dlsccndcnt
m this point Is the oldest democrat , and now
ho oldest In point of serrlcuof any of the
nstlcev. Thu docUlon makes plainer than
vor before the law American I'Ulzcnsblp.
hut It ulvcs to one pnrty un olllce to wliiah It
wus entitled In equity , although not under
ho rullnii of the stiite supreme court. Is n
nero Im-ldcnt In the case. The Isolation of
ustlco Field In the mutter of jurisdiction Is
duu to his status rlphl position that the mat
er wns one strictly within the competence of
liuBtutu to settle finally. It will be recalled
hut this is the only supreme court decision
n nnlmportnntcusuoverdlvulKud lu advance
ot dollvury.
J'uvorctl In New York.
New York Recorder ( rep. ) :
U will bo roiiirdud us Illustrating the su-
) crlorlty of that ureut tribunal to partisan
nlluencP . The only dlssentlni ? opinion was
hat of Justice Klold , who would naturally be
npposeil to sympathize politically with the
uccossful democratic claimant.
Now York Tribune ( rep. ) :
Thu question depended solely upon the
urther question whether Mr. Hoyd wa or
vus not n citizen of the stnto. Hols now en-
Itlod to thuofllco to which ho wus elected.
'ho decision will prove rather expensive to
'ubr.isl < : i , since Mr. Hoyd mudo a largo num-
> er of appointments nt thu tlmo ho wns soek-
ng to securu possession or the novornorshlo ,
und each of his appointees will probably now
demand his salary for the entire period since.
Now York Times ( dam. j :
H Is umh'istood that the promulgation cf
Is decision by the eonrt nus been delayed In
mlor to Investigate the menus by wlifcli the
Icclslon to which the court had arrived be
came linoun In udvuueo of Its olllelul nn-
louneeiiicnt. Whether thu court has made u
lUcovory In this particular does not yet up-
lenr. lint of course the Judgment could note
> o uliniiRcd In any event , nnd thu judicial
erin of It limy bo rend this morning. Hy this
ndeinenl a democrat who was chosen by un
imlonbtcd majority conic ; , to his own.
Now York Herald ( dein. ) :
Governor Thayer must now clvo way to
Jovurnor Hoyd. This simply glvus efl'eet to
th'u will of the people , though at n Into day.
Hull I'Viituros of the Content.
New York World idem. ) :
It Is this crying InjnstlcB , this stealing ot n
Kovernoishl | ) by politicians bo-
eniihu they wcru outvoted In n attUn they
claimed to own that has been romldlud In the
United States supreme court. The man who
wus chosen by thy people of Nubrusku will
now ho governor.
1'hiladolphlti Ledger ( conservative rep. ) :
A mean advantage taken of Hoyd when
10 wus deposuJ of thubtlleo fnho had boon
rueo.'nl/ed us u Citizen and a seed one for
thlity years , lint his title to tiltizenuhlp wus
elonueu until this decision was rondeied.
There was moro feeling shown by the
democrats who expressed views upon the de
cision while they all who know of the local
conditions In Nebraska were prone to exonerate -
onorato the. republican managers of thu stale
'rom all pnrty action and lay tbo burden of
responsibility of the contest upon Governor
Phayor personally. They wore Inclined to
Jcllcvo that the republican organization in
the state should bavo taken some stops to
clear its skirts of Iho entire responsibility.
Neilher Iho republicans nor Iho democrats
thoughl the decision would have any special
political effect ns the issue involved was of a
oiral character. _
Muny Indications Tlmt llu Will .Shortly
Vacate the ( iiiliernatorlul Clitilr.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Fob. 3. [ bpeclnl to THE
BEE. ] The question "What does Governor
Thayer propose to do i" has probably been
propounded a hundred times this afternoon
by as many inlerosted Individuals. Up to
the present writing It has not been answered ,
any rumors or reports to the contrary not
withstanding. Something of a sensation de
veloped this afternoon on tbo strength of a
rumor tbat Governor Tlmyor nnd bis attor
ney , General Webster , had hold an im
portant consultation , The gossips industri
ously circulated the story through the corridor
of iho state bouse. They bad it thai General
Webster advised the governor to relinquish
the office at once but that the governor posi
tively dcollnod lo uccopllbo proffered advice.
The story gained but lllllo cocdonce but
from the cxcitod manner In which ono nows-
pnper coi respondent made u frantic rush to
the telegraph office It Is surmised that nt
least ono newspaper some whore not far
from Omaha bristled with u sensation to tbo
effect that Governor Thayer hud determined
to hold on lo his office as long UP possible.
The story wns exploded before a o'clock in
tbo afternoon.
Webster OllVreil Xo Ailxlrv.
When questioned in regard to the matter
by THU Bni : representative , Governor
Thayer denied Ibo story most emphatically.
llu said that it wus true tbut ho had met
Gonornl Webster , at the latter wns in
town on business connected wltb the United
States courts , The decision of the supreme
court came up In their conversation only In-
eldently. Governor Thavrr stated that he
did not ask any advice of General Webster ,
thnl none wns proffered , and that , consequently
quently , none wa declined. Ho grow Indlg-
nnnt when told tbut tno story wns likely to
bo stated us a fact lu publio print and re
quested THE BCE lo douy It as a piece of
fiction , pure aud simple.
Another rumor that gained cireniation this
afternoon bad It that Governor Tbnyor bad
decided to write to Governor Boyd tendering
him full possession of the office in advance
of any mandate from iho supreme court , and
that such a letter would bo mulled tonight.
Governor Thayer also dtniled this story.
( lovernor Tlmyor'n Action ,
it Is hollevod by these nearest Governor
Thyyor thai bo will not bo captious In the
matter of atvaltlntr mandatory proceeding ! !
bof ore relinquishing the office. Ho will not
bo precipitate , of course , but every proba
bility suggests tbu belief that the executive
o 111 co will be In possession of Governor Boyil
within tbo week. Governor Thayer starts
next Monday for Texas , and ho will bo ac
companied by his wife and private secre
tary. W. Moi ton Smith , ono of Jus execu
tive clerks , will take a position
on the editorial staff of thu
Dally Fows of this city next Tuesday.
The records of tno executive ofllco have been
brought down to date , und ut least ono pro
test has been made against the filing of now
business that could not bo completed within
a few days. Governor Tbayer himself saya
that ho Is perfectly satisfied thai ho bus done
all that Iho constitution Imposed upon him
All of those trifles point to Governor Thay.
er's earlv vacation of the office.
\Muy Dt'fldo Tomorrow.
A gentlchnin closely connected with Gov
ernor Thayer' administration said this after
coon , while referring to the many rumors li
circulation , that tbo governor was giving thi
matter tbu most serious consideration It
his own mind and that be believed a deter
initiation would bo arrived ut tomorrow. Thi
same gentleman believed that Goveruo
Thaycr would louder possession to Goyorup
3oyd nt onoo. Ho gave his reason for so
hlnklng by saying : "Governor Thoyar has
loan actuated in this matter by no moan nnd
ordld motives. Ho behoved thnt Mr. Boyd
vat not a citizen ot the United Stntos , nnd.
icllovlng that , the constitution made It ob [
Ifrntory upon him to see that the executive
fllco was not occupied by nn nlirn. Now
bat the highest tribunal in the land has de
cided that Mr. Boyd Is now nnd wns at the
tmo of his election a citizen nnd eligible to
ho ofllco , Governor Th y or Is satisfied , If ho
akos advantage ot a lognl tochnlcnltiy now ,
or insists upon tbo observance ot a moro
matter of.form , ho would bo open to the
criticism thnt ho Is holding on to the olllce
or the tnoro sane of the salary nnd the
molumonts , I don't bollovo Governor
Phaycr Is that kind of n man. I still bcllovo
nr.d always will bcllovo that bo has been
actuated by the highest motives all along ,
and I bcliovo mat bis action within iho next
o'.v days will prove this. "
Drclarpd AVholly rnlne.
Governor Thayer was soon nt his homo
his otonlnir In reference to the sensational
dispatch printed in tbls afternoon's World-
lornld , copies of which woto scattered
irond cast In Lincoln this evening. After
roiidttig the article Governor Thayer de
nounced It a tissue of falsehoods from bo-
innlng to end and said bo could find no
vords strong enough to denounce the
maliciousness of the article. "The only con
versation bo had with General Webster
oak place In tbo hotel rotunda in the
iroscnceo of a crowd with uo attempt
whatever * t concealment or privacy. " Ho
oltcrrted bis statement made to TUP. BRF.
representative early In the afternoon to the
itToct that he bud asked no advice of General
Webster and that none had boon glvon. His
conversation with General Wobslor lasted
no longer than thirty minutes and took place
n the presonceof several parties and ho bad
no private consultallon with Mr. Webster
at all.
No Truth Whatever In tlio Fnko Factory's
Latest Output.
Forty-seven lines of double-loaded fake ,
announcing that ox-Governor John M.
Thaycr would hang onto tbo gubernatorial
ofllco at nil hazards until ejected by n man
date from tbo court of last rbsoit , were
dished up last evening under a Lincoln dnto
nud a scare hend lo lost the already distended
credullly of the readers of ibe World-Herald.
[ t wns stnted that Hon. John L. Webster ,
General Tbayor's attorney , was closeted
with the ox-governor for several hours yester
day mornlng.durlniwhlebtbo former labored
eng and earnestly to convlnco his client that
the cost thing for him to do under Ihe cir-
cumstnnces was to itop down nnd out nnd
surrender the office as gracefully as possible
lo Governor Bojd , but that the present In
cumbent positively refused to do anything of
the kind , Insisting that ho could bold on for
nt least a month longer. The extreme roti-
couco of both Mr. Webster and General
Thaycr was dwelt upon at length and it was
declared that both gentlemen finally refused
Lo answer even the simplest questions for
four of divulging something that they wished
to keep secret.
Hon. J. L. Webster was found at his homo
last evening , and his attention was directed
Lo the aforesaid article , of which , up lo tbat
lime , ho hnd not heard. After reading It , ho
said that It wns without foundation.
"It Is not only a fabrication , " ho snid , "but
it Is absolutely false from beginning to end.
I was not closeted wilh Governor Thayer ; 1
did not urge him to step down and out ,
nclthoi did he refuse to do so , as the matlor
was not touched upon , and , lastly , I did not
refuse to answer questions , as 1 was not
spoken to by any representative of an Omaha
paper while I was In Lincoln. "
"What did occur ! "
What Rortlly Happened.
"I wont to Lincoln Ibis morning to attend
to business In the United States court. I did
not arrive until 10 o'clock , and wont straight
to tbo court room , so I did pot got to the
Hotel Lincoln until 12 o'clock. I had sent
wora to Governor Thayer tbut ho could see
mo tboro , and he did meet mo In the hotel
ofllco , where all tbo conversation that passed
between us occurred. The subject discussed
by us was what the decision of the supreme
court probably was , and the tulk
all took place in tbo most
publio part of the hotel , whcro
there was no attempt whatever to conduct a
secret conversation. There was nothing said
which anyone could not have hoard ; in fact ,
two others did boar a part of it and one man
nearly all of It. The question of what would
be done or what was bott to do was uot
touched upon at all. It wns understood that
that would bo utlendod to later , probably in
a day or so , as soon as wo received definite
Information regarding tbo decision. Noth
ing was said about surrendering the offioo ,
nor of retaining possession of it. That story
Is false , pure and simple , and based upon no
facts whatever. What , will be done I cannot
say , but I can say this when Ibo time comes
to net there will bo no boy's ' play. It will bo
n manly act , aud not that of hangers-on , as
U intended in that article. "
Fooled Its FrleuilR.
The fake edition created a temporary sen
sation among the pulllblo ones whoso anxiety
concerning the latest news of the guberna
torial situation had led thorn to purchase the
sheet for its alleged news. When the real
facts become known the sheet was lavishly
abused for iti Imposition. Said a prominent
democratic attorney last night :
"It is absolutely nauseating to notice the
extent to which tlio World-Herald has In
dulged In fake sensations lately. I bavo boon
fooled by the same sheet before , but when I
read the headlines of its latest spasm tonight
I really believed It. 1 could not then and
cannot yet understand how an editor with a
shadow of regard for either trulh or decency
could print such an outrageous story impos
ing upon Its readers. It has told a Ho now
nnd I suppuse will try to stick to it. The
sheet may mnko a mistake some day and got
an Item correct. May bo it will but 1 doubt
it. "
UK.IDLY ni'X.lMITM KXM'I.UStOf , ' .
Three Children Fatally Injured and Their
'Mother ( joe * liimtnn.
MoNTitBU. , Can , , Feb. 2. An explosion of
dynamite In the suburbs of this city shat
tered a dwelling , fatally Injured three chil
dren nnd badly hurt tbelr father. When the
mother law iho terrible Injuries of her chil
dren she became a raving maniac.
WHILE HK.iTixa ma
A Prominent ( leorflu .Man Shot Dead by
111 * Son.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , Fob. 2. Duvld Porter ,
deputy collector of the port , nn officer in tbo
local post of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic and a prominent Odd Follow , was shot
dead this morning by his son. Porter was
beating bis wife.
In the Intercut of Itallroad .Men ,
Hoi.nitcaE , Nob. , Fob , a , [ Special Telo-
pram to TUB BEE.I Mm. C. M. Woodward ,
national superintendent of railroad work ,
delivered an address in the Methodist Epis
copal church Sunday evening on tbo subject
of "The Work oMho National Women's Chris.
tlun Temperance Union as been by a Western
Woman , " The nudionco showed much Inter
ost. The church was crowded to Us utmost
capacity and many were turned away foi
want of standing room. On Monday evening
she addressed an appreciative audience on
the subject of "Tho Twentieth Century
Woman. " Mrs. Woodward is nn earnest
speaker and possesses unswerving faith in
the ultimate triumph of the principles the
and Cold Up North ,
ST. PAUL , Minn. , je'eb. 2. Reports from
different points in Minnesota nod tbo
Dakotas show that scow has boon fulling
since Sunday nlgbt , aud tbo weather is
growing colder.
Thu Death Itoll.
SIN Finxcisco , Gal. , Feb. 2. Jacob W
Lccse , the first white settler In California
died here yesterday aged S'i years. Ho came
to California in ISO.
Dr , Birjoy cures catarrh. BEE bldjf
ilnssachusotts DemocratsIndalgco in an
Acrimonious Discussion.
tcpnlillenns Knjoy n rnmllj ; How In DPIIUI-
vriitlc Iiinl ( < 8 lluril AV'orils front n 1V1-
lo r rartlsan lliiftlnpH * In Ifotino
nnd Scniitn Ycgterilay.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Fob. 2. Tbo house of
representatives Is still being treated to the.
dolly reminders of the Hcmr-Morro rivalry
n the stnlo of Massachusetts. Itoprotontn-
ivo lioar , although a democrat , is the son of
ho distinguished attorney gcnnral of the
Grant administration , Hon. E , B. Hoar , nnd
nephew of the present United States sonntor
'rom Massachusetts , lion , 0 , F. Hoar. That
a member of such a distinguished republican
'Hmlly should bo a democrat is nn oftonco
which , Mr. Hoar Insists , has Dover been
lUlto forgiven by the loading republicans ,
and Is the cause of the somewhat frequent
lolltlcal assaults made upon him.
Scarcely had the Irritated proceedings of
ostcrdny between the two members from
Massachusetts been road from the Cougros-
atonal Record this morning by the members
of the bouso boforn the controvoriy was
again revived by Mr. Morse , who arose to a
quostlon of privilege Immediately after the
reading of the journal , and robtmod Mr.
Hoar lor presuming yesterday to recall from
the public printer the record of the manu
script speech previously made by Mr. Morso.
AViiH > fet > n ( Icntleman ,
"I claim that that gontUmiau violated pro-
prtotlns tuat should obtain among gentle
men , " sold Mr. Morso. "By what authority
does ho carry my manuscript away from the
public printing ofllcol Sonic of Iho oldest
members tnll mo that thls'p'rocecdln ? of the
young gentleman from Massachusetts Is
without precedent In the history cf this
body. And I deny the rlRtit of the gentleman
from Massachusetts to remove govern raent
property or documents or my manuscript
From the public printincr oftlco nnd bring It
into this house for exhibition , or to carry it
iround in his pocket. [ Republican applause ]
Mr. Hoar's remarks , substantially as deliv
ered , were In manuscript before they
were delivered , ft very common thing in
this house , and I so Informed the stenog
rapher before speaking. As I understand
that they are not taken dovyti , but only the
Interruptions of the gentleman from Massa
chusetts , and chances incident thereto , so
when ho said ho hod the stenographer's re
port of my speech , ho uttered a falsehood
there was no report. At a later hour I con
ferred with the stenographer a to where
tbo Interruptions of tho. gentleman from
Massachusetts catno In , with additional re
marks by me , incident thereto. I also con
ferred with him as to whom the applause
came In , that occurred on 'this side during
the delivery of my speech which , of course ,
was not in my my manuscript , and , ns the
gentleman says , was afterwards written in
with a led pencil. I do not deny having
availed mvsolf of the p'rlvllodgo allowed
ovary member of this house , from tlmo im
memorial , to revise mv speech , make some
light unimportant additions tborety. [ De-
ritlvo laughter on * the dombcmtic side. ]
Are Not In It.
"Why , Mr Speaker , If , you obuld bcllovo
the accounts which are "furnished tbo Boston
globn of my colleague's exploits hero , you
would suppose that ho was to Indicate the
economic and financial policy of his party
on this floor , and that you , Mr. Speaker , and
Mr. Holraan , Mr. McMillan * Mr. Springer
and ether distinguished democrat * who were
in publlu life before the young man was born ,
to use a siang expression are not in it. [ Great
laughter. ]
"Why , I havoin my hand hero a copy of
the Boston Globe whlcn contains a half of a
column describing , exactly fifteen words Dy
the record , that ho uttorad on this lloor last
Friday. i Laughter. ] Yesterday's speech
will probably take two columns. The Boston
Olobo says that his interruption of last Fri
day was followed by prolonged and great
applnuio on both sides of the house , [ Great
laughter on the republican side. ]
"Mr. Speaker , 1 fear that you do not ap
preciate the kindergarten democracy of Mas
sachusetts. Only think of it. This young
man who was to indicate the economic and
financial policy of the democratic party Is
bolloved now to be doing so by tbo readers of
the Globe in his district. Ths | younir man
who wept over the defeat of his candidate
for speaker. ( Laughter. | But the young
gentleman is Investigating , the' sweating sys
tem now , and every mooting of the committee
Is noted in the Boston Globe. Ho will know
moro about the systen next autumn ; he will
have his heaviest presplrntlon'wnon ho sees
the returns from the old fifth district.
[ Laughter. ] If ho has tears to shod , ho
should prepare to abed thorn then. I think
tbo presence of this young gonllemen , who , I
repeat , has violated the proprieties that ob
tain among gentlemen , la not likely to occupy
again the scat In General Bank's old dls-
tilct. " [ Great applause otr.tho republican
side. |
Ignored the Question.
There was a dead alienee for a minute after
the applause bad died away , as the house
uwaltod the answer which'wus ' to bo made
by Mr. Hoar to bis Massachusetts colleague.
"I think , Mr. Speaker , " jjald ho. "that tbo
gentleman from Massachusetts has been ad
vertised enough. " With that Mr. Hoar took
his seat and the democrats loudly applauded
his brief retort ,
"To which gentleman da you refer ! " asked
Mr. Buchanan , and once raorb the republican
sldo burst Into applause ,
Mr. Hoar Ignored the query of the gentle
man from New Jersey , and thus the contro
versy coascd for the time only , however , to
bo probably revived on a.future occasion.
The rules again came up for consideration
and Burrows' amendment giving the speaker
the right to count a quorum was rejected.
An amendment striking out , , from the Hit
of privileged motions which jnay be made
when any question la undpr .bobato , the
motions to fix a day to which .ho house shall
adjourn and to take a recess *
After this the amendment'- ' * * lost : Yeas ,
87 ; nays , 101.
Mr. Burrows of Michigan offered an amend
ment providing that no dilatory-motion shall
bo entertained by the speaker , .Rejected.
Mr. McUao of Arkansas offered an amend
ment , providing that a senate amendment tea
a house bill may be considered by thii house
when laid butoro It by the speaker. Lost.
Mr. Boatnor offered ua amendment , strik
ing out all that part of the ra > giving per
mission to legislate in appropriation bills
whou In tbo interest , of retrenchment In ex
penditures , Ho Bald ho aid this In order to
text thosense of the houso.
Mr. Holman of Indiana suutilned tbo pro
visions , and was replied to bjlr. Olngloy of
Maine , who predicted that if the proposition
was Incorporated In the rulosJOctober would
find the house still in sosslou ;
Pending action tbo house adjourned.
air. Voorhee * ( tine * to jt Question of 1'rhl-
lejfl rroet'eilliu : * ,
WASIIINOTON , I ) . Cj Feb. * 2. Many memo
rials wcro presented during the morning hour
for the closing of the Columbian ' exposition
on Sunday.
Mitchell , from tbo conmuttooon privileges
and elections , made a report In the case ol
Olaggot against Dubois , a contest for llioseat
in the sonata from Idaho. A resolution was
passed declaring Dulles qntitlod to the scat.
Mitchell asked thatine report and resolution
lie on Ibo table , jind gave notice that lie
would call them up at a very early day ,
Vance gave notice of a minority report ,
wblcb , ho stated , would bo , presented day
after tomorrow.
Palmer introduced a Joint ' . -evolution to
amend the constitution to as to have Uultci
States senators elected oy n popular vote aud
gave notice that ho would atsorao convenient
occasion address the senate on the subject.
Itoio ( o u Question of I'rltlli'KCi
Mr , Vocrheos , rising to a poraonnl qucs-
lon , sent to the clerk's desk and bad read a
Washington dispatch to the Philadelphia
; > ross , with the heading , "The Senate
Wasting Tlmo in Obcdlonco to Senatorial
Jourtosy Mr. Voorhoos Falls to Sustain
ills Charges His Schema to Defeat Judge
Wood's Mominatlon not Supported by the
Republican * Ho had Counted upon , "
The dlipntch went on to stnto that the sen
ate Judiciary committed bud wasted another
session out of "senatorial courtesy" to Sena-
or Voorhoos ; that the attempt of Senator
Voorheos to form n coalition with the rcpub-
Icans was u flat failure ; thnt some of the re
publicans llko Quay , Catnorou and Hlcgins
, voro opposed to the nomination of Gcorso M.
Dallas of Pennsylvania , nnd that Mr. Voor-
ices had proposed that , "If those disgruntled
republicans would Induce enough of tbulr
iarty to aid tno democrats In defeating .ludgo
Woods' nomination the dumocratc would ro-
clprocalo and aid In defeating Dallas. "
The dispatch ends with the statement thnt
.tint plan would not worn , nnd that it , was
tow reasonably certain thnl all the nomlnn-
lens \7ould bo confirmed next month with
out a dissenting vote among the republicans.
Ilranded It n l.lo.
Mr. Vorhoos said his principal object In
invlng the article road related to the last
paiagrapb , where the statement was made
expllcltoly and unqualifiedly that ho hud
made a proposition to certain senoralors that
[ or their assistance In the defeat of Judge
Woods' confirmation , bo would favor a move
ment on the democratic side of the chamber
to dofeutJudgo Dallas of Philadelphia. A
grosser Ha than that It would bo hardly pos-
ilblc for his satanlo majesty to conceive.
Such a wish or thought or suggestion had
never entered his inlnu , or emanated from
tils lips. On the contrary , bad as ho thought
the appointment of Judge Woods was as
Improper and unfit as ho conceived anil
know that Judge to bo for a Judicial position ,
no would fool dishonored and disgraced be
yond redemption If ho received let ulono
mnde > a suggestion to dotoat an honest
and competent man llko .ludgo Dallas
for the sane of galling clear of the
appointment of n man llko Woods. If any
sonntor could say that n sluglo suggestion or
Ihoughlof sucn a corrupt combination hail
come from him ho wanted thorn to say so.
If ho ( Mr. Voorheos ) worocnpnblo of malting
such n suggestion ho would bo n proper sub-
loot for expulsion. Ho branded the story as
the miserable concoction of a dishonest heart
and brain.
Senators Cameron , Quay and Higglns said
there was no truth in the dispatch and the
matter ondod.
The following bills wcro passed : Appro-
printing $100,000 for a publio building in
G.-nnd Fonts , N. D.
To Increase the endowment of the
Louisiana Stnto University and Agricultural
and Mochanlcal college , and the Sovereign
University of Louisiana ( granting M,1CO
acres of the public lands in Louisiana. )
The bill to prevent the adulteration and
misbranding of food nnd drug * was laid aside
until the printing bill was disposed of.
The latter bill was then taken up for con
sideration. The bill was discussed for over
two and n half hours and was amended in
some particulars and wont over without final
On motion of Mr , Teller the house bill to
define and punish blackmailing , which wus
reported from the Judiciary committee , Mr.
Teller making a remark to tbo effect that it
had been reported through mistake , was re
The sonnto then wont Into executive ses
sion , In which some nominations were re
ferred to committees , nnd then adjourned
until tomorrow _
WcKtorn Pentium ) .
WASIIINOTOX , D. C. , I''ob. ' 2. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBS. ] The following list of
pensions granted is reported by Tiia BIK
and Examiner Bureau of Claims :
Nebraska : Original Ilenrv Armann ,
James Martin , John Wilson , Peter Sharp ,
Daniel A. Scovlllo , Perry Ham , Philip Goln ,
Jnmos L. Harper. A , J. Norvol , Andruw J.
McConadghy , Fri .drlch Will , Joseph Foun
tain , G. W. Blankcnshlp , Stunton P. Lester ,
Solomon Robinson , Horace W. Simpson ,
Hugh McUune , Henry C. Roiner , Louis
Christensen , Obaditih Miller , Cornelius Wat
son , James Bennett , John ICramor. Addi
tional Louis Bruckor. Increase David
Iowa : Original George Mooney , Ellas
Brcchtol , George W. Eylcry , Dolovan Moore ,
William II. Mablo , Christopher Hudson ,
Philander S. Farmer , Samuel B. Parrott ,
John Laird , William H. Cook , Mutthow S.
Clnbaueh , Alex. Brown , Samuel E. Peck ,
Louis Mosonbrlnk , John Dlxon , Oliver P.
Nicklo , Joseph B. Matlock , George Berger ,
John C. Droxler , Louis H. Follwobk , Orris
Fox , Frederick Ernest , David W. Wiley ,
James L. Morse , Joseph McCaulov. William
Martin , William Carroll , Lyman B. Pierce ,
David Nowlan , James Astiburn , Andrew
Wilson , John F. Davis , Albert ISnphiii ,
Francis M. Thompson , William S. Hupp ,
Samuel 1C. Fruzlor , Hugh Gasa , Louis Pul-
loh , Charles Nettloton , Scth Samson , John
Wallace , Hiram J. Richards. John D. Bil
lings , John M. M. Roberts , John G. Gibson ,
Additional John S. Wilson , Myron Paull ,
Increase John W. Mann. Reissue Fred
erick Gotsch , William H. Parker , Allen
Pottlt. Original , widows , otc Chiistona
Russol , Lizzie Jones , James F. White
( father ) . _ _
A 11111 In Town's f.eglxlntnro to I'CHiibmlt the
DCS MoiNns , la. , Fob. 2. In the senate
this morning petitions were presented favor
ing a geological survey of the state. Bills
were introduced as follows : To regulate
charges for sleeping cars ; to create aboard
of school book commissioners and provide
for Iho Issue of text hoods for use in schools ;
to amend the law relating to the powers of
railroad commissioners ; to amend tbo law
relating to the closing of the polls ,
A Joint resolution calling for a constitu
tional nmondmunt to prohibit tbo manufac
ture and aalo of Intoxicating liquors was pro-
sen tod.
The Joint resolution was presented asking
congress to indemnify tbo Das Molnos river
After dlscufsion and reference of the di
rect tax fund resolution , the senate adjourned
till tomorrow.
In the house , among the bills presented ,
wcro the following : Prohibiting the killing
of Chinese pheasants for five years , and pro
viding for the tabulation of statistics on
crops and live stock ,
A Joint resolution was Introduced asking
congress to indemnify the DCS Molnos river
land settler * by the passage of the Dolllvcr
bill. Tbo bouso then adjourned till tomor
XOHTU11K1) TIIK Ml\ ' ,
Awful Tyranny of NonconiinUBluiiril Olll-
rorn of till ) ( irrnmn Army ,
BKIIUN , Fob , 8 , The socialist Journal ,
verwarthpublishes a copy of an order Usuod
to tbo Twelfth army corps by Prince George
of Saxony , calling upon tbo officers to put a
stop to the Inhuman treatment of the mon by
noncommissioned officers , tbo prince adding
that socialism , which U a publio danger to
Germany , will bo strengthened by such
treatment. The order mentions nlno specific
cases of cruelty.
In one case a sergeant namua Sowabro ox-
orclsod his mon during meal times and sleepIng -
Ing hours until they were half dead with
fatigue. In seine drills tbo men were com
pelled to present arms COO times.
Inonocuioa recruit was obliged to ralso
and lower a can of boiling coffee until bo be
came so exhausted that ho allowed tbo can's
contents to stream over bis bead and ehoul-
dors ,
lu another case a sonroant named Pflug
habitually kicnod his men , and struck them
with a boltwantonly forced them to perform
nauseating tabks ancTtorturod thorn until
they screamed with agony.
A sergeant named Wolss tbrashod a man
with a belt until his arm ached so that ho
wai unable to continue the Hoggin ? , and ho
injured another man Internally by kicking
and Hogging him.
Other co ! > oi are Instanced wbero saeu wore
paraded and drilled lit mil "Wl-fl1 ! thodopth
of winter wearing only / ' * ' flirts until
they fainted. In nildltk. . J&idy casts of
blnclunnll lire mentioned. ' - * J
The guilty sergeants hit * ' < & $ ' sentenced
to Imprisonment fnr from ( Wo' to llvo yo.irs
Tlio revelation of those crimes has caused
much indignation among the nubile
rlillliins Arn ( irutlllcd.
by James tlonlon llcntic't , ]
Chill ( via Gnlvoston , Tex , ) ,
Fob. 'J.By [ Moxlrnn Cable to the Now
York Horold Special to TUB BKB.J After
thorough Inquiry I am able to stuto iboro Is
oxttomo gnttlllcallon both In official nnd un
official circles nt the mossaga aunt by Sccro-
: ary Illaino to Minister Kcran announcing
that the reply to the ultimatum was satis-
[ actory. Among officials , principally those
ol the navy and intelligent civilians gencr-
allv , there has been a revulsion of fooling in
( aver of the North American republic. There
is not tbo least doubt now but that the visit
of a squadron of United Stntos war ships
would bo regarded a an additional proof of
dostro to renew frloudly relations with Chili.
loxliull Krruo litjitrcil ,
LO > ! > I/rfuilnl / ? lS)21 > u Jitmt * llonlm flni'ir/M /
LONDON , Fob. 2. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : Ucc.j Foxhall Keene
met with a bad accident on the bunting field
at Aushaughlln , County Menth , Ireland. Ho
Tell from hU horse and struck on his bead ,
lie was picked lit ) insensible anil It was bo
le vod nt first that ho was fatally hurt , but
low ho Is rapidly recovering anil Is suffering
inly from the severe bruises on bis nnd
.ho loss of a front tooth.
Tni-nty Kllli-il In the Hints.
Bt'iu PKSTM , Fob. 'JJ Twenty persons lost
tidr lives as the result of the election riots
last week.
OiisltMlii llrartlliin ( lorrrnnr.
Rio DK .UNi'.mo , Fob. ! ! . Tlio trouble in
the state of San Paulo has resulted In the
ousting of the governor from olfico.
Itrul INIntd Owner * Association Holds Itx
Aiiiiuil : Ktct'tlon ol DlrortnrM.
"Thoro nro moro officers to bo elected than
wo have members to vote , " remarked Presi
dent Boggs last night at the annual election
of tbo Real Estate Owners association. It
was a mooting of the stockholders , and there
wcro Just twenty-seven of them in attend
ance , whllo there were sixty-two members
to bo scloctod for Iho executive and advisory
Before the election took place , however ,
tbo secretary road his financial report for the
past eight months , during the organization's
existence. The report showed tno receipts
to bo $3-44S.W ( ; the expenditures , f2i2G3.f > S ,
leaving a balance of Jl. 181.00. It was nho
sbown that there was In the treasury Ji.Ot in
excess of the stock paid in , or the amount
the association has made after Its expenses
had boon paid. The report was referred to
tbo auditing committee.
Mr. Boggs also bail the secretary road
the expenses of the association in sending
delegates to Washington to secure the na
tional republican convention for Uinaha.
The expense was S'15.30 to tno association.
Jloiinlx il ; 'ot ' ( l ,
The election of otllco'-s then occurred ,
the following gentlemen , comprising the
board of directors , were elected by a vote of
twenty-seven , being cast by the secretary :
George H. Boggs , tat. A. D. Balcnmbe , W.
S. Popploton , John T. Gathers , A. L. Rued ,
C. R. Scott , George P. Bemis , Jeff W. Bed
ford , E. A. Benson , George N , liicks , J. II.
Dumont , Cadet Taylor.
Those directors will meet Tnuraday and
elect a president , Vice president ; secretary
and treasurer of the association.
An advisory board , consisting of fifty
members , was also elected. The board is
composed of the following gentlemen :
Herman Ifountzo , S. D. Mercer , Max
Meyer , O. M. Carter , Samuel E. Rogers , F.
E. Ualloy , A. J. Simpson , John A. Horbach ,
Low \V. Hill , A. J. Popploton , E. Rosewater -
water , C. S. Chase , F. Krug. R. N. With-
ncll , J. B. Kitchen , Benjamin F. Smith , L
S. RceO. H. Pundt , A. P. Wood , G. W. Lin-
inger , Warrou Switzlor , Cnrist t'artman ,
C. C. George , W. J. Connell G. M.
Hitchcock , Norman A. Kuhn , Joseph Bar
ker , T. C. Urunor , W. W. Lowe , Thomas
Rogers , P. L. Porrmo , William A. Paxton ,
Thomas Swobo , John Steele , E. Wakoloy ,
J. N. Cornish , W. V. Morse , A. I' . Hop
kins , F. P. Klrkendiill , R. C. Gushing , M.
Donovan , A. Hospo , jr. , W. F. Allen , Henry
J. Windsor , G. C. Towlo , Henry A. Thomp
son. William H. Crary , H. 1C. Spalding. Mar
tin Ittnor , C. O. Lobeck.
Fiituru Work .Mliiit | | > < l Out.
After the election Mr. Boggs stated that It
was necessary for the association to take
some action in considering amendments in
the real estate and mechanics' lion law. Ho
thought really ownorsshould havosomcthinK
to Hay regarding tbo laws enacted for them ,
and lisked for a discussion on that point. Ho
also stated a determined effort should bo
maao by tbo stockholders to got manufac
tories in Omaha. Ho thought that if every
body would go In heart ami hand for homo
industries , and then patronize them it would
bo a better plan and moro profitable than
offering bonuses to induce manufactories to
come hero.
In a general discussion City Attorney Con
nell spoke of the provisions in the city
charter of the eminent domain. Ho said
the provisions should bo looked into , and
that many amendments should bo made to
the charter.
"vVo have a new governor today , " said
Mr. Connell , "and it may ho that ho will call
a special Bosslon of the legislature to remedy
many existing evils. Wo nhould hnvo the
charter so amended to acquire the oloctrlo
light plant , tbo water works anil the gas
works , The franchise for the gas plant ex
pires ono year from this month and than the
olty should own It. "
Major Balcombo wasof ' .hoopinion that the
charter should be so changed as to allow all
amendments thereto to bo made by a majority
vote of the people Instead of by the legisla
ture. If the amendments wora made by the
people bo thought thai the lobbyists at the
state capltol would have no opportunity ot
manipulating thingn as they saw lit.
The park question was also brought up , and
John A. Horbach stated that the voting of
the bonds for park purposes was n very fool
ish ploco of Business. Two years ago tbo
property near Elmwood park was bought for
? 'J50 en acre and now it < vas proposed to pay
fJOO an acre for It. Mr. Horbach thought
the voters were In Ignorance when ttioy
voted on tbo proposition. Ho bolloved tbo
property owners now saw tbo fallacy of the
bonds being Issued.
Mr. Boggs than upolio of organizing an ap
praisement board for the city and of a hotter
street car service or the granting of a fran
chise to nnotbor company. Ho simply
brought the questions lioforo the moi'tlng
nnd it was decided that it would bo bolter to
have the advisory board moot next Monday
night and discuss the matter and muko
recommendations to the proper authorities.
Joe GuniKiiu Tillies Kxri'ptloiu to tlio
HeluiniH of Nut Drown.
The now dirootors of the Omaha Driving
and ParK association mot last evening and
teen preliminary stops to put tbo association
on Its foot. An export accountant was en
gaged to go over the old books and accounts
and to report at a future mooting the exact
condition of affairs ,
A discussion was Indulged In as to various
practicable plans that inlyht bo adopted , uut
po conclusions could DO drawn until the
stockholders could ascertain Just how tbo
ground lay ,
Mr. Jofupb Garneau , president of the asso
ciation. , was present , and n reporter asked
bun If bo bud anything to nay about a rrcent
Interview with Nat Brown nublUhcd In TUB
BEU concerning tbo proposed driving park In
East Omaha.
Mr. Garneau stated that tbo directors of
the Omaha Urivlmr and Punt nijoclutlou nro
working on their report , xvulcb. is gotten out
for the stockholders of tbat association , and
that In a very few days they will bo ready
with thii report , wblcb will bo given to the
public , together wltb iho buggostions ot tbo
directors for tbo future liovplopmeuts ol this
Important Ohango to Bo Made in Mil"
itary Affairs.
Artillery , Cutiilry unit Iiifiinlr.v Si > rlp Will
Itu Alli-ctril liy thu I'liin Oonlvin.
litutcd InrrcnM'd l > uy lor Iho
Ilo4ilt | l Corps ruvorril.
Mil l'\t"HTKUMii Srur.Kr ,
WASIIINOTOX , D. C. . Fob. a.
Chairman Outhwnlto wns todny authorized
by the committee on military affairs to report
to the house with fnvor.iblo recommendation
tbo bill providing thit : nil promotions in the
several lines jf urtlllory , cavalry and liifnntry ,
up to the gnido of colonel , shall bo by senior
ity In the next lower grndo nccordlng to
orlglnnl entry Into the regular service ns A
commissioned ofllcor , and thnt no ofllcor who
hns lost rank by the operations of n Ecntonre
of n court-martini or of nn examining board
shall , oy virtue of this act , regain nuy rnnk
so lost. Any oftlcor who has been reinstated
In Iho nrmy by uct of congress with original
status or rnnk shall , for thu purposes of the
nut , bo doomed to luivo been continuously in
Also the bill authorizing the secretary of
war to appoint n board of review , to consist
of three members nnd u rooordor , from
ofllcors on the nctivo or retired list , to
review the proceedings , Iliidings and ion-
lonco of nuy court martial for Iho trial of a
coinmissloiiHit ofllcor or enlisted man , ollho ?
of iho regular nrmy or volunteer forces ,
where the licensed has boon dishonorably
discharged from Iho military service. The
board ahull hnvo Jurisdiction of nil cases ni
shnll bo ordered before It by thu secretary of
wur , nnd Its members shnll servo without
compensation except such ns they nro new
Ho wns nlso directed to report favorably
the bill increasing the pay of thu hospital
corps from fill to $18 a month.
Moro I'ay lor I'ostiil Clot-lot.
H. W. Gcorgo of Custer county Is at thu
N. C. Uoy und wife of Butte , Mont. , nra
Sam Klrod of Watertown , S. D. , u niombct
of the Hoard of Kogenls of thnt slate , todny
appeared before the attorney gunurnt und
.secretary of the interior und uslccd that tha
J17UOO appropriated for the Hrooklngs Agrl-
cullurnl college bo disbursed through tin
Board of Regents.
J. Nop wns today appointed postmaster nl
Grand Rnpldst Hull county , Nob. , nno S. M.
Tusk ut fcjecor , Hnrdln county , In.
The bouso coinmlUo on postofllccs nnd
post roads hnvo referred the bill to reorgninre
the railway mail service to postmaster you-
oral for bis opinion and the tricnds of tha
incasuro believe ho will surely give It his
cordial endorsement. The bill increases tha
salaries nf postal clerks about 15 percent ,
if it passes the house it will betomo luw nt
tbo senate Is on record ns in favor of it.
P. S. II.
Frederick Pauldlug , for several seasons a
member of the JelTerson-Florcnco company
nnd an actor of sterling worth and ability ,
will bo seen at Hoyd's ' theater for throa
nights ; commencing tomorrow eveninglunu
elaborate production of n comedy-drama ol
Now York city experience called "ThoStrug-
glo of Life. " Thu play is in six acts and ten
scenes. The chief sets are n drawing room
In u Murray Hill mansion , the Buttery In
wlntor , and a vlow of the hurbor and tha
Bartholdi Staluo of Liocrty by moonlight.
The vlow of Fifth avenue , s'nowing St. Pat
rick's cathedral , tbo Viuiderbllt rest-
denco and thu Langham hotel , is pro
nounced n tnnrvel of beauty. But tbo
crowning triumph of this wonderful
production is the great dock und sewer scene ,
n ploco of realism never before produced on
any stage. All Iho incidental music , an
overture nnd nn original song , "Tho Pot of
tlio Tenement" were written by Mr. Jessa
Williams , the celebrated orchestra loader of
the Now York Casino. On Saturday even
ing by particular request Mr. Paulding will
present Tobin's unrivaled comedy , "The
Honeymoon. " The sale of duals for tha
nntlru engagement will begin this morning.
Hnnlons * great spectacle , "Superbn , " will
close Us succosful engagement at Boyd'i
new theater today , by giving two perform
ances a matinee at 2,8u this afternoon and
tbo regular evening performance at SOU. : \
The plcco Is the most popular of any of the
Hanlons' attractions.
John T. Kelly , the bright star of the "U
nnd I" company , that Is billed for Boyu'
Sunday and Monday ovcnlngs next , is ono oi
tbo best Irish comedians in the country. Ha
has a happy brogue that Is thoroughly nat
ural on the stage and at no lime nppoara
forced. Off iho stage ho can tell ns funny
an Irish story ns ono desires to listen to. Ha
has also written many clover Irish SOUKS
which are often beard on tbo stago.
War In Chinatown ,
Chief Soavoy received a short oplstlo froa
Jon Nee of Chicago. Mr. Nee states tbat in
Is a Chinaman and passed through Omaha
about two months iigo , on which occasion
ho turned over night with a countryman
named Hi Loy , who resides at Twelfth and
Howard streets.
Jen further avers that ho was robbed of
largo sum of mo toy while there and ho fell
In duly bound to Inform the police that th <
place is a resort of thieves and thnt robborloi
ant of troqucnt occurrence tnoro.
The chiaf ordered nn Investigation nnd Do-
tnctivo Savngo visited the place ut y o'clock
yesterday morning.
Ho found n number of Chinaman playing
dice and domiuos und supposed that they
were gambling , but ns bo couldn't talk
Chlnosa und none of the players could talk
United States ho could get no information on
tbo subject and no arrests were nmdu.
Hll Ilil ( ionii to Chill.
ST. Loins , Mo. , Fob. 2. A private ills-
patch received from 1'ort Townsoml , Wash. ,
states it Is bolluvod there that Hodspetb , the
notorious leader of the gang which robbed
the express train at Glcndalo , has boon In
that city and that bo bearded a lumber ves
sel for Valpariso about two weeks ago.
Okliihoinii "Sonnurit" Knoiiloiil Out.
CiUTimin , Old. , Fob , 2i The supreme
court has rendered a decision upholding tbo
clause of tbo law opening Oklahoma known
as the "sooner" clause , providing that any
person who entered land before tbo hour of
opening should lose all rights to obtain tlllo
to any laud whutover.
Two Outlaw * Klllml liy Olllcrri ,
PAIUS , Tex , , Fob , 2. News from Brunner-
town , in tbo Crcok nation , states thnt Ksna
Gordon und Casor Bruner wore kllloa by
deputy United States marshals and ono
deputy was seriously wounded in a light.
The officers surrounded a number of outlaws
at Bruner's house with tbo above rosult.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething euros wind colic , dlarrbuii ,
oto. 5 cont.s a bottle.
DoWUVi Little Karly Uisorj. I3o t llttla
pill ever mado. Cure constlnitiou evorjr
lime. None equal , Usa them uoir.
No gripping , no nausea , no pain whan Da-
Witt's LUtlo Enrly RUori uro takeu. Small
pill. Safe pill , lieu pill.
A very small pill , but a yorir gooa one. Da
W Ill's flttlo Kirly Rlwi.
Dr. Hlnioynobo aad throat , J3EU bldfft