Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Recommendations , Resolutions and Other
Business Transacted.
Bc ! | for the ICrltnm .School ( llto llUi > to
Miirh nUeimlnn A\nllnl > ln rum ) * at
i Iliiiul In ho Treasury
Detail * of the Meeting.
Vlco-prcsldont . N. Hancock presided
At the Boonl of Education meeting last nlgbt ,
Supcrlntonuout FltzpatrlcK recommended
Iho pstnbllshment , of an ungraded school
Wboro girls nna boys who hnvo fallen bcblud
nmy bo given special instruction in those
branches In which they nro doflciont niul
thus prepare thorn for regular work ngnln.
Ho states that such schools Mai boon tried In
other cities and had proven to bo very prac
tical. Ho recommended that the uncradcd
school bo located where the pupil * from the
Long , Lakc , ICcllom , Izard and Cass schools
could ottond.
Superintendent Fltzpatrlck was granted n
leave of abscnco from February 13 to SO , to
attend the mooting of the National Associa
tion of Superintendents In Brooklyn , where
ho Is to deliver an address upon "What
Should the SUto Do for Children Between
the Ages of 3 and 0 Years ) "
I'mid * on lliuicl.
The treasurer's statement vRa ? read and
mowed the following funds on hand to the
credit of the school board : General fund ,
r21M3.33 ( ; slimlnc tutid. iTfil.OS.
A petition signed by about twenty citizens
Baiting for the establishment of a special
school for all pupils who hnd fallen behind in
thuir studies was presented. Referred to
tno committee on course of study ,
The ilrst catyclnsm of oratory broke forth
over a resolution Introduced by Mr. Martin ,
authorizing the contractor on the Kollom
school to put In oak steps of one solid piece
Instead of. two or throe pieces gluou to
gether ,
Mr. Morrison objected to the resolution.
Ho declared that the stops made of two or
throe pieces and glued together wcro bettor
than stops made of a solid piece. Ho thought
the solid plcco stops would warp with the
And then Mr. Wohror opened his throttle
Vftlvo and gave the bouru a sample of oratory
resembling the calliope solo in a circus pa
rade. The talk of Spartlcus to the gladiators
was a summer idyl us compared with Mr.
Wehrer's effort. Ho favored the glued stops
nnd declared that the recommendation favor
ing stops made of a solid piece was simply
the vaporlngs of somebody who aldn't know
the difference between an oak step ana a corn
cob pine. Tbo board enjoyed u lough over
Mr. wohror's outburst , uud tneu the discus
sion went right along.
Mr. Mcngedoht , tbo contractor , was asliod
to say n word. Ho said ho would nisko the
stops either solid or in pieces just as the
board wanted them.
The resolution authorizing solid plcco slops
was adopted.
CliiIniH Ordered I'nld.
The committee on supplies was Instructed
to take action upon the matter of furnishing
scats for the ICullom school. Tljo committee
was authorized to use all the old scats not in
use and advertise for bids upon any now
seats that might bo needed to supplement the
old ones.
The committee on claims reported salaries
and bills duo amounting to $3(5,110.00 ( which
were ordered paid.
And then the discussion drifted toward the
cessnool of the Walnut Hill school. Mr.
Morrison reported a claim for cleaning the
aforesaid cesspool , but said that the superin
tendent of buildings had told him that , the
board baa bocn paying too much for the
work , as the cesspool was not so largo as the
scavenger baa reported.
A good deal of discussion was Indulged In
over the matter , and finally the bill was re
ferred to the judiciary committee.
Mr. Elgnttor offered a resolution authoriz
ing the secretary to draw up n general state
ment of the number and character of the
buildings to bo erected this year and the
character of the work that will bo required
of the atchltocts who have been asked to bid
on the work , so tlmt they might bid intel
ligently upon the job as a whole.
The resolution was brought out by the fact
that a resolution had boon passed at a
previous mooting calling for propositions
from architects upon all the architectural
work to bo done by the board this
Mr. Elguttor sntd that tbo former resolu
tion was too vague. The architects , ho said ,
could not tell how much work the board
might require or how rapidly the plans might
bo demanded.
Mr. Martin said ho was opposed to giving
the architects the Inside track upon the
matter. There were the buildings to bo put
Up plainly stated upon the ballots which
Uotod the bonds. The architects coula cer
tainty road and they certainly ought to know
how many plans would bo needed , and thsy
ought to know by reading the cost of the
buildings something about the character of
the plans required.
Mr. Popploton spoke In a similar strain.
Ho snld the architects might bid on the
work Intelligently by reading over the ballots
used at the recent bond election and thereby
learn the number of buildings to bo erected.
Each architect Miould understand that Uo
would bo do nil the work , and to
do It In proper ttmo.
Mr. Morrison thought that no one man
could got out the work in time.
ArchltcctH , Not rimncrH.
Dr. Glbbs replied that the architects
who would bid upon this work
were not farmers ; they were men
who employed numerous assistants. The
board would not expect ono man to prepare
these plans. Ho might employ twenty monte
to get out the plans , but the man employed
by the board would bo held responsible to
the board.
Mr , Martin said that when the board made
a contract with n man to put up a building
it was not expected that the contractor
should do all the work with his own hands ,
neither should It bo expected that the archi
tect employed to furnish plans would do all
the work himself , Mr. Martin believed that
the board would save $50,000 by employing
an architect to do all the work for the year
Instead of advertising for plans for each
building and paying 3 per cent of tUo cost
prica of all the buildings for the plans.
The resolution was referred to the committee -
too on buildings and property with power to
Mr. Gibson offered a resolution to promote
the study of mental arithmetic In tbo schools.
Hoforrcd to committee on text books and
course of study in conjunction with the
superintendent of schools.
And then there was n breeze from the KoU
loin school. It came In with a resolution by
Mr. Powell authorizing the superintendent
of buildings to examine tbe floors In the Kel-
loin school and ascertain If they had boon
laid In accordance with the plans nnd apeci-
The resolution was adopted without dis
cussion ,
On the quiet it was learned that several
parties had stated that the contractor had
tailed to put down paper between the floors ,
as required by the specltlcntions and the con-
tract. The matter will bo carefully Investi
Sir , \\VIircr Mullen it Hit ,
And then Mr. Wohrer made the greatest
bit of bis career In tbo school board by offer
ing the following resolution ;
Thiit tlioooUr comptroller bo requested to
furnUu to this board unltumlzml statement of
the expenditures of the city onlclnlsi nninoly.
the inuyor. city council nnd all the city of-
Uolalu , their purpose and the salary uttuchud
to their positions , Including all their up-
polntooH. nnniely , Inspectors , clerks , utc. , and
lor whut purpose ; and , furthermore , what hua
become of all the duos ana costs for the lust
two yoari collected In the pollcu court.
The resolution was unanimously adopted.
' Mr , Smyth offered another * resolution ,
calling upon the council to account for the
funds collected for permits nnd licences that
IIRVO never been turnoa Into the school fund.
This resolution was also adopted without a
lllsiontlng vote and the board , having cotton
oven with the council In the resolution busi
ness , adjourned.
Over 3,000 morcimnta hundlo Union
soap in the west
I'hlllp Will ( iiaci'lully Submit.
Sanitary Commissioner Philip Andres says
to will bow to the decree of the city council
without a murmur. Ho has grave doubts as
to the authority of the council to abolish his
ofllco , but is of the opinion that a contest
would bo expensive and that tbo qatno would
hardly bo worth the candle. Ho was busy
yesterday morning preparing his report for
Lbo month of January , which ho will mbmltto
Mayor Uomlx , and'has already arrangea to
turn over all the effects of bis ofllco to Com
missioner of Health Somore.
Agate bearing scales , coffos mllh with foot
power , grocers refrigerators , butter coolers ,
catalogue of Bordcn & Bollock Uo. , Chicago.
Blp bnrpnln , 80 ncros , 5 miles from P.
O , only $1575 per ucro ; Hicks , 305 N. Y.
Quail rolled oats nro the finoit made
Use Union soap. Use Union soap.
Women's diseases. Dr. Lonsdalo , 0103.13
( Irrnt ( jiif-fltlon of rinnttrlitl legislation
IllHriiftai'il by thr Cluli.
The Sundown club gave another of Us on-
loynble banquets at the Paxtoa cafe last
Mr. Thomas Kilpatrlck opened the argu
ments for the evening , choosing as his topic
the question "Has Our Financial Legislation
Been In the Interest of the People ! " Mr.
Kllpntrlck read n lengthy nnd carefully pre
pared address on financial legislation , nnd
whether It hnd been wlso and in keeping
with the best knowledge of our age. Ho
quoted statistics of coinage and gave the
history of silver nnd gold coin from 1780 up
to the present day. The great financial
( juo&tlon was thoroughly discussed ID Mr.
Kllpatrlck's able paper , and at tbo close ho
was loudly applauded.
Hon. T , B. Mlnahan was to hnvo delivered
n reply to Mr. Kllpatrlek'9 remarks , but that
gentleman stated that owing to pressing
business ho had been unable to make any
preparations for a speech. However , Mr.
Mlnahan talked for some llttlo time on the
act of 13T3 , demonetizing silver , and declared
it to bo the most infamous act over passed by
Following Mr. Mlnahan's remarks , the
question was declared open for discussion ,
unit qulta a number of those- present spoke
for a few minutes on the silver question.
Small In size , great in results ; Lo ) Witt's
Llttlo Early Kisurs. Best pill for constipa
tion , host for sick headache , bast for sour
Any procor can supply you with Qunll
rolled oats delicious for breu.kf.ust.
Barpaln , 10 acres close to city , only
? 0,000 ; Hicks , 80o N. Y. Life.
Union soap is homo mtido.
C'liunccs Tliut tliu Snoesy Row on I'limum
Street Will < ! row I'lio Stories.
Slnco the caving in of the foundations of
C. W. Gring's undertaking establishment
Sunday , rumors of a now building on the
site of the row of ono-story structures on
Farnara street between the Chamber of Commerce -
morco and Seventeenth street have been
floating around.
Mr. Sweosv was seen by a BEE reporter
yesterday afternoon nnd asked If there was
any truth In the rumors.
"Yes , " said Mr. Sweesy , "I have been
thinking of putting up a large , substantial
brick structure covering the on tire lot , 00x132
foot , and to bo six storlos high.
For some titno past 1 have
boon negotiating with the Dewey & Stone
Furnltuio company to erect the building for
thorn , As yet no definite conclusion nas
been reached on account of a difference of
opinion In the matter of rental. If the blocu
if nut up I want to lease it for a long terra of
years and this Is a bad time to enter into
long lea-ses on account of the dull times.
However , I think that an agreement will
ultimately bo reached. "
It is understood that Mr. Sweosy wants
$12,000 per year rental ana the Dewey &
Stone company only offer $10,000. Both
parties interested think that a settlement
will bo reached before long.
Union soap , guaranteed to please.
County CoiniiilsiiIoiiurN Hold n Star Cliinu-
lier ScHslon on the Subject.
The county commissioners have ut last de
cided to plunge tbo knife Into tuo salaries of
the employes about the court house and jail.
Yesterday afternoon the entire board formed
itself into a committee of the whole and
closeted itself behind locked doors , with
Major Paddock In the chair. The heads of
tbo several departments were served with
notices to anpcarand show where cuts could
bo mndo. The entire time , however , was
spent with County Cleric Sackott , but just
what was accomplished , no persons other
than those who attended the star chamber
mooting , knows.
It was stated that the commissioners pro
posed a general cut all around , but never a
word did they say about cutting their own
salaries of $150 per month.
Ask jour grocer lor Quuil rolled oats.
G. A. Bush of Lincoln , Is at the Dcllono.
W. C , Ilolaon of Kearney is at the Arcado.
Mr. E. L. Eaton has returned , from Chi
P. A. Harris of Curtis , Nob. , is at the
A rcafl o.
Felix Glvens of West Point , Nob. , Is at the
n. Thompson of Blair Is registered at the
E. W. Justice of Grand Island Is at the
N. A. Davis of North Platte is stopping1 at
the Arcade.
M. C. Dolly of Dunlap , Iu. , Is registered at
the Murray.
S. A. Conloy of Norfolk , Neb. , Is registered
at the Dellono.
Frank P. Ireland , mayor of Nebraska City ,
Is at the Paxton ,
S. M , Nevis , n real estate man of Kcarnoy ,
Is at the Prxton.
George E. Ford of Kearney was at the
Puxton yesterday.
William Murphy of Friend , Neb , , was at
the Mlllard last night.
Mrs. E. M. DIxon of Marshall town , la , , Is
stopping at the Dollono.
George L. lies of Norfolk was registered
at the Mlllurd yesterday.
A. O. Pound and E. F. Cook of Blair are
registered at the Arcade ,
W. S , Grafton of Western , Saline county ,
Nob. , Is stopping at the Arcade.
II , Chamborlln and wlfo of Wood River ,
Neb. , is registered at the Paxton.
C. J. Dllworth of Hastings was among
yesterday's arrivals at the Mlllard ,
W. I \ Keller and Charles Glvens of Ponder ,
Neb , , are registered at the Arcade.
Mr , M. II. Collins of Louisville Is in the
city visiting the family of Mr. H , Hartmau.
Mrs. A , B , Noble and daughter of Ham
burg , la. , are among the lady guests at the
L. D. Lawrence and wife and Mrs. M. E.
Lawrence nnd daughter , of Tabor , la. , nro at
the Arcade.
Ex-Senator C. H , Van Wyclc of Nebraska
City Is among thu distinguished arrivals at
the Paxton.
Mr. and Mrs. Brice J. King of C'ontralla ,
Kan. , nro stopping with Mrs. Ira B. Mapes
for a few days ,
Mr , and Mrs. James Gill of 071 North
Twenty- fifth street , who have been very 111
with diphtheria , are recovering nnd hope
teen to bo oniircly well ,
T , J , Gllllgrm of Broken Bow was in the
city yesterday , and with his friend U. F.
Williams , called upon TUB BEE and inspected
Omaha's palace newspaper building ,
Tom Cotter of Butte City. Mont. , 1ms Just
roturuoa from an extended southern trip In
the interest ot several mines which be repre
sents , and Is at bis parent's tiomo on Shoman
avenue. Ho Is tbo same enthusiastic , red
moustachod Tom as of tbo old days , but says
Montana is the coming state of the union.
For throat diseases and coughs use Brown's
Bronchial Troches. Like all really good
things they are Imitated. The couulna are
sold only m b < m .
Anti-Paid 'Message Rnlo Adopted by the
Live Stock Exchange.
C. AI. Hunt1 * ItiillclliiK Vigorously DUrusici
Money lid Can Uo Ccillrrtctl Munlrr-
otiMy Aftftttltril und Itolilirit Tcnllilo
J > pcrlenco With n ( lung ofToiiglm.
Vice 1'rosldent M. U. Murptiy presided at
a well attended meeting of the South Omaha
Llvo Stock exchange yesterday afternoon at
8 o'clock. It was the regular monthly mootIng -
Ing , but the large attendance was duo to the
fact that final action was to bo taken on the
proposed amendment abolUhlnv prepaid
market messages to country shippers.
The members of the exchange were pretty
evenly divided ou the question. The pack
ers , shippers , scalpers and stotlt yards rop-
sontatlvoa with ROIUO of the loading commis
sion houses were opposed to the amendment ,
whllo the majority of the commission firms
were strongly In favor of It. The same was
true nt Chicago nnd Kansas City , where n
similar rule Is on the books.
A motion was made to call tbo roll and
record each member In black and white on
the proposition , but this Idea failed to moot
approval by a vote of 24 to 31. The mooting
then proceeded to vote by ballot , each mem
ber ns his name was called placing n "for" or
"against" ballot In the box. There was con-
sldcrnblo oxeltomont throughout , but appar
ently no hard icellnc roused. The amend
ment finally carried by the close vote of 83 to
It Is a question whether tha rule can bo en
forced , but its friends say It can nnd will nnd
that it will result not only In a big saving to
commission firms , but in more evenly dis
tributed receipts nnd consequently in fewer
fluctuations In market prices ,
The amendment goes in iorco atonco and
Is as follows. Hulo D , section 13 :
Ithhnllbo doomed n violation of this rnlo
for any member of this exchange or firm of
which ho may be n mumbor or employe to prepay -
pay or In any wnv become responsible for the
payment of uny teli'iirniii or tulephono ines-
5111:0 sent giving Information concerning tbo
condition ot the stuck market , except to ijlvo
actual sales of stoolc miiclo for the party to
whom such tolosium or telephone measure Is
sent on day such sale Is made , nnd quoting
therein the condition of the market.
This section Is applicable only to members
who are commission dealers for s.ilo of live
stock ,
All penalties nnd references attach the
biinio ns If this section liaU been an original
part of H.ild rule U.
This section shall bo In full force and effect
on and ufter Its adoption.
Cun Itruoicr Money T.ottt on H 3I 't.
The remarkable suit in which Thomas
O'Neil sued to recover $100 won from John
McMillan in a bet has boon finally decided
by Judge Levy. His honor declares that the
winner of the bet wins the suit and George
Parks , the stakeholder , is ordered to sur-
ronaor to O'Noil the $100 put up by Mc
Millan. "Mao" is very Indignant nt this
decision and after bis honor handed down
the aamo yesterday the remarks made by
McMillan were anything but complimentary.
Ho capped the climax by threatening that In
three months he would have Judge Levy off
the bench.
The case has attracted a great deal of at
tention In South Omaha , not only on account
of the prominence of the persons concerned
but Because of the popular query : "Can
money lost on a hot , be collected I"
In tno case under consideration McMillan
had put up $100 on a bet that bo could de
liver within a certain time a lot to a customer
of O'Neil's for $1,050. O'Neil bet that ho
coula not and the proper papers
were drawn up. McMillan lost , but
instructed tbo stakeholder not to surrender i
the $100 put up by him. O'Noil brought suit
to recover this money from Purks , the stake
holder. McMillan as iutorvonor took the
place of the nominal defendant. The defense
dwelt mainly on tbo allegation that betting
was illegal and therefore the money
could not bo collected. Judge Levy
hold that the statute prohibiting
betting mentioned only gambling institutions
and appliances , and further that as wont and
labor were necessary to secure the lot and
deliver the same that there was no gambling
or gambling appliance about it that is cov
ered by the statutes. Ho therefore gave
judgment to the winner , O'Neil ' , for the full
The greater part of the costs , those of In
tervention , wcro assessed to McMillan , the
loser of tha bot. The other costs will be
paid by O'Noil , the winner , as his honor hold
that Parks , the stakeholder , was an inno
cent party and should not bo made to suffer
any loss ,
City Coiuifll.
The construction of "Hunt's chicken coon , "
as Councilman Walters torn.s it , was consid
ered at length by the city council of South
Omaha last evening. The building in ques
tion Is a woodnn shanty being erected Inside
of tbo flro limits by C. M. Hunt , ono of South
Omaha's wealthiest citizens , permission hav
ing been granted by the council ut a previous
meeting. Councilman Walters declared that
according to the promise of Mr. Hunt the
structure was to be of sheet Iron nnd was to
bavoa gravel roof ; that the building was
about completed nnd It was all of wood. Mr.
Walters therefore moved that the building
Inspector bo instructed to inspect the build
ing in question and see If It was being con
structed in accordance with the ordinances
governing the construction of buildings In
side of tbo flro limits. Tbe motion prevailed
after considerable aobato.
A sidewalk was ordered put in on the west
side of Twenty-first street from G to J.
Mr. O'llourlie , tno temporary chairman ,
called attention to the fact that the poor
people of South Omaha were utterly ignored
by the county commissioners and declared
ttmt not a pound of coal or flour or any other
necessity had been given to the indigent of
South Omnha this winter. Ho therefore ap
pointed Messrs. Haley and Bowloy as a com
mittee to act with himself in looking after
the matter.
J. C , Norton of Norton llros. demanded of
the council that his claim of $1,745.15 for
grading against the city bo allowed so that
ho could draw interest on the money. Ho
was informed that the matter was under
consideration bv the proper committee.
Messrs. Wood , Walters and Howloy wcro
appointed a committee to consider the mat
ter of a city hospital and to llnd a building
suitable for such n purpose.
The city attorney was Instructed to ascer
tain why South Omaha did not receive her
share of road tax from tbo countv.
The monthly salaries of city officials were
allowed ,
Itoblied nnd Left for Ii > il.
A bold case ot highway robbery occurred
on P street near Syndicate park about 4
o'clock yesterday , a Swedu named Carlson
being tbo victim. Five toughs mot him in a
saloon on Twenty-fourth s.troot nnd Induced
him to accompany them to the park. When
they reached a point out of view of any
habitation , the fellows attempted to oraln
Carlson and failing gave him a terrible
boating and finally knocked him senseless.
When ho recovered ho found that bo had
POOH robbed ot bis gold watch , $10 In croon-
backs and n gold ring. * His companions had
lied.Four follows were arrested on suspicion
of being connected with the robbery , and
ono of them , Hill Nice , wits identified by
Carlson as being the ringleader of the pang.
The other three were Mike Corcoran , Fred
Hncormnn nnd Prank Nice. Those three ,
with 13111 NIce , weroi scon in company with
the victim , heading tor Syndicate park only
a fovv minutes boforatho robbery occurred.
Mnglc City Mlnliiturrs.
William SplMn , Into captain of police nt
Lincoln , Is In the city in tbo Interest of the
Ambrose J. Sutllenn , the Infant son of Mr.
M. Sullivan , proprietor of the Dnbock hotel ,
died at 0 n. m. yesterday and will bo burled
at 10 n. m. today.
ICatlo Corcoran , daughter of Michael Cor
coran , died with dlpthorla Sunday evening.
She was nearly 8 years old. The Interment
took place at 4 p. m.
M. J. McCabe , rocoivlng clerk nt Swift's ,
has resigned to accept a more ronumoratlvo
position elsewhere. Mr. McCabe has boon nt
Swift's for four years.
Mary Spellmnn , the 10-year-old daughter
of Mrs. William Spellman , died Sunday.
The girl hn.s been nn Invalid nil her Hfo. The
funeral exorcises ocr.urrod at 'J p. rn today.
Do Witt's Llttlo Early ItisoM ! thooulv pill
to cure sick headache aud regulate bowels.
Dr. Culllmoro , oculist. Uoo building
Splendid bargain in ncro property.
Ono hundred ucrcs close to city , will
plat into COO choice lots , price $150 per
acre ; will sell nil or part , can tuko J ,
possibly j , purchase prlco in good farm
land or improved property , balnnco cash
and mortirafjo.
Hicks , agent , 305 N. Y. Llfo uld'ff.
Nebraska , is finnoua for its line oats.
Qunil rolled oats are mndo in Nebraska.
Charges Agnlnst Olllcrr Von Muggo Kou-
tlnct I'rocooilliiKH.
Mrs. C. "Voss , who keeps a boarding house
at the corner of Sixteenth nnd California
streets , Ulcd n complaint againstOfllccr John
Von Mutrgo before the Board of Fire and
Police commissioners at Its meeting last eve
ning. The complaint charges Von Muggo
with disorderly conduct , threatening to ar
rest without cause , aud trying to remove bis
trunk without settling his board bill. Tbo
hearing of the case was laid over for ono
Wire guards will bo placed over the windows
dews of the matron's room nt the city jnll to
prevent the escape of women aud children
temporarily conllncd thero.
Chlof Seavoy's sick report for January
shows that the policemen lost 1G2 days. The
total number of days lost by the men , in
cluding sieicness , was U)0. ! )
During the past month 1.1SS meals were
furnished to prisoners confined in the city
jull , at a cost of SirS.lM.
Acting Fire Chlof Salter reported that his
men lost fifty-six days during January from
sickness and Injuries loceivod at fires.
Iho resignation of Lllla 1J. Soavoy as clerk
and stenographer of tbo police department
was received nnd accepted.
Captain John McBride of hose company
No. U was granted ton dai's leave. Captain
Wnrrin of No. 10 company was also grnntrd
ten day's leavo. Thomas'Sabln of truck No.
2 asked for 11 f teen days leave dating from
February 23 nnd his request was granted.
The secretary of ttio Police Heliof associa-
ciatlon was authorized to draw warrants for
printing bill and othov incidental expenses ,
including Officer Uousor's sick benollt.
Some two weeks ago W. K. O'Shnughnessy '
sent a communication to the board , request
ing that ho bo released from the bonds of
Officers Vaughn and O'Gormun. The matter
was referred to the committee on mon and
discipline. Its report last night stated the
board had no power to relieve n bondsman ,
but suggested that the ofllcers mentioned bo
required to furnish a now bond. Continuing ,
the committee recommended that all olllcors
who have been on the pollen force lor more
than two years bo required to file now bonds ,
as tbo financial condition of some of the sure
ties may have changed since the bonds
were approved. The report suggests
that the mayor nnd city council
bo requested to pass , nn ordinance
under section 18 of thci city charter , fixing
the amount of'bonds to bo members
ol the police force nud also requiring the
bonds to bo renewed every two years.
Tbo report was laid ever for one week.
In executive session tno board appointed
Charles Evorly special policeman on Farnam
street to take the place of the' ' late Officer
Warren Finch.
Charles Prfnglo who has been serving as a
substitute ilremun wns appointed perma
When liquor license matters were brought
up the board refused the application of Wil
liam Pickard , 1515 Dodge street , and granted
the following : Patrick Lnvin , northeast
corner of Thirtieth and Brown streets ; John
A. Jensen. 1121 North Twenty-fourth street ,
and John Faukhnusor , 3020 Hamilton street.
W. S. Shoemaker sunt in n communication
containing clippings from the Kansas City
Sun and suggested that the board appointa
committco to wait on Judge Dundy and hear
and pass on the contempt proceedings now In
court. Tbo board deferred any notion in tbe
Mark Tuuln
says "somo folks are so stubborn that al
they need Is four legs and they would pnss
foramulo. " Mayba if people use more of
Bailor's Barbed Wire Liniment mules
wouldn't bo so stubborn.
Union soap is m ido of western pro
ducts try it.
For sale , -lO icros , 6 miles from P. O. ,
8150 per aero ; Hicks , 305 N. Y. Life.
Knlghtg of Labor Uulugntcs ( IIvon n Very
IMi'iiBunt Dancing Party.
The Working Girls 1C. of L. assembly gave
an entertainment and ball last evening at
exposition hall. The fore part of the even
ing was devoted to a literary aud musical
program , including an address by State Master -
tor Workman W. H. Dech , recitations by
Mayor J , B. Furay , solos by Mra. Jos. Hlttor
and Jules Lumbard , and a trio by Mrs. Kit-
tor , Mr. O'Grady and Mr. Kittor.
Mr. Doch spoke on the "Necessity For
Women Organizations. " Ho stated that
labor agitators wore called crunks , croakers
and calamity howlers , whoso solo mission and
intent was to make pcoplo dissatislied ,
Ho pleaded guilty to the latter accusation ,
and said that if ho could not only muko nit
present but hundreds of others dissatislied ,
ho would feel amply rnpald for his efforts.
Ho declared that advanced civilization had
onlv corno from agitation nnd predicted that
it would only cease whan Justice had boon
meted out. to all. Ho assorted that a spirit of
dissatisfaction hud led to tbo organisation of
the women's nsseniuly. They were debarred
from taking a band-in making tbo laws to
govern thorn or from having anything to say
as to their wages , which are kept down by
men at n starvatioinllguro. Ho declared that
the only way for tbe women to obtain relief
was to'organize and educate themselves.
At the concluslpu-pf the literary program
the floor was clopretl and for several hours
the dancers held "full sway. Supper was
served In the gallery. The attendance- was
very largo and thesaffalr was very much of a
' Van Houtou's Cocoa Perfectly pure , In
stantaneous ,
Housekeepers ywUl , llnd Quail rolloJ
outtj the best mada
Kullifs nf five lliut iir lam uniltr this hcailftflu
( ; tuihaMlttonalllHetcH cent * .
KEKI-KK-Wlllfg , upod V ) youra. MiiotT -
oindu Ko'ilcr , died timidity , January ; tl ,
1'nnertil from fiimlly residence , coiner'l enth
and Onk , Tuosauy , l-'ubruary S , at a p. in ,
Powder :
Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
There'll ' Bo Trouble if the Union Pacific Refuses -
fuses Their Demands ,
Mimy Muttering * llenrtl from Drlrgittos
to th < ) Cimrereticr AVImt thu .Men
Axk Is Nut Voiichsilluil to
thu I'libtlu ,
The Union Pacific railway Is resting upon
a sleeping volcano. Already there are faint
muttorlngs of an explosion , nnd It it comes to
pass there will bo ono of Iho biggest strikes
known to railroad history.
Proceedings of the two grievance romrelt-
tees now In session hero have been guarded
from publicity with the utmost oaro , and In
terested parties on both sides nave met uuws-
pnpcr inquiries with the statement that
everything was lovely and there was no
danger ol trouble.
If that was true n now spirit has come over
affairs. The nfllcors of the two committees
laid their grievances before Assistant Gen
eral Manager Dickinson last Tuesday.
Nearly n week has elapsed , and the trainmen
have received no reply. The full committees
expected to have n conference with Mr. Dick
inson yesterday , but that gentleman had not
returned from a trip toChlcnco.
The mom bora ol the committees show some
Irritation , nnd are not as guarded as formerly
in giving expression to tholr foclings.
It appears from their statements
that tholr grievances hnvo boon nut to the
railroad company as demands , nnil they sny
with emphasu that they will Insist on their
rights. They assort earnestly , nna no doubt
honestly , that they hope there will bo no
strike , but they admit that it is possible nnd
announce with eVident confidence that they
nro prepared for such an emergency. They
speak of the Munition us a "llcht. " They
Intlmnto strongly that thu Union 1'ncllc
must nccedo to their demands nnd they de
clare that the strilto , If It comes , will slop
every wheal on the entire system.
From nil this It appears that the con
ductors and brnkomon are determined to
force their claim ] to an Issue , nnd that thov
have carefully considered both the possibility
and tbo practicability of n strike ns an alter
native. They hope for peace but are prepared -
pared for war.
Tholr demands Include ono for an increase
in wages on some divisions , and there are
some proposed changes in rules that nro
likely to bo quite ns troublesome. As ono of
the trainmen said : "Thoy may appear
trilling to the public , but they are important
to us , and wo moan business. "
T. T. Slattory , second vice grand master of
the Brotherhood of Hallway Trainmen , was
In the city again yesterday and hud another
conference with members of tbo grievance
committco ot that order.
Notes mill Peritonitis.
Members of the Union Pacific grlovnncn
committees have been usintr their off days to
visit friends and relatives hereabouts.
Chairman Hoilloy has returned from n trip to
O'Neill. Conductor C. W. Clark of Evanston -
ton , Wyo. , has been visiting his pnrouts at
Silver Crock , Nob. J. P. Case of Dalles ,
Ore. , formerly a conductor on the Klkhorn ,
has boon up nt Norfolk to moot old time
friends. J. P. Kyau of Choycnno has been
visiting his father at l oavonworlh. Con
ductor Martin of Lo Ut and has been joined
by his wife nt the Dellono.
G. D. Berry has been appointed purchas
ing agent of the St. Joseph & Grand Island
railroad. Ho will also act as General Man
ager Hoblnson's secretary.
A peculiar railroad change has just oc
curred in the southwestern pnit of the
Union Pacific sy.stem. M. F. Egnn , assist
ant superintondcMit of the Colorado division ,
and John McCormlu , ossistantsuporintondont
of tbo Now Mexico division , have exchanged
J. O. Phllllppi loft Tnmpico , Mexico ,
Suudav homeward bound.
II. G. Krako has boon appointed assistant
general freight agent of the Missouri Paolllo
to succeed George McCainc , resigned.
< ioo < l Cooking ,
Is ono of the chief blessings of every homo.
To always insure good custards , puddings ,
sauces , etc. , use Gall Boiuen "Eagle" Brand
Condensed milk. Directions on tno label.
Sold by your grocer and druggist.
Removed to 1515 Hnrney from 215 S.
loth , C. J. Palmquibt's hoot and shoo
Union sor.p , manufactured in Nob.
TNSTUUMENTS placed on record February
JL l , ISO , ' :
F G ICIrsh nnil wlfo to 0 A Marsh , lot 15 ,
block .1 , 1'laliivlew mid Sl.COO
W .M It-ilston and wlfo to 11 It Itatatron ,
blocksQl and0) ) , lienson 7.100
J Bl Mlckorson and wlfo to Henry Nleu-
nmn , 1 ucro In so cor sir sue L1 , 1 * > , l.'l. . . . 1GOO
A MUA llul/lietincr nnd wife to Louis
llobholmor , lot 4 , block I ! , Hoggs &
Hill's second ndd 4,000
South Oninha.Laiid Co to H J Windsor ,
B 15 fool , lot 4 and n 10 fuel , lot 5 , block
: i7. Kovlh Omaha 800
I K MuKnlRH iiIK ! wlfo to.I T Hurst , nnd
/4 hit 14. block KM. sumo 700
Frank bhonlo and wlfo to F J Kaspnr ,
und " , lots 4 , f ) . 8. 0 , K. 13. 14. 17. 0. Ml. Ml ,
SB. MB. 211 , IB , HI. : ! , .17 , 40,41.44 , 44fi. . 4' ' ) .
51 , K ! , f > 3 , GO. 57 , 71 , ( iO , 01 , Ot , OU. 08 , 09 , 7. ,
7J und 75 , Kuspur'h add 8,000
Caroline Anderes nnd husband to Kinnm
Andorea , lots 3 und 4 , block 1"Vcst
Hldo 1 00
0 A Hamllng nnil wlfo to Washington
Hunyan. lot7 , blocks. 1'addoek pluco. ! ! .MO
Same to Walter lluubo , Ion ) , sumo L'.WK )
Total amount of transfers- $ 'JS.901
Drive them
away the aches ,
pains , weaknesses
and ailments tlmt
irmko woman's Ufa
miserable , 801110
of them may l > e
serious , and of
I long standing ;
they'll need time ,
1 : 111)3 , nnd pa-
enco. But nil of
them cnn certain
ly bo cured find corrected Tuth Dr. I'lcrco's
Favorite Prescription.
It's a powerful , invigorating tonic nnd n
soothing and strengthening uer vine ; a legiti-
raato medicine , purely vegetable , perfectly
harmless , nnd carefully adapted toomens
delicate needs. At tbo two ciitlcal periods
in a woman's life tbo cbango from girlhood
to womanhood , and , later , the "change of
llfn" it is n perfectly pafo nnd on especially
valuable remedial agent that can produce
only good icfciilts.
I'or all" female complaints , " irregnlarltlis ,
nnd wraknesses , " Favorite rreberlptlon" is
the only remedy go unfailing nnd effective
that It cnn be guaranteed. If it docMi't
benefit or cure , In every cake , the money will
bo refunded.
oilsl.s In the claims 01
iniiniifui'turcrx nnd doul
ere for the old-fuiliUir.od
" iiorotis" plitsteis and lli
many ImltattonH of IIICN
KON'h now on the market
IIISNHON'8 M the onlj
porous plaster posscbslut
medloliml vulue. llu IUIH
> ou get IIBNMIN'B
IN Tilk UMBOt *
< < > il l. In' ion
IIIKl l.illtf.
It Is Horlliy of all coiillili'iirc. II cures
Coiismnp lull , t'oiiglis , Colds , AhllniKi ,
Pneiimonl" , luduon/a , llnmcliitl * , J ) hl | .
Hy , Wiistin JHsciibes unit Sfrofulotis
Humor' .
Uueurp ai you rnlue > our health , niul not tlio
Kinulnu , UK ( ii u Imitation * tnlil to bo h'uijil us
tire nttiMiiiitcil In bo ubitltuled br liii'rliu'ii | ' > ! o < l
ileukTu. 'I huy uru not. but liti k the pouullur vlrtut of
thli i > ri puntlun If > uur liruwUl ilnos nut keep It ,
torn ! tllrvct to A \\II.IIOII Ulii'iultt , lliinton ,
J , , the emir Utuufuclurvr vf tlili
Odd Suit Pants.
This week we hold our regular semiannual
nual sale of all the odd suit pants that have ac
cumulated during the past season. This an
nouncement will be read -with pleasure by
hundreds of our customers , many of whom ,
have allowed the fringe at the bottom of their
pants to form itself into a graceful pair of lam
brequins while waiting lor it. This sale is as
different from the ordinary pant sale as black
is from white. We buy no pants for it. Wo
put o pants in it from regular stock at r ular ,
marked up or marked down prices. W
simply lay asidejalMhe pants that a-ccumulate
from suits to match , where only the coats and
vests have been sold , for a whole season , when
we sort them into different lots , mark a price
on them and put them on sale. At the prices
we make on them they go with a rush. VVe are
never compelled to mark them down a second
time to dispose of them. The sale this time com
prises something like two thousand p airs oi
pants , mostly from fine suits , as it is seldom we
have to break a cheap suit.
Elf" } Hundreds of pairs of pants , in nil wool and ullk and wool
CjLJ .ClbS'mul'ost ' chovlols , etc. , worth from $12.50 to & ! .
Over nine hundred pairs of pants , comprising worsteds , ntt
Kt $2,50 wool and silk and wool cnssimorcs , chuvlots , tweeds , worth ,
from four to five dollars. As many pants in this lot nrq
from fourteen and fifteen dollar suits , you can judjjo how/ /
cheap the pants are at two fifty.
Pants in beautiful goods , meltons , ohoviots. tweeds , nil wool ,
At $3,50 cnssimoro. * , silk and wool cnssimcres , homespuns , line
, worsteds , etc. Many n pair in this lot worth seven dollars.
The very finest kinds of pants. Pants loft from suits at
At $450 $20 , $22 and $25. Pants that in n regular way would cost
you up to $8.
In these four lots you can fi'nd almost any color ,
style or pattern you happen to want.
But no man ever says this who adver
tises through ALDEN & FAXON.
We help business men to sell their
elephants. We never advertised an
elephant , but we have advertised nearly
everything under the sun. Multitudes
speak of our remunerative services as
Newspaper Advertising Agents.-
> What part of the earth's nearly 150
millions geographical square miles do
you wish covered ? No newspaper or
magazine published but in which we
can place an advertisement , and there
is positively nothing in the newspaper
advertising line that we cannot do.
Write us.
CO & C8 W Third Street ,
Sore Throat
B ]
Sold only In our own bot'let. All druggists ,
The Leading
Third Floor , Paxton Ploclr.
cleplioiiplOS. ) . Kith ami 1'ariirii Sts.
AfulUuCor loolli on rubber fur 15 I'erfoct tit
Ici'tli without | ilat or imiiovulila trlituo work
Jmtllio Uiliii ; for ulnirur * or imlillo npualiur * , uuvur
All Illlluvi at raaionatila raU'J , all work w rrant 1
Cut tlil gut fur a gulJu.
Is unsurpassed In the treatment nf all forms o
rill VATE-DISEASES , and all disorders anil
dulillltles of youth and iii.inhood 17 yours'
experleneo. Ills tosouivos und facilities ur ?
piactlu illy unlimited 'Iho Doctor Is iceoni
mended by the press , und iMidoisod in tha
strongest terms by tliu peon o for fair _ . . . . ,
nii'iit and honest professional iiihleo. The
inest powerful remedies Known to modoril
S'lencu for the Hiicccssful treiitini'nt of tup
follow InKdIseaBcs : .
( lOHUHJtllUJSA liumeainla relief. A eoml
plotccnro without the loss of an hour's
time from business. '
GllKT Onaat the most complete and suc
cessful treatments for Kli'isl and all arj
noylni ? dlsehurBOs yet known t ( the mod
leal profession. The results mo trulj
wonderful. The most Ntiihljorn un
ehronlo cases where the iHsi-limno tia
existed for yearn , untlioly eonlrolled In
remarkably short tlmu
cicutest known rorned ;
for thu treatment of MiU'lme. with
out pain , rutting , or diliitlnt ; A mo t
rcmarliablo riiinedy < >
1111,1 fi No tretitinent for this torrlhlh
blood dtseuho has ever been morn sue *
c-t'bsful. or had stronger emloiieinenta.
In the flcht of modern biilenee llila dla <
oiiko Is positively enrahlo anil uvorj ( ,
truce of the poison entirely i amoved f ronf
the blood , The euru Ib coniilete ) und Jiur *
Ot' ' > noun , und ninbllion. nei * *
VOUK1HS58 , timidity. desiiiiidi > ncy iin ( ]
all hllKhtliiKotlcothof curly vice Hellel
obtained ut unco 'I ho wu.ikK"iwHtiniiff.
and the despondent bouome clieerfnl niuf
IHUK.IItltS , and all OUeiihCH of tllQ
blood , liver , iddnoys ami hlnddui nrn
limited xucoessfiilly with Iho xroateuB
Known leuiedlcH foi thi-ho diMMtfs.v >
JUt. JIvOHKH' ' * miecehs In. thu trout *
iniilit of all foimsof 1'ilMitiPIsuabCN Jia
\\oii for him a loputiitlon which plitccn
him nmoiiK thu lendlm , ' hpetlallbts lit
niodorn sclunco , Wrllo for elreiilnrs mi J
( i.ioHlion list free , Hill and I amain Htsy
Omaha , Nob. ICntruncuon ulthur Btreot'
" 8ANATIVO , " tb
Wonclortiil Hri "i li
lUincdy , l Mild wllli
Written ouprontea
to euro ull Ncivuu ) Illi-
< av , eutli as Wctk
Miinory , I > iwi of BraliJ
I'oncr , llcaiioclir ,
liixxl , ,
eltutk- , till Jialiii u4
Doforo&Aftor Use l ( . i of | io cr of lb
rtotoemphed from life. acnfrntlve Oitonj In
tllhcr tox. cautfil t > t
orri.vxeitloii , joutliful liiillicirtlnni , < u Hit ? ' < ' " ' ! '
nai'Ofloluuo , omnoi | Mliiiiilant * wlnrli ulllinuklj
Iciulto Iiiliiinlt > , C < iii miiitl | < Mi niul liimully I' " }
In loinHildit form to entry In the ml 1'cnktt ' rilci
llnruikiiEc.orOfortSUtliiuo fiiml" gl i
written guarantee to euro or return ! tlio
nionoy. Dtutliy mull 10 iiiiynililKu i jiiiimr fr
ill I'lfthi ' envelope Jltnllon Dili | uirr | AdJicn. '
MADRID CHEMICAL CO , Ilrnucli onice for t ) S A.
35S Dcniliorn Hlrret , rilH'AfiO , II.U
Kulm iCe , Co.r 15th A. DoiiKlm M
J A Fuller & Co , Cor. Mill * Jlounlui SU.
A U I'oaur < i Co. , Council Wultn , lu ,
TLo iurifctt. Fo tc < t und Flueit ln'l'0 World.
N12\V YOKK , ( imff nl NAPLES * N.
At roiiuliir nemin. ,
riU'J oii lowun turiun t'J nnd frinn the principle
oicn , zittusn , isisu 4 AIL csimiumL rcnua.
hicuiUmticlceU urdlUbUi tu rtlurn lij tlllur llierlo
tuuo'iui-1'It do A North nt Iruluml ur Nuil A ( IlUiItar
Drifts :1 lt 7 Oriiri far ixi Aaout it leviit Bitti ,
Apply to uuy of our local Ayuoli ur to