THE OMAHA DAILY KEK ; TIJKSDAY , FEBRUARY 2 , 1892. NOTICES , ADVKHTl < KMnNTS VOIl Tltl'.SK COLUMNS will ti- token until 12 10 p m for tlio evening mil until 8. SO p. m. , for tbc tnornlnif ur Sunday Cdl- llun All BdTfrtlMmnntii In thfo columns lic nt n line fmt Insertion nnd 10 tonls n line ihorcnfler , or I ! | ft line | cr nintith Nn mlverllremenl taken fnr IcmtlimZ'iu nl for the llrnt Insertion , Terms , rash ln rt nnce. lonnl stout 7 worrti to the 11n . Inlt 1 lf. finite * . nymbols etc. . each rcinntnon word All mlTrillfrinintsmint run consecutively Adrfr- tlMM by rcqtipsllni ! n nunilirrid check. can hum II clr IrttoM addressed to n numbered letter In cnro ol Titl Hrf. Animerisn ndrtnmod will bo dollr- end on frtfontnllon of llio chock. _ 1 HAM II 4 colnn tin will l > o taken on the nbovn condition * follonlnsbuMnrn IIO-JPIPS. who nro author- Ifid to tnki-Fpoclnl notices t tbo ( nine rales can It hnil nt the mnln offices fonth t'niahn ' llrnncli OfBcc-No ICM N elroct. l.MirbKick .Tiihn W Iloll. plmrmnclKt.tlth nnrt Mnsnn streets H II Knrn < wortlt , pliarmnelit.3111. CiinlInK Mrcot. VI .1 llunlii" , Pharmacist ( WIN IWi Mrcnt. f 15 t-allcrn ld , pharmacist , 1719 Lcnvcnwortn Itiri-t. Ilimlirs' pharmacy , ? lth and nrnam _ _ SITUATIONS WANTED. ilATKS-IV n Iln7nr t limn mid lOc n linn there- nfler No ndrprll'dnr-nl taken for less llinn 2.V : . " A'miNTLKMAN nois A IIKSI'OSHIIII.K position In n Inrno parking house olllcn desires , .on npronnt of ton clwi confinement , to sccuro nn othnr position of ( runt In Omnlia. wliprn conllnii input would not l > o i o eloso nmldiitlrn Ion micro tn hnlmedeidred nolnly bocniiso ndvnrllser hcnilh l 'lnB nt stnk < > Mnny yenrs business experience. Kxcellcnl references Address Mil , llco otllco WANTED--MALE HELP. IIATKSIV ft line tlrnt tlmo nnd lOo n linn Ilicrn nftcr No advertisement taken for IP" tlmn 3 * TfT VVANTKI > , RAr.lNMKN ON SAI.AUY Oil COM J MnlsMon to linndlo the now pntont chemical Ink craslni : ppiicll Iho Krentest selllint novellyo\or jirodorod erases Ink thnronidy In two seconds no iibrnslon of pnperi Si ( ) ) to ) per rent iirollt. ono ru-nt's snlea amounted to HSO In six days , nnother Jl.'lntwn hourVi ( wnnt ( inn Kciicral intent in niipli ulnl.i and territory 1 or terms nnd full pur- tleiilnrs nddross Monroe Krn or MfK. Co , iJiCrosso , AVIs , V IT , 7'Jl 1) W A NT I : i > AOKNTTwilO WK KS ( ) W OA N J 'iniiku more mono ) cvur > ypnr wnrklnv for in llinn by nny other poinpnny Wo will Kl > o salnry nrcninml"lon nnd furnish onlllt nnd tcnni free to I'u-ry inicnt Wo wnnt > on now Address nl once HlniulnrilPIUer Wnro Co Iln ton Mn s M710 J * 1- > TWO noon punas FKii : > iii3. : m JSInelcy hlk. 82U T > WANTKH ATOM'i : 21 IIAHNIWS MAKKHS JJon lioftvy nnd Unlit luirnun ti-ndy work KUiir nntipil to ) ) iid. nohi'r IIIPII Aildn'ti The Knnnntr bnildli'rr..l5lSlhlcj it. 8t I'niil , .Minn 8J8 .1 WAN1ii : > A IIUIVr.llATJOa.llOSKNSl'KlN'S lsli nmrkct , M7 b 12th t 75 < 1 " | > WIDW AWAKH WOHKRIW KVKUYWIIKHK J'for thp crpntoHt liottk on Pnrth. "Hhopp M IMmto pnipliH of thporlil. . ' cuxtlnu' SIUOUUII inniinnotli Illurtr ited rlrrnlnrn nnd terms frc'K. iui | inilli'lod Hirers Mr Thoi I. Mnrtln Ccntcrtlllo Tex , rlonrr-d J7II In'.litnj ! " Mlii Hose AiliinK WooitiT , O W In < 0 inlnnlpi : llnv. .1 llownnl Mndlnon. Iiyoni N 1 $ IOIIn7 liniiro , u tionnnrn. innunlll ci nt oiitllt only f I rook" on rroillt hrpluht pnlil Ailclri'i-ii , ( .Inlio Illliln I'uhllvlilnu Co No 15S Hour liorn t , ChlciKO , 111 . ur I'lilliidulphln , I'll * ( t'ANVAS-SKIIs.sAI.AUYI'AIDWIClIKl.V Scwlnu iniuhlnu olllcc ISlii IlouuhiH l T > 12 TMLOIIS WANTKD. JI2 I'KU WKKK l'sl ml ) Job I cutter wnnted JiiO per month 'Jicum eli M f K Co .Teciimseh Nebd72 4 * - WANI'nl ) . CLASS MACIUNIVr 3 075 T > - AlJFNTS WANTKD FOH TIIK WOHLD'S FAIll J > son\enlr Kicluslvn territory itlvon Sample Me Sent nn receipt of price to nny nddniss Vorlil n I nlr Souvenir Co. lull N Y Llfo llullillni ; Omnhn Nebrnskn. 415 2 * WANT1JI ) CALL OH AD B dress H.'t N. Y Life bulldlni ; M2S.1 K14 T-WA.NTKI ) . ALHSMKN CAN KAbiLY J 'from $3'i to f""i per week above expenses scllliiK our I'ntenl Non Kvaporatlnir. Non Kreeilna Cliem- Icnl Hre palls } 1K ( ) in n dny possible ; bit ; demand for these goods ; no experience necessary Snld only hr nuents , to whom inclusive territory Ir gltcnVe can prove this stntement If you will nddrens The Worcester Klro AiM'llnnco Co ( In corpointed ) . Worcister , MnssS'o hnvo ethos money muklnu specialties M8.I4 2 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. IIATTS-TrO a line llrst time nnd lOen line there after No ndvortlscmcnt tnken for less than 2"ic / "WANTIID. CANYASSHIIS i'Oli A g U"lCK v selling arllclo. Call or uddrcssSli N 21dM772 M772 2" - ' , A NUIISK OIUL 15 OH IH YKAHS C-WAN'IKD , . 2527 Cullfornln. Mrs 1. A Unriier , 8" ' CLAbS COOK : ItKVKItKNCi : UK. C ijiilred , Mrs I. . M Ilcnnott , 401 N 2.'nd utrect 7JO fi , , GOOD ( OOK , IN FAMILY Ol'2 : CALL CClltl niornlniis Mrs D. II. Wheeler , Jr. , Wl ) bouth Wth utreel 7IU ft WAN'IKD AT ONCK. ( Mill , Klt C.KNIUIAL V hnuscHhrk , must bo neat housekeeper Call 1811 N miiiucniio 7IU i * C-WANTlTI ) , nillL FOH RKNKUAL IIOUbK- work. 2o2l California street. 7531 * - ; ) . (1IHL FOH CKNKUAL HOUSIC C-WANTii work Mrs C. W. Loomls , 1U14 ri .Wtli avenue. avenue.CDS C -WANTKD , A FIHST CLASS ( ! IHL FOH ( IKS ernl houpewiirk. 221 i Knimol street M ( l ff \ 100 < A MONTH 10 LADY AOHN'lb SKL- / V llnu "While's Lilly of tlin Vnllo > " Address "White'sToilet Co. , " bouth lleml , Ind Ril U % p A ( loOD SAIiAllY ( JUAHANTKED 'JO ANY rw v hid ) wbonllldo writing fnr mo nt homo Ad rwJ dirss In nnn hnndwrltliiK nllh nddrepsed and \J \ mumped envelope , Miss Kdna L. hm > the. South llend. lint. , proprietor of tlio famous.Ilorla Water MIW ) K25 - , A RIIll. 1OII ( SKNKHAL IIOUSK- work , iliutt be need cook , wniher nnd Ironer live. M.I - WA.NTii : ) . A CAPAIILI5 SKCOND ( illtU I aiidon Court , fourth house from the corner of S4lh j-triet. One block north of M. .Mnry's utenue. M4ll ( _ "rtWANTID : AT o.scn. TWO I-KHSONB TO UK- V'rcUe Instructions In bookkcopluit : need snlnry ; now house March 1 J II. bmlthu.l5 N. Y. Life hldu. ,1 * RENT HOUSED HATKSl.'n a line flrst lime nnd lOo a line there nfter No ndvortlsemenl lakcn for Icsa llinn J5o JiJi ottaires with balh nnd HOwerajro , nt and near corner Webster nnd ! > 0tli Mruets. lleduced to til ) each Henry W Yules. ; n - f3 I A"S UOOM"TlUSKS$10to 15 , IIKVl'HKS JIdenci ! flats In city. Mead Inv'l Co , 442 llee bld 721 | -v-KU UKNT , HOUSK 10 HOOV.S , ALL MOD -1'ein Imprntemonts , f 10 per mnntli ; 32d and Ka - mini DekterL Thoiuai 7.M TV-IOH HKNT , UHOOM IIOUSK , WITH IIO1II J'Kiis and laiiKii If ilrshed , nil In nooil condition location near 'Oth nnd bt MIIIJ'S avenue 1'rlie reiibonable , upei Inl terms gen to thn rltlht dnrly liniulro 20IJ riirnam > t. , or ( < 11 'Kuchuck , lleo otllcu. B.'O Tf \ NiTv : ii UOOM cori'AUKti , MODKUN IM .1/provements , "btunford Circle" Appl ) C S ICIliiitltT room 4 , N. Y Llfo uulhlliiK. 7J5 TUHOO.M IIOUSK , 27T1I AND DAVKNPOHT , .1'nil i eiuenleiiien , J.'JOiJ per month K. K Dar llnu , ll.irkei block. M -NINIMtOOM IIOUbK , MODKUN IMPUOVK O ments , rensonnble , U5 , ' N. 25lli a e. Apply U , Kullsh lallor. 2IIN lUh M. 7. 7 1 \ NICK 3 HOOM 1IODSK , LAItliK IJOI' , IIAUD J 'and colt Miitrr , H.UU. 2 blocks from motor. BIOl Vii'b ter t 8..U i' 1-k U HOe - OTl'AIJK.Vrill HATH IIOO\ , JAlly oalur and i l lern , f lHl per month Cor net of IMU and Hurl tit. Inquire nl 213 N. llith H k toil UKNT , 10 HOOM HJHM311KD IIOUSK , 'IIV 2oi 1-arniiin ttreut hl 1 * D r , HOOM rOTTAIIK , 85I'H AND CIlMINC Irc-el , tl'i Kmiulru b.ti H loth .Mi | I , ' } ) y HOOM HOUHK2M3 DAVIINl'OHT hTUKKT J 'n-r > i heap lo tlrnl clan luiianl. lluii ! \ lllll , 110:11 : nrnam ulreut. 07U 2 TV LAUHK LlBr , ( JF.O , J. 1'AUK HXW FAU.NAM J' &OFKI * rOH UKNT.lOlIOUbKS. 15 UO AND UPWAHDS per month , 'llio O. F , Davis company , mo HO Ty-o-UOOMHOUSKi Sri RENT FURNISHED ItATKb)5o ) a line firm line and lOo line iliero alter No advertUeiuent Inken Xur lain Iban 25o 1J , HOOMb , HOlIblJK'P'cT.aKlibT. MAUY'S YK J' UiU 1' . ' HUMrtlli : ! ) UOOM-Al.I. CONYKN1KNCKS rental reuiouuble. Apply ' . ' 573 Hartley M. M8iO 4 _ _ 3 , HJUNIbllKD , Hl'KAM IIKATKD 1 UON't _ Jruoiuf , ISII Lttarunworth ulrcol bath , olo. KW t * 1" , ' TllONT HOOM WI'llI ALCOVBTiTllf.SibTT" * i M4I4 a _ ! ; < I OH HKNT. MCKLYH'HNISHKI ) , HKCONI ) J > lory baik room , eulublu for ilnttlu uvulleuian dltbout board , Itl b , Mill streel. 255 ! > t imNlSIIKI ) HOOM WITH 11AT11. M MON 1'lT 1I'.KW tirnurn. 173 _ 7 , ' Fl UNISIIKI ) FIIONT ItOOM , IIOUSKKKKP. J'JIiiKi fd pur nioiitU. 4 ID S. Uth ilrvcl , third Boor MWtiS- AND BOARD. UATK-- lie a Una Ur l llnio nd lOo a afler. No lUlTCrllieunmt taken for le limn Wo * , DKdlllAULK UOOMS AND UOAllO ; HKIKH WWJ V FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD. Conttiiunl. AND BOA III ) . ONK I lariin room sultnbta for two or three Rentlomon BUN. Aid on P If LAlttlK 1 HONT HOOM WITH IIOAHII 2IOi f ? Douglas nl _ M7042' ' l -MI.KIANTLY'n'HNISItKI ( ) HOOMS. PINIILK J or en mite' nil modern ronvcnlcnces ! first elnsi lionrd. SlS ontliatli ctreot -M2 > > 0 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS iiATKS-JBoi llmnrir Hmc' nnrt lOo n line thers nflnr No ndvcrtlsonicnt Inken for less tlmn IMS. ilX | MsC ASV "NlIJllilTlV FHOM V TO 4/IN tints , for lioiisekeeplnu Prices nway down. ( } V Hulls , 311 Pnxlon block tiM 128 -3 TlNl'iMtNlSlllU ) UCXM8 FOH 1.10 HT G liouiek cplnir , 1011 DodRO st fill U * BOABDINO. ItATICfi-l.V n line first tlmo nml ! 0o n Una tlioro nflcr No nilvertl'omi'nt tnkcn lor Inis tlinn Uj J I txinnl , nicer rooini , coiiTonloncns. rales unit lo niton It rnnnot bocxcellcil. Mrs Horn , iiroprletor XI M 111 * FOR KENT 3TOREB AND OKFICESi tATKH-l'.c n linn first time nml Ida n line tlinro nttcr. Nu niltcrtl oniunt tition fur lesi tlmn 3io r- S10UK , -A- KH _ _ " i"rcm iticNT , TIII : i srouv iiitinc HIIH.DINO. -LUIl ! Fnrnnni street 1 hu liullclliiK lin n lire proof cement tmsemcnt , coiiiploto stunm hentlnx tltturen , wnter on nil the Hours , K&S , clc Apuly nl llio ofllco oflliolleo. 18 _ _ _ _ _ I -toil IIKN1' . B'lOlli : . IOJ1 HOWAIlll. J TOI FOR HENT-MI3OELLANEOUa. IIATP8 I5en line llrnl tlmo nml ICe n line thoro- nfler No mlvorlliemont Inkea for les > thin 2" > o 10U TtitNT--Va\'KllV l VilN ? A N. VO T , Norfolk Neh .MT' 2 1 I OlTuKN ? . A KAUM Ob' lf ACIIKS 1 Mll.H Jfriimiltr _ llmllt 'I Ii O V n > lsCo Ton 1 I OAHIi.N TAUMS TO HUNT. T MUHIIAY. I-IMPHOVKI ) 1 AIIM OF m ACUKS 10 MILKS 1 west of Omnhn Hurtnnin A. Hobblns , 210 Heu bbht M.4 HI , WANTED TO KENT. K-WAMIJII TO UII.ST , A110UT MAltCll 1ST , nn B or H room Imusu with nunlern Improve- liR'litf , aliilu locnllon unil price Aililren M 4S , lieu. MMJI 2 K roil MAN AND WIKIt I'UHNI IIKI ) 11OUSK , inoilern coiiTunlvnccs , ul\u location Aililrf MSI , llee M8U1 * UENTAL AGENCIES. HATKS ! 6cn line tlrnttlmo nml IDc a line then ) nfter Nu aiUerlUeinenl tnken for tes Ihiui'JJc L-HKN'IAL AtiKNtl. HANK uiuiitnMis : : P V ( Inrvln A , Co , SOS bheel ) Mack 72U i -'io is1 * ! in : QUit'K iti.NnSi : , LIST WITH JJtlio KTClnnlvo Ilentnl AKUIIC ) 1'nrrollu , I ) uuln < < block M.Iiu STOKAQE. IlATis-l. : ' > o n line HrM tlmn nml ICe n linn there alter. .No ailMTllwneut taken for lo than 2. > c. i\r \ Yn nKA r NTr uTv mri fiirnlluro Omulmbtoiu lleiialr Work , IJO" I lout1 Wi t I. ] \ rOI.DKST , CIIIIAI'KST AND I1K& P STOUAOIJ house In the city WllllnmsCross , 1211 Hurnoa \ . WANTED TO BUY. TVT FUHMfimK BOUC.Iir , fcOLD , b'lOUKI ) . 1 > \ \ ell > , 1111 I nrnam st 7,110 \r-\VANTni ) , I5IIOHSK i > owiu ; POIITAIILI : Jl ' holler , mounted on trucks nnd In good condition , btuto lowest i nsh price. Address .M 47 llee M7'.U J VT-WANTKD , NICKLY FUIINISHKI ) FI.AT Oil i. hourdlni ; housowill KVU ! cash and tjO acres clenr land Address M 40 , lleo 7I.I 1 \T-WK HAVi : CUSTOMKHS Kll NKHHAbKA i.i fnrms Ctt opernllvo Land and Lot Co . M1 * Ibth street Within 10U miles of Oimlia .M Aijti f li T WANTKD , TO Hl'Y ' SALOON FLVfUHKS Mll tenth Anlon r. Dwornk , llnrwcll , .veb M4Mi.'l * J TO HUYSKCOND HAND t UHNI 1'IIHK , HIRII N cst prices paid lloaton Furnlturo Co , UM N ll > th & 11 K2- FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. UATIIS15on line llrsl tlmo nnd 10o n line there after. Nq advertisement taken for loss than 25a l > 1ACK1 ( OH SINOLK 1-OOTKH SADDLK I horse wanted In cxclianKO for ? Ui bafety bicycle , lioom .III Hoard of Trade. MS41 4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IIATI5S ISc n llnu llrst tlmo nnd lOc a line them nfter No advertisement Inken for less than 2'ic. 2lniinlrual2014 Clmrloisl. 847.1 * Q I'ATIIST FOIl SALII. HUDLOW'S 1M- proved Ash hitter. 8. Sudlow 4 bon , 2W Kwen st , lliooklyn , N. Y IJ702' Q-1OH SALK , COUNTKHS AND VAULT DOOIl In the hulldlni ; recently occupied by the Council HIutTs Hnvlngs bank Olllcer \ 1'usey , Council lllutls MlhViKt Q - KIMHAI.L OHC.AN , MW , KIU75CASH. IWI N 2llh St. 7' MISCELLANEOUS. \a \ a line tlrst time nnd lOe n line there nfler No ud\eithemenl taken for less than ' c. "I > PHYSICIAN WANTIID A GOOD PHYSICIAN IXcnn find n deslrnblo locution by nddrosslnu S Heuchlur , HIicSprlUKs , Neb CLAIRVOYANTS. HATKS r > o n line first tlmo nnd lOo a line there nfter No adtcrtUomcnt taken for less Iban 25c. K.vrHAOloNAilY , O/evclntlom LlmllcnKca llio world Mrs. Dr M. ICKrnvc , dead Irunco clulrioynnt. aslrolOKlst , pnlmlst and llfo reader ; tells your llio. from llio crndlo to grave , unites the separated : causes mnr rlnno with llio ono you love ; lolU where you will succeed and In what business be't ndapted for ; hns the celebrated Kn > ptlan breastplalo for luck und to destroy bad Influences , cures fits , Intemperance and nil private complaints with mastane. baths end al cohol treatment , Hend K , lock of hair , name nnd date of birth and receive tucurnto llfo chart ; 2 cents In Mnmps for circular ; glvo Initials of. ono yon will marry ; also photos of sumo Ulllco 10U7 South lllli slreel , llrsl floor , hours , Un m. loan m Come one. come nil , nnd bo convinced of Una wonderful uraclo. M8I3M4 * S-Miis. NANNII : \\AUUIN ; , CLAIHVOVANT , reliable business medium , llflh year , nl 11'J N liith 7U SMHS. . MAHY FKIT2l2'i I.AKi : STIIUKT. < lalrvoyant and Inline medium ; Independent voices lell pusl and liitiiro 67IC2I MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. HATKS ISc n line tlrst tlmo and IOC a line thnro uffcr , No advertisement Inkon for less than 'KJ , mMAbSAOK 'rilKATIIW\MMriuTniu I nial baths , scalp and hair treatment , ninnlcuio and chlropodl.t.Mrs Post.3l9hb.l5thMthuulUilk 'I'-MAIIAVK LA lll'K , MASSAdll THIIATMI'.NT , I 41Hfo 1611ml , 3rd lloor flat 4 , M4M V rp MAS AIJIi. VISIT T11K ONLY FlHSl' CLASS J parlors In Omnhn , over ( dO S 13th st. M- . ' - ' Ml * II' MAIIAMK SMITH. 1121 DOUI.A ( > i SrilUI'.T , Jroom 7SdHour. Alcoholsulphur and < ua bathi. PERSONAL. U-DANIKL T. CUHTKIl PLKASK ADD1IKS3 Ills bother , Joseph N , Cnster , Mnnsllold , Ohio , for Information Inlereitlnii to him An ) Informa lion nboiit him thankfully recehed MHHiU MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. HATUS I5o a Itnu first tlmo and I0e u line there nfler. No advertisement taken for le s Ihan25c " new culo Klinball piano A , lloupc'.IMJ Doimlns 7JI r- F. ( JKLLKNHKCK , HANJO TKACHKH , vtllh llo peer Jjm N , 15lh nlreel.3rd Moor 1U > MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. UATKS'lftoa line llrtt tliuu and Ion a line there after. No adferlluenienl lakua for leas t "VV--i > MuuniAiiKS. MOOUK , A. 401 IIKK HIIK ; > 705 \\r-MONKV in 1XIAN ON LONd Oil bllOH'l II tlmo In Minis of I kW In 110,000. Mutual Investment Company , "i" \ \ -APPLY TO J L LOVKTT Hill CIIKAl ' I Jiiunuy ; only llret clan lucurlty , 220 S. loth iw ) "l\r-COATKS,7 , U'll THADK , KASTKUN MONK 'J 7J3 Tir-ANTHONYLOANANDTHUSI ( X ) , 319 N , Y. I Ufo , leudal low rales for ctiotco ecurlty ot Nebraska , or Iowa luruu or Omalm city properly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7JO \\r-LOAN8.\V.M HAUHIS. U Sa.HlKN/.KIl 111.K , I' 740 \\f LOAN8ON 1MPUOYKD AMI UNIMPKOVKI < l city property , tl.OOO lob per cent , No dela > . W. turimni tiiultb & Co , 1Mb & llurnej T4I _ \\r-IXtANS. THK UNIl'KDSrATKHI/JANANl ) II Invoaliacut to. ncll lliclr Inveitmcut bond * ui mall uionllily payuienti whereby llioowuera are c'nublod to oblalu loaui from tbe coiuimny. 'Ibo earnlnci of Iho bonds ore laruo and by this mothoc the borrower iave Interest and' nt luu unit uf llio term ha > * liandiomo mrplui for lil > Inrolinoul Ililironiiiany U opomtod on Tory con > ervtlTu and economical batlr. All eariilum of tlio com pauyuru mutual lor full particulars write to Ibo ncii'Ury , roouii 001 tail an HDD bulldlDV , Omalia N'rb. M718 la JHONEY TO LOAN HEAL Contlimtfl. IV n PKH CKNT F1II4T MOHTOACJH IXJANS , II Itlchard C Patterson , 1511 Fnrnam st 741 \V flKAL KSTATK LOANS. PAUL , ICOfl FAHNAM 1I 67tl I123 * \\r CIIAS W HAINKY , 815 OMAHA NAT , HK II hlilK Clly mortgages Lowest rnlcs Money on hand M817 Tr"WA.NTKll AT ONCK : LAIK1K AND SHALL II loans on unimproved Omaha properly Also Improved lontu on roldcnco properly. Hdcllly Trinl Company. 1014 Farnnni St. " C482 \ \ r1100OHO 00 IfTLOAN AT ONCI5 ON OMAHA II Improved property or vncntit lols Hdcllly Trust Company , 1814 Vnrnam St. " C4f 2 AXf-UMN ON HKAL KSTAT B , LOWKST 'I rnles Tlio O F Davit compnny UM HO \\r-CKNTUAI. LOAN A TUU3TCO. IIKK IILD'H I 7 1 \\r-llKAL KhTATI ! LOANS , n TO 7 PKH CKNTi II no nddltlonnl chnrKO * for commission or nttor- ncy'sfees W 11 .Mclkle , Urst Nnllonnl banklildK \\r-LOANSON HUAI , 1'STATH AND COLLAT- II tcral notes nnd tnorlnnues bought , Heed A bolby,3l4 llonrd of Trade 74i \\T I.OANsTTf ( T WALl.ACIC , .112 IIHOWN 1I1.K. l > 741 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. IIA1 ICS-l'xi n line llrst tlmo nml lOo n Una Ihers nflor. No ndvcrllsomenl Inken for less tlmn'-'Jo. A' MONKV TO LOAN I1Y 11. F. MASTKHS ON vhoiiscliold Roods , plnnns , organs , horses , mules , wnuons , etc , nl the lowesl possible rates without publicity , removal of properly or chaimo of pos tension. TUnnnrrniiKcd lo salt the borrower. Payments of any amount cnn be inndo at nny time , reduclnit both pilnilpnl nnd Interest , thus Klvlne patrons all the bencllls of the partial pay- men I plan Call and see me hon yon vniiln loan , or If moro convenient , cnll telephone KB1 nml your business cnn bo trnnsncted nt nome , Money always on hand ; no delay , no publicity ; lowest rnlus , business conlldentlnl , 11 F Musters , II. 4 Wlthiic.ll blk , 15lh nnd Hnrney 747 1'UITCIIAIlt ) , U 3 , vmilNKU , Ill.K 748 V MONHY TO LOAN. .10 , 10 AND l ) DAYS ON -A furniture , etc Dull ilreen , It JO.Contlnontnl blk 740 X MONKVTO LOAN ON CIlATI'i : ! . liON'DS and Uty warrants boitghl. Hoom IIW.Knrbacli blk ( U3F2.- . CUATlKLIXANa-UUN. Y Ul'H. 203 HO X-MONKYON FFHN1TIJUK. I1OUSKS , PIANOS. Keystone Mtxe. Co , room 20J. Sheely block \r MONIIV 1.0ANKII ON KlTltNITUItK , 11OHSIW. VHIIUOIIS pianowltbont romotnl or rliiuiKV of possesilou Louttdcntlnl Fred Terry , r 4J.I , Itnniuc X MONKi TO LOAN ON ClIATl'KLt. : Ki to ' dnys 2tl.r > CummlnxhU .M9IS-F4 BUSINESS CHANCES. HATKS If * n line tlrst tlmo nnd lOo n line tlioro afler. No advertisement tnkcn for leas llinn lUc V WANl'KIA IMUCTICAT. IlIJTCIinil TO 1 liu > hnlf Interest In n well established meat bus Incss In n thrl\ tin ; cltr of 3UUO Inhabitants A eood epiortiinll | > to the rlnlit man Apply lo Heller A l.lvcr Co . 1.17 llowurd street. M81' ' 7 V 1'UV TUB COMMKUCIAtj , TUB LKAD1NO 1 hotel of Ilrokcn How , Neb. No trnde. KM \7--l-OUSAI.B. CAUIUAI1K AND WACON WOOD i worker hii-dneis , n Rood locitlon John W Pole. ) , Zith near N street South Omaha. .M.'J. ) 2 * V 1'Olt 8AIK , MKAT MAUKKTi DO1NO A - * - wood business. ( Jood reasons clvun for 0elIlnK llox 221 , PrtmontNeb 7l > 9 11 * Y-KUU.Y KQUll'I'KD CANNINC ! KACTOHY IN \crybestpnrt of Ncbruskn : cnpaclty 33.0UO to tlOOUO cans per day ; has inado money lastIhreo years , beat of reasons forselllni ; Address M 2l.lleo. 1.42 K2t ) \r Mioisrouirou : : SAI.K TOWN OK sooi Only ono other shoo utore. Addrosa , 1 * O box 47J Norfolk , Neb U14 1 * Ar-KUHNI3IIHD HOTKIj TOIl SAM1. Oil UKNT , J-the only hotel In city. Apply to Tllden htnto bank , nKent.Tlldcn , Neb 4'b f VI A'-NnWbl'Al'nit AND 1MI1NTKII OK J Ihlrty yeara' evperlenco doalres to ePtabll' h louil puper In some iiood toun whcrn n support will be given Address Hex , Wnsp ollke. Wnlioo , Neb MW'JS * JOK EXCHANGE. KATKS lie n line llrnt time nnd lUc n line ilioro after. No ndverllHOinenl Inken for less Ihan 2 , " c. y-CMAN : STOCK OK OKNI.HA1. M'JVSKi WIIJ , /-Jtuku real UHlnlu .S. mono ) ' , llox .1C , l > rankforlInd , 7IU > 7 AUOOI ) HI1MK AND ( JUOUND FOIt OAH- 'Jdenlni ; clear to exchamro torn &UOOJ vncant lot In northern pait of elty ; nice home In Council llluBs to oxcliaiik-o for house und lot In Ouinhn. W 11. ( inlcsO.IJN Y. I.lfo 7571 V VKUY DUSlHAIlI.iOMAHA : I'llOl'KUTY On. ' -JI.os AiiKoles property or fruit mm h In So. Call fornla Da\ld Janilcton , llee bnlldlii ; . 70 y AUVKItTlSKIl WISIIKb TO THADK A JliOOO ' - eqully In Omaba real estate unil pa ) f-l ( AX ) cash for n first dais y or 0 room house In coed location. Add i ess M J7. He ? - M70l > y WK no A un.MKitAij IIKAL KSTATK K.\ . cliiino ( business \Vhnt hn o > ou to offer' Western orn ICtthuilKeCo , ( 'oliiinlms , Neb. ( US 1 * y-KU 'lltADi ; , A STOCK OK GKNKItAI , MKIl / chnndlse for hinds nml cnsh Address It W. Wutklns A Co , iTiinklort. lud t'17 PA" y-SCACHK KAHS1 IN KASTUIIN NKllUAHKA "for exchange 1 W lIlillliiK'or , Wallace. Neb y-IOH r.AI.KOUI\CHANOi : , TWO IMI'OHTHl ) AJNormnn ttnlllons nml tv > o Imported Norninn mures , 4 nnd 5 jenrs old , llnu anlmaln will sell low on ensy terms orexchniiKU for merchandise or clear land , will put Income cash on ni'ilso deal If ncces Mar ) Address or call on J W Dolan , Indlnnola , Nel > . .MtOl 8 FOK SALE REAL ESTATE. HATKS If * a linn first tlmo and lOc 11 line then ) afler No nd"ertlaomeul taken for loss than 2V ) 17011 BAI.K AT A I1AIIOA1N , 1.OV 15 , III.OCK 4 , JW. . 1 * helby'o llrst addition to Houlh Omaha. Muall payment down , balance monthly If doslred. liKUlrei | 11 Tzschlick , Omnhu llee H8I 17011 SAI.l' , HOMIC8 , ANY IMIICH. 17W , ISW UT ; -L ensy terms ; take clcnr property as HrM payment. G. ( Wallace , llruvin block , Idlli and DouKlas 7..0 17011 SAI.K. NKIIIIAHKA KAHM LANDS ( } . ( j , J- Wallace , J12 llronn block , lull und DoucliiB.I'M I'M NK. CUUNEII KITII AND 1IICKO11Y , MxIfO .feet , n barttaln for n few dnys only F. K. liar- HIIK , Darker block , -j 17OU bAI.l ! CIIHAI'-MY IIKSIDKM'K 1'UOl'Kll J-tonoof llio best 11) room a story houses In Council IlluflH Would take small housj In Iowa or Nebraska IncxchaiiKu Adilluil , 25 Hoe , M8I8-J' AlllMHNAI'-TAICK 11' IN AS K COHNKIt lot In I'rnaped I'lacc , KOOI ! hnuso nml small barn worth II..VW : ( . " > OU In vucanl property or nmall pnymcnt lukes It hlilullty Trust C < > , K'd4 1 nrnam 703 j 7 HOOM IIOU9K AND LOT A lll.OCKH 1UOM ( court houte , K-M. llmchlnsun X Wead. l&4 Douulns , ; tu ) 1 I70II 8AIB. ON 8MAM. MONl'lll.Y 1'AVMBNrs , LlU houses Tlio OK Davis comiiuny 191 no BHISrOI , 8TUF.KT , fXxI33 ) Kl' WITH CWITAGU ( I,4U ) Ituft on N st , , b , O. bound to double 1 value.M.IIX ) { Oxftj , l.owuut , ilo u to I'aniaiu.'l.JIX ) . ' > acre tracts north of Hnreiuo ( MO , Hutchlnson ! i Wead , I5JI Douulas 7fy ] IlBACHU , IMl'HOVKD FAUM , IN 1'UANKI.IN J Co. , Nebraska , flO 0) per arru , 11 bargain Co operative. Land A hot Co , 203 N , 10th st G45 i 80 ACICK KAUM 12 MII.1H FIIOM LINCOLN , JJO UU per acre , on tlmii. CoOporatlvo Uuiit nnd hot Co. , 2UA N lIHh 5t .MiiitU IWACllK. IMl'llOVKD KAUM,21 MII.KS K1IOM -Loniiba I.TilX ) per aero , running water unit tliu ber. to opcrutlvo l.uml \ Ixit Co , aji N. loth tt. 1.152 17011 HAM5 , SOUTH DAKOTA I'AHMH , ( 'HOICK I ImJKulus. hcnd for circular. Menilon llilspvper. II K. Mtthuw , l.etcher a , | > LOST. UATKh I5an line tint tlmo and lOa n line thera- after Nn advertisement taken for lu < i than i..c. OsT-I.ADIK.S > ' rot'KKTIIOOKV1111 UOI.I ) Jrlnu and Jlu. Itoluru ring lo 1513 6.2Ut at 823 ! I OUT , KKMAI.K SKY TKIUIIKlt , WOlli : TAIJ -IJmurked Miss V llyley. Liberal reward for In formation or return to .Mlbs Muyer , I'aiton block , 1'ubllc Library lloor. u.'j > P OVr-CUKK WITH IIin-lON MAHKKDK , I' F , J-/ruturn to lieu otllco and receive ts DO rewcrd. MtxU-3 * 1 OsT A HANK CIIKCK , NO. C4 , ON KAltNAM hT -1 Jllultirr lo 113 N. 9th it , for rewunl , 18.17 2 * MANUFACTURING JEWELERS : llATKS-lic a line tint tlmo ami lUo n line there after , No udvertlsouiunt lakun for le than ' 'Jo CASH PAH ) FOIl OLD COLO , CAIlbON i llauku , loom 30 Darker block , Omaha , 754 CUTLERY GRINDING. llATKS-liu u llnu rlrnl tluiu and lUo a Hue luoru- after , No adrertlieaient taken for Je than 25u. SKNuoin BnbbOIIH.lA/OiH , KTC.TilB urouod to UudorlandACo , Ittl ti , llth l. 7W STOCK WINTERED , I'.ATKSI5o a line Ur t time and lOo a line Ibcre- afler. No advcrlUemunl lakon for U' tha " " tiuiiES AND co"VKD ANU'PAUKI ) ' Voii un farm l o m lie * uf Omalm Iroui II told month. Ill d. lull .trc-vU Tel. 14W. MAS HJ ! HAIR GTTtJDS. RATIS-1Vnllna flrst tlifl 7' n1 10c n line there after. No nd erll oment lakon for losi 1 AIUIKSTSTOCK IN KNTIHK WF.STi T11KAT- AJrlcnl wigs nnd beards n fpeclaltyVlg . tmniti , switches , hnlr chains , etc. , fn stock nnd to order. Mall orders solicited Dnvlcs. Ill S. IMh > t , Omaha tl * 75 ? 'I'HK 1DKAI. LA1HKS1 1\AIH DllKSSlNd PAH- I lors , switches , bangs , wKvtoupoos , Jewelry and hair ornaments In stockn/fUs to order , special attentionnlveil mall orders , ' SOWS 1Mb st , 3rd floor , : , , 4M F2G * PAWN BH" < UKERS. 17HKI ) MOIII.K , OV1-1CK VStlK FAHNAM ST r . , s ? SSNYDKH'S LOAN OFFICK , I.MOjDODIIK ST. . ' 770 F 23 * _ 1)KN F. MAIU1 , UKMOVKl ) TO 10T S. l&ril ST. BIA3aUKnA D5 cb3TUM3 , ETC. HATKS r > cn line flrst tlmo nml lOo n line thcro nftrr. No nilvurtlscnicnt tnkon for less l KNTI.KMKN CAN HKNT.MAsjOR- -l-Jrmlc costume ] nt H < SICtli Uoldoa Knulo sloro V in5 A Written Guarantee to SYPHILIS CUHE EVERY CASE or MONEY REFUNDED. Ourruro li ticrrnnncnt nnd not n patching up. C ' 0 trenlcil socnyeArsn o have never seen n symptom since. Ity < leicrlblniicn < e fillly wo rnn treat youujr mnllnii < l HUKlTctliusnmo > ilro n Rimrantco lo euro orrofnnil nil money. The uulio preferloeotno heru forlrentment rniuli ) vimul wo will pny rnltronil fnro both waji mid hotel bills while here If wo full to euro. W ChulleiiBo the World fur n r.i o Hint our MAOIO UnMKDV will not cure. Wrllo fur | mrtlcu' & nml Ki'tthoevl lenri1. liionrconm juirV prnclleo wlh ) thli.MAOIO HF.MiiV : II tins boon liiott illlllcult to ovcrcomollio iirejinllcus n aliKt Hncillol 'pi-cltlc ! llnlitmlor our tron innrntituo thoun intl4 nro tryln ? llnml beltiKcnrol'o ttunrnntui ) to euro or rotiml aer > dollar , nn I in wo Intvo n reputation to pro to tt nlxitlnnnclnl Im kliizof t.'iOOM ) It Is porfuctlv snfo lo nil who will try the treatment , llcrstofo-oyoii luvo I'c'L'ti iinttlnaup an 1 pultiz out your money forillllor cuttroHtmcntsnmlnllliouiiliynii nro not yet enrol noiimdmi pilii buck your ninney Wo will noillltulf iuru 5on Otil chronicileop oitc 1 CTOI enrol In 1) to tv ) dnys. InvestlKnto our tlnunclnl stiuullnff , our ri'pntntlon ns lnu lni > men Wrlto us for nnmcs nml nJilrci o < of the o wo hnvo cure ! ho bnvu Klvcn permission lo refer to Ilium. It costs you only post * nxotoilo this. If jour symptoms nro sjra tliront , iniicoinmteh | < ' ln miiith , rlipumntlinn In lionet nml Joint" , Imlr falllnx'out , oruptluns on nny purl of til u body. feolltiK of Kenernl ilopro"loi : , palm In hcnJ or uones Yotihi\o no Ihiu to waste ' 1 huso who tire constantly tnklmt morctiry nml pot Hi slimil Idlseon- llnuii It. ( "onitant tt o nt lln > o ilriixs will surely brim sori'i nml eating ulcers In l'io en I Don't f ill 11 rlto All correspondence sent soiled In pbiln enxolopes. Wultnlto Hie most rl lil Inrc'tluntlon nnd will do nil Inoiirponertonlt you In It. Address OOU1C REMEDY 0. , - Onulu , Nebraska. FOR MEN ONLY. I > OO for iiso of Low or 1'Att.tNn iioon , ( ieiin , or NKitrora Di'im.iT * , uvak- nossof 10 lyr .nlnd. the ullt'etsotiirrorjorox- ecssosln oldoryoitiiRtliiitwuu.itinotoiiro Wo iMiiiruntcoovory ease or refund o\ery dollnr. 1'lvu diiystilnl ttiMtmcut 81 , full course ' rorceiitln o benefits lotlUcd In three days. lly in ill. ' ociirely p icK'dd fioni obsorvutlon , COOK KbMKiir Co , OMAHA. NKII _ LADIES ONLY MA RIP I'IHAII : KiIJn.AToi : : , s.ifo nml IllnUlU Cortiiln lo : i day or inonoy refunded , Hy mall IJ. Seunrelv sonloJ from ohscrvn- ' t on. t'tHUi It f. ti'n-.fiy C ' , Dinnhti. Not ) . k AHlngla iloso itroilurrft beneficial re-4fi suit's irlilnirclit-rrdiliii'hHOfiiiliiiliiiul l > iioiiucy ofbixly to > vhleh you were . > hefoi-o n htnuiKiir. , l'luj > eiijiiy it IK > | > - ularltv ilnpurulleleil. 1'rlee , KRuU. - - © © I SafferlnB from tlio cflec'ts of 1 joiitliful elnirt iy , wnstlni ? wcnklietM , lost inunlimvt , etc. . I vfll send nvaluable treMIAo ( mnlil ) crtntalnln ; fullpartleulars for homo cur * . Mll.U of clmrRe. Atplendld nw < llcalnorkmluiiilil ; l read hy every . min wlni l niTvoiH nnd _ < l < 'Mlllnt < 'il. Aildrcss , rroC 1' . C. l''O\V.IifiJi ' flloodus , C'oiiu < REMINGTON TYPEWRITER IBESTIN THEWORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATH , PAKNAM STUKET. OMAHA , NEH RMILWRYTIMBGRRD leaves icuicAo ; Arrive Omnlia I Depot lOlli an I Mmon Oiuiha 4 > 0 p m ! . . . .Chicago Vestibule . , 8UJ a in y fiO n m ( lucatto Kxprcss , ' .Ml n m H20 p m ChlciiKO I'.xprots . . , ( . & ) p m 060 p ml . . . Chicago A. lo n Local 8 15 n m Leaves llUHLINti ION \ MO HI Visit Om iha Depot lUtli iind Mason Ms KTi5 n in . Denier" Vestibule Limited . 10 15 n m 1 Had wood Kxpress 7 10 p in , Denver Kipre.ii . . . . 7 10 p in . . .Denver Kvpnsss . . 5.00 p m Lincoln Limited UCxicplSun ) 8 15 a m ) . Lincoln Local . Leaves I 1C C . 41' .1 A O. U Omaha. | nnd Mtson Sis .1,10 n ml . .Knnsas City Dny Kxnress I 6 .V > p ni 94i p inK. | C. Night Kxp vl U. I' . Tr in < | I , 40 n in leaves I UNION PAC1MC I Arrives Omaha [ Union DepotlUlli nnd MnrcySls.l Omah.i sTllO a ml Hentrlco Kxprcss 700 p m" 1000 n ill . . . Denver Kxnre.n 500 pin 215pm Overland ! Iyer U 15 p m 4 30 p in sA I-airfieldIIxex ( bun ) 12 55 p in U K ) p m . . . .Paclllc Kxprois. 11.25 m ( Joint * I C1I1CACO , U. I A PACIFIC I From 1C ast f Union Depot IDlh A , Mureybts | Kast 1UUO n m Atlantic. KxprcBM | liJO p in 4 05 p m Vestibule Kxpresj . . . | 1.10 p m 11.10 p m Mclit l.\iremi | . . . | .140 a in liolm ; I CHICA.L ( ) , It. I , A I'ACIIIC I 1-roin Went I Union Depot lOlli nnd Mau-y Sis j West l.SU p ml . . . .Denver Limited . . 1140 } i ia 70i _ p ui\ \ „ IjeiiTor Kxprcss. . . | 7-IO n in Lenvca | CH1CAIO , MIL A si' . 1'AULIArilro Omalial U. 1' . depot and Muruy bts I Oniiilin t > 20 p ml . . . . .Chliaifu Kxpress , . IIX ) p ml . . . . Chlcano Kxprcss Leaves I rilOUA CITY A 1'ACIHC Oiniilial llepot. lOlli nml M n i cy bts. 7.20 a ml. . . blouxCUy I'UkseiiL'er . . " . .llo.tup m 5rpm | SI I'uul Kxpre s . .llOOOn m Ixinvcs I SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC , Arrives Oinnhnl Depol. I5lh nnd Webster sis Omaha 645 p ml .SI. Paul Limited I'.i it n m Leaves CIIICAIJOA MWTIIWKsTlIUN I Arrives Omaha i' ' I' llepoti , Kith ami SlurcySls _ | _ Omaba 7 20 n m ( lx. ! Sun'y ) Carroll Pusscnirer llu 20 p m 11 20 a m , Chicago Kxpress . . lJUju m fi 00 p m . . . Vestibule Limited . . . . U.KJuni 9 15 p m . . .Kastern Hyer . , 215p m 7 UP p m ( Kx BatjChlo l n ( Hx Mon ) | HOtn m leaves OMAHA A bl\ LOUIS ( Arrives OmalinlU. 1' . dcpol , 10th nud Mnrcy Sis | Omaba 410 p nil . . . SI l.onln Cannon Hill. II1 ' 15 p m if. , bf l'.t'4l i O { Arrives Omaha Depol , I5lh unili.Welinler Hla I Omnlia 8 10 u ml Slcux City Aeioiilinodntlon ! HO ) p m I 00 p ni Sioux City Kxpr4iiU < Kx \llit \ p m 5 45 p in . . . .St. 1'aill iMuiltui 1)25 u in 615 11 m llnncrod PaiiuuiOiHKx I 8 45 a m Iji > ea I MlSSOUHTn-SCIKIC. Arrives Oniahal Depot 15111 nniTATabster bl _ I Omaha 10 W a ml .SI , LoulK.VnTpreis li JO u m U.Wpml . , , .Sl. Louli'l xpH'ss _ 5.10 p in Leaves CHIOAO ! , Id IF * PACIFIC. Arrived Transfer Union Depot ivt'iincll Illuffi Transrur I , ) i m .NlKbl Kniirrs * , . II 20 n m 10 to u ru . . , , , . , AllaulldEatprcis . . P m 4 JO p m Vrttlbult Limited p m I .oaves r icru ; HTrJofiTc. n. { Arrives Transfer Union Depot. f Aincll H In IT a iTransfur 10M1 a ml..Kaunas City J/uy Kxpress . 5 ij p in 10 15 p ni.Kan | u Lltv N'lHUl Kxprim. I 11.20 u in Leaves i.'IHCAdO , HUirrrN'A QUINCVArrlvo | Transfer ITransfer , Chicago Kxpruai. . . . . 6.40 p m . CblcuKo Kxpruti . , . UJi u m . . Crualon Local . . . . . 7.15 u m leaves j UMAIIA AST. Arrlvei Trantfer ] Unlon ItepQ1. Council Illutti Trunsfer * " ' ' 4 40"o uTT | bt'TxTuTi'tanb/t. . U 15 p m blOUXClTV'APACIKld I ArrlTeT" Union Depot. Council lllutf * 'Truiufur ' . .btoux City AooQiumodutlou..ilUH'J p in HI. PaulKxprui 1 1)40 n m 1ASU T V * ClilCAdO A NOllTHWKSTKIlN Arrival 'Irausfcr Union DepoUCouucll lllug jTranlfer l.'OI p m . . JUO'p ui 515 p m , .Ve llbulo Llmltoil. . . , 'J. 10 a in 1000 p 111 Kuiloru I'lrer 1 10 p in 8IX ) p m ( Kx bat ] Atlantic Mall | Kx Mon ) 7.1J a m 7.40 u ill Carroll IXuniiiier * , 1000 p ru 55 rPISO'S CURE FOR tUKIS WHtKt All USE FAIli. l Cough Byrup. Tuteitiood. UN In time. Bold lij druirnUU. WHAT TO DO WITH THE NAVY Secretary Tracy Figuring on Making Some Changes in the Fleet ! , MAY MAKE TWO PACIFIC SQUADRONS Y Southern Station May He IXiiblUlicd ns the ItoMilt ol tlio Chlllnn Trouhles The .Ships nnd Who Will Contmnm ! Them. v , D. C. , Fob. 1. What to do \vllli tlio uavrtl voxels , now tbat the Chlllnn excitement has dloa out , Is the question tbat Is agitating Secretary Tracy's mind. The department soonis in no hurry to withdraw Autlna Uonr Admiral Walker's squadron from Montevideo , or the Uoston or the Vork- town from the southern Pacific , but n re distribution of ships nnd some changes in tiaval commands may bo looked for. it Is likely that advantage will be taken nf the unusuallr largo number of vessels in both the Pnclllc and southern Atlantic stations to carry out the long contemplated project of dividing the 1'acillo stations into two coin- man as one to bo known as the noith Pnclllo and the other ns the south Pnclllc. There nro ulrcnrty a sufilclont ntimbor of vessels nt Snn FrBticlsco nnd the other points 0,1 the north Pnclllu to maka n rcspoctaulo Hoot , and by adding the Chicago or Newark ns llngshlp , nnd ono or two of the vessels from tboso In the south Atlantic to the Bos ton or Yorlttown. now nt Cnllao , n good sized Bqundfon would be established In the south Pncllto. Ono of the new vessels , probably the Ualttmoto , will bo soul to the Asiatic station us llngsitlp. llils would still lenvo Acting Hear Adtntrnl Brown with the San Francisco , Charleston , Mohican , Pensacola , Iroquols. Kingcr nud Adams to look after the Intcrnsts In tlio noith I'nclllc. caloliy nt the Hawaiian islunds , Samoa , nlonir the 1'nclllc coast , und In tlio summer tlmo In the Uoring sea. With the addition of the ships named to the south 1'nrlllu , thcro would thus no twelve vessels in Pncltlo waters that could bo concentrated nt nny point In the Pnclllo where there Is llucly to bo trouble within a fortnight or so , wlillo each of the ileots , wnoro ucttng Independently , could bo keeping constant surveillance of Ametlcan Interests within their respectivelimits. . Pilor to the Chilian revolution tnero had not boon nn American navnl vessel in the south Pacillo for several years , and the ves sels that belonged to the station were so much needed in the north Paclllu that it be came necessary to send Commodore McCnnn with the Ponsacola around the Horn front Montevideo when the Chilian trouble ilrat bounn. The command of the south Pacltla station , In cnso It is ojtaulishod , woulit probably fall upon Hear Admiral A. E 1C. lionham , who is next in order for n squadron command. Ho was booked for the south Atlantic , but Ills orders uoro canceled wtioti it was decided to send Walker there. The sautb Atlantic is likely to ba vacant again pretty boon , for it is generally understood that Ad miral Walker will bo ordered home and given command of the north Atlantic station when Kcar Admiral Gbcrardi's time expires in the spring. In fact , his orders to the south Atlantic weto ofllciolly designated as only temporary unil were for the purpose of having lbi > licet available for service in Chilian waters if it became nccossnrv. ll'jar Admiral GhorarOi's three years' tour expires February 28 , but as there is certain work in connection with tbo acquisition of the coaling station in the West Jnuies that ho desires to complete , ho will probably con- llnuo in command until late in the spring. Tf there nro no now developments of an un favorable nature In the Chilian matter , ho will bo ordered to return to the West Indies shortly after his arrival at Montevideo , which should bo about the middle of the week. It Is the desire of the department to k"cp coal bills down as low as possible until .lulv 1 , ns there is already a largo deficiency to bo reported in consequence of extensive cruis ing done during the year and the secretary is nnxiou" to keep it from growing uny lar ger than is absolutely necessary. The proprietors of bnlvatton Oll.tho prcnt- est cure on earth for pain , will pay a largo rewatd if any certlllcato published by them is not found genuine. Tom , Dick and Hnrrv appear again with tholr grandmother's ' recipes for coughs , etc. , but the people know Dr. liull's ' Cough Syrup too wall. WINTIMl To Summer Landli tlio Wuhiili IContu The Wsib.iah nro now soiling round trip ticketa good returning Juno 1 , 16U2 , to nil the winter resorts in Ten nessee. Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia , Florida , North and. Soutli Carolina , Louishui'i , Arkansas and Texas. The quickest and best route to the Hoi Spring * of Arkansas. For tickets and full information in regard to roitea east or south call at VVab.ish olHco , 1502 Farnnin street , or write G. N. Clayton , N. W. Puss. Agt. KNIGHTS OF LAB OB. Annual Munllng of tlin Sluto Assemblies The Work In Mglit. The nnnuul assembly of the Nebraska Knights of Labor was convened yesterday in Unto City hall. There are sixtf-slx branch assemblies of the Knights of Labor in the state of Ne braska , containing n membership of between 15,000 and 2J.OOO. The uxucl strength of the organization is a m.Utar that is kept secret , so fnr ns possible , among the knights thom- solvos. Thoio are nineteen local assemblies In Omaha with a mornbcishlp of about 5,000 active woikcrs. Each local assembly Is entitled to three delegates In the annual state assembly. It Is expected therefore that the assembly now in session will biing together lf > ( ) or more earnest mem bers of the order und the meeting will con tinue about three days. Homo of the loading workers present yos- tcrdily tit the hour named for tlio assembly to convene woio J. II. Powers of Cornell , ox- piosidonl of the National Farmers Alliance ; W. H. Doch , master workman of the Ne braska Knights of Labor : Adolph d'Allo- mand , secrottry-treasuterNntlonnl Farmers' Alliance ; J. II. Craddlck , Lincoln ; J. M. Thomson , sactoinry-troasuror of the State Farmers Alliance ; L. J. Davis , Lexington ; T. J. Floyd of the Trenton ] { oj'.stor ; J. C. Kadcliff , Straiten , Tlio following members of tbo oxccutivo commlttco wcro also present ; ( loorgo Hluko , Lincoln ; L. C. lluck.IIoldrldgo , and Chnrlos Millar of South Omaha. Mr. Ansion Bigolow , the state secretary , was on hand with an arm load of books and rocoras. Mis , Hosa Woods , state foreman , was also present. The real work of the assembly will not begin until today as many of the dolo- gatos.havo not yet arrived , Ono of tbo Important matters of the session will bo the election of of ! I COM which will not take place uutll the last day , WCUI-INO WxTEit , Won , Oct. 23 , ' 09-Dr. Jilooro : My Dear Sir I have just bought the third bottle of your True of Life. It U indeed a "Tree of LIfo. " Doctor , when you so kindly gave mo that first bottle my right side was so lama and sere nnd my liver en larged so much tbat I could not llo upon my right nldo at all. Thcro was a soreness over my kidneys all ol the tlmo , but now that trouble is all over. 1 sleep Just as well on ono side as on the other , and my Mcep rests and refreshes me , and I fool the best 1'vofolt in fifteen joars. and I know that it Is all duo to your Tioeof LIfo. Yours very truly , U. F. Uuiii.Er. For sale by all druggists , llrmieht llurk lor Ti Inl. Chief of Detectives Hazouirlvcd yesterday morning from St. Louis with Julius Schlup , who Is wanted hero for embezzlement and larceny as bailee. The oOicor was on the road with 1U { man for four days , owning to the illness of the latter , who Is suffering from a aovoro attack of rnoumutlsm. It was found necessary to atop over at Kunsa * City in order tbat the patient might receive the necos ary medical attention. DoWltt's Little Karly Uiscri ; best llltlo ill * fordvspopila , 6ur ioumcuuAil breitb. OAUOHT A TRAIN Omnhn Onlccra llmo Dick \Vllnou In ( Jlmrce ilnst lor n .Mluuto. Dlok Wilson , the notorious brother of the llkowlso notorious "Dink" Wilson ofVost Sldo and Glendale trnln robbery fnmo , was nrrostcJ Sunday near Hnnscom park by Park Pollconmti Ooodrlch , but by presence of mind and nudaclous Ij Ing ho managed to got nwny nnd is still at liberty. The ofllcor was on n street car and saw Wilson , "Monkey" Thompson nnd several other tough characters passing along tLo sidewalk. llo had known Wilson from boy hood , nnd nlso know that ho was wanted In St. Louis for safe blowing , nnd ho lost no tlmo in putting him under airest. "What nro you doing thli for ! " nskod Wilson , as ho foil the ofllccr's gilp on his arm. arm."Thoy want you down at police hondqunr- tors nnd 1 nm going to send you down , " was the reply. "Why , I luit cnmo from there , " snld the prisoner. ' 'Tnoy nrrestod mo Inst night nnd the old man Just wont down nnd put up ball for me. You ECO , the My collars were n tittlo too swift for you. " "It looks that ivny , " snld the crestfallen onicer , nnd ho lioavcd n heavy sigh and told Mr. Wilson tbnt ho could go. The lattorlost no tlmo in availing himself of the privilege , nnd ho disappeared around the corner nt nn Arlon gait. Goodrich pondered over the situation n few minutes nnd doubts began to nriso In his mind , which ho decided tosottlo by tele phoning to the police station , so ho ambled over to the nearest drug store nnd called ui > Jailor Havoy. "Havo you had Dick Wilson down there Intel v I" ho inquired. "ffo , but wo wnnt him good and hard. " "You do want him I" "You bet. There's dollars In It. " "I arrested him n low nilnlltaa npo. " "For God's snko bang onto him till the wagon can got out there. " " 1 lot him go , " replied Mr. Goodrich regretfully - grotfully , wlillo his voice unconsciously dropped sovcial degrees. "Tbo you snv , " murmmod Mr. Hnvoy , nnd then In tones of supreme dis gust no added , "did you call a catrlago to tnko take nltu to the depot i" Goodrich fell too mUorablo to take offense nt anything that tongno could utter , nnd ho started to ox plain how It happened , but Hnvoy had dropped tbo telephone nnd was exorcising his vocabulary of Volnpuk. Several of the detectives wcro in the sta tion nt the time , nnd tboy soon learnud of whnt had lianspltod. They unllmbotod in a huiry and the way they fell over each other gettingup stairs was n caution to accident insurance companies. Detective Vaughn , who was sitting in a cor ner humped up wltn tbo grip nnd winter cholera , fotgot his aches and pains and Joined hi the chnso. Hut it wns u useless waste of energy , for although Hausrom park and vie- mitv wcro scoured until there was haidlv n dead leaf left It rovcalcd no trace of Mr. Wil son , .vho Is still enjoying the privileges of a law abiding American citizen. Wilson was nrrostrd in St. Louis for tbo job ho did thoro. but ho secured bail nnd promptly jumped U , slnco whicn time ho hns oscnped successful npprohonslon. The local authorities suspect him of the burglary und safe blowing nt Troltschko't snloon , Thlitconth nnd Howard , sovornl nights ago , nnd want him on thnt score. If unable to convict him of that crltno ho would bo turned over to the St. Louis authorities. You've No Itloa How nicely Hood's Sarsnpnnlla hits the needs of people who fool "all tirou out , " or "lun down , " from any cause , it seems to oil up the whole mechanism of tno body so that nil moves stnoothlv nnd work becomes a positive delightBo sure to got Hood's. ' Hood's Pills act especially upon the liver rousing it from torpidity to Its natural duties cuio constipation nnd assists digestion. Tin ; Cuti-di ! Camp UM Itniiinnt. Crecdo Camp promibos to become a second Leadvillc. The number of people - plo going into tills wonderful camp is unprecedented in the history of Cole radoe.xcoptouly during thoLiGiidvillo ex citement. It is estimated that now the townsito is located , that there will DO ton thousand people in the cnmp by June 1. The now discovery is only reached by the Denver it Rio Gnindo railioad , and there is no staging. HuHr.ill'H 1'nrlc at StirrlS.ilc. ! ShonfT'-s bales of ical estalo arc usually un interesting , but yoUorday there was ono that drew a crowd. It was the sale of the Hnscall park on South Thirteenth street to satisfy a Judgment in favor of Christian Spocht and others for WS.O'.iO. ' Bidding started at a. , OI)0 ) and wont1,000 n Jump until the f.VJ.000 liguro was reached. Tbcro was n lull in tno pioccodings until Specht ventuicd $ wK,100. ) Then thcio was another bulgu and flOOU bids wet o in order , The tract , containing cloven acres , was at last knocked down to Specht. who slntos that ho will hold the property us o private park , subject to sale to the city upon reasonable - enable terms. o Spoopi'iul ) IMI'H Ti onlili-H. Have I got n cough f Do you think I'm nn omnibus and can't cougbi Woll. of nil the dodgastod women I ever saw hero I've coughed for seventy days and you want to know if 1'vo got u couL-h. Now. Mrs. Spoop. ondyko , I want that bottle of Hnllor's Sure due Cough Mcdlcino you hear } AIIIOIIK Military .Hen. Captain Clnpp started from Pine nidgo agency Inst Saturday with his company of Sioux Indians on loutc for Fort Douglas , Utah , where the company will bo furnished with equipment and tiiKu up quarters. Lieutenant I'd waul U. Hnrdin also completed the iccrulting of hid company of Indians and bus been ordered to Sun Cailos , Arl. Arl.General General Wheaton returned vrsterday from Washington after a lonvo of absence of ono month. He appears to think his chances for appointment as bilg.idlor mo very fluttering und altogether satisfactoi y. Spciopendj lie Him . \Kthnm and ho spent thirty two minutes trying to tell his wlfo to go to thunder and got iJitr bottle tlo of Dixon's Asthnm Curu , and sue ( poor thing ) lluttciod around and btought some broth and n hair brush and things , nnd Spoopondvlto nearly died , but he got the Asthma Cnro finally and then well , I'm sorry for his wlfo. Dr. nirnoy.euros catarrh. Hun bldg THE GENUINE JOHAM HUFF'S ' MALT EXTRACT Is the best nutrlttvo tonic In cases of dvHpopsln , for the wouk nnd tlobilltntccl , ami ( luring convalefacoiice. Ahva.vs ask for tlio Vmiuiuo 'Moluuiii HolT'a , " which nuiht linvo the eitrnaturo of "Joliaun Ilotl" on the noou of o very bottle. A new and Complete Treatment , loiinlillnu or huppoiltorles. Ointment III Capsules also In llox and Plll a I'nultUo Uiro for Kiternal , luteriial , llllnil or lllcudlut ; ItcMiiK. Chronlu , Itmenl or Hereditary Piles 'Mils llcmedy luia never heun known to fall II Per box ( I fnrfj ; nunt hr mall \\liy nutfer from tlilt terrible illnuas i when a writ' len Kuannveu Is I'osltlvuly clvuii with o boiei , lo ret und tbo money If not cured Hend stamp for Jreo bample ( iiiarantou IsiuuJ by Kulm A Co , Drunulm , Solo AKIIUU , cormir 15lh uud Pouyla * tHC'U , Omaha , Neb 1)11. ) K. O WliaTB NKIIVK AND I1UAIN I1IKAT- MENJ'.n tpoclUofor lljiterlu , DlKlnuo. Flit , Neu. r lv'ln , ll ndncbc , Ncrrom Proitratlon cautod by at- rohol or tubu < cuSukuf uLxlu. Menial Itopruitlon , boflculnx of lb llraln , i J lu < IntHDlly. mliory. decay , dcaili , I'ruiuaturo Old AKS. lurruniioii. Luis of Power In either ie , I in potency , Ixjiicorrhoca nnd II Komalu WeAknoHttti , liivulunlHry J.u ui , huttr- . maUirrhoea cauieil by ori'r-eiitrtloii of Ibu brain , ellbu e , orer-lndulucuou. A'uunlhs trtatiuent II , 6 for IJ. by mall Wo ( iiiamnt a nix b'ne , io lure ICachorder forlitoxvt , with 14 will send writ ten Kiiarnnle luriifuud If not cured. ( junr nlco lisuud niily by A hUmiler , Diuvtnil > olu , ' 0iit , H K , cor. ll > tU uJ 'urn tu > U. , Ouiulu. Nuts WONDERFULLY SUCCESSFUL MR I N GUILL , OF THE ANNEX , 223 N 16TM STREET. DESCRIBES HIS EXPERIENCE. Ho itinKr * n plain nml stral lilfii\Kird stntciiicnd I'olpus tniiiors.-'i'liclr i-nu c nntl euro. Drs. Coiolnti(1. | Slicpunt ntul MntisfliiM nro notably If not vroiulorrullv sni'ri > ftil In trcntliitf nni ) uurliigoAtiirrli In thN region the roliitiiiisof tlin dully p.ipnrs slum lui/ontl n doubt , AntitliiT EiMitlointiM to fninlsli tllrool nnd oinphtitli' t < < 4tlinotiy ( if the rrmtlM nf thi'li troatnu'iitls Mr. I. N Onlll , of the AIIIIOT , ! 3 . liith mtcut llo suys : "My CKtnrilml troulilL lioRiin nboitt tlirco years nco , nlth the titklnnof it lumvy coltl. U mtxurst'uiniMl to Kut ontltoly wulli nml tiflur Hint \\ould uatch coltl on tlmillshtr-itoxjio-i- tiro. Tlioro would bo n imln In my hoiicl. dull. tu'liliiR fiuihiiK In DIP. forulioiul. my vvot would bo dim. th'jio iniil | 1m iliiKlnf mm bit/rlnj ; unices In my rnrMy nostrils would dli- olinrso. I would hnvu olioklnssniothoiInK Muills nt nlclil. Hpnts would bufouxinjr rj ( > * . ntul tlioroould lie tlnu'ihun I wonlil Imvo n ( llrry , swIiiiiuliiK sunxntlon , IIUu Nor- tliro. . "At Init llttto ttimoM , tluit the doolon culled n imlvpu * . liesau to grow In my uoso. nnd I could MiatToly lirontlu through my noi- trllsiitnll. 1 couliln'l ot i-ost ut nlulit mill I \\ould KOt up In thn mornlm ; tuoro tlreil tbnn when I wimttobi'U. I fultsloupy mill MIL i. .v. nuir.i. . of the Anm'x.3. ! ! > N' Kith strucl all the tlmo Mini mv atomauh WIIH ulTVctod , ai | pntltiMvaa pour , food rented llko lend In mj1 stomach , lu fact , when I wunttoDrs ( 'OIKV lund , hliup inl and Muusllnld , the oainiiH hail voiiiplutuly uuilormliii'd my constitution. Tlio > rcmovoil the iiolj pus without p ilnlni ; mo In the least , tro.iteil my vnlni rli i ocularly , and as a result I am lll > o a now mail 1 sleep well and feel well lam clad to adil my tes timony to tiio OVllll'IK'll Of till ) sUIII Of tllUSU physlulaiiM Thux nro kind , palnstuMiif : 0011- bulontlim and skillful " Mr Rnlll n.iu lie seen at his plaeo ofbiislnes-i whuro ho will \oilfy his statement. Tliclr CrodtMitlnN. Aslina lieen slid. Dr. W 11. Copolntid was urea tlont of his class at llollavuo HtHpltal Modlcnl Tollo c. New Vork , where ho uated. the most famous Institution of Us kind In the country. Ills .llploimi hears the written imdorso'nent of the modlcil authorities of Now Yurie , of the do ma of nrumuuml modlo il collozcs In I'annsylvanla Ur. T. It. Mansfield's ( redoutIlls are no less -ibuiidant and iinin il- Hied , llo also Is formally Indorsed by the sun- ret.irlosnf various enmity and Htatu medtoal societies. Tbo > > e cciitlemun. after thoroiuli hospital experience and priolloi1. have do- xoteil tholr lives to the practice of tlielr xpoe * ties , with what success the columns of the dally papers show I > 1 ( . O. K SIIEI'AUI ) . who was nrcsldcmtot his ul.iss at Uusli Medleal colloRe. L'hk'.iao , which Is acknowledged to be the leading In stitution of Its Kind In the went. Is now asso ciated wltb the C'ouol inn Medical Institute , Dr. Slionard's thorouch hospital experi ence and hjioelal study of the diseases of the eye. nose and tliroit. n ace hlm iiK sped illstsln the west. ROOMS 311 AND 312 , New York Life Building Cur. 17th anil Farnam Sis. , Oiniiln , Neb. \V. II COI-HI.AND. M. D. C. S. SlIKI'AUD , M. D. T. H. MANbriKW ) , AI. D. Consulting i'hyslclans ' Spooliltos : Oitarrli anil all dlso.isof of tin Dye. Kir. Tliroit and Ijiitivs. Norvoim Dls- o iscs. bkln Diseases. Oluonlo Diseases Dllluu Iloiua 0 toll a. m. , 'J to 5 p m. , 7to9p m. MindaylD.i in to4p m , troubles and klndmd dlsonui Itcnted Hiiccessfully by in ill. Hend 4a In stamps for iiuostlon circulars Address nil letters to Copeland Medical Institute , .Now York I.lfa Hullillni ; . Umalia , Neb $5 A MONTH. OATAU1MI AND KINDUKO TUICAI'I : ! ) AT TIM : UMPOIIM it ATI. 01n A MONI'll UNPIIj Al'ltIL 1UTII MIIDI- flNKS riKNIhHiD : VKKtt. LEAVES A DELICATE AND LASTING ODOR. An Idea ! Complexion Soap. FnrnnlnliynllTlniRnnd KanoyJondiiTeiilersorlf ilimlilntiiprnriirothlii Wonderful Noni , Hi'lirt Sti ren ( In stninin anil rocclvon cnkoliy rofnrn mull , JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. NVIIOTAT.-SlmnrtmillPllK Vfnltt ( tlio impulnc RoclntT Widt < ) Hent I'1C P. I' to nnvnno eunillnu US Uirco wrappers of HUuiidon Hulls Bouu. The Most Effecviie Tonic in LA GRIPPE Till * preparation strike * at I heoat of Ihu oII liy ruitorlnn qulcklr nnd i-iroiluahy the milrlllvu function ! of tlio debilitated tystem. Sold I > 1) All l"ruiiiHlrt. ( K. KOUOiariA K. OO. , Auuiith for ir 8 CtJ , iiH fUO .North William BL , N.Y. IFURCATED YOKE SUSPENDER THE LATEST. oft til * thuuldcr I m lion- Ib'r. ' Aik jour dforrfor them or i > J Jloofur uuni plo lulr tu l.uro Co. , Ctl lu bl I'rlurv bt , Ntw WOODSCl PENETRATING PLASTEFLJ In U < K ' ( Otlicri U comparison ere * Iow or DKAII * ltufftrtuKU7 WOUD'S PLASTER. H I'fliirlrHtM , IU > llcvo , ( 'UK s. AM Druii ; ! ti nflOMT A BANDAI.WOOl ) CAI'HDLKi are tin III11III I U boil and only capiulut prei rlbud by UUUU I n ru.uar | , liclau | * fur thil cur ot -rrlift and dUoliartiui frjmtliu urlnnry uricaaii c * Iniduyi ll upor t. All drufvlil/ .