0 THE OMAHA DAILY HElArKSDAY , FEBRUARY 2 , 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Wheat Opened Weak and Lower With Much Bearish News. PARDRIDGE WAS A LEADING FIGURE lln nn Kffiirt Win Muilc to Cntrli tlio Darliiic Operator Oirrntm kr-d lint Without Surer * * Activity In Stocks nnil llouila. CIIICAOO , III , Toll. I. Wheat opened weak and lower tills mornlnir , ntnl n tlio news v/ni nearly all of n bearish iiuiillty tunny traders looked for u sharp break. Cables were weak with Liverpool depressed and ono penny loner. Domestic mnrUets wore lioavy and tending downward , Hocolpts In tlio northwest vvnro Inrper and foreigner * wore free sellers at tlio noaboard. Tlio market , however , was very ntoady for a considerable part of tlio forenoon In tlio neighborhood of tlio slight opening reductions In values , being sustained by nn unexpectedly Rood demand. I'ardridao was a heavy btljor , landing nboiitall that was offered attWo ! commission - mission houses also had buying orders at th.it figure , tlio scalping crowd tailed on and the loiters were BOOH balled out. Then a cold wavu was reported IIB threatening the winter wheat bolt west of the Mississippi river , and us thny have hud recent liberal rains whcro the wheat plant Is exposeI , fours were fell that a short freeze would do material Injury This helped to dm olop considerable strength and thoio was iv gradual npwaid turn. Tliu visible supply probabilities also pioved u Rlrongthonlng fautor It was estimated on Saturday thut nn IncreaKo of MO.lOO b . woulil bo shown , hut as the figures came In It became ovldimt that only that there would Do heavy buying. ' 1 ho heavy buyers wltb more coml- dcncuand I'lirurhUo cnhllnulnu to uuy , an apntcclatlon of * * c alllioopcnlng wassocured. 1'ardrlil o wns Ihoccnlial llguro of the ult , and his operations vreru prou.ibly the most p-jtent fnctor.n llxlnjr values. It w.is uudur- stood that ho sold f > UO'ioo bu on sales at from tK)5 ) o to Hi'tC. ' lluylng against those by h"s brokers was \ery slmrp and helped In give the market Its strong bias In splto of the hour sh charactei of the general nous It WHS part of tin ) gossip that If I'.irdrhlBo's wheat was called no would be short fully 10uoOOvO hu. and that the crowd would malic a v 'Borons ' cirorl to run him In. There w is con- Blilerablo buying In view of this possibility. When the advance culminated the ciouil wasuiiiln disappointed forCutlor , I'urdrldgo's inost promlnenl bro'.or ' , began Milling heavily , and In spite of the clforts of Coster-Martin , who were reported to Inoo bought l.OOU.OJU bu , of I'ardridgo's e ilis and who worcH.iid tohavu 4,1)0000 ) bu In all , pr ces liecan tu weaken and linlfofthe advance was lost. It tinned up homo later and closed steady. May stnrtod ntllJo agjlnt MUo 'it the close on Silurday. tunchcd b'J'.c. ' advanced to DJ' c , broke toUi'iuand ' closed utl ) 'ie. Corn wns Mrong and somcwhu higher ; the local receipts were moderate and contained none of the contr.kct grade : the ilomand from the east kxcps I'cnorous , the wet weather lu the southwest w.is a inthcr strong factor us wuHthostrenKthlnuhc.it. May opened ' ,0 lower at 40Jio and under liberal covering ad vanced to4P e. then glow ijulcl and easy and closed at 4lc. Uats were without feature , Hog products opened lowui thu receipts of Hvo hogs ut the v.uds weto 4 > ,000 , U.liO above the estliualo ; prices were quoted lOc loner. I'rodm'tK symp'itlilred with tlio ho , ? market In the early trading , then thcro were several lltllo rallies and recessions and the innrlcut finally closed steady at slight changes from Saturday's final figures. I'sllmatcd receipts foi tomorrow : Whent , 2" 5 oars : corn. H2t ) cars : oats , Ko cars : hogs , UKOO head. The leading futures ranged us follows : Onsh quotations were as follows : 1 I.OUH hto.uly aim unchanged. W n BAT No. 'J sprliij ! wheit , flii' e ; No. iprlm ; wheat , 7IHfT ( 'c ; No. 2 rod. NH't@b9c. CoilN btondy ; No II yellow. yOSQa. c. OATS No. 2 , 29c ; No. 2 will to , dOJl'ie ; No. 3 while , a ) ! o. Kvt-No. a , Tfl'Jc llAin.KV No. ' . ' , 6lV3" > Sc : No II , 445iJ3c : No. 1'I.AX hKED No. 1. Ole. TIMOTHY bhPii I'rlinc , * 1.2fSI.29. I'OIIK Mess pork , iior bhl , J8.flO ; lard , pel- cwt , K)4' ) ' > < : short rllis skies Uooiol , tM3H < & 671 ; dry Halted shoulders ( boxed ) . Merino 4.71 ; bhort clear Bides ( ho\ed ) , $ WXao.O\ ( WHISKY Distillers' finished ooUs , per gal. , r-IKlAllS Out loaf nncllMlKlld. Itccelptb nnd shipments toiUy were as fol- ( Jin f.SB rirni ; full cream choddara , II ® ll'iej lints , lltolliro ; Young Americas , Ute Uc. ilipES-Unchanrrd ; wet salted Now Or leans selected , 41 to 7 } Ibs. , dLWe ; today's se lected , n i to ( A ) 11)8 ) . KLWc. 'J ALLOW Unchanged. Ni-vv Vork .Market * . NMV VOIIK , 1'ob. 1. I'l.otw-Ucoolpts , 34,571 packngcH : mportH , 108.000 barrels. 8.IOJ sucks : mill and heavyj silos. 15,4V ) bbln ; low ex tras. tJ.2ViM.Kij winter whelil low grades , M,2Mi.l.H5j fair lo fancy , M.U ffi4.8) ) ; piitonts , f4 4Var > .13 ; Minnesota clear , tl.oOfc4.7J : straights H.irxai1.0Jiitralght : : ' ont , * l f > ' , ffl5.2.\ Wnuvr-Hecolpts. 12J.O.O bu : exports , 15S- 1-87 bu t sales , HIVWO bu. futuios , H',000 Pu. npot. Spot market unsettled , olohlng easy and dull ; No. 2 rod. JI,0iSI | ( OISJ In toro anil ole- \atori JI.OK31 UIUulloatil.ulMH.u4l4 f. o b. : Nil. 3 red , UMsOi ungraded red. UjJji&tl.mV H0 , % . -.1 "orthern , | .t4 | No. 1 hard. l.Ofi > 4Oi,00 % ; No. 2 northern , way ttlfJe. OptloiiB declined < ai18i ! on dall and iloiirusseil uabliM and fieer Interior le- eelptHi adviinced , © ' ,0 on a decrease lu the vlmblo and Liverpool slocl.H : dccllnod t&\ ( } on helling by western opiiratorn , o'oscd steady at kdCUe under Hiiturdny'M. No. 2 red , Kohrii- ury. * iui'(3l.oil ( ! , ulosluu nt J oi ; Aln e-li l.uiijffll.ftt'i. cloBlng at Jl.O.-I April , l U2 j closing nt I.O'M May. * l.OJ . < ( Jl.ui } { . oloBlng Rl.tl.umj Juno. toW c. ofoiliiK nt iwjot Ju y , O7',4i')7'ic ) , closlne at H7 e. UVK Dull and lower ; western. IKVUOlo htocka of grain In store and ulloiit January Bfl ! Wheat , ! V.iMUiU ( bu , ! corn , 1,1114 tXJ.1 bu ' oatH. l.l.U.WII bu iivo , SW.4J7 bu. : malt , 6J,7u' bu. ; barley. luT.Hfi bu ; peas 8,200 bu. llAiiiBi-luUi ) No. 2 Mllvvnitkoe , 00ffi71e. lUllt.F.V M ALT Dull. UiuiN-HecelptB. Ml.avi bu. ; exports. 47,5011 . PI * LI * ifi > Ak\i | VHV'OV.'I iii > > w tllliu ifctUi il Ut u 47i5H- ! ; bteamor mixed , iS'jtt.Wio. Options declined from ' , e to He with wheat , advanced fiom J.o lo * , o on lulu receipts , Hold off fiom > iO to lioon teallzlngnnd closed weak with IcbriHirv' 1111 und others purtly Uc down : rebruHry. 4S'.d4s'4c. eloslmJ at Vuj.ci Murch 4i'4 4liStP. eloslmj at 4ino : April. 4H ( , t i > Vc ( ! loslngat4Ujfe ; lay , 4SH41ilio , cloblug nt ' ' " olO8lnimt48Jc. ! UATH Hucolpts. US.OOO bu , : oxportH , none ; tales , Uul'.ooo bu. of futures ! Wojo ) bu. of spot epol ruarxct Irregular and oulot , uloiluii bleadleri options weaker , moderately nctlvoi Kebriiury. Il.y(3.UUc. ( elo.lug asuc March aad'So ( , oloslug ,0'ici MuyVc , closing JU e : iliot , No. 2 white , a ' { o : mixed western. : i\a jlfo ! whtto wi'steru , U7illJcj No , 2 Chicago , il AV Easy and quiet. Hlii'H Knsy and ijulct , PudAii Haw , active , easier , closing Ktn idyi centrifugals , Ufl test , a 1,1-JVc ; sales , A.WO bnus rent rlfnguls. DO test ut 3 > , Q.U 7-1 Co , a.5 0 bags cenlrlfugaU. 0(1 ( test at J lU-ltV. U2i.V : ) bags llnull , bt test at 210-'JSc , 22 hhils and l.hOJ bugs inubcovudu , b9 test nt Jo ; re 11 nod qulot and easy. The outblno quotations uro thbso posted tiy the trust ! lnshlo , over the rebate ! No. U , UUfcl'kC ; No. 7 , No. U , 3&-1GQU 7-lboi No. to. al4tej > o ! NO. ii.aa-iottao-inoj NO. 12 , al " SJUuj oil A. JU-lflttJV powdered. 4iV4io ( MOI.ABSKS-NOW Orleans , btomly and ctilet. KICK Steady and quiet. I'KTiini.Miu-Qulot and steady ) united cloned ult.G3 for March. COTTON S-KEU Uii.-1'lrui crude 25i | j yellow l TALLOW-Dull. KOSIN Steady. Tuill'tNTlNt Meiuly and quiet at 2.T6-t5 > ii > , liju ( I.lL-ht receipts ; Urmor ; uesturn , Ltic ; receipts. 1,71" packugts. I'OIIK-btcady | mess , I0.751TT3 ( | extra jirlmc , HXfiO. Cur MKATS-Qulot ami linn ; middles , quiet nnd llrm. - Opuued vicuki clotocl dtcaQyj western Maim closed nt H77'4 ' : option ealo , 1,000 tlercei ; I'cbruary. JO.7.1 bid ; March , IJ.6lQfi.b9i May. M OIQfl UP. closing nt ffi OS bid. HuTTKit-Qiilel , nnn ! western dairy , 18 ® 230 ! vTeslornrreampry.2S3.Hiic ! wcslorn fac tory. ir/4o { iiititii2u.rj : : < ip. ( 'IIKF.SR I air demand. Ilrnii part skims , C © 10'iP. 10'iP.no IilO.v-Dull nd Mondv ! American , rni'ppn-Ptoatlyi Irko , J10.TO LEAP Dull , stonily ; domc tlc , JI.M. Tl.v-Qulet. stondix tlralls , ( U'.OO. ' Otniihii Proilurr Mnrket. ' . fJ.IWJi rntTlTB-t'allfornla rhprsldo oranges. 5.01 ; Washington navoli , I.I.7.V3I 00 ; California langorlncs , $ .l.0 < ) per hot ; I'lor Hi a oranges , rlkhts , fJ.7iVft.uiO : russets , 5J.13S2.00 ; L'lorlda tanircrlnos , J,1,502 , ) OO ! western ripples , tl.T.VHi 2.50 per bbl , , fancy stand might bring nioroi Now York apples. J2iWiJ2.75. VKOKTAIIUH California cabbage. S'c per lb. in crates ; home grow n lettuce , 4 * > o per uo7. Poui.uiv Chlohons , 0270 ! gcoso , ducks and turkeys , Wd.Oc. OAMK No sale for rabbits , will not bring eunuch to pay shipping charges. HirTTEii Pair to good country. I7ai0o ; cliolco country. Iivfi2.'c. ht.ouii-Omnlm .Milling compnny's Hcllanco 1'atont , 12(131 ( Invincible Patent , S2.M : l.ono Htnr Superlative , tiav. Snowllake , 11.00 ; fancy ramlly , JI.M ) ; S. p. Oilman's ( iold Medal , U0. > ! Hnow White. K35 : Snowllake. l..00. low grade $1.00 ; Qtcon of thn Pantry , 12.70. lltl > is-No. t green baited hides , 44l' ! o ! No. 2 green silted hides : : ® 3lic ; No. i green sailed hides , 21 to 41) His , 4'ifM1io ' ; No. 2 green salted hides. 25 to 40 U s. , ; n'l'4iu No 1 veal calf. H to I. ' ) Ibs. , Gc ; No. 2 vc il ealf. 8 lo II Ibs. , 4c : No. Idry flint hides. 7iSc ; No 2dry Hint lndcii. Cain : : No. 1 dry failed hides Office. Tal low. No. 1 , aiiSMet t.il ow. No. 2 , : i'4c : gronso , whlto A , 4G41H1 ! grease , while II. aifYCKIty ; ; gtcase , yellow , 'ic ; grease , dark , 2'4c ' ; old 'flut ter. 25M'4i ! ! beeswax , prlmo , ino : rough tallow. I'44l2c. HAV Market over supplied : t5.005 50 per ton. ton.i i : < ma Muikcl bare ; sales generally nl 23c , Uiough24e waft offered. Duliith Whi-nt Mnrket. Dtn.liTH , Minn. , I'eb. I , 'I ho opening today was considerably weaker al auoiit hS' e , uol- Inrs , on May. The ptluclpal demand was for Iho May option out some trading wns also done In cash wheat. Prices advanced ' o be fore noon. The market , how over , was ner vous and prices Hairirod off again after the noon hour. The weekly statement of stockn of grain In store hero foi the week ended Saturday last shonn : Total wheat In store. 7.IO,0- ( ! ) bu. : nlloit in harbor , 40J.70.I bu. : total wht"it.7,7W.7 ! ( > 2 bu , an Increase of ! OJ.2.'Obu during the week : barley. 20,180 bu : llav seed in store , 2t > s,441 bu. : the close was nt practically the s.imo llgures as Saturday. Thu following were the closing prices : No 1 hard , cash jj.y.,3 ; i ebruary. hl'fce : Mny , P0vo : No. 1 northern , hlc ; I'ebriiaty. Me ; May. 6s' o ; No 2 northern , cash 7sc ; No. ,1.7140 : rejected. 11 'ic : on track , No. 1 hard. 80'ic ; No. 1 north ern , 8V4i % llrltlsli drain Tunle Itcvlcw. LOMKI.V. I'cb , 1. The Murk Lnne Kxprcsg In Its weekly rev lew of the llrltlsh grain Irado s O'.s : Kiullsh wheats have again declined Is. Thorn ha\o been lncroT > od sales at the reduc tion. I'orolgn wheats are depressed ; Cali fornia Is quoted nt 40s .Id and American red winter at 8s.Id. Hurley Is neglected : oils nro dull ; American bring l-s3d ; corn is clllllcnlt to place ; American March shipments have sold as low as 21s 3d. At to day's market I'nL'llsli who its sold slowly at the reduction , all foreign wheats were lower ; American and Indians fid , the pr.ces ot Hour were again sloady. Hood malt ing barley was firm : grinding barley was 0(1 lower. Oats , declined 3d. American Hat corn dropped ( Id ; round was scarce an I fli mly held. Peas wore li Io2s lowe" . Itc.uis and ryoworo no.lected. Linseed and rape need were down Cd. Kansas City Markets. KANSAS Ctrv. Mo. 1'ob. 1 WHEvr The market was weak , duo to the blockade of southern roads No 2. hard sold at 77c ; No. 2 red. 8lc. COU.N Very weak ; No. 2 , IWUc at the Mis sissippi river ; No. 2 whlto , Iffil'ic premium. OATS Woik ; No. 2 mlxoii , fflhs ; No. 2 white , SOc. SOc.HK H\K Steady ; 77cforNo 2. KIA.SIEI : > 8lo on the b isls of purs. HliAN Kiisler ; sacked , ( Tic. HAV Wuak : timothy. } 8.jO ; fancy prairie. M.VH37.00 ; Kood lo choice , fj.soao ( A ) ; low gr ides. 81.00. HfcCin-r Wheat , 19,000 Pu. ; corn , 3,000 bu. ; oats , 4.000 bu. biui'MFNTS Wheat , 2.000 bu. ; corn , I.OODbu ; oats. 1,000 bu. Culler Market. NEW YoitK , I'ob. 1 Options opened steady , 15 points up , closing steaily ; s-iles. 2l,7aObags , including : robiuary. fliOV < ( tj l.i ; March , 8U'.8- > ® l2l'r ; April. JI2.5C1.55 : May , H..40 ® 12.V ) : June. * 2'"i : July. I120' > ® 1.MO ; bop- teiuhcr , { ll.bdQ.ll.t'O ; spot Itto qnlot and firm ; No 7 , 114.00 Hio JA.NKIHO. I'eb. 1. Kngular firsts nom inal ; good seconds U.403 rcls per 10 kilos ; rc- colpls during Iho week. C.1.00J bars ; purchases for the United States. 7.1,000 bogs : shipments to the United btalos , none ; slock , 2J.40J bags. b.VMOS. Kob. I. 1,100 res per 10 kilos ; re ceipts during the weelf , 75,0.0 bans ; purchases foi the UnltoJ btatos. 2I.OOJ bags ; siiipments to the United Stales , none , slock. 503,000 bags. Onmlm ( .ruin Market. Prices based on delivery at Mississippi river points , Nebraska Inspuollon , nnd ton days' shipment , unless otherwise st itoa. Cash grain calls for shipment within Hie clays Hi K No. 2. 81o bid : No a , 7to ! bid. OAtS No. 2 mixed. Rc bid. COIIN No. 2 cash. 3flc bid ; I'obruary , 38 io bid : No. 2 whlto , 37U bit ! . Among the sales were : 5,000 bu. No. 2 white outs. 3Jo : 20.COO bu No 2 corn , St. Louis tciniH , IW'ic ' : IMUU bu. now mixed corn , Balti more ; terms , 'Jl'ic. I.lvrrpool M.nkets. LiVF.ni'Ooi , , Fob 1. WIIKAT Easy ; dom.ind poor : holdois oiler freely ; No 1 California. 7s lH-tlGi s 'id per cental : red western spring , 7s UiiU : No. 2 red w inter , 7s fad7s 8'4d , COIIN ( jtilot ; mixed western , 4s 5J5d per cental foi now. LAIIII I rlmo western , 34s per cwt , Stocks of broadstulls : I'lour. IU',000 socks ; wheat , lMi' ' ,000 centals ; corn , Jll.OOO centals. .Markets. MILWAUKKK , Wls. . I'ob. 1. WHEAT Quiet ; Mny , S7'1c ' ; No. 3 spring , 65e ; No. 1 not them , O'OIIN Qulat : No. 3. 30'5c. ' OATh Ste.idy ; No. 2 white. 31(231Uo ( ; No. 3 white , ! n > iJMc. ( ! . A Mtv-Qiilot ; No.2.55'4o ; sample on track , .I'Krf ' M'/lC. HvE-Qnlet : No. I , SOc. New York Dry ( iooiU 'Market. New YOIIK. I'o ) ) . 1. Iluslncss In dry goods was very fair ; mints and other specialties were Improving : u coed demand existed for brown and colored cottons : line goods con tinued to bo sold ahead , The Garner & Co , shlitlhgs ndMincc I 4'fc , the standard shirt ings advanced to 4o and thu Harmony slilrt- lius advanced 3ic. ! St. l.onlH .MurketH. - ST. l.ouit. Mo , Tob. 1. WiiEAT-lllghor ; cash.r-U'io ' ; May. UI'/iaoHic. O iiiN bieady ; cash. 311140 ; Muy. 7Ko. OATh l.owei ; ciish , 2tiC ) , I'OIIK Stonily : new , IU.75. I.Aitii-Kusy iitJ. ' . ' . " . WlllHKV $1.18. lliix.inii SiiKiir .Market , HAVANA , I'eb I , SUIIAH Qulut ; on Satur day IOOJ Iiagsecntrlfurals07 degrees polarl- /atlon weio sold for speculation iitf.l 21 gold purqulntal. Tomorrow will be obser\ed here ns u holiday. Clnriiilmtl .MiirketH. CINCINNATI , o O , , I'eb. 1. WHEAT Kaslcr ; No. 2 rod , Ulti'U'ie. ' ' COIIN Sleadv ; No. 2 mixed , 40'itt4a3o. ' DATS bluntly No. 2 mixed , 32iJ1SUe. WiiisKV Steady at JI.KL Toledo ( iraln Market. Toi.mo , O. , Kob. I. WHEAT Dull ; No. S , cash , ll.'c. COIIN Dull : No. 2. cash , 39'ic. ' Ovr * Quiol ; No. 2 , cash , XV. rnrclKii Oil .Mtirkft. I.osnos , I'ob , 1. OAt.currAl.t.NSEED-40s. 3d per quarter , l.tNStt u 18a. lOSidai'.i.s per cwt. ChlriiKii Contlilct Sleiks. OmrAco , 111 , Teh. ! . Comrnct stocks in store liuiui Pork. IfiiOOo bbls. l.ard lost U.OOO tierces. Itlhs , 1 .7110,10) pounds. Triulern' TaTliT OniCAiio. Ill , , Teh. I , Kennott , Hopkins A. Co. to H. A , MeWhortor : Weak cables on wheat were offset by the threatened cold wax o following the rains which foil on bare ground. Much Intoiost was taken In the possible effect which tha heavy s deb of culls on Saturday by Pardrldgu must ha\o had on the market and his operations were closely watched. Around OJo ho wan a largo uuyer tnUng all ho could got. On thu bulgu later ho sold freely , evidently to close the market below his calls. Nowshas been ml\ed , hut favorable to holders , I'orelk'ii- orii sent \ery sick cables and are reported toha\u sohf from 2,000,000 10 2.500,0)0 bu. In Now Jork. 'IhlbUu healthy sign. If thuy liuvo quit taking wheat for export und 1:0110 to selling It short In American markets It Is only u initiation of tlmo w lion they will bu lib eral buyers at hlzher prices. The world's bhlpments for the week nro 1,2.M,000 hu. less ilAl'lwJr ! ' ! fIU. ! " ' ' * ' < " ' iok. and more than , , 2 000,000 short of Europoun reiiulioincnts for the week. Uvortmol blocks decreased last month o > or 2UWOUO hu. Cleurances wcro near y 500.000 bu. . and | f Hour bhlpments from llaltlmoru and Philadelphia on Haturduy re ported by letter are included thu exports will SfiBX ? 0Vl 0 > WX ) b , ! ' ; Tll ° ' ' . "croiwe of nearly OOO.O.K ) bu , In the \ ulblo supply uai u. surprlao us the rccolpti at primary inurKolu lust wuek were larger and exports smaller than for the prcvlouB week , bhould the amount on ocean pavsugo Uocrcusu materially and the weather bocotuo tuucU culder tlio ought to bo bolter tomorrow. With receipt1 of corn nt primary markets fiod.ooo loss am exports MJ.OOO bu. moro than for the proceed Ing week , the vlsllilo supply showed n smal Increase. Snturday's exports wuro nbou iXl'.OOO bu. , aim If the mall advices from 1'hlla dolphin and llaltlmoro nrc reliable they * crt 1,210,0)01)11. The mitrkot his Tiecn Hrm hen and elsewhere , nnd the outlook continues en couraglntt for holders. Oats were llrm early tint closed about thosiiino as Saturdnv will llttlo doing. Provisions were heavy nnd lowei at tlio opening , but rallied n llttlo before tin close. Traders who sell on lower boss am Increased receiptsBcner.illy find lnxponsl\ < to gel back their stulf. Now York repot t ! stocks of lard there 2(5,00,1 ( tierces Icssthnnr yonr nco. but II Is vxuoctrd that there will b < a liberal Incrca-o lu stocks hero for the unsi month. CmcAoo. III. , 1'ob I. Counsolmnn A lij toCockreli llros. : Wheat lluctitatlons eov croil nhotil the samn range as on Saturday nnd the market closed tame at'io to U" ad vanco. Cables were dlsaplinlntfng and re colpU liberal at primary points. Tlio world'i shltnnents to Knropo were reported : is3fll'CO , under requirements , nnd Interior mills won Important buyers In the various exchanges Tlio visible supply figures occasioned som < buying to sceuro profit" on short sale : and an expected decrease In the ntnount 01 passage tomorrow contributed toward n but. tor feeling at the close. Corn and oats won flrmor for futures on covering by shorts S'amplo lots were slow sale and sellers nwn anxious than buyers to trade. Provision ! were lower under large receipts of hogs Packers ia rule were follors nnd the buying Ing wa limited to the demand from shorls The market lacked snap and closed wllhnul any Importint features. CHICAGO. 111. , rob. 1. I.oian J * Co. to .1 Sands Commission Company : Trade In who.ii was dull today , thcro bolng no now Inqulrr nl western points for eash and receipts wen moderate The visible supply showed a ( Ic crease of o\ era half million bushels , contr iry to popular oxpcctatlon-of an Inereaso The amount of wheat put nlloat for the week wa < 1,30'.00 ( less than that of the previous ono am this together with former cables toward tin close , with some Jirlvuto ones noting nn ad' Mince , prevented local talonl from brlngttu about n dcullno and kept them well employer to pro\ont n lurjo line ot calls from belli ; , called , bomo advices from Iowa were to tin elTect that fair fields of wheat last tall wort looking badly , but Michigan and New Yorl reported blankets of snow still protectltu thorn. Wo feel friendly to who it and thlnl OOc has developed the existence of u good buyIng - Ing demand there. Lluht trading lu eorn am' proxlslons. traders selling the latter toward the close of the session. .STOCKS AND IIONIIS. riiictimtlims fur tint Uny UVrn Inslcnlfleaul IIH II Itlllc. NKW YOIIK , 1'ob. 1. The stock market todn > wnsactlvo only In spols nnd these shades won the ones on which the hears concentrated tnclr ollorts Atchlson , l.oulsxlllc. SI. Paul , Kock Island. Burlington and Distillers wore most conspicuous during Iho ontlru day. Thr rest of the miirkot fell awiy : slightly lu sym pathy with Iho lu idors , but fluctuations as n rule were Insignificant nnd for the groatot portion of the tlmo there wns scarcely anj perceptible tendency of prices In either direc tion. There was the nsii il proportion of good pnrehnscsof both bonds and stocks , but the buying power wns limited and ut no tlmo wn < Itsnlllclent to inukoheadway against ihopres sure of the bearish element. Atchlson was the most prom neut feature among the lall- road list and the dealings were especially largo , the stock being under the hammei throughout the session and closed within n slight fraction of Its lowest figure. Distillers was sold freely nil day lonir. the supply of at tack com'ng apparently from Chicago , nnd iiL'nln the stock siitrered the heaviest decline of anything on the list , Tlio selling cf I-ouls- vlllo & NiiHhvlllo was encouraged by the poor showing of the road for December , and the comparatively high prices at which It opened alone prevented n universal decline for thu day. nn the other hand , Manhattan was again strong and rose 2 percent , while Consol idated tins , after opening up 4 per cent , re acted ox er 1 per cent The statement of the Burlington for Decem ber , however , met with bcitet reception than that of Louisville , and the stock closed 1 per centhlghei after It was made public The general list opened generally lower anc ! dis played a drooplui : tendency thioughoitt the greater portion of the day , thouzh xvheu the pressure XTIIS abated prices rallied , especially during the afternoon. The selling was re sumed xx Ith vigor In tlio last few minutes , and the market closed xvith considerable activity and weak at about Iho lowest prices of the day. The final changes of note comprised the losses of 21B per cent In Distillers : sugar , PS per cent ; Atchlson and New nnglnml , each , 1'6 per cent ; Union Paelllc , Ko'jk ' Island ana Iturllngton , 1 percent. ( iovoi nmcnt uud st ito bonds dull and firm , Thu following are the closing quotations for the leading stocks on the Now York Stock exchange - change toiliiv ; The total sulns of stocks today were .115 , oou ihari'H. Ini'liKIInx : Atchlson , 5,10 ; Chicago . .iiisir > 0 ; Krlo. ; i.i)3 : ; IonlH\lo | | A , NiiHlivllle , vl'Jl. rinaiiflal ltlmv. . NKW YOIIK. I'cb I. The Post says : It was nirrontly reported tonay that one of the most Jinlnetil fahrlciitots of Wall street canards lately almcnt will make the resumed opera tions on the boat side today. This was not improbable judulnz from the character of the ) njr rumors which flooded the exchange. \moiiK them was the confident nnU wholly talso assertions that the Alchmon hud de faulted on Its Coloiudo Midland con- lions. This "rumor" spve.ul great gloom jver tho. cxulian.'c , which was hut lowly illhslpatcd by the very fiuorahlo Deinmber btatoiuents Issue : ! by both thu \tchUoii mi.1 the IturlliiKton &Qnncy | , These items of L.'inuliih ) news naturally caused some 'overlnu In the afternoon and Htrciuithoned Lho weak stocks , but no outside support dc- t eloped and n raid at the eloso cnirled prices lirelty Kenurally down to the lonost of the lay ho fur as superllolal causes lontiolthu iterllni ; exolnuiKo market today's further ud- , : int'o In rates will be attributed toonrsomo- ivlml decreiihod uvports nnd the recent sales } f our sccutltles by London , In a larger > oiibc. these explanations are of course sat- sfactory. New York Monti } Murl.i't. Nuw YOIIK , Poll. 1. Md.iKr o UALL Hasy , raiiKlnic from l5 ! to 2 per cent ; last loan ilosed olloiod at 2 per cent. I'IIIMK .MUIICANTII.I : 1'Ai'Eii 3'iLi.5li ' ( per cent. bTIIIll.lSO K.XUMANdK-Qulot Illlll StlOlU at M HI ) ; tor sixty day bills uiul II b3K for do- naiul , The eloslng quotations on l.onils : bid t ox Int. I'lllUIK'hll JSlltC * . llosTDN , Mass.Tob. I. Hank clearings today. l.3.5lll ! ; bitlanoes. J..VH U. ' . Monov , I'i , cr cent. Kxcliunge on Now * York , lo25u lUcoiint. I'uii AiiKt.riiiA , I'a. Tob. I. Hank olear-- ngH today , $10,007,3)7 ) ; balances , } . ' ,0 > 5.5A ) . ilonuy , 4 per cent. llAi-TiMoitr , Mil . Jan. 33. Olearlngs , U1M.- II ; bulimics. t5Jl,5ll Ititte. Oiiercent. Sr , Lotus. Mo , Teh. 1.-flearliigs , * i.8)MH7j ) inliiiicc'H , u2llO , Money , 07 per cent , K.v- ihnngoon Nuw York , Uio pruinlum , I'llitAUo , 111. , IVb. ) . Money uusv. at lli0 ior cunt. Uleurlngb. tli.wo.oil. Now Yoik ivchiingu , 10 per cent. Sterling exchange. I.S.'fj forblxty dtijs bills and tlt > U for night IraftH. I'AIIIS , Teb. 1 Throu percent rentes , U3f Jo for thu account. HAVANA. 1'ob. 1 , BpanUh gold , ti.toc ® i.lO.'i , < vhaugo wcaUjou tlio United fatatcs short flight gold. f Wn"4c picinlutni on I.on' don , ISVc prcnilumiii < NKWCIHK , I'ebl. , " Clearings , } 3lra < iFe ! 5 ! balances , fVSII.VU. ' ' KANSAS CITV , Mo. 1'ch 1. Today * clearings , London stink Market. ( OiilaMtil ; | /S92 fyjunf | ( Vonlon lltnnrtl. ] I.IMIOV , Pob. l.-INltw York Herald Cable Special id Tun lUKf-As regards th/s / now imslne s this lini bctn & quiet diy on the Stock oichnn-e.thcio h ivlng bpcn lllllo dispo sition to enter Into Itefr ougagomonls. Consols uro up 1-1(1 ( perl'fiMit ' I'aslor money ac count. Homo rails nro oloso , the decline running from ' 4 to ' 4 per cent. Amor leans Irtivo boon very tiiHetlted , ono minute strong and thn next wo ik npcl soon throughout the day. The result Is no irly n goner il decline , Ineludlutr Pi percent ! Alchlson 1U l > " cent ; AlchlsotilnconiOnl percent : Denver preferred , from t to n prrcent ; for others , I/oiilsvlllo.V N.ishvlllc , howovpr , nro slightly bollor. SoilIng - Ing today has not been of n very determined ehar.u'tur. U nppoari to liuvo been connected with some homo accounts. Canadian llnoi showed vvoikness , A decllno wns established In t'nnullnn 1'aoinc and Or.ind Trunk Issues , Mexican eloso was Hat and lovvor. Money li rather more wanted. Short loans were clrirgod at the rate of from 1 to IV per cent. In the discount innrkcl not tunny bills wore broughl f.rward. Thono for I wo months were ijuoted at from 1 % to 2 pcfcunt. LONDON , Pob. t.--Tho followlni were the I/onnnn stocknuolatlons closing at 4 p in.i Consols tnoTipy , mMii klox. onllnnry 2VH Consoln ncroiint , WH'Ht I'nnl common . b2J < N V.P A I ) Isti. m , New lurk Central. . 118 ( 'nn I'nclilo . . . . Krlo . . KrloJml * . . . llrilj MOT Central , nen ( s 71 Illinois Centrnl . . . UAH Sitviii 4i n-lfid. MO.NKY IWIU per cent. Amount of bullion withdrawn from the Hank of I.ngiiincl on balance touay , Cton"0. llnston Stock Market. IIosTON. Mass. . Pob. 1.-Tho followlni were the closing prices on stocks on the Itoston stock market today : San I'riinclHco lllnlni ; Onotiitlom. HAN TIIAVCHCO , UTub. \ . 1. The olllcl-il closhiK duolatlons for nilnln ? stocks today were us follows : J 'flU York Milliner Quiitiitliiiis. NEW yo'iK. Tob 1. Pho followliu uro the closing iiilnltur stot'K ( ( notations : IAVK STUCK .MAllltms. > -v llutlier Unfavorable Opening of the Wcelt at .U in.ilia. OvtAHA , Peb 1. The week starts out with only moderate receipts and rather dlbcour.ig- ing piospeets. ' Oiler ngs of beef Steers were meager and the quality , outside of June or Iwo loads , was noth- Inu oMr.t Keports'froni eastern m.irKots were all ho uNh , and thl'Y.ict had a tendency to rcduco shipping oruors.vvhllo tlio loc.il demand was anything but brisk. Trading was on llio dull and dragglnirorder all day and prlics wore geneially lowtjr than fcaturd.iy. the market beliu very , uneven with some sales about steady anil otliers close lo lee lower. GooJ O..ui to 1 , tiO-lb steers hole ] .Hi the way nt from J150 to Mbi , with some fat I,4i7-lb beeves utl 13. It was a very dull maikct. thire tieis ! | nosmpor lUo to the trade. Nearly everything fohnd * ti-purchaser before the close.tho. DOIIS buiis-riirl/ uleuted. Huteher stock valuessbowcd no piutlcular oh uigo either way. The supply Has limited , and with * a ( 'ooJ demand prices In general were well in ilii'talncil , especially on Iho bolter grades tromo good fat 1.150 to 1,250-lb cows solo for J.1.10 to J.117M but the bulk of the coed stock sold from l..50 toJ.83. P.ilr to good cows sold from $1.60 to I ! 40. Common and canning grades as usual around $1,00 to Sl.bO. Practlenlly evoiythlug was disposed of In goo I season. * Hulls , oxen and slugs wore Hle.idy to slow nt tl 40 to } 3.'i , calyos In fairHiipply and steady at JI.23 to There was not much doing in the stocl.er and fecdei line , tiadmg l.oln mostly by the icgulardealers and In small bundles. The outside demand was light , but prices remain fully stonily , saltis buln.- from $ I.Ki to II 10 for poor to voiy good stock. Uoprcbcntatlvu bales : STF.EUS. No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4 1017 JJ 00 21 00(1 $3 .10 „ ti70 a 10 H81 , r > 3 44 1031 a : i7i 11 10J7 a 10 1115 II UG7 ,1.10 1174 a 40 118.5 ir > 7 3 40 21 .11JO 1 b7 .i CO 1 000 1 00 17. . 014 2 10 2. on i oo 12 . 781 2 10 i. . aso i oo 1 7l)0 2 10 1 1000 1 00 1.5 (8J ( 2 15 1 II10 1 IS II. 10 2 H 110 , ) 1 35 so 4 JOS' ) 2 $ 5 , 8J2 1 40 1 , 1100 2 2 , > 1 | ,8D , 1 M 7. 1107 2 .10 1. l.'IO 1 M 0 . 060 2 : u IH t-2J 1 ( X ) 1. . 840 2 35 1 hOO 1 00 20 . 070 2 35 1 UIO 1 01 ( I .1105 1 2.15 uvi : 71 11 . ! ' 7J 2 40 013 1 M 20 40 1. ' 1I1J 1 hO 2 lilir > 2 JO SO T'3 1 00 15. llT,8 2 40 COWS AMI 24 OU 2 50 U 0-8 1 S3 22 . II.'O 2 85 1..1270 1. . 5511 203 1 .1310 3 15 I . BfiO 1 25 2. 105 3 00 1. . SCO 425 2. . 415 1 75 1. . 100 3 50 0. . KJO 473 1 35J 2 50 day the run xvas lometxhat larger tlian an ticipated. There wan no material change In the quiilUv of Iho. otreilngs. The market oncned with oxerj thing In the huyeis * favor , Chicago was roportill lower , the snipping de mand was very light , and the supply ample. All buyers slarlucj In hldding pi fees fiom 5e to lee loner than , tiaturday. Packers wore especially bearish , tneli purehasus amount ing to xury Illtlu tiVtT n [ oniHi of the oller- Inus I'Vesh meat buyers took nearly half the receipts and shlpnulionly SUXIMIOI cuhl loads. Trading was slow through , nnd hexernl loads XVIMO unsold at thuiolliie , Tim linM huaxy hogs sold tit from tl.20 toII. ; . ' > . common heavy und mlxid p ickois frohf tl.in to fl vo , light and light inlxfd loads av rom (1.05 | o tl.'O It was n rather uneven uinrkut , the llglil hogs In ninny Instances nov ) > uliu n Kre.it dual lowei. xvhllo bomu of the L > C > t heavy lo.ula sold itll of from f > o to lOe lower than on Saturday. Snips wuro largely nt from 1.1,1 to M.SO , ngnlnst from tl a to J4.M faturdiiy. The nvcraga cost " was 4.I8' { , against * .2I Saturday and No. < vi 02 70 47 filCO 01. 70 70U ( U til. . 03 . M . GSOS OS r > i at 70. . 61 . 71 . 125M. M. 65 74 4' ' ) 07 . M . 01 01 . ' 70 01 01 t'KH AMI ItOUnil. 1 COO 3 00 S . 130 3 75 SHEEP rhoro were no fresh receipts of Rhcepbitt011,0 slock owes thai were driven Into the yards sold for I.I.W. She-oil are selling lower at ether m.ukots hut on account of their scarcity they would still bring good prices hero Quotations : I air to good na tives , $ J.75 < 25 oo ; westerns. J.l.5. < a4,75 : common and stickers , JJ.5WW50 ; lambs. 140005.25. Kcproscnlallvo sales : No. Av. Pr. 107stockowes . 75 11 00 Kocrlpts mill Disposition or Stuck , Olllclal rocolpts und disposition of stock as shown by thu books of the Union Slock Yards company for the twenty-four hours , ending at 5 o'clock p in , February I , IsUJ. DISPOSITION. T , \ STUK'S rUKCIIASl . 1'L'HCIIAHIS ( OH JAM'AIIV. " I.Uo stock Market. CinCMio. HI. . Kob. I. L5pccl.il Toloirim to Tin : IlFC.1 There \ \ as.iery full turnout of cattlu buyers tod.i\ , and , us all classes bought nun o or less liberally , a large number of cat tle was required. Tlio combined demand did not , hovoer , cull for any sucli number as the yards contained , and , naturally , the inaikct developed a weM.er tone. It was falrlv steady mound the opening , but Inter In the forenoon salesmen found It neeossarv to make conces sions , and the oloso wasoxen moio wcali. The receipts , estimated at from I'l.OJO to'.11.000 , were no\er previously equaled In Pebrunry , and t-ellers were unable to make a elear.nuo Sales were on a basis of from $1.25 to J.lt'0 for poor to choice cons. 81.53 to $ .150 for bulls and ? IIO to $15) ) for very common to o\tra steers , i\tri cows \vuio quote J at from t.U' > toH.'Jj and as hlsh as 8I7 > \\tia nald for fancy bulls , l.tttlo as done In the stocker market and quotations are nominal at from $1 ' ,5 to $0 01 Prices for boss ea cd oir another nicl.el to day , diopplng to from $4.05 to $4 55 for poor to choice he ivy , and to from $4 t > C to t4.4"i for light At thu decline there was fieuuiiylng by shippers and packers , but the nmiket re mained weak tliiouKhout- The soft weather and the fact that the arrivals were much turner than expected 5veie the causes of the heavy fccllnir , Much dissatisfaction was ex pressed w tli thu qiialilv of the olTerlngs. Light and common ml.xul lots comprised nn unubiiallv large part of the receipts , and while choice heavy sorts were In demand ut M.V , there was comparatUely little tr.idlng ut OUT $ ! . - ! > . Many coarse rough and lUht hogs change I bunds below $4,25 The Kheep market was fiom lOe to lric lower than at thu close of last week and wns dull at the lowei prices , lluycrs did not want to pay o\er $ " > r > to $ ' , . . ' ' 0 foi anything nnd not m my of the offi > rlnas ehangod hands at over J'i 10. Lai ibs also woio lower , the best being graded at from * fi"JO to * Uli. ! Sales of slieop were largolv at from $4.0J to $5 00. Hecolpls weio : Oattlo , 1 ! > ,000 ; ho0-s , 43,000 ; bhLep. H.OOJ. The Honlng .Journal reports : CATTI.K llecolpts. lO.ouOj shipment" , 1.00U marl.et slow , lowoij coed to cliolco steer * . J,4rii5S."i ) ; stoeueia , 11,75 ® . ! . 5 ; LOUS , tl WHO'.hO , Hods liccolpts. 4' > , ooO ; siiluinonts , 10,000 : market lo\\ei ; roiuh and common , } 4 00 ® 4,1V. mixed and packers , fl.'J'tfftMi ; prlmo ho.i % v anil butchers' weights , JI.4V24 5 * > ; 11-lit. il.'v'JS4 ( 4\ biiLKi' Itecolpts , 0,000 : shipments , 5"0 : market slow , loner : owes. S.5 ® l."i : mixed. $1 ( jO@l.7" > : uethcrs , $1 hJ&j.So ; nesterns , J5.50i lambs , $1 00T. ST. NcYurie l.lxo Stork Iiirket , NKW VOIIK. Fob" 1. Huhvrs Htcoliits , ; ill5 ( bond , Including M c irs for sale : market dull andsto.idf : n itlvo steers. $ JS7VJ < ii."i 17 per 1(0 ( Ibs. ; bulls and cows , $1.15(0,1 ( r > 0 ; dressed bcof steady at l.'i&'ie ' per lb. blilpments tomoi- row , 4.'I btmes and .U-J ' ( iiartorn of beef. CAl.vr.s Itecelpts , IIGOhcnd ; nuiiketsteady ; veals , $ ' > UO&.DJ per 100 Ibs ; grassers , Jl 75io II..W. II..W.SUFI p llccolnts , 7,700 bend : mnikot steady ; lainlis i shade higher : sheep , I.OKaf.l'4 per 100 HH ; ; lambs , iii.M7. > . ' 'i ; diessml inntton fitcndy at 7' ® 'J'5c ' ' per lb. ; dressed lambs llrm nt 'He per II ) . IloH llecelpts , 10,171 linid , Including two cam foi sale ; nmil.ct nominally steady at $ ) , | 0 ® 4 75 pur 100 ibs. KIIIISIH City l.ltn stuck Marled. KAVRAH CITV , Mo. Tub. 1 CATTI.B He- celpts. ' . ' ,71)0 ) ; Bhlinnents , 'J.'IOO. Meers ueiodull and steiidy to IOC lounr ; cows llrm foi choke. , iithuiH steady to He lower , and fee lers steady : drossid beef and shlppliu steers , J.-"iGI.'J.'i ; cows nnd heifers , ttl J.'ij&jOi : hiockorb and feeilers. ( I 7Viii55. : llixis Itecelpts. r > , SOj ( shipments , 1,503 ; the mariint WIIH dull and MulUc lower ; all grades , -'O ; hulk.l,105i < .l5. i1 Hocolpts , SOO : hhlpinents , S)0 ; choice sheep ate In demand and nominally fctuady. si , l.ouln l.lvn stiuk\liukill \ , Sr. Loins. Mo , Tob. 1. OATTi.R-HocolptB , l.uoo ; uhlpments , lu J ; marUut slou ; Texans , J.I OOCH75. Hoos-Hceelpls , . ' 1,031 : Hhlpmeiits , 1)00 ) ; m i- ket lowni : heavy , JJ.VVB4.50 ; mixed , H.'M ; light. } 1 lixS4.m. Drniiki'iini no , A disoiiso , treated us Btioh and noriuii- uontly enroll. No publicity. No Inllrin- ary. Home truittinuiit lliinnloss uiul olluutunl. Jtofor by ponniuslon to Hur- li n ( , 'ton IlnwUcyci. Suud 'Jo btaiup for piiinphlui , Shol < oqtion Clioiukal Co , , Duiliiitrton , In. Ho Biii-o to try the Quail rolled o.iU and take no othor. lr McUiow.prlvatodlBoacos , ! Hlu Far PLEASEREAD THIS. _ 00 Couts a pound for VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA ( "Best & Goes Farthest" ) seems to be high. Let us compare it with the price of Coffee : 1 Ib. of good coffee costs at least 30c , , makes 111 hall-pint cups , 3 ' " " " " therefore OOc. , " 03 " " 1 "V. H. COCOA" also OOc. , 150 W Which is the Cheaper Drink ? KKTAIL 1-K10K J 93 cups of Coffue , DO o c ot > p ' r ixjuna. " = { IBO " "V.H.Cocoa ! j 10 " " > V. Sold by every Grocer. in OMAHA ' and I (111 ( UK AWNINGS AND 'HINTS. Umahn Tim A . Co. , Hiws linmmocks , oil nml riiht'orelothlnif Homl for ciUnUimip ltd Knrnvn AJS ANI > TWIM3S. llcmls Omit/iii Hue ) Co. Importer" nml imnnfic- tnrors. I lour SineXs , llurlnpi ftiul ' 1 whio A. U. rcrrtiMil Co. M 0. Dnnm , KOit Doiteo ntroot. ch1 * noli ) nn monthly l'n.Mucnt l-ond for our cttvlogiia nnit I'tlccs Fnrnntn * t , Uinnlin I'.OOI'S ANM > S1IOKS. Morso-Ooo Sho3 Oompaij , licri Howard Street fttt'tory corner lltlinml Dniidln' utrcct' nro nklnif clo o iirleo'i locdili li ijnrt , nml nro Belllnit n cln f nbmli wlilcti Is > err 1- cntilowltli mcrilinntt inill mm. Vnn .tcntiim , JOIICK A Co , A llnrte , \Vhole nlo Munufnctu'rs , \K nt' fur llontun Hill" 1ZI2 Hnrncy direct , ber VIKIU Coffi \ \ 1101 Oamhn , Neb. nnd 1IUU llntncy Amntean I land Sfitril Shiie Co. , lloot . Miopi , riilibcr * nnil tell iwoils IMI-nilnrney ulroct Omti/id / Toiil , Co/cl / Cotildlil .1 ity Ilnrd nnd oft conl uhlp- llnrl nnd oft coil 815. pcrs. corner loth uiul Douxlm 1303 Karnnin street , ntrieln Uumlm 1' . / ' / / til. . J/n/iiincy A . Ju/mum / Ilini- . , 1014 l-'nrmm street , Boft-Conl-IInrd 813 N ICtli Onmhn Neb. COUNI..IO. Knulc Cut lifer H'urha Mnnufncturcr of < l.il * v.inlred Iron Cornlcp Indow t ips , tnetdllc akvllttliti , etc. 111U nnd DHV GOOD . 31. E. S fit A Co , MljKtlrfr/i - Koch Dm Omuls Co. , Dry K'Oods , notions , fur- Dry Koods.iintlonft. ifents * furnlalilnu toods. Cor llth nnd llownrdsts. Corner llth nnd llnwanl IdliKCTIUCAIi . Omaha Oonsolidatjd Eleotrioil Qi. , Electro DyiminoH iJimpi. Wlro nnd Illectrlcnl Sup plloor All Klndr. 1112 lloniird atre.U , Unnlio. _ tt'olf Elcc rtcnl Cct , Illustrated cntnloituc frco. 11,11 Capital Avenuo. AND CAUIMOTS. Hectic A llunvan l\i > - nlniic Co. , Siiccessorj to C.A. Hocbc A. Co. Qrnco nnd 11th stn.Oinnlia GOO1IS. BONDED PUBLIC WRREHDU8E OAPAOiTY 60O.OOO BUSIIBLS. r ; for All Kinds of Grain MONEY AJVAHCED Oil CflllSlftHEirTl All ( .r.iln nnl heil , Inspected and ritontu i it3 Lbtabllalad by htateollleers. Write for ratoi mid full paitlculats ami consl.'n fihlpinentbcaiuof WOODMAN & IUTCI1IRCO OMAHA , NI011. lively MAN can bo BTUONO anil VIO- itmOUHinallreMK.ru . _ _ _ Jl > y usini ! SI'ANlKU : NJtKVINE.UleKient .SpanlMi Krmecly. YOUHO M15N Oil OI/D EulltriiiK fiom NKKVOU8 J)1IIIIITV { , I.OHT or 1'AII/INO MANHOOD niihtlyi"ilnioiiiconviilsioii ; neivout Iiroslrallon.cnns'il hylhuusr of ciiiiim , liibacco or alcohol , wakefulness - fulness , mental dcprc.ssion , los > of power in iiihcr ecs , t | > einiator > uernoKK AND AFTXH usr rim a caineil by sill alnife anil over mdulcence or any pel tonal wiak" ness can be restored lo perfect health anil the NOJ1M5 VITALITY OV 8TKONO M1N. We give a written Kuaranteu vviih 6 toxcs to cum any c.-.m or rcluuil the money. Ji u hox.O bostt ( j For silo in Omnlia by McConni&Lund , Uth A ] 1111 H lU r SURIE , , YOURSELF ! , , Aalf your Druggltt for a . bottle ol llltf . ' 1 hi ! only , . J turn jioitonuui leiucJy ( orall I I the utitmturul dlicharKen nnd , private ilinfM s ol men uud the I debilitating vviakntw ptcullar \ to Homi'ii. It curce In a few without the aid or , , .uw.lcly | ol a doctor i'iltt I nhtrtal Amirlcw Curt , Mnnufucturt'd by I TbeEv&nj Chemical ( b. ' CINCINNATI. O. u. a. A. HATS , nro. i IIIOKH , Irr. ( f'tn Ocfif/M'.t Co. , ci\t > , goo l > , lltiroM of tiltoi , ot , . nml mlttoii ! , tnllow nn I ( > irj. 17th nml llnrnpjr , Ml SouthIllhM IIAKDWAItK. llnttrA Ifil/irlmw / O.i l.otifrh A'nit , Cor lOlli nml .tuck < onHti HullitCM' lunlnnro n n ii3clinnlai tul n Onmlm 1101 lioiilaii M. lltttN WOltKS. lr > > n WroiiRlit niul rn t Iron tiiillclltu work , enzliioi. lirnss work , Knnornl i Iftr A CO l > . It. Unittr , Mquor McrrhnnK. Imimrlor nnd lobtmr of . nnil lliiiiiri | ' Mimifnclur'ri Kt > nnoilr'ii 101J VnrnmiiSt. ii\it Imlliv llltttri I'rlco ll t'r th A llfi-lintit , \\holp nlu IlipioriloilorS 1031 K John .1. ll' < i/f / r if , Hnntwoiiil liuTiln- wooil cnriutH nml im Iiiorlol ) | Anierlr n I'orl Mooring , In nil ii'tnrnt MUwnukcf liyitrnullc ( cintnt lint Mil nnil DouitHr , yuliR ) nlilte Una , l 1NI3KV.- Vli C. ; ! . Moiif/i / If , .1 //i ; ir. Jr Mllllnrry , ncillomclonks I'lunin urtlit * ' etc , m iterlnl" , ( In lin-118 S llth > t , Omnlin IM'I DoiiKlm "Irrct , OYSTIIISS. A , lloitll J'dcAlllU Co. A ( N ) Packers of , oytcrn. rah Ojitcr' , KHh nnij anil Culury , Bill Houth lOt'i St COSIxiucanortli ! Ht li\hl Cole , OILS. Ci ! lfIt-il ( ( rants Co. . defined nml lubrlcntlntf oils , nile KreiBe , etc. PUODUCIO CO.H.MIS ION. Itrancli A Co , , ttltili-llA .Smith. Dealers In country produce - 1'rurtiics , fruit ? pf nil uco , frulHuKottiblui , etc. klniM , oysters , 1X1 Ilownnl Struct 13th nail Ilnrnor Street ) . KlnMiraun A ton * , Jas. L Olurk& Co ? Uuttcr , cliceio ( V s , Iluttcf , CRXS and poultr/ poultry Hint Kitno. H0ii 1'nrnim it. COUSoiitli Utli StrcoU Riddoll & Co. , G. Peg. I. fommlsslmi M or ch ant , flutter LlPOBO , CtfK .VOZ- 1'ru.luce IliitU'r K ctnblcs , frulU. poultry Chce-o and I'nullry. l.'th nml Hnnnril tits , and KIIMO Oiiintin. Mullin & MoOlain , Bingham , & San , Ppi'ClivlllcH , linlt r. ulii Svml us your rtY' " . l > ut > cl > cc o. poultry , etc. No lor , I'oultrr. liiiinu , US IK i Hof [ > l Nit. HIlltlH. Ktl- bunk. PAI'1311. Oo King Papar Oj , Oarpenter Paper , , nil kin J * \Vrapplnnpapor Cnrrr n full stock of ut twines , i to printing , nrnpplntf nntl 140S Honiinlit wrlllni ; paper , cnrU pn- jier , etc. lol. 17JJ SIOVK KIOI'AlltS. James Hughes , Ouialn Steve Repair Stores repairs of n Wor s. Cookiaml lleituri Steve rcpatn nnd wntef foraalo. attticliinuiilN for nuy kliul ol ntove miulo m * nth stroit 1207 lioiialm HASH. 'JOYS. M , A. Disbrow & Oo , Unnufncturorii of aash. Tnyi , ilnlli , n'lbnmf , . huuso fur- * faney gooili. doors bit nil s and moulding * Hrancli of- til lilnu 1200 li , child * ' 12th and liard SH ron't carrliiKe ncv , 1319 Kurnain HtrooU SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , LIMITED COMMISSION MRCHANT . _ A1 tn Hoot & Oo. & Dill3 . llooiuni IIUcliaruoIIulM- llooini. 0) an I ( II Kir llulldluit South cliiiuo bnlldli , Oniiha. Buuth O mill. liocl 1IIVU. COMMISSION MERCHANT , in , Seeds , an" Provisions. NOB. 2 and 4 S ormon St. , noomi CO & G9 CHICAGO. V1"t-clai.s fnclllllra forlliolmndllngnf lilnui | nU ofuruln. HulUand Klni Knulii Itiffrcncin Con KxclitDKV nd Amur ! can Uiclmuio Mi tlounl Unulil ,