THE OMAHA DAILY BEK : TUESDAY. 1'KBHUAKY 2. 1892. ROGUES , STAND FROM UNDER Something Awful Heavy May Drop Among Some Well Known Omaha Peoplo. VERY PLAIN WORDS FROM THE BENCH ifmlRn Scott Clmri ; ! ' * ( tin DniiRlnn County Gin ml .lnrj In u Mont Cirnrst .Manner to Work Out I tin llootlliTf from Onmliii , Yesterday afternoon Judge C. H. Scott ail- dressed the grand fury drawn for the present term of uourt In lutigungo so forcible and pocullnrtimt , hud Itcomo from another source .than the tianch , ttxvould have attracted ctoo mention und oxcltod warm comment. Hut Jt U doubly forcible In its character ns the oniclul utterance cr the district court , nnd lands forth prominently as n severe arraign- montof public morals and the honesty of oftlco-holdors. It Is surpnslntrly strong and dtroctns n judicial uttoninco. It remain * for the Jury to determine by Its labors whether this Indictment from the bench 1s wholly Justified. The afternoon session of the district court oponcd with Judges Scott , Davis and Keysor on the bench in the criminal court room. ShorlfT Bennett and Clurlc ot tbo Court 'Mooro Urow the names of the fol io wjng grand Jurors , who were sworn : J. N. Cornish , Molvlll H. Kodllold , J. C. AVIlcox , Cliurlos J. ICarbach , W. S. IConnody , C. M. Hunt , O. J. I'lckiml. Fred Schroeder , Charles Unlnch. K. C. Jordan , A. L. Rood , Oustav Anderson , Henry Llvosoy , Dounis O'Ncil , William Slaver * , John Uaumor. Guslitv Anderson wafc appointed foreman by Judge Uavls , County Attorney Mahoney was asltcd If ho tind any remarks to make to the Jury. Ho hncl nono. Thu three judeos held a whispered con sultation , after which Judge Scott addressed the grand Jury as follows : .liulco Sfott'H AilclrciH. "Ucntlf mon of the grand Jury , you have been drawn , summoned und Impnnuolod ns the grand Inquest of the county , and ill" oath whtcb you have Just taken , ns grand Jurors , and which U as conscience-binding as nny oath which can bo itdmlulstcrod to man , can not bo evaded , avoided , or disregarded , with out u broach of faith between your conscience nnd your Mitkor. Itlstnis : 'Saving yourself nnd fellow Jurors , you as foreman of this grand Imiuosb and you und each of you ns Krnnd Jurors shall dillgontly Inquire nnd true presentment inako of nil such matters nnd things ns shall bo glvun you In charge or otherwise como to your knowledge touching the present sorvico. The counsel of the mute , your own and your follows you shall Itcep secret unless called on In a court of Jus tice to mnko disclosures ; you shall present no person through malice , hatred or ill-will , nor shall you leave any person unpresontcd through fear , favor or affection or for any re ward or hope thereof , uut In nil your pre sentments you bhull present the truth , the whole truth aud'nolhtng but the truth nc- corking to the best of your skill and under standing. ' " Telling the Jury that every good citizen who contributes to thn supportof the govern ment has a right to demand that that govern ment bo equitably and cftlclontly adminis tered. Judge Scott explained that Iho Jury's Jurisdiction In criminal matters was coexten sive with that of thu court , and that Its duty was to Investigate nil Indictable offenses within its Jurisdiction not barred by tbo statute of limitations. "Diligent Inquiry" does not moan to merely examine into suoh matters ns nro brought before the Jury's at tention by others. "You uro not a passive organized body tenet net only as you may bo acted upon by others , butjou yourselves are Io make 'dillirent In quiry1 nnd act upon others , to the end thut ( 'niliy offenders ugalnst the criminal law bo enccdtlr indicted und brought to Justice. Your purpose should bo to let no guilty mane o cnpo the nunishment duo his crimo. To then und uguln , and that yon may have a free nnd nntrninmoled pathway to intilco ' n most effective dilligo'nt inquiry , you have at your service the whole machinery of the court , ; the process of the court to bring persons , papers und witnesses before you and to compel their attendance ; the olllcors of the court to servo you nnd execute your orders ; the public prosecutor to udviso and nsslst you In the examination of witnesses brought ooforo you. und the power of the court to compel unwilling witnesses to innko answer to nil proper questions put to them by you touching "your service under your bworn obligations. im > ctHol tli Work. "When grand Jurors do their whole duty In this regard the sululory influences grow ing thurofrom , stimulating peace and good oulcr among the people uro Immeasurable , because , In such a case , evildoers have n dread of the grand Jury akin to that of the culprit as ho notes iho day of his execution , which docs not obtain in so marked a degree when criminals are brought before thu court on information by the public prosecutor. Thrso are the reasons why the seven Judges of this Judicial district did. on tno first qf this your , order that ut thN term of court u grand Jury should bo tmpuunolcd to inako diligent Inquiry respecting indictable ofTnnscs committed within this county and where thu evidence Is obtainable return bills of Indictment ngamst nil violators of the criminal law.Vliotlior this notion by the Judges shull provo efllcaclous in lessoning c-rims In this country rests now with you. "With the costs or expanses attending prosecutions upon indictments iu the trial courts , or the decree or maximum of penalty nfllxod by thn criminal Htntutc for its viola tions , you have nothing to do ; nor with the social standing or religious or political nnilln- tlonbofuny person , whoso acts it is your luity , under your oath , to diligently inquire into. The line of domntcation between the converse of these propopoiillons und nnurchy Is so undefined nnd indistinct ns tenet not to bo readily perceived. Ilimuro ol' "l'lxorn. " "Persons who would tamper with you , by obtaining information from you , respecting 1 tbo business before you. have but ono mo tive , ono purpose , ono object In so doing , and thut 1s to thwart the administration of publlo Justice against crimes und criminals , by brining , if they could , by spiriting away wlf- * for the slate , or by enabling their ' " frluntU or themselves to escape the service of criminal process upon thorn. They bode no good to you nor to society. Shun thorn us you would a srourgo and pestilence , If you would siibservo the ends of Justice , your oaths nnd the law that gave you organization and existence. Komu ItiMiiurkN on doodling. "A dishonest publlo oftlclal wbothor min isterial , legislative or Judli.lal Is a publlo menace , and should bo hunted down as u bllghtorof publlo conlldoncc ; a peculator and speculator upon the property and rights f the publlo ; a per juror , who makes mer- elinmmo for his own sollisli and corrupt pur poses of iho contldunco and faith reposed In him by the people ; worse than k highway robber , bccauso his vic tims , the people , have not a light ing chance to protect themselves ere ho robs them. That such person * have hold otllce within the boundaries of this countv , und within tlio stututo of limitation , is * CHI I to manifest unless all Indications point the .vrone way , Xoi' will you have to exorcise a very high degree of diligence to llnd them if you are looking for publlo criminals. It Tul ' Two to "Hoodie. " "A public oftlcer , cither of city , school or county , who shall rocolvo , directly or Itull- tectly , any money , present , reward , promise , contract , obligation or security with intent expressed or Implied , that ho will bo In. lluenced thereby directly or indirectly to ap point or vola. for any parson for oflico , or to uxocuto any of the powers in ului vested , or perform any duty of him required with partiality or favor , or othorwlso than Is required by law , or in consideration that no hath ap pointed or .voted for any oftlco , or oxnrclsod any power in him vested , or performed nny duty of him required , with partiality or favoa , or otherwise contrary to law , Is n pub- , Uo criminal under the statutes of this state us u receiver of bribe * , and the publlo poaru and good order is , utid will be In danger from hlro , so long us ho U permitted a resi dence outsldo the \\alls of the penitentiary. Nor wilt it changa the fact that bo may now be out of oflico , having served bis torm. The general welfare und safetv of tlio community would bo enhanced by compelling hlui to servo n term vvhoro bo would not bo acces sible to bribes. Nor should you bo do- col ved by appearances. Brlbor nnd bribed nlilto , M other criminals , often appear to bo moving In str.iiuht lines , when their ways nro the most devious ntul serpentine. Nor should you expect alwas to llnd a money con sideration , paid direct as the price of the bribery , as criminals generally act uoon the prlnclplo of 'indirect radiation. ' It takes two or more to commit tbocrlmo ot bribery the briber and thu. bribed , purchaser nnd 7ollur both uro guilty , and both should receive - coivo merited mention in your proceedings. Kuch criminals as these ore dotluntlv walkIng - Ing our streets , sncerlngly , brazenly , and Insultingly bidding doflanco to the law that Dunlshcs bribery , by asking -What are you going to do about III' If you do your duly as n grand Jury such criminals Will have no oc casion or oxciiso for asking that question borcaftor. Good rirlil Ucforc. "wV llttlo well directed effort on your part , as grand Jurors , In the direction hero Indi cated , would doubtless open up a Hold Into which a stone could not bo thrown , without hltlluga criminal. You should sco to It , that the stone is thrown and thrown hard. You ewe It to yourselves , ho peonlo whom you represent in your present service , and to your sworn obligations to make that effort , and to make It with such an uncompromising zeal that hereafter , n mark moro Indolibto than that put upon Cain , shall bo stamped upon their foreheads , marking them as 'ticket of loavo' men and moral blisters upon the body politic. "If any public ofllcor converts or diverts the public funds under his care , or subject to his direction or control ! or directly or ' "di- roctly uses them In whole or In prrt for his own , or bis fnonds' personal advantage , bon- ellt or emolument' ho also Is a criminal , aad you should not abate your energy , or torgot your obligation , or bo discharged until nil sucn publlo ofllcors , whether now In or out of onico , nro made to Know , by proper bills of Indlrtmont , if the evidence can bo had before you by the exorclio of dillgonco on your part , that the people will not louccr bo robbed by their public olllclals without a pronounced protest , so long as there remains room for convicts In the state penitentiary and a grand Jury can bo found to do Its duty. "Thoro comes up Irom thn people to you n command that tbcro must now bo a forward march all along the ilno of your duty. Oiva heed to that cry for it comes from a patient and long suffering ondurunco which has at last reached Us limit. " Judge Scott instructed the jury very minutely In regard to Its duty concerning the examination of tbo county Jail and ether in stitutions , gambling , liquor-soiling , nnd also on the law requiring the erection und main tenance of lire escapes on buildings , particu larly hotels , and concluded : ' Hit. I'.irllnu . Admonition. "H will bo the duty of tfto county attorney when demanded by you , and tor such of- lenses , and ugalnst such person or persons as you may designate and determine , to prepare bills of Indictment for you. I have charged you , when and for what purpose ho may bo before you. Ho is to advise you upon nny legal mutter when you may desire him to dose so , and then his advice must bo confined to legal matters not matters of fact or policy. Vou should have no nolicy except to do your whole duty , lot the consequences fall where thov may. If at any tlmo you should Imvo reason to bellovo that the prosecuting attorney , iu advising you upon a legal matter - tor , Is biased or prejudiced for or against a person whoso acts you uro invostiaating , or if you are in doubt about the correctness of his advice you will bo at liberty to como into court and the court will charge you as to suoh legal matters. Or , if said atturnoy neglects or refuses to Uls duty respecting matters before you , you will report that fact to the court. "iTou will sit upon your own adjourn ments , keeping in mind , however , that you are to bo diligent In business , serving the state , doing whatever your hands llnd you to do , being actuated by tuatsamo high , hon orable and impartial spirit and manliness that actuates you when engaged in matters of iho highest importance to yourselves , so that when you shall have iinishod your work you will have the approval of your own consciences that you have done your whole duty honestly , faithfully , fearlessly and well. " orvoiuc IN SIGHT. Any Amount ol HIIHIIH'SX Itooliccl for the IVbiuiirj-TITIH ol Court. The seven judges of the district court were present in the largo court room in the court house when Sheriff Bcnnotl walked in and In the presence of : CO lawyers , litigants and spectators remarked in o , deep bass voice , "hear yo , hoar yo , hoar ye , the honorable , the district court ot tbo Fourth judicial dis trict , in and for Douglas count } ' , state of Ne braska , Is now open. " It was the first aay of the tb'ebruary term and a trlanco through the ( locket showed that there were 2,4SO civil and 157 criminal cases to bo disposed or before a final adjournment. There was no journal to road and as a result the members of the bench at once commenced business. Judge Davis acted as spokesman and ordered the clerk to call the grand Jury. Ol Iho twonty-throo names previously drawn from the box , all of the owners with the exception of Thomas A. Dillon answered. Jndgo Davis ordered an attachment for Air. Dillon. The document was returnable at 'J o'clock in the afternoon and commanded the sheriff to bring the man into court to show cause why ho should not bo flnod for contempt. Tw grand Jurors , A. D. Smith nnd Samuel Orchard , asked to bo excused. The former mimed gentleman staled thut he was in rhargo of Iho n. & M. railroad freight de partment. Mr. Orchard stated that he was sick , nnd to provo his statement , ho brought along a doctor's certificate. Itoth mon were excused for the term. Tbo ether members of the bouy were excused until U o'clock , when they ngaln appeared before Judge Scott to rccolvo their instructions. Fifty-eight of the petit Jurors responded when their names were called. Thirty-four of thorn wanted to bocxcubud. Of these who did oseapo there were throe. Alonzo O. Davis was dead. W. H. Coo had removed to Ohio. Kov. Stephen Carroll was a clergyman. A. L. Frank was clerk of tbo United States court , and C. E. Squires was under n doctor's caro. The following court bailiffs worn appointed for the term and assigned : Will Spauldlng goes with Judge Ferguson , John Norborg with Judgu Hopowoll , Harry Walker with Judge Irvine , Mitchell Chapman with Judge Uavis , J. K , Stafford with Judge ICiwsor , LouU Urcbowlth Judge Davis , and Hiram T. Savngo with Judge Scott. The followlne bar committee was an nounced : B. M. Dartlott , I. K. Congdon , K. It , Dulfoo , W. D. Ilockott and W. S. Curtis. Judge Ooano stated that Thursday mornIng - Ing ho would baud down decisions in the cams of Hoaglnnd vs Paul , Dlibrow vs Cnso & Kennedy , and the Helm Sash uiul lilind factory vs i'aul. Ono of the cases against the American Water tor WorltH company was disposed of by Judge Davis. It was tbo ault brought by Shlrkloy , Harrison & Howard , The plain tiffs brought suit in attachment to recover two bills of cxchango , They claimed to have sold a lareo quantity of iron pipe for which payment had never been mado. Juduro Da vis dismissed tbo attachment , holding that the publlo property of a publlo corporation had a publlo duty to perform and for that reason could not bo hold undoilan attachment to the inconvouionco of the publlo. County Attorney Mahonov announced that ho was ready to no on with thu criminal business and that on Thursday mornlnc ho would call up tbo cases against tbo saloonkeepers - keepers who , without lint obtaining a county or city license , hivvn operated aaloona ana road houses within the two-mile limit. Up to this data sixteen informations bavo been lllod. Arrests have been made in all of the cases and tbo sheriff Is now engaged In serv ing notlcoi end summoning witnesses. It is understood that Frank Shannon Isthojlrst man who will bo placed upon trial ana that the uttornoy for the county will make that a test cuso. It doei not pay to Int a cough contlnuo. Stop yours now with I'iso's Cure for Con tumptlon. i.5o. All druggists. Union soap is Iclnsr of soaps. Flvn Mt'iiiliur * lit ii ramlly roltoneil. New YoitK , Fob , 1. Advlcos from Klng $ . ton , Jamaica , state that IIvo of a family were nolsonod by eating wild oabbigo. Thirty yoara ngo Isaac Cook started the cole bra ted Imperial C'aumpagiio. They now waka lU.txWbottloi a day. It's oxtru dry Every grocer handles Union soap. NAMITE ON THE T Dssperato Attempt to Wreck a Union Pacific ' Passenger Train. ACCIDENTALLY DISCOVERED BY BOYS Krarnry roller Arc Inirstlgnlltif : ( lioAlliilr , but thn U'liolr llttslnpst I * Shrouded In MyMi-ij miinr .Sl.ttc Ni'wn of lnteiT l. Nob.1 , Fob. 1. [ Spsclal Telegram - gram toTiiK UEK. | A sonsatlon was devel oped hero this afternoon by finding n largo dynamite cartridge placed on n switch on the Union Pacific track near West Kearney. It was primed and all ready for business and would have wrecked1 the east bound passon- Ror , which was about duo when thooxploslvo was found. A couple of small boys who were walking on the track made the discovery and carried the cartridge to the city and gave It to the police , together with what information they possessed regarding the affair. The whole thing Is shrouded In mystery , as nothing of the kind has over been used or sold hero. The police nro at work trying to ferret out the perpetrators of the deed , UiiptUI .MlnUtiM * InSrssloii. \sni.\xit , Nob. , Fob. 1. [ Special Telegram to run Br.K.J A council of the State Asso ciation of Baptist churches mot in this city today to decide whether or net the Immanuel liantlst church of this city should bo rocog- unlzcd by the stale association. The mcott Ing , welch was to have boon public , was made secret. Kach faction wont Into the council with bright hopes of success. The following delegates are present : Kov. O. A. Williams ot the First Baptist church of Lincoln , Hov. C. A. Terry of East Lincoln , Kov. W. L. Davidson of North Lincoln , Kov. H. A. Dorty of P.ilmyni , Kov. J. M. Wood of Plattsmmith , Kov. M. W. Lewis of Nobraskn Cltv , Kov. J. K. Bond of South Kussoll , llov. Mr. Kuisoll of Ord , Dr. Wood of Lincoln and n few others. The council is In session at the Immaiuiol church tonight and will probably not adjourn before mid night. None of the proceedings will bo mndo publlo until tomorrow , when something in teresting Is anticipated. .loliliion County Notes. TECL-MSKII , Nob. , Fob. 1. [ Special to TUB BKB. ] Saturday was hold the closing exercises - cisos ot the Johnson County Horticultural Society and Farmers' Institute. The meet ings of the horticulture were held on January 'M and 27 , with Mr. E. O. Jurv as president and Mr. W. II. Harris soi-rotnr.v. There was a remarkable llr.o showing of apples for which liberal premiums were offered. The Horticulture society is In a flourishing con dition. Stops word taken to invest u portion of the surplus funds in a horticulture library. The Farmers' institute sessions began on January US with an address by Hon. A. A. Carman , president. Successful Turin Closed. NEMQII , Nob. , Fob. -Special [ to THE Bnn.J Saturday evening Judge F. O. C. Harrison of Grand Island closed ono of the longest and most successful terms ot court over held in this county. Tno court opened on Tuesday , January 18 , with Judge-elect W. T. Allen of Madison on the bench , und T. H. Pollock , clork-olect , and Hazen , the newly appointed reporter , in his place , also Sheriff Uoorgo Haviland on band. That moans a full all I unco force , From that time until Tuesday last case after cuso wus rushed to trial and thirteen Jury cases were disposed of. Kooloy Institute lor O'Neill. O'Ncn.L , Nob. , Fob. 1. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKII.J At a mooting today of the projectors of the Keeloy institute to bo erected hero it was developed that fnvorablo word hod boon rocolvod from Blair nnd n telegram was sent this afternoon instructing thu Kooloy people to cotno uo tomorrow and close the deal. The institute will bo in run ning ardor inside of thirty days. O'Neill people are quita jubilant at the prospects , es pecially as there was a hitch for snmo time. Court lit I'runiont. FUSMONT , Nob. , Fob. 1. [ Special to Tun BBK.J 'L'ho February term of tbo district court opened hero thfs morning , with Judge Sullivan on tbo bench , this being bis tirst appearance in Fremont in a judicial capacity. A grand jury is also in session for Iho first tlmo In two years. Among other work to bo done by this grand jury Is to formulate an indictment against Charles Bohrondt for tbo murder of his brother on Cnristmas Eva last , at their homo near Scribncr. Kearney' * Out Meut Mill. KniitNKV. Neb. , Fob. 1. [ Special Telegram gram to THIS BEE.Tho ] wheels of the Kearney - noy oat meal mill were got In motion today. The mill is complete and capable ol turning out a high grade article , its capac ity is JJfty barrels pur day , and tbo company has commenced business with a lurgo num ber of orders from western dealers. The management is : E. P. Snodckor , president ; Albert Snare , secretary and treasurer and K. M. Kankln , general manager , Until lor Cluisu County. iMl'i'.iiiAt , Nob. , Fob. 1. [ Special Telegram gram to Tin : Bun. ] A mass meeting of the citizens of Chase county was hold at the court house hero last Saturday to consider the proposition of the Coodland Artificial Knin company to give tour test rains hero during the coming season. A largo percent age of the people of the county were bora and arrangements were perfected looking to the acceptance of the proposition. Coliiinliiix l.lll COUJMIIUS , NobFob. 1. ( Special Telegram toTiuiBiSB. ] Judge J. J. Sullivan commenced u three woeks' session of district court hern this morning. The day was principally spent in selecting a jury. There are 117 civil and seven criminal cases on the docket for trial. Tbo moro important cases are these asking damages for .slander. There are a loss num ber of cases on the docket than usual. Illiilr'H Ne\c Dully. Ili.Aiii , Nob. , F.ob 1 [ Lpocial Telegram to Tun BKE.J The Evening Kocord Is a now enterprise just started here by Manard and Hamilton , proprietors of the Courier of this plnco , It consists of an evening dally , Issued every evening except Sunday. It is n four- page , six column paper , The flrst issue was u'lvon to the public this ovonlng , It claims not to have any politics , DoWltt'a Llttlo Early lasers. Doit llttlo pill ever raado. Cure constipation ovary tlmo. None equal. Use them noiv. WITH AN UNDERQKOUND THOLI/EY. TiiKt of a Xttw ISIitutrla .Motor .Sjntum Moon to I In Miidr , Street railway men , tbo country over , ere very much interested in a test soon to bo made In Chicago of u now underground trol ley electric street railway. Tbo new system is practically tbo overhead trolley syutom newly applied. It takoi Iho overhead wire , which has proved a practical success , and transfer * It from a po in above tbo ground to a conduit below thosurfaco and directly underneath the track It employs u complete metallic circuit , by which tbo cur rent , af tor being used , passes back again over its own wlro instead of being discharged through iho rail , 03 U the case in overhead s , ) stems. The now system is thus said to bo made absolutely safe. The line couduo.ors are of heavy copper wire , nine-sixteenths of an inch thick. They are suspended beneath the truou by moans of movable huulators , Attached to the car is an Ingenious trolley devlco through which the current pisses into tbo motor , thence to Iho lighting and heating apparatus , and dually back to tha return conductor. The trolley is likewise capable of motion in uny direction. Thu current is brought up from the roppor conductors ouucath by meiiiib of a slot rail which is not unlike the slot used In cubU systems U is so constructed that It forma a perfect steel roof over the conductor , and protects them from all kinds ol weather. Thu slot rail has not a nut or screw in it , tut Is bold in Us place by a clamp , with ample space for luterul uiovcuivut. This device overcomes the contradtion and expansion so common in cable rallw.iyV , for the width of the xlotcan boadJustctliFRt nny point In its length by means of a loyjqr. In mechanical construction the reid con forms almost exactly xyilh cable construction except that the voko Is twenty Inches Instead of forty-ilvo Inches doofn ) ThU Improvement obviates the moving offlq\vor [ , IMS , and water mains along the lines where Iho road might bo extended. To rair'ovo ' the danger ot the conduit filling with > vnt.-jr mnnholos are placed at distances pt twenty-live yokes apart , which drain the jvjup.r through traps Into the iowor. The power for running the electrical apparatus Is obtained fit the powor-houso of the Lincoln iivonuo cable line , where n 1 . " > ( ) - hone power tronoratcir' Is now boltig sot up. A uniform voltage of t > 00 will bo used for running thu system , the came as Is required for the old overhead trolley system , Ono of the main advantages of the now system is that nny electric motor to which can bo attached the anparatus for taking the electric current from beneath can bo utilized. Its advantages over other motors are said to be that the motor man's platform Is elevated sixteen Inches nbovo the regular surface of the car , which not only gives him the oppor tunity of exorcising greater vigilance while running , but also servos to keep the motor up out of tbo slush of the streets. It Is also provided with four traction wheels , and it is claimed that five or six loixdod trailers can bo drawn with caso. The now line will commence regular work by February 15 , and A. O. Wheeler , the superintendent of the Love Electric Tsaction com pan v , says ho will bo able to make n practical Uemon'tratlon of the working of the now system during the unfavorable weather of February nnd March that will surprise the people who Imvo been Inclined to doubt iho ofllctency of the invention. Constipation poisons tno blood ; DoWitt's Llttlu Enrly Klsors euro constipation. The cause removed , the disease Is cone. HE'S A WOULD DEATEIl. For SpiMMl mill C Mli Viilnn This Colt Hpiiti Them All. Arlon , the celebrated 2-year-old stallipn sold by Ariel Lathrop , representative for Senator Stanford of San Francisco , Cal. , to J. Malcolm Forbusof Boston , for the princely sum of $150,000 , passed through Omaha onrouto for Boston. Arlon holds the world's record for U-yoar- olds , 2l02j. a marvelous performance. Ho is a trotter and trotter bred , and without question brought the highest prlco over paid lor a horse. Axtell , with a K-yoar-old mark of 2:12 : broughtIOo,000 , which was , up to tbo present sale , the highest llguro over put up for a single piece of horse llosh. Marvin , ono of the mon curing for the colt on this trip , says of bis future : "Tho colt is to bo placed on Mr. Forbes' farm near Boston , and In the hands of a corn- potent trainer will bo given every opportun ity foi bettering his mark. Nothing will stand in the way of his making n great record in this ana the following seasons unless it bo sickness or accident , lie is as sound as a young hor.o can bo. In the perfect contour of his body there is but one blemish. When ho was a weanling ho wus in a , paddock with a number of others of the satno ngo. Ono day three or four of them-woro playing , and In u strugirlo Arion reared up and fell over back wards , another colt stopping on his hind log just nbovo the coronet. The injury was slight , but It/did not put turn In the kindorirarton , but lot him run out until ho Ya3 comiug two juars old. In all his work and his fast' fnllo ho has never shown the slightest Weakness or the lirst sign of giving way In Ills'logs or body. " U hat Forbes hoposArlon's work will bo , Marvin would not sajv A California corre spondent in tha Horseman says : It is a surprise to 119 quo who knows the condition of affairs at Ralo Alto thutArion was sold. It is ono of Senator Stanford's pet ' sayings that overythinifr'nt Palo Alto is for sale , but If there is-anything which Palo Alto wishes to keep tlwy.can manage to do it. Had they wanted Arion to succeed Elec tioneer ho would have remained thorp , and with the brilliant prospect which ho new has of becoming the king of the trotting turf ono would expect , that ho would bo kept at homo , but as speedy as bo is , Senator Stanford has a choice ever him for a stock horse. And you who Have so bitterly waged the war be tween the bouses of Wilkcs and Electioneer will bo surprised to know llmt the man who owned Electioneer and gave him the oppor tunity for his greatness has chosen as bis idcaffrom all the magnificent sons of the dead hero ono that is out of a Ueorgo Wilkcs mare , tno colt , now 4 years old , by Elec tioneer , out of Lulu Wilkcs , by George Wllkes ; second dam Lula , 2:15 : , by Alex ander's Norman : third dam thoroughbred , by imp. Hooton. His name is Advertiser , und coming to the track at the end of a three month's sickness ho , ' trotted to a 't-ycar-old murk of 3:10. That colt Is the Palo Alto choice over Arlon , son of Electioneer and Manotte , by Nutwood. Naturally so great a sale as this sots ono to thinking of the advancement that has been nmdo in horse prices , and incidentally ono is moved to the thought of the amount of money which has actually bceu created by the breeders. U ho foundation for the trotting farms of California came from the east at comparatively small prices , oven in the days when prices werobmall. Twenty-five years of breeding under sunny skies and on ever green pastures , and back to ill o east is going the blood which came hero , And at what an advance upon the original cost ! When ono looks over the list nnd SCM .such figures as Arlon ? 11)0,000 ) ( estimated ) ; Antoeo , $ (15,000 ( ; Boll Boy , 851,000 ; Sunol , $15.00 ! ) ; Mascot , * 2G,000 ; Alcazar , fJII.OOO ; Woodnut , $ . ' 0,000 : Antovolo , $18,01)0 ) , und moro than a dozen others that have gene for $10.000 and nvor , ono can como to a roali/ation of iho en ormous values that have ooon actually created , \Vlthalltho records aiid the hlglr est priced hire to bur credit , California can wish for llttlo moro. No gripping , no nausea , no pain when Do- Witt's Liltlo Early KUori are taken. Small pill. Safe pill. Best , pill. ir/.i rin i"ortirc' . OlTICEOl' WlIAIIIIIII BflllUU , 1 OMVIIA. Fob. 1. f The storm which was central in Iowa yes- tcrday morning was central in Wisconsin last evening. Cloudy , rainy weather prevails ever the northern central portion of the country. The warm wave attending the storm is now east of tbo Mississippi , where very mild weather prevails. A high barometer , of llttlo force , however , covers the northwest where temperatures uro below Iroozlng , No severe cold wouttier is , bowovor , reported from auy point. For Eastern Nebraska Fair weather , fihghtly colder , northwest to north winds during Tuesday. For Omaha and Vicinity Clciring to fair and colder woatbor during Tuesday. No decidedly cold weather is expected with this clearing condition. WASIIINOTOV. D. C.c < Fflb. 1. For Missouri Colder northwostuiiwlnds. threatening woathcr nnd probably snow Tuojday , clear ing ( Tuesday night , and probably fair Wednesday. tJ < " For Kansas Continued cold northwest winds ; generally fmrjTiipjJuy , probably fair Wednesday. , ( , For Nebraska nnd tha Dakotas Oonorally clear weather ; eoldorin'east portions ; prob nbly clear Wednesday. ' ' Kor Iowa Colder Worth winds , clearing weather , probably fair' weather , variable winds. V" ' Mrs , Wmslow'a Soothing Syrup for chil dren luothlng cures Wind colic , dlarrhwa , etc. 25 cents a botllau " ' - . I'riu-Mlilljr. The Jester : Mntmlmvlth ( some show of Indignation ) I h/tvo / called you three timed , F tun very lariiji unnoyed. Clmrllo ( who Is fund of bible Rtorios ) Well , the Lord c.iflud Samuel three times , and he illiln't L'ol mail about it did ho ? CUUK3 1'JlOmiLY ANll 1'F.nMJtNCNTI.y RHEtTEfiC JLTX SMC Lumbago , Ilcmlnclio , Toothache , Qri3tT.Elja..L.SI L. Bore Throat , Swolllnga , I'nist-Ijltce , Spralna. liruUo * , lliirun , Scaldi. THE CHARLES A/VOGELER CO , . Ollllmoi * . H FAILED TO PAY THE MONEY Rocjc Island Officials Hofusoto Obey a Oourt Order. APPRAISER'S ' APPOINTMENT NOT ASKED If Tlipy U'nro Uequr-itpil lit All It wm by IVrvin * . Not AotliorL/t'il t Act' for Unit Itiillniiiil LINCOLN , Neb. , Fob. 1 [ Special to Tun DOE. | 'Jtio cmlor or.hulRO Llnsin ? cnlllup upon tha Uock Island Kallroad company to pay Into court the sum of t I2,00i ) , Hint bolnc the vnluo sot upon her property by tUo rlRht of way nppr.tlserd , lias rosullod In Just what , was expected trouble. When the uppralsors were appoiutod It was suuposocl thut tuolr appointment was made at tlio ro- qunot of men ruitlionml to do so by the company. It transolros dlfforcuUy , liowovcr. W. F. Evnns , assistant Roncrnl solicitor for the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska railroad company , with he.ulqunrtoM at Topckn , arrived In Lincoln today In response to the order of the court , but if ho brought iho $12,000 In cold c.ish Ho failed to make the fact known. On the ether hand ho insisted emphatically thatliU company had authorized no ono to request the appomtmont , of ap praisers and it Is certain thai the Kock lulnnl people will disclaim nil nnd any responsi bility for the actions of iho appraisers. The appraisers referred to were appointed early In December by County .IndRO btownrt and they Immedlatuly sot to work. Thov condemned n right of way for the Hook Island through the city from I31.rl.Ui and S streets south to Q street , and appraised the nroHorty so condemned. It now transpires Hint the appraiser * were apnolntod at the request of u real estate agent" who acted in the interests of the west sldo property owners. Some interesting developments ara anticipated. Dun In lilt OH ll Cnrrli'ssiirni. Coroner Crhn todav hold an inquest over the remains of Mnrtiii Paullck , the man run down and kllloil yesterday afternoon by n Uurlington engine. The testimony proved conclusively that I'nulick had boon fully warned of the approach nf the train. Ho was walking unconcornoilly along in advance - vance of the train , and when shouted to ro- pllod that ho guessed ho had time enough to got out of the way. He was killed instantly and tdo Jury rendered a verdict tint his death was duo to his own carelessness. Signed Once Moiv. The fact that when the cttUons of Lincoln go after a peed thing they generally got It was empnasi/od again today by the signing of the Html contracts for the erection of thu Lincoln Normal university. Tnls Is the in stitution that Prof. Groan of tjhonandonh nroposed to bring bore but which ho fulled to deliver. The citizens of Lincoln at once made u now deal and the Iowa professor doson'tsocm ' to bo in it. y. McClny and E. K. Slzor guarantee the erection of a J75,000 building , and work will commence at once. Oilils anil KniN. The Lincoln police force made 191 arrests during the month of January. Among the now buildings to to erected in Lincoln this spring will bo an olcgaut pressed brick structure by W. J. Tumor at Twofth and H , to cosV In iho neighborhood of $40,000. Miss Cora Dlnges , n young Lincoln girl , was toduy sent to tbo hospital , having boon adjudged' insane. Frank Kaufman , who asked dnmairos from Uhiof of P.olico Dlngea for mnliing a false return on a writ of habeas corpus , was disap pointed , as .1 nil co Lansing today dismissed iho caso. Up to the present writing no man on the Norfolk police force has developed Iho sand to tnko Milt Hooker , the burly crook , to thai city. Hooker is still in jail tibro. A veritable family medicine box. Beocuam's Pills. Pills.Dr. Dr. Birnoy.nosound throat. BKK o - The plagruo of professional beggars , like the grip , SOUIIIB to bo sprouding rnthor wldoly. In 1'aris the thing hub increased to Mich nil extent that an olli- etal investigation is proposed. Several jolly journalists and prominent literary inun conceived the idea of entering the mendicant profession and practising mendicity in the streotb of Paris. Their success went beyond tnoir wildest dreams. The average fcos of oacli novice - vice amounted to about 20 francs a day , nnd it is believed that with a little more experience in the business they could increase their prollts largely. M. Louis Paulian and M. Ilugues Lo Roux wore the most successful beggars rf the now literary branch of the profession. A srory is told of a number of those bogus beggars calling upon the Due d'Aunmlo with all sorts of heartrending stories and appeals for relief. The dulcn gave each ono 5 francs until ho wiib snowed under with prayers and uloss- ings At last a gonuinonienibor in good standing anpearod. "I have relieved about twenty mendicants of letter today , "said the duke , "ami I recognized thorn all , in spite of their rags ; but J don't Uncnv yon ; you must bo a bogus lit erary man. Git out ! " M I'aulimi's investigations revealed a crowd of impostors on the boulevards , including counterfeit ono at med men , in geniously constructed cripples , and blind inon who could sue. He proposes to in troduce a hill for the suppression of the mendicants on the Htrcots of Paris. ( Jessler's Maglo Headache Wafer cures all hcudnchoj in 0 minutes. At all druggists. .John ItttiiH'iiiheri'il It. Boston Post : Johnny What is the difference , pa , between paticnco and stubbornness nnd tenacity'1 ; Ilia Pa ( who is very wealthy and Icnowh ) The first is praised , the second Is blainod and the third advertises in the newspapers and does A very small plli , but a vorv goad ono. Do Witt's llttlo liarly Klo . " WOCTH A GUINEA A. COS. " Dizziness , or Swimming If ) the Head , Wind , Pain , and Spasm at the Stomach , Pains In the Back , Cra el , and tying Pains la the Dodjr , Rheumatism , etc , , -.Tako four , five or even six of Deecliain's' ' ; PjlU , nnd in nine catit nut a/ttn.tAty wit ! , ' , eivtretifintwinty . > xuttt : fertile pills. . will go direct to cml remove the cause , the' ' cauit being no more nor less Uian wind , , ' together with poisonous anil noilousa - < pours , and sometime- , unwholesome food , ' OlaU druirBi.ii. I'rlco 2R centsa box. ] New York Repot , 365 Canal Si. Mi AllanLxine IIUVAI , .MAIL .SPK VMriltS , Hjll rviriiliirly dnrlnt winter frmu PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL Direct. C'jitlu HJun.l iipworili nccoiij uabln , IU btoor.iio ut lu > r r.uoi No AT rti. i Aiutii.u 01- Now York an ] ( ilaigow KurtnUli'ly Cublailo. bcdiiij Calilu'JV. btourj.ollJ. Apply Io AI.IMN A IO illluunlLI ! MJJIJ ) WilnU UUlcu , > V Ii' VAtliilu uim 4 I'Uil. UU ) 4 TIIKAiaiKXT .1 iwsiM TinN'T PORRT.T - There' * Notlilnct 1. . Natural Tolly Specific .Oxygen , „ , , , „ , , . .1 IMV. 1't'UK anil fresh m rpsrkllnff wntor.yol wondorfiil YOl's > KK It'iiciiiipjiilriUod Oxyttrn stornt upllfo. YOU INIIAt.i : the wnrtn , itch oyBcnntr < l vnpor. l.MMKDIATKI.V It nnrnis > otlu > , exlilllorntos ( IIVI S niU'rllto ' nnd nwppt slopp , imtur.illr. IIK TOilKii ttionliMtenMlnprvoimy-tnm. HKl'KltATi : Specific mod forcntnrrh. THIS fvaturoli Krnnd-unfnlllnK. Ono \\VckN \ \ Tlrkot AbMilutdy Five. Spfclllo Oxygen poillUoly enro § I'ntnrrh , Itron chltlv AKthnm , l.n < lrl'l | ' > iCon iitiiptlon.IUcndnclip. lr pop ln , Nor ou < I'ni'trntlon KMINKNT plD-li'l"- Inrlm-coof Onmlin unices. Connultntlon nnd Oxecn .M.inunl Krco. Cnllor write. llniuUpd * linpplly Imrc. Till : SPKCIKIO ( l.\YtK.V CO. . S10 Sliccly Itlock. cur. IMh nnd lltnvariltrecti , Omiitin , Nobriinkn Mnln lu'niliiM.Trti'rs nnd l.nbornlorlcNnslirllla , Toniit' sco. " All she lacks of beauty is a little plumpness. " This is a frequent thought , and a wholesome one. All of a baby's beauty is due to fat , and nearly all of a woman's we know it as curves and dimples. What plumpness has to do with health is told in a little book on CAREFUL LIVING ; sent free. Would you rather be healthy or beautiful ? "Both" is the proper answer. Scoirft IJowNnChcml u. ijiRoutli tih Avrnue , New York. Your druggist kccpi Scott's Dnulu'on of cod-liver oil all druggists everywhere io. ft. Do you know that a llttlo Cotlgli IH a dniicoroiifl thine 1 DOCTOR Will Stop n , Cough at any tlmo and Cure the worst Cold in twelve hours. A 25 Cent bottle may save you $100 in Doctor's bills-may save your life. ASI YOUR DJftUGGIST FOTl IT. IT TASTES GOOI > . PURE PINK PILLS. Dr. Acker's English Pills CURE BNDIGliSTIOW. RmHll , i > Ieu nnt. n rnvorllc llitlio ! Incite * . W. II. HOOKBIl it CO , Weft Ilrondway , N. Y. For sale by Kulm it Co. , mid Shermnn McConnell , Oinulia. It is not to m o d a 1 B , adges or tbe Insignia of royal favor that the qroat- eat of all specialists. DRS. BETTS & BETTS \ Owe their wonderful per- / nonal and professional - / al popularlty.They won tliolr hon ors by their / murlts. In the scientific treatment and success ful euro of over 86.OOO cases of these NERVOUS. CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES which are BO for midable to the medical profes sion In general , DRS. BETTS & BETTS have proven that they possess extraordinary ability and skill. . the llato'fPrl- vatoDlscasea as well as Stric ture , Hydrocole , Varlcocelo anil Rectal troubles , their aucccsa has been truly marvelous Therefore , they are entitled to wear the omblema of the hloh- est honors , lor these they have richly won by their own efforts Bend 4c for their now book of 12Opauc3. Consultation la also Ireo. Call upon or address with stamp , DRS , BRTTS & BRTTS 119 S. i4th St. N. K. Cot ne Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. \Vo riil tlio marvrlnni French Ilmnoily CALTHO8 > < - < , unit ituurantuutlmt UALTIIOI lll KTOI > DUeliarau A > . I'lf III' Kiprinuliirrlirn. V ttrlr < Hle Mid Hl'.S I OIIK l.oi.t \ leur. I'lf it anJ fav iftatiifitd Mlrta , VON MOHL CO. , fWU Aurrlnu < tr U , ( loelueitl , Olio. NEBRASKA National Bank. U. S. DEPOSITOROMAHA. . NEJ . . . . . . $100,0 ! ) : ) rtuiii lilructorillonry W Yatoi. yro.Utonti It C t'n.liliu , vluJ prtiilik'nt. C rl VluurlcuY. . v Jlur.u , Jolni M. I'ollliu , J N , II I'atrlck l-ewlir ) . , ! muter. THON BANK , Corner IHlli , iud Varna m Hu. FOUND AT LAST. After Yo.irq of Uusuooossful Saarch for Cure , Mnrtltv Aiulsrson Gets Heliol'fron the Chlnaso Doctor A Voluntary Testl monlal. OMAHA , Nob. . .Inn. 18 , 18)2. ! ) To whom It May Concern : This is to certify thut. 1 Imvo boon a constant sutToror for many years with catarrh , asthma and bronchial iilToc- tfons of thu throat , ami tried all the Diitont medicines ami ronuitlloa I overheard hoard of , hut with no success. I tieatetl with doctors in various parts of the country , bul none of tliom foiiltl do m any good furl nor than tflvin j mo aliorl to in por.iry relief. I MilTorod uiirluaiul iltiy. and continued to jjrow worse not withstanding all the meilicino I had In ken. 1 had almost uivcn up my cuso as hopeless when I was Informotl by u friend of Dr. C. Gee Wo , the Chini-su doctor , nnd advised to tjo and > ee him in the hope of petting i-oliof at least , if not a permanent euro for my trouble. 1 was slow in iniikinji up my mind to tniilco such a radical change m my treatment , as I know a trial witli the Chinese decor - or would brinjj m > , but I dually con- hided to glvo him n tri il , so I c.xllod tit his olfico with that , intention. 1 found thn doctor a clover , entertaining1 pentlo- man , thoroughly posted on my condi tion , and it took only a very short tlmo to convince mo that ho was the purty I was HO loiifj in search of. Uo told mo my case was curable , and that ho could euro mo , and prepared mo a special treatment to suit my condition , und in two weoUs 1 was s-o much bettor that F had the fullest confidence in the doctor's ability and committed my case to his treatment. I continued to grow better rapidly and tun now entirely well. I ewe my cure to Dr. C Oco Wo , and am not ashamed to admit it. I advise all who want relief from their troubles to call on Dr. C. Goo Wo , and they will bo cured. For all particulars apply or write to MAttri.v L. Axomtsotf , ; { 121 Ginning St. , Omiihn , Nob. DH. C. G13H WO , KoKiilar uniilnalo of ( Jhlncsu medicine. oU'ht years'study , ten years' pi HIM Ice. Trer..x IIL'- cessfnlly all ( Ilioascs Unoun to sullerlii hu manity. UuutM , plants and herbs nature's remedies his medicines the world his wltnpss ; IODD tos- thnonla'a. .Call and see him , Consultation free. Uasuiso constantly on bund lomodlus for the following diseases ready pruparo'li Asthma , Catarrh , Ithuiimiill.siii , ImllKcstlof , Lost Mnnhno'l. Knimiio Wo.iLuc-ss. Sick llo.l I- nebP , Blood I'urlflnr. nnd Kldn y and Mviv. I'llce , one dollar pur bottle or nix for five ilii- Inrx. Those nho cannot , rail , enclose 'J-citi Htnnip for question list anil full p irtli'itlars. Cilice , Cor. 10thind California Sts. , Omnlu. n For Consumptives and In valids must surely be tlu most wholesome for thos who use it as a beverage. PURE RYE. Io the b'Bt for all purposes , bs- oauso It IB positively pure and mi- turo. Ic IB excojdinirly pleasant to the taste and. has a dollolous bou quet N. B. It doesn't burn nor Boald the throat or atom ich llko inferior whisk jya It is recommended by the boat physicians. Sold on.y at high class hotuls , drunr nnd liquor BtorrB. & CO. , OHIOAdO. Eanlly , Quickly , Permanently Restored. AVeuknc. . . NfrvoiiKiifim , Ilclilllly. Dnd nil tncuralii or OTlla from uurly orriiraurlnlvr eipcsien , tliu results of overwork , nUkncaa , worry , etc. I'ult etrcniftli , ilorclupiuunt , and tnnu irlvun Io c\crjr organ und portion ol tliu body. Bliuplo , natural methods. Jmmcdlntri lnii > nivcnicnt wen. Kulliira ImiiusMUlo 2u > 0 riifcriMicpii. Honk , ( xiilunuUoui null prnnm mailed isonlcd ) froo. .Addrcts ERIE MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO N. V * INSTANT Rfcl.lEF. i'lnnicuTe mluditn , niiit n < i > er returns. No U > liiriorio | lvolMHMiioi | < ilory..Suf- fcrerii William nf a RhnpUi riimrny ! * > > liyad- dres.luiiTUITI.U.lUO.,78Nas uht.N. Y.Uily. AMUSEMENTS. I Till ! Theater I , AUAIN , Huvunteuiitli iinil lluriuiy MtiootH. Tiirno ISi lilH Only , CoinniRii Itlomlny , I'YDrii try 1 , MATINI3IS WHIJNISSOAY. Ail Hiitlruly Nuw Killlliin of 8UPERBM. Triumph of tlio World KUIIHMH HA-NLxON BKOTHH1KS. Itl Kur , ( li.uulir , I'liNiHilur Tlmn Kvcr. Most Klulxinitu Trunsfornmtloii H-'uuii Kvcr DuvlHud. Buli'opuns Saturday morn In ; , ' . I'siuil prices FARNAM STREET TH EATER. I'UHULkAU PUIOftS. OIKI Solid Ucok , ( omnutiiuliiHuii ( < liiy Atntinr1 , ifiuiiiiii'/ . umll. Katiroa. Wednesday and latnrJay , New I' OMAIIA'rt Theater.L I'AVOHITi : Biivuntuentli unil llurnuy Mrrula. TIIUKE NIUI1T& UOMMKNUINU I'KIIHU- AHV 1 , MATINKK HATUHDAV. FREDERICK PAULDING IN A Struggle for Life , Tlinuntlro press of Now Vnrk proiioiuivuit this llui Kruntusl MJonlo imiloilramutlo produc tion of tlm 111:0. Hmur.luy ( ivonlnv , liy xpuclal rvqnost , M.r I'iiuldliiK will jirusoni Toliln'a iniUcliIrm comedy In four nuts , Till ; I1UN- i : VMOO.N. I'rk'di its Ooinliu l.iiiiiililnu fustlvnl , "U nnd I , " Hiiniliiy und Monday. EDEN MUBBK. ( "or. Dili uuil Kuriiam Ml. U'uofc Ooairuoncln.1 Mini * day , Tub. I. I/AMPHITUITK , the Angel of the Air. 'Ililn uarrvluui IHuilon | not iiru.enlml tin durkonod ntn/u. but on n brilliantly IlKlitod lu < il vrltli 0coniry Iiolatuillu npnou , i > Uu HOHU In I'vi'rr Ulrtictlon thruunli ( lie air Cliarlui TrlM | > , arinlui > nrtlit. lr , Walto'K H.i.liu" Co. KlulJInu'i VuuJorlHu ntart ntartIdlnie. . 0 ( > o. tulOp m dally ,