THE OMAIfA DAILY TUESDAY FKBKl'ARY 2 , 1892. THE PATLY BEE E. rtOSWV'A'fKlt. r.tatnn. PU1IL1SHHD 13VBRY MORNING. TUtMS 01' SUUSOUU'TION. Ji ) llyllon ( without Sunday ) Ono Year. . . . I B HO Uiillv nnd Sunday , Duo Year. . in no HixMonlhs . . . i . fiW Uhrvo. Month * . ' . . = > hntiduy lireUno Year. . . . 200 pntiirdtiy lice. OnoYoar . J J V.ijfUty lice. Uno Year. . 100 01 KIOP.S. nmnliB. Thnllco nnlldliiK. FiiiitliOiimlini corner N and -Cth StrcoU. I oiincll Illnffn , l-Tourl Street- rihlPH oOnict' . Ili7 ( Inunbcrof Coininorce. IM-W York.llooinul" , 14undi.Trlbunollulldlnp \\iishliitoti \ ( , 6ti : fourteenth htreou COItUESPONDKNOK. All coiiiinunlcntlnnii rolntliiR to now * and Mltorlal matter should bo addressed tc the 1 dltorlal Department. m'SirsEPH I.KTTEHS" " . I AllnmlncM letters and remittance should 1 onddnwod to The Hoe I'utilMilnic Company. Oimihn. Uriifts. checks and poslofllco orders lo lie made p.iyabio to the order ot the com- jinny. Proprietors TUB IIKE BUII.DINO. nVOHN 6TATKMK.NT Of CIKOULATION. Itutnof NoliriisUu l. ' County of Donclns. I Oco. II. Tz'chuck. sonrotury o ( The nr.r. 1 nhllshltm rompany , docs solemnly swear Hint the ncttiul circulation of Tin : lUlt.r HEK 11' tor the week endliiB Jmiuury IW , 1B ! . was as it I Htmlny , Jim. 2 . - - . /jj / Monday. .Inn. 2S . ' 1'iifndny. Jnn.'Jrt . "s'-'a- ' , ' , \Vcdi.osday. .Inn. 'JT. . 2.I.J.I ) MhursilBV. Jim. 2S . J'.Ci3 ' 1 rhlay , .fun. II ) . 2,1.0 S bulnrday , Jan. : : o . 2V.V4 AvornB ° Sworn to 1'cfnro tno and s nhserlhud In my iirrsenco thlHuOlb day of Janunry. A. I ) . 18 1 SHAI. N. P. I'ltiu Notary Public. A UTTU : cntorprlKO nnd poralatonco will plvo Omtihn a boot suptir factory this.ycnr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PKKHAPS some nsttito diplomatic dem ocrat can devise a moans of attacking tlio free coinage problem piocomcal. THEUE is something significant in the fact tlmt ths fosoltition askiiif , ' President Harrison to recall Minister Ejjan is fathered by a man named Arnold. Tin : straw votes now being taken entrains trains , in legislatures and elsewhere are entertaining enough , but it has long BIICO ! boon learned that they neither nominate nor elect presidents. CATAHINO GAH/.A is a bettor looking in in than the pictures in the nowapa < pars indicate. This much can bo said without incurring the displeasure of the Mexican president , because ho could bo very much better looking and still pass for a bonlor dcaporado. CAitniNAt. , GimioNS is intensely American. Ho is also a preeminently able prelate. If the conclave of car dinals are looking for a pone who is fully abreast with the ago to succeed Lee XI1T the Baltimore cardinal will meet the demand admirably. GKNUIIAL BUTI.KK has gone upon the principle that if you do not blow your own horn verily tlio same shall not bo blown. ITo therefore lays claim to al the credit there was in sight for him during the great rebellion. Butler modesty was never his distinguishing ( haractoribtic. TIIKKI : is now a rumor that Patrick Kgan will bo transferred to China and hi place will l > o ill led by the appoint inontof Henry \V. Blair as minister to Chili. In this way the fooling of the two gentlemen would be greatly eased and something like retribution would bo moled out to botli China and Chili. HOKIZOXTAL BILL MOKUISOX , view ing the situation from his interstate commerce porch , has decided thnt tlio democrats want a western man for pros idont. Ho has therefore ) consented to enter the race. Democratic presidential lightning is remarkably erratic. In the lunirungoof the late lamented Pottingor of Nebraska , it is just as liable to strlko a peanut stand as a national bank. Mr. Morrison may bo hit , improbable as Bik'li a thing appears. TIIOSIJ who have doubts as to whether reciprocity has boon productive of any practical bunoflts to the country will find it instructive lo study the statistics of trade with Cu a and Porto Uieo for tlio month of December last. Those show an increase of our exports for that month of the previous year of 100 per cent , and during tlio four months that a part of the reciprocity agreement has boon in force our export trade with the islands lias grown to the extent of nearly $3,000,000. , The full agreement will not CO into effect until July 1 next , after which iiHtlll grovtar : increase of trade is reasonably to bj expected. A policy which in HO brief a time brings sucli benefits from a source where very largo gains were not looked for is far from being a humbug , as leading democrats have pronounced it. When all tlio con ditions are candidly cousldoieil reci procity is doing bolter than its most Bungulno friends oxpoclod , and there la over } * reason to nnticiinto a steady increase - crease of good results. Tun National Boartt of Trade adopted n resolution in favor of ohoapor teleg raphy. In this it voiced ati almost uni versal demand , but ono that is not likely to bo met until the government is enabled to establish a postal telegraph lyatoin. It is useless for bo.irds of trade or any ether organizations to ask the telegraph monopoly for cheaner rates or batter facilities and service. It will pay nn attention to such requests. The only hope of relief for thn people is in a postal ' telegraph'and if the present congrosa has any genuine concern for the public intorosta it can do nothing more likely to promota them than to carry out the recommendations of the postmaster gen eral regarding a union of postal and telegraph service. The United States are behind every advanced country of Europe in this rospool , and the time is ripe for inaugurating the reform hero The arguments in favor of doing HO are conclusive , the popular approval of tlio proposition is general , and all that is necessary is toovjroomo the corrupting inlluonco of monopoly in congress Uti- 'ortunatoly , this is so strongly intrenched hat tha task of routing ft will not ho easy , but thnt it will ultimately be driven nit is not for a moment to bo doubted. TIIK DKCISIOX. The decision of the Untied States supreme premo court in the LJoyd-Thayor caSe sheds a now nnd most important lighten on tlio question ol required citizenship. It enunciates doctrines which go to the fundamental principles of our repub lican system , and are now judicial ! } de clared for the first time in the history of this government. Its olToct will bo to correct some long-prevailing misconcep tions regarding what is necessary to es tablish citizenship. While congress has enacted general laws providing a uniform ruloof natural- tuition for individuals , there have neon numerous Instances of collective natural ization by treaty or statuto. and the opinion of the court Is thnt there can bo no doubt that in the case of the admis sion of a state 'collective naturalization may bo olTocled In accordance with the Intention of congress and the people ap plying for admission. It Is necessary , in order to place the now state In all re spects on an equality with the original states , to adopt as citizens of the United States these whom congress makes mem bers of a political community , and who wore recognized as such in the forma tion of the now state with the consent of congress. It is what congress does In regard to citizenship that is to bo eon- nldorcd , and not what the state may do. Applying this doctrine to the Nebraska case tlio court said that all who had de clared their intention to become citizens congress so regarded , and placed these whoso irituralizatlon was incomplete in the same category with persons already citizens. Regarding the contention that because .Tinner 13. Boyd had never declared his intention to become a citizen of the United Stales , and the father had failed to complete his naturalization before the son attained his majority , therefore James 13. Boyd could not bo held to have been made a citizen by the admission of Nebraska , tlio court held that the status of Mr. Boyd was established by tlio fact Lhnt for oror thirty yourj ho had on- eyed nil the rights of citizenship , nnd that under the circunr'tancos ho was entitled to claim citizenship ro- urdlosb of the failure of .his father to complete his naturalization. The oaths 10 had taken as a public ollicial and his notion as a citizen entitled him to insist ipon the benefit of his father's act , and ilaced him in the same category as his 'ather would have occupied if he hud emigrated to the territory of Nebraska. That is to say , having fulfilled all the requirements of territorial citizenship within the intent and meaning of the iicts of congress , Mr. Boyd became a cltizon of the United States and of the state by virtue of the several acts which gave Nebraska statehood. The decision vlso holds that the father of .fames 12. Boyd completed the act of citizenship n 1854 , thereby making the latter a citizen , and in this opinion the court was unanimous. The decision is very voluminous , and it is not only one of the most important , but also one of the ablest , decisions over handed down by the supreme court. It fully sustains the position of Justice Maxwell of the supreme court of Ne braska , and ia in complete accord with the views of the editor of Tun BKK ox- presaod in these columns last March when thci case was before the state supreme premo court. AXD aooi ) WIIL. The Chilian government certainly ought to b'o satisfied with the note of Secretary Blaine notifying it of the necantnnco by the president of the ans wer to the demands of this government. In spirit and in langunjjo the note is model of courtesy and friendly assurance. The secretary of state informs the Chil ian minister of foreign affairs that the response of his government has giver great pleasure to the people of the United States nnd to the executive department of the government , and expresses the belief tliat it will render a full and honorable adjustment of al unsettled matters easily attainable. Tlio Chilian government is assured o the desire of the president to moot it ? overtures in the most generous spirit , and with regard to tlio question o reparation it is suggested that it may ho settled by the usual diplomatic moth' ods , the faenso of justice of Chili being relied upon to bring the matter to speedy and honorable conclusion. The note is calculated , ns undoubtedly it was intended , not only to fully reassure the OhIIian government , but also tc remove any fooling of humiliation whicl may e.xi&t and to mollify popular passion. It is absolutely free from any intimation of a BOIIBO of superiority on the part of the government of the United States and accords as cordial consideration to Chili as could ho extended to the most powerful government. It the note of Secretary Blaine doas not huvo the ulTcct to calm the passions of all classes of the Chilian people and induce a kind lier feeling toward Americans tney are indeed implacable. Certain journals , whose capital as par- tibiin organs Is in criticising the admlii- ihtratiou , have charged that the presi dent was hasty lu sending his message to congress , nnd that ho had knowledge v.'hon hi ) did so of the peaceful intentions of the Chilian government. These piper - per were from tlio Inception of the dllll- unity opprwed to any aggressive action on the part of the United States govern ment in assorting its rights and main taining its honor. They ridiculed the claim that there was any honor or dig nity at Htako , and declared it would bo shameful for this country to attempt lo inforco its demands. After the firm and patriotic policy of the president 1ms cleared the way for un honorable settlement - mont it might reasonably have boon ex pected that the carping ctltics would bo silent if they could not say anything in praise ot to signal a diplomatic victory , but they now attempt to disparage the result by pretending that there was never nny ether than the most friendly intentions on the part of Chili. The grout body of the American people can not , however , bo inlluoncod by this sort of uuputriotlii carping , They are en tirely satisfied with what has been accomplished , and they will not fail lo give the credit whore it belongs. Prom a 1'ko ' spirit of fault-finding comes the complaint that the preparations for pos sible war have cost tlio government $2,000,000 ua if this amount was u com plete waste. The greater j rt of it has gonu into naval improvements that will bo permanent , but oven If this were not so it is an Insignificant expenditure if Its effect was to avert war. At any rate the world has more respect for this country than it had throe months ngo , and this is worth something. jriir. Judge Scott'a charge to the grand jury Is a remarkable doeumontln several particulars. t'Vir ' a numuor of years no grand jury has boon imp.'tnnolod In this county , and the charge is therefore un usually I'omprohonslvo in Us scopo. It is also striking because of the strong axhorUvtlon to the jury to spare no ef fort in collecting evidence against un faithful public ollicliils. Vho judge speaks so plainly upon this point that the jury cannot possibly overlook its importance without something akin to contempt of court. Unless he is wholly rock Ioss in the expression of hla belief regarding the conduct of public officials within the last few years there should bo some presentments made , for ho says , in the plainest possible words , that the jurors cannot throw a stone without hitting individuals that have violated their sacred oaths of olllco. The judge voices a conviction which Is very general among our citizens. Many clrqninstancos have led taxpayers to the belief that city councilmen and ether public , servants have not hesitated to accept bonoflts from corpmitlons , contractors and individuals receiving or seeking favor * at the hands of these servants. The air has boon full of rumors ot bribe-giving and corruption. The grand jury has boon summoned to inquire into those charges and rumors. It should not be difficult to locate the truth nnd to indict men who have almost admitted their guilt in investi gations hltho rte held. Tlio grand jury if it does its whole jluty will exert a wholcaomo moral in lluonco upon the public service , whether the men suspected of corruption are in dicted or otherwise. TJIK UA'IOX DKl'OT Tlio Union Depot company may insiat that Omaha is wrong and the company right in thia depot controversy , but this will not build the structure which the businuss interests of the railways so much demand Neither will It aid in tho'final satisfactory hotllemont of the dilliculty. Acrimonious discussion mo rely prolongs the agony of both par ties. ties.Tlio Tlio city can force the construction of the Union depot if it undertakes it in earnest without contributing ono dollar by way of bonus. It is to bo hoped , however , the Union Depot company will not force the issue either by its indif ference or its impudence. What Omaha and the companies both need is a Union depot commensurate in coat and conven ience with the requirements of the paa- songer business centering in this city. Tlio pcoplo of this city have been very much exa&perated by what has seemed to bo a purpose on the part of tlio do pot company to evade plain provisions of a solemn contract. Until the corporation shows beyond question that it will act in absolute coou faith there is llttlo probaollity of an adjustment of the con troversy on lines involving the question ul delivery of the depot bonds and deed ing the depot grounds. The Union Depot company must abandon its theory that Omaha is en tirely wrong and the company entirely right before negotiations looking to nn amicable understanding can bo ex pected. The sooner the company reaches the conclusion that aomo conces sions uro duo from itself to Omaha , the soonoi ; will it bo possible for the whole controversy to bo satisfactorily-adjusted. The longer a settlement ia postponed the moro dilllcult will it , become to roach an agreement. Ruv. O. II. Si'UiuusoN of London is dead. Tlio announcement , though not unexpected , carries grief to Christian he'arts every where. Mr. Spurgoon has for many years been the most distinguished tinguishod pulpit orator of the English- speaking world. Hiu sermons have been the inspiration of thousands of less fa mous men , and his Metropolitan Tuber uncle hue never failed to draw and hold the attention of as many as could bo comfortably accommodated within its spacious auditorium. In addition to hie weekly sermons , whicli have been regu larly published ainco 1853 , the grput preacher has found time to write number of religious works , which are accepted as authority by all Evangelical clergymen. Tlio charities conducted under bin supervision huvo likewise been widcapread in their inlluonco and extremely practical in character. Ho was a pure man , devoted wholly to his noble calling , u Arm ndhorent to the doctrines of the Baptist denomination , but , liberal and charitable toward nil , and a clergyman of exceptional execu tive ability , as well us eloquence. Ilia place will bo dilllcult to fill. OMAHA now employes sixty cigar makers. Before tlio opening of the Home patronngo campaign the number was thirty-five. White the increase at this dull season of the your is gratifying there should bo 1,000 oigarmnkors rogir larly employed in thin city. Oiuulin alone amokos cigars enough to employ this number , The cigar manufauturors should bo encouraged , however , byvlia has boon accomplished unu by maintain ing the quality of their goods bhow the people they are entitled to homo patron TIIK futile attorn pt of Interested par ties to make the Board of Health as in dependent of other brandies of tbu oil } government as ia the Board of Fire ant Poll i' Commissioners Is responsible for the bungling provision of the city ehur- tor relntivu to the public health depart mont. In their greed for olllco thoj overstepped themselves. AsANITAUVcniiiinlseloner ittlL'00 poi annum is a luxury and not a necessity This is a good time lo lop elf luxuries. AlJKN governor Is a term of reproacl which the supreme court pronounces t libel an applied to James E. Boyd. THKIII : is as muili ! reason for dividing the Seventh and Ninth wards us the Sixth. Wo can null along with eighteen counetnon ! y/of / , ! awhllo. The Tenth ward Is not essdntlal to the city'a proa- porlty or to HIS'wolfaro of Sixth ward ' ' " taxpayers , SoMK of our focal horsemen look with aver upon th'tPlilea of building a racing ruck in East $ $ uihn. This is ono result of laying out in/town with nn eye single o trackage facilities. w r TIIK fnrmoramif Douglas county will jo wise if thovjUit the city capitalists to ho test and guarantee enough sugar ) oota to maintain n factory in Omaha. Louis IlKiMUOD can now tlio his ro- > ort as oil inspector with the real gov ernor. It will Imvo a place in the state archives. PIIIML > AxnitKS will not now an- rngonizo the ordinance which wipes out the olllco of sanitary commissioner. THE ex-sheriff of Dodge county is now very glad ho resigned in time to escape the hanging bee of last spring. A imMOuitATIO administration in No- liraaku ia a novelty which will wear oil by November. Alt , THUltul Ed Cams. Did you hoar of that explosion in Washington'1 ' Vmry U > HH Tariff lloriirm. ll'im/idif/dm / I'nsf. If , as the democratic organs claim , reci procity Is free irado lu spots , is not Mr" Springer's tariff policy protection In patches ! ' - \Vlth 11 TlKiir Uniiimiit. | A number of Now Yorlc politicians have constructed what seems to thorn to bo a mountain , tint which hni to ether parts of the country the aspects of n mole Hill. o .lushing Our Court H. CVi/rnyo / filler Offdll. A convict m Nebraska whoso term of sorvloo has Just expired has rocolvod notice from the courts that "a now trial" will bo granted him. The Nebraska courts nro nearly ns brisk as the courts of Chill. The Drmncrutlo Drift. ninlic-flcmomit. The drift of democratic sontltnent is un questionably in favor of Hill Just now , but there uro many cbaucos for htm to ioso his advantage during tbo next four mouths , and It may be lhat fate U merely encouraging him at present for the purpose of ( jotting n decisive whack at him In June. Kopoul of n rooIlHh Il\v. : Kansas City Star. The press of Now York has named a great victory In the passage of u bill allowing re porters to witness executions. On Its own side the press should now defer to decent sentiment and refrain from the hideous and oxhaustlve dotalU Which can pander only to the lowest and most morbid impulse. Outlivedllollotx nnit KuliiRy. P/iftarWphfrt / llttortl. General Honry.A. . liarnum , who died In Now Y'ork yesterday , was Inft for dead on the field of Malvorn Hill. A body supposed to have boon his was buried , and a funeral oration was delivered nt his homo. This did not prevent him , however , from taking n con spicuous part iiijOthor campaigns. Ills name will ahvays shiuo with luster on the national roll of honor. ' T.iuiiciituiloiis ut Imimry , ' Clitcagn Itltrr Ocean. The editor of the St. Louis Republic Is still the maddest man In the stnto of Mis souri. People who know bow the odllor has- boon kicked and cuffed all aloni ; the line dou't wonder at it , but , on the contrary , on joy the spectacle. Just nowho is mad at "Drigadlor General Ben Harrison , com- mandcr-in-chiof on the Wounded Knee. " The Republic palls in anguish for "unoiner bucket of pappooso blood. " Perhaps Brer Crisp can furnish it. 3UXISTKK KG AX. Chicago Post : It Is ouvtous enough that there isn't the slightest "jail" for presentIng - Ing Minister Ecun with a handsomely bound copy of the ' 'Complete Letter Writer. " Now York Tribune : The expression In Mr. Egan's letter whtob Senor Malta con strued as a threat was this : ' 'If the facts DO as reported by Captain Schloy , ni > govern ment cannot doubt that the government of your excellency will offer to II prompt nnd full reparation. " The man who cannot dis criminate between a compliment and u threat is too deficient in his mental equipment , to serve as a responsible minister. Philadelphia Press : Minister Egan is amply vindicator from every charge made r.Raiust him by the recora and by President Harrison's message. Ho has done his duty under trying circumstances , with strict rnf- oronco to Iho claims of humanity , the obliga tions of n neutral and his position as tbo rep resentative of a great and friendly rouublic. Mr. Egan came tojils work , as most of dlplo- mallsls do , without previous training or ex perience , nnd the general verdict will bo that , like Mr. Wnshburno In Paris , ho has acquitted himself with ability , courage and Independence. Now York Sun . The Minllarity of discus sion upon the Chilian matter found In the English newspapers and ! n American news papers that cultivate a inugwiimplsh nympa- thy with Chill's attltudo cf uollanco , is marked distinctly. A prlmo cause of agree ment in sneering at the American efforts to obtain reparation for the Baltimore outrage is Kgan. They don't like the American min ister to Chill , and almost every atlorapt to support Chill's side of the controversy will bring in Egan ns a jimitlcation ; whereas the fact is that Mr. Egan has no more to do with the Issue bijtweeii this country and Chill , or can by no possibility bo moro of a factor In Its consideration and adjustment than thn man on the unseen sldo of the moon. So much for the Kgan Idoa. TIIISKS lltllKOXS MA Y UK I'Ol'K. Ur , MciJIymi l ! llov i Thorn Are ( iixxl 1'rim- piiutH for the Carilliml. NKW YoitK , FiJB. 1. Dr. MeUlynn , spool- ingot the possibility of the next pope being un American , sayailhat twcnly years ago it would have sountklil ridiculous to talk of the prospects of there bplng nn American cardi nal , but Iho potM nl agitation of tuosun- Jocl bv American newspaper * forced the pu pal sue to iippomknicarulnal lu thn counlrv. The coinplliMlioi jWf ( European politics , Or. McOlynn Haul , may render ll udvisabio on the death of the tuwtonl pope lo appoint mi American us his.iuecesser. ( Komo such solu tion of the question which imitates Italy must bo found , or another revolution similar to that which shooJc Franco a century ago would bo the reiulU' "Tho ni'xt coiifflwn of cardinals , " he con tinued , "will in .aUprobahililv bu held out- aide of Uomo , wimU ; means thnt for tl.o Hr l tiino in ; i.VJ carijuo pope will not uo un Iiullun , II uunliol be n Fienchmaii or u ( erintin , still leiu un Englishman , so It looks us Uioui-h selection would huvo to bu made from this country , in which event Cardinal Gibbons would bo named. " Lr. ) McGlynn thought that Cardinal Gibbons bens would make an excellent pope Lceauao he U go Intensely American und is possessed of good common sense , unu sagacity enough to meet all the dlfllcultlei of the papacy , IIU rolgn would bathe bediming of n glorious era for the Cathaljo ( Uiuroh. \\rn\i\ct \ \ ul tliu lliirlliiRtiin. CmcAdo , 111. , Kob'Tha { btutomeiit o ( the Burlinb'lon system for 18'.H show * net earnings of jl.ij'n.lW ) , un increase of llulliiln Hill itad Cuiilli'ld Sull. QiiKNaiow.v : , Kob. l.--Spoclul | to TIIK UKi-\V. : | r. Cody ( UultJlo Bill ) nnd his private fiecro'ury ' , Sherman Oanllehl , sailed yi" terJuy by thj Urania for Now York. After n day or two in Gotham they will go to Uninhn , which H famous throuRh- out the continent the dwelling placa ot Colonel Cody and hi * atTablo secretary , who hns ' Just closed a season with the border drama "A White Mly , " pUycd to big bnsl- iicn throughout the"provinces. . The Wild West show H In winter quarters In London , Major UurKo remaining ( hero to look after things. r.v nr A , i/.i ; > IMII.MIH , Hnlr-r.iiHliif ; i\pi-rlciirii : nt I'IMMMIRPM oil tlu < On-KiMi Mmrl I , Inc. K \iUiTY , Mo. , Feb. 1. Probably one of the most oxclttnt ; Incidents over known In railroading U told hero by .lullu * Smltt , who has Just returned irom a trio lo the north- weal. Ho win in Tacomn , Wash. , fqr some time on n vttlt nnd on his return started back ever the OreRon Short Lino. The road loads aloni : Iho biiso of the mountains nnd the ptwsongors were enjoying a line view for some distance and everything appeared to bo going on nicely , until suddenly It was no tlcod thnt the train wns Rradtially'lncreaslns In speed until in fairly How along the rails , Tha passengers began to got tinoasy , hut when they saw the conductor and brakonmn riiiih frantically toward the front of the train they know that something serious wns the mailer. Fatter and faster How the train un til It bounded from slllc to side nt n fearful rate , nnd tlio frightened pnssungors were thrown about the car llko so many puppets. Trees and poles Hashed by nnd the train was going nt a clip of n hundred miles an hour whllo It seemed only a mlrnclo which kept It on the track. Around curves It would spin almost flinudlng tlio poor victims on their bonds , while they were every moment ex pecting to bo dashed to pieces. The con juctor soon discovered that the engineer had gone mad. lie stopped for nothing , but Unshod past the stations at lightning speed and for n stretch of sny Hvo miles the train wont so fast thnt It wns Impossible for the passengers to hold their scats. The fireman could not bo soon in the cab nnd It wns determined to mnlto an effort to got to the nmdmnn before ho Rent the whole train load of people to eternity. The con- .dnctor and brakonmn crawled along the tender - dor and worked their way Into the engine behind - hind Iho engineer , who stood with his head buro und his long hair ( lowing back as ho gazed ahead , multoring to himself. With a blow the madman was laid to the lloor and the conductor shut oil steam and gradually brought the train to u standstill. The madman was secured nnd a dispatch wns sent bank over the road asking for In formation regarding the llromnn. It was discovered thnt nt tlio laststopplng place tba engineer had shoved the Ilrom.ui from the engine Just us ho started and then pulled out full speed. The onclnear was always sober and had never shown any signs of Insanity boforo. r.\minTVN KIGKXHU nir.t Liquor Doalrrs * Measure Iiitrodtit'f'd lu till ) > Vw York I.uRlHliiturv. Nnw YOUK , Feb. 1. W. H. Arnotix , A. W. Loser and Robert Graham , on behalf of Iho Associated Temperance Excise Reform Sun day and Protective League organizations of this city , have Issued an appeal to the people of tho.stale against the proposed excise legis lation nt Albany , nnd they summarize its provisions thus ; The organized society of Ilipior dealers has presented the most lol'tiuitous measure ever introduced in nny legislative body In any civilized community. 1. ft legalizes the sale of liquors on Sunday from 1 a. m. to t a. m. on Mondnv. " . Under what Is technically known ns the "police spy" ease , It prevents any adequate Inspection of saloons 'luring prohibited hours or any possibility of obtaining proof of illicit sales , : i. It places no restrictions on the number of licenses granted and reduces tbo license foes. 4. It virtually repeals the civil damage not. 5. It withdraws the power of local option. ( ! . ft gives power of appeal to the liquor denier and withholds It from the citizen. 7. It gives permission for all night sales. S ov run v ICato I'leld' " ! Washington says that the brotherhood of man Is slowly but surely em- hraulne the wonion. Chicago Trlbiirin : John Hull What could yon Imvo done with that llltlo navy of yours , nnvhow ? Uncle SHIII ( pointing to his sailors ) : Go road the answer in these tars I'ni'lc : Klist ElectricWlreWlth nil their kloKlmr. tnoro is one tiling people never thrrntcn to do to us. Second Elootrlc Wire What Ii that ? I'll it Klcctilc Wire Handle us without Il.irper'H nnar : Architect And on these panels you wish , t believe , the double convo lute. lute.Mrs. . Nouvi > au Oli , no. indeed ! 1 mild I wanted just a plain wiggle running down ouch side. FIACC i-KiiciiKi ) iiiinr. MlntiftmllK ) Ti f/uiiic / Now whlto-wingod peace broods gontlv o'er the land. Illiielc , low'rliiK war-clouds quickly change tholr line To lints of rose and pearl , with ( locks of blue In recognition of your tTnolo Samuel's Hand ; Athwart the rifts shlnus frlondslilp'ti binlllng sun ; The dove returns with vurilnnt oil vu hough. 1'u I r C'hlll bus escaped an ugly row , And Johnny gladly puts away his gun. Rood News : Illnklo- had a great notion to lick my hey for gutting to the bottom of his coiruphv ola'-s today. 1'liiK'lo Why didn't you ? Illnklr Wull. liu iiiit seine of the ques tions to ma that tliu luuohur put tn him , and us I couldn't nnsunr one of 'om 1 let him go and licked the teacher. Smith's Monthly : Goodman Smith Why not come to oliureh , lltown ? You would hoar a huniiliful scin , on. lliuldon llnnvn My dear hey , I licuid one when I uaino homo nl 9 o'clock this morning. and 1 can't st.ind anolher today. liodiuMtor 1'osli I'fist Dox Shall wo Invllo TiiwserV Becimd Dox No. bo's not a bit stylish. Hist Dos lie's gut a line now winter coat. Second Dog Ves , but there nro no creuses In his iiants. Olothlur nnd Knrnlslier ; I'oathoralono Doyen yon bullovn In ghosts ? 'J'ravori Wn'.l ' , for years I Imvo been living In a haunted house. Koulliorstono You don't toll mo ? Who U It hiuinlud by ? Truvors Ity my tailor , Till ! 1MIET ANI > TIIK ItOSK. l > ne ! ; . The Poet : mn pluck the , and madly quaff Thy buaiily , O nmtchle- . ! rose ! The Hose : Iliihl ihou two dollars und a hulf Uoncouluil within Ohlotiso Tlmus : "Whuro huvo our pouts pono'r" ImjulrcH Wu'trr ' lies. ml. Into the 1.0:1 : p and lonth uowdur bnslnesc , peilmps. WonMvt .Miss Tuluphust My hands are qnllo clndoy. Mny Miss I'huiturliy What iln you moan , dour ? Why , chappy , yon know. lioc'liostor Post : Thn Tioy l.iumlry plrls seem to have MriK'k while thn irons weie lioi , IVm'ru Ouzulto : ll h easy to rovlvo a faint Hlftinss : The uxorcMnz of horsoa Jnit bo- fora a nice U the pieiunhle. AIA , IHtXK. Itevleif. [ to Uilkod nliout divinity , and pondered un Infinity , Anil spokcof base humanity ui nrilmalculue. Un .studied up astronomy , the nclonre of autonomy. And wondmid If Insanity was common to the Hon. llu plnnned Into /ootomy und wanderel through phlebotomy. And rend for wcuUs on history from Adam down to ( Into llu an lured on thco diiy , and dwu I upon cosine -ony And Miniiili'cl deep the mystery attending liiimiin fate. Uo showed supreme unxluty forliito und early iili'ty. And H | > olelth Kraut felicity of higher st.u a- , than this. lie lectured quite cully to show how The force of eluolrlclty wus central Ina I ; Us. Hot while with such intensity he spouted on , IIU wito with hVM.'et dc vex Ity WHS cutting qilllO ll dash ; And with Mich lir.-ennlty she munkoyud hit annuity. Jle found lu his perplexity uliu'd drosrd away hla cash. AFFIRMED THE BEE'S VIEWS Mr. Eosowatjr's ' Citizenship . Opinion Upon Boytl's zenship as Expressed Last Spring , A CONCISE STATEMENT OF THE CASE I'rrsmts till' ( irniliuls fur III" Hr-lli'l" Tim I iliinirs I' , lln > ilViis u ( 'ItUrn When lUoctcil Uuvrriinr , Last March , when the Uoyd-Thayor con test ctiso was pending before the state supreme court , the editor of Tun UKK pub- llshed ever his nnino n revlow of the subject nnd clearly outlined the grounds upon which ho based his opinion that.lnmos B. UoydAvns n full-Hedged cUt7cn when elected nnd therefore - fore eligible to the olllco of governor. A few editors of tno state press railed at Tim Ili'.i : for taking this stand nnd dubwd the editor "Judgo , " ItitlmUntlng that ho as sumcd to bo the fourth member of the stnto supreme court , oto. In view of the fact thnt the national supreme remo court has reversed the decision of the state court , Tun UIH : will bo pardoned for reproducing In this Issue Mr. Hosowntor's editorial of March 30 , IS'.ll , as follows Alien or Cltl/rn. A bitter partisan controversy has boon In progress In this state for morn than three months ever the eligibility of James K. Hoyd to till the oOlco of governor. At the urgent request of it number of prominent citizens , republicans and democrats , 1 have decided to present the conclusions 1 tiavo reached after thorough research and mature deliberation. Was James E. Ho.vd a citizen of the United States for two years previous to the -Ith o/ November , IS'.K ) , or was ho an nllon at that data ! If ho was an nllon at that data , In other words , n citizen of Great Britain on the day ot election , no act of his own slnco the day of election could make him eligible. 1 nui fully convinced that .lames E. Boyd had boon a full citizen of the United Suites for twenty-three years when ho became a candidate for the ofllco of governor. This citizenship , 1 hold , was acquired by the acts of congress under whicli Nebraska was carved out as a territory and adnltto.l Into the sisterhood of states. The Kansas-Nebraska bill of ISM , which became the organic law under which the ter ritory of Nebraska was governed for thirteen years , conferred the right of suffrage upon every actual white male resident of ai who was a cltl70n of the United Stntos nnd these ( foreigners ) who snail have declared on oath their Intention to become such and shall bavo taken an oath to support the constitu tion of the United States and the laws of Nobraska. These persons were not only qunlllled to vote , but also to hold every elective oftleo in the territory. By nn act of the territorial legislature passed In pursuance of the or ganic act , the nirht of suffrage and citizenship - ship was conferred upon all per'.ons of for eign birth of ! il years and ever who hail de clared their Intention to become citizens of the United States , and had boon actual resi dents of the territory for n period of six months. James E , Boyd came to Nebraska in IS50. Ho was of foreign birth , but his father had taken out declaration papers before the son had ronchod ttio npro of 10. When the lather formally renounced his allegiance to Great Britain nnd took the oath of alleghuico to the United States , ho severed nil political iclu- tlons with Great , Britain , not only for him self , but for every member of tils familv. When James E. Boyd found himself a resident of Nebraska six months ho was In position to acquire territorial citizenship without any individual declaration renounc ing allegiance to Queen Victoria. That act had boon performed for him by his father und would have been so regarded by any court had ha seen lit to apply for his Until naturalization papers. It is manifest , thcre- fore , and is a matter of record ibat James E. Boyd was a legal voter in the territory at loajt ton yo rs bolero Nebraska was ad mitted into tlio union. In duo time Boyd was elected to the territorial - torial legislature , und when ho took the outli to support the national constitution and the laws enacted under it ho futllllod every re quirement proscribed by the organic net for citizens of Nohrasua. If ho was an alien when ho landed on Nobrasku soil , which I believe cannot bo maintained if bis father's undisputed absolute renunciation of fealty to Queen Victoria was valid , ho certainly ceased to bo an alien after ho became a citizen of Nebraska und ono of her territorial law makers. Nobody will contend that oven at that stage ho could have boon claimed ru n British subject or entitled to any protection from British authorities. When Nebraska was invited to outer the union James E. Boyd was not moraly an in habitant of the territory , hut n citizen enti tled to every prllogo enjoyed by all other citizens of Nonraska. But he was not yet a citizen of the United States. On ftlurch 1 , 18(57 ( , the president of the United States issued his proclamation in con formity with the enabling net declaring Nebraska braska admitted into tha union on nn equal footing with thn original states without any further action whatever on the part of con gress. By this solemn and Irrevocable- act Nebraska was endowed with the full sovereignty eignty of statehood , and lior citizens , regard less of race , nativity or previous condition , became sovereigns and peers of the citizens of every other state in the union. Every citizen of Nebraska was made a full eiti/en of the United Statoi without luther formal ity. ity.Thus Thus James IS. Boyd. than a oitlzon of Nebraska , became a fullflcdged citizen of the United States , and In mv judgment has been a cltuen of the United States ever slnco. In answer to tnobe who insist that nobody could become a citizen of the United Status without complying with every technicality of the naturalization laws , I will point out some established precedents und suggestive possi bilities. Sam Houston , a nntlvo of Virginia , re moved to Mexlcn nnd alter some years' resi dence helped to establish thoToxan republic. As president of that republic , Houston had foresworn biz allegiance to the United States nnd was un alien to all intents and purposes , as If ho had nuvcr ucon born In the United Stales. When Texas was admitted into the union she came in llko Nebraska , on a per fect equality with tha original states , Hous ton wus elected United Slate * senator and took his seat without renewing his ulloirluncu and notwithstanding the provision of tha constitution that , , requires uvorv Honator lo have been n cltizon ol the United. Slates for nine yuurs previous to nis election. Does It stum ! to reason that the Inhabitants of terrl- torioi acquired by conquest or purchase tire lo enjoy greater privileges and immunities thnn the citizens of organized territories of the United States ( Let us assume that Canada hnd bean an nexed and an enabling act wore passed , un der which Canada was admitted into the union. By that act Canada would bo entitled ut loan to one member of congress and two United Stales sonators. Now , nobody n eligible to u sent in the lower house unless ha has been a ritlron of tha Unlled States seven years , und nobody is eligible 10 the Fonala unless ho has been a full citizen of the United States nlnn years. I should llko to know how the Canadians could gel repio- sentution in the national loglslatuio. All Canadians would become full citizens by the treaty of annexation , but if dUtohood was to follow UH a n.iri of the treaty no Canadian would bo eligible lo a seat lu either hnuso on toclinicn ! grounds. How , then , would the stale of Canada bo admitted on an equal footing with the other states In the union I To my mind the conviction is overpower ing that Ihonct by which Nobraska'wns made n state made every territorial cltizon of Nebraska the poor of nny ether ollinon of the United States , B. KOSKWATCIU t. .so.v run i'iustni\T , llorlrontnl Illll tins Asplriitlous tit llrnil dm DciiKirliltlc Niitlniiitl Ticket. Cuii'Mio lit itr.U' or Tun HKK , ) Cmcvuo , Ii.t. , Fob. 1. I Hon. William It. Morrison appears ns n vundldato for tha democratic nomination for Iho president nnd his friends in Illinois have started n movement to glvo him the delegation nnd cut out Oonoral Pnlmor. Uhlcrtt'o democrats do not take kindly to the scheme , bill are gener.illy In favor of giving I'nlmei Illinois' endorsement and standing In n position lo take advantage of events In 1 the Ctovolaml-Htll conflict. . To ascertain I what the real situation Is between the [ Cleveland nnd Hill factions before the Cook county democrncy can bo committed to any person "br policy , Hon. John P. Hopkins will .go to Now York and mnko n personal Investigation of the affairs re. luting to the presidential nomination. A story Is to the effect thnt ox Congressman Lewis E. 1'ayson of the Ninth congressional district will soon return from Washington and announce himself ns a can dldnto for the republican nomination for governor , Wiinliliiirno I'MMH-S r.lrtutcd Tnirks. Mayor Wasnburno has Just returned from the cast 11 r inly committed to the elevation oC railroad trucks In this city. " 1 Wont east to satisfy taysolt that elevated terminals nro n success nnd that Ihoy nro nX benollt to tha punllc"Hntdhe. "I ciiniohnck ' with my mind made up on both points. I am ready to declare myself In favor of elevating nil the railroad tracks within the city limits. I shall use my best efforts lo have this Improvement made la Chicago us soon ns possible. It Is n duly which the cliy council owes to the public to force all roads entering the cliy lo olovnlo Iheir tracks. " lluhhi'd u I'rciiclirr-Kilttor. Kov. Henry M. Field , a brother of Cvnu W. Fieldwho pro.ichod In the Sixth Pwsby- loriun church In this city yesterday , wiis ro- llovod of his overcoat during Iho mornini ? service. Upon entering tno church Or. Field was accompanied by ono of the deacons to the ward 10bo Immediately in Iho roar of the pulpit , where he removed his $75 over coat. When Hie services wuro ever Ur. Field discovered Unit a sneak tliief had on- tared through n back door. The pastor made him u loan of u coat and the church will probably present him with a new ono before ho loaves Chicago. Ur. Fluid look the Inci dent philosophically nnd remarked that ha guessed the world's ' fair city wns 100 swift for him. Odds mill llnds , Public bath houses , It H expected , will boone ono of the subjects to come before the city council tonight. The subject will come up In the shape of an ordinance providing for j the erection and muinlummcoby Iho city of a number of such rosorls. Similar ordl nances have boon presented to the coun cil , but have boon invariably referred to committees and l.uvo died there. Little ii-your-old Sam \Viirlski slept In a cell at the West Chicago station last night. Hoforo ho slept In an ash barrel loss than u block from Ills home at 707 Holt street , from which ho hud been turned out by tils mother and stepfather. Toilay tha humane society wits asked to look after htm. and at some time take steps toward punishing his mothei and stop-father for their cruelty. The olllctrs of the Economic Gas company enter u vigorous don ml of the story telegraphed - graphed from Now York that they huvo boon swallowed up by the gas trust. Jucu llunnon and Billy McMuhon , West Side amateurs , fought to "a llnlsh In tlio rear of a theater on West Madison street. Although - ' though the contest was In Hannon's favor throughout , it proved to bo quite n ilorco af fair , McMahon being knocked out In cloven rounds. In this connection It is stated that "on the " being weekly prize lights quiet" are hold in the Owl , Alderman Van Praag's sa < loon , on State street. The Hollanders of Chicago propose to erect in ono of the parks a monument to William of Orange , surnnmud the Silent. A fanner near Lisbon , 111. , is doing a pay ing business raising turtles. P. A , HA.v.Inoni ; : is A roa. Tli Sti'iiiiixliip I lilt > r U rucltcd nut llui LONDON , Fob. 1. A dispatch received this morning stales Ihutlho North Gorman Lloyd Sloamor Eider from Now York for Bremen went ashore last night In u fog at St. Cuth erlno's Point , Isle of Wight. Tugs have boon sent to take oil the passengers und pull tin steamer oft the ledge. The ugonts of the company stnto there Is no cause for alarm either tor the .safely of ihojpasjongnra or the vesbel. The tugs have reached the Elder , but nn attempt will he mudo to ( 'et bar off until high tldo this evening. \ .Murilcil to ICnrupo tint Itrliiriniitory. NBWIIUWI , N. Y. , Fob. 1. Miss Mattlo Shaffer , the 10-yaur-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Shaffer of Red Hook , was mar ried to Jeremiah Moore of the same place , whoso ngo Is 7Tho caromony was per formed at tbo bridegroom's olllcu in lied Hook by Justice Kdgar L. Traver. Tlio pa rents of Miss Shatter hud commenced proceedings coodings to have lier committed to a reform atory when tha aged Mr. Moore gallantly stopped In and married her , thus becoming the guardian , protector and future judge of his girl-wife's conduct. DUiuihii mill Superstition In Itnsxlii. LONDON , Fob , 1. The OJossu uornHpon dent of the Daily News says typhus in spreading ulnrinlnijly. In largo towns lu Ihnl region all Iho hospitals nro illled and prlvato buildings nro being converted Into Hospitals , Tliu Is tlio slalo of alTuirs exist ing in Mnscovn. A correspondent writing from Ransom declares that the moro super- stilious portion of tno peasantry believe that count Tolstoi is anti-Christ , nnd decline lo accept his bounty for four they will commit tholr souls to perdition. Stole l < i ( ; < ! llrcml. Some days ugo Fred Dukor&lolo n quantity of clothing from u man named Miller , who H employed ut Shivoriok's. linker was ar rested lust evening anil told a pitiful story. Ho uumitlc.l committing the crime , hut said that ho was hu.ngry and destitute ut the lime , and had lo do something to get a meal , Since that time Halter claims 10 huvn found work , und wants to make some sort of settlement mont with Miller , This will probably bo done If the clothing Is recovered , i ( inn I'liiyliilni-H * ot it Child , JlA > Uirr , Midi. , J''iui. l.-.Iohn Olffol , n HhnumuKor , and hU wife and IS months-old J child , were horribly uuriind last nlghl. ( Jlf fol was rjpalrinir shoes nt his bench und hnd n largo lump huni/ing before him. Tliu child thruw u hummer , striking tlio lump , shutter ing It and throwing Iho burning oil over the father and child , salting lire lo their clothes. The screams of Ihci child brought Iho mother lo tho.sceno und In attempting to suujiw the flames she wai badly burned. Wheat Not Injured , , Kun. , Fob. 1 , The < icrctrry ol Iho Sluto Board of Agriculture has an- nounojd thnt wheat fas suffered no dumngu so far , but that the conditions must he ex tremely fuvorublu to Insure u good crop. Strike hiiccuMHliilly Arlillrutinl , iNDUNAi'ot.iH , [ ml. , Feb. 1 , Tliu Hoard of Aibitrntion tuU morning rendered a decision In tno lulu street car slrlko nullifautory to both sides. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. \