TTIF OMAHA DAILY HKE : TUESDAY. FKimtLVRY 2. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 12 1'EAftL STHEET. DcilM'trdby Cnrtlcr tonny part of Uio City II. W. TII/TON , MANAOKK. Huslncss OfHco . No 41 r . No ! U N , V. Plumblnp Co. Council Hluffs Lumber Co. , conl. Croft's chattel loans. 201 Kapp blocf. Prank .Jonos was arrested last evening on clmrgo of disturbing the pence. The rcRiilar convocation of Star chapter No. 47 Hoyal Arch .Musons will bo hold Uus avonlng. The members of the Union Votoral I.OK on ttcndod somros at the Firit Presbyterian church In n body lost ovcnlntr. The Council muffs presbytery meets this evening In the parlors of the First rrcoy- tcrlan church. The district Includes seven teen counties In the south wcstci n nart of Iowa , nnd delegates will probably bo present from nil the churches. C. H. Moore was arrostoil yesterday for vagrancy. Ho had with him a couple of urclnglos that \\ero supposed to have been stolen. The young men will { meet at the Grand hotel iht" evening to perfect arrangements for the party to Do given Friday evening , February 1'J. The beautiful weather of yesterday took every rig out of nearly every livery stnblo In the city , nnd In splto of the muddy loads , driving was the main amusement of the day Walter O'Keolo was found lying prostrate upon the pavement of lower iMain utrcot yesterday , where ho had been put to sloop in n hand to hand contest with a tremendous Jag. Ho slept off the uvll effects in the city Jail. Jail.Tho The glove contest , which has already been mentioned In Tin : BKU , between J. 15. bam- plpy nnd Hufus Chonto Mynstcr will tnko place nt Ijohuny's opera house on the evening of February ft , the articles having been drawn up and signed by the parties. It will bo fought In ton rounds for points and live ounce gloves will bo used. For some time past subscribers to THE OEE have boon greatly annoyed by paper thieves , and the police have boon on the special look out. Yesterday evening rt nowaboy was caught stealing the paper from II. A Balrd's " store , on Broad way. The llttlo follow bcpgod penitently , but was placed behind the bars , and will have a hearing before Judge McOeo this morning. The watch is to bo kept up , and other arrests will follow unless the petty thieving Is stopped. William Arranx was arrested yebtorrtay afternoon on n charge of vagrancy. Several mornings ago Ij. W. BooUhotT , bartender nt the St. Joe house , found u man in his plnco when ho wont to open for the day. As soon ns ho appeared on the scene the follow jumped out of the back window nnd disap peared. Armiix has been sleeping in an empty room in the St. .Too house every night lately , nnd it is thoucht ho can Do Identified as the ono who broke Into the saloon. Ho will have a hearing In police court this inorn- Insr. Ono of the most plcnsunt events of the week will bo the concert fjlven bv the C. M. 13. A. in Hughes' hull Wednesday evening. Admission only 25c. tVo have our own vinayartls in Califor nia. Jut-vis Wino comu.uiy , Co. BtulTa Jurvlswild bluett berry fa the bast. pjiiisoy.i i > i' A it. t a it A ! i is. W. C. E top is In Cincinnati for a visit of r. couple of weeks. ( Uty Attorney Stewart returned yesterday from Washington , D. C. M. Pfoifforhas returned from a visit of a week with friends in Lincoln , Nob. Captain E. H. Ward of Philadelphia is In the city a guest of the family of E B. Bow man. Ho Is a member of the United States , navy. Mrs. Jessie Gaynor and llttlo daughter , who have boon visiting the Misses Ilosa for the past wcok , loft last evening for their homo In St. Joseph , Mo. The Catholic Mutual Benefit nssociiv tion will give a concert in Hughes' hall Wednesday evening , Fobrutir.v 3. It will bo BOinothinjj more tluin an ordinary event , and tickets tire only 25c. Ytu'iil Music. Prof. T. W. Davis , teacher of voice find note reading. Lo&sons private , Call or address at Grand hotel , Council BlulTa. The only reliable treatment known foi diphtheria is Dr. .TotToris' treatment For Btilo by Do lloven , Davis and Bcardsloy. _ City llcailqiiiirtcrx. The regular monthly meeting of the citv council will bo held this evening , and an in tcrcstlng session Is expected. Among thi important protects to bo brought up Is thi ono with reference to city headquarters , A number of property owners have madopropo sltlons to tbo council for the rent of their buildings for city ofllcos , among others E. E Snnborn and J , J. Brown. A special com mittee tins been considering tha proposition ! for a couple of weeks past , and they wll probably bo brought before the council this ovoninp for llnal aotlou. It Is stated , how ever , that a majority of tbo members are op posed to renting any ofllcos nt present , on the ground that tbo money paid for rent , If usoi in repairing the present quarters , wouli make a vary respectable place , which wouli do very well for a good many years , it Is no lilioly that any move will be made In tb matter , however , until tbo now council talco hold of affairs. _ Two.MUili.nsVII1 Unit i' . The Pooplo's Union mission , which ha been located at 714 Ilroadwny for sovora \vcolts past , hold its lust service lust evening It having boon decided to unite It with th Union Christian mission , whlun is located a 1WS Broadway and manage ! by Kov. Henry Dolong. An enthusiastic mooting was hold anil ono that made a fitting close to tbo war which was begun by Josoj > h Wells a shor time IIRO. Since the organization of the mis sion llfty-Hovon meetings have boon hold am 2,000 DOO pi o hiivo been In attendance , Thirt. have professed conversion and many re quests for prayers bavo been made , Muc credit Is duo the American Sunday Schoo union for allowing their missionary , Mr Wells , to spend so much of hU time In build Ing up the mission , and credit is duo him fo his uncrgetlo efforts in IU behalf , Drs. Woodbiirydonti8tsnoxt to Gram hotel ; line work u specialty. Tele. 14" JU'Ctor llnlicnuk iiil : < > rtiilnx. Hov. K. J. nnbcoclr , rector of St. Paul's ' Episcopal church , entertained the Clericus at his homo on Sixth street last Thursday. This organization Includes all tha Episco palian clergymen In the immediate vicinity of Omabn and holds weekly meetings. The principal pupor of tbo meeting was read by Hev , Paul Matthews on the subject , "Canon ical Obeolenco. " The following clergymen were urciout : Uov. Dr. Uoberty of Ilrownoll hul , Kova. C. ii. Gardner , dean ot ibo cathe dral ; W.T.Ybltomarsh , T. J , Mackuv , J. 1 > . D. LloycJ , John Williams. J , A. Wtlllatnt , J. O. Ferris , I. P , Johnson , Paul Matthews , \V , C. McCrackcn , E. S. Cross. A social will be given by the ladles' Calanthe assembly No. 1 , Pythian Sis terhood , Wednesday evening , February 3 , InK. of P. hull. All friends of the order are cordially Invited. Dancing and card nlaylnp will bo the order. Honored Iiy Alic l.lneulu Post. Dr. F , S. Thomas , past commander of Abe Lincoln Pout No , 20 , Grand Army of the He- public , and Colonel E. J , Abbott , adjutant , wvro each honored at the meeting of the post U t Saturday night by the presentation of a magnificent gold'hoadtui cane , engraved with the name of the donors. The presenta tion was madti In view of the services of the two dUtlriguliucd gentlemen iu behalf ol the post. SEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS They Expect to Reform Iowa Municipal Affairs. TEXT OF AN IMPORTANT MEASURE I'rniiilnrnl Mriiilirr * ol l.oi-iil Commrrrlul OrK > tnlriill < m < t Himrrrpnrcil ( hi ! Hill Alter .MilIIIre ItHlrrtlnii mill It In Conolilcrrit n Stimuli , The bill which was mentioned in THE BCK several days ago ns being in process of prep aration having for its object the working of n number of reforms in connection with mu nicipal governments throughout the state has been at last drawn up and will bo Intro duced In the legislature probably during the coming wook. It Is ralhor largo and the cbnngos proposed In it are somewhat radical , inasmuch ni nearly the whole system of city governments is altered. Prominent mem bers of the Board of Trade , who were ap pointed by the board to draw up the bill have been' wonting on it together with cer tain members of the cltv council for a couple of weeks past , nnd the bill as It now stands is the result of a linn conviction on the part of a largo proportion of the taxpayers that a change must bo made Trio bill creates n board of control which takes to itself a largo partof the dutlos of the city council. It Is composed of ono member from oacli ward and two mombon nt largo , and has entire Jurisdiction of all public im provements. It also appoints all the city ofllccrs who nro now elected by popular vote with the exception of the mayor , who LI chosen as now. Tiio city council has u good share of its business taken away from it , and : J1 it has to do Is to make laws for the pov- ornmeut of the city. This , however , is by far the smaller part of its duties at present , so that the board of control Is the more im portant of the two bodies. The snlarj of the members ol Doth bodies is S.J50 per annum. The salary of the mayor is ilxou at $ ! , " > 0 a year and his oflico is made of much less ac count than it now Is. Ho has no appointing power , and , in fact , about the only thing ho has to do Is to manipulate the veto power nnd draw his snlurv. The police force , which Is appointed now by the mayor , is appointed under the now system by the board of con trol and the members of the force nrp to bo subject to orders from that body alouo. The ofilco of chief of police Is done nway with and the chairman of the board of control late to oxcrciso a sort of control over the forco. From this brief synopsis of the law it is proposed to pass nt this session of the logis- latvre , It can DO scon that the changes It pro vides for arc verv sweeping. The men who framed it are rather backward about talking of its provisions , for fear the committee to which it Is referred when It comes uu before the legislature muv sit down on It nnd thus throw the lauch on them , but the above are the most important features of it. HUSTON STOICi : . Council ItlutfH , III. Lust dny of the GUKAT 11-DAY clearing sale. A tremendous success. A phenom enal sale that surpasses any of He prcdeccssoi'8 , no matter the sacrifice. A happy be inninc of the now year. Everybody delighted. Everybody satis- lied. Everybody talcing advantage of the opportunity'by Gathering Bargains at our Great 11-day annual cloarintr sale. The wonderful trade the past 10 days has laused many lots to disappear , but now onus in many instances have taken their iiluco. Everyone can afford to read this ad- rertisoment , every item means exactly , yhut it says. And the few items men tioned are only an idea of what wo offer it this great clearing sale. Monday , " "ebruary 1st the last day of the great clearing sale. Below is only a partial list of the thousands of bargains that are offered at this sale. For a bettor list of prices see Council Bluffs daily Nonpareil and jlobe. 10-inch brilliantine , former price. 50c ; 'or ' this sale , 2oc. liO-iiiuh all wool plaids and plain flan- icls , 50c goods , for 3io. ! 51-inch all wool ladies' cloth , worth 75c , for 40c. } 50c , Too and 05c novelties in polka dots , : i mol'H hair stripe and plaids , all iu at > ne price for this aalo , 47ip. 10-inch all wool Henriettas , former price , 05c , sale price , 5 < Jc. 50 pieces all wool red shaker flannel worth . ' ! 3c , snlo price , 20jc , 2 , ) Ciill wool red twilled llannol , lOo for sale only. ( io heavy unbleached flannel , cotton flannel , 'ijc. All our fur capes and muffs at just one-half the original price. $0,60 capes for $8.25 , $10.00 capes for $5.00 , $12.00 capes for $0.00 , $17.00 capc3 for $8.50. Mull's Hlie mult for 17c. 75c muff for H8c , $1.00 muff for 50c , $2.00 muff for $1.00 , $1.00 muff for $2.00 , $9.00 muff for $4.50. All our stock of muffs the same way. Toys and fancy goods \\'o must have room for our immense stock of wall paper which is now on the way. All our toys , dolls , baskets , clocks and brickabruek at just half price for this saio. 18o Bannocktnirn suitings 12c. AH our stock of prints , including best blues , silver grays , black and whites , heavy twilled serges , all usual bold for 7o and 8c , for this sale 5c. 31-inch wide suitings , former price 15c , for this sale CJc. lid-inch wide Armenian black and white , former price 15c , for this sale lOc. 12jo and 15o outing flannels for lOc. Host apron ginghniiiM ( IJr. Coats' and Clark's best 200-yard snoo cotton for He. Bolding'a 100-yard spool silk for 5c. Bolding's 100-yard bpool twist for Ic. All our children's coats in two lots , J2.75 and $3.2. ) . All our nowmarkots , that sold for $10.00 , $12.00 and $16.00 , all in ono lo for $1.08 ; a chance that should not bo lost sight of. Ladies' short coats $5.00 coats for $2.76 ; $8.00 , $0.00 and $10.00 coats for $5.00. Novelty garments , embroidered sleeves and revered front , $11,00 garments monts for $7.00 , BOSTON STORE. FOTlIHItlXailAM , WlUTKLAW cfcCO. , Council Bluffs , la. Two apprentice nurses wanted at the W. C , A. hospital , corner Oth street and Oth avenue _ Leading drugstore and news standDavis How to Killatt WHOWO. ( "I notice with n great deal of pleasure th t > plondld suggestions made by a ( Jounci 1)luffs business man In Tim BKK yesterday morning , " said a wido-nwako young man yesterday , "ana I want to supplement withi suggestion of my own in the same Jlno. W have never found any dituculty in spending the money wo have raised hero for pubili purposes. I am confident uouu of It has ovoi been expended us wisely and sensibly as pro vided by the plan suggested. If the mono1 can bo expended tbit way I nm uonlldont i' can bo raised , and here Is the plan I woul proceed upon to ralso it , I waul Blurt by railing a mooting o riUzoni , not the capitalists and business , moil , but raiherttio humbler classes who arc Intelligently as well as deeply Interested m the progress of their town , and I would urge each one to the fund t > ay 1 per cent of tno appraised valuation of their property , to bo paid In installments or when it suited their convenience bust , with the understanding that uono of the subscriptions were to be called for unless the amount of $50,000 was subscribed. "Tho man whose property was assessed at FIRE SMJE OF Twenty Thousand Dollars''worth of Shoes will be sold for less than it cost to make them. Not damaged at all. Not a shoe in the house damaged. There was no fire or water in the room where the goods were. These goods are all new and clean and of the very best makes , and they will be sold at prices never before offered to the people of Council Bluffs or Omaha. LOOK AT SOME OP THE BARGAINS : Laird's French kid hand turned shoes Ladies' cloth top hand turned Oxfords made , in sll It vesting top , bright don- All $1 shoes for $2.50. chance to buy goon goods cheaper than that Morse of Omaha sells for $8 , for reduced from $3.60 to $1.60. gola tip , oh th top , Bulchor cut nnd all All $3 shoes for $2. you ever can again. $1.60. Ladles' kid top hand turned Oxfords , styles , all si'/os and widths , the same All $2 shoos for $1. IT IS A WELL KNOWN FACT Curtis & Wheeler's hand turned $5 reduced from $3 to $1.2-3. shoes that would cost you $8 and $1) ) In AND REMEMBER That Evans has always Imndlod noth shoo for $3.60. Ladles'hid top hand turned Oxfords , Omaha , for $ -5.50. Those goods are of That these goods are all now , clean and ing but Ural-class goods , and you can Curtis AB Wheeler's hand turned $3.60 reduced from $2.60 to $1. the latest styles and perfectly made by the best ninkes. save one-half the cost of those goods by shoe lor $2.60. And all Oxfords and slippers at even the best manufacturers in the United very buying thorn now. Reynold's Bros. $3 shoos for $2. loss than half prlco. States IT WII-iLJ'AY YOU NO FAKE. BUT BUT A FACT. All $2.60 shoos for $1.60. MEN'S ' SHOES. All $5.50 shoos for $ I. to examine these goods and got some of Those goods will all bo sold in a few All $2 shoes for $1. I will soil the best putont leather shoo All $5 shoes for $3.60. the bargains. Don't overlook this days. Don't lot this chance oscivpo you. THIS SALE COMMENCES MONDAY , FEBRUARY 1. R H EVANS 412 BROAD WA Y COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. $ WX ) would subscribe $0 , to bo paid during the year , an amount so small that ho would not miss It , but when aggregated with the subscriptions of thousands of public spirited citizens would amount to a largo fund. The assessed valuation of the city is nearly fS- 000,000 and ono per cent of this would bo $ M,000. ) 1 would have the names of the subscribers published and kept stand ing in the daily papers , but not the amounts subscribed. I reoognizo the power of the press , and 1 am certain that this would act as an incentive to others. The merchant would soon notice so many of the names of his customers that it would occur to htm as good business policy to got his name there ; thd banker would soon find it ndvlsablo to Join the crowd and when the ball begun to roll It would soon gather all classes. By this means a largo fund would bo raised backed by an organization composed of a majority of nil the citizens of the town. " Walnut block and Wjoming coal , fresh mined , received daily Thatcher , 10 Main. Sw.mson Miuio CD , Masonlo temple E. II. Shoafo lias eastern money on hand for real estate loans. Jarvis 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best. C. M. B. A. concert at Hughes' hall Wednesday evening , February 3. Tick ets , 2oc. _ The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. , closes every evening at G p. m. , unless Mondays and Saturdays. Mondays 0 p. m. , Saturdays 10 p. m. Fothoringham , Whitclaw & Co. , Council Bluffs. In. Dr. F. T Seybert has removed to the Grand hotel. Telephone 35. Fun ill < ) l A. H. Slytur. The funeral of the late Alfred B. Slyter occurred yesterday afternoon from his resi dence , 730 Mynstor street. A lureo number of friends of the family were present. The funeral exorcises were conducted by Hev. T. McK. Stewart of the Broadway Methodist church , assisted by Uov. J. G. Lomen of the Christian Homo. A largo procession fol lowed the remains to their last resting plane lu Falrview cemetery. The following were pall bearers : H. P. Warren , T. B. Louis , G. H. Jonos. Theodore Guittar , J. K. Cooper and John Benuott. M. Corena Laughlin , teacher of paint ing , crayon , pastel and water colors , 300 Mori-lam block , Council Bluffs , la. The Ladies' Social circle of the First Baptist church will give a supper and entertainment Tuesday evening. Reitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway , has all the latest styles and now winter goods. Satibfaction guaranteed. ' The Midnight Alarm" broke two records of the Farnam street theater yesterday. The matintio audience was the biggest of tbo season , and in the evening people were turned away. The play is a melodrama , not entirely co herent , but full of exciting situations and startling climaxes. Tnero Is a long lost girl who turns up in tbo parson of a street arab , a fireman who boars the dishonor of n brother's crime to spare their mother's ' grief , an old miser who commits several crimes to gain possession of tbo girl's fortune , a bruvo 'lire captain who trounces the villain while an alarm is being rung lu ana springs from the light to bis oncmo us it clashes by , a bunco stooror , nn old farmer and other traditional characters. Thorols a realistic vlow of the East Ulver front nt Now York , showing Brooklyn bridge in the distance. Tbo steam lira angina is the real article drawn by two whlto borsos und throws out sparks us It crosses the stage. There Is an Interestinc drawbridge - bridge scouo In which the old miser trios to wreck a train , but two girls close the draw In the niok of time and the train rushes by amid deafening cheers. 1'Jdith Julian Is a tntlo niaturo for the role of Sparkle , but " she represents' the smart , slangy girl of "ho streets with a and abandon that is very catchy with an average uudlonco. George F. Hall Injects a great deal of furcu into tbo part of K. Chip- pington Chaser , tha bunco stoerar , who turns out t'o bo a pretty good sort of a follow , hut his broad burlesque Is convulsing. Freder ick Julian represents the traditional mlsor- villutn , and elves a consistent and creditable portrayal of an ungrateful character. Rob ert Nolll ns the llro captain. Gi.'oruo B , Bor- roll as the old farmer and Poruy PlunUott as a darky made numerous hits in their several characters. Murder of an ( Mil Wmimii. NEVVMIK , N. J. , Jan , 81. When Joseph Senior , a watchman at Fuwratt's hat shop at Milburn , entered his bouso this morning bo found thn body of bis wife , who had boon brutally murdered during the night , lying on tbu floor , Her throat was cut. Tbero were eleven stab wounds in the bnust. und noib arms were frightfully gashed , Ho is 70 years old and his wife Til. Tuoy had lived there for forty yours , Thli'f Arrcutecl. OrruMWA , la. , Jan , 31 , [ Special Telegram to TUB BKI.J : Bill Myorx , the noted snouk thief and desperado , Is lu Jail and ibo police authorities are jubilant , ilo is the follow who plotted with a lot of tramp prisoners in the jail to slug tht ) sheriff and gut their free dom , and would have accomplished it but /or the timely listorforonco of the douuty. The /Illinois of the plot was not rovoalud until Mycis' jail term expired nnd tbo manor has bec-n sltico kept quiet in order to appre hend him. He will DO tried tomorrow. Shut IIIVlfo itiiil Her llrntlior. WASHINGTON- . C. , Jan , ai. Howard Schneider aged 27 , shot his wife it is uullovod fatally , and killed tier younger brother , Frank Homllnk , while they were coming homo from church. The wife had refused to live \ > lth uor husband. NOIT , Certain Itcmeiiy. Last- lHKciirciio\crri".uinii. \\lllwud ( Bralcil ) frco to anr nuflorer , n | M o. rcrlptluii to enlarge smnll , \ > mk rirtu nm ! certain cnru for Jx > el . Uupotcucy. J. 1) . HUUbK , Dux 1 . Albion. Mich. SIDEWALK NOTICE. Notice is hereby Riven to the owner or own- i > rs of the following roul estate , In the cl'y of Omalin. to luv and repair sidewalks In Trout of nnd mljo.nlnit their propurty within II vo ( S ) days from the 10th day of February , 1H)2. ) Such sldowiilks to bo constructed , repaired and laid In nuoord unco with ul.uis : uid specifi cations on Illo In the ofilco of the Hoard of Public Works , and In accordance with resolu tions adopted by the city council , viz : North sldo of llarnoy street , adjolnlns lots 11 und 12. block 1 ' . McConnloIra addition , .six feet Ide. present grade. North sldo of llarney street , adjoining the oust throe und one-half foot of lot 10 , blooU 10 , McCormk'U's addition , six' feet wide , present grade. West sldo of St. Lawrcnoo avenue , ndjolnine Inl ? 14 to 'M inclusive , bloc | < I , I'uppleton 1'urlc addition , il.\ foot nldc , present crude. West sldo of SI. Ijiiwrence'iivctiuo , adjoining lots i'to IU Inclusive block C , I'opplcton 1'ark addition , six foot wide , pryaoiit gnulo. North sldo of Spring street , adjoining lots 1 , to K ! Inclusive , block , ' ) , Deer Park addition , six foot wide , present grudo. youth sldo of Chicago street , . ullolifni tlio oist : ono-hnlf of lot : i. block-U,1 Heed's llrst ad dition , ( ! foot wide , present grade. North stdo of Grant htroet. iidlolnlnj ; lots 10 toL'O InclusUc. block 12. Clifton Hill addition , feet wido. temporary grade. North stdo of Grant stroot. udinlnlntr lots 13 to 'J4 Inclusive , block 9 , Clifton Kill addition , B feet wido. temporary grade. South sldo of Grant street , adjoining lots 1 to II. Inclusive , block ii. : qilftou Hill addition. 0 feet wide , tompnrary grade , , South Rldoof Grant street , adjoining lots 1 tn inclusive , block 8 , Clifton Hill addition , 0 fcot wide , temporary gnide. North side of ( Just stront. adjoining lots 15 to 24 Inclusive , block 1 , Uounlon addition , 0 foot wide , temporary grade , West sldo of Fourteenth street , adjoining lots 1 and 31. block 3 , Sherman Avuniio I'nrlc addition , & feet wide , temporary grndo. West sldo of Fourteenth street , adjoining lots 1 nnd III , block- , Hhennan Avenue 1'urk addition , fi foot wide , temporary grade. Fust sldo of Fonrtoonth street , adjoining lots 1(1 ( and 17 , block 1 , Sherman Avonno 1'nrk addition , li feut wido. temporary gr.tdo. Knst side Fourteenth street , adjoining lots 1(1 ( and 17. block 4 , Sherman A venue I'ailc ad dition , six foot wide , temporary grndo. East sldo of Sherman avenue , adjoining tax lots 31. UU and XI , section 11. township 15 , ringo III , il feet wide , established grade. East sldo of .Sherman avenue , adjoining lots 7,0 , 11 , ii ; and 15. Marker's subdhlsion , 0 feet wide , established grade. Knst sldo of Sherman avenue , adjolnlnz lots 7 to IL1. Inclusive , block. % Hilloko'u addition , 0 feotwldc , established grade. East sldo of Sherman avonno , adjoining lots 11 to'Jt' . Inclusive , block 4 , Illllel.o's addition , C font wido. established gr , lo , K Ht sldo of Sherman avonno , ndiolnlng roniont , Klkhorn & .Missouri Valley rallrond right-of-way , section ; j. tow nshlp 15 , range 13 , U foot wide , established grade. East sldo of Sherman avfiiuo , adjoining St. I'.iul. Minneapolis > t Oinnliu Railroad com pany's right-of-way , tectlon 3. township 13 , raiiRU 13. ( ! feet wide , established gr.ido. KaHsldo of tjhorman avenue , adjoining lot 5 , blue ! : 'J , Sixteenth Street addition , 0 feet wide , established grade. Kast side of Sherman avenue , adjoining lot . " , block 3 , Sixteenth stieot addition , U feet wido. established grade. West sldo of Twenty-second street , adjoin ing lot 1 , block ? , Shull's First addition , 8 feat wide , present crude. West Bide of Twonty-soeond streot. adjoin- Iii2 lols 1 and 20 , block U , SlmlPs Second addi tion , H feet wide , pi esent grailo. West sldn of Twenty-second street , adjoin ing tux lot ! ! . ' ) , section 27 , township 15 , raii u 13 , 8 feet wide , present gradu. West sldo of Twuntv-socond street , adjoin ing tax lot 37 , section 27 , township , l.\ ran u 13 , 8 foot wide , proiont grade. South sldo of Leavenworth street , adjoining est 44 foot lot I. block 20.1 , city , M fcot wide , present grade. South sldo of Loavenwnrth stroot. adjoining lot 2 , block 203. oily , 8 fuel wide , uiosont grade. South sldo of Irani stsoct , adjoining lots 1 , 2. 3 , and 4 , block 5 , Walnut Hill addition , 6 feet- wide , present grade. South sldo of ( Jcnrgu stieot , adjoining lots 1 , 2. 3 and 4. block 5 , Walnut Hill addition , 4 feet wide , present grado. IIKl'AHl OMI WALKB. West Hide of bovuutfrontli Htrcot , adjoining lots 1 to IS , Inclusive , block 13 , KounUo & [ tilth's addition. Soutbsldoof Mason street , adjoining lots 1 and 2 , block 13 , Kountrn & Itutb'H addition. East sldo of Klghteunth street , nojolnlng loth 2 to2fl. Inclusive , block 13 , hounUo & Ituth'k addition. Kast side of Sovontooth street , ndiolnlng lols 8 to 21 , Inclusive , block 14'Unlon addition. West sldo of Sovuntounth Htreot , adjoining lots I , U , 10 , 13 , II. 17 , 18 and a I , J. 11 alley's subdivision. West Hide of Seventeenth street , adjoining lots I , 2 und 3 , Itogor's subdivision , Wt'Nlsldoof Slioimunuvenuo. adjoining tax lots 21 , ' ! , 23 and 21 , boetltm 3 , townbblp 15 , Tango 13. West side nf Sherman uvmiuo. adjoining lots t to II. inclusive , block 4 , Ilngoilorn'a addi tion , ' ' West sldo of Sherman nvonue , unjoining lots 1,2. 3 and 4 , block I , Hagedorn'u addition , West stdo of Twonty-hlMJi street , adjoining lots 1 , 2 and 3. block 3 , ( Juplinl Hill addition. liiibiiSlduof Twonly-sjilh htioct , adlolnlng lots 1 , 2 and 3 , bloek 4 , Crifilfol Hill addition. Norths doof Ohio at ri < ct , adjoining lots 7 to 13. Inclusive , block II , Dcill'tt'H addition. North sldo of Uiko Etrtwl , adjoining lots Ute to 21 , Inclusive , bloo'x 8 , Clarendon addition , Noi tb uliloof Lake street , adjoining lots 13 to 24 Inclusive , block 3 , Uluumdon addition. South bldo of liUko ntr6et. udjolnlnu lots 13 and 14 , S , F. Torter's addition. South oldoof 1/uko street , adjoining lot 1 , Fniriuotint 1'laeo uddltltn , Kast side of Twenty-foil it h street , adjoining lot H , block N R V , Hmlth's addition , Kaht sldo of Twenty-folirtli street , adjoining sub lot 1 of tax lot 32 , section K , township 15 , range 13. West side of Twenty-fourth street , adjoin ing lot 1 , block 3. Foster's addition. West side of Twonty-sutli stieet , adjoining lot 1 , block 4 , b ecsy'b addition. llasl bide of Twentyhlxth street , adjoining lot 1) ) , block ,1. Hveesy's addition. Kast sldo ot Twenty-fourth stio ( > t , adjoining lot ' . ' , block 8 , E. V. fMiilth's-addltlon. West hide of Fortieth street , adjoining lots 1 und 10 , block 1 , Walnut Hill addition. West , side of Fortieth utieot , adjoining lots 1 und 1C. block 13. Walnut Hill addition. West sldo of Fortieth si reel , adjoining lots 1 and III. block 14 , Walnut Hill addition. North sldo of I lodge street , adjoining lots 12 to24 Inclusive , blflok fi , DruUu'i addition , and II I washout , West Rldoof Seventeenth htrect. adjoining lots 4 to 17 Inclusive , block H. Knuiit/.a& Until' * addition. I * . W , ItlltlvllAl'.SKlt. Chairman Hoard of 1'tibllc Works. Omaha. Nub. . J a n. Si ) , I mi. _ SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 1082. An ordinance levying a special tax and as sessment on all nits und real eslalu within 1'uvlng DUtrleu Not 2a2 and 3).S ) In the city of Oiuuhu , to cover the cost of uavlng 24tli btreet from Huauldluf street to licit I.luo Hallway ; and Eleventh street from Clark street to i.orth line Mct'uguii's addition , Whortinslt having been , and being hotobv adjudged , determined and established that tlio suvorul lols and pieces of leal estate horo- Innfter referred to have eaen been sDeelaily bcnelltted to the full amount herein levied nnd assessed against ouch of said lots and pieces of real estate , respectively , by reason of the paving of ( hut part of " 4th street from Suauldlng street to Hell I.lno railway ; nnd Eleventh street from Clark street to north line McCutniu'saddition ; There-fun1 , for the purpose of paying the cost of said paving : Ilo It ordained by the city council of the city of Uniaha : Section 1. That the cost of paving that part of 24th street within paving district No. Swi. In the city of Omaha , from Sp.uildln ? street to Oniah'i IteH Line railway , said cost being the Bum of (13,02572 , lie and the uno Is hereby levied and assessed , In proportion to the feet front along said paving , and according to special benefits by reason of said paving , upon the following described lots and real estate , as shown by the guneralty rucognlrcd niau of the city of Uniaha , ISS'I , Itlhogravthcd and pub lished by Muyno ; said cost being so lulled on h.ild lots and real estate , rospucUvoty , us follows , to-wlt : Antinla Sachssc , It 1 blk 1. Ajucs I'luco i\'M \ 50 do It2b'lc 1 , " 13'i ' V. ) Adam Stcngltno , It 3 blk 1 " 13(1 ( SI ) do It 4 blk 1 " 1311 M ) do HSblkl " 130 M no I to blk 1 " Adwln II Walker , It 7 blk 1 , " 13d 58 do US blk 1 , " 13158 do Itublkl , " Wii.'iS Christian Benson , It 10 blk 1. " 130 5S do It II blk 1 " 135 5S do It 12 blk 1 " 11)1 ) 22 Ormihu Holt Ky Co , s3 ft It 4 blk 8. Isa bel add 1033 Omaha Holt Hy Co , rt of way Its blk 8 , Isabel add 121 15 G II I'ayiio , ex rt of way It 5 blk 8 , Isa bel add J2 70 O II I'nvne , UOblkS. Isabel add 245 M Eli/.ab'h A I blk 1Kendall'sud 130 50 do It 2 blk 1 " 130 5(1 ( Edwin II Walker , It 3 blk 1 " 130 50 do It 4 blk 1 " 1305 ! ) N H Kendull , It ! i blk 1 " 130 50 do ItOblkl " 13058 Ella E Lataon , It 7 blk J " 130 58 do It S blk 1 " 130 5S Fred I ) Woad , H 0 blk 1 " 130 58 N A Kuhn. It 10 blk I " 130 M II blk 1 " 1 I m do It 1 blk 8 ' 130 50 do It 2 blk 8 " 13089 do ItilblkH " i : K > do It 4 blk 8 " 1305 ! ) Timothy Conwuy , It 5 blu 8 " 1-10 51 do It 0 blk 8 " 130 58 Lena M Hlbburd. It 7 blk 8 " 131 58 do It 8 blk 8 " 33058 Soren Jonnson , It il b k 8 " 130 5S do It 10 blk 8 " 130 58 do It 11 blk 8 " 103 00 Anna M Kolenbeck , s 110 ft w 124 blk 5 , O.ik Chatham 51034 D M Hull , n 50 ft H 150 ft w 121 ft blk 5 ; Oak Chatham 2"3 17 J A Hull , n 50 ft s 200 ft w 1'4 ft bile 5 , OakChntham 27317 John I ISodlck , n 20J ft w 124 ft 1)11(5 , Oak Chatham 1,092 18 ClmrlottoM K Adumu.llTlilk 12OakC'm 273 17 do It 8 blk 12 " 273 17 do It 0 blk 12 " 27317 do It IJ blk 12 " 27317 do It 11 blk 12 " 273 17 do It 12 blk 12 " 273 17 James Wadsworth , It in blk 4 , I'lulnvtow 273 17 do It 11 blk 4 " 27J 17 II McCord. It 12 blk 4. " 27. ) 17 L.M AndiuH.sTr , Itl3blk4 " 2 l 17 A I' Itrlnk , It 11 blk 4 " 273 17 ( Jura E Cm Us. n iS It ISblk 4 " 130 58 A 1' llriiiK. s li It 15 blk 4 " 130 5 ! ) Car.i E CurtlH , It Hi blk 4 " 27:1 : 17 Ibhmcnl Hi Ink , It 17 blk 4 " 2 l 17 do It 18 blk 4. " 273 111 Andrew Dufrene. n 31 ft It 15 blk 5 " IU ) : 1 Theresa Otis , It 10 blk5 " 273 17 Gee W Lo at. ot a I , It 1 Itustln's add to 1'liilnviow 24567 Rasmus Nelson , It 2 Kustln'H add to I'lalnvlow 245b7 Hairlett Hustln , It 3 Itustln's add to I'lalnvlow 24)80 Nicholas Morgon , o 132 ft tax U No. 27 , hoc 4-.5-13 001 10 Total S13.02572 Section 2. That the cost of paving that part of Eleventh sueot within paving district No. 'tiiS , In thu city of Omaha , from Clark streut to the norm 1 no of McCaguo's addition , said cost bolng the Mini of $7,874.0(1 ( , ho and thosamols hereby levied and assessed , In piopnrtlon to the feet fiontulonjT said paving anil accord ing to special benefits bv mason of said pav ing , upon tno following described lots and real estate , as shown by the generally rocognl/ed nun ) of the olty of Omaha , 18MI , lithographed anil published by C , E. Maynu : said cost bolng so levied on said lots und icul estate , respect ively , us fol ows , lo-wlt ! Sylvester Cunningham. It 1 blk 1 , Cun ningham's add } 2b,7 70 Sylvester Cunningham , It 2 blk 1 , Cun ningham's add 2s7 ' 0 Sylvester Cunningham , It 3 blk 1 , Cun ningham's add 21:770 Sylvester Cunningham , H 4 blk I , Cun ningham's add 29042 Glilncy 1'lcldo Co , w > / n 2,10 ft blk 3Mo- Cuguo'biidd . . . . ; 101823 Goodman I'aeklns Co , w l't a 100 ft blk 3 , McCaguo's add 41272 WLMeCijuo.wt'jltlblk4..McCuinie'sad ! 23021 do w Hit 2 blk 4 " 23021 MO MeCiiguo. w'U 3 blk 4 " ttIO 21 Alluo Vatub , wiilt4blk4 " 23021 do w'/.ItfiblkJ " 2IW 21 do w H It 0 blk 4 " 2:10 : 21 Itobert Yutes , w ' , ' , It 7 blk 4 V3) 21 do w lilt 8 blk 4 " 2JO 21 do w 14 It II blk 4 " 2JO 21 do w lilt 10 blk 4 " 20501 Cunnlnuham &Thoi > ipson et al. o 132 ft of n 303 ft of tux 112 eo 15-15-13 10j7 C4 Chailes II liroun , o W.'ftsUW ft tux lot 2bCU5-J5-l3 | 1314 M Totul J7b71 00 Section 3 That s.ild special taxes levied afoiosuld , on said lots respectively , shull become - come dellmiuont as follows ; one-tenth of the total amount so levied on each of said lots shall become delinquent In ( if ty days from the passage and approval of this ordinance , one- tenth in ono year , one-tenth In two years.ono- tfiith in threii yearn , oiiu-tonth In four yours , onu-tciitli In llvu yours , anu-iuiitli Inslxyoais , one-tentli In hcven years , one-tenth in eight yuun , ono-tcnth In nlnu years after said lovy. und being from thu imssuvu and uiipiovulof this ordinance. Cneh of said installment-s , except thu first , shall draw Interest at tbu rate of hovon per cunt per rnnum from the time of thu levy afoie-iald , until the giuiiu sliall become delliHinent. Interest at the rate of one per cunt per month , payable in advance shall be p ild on uuuh deliiin ! < ent Installment. Section 1. Iho entlro amount ol tux so levied undassonaed oil any of biild lots may bo | > alu by tlioownerof any hitorlheentireequal IHO rutu proimrtlon of said lax on any of said lols , may bu paid by any person on any part of said lots within ufty days fr.Jin said levy , and thereupon such lots or uai ts of lots , snail bu exempt from any lieu or uhurgi thuiofor. Suction 5. That this oidlnanco shall take cil'eit mid bo In force fium und after Its pass- i'assed Junuary 10th , IS'C JOHN GliOVE ? . Olty Clerk , U 1' . DAVIS. I'rotlduiit tlltr Council. Approved Januiiry 2th | , lj r' , , , , . , GKO. 1' . HEM IS. Mayor. Thuitbovi ) tux U now duo and payable at thuofllcuuf theeliy lrc\biirerand will become dullmiuunt and bear Inierest after March llth IbW , usaoun In section 3 of above ordinance UUNUY 1JOLLN , Trottsuror. Is the best heap Hand Shelter on the market. Council Bluffs , IOWA. nrT / Chas. Lunkley , r'miiTiil .Director ami Underiikor. ! 311 Broadway , Council BlulTs. ) M'J. ' S13EOIAL NOTIOB8. COUNCIL BLUFFS. FOR KENT Vunilsho'l ' room ; Hioam beat ; $7 per month , Address I'to , city , FOR KENT Nlculy furnished linuso , 7 rooniH , slouni heal , water , all modern Im provements. E. II. Sheafo , over Olllcor & I'UBUy'H , AHMS KUR H A IjK Macrosnoar this city. verv cheap. Also I''J uurcs In Ilooninr toHiisblii. VMM trade for hoiiho and lot. W , A. Wood & Co , UR BAKK UoiuitorH and vault door In the building lecently oecujihid by thu Coun ell HlulTs Havings bunk. Olllcor & J'Ubuy , Council Illnlls. OUNUIIJIMJI'KS monny on hand for loans. W. A. Wood X Co. , 5'M Main. "IJlUr ; Rl'NT 7-rooin house , with bath loom , -L'corner 4lb live , and bth bU Inqiilru next IOITER the following oholt-u bargains In fruit und veuutablo landH ! S7 acres W rods north of thu Uhautauiiuit gioiindH , ua lern slope , llnu Hjirln.s and line surlnK-hruolc , land vtiry ilch and \tull ixluptcd to fruit. Zl aurus on Grand uvonno , line orchard , windmill and line grove ; situated on Myiistur proposed motor line , onu nnd one-half miles from Coupull HlurfH postoirtue. U acres of very eholco plowed land on Uranil avunuoH \ miles from nastolllce. 110 uoros : tj ; miles from ulty llniltb ; good lioiibi ; , barn and ontljulldlnu'a ; llnuuruhuru ; a Kruatbitrualn at $ . ' > .5X ) . Kasy teinis. 'M acres , cholcu fruit farm , 0 acres In black berries , OKI younir fruit troos. UOUgrupo VIIIBS. House , burn and outbuilding A very choice burgaln , ( iniv ii nillo.s east of postolllou In Council Itliill'H.V. . ( J. Ht.iey. Hooni 4 , Opera llouso bloek. Council llliifl'H , la , " 1 ONV'A farms ; line 2lu acru farm , Ml | iur acre , JJ1.001 cash , balance on long time ; 15) ) aura farm , $000 down , balance imsy ; farms of all sizes rundforlUU Joluihtun & Van 1'utten , Council Hlnlts. T WANT to buy stook of grocorlo * or boon -Land shoes ; will pay part cash and p'trt by a 0 room house and lot , In Omubu , U vB llwo , Co un _ c IU11 u Ifs. ? 10MIM < KTioiilOt ; b ir fixtures and two pool V Ublui. for sale and biilldln ) ; for rant , liood locution. K. U. bhuufe ' ' . , over Ultlcer It I'tuuy' * batuc. FAR MB , pardon lands , houses , lots and busloois bloaks for sale or raaU Day Si IU 1'ourl street , Oouuall Bluffs , COUNCIL B UFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All klndhpf Urulnit and Oloaiilnsdono In Urn hlKlicbt fatylo of MID art. Riduil and Htnlnod fabrics made to look as good as now , Itod feathers clounoil by steam In llrst-clius man nor. Work iiroinptlydono and delivered lu all purls of Uiu country. Send for iirlco list , C , A. MAUIIAN , - - IMICJl'RIUTOR. 10ii : llroadway , Near Nnrtliwaitorn Depot _ COUNCIL itMJt'iy , IOWA. CITIZENS MfElANK Of Council Bluffs. " TAV. STOCK . f50,039 ! , SURPLUS AND PROFITS . . 70.009 TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . $225,009 DmEOTnns-l A. Miller , K. O , Oloason , II li. fihuururt , R II ll.irt , J. U B'Jmundson. Charloi K. llannan. Transact gunoral bankliiR hiisl- and surplus of any bau't luijoutliweitern Iowa , INTEREST ON TliVIE DEPO3I T S ' . W. C. ESTEP FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER , 14 N. Mnln , Council Bluffs. Sims & Saundcrs-Ai0orr , TSI federal rourtM. Itoomi . ' 1 , 4 uuU S Uunoblouk , Counull limits , Ix COUNCIL'ULUl'KS Galvanized Iron Cornice Works IU QllAHL & BON , I'ltOP'S 1O1B and 1O17 Broad way , ICBUiiiuti'B fundBlirtl nn all klmliof ( lulranlioa or Oornlco Work , Iran Uoll ( Store I'ronu un < 4 Opuu Work. Artlitlo Work u npuclaltir t'urren liandcncu eallclteci from poloU 'M ) iu\\u \ \ Council llluB uud Ouiuliit.