Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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to assume again your rightful duties of ROV-
"I have not made nny plans In that direc
tion. In fact , I have thought moro about the
question of having ray citizenship placed be
yond the shadow of ft doubt than I tiavo
about the governorship. I shall exorcise no
unnccossnry haste In the muttorof taklnctho
chnlr. I do not know wl.nt General Thnyur
intends to do. When I learn his Intentions
then I shall donldo when to go to Lincoln. I
shall not use any unpcntlcmanly haste In
taking possession of the governor's ofllco , for
as I sold at the outset I nm governor Jiist the
same whether I nm In Omnha or Lincoln and
X suppose Oeneral Thayer understands that
io must ndt act a ? governor ono moment
nftor the decision of the supreme court has
declared that my tight totho oDlco Is n law
ful ono nnd ho is only a private
altlzon who has been acting as
governor during the hearing of the question
before the court of last resort. "
With regard to his appointments the gov
ernor said ho had nothing to say. Ho would
f.ltend to nil those matters In duo time , but
Jld not * co the necessity of any rusti orX-on-
fusion about tbo matter.
( loiipnil Cnurln Di'llghti'd.
General Cowln is In a very hnppy frame of
mind. Thcro was u great , broad amllc play
ing over his countenance when af.r. rop-
rcsontatlvo called upon him shortly after
"I would rather have argued and won this
case , " said the general , "than bo president
Jj of the United States with Chill thrown in.
from tbr time I argued t'uo question In the
hUpremo couit of the United States until the
present tlmo I had no doubt of the correct
ness of my position and very little doubt but
thnt the supreme court would hold with my
"Now I wish to say that the delay of tno
( uprcmo court In bunding down its decision
w not unusual for so Important n case. I
Ihlnk the decision was handed down as soon
w It was written , corrected nnd approved by
the court.
"Tho question of citizenship by admission
of a stnto goes to thn very fundamental prin
ciples of a romibllcnn form of government.
It Is ono of the most important cases politi
cally 1 don't mean by this In a partisan
. sense that the supreme court has over do-
tlverod. "
Will TlmyiT Ylclil Oni
The ull important question now in the
mmes of the citizens is , will Thayer ylold
the ofllco cracoiully and when will Boyd make
n formal demand for his scat )
When the decision was reported a month
ago Governor Thayer is reported to have said
that In cnsn the federal sutfremo court decided
that Uoyd was eligible to the ofllco ho
( Thayer ) would atoncoand cheerfully vacate
the oftlco.
Attorney Hansom said | to a reporter today
that unless a stipulation wcio made between
the opposing attorneys ot the contestants the
decision would not bo effective for slxtv days.
Ho had no Idea , howuvcr , that Thayer's n'-
toruovs would interpose the slightest objection
tion "to Boyd's assumption of his ofhclal
duties at once ,
. , Qcnonil Cowln , Boyd's chief counsel in the
| S ! celebrated case , said that ho knoxv of no legal
impediment to the Immediate assumption by
Oovornor Boyd of the ofllco to which he was
jlected. The general was highly jlated at
the signal success 01 his client , and received
the congratulations of his friends through
out the day.
It Is said that Governor Boyd will not take
up his residence in Lincoln at once , prefer
ring to take his own tlmo. Ho Is reported to
have said that ho did not bellovo Governor
Thayer would wnnt to hold the oflice nftor
the supreme court had declared Boydaclt-
ninny M i > f Congrntiilatloii Kccciveit
from All Over tinCountry. .
Governor Boyd was agaia soon at bis ofllco
last evening , and after a little desultory talk
on the number of congratulatory telegrams
he had received during the afternoon , another
strenuous effort was made to interview him
on his probable course after resuming bis
seat as governor of the state.
"As I stated this afternoon , " observed
Governor Boyd , "I nn as much , the governor
of Nebraska now as 1 will over bo , but just
when I will go down to Lincoln I cannot
tell. "
"Do you anticipate nny delay from any
lourco whatever in assuming the roinsi"
"Well , Icannoftoll just what will bouooes-
lary , but I do not Intend to'exorclso any undue -
duo haste in tbo matter. " '
"And you think ex-Governor Thnycr will
acquiesce gracefully ! "
"I certaitily do. I oven look for a letter
from him In the morning acuuowledglng my
rights. "
"And you positively decline to say any
thing about your appointments ) "
"I most certainly do. In fact , I could not
say anything until after I have consulted my
friends. No , I have not a word to give you
on that head. "
Samplii Ci > iignitiilntlcii8.
Iloro nro some samples ot the telegrams
that rained In on the governor during the
afternoon and evening : '
WAHlllNdTON , U. O. , Fob. 1. Governor James
R. Hoy. I : A rumpluto victory. Toll Cowln ,
Kstabrook nnd Ugdcn. A. II. ( ! AIIIAMI ,
MADISON. Win. , Fob. 1. lion , James 1C. lloyd :
I ron.Kratnluto yon and yourstutu that justice
has buun given you. ( iKouilKV , PUCK.
DCS MOINKS , la. , Kub. I. Hon. James 1C.
lloyd : I nm grontly pleased at your success
In the Hiipruino court , which restores vein to
your rlithtful position as governor of your
Htatu. and Klvtts Nebraska un executive lior
ponnloolcotod. HKIIAUK IloiKri.
WAHIHNOTON , D. p. . Fob. 1. Governor James
R lloyd : Congressman Itryan has just an
nounced the ( Incision of the supreme court In
thn house iimld great applause. Ho joins mo
In hearty congratulations.
"Hill mill Itoyd. "
WIIKKMNO , W. vn. . Fob. 1. James E. Ilovd ;
The wion ; ; la rlKhted , justice triumphs , Ne
braska needs you at her helm. You will make
her name famous imiongst the states as you
iniido Omaha an onist the cities. You will
pilot her with that success your o.xeeutlvo
ability bun shown In every public trust. Ne-
hniska npks u national recognition. You ate
her mm of destiny. If democracy would trl-
innph In 1K' let tlio ory bo "Hill and lloyd. "
Your friend and constituent ,
Kmv.Mt ! ) I.AUKIN.
NKIIIIAHKA CITV , Nob. , Feb. ) . tlovcrnor
Jilmi'H K. lloyd : My liearllost congratula
tions. Words fall to mnko It plainer.
1' , . ) , KAMI ,
Chairman Btatn Democratic Committee.
NBIIIIAHKA OITV , Nub. , Fub. 1. Uovurnor
James K , lloyd : Accunt coiigratnlntliins for
youraulf itnd the state ot NehrnsUa , Justice
and eijulty override dosiiotUin and tyrrany ,
FIIANK P. IiniAM : ) .
NinuiASKA CITV , Nub. , Fob. I. Oovornor
lloyd : ConKratulatlons. Fire ull the repub
licans and you will gratify many.
NF.IIUARKA CITV , Nnb.Fob. . 1. Jamus F
lloyd : Allow niu to congiiitul.Uo you.
LINCOLN , Neb , Fob. 1 , Ills ICxcullency ,
James K. lloyd , ( iovornor : This time It Is an
assured fuel. Accept hourly conirnuuliitloim.
NmuiASKA PITY , Neb. . Fub. 1 , Uovernnr
Jamus 10. lloyd : CniiKriitiilatlnim on your
victory und the triumph of Justice. City re-
jululiiK. JOHN A. HOOSEV.
LiNC ) bN , ob. . Teh. 1. lion. James K. lloyd :
Accupt coiiKrHtiilntlona. Htutn lioiibo crowd
looks blctf. What Is thu matter with lloyd for
vlco president now ? JOMcni A. CO.NNOIU
BTOCKIIAU , Nou. . Fub. 1-Jumos II lovd | : As
a republican pluasu accept my warmest eon-
( rrutulutlons. JOHKI-H HUB * .
LINCOLN , Neb. . Feb. 1 Govurnor Jarno * E.
lloyd : Congratulations of lust November iu-
turned with Interrsl. CiiAiu.Ei T. Nruu
U'ABiiiNdTON. 1) . U.Fub. I. tlinernor James
K. lloyd : Hearty congratulations.
. . . Mil. ANIlMllB. I ) , 0. OlIAIIK ,
UiVKiuiDB. III. , Fob. 1. Uovomor lloyd of
Nebraska : Congratulations aualn , now'thut
wo know wo uro thoro. Throw thu usurpers
out. JOHN a. UKAHI.KV.
HAN FiiANnsco , ( Jal. , Fob. 1-ioveriior
James K. lloyd : We heartily congratulate-
you on your deserved triumph.
HAVENNA. NoU , Fob , : . ( Jovernor Jumes E.
Iloyil : Ai-eupt eontrrHtulatlons. Kvurybody
rejolcliiR. l-i ro the rusoals out.
Deiuuornt * Happy i\rry\v : linrn.
OIIICAQO , 111. , Feb. I. Hon. Jumus K. lloyd !
Accept thhuarty ( coufrutulutlous of niytull
and all your friends ou the Hoard of Trade on
your vindication.
WIM.IAM T. IIAKKH , I'roaldent.
KiAHHcr. Nob. , Fob.l.-UovurnorJumfaG.
Uoyd : A happy day that , restores our right
ful governor. Biucero consratulutlons.
OOIITI.ANP , Neb. , Feb. Governor Juuies E
Uoyd : Accept conKrutulutlons of ( lemocruts
at Oartlniid , U A , BIUUONS.
PiilLAUKi.i-iiiA , 1'a. , Feb. 1 , Qovurnor Juiuus
I' . . Uoyd i Congratulate you und through you
yonr Fommonncnlth on the trltimnh of rlznt
nnd justice. Your republican friend.
Wir.r.tAM.s HAIIVEV.
NEHIIA KA CITV. Nob. Fob. 1. Oovcrnor
Jnnics 1' . lloyd ! CoiiRrntiiliillntM "Kvcr ( ho
kill alms uppermost mid ovur Is Just co
ilono. " : fhiiko. 0. M. lll'nMKii.
SA.v FliANt iscoi Cal. , rob. I. Oovornor
JamcS'K ' lloyd ! Congratulations nnd a tlcer
for yon : W , J. MAIITIN.
Hi TSi'HlNf ) . Arlt. , Fob. I. James K. Uoyd :
Lot mo conurntiiliitoyou us thn governor of
the state of Nol > r.-i * . < ii , JOHN I'ltir/tiKliALt ) .
DAVID OITV , Neh. , Fob. -Jamos I Uoyd !
Wu foiiRr.itulate you on your urcat victory.
N. 0. HICK , V eo I'li'sltlcnt.
MlMVAVKRf , WIs. , Fob. I. lion , James Iv ,
lloyd : The democrats of Wl consln cotmrat-
-iliilo vou upon tliu declHlan nt tlm United
Stains supreme court. E. UAM
Chiilrmnti Dcmoeratlc State Central Jotnmll-
CillCAdo , III. , 1 cb I. Hon. James 1C. Uoyd :
t hrartlly conKnituliito j-on upon your suc
cess liuforu the suprumu court and shall make
t u point to pay my i e-pecls to you In person
-non nflur you rogitln possession of the C.XL-CU-
tlvionice at Lincoln. 1' . S. KfSTl * .
M'AMiAi K , Nob. . Fob. 1. Jnmes K. lloyd :
We , the Democratic plub ot Wallace , do ten-
lervou orneoiiitrutul.itlons as covornor of
Nebraska. I' . K. SULLIVAN , Chairman.
otii XVhcrl llomrH.
ST. I'AIIL , Minn , Foti. I. Oovornor James K.
Iloyd : Accept our cordial congratulations on
the rlchtrous decision of the court of hhjIii'Mt
( lineal In restoring to vou and the people of-
Nebraska thn hlgn odlcu which Iris been
stolen from you. M. DOIIAV ,
I * . II. Km.i.v.
IlltOKRN ll\r , Nob. , Fab. I. lion , James 1C.
lloyd : Accupt congratulations ot llro on
How lUiniocrat ? . Vf .A. OILMOIIK.
OSKAI.OOSA. In. , Fob. l. Oovernor James K ,
Uoyd : IVrmlt me to conaratulnUi yon on
yonr vlndieiitlon bv the tiniest court In the
world of your rluht to possess thu hl h ollleo
to whluh your fellow ulllr.uns so desorvcdly
elected yon. fJuoitni' W. SUKVBIIS.
I'OIIT ULAHK , Tux. . Fob. l. Oovurnor James
R. lloyd : My hearty cungrntuiiiilniison vour
rulnstatuinent- K. W. OHII-TITII ,
Tolonnt ami Aldc-ile-Camp.
COLON. Nob. . Fo'.i. ' I. Governor lloyd : Mn-
cere coiiLTatuliUlons on your victory. May
yon littvo the lft for twoyouis more.
KKV. li. A. Dti.Mi'iiv.
HoTSi'illNOs , S. D. . Feb. I. Governor Jame.s
1C. lloydi Tim uk ( iod ! Nebraska rocounlros
her uioneurs us o.tlzons. I'UKDT. EVANS.
CitAUitON , Nub. , Full. 1. lion. James K.
Uoyd : Accept our hu.irllest congratulations
on supreme court decision.
.1. O. DA m , MAN.
DKNVKII , Colo. , Fob. 1. Oovurnor James I- . .
Uoyd : 1'luaso accept the huarly congratulii-
lions of the Urdvatonn olub.
A. II. McKiNl.EV , President.
DENVKH , Oolo. , Vo\i \ , l. Oovernor James IX
Uoyd : 1 conuratulatoyou. "Troth crushed to
uarth will ajaln. " J. J.
Uoyd Slioutd Never lluvu llceli I'ut Out ot
tlit > Oovm'iior'.s Cliutr.
Cuir.vno , 111. , Fob. 1. fSpaulal Telegram
to Tuu Bin : . ] E. Kosowator , editor of Tun
OMAHA BHK , was here today. When ho heard
that the supreme court had rendered a deci
sion in favor of Boyd , ho said : "Well , wo
had the right tip on that news nearly a
month ago. "
"Aro you satisfied with the decision ? " ho
was asked.
"Yes , " ho replied , "thoro never was any
question us to Boyd's election. lie. was a
citizen of the territory before it became a
state and It would hardly be right to deprive
him of citizenship after statehood was de
clared , That would Do to make It n crlmo to
have boon a citizen of the territory. "
"But you do not stand by Boyd polit
ically ! "
"By no moans , but bo was legally elected
and should never have boon put out of the
governor's chair. Our parly made a nnslnice ,
that's all. "
FKRMONT , Mob. , Feb. 1. [ Special to Tun
BBK. ] The news of the decision of the su-
orcmo court In favor of Boyd was received
here today about noon. When the report
bad been confirmed there was a general out
burst of enthusiasm among tbo democrats
who have been so long waiting between hope
and fear. May Bros.1 cannon was soon
brought fortn and n sulvo llred and a Hag
from their building bore tno charcoal conun
drum , "Aro You Walking Johnnie Thayor. "
Colonel John Shorvln and some of tho'othor
bourbons likewise gave vent to their exuber
ant feelings.
Mrs. Martinez , Widow of 11 Mexican Ocncnil
KlicouriK : 's Onrzn's Men.
SAX A'NTOXIO , Tex. , Jan. 31. El Mundo is
the name of a Mexican newspaper at Laredo
owned by the widow of General Iguaclo
Martinez. . Martinez was a bitter political
opponent of the Diaz government and was
exiled from Moxlco. About six months ago
be was assassinated in the dark in the
Ltrcets of Laredo J > y two horsemen , who es
caped without identification. Nothing fur
ther over developed , but It is believed that
the assassins wnro secret agents ot the Mexi
can government employed for the purpose.
The paper is published by the widow of
General Martinez , nnd is a staunch adherent
of Gaiv.a and bis cause. The issue just
from the press declares that Gurza
is organizing an army in the state of
Tnnmulipas and Cohuila' that the people are
with him ; that capital and the military are
interested In the revolution , but fearing tbo
wrath of the Mexican government Imvo not
yet openly declared their position. El Mundo
further declares that the thousands ot revo
lutions which the American troops are try ing
to prevent from organizing are under the
command ot ( Jonoral Bcnvidcs and not
Garza , as has been said , and thai Garza is in
"Cohuila at Iho head of from UO.OOO to 50,000
men.El Mundo concludes an editorial In the fol
lowing language : "Caterlno Garza's cause
is much stronger , notwithstanding the nctiv
ity of the Mexican government. Thcro is no
doubt the Mexican people , with few excop
lions , nro dissatisfied with the present nil
ministration. Onward people. The hour of
restoration is near. Hall to the sacred rights
of the people. Down with tyrants. "
Tea American Miner * I.out In thu Ice 1'lcldn
oT Alaxlm.
Pour TOWNSKND , Wash. , Jan. ill. The
steamer from Alaska , which arrived last
night , reports that ton minors nro supposed
to have perished of hunger or cold. Lust
April Messrs. Orton nnd S. Q. Whoe-locU of
Juncau , accompanied by night other
minors , loft Juneau on the schooner
Charley for Lltua bay , taking eight
mouths provisions. The party was to return
in November. Nothing having ouen heard
from thorn greet uneasiness Is toll , for they
wore In thu frozen regions , where It would
bo Impossible to got food or help. The
people appealed to Captain Maynard of the
United States warship Pinto , nlBltka , to go
to the relief of the missing men , Maynurd
declined on account of the great risk to the
ship und because bo thought the men were
beyond the roach of human aid ,
Al a masi meeting held in Juneau the
governor was appealed to and r. relief ex
pedition organized and sent out in sailing
vessels with supplies in search of the lost
miners , with u fllulil hope of rescuing thorn ,
The winter at Lltua bay U long and
severe , und it is probublo thai Iho ten missing
men perished ,
I'lru Iteconl.
SIN ANTONIO , Tex , , Jan. 31 , .Al Tucho
last night the immense lumbar yard of
Martin & Scdovor burned. The loss is MO-
000 partly Insured. The lire Is supposed to
have been co-used by tramps.
Buuii.sKLs , Jan. 31. The town of Chlmuy ,
In thn province of Hallaut , has been visltod
by a terrible conflagration which destroyed
fully one-fourth of the entire number c-f Us
buildings. Tha fire , which originated in a
church , spread with grcal rapidity , The
ilreinon , uidud by a tlmclv downpour of rain ,
succeeded In saving tbo threatened residence
of the prlnco of C lit in ay.
Killed by u I'ollceiiian.
SAN FiUNCisro , Cal. , Jan. 31 , Harry D.
Greayor , the well known contractor , who
was shot in Golden Guto park yesterday by
Police Olllcer lUrpor in an altercation over
the speed at which tbo former was driving ,
died this snornlng , The pollcouian is under
arrest ,
I.oil n Fortune In u Trunk ,
CINCINKATI , O , , Juu. 31. John Sprenglo ,
a workman iu a lithographing es
tablishment In this city , died hero
nst Friday. Tonight In on old trunk
the family found stored away $10,000
n cash , three sound policies nt llfolnsurnnco
aggregating # 1,000 nnd building association
nccount of fSOO. The strange thing about
this Is that his famllv , with all of whom his
relations wore entirely happy , had novorboon
apprised bv blni of the existence of nny of
ho valuable contents ot thU nnystorlous
itntTiMi i.v Htu , (
( nllrimd Ilinploycs und Policemen Ilnvn
Snrlima Trnulilis
SpTfdl Oinwipiiwrnirf A * . 1 * . .liworfitfrd 7'irm. I
llio.NT.tno ) , Jan. ill. The people of this
city arc now in a state of intonsu excitement
over riots that occurred yesterday on
Iho Central railway , connecting this city
with the InloHor of the countrv.
i'his road belongs to the government and Is
the most Important railroad in Brazil , tt < tvlng
cost about $ t0Kn,000. ! ( ) The rlotlngcommenced
on the ylb. originating In the arrest of thrco
lirakamon bv the police nt Uoachuclo , n sub
urban station of Iho railway. In the light
which ensued thrco poiicomon were Wounded.
This preliminary conflict caused Irritation ,
both atnonc the police and the railway em
ployes. Yesterday at I o'clock a , in. two
poiicomon at , the city station ot thft railway
wore attacked by a body of men nrmod with
bottles , stones and revolvers , and wcivi
driven from the station to the street , A
tiollco force sent cgnlnst the riot
ers was received with a volley of
stones nnd pistol shots. The police returned
the fire and for some time there was a lively
ftisilade. Al lasl General Bcrnnudo Ylsiiuez ,
commander of the pel Ice brlcndu , and Or.
Francisco Santlaco. police delegate , suc
ceeded in restoring quiet
The lighting interrupted transit on Iho
road , the employes abandoning the trains.
Four policemen and three other persons nra
known to have been wounded In this light.
During the remainder of the day there was
some desultory lighting and at S p. m. a largo
body of railway employes took poasesslon of
tho'station. A largo police force soon ap
peared and Ilchlinir was renewed , lasttngthls
limo an hour hud n half , when Iho
police succeeded In dislodging the rioters.
It is not known how many parsons wore
killed and wounded in this light. Today
ttiero has been no lighting. A thousand
policemen nro guarding the railway station ,
which Is very much damaged. It is reported
that the directors of the railway has been
dismissed und a military man appointed in
bis place. Trains are not running today.
There was a general scare among passengers
on the trams. WOIIIPII fainted and many
persons ran away and abandoned th"ir lug-
gaire , part of which was opened nnd rifled.
Some persons think that there nro political
schemes behind this , whllo others attribute
the disturbances to Iho instigation of an agitator
tater named Vinhas who Is endeavoring to
organize a workingmen's party and who , it
Is said , wishes to ho appointed director of
the wllway. Ho is a retired naval officer
und u member ot congress.
The sitting In the Chamber of Deputies
yesterday was stormy and Interesting and it
was obliged to suspend ii twico.
They Astault the .Men und Women of tliu
.Salvation Army Attacked In 1'arlH.
LONDON' , Jan. ill. Tboro was rioting In
Eastbourne today caused by tbo Salvatipn
army holding a special celebration to com
memorate the founding of the corps. After
the usual morning service ? the baivationists
nmrched through the streets under pohco
protection and were disturbed only by run
ning comments und chad from the crowds on
tbo sidewalk. In the afternoon a arizzllng
ruin thai had been falling having ceased a
mob rapidly collected at the Salvation army
citadel , and as the soldiers "filed out" slog-
Jug tholr processional hymn they were sub-
Koctod to moru chaff , accompanied by the
lineitK of a ribald parody , yelling and hoot-
Ing. Savoral well drosscd men formoil tbo
corps , twenty abreast surging up , followed
by the army , to the bench where It was pro
posed to hold a ineotiiifr. Along the whole
route windows , balconies and even carriages
in tbo streets were tilled with cltlc.ens and
visitors watching the HCOHO.
A largo mob awaited the army at the sea
front , with howls thai drowned the voices. of
the army lasses. The police bad great diffi
culty in' clearing a way for the soldiers who
had to cling tenaciously to their instruments
and Hags without-daring to oven attempt to
play a note.
Directly the service begun the mob swept
down on the army , shouting , "Throw them
into the soi. " The 1'orco of police was aug
mented and they behaved mot creditably ,
resisting rush after rush , bltbouuh nearly
overpowered by numbers.
The Si'.lvntioimllsts were pelted with pub-
Dies by their foes throughout the hour they
remained on the ocach.
When their services \\orosoeniingly ended ,
although not a word of il had been heard ,
sfivoral members of Iho army commenced
their return march. They made the pnrndo
with the utinosi difficulty , their assnilants
malting frequent rallies , butfalling to capture
the Salvationists' Hag. Desperate hand to
hand encounters with policemen wore
continued. A few clorsymen nnd soldiers
were present , bul held aloof. When
the struggling crowd had reached a
point opposite the Burlington hotel , the
police bavin ; ; become exhausted , .another
rally was made and proved successful , The
hated Hag was seized from its stalwart
bearer and torn into shred : . Caps were torn
from the heads of the Salvationists and
tossed in the air or kicKed Into the roadway
iimid execrations. Some frail looking
lassos , " who swooned from pain and fright ,
were nearly trampled upon.
Tbo scone of violence was continued until
the army retreated into their "citadel , " and
oven then the mob was loth to disperse , and
still came Into collision with tno polico.
Several of Iho Salvationists were badly in
jured and the uniforms of all were spoiled.
Axsnilltril In 1'nrlx.
PAIUS , Jan. ill. A band of mem DOM of the
Salvation Army mot with a highly hostile
reception on the boulevard Dos I fallen hero
today , There was u number of scuffles bo-
twoun roughs and Salvationists , the moo
which encouraged those assaults hissing and
hooting the harassed band.
WILL iti'ii'oitM siirnc : > M.
KiMdla Smil to lie Again Alton ! to I'nl It *
I'l-lthlllltH 111 IlOllllllglt.
PAIIIS , Jan. at. According to advices from
St. Petersburg the czar Intends to initlato
measures for thu restoration of serfdom
among the peasants. Hoports from many
district officials havn concurred in the state
ment that the increase of population in the
village * Is so great that the land belonging lo
Iho "mil's" or local communes Is insufficient
to support all members. The government ,
with ths view of remedying the
iivil , proposes to allot to the peasants
vasts tracts of land under condllions
similar to those ofdorf ton uro. One-third of
the hnrvosi is lo no stored In the communal
magazines lor the support of tbo peasants ;
one-third is to ho sold by tbo government for
tlio pavmeut of local debts to the same , and
one-third Is to bo retained for the payment of
government taxos. The peasants will not bo
allowed to move , but will bo bound to the
soil uni ( will bo oullged to fulfill tbelr i'oii-
tracts with the state.
The system will bo first applied In the
provinces of Samara and Saratov and It'suu -
cessful will bo extended all over the empire.
The execution of the now law will ho en
trusted to the dlstrlcl officials "somskl
lachalknl. " As these are recruited from the
nobility , who tire in favor of the restoration
of serfdom , they are certain to report the
scheme as a sucrbss ,
Wind * In Ylnum.
VIKNSA , Jan. ill. A terrible gale began
blowing hero during Friday night and prevailed
vailed alt day Saturday. The wind was so
violent that it was absolutely dangerous for
foot passengers to venture Into Iho
strcote" where their perilvns great ,
owing to lulling roof tiles and the hustling to
the pavemonU of other objects diblodgod
from buildings. Sbutters and oven windows
wcro wrenched from their fastening ! ! and
crushed Into the streets. Many people have
been admitted to the hospital * suffering from
injuries received in consequence of tbo gale.
' Tciilli.
LtiN'iio.v , Jan. ai. The Santiago corre
spondent of the Timoj says : "Publlo opinion
here is satisfied with the procoodure of the
Bovernmont in the dispute with the United
States governmout. The press loavoj it to
the United States and other nations to
judge the rlizhla and wrongs of the
UrT -
dispute. Intffgit now centers In the
preco'cnt which the United Stutssts prooar-
Ing to Iny down for herself Ami In Uiu ques
tion whether bur further demands will bo
such ns she herself would bo prepared to
concede umlctr similar circumstances.
"Congress has passed a bill authorizing
the r > rosldent"\o borrow > ,000OOU to with
draw thenotrii of the dictatorship. The
soi.ildn has clewm
"Tho minister of finnnro Informs tr.o thnt
lie hin nrwnpod Jo wlthrtrnw the hulls of Iho
excess of the ( ulucitiry circulation. "
Trnity with llui I'nltnl Stali'i
I'AIII ? , , TanJ,1ll The negotiations for n
commercial treaty between Kraneo niid the
United States are tlragclng along , and Itvil -
bo another wooit before they will bo com
p'.ctod. A prominent deputy snlu tonn Asso-
clHloil Press representative- fear the ne-
ciillalloim are limited to Renting the
United States minimum duties on n
few articles. I should much prefer
n moro complete treaty , whereby t ranco
by lowerinc hcr'tariff on petroleum and salt
moats , giving the Unltod States minimum
duties on other articles would obtain In return -
turn lower duties In stilts , woolens , pictures ,
wines and articles do parls. Wo know , how
ever , that such a treaty us It should have
been If referred to the parliaments of both
rountrlps , would ba Uncertain of approval.
I'orhnps nftor the present negotiations are
completed a real treaty will follow. "
Mr. Hood , the United State * minister , at
tended President Carnot's diplomatic dinner
on Thursday. Ho still remains Indoors as
much ui possible * , by the advice of his phy
sician , ns ho has not fully recovered froui his
recent illness. Airs. Hold's usual Monday
reception will not bo held tomorrow , us she
is no nursing a sick son.
All the dally papers hero Imvo advices
from Constantinople to the effect that thn
Turkish council of ministers has approved
the proposals of Uobcrt l ovy to construct nit
Ottoman section at the Chicago exposition ,
including a largo kiosk within the exhibition
Knormous exertions have been made to
have ull consignments of foreign poods to
French buyers passed over the frontiers
before tonight , as the now tariff gooi Into
operation tomorrow.
The Temps spraks deprecatlngly of the
now tnrlff , saying : "Tho French trade now
llnrts itself confronted by the uncertain and
the unknown. "
Thn Liberty and other journals also speak
of the tarilT In a similar tono.
LONDON , Jan. 31. In anticipation of further
trouble with socialists in Chelsea today 200
pollcnmen were hold In the vicinity of
World's End , where the socialists Imvo boon
In the habit of holding their riotous Sunday
meetings , and 150 other poiicomon wcro kept
in the police station in readiness for an
emcrgonuri A disorderly mob , larger than
any previous Sunday , assembled today and
the police had to inako frequent charges to
prevent the holding of a meeting. Mrs.
Sykos , socialist , tried to make n speech In
duliaucn of-the police \vurnlni ! nnd was
nrruatcd. The crowd tried to rescue her ,
causing n scene oC wild confusion. Ultl-
niHtolv tbo reserve police had to bo sum
moned to keep order.
I , 1''OIUOASTS. :
Work flapped Out for Ciinurps * Tor tlio
Coining Wr < > k.
WASHINGTON. . . ! ) . , C. , Jan. 31 The Well
nnd LaAhra claim and the Clnggett-Dorsoy
election con test . 'fr'orn Idaho are the principal
subjects expected'to ' occupy the attention of
the senate during. Jtho week. An agreement
has been reached j by which the Weil and
LaAbra cluiinsDIH is to bo brought to a vote
tomorrow. ' . ' ,
Senator Teller , chairman of the privilege
and election committee , says ho will make
tbo committees report on the Idaho souatoria
election raso oil the same day. It is proposed
to take U up almost immediately. It is un
derstood that , Mr" . , ! Stewart of Nevada and
other senatorsXvUJMniiko speeches in favor of
seatinir Mr. Claxgett. and as Mr.-Dubois'
friends will' naturally neb wish tnom
to remain unanswered , it Is likely thnt
nearly if not all'of the legislative
week in the senate will bo taken up
with this case , tnoligh it is geno'rally con
ceded the result will In the end be favorable
to Mr. Unbois. A number of minor bills of
importance will bo passed during the "morn
ing hour" nad Sunator Mnnder.oi : han the
printing bill ready to call ap whenever
occasion offers. Tto program in the house
for the greater part and perhaps for all the
weak can bo stated in two words "tho
rules. "
Although the discussion on the report of
the rules committee has consumed consider
able time , thora is no present indications
that its consideration will soon bo brought tea
a close , especially us itnffonls Inviting oppor
tunities for .speeches of an interesting politi
cal iifituro.
Tlio census urgency deficiency appropria
tion Dili and the military academy approprir-
tion await action by the house as soon as
permanent rules can be decided upon.
, /Oll.\M" ItVLL IMtX'T OAK IS.
II riiKit.s tlio Union .Iin'lt Alunii In tin
Aniorlcun llurhor unil Di'lcnds It.
BimmEi'oiiT , Conn. , Jan. 31. Shortly after
12 o'clock this afternoon the big throe masted
schooner Ulcndon , of St. John , N. B. . sailed
Into this harbor with the British jack lloat-
lig : from tbo uuzzon , In direct violation of
the United States law , which pro
vides that a foreign ensign must
always he accompanied uy the stars nnd
stripes. Tbo fore and main masts were desti
tute of Diluting. As the vessel sailed up the
harbor the British Hag was perceived by
people on tlio docks , and as the voscl passed
the tnrca bridges the abutments were black
with excited men , who greeted the British
Hag with hisses , mingled with cries of ' 'Haul
it down" and "Shoot it. " Captain Trow-
bridge of tuu schooner draw a pistol and
swore ho would shoot the llrst man who laid
hands on the halyards.
When the vessel finally reached her berth
ttiero wcro over 1,000 men on the wharf.
They were joined by novoiity-llvo unarmed
militiamen , who attempted to tear down the
ling. They wore driven elf at the revolver's
muzzle by the crow. An American flag was
then hoisted on uu adjoining schooner amid
great uL-eorlng. The British Hag still iloatH ,
but it will bo forcibly removed in the morning.
in ; KTtion i.riiinit
ilolin Slilrlil-t oT TIIXHK Miirdrriul Tor I'cru-
nlury ItriiHmm.
HOUSTON , Tex , , Jan , 31 , Two days ago
four men wont to'tho house of John Shields ,
near Timpson In Nutchitochbs county , took
him out and . to a troo. His aunt
was living thurij.imnd recognized the ontlro
party , but tbinlatter did not know It.
Sheriff Spradliiya tooic the matlPr In
hand , and after getting the necessary
information laid His plans nnd today captured
three of the lyilche'rs who were later Idontl-
lied by the ladyrMxho saw thorn take young
Shields out. The sheriff is In close pursuit
of Iho fourth limn. The fact that Shield *
stood in the wsV elf an Inheritance is alleged
to Imvo been the 1-huso of the atrocious deed ,
S.IFK t't : \Tll. I It 1 770.V.
Train Hohbur' ji ' ' Nulil to Uti Hit.
yoiid HID I'lMVur ill tin ) AiitliurltlrK ,
ST. Louis. Mty'jjlp. 81. The drat tangible
clew to the wUmwbouts of ( ledcepeib , the
much wanted GletlQalo express robber , is not
very datUfactor'rj0-Attornoy ' II , ( J. Drown of
St. Joseph , Mo.f-cmiio to town today to con
sult with MrsliiloUgepeth. Ho brought her
a lot'.or from h'dr' husband tolling bur to beef
of good cheer. The attorney said , ho had
been retained by Jlodgcpeth to protect Mrs.
Hedgepotb. He also said HodROpath was in
a safe place , and while refusing to say so
positively , practically admitted that the
fugitive robber Is In u country where extra
dition proceedings' nro of no avail.
orH tymokt'd Out ,
A portloro In the parlors of the Bachelors'
club , 410 North Twcnty-socond street , was
discovered to boon lire at 11)0 : ! ) o'clock last
night. Mr. Charles Offul was just turning
oat the gas wtior. ho saw the llatnos shoot up.
Ho quickly grubbed the curtain and tore it
down , but not before the varnished casing
was ublazo. An alarm' was turned lu and
chemical No. ! i laid a Una into the boujo.
While waiting for the apparatus the bachel
ors turned out and poured a dozen or so buck-
out of water on the Humes. Tno loss will
probably reach f 100 , ns the carpets were con
siderably daniaccd ,
Story of a Train Dispatcher's Fatal Mis-
How the Arrlilcnt AfTcctnl Ono of the SIcn
About \Vliiiln l.lttlu U llratil A
I'rlciul of the Itond Uy Unit
tit .Icritmilem.
For five minutes the train disrmtchor's
oflleonlX hud boon pninftilly qulot ,
says tlio Now York Sun. It was shortly
nftor midnight , and nil the wires on Iho
eastern nnd western divisions were mo-
montarlly stilled. A depressed foollnp
had freighted tlio ntmosphoro In the
ollleo nil the evening. It htul affected
ovoryono. Even Iho wires appeared to
aufTor from it. When the Bounders
hogan to rattle oil "os , os , 03 , " which
prepared the dispatchers for the report
of some train passing a far away station ,
they sounded frightfully loud. Several
times Dispatcher DoKorcst had shud
dered and screwed down the armature
of his instrument HO tlutt it would not
make so much noise.
At a quarter past 12 the deep stillness
of the room , onlv broken by the slow ,
monotonous tickfng ot the clock by
which the watches of all tlio employes
of tile were regulated once a day ,
echoed with the words of the telegraph.
The operator at F reported to Do-
Rpatchor Do Forest tint Conductor Mc-
Gill of extra 100 , loaded with fresh beef
bound east , wauled to know if ho could
have ten minutes of the tlmo of No. 1 ,
the west-bound night express , to make
"Old 10 just needs a little shaking up ,
McGill says , to tuko the kinks out of
its joints , " the operator added.
Do Forest casi his eye down upon his
train shunt , which told him at a glance
where every train out upon the road was.
Then ho looked at the clock. , T was
fifteen miles from F . If ho did not
allow MeGill to use ton minutes of the
express train's time the moat train
would surely bo delayed for an hour or
moro. All the dispatchers had orders
from the superintendent to give the
meat trains as much show as possible , road being bound by a contract to
iret them through in a specillcd timo.
So DC Forest sent the following ollleial
order :
To Conductor and Engineer Extra 100 :
Eastbound Extra No. Ono Hundred
(100) ( ) has until twelve fifty ( I2 : * > 'J ) n. m.
to make J against westbound No.
One (1) ( ) . , Supt.
Conductor MuGill signed the order
and the operator at Vrepeated it
back according lo the custom. Dis
patcher Do Forest "O. K'd" it. A min
ute or two later the operator at F
said "OV three times to attract Do
Forest's attention , and then reported
that Extra 100 had just arrived at 12:10 :
u. in. , and departed at 12la. :
The dospatcher jotted down the time
on the irain shoot and then began calling
the operator at T , three stations
east of J , where the extra freight
had orders to run. Ho wanted to Bond
the duplicate of the order to the express
train so that it would wait at .T ( or
the freight. The operator at
T did not answer , and after
a moment or more of steady
calling Do Forest stopped. Dispatcher
St. John , who worked the second _ trick
from ii p. m. to 11 , in. , was ill , and his
work had fallen upon his two colleagues.
And then , to make matters worse , Dis
patcher Thatcher had boon taken sud
denly ill early in the forenoon and Do
Fore'st was got oul of bed to keep the
road from getting clogged up. There
were three other dispatchers in the
ollieo , but they kept the western divi
sion of the "road in operation. They
were not familiar with the eastern divi
sion , and consequently were of no uso.
This necessitated Do Forest's turn
ing out. Ho had sat at the
desk since early in the morn
ing , and with the terrible strain of
the position was in no condition for duty
that night. So when ho failed to raise
the operator at T , ho dropped his
head and stared at the train shoot on
the desk before him. lie was not aslcun ,
but there was a temporary Innao in his
mind. The night express had passed
D , and the operator there had ro-
Dorted it. This made it absolutely
necessary to got the orders to T before
fore it ran that station , as there was no
other telegraph oflice between that
point and J , where the freight was to
meet it , open at night.
Dispatcher Do Forest sat motionless
nt his desk , while the big clock ticiccd
oil the seconds loudly. Finally the east
ern wire opened.
"Os , os , os , No. 1 passed on timoT , "
said the sounder slowly.
Dp Forest straightened up in his
chair , his face wearing an expression
startling and wild. lie reached for the
key of the instrument , nilit his lingers
played upon it UK he asked the operator
al T to repeat thu report. There had
been no mistake. DcForest jumped
from his chair with a cry ; Up and
down the otllct , ho walked , wringing his
hands and sobbing.
' My God , what have I done , what
have I donoV"
Intuition gave everyone else in the
ollleo an idea of what had happened.
None of them asked him. They merely
gathered around the table and glanced
nt the train shoot and then at the book
which contained copies of the train
orders. One look told tlio story. DeForest
Forest continued to pace Iho room cry
ing as if his heart would break , and
glancing attho big clock at each turn.
The night was thick and black , > It
was perfectly plain that only a miracle
could provenl the * heavy moat t"ain ,
running on fast time , ami the Hying
night express from clashing togoihor.
If the oporrtor at had reported Mo-
Gill's departure correctly , the others
in the room hoard Do Forest arguing
out loud Iho two trains would incut on
Iho Hats several miles west of . ] .
Tlio engineers might catch a glimpse of
the approaching headlights , which upon
a single track are indicative of danger ,
in time to prevent a frightful accident.
Hut the chalices were IhatMcGill had
not pulled out of F for five or ton
minutes after ho was reported. That
was a common thing when Iho operators
and trainmen wore on friendly terms.
It was called "stcnlini : time.1' ' While
the olllcials knew that it existed , they
could never ohargo it , because thu train
men protected the opuralors if they
failed to make their runs quickly
enough , In such an event ns that the
conductor would report lo the dispatcher
that ho had bean detained by a hot box ,
or some other imaginary trouble. .
If McGill had stolen any time Do For
est knew that the two trains would
moot on the curve a few miles woht with
out a moment's warning. Nothing could
save them in such an event.
Dispatcher Do Forest continued to
pace up and down the ollleo , Ms eyes
tlxod unon the clock nnd his mind upon
the accident that ho felt must happen.
Ho talked to himself , tracing the two
trains rushing on to their doom in the
"Thero goes McGill , " ho said in tones
that made the others shiver ; "there
goes McGill down the grade on this uld
ot Calico Junction. Bill Brown's got old
nineteen wide open , God , but how he'll across the Aivts ! "
Do Forest glanced nt the clock again.
It was 12:40. : Ho slghod heavily and
continued :
"Look nt No. 1 sailing through J .
Why , she should Btopl But it won't
matter. Kvorybody knows enough to
keep out of her way. "
Then the poor follow nubsldod a mo-
mont. It was only for iv moment , how-
over. Ho was standing bosldo his desk
with his wild eyes upon the train shoot.
Suddenly ho became possessed of his
mental faculties again , und sank into
his chair all a-tromhllng ami with sweat
standing upon his forehead.
"Look , look , boys ! " ho moaned.
"There's McGill Hying around the curve
just beyond the Hats from the west and
No. 1 from the east. Don't you sno
thorn ? They should Imvo mot at , T . "
A moment later ho shouted : "Did
you hear that crush'Do you see the
lire1/ "
It was 12:50 : by tlio clock. Do Forest
was all In a heap in his chair. Ho was
laughing ironically. It waa the laugh
of n maniac. Ills companions were
motionless. None dared to Interrupt
htm for fear of violence. Various
stations had been calling Do Forest to
got orders for other trains , but for a fo-.v
minutes the sounder made no impression
upon him. Hut when the day operator
at .1 called , Do Forest pulled his
chair up to the table instantly and an
swered. The operator at J was ex
ceedingly nervous , it was easy to tell by
thn way lie handled his key. The mes
sage was this :
"Extra eas.t-botmd freight No. 100
collided with west-bound express No. 1
on the curve just west of the big Hats
al-.out rJ-15. : Both trains in the ditch
and on lire. At least a dozen killed out
right and many badly Injured. Track
completely blocked. McGiu , . "
Do Forest tool : the message without a
break , lie was as linn as a rock , and
not a nerve in his body so much as
quivered. Ho was the Do Forest of old
again. In a moment the wire was hum
ming with orders. Wrecking crews
were ordered out from all noar-by
stations , and orders were issued to the
wrecking trains stationed at either end
of Iho division io proceed to the scoao
of the wreck. I'liysieiaiiH and surgeons
were summoned , and a special train was
made up and started for the wreck , with
orders to pick up wrecking crows and
assistance as it passed the various
Sandwiched in between all those
numerous orders came additional de
tails from the scene of the disaster.
Message after message came to Do For
est , giving particulars , and cacli ono in
creased the number of killed until they
footed up an even twenty. Then the
names of the victims , so fat * as could bo
learned began to come in , and later a
description of the unidentified dead. It
was plain , however , that the dispatcher
did not pay any attention to the names
of the killed and injured. lie received
thorn mechanically.
Do Forest remained all night with his
hand upon the key to the telegraph in
strument. From the time the ollleial
news of the accident came to him over
tlio wires from .T ho never looked up
from his desk , never spoke a word to his
colleagues. Ho appeared to bo totally
oblivious to the presence of any ono.
At exactly 7 o'clock in the morning
Dispatcher Thatcher arrived to take his
regular trick. The track had been
cleared suHlciontly to lot trains by , and
everything was running on lime. DeForest
Forest arose when Thatcher entered
and put on his overcoat. The /vild look
returned to his eye ? . Ho glanced at the
clock and parsed out of the ollieo.
Ho was never seen again , and not a
word was ever hoard of him.
A I'rlcml ol I In ; Itoail.
The trains ou one of the railroads load
ing into Atlanta are notoriously slow ,
according to the Djtroil Free Press , and
they are on that account much fre
quented by tramps , who can readily
calch on as they pull out of stations.
Not long ago , as a passenger train
stopped a water tank , a tramp , dusty
and tired looking , slipped oft a truck
and approached the conductor.
"Ain't you the conductor ? " ho asked.
"What worn you doing undo ? that
car ? " was all the information ho re
ceived. '
"IJidin1 ; you didn't s'poso I was
walkin' , did you ? "
"Well , wliiit do you want ? I'm the
conductor. "
"For the Lord's sake , mister , can't
you put more tuaiu on , or put a brakeman -
man oul behind to push her , or do somo-
Ihing to git along faster ? I want to git
to Atlanta before the exposition isovor. "
"Come olT , " growled the conductor.
"If you don't like it why don't you
walk ? "
"Hocauso the president of this road is
a friend of mine , " and the tramp drew
himself up in a digniHcd way , "and if 1
walk I'll beat the train there about
oiirht hours , and that'll set competin *
lines to makin' unkind remarks. 1 ain't
irolu' back on a friend in no sich low
down manner as that , cvon if I didn't gil
to Atlanta in time to make New Year's
calls ; you hear mo , cully conduo. "
The conductor gave him a seat in Iho
smoking after thnt , and ho went to sloop
and forgot thnt there was any such a
place on tlio map as Atlanta.
I'lritl Itnllwiiy In .Im-iiNiiIrm ,
1 he first railway to Jerusalem will ,
wn are told , bo opened In the spring of
the present year. It is a short line ,
running only from Joppa , tlio nearest
port on the Mediterranean , and Intended
to accommodate the growing passenger
and other tralllc between thai place and
the Holy City. The work of construc
tion is being carried out by a French
company , who began laying down the
line in April , 1S)0. ! ) It is fully expected
that the spummUon ! will be a paying
ono The company anticipates , at all
ovontK , making largo prollts , after pay
ing the shareholders a guaranteed
interest of f > per cent. Il is
stated that ever 40,000 persona land
at .loppn every year , In order to
make u pilgrimage to Jerusalem and
other spots celebrated in saHrcd history.
The number of steamers and otlior ves
sels 'putting into the port of .Joppa is
now upward of 800 ir year , the destina
tion of most of the passengers and
morc'handibo they convoy bumg the cap
ital of Palestine. In evidence of the
recent rapid growth of the trallic , It maybe
bo mentioned that Jopp'i has trebled its
population within the last thirty yorrs.
Tourists will bo nlilo to take a return
ticket from the port in question aud Jer
usalem for " 0 francs , and , what is more ,
they will ho ublo to do the journey In u
tar shorter time with inlliiltoly greater
snfuty than hitherto. The rush of tour
ists from ail parts of the civill/.od world
to Jerusalem will , if the expectations of
thu promoters are fulfilled , bo something
phonominal in iho immediate future.
Hlinimfr Arrival" ,
Al Havre La Oascogno , from Now York.
At London Slphtod : Uolhla , from Haiti-
Al New York 1'ennlund , from Antwerp ;
Fulda , from Genoa ; Humboldt , from Itlo
Janeiro mid St. Lucas ; Uity of Chicago ,
from Liverpool ,
llu llraril u NoUr ,
About IU o'clock last nltnt a m n ruihed
into police huuilquartors nnd .stated that he
had a burglar confined in a bnd room ul his
ruHldonco ut Fifteenth and Vlnton streets.
AccordiuK to tboatoryuf the exulted man , who
didn't oven stop to k'lvc hla name , hu beard
ft nolio In n ccrtMn room on tbo second floor
and quietly flipped up nnd locked the door ,
\hon made n break for police tiaadqunrlorc.
t The patrol \rngon and four officer * worn
ntovor to investigate. When the door of
ho room which WAS supposed to contain the
bad man WAS opened it was found to bo
vacant , not a thing had boon dlnturhhl. Tbo
police left in < "
Thollanlon Brothers' big "Suporba" company -
pany arrived this mornln ? at 7 o'clock from
St. Louts , and will open thMr ongacoinonl of
three nights nnd U'edno dny nntlnco nt
Hoyd's New theater this evening. Although
"Stiperbn" was now last season , the untiring
energy of the Ilnnlon brothers could not ro.n
salUflod with It , nud In ninny respects 11 Is
Ihls year .1 now performance. The beautiful
iiconory , the nrtlstlc and npproprlttio cos-
ttimcs , th bewildering tricks nnd trans
formations , the extraordinary spaclaltlos. uro
nil fresh nnd doubly nttractlvo. The thread
of Iho fairy tale Is the nmo ns of old , hut in
tno unwinding of It there nro ninny sur
urisos. The performance Is n revolution tc
the little ones , nnd those ot older growl I
wonder , too , nt IU marvels. The dancing li
excellent , the young ladles ore pretty nnd
sing wll , the sprites , clowns and ether mern
follows seem lo have neither bonoj to crack
nor Ill-all to sting , so ugllo and dnrln |
nro their movements. The scenery li
apparently clmrmou , aoqulcklv does It mult
from ono thing to miotnor. Thn plooo li
presented by a vury clnvor company ; Mlm
Ualsv Kamsdon sings and dances In her old
familiar , reckless way , and introduces |
novelty , the llio Hap diinco. which must he
soon lo bo appreciated. The four Schrotii
brothers glvo nn uxccllonl acroballo not. Thi
scenery , us has been said , Is beautiful , ospoc
inlly the fairy vessel on n s > n of rostos , nnJ
the "Fountain of Dewdrop ? " translorimttlon
by Hoyt. Everything goes wltn the accuracy
of clocicwork nnd the ontlro performance is u
triumph of mechanism and spectacular work.
Agent Finnossy of John T. Kelly's "U nnd
1" company Snndnyod In Omaha. His at
traction coinos to the now lloyd on Sundpv ,
Monday and Vuosda } ' next.
Frederick Pauldlug's now spoctaculai
comedy drama , "The Struggle of Life , "
which will bo ilono at Uoya's new theater on
Thursday mid Friday nlglits and Saturday
matlnoo of this wcnk , promises to bo the
grontosl sconlo melodramatic oroductton overseen
soon nn a aiago. There nro four scenes that
will challoiiKU thoadmiration of the audience ,
painted by these clover nrtlsts , Unions ,
Soavoy , Voeptlln and Murston. A view of
Unitary park In winter , with the statute of
Liberty , bv moonlight ; SU Patrick's Cu
thcdrul on Fifth nvonuo , with too Ynndcr-
bill residence and Laughum hotel In the
distance ; the river and shipping during a
severe suow storm , nnd llio grcal uoclc nnd
sewer scene n wonderful piece of stnpn
mechanism und scene painter's art. batur
day evening Mr , Pauldlng and his excellent
company will present "Tho Honyymoon. "
"U & I. " with n great array of comedians ,
pretty Jgirls , rich costumes nnd novel special
lies , will bo scon nt Hoyd's now theater for
three nights , coinniunciiiK Sunday ovenlin :
noxt. In the conioinv : nro John T. Kelly and
Dutch Duly , In the loading roles , supported
by Prof. Hermann's comic players nnd
pretty tittle Aimb Angeles , the youngest
premier danscusa in the world , slio uomg
only 8 years of ago.
\Vlllil .Miller I'roiu HIM Antlpmle * limiilutiM
Hut Chissir John li.
ST. Loris Mo. , Jan. HI. Frank P. Slavin
who with Charley Mitchell has been in town
for u week with a travailing variety show ,
toft tonight , but not until after ha hud ( I em
onstratcd that ho was a follower
of Sullivan in at least ono ro-
spect. lie got n Jag nnd terrorized
tbo Southern hotel's guests for a considerable
ttmo with his throats to ' 'lick nny u--
American or nil of than ) If I got them In a
ring. " The jag loft town with Slavin only
after the porsuaslvo powers or "Parson"
Davleb had bucn applied. For a time there
was prospects of a call for police , but It was
Dr. HiiHll Munly.
Liorisvn.Mf , ICy. , Jan. : il. Dr. Basil
Manly , professor of old testament Interpre
tation and biblical Introduction in the
Southern Unptist Theological seminary ,
died here lonlght. Ho had been sick
sooral weeks with pneumonia , resulting from
crip. Ho wa born Doc-ember 1 ! > , 1825 , near
Edgclluld , S. C. , und was the son of the late
VJasll Manly , presldcnl of Iho Unlvcrnlly of
Alabama , Ho was one of the fuundors.of the
Southern Baptist Theological seminary.
A Of perfect purity.
- Of grout atrongth.
Almond tholr U3O
Rose etc-r Flavor as delicately
and delloloiiBlv ao the fresh fruit
fifif iHioRTKsf "LINK"TO CHICM
is via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
on this map.
T.m , _
DKS BioiNua
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m , arriving - /
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Office : 1501 Fnr-
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent.
C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent.
Protect your lung-3 by
wearing Chanioi * v0bt
For eolct feet buy o Hot
WateBottle. . Wohuvo
all sizes , at low prices.
Physiolans P r e so r I p-
Uons prepared tu low
The Aioc& 1'cnfold Comany ] )
15th Street niut to P. O ,
Eye , Ear , Nose , Ihroat ,
. -.H iidjiiKtcd to all visual dufocli.
0 tirrli : Hiiuueaifully truatiul ,
Hoom 18 , liarlicr liloch , 15tb and Faruatn
l.i. I-uji , Mo. liiaJilillun ! o iiiuei il | > rullc > III , * liV t i >
uUlv > i > itunti , | > .i > ix'cl l alKiittoi ) to ppcal CUM U t { .
ii. t'uuuut AipmU | tBl. l/ouli. Outri i i'a ic < i t ' 'Ht4.