THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWENTY-MUST YEAH OMAHA. MONDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 1 , 1892. NUMBER. . 229. I DANGEROUS RULES PROPOSED I | Striking Innovations Threatened by the Democrats of the House. "RIDERS" ON APPROPRIATION MEASURES lucce < n oftlioKcheino Iinitrr * nil Absolute nncl Tjriimilfiil INmer to tlio I'arty lu tlir Majority Unite * In- Milling the.South. WASHIXOTON BUIIRAU OP THE BRE , ) 513 FOUIITKESTH STIir.ET. > WtsiitNOToy , D. O. , Jan. 31. J Whllo it is qulto likely that , the rulbs proposed - _ posed by the commlttoo , and which are still \ > under discussion in the house will bo adopted almost as they came from the committee there Is very violent opposition among the ranks of tbo oltlor men against that striking Innovation which will permit tbo placing of "ndors" on appropriation bills. Under the rules of the house for years back It has been Impossible to Introduce "now legislation" on on appropriation bill , and some of tbo hottest fights ever made in congress have boon made .on this very subject. This method ot ( jagging the house by Insisting on the passagi of some certain bill by placing It on nn appropriation bill and withholding the appropriation , un less the bill was passed at thosnmo time , wai a favored rule of the house until the Forty- ninth congross. At tbat tlmo It was dofcated by 205 nays with only sixty-five yeas. _ Leading democrats lllto Bland , Blount , the Brcckonrldges , Herbert , O'Farroll.Mllls , Outhwaito and Sayors , all prominent mem bers of tholr party today , wore violently op- nosed to it. It was Itopt out of the Fiftieth and Fifty-first congress , and now It flashes up again , and It Is evidently the determina tion of tbo rules committee to insist upon Its passage it possible. But tbo men who fought it In the past will again fight It , nnd It Is likely that some compromise will bo arrived at whereby the "riders" will bo restricted to only such legislation as will reduce expendi tures. It will bo romombotcd that in the Forty , fourth congress the army appropria tion bill failed of passage because the demo crats insisted on tacking on the bill n "rider" preventing the use of the military at tbo polls , nnd that a special session of congress was necessary to provide for the mainte nance of tha army. It needs no argument to show what an absolute and tyrannical power this "rldor" rule will place In the bands ot the appropriations commlttoo , and tha com promise which will probably bo arrived at wll commend lUol'f to every thoughtful man , Ismu's Involving the South. There has boon moro talk about the re moval of the political disabilities for the ox- confodoratcs ilnco the president sent bis message to congress on tbo Chilian affair than ever boforo. Mou who have heretofore stood out strongly in opposition to the propo sition , on tbo ground that the oftonc of the confederates was too grave to bo looked ever in ono generation , and that thn lesson taught thorn should bo severe so long ns it was not irksome in the general exercise of personal rights , bavo s > ud that they wore almost ready to take the opposite sldo of the Unuo. Representative Johnson , a sterling repub lican from Indiana , who admires u liberal ox- con federate and Is willing to meet htm half way on all Issues involving tbe south , is one of those who put llttlo , faith in the ultimate position of tha democrats in congress , as a * body , when it comes to dispose of the Chilian question. Ho said today : "There ere many domocrats'from tno south who are for war and believe tbo president is right in what bo says about Chill. Their Im pulse , their natlvo gallantry , leads them to stand by the president They would natur ally prefer to preserve tbo nation's honor. But mind you , tholr1 political prejudices , their loyalty to party , Will drive thorn qulto all ever tooppose tko > position of the presi dent. Few of them are there who would not rather see the country's honor bedraggled In the dirt and our government compelled to ppcUot an insult rather than BOO President Harrison make a good stroke of policy , which might Inure to his own credit or that of his party. I honestly believe that the great majority of Democrats in congress would prefer to see our government completely humiliated and suf fer uumurmurlngly tbo most disgraceful in dignity rather than permit President Harri son do anytblng which would popularize the present administration. They fear ho In tends to protect our Irish as well , as natlvo sailors , and thereby secure the favor of tbat nationality. They are much afraid tnut ho has taken a stand for Americanism that will bo tbo batllo cry of the approaching cam paign. I see already that they nro dodgine , and most of ihom nro following the dictates of tbo English press in commenting upon the message and denouncing Minister Egan. bavo no patience with such blind partner ship. It Isbeneath , patriotism. " The McKlnleyTarlir In Nclirnslm. Dr. Peterson of Stratton , near McCook , who Is here on some business before the patent onlco , said today that in his opinion tbo republicans of Nebraska had made a great mistake in not pushing to the front the Mcltlnley tariff bill In their last campaign. "It is the strongest card , " snld bo , "tho republican party has made since tbo war. It bas already glvnn nn Impetus to all Interests , and will provo the groalost boon ever giver the farmer. Tbo increase of manufacturing Interests , the enlargement of our trade through reciprocity , which Is from the tariff law , you know , and the general confidence It boa infused into domestic institutions will make continued prosperity , barring crop failures , wblob are only controlled by the Spirit abovo. Tun prairie states bavo. been 1 know , In favor of n 'low tariff , ' but thoj are for our present low , as It gives thorn moro advantage than anybody elso. The re publicans have nothing in it to apologize for , and they can bo ns acgrcsslve now with it as they want for It bas no weak spot in it. " Cleveland May Withdraw. As a result of the presence of Senator David B. Hill in Now York city for a week , together with tbo work there of Senator Brlco and others , the announcement is made in today's Washington papers that the for mer will have the solid delegation from his state In the Chicago convention. It Is no longer a secret that Senators Brlco and Gor man nnd John R. MoLoan and a number of ethers ot tbo most powerful democratic factors are working him , and that Influence Is being brought to bear upon Mr. Clovolaui to Immediately announce an Intention to re fuse the use of his name In tbo impending campaign. Evidences are cropping out hen every day of the exl.uonce of a well organlzet bureau to boom Cblof Justice Fuller for tbo presidential nomination , and It is stated tba Mr. Cleveland is favorable to tbo nomination of this Chicago Justice in preference to tbo New Yorker , but the uamu of Fuller does no take with the democratic hustlers , No I'uiulons forllxccutlvo Clerk * . A bureau hoi boon in operation hero fo : throe mouths to worn up sentiment in ravoi of creating a pension list for tbo clerks in tbo executive departments in Washington aud tbo machinery is bolng worked will determination , lust at this time , while tli appropriation bills are bolng gQ'.Von ready In congress , The tuovemc.Se Moots wlh ( very llttlo congressional favor but it is attracting to much attention to the subject of salane and duties of department clerks tbat a bll Is being talked of proposing uu amondmcu to the civil service laws providing that tb tenure of all employes under the civil si > i rico bhall bo ton years , with probably a sixty day extra leave at the expiration of tba appointment period , MUcolltiueoui. John 0. Thacker of North Platte , an in specter of tbo revenue service , is lu the city Watson Plckroll of Beatrice , who fell an broke bis loft shoulder blade and othorwls injured himself ten days ago , is rapidly ro covering. Ho is able to walk about his room now nnd hopes to bo able to leave for No bruslia In a couple ot weeks. Ho Is yet at th fondenco of Mrs. Robinson , his coutln , at 300 f s root. Ho will not bo sufficiently rccor orcd to warrant n resumption of his ofllclal duties under some six or eight weeks. Mrs. Senator I'cttigrcw of South Dakota , who was unable to take part In society last season on account of family aflllctlon , opened her house on Monday afternoon to n largo number of callers and will hereafter rccolvo every Monday , excepting tomorrow. Sdiiator Pottlgrow's brother in-Iaw , a well known druggist of Sioux falls , who Is visit ing here , mot with a painful accident at the navy yard yesterday. A cart run over his foot and bruised It very severely. Mrs. J. T. Hamilton of Iowa , announces that she will bo nt homo on the remaining Tuesday's of tno season nt 0.10 1C street. P. S. II. ACCKI'TS CIIII.I'.S ANHWKIt. lIiirrlftoii'H Nolo In Aiuwer to Minister IVrlcra'x Note. WASHINOTOS , D. C. , Jan. 31. The follow ing Is the text of the cable message sent by Secretary lllnlno accepting Chill's proposi tions for tbo scttlomont of the differences be tween the two governments : Dr.rAiiTMBNT OP STVTI : . WASIMNOTOX , Jan. ! JO , 1802. Minister , Santiago : 1 nm directed by the president to acknowledge the receipt of Souor PorUra's dispatch of the 25th Inst. It has boon communicated to congress and has given great pleasure to the people of this country and the executive department , ns It restores the correspondence between the two 'republics to n oasis of cordiality nnd makes , ns ho believes , a full and honorable adjust ment of all unsettled matters easily attaina ble. The president notes with gratifi cation the nxprossions of regret for nnd condemnation of the assault upon the sailors of the Baltimore offered by Mr. Perlern , and congratulates the Chilian government upon the frank nnd ample withdrawal of the Malta letter and upon the spirit of Justice displayed toward Minister Egnn. You will assure the Chilian government that the president will bo glad to moot In the most generous spirit these friendly overtures. Believing that the sub ject of reparation for the assault upon the seaman of the Baltimore Is now capable of adjustment bctwcon the two governments by tlio usual diplomatic methods , the president postpones for tbo present any alscusston of the suggestions made by Scnor Poricra as to the use of other methods ; not doubting that the sense of Justice of Chill will enable tbo two governments to spcodlly and honorably make full end of thu whole matter. " "BlAINE. " IXTKHESTIXO DEraiMl'MEXTS. -Murks Suit for 11 Fortune ) Against nn Eug- - llsh Syndicate. .LOUISVILLE , JCy. , Jon. 31. Some Interest ing facts have developed rosardlng the Marks suit for several hundred thousand dollars aghtnst the Chicago Brewing com pany nnd Perry M. Blijlow , Walter J. Big- ow , Alexander Hamilton , William U. Davis , .ho London & Chicago Contract corporation , trailed , the M. Brand Brewing company , most Bros. Brewing company , Michael Brand , Rudolph Brand , Virmll Brand , Leo Ernest , Charles E. Ernest , Frederick Swln- ton , the Illinois Trust & Savings bank of bicago and thoMllwoukeo & Chicago brew eries ; limited. It transpires that the prm- : lpal in the United States Is IJr. William B. Moany , formerly of Louisville. Dr. Meany said today : "The plaintiff In the notion represented himself as the browors' attorney to mo , and in that way obtained all the information ho has and ? ' 20- 000 in cash. Not satisfied with this ho now attempts to proceed at law against the English principals represented in this country by myself and Judtro William II. Davis of London , attorney lor the English capitalists , in order to create the Impression that he reoroscnts tbo American brewers in their negotiations with the English , and tbe English also thus endeavoring , on meager in formation , to force both sides to pay him compromise money. " In a letter received hero today Dr. Meany's London colleague , Judge Davis , says : "I should have been beard from 'ong ago had I only been able to remain in America long enough to have attended to this business ( Mark's claims ) us I know tnoy express the statement that ho was my partner In those negotiations when , in fact , the American parties wen > lntroaucod to me by you ( Dr. Meany ) direct , that you ( Ur. Moony ) wore my "correspondent and I had no information that Mark's even know of these transactions. You nlono corresponded with mo from Chicago on the subject and I recognize you as try only Chicago correspondent In this business. " Judge Davis goes on to say Moany furn ished him all tbo statolnonts of tbo details of the transaction. IT HUS A. UEMAllKAVLE WOVXD. Autopsy on the llemiilns or General Ilur- num-IIU Wonderful Vitality. Nnw YOUK , Jan. 31. An autopsy has been hold upon tbo body of General Henry A. Barnum , who died last Friday. It was con ducted by Dr. Gcorgo F. Shrady and Dr. B. U. Carlton. Besides these there were pres ent Dr. Lewis A. Sayro. Dr. Morgan of Syracuse and Dr. Joseph D. Bryant , surgeon- general of the state. The object of the autopsy was to find out the track of the bullet that passed clear through the general's body during tbo fight at Mnlvorn Hill and had inflicted a wound that remained open for 80 year * , requiring dressing - ing every day , and also to discover why In all those years tbo wound had not healed up. It was found that the ball which had Inflicted nn injury , classed in medical books as ono of the most extraordinary wounds on record , bad crashed through the upper rim of too pelvis , breaking tbo Ilium , barely skirting the vital part ? and literally letting clear daylight through tbo body. Scraps ot dead bono were found that had prevented the wound from healing , though If the general bad lived It was Dr. Sayre's intention to have operated again on the wound and by scraping the dead bono away would bavo attempted an absolute cure. It Is understood that the portionu immedi ately involved in the wound are to bo prepared pared and sent on to the Army medico museum at Washington. Iln Hold a Keceptloii Yesterday at New Iberia , r.u. Nitw Inr.itu , La. , Jan. 31. E re-President Cleveland nnd party arrived hero this even ing from I'otlto Anso Island , where they have been during Saturday ana this morn- Ing. A large delegation of citizens and many ladlet assembled at the depot to moot him. Upon the arrival of the train Mr. Cleveland was mot by a delegation from the Tocbo ox. change , who invited him to visit the exchange and receive the people , which Invitation ho accepted. After shaking bands with many people at the depot ho entered a carriage and was driven to the exchange , wbero ho re mained for a short while , meeting a largo number of ladles and gentlemen , when bo again entered the carriage , and accompanied by his party , was driven to the residence of Mr. J.V. . Shaw , whose guest ho will bo for tbe evening. Ho will leave for Now Orleans tonight. llrltlnh CommUgloiiem. OTTAWA , Ont. , Jan. SI. Sir George Baden Powell toft for Washington last night. Ho will bo Joined today by his brother coramis slonor. His excellency , the governor general bad an hour's conference with Mr , Abbott Sir John Thompson and the two com mis slonors yesterday afternoon , at which tbi Bering sea question was discussed In all it phases. Sir George and Or. Dawson go t Washington to confer tvith tbe United States commissioners and , It Is surmised , to ascer tain la what points tbolr respective reports agree. Knglnoer Killed. MIDDLE Guovu , 111. , Jan , 31 , Two freight trains on the Iowa Central road crashed together at ' this place thU morning. Engineer James Kd'par of Morshalltown , la. , was lu stantly killed. Half a dozou , other trainmen were Injured , two of whom may noi recover , The causa of the collision it not known. [ NEW SOMETHING WAS WRON ( ingular Story of Gross Stupidity That Cornea from Paris , HREE MEN WHO DID NOT THINK 'hey Left Dying Woman to Inform the 1'ollco Without Attempting to Snvo Her l.lle followed thn form 'Accurately. by James flnrilnn PAIUS , Jan. 31. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun BRE. ] The French people's cspoct for official proccoduro has just bad a ugubrlous illustration. Sunday morning nt 00 Avenue des Torres , 'nns ' , a pretty brunette , Mlllo. Bortnux , ro- urned homo , during the wco sin a' hours , in dcspmr at her abandonment by her lover , and her lack of pecuniary resources. After n whllo she determined to put an end to her ixlstonco by tbo well-known process cuar- : oal brasler. She lit two or throe pieces and aid herself down to dio. About 4 a. m. ono of her neighbors noticed ho key in the door. Knowing this was con- rary to the custom of Mllo. Bortnux , and also smelling the fumes of charcoalcoming rom the room , ho supposed something ivrong. The concierge was informed of the usplcions , nnd ho decided to consult the plumber living in the neighborhood , who concluded something was wrong. After satisfying themselves that Mile. Bortaux had attempted to take her life , the rlo hurried to the nearest commissary of police nnd told tholr story. "And you didn't try to save the llfo of the poor woman ) " exclaimed the magistrate. No , the plumber , the concierge and the neighbor had not thought of tbat , and when the commissary arrived on tbo see no it was too late to save the pretty bruuotto's life , as she bad just breathed her last. % WILL. IIUILI ) A UAIt.HO.YI > . Chill Intends to Kstuhllsh Communication Jietwccu Valparaiso and Iqulquo. Copi/r/oMcd / 1S02 bu James Gonlim Bennett , I PAHIS , Jan. 31. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BEB. ! An immediate result of the recent crisis between tbo United States and Chili Is that the latter country , fooling bow defonsoUm It would have boon n event of tbo United States landing troops at I-iulque , bas taken stops to secure a loan of 5,000,000 to bo applied to building a rail way from Valparaiso to Iquiquo , * a dis tance of 1,000 miles. The line will pass through Coqulmbo , Taltal , Chlmba , Cobija , ; oiUln and olbor towns along tbo coast. The government has had practical experi ence ot the necessity of this railway , as it was from Iqulque that it conducted its revolt against Balmacoda. Having tno navy on Us sldo , Bnlmacoda was unable to get at It , as it was imposlbie to march nn army across the arid desert separating Iqulque from tbo rest of the country The loan oskod exceeds the estimates for the cost of tbo now lino. Tbo surplus will bo expended in improving tbo navy and re storing the finances of the country to a sound basis : The loan will bo floated in the Lon don , Berlin nnd Amsterdam markets. The bonds will doubtless bo readily taken up. ISelglnn News Notes. [ Coplirtuhted 1803 liy James Gordon TtcnntU. } BRUSSELS , Jan. 31. | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun BEE. | The Uruguay bond holders are irlgbtoued at the possible conscqueuco of sending tholr bonds to Lon don for conversion. It it possible tbat on Monday the converson will bo an accom plished fact. An event which is Indirectly a consequence of the Franco-Russian alliance bas taken place here. Tbo weekly "Russian orgnn , Lo Nerd , bas announced tbat it will no louge.r bo issued. It was founded nearly fifty years ago to defend Russia's interests in western Europe and was generously subsidized by the government of tbo czar , but the Russian government now finds enough organs among tbo French press to defend It , and Lo Nerd thorcforo Is done away with. The Belgian press thereby loses ono' of its curious features. . Will Fllit to Huvo Her. ICapyrtyMed IKKby Jame * Oonlun Itcnnett. ' ] MALTA , Jon. 81. [ Now Yorit Herald Cable Special to THE BEE. ] Admiral Sir George Tryon sailed in the Scout with torlal for Platoa , where his flagship , the Victoria , is aground , and , , as cabled last night , is in a dangerous position. Several other war ships are on tbo spot , and store ship No. 1 has just sailed , taking with it powerful pumps. As the Victoria struck amidships on the rock nnd the fore compart- mants are now full of water , tbo success of tbo efforts to save her from becoming a total wreck , depends on the state of the weather. Egypt Will Have u Now Cabinet. ICopyrluMed 1893 b\i \ James Gordon Ucnnett. ' ] CAIRO , Egypt , Jan. 81. [ New York lior- nld Coblo-Speclal to THE BEE. ! It is rumored that Prmco Huston , undo to the khodlvo , will shortly bo called on to form anew now ministry In which ho will himself take tbo odlco of president of the council and minister of tbo interior. It is certain that some ministerial changes are Inevitable. The presoncp of tbe French and Russian fleets bas produced a favorable impression. The sanitary conditions of the city are much improved. American * In 1'arls. iCopurlaMctl 1803 lj l \ Jamt Gordon liennett. ' ] I'AIIIS , Jan. 81. ( Now York Herald Cable Special to THE BBB.J Miss Mattle Mitch ell , daughter of Senator Mitchell and flancoo of the duo do la Rochefoucauld , Is still suffer ing from a severe attack of Influenza at the Hotel Holland. James McNill Whistler , the American painter , has been made an ofllcor of the Le gion of Honor by tha , French government. DE.I Tll'S 8UJIMOXB , Itov , Churlcn Ilinldon Spurgeon. | Coj > l/rfjM ( < xi 1833 bJ | nines Gordon lltniutt.'l M&NTONIM , Franco , Jan. 81. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BEE.-Rev. ] Dr. Spurgoon died at 11:20 : tonight. He was unconscious till tbo last. His wlfo and his physician , Dr. B'ltzbonvwora present at the last moment. Dr. Spurgoon did not suffer , but pissed away peacefully. Dr. Spurgoon passed a very roatloss night His condltlou this morning gavu serious cause for anxiety , chough ho was able to take a small quantity of milk as nourishment. Aa tba day passed on his condition becaraa ser lou ! y critical. At 3 p. m. ho was uncon scious , and atO , in tbo ovonlug bo was still in the a mo condition , and weaker. Ho did not recognize bis wife and refused to take food , which was administered by forco. [ Chariot Haddan SpUrgoau was bom at Kolvodan Essex , Eng. , June 1U , 1634 Ho was educated at Colchester , Cambridge , aud became usher in u school at Nowmarket. Some of his relatives , who were Independ ents , proposed tbat ho enter one of tbelr colleges , but as bo bad adopted Baptist vlows ho joined the congregation which bad boeii presided over by the late Robert Hill , nt Cambridge. Ho now actively ongngod In Christian work , nnd nt FoVbrsham , near 'ambrklpo , at the ago of 10 h'o delivered bis first sermon and shortly afterwards no- coptod nn Invitation to bccomo pastor at WntorboRch. Ho soon became ,1 well- known character , the chapel nts Wutorboach vas filled , whllo crowds - contented thera- olvei with listening from the outsldo. In vitations to preach were nont from surround- ng places , his fnmo reached London nnd ho vas offered the p.istoratA of Iho church mooi ng in Now Park street chnpol in Southwark , n which Dr. Rtppon nt ono tlmo preached. Mr. Spurgoon first preached before a London congregation lu 1S > 3 , with so milch success that ere two years had elapsed It was con sidered nocossnry to enlarge the building , ending which alteration bo ofllclatcd for 'our months at Exeter hall. That odlflco was crowded nnd hundreds were turned away from the doors. Tbo enlargement of the chapel In Park street , however , proved In sufficient , nnd hearers multiplied with such rapidity that It bceamo expedient to engage the Surrey Muslo hall. A lamentable acci dent occurred within Its wMls In October , 1850 , nnd Mr. Sourgeon's followers' doter- nlnnd to build n suitable edifice for their services. The Metropolitan1 Taiiornaclo was opened In 1861 , nnd Is nlways full to over- lowing. Mr. Spurceon has published n ser mon weekly slnco the first week of 1855. At the end of 1SS. > the series. Inclusive of double numbnrs , had reached No , 1,870 , orthlrty-ono annual volumes. Tbo weekly circulation is about 23,003. , Ho has published a number of other works , the chlof of which Is "Tho Treasury of David , " or an exposition of the Psalms/m seven volumes , 8vo. The Stock- well Orphanage , founded In 1807 , ms since boon enlarged to accom modate 250 bovs and as many girls , and down to 1830 moro than 1,000 cull- iron had been received. The Pastors' col lege , founded In 18r > 0 , nas educated over 700 men , of whom In 1SS5. D33 wore still engaged as pastors , missionaries , or evangelists , In the Baptist denomination. The Metropolitan Tabernacle Colportago association has some eighty or ninety agents , occupying districts in different parts of the country , who , in ad dition to other sorvlco , sn'.l ptlro literature in the course of a year-to the amount of about 9,000. "A Book Fund. " carried on In Mr. Spurgoon's house , -superintended by Mrs. Spurceon , has m ton years silpnltoa in digent ministers of various denominations , frooofcost , with over''SO.foOO volumes. In 1879 Mr. Spurgeon received "A Silver Wed ding" testimonial of over 0,000. In 1831 , on his attaining his 50th year , another sum of about 5,000 was presented. The whole of these funds were distributed in charity , 5,000 having boon doyotod to the endow ment , of tbo Tabornaolo nlmihouses , XEQHOE8 AND JTALIAXS FIGHT. Drunken I'onnsylviinln Miners Klcht With Fatal ItosuIU. WEST NEWTOK , Pa. , Jan , 81. A riot occurred botwocn Italian and liogro miners at Smithton , a small mining town near bore last night , In which two nion were fatally wounded and another was so badly hurt that bo will lose his leg. A dozen- others were slightly injured. Smithton is the center of a largo mining district and it has tbo only licensed saloon for many nilles. Last night a score or moro Italians and negro minors assembled at the saloon and soon all were under tbe Influence of liquor * A fight was started , bin. the. participants were ejected from the saloon and the doors closed. As soon as they wore * outside the nojroos opened fire on the Italians and a riot occurred. The fight lasted twenty minutes , during which revolvers , knives , razors and billys were used with terrible affect. Whan It bad boon quailed thrco.'men were lying on the ground aud blood was' flovnnjr from tbe wounds of half a score of > others. Those seriously Injured were : , \ . _ CIUULES HIIIXZI. Italian tntaor , shot In the head and groin , will die. > Louis A DBUSOX. an American , shot through the nock ; recovery notcxpectod. Ho was nota participant , and was bit by a stray ; bullet. . < THOMAS NEWPORT , another bystander , was shot in the log , necessitating amputation. The nature of the Injuries of tuo others is not known , as the participants hurried their Wounded oft. The negroes fled after tbo fight , and were pursued by a posse of fifty citizens , who oap- tured four ot thorn at Whitsottstation. They were packing their goods , preparatory to leaving the country. The four prisoners were given a preliminary bearing and looked up to await the result'of tbe injuries of the wounded. Indignation against the negroes runs high , as the assault on the Italians was unpro voked. JtAILltOAD HEX Iff SESSION. Member * of All lirancheg oftlio Service Dig. cuss Matters tf Interest. NEW Yoitic , Jan. 81. Two thousand rail road mon , representing every state and ter ritory of tbe United States , m'et in the Acad emy of Muslo , this city , today. Conductors , engineers , firemen , brauomen and tele graphers were present , , all members of organ izations distinct from each other. Ono object of tbo moating Is to effect a" consolidation of the various orders at no distant day and to bring about closer and rafiro friendly rela tions among the mem Dora. The first buslneus of tne meeting was tbo indorsement of what are known as the Haley bills , now pending before tbe legislature , tbo first limiting the hours df sorvlco , the second providing against accidents and regulating the number of men to man ago various classes of trains. It was voted to make an effort to amend tba conspiracy or antl-Plnkorton clause of section 110 of the penal codo. At the afternoon session ex-Railroad Com mlssloncr Coffin of Iowa' Introduced a resolu tion providing for tbo equipment of all freight trains with automatic couplers and air brakes , which was unanimously adopted. Captured n Michigan Murderer. CHICAGO , Jan. 31. Frank Flecuonsteln , alias Stoln , alias Bonn , who is wanted m Dickinson county , Michigan , for the murder of Patrick Casey , was arrested bore today by city detectives. The murder was a cold blooded one and was commuted December 31 , Casey wai foreman In a logging camp ownad by bis brother about twenty miles from Fair- mount , Mich. Fleckonstolttj bad been em ployed in the camp , but qiil * work two days prior to tbotaurder. Ha was located a few days ago in this city , and this afternoon was captured at the bouse of Ms'.brother. Sberifl O'Connoll , of Dickinson cdupty , is hero and will UUo him baok to tJiohlgaa. Flecken- stein has in ado a full confession and says ho will plead guilty , ] Kncn Nothing pf "it. PiiiLAPEU'iiu , Pa. , Jan.-8J. Pennsylvania railway oQlclals are emphatlo'in their donla of tbe establishment. ' of 'u'jiew express com pany for the purpose , of competing with and ultimately rushing the Adam's Express com pany , John Hooy , ox-pr&sident of tbo Adams oxprosi. Uenorjal B. Roberts president ot the Penriayluanla railroad , Frank Thompson , < vice ; president , and Matthew O'Brien , vice1 president of the Southern Express company.7 are said to bo tbo prlmo movers in the scheme. Mr. Thomson laughed at tbo ( donnd declared ho know nothing of It. Free Sons of Jcracl. ST. LOUIB , Mo. , Jan. 31 , At tbe first sos Jon today of the twelfth biennial convention of district grand' locltfo No. 3 of tbe Inde pendent Order of Free Sous of Isroal , a sen sation was sprung in thosbapo of resolutions to abolish district grand ledge No. 2 am surrender its charter to the united grant lodge. The resolutions also petitioned for the rights onlo/ed by moinDoiS of tuft forma tion of ledge No. 3. but after a hot debate were 'voted down. The imme diate cause was a dqcreaso reported in mem bersblp , iluo to deaths , stupendous and withdrawals. No gripping , no nausea , no pain whoa Da Witt's Lutlo Early Risers are taken. Small pill. Safopill. Best , pill. Nebraska la futnpua for Its line oats. Quail rolled oi\\a \ \ tire made In Nebraska , ; CHASE COUNTY CELEBRATES n Honor of the Completion of a Railroad to Waunetn. T WAS AN ENTHUSIASTIC GATHERING OITlrlnla of the Frenchman Valley I.lno Commended for Their KiVorts In lie * half of the Cltlr.ciM of the Community , WAUNT.TA , Nob. , Jan. 31. [ Special to TUB Jcc.J The most enthusiastic gathorlnc over hold In ( JUnso county took place here Thurs- uy. For sotno time past Waunota has con- omplatod celebrating the completion of the Pronchman Valley line to this point nnd Thursday , with the aid of Senator Koontz , n excursion from McCook to Waunota was arranged to take place. The morning dawned bright and clear , and nlmoit as warm as a nld-summer day and far moro pleasant. By o'clock the streets began filling up with cams from the adjoining towns and from the country. At 10 o'clock the excursion train of seven coaches was act at the depot by the \Vau- nota cornet band and n delegation of citizens. A large pavlllloa had boon erected to which the crowd was osoortod , where they were entertained by Prof. Button's famous Mo- Jookiana which had boon privately engaged by Manager Campbell. Alter nn address of welcome by W. W. ristur , the people were pleasantly enter tained by a numborof the state ofllcors , prominent among whom were Messrs. Hum- ihroy , Thomas Majors and Attorney General flastmgs , also by Mr. Allen of McCook nna Hon. C. IV. Meokorof Imperial. Too much cannot bo said In pralso of the oQlcors of the road for this prompt and wili ng assistance In making the gathering so pleasant and prolltublo to the excursionists , , ho people of Wnuneta nnd the surrounding country. At ! ) o'clock tbo train lofc , on being - ing well satisfied that Chase county dosorros a plnco among tbo banner counties of the great state of Nebraska. From South Sioux City. SOUTH Sioux CITV , Neb , Jan. 31. ( Special TuEBDu. ] H. A. McCormick , editor of ; he Dakota County Democrat ; is In Chicago lying an entire now outfit for his paper. Revival services nro being conducted by tbo Methodist congregation of this city , assisted by Hov. Mr. Norris. So far ton per sons have united with the church and much Interest Is being manifested. The Lutheran congregation hold a pound and social party at the Hotel Heath , Thurs day evonincr , for the bonolit of the church. Several dollars were added to the treasury. Tbe Knlgbts of Labor ledge of this city hold a very successful ball and supper la tha opera house Thursday evening. About thirty couples took port and the affair was pro noun cod a success , both socially and finan cially. Some time ego a party of South Sioux City gentlemen incorporated the Northeast ern Nebraska Improvement company , osten sibly for the purpose of Interesting capital In and building what they were pleased to term tbe South Slour City & Homer railroad. For several months nothing has boon heard of the company or railroad , so far as homo work Is concerned ; , no\T It has leaked out that the gentlemen will fo before the city o'ouncll and nsk certaln.urlvilogcs asji railroad company , for the purpose of getting certain franchises , eta The action Is looked upon by omo as a schema to gat the riirht of way In order to cot a royalty from the Puclflo Short Line com pany on tholr approach to the now'brldgo , as It is certain they have lost all rights to the franchise on nooonnt of non-fulfillment of contract. Others Incline to the ballot that the Pu'ablo & Duluth railroad company Is back of the iphomo , as there seems to bo con siderable activity among the officials of that road. The franchise will undoubtedly bo granted. South Sioux City has n republican club of M. B. Slocum is sixty-five members. presi dent , Z. M. Balrd socratarv and E. Stamm treaiuror. It meats every Wednesday oven- ing1. Thera Is a determination to carry Dakota county for the republicans next fall and indications point to success. Ills Experience im u Section Ilnnil. Hen Ou > un , Nob. , Jan. 31. [ Special to TUB CUE. ] One of the best known men on the road is P. .W. Shea , who represents a St. Joseph { grocery house and has his head quarters at Red Cloud. "Pete , " as ho is familiarly called , was not always a salesman as tha following incident shows. In 1677 Pole was a bashful , backward lad , fresh from tha green rod of Erin , at work for the Chicago and Northwestern railway company at Dlalratown , Iowa , as a section hand. For Just nineteen days tbe boy wielded the pick and shovel before bis ambition assorted itiolf , and ho struck tbe gait that has made him the popular and successful salesman that ho u. Polo forgot to col lect tha dollars due him from the corporation when ho left its employ , and for fifteen years tbo account stood open. Lately , while looking over some old papers , bis eye lighted upon an old * dii- nolorod page which , upon oloier scrutiny , proved to bo his original entry for tbo work pcrformod for the railway company. He Immediately forwarded the account to the paymaster of the road and got In reply a statement that one "Peter Shay" bad credit on the books for nineteen days' work at (1 per day , and an Inquiry whether his name was Potor. An afilrmatlvo answer brought by return mall a chock for the exact amount. Mr. Shea say * that this "soulless corpora tion" has his tbanus now , and will have his confidence for some time to come. lciith pi M. 11. Uoltry. AIILINOTON , NOD. , Jan , 31. [ Special to Tun Bun. ] M , H. Goltry , editor of the Pttoplo's Defender , the principal people's party organ of Washington county , died at this place at 0 o'clock this morning of Inflammation of the bowels after a brief Illness in the 51st year of his ago. . Mr. Goltry was twice married ; his first wife , "Miss Flora Todd , died la February , 1883 , and aoven years after be married Miss Olive ICoonv who , with two daughters by bis first wife , survive him. Before coming to Arlington nine years ago , Mr. Qoltry had been editor of the Harrisonlan , a oaper pub lished at Missouri Valley. Mr. Goltry bad been in , polltlci a republican , a greenbacker and a people's party-ulllauoo man. To the principles of tbe lust bo has clung to no- clou sly. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock p. rn. tomorrow under the auspices of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows , of which order ho was a member. West Point Items , WEST POINT , Neb , , Jan , 31. [ Special to TUB Bee. ] Henry Haas died at bis homo in this olty Saturday morning. For over a year ho DOS slowly been wasting from con sumption. Last spring be returned from u trip to California , Where bo had gone to benefit - fit uU health , Tbe deceased was 130 years of age , and leaves nwlfoand throe children , tbe oldest being about 0 years of ago. Tbo funorai will take place tomorrow afternoon. The leap year ball glvon by tbe Ueutchor Damon at Krause's hall Friday evening was by far the most successful amusement event held In the city for many yours. The hall was tastefully decorated. Hovoy'a orcboitra from Nor/oik furnished the muilo. Junlutu &i > ortTiiK Ivvcnti , JUNUTA , Nob. , Jan. 31 [ Special to TUB BKE.J The local sporti have frequent shoot ing tournaments bore and several vary inter esting and close matches have taken placo- tbo pun week , Charles Holzwortb , Thad. Rants , James Smith , Clarence Yreeland aiu ! Hines VanbusUlrt are tbo loaders. Most o : the matches have been with live pigeons. The roil estate maruot has been very active of late , and moro land has changed bands in the vicinity of Juuluta than ml the reil of tbo county put together , nil of it bringing n fair price. Social circles have boon qultototlvo lately , uany sociables , banquets and surprise jartlos hnvo taken place the past week nnd nany moro arc rumored for the near futur * . The masquerade bull at Allen's hall Wednesday evening wus tbo event of that nature this season. MM. K. A. St. John returned Tuesday 'ronin visit to Carroll , la. William Hill returned from a sojourn In Jayos county Tuesday night , Mrs. Morse ot Crawford arrived Tuesday on n visit to her slstor. , lllulr No g Nolrn , tii , Nob. , Jan. 3h [ Special to TUB Twcnty-nlno members of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Follows of Fremont passed through Blair last night on their way oToknmah , where they did some secret vorl ; , nnd after which the Tokamah ledge janquoted the visitors. Twenty of tbo boys jolonging to the Blair ledge wont up and re port having n line tlmo. They sny tbo Fro nont boys nro the champions of tbo stnto for Ino work nnd the Tokaraah people know"how to ontcrtaln. Mrs. Dr. W. II. Palrnor left Tuesday for Srconsboro , N. C. , to spend the balance of the winter with her husband , who Is n rhysi- clou in charge of the ICceley Institute of that > laeo. A. J. Honey of Carroll. Nob. , was In Blair Thursday on his way bacit from Chicago , where bo had boon with four car loads of cattle. Mr. Honey U old resident of Wash ngtou county. Lou Vaugbnn , Blair's architect , has Just completed a now map of Blair City , iuclud- ng nil of the now additions. Unit rice ( iosnlp , BEATUICB , Nob. , Jon. 31. [ Special to Tnu 3nu. ] A brilliant social event occurod In .his city Friday ovonmg at the residence of Vlr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Davis , the occasion bolng the thirtieth annlvcrsa--y of their marrlago. About " 00 invited guests were present and tbo affair throughout was very onjoyablo. Frank J. Robinson of this city and Miss Nellie M. Holslnijton of Columbus were arried In this city Thursday evening , Rov. J. W. Stewart oniclatlng. Beatrice Is elated over the prospect of n wholesale grocery house bolng established joro in the very near future. Messrs. A. Kutt nnd T. . J. Burns of Casey , la. , are nt the head of the enterprise and are now In the city with a view to arranging the necessary preliminaries. StiffKC8tlou About 1'ny Dny. OMAHA. Jan. 30. To the Editor of TUB BEE : In view of the fact that the present city administration is working for economy , would it not bo well to so arrange the pay ment of city employes so that it would not encroach on tha working hours. For In stance , in the past It has been the custom to quit work all the afternoon of pay day so that the men could got tholr money before the closing of the banks. This was nocossnrv where men worked a distance from tbo comptroller's ofHcc. I call your attention to this knowing that you will at once BOA that the larger the force employed the greater the loakaso. X. Y. Z , Judge Ilclst'x Candidacy. SIDNKV , Nob. , Jan. 80. To the Editor of THE BKI : : Apropos of the mooting of the congressional commlttco of the "big Sixth" at Kearney on February 10 , it might bo well to mention , now that all other parts of the dlstrlcthnve boon hoard from , that the west is pushing the claims ot Hon. Georeo W- Heist as a candidate for congross. Wo believe - lievo that none of the c&ndlnatos ore better or more favorably known throughout the dis trict than is Judge Hoist. He Is a thoroughly progressive republican whose ability has always been in demand in the battles of the Film ere County Mo GBNBVA , Nob. , Jan. 31. [ Special to Tnu BEE. | The following is the mortgage in debtedness of Fillmore county for January : Heal estate mortgages filed , lorty-slx , $43- 765.25 ; released , oighty-soven , 948,843.05 ; city mortgages filed , seventeen , $1-,870.75 ; released , seventeen , $10,577.00 ; chattel mortgages filed , S30 , * ol,2r ) > 0.77 : rolonsod 427 , S79.082.54 ; of the above real and city mortg ages , 820,127.25 , was for part purchase prlco of land , also two sheriff's deeds cancel $3,203.30 of mortgages not in tbo above totals. Weeping Wiitor Accidents. WEEPING WATER , Nob. , Jan. St. ( .Special to TUB BEE.J Isaac Henry , n brakeman , whllo coupling cars In the yards hare this morning , was run over and bad his foot badly crushed. It can probably be saved. Ho was taken to the hospital at Kansas Ci ty today. Tbo Missouri Pacific had n bad wreck here last Friday night , in which two engines and two fiat cars were demoralized. The crows saved themselves by jumping. Scotia's Now School , SCOTIA , Neb. , Jan. 81. [ Special so Tin : ' B'r.c.J A largo and enthusiastic mass mootIng - Ing was hold at the Presbyterian church Thursday evening , to devlso ways and means for the establishment of a normal and busi ness university. Prof. Barrett of Waterloo was present nnd made them a proposition which was accepted and to all appearances the school will bo opened in the early spring. Killed ut Lincoln. Neb. , Jan. 81. [ Spoolal Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Maittn Bollek , a Ger man , whllo walking along the tracks near Seventh and N streets about 2 o'clock today was run ever by Burlington train No. U. Tbo man was evidently intoxicated and paid no attention to the whlstlo of the engine. Bol- lok was a slnelo man about 39 years old and lived at 147 F street. Trrongh nil Open Kit Itch , MIXDBN , Nob. , Jan. 81 , [ Special Telegram to Tin : BUR. ] No. 0 , tbo oast-bound passen ger , ran off the trnok here this morning In trying to got on the main track' whllo the switch was opon. Tbo cirow ot No. 128 , tbo night freight , 1s supposed to have left the switch open last night. JJut slight damage was dono. The train was delayed about two hours. Alleged Thieves Located. MINPEN , Nob. , Jan. 31. | Special Telegram to THE BEE.J County Attorney Wolff starts for Lincoln tonight to secure requisitions for Sherman Bromley , who is supposed to have stolen a borso bore last Monday iilulit , and Bill Harding , who , tba same night , stole eight bogs. Mr , Wolff bas them both lo- catud. _ ICoDolmd Iiullunu Cnllnted , ROSEIIUII AaENor , S. D. , Jan , 81. ( Special to THE BuB.J 1 compan/ , Seventeenth In fantry , recruited from tbo Rosebud Indians , loft yesterday for tbelr quarters at Fort Douglas. Salt Lake Cl y. U. T. This makes two full companies and part of a third en listed from thli reservation. ThU company 'Is ' , on the whole , composed of better men than any former ono. But It bas fewer mixed bloods and Carlisle students , The parents , wives and friends of the soldiers are walling at a great rate , They dread their going so far away from home. Denperiite Thief Arrested , OTTUMWA , la. , Jan. 31. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE.J Bill Myers , the noted sneak thief and desperado , Is In jail and the polloo authorities are jubilant. Ho is the fellow who plotted with a lot of tramp prisoners in the jail to ilug the sheriff and got tholr free dom , and would have accomplished it bui for the timely Interference of tbe deputy. The ( ullnois of tbo plot was not revealed until Myers' jail term expired and tbe matter has been since kept quiet in order to appre hend hlia. Ho will uo tried tomorrow. A very small pill , but a very good oat. D Witt's llttlo Early Rliort. Dfewltt's I.iltle Early Risen , best pitli Uttlo arlr irner * for the liver , THEY IlM HARD STRUGGLE Onptuin Olf J the Ttig Webster Tolll the SaJaV ) a Tight for Lifo. fj > | if- RESCUED FiSteTIIE SINKING VESSIt , Inllnnt llrnv4 EvioCrcwortho .Sclinnnct i\crrtt : AVo9EjTlirlltliiK | i\jirrlrnr : * of the Men on the Tug limit Not u Moment to Spitrc , VixnvAnn II ivnx , Mass. , Jan. 31. Captain George Clark ami ulno mou train the missing team tug Edwin O. Wobitor of Now York , for whoso safety so much mixloty hail been olt , arrived In this hnrbor Friday night last , 1'hoy nro still quartered bn board the thrc masted schooner Everett Webster , Captain Jowen o'f Philadelphia. The Everett Web- tor was bound for Boston from Philadelphia vlth a cargo of coal and rescued the ton men , when every hope of being saved had been ; lvon up by them. A violent northerly gal ms boon blowing slnco she anchored hero , malting It too rough for the rescuer. * to malco a landing , and until today the schooner could not bo bonrdcd and full particulars of tin rescue ascertained. Story of Captain Chirk. Captain Claris of the 111 fated steam tiif states : "Wo loft Now York Tuesday inorn- ug about 1 o'clock for the dumping ground off Hocltnway , about throe miles from Coney slnnd. Wo had dumping scows Nos. 5 nn < 17 In tow. There was nn Increasing north- vest wind. At 4r : > j the same morning wo reached the grounds and after the two scows iad dumped thuir load * wo started to re turn. The wind at this llmo Una attained , ho velocity of a gale , and the tug was struck jy blinding snow squalls , causing nor to keep near and under the east bank. In con- oquenco she got Into shoal water , and wbll endeavoring to pot out Into deeper water the hawser caught In the propeller. Just as day was breaking the stoaw tug Nlohols , with two scows In tow , came to bur assistance la response to our signals , and as all efforts to got the hawser clear wore unavailing she endeavored doavorod to tow the disabled steam tug and scows to Now York , but was unable to do so on account of the severe gale and high sea. The Webster wus then anchored and the steam tug Nichols proceeded to Now York with her own scows , 'Tho ' Webster , with her two scows , dragged ocoanwnrd. her anchor not being suOlclont to hold them. Fifty fathoms of hawser was bent on to the end of her cknlc. which chocked her groatlr , she then liuvinfl about 100 fathoms of cable out. Drifted Seiuvurd , "After nn hour the hawser holding tha scows , which was entangled In the propeller , cut or chafed Itself clear , and the jcows drifted to soa. They each dropped their an chors , which were .of but little service to them. They could bo seen by the Webster all day Tuesday , drifting to the northeast , but the next mornlug nothing could bo soon of thoin. 'Tho Webster' co-jtinuod dragging Into rougher water and was n complete mass of ico. Sbo labored so heavy that she sprung & bad leak , and oy constant pumping and alt hands balling with buckets \yo could lust keep her free o'f wator. TUo steamer roiled so badly that coal was washed into her bilges vnd her pumps , choking thorn up badly. Tbo men were obllcod to stand lu the ice cold water , working for their lives , endeavoring to keep too pumps clonb and In working order. In Urn inannor they wore all inoro or less frozen , "At midnight \Vodnosdny the supply of coal became exhausted and all available woodwork such as berths , flooring , joiner worit , etc. , was burned , furnishing hardly enough steam for the pumps. Ahout 3 o'clock , while In this precarious condition , the wind still heavy , and the fuel exhausted , the water was up to the gruto bars In the lira room and the crow nil nearly exhausted front exposure , excessive labor and hunger , having oaten scarcely anything for forty hours , a vessel Hehts were slgntod hoatluu straight for the Webster. Heroic Itoscuers. "Tho welcome vessel , which proved to ba the schooner Everett Webster , was signalled by our lights and she immediately bore down and lowered her stern boat , which was manned by her first ofllcor , Willmm Leeds , and three men. Tnoso inon by skillful man agement rescued the ton men from the sinkIng - Ing stoauicr ono by ono thus consuming about an hour's .time. When the last man was rescued tbe guards of the tug were level with the water and aha could not have staid alloat much longer. " When they landed aboard tbo schooner U was ascertained that all of the rosciiod men had their bands and foot moro or loss frozen. Captain Clark states that too much * praise cannot bo accorded to Captain Bowun and the ofllcors and crow of tbe schooner Everett Webster for their bravery. The schoonot herself was-a solid mass of Ice nearly to hot foreoross traos and was almost unmanage able. The captain of tba Webster has no knowleago of the missing scow No. 5 , but thinks that she would not sink being too largo and now , with water tight compart ments running nearly the whole length ol her. Ho manifests anxiety regarding tha two men on board , as she was not abundantly supplied with food and fuel. WUKOIC or TIII : High Winds mill Torrlllo Hens Duntroy Nolile Ve 8 l. AnEitPEBN , Wash , , Jnp. 81. The British bark Forndalo , which went asboro ton miles north of the entrance to Gray's harbor Friday , is now a total wreck about ono mlle off shore and nf her crow of twentytbroa mou , all but tbrco sailors are drowned. A terrific gala and exceptionally bleb tldo pre vailed at the llmo. The sea ran higher tuna was ever before known. When she struck tbo officers nnd crow at onoo prepared to roach shore , but tboy bad llttlo tlmo in which to make tbelr prepara tions. It was impossible to successfully launch tbelr boats with the tremendous sea running and although an attempt was made the frail crafts were almost Immediately upset. Nothing was left for the crow to debut but to lash tboinsolven to yards and broken pieces ot mast. Soon after tbo sea broka ever the stranded ship and several of tbe crow were washed away. Tbe last man to leave the dock was Captain Blair. Three ot the men reached the chore on pieces of wreck and tha body of the nmto was aftorwardi picked up on the sandy beach , The Forndalo was a now vessel and wai on her first trip to this coast. Itwesalso thu first vessel of Captain Blair to this coast. Tbo vessel was worth about $90,000. 1'ouml u I''ortunii , WICHITA , Kan , , Jan , 81 , A fortune lost foi a dozen years to tbo heirs of old John Wise , late of Suinner county , was discovered yesterday by John W. Wise , a grandson of tbo deceased , while digging for the founda tion of iv new structure on the farm on which tbo old man died , Tblrty-llvo thousand del lars/in / gold is sold to be the amount recov ered. Old Wise was a miser during all his long llfo. In the keg in which the gold was found was old Wiso's will , und by its term * the finder , John W , Wi&o , gets all tha treasure. Up with Dynamite , KAKSAS CITV , Mo. , Jan. 81 , The saloon of S. H , Brenner ut Nos. 41D nnd 417 Southwoj Boulevard was wrecked by an explosion ol dynamlto early this mornlujf , B. Davis , a bartender whom lienuor had discharge ! from his employ lately wus arrested for thi orimo. Brenner claimed ( bat ho bad blown up the saloon for revenge. Do Witt's rattle Early Risers ; the only pill to euro blvk headache null r eg u 1ft to