8 THE OMAHA DAILY hi SATURDAY ; : , JANUARY 30 , 1892 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA "Must ft Man Pay if Ho Lose ? " Under Debate - bate in a Justice Oouit , MUCH INTEREST IN THIS QUESTION I'oronMc llron.lildei Trnlncd on It for Ton Hour * ' .Steady I'lrliiK Shot In tlio .Slionldor In Memory of John F. Itojd. The entire neighborhood In the vicinity of Justlco Levy's ofllco WM streaked during the livelong day with /lights / of oratory. Tlio wuo on trial was MoMillan against I'nrks , although the fuss was really between Me- Jllllnn anil Thomas O'Ncll. The whole dny was consumed In the pro- contatlon of the case to his honor. As near M con bo ascertained , the plot Is as follows : O'Nolt made arrangements to sell n lot on Q street for t 1,160. Tbo customer wont to the pleoo of roulty In question and thcro was confronted by John McMillan , another real estate man , who , alter learning what the man was after , told the prospective pur chaser that ho coulO got the Int for him cheaper. Of course th o would-be purchaser went to O'Nell and told htm what McMillan claimed ho could do. O'Noll sent for Mc Millan , and In the exciting scene that lol- lowed O'Ncll offered to bet $100 that McMil lan could not furnlih the lot for loss than the sum specified within a given time , as O'Noll had the solo contract for the same. Each put up a ? 100 forfeit , George Parks holding tha stakes. O'Notl won and Parks returned to him the tlOO put up by nlm , but dared not surrender tbo 8100 won on account of threats by McMil lan , who Is something of a Inwyor himself. Consequently suit was brought by O'Noll to recover the $100 forfeit. After sitting patiently for ton hours listen ing to the contending lawyers on the case , Judeo Levy decided to tuko a little time to consider the matter , out of the reach of oratorical tbunaor. The ontlra bar of South Omaha listened to the case. .Shot In tlui Shoulder. H The shooting affair at Twenty-fourth and Milroy avenue occurred on Tuesday ovoiitng instead of Wednesday as previously re ported. Mason and Ucgnn , the fellows whom Mr. Johnstono believed were to Intimate with his wife , have made themselves very scarce , one of them carrying a bullet wound In his sboutdor. The wound was received after ho was caught hugging Johnstono's wlfo. Ho was not seriously hurt , but ho getaway away from the Jonnstono homo so quick and has so suddenly dropped out of sight that it js believed that ho Is running.vet. An attempt is made to conceal tbo facts In regard to the rose , but the police got wind of it Thursday night. No arrests will probably bo made. The World-Herald with its usual zeal to furnish fakes Instead of facts invented some names to 111 tbo Individuals. Unfortunately ono of the names faked up happens to belong to a roipoctabln young man living In another part of the city , and It is hinted that an ex planation will be demanded or something more serious than a libel suit will follow. In Memory of John Itoyd. Nearly every member of the Stock ex change abandoned business yesterday afternoon to attend the funeral of tbo Into John Doyd vho for five years was manager of the stock yard * . The members all were appropriate badges. At a called meeting of the ox- cbango the following resolutions wore passed : Whereas , Almighty God In the oxcirolso of Ills dlvlno will lius seen proper to romovu by death from among us our uliUily rusnoctcU o ml esteemed trlunU and associateJolln ; IT. JUoyd. Ana while no humbly bow In submission to Ills holy will , wo can but deeply mourn his untimely death ; therefore , bo It Kesolvud , That In his death this Exalianzo and the entire .community lose nn honorable and useful citizen , a warm and slnuuio friend , and1iS | family u Kind and Indulgent husband and father. And to them wo extend our most sincere and heartfelt sympathies in this their Irreparable loss. 'And bo It further Husolved , That the .secretary of this Ev- change bo Instructed to forward to his family an engrossed copy hereof. * . City Suf Needed , "Thoro is nothing the city needs moro than a fireproof safe , in the city oftices , " ays City Treasurer Hooter , Ono good safe would answer the purpose for the city olork , engineer and treasurer. Few citizens realize the risks the city is running without a proper receptacle tor the documents be longing to tha city. In , the clerk's oftlco are the ordinances and official records of the city and a largo quantity of other valu able papers. In the city engineer's ofllco are tbo varlout plans for everything In the line Of public grades , plats , otc. In tbo treas urer's ofllco are the warrants , bonds and other papers relative to the city's finances. Suppose a flro should break out in the build ing where tlio city ofUcos are , a- thing which is liable to happen any night , what would be come of those valuable papers ! They would bo simply wiped out. " Clinngo or Inspectors. Dr. S. S. Stewart of Council Bluffs , who for sorao tlmo has bcon government meat inspector specter at Swift's packing house , has been transferred to the packing establishment at Nebraska City. Dr. S. M. McGrow of Ne roaha county das boon appointed to succeed Dr. Stewart hero , and he enters upon his duties immediately. The sorouo face of Cap tain Payne of Lincoln Is still soon amonc the carcasses , and the first oversight made by htm is still to bo reported. Ho steadfastly re fuses to discuss politics while at worlc. Mutter of Crogitwiilki. "I am glad , " says Mr. W. S , Berry , "that Tun Dun Is agitating the matter of cross walks. Sidewalks are of but llttlo use unless you have crosswalks. I understand that there is a pllo of displaced crosswalks Ivlng near the old ongluo house thitt has boon there for months. They are doing nobody any good there excepting the people who are rap idly converting them Into kindling wood. Why can't they bo put where they will do some good to tha public at large 1" HHK Ulllcliil Permission. A kick has boon raised by a number of citizens against Mr. C. M. Hunt constructing & wooden shanty on the south sldo of N street botwcun Twenty-sixth and Twonty- Bovontbi'as ' the slto Is In the lira limits. An examination of the records , however , shows that at tbo last mooting of the city council permission was granted Mr. Hunt to do BO. TbU oxcluilvo privilege hoi aroused con siderable invective. Htnclc Kxcliniigu Mooting. Thorp will bo a sponlal mooting of the Stock exchange Saturday at ! 1 p. m. to con sider the amendment to the by-laws in refer ence to prepaying telegrams to the country giving the condition of tbo maricols. The Only Church Hull. The P'fosbytorlan church is the first pluco of worship in South Omaha to have a church boll. This acquisition was put In plaoo Thutday , The now bell Is of medium itzo and sweet In tono. Oily Miniatures , Tbo tug-of-war contest * last evening \vero between tbo Swedes and Bohemians ana Irlnu and Germain. A new sldownlk has been constructed OD the oouth lcl of 1' street between Twenty- fourth and Twonty-llftb , and tbo residents In that block who heretofore have been envi roned by a tea of mud are talking lorlously of holding a Jubilee. It is bellovad that tbo boys who are run ning such dangerous risks to steal rides on tbo motor cars are all pupils at the I. , it root school. Tbo motoruiou will today ask the oniolals of the atreot railway to inform the principal of the school of thU fact , Fred Haginnn and Swan Larson , respect ively DouUchor and Scandinavian , had a ills- cusiioii last night in regard to the relative merits' of the Gcrmaui and Swedes In tha tug-of-war contest. In the excitement that followed Lanon'a fuco became badly dis figured and Hagman was arrested on the charge of disturbing the peace. Complluifiitury Art Lecture. Colonel Jaiuoi FalrmanA.M.of New York city , artist and lecturer , will give a lecture before the Voung Men's Christian association Saturday ovonlng on "What All Should Know About Art , " Colonel Falrman Is a gentleman of culture and bus studied art for ( Ifty years , ton of which In the best schools In Uorm&ny , Franco and ttngland , Is ni well n lecturer , having boon for ton years con nected with Olivet collocro. The lecture will not bo for artists only , but for anyone who like- * the artistic. Complimentary tlckoU may bo obtained upon application nt the Voung Men's Chris tian association ofllco. DoWltt's Llttlo Early IUSOM. Best llttlo pill ever made. Cure constipation every time. Nouo equal. USD tho.n now. Dr. Blrnoy euros catarrh. Bunbldg Union soap Is mula of wostornpro ducts try it. PAUK MATTERS. Will tin- Council THhn Hand In I'lirclms- I lip ; Nun' l.uml. The Board of Park Commissioners mot yesterday afternoon to pass upon current oxpcnso accounts. Bills amounting to $431 were allowed , Messrs. Boggs & Hill sent In a communi cation offering fourteen ncros west of Crclghton college to the board for park pur poses at (100,000. "Those follows must think wn have n barrel of money , " remarked ono of the com- imsslonors as the letter was placed on file. A petition was presented from citizens of the south sldo asking the board to purchase Syndicate park. It was slgnod by nearly MO names. Some Informal discussion took place with regard to the posslolo objection on the part of members of the council to tbo lands selected by the Park commissioners for park purposes. It was stated that some complaint had been made to tlio effect that the board had rejected a tract of land lying Immediately southeast of Forest Lawn cemetery offered by Shaw & French nt $400 per aero and had agreed to purchase the Parltor tract at $000 per acre. The roa ons given by the board for declining to purchase the Shaw & French tract word that the lanri was not suitable for park purposes at any price , and that tbo tract lay ton far to the west to bring It in the line of Florence boulevard. Dr. Birnoynosonnd throat. Dim bldp. Housekeepers will llncl Quail rollol oats the best made. Drunkenness , A disease , treated ns Biich and perma nently cured. No publicity. No infirm ary. Homo treatment. Harmless and olloctunl. Rotor by permission to Bur lington Hawkeyo. Send 2c stump for pamphlet. ShoKO < iuon Chemical Co. , Burlington , la. Ask your grocer lor Quull rolled oats. PATTI COMINCJ. Negotiations Looking to u Return or the < irout Binder to Omiilm. It is now reasonably sure that Omaha will bo favored with a concert by Madame Adellun Patti Ntcollm and her company of musical artists. La Diva assured an Omaha gentleman in New York City that BUO intended to sing In this city , oven If it were necessary to malic a sacrifice to up so , and in explanation of her purpose said'she had always been traated so well hero that she wished toshowhor grate ful appreciation of the Ulndr.es * . Considerable correspondence has been bad with the managers of the Coliseum , who have boon asked to forward a diagram of their house to Pattt's managers at Now York. Tbo facilities of the Boyd theater are also under 'consideration , and an effort will DO made to have the concert in that bouso. Patti'b management ask a guarantee of $ -,000. If ttab receipts exceed that figure the next f 1,000'will-BO to the local1 management , ana all over $0,000 will bo divided on a ba ls of 70 and 80 per cent. February 13 has boon proposed us .the date of tha entertainment , t . > 'Hliln. Kconohiy5' Is'practiced i by many people , , who buy infer ior articles of food 'because cnoaper than standard goods. Surely infants are entitled to the b'ost food obtainable. It Is a fact that the Gall Borden "Eagle" Brand Condensed Milk Is the best in fnnt food. Your grocer and druggist keep It. ' Women's diseases. Dr. Lonsdalo , 010S. 13. Nebraska is famous for Us fine oats. Quail rolled oats are made in Nebraska. > Testing the Postolllcc .Site. The bottom of the excavated area where Undo Sam proposes to build a postofllco for this great city has been punctured by a ten- inch auger to the depth of about twenty foot in some twenty places and tbo result has been about the same In each instance. In tbo south end of tha oxoavation wboro the earth has boon removed to a depth of about eight foot the auger passed tbrougli a stratum of hard clny about eight foot thick and then struck mud and water through which It passed for tbo next twenty foot , In the center of the excavation at the east sldo where a dropor cut has been made for tbo foundation of the tower , the auger struck mud at the very outset for the bottom of the bolo is covered with water. At a depth/of about twenty-five feet-from the bottom tom of the deepest excavation the auger Btruck a hard stratum of clay. Toward tbo west sldo of tbo alto tbo hard ground was reached sooner , showing that as the blllsldo is approached the mud ' and slush grows thinner. For scrofula In oyory form Hood's Sarsaparilla - parilla Is a radical , reliable remedy. It has and unequaled record of euros. Union soap is king ot Boaps. About Those Overworked Clerks. City Clerk Groves Is not well pleased with the statement made by Chairman Blrkbausor with reference to salaries. A day or two ago tbo chairman stated that his dork was doing the work of two men under the old rule , and was also doing moro work than the higher paid clerks in tbo city clerk's oftlco. Mr. Groves states that since tbo Board of Public Worus was created that body never employed moro than ono clerk except during the period of ninety days when a clerk was employed to complete a sidewalk record. That book , however , has never boon touched slnco its completion. Ho laughs at tbo idea of tbo clerk working fifteen hours per day. and aays that if such Is the case It lb caused by tbo fact that tbo man u not a rapid worker. His man handle all of the papers that go through tbo ofllco of tbo Board of Public Worusbesides keeping up tbo records and caring for the thousands of paper * that pass the council ouch month , The Howe Scales , the only scale with pro tctod bearings. No chocs rods. Cata logues of Borden & Solleck Co , , Agts , , Chicago cage , 111. Every grocer handles Union soap , Docrlnu ; .Appointments. Tbo Donrlng Implement company has ap pointed Thomas Bloukhorn manager of the North Platte district , with headquarters in this city. C. M. Tulloy has also boon ap pointed to n similar position for the South Platte division of tbo company's business , His headquarters are at Lincoln. A sere throat or cough , If suffered to.pro- grcis , often results lu an incurable throat or lung trouble. "Brown's ' Bronchial Troche * " give Instant relief. PITi r 'nr PT IPHAPT 4 faiAVTP SUGAR BEET ASSOCIATIONS Text of ti Circular Sent Out by the' State Executive Committee. NEBRASKA'S ' NATURAL ADVANTAGES Cnn ItnUo the lleH HcoU drown lit Thin Mate Hoiv to Orgnntro a Count ? Society i\rrjlmtly : Should Join One , Intense Interest is being felt among busi ness mon upon the beet sugar Industry and a very largo attendance Is assured at the meot- ng which will bo hold at the Board ot Tntdo rooms at 10 o'clock today for a discussion of tbo advisability of oitabllshlug u factory In Omaha , Messrs. C. A. Atkinson , W. N. Nason and M. A. Lunn , the executive com- mUtcoot the state association , have Issued a circular touching upon the plan o' county associations , ami urging u study of the host methods of cultivating boots. In consideration , says this circular , of thn inncnltmlo as well as Importance of thisgroal national Industry , and what can bo done in this state to secure factories for manufactur ing sugar from boats , tbo committee thinks It very Important and essential timt not only the results that have boon attained for this state should bo gonorallv well understood and known by the people of the state , but also a general knowledge of the conditions that exist In European countries , whore this Industry bus become un established and known success. Wo find by referring to the best authori ties of both Franco and Germany , where boots arc cultivated on expensive land land frequently valuednt , from $300 to { GOO nor ncrn , and where fertilizers are annually re quired , and not infrequently at n cost of MO per aero , ut nn average annual co t of ? .iO per aero. Wo also find that the avoraeo per cent of sugar In tholr boots Is much less than in boots grown in thostiito of Nebraska. In Germany"that manufactures moro boot sugar than any other nation In the world , and where the first beet sugar factory was established ns early as 1805 , and where thor ough cultivation bus bcon prosecuted for many years , they hnvo not succeeded In rais ing the average above the percentage in Ne braska. Kcccssiiry to Grow Herts. Noarlv every county In the state of Ne braska has during the past few years grown sugar beets under the direction of the state experimental station at Lincoln , and has from analyses ot the beets so grown , demonstrated tbo fertility of its soil and cllmato to produce beets containing H high percentage of sugar as well as a high purity co-ofllciont. Wo find , however , that in order to secuto the oroctlon of a boot sugar factory at any point. It Is not sufficient to bo "able to show th'at beats of a high per cent of sugar can ha grown , but that it is-nocossary to glvo ovldcnco that sufilclont experiment has been engaged in to demonstrate to tbo farmers who nrow the beets that the busi ness can ba conducted with greater profit to them than the cultivation of 'any other crop for market. We find from results of the general experi ments that have boon made throughout the state of Nebraska that the entire state gives ovldenco of having the natural conditions of both soil and cllmnto for the production of suL'nr beets having a high percentage of sugar ; wo also find that llttlo or no difficulty will bo experienced in obtaining a full und sufficient supply of watcr , > so essential and tnalsponsiblo for the use of boot sutrar fac tories ; also , that most portions ot tbo state are now wellsuppliod with railroad transpor tation facilities , by the means of .which coal for fuel und lime-rock for 11 mo can > bo transported - ported when not found in tbo immediate vicinity where tbo boot nugar factory is desired - sired ; with these natural conditions'of trans portation , lime-rock , coaland\v'ator \ nil bolnir accessible , it remains oriiy * to bo able to furnish tbo required acreage , of sugar beets to supply * tho" facrorv with tbo rive essential and indispensable elements of success ; for thls"and many other reasons wo most earnestly racoiqmend that Boot Sugar associations ba formed In each county of the state of Nebraska for the pur pose of aiding in the development of this in dustry and oncouragint ; tbo erection of boot sugar factories ; wo recommend that the nome of each association shall bo that of its county , ana that each county association shall co-oporato with and bo an auxllarv to the state association. How to Organize , Where it is desirable to form a county as sociation , the committee would recommend that a speaker or speakers should bo pro cured who are well informed upon this sub ject , and who will make and address at the lima of the meeting for organization. Appli cation should bo made to tbo secretary , W. N. Nason of Omaha , Nob. , before the data of the county association Is set , within a few days , or a week perhaps , before the tlmo that it would bo dcslrablo to bavo the con vontton called , and ho can thus arrange the dates for several meetIngs - Ings in different counties closolv adjacent where one of tboso speakers can be present with llttlo inconvenience. Wboro a county convention shall be called for the purpose of effecting county , organiza tion the foliowlns : otllcors shall bo elected : President , vice president , secretary , treas urer and corresponding sccrotary , and if thought advisable a vice president from each of tbo townships of the county , ana an assist ant secretary from each town of the county ; that each county organization shall endeavor to bocuro as many energetic farmers in their county as possible to cngago In growing at least ono-fourth of an aero of sugar boots for experimental purposes ; thut this experi ment Is recommended In order that the farmer may have the opportunity of loarnlni ? for himself whether or "not ho can ungaco to grow sugar bouts for the factory with profit to himself. All Should AnKlnt. ' Wo rocommod that every citizen who wishes to encourage the development of this crcat Industry , should Identify themselves with the association , and assist in raising u premium for tba encouragement of farmers to mnlto this experimental trial. It is the opinion of the committee that tbojo premiums will have the tendency to stimu late a moro general Interest throughout the county , and also encourage thorough cultiva tion of the sugar boot , which willinsuroa good tonnage and high per cent of sugar. This very generally engaged In will result satisfactorily to tbo farmers , nod the coming fall will demonstrate that a largo number of farmers will have learned a very important and essential lesson , and that they will be very desirous for tbo erection of a boot sugar factory in order that they may find a moro prod table market than they now have for the products of tholr Holds. The committee is also firmly convinced of the fact that where unmistakable ovldonco of this kind cad bo presented to local , eastern und foreign capitalists and these who are anxious to * engage' In tbo boroctlon of oot sugar factories , in this countrv. Llttlo difficulty will bo experienced In securing factories in such localities where thcso lacta are found from Investigation to bo truo. The committee has made a statement which Investigation will find to bo true , that our natural conditions lor producing sugar boots , uro superior to thut of Europe , This Is shown from boots grown on our natural soil without the know ) , edge or experience as to the best methods of cultivation , and without tbo use of commer cial or ether fertilizers , \V'o alsp call attention to the foot that so generally and so thoroughly well understood is this busl- ness in many countries of Europe , that when wo are able to demonstrate beyond question that not only our soil and cllmato possess these necessary and natural conditions , but Baking Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie also th t our farraom bavo grown and nro willing to grow boot * ( or the factory , that Ittlo dlnicnlty will' bo oxpcrloncod in ao- : urlnp an aoundmrowof experienced mon to 'urnlsh thu mcantotoibuild our. factories for us. , ItnllrontJKatcR.A ( * ) < Cfl Vor. Reallrlni ? that ittmay bo desirable on the i.\rt of some of thostn'rinors lo shin the boots .hat they shall craw for nxponmcnt to either Norfolk or Mrnnd Hland , the committee has applied to the railroad companies of this state for a schodulmof ratoi for n ulstanco of JOO miles or lo < is , ass the railroad companies mvo manlfostcdi A dliposltlon to transport bcots nt the very least possible cost In order to assist In building- this Industry , aa agreement of rntosipcr ton par mlle must bo considered by Ml lines that do busi ness In this stato. This nnd many other Important subjects have bcon con > ildorcd und will ba reported nt the very earliest possible moment. Suggestions where seed may bo procured , of whom and at what price , where seeders nnd olhor Itnplu- for cuHlvaUnc nnd harvesting the Dents can bo had , ns well as giving sugges tions and Information regarding the sclcc- : lon of land , cultivating and harvesting the jects. 1.n ( Irippo. No healthy parson need fosir any dnngor- > us consequences from nn nttnok of la grlppo if properly treated. It U much the samn ns \ severe cold nnd requires precisely the sumo treatment. Remain quietly at homo nnd take Chamberlain's Cough Homoily ns directed Tor n severe cold and a prompt nnd complete recovery Is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts nny tendency of In erlppo to ro suit In pnoumontit. Among the many thous- ind * who have tisod It during the epidemics of the past two years wo Imvo yet to learn of a single case that has not rccovorod or that ins resulted In pneumonia , U5 and GO cent jottlcs for sale by druggists , Dr. McGrow , private dlBOiiecsHth &Par Tlio Crccilo Camp Kxcltnmcnt. Croodo Camp promises to bocoino n second Loadvillo. The numboi- poole - ) lo goinc into this wonderful camp Is inprccoacnted in the history of Colo- rmloo.\copt only during the Loadvillo ox- citomcnt. It is cstimtttcd that now the .ownsHo Is located , that there will Do ton thousand people In the camp by Juno 1. The now discovery is only reached by the Denver & Rio Grande railroad , and there is no staging. VIADUOT ON FIFTEENTH STREET. Property Omitti-H to Oo Hofnro tlio Council with u I'ropuHltlon. Prominent proparty owners along Fif teenth street are talcing actlvo stops to bavo a viaduct built across tbo Burlington nnd Jniou P.iolflc raiiro.ids. The matter will bo old before ttie city council very soon. Ono of the interested parties said vostorday : "Tho property owners on fifteenth street are in earnest about this viaduct business. Wo jeliovo that it will bo a bonotlt to tbo entire city to tmvo a viaduct on that street. The grade is favorable on both sldos and the viaduct would not have to bo so long as that on Sixteenth stroot. " "Will the property owners contribute personally to tha uxpnuse of building tbo viaduct ? " "I chink they wllllba willing to make good all the damagost that. may bo allowed to property ns a consequence of building the viaduct. Wo shalti go direct to the city council and ask thafetlio viaduct bo built. " l Dullone , Mr. C. W. Ileedj proprietor of the Hotel Dollono"Oiuahn , , ona of the Unost now nnd modern hotels in tha wast , says of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy : "Wo have used it in our family for years , with the most satisfac tory result , especially for our , children , for colds and croup. < ilt > cnn bo dopondod. upon ; besides it is pleasant to take and seems to bo free from chloroform nud tbo oily substances put Into many coupli mixture , ' ; , " 25c , 50c and f I bottles'for sale DZ drugglits. Quail rolled outs are the finest made Free ! 1'reo ! , I'rccl Wo have decided to make today the "banner day" of our pants salo. In fact wo want to sell moro pants today than any -clothing house over sold in any ono day in this city. So to accom plish this wo offer to glvo every ono buy ing a pair of pants today a pair of suspenders free. This includes the 8.c ! jeans pants. Remember that this is for today , Saturday ' , January 30 , onlv. PEOPLE'S 'CLOTHING HOUSE , 1303 Douglas street. Over 3,000 merchants handle Union soap in the west. HE CRIED IN VAIN FOR HELP. JCIIH I'otcrsoii Drowned nn Cut-Oil'I.ako In Hlglit of Workmen. Jens Peterson , the 10-yoar-old son of Nels Peterson , n dairyman living at East Omaha , was drowned in Cut-Off lake yesterday even ing. ing.Tho boy was on his way homo from Omaha , where he had boon on an errand , and was crossing the lake when ho foil In n hole whore the icemen had been at work. Home of tbo mon who were working on tbo Ice saw the boy and heard his cry for help , out before they could reach him ho bad sunk from slclit. Tbo body has not boon recovered. Sale und Jlcllnblc , "In buying a cough medicine for children , " says H. A. Walker , a prominent druggist of Ogden , U. T. , "never bo afraid to buy Cham- borlaln's Cougtrltamedy. Tooro is no dan ger from It and relief is always sure to fol low. I particularly recommend Chamber lain's because I have fout'd it U > bo safe and reliable. " 25 and 50 cent bottles for stqo by druggists. T5o sure to try the Quail rolled oats and take no othor. True. With great care , by a pro cess entirely his own , Dr. Price is enabled to extract from eaclnof the true , select fruits and ! aromatics , all of its characteristic flavor , and place in the market a class of flavoring ? of rare excel lence. Evenjf flavor as repre sented , of "great strength and perfect purity. For any fla vor that may be wanted for flavoring ice-cream , jellies , cake , custand , etc , , Dr. Price's Delicious Ulavoring Extracts can be usediwith a certainty of giving perfect satisfaction. IFURCATED YOKE SUSPENDER , THE LATEST. Slipping otc Ih * ilioulder lmpo- iW.e. Atk jour dwiltrfor Ibcm or cnJJI Wfor/Am. ' iialr t' > I.UCB urL funmtttr J'u. . CT 1 l'ri | c BL , New vvrk. CDCCroaWEAKMEN II | H New , f rrUlu lltmviif. I.oit- „ _ T lus cure , never returui. 1 will iruU | n f ( e ltJJfriCto nr uCrnrcrpe. * U EM tcrli'tloa la en ! r imill , wr k | | _ . parhi und trrtala cure for J.ot f f m IM Vlur.Kiul > nli u.VnTic < > rela J.J' . UOUbE , J ) fc | Alllsu. MlcU. BLKW UP A WAR SHIP. Tort JTcHlnnrj1Irnr New * of n lUoody llnttlc Army Notc , The nullotln , n small weeKly sheet printed nt Buffalo , Wyo. , U evidently running a nock nnd nock race with a great Dally Fake print ed in thcso parts. Lieutenant Hoe received a letter today from Lieutenant Mercer nt Fort MoKlnney which Is aoout thrco miles from Buffalo , In which Lieutenant Mercer enclosed n small extra edition of the above mentioned weekly paper. The alleged extra Is n corker in Its way. it is made up principally of n scare head nnnounclnp In the wildest sort of n way that war has boon declared botwcon the United States and Chili. "Word has boon received hero , " says the fakolot , "to the of- feet that ono of the largest wnr ships of the United States navy hai boon blown to atoms by the Cnlllan torpedo boats In the straits of Magellan. Wnr has boon declared nnd the United States has issued n call for 10,000 volunteer soldiers. " Lieutenant Mercer stated In his letter that no mall had boon received nt Fort McKlnnoy or at Buffalo for thrcu days nnd this alleged news created a groat.ronsallon. The soldiers were wrought up to n Rroat nltch at McKln noy nnd they wanted the latest news telegraphed - graphed them at once. Captain Chnrlos 1 < \ Humphrey , assistant qunrtormastorvlll go to Fort D. A. Hus ell tomorrow on business connected with his department. 1'rlvato E. O. Murray of Company F , Flf tceiith Infantry , who hai bcon for some tlmo confined In the guard house nt Pilot Butte , \Vyo. , under charge of having deserted , has bcon ordered released and restored to duty without trial under certain proscribed condi tions. Dr. Bacho's daughter , who has bcon ill fern n week , is convalescent. Wo Indorse all the proprietors have said relative to the merits of Salvation Oil. ft Is the greatest cure on earth for pnln. Price only 25 cents. Yarborouph Hou&o , Halclgh , N , C. f have ubod Dr. Bull's ' Cough Syrun for my children ; It Is the golden remedy. Mrs. Dr. Blackwcll. Dr. Culllraoro , oculist. Boo building Illness of I'ltHiuMifrcr , Mrs. Ucorgo Wlltso of Cambridge , O. , created n llttlo flurry of excitement at the union dcrtot yesterday morning by falling unconscious in an epileptic lit. She was on route to Dillon , Mont. , and was waiting tor her train , The lady was cared for bv the railway em ployes , and was able to continue her journey. Couch r lloivlmr the (3rl | ) . Many persons , who hnvo recovered from la grlppo , uro now troubled with a persistent cough. Chamberlain's Cough Homedy will promptly loosen this coutrh and relieve the lungs , offoctini ; n permanent euro In a vorv short tlmo. 25 and CO cent bottles for sale by dru gists. Anv prrocorcan supply you with Quail rolled oats delicious for breakfast. RAW AS BEEF STEAK Ba'.y's Fearful SufToringr from Skin Disease O ivering Entire Body Cured by Out'cura. Aiy bnby wns taken very Mck when lie wns tlirco monllm old , anil In a few < | n)4bcinn breaking out. Wo omiiloycrt both of the homo doctors nnit they could dunolbtni ; for him. Tlicn woscntloc.thc btst iloctortn Kiiton Hnplds. Mlcli.iinJ ho doctored him for two wcrki , unit ho fiut womo all t'io tlmo ; und then 1 took him to Jnckton , ton doc tor who MUeruH cspoclnlly to HKIn dlncn cs , und tbon lie K * > t v > orsa tlmn.eter. Then I told my husband wo hud better try the CltTICIIIIA IlKMKDIKH any way : did not Imvo liny hlei thuy wnulildo uny KOod , but In ) OM than two months from the tlmo we beiran Ktr- ItiK thum to him lit was onllrc'ly well , and not a spot on him. Hla hair began iirowlnff rlKht off. and we thought ho would alwn > H be buld'humled. Thcru as not a spot cm his whole body , fftuo unJ head , only Ills nose anil oycs , but what was ais raw as beef stuuk. ho poor tncro ft * not anything but bones , and so weak ho could neither rnlio hand nor head. Mils. flUNK IIAKHKTT , Wlndcld , Cuticura Resolvent The new lllood nnd Skin Pnrlllcr , mid urontost o Jlumor Remedies , cleanses the blood of nli Impucl tlesand poisonous elements , uncl thui remove's the cnuHo , wlillo CUTicL'liA , the Kreat skin cure , and CUTICUHASOAI1 , an oxqnlalto gkln beuulitler. clcnr the akin and scalp , and restore the hair. Tims the CUTjcuiiA ItKMfciMES cure every species of lthlnK burnlnx , scaly , pimply , and blotchy skin , scalp , and blood licenses , from pimples to scrofula , from In fancy to age , when the bent puyilclans fall. Bold every wlicro. I'rlce , CuTiruiiA.Mcj SOAP , J5cj KEMH.VKNT , fl. 1'rcparcd by tlio I'OTTMI imuo ANII CHEMICAL Colll'IIKATION , Boston. rZTScnd for "How tq Cure lllood Illseivsoi , " n i nyiO Bktn nnJ Sculp purlllcd unit brnutllla DnD0 | by CL'TicuitA BOAT. Absulutoly pure. RHEUMA1I8 PAINS. IX ON'K MIXtHK TUB ClTTICITIIA AKTI ' , \i.v rLAsiFlirelU'VcurhiMimiitloncliitlctt & IP , kidney , died , und munculnr puln wcnktiOMkCs. I'rlcv , ' * : . COMMERCIAL URUCCtSTS commit fraud lu tmbsti tullni ? any other poiouf plaster when IIKNSON'S la asked for. They do sc In order to mnko morn raonoy out of you by uell Inff you Bomelliltifr Urn' costH them lets , llowar of wort I.less luil' xtlonn. . . unu .r iq. PLLS Original untl Only ti - A lw.ti rclltliU. L OIIS , nk for CMtlitiltn r > iMi\ > lf tiaaif grand \ Krd nj Uald nitulllo hoxei , it.lot wlih blua rlbbou. TuLe gliootlivr. Itefuit UanstrouM itfbimu. ' linnt amt imitation ! . M DrUKgUti , or lead 4c * in Rlam | > . fur | > arlleul.r. , tvillmoqltU and . ' llellef far l.uilli . , " ( n Itlltr.ij return i' „ ' .Mull. 1O.OIIO r.-.lliuool.li. Kant i'aptr. , r ( hlrlic.lrrClicinlralL u.lMuill.anHquur t Bald by til I l Drumliii. _ I'lilluila. , ! ' . PlloFoiALSI'-OREHEOTION OK hUlIOOI , llullcllnus , btoiun lloatliu and Ventila tion , and I'lro Keoiines , Doimrttnont of the Interior , Olllco of Indian Affaire. Washington , 1) . C ! . , January 0. IBUi. KKAI.ED I'IIOPOSALM , on- dorfceil , "I'roposals for uroctlon of hulldtiua , bl on in licatliiK , eta , " us the rasu may be , and to the Coimnlsslonor of Indian Af- fiilrx , Washington , I ) . O. , will bo received at this ofllco until I o'clock , p. in. , of Kobruury 8. 16V. ' . for the oroctlon ut the I'lno KldRo Aconoy , b'outh Dakota , of ono brick ussoinlily bulldlne , ono brlek hospital , iMilldlni ; , und ono brlolc Holler haute , JIB per plans und niiocllluutlons which may bo examined ut'tho olllccs ( if the Kupilhllcmi , of Kapld City. S. 1) . , tlio tltsi : of Omaha , Neb. , and the llulldor * Hoard of Truclo. corner 7th and Co lar stroetu. bt. 1'aul , Jllnu. , and at the 1'iiiu Hlilifo Agunoj , Illddors will boroiuilrod toKubnilt Huparuto bids for uach liiilldln , ' , und sluto the lunsth of tlmo propiised tn bo coiiHUinud In tholr const ruc- tlon. Illds are albtj Invliod for furrrlshliu all niHohlnory , inatcrlaU , and all lubor nvccbsary to lint thoin lu position , for lieiitln ; ? and von- tlllutlnK the assembly building' , the hospital . thu presonC school bnlldlni ; , und the laundry ( now In couiaoof eonstnietlon ) . all to bo pionerly eonneclod by ademmto pines with the liollornoiiho , from winch tnov aia to bo heated. Separate bids should also bo made for lieu tin ; aii't vuntllatlnz as above , from boiler house , only the assembly biiUdlnz and the present school Inilldlng. Separate bids are also Invited for fnrnlbhlnx and p aeliu ono or two II ro escapes on the assembly and hospital bullrihiZH when same shall have been oreetod , also on tlio present school bulldln ? . lllddera n he'atlnjf and vimtllutlir. , and Uro cscujios. to accompany tholr bids with designs und specifications of the steam hoatlnu and von- Illation and llro osoapes projiosod to l > u fur- nlshudi said designs und gpoollloatlons to bo ndaptod to the buildings to which they uro tube bo applied. The right Is reserve ! to reject any or all bids , nr any part of any bill If deemed for the best Interest of the ucrvco | CKitTirir.n CIIKCKH Knch bid must bo uccoin imiilcd by a certified check or draft upon some United fatatos depository or solvent national bank In the vicinity of the residence of the bidder , miiOo puyuolo to thoorder of theCom- inlsloner of Indian AlTnlrn. for at least FIVK run CENT of the amount of the proposal , which check or draft will ho forfeited lo the unitud BtatoH In onto uny bidder or bidders receiving an award shall full to promptly execute contract with good und iiilllolcnt sureties , otherwise to bo returned to the bidder , Midi accompanied by u h In lieu nf acertltlod chuck will not uo connldwrml. T. J , .MOKOAN Cymmliiloucrof loUlau Airulra. Do You Want Shoes ? If there's any one thing that a man / does want this kind of weather , its shoes < good shoes. Shoes to keep his feet warm and dry. Our solid calf shoes at two sev enty-five , with genuine cork soles are the thing to buy for comfort. Do You Want Shoes ? Possibly you want shoes and don't feel "zif" you could afford 'em. Possibly you couldn't if you had to buy 'em of the regular shoe fellows. We sell shoes ; sell a goodshoe , that's a good look cr , fcrg dollar and a quarter. They're good wearers - * ers , too. Do You Want Shoes ? MMMW MMMM You , we mean ; you man that's reading . this ad. Do you want shoes ? We sell any kind of shoes that you want. Dollar six ty-five , dollar eighty-five , two and a quarter , two and a half two and-a-half > that's the one. Genuine Goodyear welts , solid calf , any shape or style. Bear this one in mind. Do You Want Shoes ? That's the question. If you do wantshoeq . and want to get good shoes at a fair price , the young men in our'shoe room want to see you. They'll show you a fine calf shoe at three dollars and ninety cents tha they'll guarantee you to equal any five1 or six dollar shoe you can find. We'll back up the guarantee. We sell Rubbers , Overshoes , Arctics and r Rubber Boots. HATS 50c TODAY 50c HATS. ANDPBOSPHATE9 For the Cure of Consumption , Cou3hs , Colds Asthma , Pneumonia , I ulluonza , Bronchi tis , Debility. Wasting Dlseasas and Scrofulous Humors. Almost as pilatubto as cream , H can bo t-ikon with plcaturo by dollcato persons and children , who , after ualnx It , nro very torn ) of It. It aiilmllntos with the food , Increases thollcslinnrt nppolllc.hullili up the nervous system rjitorui cnorKy to mini ! nnJ body , creates now , rich and pure blood , In fact , ro- juvcnatcs the whole system. * FLESH , BLOOD , NERVE , BRAIN. This preparation Is far superior toall ether prepa rations of Cod I.lver Oil : lUminmny Imltitors , but nee < ! U.itt.rlhe ! results f olio * lnn I in use lire Its best recommendations , lie sure , AH you value your health , Kct the genuine. ManufactnroJ only by lilt. ALEX. It. WILIIUII , Chemist , llojton , Mass , Bold by Protect your lungs by wearing Chamois vest. FOP cold feet buy a Hot Wate-Bottle. We have all sizes , at low prices. Physicians P r e s c r i p- tlons prepared at low prices. The Aloe& Tenfold Company 15th Street next to 1' . O , Young Mothers ! We Offer You a Jteineily ifltlclt Insure * fiafctu to L\e of'Mother ' unit Child. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Jtoti § Confinement of it * J'ufii , Horror oiitlJlltlt , After mliiRonobottloof "IHolltur'dl'rlrml" 1 BUlteri'il but little pnln.uiul ilia not experience that weakni'n nttcnviml usual In such caion. Mr , ANNIK OIQE , I.anmr , Mo. , Jan , ISth , Ittfl. Sent by express. eharta' prepaid , on receipt ot priceI.M per Ijoltle. lluok to Mothcmmalled free. i'IIiM ) ItK < ; VISITOR CO. , ATLANTA , < JA , 801,1) JIV A I.I , ImUUUISTS. NEBRASKA National Bank. U , S. DEPOSITORY. . - OMAHA , NE3 Capital . TT77. . $ IOfll ) ) : ) Surplus . . . (1(5,501) ( ( ) Onicennml DlroctoriHoary W , Vatei , aroddont : U U , Cu hlatf , vied tiruililunt. UV. SlniirlcoV. . V. Mor > u , John H. Colllin , J , N. 11. Patrick. l wU S. Hued , Cailiicr. TI-lIS IRON BANK , Corner 18th and Farua.u Sti. The Leading l ) . u Dentist Third Floor , Paxfpn Plook. elcplioim 1085. Kith anil F.irnrii SU. A full iet of tceih oa rubber for 13. I'orfoctllt. Ti'flli without plate * or rouiurabla brldKe work , ju t thothliiK for dn orj or publlo poikor < , nairif drop itowa. TEE1H EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. All illlliiv * nt roaionablo ratai , all work irurantil Cut thli out for a guldo. FOR MEN ONLY ! .JortOBTorFAUIMO MANHOOD , riOtceralandKEEVOUSUEBUITY , Wcikneu of Body and Mind , Eff > .U Hof ErronorEictuei lo Older Youog , toklr IUMIIHIU mill llrtlond. ! ! ! K l > r > 4 tlmtlkrtWiak.tklUtC ibtoiuiti ; u > r > ui ( limn TUKiiukiiT iu Urn lnlir > fr it ) Hlilri nd vrtla ( onslrlf. . Hrlldlil . llttrrltitiif Uo k * rl | < lutllvBftad | > rMtlf allr4kr ( Udlrr ] * . AetrcuERIEilEOICALCO.BUFFALO.N.V ( > tarlrdecar. vaitliutwt-aknriu , loit inaulicvxl , I wfll "uj a valualilc trcatlw ( " I" " ! wnUlnliU full iiartlvulun fur li'Jinu curt. I'llKK uf rharKO. AajiUmlia metUcalworlci ahoulft tfultyy/trr man whu U n rvim * ami ilthlllnitoil. Aildrciui. Vtot , V , V , l'0\VLii M.oudu Cvuu * Sore Throat Lameness Sore Sorem Cat * Bn Cul Piles \ . Female Complaints" Rheumatism AND ALL Inflammation Sold only In our own bot'lcj , All druggists. POND'S ' EXTRACT CO. . 765(1. ( . A. , , . , N.Y. GOLD MEDAL , f ABIS , 1078. W. BAKER A Breakfast Cocoa front which tlio oxclis of > - oil Ims l > on removed , la Absolute/ Pure and it in Soluble No Chemicals nro used lu Us preparation. It liaa more than three times the strenyth ot Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , nnd is therefore far moro economical , cos'.iwj less than one cent a ctij ) , It la delicious , noiirlHliIng , strengthening , KASU.V PIOKBTKD , and admirably ndnpled for Invalid * is well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers ovorywhoru. W. BAKER & CO. , Dorcbestftr , Mass. \Vo irml dm ninrri'Ioui Frrnrli ItemoJy CALTHO8 trvr , mid n legal Kiiarontrtithat I'AI TIICI will NT I lllKhnrcri A iinl. : loni , C'Ulli : HIM rm i rrhru.urlructla uud UKCTMKK lx l > liar. fit it and / > a v i/jatlljir < t. jUliru.VON MOIIU CO. . Ml iarrlru iftnU , H.fl.DHi , Oklo. The Most Effecvtie Tonic in LA GRIPPE , Tlil preparation Irlkos at llmoat vt ilio crll tf ruitorlnn uuli'klr anil unoUiully tliu iiuttltU * funclluni of Iliu ilKtlllUluU n ; ltm , Bolil I > UH IlrniHjlHla. 13. KOUOI-iHA Kc GO , , Agcnln for 0. 8. iiO , iiH K.UO Norlll WIllluiuBU , CeuUlM latUbcUwAI It * i KuTwtuiVihaMVW ' ' * * ' ' " * " '