THE QJNIAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JAi\UAHV 30 , 18U2. 8PEG1RL NOTICES , A OVF.imPKMF.NTH > Olt TIIEBK COLUMNS J\ will bo taken until 12 TO p. m. , for the evening . snd until 8U : ) p. m. , fur the morning or Sunday crtl- \ tlon. tlon.All artvertlsimants In there columns ISrents a tine fltM Insertion and 10 tents a line thereafter , or IJ ter line | ier month. No advertisement taken for Ursthan2.'icents ' for the first Insertion , Terma.eath In advance. Count abont 7 words lo thplln * . Inlt- Irlr. figures * symbols.ta , each count as n word. All advertisements must run consecutively Adver tisers , liy requesting a nnmbereil check , can nav 1 elr 1eltsr addirsped lo a numbered inter In care of Tnr. Urn. Answers § o addreuod will bo dcllv' f red on presentation of tlio check. TMIANUI OFFICF.H-ADVFllTISINO FOIITIIKSK J tolnnns will be taken on thn above conditions Mhe fnllowlngbtislncss houses , who are anlhor- Inn lo takn special notices si the same rates ascan letind M tint main onrco : i-omhOmabft llrsnch Offce No. K23 if street. Lifter block. John W Hell , pdarmaclst.llth and Mason streets. P. II. Vsrn wmtb. | ] | mrmncM.3ll. ' > Cumin * slreel. W..I , HiiRbes , pharmacist , WIN. mth slreel. C K. eallerflcld , pharmacist , 1719 Ix-avenworth Itrect. f Uughcs' pharmacy , 21th and Farnam. , SITUATIONS WANTED. . IIATK9 lf ! a line first lime andlflfla line there after. No advertisement taken tor less than 25c. J1K11 ptNAI' TAKK IT I.V. A S. K. COUNnil tot In 1-rosnect I'Ucni good liousoaml small Imrn. worth f.1.500 ; K.SOO In. vacant property or amall payment tikes It. Fldolity Trust Co. . K.I4 Farnam. 03 1 WANTKI ) . POSITION WITH IIONKST KI11M as salesman or onicn work : good reference Rtvin nnd required Adilrcss M 1,1 , lice. MU12 1 * -WANTKI ) . A Itl'.rtPO.NHllILK POSITION 11V A'No. ' 1 bookkeeper. 15 years experience. Host city references. Address IjlH , lino. MMI so * WANTED-MALE HELP. ItATKS lf * a line first time nnd tOa a linn there nfler. Nn advertisement taken for less than 25c. T > -WANTF.I > . HAIiKSMRN CAN KA81I.V MAKII J/fropi f2" > to $75 per week nbovo expenses selling our Patent Non-IIvaporatlng , Non-Vreu/Ing Chum- i leal Flro palls. flUOInndar possible : big demand for these goods ) no experience necessary. Bold only by agents , lo wlinm rtxclnstvo torrltory li Riven , Wn can provn this statumenl If you will address , The Worcester Flro Appliance Co , ( In corporated ) . Worcester , Mass. Wo have other money milking specialties. M7IH .TO- 'ft WANTKI ) . MKN AND WDMKN ATONCK. MS J'to f.'Wniontlilr. .1. II. Cnmpbotl. president. 218 Lnballe slrocl , Chicago. Mill 31 * -WANTII1) . AC1KNTS WHO W13 KNOW CAN iimko iiiiiro money every year working for us than by nny other company , Wo will glva salary orcominlsslon. and fnrnbih outlll nnd tcnm free to ori-ry nt'ont. Wo want you now. Address at once Btttiulnnl Silver Wnro Co. . lUnton , Mass. .M71U 2' T > WItK AWAKK WOHlTicilS KVICllVWIIKUH J'for thn greatest book on earth : "Hhopp's Photo- prnphs nf the World : " costing flOO.Oai ; inanimotli Illuitrati-d clroulars and terms free : unimrnllulcd KUCCCSS : Mr. Thos. I. . Martin , Centervlllc. Ter. , clenriMl f7ll In ! ) days : Miss Itoso Adams , Wooster , < ) . , Ji1 In 40 mlnutos : llev. J. Howard Madison , I.ypus , N. V..IIOI lu" hours ; n bonanza : nmunlll- Cent outfit only II. Hook * on rredlt. Freight pnld. Address , niotx-Mlhln Publishing Co , No. . ( M Dear born btChicago , 111. , or Philadelphia , Pn.MC85 MC85 2 - ) , MKN T ( TKAVKI. Foil OUIl B-WANTKI . Btono k Wellington , Mndl son. WIs. 11-ClTVnANVAS-BKIlH.HAIjAUVI'AUiWKKKI.Y. J > 3lnuer Bowing nmchlno olllcc. 1510 Donglan st. K31 f2S TJ-WASTIU ) . KIIWT CLASS lll.AVK AND J'lirlnterl book forwarders. Apply at onco. State Journal Co. , Lincoln , Neb. Wl 3D , .T-12 ' TAH-oillr WANTKI ) . 112 PKH WKP.K. J Istcndy Job. t cutter wanted. KX ) pur month. TecuinBch M'f'g Co. , Teciinmoli , Noli. C'2-4 * > - WATJTKH. FIU9T-CI.ASS MACHINIST. > lavlaA.Cowgll. ) | C75 T > -AnENTS WANTED FOK THF. WOKLD'S FA1K Jl'soiivcnlr. Exclusive territory given. Sample , Me. Sent on receipt of price to tiny address. World's Fair Souvenir Co. . IKn N , Y. Life Ilntldlng , Oninhn , Nebraska. 43. * > 2 * ) -CANV.\8nHB WANTKU. CALL OR All- Idress Ml N. Y. 1.1 fo building. M2S.1 F14 T ) -WANTED , PAI.r.SMEN ON 8ALA1IY OK COM- J/mlfsl"n to handle the new patent chemical Ink erasing piIH'II , The greatest selling novelty ever produced ! erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds : no abrasion of paper : 'AX ) to Ml per cent pront : one hgent'ssnles amounted to fi > .U In six days , another l.'tt tn two hours. We want ono general agent In rnch stntennd territory. For terms nnd full par ticulars aildrrss Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co. , La rrome , wis. . xsd. 7qi * ' WANTED FEMALE HELP. ItATKb' ITn : a line Hrst time nnd lOon line ( hero- nftpr. NO hdvertlncmont taken for l 's than ! 5c. 0LA 1)1 ) KB I WILT * I'AV LAIMKS A SALAUV of f)0 ) per civ to'work for me In their locality nt home : llKht work : Kood pay for part time : wrlto with stnmjt. Mm. II. It. FarrliiKton. HOT 7U3. Chi- COBO. III. 81712 31 * -WANTKI ) , (100D OlItL FOHSHroNI ) WOIIK Apply a)37 ) lodie ; street , opposite IIlKh school. r L _ T _ j. _ - r _ _ i i _ _ - _ _ _ WANTED , OIULFOUIIOUSKWOUK. .MHS.J. C F. Wcor. s. w. cor , mil and DoiiKlas. 691 SOrt rtW A NTKD. OIHL FOIl OF.NF.HAL 11OU8K- v work. Mrs.l } . W , Loomls , lOli d. HOth avenue.G95 0WANTKI ) . (11UL ( KOU'-OKNHHAIj JIOUS | T- nork ; two In fnnilly ; 2U12 Capitol avo. O'.US'J /I WANTIJI ) . MIDDLI ) ACJF.l ) WOSIAN. MUST V ho well recommended , to care for linen tn the rnxton'hvtcl. Call botn eon 12 nnd 2 p. m. . _ AICS1 M -WANTKD. A OI11L NOT UNDER 12 YKAJIS , wh-i wants n irood homo and no to school : unrk Aildios M 3t lieu. 701 'M' 0WA TKIrAKIIlflT-CLA89 GlllI ; FOIl (1KN- 'oral ; hqusowork. Ml ? Knunet Direct. MC81 /1-IIOOUO/V MONTH TO LADY AKNTS ( ! 8KIr . Iliir "WbltB'iLlllr of tua Viilley. " Address "WlilloVTollot Co. , " Houtli Ilcnil , Ind. C71-1J * -T\VANTKI ) , AN K.M'KUIKNCKU I.AUNDUHSS. Mls Koiiiitic , Forasl 1IIIL ( Ma 30 WANTKI ) , YOUNU ( IKIIMAN OIUI. 15 Oil 111 reariolif- aislit " In general housework. 704 S ISlhatreut. -'KIIt T-CI.ASa COOK ; UEFlillKNCKH ilrT- O iliilred. Acl/lroas / M 27 , lleo. MbSI 31 * A (10OI ) 8AI.AUY nUAUANTKKD TO ANY lady who will do writing1 for moat homo. Ad- ilri-ss In own handwriting with addressed and stauipeii envelope. Miss Kilns. K tjmrthe , Houlh llonil. Ind. , proprietor ot the famous lilorla Water , -WANTKD , A ( JIHL Foil ( SKNKUAL IIOUSK- workl must he good cook , washer and Ironcr , Aiply1ii23Cttpllol ! nve. _ & i C ! WANTKI ) , A CAl'AHLK 8KCOND HIIIU LnndonCourt , fourth hi 10.from tho'corner of 2411 ! h street Ono block north of M. Mori's avenue. RENT HOUSES. IIATK8 IPu a line Orst tlmo and lOo n line there- aftur. Nn advertisement takuu fur loss llmn&o. IHIOOSI lioilHK2.13 iAVI5NPOIlT STIIKICT , very cheap to ll t class tenant , lloggs I , Hill , HIM Kunium streut. (1702 ( .0 UOOM 1IOU8K , MODKItN , 823 8 : iyr ST.iii.i iii.i -HUAI.L IIOUHK.VIIUNIHIIKI ) , WITH PIANO , rent low ; yril California vlrcct. 695 30 -LAHI1K LIST. UEO. J. PAUU 100U KAItNAM 4."Ol"il IV-Dl-USIItAltl.U 3-ltOOM COTTAOK , I1T1I AND -1/Clsrk stryoti ) . M.US UU D I-KOU incNT.-IOIIOUSKB. ISVU AND Ill'WAItDS per month. The I ) . K , Davis company , UN ) KID 'TV-DKsiltAHIJi FUA'lti WITl ANU WITHOUT /tttcuni heat , stores , dvicllliiKH and cottages hi all narUof city. Kulkeunr , Coatlccntnl block..M331SU .M331SU "I roH HUNT. TIIIIKH NK\Y MIOOM. J-STO'iV l.'cotlniio with bath and sewirauo , at and near corner Webster anil Tlilrtluth slreata. lied u cod to ItO.ttl eaUi. tlcnry W , Yaloo. UD _ .uoOM "lIOUBBt MODKllN : IU2 S Ml ) BT. _ r _ i _ _ _ .jgj.J'P ! D-3. 4 A S-UC > OM I10USKS. 110 to tli | IIKST HKS- Idviuo llata In city. Mend luv'ICo , , 4U lieu bide. , _ . _ 7W _ D- FOIl UKNT. HOUSK 10 HOOMS. ALI.MODK1IN Improvfiuonls , KO.UU i r month , IttdnudKarnnm. lciirU ( ; Thomits. TIJ \ \ -KOU IIBNT , y-UOOM HOU8B , WITH IKn'll JVsussnd ranica If deslrrd , all In good condition : location nc ri-olh and M. Mury's avonuu. 1-rlce reasaimble : s puclal leruu given to the right party , Inqulru J01J iFarnam sL , or U , U. Tischuck. tluo . frHOOM CiVlTAOKa , ilODKllf IM- tl 'jirovemenls , "rltanforil Circles. " Apply C. H. Klitutler , room ltM. Y. 1.1 to biilHImt. 7W1 . . . . . . . . . 1IOUSK ITTII AND DAVB.VPOHT , t Jll conveniences , f3uap ! r tuunth. F. K. Dnr- 'Jtnir. llarknr block. M HUd 1MM ; UOOM HOUHK. MO on UN IMPUOVU- L/uieiils. reasonable. Vst N. JitU UTO. Apply. U. KMIlb , tailor , ill N. lUU > st. Ml JfOR BENT rTOinaHED KOOMB. " HATiarlio a Una tint line and JMs. line there- Ituf. Mo advertisement taken for lew than 25o . J j lory tack room , utinbl for single gentl oman wtttiout board. If. S. tU street T ; NICK KUKMSIIKII KUONT HOOM , i WIN. -l-iiowB and alcove , private ( amlly , wtli gin , ball tndhett. 1WB Douglas , corner * Hh. 673 31 P-LA IKll : SOUTH UOOM WITH ALCOYK. UOIt. i urnj r on ble , 3033 Hurt street. _ bj J H 'U ( , > OM8 , IIOL'BKK'I-U. aaotiT. MAIty'SAV " "CC-TWO KUUNISUKD UOOMS ATJ01T HAUNKY Ages bath aud li at. 84) ) III UOOM WITH ALCUYU. . J1ST. MU4 S FOIt RENT-FTjnNianED KOOMB. Co it ( n netl , TWO FUnNHHKT ) noOMS WITH HKAT ullalilo for Rcnttemcn onlv , nvn blockn fron pontonicai with or without board , tiiarnntceil. H MOth t. _ .Mil ; lg -I'l.EASANT ftUITKOKIlOOMS. ONK BINOI.K room , In prlrnto fnmllr. mrdlum rent , llofcr once * required. Aildrex * M 24 , Itco olBcc. C47-W * 8TKAM " HKATKoTUllNISllKI ) ( IB So. ISth street. MMS 30 _ - FUltNISIIKifnOOM WITH HATH , M MONTH 1P09 Karnam , T3 AND jOOAItp. llATKS l&oft llnollrsl lima and lOo ft line there after. No xlfcrllseincnt taken for less tlmn tit -DKSIUAnMS IloMS AND I1OAUD. O.NK I larun rnoru sultablo for two or threoKontlomen. 614 K. Sid. 6U y _ - . FltONT UOOSI WITH HOAltl ) . 5IOJ F-1.A1K1K lQUKl t. M'l)9a * _ 1-IKSIIIA1IIK IIOOM AND nOAUDIN 1MIIVATK I1 family. 703 N 18th. M707 1 _ ' y-\VAIl > l 11OO.M9 ANII liOAKI ) SUITAHI. ! ! Foil centlercan. Term n'a ou blo. Tlio Hltliilde , N. W. corner 18th and Doilito. _ -KLBnANTIiV VOllNISIIKI ) ttOOMS , 8INOI.K nr en unite : all modern conveniences ! first elms board. SlBBoutb tilth ttrret. " _ _ - UOOM8. STKAM IIKAT WITH 1 bonril for two , M per month. 203 H. 2llh nt. -KIIIlNiailKf ) IIOOMS , IIOAItl ) . 22U KAUSAM I * t. lief eronces. . 678 ,1I FOR KENT UNFURNISHED UOOfllS llATKH IScnllnoflr t tlmo nnrt lOo a line thora- after. No ndvcrtlnemcnt takan for le B than : Ho. rt-ltOOM8. ANY NUMI1KH KIIOM I TO 4. IN vJllntu , fir ( houKCkeepttiK. 1'rlcos nwnr down. O. V. llutts , .1111'axton block. IiW 1-TS3 ! -3 UNKIIUNISI1KI ) 11OOM8 KOK l.inllT G housck-CiltiH ! | , 11113 DodKO t. Wl S GG G 1-FOH HUNT , 5 UNFUHN1SHI5D ItOOMS. IBI South 17th st. O.W-M * BOABDINO. UATKS IRc n Una first time ami lOo n line thcra after. No advertisement taken for less than 23c o * hoard , nicer rooms , conveniences , rates and lo- Htlon it cannot be excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor SOI M 10 * FOR KENT STORES AND OFFICES. ItATKH I5c n line time and lOo n Una there nftcr. No advertisement taKcn for less than 2jc 1-FOH HUNT , STOKE. 1021 1IOWAIID. T0 < 1 | 1 FOlt HUNT , STOU13 , HIS JACKSON BTUHKT , M5 * I Kcm ItKNT. TIII3 4 STOIIY 1IIIICK IIUILDING. -tOlfl Farnam street. The building has a Mro proof cement bascmt-nt.completu steam heating flxtures , wnteronall the Hours , BUB , etc. Apply at the olllca of The lice. IMS FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS l ca line tlrst tlma and ICe n line thern- nfter. No ndvertlscment taken for less than''ja r-OAUDKN FARMS TO HUNT. T. MUIIUAY. ( XJ7 F IMI'ltOVKDFAUM OF CO ACUP.S. in MILKS west of Oinuhu. UaMinan Jc Itobblns , ' . ' 10 Dee bldg. M3il TIC WANTED TO RENT. K WANTKI ) , FOUUOIl FIVU UOO.MH OK SMALL cottage , furnished for light housekeeping : ref erences exchanged. Address M X > , lice. 7UO .11 * K WANTKI ) , UOOM AND IIOAKD WITH Pill- Tate family by n lady who will be confined In a .aw months ; her husband being a traveling man. cannot take her with him and docs not wish to leave her at n liolol. Address M : . lief. KHi-fti * RENTAL AGENCIES. KATES IScs line Hrst tlmo and lOc a line there- utter. No advertisement taken for less than : ! ) c. L TO INSOUB OUICK HUNTING , LIST WITH the Exclusive Kcntat Agency. Parrotte , Douglas block. M.kS -H. E. COLE , CONTINENTAL 1ILOCK. J 7C3 RENTAL A(5nNOY ; HANK KEFBKENCE3. -IK. C , Carvln * Co , 203 Sheely block. M 751 STORAGE. KATES I5cn line Hrst time and lOo a line there after. No advertisement tuken forlcss than 25o. M nllf , CLKAN AND PK1VATELY STOKED furnltwro. OmahaStovo Itepalr Wort , 1207 Dong ' " ' i 71Z ) M-OLDF.ST.'CHKAPEbT AND 11KST STOKAOK ho.uso la Uia.clty. Williams A Cross , 1214 llarney WANTED TO BTT5T. VT WANTED TO BUY AT ONCK .tM ACKES CXD li land at Riper acre ; all cash. C. C. Harrison. 9U N. Y.Ufe. M71Q30 VT-WANTKD TO BOY C1QAH . STAND , WILL .1 pay cash. Address M 20 Omaha , Bee. " " N WANTKI ) . COOI ) FAUMS IN DOUCLAS , Sarpy or any gobd cast Nebraska or western Iowa counties. K. f , Itlnger , I51U Farnam. 62330 * -\T--WANTKI ] > .HAUBKUCIIAIU , 8KCOND HANI ) , - must be cheap ; stuto price. C. W. Becmnn , Corloy , In.- ' . ! OJ 2S- -\T-WK HAVK .CUBTOMKIIS KOU NKBUASKA 1 > farms. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. . 203 N Itlth street. \T-WANTKD , TO BUY SALOON K1XTUUKS ; vnn 1 > dull. Anton K. Dworuk , Uurwclt. i > 'cb. M4iK)3 * T\T TOnUY8KCONIMIAMFUKMTUU,13.IIHJII 1 > est prlcea paid. Iloston furulturo Co.Uj N , UitU 631 w N-FUIINITUUE , nOUOHT , HOLD , STOIIKD. Wclli , tilt Farnam street. 771 FOR SALE-rUKNITUBE. KLKdANT FUUNlTUItK OF TOTTAOK Jll25 0 Davenport street. Want lo sell within the next week. MM ill * FOB SALE-BOSSES WAGONS ETC. 11ATB3 15o a line flrst time ana lOa a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than ZJc. lJ-5-YKAU-OLIJKliaKYCOW AND CALF , MOO. J. I coinnon cow and calf , MS 00. t span good work horses , fiVi-UJ. 16-year-old saddle donkey for little boy , 120 00. At my yard , 25lh und Hurt st. K. S. Jester. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. UATKS 15o a llnu Hrst tlmo aud lOf a line there after. No ndverttsoment taken for less than tic. Q-P\VKKTfn MM , BUDLOVTS IM- proved Ash Klfter. 8. auJlow iSon , 203 Kwen St. , llrioklynN. | Y. C70S -roll BAI.B , roiINTBUS AND VAULT DOOll In the building recently occupied by the Council lllutfs bavlnga hank. Olilcer & 1'usoy , Council Uluffs. Mi-VitM UATKS 15o a line tlrst. time and lOc a line the re ntier No advertisement taken for less than 2V : . -rKHSONAlV sTOlOUntUNO. 11.000 III- want for a case of throat or lung Irohblo , last stages excupted , which cannot be relieved by a proper uio of Dr. Xr Stone's llronchlal wafers. 26o n box at drugulsts' . For sample , send ICe to titono Medlca.1 Co. , Chicago. 111. Mill Ul * -A UOOI ) I'HYSiriAN n tlml u desirable location by addressing H. IS. lleachler , lllg Springs.'Nob. . M.Vllfli' _ OLAIItVOYANTS. UATK3-I5U a line llrst tlmo and lOu a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than Sic. AHHIVAlT KXTllAoit D IN A uTTwONDB UFtlL S revclatloni Challenges Iho world. Mrs. Dr M. Legrave , dead Iranco clairvoyant , astrologlst , palmist and Ufa reader : lulls your 11 fo from the crudlo to grave ; unite * the separated ; causes mar rlago with th one you love ] lulls where you 111 succeed snd tn what business l > > t adapted for : hna the rvlebratud Kgyptlan bre.astplalo fur luck and to destroy bad Influences ; cures llts. Intemperance and all prlvnto complaints with massagu. baths ndnl- rohol trtnlinenl , Send f > , lock of hair , name and date of birth and letelvu accurate life chart ) 2 cents In stamps for circular ; give Initials of one you will marry ; also photos of sauio. URJco 1007 bouth Ilth street , Jlrst floor : hours , I ) n. in. to p , m. Come one , " cottiu all , and bo convinced of this wonfleif ul oraclo. MSM Fl' O MU9. MAUY KUIT2)S ) ) LAKK BTUKKT. Oclalrvoyant and trancu mcdlliiu ; Independent volcesr tells past and future. 671 F24 * " -M11H.NANNIK V. WAUIIKN , CLAIUVOYANT , reliable bublnrsi medium , tilth yosr.nt 11K.N. 16th. MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. UATKS lie * Iliu3 llrst time snd lOo a line there after. No advertisement tak n for less than Ko. K. VISIT THK ONLY KIK8T CJJ183 -1 pmlors. In Omaha , over UU S. nth st. MKt Kll * rp-UAIIAVKLA HUB. MABSAaKTHKATMKNT , X lie So. litUlt , 9rd Moor nat 4. UilU 81 * - bUlTIl. Iltl DOUfiLAS STUHBT , room TW Boor Alcohol , ivlpkur and sea baths. _ M831 31 * txMA8AGKTHKATMKNT. KLKOTUO TlIKll- t mal baths. c lp aud tslr treatment , manicure aud r * ro t | SH ti. ) itbWltbuell blk.TO . TO PERSONAL. UATKS-iio a Ua nrst'tliu * ndluc llue there tt r. No tdvcrtlstnient taken for IMS than VM. U -i'KUsONAU WILL LAIIV IN BLACK , rylncioiall grip who boarded north bound W l- nut Hlllcaritt lltfi and llo nt about G o'clock last Monday eve. please souj luldruo , ( a coua- dttixv , tu U 31 JJtW. ttJO' PERSONAL. Cnnmiif i , Tr-7AZA. OOll 3AKK , POOH MAMMA SO ILL U some plaeo wrlto where to b fet id. Don't he- lleva reports. 7a ? * MTJSIO , ART ANB LANOUAOE. UATKS-ISon line first time nnd lOo a line there- after. No ndvcrtlspmenl lakon forleMthsn jljc. KXIMINK TI1K t new scale Klmball piano. A. llospe , 1111 DoiiKln 771 \T-O. T. ( IKI.LKNIIKCK. BANJO TKACIIHtt > with llospp. orrenj N. 15th streetlloor. . iMI MONEY TO LOAN BEAI. ESTATE. IlATK8-15c a line flrst time and lOc a line them after. .No advertisement takaa for less than 25c \\f L < ) AN . Til K UNlTKI ) STATKS LOA N A NI ) ' ' Investment to. sell tholr Invrstment bonds on small monthly payments whereby tbo owners nro rnabled to nbtaln loans from the company. Iho earnings of the bonds are largo anil by this method the borrower saves Interest and nt the end of the term has n handsome surplus for his Investment. This company la operated on n very conservative and economical basis. All earnings of the com pany nro mutual. For full particulars > rrltrt to tbo secretary , rooms l l and 001 lleo bulldllig , Omaha , Nub. M719 4 \V-IK YOU DKSIIU1 A LAIUIK LOAN ON I1U8I- ness properly. Improved lir for building pur poses , call on ( ieurgo J. Paul. ICO ) Fatriam si.MB MB 31' \\r-UBAL EST ATI ; LOANS. PAUL , io FAKNAM > Kit VtF \v r-HKro.S'l ) MOIITOAOKS. AI.KX MOOltl ! , 401 nee llldg. 7M l\r CKNTUALWAN ANOTIIOST CO.I1K1 ! UL'Ja V > I . )4 ) t\r MONKY TO I/AN ON LON'Q Oil SHOUT llmo In sums of ROD to $10,000. Mutual Investment Company. 773 \\r-APPLY TO J. U LOVKTT FOIl UIIHAP ' * moiipy ; only upon llrstclaas security. KM South 13th street. M ) y-COATK3 , 1 , UOAHD TUAUK. EA8TI511N ' money. M32I \\r-ANTHONV LOAN AND TltUST CO , SIS N. Y. M Llfn. lend nt low rates for choice security an Nebraska or lena farjns or Omaba city property. _ -LOA S , W.M.HAKIHS.K 20 , FKENZHU 1ILK. \\r LOANSON 1MPKOYEDAND UNIMIMIOVKD ' city property , M.IXXJ nnd to g per cent. No delays. W. Farnnm Smith & Co. , lith .1 Uurnay. \\r "WANTED AT ONCl ! LAllOK AND HHALL vv loans on unimproved Omaha property. Also Improved loans on residence property. Fidelity Trust Company , 1U14 Farnnm St. " 643 2 \V HEAL ESTATK LOANS 0TO 1 PKK CENT : ' no additional charges tor comralsilon or ntt or- nov's fees. W. U. Mclklu , First National bank hldg. 77i \V-LOWKST IIATKS OK INTKIIKST ON FIIWT class sco'irlty. Lovett & Woodman , 'iJ ! S iuh. : 780 Jll \\r-I-OANSON UKAL KSTATFJ AND COLLAT- ' ' teral notes and mortgages bought. Itccil & Selby , Sll Hoard of Trado. 779 r-0. O. WALLACK. 312 BIIOWN ULOCIC. , llli-'t \\T " 1100,000.00 TO LOAN"AT ONCE dtf OMAHA ' Improved proiwrty or vacant lots. Fidelity Trust Company. 1014 Fnrnam 8t. " C4S-J LOANS , CITY PKOPKKTY. E. SI3IJ. AND W Iowa farms. E. K. lllngcr , 1511) ) Karnam. i \\T ( l-l'KU "CENT riKST MOKTOAUE 1.0AN3 , i > Itlchard C. Patterson , 1511 Farnaill st. 781 ir-LOANS ON UKAL KBTATE , I'l.OWKST ' rates. Tlio O.t'.Duvls company * 193 F10 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. HATKS ISc a line flrst time nnd lOi n llne'thore- after. NO ndvcrtlsement taken' for less than 2Jc. X furniture , etc. DuffUrccn , r20. Continental blk. X MONKY TO LOAN BY 1) . F. MASTEKS ON household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , wngons , cte. . nt the lowest possible rates without publicity , removal of property or change ! of pos session. Tlmo arranged to suit the borrower. Payments of any r.mount citn bo made nt any time , reducing both principal ami Interest , thus giving patrons all tao bencllU of the partial pay ment plan. Call and see mo when you want a loan , or If moro convenient call telephone I'i3l ' and jronr bnslnesj can bo arranged at home. ' ' " , . . < , . . . Money always on hand ; no delay ; ' no , publicity ; lowest rates ; business confidential. II. F. Masters , 114 Withncll bit. , u > th aud llnrney. - ' 787 V MONEY TO LOAN ON GU TTjiiL s I1ON1 > 3 -iVnnJ city , warrants bouKht ltooni lQ2Karbneli ' Mk , CHATTEL LOANS , BKN14IHCT WrtASVtlll. Paxton block : Wo loan our o-Vn money , cliarge 110 commission. It wilt pay you to consult its. -ItOB'T PKITCUAUD , IU. WltJINJiLt BLK ,7 . . , rMsas. r CHATTELLOANS-U.ffN. Y tlPKl XOI11U3- : MONKY ON FUHNITURK , IIOItSKA'l'IANOS. Keystone lltue. Co. , room ' 203. Phccly bjock. ' J1490 X-MONKY I.OANKI ) ON FOUNlTOUKi IOUSE3. wafzons , pianos , without removal vr. cbfiiiRO of possession. , Contldcntlul. Fred Terry , ri.TJ , Jtninge. r' 8lli- X-MONKi To LOAN ON C1IATTBLS : 15 id "M days. . ZlttCummtnirSt. M9I6-1'4 BUSINESS CHANCES , " . - . Y KOU KXCIIANRK , CII1C'AJO. ' OOOD UUSI- ness openlnK : staple Roods ; profits 43 per cent. lluslneis street to World's fair , cash value , fl , 0u. Wild land or property and cosh. Now Or In the eprhiB. . Cut this out. Kearney , Omaha and Cblcaco reference. Win. Dnvlcs , 3113 Cottage 0 love avenue , Chicago. ' r , ' M70U31' V WANTKD , A 1XCATION FOIl STOCK OF JdruES IruNcbraska , country ton n preferred. Address - dress , M 30 Omaha Hoc. BCOiR ) ' _ V WANTED IX ) 11U V AN INTKHKST1N A WKTL 1 established paying business , llavo about Jo.OOU 00 In cash. Address M 21 , Hoc. CI4-29 * FULLY EOUll'I'KI ) CANNING KACroilY IN very best part of Nebraska : capacity 2&.OUO to UO.OUO cans per day ; has made money last throe years ; best of reasons for soiling. Address .M Kl.lloo. . 012 KM _ Y WANTKD TO TUADK IMIMtOVHD OMAHA property for Interest In a well established pay Inn buslnets. Advertiser Is an ottlco man. Address 31 W , Uee. . Oli-29 * Y-SIIOH STOKK FOlt 8ALE. TOWN OK 5,000. Only one other ' shoe store , Address , KO.boi 172 , Norfolk , Neb. C14-1 * FOlt SALK. PIIVBICIANd I'HACTICK IN town of 400 people , town eluht miles one side nnd ten thu other. Address , M IU Deo. Uli-30 * -ItEbTAUIlANT FOIl BALE CHKAI' , AI'l'LY tan leaven worth st. 172 III- -MANUKACTUUINO-WANTKI ) , KNKltOHTIU man with a few hundred dollars to mart a money niakliiK uinnufacturlnR buslnesiiln Omalia vrltlmut competition. Address M 7 , lleo. 73 31 * V * 'oll SALK Oil KENT. TUB ONLY IIOTF.L i and lunch counter near the depot In the city of Aurora , Neb. Inquire of II. W , Urayblll , Aurora , Nob. MM IIP' _ ' \r-FUHNlSHKD IIOTKL KOU HALU OH UK NT. liUu only hotel In city. Apply to Tlldon Htato bank , BEent.Tllden , Nob. 4US-f n JfOR EXCHANQE. Z IlltOOD MA III ! KOU UU ( ; < ; V OK I'll.UTO.S1 , 1419 Karnam. lid acres clear hay land , 13,500 , for drug or gen eral stock. 11,100 nrst mortKaiies , clear lot on Hamilton street fur city propvrty , land or stock , 320arreslu Merrlck county for good residence not over 17,000 or M.OOO. 40 acre * li miles from poitofflco for good Im proved property. Urlck store building on leased ground near lttir- ton hotel , rents for 1140 per month , for city prop erty. Will assume mortgage. I0-room house , full lot , on Franklin stroati 100 feet , with 2 bouses , on 2llli near llarnay : also 18 clear lots In Wiwt Albright , price IM.OU . ) ; will ex change part or all for good farms In cnntern Ne braska or western Iowa. K. K , Illnger , 1519 Karnam , J/-A1)VKUTI8KU WI8IIK3 TO TUADK A Hi,00 Joqulty III Omaha real ostata and pay M.UUO c-niu for a tlrst class B 01 V-rooru house In good location. Address M 37. Uev. MVOil _ V FOIl HALK Oil TUADK KOU A FA KM A A/dalrjr of JJ cows. Address M 8 < 1 , Ucct MTUf. I * f/-WK DO A OKNHHAL UBAL BSTATK. KX- 'Jcliango buslnuu. Whatliavoyou to ortor ? W tt ' eniKirhtngoCu , , Columbus , Neb. OM-I * y-KOIl TUADK , A STOCK OK ( JKNKlUL MBH" . / - chaudlse for lunds and cash , Address H. W. Watklnt 4. Co. .Frankfort. Ind G97-KZ. * -KOU K.XC1IANQK , HALK Qlt LKAHK , VKUY cheap. 47 feet front on Vlntou near 20th. K O , bor 7UU. City. . TOJ-11 * K KAIIU IN KASTKUN NKIIItASKA Ior eichange. I. W. Ilulllnger. Wallace. Neb. Ml * ' . ' 4' Z-FOlt KXCIIANQK. 3 CJUAUTKUi * UNINCUM- bered laud In central WUcoinlu,3 to 7 tulle * from 3 railroads IM DO per aero. Address M V ) , Uee. 037-31 -blllCK oCK. 11KNTKIJ KIR stock gen. nidsu. . R3.UOO to IIO.DOU. K. f. ItlnKer , Itll ) Karuam. 6M-J01 -I4.SOOCLKANBTOCK MKUCIIANUISK , WII.L take half cash , balance clear real estate. Ad- drusa ilot 674. Bcliuyler , Neb. MC10 30' _ Z KOU HALK Oil KXCIIANUU. 11OX HtlTTJJ county farm lands , frank 11. SueJtkur.AllUnce , Neb. ( * * 3' ' _ . . . Z -CLKAN STOCK OK UKNKUAL M'D'atf : ' WluT take ru l utata & muooy. Uoi 2M , Kr&ukfort.lud i TV ! _ _ _ . . ' FOR BALE SEAL BSTATB , 1JOK IULK.ON BUALI. UONT1ILV I'AYMKNT -L IU bousca. Ttio O.k'.JJttvU couy ny. IU FIO FOR 3ALE-KEAL ESTATE. .ATA HAIlf\lt . LOT U. BLOCK I W. U Pelhy'i nrst addition to South Omaha. Praallpaympnt down , hnlnhco monthly If desired. Inquire li. It. Tischtick , Ofnilha lleo. & IOlT KI.KllANT MonKIW rOTTAflKiTKp.K H- Jdellly iTriiitcompnny.i' ' sst entrance , N. V t.lfe. " - _ . _ _ „ _ yji ; _ . . ' fffl-ACUK , IMl'HOVKIXVAHM , IN FltANKI.lN -leu. . il'JU ' ) iHMinrro. n bargain. Co operative l tnd .1 hot Co. , 203 N. 16th > t. AI5-1 8n ACItR KA11M 1J MILKSlFltOM LINCOLN. per acre , on time. Co crpcfattvo Idnd and I < ol CoMIOiN. ICUist. 111 > G 001) 10-KOOM HOUSH. N3HK. UKNTS. KtlOO ! . mM. . | > nrlnt , worth tl.OUJOOi urca deed. MdelltyTClu company , Ci > i 31 l Oll SAI.liCHGAl'VHll"TIoCATF.Il 7-UOOM JL eottagp. all conveniences ! paved street ; motor. Address .M 20 , Hot ) . Kitl-.11 \11A110AIN ! I IIAVK MATUUKI ) KNCl'M- I Vbranees .rhlch . I eannot takn care of , and oitcr to sell forcash , W.OUO worth ofSouth Omuham - Improved residence property for | : , OUO. Buyer can choosy one appraiser , myself ono , nnd those two clmoseathlrd. Will nrcept fJ.OUO for FlOOO of their valuation If taken nt once , or will nell In lots of 11,000 each on same basis. Addrets M IS Dee. MOM JO * _ _ TfOU 8A1.K-S-K COHNKU I7TII , DOltCAS. fH < 4X JL'lSS , Jlcottago , stable for' a horses , can bo divided to 5 lots. Inqulrobt premises. MCI 31 * 1SO-ACHK. IMl'HOVl'.D 'AIlM.Jt MII.I'.S KIKIM Omaha. f2900 per acre , running water nnd tim ber. Co-operative Land & lt Co. , MS N. ICth at. I'.U2 _ 810 ACItn HANCII IN LOUP VALMCr , 8 M1I.K8 from llurwell , thocounty teat of ( inrllehl county. MnelniDrovcments , river front , reasonable terms. Address. T. L-Ilnll. llurwell. Neb. 68i 30 * _ Oil 8ALK Oil i.VCHANlK , DlSSirtAlinKCOll- ncr lot on Franklin. Little or no cash rciiulrcd. K. C. Uarvln. 803 Bhooly block. M7IS 31 _ ALL. OR TAUT OF KINK , WKL1 , 1NPIIOVF.I ) clear section , Hlicrinau Co.s also , * { sec. A 1 Im proved bottom land , Snrpy Co. Sale or exchange for Insldo rental property. Fidelity Trust company. Out 31 TjHWBALK , 11O.MKS , ANY I'UICK , HW. tl.SM UPi JL casytorms : take clear propel ty ns Hrst payment. O. U , Wallace , Drown block , luth and Douglas. OH SAl.P. . NKIIItASKA FA1IM LANDS. O. 0. Wnllacc , I2J llrown block , lath and Douglas. TSJ _ AT K. COltNItll MTII AND HICKOllY , WtlM J-i -foot ; n bargain for a few days only. F. K. Dar ling , Darker block. TVI HAIR GOODS. IIATE3-15C a line Hrnt time nnd IDo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less thnu25c' ' rplli : IDKAL LAD1KS'11A1U 1)1USS1NJ : 1'AIt- JL lors , Hwllchoi , bangs , wigs , toupees , Jewelry nnd hair orunmunis In stock ; * ! KS to order , special attention given mall orders. acj.S litli st. 3rd floor , < M nii * _ T AIKJKST STOCK IN KNTIUH WF.ST : TIIKAT- -JUtrlcnl wigs nnd beards n upcclalty , WU-s , bangs , awltchcs.hnlr chains , etc. . In stock nnd tt > order. Mull orders Hollcltud. Uaylcs , 111 S. litli st.Omaha. * ? < i _ _ DBESaiffiAKINO. UATKS 15o n line first tlma and 10enllne ilicrc- nftcr , No ndvcrtlHCinent taken for leas thun 2oc. l'KU'iKhOK'n "UAM > W NTs WOlTlC IN KAMI- LliST5c : ; per day. AddresuSdlO Hamilton street. MKB ! MAQTJERADE COSTTTMS , ETC. ItATK3-lic a. line flrst limb nnd lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o railo costumoa at lit SltUh. Golden Kagle store. . > f ! KIO-ni5 STOCK KATK8 15c a line and lOc a line there after. No mlvorll 6mcrVjtnkon | for loss than 'iic. ' OUSBS AN ] ] r ; or/rSf in i AND rAiini ) KOU nn farm two mltcstif Onmli.i trom ! 4 to W month 411 S. Uth street.-Tel. 1SPO. M103 FU OTTTLEBTT-qRINDINCr. HATES 15cn line llrat tjm4 > and lOa a line thcra after. No ndvortlsemuri ttken for loss than 2 > c. S1WDYOUII iSCISSOIltfJUlAZOIlS , KTC. TO Ul ! ground toiltaderland S.Ci > . . 11W.S. lull at. 7U { .HATK8--15elllnolirst' | flrofe and Id * ' , n Una there after. . Ng.a ycrtls ntpjUUalccti fiiy less tlian jo PAID. iFiit > t > ( < uoi.u.CAUSON * , J Jiivnks. room SO UaxkeKtoUickvXnmaha.iourf TIM , > KN V. MARTI ! 8. I5TJI ST. " " A iwsin NO SPECULATION About what Specific Oxygen wilt iln. Itpait what otlipM say nlxint It , and then como ami In- I'TV TC tlK tO flir J-Ollt'Olf. llnv. Wlllard Scott , Into of Omaha - ha , says : "It IMiiiMwltrpnlnient for CATAniiu lover tried. It l > a powerful iitlmulant. t should think It would rotorotno lo of vitality In any part of the system. " Thfl above l < good now * for vjctlnn of la grippe , for It doc * restore Miattereil nervous systems ns nothing el e will. James Ilontimont. builder ana contrnctor , 47111 N. 41 t St. , Oniahn , writes , aflor using Wpeelrln Oxygen ono month : "I purchased n treatment of Spcclllc OtyRoil nliout the I t of September. 'HI , and It Is nil you claim for It. I IIBVO been greatly troubled with nn nIToctlon of the throat and lung * . I nl n had rntarrh and Kencral Ill-health , and 1 am greatly Im proved In to short n time. And could I not get an. other treatment your company has not not money enough to bur inlim back. " SIX I ) AYS' TIIKATMRNT VHKK. Snltoill ) , Mioely lllock , corner lilli anil Howard Streets , Uiuaha , SpeclMo Oxyiron cures Cntarrh , llronchttls , Asthmn and Hay Fover. rhyilclanH In constant attendance. Consultation and Manual Free. Call or write for manual Hiving n cro tint of wonderful cures. 81'KCIFIC O.XYOKN CO. Headquarters , Nashville , Tonn. A Written Guarantee to SYPHILIS CUKELVfRY CAStor MONEY REFUNDED. Our euro Is | icrnmncnt and not a pntchlnx up. Ca oi treated seven years nuo hava never seen a symptom Mnco. UF describing cnso fully wo ran treat you by malt.nnd woiilvcthoaania strung guarantee to euro or refund nil money. Thosowho prefer to comu hero forlroatmcntcandosonnd wo will pay rallrond fare both wnys nnd hotel bills whtlo hero If wo fall to curt1. Wp-Clmllcngo Iho World for n ease that our MACHO HE5IHDV will not cure. VVrito for pnrllcn'an nnd "Ket tlio evidence. In our i > oven years' practice with thls.MAQIO lltiMKIir It hns been most dinicult to overcome the prejudices annlnst so called specifics. Hut under our strong Kunrantoo thousands are trylni It nnd being cured. Wo Ruarantoo to euro or refill ! 1 every dollar , nnd as wo hnto a reputation to | > rHol nlsotlnanclal backing of t-VC.OJi ) It Is perfoctlv cafe to nil who will try the treatment. Horototo'o you hnvo been putting up aml.pnylntf Duty our moiioy for diner cut treatments , nnd Although you uro not yet cured no ono has.pald back your money. Wo will oo'ltlvoly euro you. Old chronic , dcepjiaatcd cases cured In 31 to ' . J days. Investigate our nnnnclal ftunilhik' , our reputation ns business men. Write us for names nnd nddrcssosof thoto wo have cured uho Imva nlvcn permission to refer to them. It costs you only post- HRO tp do this. If your symptoms nro sere throat , mucous patches In mouth , rheumatism In bones nnd joints , hnlrfnllltiK out , eruptions on any part of the body , feeling of general depression , pnlns In head or bones. You have no time to naste. Those who nro constantly taking mercury nnd potash should dlscon- thuio It. Constant lisa of these drugs will surely bring KOTOS nnd c tlng ulcers In thnenl. Don't fall to wrlto All correspondunco sent scaled In plain envelopes , Wo Invlta the most rigid Investigation und will do all In our power to aid you In It. Address OOQg REMEDY > 0. . - Omihi , Nebraska. FOR ONLY. ' 8floo for n case of LOST or KAIMKO MAN- itooiVGoiicral or Nruvous llKniLiiv , wcak- ncssqf Ulilyori'nlnl. the effects ( if errors or o\- ccsscsln olciryoutiBtlmtwocaiiiiitcuro. ) ( ( Wo uunrantooovory taho or rotund uvory dollar. Klvc duy trial trcalinuiit Wl , full courho WS. I'erocnllblo bonelliH ruallzcd In tlirco dnys. lly ninll. securely puckctl from observation. COOK REMBur Co. . OMAHA. NK > I _ LADIES ONLY UARIP 1'K.ITAI.K Itr.tIIATOIt ! , Snfo and IllnUlU Certain to u day or money refunded , lly mull 91. Securely sealed from observu- V on. CiO tHf..n / ; 1" ( } > , ( Imnlui. Nob. DOCTOR ACKER ENGLISH 1' stop' a Coii&h ono'nlRht ; . -chock'h , Cold in a day , and CUBE : i : Consumption if taken in time. ! IP THE LITTLE ONES HAVE * : WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP : DseltPromitly. : A 85 cent ; bottle . Ask ; EDr. Acker's Englisli PiUs- CUIIK CONSTIPATION. I Bmiill , iilcu.unt , u fnvurlto llh llio ludlcs. I \V. H. HOOKER * CO , West Broadway , N. Y. ; Po rftulo by.Ku hn& 'Co. , und dho rman M cConnolfj'Omaha. HUMPHREYS' Dr. lliiiiiDlirevs'Kpncincs ore scientifically nnd carefully preimrod Uemedles , used for } ears le private practice and for over thirty jenrs by the pcoplo with entire success. Every single Bpeclfio a special cure for the disease turned. They cure without drugging , purging or reducing the system and are tn fact and deeu tba Hovrrrluu Itrinedleji of UH > World. LUT or ruMCirAL KOS. CUHICII. rmci > s. 1 Fovcra , Congestions , InflnmmaUons. . , 'J5 U Warm * ) Worm Fever , Worm Colic 25 3 Teethinei ColteCrying , Wakefulneta .25 4 JIcrrbea > of Children orAdulU 25 7-Cough , Colds , Bronchltb25 8-Nouralgln , Toothache , Kaceache. U5 9-IIeadachcs , Sick Ucadacho , Vertigo. . J15 lU-Dyspopaln , BUIousnees , Constipation. . 'J5 ll-HupprcB8cd or 1'alnful Period , . . , 'iS J'J-Wliltea , Too 1'rofuse 1'erlods .45 13-Croup. liP.ryneltlH , Iloaraencu U5 1-1-Snlt Itbenm , Erysipelas , Eruptions. . .25 15-Ilhcumntlsin , JlhcunmtloPains 25 10 I > Ialarla. Chills , Fever and Ague 25 ir-1'llen , Blind or Blooding .25 10-C'atnrrb , Influenza , Cold In the Head. .25 20-WhooplnBOoUffh , .25 27-IU < lncy JlBcn i ! 25 28-NerTous Debility 1.00 30-Drlnnry WenUness , Wetting lied , , .25 Botil by PnKcUti , or lent po titlj on rfcrlj t u ( | > rlc . Pi. IIU rH Tl' U D11. (114 ( r , ) HAILtH rSIE. iirxriiRXTa' , HI * iu wun. m.K . vor . SPECIFICS. TIIK uivr.TV : TNSTRIJMENT3 placoil on record January J. 2.1& ! ) ! 1 WA1IIUNTV IIBKIIS. State llink ot ( lonoa to n 10 Wl'cox. lot 19 , bloclc n. 1'ottur & Uobb'a add to South Umulia I ItOO F A Smith and wlfotu J I ( ircun , lots C. U > 12 , DJock UJ , Uunilue plauu 0VM Alliance Trust cnniputiy to ( 'onronlla f.oan nnd Trust conipunr. wcstit : font of pitst < l' teal and oust 31 fovt of won G3 fput lots 20 utr-J : 'D , block U. Mnyno. placu . . .i ' , ' , ' 00 I ) It Thomas inul wife to J B llunil , triisloo. lot R , block I ) , McConnlck'n add. lot Da nnd s ) J Int 41. Nulsnn'it udd 7tW ) J J ) Kockufellaw und wlfo tn V K In- irliruiii , und IJ of north 84 fuel lot ' > , block 11. Waterloo , . , . mo B O Kvan&anil wlfo to sainu , HHIMU , . . . . . . MO I'loneorTownstia Ciiiiiuny to liBNilmrd Htorm , lot''u , blouUo. Ileiiii.n toii . . . , . IiW Iru Van Garnu und wife to llonry Ki- : naku , lot IB , block 7. Van C'.HIIII'N. , , , . . fjOo Bliorwood I'urU Itnlldlns nssoc'lutloii to J 11 Mason , lot U , block I. bliurwoou paries ' 1 Martin Ilruiufolor mm wlfo to same , lots I'J , U and IS , block 1 , ] llrklmusur& II.u- intir'sBiibdlv , , , . 1,030 3 It Mutton unit "He to J II Mason , sumo unit lota , block 1. Sherwood park -,500 IIUMIIlur to Joaopli Holilltz UruwliiK cotnpan , lots 2 and U , block 4U udd to Boulb Ointliu , , " , MO gtilT CLAIU ncEiia. Jotouh Lois and wlfo to Haruli Alnsoow. Htrlp OtixV ) foot adlolnlnj lot 12 , block 7. Kouitlzo & lliith' * nod 1 \V .1 IlHrniPn ; unl wlfo to H I , Harmon , lot * II niHl r.MJlouK 4-Ooldou" , 1.500 Clinrlos Carlson to Auicuit Frlcsou , un- dlv V lot 4 , bjock 8S. Bouth Umubit. . . . , 400 UKRUS. II It Ircy , county treasurer , to II 11 llnl- drldKf. lotfliunJ 0 , block 4 , Ilorbaou'a 2d uaa > . . . . . Tot * ! amount of transfers * , . . . . ! 'JJoci Jack Frost bu a special missloo la winter -it's to chop up our bauds and cbooks , and Jack Frost says he don't like Haller'a Aus tralian salve a bit , tt cure * the "little chaps" up. STATIONARY KNOIM'.KUS. Iniiorlniit | SnBcontloMH frtiiiinn O Autliorlly. Just now U thq tlmo Of the yorvrvlion iiHSOcIutions of stuttonnry onulncors should boffin tholr winter's work in onr- iiost , says Hip Aniorlenn Machinist. Thnso nssncliitioim bnso tholr usefulness mnlnly upon odilcittlotml faotore , nntl the loti , cool evonlngs now ensuing shoultl , nntl undoukludly will , provo un Incon- ttvo to uctlVlty. The urt ot Btnlloimry onphio rulinlnp ; la , It la true , ono t'uit cnnnot bo lortrnod otlicrwlso tlmn by notuitl prnctico , but such schools ns the Humorous soclotlus of stutloimry onRluoors cnn or unlxo may bo \vondorful holn In norfootlnp the moinbors In the nrt. When , for ox- n in ill o , fifty working engineers moot to- Kothor nt stutoil Intervals tholr collcu- tivo Information roprosoiUs it vast uniount of knowlctlgo. Noitrly everyone ono of thorn has solved some problem in tno line of his work thai the others hnvo not solved , nnd the point should bo to bring this out for the buuollt of nil , Too much dopondonOo Is placed In on- pincers' soclotics ns lu other similar so- eiotioson , eminent lecturers. Lectures by such men should by no menus bo despised. On the contrary , the services of men competent to give information should always bo obtained when nt all prnutl- cablo. But this should not bo the ontlro or the principal ulili of onglnoors' asso ciations. Their meetings should bo so conducted ns to bring out from time to time , the combined knowledge of the membership on the diverse points con nected with the business of competently managing n steam plant. The numbsr of stationary engineers in this country is not known , but it is many thousand. Steam has grown so rapidly into use that those who manage its UHO hnvo come to bo n largo nrniy. And just ns In every branch of business the sup ply moots the demand moots it fre quently in n way just about as a machine shop or n foundry could bo Illlod with laborers so the demand for engineers is mot. But this is not , the way the de mand for engineers should bo mot. Not only for economical reasons , but for rea sons of safety , good men men who hnvo made n study of their business nro re quired. A good donl of barm has been done the bteam engineers by the builders of engines who have made a point of ad vertising that their engines" did not re quire an engineer to operate them. No steam ontrino can bo properly operated without the service of nn engineer. The resumption that n steam engine doctor can come around once in < - a while nnd make every thing right is fallacious. The engineer must bo the doctor with his linger always on the pulse of his patient. There is no school , properly speaking ; for stationary ongineors. If there wore such a school it could no more make a stationary engineer than , n Inw college could make n competent lawyer , or n medical college n doctor. Either ono of the illustrations named can gi ant a di ploma , but so far np competency' io con cerned. it amounts to very little. Men employ the lawyer who manages tholr cnsos well , or the doctorwho prescribes the right rriodictno for the case In hand. Lawyers und doctors"uliko learn by ex perience by tholr awn oxpcrldncps" by the experience of others. All learn largely by the experience of others , And tliis shptild bo the case with sta- 'tionary engineers. Thoy.should natron- izo the meetings of their associations , giving and reeo'iving''informatjgri. It is astonishing how much may bo ac complished iuthis"way. . As an example , the wrltor.recbntly had tlio pleasure of attending n meeting of the stationary engineers nt which a mombpr brought .up a ca&o'of sofn'o trouble itvsteam heat ing in a largo building. And' ho does not hesitate to say that the information volunteered by the members prosjnt was moro comprehensive * in its scope than that which could b'o obtained through any book over published on the subject of steam heating.It fwas the united efforts of all to help an individ ual out of .his trouble. There is ono thing that comes in in this connection. .That is. the status of employers in relation to the purely edu cational faociutiosof stationary ongineors. Kmuloycrs are by no means" bojmd to as sist in the education of their engineers. Mon got pay for what they know and can do ; but there is nolhing. that so helps a man nlong nnd nor'vos him for bolter effort as the knowledge of the fact the man who pays him n salaiy , or wages , appreciates ills efforts to always do bettor. It may bo a curious fact , but it in n fnct , nevertheless , that a man who receives the nay of another likes to know that his services are appreciated. Now , when employers of ytcaui engineers or any other class of men for that mat ter see their men trying nil the while to do bettor , spending their leisure tlmo perhaps burning the midnight oil in becoming moro proficient' in their busi ness , or in correcting some ovll , it Is its certain as anything can bo that thoso- mon will appreciate some encouragement - mont iu what they are doing. When nn employer forgotH this ho makes n mistake not a small mistnko bul n largo one , Tonpply this to stationary engineers , when his employer fails to recogni/o the fact that ills engineer is working with all his energy , nnd to the extent of hib ability , to reduce the cost of running his plant , ho inlbsoB un impartunt point. The moral wo draw from this in that the employer should co-oporato with hiw engineer or unginooi'K , in giving hiui or them such oncourugonont ns hu can in perfecting hid own or their knowledge in the use of steam , To put it more plainly , the employer of stationary engineers should encour age the societies of stationary engineers that have for tholr object tlio perfection of tholr memboiH in the production und utili/Jition of Htoam. This granted , there is no bettor way to accomplish the end than for employers tu bo present nt tlio open meetings of such associations , and to h-ooly express their vjowa on the subjects under dlsouHalon. A ( ioiid l.rttttr. Persoas troublud with colds or tlio grip will Hud somu pointers lu Iho followlnp letter - tor from a prominent I'amuylvaiiludruAKlat : HIIUIDOCK , Pa. , Oct. ' 'f ) , Id'Jl. Messrs. Chambarlalii & Co. , Do * Molaos , Iowa. UonUuiiioii : Voii will jiloaso ship mo u-s soon as possible om > gross Cbamborlalii's Cout-'h Kcraedy , Out of the sixty doion you biwu shipped mo la tbo last , two voars I have only ono dozen aim a half left , I tntuk from the sales to data thU fall Hi at our salon tills winter - tor will bo gro > itor than ever. It KIVCS mo pleasure to say that out of tba whole amount tbat I have sold anil Kiiaruuteed 1 Uavo not had ono customer say that It did not itlvo all tbo relief claimed for It. Your * truly , Au M MIOINI. lie \vai IWilto it , Detroit i'Voo Press : "i'jshiiw , " ho said , "there's a grout lot of foolish titlU about that crunk blowingup Husroll Sago because ho didn't give him n million dollars. " "You wouldn't ' llko that bert of thing pretty nmoli , would you ? " iiuiuirod the man noxt-lo him. . "Llko it ? Of course not , " ho re- piled , "but I wouldn't bo raiding nuclt a row about it. My wlfo blows mo up every tlmo I refuse to glvo her u dollar , I'm used to It" C lu Curu Company , Institute troutmont for liquor habit , $50.00 ; homo troutmont liquor habit , $5.00 ; homo troutmpnt tobacco habit. $4,00. Puxtou Hotel Annex , 1410 Ilur- ney street TWO STRANQK TRIBES. Ildmiiaht * of 1'roplo of Wliltr , litiUnu mill Negro Illooil. In the southwestern part of North Carolina , In communities remote from towns nnd railroads , live the remnants of two strange tribes of vooplo , bays the I'hllailolphln Press. They are the de scendants of nof/rocs , Indlnns anil whites who have Intermarried nmong them selves for moro than n century , and the colors and charncterlstlca of the three races have become oJtUy blended and developed. The members of ono of these tribes are known ns Indian negroes , while the other trlbo nro credited by local history nnd tradition with being the direct doscondnnU of White's lost colony. The latter live In Robinson county , nnd the former in the soutliorn part of Moore county , some fifty miles distant. Soon nftor the dlscovorv of North Carolina by Sir Wnltor Hnlolgh , nn English navigator named White landed at some point on the const South of Capo llattoras. Ho was accomptnlud by U sinr.ll band of followers who dculdo'd to settle thoro. A rude wooden fort was erected nnd some twenty men ngrocd to remain , while White with his ship re turned to England for supplies and the families of the intending settlers. Ou the return voyngu the vos ol was lost , nnd It was many months before the fuw sailors who escaped drowning wore fin ally picked up und carried bnuk to England. It was then some two years before an other vessel was lilted out to return to the Carolina coast to ro-ouforco tlio colony. When the second ship finally landed on the shoroa of the now world , only n trace of the little colony was " found. The rude fort had boon "do- stroyod , and the men who had been Ipffc there had disappeared. On the trees in the vicinity a tow words had boon carvcc' ' with kulvc ? , and from those it was learned that the men had run out o ) ' provisions and had gene into the in terior. , A few Indians wore found who'by ' signs indicated that the pale faces hail gene far into the interior1 mitily moom1 boforo. The rescuing party re turned to England without lonrnlng anything moro of White's lost colony , but when the state was settled many years afterwards the English settler ? were surprised lo find far in the inter ior n number of half-broods who-could speak n little English. Kriim them It was learned that the men leftbehind by White had joined r. tribo.of Indians nntl had married Indian wives. Tlioso half-broods bore the nit1nt < a of some of the men who wore known to hnvo been a part of the lost Colony. They wore Barry , Strong , Ebwp and Applewhite. Those half-broods con tinued to live with the Indians until the latter were driven west. Then * they termed a colony and located in "Robin son county , where tholr few descendants still live. They wore u lazy , worthlpas lot and lived chiolly by hunting , fishing and Ihoft. They lived in rude cabins and their settlement was Dually glyou the name of Sculllctown , which it still boars. The place in time became the resort of runaway slaves who wore protected by those half-broods. Then slaves who had purchased their freedom wor.o- ad mitted to the colony on terms of , social equality. Thou came marriages witli blacks and mulattoes and the character of the tribe , already bad onoiigh , ra'pldly grow worse.The men were cunning and treacherous and nearly alwiiyii'os- capod punishment for tholr innny.urimus. j Until tno late war their criminal acts J were confined to theft nnd robbery with ian - an occasional murder that could not bo proved against them. Some twenty years ago Sculllolown developed oho of the worst mid.most . successful band of outlaws that over ox- -islod in this country. They were led by Henry Barry Lowry , n young mornbor of the tribe , of unquestioned courage and tlio cunning of an Indian. The out laws wpro known far nnd wide at-Iho time ns the "Lowry Gang. " They * com- jnittcd no less thnu twenty brutal mur ders and as many daring robberies , and for months terrorized the ontlro coun try. The band was dually broken'up , most of its members k'illod , ' and Iho others driven from the state. A few families of the "Lost Colony" trlbo re main at Scullletown , distrusted by the whites , feared and haled by the negroes. In nppoarancothcao people nro tall and well built. Thotr skin is dark and swarthVi the marks of their Indian and negro blood being most prominent , Tholr hair is black and coarse , but It does not kink like the hair of Iho negro nnd mulntto. They have the high cheek bones of the Indian , the * thick lips of the negro , while the nose and general shape of the head show the tnuto of Cau- cassian blood that remains in tills odd mixture of races. . The origiu-of the Indian uogrocH is not so clear. , . It is mild in the locality whore they live that about iho tlmo. of the revolution , or perhaps before that time , n mulatto who had purchased .his freedom married an Iridiun squaw and from thoin descended the pronont trlbo. This scorns plnuhlblo as now living appear to have loss of negro blood than that of the other two races. The striking peculiarity of their nnpour- ttnco IB that their nldii in not th6 same color on all parts of their bodies , Some of them from the waist up are almost white , while their lower limbs are al most black. Others hnvo HWarthy facoj , while the skin on their hands und other nurts of their bodies is wlilto. They all hnvo soarao blitok hair and black oyos. Their features nil show the mixed blood that Hews in thnlr volns , but u number of them have faces white cnrjugh for the purest Anglo-Saxon. The writer once saw throe boys belonging to ono of those families who were ns black as full-flooded nogniea from the bins down und whlto with occasional brown spots abpva the hips. The Kkin of thcirmdim ; ) aid | face * were perfectly whlto , exposure Booming to hnvo had the olfcot ot < removing - moving the brown spots that were plainly visible on tholr'nrm : ) and nhoul- doi-H. Tholr lips wuro thick enough lo Hhow that there was negro booa ) Jn tholr vein * , and tholr cheek bonus betrayed the Indian blood. * Those Indian negroes nro eociully OB- trncivcd .by both whites nnd negroes- nnd live in a bottlomunt to themselves , They nro' densely Ignorant and HUpOr. titltioim , nnd in tlio community whore they llvo they have never been rqcog- nixed ab cllizonu of thu United Stages. They have never attempted to uxorqhto the right of citizenship by voting. They lira very peaceable and h'ooin c'nn- tent to bo lot alone. They HupKrt | themselves by hunting nnd cultivat ing small routed farms , occasionally working for the whlto fanners as day lube-rent. Lo\ytU' ) Lima iCarly KUors for tba llyor , WI.NTKIt TOUltS. Tit Siimmur J.umU vl * > tliu U'abj k Itoutu The Wabatib are now soiling round trip tickets good returning Juno 1 , JBV2 , to nil the wlntor resorts in Ton- no.sseo , Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia , Florida , North und South Carolina , Loulblani , Arkansas and Texas. Tlio quickest aud boat rnuto to the Hot Springs of Arkansas , For tickets und full iuloi'inution in rog.trd to ro ttoa east or south call at Wnbaah ottiuo , 1&02 Furnam street , or vrrlto G , N. Clayton. N.V , I'm * . L