Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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ill !
"Wheat Was Lower nnd Dull in the Early
Them AVnn I'rrr HrllliiK by tlio Tired I.IIIIR *
WHIi Hilly H Moitaifita Hnnniul Ux-
i ort llnsliirs * nt the Scnbouril
ClUCAfio , 111. , Jan. 20. Wheat win loner
nnd very dull In the curly trading this morn-
Ing. 1 ho news wns mostly ot a bearish char-
nclcr. Hrltlsh cables wcro unchanged , but
contlncntnl markets wcro lower , followed by
HrltUh markets later. The iccclpts In the
northwest and hero Indicated n llttlo frcjr
movement , The estimate of thu Agricultural
department of North Dakota made last sen-
ton's wheat crop of that state amount to
W.700,000 bit. , or about 12.500.000 bu. moro than
IhoKOxenitnont estimate. 1'ardrldgo added
his mlto by frco soiling during most of the
session. All of these thlngi gave tlio market
11 heavy look around the opening and
there wns fieo belling by the
tired longs with only n moderate
demand. Bchwnrt7-I > unco sold generously
on thulr weak continental cables. 1'rlvato
Now York advlccsroportodoxportsdolng very
llttlo and the acceptances on cable offers ex
tremely light. Logan , Kltnilno-Uodimin and
Konnctt-llopklns were good buyeis. After a
period of dtillncKs and weakness the market
began to show some nervous strength. It was
reported that the export business at the pun-
board wns showing ovldunccs of revival , that
nearly 600,000 bu. of wlio-it nnd Hour was
cleared yesterday nnd that thirty-nine boat
loads bad been taken nt Now York nnd other
porlH today. . This stnrted enrlv sellers to
covering and there was a quick rally but Ilia
advance brought out free soiling again and
another period of weakness followed. Then
the crowd grow ncrxous.und bought iig.iln.
sending prices up to outside figures , but tbo
advance did not hold and there xvas another
Inlisoand weakness xxhlch continued to the
end of the session and the market closed easy
nearly at bottom figure * .
The lute cables weio all lower and adlspntch
from Now York said there was absolutely no
demand for freight room and that several ves
sels hnd lionlit wheat to make up cargoes.
It looked as If news was being manufnctuicd
for the purposu of sec-sawing the market.
May opened at Oliio against Ul'.ioat thocio-jo
yesterday , hold forborne tlmo within arano
of from Die toOl'U' , sold up toflljic. reacted to
Ol4c. ! rullled to Ulfic. broke again during the
lust hour to OOliC , and eloied ousy ntni'ii1.
Corn was fairly actlvo again and the In-
flucnrcs which led to yesterday's advance
were still effective at tlio opening this morn
ing. Tbo market opened Ilrm and u llttlo
higher limn It closed yesterday. At the start
there was POIIIH disposition to suit but the nd-
vunco reported In Now York , the fact that
out of the 243 cars Inspected tostoro not a car
graded contract , and the ncrxous feeling In
wheat , scon turned the market and then1 w.ts
a slight further advance which bold for a tlmo
after the wheat market weakened. Now i ork
wi B said to nave been a liberal buyer ot corn
toduy : the liurchnno on this account. It was
thought , would aggregate over 1,000,0JO bu.
During the last hour 1'ardrldgo became the
controlling feature In the market nnd his
sales , coupled with the weakness In
wheat caused a break and the market
closed at bottom flBurt'H. May started at 4l c ,
against 4lc ! as the In HI ilguro yesterday ,
weakened to 41Jc ! , ndvunced to 4lie. xveuk-
cncd to and eloped at 4le.
Outs sympathlrod with corn and May closed
at : tOic , a loss of Jjif.
Hog products started higher on the moder
ate receipts of llxo hogs and the ad
vance of from lOc to 15c ut thn
yards. Hut realizing sales \\oro frco nnd'
FOiuo of the loading puckers offered pro
ducts freely and the market soon tisod off.
There wore several llnrtimtlons within narrow
limits thereafter and thu close xvus nt slightly
lower prices than these ut the end of the
tension yesterday.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
IM ) cars ; corn , -W cars : oats , ISO ears ; hogs ,
20.000 head.
The loading futures ranged us follows :
AUTK-l.ES. moil. LOW. cLoan.
January t B7K
Miiy W4
January. . . , .
February. . . WX Ml 3'J
Mny 41 41
OATS No. 7 4128K
Jnnunry W 29 28K
Jlr.88 I'OIIK
Jnnunry. . . . 11 OU 11 GO
May. . . . . 12 20 12 SOt
Jnuuary (1 ( 45
Mny. . . . . ( 77M 070
BlIOUT 111116-
Jmiuary & 72K 675
IS *
Mny t ) l. ' GOO a M
Cash quotations were us follows :
FI.OUH Steady nun uncliKngect.
WHEAT No. 2 spring xvlient , S0 o : No. 3
> spring wheat , 81't82c ! ; No. 2 red. 8'jeflOe. ' ;
COIIN Higher : No. 2.38 c : No. 3,3S"io.
OATS-NO. 2. 28jS@iOo ; No. 2 whlto , f. o. b ,
SlOKHoj No. 3 wlilto. 30 > < C
IlVE-No. 2. 80Jc. !
HAHI.EV No. 2. 6058o ; Na 3 , f. a b. , 43 ®
60d : r\o. 4 , :2M : < 3. " > 2e.
FI.AX.SEKH .No. 1 , 05KQ90c.
TIMOTHY HKKI > 1'rlmo , J1.25OI.28.
I'OIIK Mess pork , per bbl. , Ji50@fl.55 : lard.
perrwL. W.4U4O05U : short ribs sides ( loose ! ,
lV7r > ® 'V77'/4 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) ,
4.fl2Ma4.75i ( short olour sides ( boxed ) , W.OO ®
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
B Out loaf unchnnRnd.
liccolpts und shipments today wcro an fol
lows :
Un the Produce exchange today the buttoi
market was firm ; fancy Elgin creamery ,
10ftilo : : fine western , 264&2 ! < o : ordinary , ; 0 < 324 ( . ' :
tclccted dairy , 24tt20cj ordinary , 20a2.'c. Kggs.
1 UliKESK-Stondy ; full cronni cheddars , 10i ®
11Uo ; Huts , liail4o ; Young Americas , uu
HIDES Unohiiii'-ed : wet salted Now Or
leans solcotod , 4) to7."ilbs. , ( XO ioi today's so-
Iciitcd , 6j to Ui I hi. , tape.
TAU.OW Unchiin cd.
New York Markets.
NKW VOIIK , Jan. SO. VLOUII Iteortpts , lO.S.'S
pauUuvost exports. lH.dll barrels. 8.0UI sacks : dull nnd liouvy ; HUOH. | 1H.4.VI bbls.
\ \ IIKAT Itucolpts , CO.lHKl bu. : exports. 07-
7B5bu. ! sales , 4,41iiWO bu. futures. .Ii4l00 Uu.
spot , Bpot market unsettled , but moder
ately uulvo. olosltiK ousy ; No. 2 red , f 1.02 ®
] .l > 2 > 4 In store unit elevator : fl.OJJiffil.UU'i
nllo.xt : tl.ra > st&l(5H f. o. b. : Na 3 red. Wo !
nniiruilcd rod. 00ctttl.0lf4'i No. I northern.
H.4iei.OK ! : No. I liArd. l.00 tl.trj ; Na
2 northern. Wo ) : No. 3 spring OJitiiUlic : Op
tions declined iiHJ.o Oll fnrelcn soUIni ;
and weak cables , advanced 'J-QSo with in"
crciised export diuimnd , declined HfdSu on
further wealtnoHS In tbu cables , and closed
weak with January and February for the day
! io up : other months ! > (0 ( > iio lower : No. 2 roU.
Jumiurv. ri.cWU.o:1 ! ' , , oloklng utfl.u.'U ; Febru
ary. H.oiyai.O'.S. oloslmr ut l.02i ! Mnrt-li ,
ll.u-' . . RCtty. Anrll. li.o.i'j
411.13 ? ; . o as nir at ti.icttu May. ll.OI ! 3-n4
1.02 0-10 , clo8lneatll.oii ; June. fWiX3 uoi ) ,
oloiltiK at IW'.oi July , mj.&Wo. eloilns ; ut
HvE-Easyj western. 03JM4'o. { Sales , 24.000
bu. lulu I'ohrtiary , part utUl c ,
HAIII.KY IrroKtilar und tiuli't ; No. 2 Mll-
wuuUco , ( i ! a7lr. Suit's. io.i W ) bu. two-rowed
clmlco state at ( < 5o | 10,000 bu. bis-rowed state
t 71c ,
COUN-ltei'clpts , I0.400 bu.i exports. 45,515
bu. : sales. uJ,60o ) bu. of futures ; II2.UOO bu. of
fputj Knot iiiurket otienud tttrongur , closed
lower , li'ts uctlto : No. 2 , M.5lu In elo-
W4 < 3 alloat : uncraded mUed
No. J , 4Kai8 > ,0 | steamer mixed ,
Option * advanced } Qlo on
Retlyo tradlhir thronph western inunliiulu-
tloni declined Hftlu on weak late oablos :
closed unchunired to Uoloifer ; January , 4UU
O5IO. closliiK 40Vo | Kobruary. 49 > ,41Mic. olcib-
Ink' 4UUu ! | Muruh , 4UtiO50i' . clOKliiK 4iuo : April.
4'JHiiriic , cloiilnr49iu | } ; May , 4ffi49 ! ) ! o , ulus-
OATS Itecolpts. 72,755 hui exports. 180r 0
bu. ; sales , t * ,0u0bu. of futures ; ' T'S.oju bu. of
spot ; ipat n arkot opuntd higher , closed
weaker and dull ; options ; dull , weak and
Irregular ! January , 35ic } ; February , 33i ! ®
too. closliu U5 > e : March. M QJfllio. uloilnir
JiiSiMnv. : . : i7dirUc , uloslnit U7 ; spot. No. 2
hhlle. 3tQoS ) ( > ( o ; mixed western. U.vj.17 : white
M'Mtorn. .niidn-'e ; No. y Chicago , a4iiG37c.
HAY Kacy undiiiilut
lluis Firm ; fair demand.
hiniAlt Unw , steady : sules , 1,400 tons to
I'hlladolphla on prlvute ternui rcllncd iiutct
and cuslur : thooutsldu quotations are tliobo
posted by tbo trust : limldo prices rovur the
robalei No. 7 , 37-lfriUO-l c : Nu 8 , US 3)Joi ) off
A. 3S@J.Voi jiowuert'd , 4i4il4u ! ! ; cubes.
wdi.AssKS New Orleans , quiet and itcady ,
ItlUt. Mnudy and iiulot.
I'UTitni.KUM HU'ady und ijulut ) Unlttil
slonud at Gia for February.
Corn NbtEii on , Ktvudy , quiet ; crude 23 ®
.ttji'l yullow 2wif2UKi\
HosiN Steady and quiet.
TuwENTiMK Quiet and Urin at XfWllJe.
I'OHK-yulot } iut'fc , W.75 < ail'.75 ' ; extra prlmt- ,
CUT MxATd Firm , fairly oth | ulckled
jclllc , 6'ifllKo : plcklod shoiiMorn. Sci po'- !
cd bams , we per Ib.i middle * , firm ; ithort rlcnr ,
I/Aiin-Aboilt slo.idy. dull ! western stnim
closed ntnwtt sjlcs , IWO tlcrcos eltyat .4ai
intloni alc , 1'jdO tlerccsi robnmry , 10.78 :
Afnrcli. * n.8l ! Mny , f7.0l 7.0l. ( cloilnu at 17.02.
UtiTTKit Ilrm nnd quiet ! wr t rii d.ilry ,
IfiS'lc ; western rrcamory. 22Qn.'ci western
factory. lOW.Mci El ln. ir.'c.
CHKESK Moderate domnnd and flrmt p rt
skims , COIOJic. . , .
ini : -yuiot and steady ) western , S4&2. > ct
* ccolpls. .1,270 nackniK's.
Wooiyiilrt and Rtoadys domr tlo flcetio.
' < ri.TK ! : pulled. 2tKtilo : : Tt-xa" . Il < it24c.
I'm Ilios ritoadvs Atnorlcan. ! 1. > .7.VU 7.7.5.
CoiTEii-Diill and weak ; Irkc , llar."S >
I.KAti Quiet nnd firm ; domestic , H.V5SI.IO.
Tl.v Uull nnd steady ! straits , tlo.70.
Onmlin Trodurr AturkrM.
I'lttllTP California riverside onuigei , 12.50 ®
. ' . ( > 0 ; Washlnjtton navels. ti.7.vit4.00 : ( Jalifornlit
tanuorlnt's. S.l.t'0 per box ; 1'lnrlda OMIIROS.
brlitllts. rzTMtli.OJi rilSRots K.WtM.dOl I'londii
tniiRCrlniii , $ .1.50 4.00 : western anplon , tl.73 ®
Z. > J par bbl. , fancy stand mlshlbrlne'230 mote.
Now York apples. Jifi.Vil3.75.
VEOKTAIII.KS California cabbngo , 2Wo per
Ih In crates ; home grown lettuce , 45o per
dor.Koos A good many wcro offered at Sue.
I'OUI.TIIV Chlcltuns. Ct7u : ceosc , ducks and
turkeys , DSllOc.
HAHE No sale for rabbits will not bring
enough to tiny tthlpulnu chHrgcs.
MAY Market Knitted : 15 OWi& . ' > .75 per ton.
UUTTEH 1'alr to good , li17c ( : ! choice coun
try , IO21P.
ri.oun Omaha Milling company's llollanco
fl.M ) : Queen of the Tantry , $ . ' .70.
HIDES No. I Krccn salted hides. 4IVci ! {
No. 2 crccn salted hides , litM'lo : No. 1 < ; rcon
salted hldpt.,23 to 43 lh < i. , 4ilftlVc ! : Na 2 croon
salted hldci. 23 to 40 lljs. , iliWe : No , 1 voul
calf. 8 to r , Ibs. , Co : No. 2 veal oulf. 8 to n Ibs. .
4c ; No. I dry flint hides , 'fflse ; No. 3 dry Hint
hides , .vaoo ; No. 1 dry sailed hides. 5UOc. Tal
low. No I,3ia4o ! ; tallow , No. 2 , 3Uc : proaso.
whlto A. 4 4U : Ktouso , whlto It , 345J'l ! c :
Kreaso , yellow , 3c ; uronso. dark , 2'Jo : old btit-
tor.-.WJjSic ; beeswax , prime , lUo ; rough tal
low , li'c. ! _
Oinaliiidniln .Market.
Prices based on delivery nt Mississippi river
points , Nobriska Inspection and ten days'
shipment , unless otherwise stated. Cash
grain calls for shipment \vlthln flvo dav&
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 83o bid : No. 3 spring ,
S2u bid.
IlVE-No. 2 , 78c bid : No. 3. 7r.o bid.
OATS No. 2 white. 31o bid ! No. 3 white. 30'jo ;
No. 2 mixed , 3 u hid : No. 3 , mixed , .DSio bid.
CoitK No. 2. cash , 37c bid , 3'io uskcd ; Tob-
runry,37o bid. 37aO ! asked ; white , No. 2 , 3S7i
AmonRtho sales were : 2,0 0 No. 2 whlto
corn , : i87io : 2.500 same , 30o : 2.r > 00 snmo. 39o :
\000 same , 31)u ) : 5.000 same , 37c : 60.00U No , 2
corn , thirty days shipment. St. Louis terms ,
3ivic ; ; 4,000 No. ft whlto outs. February , ; ' , ie ;
24 , OOJ No. 3 or better corn , llnrlln tqn terms ,
twenty days slilmnent. 3ajc ! ; O..OO same , 30Jio ;
5.COO No. Scorn St. Louis p. t.
Over 100,000 bushels of grain wcro reported
ns sold by Omaha brokers nt midday.
At 00 per cent of the corn arriving at
Omaha Is grading No. 2 at the pi esent time.
Charles J. Clilsnm , traveling freight agent
of the Chlcaito & Alton railroad , was In and
spent the day with his brother , C. II. Chlsuni
of the Hoard of Trade.
Huston Wool Market. ,
HOSTON. Muss. . Jan. W. There hai been
more trade In domestic wool , but less In Aus
tralian. The total soles aro3,3IO,000 pounds , of
which about I.OuO.iiOO pounds wore , foreign1
tirades , a considerable portion of uarpot stock.
Ohio fleeces sold moro freely at SHu for X , 200
30o for XX and XXX and aUovo : Michigan X
has been dull at Vlll jQ.No. ; . 1 clothing wools
have been In demand at : Sio for Ohio and 34Vio
for Michigan ; No. 1 combine wools have boon
steady at iW-'be . Ohio line dolalno. : ) JigUc ! : ;
MIchlKan line delaine , TJc * uun ashed comblni ;
wools bavo been unsteady , demand at G2fto
for eire quarter nnd iTii'.Mo for threo-olffhths
blood. Fair sales of territorial wools are re
ported In the range of Ii ; < ft23c , or on a scoured
basis of "iSiiGOo for line ; M < i5' > 7e for line medium
and S'a.Vio for medium ; spring California
wools have been soiling ut 2lu una TOXHS
wools at 1S@20 : Orexon wools have
tipcn dull. There Is a steady cell for Ohio and
Michigan unwashed and umurchantablo
lloeccs at IKSltlo as to quality. Pulled wools
have been In goud dcmund , with choice super
selling at 4Xii4' ( > i' : fair to good supers , 30 < R33c.
und extra , 2230c. Australian wools have
been bulling at : i2 > 442u. Largo transactions
covering two or throu weeks uro reported In
foreign carpet wools.
MlnnvnpolU Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. . .Inn. 29. Wheat was
weak today , but held fairly steady through
the .session , closing with a small decline from
the opening prlcu und Jio undur last nlpht's
closlnz. Mny opened atSO c , ? gu under last
ulghl'soloso , and hold very steady until near
the close of the session , when there wus a
slight break. There was considerable tradIng -
Ing , chiefly of the slumping order. May at
80.Sc : January ut8lo ; o ish market was aotlvo
on the grudcs ; No. 1 northern at 83 > io ; no
grade sold on u wldo ranee. Kecoiptsof wheat
hero were 322 cars ; nt Duluth nnd Superior
83 cnrs. Close : No. 1 northern , January. Me ;
yesterday. 84Jio : May , opening at FOyc ; high
est. btiao ; lowest , 86 > ic ; closing. 8B io ; yester-
duy , 87 > , o ; on track. No. 1 hard , WHioj No. I ,
northern , fSc ; No. 2 , northern , 80&SJC.
KIIIIHUH City Markets.
KANSAS Cirv. Mo. . Jan. 20 WHEAT Easier ;
No 2. hard , WJifflTIlUc : No. 2 red. 8.5e.
COUN Was Ilrm ; No. 2 mixed sold at 34 ®
34Uo ; No. 2 whlto , IttiJc.
OATS Were steady ; No. 2mlxea sold at 20c ;
No. 2 white , : oc.
live bteady ; 77cforNo. 2. .
FLAX SEED 8lo on a b isis ot purs.
llitAN Firm ; sacked , G7c.
HAY Firm , unchanged : timothy , JOiOO ; fnncy
pr.iirle. J7.00 ; good to choice , 5.00 < 20.uo ; low
grndcs. J3.00.
KECKIITI Wheat , 10,000 bu. ; corn. 2,000 bu. ;
oats , none.
Siui'MBNTrt Wheat , SO.OOO bu. ; corn , 87,000 bu. ;
outs. 4,000 bu. _ i
Now York Dry ( ioods Market.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 20. The demand for dry
goods continued moderate and conservative
today. In faot there was no chungu In tbo at
titude of buyers , which seems to bo to got
goods delivered us fast as possible and buy as
llttlo us possible. At the sumo time there ap
pears to bo no lack of confidence us to tbo future -
turo , apd low grade uottoni tend to firmness
with the advance In print cloths. II us I ness in
clnthln ; woolens wus fair on the average and
especially good In small wool fabrics.
Duluth WlK-at Market.
DUI.UTII , Minn. . Jun. 29. The markotopcncd
hero about ! Je olT on No. 1 northern , but
qiilcklv recovered and the advance was
steady until It had reached OOo , u train of Ho.
The ourly rlso was duo to heavv trading. The
market closed from Uc to ' ,4o boluw lust night ,
CIoso : No. 1 hard , cash , 85 ' .iu : January , Mjo | ;
March , UJUo : No. I northern , cash. 84c ; Jnnu-
ury , 8415u : Jlay. Hmie ; No. 2 northern , cash ,
70o ; No. 3 , 7lJilejoetod. ! ; . Ulu on track ; No. 1
hard , SCo : No. 1 northern , KJa
I.lti'rpool .Murkittn.
LtvEitroou Jan. 20. WIIKAT Quiet but
steady ; dcmund pour ; holders offer moder
ately ; No. 1 California. t& ll)4d ) per aontnl ;
receipts of wheat for the past three days ,
IH.IXhi centals , Inoliidliu 1I3.0UJ American.
COIIN Kasy ; dnmiind fulr ; mixed western ,
4s7Jd } porcontal ; receipts ot American corn
for tlio pnst thieo unys , 2.-0.200 centals.
iiAiiu Prime western. : Msnd poruwt.
AUKIIICAN I.IVB OATTI.E Sinking the offal at
6Jid per iiound , _ _ _ _ _
Colli'o Aliirket ,
NEW YOIIK. Jan. ' . ' 0. Options opened firm
and from 10 to 20 points up , closing steady
and unchanged to 33 points up ; tmlei. 2 < i.2V )
bags , including : January. IIJ.15ttlJ.40 ; Feb
ruary. 11303 13011 : Murch , tVt.tAtaVA 75 ; April.
.2.30@K'.4J ; Muy. r..2ixaiS.2 : .lune. nonuota-
tlons ; July. ( I.U3 | ; September. III.R.'XiJlll.OO ; Oo-
tobor. 11.73 ; spot Klo , llrmi fair demand ; No.
MllwiiiiUi-B Market * .
Mii.WADKKK. WIs. . Jan. Six WIIBAT Eaaler ;
No. 2 spring , Mc < : No. I northern , ! Xlc. )
CoitN-Flrmi No. 3. 37'ii' ' .
OATt lliBhor ; No. 2 whlto. 310315(0 ; No. ' 3
white. 29U 3)c. !
lUiu.KV Firm : No. 2 , Mia ; sumple ,
St. I , "ill * Murknt * ,
ST. IXIUIK. Mo. , Jun. vu. WIIKAT Lower ;
OuiiN Miwnrt cash , tfAic.
OATS bloudy ; ciish. 3oc.
I'OKK Onlet ; now , tll.75.
LAiin-Flrmor at M.73.
WIIISKV tl.lil.
Cliicliin.itl Murkrti ,
CINCINNATI. O. , Jan. .U WiBAT-Flrm ( at
uuiGtnic ,
COIIN I'lrnit fJo. 2 mixed , 40)4'4Uiu. )
OATH Fair domiindi No. y mixed , 32'iJ3o. '
\YlllSKV--ll. 10.
Tnlvito Oriiln Marlcot.
TOLEDO. O , . Jan. 20. WHEAT Easier ; No.
2 uasb and January , U3u.
COIIK Cusleri > o. 2 cash 39'c.
OAT Quiet ; uaih , 3 c.
Ainrrlcan Iti-lrlKvnitor Ileef.
l.ONDOX , Janfl American rofrlgorator
bee , fori > quartirs.2s8 ! < l ( < ! 8 lodi hindquarters ,
3i Cd(34a ( per 8 Iba by tbu uuroass.
l'orcln | Oll Markvt ,
western per ton.
Truilrr ' Tulk.
CHICAGO. III. , Jan 2-J. Coutuatmau & Day
to Cockrull llros. : Tlio rumors ot large pur-
ehuseiojboutfor export yubtcrduy fulled
ot confirmation this morning. Karly cables
woro'hea\y und thU market opened IVOUK on
rckOllliiB by thu long elemeut. BuvcraJ poti
of strength appeared ouuslng rallies toy oster-
day'g hiih point. Whllo a aoo < l b t-
ncta was reported In cash wheat for
Interior inlili , export tales N ra luw ,
This caused a weak fooling nnd cnrmcli real-
Itlng during the last linlf hour of the c ion
to huTo ordinarily broken May wheat to IfJo ,
but the market nppu'trcd to bo nogged at Olc
nnd closed with that prlco uskcil. Corn and
oats were bought f reoly by shippers until
wheat and pork weakened , whmi HIP mar-
kott wore left to thomsolxes and cold off on
celling by room trader * . Wo expect a lively
corn market next month nnd a lar o tnovo-
tnent eastward. An udvuiico of IJo.ln hogs
ciiuscd an oxcltod qppnlng In provisions , hut
brokers generally hold selling orders and tlio
best prices were obtained at thn start.
Tuckers generally appear to bo llbtral sellers
on ; iool ( rallies and wo bolimo In following
thorn nl prc i'tit.
ClIlf.Mio. III. . Jan. 20.-F. O , Loinn ti Co. to J.
SnnditCoiiiinlbjIon Company ; Whcnt oncncd
weak. The aniount of buslines Is light and
largely lofal. Cables conl line dull and du *
pressed. The weather all over this continent
is springlike and rather tends to help thu
weakness. Any change to winter wealhor
would cause a cliuni ; of sentiment mid hlahcr
prices. Ilcculptsof winter and spring wheat
are light. Corn opened up strong but hoavyi
roullrfng by the buyers uionn.l 4to supplied
tbo demand. The movement Is light and
without an Incrt-ftsottu will have higher pi Ices.
Tin ) demand f r shtumunt Is good. I'rovlnlons
were qulot There wns heavy tolling by
holders ; the buying was scHtteicd , Itocclpts
ol lions arc light. On all weak markets buy.
CHICAGO , 111. . Jun. 20 , Kcnnctt , Hopkins &
Co to S. A. MeWhorlor. The opening In wheat
wai weak on easier cables and One weather ,
but room traders appeared to be short , and
after hammering the market for it ttmo and
loosing moro wheat , they were forced to cover
by the heavy buying of a promi
nent commission house advancing the
market to Vl'l for May. Longs
supplod tbo demand nnd closing
cables coming In materially lower there was
a break toOO.V. On the rumor that Pardrldgo
would take enoiuli wht'ut to prevent puts
from the market righted Itself and
settled down to extreme dullness. It hardly
scorns possible to hold prices with foiolgn
murUets so dull. It Is true that clearances
are fair and the export demands moderately
good but rccolpts at primary markets appear
to bo Increasing foreign stocks ns wall as our
on n don't fall on * enough to attract good In
vestment buying. The market rallies easily
from tlmo to time , but conditions nro
present In favor of lower prices. In corn , and
oats the sharp advance brought out frco offer
ings fiom longs and price * subsided somewhat
under these realizing sales , but the sellers will
doubtless bo good buyers on weak spots , and
wo look for higher prices In the near future.
In provisions there were no conspicuous lea-
lures. Prices are hold better than antici
pated by ino-U traders. Wu would tuko
profits on these sharp rr.lllos , but don't look
for a pronounced break.
Firm Temper Wns Maintained During thn
( irrittcr Portion of tlio Day.
NEW YOIIK , Jan CO. The stock market again
showed the Directs of contlnuod 'U unmcrlng
by the hears and their allies , the traders , but
a Drin temper was maintained during the
greater portion of the day nnd notwithstand
ing the pressure of the professional element ,
prlccsyielded only slightly and even In the
specialties ( , which were marked as particularly
vulnerable , tow show losses of moment. The
foreigners were both buyers and sellers In the
market , LoulsrlHo&Nashvlllo bolngspecially
pressed for sale by foreign houses und that
stock is the only oue ot the usually
active railroad shares which scored any
material loss for the dny. The soiling , how
ever , had moro ot the appearance ot profes
sional pressure for olTeot upon the rest of the
market than of genuine liquidation ot long
accounts and the slight Inlluenco which It
bad on ilia rest of the list Indicated the tem
per of holders In ceneral. As usual of late , a
few stocks monopolized the marked moves ,
and whllo a few were very strong others wern
equally as weak. The feature ot the fore
noon's trading was the unusual activity and
itreiuth In Uenvor & Ulo Orando preferred ,
which scorcd'a handsome advance and hold It
throughout thn day.
Humors wcro afloat to account for the
movement that the road was about to become
a part of u now through line , but It Is under
stood that tho.nffalrs ot the company nro now
In butter shape than for years und the tlmo
hns came for a movement In tbo securities of
the roud. L'tckuwannu was also a strong
no'm. but Its prominence- the market has
been heavily diminished durlng'tho last two
days. The movement In Manhattan seems
to have reached Its limit and that
stock further retired during the ( lay ,
while among thn sueclaltlcs Edison Electric
o.imo to the front with a large advunco on
light trading. Tlio.weakest slock , bowovcr.
was Distillers , which steadily lost ground all
day long and showed Increased "animation on
the decline. Tlio rest of the market was quiet
all day and traded In within 'narrow limits.
Tbo chisu was quiet and steady to firm at
losses In most stocks. Distillers , however. Is
ofT 2 } $ per cent : Louisville & Nashville. IJipor
cent , and Manhattan , 1 cer cent ; whllo Edi
son rose 4W per cent ; Mlchlxun Centrul. 1 per
cent ; Kenver & Klo Orando preferred , IK per
cent , and Lackawanna , IH per cent.
Ooornmont bonds have been dull and firm.
State bonds have been dull and firm.
The following are the closing quotations for
the leading stocks on the Now York Stock ex
change today :
The total sales of stock * today wcro 333.1X11
shares , including : Atchlson. 70 : Canada
Southern. 4,21' , Chicago Qus , 7.G08 ; Delaware
Luckuwanna & Western , 18.013 ; Erie , 4,100 ;
Louisville & Nuslivlllo , 2.t,0'0 : Manhattan , 4-
8 o : Missouri Pncllii' . 4,010 ; Northwestern , 5.-
(145 ( ; Northern Pacific preferred. 10,0.5 : Head
ing. ll.'MO ; SU Paul , : St. Paul & . Omaha ,
4,72d ; Western Union , 15.4(15. (
Financial ItotUnr ,
NawYoitK. Jan 20. The Post says : Thero-
murkuhlo discrimination In favor of dividend
paying stocks , which bus characterized the
wholn of till * week's market , again controlled
the movement of prices today. In one respect
the market contrasted singularly with thut
of IKS ! week and the wuoic bofore. It was so
fur from bolng a professional market , In the
UHiiul acceptation of the term , thut the ap-
puar.inco of a room trader as tbo leading bid
der up of prices , which happened at the start
In Manhattan , wus the signal for an Immedi
ate suspension of other people's puruhases.
Indeed , It cannot bo doubted that at least a
lur.-o proportion of the room traders are en
listed against the present market ; u fact
which will not greatly disturb these who have
watched thn recent achievements of these
Nu\v York Money Market ,
NBW YOIIK , Jan. 20. MONHV ON OAM , Easy ,
ranging from IVifW per cent ; last loan , l'/i
percent ; closed oirered at Hi nor cent.
I'uiME .MKUOA.NTII.B l'Ai'EiiBVi per cont.
BTKIII.IXCI ExciiANOE-Qulet but steady ut
(4.84 tor sixty day bills und tl,63 for do-
miiud ,
The closing quotations on bonds :
r.ondon Htuck .l
[ Ci > i > url\jlitfil \ ISSQ In Jamt Oonlon Ildinctt. ]
I.ONDO.V , Jun. W ) . ( Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tut HEE ] In thu stock' markets
there Is now no spuolal feature , Today >
dealings were restricted , ss n final op the lust
duy of the settlement. I'rlccs opened firm ,
but did not keep up. Americans clubt'd un *
KCtiled. Denver common preferred bun been
largely bid for und bus risen ! to 44 pur
cent. The advance U marked hv North
ern I'acltlo preferred. Lake bhore , ew
York Central , Philadelphia. Head
ing flrst Ini'omo and \VubHsh Issues.
Most other * are dull , buieral cases.sro lower
Ixiulivlllo Jt Nuihvlll" showing the greatest
dojireision. Homo rails were fairly strong.
Uanudlan I'aelllo wus f reoly .olTgrcu. lust at
the clo o at ? pur cent lowur. Urand Ttuok ,
however , wan well maintained l'umis .are
unchained , although there U no Improve
ment. Thu demand lor money ha * been
firmer. Short loansaro , from 1 to l' < per cent
discount , The ninrjkVc.contlnucs quirt. Two
nnd thrcc-monlhi pljjaro | quoted at from Pi
to 2 per cent. 1111,1
I.OMKIN , Jan. Cfl.-T io folio vim were the
London stock quoTctlong closing at 4 p m !
Consols money . . . I'.sM41llnos | ( Central . . . . lll'f
ConfOls ncronnt . ' . .liiMtipt. ) . ordinary . . . 'M
N. Y. , 1' , * O. Isti. . . .rt'j ' 8t run I common , , MM
Tnn. I'nclrle . , l K New York Central , . 1184
KMo . .i. . . . . . . . . . . . ; tJJ | Heading. . 3I ! <
KrlojitconrU . . . . . . Iron I -
IIAII SlI.VKU 42il7nr'
MONEV I per cent * ' 1. , ,
Hate of dlRcoiint'iln the open market for
bolbshort and thrco months'bills , ! ' < & * per
cent. '
Amount of ImlllojiVvUhdrnwn from the Hank
of Knginml on bnlnjicb touay , i'lO".0.
I'limnqllil Note * .
NKW OIIMUNS , I.a. , Jan. TO. Clearings ,
CITV , Mo. . Jnn. 20. Clearings ,
! 114TO.H1I4.
1'A'ils , Jan 2.1. Three percent routes , OJf
SIHofor the account ,
NKW YOIIK. Jan. M. Hunfe clearings today.
( IXIOT .040t bulancei. J7,700.7.- , .
llAt.TtMoitR , Md. . .fan. III. Clearings J2,7fl'J. '
40i ; | buliincts. Jit\l ; 7. Unto , U per cent.
1'nir Aiini.i'iitA , 1'n. . Jan. W. Hank clear-
Ings. ntSl.lB'J ' : balances. $ l,31l > , rJ4. Money , ; i' , {
per cent.
CINCINNATI , O. , Jan. 20. Money. aai per
cent ; Now York exchange , 25o premium.
Clearing" , J2,3ltl,03J.
ST. LOUIB. Mo. Jan. SO. Clearing , J WI3.H4G |
balances , tlUIOI2. .Money , OJ57 per cent , hx-
change on Now York , Ulo premium.
CHICAGO , 111. . Jnn. 20. Money oniy. at 6 < 30
per cent , Olonrlngs. J12W.07. : Now York
uxchungo , par. Sterling exchange , quiet und
HOSTON , Mnsi. Jan. 20. Hank clearings ,
( I4OJO,717 ; balances. r < .oi4.2 : 2. Money. 1H ' . '
port'ailt , Kxclmugoon Now York , 5 < aiOo dis
count per 11,000 ,
HAVANA. Jan. 20-gpanlah cold. $ . ' .40 > ; O
2.41. Exchange weak : on the tJnltod Slates
short sight gold. 8V ® o premium ; on London ,
lSW10o premium :
New York Mlnlii ) ; < Jnntntlnnn.
NEW YonK. Jan. 2D The following are the
closing m In I iic stoctc ijuotatlons :
Denver Mlnlntr Stocks.
DKNVKB , Cola , Jan. 20. The following ; list Is
tbncloslnKauotatloiwon tlio Mining oxcningo :
toduy. S.ilos ll.UOO. t
AllcKbany Klnmons . 4D
Gold Hock . 4G
Dnnpkok Corn B. . . . . ! Ironclad . II
llntcs-Hunter ' V JUBtlce . 17 ! <
IllgSIx 5Vj Loxlnnton . ! I8
Ilrownloir ty MatchlCBs . yjO
Calliope 15 Pay Kock . 1H
Diamond H H4J-
Dcnver Ona nnd Oll ,7 Illalto . Ill
Omaha Experiences Another I.lRlit Ilun of
Cut tin. nnil HORS.
OMAHA , Jan. 29 ilocolpts for flvo days foot
up 8.207 cattle , ! UH'J7 hoes and ; i.8.W shcup
UKalnst 12,108 cattlu'H2,047 fiofa and 2,2(1 sheep
the snmo live days lait.woek.
The general cattlu market showed llttlo erne
no change , althou h''wuli only a modoratu
run and favorable pastern advlcps there was
a deoidedlv better tpno to the trade. So far
this week there hasbeen a falling off com-
ptred "with the r.samo time last week
of about. .1,00)4 head , litlll the supply , ,
light' . .as.It -It , does not scorn *
to fall very touch short of the demand.Vhllo
both shipping and local buyers wanted a few
cattle they did not Want them bad enough to
pay more than steady prices. Tbe Idllori
wanted light steer : and the shippers wanted
honvy cuttle , while tbo offerings worn largely
on tbo medium weight order from 1.150 Ibs. to
Vrwlbs. Trading was moderately actlvo and
a fair clearance was effected. Good 1.2.VI to
1.500-11) . steers sold from JJ.70 to ? 4.10 and 030 to
1,2 0-lb. stock from KJ.15 to I3.'i0. The ceneral
run of pretty good cuttlesola fiom $1.30 to
$3.70.Hutchorstuff wai In peed demand and sold
substiinttnlly stronRerthan ycsvorday ; that
Is. the fair to good grades sold stronger. On
anything Rood enough for the dressed beef
buyers prices were ISa to2tc ) better than Tues
day. Common and Inferior crudes wcio
rather slow sale and often , If not generally ,
at shaded price' . Hulls , oxen and stass were
stronger at from SI.25 to IJ.W and calves wcro
ilrm at from t-.oo to t\00.
The stocker and feeder trade was light as
u ual and ur ces , while strong , wore not no
ticeably stronger than yesterday. Fair to
good stock U selling from 8-.70 to SJ.15. Hepro-
sontatlvo sales ;
lcownn'1 cult. , . .7J- fW OU
1 cow and oilf..j 2JO (
1 con and ualf IM , , . , 28 UO
. . . 21 OU
Ittprlngor. , , v/-
Iloos The light rw 'Pts ' furnished another
Biirnrlftn for dculersjouly 7U curs being re
ported In the yurdtj Tliero was no material
change In the qq Wy of the offerings , al-
tboiiBh If anything tttpy wore hardly us peed
as curlier In the woouy With the limited sup
ply hero und other'nkorkots ' reported stronger.
It did not tuko dfulelfir long toslza uii the situ
ation and get doni ) to business. Shipping
orderb were light , but local houses
were all good buyers and prices
were about lOo higher Irom the start.
Trading wus actlvo at the udvuiico and tlio
pens were about , cleared by 10JO : , the market
closing up strong. The belt heavy hogs kold
utfromilyo tJ ( l-Uit ! , common Leuvy and
mixed puckers nt from H'5 to 11.30 , light and
0 ? . . .2.VJ 161 4 ? % CK 2W 40 4110
Ml 23S 40 425 . % 3 : 7 ISO 4 III
2 . , 'JiB SV 70 . . . .107 ff > 4.TO
07 . .KM IIS ) 43.1 4S . . Ill ) 4IW
01 . , . .tt7 ! 80 42. % fi7 , . , .2tf 40 4IM
. . , , . . ? S40 4 S5 70..217 ICO 4 W
ST. . . , .2M .l 423 57 . . . : K7 - 4 HI
< > ' > . .8 ! 200 4 2.1 270 40 4 TJU
M . . .SSI | fi ) 42.1 M . . . . 29S 4 If.4
M : ttl KM 42.1 72 JIM 411.1
HI. . . .1X1 f ) 4' .41. . . . . 377 40 4tt !
ss , , . .a.i ; 2so 42.1 in : iii 4ai
tu woco 12.1 M . . . .as 40 4:1.1 :
71 . . .sal 240 42.1 fiS . . . . : i2fl 85 4111
IN. . .8,5 42.1 M SS.7 SO 4 ill
I * . . .atO 40 425 f,7 .N8 20 4 'IS
M 271 80 421 ! V1 ICO SO 4111
W 24 ! ) ICO 421 Kl , . : iS7 200 4 III
" 1 SIS 4 2.1 M X ) 40 4 IB
10 23.1 4 IB 01 : i4 ! 80 437'S '
1 330 II 8J -12 310 : i7S
SIIKEP Itccelpls were fair , but trading was
not overly nctlvo nUhniigh prices In general
wcro film. 1'alr touooil nutlvrs arc iiuolnblo
at H7J to K.S.T. westerns at W..1I to 1,1 Oil , com-
nioii and stockers ut IAVI to if 1.7.1 , lambs from
91.00 to J.1.5J. Representative sales :
No , Av. I'r.
SO imthos , in'\ol ' : , 117 fl ( K )
101 wostrrn mlxed W * C3
Itrvrlpts niul Dlspiisltlou of Slock ,
Ofllclal receipts Mid disposition ot stock as
shown by tlio books of the Union Stock Yards
coiiiimny for the twonly-fourho'irs , ending at
G o'clock p. in. January . ' ! > , IMU.
HKCKIt'Tt ! .
Cnrs. II end Cam , lluntl lend Cnr * . I llcnd. .
67 1,7111) ) iu TTii i. ' , I ufi ;
M.Stork .Marker.
CittCAdO , III. . Jan. 89. ( Special Telegram to
TIIK IlKi ; . ] Ilttlo chitngo was upp.irotit In any
of the features of the cattle market today.
The demand waa not loss actlvo than before
and us the nrrlv.ils wcio nga'n ' light prices
continued to have nn Improved trend. Every
thing from scrawny old cows up found rendv
buyers , and ut thu best prices for the week.
I'rom JiOO lo,75vns freely paid tor common
to good cows , and from W.OJ to t.l.23 for choice
qualities. Hulls were In demand at from $ ! .75
to W.75 , nnd dressed beef and shipping sleets
wcio salable at from < ! U.r > to 15. Hi. Inferior
cows were quoted at from $ .2i to JI.G3. The
calf market also showed strength , the offer
ings belli Inadequate.
The hog market opened a Rood big lOo
higher ttnin yesterday and that advance was
snstalno I to the end. Tbo jump ycstotday In
ho ; product Wns the principle c-uiso of the
upturn In the value of the llvo animal ,
tbouKh the prospect ot decro'iscd arrivals for
next week was a stlmulailng factor. Trade
oucnud early and brlfkly at from f4.4. ) to { 1.70
for very common to funcv Iionvy , and iilJJ.HO
to $4.00 for poor to choice assorted light
weights. Of the former tlio bulk went out of
salesmen's hands at from I4.55 to $4.G > und
from $1.10 to J4. : > 5 bouubt the larucst part of
tbo light \\olghts , droves avorazlnc less than
200 pounds.
The sheep trade was dull today and prices
weak and variable. Shippers remained Idle
nnd local slaughterers meeting with little erne
no competition from that quarter supplied
their wants at reduced * prices. The market
was from lOo to l. > c lower than Wednesday ut
$143 to$4.50 for poor to medium nnd at S4.03 to
$3.30 for Rood to choice. The'ro was a corresponding
spending weakness In lambs which are now
quoted at from $1.23 to M.35.
Rcceluts wcro : Cattle , 8,003 ; lios. 30,000 ;
sheep. 4.003.
The Evening Journal rouorts : CATTLE
Hocolpts. 8.UOO ; shipments , : LUCO ; innr-
kot slow and steady to n shade loner :
good to prime steers , $ l.50'i.2l : others. 4.1.00 ®
4.2'ij stocliors. * 2.0vl.30 : vows , (1.4002.83.
Hoes Receipts , 30.0J3 ; sliluinents. 12,000 :
market active , openi'd IQo higher nnd closed
5c to lOc higher ; rough and commonJ.2" > ® | .2" > ;
mixed ana packers , f4.4. > ® -l. . * > . ' > : prlmu heavy
nnd butchers' weight , tl.4. ' < S4 81 ; lUht. $4.40 ®
8HKKP Receipts , 5.000 : shipments,503 : mar
ket unsettled : sheep steady : lambs lower ;
native ewes. * 3..V.4 00 : mixed. WGO5.00 ;
wothcirs. I3.0II&530 ; Toxans. $4.233.23 ; west-
urns , * 3.orj.3i ) ; lambs. 5.5ii25. !
New York I.Uc Stock Marliot.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 20. BEUVES Receipts. l.C < 7
bead , Including 40 c irs for sale : market actlvo
and ste.idnative : steers. f 4.U5.15 ) per 100
Ibs.i bulls and cows. Jl.t.5.15 : ) ; dressed bcof
steady nt fliiQ-Bo per lb. Shipments today.
1,400 quarters of bunt : tomorrow , 1 7J8 head
and 0.04J quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts. 38 head : market firm ;
veals , J3.00@H.50 per 100 Ibs. ; pra scrs , IJ.OO.
SHEEP Receipts. 2.254 head ; market weak ;
sheep , M.OJftffi.OO per IUO Ibs , : lambs. J5.257.00 ;
dressed mutton stealv at 74'H5c ! per lb. ;
dressed Iambs dull at DTilOSie ) ier llj.
Iloaa RpcolptH. 1,3M ! consigned direct ;
nominally steady at I.IOJJ4.73 per 100 Ibs.
Kansas City Lite Stock Market.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Jan. 2 > . CATTLE Rc-
colpts. 3.300 : shipments. DJO. Steers ere quiet
and steady tolllc lower : cowsbtoady to strong ,
und feeders weak : droased beef and shipping
steers sold at JL50@4.7.'i : cows , $1.45 < ai4 Oi ) ;
stockers and feeders. f2.40i23.3 ( > .
1IOO < Rscelpts. II.OJO ; shipments. 2.QOO ; the
nuirknt was actlvo and lOc higher ; all grades ,
MiWai.113 ; bulk. fl. 15K4.25.
SHEEP Rocolpts. 1.200 ; shipments , 590 ; thu
market wns quiet and 20c to 3Uo lower than tbo
llrst of the week.
St. I.oulH 1,1 vn Stock .Market.
BT. Loins. Mo. . Jan. 29. CATTUS Receipts ,
500 : shipments. 403 ; market strong ; Texan and
Indian steers , ! J.-"iQ l.40.
lloos Receipts , 5.0) ) : shipments. 3,201 ; mnr-
kot opened higher , closed weak : hcaTy , f4.40a
455 ; mixed , i3.UOtt4.15 ; Unlit. 4.2ja4.4U. (
Van Houtou's Cocoa LJost , and gees far
thest. "
Iloatcil Water in fonder Can.
NBWTON , N. J , , Jan. 29. As George Ham-
lor and Frank Grover , employes nt Alton's
granite quarry on the Waterloo mountain ,
were heating some water yesterday in an old
powder can It exploded with prcnt forco.
Doth men were blown a distance of several
foot. Hamlor was not really seriously hurt ,
although n piece of ilesh was cut from his
breast by n piece of tbu can , which cut
through a thick overcoat besides the man's
clothing. Orover , howovor. was moro ser
iously Injuicd. Ho will lose his right ore.
In addition his lott arm ana side wcro badly
Mrs , Winslow's Soothing Syrup for child
ren teething Is tbo family bonofaclor. 25
ents a bottle. _
North Dakota's Wlirat Crop.
GKAND FOIIKS , N. U. , Jan. 20. Oflleial ns.
timutes from thn commissioner of agriculture
give the following figures on the total wheat
crop of North Dakota for IROl : Total average
for the state , ! ! , SiiV > 03 ncros ; uvcrago yield
for the state , 82.1US bushels per ucro ; total
number of bushels raised , (14,7itiS. ( ; !
Constipation poiaona IQB olood ; DoWitt's
Llttlo Early Klsori euro constipation. The
cau so re moved , the disease Is gone.
Forced to Clone Its Doorn ,
LOUISVILLE , ICy. , Jan. U9. 'fhe Deposit
bank nt Glasgow has closed its doors owing
to the run on it brought about by tbo rumor
that the bank had failed. The bunk paid out
nil Its available funds and then assignee * . It
is stated that every depositor will bo paid iu
DeWltt's Uttlo Eariy lasers ; best llttlo
ills fordyapopslusour stomach , Dad breath
Victory for Hie r.ast Oliuuro ,
BOISE CITY , Idaho , Jun. 20. In the United
States circuit court , in the cato of Tyler
ugalnst tbo Lust Cbanco Mining company ,
the jury returned a voralct in favor of the
defendants. The property involved is val
ued nt (1,000,000. Tbo case will bo appealed.
A very small pill , but. a vary goaa one. Do
Will's iittto Early KUon.
Mcam lill > AKt'ntH Inillclril ,
NEW VoitK , Jan , 2'J. ' The prand Jury of
Tien ton baa found four indictments against
tbo agent of the Hamburg-American Steam
ship company and two against the agents of
the lied titar'Sto.imsbip company for allow
ing two debarred Immigrants to escape.
No gripping , no names , no pain when Do-
Wltl's Littlu Early Risen are ulcon. Small
pill. Snfu pill. Host pill.
Don't lie Ueruhcil ,
ospccinlly when your health
mny bu at btaUo. If any one
olToi-B you Jolmr.n Holt's Mult
lixtract and "Jolmwi Holl'tt"
si nuturo is not on the nouU of
the bottle , do not titUo it under
aiiy circumstances.
1'ors' ' and Jollors' Directory
Omn/m / Ton , v .
Co. ,
Mni ? " . lintninock' , oil find
ruhlior rlotlilnz S.iml for
cntnloKUP. lllHKnriivn.
lltult Oninftit llfiij Ci\
Importer * and mnnnfnc-
riourSniki , llurlnpi nnd
Morao-loo SHe ) fomwaiy ,
- - 1101 llownrd Siren.
o Knctory corner llth nml Ihmnlns streets ,
nro innklnu cloio prlcon In c h luyor' , nnd nro
olllntt n cl i of BIMHU which Is Terr !
enblovrlth nicnliniitii.
mill inn. Vdii Atrntim l , Juntt A Co. ,
it Jfnrff. Whole < nl
ABenl for lloston Htili-
1212 llnrnor street , tier Shoo Co. 1IU2. 1104
Omnhi , Noli. nnd 1IOJ Huniey street.
.4iir ! lfiin Hand N
. Miop , rnbticri
nnd Ivlt KooiH.
1701-11 llntney street.
t-llinoic , t Until.
Mnnufncturers and
Wholqjnlo Clothiers ,
HOMInrncy stroot.
Omnlin Coal. Cnte , t
LtmtC . ,
Hard nnd soft coal ship
Ilnrd nnd xof t cnil 9 1C. pers.
curner lull nud Duunlji nrnnm street ,
Btreeta. Om.ilm.
P. / ' . Mahuncu A Co. .
1014 Knrnnru stro ct ,
Soft -Conl-Hnrd
N. ICtli
813 .
Otmhn Neb.
KitQlt Cornier. U'or/id
Mannfncturers of ( lal-
vnnUed Iron Cornice.
IVIndow cnpi. metAllo
skvllKhts etc 1110 nnd
III. Dudge t.
imv OOOD- .
M. K. Smilli A Co. ) > alriclc h'och Diu
Gowlt. Co. ,
Dry Kondr. notions , fur Dry K00i1 , notion' , cents'
nishing Kuuds inriiUliiiiK Ki'udf. '
Cor. llth nnd Ho ward st .
Corner llth nnd HowarJ
Omaha Oouwlidatid Eleotrioil Oi. ,
Klectro lljnainni. l.nnitM , Wlrq nnd Klcctrlral Sup-
pllei of All Kinds.
111. ' llunurd strcnt , Umnha.
llctbc Rum/mi / Fi r-
ntsure ( " . ,
Successors to C.A. llccbo
ft Co ,
All grain tuiUbed , Inspected and rate
cslnbllbhrd by hluto olllcum.
Wrltu for r.Uo and full purllt'iilaii and consign
( shipments eaio of
OMAHA , NK1 $ .
Kvery MAN can i
OHOUSInall reipccli
by utinK BI'ANISK
NiiRVINIt , the great Hpanlch Keiaeily. YOUNG
OK OLD luffcriliir fiom NKHVOU8 BUBIIvITV , XOflT oi
PAIbINO MANHOOD , nltjlilly.mlssiono , toiiviilslons , nri\oui
protlrailonrnu i < l by the use of opium , lohacco or alcohol , wiku-
lulnets , mental dcnrckiion , lo > of iiawcr in riihcr ses , ipermilor *
mrno * NII ArrrK ubt , rlitvacautedliytellahiiie ami over indulgence or any personal nrak *
ness can be restored to perfect health and the NO11&U VITALITY OP OTIIONO MIJN.
We give a written Kuartnteeviih 6 lioies to euro BOX can ) or refund ( he money. | i a boib ; boxes f i
For sale in Omaha by McCorral&Lund , loth & KurnnniBts.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tin eminent f | > ecliillit In nerTOti * . ohronlo , urlritu. btoolikln and urlnarr illioaot A re ulir anil
rcsl"tfr ilirrailii lelouioillolne. dlplomti nd corlinoilei ihuw U < iljl treitlaz wltk thegrutuit tuq.
cm , cutnrrti , iptraiaturrhKuii lait nianbood , icndntl waiknixi nUhl loiiei. Impoteivr. tri > lllli tlrlv-
lure , konorrlioci. ( feet , varlejcalo.ato. No roercnrr med. No * tie tioont fur Ijiiof tU l po 4r P ril (
unable to Tlilt me rntr be trcatert nt borne br torreiponlenco , M llcln or Initruiaial , 4 ut t T lua" T
cznriii riurelr ptckei ) no uiirki tolndloito vontenti or under. Ono pcrinntl liiturrlxr preferred. Con'
lultatlun trea. Corroponcence itrlctlr pil te. Hook ( M ; url i of Uf ) itntfrtu O o uoun , V o.
f. m. buud r , Ida. m. to Urn. Henil tump tot replr ,
JO t lllHl > od 107X1.
Grain , Seeds ,
and Provisions.
Nos. 2 and 4 Sherman St. ,
Room * 68 & 69. CHICAGO.
H"t-cl tf cllUliiiifortlioiiantIllntfof thlpmcnu
of ( irala , Held unil KUr Htt-U. Hrfervnct't Cora
Ci5 l/ificl ( / Tank f.lnc
Co. ,
llcflned and lubricating
oils , axle greAao , oc. !
/Jr < iMf/i / ,1 Co. , IMMl A .Sdlllft.
Doivlerlln cuuntrr prnd- Produce , fruits of all
iico , fruit ) , vexetablui ,
etc. kind' , oystori ,
IJ07 Howard Street. l.Ttli nnd llarncr Streets.
Kirtliliraun A Son * . Jos. A. Olark & Co.
Iluttcr , chceio , oggt ,
Ilutter , CKEB anil poultry.
poultry and itamA
HKI it. COVBoutU 13th UtreeU
Biddall & Co. , G. Pegau.
Coniuilsnlon M o r oh a n t ,
Iluttcr. cliccso. I'roducc , lluttcr , Ktfic'i
ctnblcs , frnlU , poultry enema nnd Toultry ,
12lli and Huvraitt Uts.
andiiamo. Umalia.
Mullin & McOlaia , Bingham. & 803 ,
Fpcchiltlps. tumor , ojei. Send > your KtK * . link-
cliooic. poultry , etc. No. tQr , I'oiiltry. < ! am0 ,
158. lit i Hot. lit Nat. Illdos , Ktc.
lank. 1701-3 Le.iTunworth St.
Carpoutor Paper Oo , , King Papjr Oj.
Wrapping pap r , all hlndt
Carry a full stock of
of , etc.
printing , wrapping and
1103 Howard Kt.
writing paper , card pal -
l > er , etc. Tol. 17.0.
James Hugbos , Oiuahi Stove Repair
Stores repairs of nil kladi Wor' .
Cooks unit lloateri Steve repair' and water
for salo. nltocliniontn for any kind
of stove mmlo.
m n. i ith street I2U7
HASH. ' 1OV8.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo , H. Hardy Co. , \
Manufacturers of sash , Toyi , dolli , nlbuini , .
fanor goudi , house fur *
door . blind * and
mouldings , llrnneli ot- nl hlDK Koodi , child-
Cce , 12tli and Iiard SU. ron' carrlntfei.
1319 Karnum HtreoU
Al'tn ' Root & Oo.
lloomlH ICichniiRO Hulln- Itonms , 61 nnd 01
HulMhm .South chitnza building ,
Oiunun. Huuth Omaha.
r ,
. Atk your Druggist for
m bottle ol Dig U. Thu only , ,
nan potionout remedy for nil
Hie unnaturiil dltchurgc * nnd
I private dlM'fkft of men and the
1 duhllltatlnK wcaknrtt pcrulltr
I to women. It rune In a lew
I dipt without the aid or
publicity of a doctor ,
k JUnhinal Antrican Chrt.
Mauufarlured by I
TbsKvans Chemical 0) ) . '
o. . ,