Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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Lincoln Citizens Propose to Rcgnlaio Street
Traffic ,
TTIiojr 1'rrfrr n Strict Construction of tlio
lull tlio Company DrMrm It
Otlierulnr Otlirr I.ornl Nowa
Note * of Intrrrst.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Jan. 29. [ Special to TUB
BBK.J An old ordinance In the municipal
cede of Lincoln provides that street oar com
panies shall soil six tickets for 25 cents , and
that Iho conductors on the street cars shall
* keep tickets for solo nt that price. When
the street railway companies exchanged the
Mow-going horse car for the olcctrlo motor
they issued on order to tholr conductors not
to sell tickets. At the same tlmo packages
containing twenty-four tickets Imvo been
loft nt convenient places In the city
for sulo at $1 per package. George II.
Ilusb of this city 1ms always maintained ,
bowovcr , that under a strict construction of
the ordltriticq lie could compel a htrcot car
conductor to sell him six tickets for ! ! 5 cants ,
Ho tried It on the aist of last July and WIM
forcibly ejected bv Conductor titonborg. Ho
swore out a complaint against tilonberg and
that olllcml was arrested and lined. About
n month Inter U. P. Lefovor tried the same
thing and ho was similarly ejected by Con
ductor Hlco , who was also in-rested and lined
for assault. At this Into date It has been de
cided to test the validity of the ordlnanco in
thu supreme court. In order to facilitate
matter.i the ctisos are submitted on stipula
Sulmt nut till Sympathy.
Commissioner Luddcn today received tbo
following letter from Urustus Smith of
' Kavrnnn , Neb. :
"Inclosed is a draft for $10 for Hussion
relief. Wo ewe , It to onllghtetioti humanity
and lu gratitude for nsslitance In our na-
' tiomil peril , and to moro permanently secure
their sympathy , to Introduce to thorn a
, , chcapcr food and to us an extended market. "
Completed Tlu-lr Work.
The engineers who have boon engaged for
pcvornl weeks In fcurvuylng two new routes
through the city for the Hock Island havu
completed their labors and returned to St.
Lou in. They surveyed ono route through
the eastern portion of the city and the other
through the western. The board of directors
will decide which of the routes It thu most
practicable , nnd until the decision is reached
the citizens of Lincoln will bo kept in a state
of uncertainty as to tba location of the new
Sued tli Crui'ker Trust.
Uaubcn S. Kisser has commenced a suit
for damages In the amount of $1,050 against
the American Biscuit and Manufacturing
company , UUser alleges In his petition that
ho was on August 1 ! ) , IS'Jl , un employe of the
defendant and that on that day , while In tlio
discharge ot his regular duties which con-
fllated of unloading goods from a freight
elevator , the tame dropped a distance of
twenty-four foot. His injuries kept him in
bed for six weeks and have loft blm a
crtpplo for life. Hotico the damage suit.
Sued for Their CouimlsHloii.
Tno Normal University Building associa
tion of this city is made the defendant In n
salfcommoncod In district court by tbo roul
4L estate IIrm of Anderson & Wells. In their
[ petition they assort that under a contract
w th the defendant they sold for it 760 lots
adjoining tbo Normal university , for which
they were to receive In commissions the sum
of ! , : > - > Subsequently the defendant com
pany refused to deed thu property to the pur *
chaser provided by the plaintiffs and refused
to pay them tbo commission , the amount
agreed upon.
WiinU to Spend the Chiefs Money.
'Chldf of Polled Dlnges has been called Into
court again' , this time by Elizabeth Persy the ,
who wonts damages to the extent of $3,000 ,
. Elizabeth was tbo young woman arrested ut
nn early hour last Sunday morning for al
leged complicity with the safe blowing gen
tlemen who had made a nocturnal raid upon
tha meat markets on South Fiftccutb street
B few brut * previously. She was detained
_ l police headquarters several days much
against her Inclinations. When li , was dis
covered that she could in no way bo con
nected witli tbo operations of the sufo
blowers she was dismissed. Her toolings
were very much hurt and she asks damages
from the Court Itoomn.
Smith and. Clark , tbo enterprising clothing
thieves , uro making determined efforts to got
out on ball. They today requested Judgu
Lansing to tix tholr ball nt $1,000 each , but
the Judge declined.
The Walto-Uakor contest case bas been sot
by stipulation for February 4.
JiiterontliiK Ouontlon Ilulxmt.
Mrs. Anna Poska , a Q street property
oiviior , bas fllod her acceptance of tbo price
Jixed upon her preportv by tha Hock Island
appraisers and Judge Laming has issued an
order commanding the railroad company to
pay tbo amount Into court at once. Klght
here an Inloiesting question bas been raised.
The Hock Island ofllclals have not yet do-
' tcrmlnod whether they want the property for
right of way purposes or not. The property
wns condemned by appraisers duly appointed
by the court upon the request of tha repre
sentative ! of the railroad. . The parties In.
tcroslod will nmko a test case to see whether
private property can bo thus condemned and
appraised. The railroad company , It is ai.
acrtoil , now deny that the .appraisers were
appointed nt tbo request of its agents or
renresentatlves. Tbo amount involved is1
IMvkvilUli In I'ollro Court.
John Flakers was fined $30 and costs for
stealing nn overcoat from A. W. Onmth.
Frank Connors and John Kelly wore each
scnionred to twenty days In Jail for stealing
a pair of pants.
Tba men accused of safe blowing last Sunday -
day morning wure released , tfio evidence
" rialnst them not bolng strong enough to
I Warrant their further detention.
Dennis Hammond , tbo camblor , Is again In
' custody. Ho gftvu himself up last nlglit and
will stand another trial for vagrancy next
Mrs. Molllo King , who seems determined
to walk In tho' broad path , was released from
, custody upon tbo payment ot a part of her
line. Her llttlo daughter , 8 years old , came
to tha station and tearfully pleaded for her
mother's release , saying that herself and the
baby , 'i years old , bad boon alone In tbo.
liouso day and night sluco her mother' * ar
rest ,
OclcM nnil lliiiln.
Lieutenant Governor Majors was In tbe
* city tqdny.
Commissioner General Oreor.wos a state
bouse visitor today.
Mrs. O. P. Dmges was called to Dayton ,
O. , touay by thosorlous illness of her mother.
State Auditor Uenton ami wlfo threw ouon
tte doors of their handsome now residence at
Seventeenth aud F , streets last evening and
entertained a largo company ot friends lu a
truly hospitable tnauuor.
A Kansas City man now In u'ncoln ' claims
to bo able to unravel tbo mystery of Council-
rnaii Hlco'a disappearance. Ho asset ts tbat
B man answering the missing alderman' *
description was picked up at Kansas CUv In
on Insensible condition and that be died
shortly afterwards. Tbo story bas yet to bo
A call was issued today for the annual
meeting of tbe Lincoln Board of Trade. It
will bo hold at tbe council chamber next
bulurday evening.
It Worked Wonder * .
- The following U un extract from a letter of
HOY. J. W. Carter to Hov. J , T. Muinford :
"It bas benefited ray wife so much I want
berto continue tbo use of the medicine.
Taking Into consideration her age 09 years
and the long standing of her kidney aud liver
troubles the Tree of Life has worked won
der * iu her case. " For sale by all druggists *
Union soup , manufactured In Nob.
Jlarou Illrsch Colony \VUcoiuln. .
MiLWAfKKBVis. . , Jan. _ 9 , The establish-
, - ' jnont of a colony of Kusslau Jews In northern
\Vlsoonslu , wltb tbe money contributed out
of tto IJaron Hlrsch fund , Is being seriously
considered. Tbo proposal u to purchase a
' largo tract of laud and allot part ot U at
ouco among tba oolonUU , and at thu snmo
time furulsU them with provision * tuQlbiout
to sustain them for a whllo and wltb the nec
essary Implements of agriculture. The plan
provides for the purchase of timber lands for
farming"purposes at not less loan $4 an aero.
Disordered liver sot rlgbt with Doecbam's
Imrmalnrr I'rorrMlnn Tlmt Kirorteil the
i : -Shrrlir to 111 * ( Irnro Yeslcrilny.
The funeral of ox-Sheriff John F. Uoyd
took ploco yesterday from his late homo ,
1203 Park avenue. The services were con
ducted by Hov. C. vV. Savldgo and com-
monccd shortly after 1 , o'clock. The services
were very Impressive , but were hoard only
by those of the Immonio throng who could
got Into the house.
The floral tributes wora very elaborate.
On the casket In which lay the remains was
n beautiful pillow of lilies. Around the room
wnre all sorts of floral decorations of pillows
nnd beds nf flowers , There was an anchor
nnd open cross beating the nanio "J. F.
Boyd" In the center ; another pillow
contained the tribute of tbo Union
stockyards boy * ; another tbo Honovolont
nnd Protective Order of Elk * unotbor tbo
Sutnosct club ; another the Fishing- club , rep
resenting the gates ajar with a white dova
on the top.
Thousands of people were around tbo house
and In the street to pay their last respects to
the deceased. After th'o services the remains
were placed on a wnlK In the yard of the
promises whore they wore reviewed by thq
Then the procession was made up. It was
headed by the Omaha ( Junrds with Captain
Unmford In command. Next cnmo the Snmo-
sot club with seventy-live members In charge
of Colonel Floyd as captain ; E. B. Shelby ,
llrst lieutenant ; P. C. Heafoy , second lieu
tenant. Following these were the .Tuckion-
inn Democratic club with thirty members.
Then came 175 Llvo Stock Exchange men of
South Omaha.
The bourse was next with the following
noli boarcrs : John A. McShanc , for the
family ; O. S. Potter , for tno Elks ; Charles
Ogden , for the SaraosotV. ; . F. Manning ,
for the Masons ; J. D. Sawhill , for the Grand
Army , and John Keene for tbo stock yards.
The Elks bad charge of tbo services and
wulkd on cither side of the remains In the
procession. They wcro In command of Dick
Smith , who acted as marshal.
After forming the nrocosslon went down
Popnloton ovonuo to Twenty-eighth street ,
thence to Lcavonworth to Sixteenth and
north on Slxtconth to Webster , where ranks
were broken. Some took carriages nnd wont
to thfl cemetery , Forest Lawn , where the re
mains were Interred. The cortege was very
long and was witnessed by throngs of people
on Sixteenth street , as the procession passed.
At n meeting of the Bumosot association ,
hold in Its rooms lu the Boyd theater , the
club took action on the douth of Mr. Boyd.
A. S. Hltchle , Charles Ogden and James P.
English were appointed as a committee to
prepare sullablo resolutions of condolonco.
Before they were presented Mr. Hltchle , In
addressing the president , said :
"Thereto appointed by my brethren in this
association , I desire to make tbo formal an
nouncement hero that John F. Boyd Is na
"Thnt warm and friendly erecting , that
countenance all beaming with tenderness and
love , that splendid heart Instinct with kind
ness nro lost to us forever.
"Tfio tiioro rehearsal of his many virtues
can bo of little avail to alter or confirm pub
lic Judgment of his character. Of still lost
moment must be any word * that I can speak
Ir. the presence of hts time-honored friends.
The surpassing quality of hi * heart was
goodness. In proportion to his moans ha
gave unto the poor , ha gave unto the causa
which ho espoused OH no other gave.
"Standing In this place now forever vacant
of a face thatcheered it , I know of no way
in which wo can moro fittingly hallow the
memory of our dead brother than to hero
make a solemn resolve that wo will moro
fully enrich and beautify our own lives with
this sweet grace of goodness which was the.
chief ornament of his soul and lesson of bla
"I move the following resolutions bo
adopted , * ' and tbo sentiment of the club was
thus formally expressed :
Whorens. We. the members of the Saniosct
association , as u Might tribute to the memory
of John r. lloyd , desire to ttko : public notice
of his dentil mia place , on the rocoidthoex
prcbslon of our cstuein for him : therefore ,
Unsolved. That wo are duly penetrated
with u deep sense of the loss which wo. In com
mon wltb tlio rest of his follow oitbens , have
mstiilned by the dotttli of John V. lloyd. nnd
that wo will ever cliorlsh Mi memory , which
Is endeared to us bv Ills many splendid quiill-
tlca of liuud nnd hcmrt ,
Kcsolved. That those resolutions bo pub
lished in the Journals of tlio eity , nnd that
copies thereof bo forwarded to the family of
the deeeHscd und placed in the archives of tlio
At a meeting pf the Jacksoalan club a com
mittee , of which Joseph Sbccau Is chairman ,
was appointed to prepare for memorial ser
vices to be bold within tbo next two weeks
for the Into John F. Boyd. Messrs. Felker ,
Mationoy and Gannon were appointed a com-
mlttoo to prepare resolutions. The meeting
will hon rublfo one , and the time and pluco
of holding It will bo announced later.
G'hamhorlalii'x Colic , Cholera anil Dlnrrhccti
Itemed } ' ,
Persons subject to erampi will bo Inter
ested In tbo experience of J. P. Miles , Wes
ley , v'oiiango Co. , Pa. Ho was taken very
severely and called in two doctors , who pre
scribed for him but failed to glvo him relief.
A druggist of Butler , Pn. , then gave mm a
doublodoseof Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Dlarrhuua Hemody , and in twenty min
utes ho wns all right and is enthusiastic , 111
tils praise of the Homedy. ' > and 50 oont
bottles for sale by druggists.
Over a Million Dollars ( liven for Kclnciitlnj ;
Colorud 1't'ojile. '
New HAVEX , Conn. Jan. ! iO , The will of
Daniel Hand , ibo widely known philanthrop
ist , has boon offered for probato. Mr. Hand
makes the American Missionary association
of Now York bis residuary legatee and di
rects tbat all tbo property and estate wblob
shall bo recolvod by said association as such
legatee shall bo added to the , Daniel Hand
Educational fund for colored people , and
shall bo managed m tbe manner and for the
purposes expressed In the deed nt trust exe
cuted October -JO , 1808. Under this deed ,
Mr. Hand gave over f 1,000,000 for educa
tional work among tbe colored poo.lo ( In the
south. There are sundry bequests ranging
from $500 to $10,000 , mostly to relatives , but
there are no other bequests. Judge Luzon
B , Morris of this city Is named as executor.
Stop tbat cougb. It Is a danger signal.
Piso's Cure for Consumption never falls.
Pleasant to take. All druggists. 25o.
t'ccullurCliurco on Which uii Illinois MUII
Hug Itoeu Arrested.
. , Jan. 29 , David Hendricks
of Freoburg bos been locked up in Jail ,
charged with burglary. Ho is accused of
stealing another man's wlfo and four o'nil
dreu and robbing his house , Hendricks had
boon boarding at tbo homo of Henry Most
at Frooburg for some time. Last Sunday , In
the absence of Moss , Hondrlcks moved Mrs.
Mosa. her four children and household furni
ture , to. Belleville. When Moss returned
and found bis borne deserted bo gave ohaso.
The runaway * were soon located. Mrs.
Moss and the children returned to Frooourg ,
and It U sold they bavo boon re-established
lu the affection * of tbo husband and father.
The only complexion powder in the world
that U without vulgarity , without injury to
tl'o user , and without doubt a beautlfier , is
Pozzonl' * ,
Another IMilludelplila City BhortHRe.
PniLiiiEi.rnu.Pa , Jan. 29 , City Comptrol
ler Thompson has sent to the council a com
munication sUllntr tbat on audit of the books
of the outgoing health oftlcor , Joseph G , Pat
terson , bas disclosed a deficit of (1,770.57. In
addition to this , on an examination of the
books roUtiyo to the payment to the city of
costs m the abatement of nuisances , a loss to
tbo city of f lDSt.09 ! was discovered. Comp
troller Thompson's communication in no
way Implicates Mr. Patterson , as at tbls
tlino it Is not known who Is responsible for
the deficiency , but suspicion Is said to rest ,
on a former clerk of thn oftloa who was de
tected in similar offousa. The communica
tion wa * referred by the council to the
finance committee , .
Postal Telegraph Co. have adopted the
"Callgrupa" to the ubclusiou of 11 other * .
Business Increase Noticed ; but Prices Gen
erally Enlo Lower.
Homo Improvement NoIced ! and C'ollcrlloin
Kasy I.argr Kxcoss of ICxport * Otcr
Imports rnllnros for the W > ck
Clearing House Statement ,
NEW YORK , Jan. 29. it U. Dun & Co.'s
weekly review of trade ays : Itlsundcnla-
bio that there exists a considerable feeling of
disappointment Moro business but at lower
prices seems to bo the rule. Thnt the volume
of trade Is gradually increasing , oven in
branches which Imvo been dullest , there
scorns to bo no doubt. But in an unusual
number of cases Increased sales appear to
bo the result of some yielding In prices , so
that the average dccltno In prices of all com-
modltics during the past weak has boon
moro tban half of 1 per cont. There Is moro
business done In Iron , out the increase in the
weekly output smco the unprecedented re
port of December I has weakened the price.
Uar Iron Is dull at Phlladoln'ula nnd waaK at
Chicago , nnd the market for plates Is demor
alized by lur-co production , while some struc
tural mills arc short of worK. Copper is
lower nt 10.8 cents , with moderate oxyorii
nnd a great output. Tin is cent lower nt
10.0 , but lead Is stronger at 4.2 cents. Coal
s unsettled.
Ileports from Various ( Mtlex.
Reports from other cities generally Indicate
. gradual Increase In the volume of trado.
At Boston there Is not much chnngo and
trade Is rather disappointing , but there uro
moro orders for boots and shoo : , nnd tha
ebbing trade in dry goods is good with largo
western orders.
At Hartford the dry goods trade improves
Rome , vvhllo hardware and groceries are
At Philadelphia Iron is qulot nnd coal demoralized -
moralized , but dry goods moro nctlvo mid tbo
grocery trade larger than last year.
At Baltimore the Jobbing trade Is qulot ,
jut manufacturing brisk.
Plttslmrg reports llnlshcd Iron weaker , and
many flint glass works closed oy dull trado.
At Cleveland trade is , on the wl'Olc , equal
to last year's , with largo sales of Iron nro and
rolled products in good demand and tlrui , and
collections improving.
At Cincinnati the carriage trade llnds better -
tor prospects.
At Detroit bettor business is noted with
good roads.
At Chicago trade in general merchandise
is equal to lost year's anil receipts have in
creased in most products , but doutled in
wheat , ( lour and corn ; collections nro satis
factory , money plenty and prospects bright.
At St. Louis the retail trade Is strong , and
wholesale average and grain receipts largo.
At Milwaukee trade prospects aio good ,
but there is very llttlo speculation.
At St. Paul j.ho Jobbing trade and collec
tions are bettor.
At Minneapolis trade is good for the sea
son and collections satisfactory.
At Kansas City an increased trade Is noted.
At Denver trade is fair.
At Memphis and Nashville trade Is quiet.
At New Orleans cotton Is .lower with
aoavy receipts , sugar steady and rlco is
At Savannah trade Is fairly good.
In the Dry Oooili Trade ,
In dry goods there scorns to bo rather loss
activity as to cotton goods , and In knit goods
some dullness. Clothiers are conservative
and waiting for indications of the popular
fancy , and hence the men's \vcar woolen
trade Is perplexing. There is a bettor feol-
Inir In tbo wool market . , however , at Now
York as at Boston , and the continuing snles
prove that manufacturing has Dy no menus
coasoa. Cotton is one-eighth of u cent lower. .
While both receipts and exports fall some
what behind those of last year for the same
week , the indications still point to a very
largo crop.
Corn is half a cent higher , with heavy re-
culpts at the west , and pork products a llttlo
stronger. But wheat is a quarter of a cent
and onts three-fourths of a cent lower than a
week ago. Wheat receipts have been quito
largo , wbllo the exports for the last week or
two have somewhat declined. Oil Is nonrly
n cent lower uud roffco a quarter of a cent
The money markets throughout the coun
try uro unusually well supplied , but In part
because the demand Is only moderate. Col
lections are generally Improving , or decidedly
The course of foreign trade makes the ab-
SODCO of gold imports somewhat noteworthy ;
exports from Now York for four weeks of
January have boon $11.103,000 , or 43.0 per
cent larger than fo ? the same weeks last
year , wbllo In Imports there had been a slight
decrease , which would point to an oxcesa of
exports over Imports amounting to about
$32.000,000 fo- the month against $ ' 20,000,000
last January. '
The business failures occurring through
out the country during the last seven days
number 297 , as compared with a total of U'Jii
for last wook. For the corresponding week
of lust year the figures were 320.
Subsidence of the War Scare Lends Strength
to the .Market.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. ii9. Bradstroot's weekly
Wallstreet review says : The subsidence
of the Chilian war scare , followed by tenders
of u paclllo nature from that country , seams
to have put an end to tbo hesitation which
bad been created in speculation , and per
mittee the reassertlou of tbo bullish ten
dencies which , in splto of the unsettling
manifestations of the last three weeks , have
nevertheless boon apparent in tbo action of
the sbaro market , Ono of the most note
worthy evidences of this fact was the fairly
largo buying for foreign account which fol
lowed tbo news that the Chilian government
bad made a satisfactory answer to tbo de
mands of the United States. At the same
time it was exceedingly plain that during
tbo depression stocks bad , to a largo extent ,
passed Into strong bands and tbo powerful
financial and speculative interests continue
to bo convinced that the ultimate tendency
of price * is In an upward direction.
Now York Deposits.
Last week the deposits of the Now York
banks , for the llrst time on reoord , touched
foW,000,000 , whllo the absence of anv largo
demand of either a commercial or specula
tive character bas forced moneyed corpora
tions aud large capitalists to turn their atten
tion to the stock and bond market , in order
to find employment for tholr surplus funds.
At present the bond market Is Pare of tbo
clos of securities which Is attractive to such
purchasers , and tboro sootns to bo reasonable
founaatlon for the current reports that In
some Instances the heavy buying of a divi
dend paylnit stock may bo attributed to such
interests. The plethora of money consti
tutes , la fact , a controlling factor in the situ
ation. The clearing up of the short
interests naturally facilitated the rapid
advance of tbo market which
commenced on Wednesday ; last nt the same
time tbo stronger parties , who bad acquired
stocks on tbo decline , were not slow to dis
play their Inclination and ability to assist the
market. In this connection the action of the
group of stocks with which Mr , Gould's
name is usually connected is both significant
and interesting. All idea 'of further friction
in the Western TraOlo association has disap
peared. Under these circumstance * the rapid
advance of Manhattan and the strength of
other members of the same group Is con
sidered upeolally significant.
Amontr the llallroudf.
Tba most noteworthy movement of tbo
week was In Lackawanna. wblch stock ,
though subject to manipulation , seems to
bavo bcenlu receipt of effective support In the
form of largo outside buying orders of thn
kind already referred to. Heading , likewise ,
displayed strength on tbo arrangements by
which it secures control of the Poughkoopsle
bridge , the other coal stocks being corre
spondingly affootod.
lu the granger group , tbo lead was taken
by Burllngtor. and St. Paul , tbo improve
ment in the former case being tlmulsted by
reports that tbo December earning * showed
another remarkable gain.
Of the Uould stocks , tbo most noteworthy
feature was Manhattan. A decision by tbo
rburt of appeals , which is exceedingly fa-
vonxblo to the company ' In connection with
the suits for real estMft- damages furnished
cause for this moVo.THv [ At tbo snmo time
Missouri Pacific and .Uio other securities ,
under the snmo tnfluorim wora exceedingly
strong Aud Wwll nunpoVMU , Tha Vnnderbllt
trunk lines , havluir brvn steady during the
depression , naturally showed loss disposition
to roily , and wore , without exception , strong ,
whllo rumors were current that a moro de
cided Improvement In.thcm was probable.
Among the special 1191. Louisville , Now Al
bany ! c Chicnffo was 'eonsplciious ' , thn move
ment bolng attrlbutJbdi > to the fact that ar
rangements h vo been. Concluded by which
the road will furnish tbo outlet for the entlro
? Richmond Terminal "sVfctom , the connection
being furnished by the Louisville Southern
road , , which has lately .passed into the hands
nf Interests allied both With the Richmond
Terminal and the LonisvlUe , N'oiv Albany &
Chicago. *
ci.n.vKiMis or TIII : AVIIK. : : ,
Omnlni Shows n ( Jrntlfylng Incrrnur Ilr-
| iorts from Other Cities.
Nnw YOIIK , Jan. 20.Tho following toblo ,
compiled by Brndstroet's , gives the clearing
house returns for the \vook ending January
28 , 1892 , nnd the pcrcontago of increase or
decrease , as compared wltb the correspond
ing week lust year : t
New Tor * .10.1
notion a.o
rtitcnao . i 15.7
PhllauelDhls IV.SII.IIU 12.7
. 7.0
Fun Krnnclsca. . . , . . is.nnuio 5.3
llnltlmoro . , . lli.AM.S2l
Cincinnati . n.iiin.iiio iii.n
IMItsburx . l5.Tjit.9n 15.0
Knnsm Cllr . . . . . . . . . . 10.11
Mliinonnolis . . 17.4
BiiRnlo . 7WIS7I1 ) ' ' '
Mllnitukea . 7.UW.S15 'I'I.'T
Ixniljvlllu . I.I !
Dntrolt . . . . . 27.
Houston . . . . .
ProTldonco. . . . . . . , * .
t'lovelnml . 6MJK .v
St.l'AUt . 4JS1.BM 34.7
Denver . . . .i . 23.2
Omahft. * . . . . . : i2.i
Colum&ui. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , * U.I
Klrlimond. . . . . . .4 . 279I.WI 47.7
lUrtforil. . . . , . . < , 1,7 . ' , K 3.3
I'ortlnnd. Ore . , . I. 3'JI37
Indlnnftpollfl. . . . . . . . . . 4.7711 JOT < U.3
Memphis . . . . . . . , . * i . .
Nashville . , . . . l.TKT.TliS " ' U.I
Dultith . l,724.irJU "i'.o
I 'cor I ix . . . '
Wnshlngion . t . . . . . . . 1,717,719 , , 'ijl !
Nuvr Haven . . . . . . . . * 1,451,111
HI. Joseph , Mo . lill,4M ! !
Hochr'tcr . . . . 1.3IJ.OW 4.11
Dallas . 7.I3M5I ! " 1U.7
WorccMpr. . . . . . . . . . 1ISO.M "s
jprlnutlclrt . . . ,
rurtlniul. ' .Mo . 1 , 13.1,515 21.0
Hull l.nke ( Mtv . IG.I7.M)4 )
Norfolk . 8J7.1WII i n.a
Tnromn . H7I..MI r.i.u
DCS Molncs . , . Til 1.704 55.4
Seattle . r. . , .
Kort Worth . I.IKS..W
Blom Cltr . 18r
Syrncuac. . 7111.12. ! 10.0
( irnnil llnptcls 77I.SS5 5.5
Wilmington , Del 7811,101 ill
l.owoll 8WI.371I 1(1.4 (
B15l > 45 '
Los 811 , (18 'soli
Lincoln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TU2.I17U 51.11
I.eilnslon . XX&'i so.o
Wichita . ,
New Iloilforcl. , . t. . . .V.I.5II ] 9.1
Topeka . , . . . . 7.5
( Jolvoston . 5,01(1.815 (
'Atlanta . . . < J.I.UU3W
Suvnnnnh . ,
llliiKlmmton . : . . . . . ' 23StMJ
Total. United Statoa. .
Outslilo New York 10,1
Dominion of Canada -
Montreal i M.r
Halifax 2.0
Toronto . * >
Hamilton o
Total- . I. . . ? . > " Il7.8ia.014
Not Included In total.ja
In the I. cjtur lloom.
Nothing disturbs a lecturer so much as a
good , healthy , fully developed ceugb. Some
folks think a squuling baby is worse , but
Mark Twain says that in an emergency you
can kll | the baby , bu't 'most lecturers now
carry a bottle of Holler's Sure Cure Cough
sirup and give a dose bf'that.
. . . n i. ' i mjj'iiii i inii
I.ymuii Sliolct ( liven , n Higher Position
Lyman Suolos , lor. two years past general
agent at this station for tha Chicaco , St.
Paul , Minneapolis tie 'Oinaha railway , has
boon appointed division freight apunt , to
toke effect February 1. His headquarters
will , bo at Omaha. Mr. Sholps will have
charge of the frcightltranlc of the lines in
Nebraska , and agents , on lhat division will
report direct to him in all n < alters pertaining
It IE understood that the ofllce of general
agent will bo abolished , und its duties will
bo included in tboso of the divluon agent ,
Mr. Bholos In rated a very competent frolght
man by bis confreres in Omaha , and ecnoral
pratlllcation is expressed at his promotion.
Ilullnity I'l
A. C. Zlemor , Burlington agent at Lincoln ,
was in tbo city yesterday ,
B , McNeil bf i'ortland , general superinten
dent of the Paclllo division of tbn Union Pa-
cillcvai at boadquar or3 yost rJuy.
Fred Knowland , formerly Roncral agent
for the Union Pncillt ut Now York , bas boon
appointed to a similar position for the Mis
souri Paclllc to succeed ilv U , Logdn , do
Tbo Ctilcaeo , Burlington & Qulnoy has is-
sneu a handsomely illustrated circular for
the Knights Templar conclave at Denver
giving the itinerary of Tancred commandory
of Piltsuurir.
William Caldwell of Chicago , 'general western -
orn passenger agent of th'oVoat Shore , nnd ,
J. A. Jogoo , traveling passenger agent , are
In i tbo city. Also George Jenkins of the
Pennsylvania. I
G , L. U. French of Northampton , Mass. ,
superintendent of the eastern division of the
Boston 1 & Malno railroad , was au Omaha
visitor yesterday , accompanied by his brldo.
1I Mr. 1 French was hero seven ycara ago and
finds I 1i marvelous cUanpos , which bo will
relate i when bo gets homu.
Use Halter's Barboa Wira llnlmon for
cuts , old sores and sprains horaos and cat
tle always get well > .
Use Union soap. Use Union soap.
For O. A , It. Honors.
lion. M. L. Hay ward of Nebraska City ,
General C. J. DllwortU of Hastings and HOD.
A. 13. Church of North PJatto have been
mentioned as prominent candidates for the
position of donurtmont commander of the
Grand Army.
The election tokes place In Fooruary dur-
inpr the encampment , which will l > o bold In
Columbus , freb. . _
Uesslor's Moglo Iioadnoho Wafers cures al
hoadnchcs In UO mlno oj. ' At nil druggists.
Union soap , jjuurfib'fced to p'.oiiso.
Xo llltftf Oirercil.
Thq Board of Publffi' lyorks hold Its regu.
lar weekly session , , .y.catorday afternoon
Bids for paving hart bcoa asked for , but
none wore presented. Ono estimate was
allowed and tbo balance of tbo session wus
devoted to discussing , , the specifications for
this year's public wprgiC
Dj\vltt' Little Ear'j i' isers , oest pilli
Union soap is houjymudo. .
Day forjjfjlrsoiiitl Tares ,
Today is the lastjjlny for paying county
personal tax before tlmsarao become delin
quent , Tbe usual petttdty attaches next
Monday morning. Atf > Vre ult County Treas
urer Iroy and his assistants are having a
busy time. 1
OhloiMlea.IUUwaj- .
Office Ireildcot and
General Manager , Balllmbre , lid. ,
Cincinnati , Ohio Jnu'fl8r18M.
"JJy foot suddenly "I \ > j bruited tad-
turned and garo niu \j \ | q hip and lido by
a rory icvcreiy a fall and uircrcd e.
iimlnctl ankle. The
ujuillcajlonof 8t. \welr.St. Jacob * Oil
Jiicoba Oil remlted at completely cured
oucelu a relief from "
pain. " Ulf. ,
W.W. PJCAEOIIY , Member of State
I'rut.AQen'IMan'gr. _ Legislature.
THI CKARUI A. VOUELER CO. , ilti ei . Ut.
Changes in Details of the Oity Government
Made by the New Council ,
\iwrlioumrnt | | of Spiiro hi llin New City
Hull Death Warrant * of n Number
of Votty oniren ntKilo Out
t.nst Night.
The city council wont back to Its first love
and bold lost night's mooting in the Board of
Trade rooms.
Nothing was considered , however , but
ordinances upon tholr several readings. The
ordinance providing for tbo Inspection of
stoam. boilers and for tbo appointment ot n
boiler inspector was road twlco and ro-
Tbe now ordinance provides tbat tbo ap-
lointoo shall recolvo n salary of $1,500 , per
rear nnd shall devote his ontlro tlmo and at
tention to the duties of the ofllco.
Then followed an ordinance assigning
spnco in .tho now city hall. This
ordinance provides that the rooms
shall bo parceled out as follows :
The city treasurer will occupy the southwest
quarter of tbo space on tbo 11 rat floor ; the
city clerk will have the southeast quarter of
tbo first floor ) the nhlof of tbo Fire depart
ment will occupy the rooms In the northeast
corner , nnd in tbo northwest corner tbo
comptroller will bo at homo. On the second
floor the council chamber and tbo commlttoo
rocttu will tuko up one-half of thu space ,
wltb the rooms fronting on Fnruam street.
East of the court the commissioner of health
will have an ofllco , with the Board of Health
rooms on the north , of the court. On tbo
third tloor , in the south half on the west side
will bo located thn mayor's sulto of rooms.
The city attorney will bo in the northwest
corner , and the assistant city attorney on
tbo west sldo. opposite the court , The other
rooms on the north sldo will bo occupied by
the Ftro nnd Police commission. The Park
commission is assigned to the rooms on the
east ot the court. On thu fourth lloor , lu thu
rooms soutb and west of the court , the
Board of Public Works will Und quarters ,
with the city engineer occupying all of the
rooms on thu north slda of the building. The
rooms on tbo east side of tbo court will bo
occupied by the building inspector , tbo gas
and electric light Inspectors Tbe fifth
lloor will bo occupied by ibo public library
and the Board of Education , the former oc
cupying the rooms on the south nnd west
and tha latter the rooms on tbo north and
east side ot tbo building.
Homo Ordinances on 1'nMHiiffr.
That disposed ot the ordinances tbat wore
up for tbo 11 rat and second reading. Starting
off with tbo passage of ordinances there was
one providing for the issue of $ l < u,000 of otty
ball Donas , tbo proceeds to bo used In tha
completion ot the building.
Attor that the council took up the ordi-
nanres intended to reduce salaries. They all
passed , as did ono repealing an old ordinance
which created a lot of paving districts.
Mr. Cbafteo stated that tbe paving district
ordinance was for tha purpose of wiping out
a largo number of old districts and starting
in now.
Mr. Lowry Insisted that tbo ordlnanco
covered some districts that were in court.
Ho thought that the order of the court pro
hibited i ho council from Interfering with the
boundaries of the districts.
President Davis replied tbat such was not
tbs case ; tbat the districts to which the order
of the court referred had been omitted from
the ordinance.
Knocking Thorn Out.
Then commenced the Work of reform and
heads fell liku ripa grain before tbo reaper's
knives. Tbe plumbing inspector was the
first to go. The ordinance thnt laid him on
the shelf provides that the plumbing depart
ment shall be under the supervision of the
superintendent of buildings , who shall employ
ploy ono Hu'porinteudont of plumbing at 3l-
per month , wnlch shall cover nil expenses
for transportation. Tbo superintendent of
building is also authorized to employ three
plumbing inspectors who will reucivo § 4 per
day , while actually engaged.
Mr. Tuttln urged that tbo passage of such
un ordlnanco would not result in any great
saving. It would reduce tbo superintend
ent's salary S.J5 per month , but at the same
lima it would add $1 per day to the salarv
of each of tbo Inspectors. The talk failed to
have any effect.
Another ordlnanco autuorizlng the Boara
of Health to employ two moat Inspectors
wont through , whllo Mr. Lowry informed
tbo council that the council hud never
adopted anv rules for tba government of the
Board of Health.
President Davis stated that such rules
were being prepared and City Attorney
Council said that they would be presented to
tbe council at tno next meeting.
The ofttco of sanitary commissioner was
wiped out and the Board of Health will pro
ceed to look after all matters of n sanitary
Thn uoxt ordinance tbat passed was ono
abolishing the ofllco of superintendent of the
City ball.
Mr. Lowry thought It bad policy to dis
charge a man who had looked after the
building since the day when Its construction
was commenced.
President Davis furnished tbo information
tbatSuperintonduntof Buildings Tilly would
look after all of ibo details and see that the
building wns completed in accordance with
tba plans of the architect.
City Engineer ItcHion > ilhi' ! .
The next ordinance hit hard , for it dis
pensed with tbo ofllces of aowor and sldo-
walk inspectors , placing tbo departments in
charge of tha oily engineer and the liourd of
Public Works.
Mr. Lowry Hied another objection , but it
did not count. Ho did not regard It as being
a wise policy to put lu a now man at 175 per
month to Inspect sewers. Ho did not think
such a man could do good worlc.
President Davis again furnished some in
formation , stating that tbo city engineer
would have to bo responsible for all inspec
tions and that tha city's Interests would bo
carefully guarded.
Kpoopcndyko Tells 111 * WIle Homotlilii K.
Yes , I see , you have got a terrible looking
face all pimples and blotches. Now , Mrs.
Spoapendyko , if you'do lot those everlasting ,
dottgasted powders and cosmetics alone , and
use Hallor's Sarsauarlllii and BurJook com
pound you'do look llko something. Seal
I Price I" Worth s Guinea a Box. " 12Se. (
IDislodge Bile ,
; Stir up the Liver ,
! Care Sick-Headache
| Remove Disease 8
Promote Good Health !
Famous the world over.
, Ask for Ilcccliara'u und take no other * . (
.Made at Sl.Iielena.RnyUnd , Sold by druL-/
'glbls and dealers. New York Depot , 365 ]
Canal Slrcet. lea. <
Sill rurfularlr during nlntor from
Cabin 140 and upward ! tooond cabin , JJ1. Steer j
atlqwral i. No tuvrnt cUiiuiBU ,
STATE BianvioE oi -
New York and Gla KOw
Cabin tin. Seoqnd Cabin i BUicrnjellJ. Applr
tu ALhAN A. CO . Cbloinu IL K. WOUIIKJ. Wabaiit
Tlckui Offloo ; W. K.VAlUUurllavlun 1'lctol limjj
nnOIITl BANDAMVOOI ) CAl'riUtBd are Ui
U Ullll I A boit and oalr capiului ; irsirlboiJ br
n regular pbjr < lclan > lor the curaut
floiorrbaand dlicbarifoi ( rotutba urlnirr organi :
Tcro tc ei iQidny * . ll.iy per z. All ilruvgl | .
Pleasures tfJfaory.
What n blessed thing la memory
How It brings up the pleasures of the
past , and hiilofl its unpleasantnesses I
"You recall your childhood dnya , do you
not , and wish tlfoy would return ? You
remember the plonsnttt associations ,
while the unnlcasnnt onosnro forgotten.
Porlmps to your mind comes the fnco of
so in o friend. It was once it pnlo , sml
face. It showed mnrks of _ pnln , lines of
cnro. It seemed to ba looiclng into the
horcnftor , the unknown future. And
then you recalled how it brightened ,
how It recovered its rosy hue , how it
bocmna n picture of hnpplnoss nnd joy ,
Do you" remember those thlngaV Many
people do ; nnd gladly tell how the
iioalth rolxirnod , how hnpplnoss came
back , how the world &oomod bright.
They tell how they wore once weak ,
nerveless , perhaps in pain , certainly
unhappy. They toll of sleepless nights ,
restless days , untouehod food , unstrung
uorvea. And then they toll how they
oocamo happy , healthy and strong once
rnoro. You have hoard it often In the
past , have you notV You have
hoard people describe how they were
cured and kent in health ? You
certainly can remember what It is ( hut
lias so helped people in Amodca. If
not listen to what Mra Annlo Jonnoss
Miller , who is known universally as the
great dress reformer , says : ' 'Six years
ago , when sutToring from mental care
and overwork , 1 received the most pro
nounced benefit from the use of that
great medicine , Warner's Safe Cure. "
Ah , now you romeniDor. No\y you re
call how many people you have heard
say tlilt * sunu ; thing. Now you recollect
how much you have hoard of this great
Cure. Now you are ready to admit that ,
memory is usually pleasing , that the
highest pleasure comes from perfect
health , and that this great remedy has
.iono morn to produce and prolong
health' than any other discovery e\or ;
known in the entire history of the whole
Taking butter from milk
was known in the earliest
times. It was left for our
time to make a milk of cod-
liver oil.
Milk , the emulsion of but
ter , is art easier food than
butter. Scott's Emulsion of
cod-liver oil is an easier food
than cod-liver oil. It is rest
for digestion. It stimulates ,
helps , restores , digestion ;
and , at the same time , sup
plies the body a kind of
nourishment it can get in no
other way.
SCOTT & BOWHR. CliemUu , 131 South 5th Avenu. ,
New York.
Your driiggbt keep * Scott's EmuUion of codMiver
oil at ! druggliu everywhere do. ft.
HufTerlnftln mind , body nnd purBO from DHUNK-
KNNKa.SorDll'HO.MANIAean 1)0 iirly , infely
nnd | iceUlly enroll by tbo wonderful uov Bpeclnn
No nrnttcr wliotlior tha person Ua modcrnto or
" periodical" ilrlnhur or n ' total wreck , " CIII > O-
ICIOQUI.O ilcttroyii nil upptitlloor craving
for nlcoliollo llmulunt without Imrm or In-
convorlonco , nndui urua tlio patient now life and
Impplnciu. HcliiK tuitelcM It can lie ulrcn br a
irlond In tea , coffee , loinonado , beer , liquors , or
food without tbo pallcnt'a knowlodiro , or It can ba
taken br the patient In tlio xamu liquids , with a
guarantee of nbvtutonuccoB9 and n radical cure
Ineltbcrrnoo. lliindnvlnof cnrus Imvo booncnndo
with ClIl.URlOUUIjI ) In Illinois nlonn. 1'rlrn
wluiln reach of nilonly S. CIII.OKIOOICI.II
can lie htitl of o- > iiitenli nr nent poatpulil by
u * . I'amphlota f urnUliHil f rod. All rurro pondenco
eunfldanilal. MAlHHI > ! lIESHCAI CO.Holo
1'roprlctors for tbo U. U. , Sa Duarborn Wu , Clilcngo.
Kulm & Co. , Co.r IMIi A DcniKliw .St .
J .A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. 14th * DouBl SM-
A. 1 > . Kueur & Co. , Council Hluffs , la.
It is not
to modals ,
badges or tbo
ot royal
Owe their wonderful per-
v. Bonal ana protesslon- . ,
alpopularlty.TUey /
won their hon
ors by tnelr
In the scientific
treatment and succeaa-
tul cure of over 80.00O
cases of tboue NERVOUS ,
DISEASES which are BO for
midable to the medical profes
sion In oonoral ,
have proven that they
possess extraordinary
ability and skill.
' Ion8
as well as Stric
ture , Hydrocelo ,
Varlcocelo and Rectal
troubles , their success
has been truly marvelous.
Therefore , they are entitled to
wear the emblems of the high
est honors , lor these they have
richly won by their own efforts
Bend 4c lor tholr new book of
12O pagea. Consultation la also
free. Call upon or address with
stamp. _ _ _ _ _
119 S. i4th St. N. K. Coiner
Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb.
TMJM INSTANT Rl'.IEF. tfln.lcuro
iulod > , amm r luru .
Ipurg .DOsalro no uppoiu > rxibuf *
ferttra wllll * r nofft tJiniil * rm KJr Fre * . by d-
rLUdUU.tWN u uSt.lN.Yf&it/t
After Years of UnsuoojRsfitl Search for n
Cure , Mart'.n Anderson Qetti Kelteffroin
the Chlnaso Doctor A Voluntary Teatl
OMAHA , Neb. . Jnn. 18 , 1S ! > 2.
To whom It Mny Concern :
This is to certify Unit I liavo boon n
constant sufToror for ninny yenra wltli
cntnrrli , nstlinm ami broncfiinl nll'ou-
tlon.s of the throat , nnd tried nil the
rmlont medicines nnd remedies I ovci *
lionrd of , but with no success. I tieiitcd
with doctors in various purls of the
country , but none of thorn liould do mo
liny good further than Hiving1 nio short
temporary rollof. I sutTorod nltjlit n d
diiy. nnd continued to jjrow worse not
withstanding nil the modlolnu I had
taken. I utmost given up mv case
ns hopeless when I was informed bv ti
friend of Dr. C. GcoVo , -tho Chlnoso
doctor , nnd advised to ffo nnd sea him in
the hope of gattinf ; relief ut least , if not
ft portnnnont euro for my trouble. I waa
slow in mnlctnjr up my mind to make
such a mil teal ohiinuro in my treatment ,
as I Icnow a trial with the Chinese decor -
or would brinff mo , but I dually con-
I ml od to give him a trial , BO I called ut
his ollico with that intention. 1 found
thn doctor a clover , entertaining potitle-
man , thoroughly posted on my condi
tion , and it took only n vary short tlmo
to convince mo that lie wns the party I
was so long in search of. IIo told mo
my ease was curable , and that lie could
cure mo , and prepared mo a apodal
treatment to suit my condition , and in
two weeks I wns * o much bettor that I
had the fullest confidence In the doctor's
nullity and committed my case to Ills
treatment I continued to jjrow bettor
rapidly and am now entirely well. I
owe my euro to Dr. C. Gee Wo , nnd am
not nshainod to ndmit it. I ndvisn all
who want relief from tholr troubles to
call on Dr. C. Goo \Vo. and they will bo
cured. For nil particulars upply or
write to MAUTIX L. ANI > K SO.V ,
9\2l \ Cumlng St. , Cmahn , Nob.
DR. c. OK IS WO ,
IttiRiilar graduate nf Olilncso inodiolna , oltht
yo.-irs'Htudy , ton yours' practice. Tnwts suc
cessfully nil diseases known to snlTcrlng Im
munity ,
ItootH , plnntHand herbs niitnro'sroniodlos
Ills medicines tlio world Ills witness ; l.uuo tc"-
tlmonlu's , Uull and BOO him , Consultation
free HUB also constantly on hand romodlo.i
for the following diseases ready prepared :
Asthma , Catarrh , Ulivniuntlstiii Indigestion ,
Lost Mnnhood , FemnoVaikm ! < ss. tilolc lluitd-
uclie , lllood I'urlllor. and Klrtn y and Mvo. ' .
I'tlco , one dollar pcrbnttlo or six for Mvo del
lars. Those who cannot call , enclose 2-c nt
stamp for question list and full particular * .
fllce , Cor. 10th nnd California Sts. , Omaha.
n New
O TInater. ! . L
Seventeenth und llarnoy Struots.
This ( Saturday ) January 3O.
Last Two Performances of
Stuart Robson
Anil Coinpiiny of I'luyors In llronson llow-
nnj' American Comedy.
Mil. UOU4O.N us ItKllTIH T1IK I-A.M11
Mntlnee PeiTormance at 2:80. :
I'rlce" Hft floor. (1,00 ; bnlconr , "J ° ! Ktnornl
uduiUalon , I0o nnd "Ac. .
Evening Performance at 8.
1'rlcen I'nniuct , t\M \ ; pnrquot circle. fl.UO nnil
. .Vl ; bjlcony. Too and tl.uu ; EHllcry , aio | ircnuru
iidnilsslon. ilr t floor , 75o ; balcony , iVc.
Tlirou Night' , CoiiuiionoliiK Thursday , .Tun.'Jd.
A FAIR I I'unnlo Glllotto as
I Ululrotto Montolth.
REBEL. I Ethvunl It. MUWHOII us
. Col. K/.ru. Mason.
8 Theater AGAIN ,
t-uvcntociith nnil Hiirimy Strouts.
Tlirco NifjIilH Only , CniniiiiMi
Mnnilny , fchrii-iry 1.
An Entlroly Now Kdltlnu of
Oroatest Trliinuih of tlio Worltl Kiiinniii
UlRKnr. Oniiiiler. ) > 'iinnnlor Tlmn ICvor. Most
Kliiburutu TraMHforniiitloii H.'unu Kvor I ? ,
luvlncl. i { ,
Huluopons Saturday murnliiic , Ilauul prluei
Weak of JnntiuryHli. .
Itotiilneil by rcijuostof our iiiitroim , Oilutoa
( 'hluii''o Oniircli ( Jholr Comedy Concert Co.
Tlio Kiliicutou I'Jtf nnil Hniltli ft Fuller nnil
Onudluiui no moro ,
Om > Kolltl Vook , tominonulil. Siiiiilny
Alntliii'i * , ifnnu try HI.
Mat'roai WoJnesiliy and f utjrJf y ,
TLo Lucut , Faiteat sad Flnc l In Ibo World.
rAM iUF.r accomodatlon. uu ic Ue4.
NKW YoniC , < tlllll\l.TrM'an < l NAPLES ,
At rcitulnr Intervals
ralea un loweit termt to and ( ruin tbo prlnclpla
Kicurtion tlcketi aritlUbl. to return br IUier the r > t
tutuKiue Ulrde A Nurlli "f Uvlui < l or N.plv A Ulbrolur
Cttfts Mi iioaij Orlirl fn itAmout t towtit Bttu ,
Applr to an 7 of our local AyenU ( ir to
C'lilcugo , IU.
, * ' H-i. i I.IIUKAI ! > > OIIIKVI'Ar ,
OltKAM , Oil 1IAUICMJ iir.AUiir'
. _ ll , I'lmiilni.yncL.
In , Mulll 1' Itchrt. Iduh | | J hk lu
' titrj blniutli on
> utr , and dcn
KUt'ilua. ll luu
> Ux J tlie tokt of I )
luri , aiul 11 10
lianul > iur Uultll
rljr made. Accri't
no cuunttrftlt of
tUulUruiiiii ) . Dr.l.
A. B jir wld fj
ladr of Ilin liftut tuu
( ptll'ul ) : "Aiou
I rtctiuiiuruil'Uuu !
r ucl' ( 'u "i'iutho
Irattt rinful of all
ll , > kln prtuiro-
IIon * . " Fur HW u7
all HiUKBUK and
rancf Uuodt
> rt In Hie lliilt .l RUtri. ( 'anadui and Kuri > | _
i > . T. IIUCKINB. f lu' 'r.j ; Oi > a ( Juno BL H.f.