OMAHA DAILY BEE TWENTY-MUST YEAR OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNING , JANUARY 80 , 1802. NUMBER 227. DEMOCRATS CANNOT AGREE Hulcs for the Now Congress the Hock Upon Which They Split , THEY ATTACK THE PROPOSED NEW CODE All In Xot IovcUiir * In thn Ilrntocrntlo llotisclinld A Cuurufi Dccrro Ncc- rfmtry to Knforrn Unity Other rroccvdhiR * In the Home. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 29. Tao demo crats of the house of representatives have found it necessary to nppanl to n caucus de cree in order to nocurc unity ot notion in the adoption of rules for the government ot the proceedings ot the houso. It is n matter of r omo significance that the subject ot dissen sion in the democratic ranks is thnt clause of the proposed cede which enables the commit tee on rules nt nny titno to call up for con- Mdcrntlon a report of that committee , and preventing dilatory motions bolng made pending such consideration. To give the speaker power to recognize nnd to prevent dilatory motions at such particular time , and not clotbo him with like power nt nil other times acorns to many democratic members n great discrimination in favor of the committee ot which thu iponker Is ox-ofilclo chairman nnd whoso de liberations ho naturally directs , nnd th < > pro posed rule was roost bitterly attacked by various members of the dominant party. So * llttlo , however , was attention * paid to I. * party lines during the debate that ouo of the " strongest supporters of the rule was Hon. James Buchanan , tbo well known republican representative from Now Jersey. Connlderntlon of the Itiilcn , The house this morning proceeded to the further consideration of the report of iho committee on rules pending an amendment withdrawing from the jurisdiction of the ap propriations committee appropriations for the support of the District of Columbia. After considerable debate the amendment was rejected nnd nn amendment was also re jected to take from the committee on rivers nnd harbors jurisdiction over tbo appropria tions for iho improvement ot tbo Mississippi river. In speaking to an informal amendment Mr. Morse of Massachusetts turned his attention to Massachusetts politics. That state was represented In the house today by five re publicans and seven democrats. The demo cratic members were ail gentlemen of high character nnd ability. Massachusetts sent no other mon hero. [ Laughter.J Ho had not a word to nay against uny of tboso gen tleman , but truth compelled him to say that Massachusetts was at present ralsrnpro- sentod on this floor. Governor Russell bad f \f \ bo6n" rVeloctod for three reasons first , his [ , ij personal popularity ; second , the prohibition Lr5-voto ; third , because ho denied on the stump every democratic doctrine. Mr. liutlor of lonn ( Jets I'uimy. Mr. Butler ot Iowa said that them was a circus In town. The grand royal combina tion , the great and only monopolistic aggre gation , the allied union of protective oper allves baa sounded its fish horn , declaring its grand opening with moro Pharisees to the dorpn thun over sent forth their praises in the streets of tbo old Jerusalem [ laughter ] und such mon to speak about the duties of true statesmanship I The republicans claim tbat they nlono were patriots , when tholr every act of legislation relative to foreign countries bad been on insult to the American Hag. They had compared our country with tthcr nations , nnd , for shame , had declared our inability to compete with them in ordi nary affairs of life. Mr. Do Forest of Connecticut inveighed ncaftist the rules of the last congress nnd the decisions made under them and approved the proposed codo. Branching off to a short discussion of the sliver question bo declared that if a fruo coinage bill was passed by this congress it would not go out with the stamp of endorsement of the democratic party upon it. Seemed to lie n MlmimlcrHtnmllng. Mr. Dlngloy of Maine said that the gentle man from Illinois , Mr. Springer , In a speech delivered In New York had declared that this bouso would not pass a free silver bill. He also understood that the gentleman from I'cxas. Mr. Lanham , had withdrawn his amendment giving the committee on coinage , weights and measures leave to report at any time , on the assurance of the gentleman of Missouri , Bland , that it was unnecessary. There seamed to bo some misunderstanding somewhere and bo wished to call the atten tion of the gentleman from Illinois to tbo matter. Mr. Springer 1 did not make the state ment thnt this house would not pass a free coin ago bill. Mr. Dlngloy I understood tbo gentleman to bo so reported. Will the gentleman please state what ho did sayl Mr. Springer I said that a free coinage bill would not become a law because your president would vote It. Hooker of Mississippi moved to strike from tbo rules the provision making It always in order to call up for consideration a report from the committee on rules and prevent dilatory motions being made pending such consideration. , Springer of Illinois earnestly opposed the motion and gave bis hearty approval to the i > ulo reported by the committee on rulos. Ills Maiden Talk. FV Mr. Bailey of Texas , the youngest member ' f iho house and who oamo to Washington i 'with < quilo n reputation for oratory , then took the floor and ho fully justified that reputation , His remarks were directed to nn advocacy of Mr. Hooker's motion. Ho opposed the rule as reported , because it wns nn essential departure from the ttadltlons Of the domocratlo party n departure which ho was unwilling to sco bocouio n law of tbo house except over his respectful protest. Chlpman of Michigan opposed the rule , which ho contended was following a bad precedent. Ealoo of Tennessee preferred the business of the house should bo resulatod by a com mittee on order of business , but if that could not bo done ho was in favor of tbo proposed rulo. rulo.Buchanan Buchanan of Now Jersey advocated the rule as an enlargement of tbo liberty of rep resentatives and not a contraction thereof. thu rillliiutrr , Brocklnridpe of Kentucky thought that all talk about the filibuster amounted to nothing but a scarecrow. As a rule , the filibuster was a first rate follow. Fifteen yoara ago he bad prevented tbo force bill from being put upon the south , ( This allusion to Mr. Randall - dall was rfreoted with applause. ! The fill- buitor bad defeated the education bill , It wns uot true that the filibuster was entirely to bo cut. It was well sometimes to bo on good terms with him. Mr , Oatos offered an amendment providing for the appointment of a committee on order of business to consist of flftoon members ( ton democrats nnd five opposition ) which guould bavo leave to report at any tl mo , and of which the speaker should boox-ofllcio chairman. After further debate , but without action , tbo bouse adjourned until tomorrow. During tbo debate on the contested rule several of the democratic leaders had held an Informal conference aud discussed the wis dom of calling a party caucus to secure unity of action among the democratlo mombors. It was finally decided that such a course was imperative , and Immediately after adjourn * mout tbo caucus was announced for tomor row evening at 7:30. : The Death Hull. Nsw VOIIK , Jan. 29. General Henry A. llarnum , port waruon of this city anil ono of the most distinguished veterans of the late war , died this morning , Intettlffutlni ? the Cunudinn H ( ' ndul. MOSTRBAL , Can , Jau , 29. The royal com- mjsslon investigating iho charges ot corrup tion ngalust the late Quoboo government uu * convened bore. Brokers Davoluy and Sonocnl , who acted for the party having ac counts against the government , testified that they usually got 40 per cent commission for tholr services nnd that portions of their emoluments went to the Montreal political agtint of the government nnd -Premier ' Louis Gouin Scnocal Morclcr's son-in-law , , nlono having paid Gouin000. . 5.i ir KXCITISO TIMBS ix VHILT. An American Womnn TclN of Her Thrilling Kxpcrlrncm In Snnttitgo. Souni BBND , Ind. , Jau. 29. Mrs. Edwin Dodd of this city bos just returned from San tiago , Uhlll , where she has been the last year , during which time she mot with some thrilling experiences. She was there during the Balmnccda troubles and bus much to say in roforcnco to them. Sbo wns in Santiago teaching in a loading college at the time of the disturbances and sav many dangerous nnd peculiar situations. "The attitude of the country toward the United States is ono of extreme hatred , " said sho. "Tro people are far behind the times. I found Santiago society in an ox- tremol.v demoralised state , Tbo city con tnlns about 200,000 Inhabitants and is ono of the wickedest places on the globe. Statis tics show It has moro gambling dons than nny city la the world. BalmaceJa was a man of progressive ideas and instituted many reforms , which caused the opposition to inaugurate the rebellion which resulted in his overthrow. After the trouble no one wns allowed on tbe streets after dark with out n pass. The bells were ordered silent in case of lire , as their ringing might excite Iho people , consequently there wore many de vastating conflagrations. No ono was allowed to wear anything of a rod color , as that was tbo color ot the rebels. "Ono evening wo were walking on the streets , when suddenly around the corner appeared a troop of soldlors , followed by n mob of greasy , dirty natives , looking moro llko savages than civilized beings. In a moment's time , it seems , the streets were filled with people and the air rang with shouts of 'Vive 1'opposition. ' Guns were fired and rod bunting appeared everywhere. Women rushed to the stores nnd bought everything In the dry goods line that Dad red In it. They distributed it among the mob. The women all through the trouble were nearly all on the sldo of the opposition and worked many secret schemes to aid tbo cause , oven to concealing small printing presses In their homes , upon which were printed llttlo incendiary speeches , copies of which the woman carried about and dis tnbutod from house to bouse under their cloaks. In many cases families were divided , the greater majority of the moro Intelligent being for Balmadooo. . "After the Itnta affair the Chilians be came greatly incensed at our country and tholr hatred has been growing moro and moro bitter all the timo. These who kept United States goods were compelled to secrete them or sell them as being imported from other countries. The warlike feeling throughout all Chill is strong and tbe rank and file believe they can easily whip the United States. Martinez , the member of the Chamber of Deputies who voted ngatnst apologizing to the United States , is a fire eater of the worst description. Fcnra Another Outrage. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 29. Lieutenant McCrenono of the officers of the cruiser Bal timore who acted as interpreter at the secret examination ot the Baltimore's sailors by tbo Valparaiso criminal court , said today tbat the passions of the Chilian populace could not bo curbed nud that they were certain to break out before long in some uow Indignity ncnmst American sailors or Americnn'intor- osts. Ho said tbat tbo present oxcitomoni among the young hot-heads at Santiago and ' Valparaiso'ls only part of n general senti ment omong all the people , and.ihnt , in his judgment , there would occur within thu next year an outrage fully as grave as the assault upon the sailors of the Baltimore. * Only u Itrlof Cabinet .Meeting. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 29. The cabinet mooting today was unusually brief. The brevity of the session was taken to moan nothing important I'cnnsylvunliv Republicans Approve. Piiii.ADEi.PniA' Pa. , Jan. 29. The repub lican state committee today adopted a resolu tion commending President Harrison's ability in handling the Chilian dispute. SCIINKIDUlt AND HIS HOIUIID WIFE. Scntonco of Dcnth 1'uonecl Upim Two Cold- Vloodud Murderers. VIENNA J n. 29. The sensational Schnei der murder trial ended today. The jury found Schneider and his wife guilty and both prisoners were sentenced _ to death. For cold blooded cruelty this case stands almost without a parallel In the annals of crime in this city. The evidence against the accused was overwhelming , but Frau Schneider until yesterday * stoutly main tained tbnt her husband was alone responsi ble for the death of the girls. Schneider described in detail bis method of doing away with the girls. Ho would ao to the room occupied by tbe girl last employed by bla wife , and despite bor pravors and eu- treatlos would criminally assault her. It was thought by tba police that ho first chloroformed bis victims , but In bis confes sion Schneider said they were always con scious when ho attacked them. Horrible as It may appear , his wife ac companied him and aided him In tbo ac complishment of this fiendish crime , and afterwards she would grasp the hands of tbo victim while Schneider clutched tbo poor girl by the throat und choked her to death , Tbo same course was pursued In the case of all the eight victims. After the girls were dead Schneider and bis wlfo would convoy the bodies to a wood clobO to their homo , whore they would strip their victims of their clothing which , together with tbo contents of tbo girls' luggage , they would afterwards sell , The Schneider trial , however , has been marked by the presence of a very large num ber ot stylishly dressed Indies , who leveled tholr lorgnettes and closely scanned the features of tbo prisoners , Some oftho ; ovl- donco was of a nature to bring a blush to most any cheek , but those ladles , though some of thorn did blush at certain parts of tbo testimony , were so eager to hear every word of the outrages , murders and robberies that they conquered their natural Inclination to leave tbo court room , and galnintr courage from tbo many women present they remained and had tboir curiosity gratified. The public prosecutor in his speech against the prisoners gave a most , vivid description of the fiendish character of the crimes and bo dwelt at length upon the cruelty , heart- lessuess and lack ot all womanly fooling manifested bv Frau Schneider in enticing tbo girls to her home , wbero sbo know death would bo tholr fate. He dwelt , too. upon the perverted nature of the woman which had led bor to become an accomplice of her hus band In the gratification of Ills animal pas sions nnd induce her to take advantage of her sex to procure victlus for bis lust. There wns a great sensation in iho court room when at tbo conclusion of his speech the publlo prosecutor straightened himself , and pointing with outstretched arm at Schneider , exclaimed ( n a loud tone , "Ho is a doomed man.1' ' Throughout tbo teniblo nrrilgumeut of tbo prisoners by tbo publlo prosecutor Schnoldor sat with bis bead clasped in bis hands and .showed no emotion whatever. His wife , though she lUJonod closely to the scathing words applied to her , remained perfectly cool and unmoved. When the death soutenco was passed upon them they showed no fear , but lUtonod to the fatufu ) words with uu air amounting almost to IndltToronco , - * - radii Collision on the Central. BviucifeE , N. Y. , Jan. B9 , In a collision this morning between two freight trains on the Now York Central road near hero ono man was killed and two moro fatally injured. Sued < iiv | ! | i UU Vimt. LONDON , Jan. 29 , Sued , the faster , today abandoned the uttompt to go without food for titty two days. Only eight moro days of the time remaiued. NEBRASKA AND IOWA'S ' CASE Boundary Line Dispute Finally Reached in the Supreme Oourt , IT MAY EVENLY DIVIDE EAST OMAHA History of the I'crlntllcit Chances I" the Ulvor'n Chnnnrl During the r st rifts ; Years Secretary Huik So\crcljr Criticises Dr. Hilling * . WASHINGTON Duunvu OP TUB BSB , ) B18 FOUIITP.ENTH STUBBT , f WsiiiNOTON , D. ( X. Jan. 29. J The disputed boundary casa between Iowa nnd Nebraska came up in the supreme court this afternoon. Nebraska was represented by J. M. Woolworth nnd O. J. Groon. and lown by Hon. Smith MoPhorsonof Rod Oak. The Issue Involved Is the land lying between the channel ot the river ns it was In 1810 nnd the present channel , Including Saratoga aud Busha's bond. Slnco 1S40 the river channel bos changed n score of times. In 1851 , when it wns first surveyed and meandered , the Iowa sboro passed through government lot 1. in section 20 , on the northwest , nnd then swept to a point far east of the eastern termini of both bridges now standing. In 1850 it had oaten northward from the Nebraska - braska sldo nnd southward on the Iowa side. The survey ot 1877 showed the Iowa bank line crossing the southeast X of soctlon 31 , and sweeping northward in a horseshoe curve around and through soctlon 2. Nebraska claims the line of 1877 , which sun Insists was duo to gradual accretions to the shore lino. Iowa claims the old ilnoof 1S40 , far to the oast. Neither sldo holds claim to the present channel. The Nebraska claim , if allowed , will give about half of East Omaha to Nebraska. The Iowa claim , if admitted , will put practically the whole of that suburb la Iowa. Mr. Green made an able argument on the theory that the Btato was entitled to tha slow acccrotlons to Its batiks. Mr. Woolworth - worth lollowoa with nu explanation of the perplexing maps which accompanied the briefs and which were gridlronod with Hues showing the changes In the rlvor. There are few precedents bonrintr on tbo case and tha decision will bo largely based on conflicting testimony submitted with the briefs. Handled Without Glovci. Secretary Rusk has addressed a long letter to Senator Paddook reviewing the contro versy with Dr. Billings of the Nebraska oxperlmont station in regard to the cultiva tion of swino. Secretary Rusk handles Dr. Billings in this matter with ungloved hands , and says that his actions have been a dis grace to the state ; that the attacks of Dr. Billings bavo been so frequent , so virulent and so ungentlotnanly in tbolr language that it is considered a dlseraco , not only1 to Nebraska , but to the experiment stations as a wholo. The secretary regards the contro versy ns "n gross impropriety , since Dr. Bll- Imgs bos abused the secretary of agriculture and the chief of the ouroau of animal In dustry. " Ho states that be Is not making investi gations of experiment stations , as their work is essentially distinct from the scientific work of tbo Agricultural department , nnd that , it would bo an improorloty to Day'tno expenses of an investigation out of an ap propriation made by congress for tbo ad vancement of agricultural science. - ' Thinks Ho Was Kipose'il. ' The secretary declares that Dr. Billings , having been exposed and driven to the wuU , "finds it convenient to pass us a lone-suffer ing individual who has boon quietly laboring in the cause of science. " and that "in' this way and by reason of tno theory that Ne braska's interests have been neglected , .bo hopes to receive sympathy and support , " and after clamoring so long for an opourtunity to domonutrato the success of his Inoculation as a preventive to hog cholera , It was cer tainly ridiculous to find him evading the op portunity which Dr. Salmon gave him to make a test at Ottawa , III. ; that Dr. Billings wanted nu Investigation , but'not by sci entists ; that , instead of accepting that op portunity , ho did all bo could to delay tbo tests which were finally made , and It proves beyond a Question of doubt that Dr. Salmon was right in stating that inoculation was dangerous and may spread tbo disease. In this case fiO per cent of the hogs inoculated bv tbo Billings method have dlod from tbo effects and tbo disease has since spread to the hogs inoculated and also to those not in oculated. > "In the faoo of the fact of his unfailing recommendation of this method , " says bee- rotary Rusk , "and his statement ' that any farmer could safely use It , what 'more can bo said to show that ho cannot bo relied upon and that bis teachings are deceptive and dangerous ! The investigations having turned out as disastrously as his pretensions by the investigations of scientists made some years ago , bo now turns to the people of Ne braska and frankly calls upon them to stir themselves up and llttlo they know that they nro Nebraska's enemy and not the subjects of Jerry Rusk or bis department. If tbo state of NebrasKa chooses to keep such a man ot this kind In such a conspicuous position , paying him $ ) , GOO a year and allow film to expend the station's fund , 1 suppose she has tbo power to do so , out bor people cannot fall to sco that this Is a discredit and disgrace which ho brings upon bor fair uume. " Miscellaneous. President H. Wbarton Amordlng of the American Society for the Preventing of Adulteration ofFood , writes Senator Pad dock today from the society's headquarters in Philadelphia : "Wo were pleased recently that Hon. Charles F. Crisp , who has had in charge the purn food bill in tbo house , de clared it to bo essential at this session to pass the bill. Wo trust you and Mr. Crisp will lose o opportunity in securing the enact ment of the measure. You are certainly entitled - titled to tbo warmest thanks ot the whole people for your earnest and determined ef forts last session , " Senator Paddock is urging the appoint ment of Mrs. John J. Nesbitt to tbo vacancy in the North Platte laud ofllco. Mrs. Senator Manderson bold a largely At tended reception yesterday. She was as sisted in receiving among others by Miss Summers and Mrs. W. E , Annln of Omaha. J. C. Messenger was today appointed post master at Saxon , Wayne county , la. , vice \V. B. Bryant , resigned. Miss Nettle Sweet of Idaho was today ap pointed to a clorksnlp la tbo Treasury de partment upon the recommendation of Sena tors Dubols nnd Shoup. Colonel S. U. Maglll of South Dakota called upon President Harrison today. Assistant Secretary Chandler today Af firmed tbo decision In the pre-emption case of Joel L. Buskirk of Aberdeen , S. D. reject ing his final proof. P. S. H. JfKH S i'OH TltK .111311' . Complete Ilst of Changes In the Jleculur Service Yeitorduy , WASHINGTON , D. O. , Jan. 29. [ Special Telegram to THE HEB.J Tbo following army orders were issued today : The leave of abscnco on surgeon's certificate of disability granted Captain Goorzo W. Crabb , Fifth artillery , November 14,1601 , Is extended ono mouth on surgeon's certificate of disability. Leave of abicnoo for tUioou days , to take effect on or about February 0 , 18'.tt ' , Is granted First Lloutonaut Charles J. Stone , Ninth cavalry. Western I'ennions. WASHINGTON' , D. C. , Jau , 29 , fRpeclal Telegram gram to TUB BUB. ] The following list of pensions granted is reported by TUB BBB and Examiner Bureau of Claims : . Nebraska ; Original Albert Ovvou , Judson Graves , Franz Horzer , Wlllinm Canpland , Kli Uowors , William A. Schamp , Thomas U. Bedalu , James T , Leech , Noah Dudley , Henry Austin , Jonathan Miller , Ell C. Coleman - man , Peter F. Asholman , Joseph Den ton , Frederick Werner , Calvin S. Barber , Joseph T. Hik' , William Hoffman , Julian Dollies. Increase Thomas M. Scott. Original wid ows Knto Brown. Iowa : Original James Robinson , James L. Jordan , John Slmoni Albert'A. * Klngsley , Francis V Griffith , William AJ j lloy , Wil liam N. Lumraoy , Michael C&hjyv Albert L. Downard. Benjamin F. Uo n , U6orgo Hnyos. Alvln E. Tonnent , Ellas Hi ICe > cs , Samuul J , Casudy , Orvl * Foster , ) Ijovfis J , Molsol , James Jackson , David "H. Orlppnn , William J , Fish , James Deveroaux , , Churloi P. Hood , Charles Fox , James H , Uahlll ( deceased ) . Reissue John Drown , vTohn Snss ( deceased ) . Original widows Elizabeth Cahlll. rowiut or IUNO CAUCUS. It Will Ho Invoked to'hrlnR ; DemoerntR Into I.lne on the Kllvcr Duration. WASHINGTON , D. O. , ( Jnn ) 20. Tbo decree of King Caucus is to bo invoked to settle the silver question In the democratic party. This was decided upon today. The opponents of free coinage bavo taken' the initiative m de manding a party caucus. Representative Hnrtcr of Ohio has circulated n petition among the democratic members of the house for n caucus to bo hold Frjday. Hartor had no difficulty m getting many more than the requisite number of signatures to the call , and on the presentation ol the paper Mr. Holman stated that ho wov d at ouco issue tbo call. The democratic caucus is on legislative matters have never been regarded as abso lutely binding on members /of the house aud a talk with a number of-democrats made it ovidout that the caucus' determination on the silver question would have loss of a bind- ng force than n caucus on alma at any other question. Tno call was circulated by nntl- silver mon. It Is a restricted , and not n binding caucus call , A number of free coin age democrats who were soon said they did not bollovo the antts would abide by a de cision tnvorablo to free silver. A great mnny mon both for and agalns silver would refuse to go into a CAUCUS unless assured that it would not be regarded- binding. Air. Bacon of Now York and others refused to sign the call. Mr. Bland when told that d'caucus call was in circulation and asked U ho would go into it and abide by its decision said ! "I don't want to be Interviewed on tbat now , 1 want to wait and see what is aono. " Mr. Williams of Massachusettsnu nntl- frco colnaeo democrat on the committee , admitted that ho know'of tne call , but ho bad not signed it. Ho could not bo Induced to make answer as to whether or not ho would go Into such a caucus. Will Vote for Tree Silver. Mr. Robertson , the Loulsnn * member ot the coinaeo committee , said : "I am going to vet for a free coinage bill in committee nnd In the houso. I have no objection to its discussion 111 caucus ; but on the silver ques tion I propose to vote according to the wisbos of my constituents whd elected mo on a frco silver plank. I boltev&tbls caucus , If any is held , will emanate t from the anti- silver men , and that if a .majority ot the caucus should bo for froosilver ! ? they would not bo bound by it , and on thatt-quostlon wo have an example in casQ of Williams and Hoar of Massachusetts , who Would not oven nbido by the caucus decision oii'tho speaker- ship because of the silver , question. And , " added Mr. Robertson , "t wont-voto for any international conference to * 'sidetrack the issuo. " Air. Tathnm of Texas , an icarnest free sil ver man , said : "Boforo I nAs ver the ques tion I want an anlwer to thl question , 'Will the anti-silver men abide by % bf caucus ) ' " Tbo manner of rospoilsa stio\fed Mr. lian- ham's own opinion on the h.ueitlon. Do Xot Itexp'cct CnucuK'ifAmliUcs. Mr. Pierce of TennqiloS yrhoforcod ; ! the free silver fight at the very'flssfmoo ting of the coinage mooting , said : "I expectrto- * tbero if u caucus is Ttreld'dnd sea what'is done. The outcome of tho. caucus will do- pond'upon the democrats who go into it. I came hero instructed for' roe sllve , and if a frco coinage bill Is presented in the houso' I am going to vote "for itnoc | beliovinsthat the representatives of other constituencies on tbo floor have the right to.blna and make me vote against the Instructions of my own people ple , as is certain issues , U iut Ilka a party platform. Whatever ray/pixrty says "In its party platform I shall standby. The eastern democrats would not agree to bo bound by caucus action on the silver question , as was evidenced by tbe action's of Messrs. Hoar and Williams of Massachusetts , who refused to vote for Speaker Crisp , a free coinage man. because he would no ; pledge himself in writing to throttle silver legislation on this iloor. Then how can they expect free silver mon to bo so bound ! " AFTER THE Wnr Against the Dotoctlve * In nunitocl ( In CiuiRrcHs bjr thoAllluiico , WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jaiu flU The farmers alliance sounded tha war ory against the Piukortons today. They/ decided that tbo detective agency shall be thoroughly Investi gated by the bouso and legislation bo enacted to suppress abuses alleged to bo practiced by this quasl-mllltla organization. Some days ago Representative Watioi ) , farmers alliance member from Georgia , prasoritod a resolution instructing the committee op judiciary to in vestigate quickly and as Julfy as ponlblo tbe Plnkerton agonoy nod report to the house its methods. "It Is oar intention. " said Mr. Watson to an Associated Press reporter today , "to push ' this thing to the blttor e..d < This resolution is a party measure with tbo farmers alliance representatives. Wo think1 that for corpora tions to arm and equip a standing army to settle their difficulty with their laborers by war Is reducing tbo government to anarchy , The laborers have no right to maintain a stunning army tp light the cor porations and the corporations have no right to maintain a standing army to fight tbo laborers. If the government is not strong enough to deal with these people nnd settle tholr disputes from a government stand point , then there is an end of tha rule of law and the beginning of rule of that party which can equip the heaviest Datalljons. The Plnkorton. detective agencies , viewed in the light of their actual prAcUces are but a standing militia , subject to tbo heck and call of th6 capitalists. They carry out the orders of the capitalists , no matter to what bloodshed those orderfTra" f lead , and they do it totally irrespective of Ithefrights of the other party. If nrmod intervention is to come ai all , it should como front tbo army of an Impartial magistrate , tat or federal , which recognizes that t her * wM two sides to all labor questions and that5- the rights of both are to oo considered , AVeVant to serve notice to tbo bouso and Ihic'ommlttoo today tbat wo expect action upoft'thls matter and will protest against unr6d ! &nablo delay , either in committee or in ttfe > houso. " Representative Simpson of Kansas , for tbo farmers alliance of tUe wiSst'expressed the same sentiments as Roprdipntativo Watson of Georgia. / > "Tho resolution will bo reputed unfavora bly , " suld Mr. Oatoa tonlghi'for tbo reason that congress Has no pofy rte take away from the states tbo rogulatWu ° f this matter. As tbo chairman of thostjbcjamtnlUo to which this was referred , I callod'upoa Mr , Watson to furnish us with tbo charter of tbo Pinkerton - ton agency , so that wo might see whether its regulation was something within the grant of power to oongrcs * . and whether wo bad the right to legislate upon it. If wo huvo no rlgbtto legislate upon It , then , in ray opin ion , wo have no right to'ihqulro into it. " lloll > lu' I'rraldunUiti CHliilliliitoB , [ CopyrhiMtd tWi \Jafi\'J \ Onnlon IltnnM , } Li PI.IZA ( via Galvestoit " , Tex , ) , Jan. 23. [ By Mexican Cable to"tho Kew York Herald Special to THE Bue. " | The liberal party of Bolivia proclaims General Camacbo ns its candidate for prqUont. Del Mariano Baptosta has boon named by tho-natlonuls as their candidate , tf Denied In I'mucv. PAIIIS , Jan. 23 , The r pirt that Mr. Reid intends lo rcMgn the oftlco of United States minister to Franco is denied by ( be officials of the United Stuius legation here , DEPUTY FIST BOUND OVER Ho Will Ba Compelled to Explain Adams County's Shortage , SUBSTANCE OF THE TESTIMONY I'ntronn of thn Court UVro Ilvipmliitrd | In Not llcnrliiff n Dot iillril Story or thn Amiir from the Defendant - fondant Yrntrnlay. HASTINGS. Nob. , Jnu. 20. | Spoclal Tele gram to Tnc BF.B. ] The preliminary trial of E. Fist for embezzlement and aiding in om- bczzlomontwas continued todnvbotoro Judge Burton , The rumor that Mr. Fist , who , since his arrest has refused to speak or give his version of the affair , would bo on the stand , wns enough to cause ft good deal ot curiosity nnd Insure a largo crowd of specta tors. tors.Tho The prosecution recalled Paul , who Identified several statements of the balances between himself and Adams county as havjnjr boon made by Deputy Fist , On these statements , those known as the Cherry itomi do not appear , although they should so appear. Mr. Paul said that ho never , at nnv time , dtctatod to Mr. Fist how ho should keen the books , but trusted en tirely to bis honesty and integrity. J. M. Ferguson , ox-cashier of the defunct Cltv National bank , was called by the de fense. He identified n numborof deposit slips as being in Charles H. Paul's band- writing , the defense evidently wishing to show that the mnnoy turned over by Collec tor Cherry had boon deposited in tbo bank by Mr. Paul to his own credit. Contrary to expectations , the defense did not Introduce Fist as a witness on his own behalf , but rested after Receiver Lymor of the City National bank had given some un important testimony. The promised sensa tion In Fist's testimony was denied tbo pu bile. County Attorney Hooppnor opened the arguments for the stnto and M. A. Hirtlgan for the defense , followed by his colleague , George W. TIbbots. General A. H. Bowen closed for the state. Judge Burton then- gave his reasons for deciding as ho did in a manner , and then do- elded that the defendant must bo bound ever to appear before tbo district court , and fixed the bonds at $10.000. The statement yesterday that Treasurer Paul know of the < $31 , 000 .shortage in Jan uary , 1691 , should have road December , 1801. CLOSED AVJ.TII A HANQUUT. Conclusion of the Ajiinml Scmlon of the Nobrnnkii 1'ren * Association. FHCMOST , Nob. , Jan. 29. [ Special Tolo- grara to Tun BEB.J The Nebraska Press as sociation closed its twentieth annual session today. Tbo business meetings were full of interest and the discussions were all of great profit. The attendance was largely increased over yesterday. The total enrollment was nearly double that of any previous mooting of the association. Columbus was chosen ns the place for holding the next mooting. A resolution was adopted favoring liberal financial aid for making a creditable exhibit at the World's fair. Ofllcers were chosen as follows : F. G. Simmons , Seward Reporter , president ; Ross Li. Hamnioud , Fremont Tribune , secretary t C. M. Hubner , Nebraska City News ; Edgar Howardj .Papilllon Times ; M. H. Barber , Fullerton Journal ; _ A.C. , Jordan' , Beatrice Express ; H , M. Crane , 'Blobmlngton Eollo ; L. J. Simmons , Harrison Journal , vice presi dents , Delegates to the National association at San Francisco in May wore chosen as fol lows : T. E. 'Sodgowick , J. S. Hildcbrnnd , R. H. Wnhlq'uistjS. R. Kazoo , C. W. Hyatt , E. VV. Corroll , A. S. Bixby. A carriage drive about tbe city and a visit to the Normal. college and manufacturing institu tions were features of the afternoon. The session closed with a grand banquet this evening. _ * " Stubbed During u Quarrel , EI.YIHA , Nob. , Jan. 29. fSpoclal to THE BEE. ] Two farmers living near this place named Anderson and Mooks became engaged in an altercation concerning the rent of some land which Meeks bad leased to Anderson. A flgat ensued in which Anderson stabbed Mooks in the loft side with a pooket knife , inflicting an ugly and painful , yet not fatal wound. _ Drank Carbolic Acid. KEARNEY , Nob. , Jan. 29. [ Special Telegram gram to 'Inn Bee. ] A 2-year-old child of John R. Mitchell died this afternoon from a draught of carbolic acid which It drank on Tuesday. Will Adopt the .Springer 1'ollcy. WASUINOTO.V , D. C. , Jan. 29. The demo cratic members of the ways and means com mittee of the bouso this morning unani mously adopted the Springer policy and decided to attack tbo McKlnley tariff by various separata bills. Nothing was said about which particular feature of the present law should bo first at tacked and this will "bo left to future deter mination. Mr. McMillin declined to atato what ho or any other gentleman had said in committee , but did not hesitate to give it as his judgment that a general bill was preferable to individ ual or separate bills. Ho believed tbat the demooratio position on the tariff was now stronger than ovor. Ho did not think a loss vigorous policy should bo adopted ngnlnst the present McIClnloy law than was adopted against the former tariff law , whoso average rain of duty was 45 per cent. If that rate re quired a general revision , as. was claimed by all democrats , tbo requirements of good leg islation were not loss against the present law , which imposed an average duty of 00 per cent and , in addition , surrendered the right of imposing taxation to the president. Butanyono knowing him would not doubt tbat whatever policy the party determines to adopt will receive bis earnest support lotvn K 11 pro i mi Court DcrUlong. DBS MOI.NKS , la. , Jau. 20. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BBE.J The supreme court today handed down the following decisions : State of Iowa ox rei'P. Farrell , county at torney , et al , plaintiffs vs Christina Closs- nor , Plymouth district , dismissed ; in re- estate of Elizabeth Hunter , James Hunter , at al , appellants , Johnson district , reversed ; Nlmrod Lease vs John Franklin , VVasblng- ton district , reversed : Oskaloosa Water company vs Board of Equalization of city ot Oskaloosa , appellant , Mahaska district , at- firmed ; Q. O , Buck , appellant , vs Clark El- lenbolt , Clayton district , afilrmod ; D. P. Jonulcgs , plaliitlfT , vs O , D. Bacon , Clayton district , alllrmod ; Lucy Wlnitod , appellant , vs J. M. Huffman , Johnsoo district , af firmed , lllniBcir to Driith. FOHT DOKOB , la , , Jan. 29. [ Special Tele gram to TiiuBBB.J Hcnnlng Pctenon , a tailor in the Plymouth Clothing house hero , laughed hlmselt Into death's door last even- ii't' . His risibility was excited by a comlo song and his laughter soon became uncon trollable , though not resembling hysterics. Al the end of an hour Peterson was com pletely exhausted nnd became unconslblo. All efforts to arouse him bavo been in vain. It is thought bo will olo. Captured it Murderer , , Pa. , Jan , 29 , Sheriff Wea ver ot Plorro , S. D. , arrested and has taken Dae is to tbnt place J.V. . Lafevere , cbarpod with tbo murder of Miss Gardner lait May , Alllunco G'ongrt'Mmi'ii Split , NEW VOHK , Jan. 29. A Washington special says that Jerry Simpson , Wot- ton of Georgia and Otli of Kansas have ipllt from the otbcr ulllauco uiombor * of the hou o because they objected to n prop osition mndo bv the iattor that they cast their lot with the democrats. It N snld the diniculty is too serious lo bo healed , rho nllnnoo mon who favor working wlin the democrats have decided to Intro duce bills to put on the free list nil articles considered ns necessities to fanners nnd by securing the pass o of those measures to so reduce iho revenues that a deficit in the treasury will bo created. This much accom plished the alliance members would compel congress to Issue legal tender treasury notes to cover the amount of tho'deficit , security to bo furnished by these rccolvlntr the notes In accordance with tha sub-treasury plan , ( ] it.l\Tlil > A STAr. On % p Will Ho fllvpn Another Chnncc for HI * Mfe. Dnxvnii , Colo. , Jan. 29. Dr. Graves , who Is under sentence of death for tie poisoning of Mrs. Josephine Bnrnnby of Providence , R. I , , wns mode extremely happy today by the action of the Colorado supreme court which granted n stay of proceedings until his case can oo noted upon In that court nt nome future timo. The nuporscdcas reads ns follows ; Thli cause coming on now to bo hoard upon the motion of ssld p'nlntllT In error of the nl- loWMicn of a writ of error heroin alid that said writ of error to bo made to operate ns n miliorsedoas ; and upon IiupectUm of the rec ord of proceedings of said district court ns nlio the assignment uf error thereunto ut- ttiuhcd ; nnd upon consideration thereof nnd bolni ; of thn the opinion that a writ of error nnd suporsvdvns Mioiild bo allowed In his cause it was ordered by the court thnt the writ of error prayed for herein bo and U hereby allowed nnd that tho.sumu bo made to operate us a luncrscduns lo stay execution of the sentence ofdniith pronounced by said district court upon the said T. Thatuhor Graves until the further order of this court In the promises. Hut that such writ of error nnd snpcrscdcas shall not operate to discharge Kiild pliilntllT In error from custody or to otherwise ulToct pro ceedings In pursuance of law and the JIKIR- inont of said district court. And that a certi fied copy of this order bodollvorod to the wnr- don of the penitentiary. The news of the doctor's good luck reached Canon City about 1 o'clock this nftarnoon nnd was received by the citizens of that place with approval. When the news was con voyed to the doctor by the wnrdon ot the penitentiary his face brightened up nnd was soon wrenthod in smiles , although it is n re sult Dr. Graves hns all alone predicted. He conversed cheerfully concerning his case aud gave it as his opinion tbat ho would soon bo granted a now trial and acquitted. The time for Dr. Graves' execution WHS fast approaching , as it would have occurred souio time next week hod not the stay of pro ceedings been granted. On account of the largo amount of business before the supreme court it cannot now bo said when Dr. Graves' case will bo reached. LIQUOtt HOKSSa IX IOWA. Domocmtla Hmvkeyo Srimtors Agree to Support the Schmidt lllll. DBS MOINCS , In. , Jan. 29. The democratlo senators in caucus this morning decided to support the Schmidt liquor license bill and bavo tbo same up for discussion Wednesday next. In the senate this morning bills were in troduced as follows : To provide for the col lection and tabulation of statistics of live stocu aud crops ; to amend the military cede and Increase the oftlcloncy of the national guard ; to amend the law providing for the relief of soldiers and sailors. Bills were passed ns follows ; House bill to legalize the Incorporation and acts of Thorn- burg , Kookuk county , and College Springs , , Page county , aud tbe ecnato bill to provide for the payment ot fees to tbo mayor of cities and towns when acting s Justice ot the peace. Adjourned till tomorrow morning. Tbo house was deluged with petitions this morning * asking for u change in the exemption laws and that the direct tax re fund be devoted to the erection of a soldlors * monument. The senate resolution providing for the printing of 10,01X1 railway maps of the state was concurred in. A concurrent reso lution was adopted asking congress to pass the Hatch option bill , A bill wns introduced to provide for tbo improvement of the national guurd and tbo house then adjourned untllTuc day morning. OFFICE OF WEATHER BUREAU , 1 OMAHA. Jnn. 29. f The storm approaching from the extreme northwest is croatlng a warm area in the upper Missouri valley whisb will probably develop into a warm wave nnd extend east and southward. Temperature at Hclonn , Mont. , was 50 ° and ntAsiinibolno C20 last ovenlng. Following the storm now in the St. Lawrence - ronco valley light snows occurred in the lake region. Cloudiness and scattered light rains prevail in the southwest. Elsowtioro the weather has boon fair and mild. The maxi mum temperature nt North Platte was 50 ° , Valentino52 ° . Rapid City 04 = and Dodge Citv , Kan. , 80 = . For Eastern Nebraska Warmer ; fair weather on Saturday : warmer on Sunday. For Omaha and Vicinity Continued fair weather , growing warmer till Sunday ovenlng. WAsmxnTov , D. C. , Jon. 29. For Missouri and Kansas Generally fair ; variable winds. For Colorado Generally fair ; varlablo winds. For Montana Generally fair ; cooler Sat urday night ; southwest winds. For Minnesota and South Dakota Gener ally fair ; warmer. For Iowa and Nebraska Fair nnd warmer Saturday night ; variable winds. flOI.I ) HlLr.'H -FZ/ JIAJIY. Old CltlzeiiH of the Town Much Intercntoil In the I.itlimt Arrluil. SARATOGA , Wyo. , Jan. 29 , [ Special to THE Bcu.J All now arrivals at Gold Hill havoin- variably boon shown great courtesy and n duo amount of attention. But the addition to the family of Landlord A. W , Alnsworth of the Acme hotel , last Sunday , is the pot of the camp. The birth of the first baby at Gold Hill and that a boy Is regarded as an event of great importance. Great prepara tions are making for the christening , which will probably take place on the day when the first cleanup on the Downey stamp mill is irado. It Is suggested that some souvenir for the child of the camp , as young Mr , Alns- worth is known , should bo manufactured from the first bullion shipment. Mother an < ! child uro reported to bo doing well. SHOT AT THIS JHM1 , Hut He Hit JIU Kneinf anil Must Aniivor Tor Attempted Murdur. ' HOT Sl'KlNO ? , S , D. , Jan , 29 , | bpoclol Telegram to TUB HUE , ] On November 10 , 16'Jl , U W. Handy of Dudley , this county , roturnlug from a hunting expedition accom panied by his dog , mot an acquaintance , A. J , Engstrom , ot ibis place , also accompanied by hit dog. In the course of u few moments a dog fight was in full bloom. Engstrom , seizing a club , went to hit Hand.y's dog , whereupon Handy emptied his shotgun Into EtiK trom , thereby increasing his weight by two ounces of No. 8 bird shot. Tbo case of the state of South Dakota against L. W. Handy on the charge of attempting to kill Engstrom came up in the district court today. Handy clalmv bo shot at tbo dog , The jury is now out. Houth Dukntn Hunk I'nlU , HOT Si'iiisos , S , D. , Jon. 29-Tho Fall Rlvoc County bank at Oolrlchs has assigned for the benefit of creditors. Ills supposed the liabilities are about $28,000. , The asiots are entirely Inadequate to cover tbo liabili ties , It said , Another JMUnlii ) , ' Scow llccovrrcil , NKW YoitK , Jun , 29-Tbo third of the miss ing scows has boon recovered ninety miles off Sandy Hook , and the half famished mon on board were brought to Brooklyn this mom- Ing. There are ton men on the two boat * still missing , GARZA BREAKS INTO MEXICO ft Strong Band the Boyolu- , ist Grosses the Border , ARMED AND MOUNTED t Attempt * In Stipprrs * .Troitlilo . mill HIP Newspn- [ > Perfect lyHllmt ConK - K the Situation. ST. LouWUTui Jan. 29. Addltlonnl mf- vices from the Mexican border confirm the report that Gnrza hns crossed Into Mexico with about 5,000 well nrmod and niquntoj Mexicans. Ho has another band In the Santa Rosa moun loins country numbering nbout 1,800 men. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jan. 30. A prlvixto letter - tor from n well Informed gentleman In the City of Mexico contnlns the following : "Tho ofllclnl nnd subsidized newspapers hero nt the capital Insist thnt perfect oonco reigns on the frontier nnd thnt the country was never more quiet. It looks ns though every possible effort wns bolng made to pro- vonttlio news of the Garza movement from being made public. The newspaper press la so silent on the subject thnt It seems to bo afrnld to publish news from the frontier. Whenever the opposition papers venture to malto mention of Garza aim his operations , the subsidized papers immediately begin to threaten the opposition editors with arrest or Imprisonment. "Private ndvlcos which roach bora from the northern frontier would 3 com to liullcato that theoondltion nf affairs there merits moro attention than the authorities are willing to aamlt. Mexican revolutions in times past have had oven smaller boglnnlngs."fcTbo ar gument that thh country hus made so grout progress in the lost decade that revolutions nro muoh more dllllcult than formerly has much fnrco. There Is force also in the fact that the military mon are not only dluldont , bilt at the snmo time the element of discon tent Is unimportant and thooaso of communi cation makes It possible for the opponents of the government In the various states to act In haraiony much more readily than In former times. "All the Information that reaches hero In dicates that the people of the northern fron tier are not hostile to President Diaz , but to the oRlcials whom bo has njipolntod. It Is al leged that these ofllcials do not keep the cen tral government correctly Informed of the true stuto of affairs in the north. At the snmo time there Is little If any doubt that the men associated with Garza are entitled to scant respect. They are characterized ns a 'bad crowd. ' No ono expects them to tri umph , but it Is feared that they may cause much trouble and that their example may stimulate similar elements in other parts of the country to nrmod disorder. If this should provo to bo the case , the progress ot the country will ho retarded. " UH lilt , Andrew ItorJoHHon Suitors the Dcnth Penalty lit Mtehlleld , Conn. LiTCiiPiEM ) , Conn. , Jan. 29. Andrew Borjosson wns hanged in the Jail bora this morning for the murder of his sweetheart , Emma Anderson , in Now Mllford early on tbo morning of August 1 , 1895. Borjesson nnd Emma Anderson , wore play mates In Sweden and Borjcsscn caino first to L this country and securod-work on a farm m Mow Milford county. Ho saved money for two years nnd then wont to Sweden nnd In duced bis brother Charles and bis playmate Emmawbo , at that time became his promised bride , to return with him. Emma secured a situation on a farm about two miles from where her lever was employed. This was about a your before the murdor. Andrew be came dissipated nnd Emma Insisted tbnt their engagement should bo broken. At this Andrew became furious nnd swore ven geance. From time to time ho visited Emma and persisted in his suit , till at last at the request of the girl , Emma's employer paid him10 which bo had expended in bringing Emma from Sweden and ro- guostcd him to keep oft the promises. On the night before the murder Andrew wont to the villuco of Now Mllford and drank hoavilv , starting for homo lute in the evening. Ho did not enter his cm- plovoq'H house , but sat under a shod toying with his freshly sharpened Itnlfo until 2 a. m. , when the desire for revenge got the bet tor of bis love and ho started for the farm of Emma's employer , Homer Buckingham , walking through a terrible storm which raged ail night. Arriving at the house ho placed a plank acainst the roof of the shod In the roar , and taking off bis shoes , clambered up the plank and into the window of Emma's room , which , on accpuntof the heat , had been loft open for the first time sinca Andrew's threats. Ho attacked the sleeping girl and slashed her with bis knife until the victim's head was nearly severed from the body. The nolso aroused the pcoplo and tno mnr- Uoror was discovered by Mr. Buckingham us ho was leaving the shed. Ho wns captuiod early tbo next morning In a swamp about a mile from the scene , whore ho had been tricked by n trail of blood which ( lowed from a cut in his thigh. solMnlllctod during his frenzied use of the knife on bis victim , His trial was begun nt Litchtlold December 28 , 1800 , ana lasted four days. The defense was insanity duo to epilepsybut so skillfully was the prosecution worked up that it took the Jury but twenty-two minutes to decide him guilty and hn was sentenced on January 8 , 1891 , to hang. A request for a now trial was denied and an appeal for cljincnoy afow weeks ago before tbo Stnto Board of Pardons resulted In noninterference. The banging took place in a new building erected for the purpose. The gallows used was ono upon which many murderers Imvo paid the penalty in Now Hnvon nnd Bridge port. The execution of Borjosson was tbo lourth that has tation place in Lltchfleld county , the third being that of Tliomus ( Joss , which occurred * May 8 , 1785 , nearly 107 years ago. _ In Dcluwiirn. WILMINGTON , Del. , Jnn , 29-rl'hoinp on , colored , was banged at Charleston , Md. , tbli morning for the murder of another colored in us last August. TAIIOH. Kiigllnhincn Will n Hull for DamiicitH Against tint lix-Hi-imtor. DKNVBIE , Cole , , Jan. 20. The suit of tba Kaiser Gold Mining company , limited , of London/again ! . ' , ox-Sonator 11. A , W , Tabor , which Las boon OR trial In the United States district court hero for' ' the past week , was ended tocoy It was a suit for (33,000 dam ages , claimed by the English company to Imvo boon expended by them In Investigating the merits of an Arizona mine which Senator Tabor had offered to sell thorn , and the plain- lifts claim that Tuber agreed to pay tuo ex penses of the investigation if the mine proved unsatisfactory , The Englishman testified that the mine did not coma up to their expectation and they re fused to buy It. Tabor thereupon had thorn ejected and took possession of the mine , re fusing to reimburse thorn for tholr expenses in making the examination. The Jury today returned a verdict of flO,120.1i ! in favor of the plaintiffs. _ _ Tlix I'lro Itecord , EAU Cr.AiiiB , Wls , , Jan. 29.- John Walter & Co.'s brewery caught II ro last night and was partly destroyed. Ihe loss cannot be accurately estimated , but It is at loMtt'-W.OOO . , ' 1 ho origin ol the fire is a mystery , l'r < > Club TiiiirlHU Jtnturnlnir. ST. Louis , Mo. , Jan. 20 , A hundred mem- bora of the International Loazuo of Press Clubj returning from the xfvst arrived tbli moruiug , They were accorded a reception aud banquet.