Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY K5JK : FRIDAY , JAIS'UAllY 29 , 1892
Medical Luxuries Prescribed by Dr , Keogh
for the County's Sick.
of the Ilonnt of Kdiicntlon Kiprrsn
Tlirlr Opinion of the Cmmc-ITs
Cnll rornStntnncntof
Ever since the organization of the now
Board of County Commissioners an Idea has
prevailed that the old administration had
an African concealed in the wood pile , or at
least In that portion relating to the dealing
out of drugs to the county poor.
bo thoroughly did the members become
convinced ot this fact , that a couple of wccki
ngo the committee on court house and Jail
inaugurated an Investigation for the purpose
of satisfying their own minds upon iho sub
ject. Tno work has been quietly prosecuted
with a prospect of some Juicy developments
when the report , which is looked for next
Saturday , is made.
The members of the committee nro very
clnmllko when it comes to the question ot
talking and absolutely refuse to give their
Undines to the public In advance of the re
port thai will bo submitted to the board.
It 1s a well it now n fact that last year the
contract for supplying drugs and medicines
was awarded to Alfred Schrootcr , ho being
the lownst bidder. Everything that went
out of his store , that was furnished lo pau
pers , wont upon n proscription from Dr.
Keogh , county physician. The doctor to earn
his salary attended the county patients and
carefully administered to their wants , pre
scribing for them aa his judgment dictated.
It Is In the prescribing that the commis
sioners Una some things that are of consider
able interest to the public. For Instance
there was one man who was sick. lie saw
the county physician who proscribed one
quart of whisky. The medicine was taken
by the patient and the next ween ho visited
the drug store armed with another proscrip
tion calling for the same quantity and kind
of medicine. This same man secured four
Buch prescriptions from the county physi
cian , after which his name was dropped from
the llsi of county patients , It being presumed
that the gallon of whisky used during the
four weeks either killed or cured.
Another county patient was sufficiently
sick to apply for assistance at the hands of
the county"physician. . The man of pills
knowing what was wanted to alleviate the
sufferings of the unfortunate nt once wrote
nut a prescription which called for n
line tooth corab without staling whether it
was to bo taken Internally or externally. The
man got his comb , which was paid for by tlio
county , and went his way , cured and happy.
There was another man who was a severe
sufferer , and after learning that Douglas
county hired a doctor by the year , Ihe poor
follow visited the man-of phvslc. The con
sultation xvas hold , and when he departed ,
securely tucked away In his watch pocket
ho carried a prescription that called fora
hair brush , hut the directions tolling how
Iho remedy was to bo taken were omitted.
These nro only a tow of the Irregularities
discovered. There are any number of in-
Btunccs of a lllio nature , and when a full and
searching investigation is concluded , the
commissioners are of the opinion that the
history of the county doctor and the county
drug bill will furnish several chapters of
rather interesting reading matter.
DOES SOT rr.uAsu
members of tlio School Hoard Don't J.Ilto
the Council's Action.
Tbo city council is not likely to find the
Board of Education in a mood favorable to
furnishing the Itemised statement of ex
penses called for ititho Jacobson resolution
at the last council meeting.
\Vbiio Bomo of the members of the board
seem willing to furnish tbo council with the
statement requested , others think that the
council nas'no right to assume the functions
of a censor over the affaire of tbo Board ot
Spcauinpr of the matter .vcstfrday
'Mr. Powell said : " 1 d ? not un
derstand Dy what right th'o city
council makes the demand for this
Itemized statement. I don't see that it can
do any harm particularly to furnish
It. but I think wo would have juct as good a
right to ask the council to furnish us with a
similar statement of their expenditures. "
'In case tbo coucll should take- notion to
cut tbo levy asked by the board from 3 mills
to say \ \ mills , would you bo in favor of talc-
Vng legal stops to force the 2 mills' levy ! "
"I certainly would. The Board of Educa
tion certainly understands the needs of the
Omaha schools better than the citv coucil
does , and I think wo will do very well if wo
got through on amill lovy. "
Mr. Euclid Martin said : "I sco no oojoc-
tlon to furnishing the council with the state
ment ol our expenditures and ot the esti
mated expenses of running the sohool for the
current year , but if tbo coun
cil should decide to cut tbo levy
that wo have usked then. I should
favor a resort to the law which gives the
board power to dccido tbo amount of the
lovy. 1 think that wo have made a very
reasonable estimate of the expenses and the
3 mills levy is not an extravagance. "
Mr. Smyth was somewhat moro decided
upon the matter. Ho said : "I am opposed
to rendering the council an itemized state
ment of tbo Board of Education expenses
for tbo reason that 1 doubt the legal right of
the council to supervise tbo work of the
board. It the Intention of this action on tha
part of the council is to promote economy ,
why don't the council sot the
Board of Education an example
worthy ot Imitation In its own deliberations.
1 think the board has done ramarliably well
to cut the levy from 8 mills , which wo got
last year , to 2 mills this year. I hope in time
that wo shall bo able to cot along without
nuy levy whatever , but wo can't accomplish
that until the licenses and lines fund In
creases. I nmll ) bo In favor of standing by
our demand for a 2 mill lovy. The city coun
cil has no choice in the matter. The duty of
the council Is purely ministerial , Last year
tbo council cut the school levy from 4 mills
to 8 mills , but under tba present charter tbo
council has no such authority ,
"Members of the Board ot Education , I
think , nro Just as patriotic and Justus capa
ble of attending to the business that de
volves upon them as the mom bora of tbo
touncll , "
The question of furnishing the Itemized
ttutomont asked for by the council will coma
up at tbo regular mooting of the board next
Monday night and will probably brmg out a
lively debute.
1'hjslclans say that there Is no remedy for
consumption , In some cases this may bo
correct. VVo know however of many cures
made by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , nnd wo
guarantee relief.
A onilblo woman will not fall to keep a
bottle ot Salvation Oil on hand for men's
cuts and bruises.
Dr. Culltmoro has gene to Beatrice on pro
fessional business.
Ask your grocer lor Quail rolled oats.
Womon'adiscuses. Dr.Lonsdalo , 010S. 18.
1'iitrlotlam untl I.uvo or Home.
, Jan. 28 , To the Editor of TUB
A few days ago I reail'ln-IitR BUB
about a''renegade American , " who is largely
to blame , as tbo story goes , for the trouble
in Chill. Of course I expect that the blood
of every patriotic American tins boiled over
tttho thought that an American born citizen
has discarded hli native country , his native
people and become a patriot In another coun
try ot other people. And yet these very same
indignant patriotic Americans would oxpout
of every immigrant to becorno the very mo
ment bo stopi on tbo shores of thU luuu ot
freedom a renegade to his native land , to
break all the ties which bind him to the land
ot hit birth , to wlpo out every vestige ot
memory of the spot where Uls cradle stood
nnd whore the sweetest days of childhood
ivoro spent.
Now , sir , if it U right to expect an Ameri
can born chlzen to bo friendly to tbo land of
birth , wherever ho may be , It certainly can-
noi bo wroiu ; for immigrants born lu otbcr
countries , and choosing this laud of liberty
Tor the home tor themselves and their cbll
Jreo , to cuorliU kind thoughts and warm at
cctlon for the land ofthnir birth. They may
or all that bo good American patriots nnd
enthusiastic supporters of liberty nnd our
republican Institutions. O.vr or TncM.
Can Vou Knt
le rtlly , with rollsh and without distress
afterward ! If not wo recommend to you
food's Snrsaparllla , which creates a good
ipnotlto nnd so Invigorates the stomach nnd
jowcls that the food Is properly dices ted and
all Is nutriment assimilated ,
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable , per
fcclly harmless , effective , hut do not cause
pain or gripe. Bo sura to get Hood's.
Dr. McGrowpri vato diBoases,14tli &F ir
ItrpnMlcaix , Attention !
Every republican in Nebraska , now
tctinp with the party , who is opposed to
-lie "specie basis policy , " now advocated
jy the republican papers of Nebraska
xntl the union , nnd is favorable to an
increased volume of United Stales
money , is hereby requested to send
bis name , plainly written , with post-
ollico addrops lo 6co.V. . Browator , 274c
iirflcld nvonuc , Oinnlin , State papers
of all parties please copy.
An Irate rnnsrngor Who Had Hecii Conn-
di'iicnd nnd roolcul.
"It Is an outrageous imposition ! "
Thus spoke a man in a crowded street car
asl ovonlntr , as ho rammed a copy of the
World-Herald Into Iho car stovo.
"I bought that shoot because the newsboy
cried out the atsnsslnatlon ot Minister Hgan ,
[ found only three lines on tbo subject. The
le&dlng states positively that Egan was as
sassinated , while the faked dispatch , prob
ably written by the Omaha editor , discredits
the first statement. When I saw this dis
parity I stopped back to tbo newsboy to loll
jlm ho had misrepresented things. Ho re
plied thai ho didn't care -that iho World-
Herald man had instructed him to cry tha
assassination of Esan.
"I will wager a thousand dollars that there
Is not tbo slightest foundation for the report.
it Is a fake pure and simple , manufactured ,
solely for the purpose of selling extra copies
of the paper. But it'll bo my fault if that
paper over fools mo again. "
The irate passenger wax speaking to a
friend , but bis remarks were overheard by
everyone in the car. Another passenger felt
called upon to roast the Fake Factory for
other similar lns , and ho took for bis text
the white whiskered romance of the pro
posed building on Farnam strcot. In double
loads and on tbo first page the World-Herald
announced that B. F. Smith tbo Boston capi
talist would .soon put up a mammoth store
house just above the Board of Trade butld-
Inp. Dewey It Stone were to occupy the new
building as a retail furniture store. '
The editor , probably thinklngtbat it would
bo unfair to mention the latter ilrm and not
give tbo Sblvorlck company equal notice ,
intulo the positive announcement that Mr.
Smith would also erect a largo building up
town for the Sblvorlck people. Ou lop of nil
Ihls , the heavy editor got In his worn on. the
fnko and pounded tbo boomlot tomtom in a
manner worthy n boiler causo.
Mr. Smith took the trouble to notify THE
Bni ; that there was not the slightest founda
tion for the story.
Wodnnsduy morning again the Fake Fac
tory announced that John ; A. McShano hadju'o-
clded not lo purchase Iho lot at the corner of
Flfteonlh and Harnoy streets upon which
ho had Intended to erect n hotel. It
was further announced that Mr. McShano
had dropped the whole scheme. A BEE re
porter saw him Tuesday and asked
him about the report that bo had pur-
ch I the lot. Ho declared that he bad
Just concluded to do so , and lhat ho was ne
gotiating with parlies whom be expected to
undertake Iho onlerpriso of putting up anew
now hotel building1 on the lot.
TUB BEK can afford to look at this whirl
wind of Inaccuracies with complaisance.
knowing that the reading puolic must have
reliable news , and If not trustworthy It
don't ' want any. THE Ben deals exclusively
in tbo pure article.
One Mlmito.
Ono minute tlmo often makes a great dif
ference a one minute remedy for bronchitis
choking up of the throat , lungs , etc. , fo
curse is a blessing. Cubeb Cough Cure is
such a remedy. For sale by all druggists.
Cubeb Cough Cure Onemiauto.
Anv errocorcfin supply you with Quail
rolled oats delicious for breakfast.
Mr. Klmbiill Opposed to rutting Them on
Inhibition Ituilroad Notes.
It having been suggested to President
Klmball of tbo Union Depot company that ho
put Iho iwo sols of plans for tbo structure
on public exhibition at an uptown business
place , in order that people may compare
them , that gentleman was led lo say that the
proposition was ill advised and impracticable.
The detailed plans of tbo depot , ho stated ,
cover a hundred sheets of paper , half of
which are two-lbirds as large as a common
house door. They cost over $10,000 , which
figure will bo increased by other plans yet to
bo furnished.
Mr. Kimball thinks very few people have
the tlmo or patience lo examine those papers ,
oven if they have the technical knowledge to
understand them , and , at any rate , tbo depot
company will not subject its valuable plans
to the possible loss or damage of such an
exhibition. On the other hand bo says that
corporation is entirely willing that a com pa
tent architect examine the plans , make com
parisons and glvo the same to tbo public.
Sioux City has sent out a wild rumor thai
the general oftlccs of Iho Fremont , Elkhorn
& Missouri Valley nnd Iho Sioux Cilv &
Pacific railroads ore to bo moved from
Omaha to Fremont. At tbo headquarters
In this city tbo rumor was branded as absurd
and without foundation.
Tbo Missouri Paclllo began actual opera
tions Wednesday ou tbo bndgo across tbo
I'latto at Plattsmoulh by driving the lint
Use Hallor's Barbed Wire linlmcn for
quts , old sores and sprains horses' nnd cattle -
tlo always got well.
Quail rolled oats nro the finest ma do
Contractor Coots Mukt > g an KnrncntKllort to
Crowd the Work ,
The city council Is booked for an adjourned
regular mooting to bo bold tonight
for the purpose of disposing of ibu business
lhat wont over from last Tuesday night's
At the present time tbo indications are
that the mooting will bo without a place to
lay its head , owing to tbo fact that tbo treas
urer's oflico in iho new city ball , which for
several months has been used as a council
chamber , Is In tbo bands of the mechanics.
Yesterday the workmen took possession
of iho rooms' , removed thu electric llgbos ana
commenced placing the white or finishing
coat of plaster upon tbo walls.
The work will not bo completed before
Monday night , which will mnxo It impossi
ble for the council to occupy the room
Work upon the entire Interior of the build
ing is progressing at a rapid rate , with a
prospect of having it ready foi occupancy by
Juno 1.
The white coat has been put upon fifteen
ol the rooms and the wood work finish Is
going up. Next week Mr. Cools expects to
begin work upon tbo council chamber , tbo
material for the llnUblng of which is all ou
the ground ,
In the I.rvturu Itiium.
.Nothing disturbs a lecturer so much as a
good , healthy , fully developed cough , Soinu
folks think a squallng Daby is worse , but
Mark Twain says that in an emergency you
can kill tbo baby , but most lecturers now
carry a bottle of Holler's Sure Cure Cough
ilrup and give a do < ta of that.
Dr. Culliraoro , oculist , Uoo building
I'oll from nu Ice lluiuo.
E. D. McKmnoy , employed at Uungato's
Ice house at Sixth and Pacific , toll from on
upper { doorway of [ the structure yesterday
morning and bis back was badly injured.
Ho was taken in tbo patrol wagon to his
homo attTeath and Nicholas.
Van Houten' * Cocoa Pure , soluolo econ
Dr , Eirnoyuoso and throat , BEE bldg (
Eooklosa Boys Who Daily Defy Death and
the Motormcn.
Malicious Men 11 n em Which Mnltcs the Con
ductor's I.lfo n Wcnry Hound of Pro
fanity How the Tug of Wnr
Went Lust Night.
The motormcn complain that a number ot
impudent boys , some nearly grown , are con
stantly annoying them by stealing rides be
tween II and Vlnton streets. It is not the
sto'on ' rides nnd Insolence of the young
imps that they care particularly 'about ,
but the constant peril in which
these young follows place themselves
by jumping off of motors running
at full speed lo catch on others coming from
tbo opposite direction. Within the lusl few
days Ihreo or four boys hnvo had very nar
row osrnnes from gelling killed. Yesterday
one Jumped off Iho roar end of a trailer and
attempted to run ID front ot a motor comlnc
from the opposilo direction , when ho wa <
struck nnd knocked down. The motorman
reversed bis lover and put on brakes , and
when ho slopped the train bo expected to see
: ho manclea remains ot tbo boy on the
track. But by some rare good fortune the
boy was thrown to the side of the track and
barely escaped being crushed by the wheels.
When tie : motorman looked back ho saw iho
young imp with his thumb on his nose , his
lingers extended nnd hoard him shouting ;
Q"Say , get a move on ye ; viol's do matter
wldyo , any way 1"
Ono or two boys have boon killed while up
to such antics and the motormcn have a con-
Hnnt dread lhat moro will meet tholr death
iti a similar manner. They have therefore
appealed to tbo police lo look aflcr the boys
and , if necessary , arrest them.
Innumerable tricks nro played by those
pests , one of which is lo set iho roar brake
and ring for iho car lo stop. Tbls causes
many needless slops and much annoyance.
Tup ; of Wnr.
The tng of war contest is ibo nil-absorbing
topic In youth Omaha , and Blum's hall was
crowded wltb visitors last night to witness
.ho struggles bolwoou Sweden , Germany ,
Ireland and Bohemia. The first pull
was between the Swedish and Oor-
tnnn teams. It was a stubborn con
test , but the Scandinavians won from
tbo start. Tbo Germans died bard , however ,
and it took an hour and fourteen minutes lo
lot the requisite four foot of rope from
them. This makes the third victory won by
the Scandinavians and it puts them in iho
lead. The members of this invincible team
are : Ncls Lundgron , captain ; John Llnd ,
anchor ; J. Malison , John Johnson , Fred
Johnson , Jacob Jacobson , C. E. Johnson.
Alexander Lind , O. Nowstrom , Ed. Johnson.
Combined weight , 1,075.
The next pull was between the Irish and
Bohemian teams. After a few minutes'
struggle Iho bolt of the Irish anchorman
bursled and after some debate tbo contest
was suspended unlll it could be mended.
Tbo members of the Irish team wore : John
Sexton , captain ; John Fitzgerald , anchor ;
Dan Regan , E. Killiugor , H. Klllintjor , John
Duffy , DavoMulcaby , Timothy Coffee , T.
Trieib and William Martin ,
Queer dictations.
The World-Herald in its South Omaha de
partment speaks of a "father who is soon to
become a mother. " This announcement is
received wltb astonishment by the credulous ,
and they wonder if the day of miracles has
relurncd. Well posted citizens , however ,
smile wearily and declare it "another World-
Herald fake. "
Single City Miniatures.
Mrs. S. C. Sbrigley Is visiting In Wahoo.
A social' gathering was held last evening at
the residence of Robert L. Wheeler. *
Mr. W , N. Bftboock , manager of the stock
yards , returned yesterday from St. Louis.
Degrees wore conferred last night on three
candidates at tbo session of Modern Wood
Homo sneak thief got away with four pairs
of shoes hanging in front of ( Jratiot's store.
No clow.
Miss Myrllo Footo of 1039 G street , Lin
coln , is the guest of her sister , Mrs. E. O.
Joseph Fordy , who was in the hospital for
two weeks on account of .a bad cut on the
leg , is out again.
Frank Pi von lea Is figuring on putting up a
throe-story briok blocK on Twenty-sixth and
N streets that will bo SuxlOl feet ,
Miss Mary Hughes , daughlor of Officer
Hughes , has returned from a four months'
visit with relatives at Clinton , la.
The relations of iho lalo E. W. Harris ex
press thanks for kindness shown by friends
during the sickness of Mr. Harris and after
his death.
Georglo Callahan , a courtesan on Railroad
avenue , attempted suicide last night by
taking a dose of morphine. A physician was
called In time lo save her life.
A party , whose name could not bo learned ,
was found In a compromising position with
another man's wlfo on Twenty-fourth and
Milroy nvonuc. Ho escaped with a severe
knlfo wound in the shoulder.
A suspicious character Riving the name of
Pat Lee was arrested about 3 o'clock yester
day morning by Captain O'Hara and Officer
Montague. Ho had a ladles' gold watch on
bis person , the possession of which ho could
not satisfactorily explain.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for child
ren teething is tbo family bouojactor. 25
cuts a botllo.
A disease , treated as such and perma
nently cured. No publicity. No infirm
ary , Homo treatment. Harmless and
effectual. Refer by permission to Bur
lington Iluwkoyo. Send 2o stamp for
pamphlet. Shokoquou Chemical Co. ,
UurllnRtoii , la ,
Handing 1'erinltn.
Tbo following permits were Issued by the
superintendent ot buildings yesterday :
Mrs. H. B. Archibald , ano-stnry frame
dwelling , Twonty-llfth and Franklin
Htreots . t 1,000
Mrs. U. 8 , Archibald , one-story frame
dwelling Twonty-Ufth and 1'ranklln
streets . . . . . 1,000
Mrs. II. 8. Archibald , one-story frame
ilwolllnz , Twenty-fifth and Franklin
streets . . . . . 1,003
Mrs. II , S , Archibald , one-story frame
dwelling , Twenty-fifth und Frnnullu
streoti. . . . 1,000
Total. , . , . . . , . , , .l 4,000
Small In size , great in remits ; io\Vitt'j \
LUtlcKarly Klson. Best pill for conitipa-
lion , oost Torslok headache , boat for sour
The following marrlago 'licenses were is
sued by Judge Eller yesterday ;
Namu and Address. Ago
) Frank RJunck. Omaha. . . . , . , . , . . . SO
( Tony Coohnar , Om aim . , 2.1
J Henry Miller , Valley . , . , . , , . , 28
IMuy King , Valley. . , . . . . . . ! . „ „ . . 1 ! )
j Nicola Cuninero , Omaha. . . , . . . . , . , , , , . , , , , 25
1 .Maria A , Komouo , Oinaua , . . . , . . . . , 21
Tbo only complexion powder' in the world
that Is without vulgarity , without injury to
the user , and without doubt a beautiner , is
tlio Sixth AVunl.
There- will bo an Interesting meeting at the
rooms of tbo Sixth \\'ard Iopubllcau ( club.
Twenty-sixth and Lnka streets , this
evening. : I
Tuo question of dividing tbo Sixth ward
will bo ono ot tbo topics discussed , -Alt taxpayers - '
payers of tbo ward are requested to attoud'
the incotlug.
Do Witt's Little Early liusors. Hast littla
pill ever made. Cure conitlDatlon"'every
time. None equal. Use thorn now.
Bo sure to try the Quail rolled oats und
tuko no other.
llliU for Ulault lluiihi.
At tbo meeting to bo held Saturday after-
Dooa the oouuty commissioner * will open the
ncwblds for furnishing the county with
Dlank books nnd stationary during the ensuing -
suing year.
County Audttor3Hvans is ot the opinion
that under the nefvplan of asking for bids
on tbo supplies actually needed tbo county
will save from l'a,000 to $ lfi,000 un
less tbo bookmaUars and supply bouses
liavo pooled on'prices. Heretofore it has
been tha custom to allow the houses to bid
on everything tbhU might possibly bo
wanted. Tbls plimhas resulted in the staple
articles being plti In nt fabulous prices ,
while things ihntmcro not liable to bo or
dered were bid down to almost nothing.
In speaking of this matter yesterday it was
stated that a book'ortlorod three .voors ngo at
a cost offctOO was Ahls year bid down to f I ,
snnplv because ttntas known that the book
would not bo needed. The prlco spoknn of
wui nn error. It should have been $30 in
stead ot $300 , as appeared in print ,
Iii ( irippc ,
No healthy person need fear any danger
ous consequences from an attack of la grippe
If properly Iroalod. It U much the same us
n severe cold nnd requires precisely tbo same
treaiment. Remain quietly at homo and take
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as directed
for n severe cold and n prompt-nnd complete
recovery Is sure to follow. This remedy also
counteracts any londcncy of la crlnpo to re
suit in pneumonia , Among the many thous
ands who have used It during tbo epidemics
of Iho past iwo years wo have yet to learn of
n * lnglo case that has not recovered or that
has resulted In pneumonia , US and CO cent
bottles for sale by druggists.
Nobrahka is famous for its line oats.
Quail rolled oats are made in Nebraska ,
M niovxn AIIOUT vs.
Pilfer Methodists are preparing to build n
PlatUmouth Turners will glvo n grand
masquerade on the evening of February 12.
Editor Scott has enlarged tbo Baillo Creek
Enterprise and will glvo the paper nn entire
now aross ,
The public school at Pllgor , which has been
closed for several weeks on account of dlpb-
Ibeilo , has reopened.
The Farmers Banking and Loan company
of Superior has announced Us intention of
going out ot business.
The Mcrna Record has ohan pod hands , F.
A. Atnsborry retiring nnd E. M. Webb suc
ceeding to the editorial control.
The defunct Hyannls Uound-Uo has been
resurrected by O. I5. Warner nnd rechrlst-
ouc'l ' as tbo Grant County Republican.
After being troubled with a frozen too for
elcht years , Joseph England , a Holt county
farmer , has had the member amputated.
Frank Everett , n Red Willow county
farmer , had a lee uroicon In two places by
being thrown over an embankment In bis
wagon by a fractious team.
A freight train on the B. & M. hroko In
two at Edison and tbo sections came to
gether with a crash , wrecking a nutubor of
cars and blocking the traak. '
Dundy couuty farmers nnd business men
will hold a mass meeting at Bcnkalman Feb
ruary 0 , with a view to determining whether
money can be raised to dofrav ' the expense of
eonducling ram-making ox'perlmonis next
Henry Bendlor and Thomas Askoy were
out rabbit bunting near Oxford , and tU'o
former was about Iforty-flv6 foot ahead of
Ibo latter , with his gun over his shoulder.
Ajar sot it off. and the doctors picked sixty
shot out of Askoy's'-breast.
A. P. Gibson , the violinist who recently
dropped dead ia the Groeloy Center post-
oillco , has boon fonnd to bo an educated nnd
well connected North Carolinian , who loft
his homo and family to try to got rid of the
drink habit. They bad not board from him
in 11 floon years.
C. P. Robinson. n > Johnson county farmer ,
has lost SdOU worth of hogs with cholera.
Ho says that last.yoar when corn was scarce
the cholera was not-groundthus demonstrat
ing to a certain extent the evil affects of nn
exclusive corn diet for bogs. Change their
food frequently * aud loss cholera will pre
Ebon Styer was working op'Ka well 100
feet deep iiear.Bohkelmnu. As ho swung-
himself on Iho ropo.-to'go to the botlom'tho' '
ratchet slipped and he wont to the bottom
in a hurry , ins pi to of ibo efforts of a com
panion to hold the swoop. Strange to say ,
he escaped serious Injury , though badly
bruised and torn from striking iho sides of
the well.
In a saloon brawl at Koouutt Wesley Wil
son cut Jack Dunn about the head and arm.
George Brnzoo of Montezuma has em
barked In the business of raising skunks for
their skins.
L. H. Breed of Missouri Valley and Mayor
Breed of Perry are second cousins ot Mrs.
Grover Cleveland.
Mrs. R , S. Harris aad Mrs. Edward Lang-
worthy of Dubuque , sisters , died within ft
few hours of each other of grip.
The Red Nose society gnvo a ball in Dav
enport tbo other night. Ills described as
having been a blooming success.
Some largo wild animal , thought to ho a
panther , has boon making nightly depreda
tions on stock in Iho vicinity of Pbcabontas.
Joe Bolranck , while at work on tbo spire
of the now Catholic church at Pocabontas ,
fell a distance ot forty feet and was prob
ably fatally Injured.
Peter Ostor , a Lyons policeman ) bad a
bloody encounter with throe drunken men ,
but with the aid of another ofllcer all throe
of the offenders were lodged in Jail.
John Norrls pleaded guilty in tno UnlleJ
States court at Kookuk to robbing the post-
oflico at Clarksburg on December 31. Ho
belonged to an organized gang of postoflice
robbers , and was sentenced lo tbo peniten
John Carlson of Scott township , Bucna
Vista county , started homo from Alia In a
drunUon condition. His team ran away , ho
was dragged for two miles and one hand was
so badly frozen that It may bo necessary to
amputate it ,
A family quarrel at the homo of John Mora-
land , in Dodge township , Boone countv ,
nearly ended in murder. The principal part
of the lighting was between A. W Wash-
burn and N. S. Rodonbaugh , present and
former bus bands of Mrs. Moreland , and guns ,
axes und knives woro'usod.
Hero nro some of tbo figures Iowa cities
have made public on the amount of Improve
ments during the past year : Dos Molnos ,
81,801,884 , ; Sioux City , fl.043,784 ; Clinton
$1,820,700 ; Otlumwa , f 1,108,000 , ; Cedar
Rapids , * 1,050,000 ; Muscatino , $500,000 ;
Waterloo , fmw.OOO ; Oskaloosa , fJSO.OOO ;
Cedar FalK $140,000.
Hanson ard Leo , the boy murderers , and a
potty criminal named Johnson , came near
breaking Jail at Dubuquo. With tbo aid ot
nn iron bedstead log a hole nad boon dug
Ihroueb tbo sheat iron basement and the
stone wall. A ropp had been prepared to lot
thorn down twcntv-llvo fool into tbo Jail yard ,
from whence csaapo would have boon eaty.
Tbo elbe prlsonors.'gavo the scheme away.
Editor Qulgley of the Dubuque Telegraph
a few days ago tolU'sorao friends that in con
versation with a ( Hwtloman recently returned
from Chill the staMment was made that the
only flag which U respected there is that of
Entrlaiid , Tbo tuary is told of an Iowa man
who wont to Cliilliand In tbo course of a few
years became a British subject , the reason
being that EnglUtt citizens are protected and
American clllzensmro not.
Hpoonnulyko Tolls IIIVlto Something ,
Yes , I see , you'aave got a terrible looking
face all plinploiauud blotches. Now , Mrs.
Spoopondyko , If you'do ' let those everlasting ,
dodgasled powdeta and cosmetics alone , and
use Hnllor's Sanaparllla and Burdock com
pound you'do look Jlko something. Sou (
Howe scales , trifcks. coffee mills , car-
starters , Hurrisor. conveyor , Catalogues of
Bordcn A Kflleck Co. , agents , Chicago 111
They Oannot Agree on the Question of a
Prohibition Plank.
Issue * on Which Thry 1'nvorn CoiKollilntlon
of All 1'olltlrnl r.lonifiits-l'liiMB Cer
tainly Cnlculntcil to Urlng About
the .Mlllenlum.
CMICACIO , 111. , Jan. 23. Tlio national con
ference of representatives ot the reform par
ties , In session In this city , struck a simp
when It cnmo to tlio adoption ot a platform ,
The principle bone ot contention was the
liquor question. O. F. Washburn , national
secretary of the people's party , and tlio other
members ot this organization present , labored
In the general meeting , mid afterward In the
committee , for the adoption of the following :
Wo believe Hie solution of the liquor prob
lem lies In ubollslilni : the element ot piodt ,
which Is u source of constant toniDtatlon , uvll
and corruption , Wo therefore. Ucmutid thit
the exclusive Importation , nintiiifncturo ami
Biiio of Intoxicating liquors shall be conducted
by the government , or state , at cost , under
conditions and restrictions which may be
adopted by the various state * . In adopting
this as u national plank , no give no offense to
either the personal liberty men or to the pro-
lilbltlonlsts. Wo merely declare tor thu prin
ciple ami leave the restrictions for adoption
to the various states according to the tom-
poriinco sentiment In each state ,
The tight for "nationalizing the liquor
trnfllo" was largely Ineffectual , however , for
it found no place in the address Drought In
by the committee to bo presented to the com
ing convnntlon of tbo people's party In St.
Louis. Ignatius Donnelly , In reporting the
result ot the committee's labors , noted tbo
ommlsslon and expressed the opinion that
the address in its present form would not ho
acceptable to the pjoplo's party. Ho re
ferred to the number of foreigners in the
party , ana said the prohibition clause should
bo modified to as to save to them the Idea of
individual right In iho matter of beer arlnk-
Ing , held by thorn so tenaciously. In tlio
committee room ho said ho had , though him
self a believer In temperance , advocated the
substitution of the phrase , "abatement of the
liquor traffic , " as being moro acceptable to
the people's party , but ho had been over
ruled by the roit of the committee.
Tnubencek of Illinois moved to accept
Donnelly's suggestion and substltuto the
word "abatement" for annihilation , but E. J.
Wheeler suggested that "suppression" would
bo a bettor word , and in that form the au-
dress was adopted.
After the vote Tauhoncck announced that
ho had neither voted for nor against that address -
dross because he was conildent that Its state
ment of the prohibition question would not
bo acceptable to the people's partv. A com
mittee was appointed to present the address
to the St. Louis convention February 82.
The address in substance 1s as follows :
Wo are In favor of a consolidation of all
political elements in behalf uf these Issues ,
to wit :
First That money should bo Issued by the
general government , wltnout the Intervention
of any of our private Institutions , in sulllclont
quantity to carry on the bus'noss of the coun
try , and such money should bo full legal
tender for all debts , both public and private.
Second That the saloon Is the great enemy
of reform In these mutters , the chief foun
tain of corruption In our pollt.cs , and wo de
nounce Us pernicious Influence upon our
country and demand Itssuppiosslon.
Third All moans ot public triuisuortutlnn
and communicating should bo conttollod by
the government , to obtain for : ill the peoulo
equal and equitable advantages In such serv
ices , and if the effort to eo control said moans
of transportation and communication shall
prove Impracticable then wo favor govern
ment ownership of the same.
Fourth That wo are opposed to sneculatlon
In land , and alien ownership of the same , and
wo demand a reasonable limitation of the
amount of land tint can bo owned by any
corporation or Individual.
Fifth That wo favor municipal suffrage
for women with an educational qualification.
The address is signed by Ignatius Don
nelly , Frances E. Willard , General J. B.
Weaver , B. J : Wheeler , G. M. Miller , J3.
Evahs and H. S. Taylor.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh. BEE bldfj
Among Military Men.
Preparations for active work upon Fort
Crook , near Bellevue , are being made , and
with the opening of spring a largo force of
men will bo put to work upon iho building of
this important now post ,
All members of the Eighth cavalry have
received an order announcing the death of
Colonel James S. Brisnlu. TUG order roads
as follows :
Headquarters Klplith Cavalry Four
MEAUK , S. 1) . . Jan. 2J , lbi--To ) the regiment :
We are called upon at this time to mourn the
loss of the head ot the regiment , Colonel
James S. llnsbin , who died In the olty of Phil
adelphia. 1'onn. . January 14 , Ib9VVo do this
with a feeling of respect to Ills memory as our
colonel , and also with a uroper regard for his
lucord sis a faithful and distinguished soldier.
This record needs not to bo totaled In de
tail hero because It Is already Indelibly writ
ten In the paeon ot the history of his country
In the time of war. Sulllclont to say , ho bcais
to his grave the marks of honorable- wounds
received In battle , and upon a soldier , no
greater mark of distinction can bo conferred
by any power.
He was one of the first who stopped to the
front as a volunteer soldier in suppbrtot the
government when danger threatened the In
tegrity of the union , and ho was one of a class
of loyal men who by example In the begin
ning , as well as with bravery and determina
tion to the end of the struggle , saved this
country ; and It Is not too much to ask that
those who are now In the full enjovment pf
the peace and prosperity resulting from that
struggle should pay to his memory the res
pect duo to long and faithful service.
Ho was not thrust upon us as a commander
In theoullnury routine of promotion , hut came
to us as a matter of choice from another regi
ment , thus adding to our record the lustre of
his own ,
Ho was a whole-souled , genial gentleman ,
and as commander governed those under him
with kindness rather than severity.
Serving In the northwest most of tbo time
since the war , he was always Interested In the
settlement and advancement of the country ,
and thiough his Intelligent articles written
for publication and re.ut by thousand ! ) at
home and , ho was the means of qulok-
cnlng Immigration to the unsettled regions < ; f
the went , and thus In peace us well us war
served his country to some purpose , and with
u lldollty worthy of Imitation.
The otlleeis of the regiment will wear tlio
usual badge of mourning for the period of
thirty days , lly order of
1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 8th Cavalry.
To Summer T.iiniU vl t the Wuli.itli
The Wabash are now selling round
trip tickets good returning Juno 1 ,
1892 , to all the winter resorts in Ten
nessee. Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia ,
Florida , North and South Carolina ,
Louisiana , Arkansas and Texas.
Tlio quickest and best route to the
HWSpripjrs of Arkansas. For tickets
and .full information in roff.ird to roites
east or south call at Wub.ish olllco , 1C02
Farnam street , or write G. N , Clayton ,
N.V , Pass. Agt
Housekeepers will find Quail rollol
oats the best made.
JVYiIfcw nf flee tinea or lent under l/ia / ( hcn-t , fifty
cents ; Milt atMtllvnal Hue ten cents ,
TomT-UrT { rKTaTVlwron JjprTnBB. * N. " vT.
January ST. Pullinr ot Mrs. W. K. Jtlddoll of
ilils city.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard , *
Mr . Sloven * Smcs Her Alnnlve llrotlicr-
In-lair n Heavy Sentence.
Tom Slovens la n blacksmith and boards
with the fn'jitly ot hla brother.Vcdno. . dtiy
night ho wont homo In a very
JfiRgod condition ana seized hla
slator-ln-lnw by the h lr with tlio
nvowod Intention ol oxtractliiR enough to
maUo hlmiolf n pillow , She , however , dlu
not tnko kindly lo the operation , nncl spas-
medically uncoupled her volco in Irregular
sections with sucli good olTocttlint the black
smith iloaNtod from hla o ( Torts befdro a po
liceman arrived.
Slovens wns arrested Just the snmo nntl
yesterday hla brolber's wlfo appeared In
court lo testify ngalnat htm. She was n
diminutive crOAturo with a most pro
nounced smile , and n laugh that
was as infectious as small pox. She said
that she wantud lo rap ngnlnst 1 liomas , but
she did It In iv manner that uauiod merry
nuoraturos lo appear In tbo faces of all tlio
spectators , and once or twlco the court mot
wild indifferent success in suppressing an
in voluntary cacblnnntlon.
The abused woman said that Tom wasn't '
really n bad fellow , the worst thing about
him being that ho WAS u bachelor. She didn't '
want him punished severely , but advised the
court to reprimand him , "good nnd plenty. "
"You are a klnd-hcartod woman , aro'n't
youJ" asked tlio Judge quizzically.
"Vou bet I urn. Tom knows that don't
you , Tom 1" unit n Hood of January mirth
was turned loom at ttio same time. Mr.
Slovens , however , ulil not deign a reply.
The judge was disposed lo administer a
reprimand as suggeslod , but when bo learned
of the unusual KOOI ! nature of thu nrosocut-
Inp witness , ho concluded that Tom's offense
was greater than ho had ut first supposed
and accordingly 11 neil him $5 und costs. Mrs.
S. loft the court room smiling und slinking
her head by turns at her crostrallon relative.
Pastor First Hnptlst church , Pleasant
Grove , Ia. : Dr. J. 1J. Moore , Dear Sir : Mv
wlfo has boon allllcted for several years wltb
a complication of Iddnay nnd liver troubles ,
Your "Treo of Life" lias boon ot great bene
fit to hor. Sno Joins mo In thanks lo you aud
expresses the wish thntothcra suffering from
similar causes may Und equal relief. Yours ,
Kov. J. W. Carter , Pastor C. T. church. For
sale by all druggl&ts.
Tlio Crrrilo Ciinip I'Tcltcincnt.
Croedo Camp promises to become n
second Lonilvillo. The nuinbor of pen-
plo goliifj into this wonderful ctunp Is
unprecedented in tlio history of Colo-
rftdooxcopt only during the Londvillaax-
citomcnt , It Is estirmitod that now the
townsllo is located , that there will uo
ton thousand people in the camp by
Juno 1. The now discovery is only
reached by the Denver & Rio Gnxndo
railroad , and there is no staging1.
Denver Olllcers Know Him.
Chief Detective Howe of Denver has written -
ton Chief Seavoy that Frank Miller , who
was last wool ; sentenced to sixty days In the
county Jail by Judpo Berlin , Is a woU knowii
crook ot that city nnd was at ono ttmo under
arrest for grand'larceny. Ills picture occu
pies a conspicuous place In thn rogues' gal
Impaired digestion repaired by Boecham's
Cnsllo Cure Company.
Institute troiitmont for liquor habit ,
$50.00 ; homo treatment liquor habit ,
$3.00 ; homo treatment tobacco habit ,
$4.00. Paxtou Hotel Annex , 1410 llar-
noy street.
Mm. Seavoy'H Jtcsl nntlnn.
Mrs , Soavey has resigned her position as
clerk and stenographer In the oflico ot the
chief of police , and left last evening for
Hot Springs , Ark.
On the one hand there's
$500 in cosh ; on the other ,
there's n euro for your Ca
tarrh. Ono of these two things
has got to como to you-fthat's
promised and agreed by the
proprietors of Dr. Sago's Ca
tarrh Remedy.
But , do you think they'd
make any such promise if they
weren't sure that you'd bo
kcured ? That has como to
'thousands , through this Reme
dy , when everything else has
failed. By its mild , soothing ,
cleansing nnd healing proper
ties , the worst chronic cotes of
Catarrh in the Head have been
perfectly and permanently
cured. ,
That's the '
reason they're
willing to take such a risk.
This is what they bay , clearly
nnd plainly : " If wo can't ' cure
your Catarrh , no rhatter how
bad your case or of how long
standing , we'll pay you $5K ( )
in cash. " If they have fulth
enough to say that , isn't it i > nfo
for you to have a little faith ,
too ?
Mrs , Henry Ward Bcecher writes :
' BROOKLYN , N. Y. , February u , 1890.
" I have used ALLCOCK'S Ponous PLASTRRS for
BO.IIC years for myself and family , and , as far as
able , for Ihe many sufferers who come to us for
assistance , and have found them a genuine relief
for most of the aches and pains which flesh is heir
all kinds of lameness and acute gain , and by fre
quent expeilmenti find that they tan control many
cases not noticed in your circulars. _
" The above is the only testimonial I h ve ever
clven in favor of any plaster , and If my name has
been used to recommend any other it U without iny
authority or sanction. "
George Augustus Sala writes to
the London Daily 'Teltgfaph ;
" I especially have n plr ant remembrance of
Ihe ship's doctor a very tperlenced maritime
medico indeed who tended me moil kindly dur
ing a horrible ipell of bronchitis and spasmodic
asthma , provoked bv the sea-fog which had
swooped down on us just aflcr we left Sau-I'ran-
cisco , licit Ihe doctor's prescriptions , and the
increasing warmth of the temperature as we nc.ircd
the tropics , nnd. In particular , a couple of ALL-
COCK'S POROUS PLASTERS clapped on one on the
chest and another between the cliciuldcr-blades
teen set me right , "
Russell Sage , the well-known
financier , writes :
" NEW YORK CITY , December so , 1850.
" For the hit twenty years I have been using
peatedly cured me of rheumatic pains and pains
In my side and back , and , whenever ! have a
cold , one on my chest and one on my b.ick
speedily relieve me.
" My family are never without them. "
Marjon Ilarland.'on page 103 of
her popular work , "Common Sense
for Maid , Wife , and Mother , " says :
"For the aching back ALLCOCK'S I'OKOUS PLAS
TER is an excellent comforter , combining the sen
sation of Ihe sustained pressure of n strong , warm
hand with certain tonic qualities developed In the
wearing. It should be Kept over Ihe seat t/f the
uneasiness for several days hi obstinate cases , for
pcihajis a fortnight. "
Protect your lungs by
wearing Chamois vest.
For cold feet buy n Hot
Water Bottle. We have
nil sizes , at low prices.
Physicians Proscrl p-
tions prepared at , low
The Aloe& 1'enfold Company
15th Street uexttol' . O ,
Pleasures of Memory.
What a blessed thing Is memory I
How it brings up the pleasures of tha
past , nnd hides its unpleasantnesses 1
You recall your childhood days , do you
not , nnd wish they would return ? You
remember the pleasant associations
while Iho unpleasant unoaaro forgotten.
Perhaps to your mind comes the face ol
some friend. It was once n palo , sail
face. It showed marks ot ptiln , lines ol
caro. It scorned to bo looking Into thljj
hereafter , the unknown future. And
then you recalled how it brightonodY
how it recovered its rosy hue , how It
became u picture of happiness and joy ,
Do you remember these things ? Mnny
people do1 nnd gladly toll how the
health returned , how htippinoss cama
back , how the world seemed brlghtj
They toll how they were once weak }
nerveless , perhaps in pain , certainly
unhappy. They toll of .slcoplobs nights/
restless days , untouched food , unstrunp
uervcs. And then they toll how the/ ;
oocanio happy , healthy and strong 01104
more. You huvo hoard It often in the/ /
pant , have you notV You havdv
heard people describe how they woro1
cured and kent in health ? Yoit
certainly can remember what it is thai
has so helped people in America. 1
not listen to what Mrs. Annlo JonnoSS
Miller , who i known universally as thd
great dross reformer , pays : ' 'Six years
ngo , when suffering from monlal card'
nnd overwork , 1 received the most pro *
nonnccd benefit from the use of thafi
great medicine , Warner's Safe Cure.1'
Ah , now yon romunuior. Now you re *
call how many people you have heard
say this same thing. Now you recollecfr
how much you have heaul of this greaC
Cure. Now you are ready to admit that
memory ia usually pleasing , that tha
highest pleasure comes from porfocfi
health , and that this great remedy hni
done more to produce and prolong
health than any other discovery ovou
known In the entire history of the whole )
will stop a Cough in ono night , ;
check a Cold in a clay , and CUBE ;
Consumption if taken in time. !
Dse it Promptly. 2
A 85 cent *
bottle may
save tholr *
lives. Ask ;
i x r- i q-y isTfor"
' TI " \ ' ff * \ fasles Gooi \
Dr. Acker's English Fills E
SinuTl , pleutnnt , u fuvurlto ulththc lAillftl * 9
W. II. HOOKEJl CO , W Wflt llrondwajr , N. Y. .
For sale l > yK'uln& Co.nnd
Eye , Ear , Nose , Throat !
Glasses adjusted to nil visual ilcfccta ,
Oatarrh successfiilly trc.-itud.
Room 18 , Ilarlicr Block1511m ,
The Rev. Mark Guy Pcarse writes :
" LONDON , December 19 , i8P,8.
" I think It only right that I should tell you of
how much use I find ALLCOCK'S Ponous PLAS
TERS in my family and .imont t those to whom I
have recommended them. I find them a very
breastplate against colih and coughs , "
W. J. Arkell , publisher of Judge
and Frank Leslie's Illustrated Ncws
paper , writes :
" NEW YORK , January 14,1891.
' About three weeks since , while suffering from
a severe cold which had settled on my chest , I
applied an ALLCOCK'S POKUUS PLASTER , and in a
short time obtained relief.
"In my opinion , these plnsters should be in
every household , for use In cisc of coughs , colds ,
sprains , bruises or pilns of any kind. 1 know that
in my case the results have been entirely satisfac
tory and beneficial , "
Henry Thornc , Traveling Secre
tary of the Y , M. C , A , , writes :
" LONDON , February 3,1888.
" I desire lo bear my testimony lo the value of
for pains in the back and side , arltlng from ilicu-
malic and other causes , never without deriving
benefit from their application. They are easily
nppllcd anil very comforting , Those engaged , at
I am , In public work which Involves exposure to
sudden changes of temperature , will do well ( o
In their portmanteaus. "
Hon. James \V. Hustcd says :
" When suffering from a severe couch , which
threatened pulmonary difficulllei , which I was
recommended toga to Florida lo relieve , I deter
I applied them to my chest and between the
thoulder-blades , and m less than a fortnight was
entirely cured. "
IIcnry A , Mottjr. , Ph. D. , F. C. S. ,
late Government chemist , certifies :
"My Investigation of ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTER -
TER shows It lo contain valuable and essential
Ingredients not found In any other plaster , and I
find it superior to and more efficient than any
other plaster. "
Beware of imitations , and do not be deceived by misrepresentation.
Ask for ALLCOCK'S , and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to
accept a substitute ,
The Leading
Third Flcor , Paxton
( . Icplm-.ijlOHri , Kith anil F.mnm Sl
A full not of Until un tUbbor for f } . I'orfuctl.
Tiiclli without plutgj or removable UrhU-u work ,
ju l tliu tliliu for tnvor or puullo puikcN , norcf
All lllluitfiat romormblu ratoi , all vforivyjrrantsl
Cutthl * out for a KUlJo. _
H A N U A IjTVOOlToAl'ff pUSi are
DOCUTAg it mill onlr capiulos iireirlbod br
.itular T > li7 lcl nor the euro ol
flouarrhto and illich rgo frointuo urlrnrjr oru oi |
II.Wl > er * . All "