8PEG1RL NOTICES , A t > VniTIrMKNT8 Kill TOHBK COLUMNS Ji will bn taken until 11:50 : p. m. , for the evening tnrt unHI 8-o p. ni. , for the morning or Sunday edi tion. tion.All xlTfttlffmnntu In there rolnmns 16cents n llncflril Insertion and 10 tents n line tlicrcaftcr. or tlf lerllne per month , No adverttramcnt taken for 'JtistlianJS cents for the first Insertion.Trrm , r li In advance. Count about 7 words to the line. Inlt * Islf. f sum , symbols , etc. , each count an a wont , All afltettlKfmenu muft run consecutively. Adver tisers. r > y rcquettlnK a numbered checkcan havn their tetter * addressed to a numbered letter In euro of T1IK Ilrr. Answers so addressed will bo dellv trcil on presentation of the check. iTmiANCHOmCKS-AIlVKllTlHINOKOKTIlKSK J columns will bo taken on the nbovn conditions althnfollonlnnbiitlnts * bosses , who are.author- . litd to tnkn special notion at the tame rates ascan 1 le bad at tlio main office ! f-oiith Omahn Ilranch OfTce No. t M N street. 1 trier Mock John W I'ell.pharrnaclst.llth anrl Mason streets. H II , Mrnnworth. pharmaelst.7115 ( 'timing street , W..I Ilnples.pharmaclnt.ratN. l lh street C K. Patlcrfleld , pharmacist , 1719 Loavenworth ilitft. Hughes' phsrmacr. 2 < th and Varnam. SITUATIONS WANTED. HATRS-lRo n linn first limn nndlOcn line there- -after. No advertisement taken t or less t linn 25c. " ' 1' A"WANTKH POSITION WlTi KlIlM ns salesman or onion work ! peed reference given nml required. Address M 13 , lloo. Wlilll * WANTKI > , A IlKSPONSinLK POSITION 11V A A No , 1 bookkeeper , 15 yours experience , llest city references. Address LCj , lice. Mill SO * WANTED--MALE HELP. HATES' 15o n line first time anil lOo n line t litre nftcr. No advertisement tnkon for loss thnn 2' > c. KJr- 1-WltB AWAKH WOIIKKIl < KYHllYWIIKKK JiJfor the im-ntcst book on carlli : "Sliepp's Photo graphs of the Worlds" coslliiK HOO.OUU ; lunmmotli Illustrated rlrntllnrs nnd terms ficp : tinpnrnlleled ueee < s : .Mr. Thos. Ii. Mnrtln.Ccntprvlllo , Tox. , cleared $711 Inn days ! Mlis lloio Adnuis. Woostcr , < ) . , (2.1 In 40 minutes ! Her. .1. Howard Mnillson , Lyons , N. Y. , HOI In 7 hours ; n bonanza : tunuiiin- rent ontllt only l Hooks on credit. I relRht paid. Address , ( Hobo lllliln Publishing Co , No. SW Dour- horrtSt. , Chicago. III , , or I'hllnilclphln , I'll.MfiSS MfiSS ! TWK IIAVB OPKNINO FOU INTKLLKIKNT J'and Industrious man nt present out of employ ment : splendid opportunity for advancement. M , It. Fisher. too Pinion. > Hti7 2J 7 > H TA1LOH8 WANTKD. 113 PER WKKIC. J'ltcndy Job 1 cutter wanted , IUO per month , Teciimneh M'f'g Co. , Tccunneh , Neb. l72-4 ! * B : -WANTKD , flOMr.N , U. 11. WOIIK IN INDIAN Tcr. Free faro. White Labor Agency , HO N. ICth. rtU 28 * ) - WANTIID , J1AC1I1NIRT. > lavls ) A Cowgltl. C75 B-WANTKD. UNOINKKII. MUST IIK A KIIIST- class man on rip saw. Apply , with ri'f rtnco , to the K. , M. HulsoCo. MOM 2il * -SITUATION Toil A KIHST CLASS HERMAN coachman ; unexceptionable city references. . .Alan for rome tlrt clitsri hotel rooks , men nnd women Canadian ofllco , 3144 H. lf > th. BIli-M' T-\V'ANTnD , A F1HST-PLASS 11LACIC8M1TII , 'JDi(6od > vnKi > s nnd steady Job : married'man pro- ferred. Cnlt on or address Harrcll llros. , Clarlmln , Iowa , , i v > Ml 28' CT-ATINTS : WANTKD FOU Tin : woiti.n'S FAIII -I'souvcnlr. Kxclmlvo territory Klven. "ample , iffle. Hent on rooelpt of iirlcn to nny adilrens. ' World's Fair Souvenir Co. . UOJ N. V. LUo Ilullillnif Omaha , Nvbrnskn. < 35 S > -CANVASSKItS WANTKD. CALL OU AO- JdrcMlttl N. Y. l.lfo bnlldlnK. M2S.1 F14 n-WANTKI ) , SAI.ESMK.NONHAI.AUY Olt COM- , . -l'nili l"n to handle tlio new patent chemical Ink -craslnir penfll. The ( tri-alost nelllnn novelty over lirodured : francs Ink thoronclily In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper ; 210 to WXi per cent profit ; ono nucnt'K aales amounted lofiiJU In six days , nnothor 132 in two hours. Wo want nno Konernl nuent In each Mnfunnd territory , For terms and full par ticulars address Monroe Eraser Mftf. Co , La Crosse , Wln.XM. "Ill WANTED FEMALE HELP. UATKS l.V n line first tlmo nnd lOen line there after. Nu advertisement taken for loss than We. C WANTKD , MIDI1LK AOKD WOMAN , MUST bo welt recommended , to euro for llnon In Iho Faxton hotel. Call between 11 nnd 2 p. m. m.AIBSI AIBSI 30 /-V-WANTKO. 1 . A FIUST-CLASS OIHL FOH (1KN- i V/eral housework. 2212 Knimot ntreot. Mi&l IIOam A MONTH TO LADY AfSKNTS SKI , G Ing "White's Lilly of the Valley. " Address "White's Toilet Co. , " South llcnd. Ind. 671'IJ' ' jTt-WANTKD. AN KXPimiKNCKI ) LAUNDIIKSS. V-/Mls Koiihtio , Korost Hill. u.8 10 , ) UNNtIl WAlTUKhSJ < 3.AT TUB iin's exchaUKO. Apply nftcr 4 p. m. leo toliqio ) ; . . i „ . - . " * . LADY , WIDOW.HKCKIVK IN- Vystructlims , keep set of books. 915 New York Life. , , 074 W _ WANTI'.D , YOUNG RKIIMAN OIUL 15 OH III C yean old ttv assist ID eenornl housework. 701 S 18th street. M CMlKffl * GPiiiatcr.Ass cooic : IIKFKRKNCKS UK- 'quired. ' Addrcts M 27. llco. MIB4 81' A ( Hill. KOIt ( SKNKUAL I1OU8KWO11K IN . -.rally of two. Call at No. 215 Sowurd st..MCWS9 .MCW-S9 * /I A HOOD SALARY' QIIAUANTKKD TO ANY vJlady who will do writing for most homo. Ad dress In own handwriting with addressed nnd iHtupml envelope , MI s Kdna L. Kmrthc , South Uond , Intl. , prflprlotorof the famous Ulorla Water. _ _ rtOIHL FOH aKNKUAL HOU8KWO1HC. /r yplr Nu. 2214 J ako slreel. _ 017 28' 1-C1UU \ WANTKD. 1121 JACKSON ST. V/ , MG01-20' . A OlllL KOIl GKNKItAL IIOIISB- must ho good cook , washer and Ironer. ' Apply 21.22 Capitol ftvo. _ .W. ' /-1-WANTKD. A CAPA1IL15 SICfOND GIHL pvvLamlon Court , fourth house from the corner of "S4lh street. One block north of St. Mar > 's nveniic. M4DI * 'OIt RENT HOUSES. _ _ 1 RATKS-lPc a line first tlmo and lOoallno there- after. No nUvortlsemcnt taken for less thnn Uc. cheap to first class tenant. Hoggs & Hill , 1 1UB Farnnm street , U7U2 1"-C UpOM HOU8K , MODKHN , 823 S 2131' ST.I21 * HMALL IIOUSK.KUHNISIIKI ) , WITH PIANO , 'rent ' low ; JKII CtillfornU itrcnt. 60S30 J ) -LAHOK LIST. UKO. .1. 1 > A1IU 10U FA11NAM lY-FOIl IlKNT , ONLY J5 , THAT 10'IIOOM MOD- SJorn huiiBUi no convcnli'iico muklnir. hue It nt IGOK N. 18th atrcflt ; only rnponalhlo tenant canald- cro > l. J. H. .lulmao n. 843 N. V. l.lfo. MI8I JTJ _ T\ -8I.V-IIOOM COTTAdl ! ON N , TII. NKAU JL/ OumliiK t. , cheap. Knijulrv , 628 H. 18th at. 3-llOOM CO'JTAOU , 11T1I AND H6.J8 W T\-i'on i"N'.ioiiou8i:8 : , isoo AND OPWAIIDS 4/per month. The O. K. Davit company , VIO KIO fV-i ) KSIU A1ILK KLATS WITJl Ali ! } WITHOUT Jt-'ftonni heat , dtoroii , dwnlllni nml rnttaic In all parts of city. Kolkenny , Ci'.itlnental block. . M331 SO B-l'Olt ItKNT. TIIHKK NEW 7-llOOJI. cottages nlth bath and sew irano , at and near rprnor Webster and Thirtieth streets Itoduued to Ii0t00 caob , .Henry W , Yalos. \yi "T\-8-HOOMnOU8Ki JIODK11N ; 811 S 21D ST. , J. 4A5-1UIOM IIOU81CH. 110 to 115 : UKsfllKsT Idunci ) ilats In city. Mead Inv't Co. , 411 Dee bhU. D-KOIl HUNT , HOUSU 10 ItOOllS , ALL MODCIIN Improvements , ( JU.W per month , S3d and Farnani , K Thomas. 'M TTi-HIll ItV.NT. W-ilOOM IIOU8K. WITH BOTH X'lzm anit raniro If dcitreit , nil In KOOI ! condition : Iqcatlon noarvuth nnU HU Mury'n nrenuo. Price rratnnabloi iperltl tornu clven to the rlxht party. Inquire Ml ] Fnrnnui > t. , or U , II. Tiichuck , Hco OIBce. MBJJ TlS-NKW IHtOOM ( XtTTAOKS. MODKItr Hit X'lirovcments , "Htanforil Circles. " Apiily ( ' 8. Klgutter , room I. N. V. Life bull ling , 7ml T-\-ll-IUHM | HOUdH Z7Tl | AND UAVKNPOUT , -Mull conTenltncci , I.U.OU p r month. V , K Dar ling , llarker block , M bW -KINK ItOOM IIOlIHi : , MOOKIIN 111 PUO VK- 1 > L . onti. reasonable , l 3 N , IJIh HTD , Apply. U. 11ST' Kullsb , tailor , III K , loth .1. u IP = XOtt KENT FUKNISirED ROOMS. HATK 3-lSo a line tlrst Into ami I Do a line thoro- Hfter. Ko adTvrtlst'iuent taken for lejs than 25o HJUNIBIU : ! ) llOOHS. 701 ItKNT. NICKLV KUllNISlllCI ) . BKCINI ) Jstory book rnom , sultuble for single gentleman , .ttlthout hoard , in a , 'Jith street. 2ia 1,1 NICK KUKNIHIIKI ) t'llONT ItOOM , I WIN- AJduws and nlcoTu , private family , with uss , bath snd heat. StiUB Uouglas. corner ith. U7a 31 _ E-LA1K1K. tiOUTH HOOH WITH Al.COVK , MOD- em ; reasonable. WM Hurt street. 07781 * E3 ItOOUS , ) . S028ST. MAUVSAV 1 p T\VO FUIINISHKDIKXIMS ATWI7 HA1INKV , Jilt , bath ana heat. 6 l alt _ -PLKASANT EUlTKOKllOOJIB , ONK BIMiLH room. In prlrato family , medium rent , liefer cnces laqulro J. Address M it , lice otUce. 13"IIOOMS roil llOUtfKKKKI'iNU HJU MAN and wife ] no children ) rent taken In board. 31V E-KOU UBNT. BTKAM HKATHI ) FUUNIBHKU rooms. UP fao.Hla street. MiM ) _ E-t UUN18UKI ) ItOOM WITH 11ATU , U MONTH liW yaruaai. ill jj-ruoN HOOM WITU ALCOVf , TJI N.JIST PUBNIBIIKD ROOM8 AND BOARD. IlATHS llcii llnollrnt tlmo and lOo n llnothcro- aMPr. No advertisement taken for leas than Ke V ? -IlKSiUAIILK ROOMS' AND ilOAItD. ONK I larco room suitable for two or three xcntlfmnn. 51IN. d. BITS' _ _ I.-WAIIM HOOMS AND IIOAHO SUITAIILK KOII X1 Kcntlcmoni Terms reasonable. Tlio Hlll tde , N. W. corner 18th anil Dodgo. * FUIINISIIKI ) IIOOMS. BINOLK or en snltoi nil modern conveniences ! flrst class board. 318 South th Mrret. MMO _ I ? rUUNlHIIKU ItOOMsT STKAM IIKAT WITH 1' board for ti n , liO per month. 205 S. Jlth nt. CIO W -SUITK OK SOUTH IIOOMS WITH I1OAHD. IftJl Chlrneo street. MiCT 2a _ tT-FUnNTsiIKI ) KOOMS , UOAni ) . 2214 KAHNAM IV U llcftrcnccs. 678 31 * FOR RKNT.-UNgURmSHEDROOM3 UATKS ISc a line first tlmo nnd 10o n linn thoro- after. No advertisement tnken for less than 3' > o. G nonia ou hoinckgeplnir. 1613 Dotlgo st. CH - NT , S UNKUUNIijHKD HOOMH. O4 South I7lh St. C.U ) 80' _ _ G-TWO 11001IS IN nASKMENT , CITV WATKll and aeworaflo , lira Knrnam st. 478 28 * HOARDING. HATKS l.cn line rsl lime nnd 106 n line tlinro nftcr. No ndvcrtlocmcnt taken for loss than 23a n-PULLMAN 11OIJ8H , UIO tlOIKlH. FOU GOOD honrd. nlior rooms , ronvonlenros. rates nnd In- ntlon It cannot bo bxcellcd. .Mrs. Horn , proprietor Ml M 10 * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. HATKB-l..c a linn Mrst tlmo nnd IOC n line there after. No advertisement tHKon for los than Sic 1-FOR ItKNT , STORK , 1118 JACKSON STIIKKT , JL 6US I KOIl HUNT , TIIK I STOIIY IIIIICK IIUILDINO , lin | Kanmcu Mrcct. The building hni n nro proof cement basanitmt.completo ntcntn boating HUurm. ttntcr nn all the lloors , uns , ota Apply at the unico FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. HATHS-ISoa line HrH tlmo nnd Ko n line thero- nftor. No advertisement tnken for less than 2 0 f-UAUUKN FAUMS TO IlKNT. T. MUltllAV. 07 IMPKOVKDKAUM OK ( ACIllIS. in MILKS > vcst of Omnim. nnrtmnii Jt Uobblns , 210 llco hhlg. .M.HI Klii WANTED TO RENT. K WANT sitoo.M OOTTAOK WIIKHK UK NT can bo paid In pilntlnic or pnpcrhanglnir. Ituf- crcnco. Address MilMlce. Mi.T'.iVJ' RENTAL AGENCIES. UATKS 15ea line Ilrst tlmo and lOo n line there after. Nn advertisement tnkon for less than 2" > r. L-TO 1N8UHK O.HICK ItHNTINd , LIST WITH the Exclusive ) lluntal Agency. 1'arrotto , DoiiKlas block. M.UA -II , K. COI.K , CONTINUNTAJ. 11LOCU' . HKNTAL AdUNCV : HANK IlKKKIUiNOKS , JK. C. Onrvln ft < > ) . . 2H Sheely block. M nt STORAGE. HATKH lfrn line first lime nnd lOa a line there nfti-r. No advertisement tnkon for le < s than 2" > c. M DUY. CLKAN AND PUIVATKLY STOIIKD furniture. Omaha blovo ItejnUr6rk , 1707 lou 70U -OLDKb'IVCIIKAl'KST AND HKSr STOItAdK MiOLDKb'IVCIIKAl'KST IIOUBO In the city , Wlllliuns & Cross , 12U llarnoy WANTED TO BUY. UATKS 15ca line lint tlmo and luo n linn there after. No advertisement taken for loin than ' . T WANTKD TO BUY OIOAIl HTANI ) , Wlf.L - > pay cash. Address M 23 Omaha lloo. ( M M' N-WANTHl ) . GOOD FAHMS IN nOKtlLAS. Sarpy or any peed east Nebraska Or western lowncquntlcs , l ! . . | < ' , Jllnger ; , J.1I8 Knrnnm. 62.1 U * N--WANTKD.IIAnilKI OirAIIl , 8KCOND HAND , must bo chchp ; state price , C. W. Iteernan , Corloy , la. W7 y > AJ-WB IIAVK CU8TOMKHS FOU NKI1UAKKA -L' farms. Co operative Land and Lot Co , , TWi N Kith struct. . M Ml f 0 cash.WANTKD , TO IlllY SALOON F1XTOIIKS FOU 1 > cash. Anton F. Dworak , llurwoll. .Vob. JI4nri : > AT TO 1HIY SKCONI.IIAND FUUNlTUttE. II1OH J-i cat prlce ) ) titd * Itostori Kurnlturo Co.UH N , ICtli " "tH 5 , V i ' . , i - ' r Sll re * J-FtrnNITUIUf. UQDnilT.SljOrSTOItKD. ( . Ill Farnam'strcet. 771 FOB SALE-FURNITURE. 0 KMOANT KUUNITUKK OK COTTAGE DnvuTiiiort street. Want to sell within thonoxt week. ' FOK 3ALE-HOBSEB WAGONS ETC. HATES 15o a line first llmo anil lOn a line Ihcro- nftcr. No advertisement tnken for less than 25e. 11-5-YKAK-OLD.IttllSKYCOW ANH CALFMM. X I common now.nnd ralf. fs5 ! W. 1 span good work horses , fto IX ) . , 1 ! > year-old sadillci donkey for little boy , t3 > 00. At my yard , ttlh and Hurl st. -K. S. .tester. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. UATKS Iftr A line IIml tlmii tnd lOc a Una there after. No ndvcrllaonienl taken for less than 23c. Q" -i-ATKNT ronT"8ATiT , sbDi rs IMproved - proved Ash Sifter. 8. Hudlow A Son , 2 % Kwcu st , llrooklyji , N. V. IJ7U2" -FOU r-ALK. COONTKna.AND VAULT DOOIl In the hullrllng rrcenllr orcii ) > led by the Council IllulTs Snvlnii' ) bank. Olliror A i'usoy , Council HlulTs. MISCELLANEOUS. HATKH KIO n line first tune nnd lOc a line there after Nn advertisement taken for less thnn i'ic. R-PHYSICIAN VVANT1CD-A (1OOD ( PHYSICIAN can find a desirable locution by artdrcsslnu 8 K. llearhlur , lllic Springs , Neb. CLAIRVOYANTS. IIAT15S 15o a line first time and 100 a line there- N _ ndTaftl iiinent takunfor less than 2Jc. S-AnitlVAL KXTUAOItniNAIlY , rcvolatloni Clmllenaes tbo world. Mrs. Ir M. Lciirave , dead trnncu clairvoyant , BSlroloxIst , palmist and Ufa reader ; tells your Ufa .from tbo cradle to uravo ; unites the separated ; causes mar rlauo with the ono you love ; tolls where you will succeed and In what business best adapted for ; has the celebrated Knyptlan breastplate for luck nml to destroy bad Influences ; cures tits , Intomperanconnd nil private complaints with uiassaue , baths end al cohol treatment. Bend JJ. lock of hair , name and date of birth , and rocolve accurate Ufa chart ; 1 rents In stamps for circular ; dvo Initials of one you will marry ; nlso photos of sumo. Otllco 1007 Boulli Hill itreeutlrst noon hours , II a. m. to an. m. Come one. como all , and be convinced of this wonaerfirt oracle. Mtt.tOFP S-MHS. MAUV FUIT2IW LAKK HT11KKT. ' clairvoyant and trance medium ; Independent voh.cs ; tells past nnd future. 67JK2I * C-MI1S. NANNIB V. WAltHKN. CLAIIIVOYANT , Orellablo business medium , tlfth year.ntll'JN.liJlh. 77J MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. UATK8--1SO a. line first' time and lOo a line there- uflcr , Nu advertisement taken for ) f than :5c. ri - vlslT TlK - purlora In Omaha , over 610 8. IJth st. M'til Kll * TMADAYKLA IlllK. JIA83AUKTfTJIBNT , IB 80. IMh at. Srtl Hoer llat tl rr-MAI > AMI5 BSIIT1I. lltl IHUiI.A8 KT11BIKT , 1- room 7iJ floor , .AlcohollulphuAautl sea bath * . _ MSSI 8I rn-MABaAflKTIIKATMC.S'T , KL15CTUO THKIl. imnl hallii. scal ami hnlr irpalmnnt. manlcura and chlropoillii.Mrf. I'o.t.'ll'JH S. 15thWlthnell blk.m . PERSONAL. HATUB-ISc a line tint lime and 10c a line there after. No advf rtliement taken f0r | e < < ( | ltt -PKl&ONLMnLfLADN IILAl'K , CAU- rrlnic nmullitrlp nho boarded north houml Wal nut Hill car ullUh "HO Howard about C o'clock latt. Monday ino , please > eoil addreis , In conn. denco , to 51 Jll IK-e. _ CBKBI * -ZAXA , < iOi ) SAKIS. POOH MAMMA SO ILL KOUIU plucOHtlla wberv lo be fouuJ. Don't be- HoTe reports , C7829 * MUQIO , AAT AND LANQUAOE. llATKS-lio a Una first time and lOo a line there- atter. Nu ailvc'illiomont taken Jfor le Ihan 2Jo. V iTuFOUB IUVIN ) ( ! A PIANO KX IMINK Till ! ' new scale Klo bal | plauo , A. lloipe. 16IJ Uouxl a \r-O. K. OliLLKNllKCIC. IIANJO TKAC1IKU i with Hospp. orWI H. liih street , 3d door. UIJ MONEY TO I.OAM.-.REAI4 ESTATE. ItATKS-lica lice flrst tlmo mil lOc a Hue tin re after. t > o adierllseiucnt tnkaa fur less than Wo - - UN1TKU STATKaUoAN A Inycstment Co , soil their loTestmeot bonds on small monthly payments , whereby the owners are enabled to obtalu ( onus from the company , Ihe varulniisof the bonds are larKtf. and by this method the borrower saws Interest and at tun end of the term basa handsome surplus for thelnrestor. This company Is operated on a very consurratlre and economical basis. Alluarnlngi of theoompany ue uiutual , I'orfull partculars write to the iecie- lary > rooms Wl and a , lieu building , Omaha. Neb. Mtoi _ \\r-IF YOU DKSIHK A LAKQK LOAN ON IIUHI. i ness property , Improved or for building pur poses , call on Uaoj-K * J , Paul , HOJ Karnaoi st. _ | l\r-HEA L KSTATK LOAIsfc. 1 > AU | MONEY TO LOAN RE All ESTATE. Continued , " " " " lleo llldit r CKNT11ALLOAN AND TUIJ3T CO.UtiK I1LOO \\r-MOSKV TO UAN ON 1/J.NO O ) HUOIlT > i tlmo In sums of not ) to fin 000. ' Mutual Investment Company. 77(1 ( \\r-AI'l'lV TO J. U I.OVKTT KOIl Oil K At * ' ' money ] only upon flrstclass secitrlty , 2(0 South 13th street. \r COATES , 7 , HOARD TRADE. MASTERS I money. MS.'I \ \ -ANTIIONV LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 818 N. V. l.lfo. lend at low rales for eholco security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omnha city properly. , W.M.HAURI8R V ) , FIIKXZKR 11I-K. IMPIIOVKDAXD USIMPROVKII ' ' city properly , W.tWO and npwarrts.O log j > nr cent. No ilolays.V. . t-nrnnm Smith > V Co. , lllli * llarnoy. 777 \\r "WANTK1) AT ONCK IiAIKIK AND 81IAl.Ii > loans on untmproTcd Omnha property Also Improved loans on residence property , Kldollty Irust Company , 1GI4 Knrnnni St. " Old I \\r-nKAI.KSTATB10ANSflTOT I'KH CKNTj ' no additional eharvos for Commission or attor ney's fees. W. II. Melklo , Klrst National bAnk hlilir. 775 \r LOWEST RATB8 OK IN TRUEST ON FIRST > classsco'illy. Lovell& Woodman , 30 S 1.1th. TSOJ11 \\r-I-OAN9O.V 11KAI. KSTATK AND COllI.AT- > ' torn ! notes nml inDrtunL-cs bOtialiU Heed , t Belby.ail Munnl of Tra.hi. 7TJ y-O. U. WALLACE , 313 HltOWN I11XCIC. " \V "f 100,000.00 TO LOAN AT ONCK ON OMAHA ' Innirovocl | ire | > crtf or Tncanl lots. Klitollty Trust Ooniimny , 1(111 ( Knrnnm St. " 048-2 W LOANS. CITY I'HOl'EHTV. K. NKH. ANI > W lown fnrms , K. F. Itlniior , 151 ! ) Knrntini.CMW CMW * ir-iipiit : CENT niiMT JIORTCIAOE LOANS. Richard C. Patterson , 1S11 Karnam st. 781 W LOANS ON ItKAI. KSTATB , LOWK9T ; rales. The < ) .K.lnvl company. IM no MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. X MOMKVTOLOAN , M.rO , ANIt H ) IAVS ON furulturo , etc. UulIUrcoii , raj , Conllnoutal blk. 78V V JIONKV TO LOAN I1Y II. F. MAftTKIta ON -'VliousclinM coeds , plnnort , orfiaii'i , horses , mules , wnitons , etc , at thu lowest i > oMMo rates without liulillclly. removnl or property or chaniro of pos- Bi' lin. Time arranccd to null Iho borrower. r ymenls of nnynnuiunt can be niado at nny tlmo , reduclint holli prlncliml nnd Interest , thus Klrlnu imtrous all tiio Ijonenti of the partial pay ment plnrir fall anil ivj mo when you want n loan , or if moro convenient oall telcphono H,2I nrul your bnslnfai can bo nrrnimeil at hnitio. Mono ) nhvuys on hand : no delay ; no publicity ; lowest rates ; business conflrttmtlnl II. F. .Masters , It < Wlthuell bllr. , IMh nnd Ilarney. 787 X MOSHV TO LOAN ON CIIATriSLS : HONDS and city warrants boiijthl. Itoom lU.Mvnrlmcli blk Ar-riIATTRL LOANS , HKNKOlCT A WltAVIU ( 1'axtnn block. Wo loan our own money , charge 110 commission. H nil ) pay you lo coQsult-us. Y-ltOIfTI'lllTCIlAttl ) , IU. WITHNRLL HLK V jisrs XCIIATTKM.OANS'JJ ? N. V LIKIC. X MONKVON rtJIlNlTUIlK , HOItSKS , 1'IANOS. ICcystono .Mito. : Co. , room M , Shecly block. XX X MONKV LOANKI ) ON rUKNITUUK , IIOK3KS. wacons. pianos , without removal or change of liosscsslon. Coondentlal. 1'rcd Terry ; rHJ , ltanite. ( X .MONK. TO LOAN ON CHATTELS : 15 to JO -iV : days. ZIISCummlnKSt. J1UI5-K4 BUSINESS CHANCES. RATICS ISo a line first tlmo and lOc n lno | there after. No advertisement taken for' loss than 2 > e. V FOIIHALKCHKAP , I1O8TON STKAM LADN- i DltV , 1BU7 Su Mnry'j avouue. Inquire 1318 Farnnm MCS8 JI Y wANTKi ) , A LOCATION FOR BT CK. OF druKs In Nebraska , country town preferred. Ad dress , M 31) ) Omauu lice. BCD 30 * Y-B50 WIIL DUY A 8TOCK OF ( JHOOEIUE3 and futures. Including a uood-'yoilni : liorsc. Address M 25 , Hue. M ( Ul-2'J * \7-WANTBI ) TO I1UY AN 1NTKIIK8T IN A WKLL estnbllshcd paying business * Have a bout , 85,000 QO In cash. Address M 2l.Ucc" . " j. ' Y FULLY KQUlPPKD OANNlKtt KACTOltY-lN very bct part-of Niihrnska rapacity 25,001) ) to nO.WK ) cans per day ; hns nlnilft niolicy last thrco years ; best of reasons forselllne. Aililicss M 21Ioc. V WANTKI ) TO TIlAtM ! IMI'ltOYKD OMAIfA J- property for Interest In it well established pay- Imi buslnoss. Advertiser Is an olllco luun , Address ' SI 2J , lice. U)5 ) 2 Y W/-rKD A I'AKTNItll WITH $ ltOOOOor (2,000'0 cash to taku half Interest In nif stnb- llshed huilor.huslneNS. This Is a KOOdr opening for live man. Address , M H. lloo olllco - MIVU7J' , SAIB. TOWN , OF 5,000. Only nno other shoo store. Addrosa , l'O.bor 472 , Norfolk , Nob. . CU-1" T FOIl 8AL5. | PHV8ICIAN3 'PKACTICK IN town nf 400 people , town ulKhf miles Mine side and ten the other. Address , M Ib Dee , " OIS-80 * y-IHCaTAUHANT FOIt BALK ClllCAP. APPLY IUJ.II avenwortli st. 67231 * Y MANUTACTUUINO-WANTHI ) , ISNKIIQKTIU man with a few hundred dollars to stnrtamoney lunktne manufactiirlnK business In Omaha without competition. Addrees.M7 , Hee. 57331 * \r-Foit SALK oit IIBNT ; TUB ONLY HOTKL Jl and lunch counter near the depot In the city of Aurora , Neb. Inquire of U. W. ( iraybill. Aurora , Nell. M53G 30 * Y-KUUNISHBD IIOTIJL FOU 8ALU OU IlKNT , the only hotel In city. Apply to Tllden State bunk , nfOiH.'J'llclen , Neb. 495 f-21 EXCHANGE. UATKS 15ca line first tlmo and 10a a line there after. No advertisement taken for leas tban25c. rIlllOOn MAHB roil BUGUY OU PIIJJTON , mi Fnrnam. 160 acres clear hay land , 12,500 , for drug or gen eral stock , 11,100 first mortgages , clear lot on Hamilton street for city property , land or stock. J20 acres In Morrlck county for good residence not over 17,000 or (3.0)0. 40 r.'Tea six miles from poitottlco for good Im proved property. Ilrlck Btoro building on leased ground near Paxton - ton hotel , rents for (140 per month , for city prop erty , Will assume mortgage. 10-room house.full lot , on Franklin street ; IPO feet , with 2 houses , on 21th nour Ilarney : also 18 clear lots In West Albright , price f J5.00U ; will ox- cljunBo part or all for good farms In eastern Ne braska or western loira , F , F. Ulngor , 1510 Farnttui , B2I-30 * y-W-ACKK FAHM IN KASTKIIN NKDHA8KA fJtoi exchange , I. W. Uulllugor , Wallace , Nob. MK815 * Z-FOIl KXCHANOB , QUAHTKII8 UNINCUM- bcrcd land In central Wisconsin , 3 to 7 miles from 3 railroads fJOIX ) per aero. Address M 20 , lleo. lleo.C3T3I y-iiuicic nixcic. HKNTKD FOB is.ooo. roil A stnckgen. mdso. , 125,000 to (10,000. B. F. Illnstr , 151U Farnam. . U22-JO" y-(4.MOCLKAN ) STOCK MKHCHANDISK. WILL /J tuko half ca h , balance clear real estate. Ad dress Jtox MS. Hcliuylur. Neb. 11C10 30 * Z-KOR BALK OR EXCHANGE , UOX 11UTTK county farm lands , Frank M , tinodokor.Alllance , Neb. 68 81f Z-CLKAN STOCK OF OKNKllALM'D'SK : WItL toke real estate & money , llox 235 , FrnukfortInd TJl FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. UATKS lie line first tlmo and lOo a line tbere after. No advertisement taken for lost than 25o ALL , OU I'AUT OF KINK , WKLL INPHOVICI ) clear sectiontiherman Co. ; also , ) use. A I Iin- proved bottom land , Harpy Co , Sale or exchange for Inside rental properly. Fidelity Trust company. Col 31 GOOD 1U-HOOM HOUSK , INrflUH , 1IKNTS , (2000 : Incumbered , (1.400 , Ib'JO , Clear lot , worth 11,000 00 : secures deed , fidelity Trust company , u > 5 31 1OIl KLKOANT MODKIIN COTTAQKa 8KB Fi delity iTruit company , a t entrance , N , Y. Life. COS Jl flDACHK , 1MPUOYKD FAHM , IN FUANKLYN -iCo , , Nebraska , ( IOOJ , ' - per acre a bargain , C'u- opuratlto Land & I Ml Co , 205 N. ICth > t. C45-3 QO ACI1K FAUSl It MILKS FUOM LINCOLN , (20.00 Oper acre , on tlmo , CoOperatlvo Jjud and Lot Co. , 205 N. loth st. i5C5ffl FOIt SALK.ON SMALL MONTHLY. PAyMKNTS , 10 bouses. The O.F.Dayls company , 1 ! ) | F1U 14MH 8ALK-CIIKAP. WKLI LOCATUU 7-llOOM A coltuKf , all convenience * ) pa.rcditiuvl ; minor. Addres. M SO , Hue. HAHUAIN : I IIAVB MATUIIBI > brances which I cannot take rare df , and 6tfor to sell for cash , ( J.OOO north of South Oniaba un improved residence property for H.UOU. lluyer tan choose ono appraiser , myself one , and thonutwu chouse a third. Will accept I..OJO for ( J 000 of their valuation If taken at once , or will sell In lots Of (1,0X1 t i u on satuu bail * . Address M 18 lice. _ M Bi ? # I70H SALB-8-KCOHNKH 17TII. DOUCAS. 1 IW , 3 cottage , stable for It horses , can be divided to A | ot > . Inquire at premises. 61 SI' 1SUACHK. 1MPUOYKD FAHM. 21 SULKS KIIOM J-Omntm. (5500 per acre , running water ad tlm- tier ro-optmtlve Laud A Lot Co. , 2ui N. luh st.C45V C45-V 8IOACIIKHANCII IN LOUP VALLKY. t ) MILKS from llurwell , the county test of ( l rneld coonly. Hue liupruYemenii. rlmr front , reasonable terms. Addr | i , T. L. Hall , liunrull , Njl > WT W FOR SALK-HJSAL ESTATE. 1 )11 SALK AT A HAIKJAIN , LOT IV III.OCK W. 11. Pelliy's flr t addllltm to Pouth Omalu. Pmnll payment down , balntino monthly If desired. Inquire U. II. Tischnck , Omnim llee. SSI 1 ToTl8ALK , HO\lK , AH .iMtlCK. ( TVD.Tl.rioT'i'r rsBTtcrmn ; tike clear piMpctty as tlrst payment. U. U. Wallace , Drown block , Idtli and Douxlan y m 7M ' * 17011 SALK. NKI1HASKH"'KAHM TANtS. O. 0. .L' Wallace , m Ilronn blort ] ICth nnd Douglas , t'M'l 701 7 - K. COttNKII 2 TItr.\tND H1CKOUY. "Oil50 J l > feet ! n bargain for rvU''r days only. F , K. Dar ling , llarker block. , 71U HAIR , tgi50D3. HATKS 15c line Mrs I tlmW and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2 , > e' riMIK IDKAI , LADIKS' I1A1U 1)ttiSMlN : < } PAH- Llorsswltchot , banns , wigs , toupees , jewelry nnd hair ornaments In stock ; wins to order , special attention given mall orders , arj S 15th st , 3rd floor , 4VT t-JC' T AHUK8TSTOCK IN KNTIUK WKSTl THKAT- i-Jtrlcnl wigs and beards n specialty. Wigs , hangs , nwllches.halrchnlns , etc1. , In stock and to order. Mall orders solicited. Davles , 1118.15th st.Omalm. 7W DBESSniAKINa. HATES I5o K line first tlmo and lOo a line inero- after. No ndvortlsemtnt taken for less than 25o. I XPKHIKNCKI ) lYAMrwANlSW irKTN ATn -U ( LlK37oo ! pcrilay. Addrc . JIOHamilton direct MASQUERADE COSTUMS , ETC. HATKS ISo n Mho first tlmo and Ilta n linn there after. No advertisement tnken for less thnn26o AlMnSJM3KNTLKMKN CA N t lONTtASQ UE- rado costumes at 114 8 ICth , Uoldcn Ksglo Btoro. STOCK WINTERED. l'.ATK8-I5o n line first tlmo nnd lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less thnn 25c. HOHSK8 AND COLTS FKD AND TAIIKD FOIt nn farm two miles of Omaha from (4 to fit month. 411 S. 14th street. Tel. li'.W. M2A.I Kl.l- LOST. 5.00 HKWARD-LOST. PUO DOG } OOKS HY Pnnmoof Dolts. 213 N. 13th street , T OST , HKTWKKN DOIM1K AND FAHNAM , ON .LJIM , or on Fnrnam , pair of gold glasses , with chain attached. Leave at 410 New York Life. CUTLERY GRINDING : . HATKS 15en line llrsl time nnd lOo a line there after. No advcrtlscmont taken for loss than 2" > c. 3KNIJ YOUll 8C18SOU8 , HA/.OHS , F.TC. , TO UK ground to Undcrland A Co . lot ! S. 14th st. 70S MANUFACTURING JEWELERS. HATKS 15e a line first tlmo and lOo n Una there nftor. No advertisement taken for loss than 2ic C ASii I'AiDi FOU OLD UJUX'C'AUSON' > l Uanks. loom 30 Darker block. Omaha. W3 PAWNBROKERS. BKN F. MAUTI , HEMOVKU TO 107 S. 15TH ST. 971 Fl. ' REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos."FJ : MEGEATII , IIISFA'UNAM STUBB1VOMAHA , NEB RHLLWRYHMEGKRD Leaves | 1IUIU < 1NQ1ON * $ ° , MO. RIVKR.I Arrives Omahn. I Depot 10th and Mason Sts. J Omaha. 5 15 p m | . .SU Paul Limited. . ; l 'IMPROVEMENT ' imgOER Of tlu ME THE BEST. WHY ? lloouusu wu have proated by the Khortcomlngii of the old typewriters , und havoovorootnu many defects nnd , between ouraluvus. we have added nu nr ImprovonienU of whleh their In vcntots n ) vcr ilroatnud , All type oloanod ID ten seconds without soil ing tUo hands. Moro manifold coping oan bo made at oan Im- pruinlmi on the Smith Premier than upon nny other typewriter manufactured K'lid for catalogue. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. The Smith Premier T Co , IGOUi i'uniam Street , Oiimlia , Neb K. u , aavjin , . . . . A Written Pinrantes to SYPHILIS CUHE LVfRY CAS : , or MONEY REFUNDED , Ourciiro h permanent anil not n pMchlne up. Ca M treated even fcarsa o have never eena sTinptom sinettyilc crlt > lititcA o fully we can treat you by mMUand TTPRTC | tlio same slronit guarantee to cure or n > fund"a1l money. The o jvtm prefer to come hero forlrpntment randososml wo will pay railroad faro both irayOind hotel bills wbllo hero If we fall locuro. \Ve I'lmHctiKO the WorM for a ea o that > our MAOIO 1IKMKDY will not cure. Write tor partlcn'nrs nnd net the evidence. In our oven yons' practice wlt'i ' Ihli MAOIO HKMKDV It ha < been mo < l dinicult to overcimnUho prejudices aialii't oMlleit specific * . Hut under our MronR mmtnnteo thoimmU urn trying Itnnd brtnacurocl , We guarantee ) lo cure or rofun I everjrdollaran'ln * wo hnron reputation to proton nlwillnanclrxl liscklnmitM O.OX ) It Isperfectlr safe to nil ho will try Inn treatment , llcrctofo'oyon hare been puttlnRiipnn 1 pnilnitoutrourmoncy forOIRer put treatment * , anil althotiKh you are not yi > t rureit no nno ha paid back your tuoncy. Wo will nn lllr < ily cum you. Old chronic , ilecpscntetl cmo < cure t In ! Ute to 10 ilnf. Investigate our financial slKinllin. , our reputation as builncss men.Vrlto n < for names au > t aildreiiesof the o we hare cnro.li ) , ) have siren perniltslontoteforlOtliom. Itcosls you only po t- aKotb tlo Ihls. If your symptoms nra sore throat , mticnurf patches In month , rheumatism In bones and jolnt < , halr Inlllnitoiit , eruption * on any part of the bmly , fcollnirof mineral il i > ro loTi , pains In heml or Dones. Von Imrn no tlmo to na te. These who are constantly taking mercury anil potn'li should discon tinue II. Constant usoof thcso drugs will surely btlnK sores and eating ulcers In the end. Don't fall to'wrlto All correspondent sent sonlcd In plain envelopes. Wolnrlto thcmost rigid InvcstlKatlon nnd will Jo alt In our power to nld you In It , Address COOK REMEDY CO. , - Omnha , Nebraska. MAGIC CURE nee fern cnso of LOST or FAIMNO noon , Ocnrrnl or Nrnvotm DKIIIMTV. wunk- ncssof body nrmlml , the olTcotaof errors orox- ccssoaln olilor younK thatwocannotonro. Wo iniiirniitoa every cnso or rotund ovcry dollar. I'lve days trial trt'atnicnt 1 , full OUIUKO W5. I'crcopttli'o benefits fonlltcd In thrco days. It/ mall , sucnrcly paokctl from observation. COOK HKMHDV Co. , OMAHA. NEH , LADIES ONLY UARIP I'l IAT.i : HKdUI.ATOIt , afo mill fnHUlU Curtain to n day or money refunded , liy mall t ! . Securely scaled from observa tion. VOOli KKMKIt V CO. , Oinnliu , Neb , 3VO OTEGET6 LEAVES A BEIJOATB AND LASTOTO ODOB. Forsalobri'llDmcnnd FnncyO < xxU Dcolnrs or II nnablo to procure this -wonderful oui > scniISSt In stumps and recclvo a cnko by return mall. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. SVECIAiV-Shandon Ilnlla W ; U ( Iho populnf Society Walti ) ecnt KHKK to onyono Bondliig us br a wnppors of gbocaon lioils BOOP. Le Duo's Poriodioal Pills. The I'ronch remedy acts directly upon the generutlvo orsans and euros supprosilon of the monsos. $2or throe for 13. and oan bn ruallod. Should not be used durlnnproinanoy. .lobburj. drnRRlsls and tlio publlo supplied by Goodman Drust Co. . Ouiahu Dlt-FX C WK3T 8 NKUVK AND DHAIN TJIKAT- .MENTa i > PCIHcfnr llyslorln , IMiiluuss , Fits , Ncu- , Hemlaclitt. Nervous Prostration cauteU by nl- ' 'haccoYikofHlne s , Jlentnl Dcpromlon , of llia'Ilrnln.'causInK ins'inlty , nflscry , decay , death , I'rcmatiirt ) Old AKO , n.irrunaosa. Loss 'of I'owi'rlnplthPrsoV , linpotnney , r.oucOrrhocn snil "nil Fotnalo woiknomoi , Involuntary Losses , SDLT- inatorrhoen caused by over-exertion of the brnln , ' Relf-abuBe.ovor-lndulRcnco A month's treatment II , U for $5 , 'liy ranll. Wo Ounr.intoo t\x \ lioxoi to cure Kooh oidorforil boxes , trlthf > will end writ ten guarantee ° refund If not cured , nuarantces liKiicd only by A. Schrotcr , UruKRlst , sole agents , S. 1C. cor. IlithVnnil f-'nrnamsts' , Omnlin , Nob. CURE A new nnd Complete Treatment , consisting pf Suppositories , ointment In Capsules , ulio In llox nnd Pills ; n Positive Cure for Kxtcrnal , Internal , Ullnd or Hlppdlng Itching , Chronic , Heccnl or Hcrcdltnry Piles. This Hemedy has never been known to fall. (1 per box. II for Si ; sent by mall. Why surrei from this terrible illsonni when n writ ten guarantee Is positively given with li boxes , to refund the money If not cured. Send stamp for free Sample. Gunrnntco Issued by Kuhu & Co , Drugglsti , Solo Agents , corner 15lh nnd Douglas trects , Omnha , Neb. i7oi oioofr , cured In 3 days by the Kronoh Uomotly entit led tbo KINO. It dissolves against and U ab sorbed Into the Influmod parts. Will rotund money iflt dnos not euro , or causes ntrlctu.ro Oeutlonion , here Is a rnllablo urtiolo. U a paokase. or - for ti per mail prepaid. McUor- mlck&Lund , Otiiulia. THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul' R'y , as represented on thiti map. CEDAR RAPIDS 0/H/ffly" Bu , PE3 MOINES Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 6:20 : p. m , , arriving rivingat Chicago'at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'I Agent. C. C. LINCOLN , Pass. Agent. PROPOSALS FOIl EHEOTION OP KOHOOI , Uulldliii8 , Htoniii llcatliu nml Vuntlla- tlon , nnd Fire Ksouiiea , Dopurtinunt of the Intorlor , Ollleo of Indian Affulrs , WuslilnKton , I ) . I ? . , Juillltiry 0. IfcW.-hKAI.EI ) I'HOI'OSALH. OU- ilorsoil. ' 'I'roposalii for erection of liulldlnzs , Btenin lientlnx , oUv , " us the raso inny be , mid uddroHbud to tlio Coinnilsslonor ot Indian Af- fulrn. Waslilnzton. O. O. , will bu rocalvod at thlH otllco until t o'clock , p. m. , of February H , IH'.rJ. for the erection nt tliu 1'lno H 111 go Axenoy , boutli Uakotu , of ono brick nssuinbly liiillillnc , one brlok lioupltal bulldliiR , and ono brloK Holler house , aa per plans und snooltlcutlons which may bo examined ut the olllroa of the Itopubltcan , of Itiipld City , H. ! > . , tlm HER of Omnhn , Neb. , und tlio llulUlora llniird of Trade , cornorTtli itnd Co-lar strcotH , bt. I'uul , Minn. , nnd at tlio 1'jno Itldgo Agunay , Illdilorn will bo ruutilrod to submit separata blrts for each l\illdlng ) \ , and stuto the lenelli of tlinu propoMta to bo consumed In their construc tion. Illda aru also liivltod for furnlahlir , ' all nmcliliHiry ; mutcrlals , and nil lubornoccaaury to put them In position , for lieiitliiK and van- tliratliiR the u&somlily building , thu hospital building , the present school building , and Iho Inu'nilry ( now In course of wins ! ruction ) , all to bo pmucrly connected by ndt'ijuuto pluos with thu boiler house , from which thev uro to bo hunted , b'enarnto ulua Hhould also be mtido for huatiiu mm vcntllutliiz ns above , from bollur hou80'alily thu asiumbly bultdlnz und tlio present snlitxi ) building. r < oparatii bids an > ulsQ luvllejl for furnlbliliitf und plHclns ono or two tire escapes on the ussumbly and hospital bulldluus.whon same Khali have buen erected , uUnon thapro&ont school building. Hlddurs n heating and vuntllutlnir , and lira cscapon. to ucuompany tholr bids with dualgna and spucltloatloniof thostontu houtln und ven tilation and ( Ire eicnpcs proposed to l > o fur- ulslii'd ; biild rlcslziib and spoollluutlaiu to be iiduptod to the uulldlutrs to which they are to boauullcil. The right U rosorvol to reject nny or All bids , or nny part of any bid If doomed for Iho liest Interest o ( the service Kuch bljjiiiut bo accom pan Itd by ii'ucrtlflcd checUordraft upon some United States depository or solvent national bank In thu vicinity of the residence of the bidder , ' mucii ! payuulo to thoordor of thoCom- inltloner of Indian Affulrs. for ut laust KIVK rKit CBNV of thu amount of thu propa ul.whlcli chuck or draft will bo forfeited lo the United fcutes Inensonny bidder or bidden receiving an nwurd ahull fall to promptly oxoauto a contract with noud nnd sulllalent surotlos , othurwlso to bo rutnrncd to the bidder. Illdi accompnnlpd by cnsli In llou of eortllkwl check will not bicor.sldorod. . T. J. MOIlUA > j ludluu Affair * . JlOcUHM A CATACLYSM OF WAR CLAIMS Southern Bills for Datnngca Pouring in Upon Ooagross , * GENERAL RAID ON THE TREASURY VnrlntM Mrii urr4 liilrntttirnil to I.0rt\t ( llnrilrrs to Itpliel Clnlti > A ( limit African In ( tie Cotton TnVoiiilpllei Southern wnr clnlma nro potirlnp In upon congress. Over .2,000 bills hrtvo boon Introduced providing various inonna of coiniionsatiiitr soutbcrnors for war losses. Sonio itrdvltlo for nn Invcstlpn- tlon by the court of claim ? , others nnmo a Bpcclllo nniount and npproprlnto it directly. Tliero eccms to bo a general nwnkon- Ing In the south on the subject of vvir : losses , writes the Washington corre spondent of tht ? St. Louis Globo-Uom-o crnt. _ Of the members south of Mrtson nnd Dixon's line , nil but hulf n dozen hnvo put in from ton to 150 of thoflo bills. The com- mlttoo on wnr claims Is receiving u con siderable number. It could hardly hnvo boon framed upon llnoa more favorable to the claimants. The chairman IR a Pennsylvania man , but his constituents are just now pressing a multitude of claims on the government for individual damages sustained b.tho . invasions. Stone of IContucuy. the indefatigable ono-leggcd man who was on the point of lighting with his own party in the hist congress bocnuso.it tried to delay this l < ind of legislation , is u , member. Sola Enloo of Tennessee , who in Iho Plfty- llrst congress blocked jirivnto pension bills because the war claims were hung up. Winn of Georgia and Shell of South' Carolina are also on it. There are sis. southern men on this committee. Onpnhtg the Hours. About the close of the war congress passed an not providing for the reim bursement of loyal southerners who had sustained losses chiefly through quarter master's stores and subsistence supplies taken during the , operations of the United Status army or navy. But there wtiro thrown around such claims certain limitations , nnd especially was it re quired that they must bo liled before a given date. General Wheeler of Ala bama now brings' ' , forward a bill throwing wide open the door and declaring that those claims "shall not be subject to or atTcctod by tiny stat ute of limitations heretofore1 enacted , " Ho also "extends the character of the claims far beyond the original concep tion of it. His proposed law excludes any claim growing out of the destruc tion or use or occupation of property "in cases whore such destruction , damage or use was necessary to the success of a battle in progress , or the defense of or attack upon a position ; but" now mark the latitude of this ! ' 'in all crises where such destruction or damage to property , or use and occupation of real estate , was not essential to success as aforesaid , then and in that case the court of claims shall investigate and de termine the value of the properly so .destroyed or damaged ; and in all cases of the use and occupation of * VQI\\ \ > estate said court t hall .ascertain the duration _ of such use or.oecupation , and determine the amount of compensation to which the owners irrrty jhatly bo uiitltlod.f. General Wheeler has another bill which , like tho'ubovo , has erono to thu committee on judiciary. Thjs second bil } bears a suggestive title. ' Its pur pose is "to dispense with proof bf loyalty in certain case" . It declares that ' 'after the passage of this act proof of loyalty during the war of 18U1 to 1805 shall not bo required as a prerequisite of restora tion or 'admission to the pension roll of any person who otherwise would bo en titled thereto under " existing law , or laws which may bo , hereafter enacted , nor bhall proof of loyalty during the war of 1801. to 1805 bo necessary in ap plications for bounty laud when the proof otherwise shows that the appli cant is entitled thereto. " Bills of like import have boon intro duced by Richardson of Tennessee , Me- Rae of Arkansas , Culborson / ' , Elliott of South Carolina and Senator Faulkner of Virginia. The Col toil Tux. On the first day allowed for the ad mission of bills Mi * . Enlpo of Tennessee brought in tlio proposition to refund the cotton tax. Tins tax amounted to $08- 072,1588.79. It was collected in 1803 , 18047 1805 , 1800 , 1807 and 1SG& It was col lected as part of the internal revenue. It fell , as Mr. Enloo says in his whereas , "mainly upon the producer , both the white nnd colored race engaged in pro ducing said cotton , who. wliilo paying this tax on cotton , have as other cltlxens of the several states paid their duo pro portion of all other taxes. " Mr. Euloo'e bill makes the points that ' 'no ' other raw agricultural product of any of tho'stalos has been taxed , oven during the war , " and that "tho judges of the supreme court were equally divided in opinion IIH to the constitutionality of the law under which ' Biiid taxes were collected. " Therefore Mr. Euloo proposes that tlio cotton tax shall bo paid back to the states in the form of thirty-years United States bonds bearing ! ! pur cent interest , payable Boml-annually. The milk in the cocoanut , otherwise the real bonolicl- arloa of tills measure , Is bhown by the following exhibits of the payments which would have to bo made : , Alalmmn . . . . . . IIOUKS,07 10 ArlumsiiH . . . . . . . l',5J5iJ8 ( l.l California . ) 01 Cnutifotlutit . , . 11U 01 Klorlila . , . DIH.im ( M UrcMla . . . . . JlhU7ul ! ) US Illinois . UTti.141 t > Indliiim . , , . , . . , , , , , ir..T-T S3 Inwn . , . . . . , .f. . 27 Kansas. . . , , . . . 411 15 Kotiluuky . , . . , , . , .T. . , . ftt.l.3.7 t\ 1,011'uluna , - . . . . . . . i . 10,0118,5111 OJ Maryland . , . , 6I.UUI 5' ' Mass.iclmsetlu . 01.ICT au Mississippi , . , , . , , . , . ; . , . . , BWl.vn Ul Mlsuoiiri. . . ! . . * . . . . . ,7 > . ' .0'M M Now Jersey , , , , ? . . . , . , . : ' .h.VM. New York . , . . . . f07U4Jl8 North Ourolliw , . . . , . l.U'iiUOl H7 Ohio . , . . . , . , . 447,127 IJ Pennsylvania , . . , . . , . . . , . , . , . . , . , . . TB.MI 00 Utmilu Ulnml . , , , „ . , i',4.'l 711 Smith Carolina . . 4I72,4''I lu Tennessee. . . . . , , . 7.67J,4 ) 71 TcHS . , . 6.51U.40I 25 Utill . . . UTS 31 Virginia . . , , . . 8i\MM The statoH ure to rocei vo tiicso amounts in government bonus and to rotund to DR. MILES' | ! P 100 bite oat of the folltwlu ; NEW CURE h UKAliT SYMPTOMS , VOIITHC j 4 i i LOOK OUT ! HEART. Iiatafe andtclia * ble remedy for I'jJ- piuiion of Heart. m . Short llieath. Flutltriog.Dropsy , Opprcuion. Wind In blomicli , Irreg ular J'ulw , Chot. Ing Sensation in Throat , Uneasy Seasaitan in Chen , Smothering Sptlli. Uteainioe , Night mare , Ac. Get Dr. Miles'book. 'New and Startling Facti , ' FREE AT'A LI. DKU001STS. DU.HILE3 MEDIOAL 00ElkliartIncL For salu by Kutiu & Oa , JHli uad lyuglu . individuals the cotton taxes they pnd | from 1803 to 180S inclusive , ( ioinn of ttio 4'lnlthl. There are a hundred of those general measures , involving amounts of which no ono can muko any estimate. And then thrro nro two thousand and omJ In dividual claims of great diversity. The number of those Individual claims In creases dally. ThOlr character may bo illustrated by a few random samples. Ono of Senator ninokburrTfl bills ill- rocts the payment of * : ! , lH.il ) ( ( to the es tate of Mary II. S Uobortson "for rent of promises in Kontugky during the late war. " Alhorlo Duplnutlor of East llttton Hougo , La. , will accept $0,11I" "in full satisfaction for stores and supplies tahon from him by the military forces of the United States for tholr use during Urn war for the suppression of the rebel lion. " The holrs of Mrs. . W. P. Choirs ask $15,805 for "property taken from her plantation In May , 1803 , " by Bank's army. A curious claim Is that of "Mrs. Sarah Ai Wood , widow , of the cltv of Baltimore. " Airs. Wood seeks * "tho sumcf $1U4-H : , said sum being the proceeds - coeds of $2,1240.7-1 in legal money taken from the Bunk of Now Orleans by Cap tain J. W. McClure , assistant quarter- intisior , tumor military ordois. " W. H. Wlmlish oilers to accept * ll- ) ,003 In full satisfaction for stores and nup- piles taken from him In West D'ellclair.x , La. Senator Cnrllsto propose to pay $ -liSO ; to Hobokah Willclns , widow of .losso WUklns. late jailor at Carrollton , Ky. , "in compensation for food and varo fur nished by saitl Jcsso WlUdus to United Staten prlbouors conllned in the jail , jit said place during Iho war of the rebel lion. " "For wood tnkon nnd used by the United States troopi onu.itnnod on hia proml&os during the Into civil war , " James E. Uhll of Chirk county , ICoh- tucky , asks for "whatever may bo junt and equitable , " a.s dot ; rmincd by the quartermaster general on investigation. Alexander Monott asks SlU.-14'il)8 ) for the use of the National race course in the District of Columbia by the 4111(011 ( forces during the last year of the war. Mount Xlou society of Winnsboro , S. C. , asks that the court of claims ho directed to hoar Us claim for the oc cupancy of the grounds and buildings of the Mount , Zion"collogo in 1801 1800 and 1S07Tho The assignee of the late Joseph ( .1. Shannon of Louisiana wdnts"IOODO for the btoumhoat A. W. Qimrrior , . "im pressed into Iho United States service" and "subsequently destroyed. " The administrator of John S. .Ryan , late of Charleston , S. C. , s6okH authority to prosecute a claim for Iho not pro ceeds of 108 Imlos of cotton Hoi/.od by the military authorities at Charleston in 1805. St Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church society at Norfolk , Vn. , estimates its claim "for rent anil damages" from. Oc tober M , 1S03 , to November 1 , 1S05 , at $1,800. Tlio holrs of Mrs. Adelaide Shipley wish $8,1148.57 "in payment for property taken near Vicksburg for the imu'edlate usoof the United Stiitoa nnny in 18GX" Mobile was captured late in the war. The claim of the Mobile Marino Dock company is limited to apart of ' 18(53 ( , but it amounts to $80,20i05 "for the use of its property by the government. " Ono of Senator Carlisle's .bills directs the payment to Catherine MoV/lu KunUm county , Kentucky , qJiJUOO"in full.oqm- pcnsalion for horses' ' taken and i the troopof tha United State's 'during the war of the rebellion. " Ono of the bills Iiitrodu9cd JjyMMr Poyntor of Kentucky directs the nocro- taryof w.tr to appoint a commission , to ascertain and report the facts concerning the taking of property for the use of the army and destroyed at C'ynthianu , , Ky. , on Juno 11 , 1801. A Missouri claim Is based on , tho"o by government troops of "a dwelling , cabinet shop and other buildings on Hot 78. block 7 , " in Macoti City , Mo. ; also of a ton-ucro tract of timh'crcd land ad jacent to Macon. The secretary of war is to find out how much iij duo Mury J. Boalmcnr for the use of this -property ana the secretary of the treasury is directed to pay it. Senator .lonos of Arkansas fathers a bill to pay Henry M. Stone pf White county , Arkansas. $2(5iJ ( ) ( ( ( "for ; stores and supplies taken and'usod by tho-nrmj' of the United States during the Into war. " Ilonry Ware , then of Houston county. Texas , but now of Mississippi , had 7/58 / bales of cotton seized nt Shreveport lo- cembor 1 , 1805. lie got it back March 0 , 1800. hut It was worth 1 r,971.Ul ! Ipoa than when it was sei/.od. Furthermore , there were charges paid , bringing the loss up to $ OI,811.1)2. ! ) Ware euud for this and got judgment , and now a bill is tmtln to pay him this amount wltli 5 per cent Interest from December , 18(15. ( "All parsons and holrs of persona 'claiming toliavo been illegally drafted into the soivieo ; of the United States in July , 1801 , in Poudloton county , Ken tucky , anil claiming Improperly to have paid commutation , " are to bo iiu thori/.od to bring suits to recover In the court of claims. The owners of the steamboat Rosn Ilambloton want $2,100 "for Hoi'viuQs while under impressment at or near Cincinnati during the Kirby Smith raid from September 0 to Soptonibor 17 , 1802 , twelve days at $200 a day. " Two pages of the paper might.bo Illlod with tha enumeration of the bills intro duced since the 7th of January to pay ' southern people for losf.cs sustained i'n ono way or another through the operation - ation of the war , Constipation poisons too nlood ; Da Witt's Little K rly Klaora euro constipation , 1Tio ( CHUsaremovod , tha disuatt ) Is gonu. TIII ; itHAi/rv .ti plaouil on record J.iuuiry : WAIIItSTYIIKKII ? . A W ll'ibcock ' nnil wlfn lo Mnlllu l' . lj > ( > , lot U , lilofk IIW , Hoiitli ( Jin.iliu , . f,10) | tinoruo llaxtcri't al to .Julius lloncdlct , until v 1-S nw no and tract In nu nw I * 15-1.1 2,0:0 : 8.1 HowKll nml wlfo to Alfruil Mlllurd , lou I , 'J nml , block J5 , KnuntzniSc Itnlli's , nilil , nxropt 10 foul siimro | In tin coruur 11,759 Arndt mid A'/nruli Moi 1,1111an KiAnn.i AlorHittii.in , lotsI : ) und Ul , blook U , Hlnr- ; iniiii AVUMUO parl * , . . , , . , , , . . JOV ] Hum v Ili'miUlcl and wlfo to Qisor o ami . I I' Iliivtur , lot I. , blouki' . I'lalnvlotv 1IW I ) V SlioluM und \vlfu U ) 1 , B Jlouil , lot , 10 , lilncli _ ' , Inytltiite pluro 'kn J .1 Uiilhn nnd wife to J A Wakollclil , lot : t , Amli-owa. W i T's HuUUv : jV Jon Anderson ami wlfn to John Jinn- ( Irliik , n Si lot U , llonicin & " milxllv 1) inV'auali and ulfu lo John Ili'ld. iniiUii l"t 1" , bind ; in , Uinalin . , , mo \V U Mcl.H.iniind wlfn toWllllatii Itoliln- son , lot 7 , Hniltli'd nark . , , . . . . . . . . , , . : iooo , I'rank hlionll and wlfn to llrnnci T/bOlmuk , Jr. , Iol2. KasDiir'n add . . . . M h BU'iilii-nsim nnd ttlfo to I'll Itor - htioin , nit M , bluulc I , 0 K Mtiyiin'it 1st add to Valley . , U M Wldto and Inuliand lo i ; II I-in , ' , u U foot lot , fl , block 1. Marl find jilucn. . 7M UeoiKo 1'urliu uinlilo \ to Junu > 4 I'arlcij , lot lu. lilookU , CorrUiH" tl oo . . . . , , . 450 John \Vltlinull ut ul Ui II J Heannoll , part unit - ' , block 147 , Umalm . . . . . 10,000 Oeoreo Ijflgiro and wlfu ( u T II fiinltli , IpU U , 11 and li , Hlowart plivpu > . .i. , , . 0 A Fowler ( inoclil in as lor ) loOI Mirs , loii , block I , Muyuu'n d add . . . 401 Total amount of tratuferJ- . f t'tl Jack Front lias a special mUiiott la winter it's to clini UD our hands nnd oheoki , and Jack Krost says bo don't ItUo huller's Aus tralian salyo obit , It euros ttio "llttlo chaps" up.