THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TITUjjlSDAY , JANUAKY 28 , 1892 THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL nLUFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 12 PEARL STREET. Ecllvorrd by Carrier lo any part of tbo City 11. W. TILTON , - MANAGER. 1 HuMncAS omco No 41 NlRlit Editor. , No 23 , vf.M7ox. K , Y. Plumbing Co ! Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loani. 204 Snpp block. Alexander Boylen Is In tbo city Jail on n charge of selling liquor without n government - mont license. The pupils of the Third street school will give an entertainment this evening at Mn lonio tomplo. Mrs. J. H. Pace will entertain tbo Married Lndlpit1 Social club tomorrow nftornoon at n kcnslngton ten. A marriage license wn issued yesterday to Henry U. Lrelor ) and Anna S. UlchnrJ , both of I'ottawnttnmlo county. Obnrlcq A. Phillips nnd Elln M. Vnnsroy , both of this city , were married yesterday afternoon by Justice llarcmor. Mr. Rockoof the firm of Rocko & Co. of Princeton , Nob. , wan heavy buyer ot agri cultural Implements yesterday. \fH team la being orgnnlrcd for tbo tournn- -mcnl wblch takes place nt Atlantic in .liuin under the auspices ot the Firemen's associa tion. Judge Thornoll granted .1. W. Schubert a divorce , In the district court tostcrduy , from his wife , Snlllo Schubert , tbo latter falling to make any defense , The O-months-old son of Henry Umoach died Monday night. The funeral will bo held-today from tbo residence , corner of Twenty-seventh street md Avenue U. A suit win commenced In thg superior court restorday to foreclose a mortgage ot $1,100 S. B. Wndswortb on lot ID , blocU.1l , Central subdivision , the property of H. C. and Cordelia Harris. A Judgment was rendered In the district court yesterday In tbo cnso of the Iowa Mctunl Building and Loan association against Kntlo M. Hlos * and others. The case ot N. \V. Williams ngalnst the Judd-Wulls Invest ment company was tried ana submitted. Tbo regular council mealing ot Pottnwntta- mio tribe , No. 21 , Improved Order of Red Men , will bo held tills evening in their wig wam , corner of Broadway and Main streets , fct 7:33 : o'clock. A full attendance of tbo members Is desired , J , U , TIITO.V , Sncbom. Chester Egbert , a small small boy , Is char cod with iteming three pairs ot gloves from In front ot the Boston storo. Ho was arrested yesterday ufttnnoon by UOlcer Kemp. Two other boys are Implicated in the the theft , but tboy have not yet bcon appro bonded. John Hutcblnson dlod vssterdny morning kt his residence in Hazel Doll townsnip , need 81 years. Ho was nn old settler of i'otta- cvnttumlo county , and at ono tlmuhold tbo Dfllco ol sheriff. The remains will DO In terred In Harris' grove , Harrison county , tomorrow. The monthly coting of the Women's Christian Tempo mica union will bo bold this afternoon nt 3 o'clock In the Mornnm block , the dav having boon changed from the first Wednesday to the last Wednesday in the month. The president for the ensuing jroar Is to bo elected. 'V. ' JSdwnrd Swynov , the Insane man who was captured In the Union Pacific yards a few days ago , has been sent to the homo of bis mother in Alamodu , Cal. , In response to tolo iam received to that effect. His mother Hated In tbo telegram that she thought tbo trouble with htm was simply nervous pros tratlon. The pupils of the now Pierce Street school have arranged an entertainment , the pro ceeds of which are to be used in ranting a piano for use in tbe building. Two pro- plains will bo rendered , ono for children Tomorrow evening , and the other for the grown people Friday evening. Admission 10'cents. The Iron work for the now trestle bridges that are to bo put In by tbo Northwestern over Indian creek on Twelfth street arrived In the city yesterday from the east , and a gauc of mon is now at work putting It together. Tbo tracks are to be raised so as to allow the water of the crook to pass through freely and thus" prevent the over flows that have done so much damage in that part of tneclty every year. Miss Rosa Goldstein entertained a party of her young friends Monday evening at.bor homo , 132 : ) Broadway , in honor of her thir teenth birthday. The evening was-passod quickly In playing various games , and re froshmouts were served. The following were nrnong tboso pr.-sont : Carrie Dingle Katie Hughes , Bertha and Lena Newman of Omaha , Wlllla Kirkland , Olllo Lower Charlie Hall , Fred Sbowalter and Slla Bhott alter. Annie Banks , a colored girl who livrs ot .Seventh avenue When she Is at homo , am /who was mentioned in TUB Her. some time ' ago ns having run away from home , turuec up yesterday afternoon at a house ou Eos PJerco street , near the corner of Lincoln nvonuo , and wns brought to the city Jail where she was chargoa with being incorribl bio. She will bavo an examination bofor Tudgu McGee this morning to determine whether she shall bo sent to the reform ichool. A light took place at the Grand hotel abou two weeks ago in wblch William Lewis nnc Henry Beocroft , the proprietors of two riva hnok lines , were the parties of the 11 rat am Focond parts respectively. Tholr stories differ for as to thu cause of the light , but they ngrco in tbo statement that Lewis otruc BeecrofU Lewis clultiis"tbe blow wns a very light ono , but It is a significant fact tbnt Bee croft hut not bcon around since It was de llvorcd. Lewis was arrested yesterday nn will have a hearing on the charge of nssaul and battery Ibis afternoon at 2 o'clock 1 Justice Cones' court. R. E. Colburn , who wns mentioned la Tin ; IJni : a day or so ago as having come up from > /t. Joseph , Mo. , to makocoffcoln tbo Interest ' "of tbo Midland Coffee company of that city , has fallen by the way side. Monday night was his first night In the city , and ho celebrated the event by getting on a glorious aproo , finally ending up in the police station , where bo introduced himself as a veteran newspaper , man and asUcd to bo locked up until ho should have a chunco to sloop off the effects of bis Jag. Ha was accommodated , with a night's lodging , and yesterday morning was lined lu police court. Ho was without money , and Is still confined In tno city Jail. The Midland Coffee company Is on the lookout for another ropro- sunlutlve. ana until a suitable ono Is found cancels nil lu engagements for free drluks. The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , la. , cloHos every evening1 at 0 p. in. , unless Mondays and S'tttirdtiye. Mondays 0 p. in. , SaturdavB 10 p , m. Fothoringhnin , Whltalnw & Co. , Council Bluffa , liu Rultor , the tailor , ! I10 Broadway , has nil tlio livtoat styles and now winter goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. j' i. IM n.tiin.t i > ns. Spencer Smith has gone to Dos Moluos. F/\ Cyrus ArnUt , a Missouri Valley attorney , wns u Bluffs vUltor yesterday. James Fonlnn of Coifs * Is In the city visitIng - Ing nil daughter , Mrs. J. J. Shea. ( } . AV. Mauror , dealer in implements at Beatrice , Neb. , was in tbe city yesterday. K. , E. Mlckel , a prominent Implement dealer \Ynlnut , was In tbo city yesterday. W. U. Wadsworth of Indlanola , Neb. , § pent the day yesterday In the Implement district In this city , Dr. J. H. Fenlon of Norman , O. T. , Is In the city , a guest of Ins cousin , James Fou- Ion , do Duty county clerk. II , K. Pankouiu of Louisville , Neb. , is In the city laying in u stock ot agricultural im plements for his spring trade. L. M , Kern oy , a capitalist of Horton.Kan. , mid a brother of W. L. Keruey , cashier ot tbo Cattlemen's bank of this city , bus sold out his Interests ( u Horton and will locate In Council Bluffs , bo having boon elected presi dent of the Cattlemen's bank to succeed W. J. Davenport. Two npprontlco nurses wanted at the W. O. A. hospital , corner Uth street and 6th nrenuo. _ Jarvls 1877 brandy , purest , sitfoat , beat. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS It it tbo Boys' Turn Now and They Will Embrace It , THEY WILL REPAY THE YOUNG LADIES .Alerting Held nl tlir ( Iraiiil to ArmiiRP tlio DctiilU of MII Kntrrtnlinnrnt Unite I'roiltirtlxc it Will Hu Ilrlil Mured II. The young men of the city held a meeting In the parlors of the Orand hotel last even ing to make arrangements for the return party which is to bo given the young Indies who entertained their gentlemen friends a short lmo ago. It was decided to give the purty on tha evening of March 11 , orobabiy in the Grand hotel. A committee was ap pointed , consisting of the following gentle men , to make nil arrangements : E. W. Hart , Ucorgo A. Kcellnc. Harry Bowman , J. L. Paxton , Louis Zurmuolilon , J. N. Bow man and J. Palmer. IT is A aiiHAT HAM : . The Tropic KntlMlrd lth the OflVrnliit ttio IloxtniiMorr , Council Uldlfr. Slnco the beginning of the prent semi annual clearance Bale at the Boston store the rush IIUB been without parallel In the history of the dry gom\9 \ trade in Council Bluffs. Occurring as it is , in what ia supposed to bo the dullest season of the year , it la more than simply remarkable - markablo ; It is phenomenal , and Indi cates the ( net that the people have plenty of money to spend when they can got genuine bargains. The big sale will continue this week. Read some of the bargains for the week : Our entire stock of novelty dress goods sold for ( Me. 75o and OOc In ono lot , dur ing this sulo 4 io. This is ono of the bin Rest bargains offered. 60 pieces -lO In. Brillluntlnc , full range of shades , bold for COc a yard , will bo placed on sale at L'5c a yard. Don't tnins booing this bargain. $1.00 blankets for OOc. 81.3 ! ) blankets for $1.00. $1.00 blankets for $3.00. $5.00 blankets for $3.75 , 0 Ibs. , extrJl largo. $0.50 Davenport blankets , 5 Ibs. , $4.33. $5.75 all wool red blankets $4.25. Comforters at greatly reduced prices : Bargains at 07c , $1.19 , $1.33 , $1.75 and special offerings at $3.00 , $3 39 , $3.80. 1 case 27 In. red S linker llannol , sold for 33c , during sale 20c. } 2oc red twilled tlannol lOc. * Shirting flannels 12ic. 17c , 25c , 33c to 75c. $1.25 all wool skirt patterns for 08e. 90o and $1.00 mudo up skirts reduced to COc. . Children's wool hose 5c a pair. 25o all wool hose , 5 } to 8J , for 1'c , 3 for 50c ; in dark colors , seals , navy and wine. Black wool hose , 5J to 0 } . to close at lOc a pair. Boys' heavy gray mixed wool hose , sold at 25c , to go during sale at 17c. Ladles' wool ribbed hose 17c a pair. Wo have just received 500 Sample Garments from two of the leading man ufacturers of Now York City , which wo will sell at fifty cents on the dollar. All our regular stock at the same reduction , 'just half price , " and in quite a number of cases less than the cost of'making. Ladies' Newmarkets Our entire stock , which sold for $5 , $7 , $10 and $15 , choice of the lot for $1.98. Only ono "Garment to a customer. " Prints we cut your choice of our stock for 5c a vard. This includes besi blues , silver grays , Simpson's black , heavy wide serge in black and colors , sold for 7c and 8c , all go at 5c. BOOKS. A special bargain in the book lino. Our $45.00 sets of Encyclopaedia Brit- tanica for $22.50 ; our $30.00 sots for $18.00 ; the above contains 30 volumes oaoh and by far the best work on the market at the present day , ( Allen edition. ) A chance for all professional mon that seldom occurs. A library of itself. BOSTON STORE , FOTIIEUINOHAM , "WlHTELAW & CO. Council Bluffs , la , N. B. Mail orders promptly attended. Packages delivered to any part of the city fieo of charge. Ilrown ( iocs West. Henry Broun , who was charged with threatening to put. s voral Urge bullets through the frame of his brother-in-law , M. Marcus , was brought uii in police court yesterday morning for a bearing. During the night , however , ho and tbe injured brother-in-law managed to come to an under standing , Brown offering to leave the city if Marcus would not prosecute him , and take his wife and children along with him. Mar- rub had already come to the conclusion that Brown did not want to hurt htm so much as ho had tried to make people believe , so ho was willing to declare a truce. Brown loft yesterday for Omaha , taking ull bis family and his property with him. Only two days more of the closing out sale at the Japanese store , 317 Broad way. _ E. II. Shenfo tins eastern money 01 hand for real cstato loans. Leap Yeur I'arty. Tbo leap year party to bo given this even ing at tbo Hoyal Arcanum parlors by tbi young ladles of the city promises to bo a vorj enjoyable affair. Nearly every one of the 12 , ' invitations sent out has been accepted , and i largo attendance is consequently assured. . Quite u number will bo present from Omaha , and for their convenience a special motor train has oeon chartered to make a trip from Council Bluffs to Omaha at 2:15 : o'clock , after the dancing is over , The worn of dec orating tbo parlors is now In orogross and tbo most elaborate preparations uro being mndo to make the party a success , Lending drugstore and news standDavis. Married In Nt'liriiHku. P. T. True , of the city treasurer's oOlco , loaves this afternoon for Abbland , Nob. , where bo will bo united in marriage tbU evening to Mis * Anna J. Chamborlln of this city , who Is vUltlng friends there. After the wedding bo will return with bis bride to Council Bluffs , and will rosldo at tbo Ogden bouso. Bath of tbo parties are well known , tbo bride having been a teacher in tbe city schools for a number of years. V Yocnl Mimic. Prof. T. W. Davis , teacher of voice and note reading , LofifionR private. Call or address at Grand hotel , Council Bluffs. Swmsoi Mujlo Cj. , Muonlo temple Dr. P. T Soybert htis removed to the Grand hotol. Telephone 35. TncroV t Some Siuok * . Tbe fire that was discovered In tbo base ment uf F , H. Evans' shoo store Monday night near midnight did loss damage than wa feared. When the firemen broke open tbo front doors tboro was considerable smoke encountered , and U wat feared the stock was damaged by It , but a c.ireful Investigation yesterday snowed that comparatively little burnt was done. The Urn was con lined entirely to tbe collar , and was due to upon taueous combustion of a small m'.o of soft coal that bad been lying beneath the stair way for several years and which recently got wet. Tbo heat set tire to a pile of boxes , and was blazing merrily when thu llromon turned on the \ \ utIT unJ quickly domed it. There was no fire on tbo upper lloor and not a drop of water was thrown In tbo store , and come- cjuoutly tbo only damage luUictoa on tbo stock was confined to the smoking of some ot the cheaper goods beneath the counters In the roar of the Uort near the colUrway and a slltfbt smoking of the boxes In the back pa-tof the establishment. The stock was covered with over $15,000 Insurance placed largely In the agencies represented by Odcll & Co , J. C. Lange and W. S. Cooper. The loss was balng adjusted yesterday , and tbo fire will not seriously ID- tcrrunt business. Jarvls wild blackbarrv U the bast Wo have our own vlnoyards in Callfo ? nin. Jnrvts Wino comtuny , Co. BlulTa Clmrgrit lth Ed Moksel , a railroad man llvlngon Avcnuo B , WM arrested yesterday afternoon on an Information filed In Juntlco Hammer's court charging him with cheating by false pre tenses. The complainants were the firm of J. T. Hopkins & Co. , grocers of this city , who allege that ho came to tholr place ot buslnc J nnd asked for credit , representing his name to bo Ed T. Pitts , another inllroad man. Upon this representation tboy sold him Roods to the amount of loT.DO , which bo now refuses to pay. Ho was nlucoJ under 200 bonds and released pending his prelimi nary hearing , which will take place tomor row. Walnut block and Wjomlng coal , fresh mlnod , received dallj Thatcher , 10 Main. _ Diu Woodburydontlst3noxt toGr.-xnd hotel ; flno work a specialty. Tola 145. Stricke C. II. Shorrancn Is confined to his homo on Willow avenue by a stroke of partial paraly sis. His trouble first showed Itself In the morning , when ho went to dress himself and found that the entire lower halt of his body was poworloso. Ho has boon In poor honlth for several years past , and it Is feared that his latest nlUlctlon will provo very serious. Ho Is In a very critical condition nnd his phvslciun states that in nil probability his constitution will bo well nigh shattered by the stcolie. ' TIII : VATICAX. Kirorts of AtiNtrln to IlrliiR About llettcr llcluttons llctwrcii Tlium. HOME , Jan. 20. His learned from Vatican sources that a few days ago Cardinal Seraflno Vannutelll hart a lotg and grave interview with the popa on tbo subject of a reconcilia tion batwoen the holy see and Italy. The in terview was prompted by the ompcror of Austria , who is personally interested in the matter. The recent speech of Count Kal- ioky was tbo starting point of diplomatic iCtion to secure this desired reconciliation. Austria , It Is understood , asks the pope to agree to the participation ot Catholics in the talian parliamentary elections and a modification of the present favorable attl- , udo of the holy see toward France. In return for this Austria wants Italy to ihango her Inimical attitude toward the atican to one of more friendly character and o put an end to the religious persecution of ho Catholics. Austria has a triple end in Mow : To save the triple alliance from discredit In tbo Catholic world. to prevent the Vatican from going over to the side of Franco nnd to arrest the radical movement in Italy , which might in time threaten the position of the monarchy. The Italian court nnd government have sig nified their approval of rapprochement on the incs laid down. King Humbert and the Italian ministers , however , insist that the Catholics should nrst upon tbo way to a satisfactory arraniro- mont by participation at the polls. Other wise nothing can bo done. The interview with the pope lasted an hour and a half. The pope promised to consider the arrangement proposed. Uouotless ho will wait with a vlow to discovering the rea son of these overtures of the Austrian court. It is already known that Austria , supported by .Germany , will endeavor to bring about the election of Cardinal Vannutelll as Leo XIII's successor to tbe pontifical throne' , while Mgr. Gallmberti would bo his secre tary of state. It is believed in Vatican cir cles that the pope , while accepting a promise and concessions , will not yield to the de mands of Austria and Italy , but will continue 10 maintain his attitude of reserve , awaiting more favorable time. The holy see is much pleased with the reports received from America nnd Arcnbishop Ireland' . ) attitude in regard to the educational question la tbo United States. Ready for Sen Ice. NEW YOUR , Jan. 20. Ever since the be ginning of tbo Chilian controversy there have been numerous applications for enlistment at the Brooklyn navy vard , but since the de termined war talk of the past week there has been a noticeable Increase in the number of young volunteers who loiter around the York street gate. They are not all Brocklynites , but ball from various places and represent several nationalities. The Mlantonomah will probably leave tbo Brooklyn now ' yard on Monday. Her desti nation is said'to bo tbe West Indies. Now OrU'iuiH ItuccH. , La .Jnn.UO. Weather pleas ant ; attendance largo ; track much Improved First race , soiling , live furlongs : Mlllleim won , Harry L. second , Stoner third. Time OJVt. Second race , sollln , flvo and one-half fur IIKS : Mary Mao won , Deb Purely second , Modjcska third. Tlmu : lil'-Vi. Third ruco , solllni. six furlongs ; Ton Slovens won. Yankee Hey second , Trlxy Gard ner third. Time : lIBtf : , Kourth race , siwon and one-half furlongs Mnrlc H. won , EiiRonlo second , Lady Undo third. Time : 13'J ; . Slciiiiior Arrivals. At Queenstown Teutonic , from Now York ; Indiana , from Philadelphia. At Baltimore Znndan , from Rotterdam , At London Sighted-America and Vir ginia , from Baltimore. At Now York Alter , from Bremen ; Maria , Brazilian ports. IOHH Itolibera ( Sentenced , CEDUI lUrms , la. , Jan. 2(5. ( [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bp.E.J In the district court at Marion today Frank Brown was given flvo years in tbo penitentiary for highway robbery bory and Uan Harrington was given three yoari for roboery. _ SUDDENLY CALLED. Kx-SlicrllT John F. lloyit's Dentil ut 111 * Homo Lint Night. Ex-Sheriff John F. Boyd died very sud denly at his home , 1203 Park uuonue. abou U o'clock last night , after an illness of but i few hours. Ho was on the streets Monda ; but wont homo about 4 o'clock In tbe after noon complaining that bo experienced grea difficulty In breathing. He called a physi clan and received treatment , after which h rested fairly well and wat up as usual yes terday morning. About 0 o'clock yesterday evening Mr Boyd's breathing again became diftlcult am nuully resulted in the bursting of a blooi vessel , causing unconsciousness , In which condition bo passed away. His death , when announced on tbe stroo at U o'clock , was a ? roat surprise and his friends were borror-ft ickon. At firs they regarded tbo fact as a rumor , as Mr. Boyd bad been seen on the streets in th afternoon and appeared , as usual , lu the bei of health. Ono of bis very intimate friends wb had boon in business with him was at a card party , when a mogioiigor came It and solemnly remarked : "You are wanted at Mr. Boyd's house : he is dead. " This fell like a thunderbolt. A band ful of cards wore dropped as If tboy were lire. The faces of those who know Mr. Boyi turned pale. Slloucn rolgnud until someone remarked that it mutt bo u mlstuite , us Mr Boyd was on tbo streets In tbo afternoon Ho was not sictt. He had received no injury Ho bad not boon murdered. How could b bo deadl "lie suddenly dropped dead at homo , " sail tbo Informant. "It Is supposed that th trouble was apoplexy. " Many of bli Intimate acquaintances caltoi at Mr. Boyd'H home on Park avenue as soon as they Ic.irned of thosud affair. John l-\ Boyd \\as born In Brookdeld Muss. , Biplemlwr 10 , I8tt ) , and. after un education In the common schools of his nutlvu village , came to Omaha in 1W and began life for himself as a cattle dealer , a bntlncts which ho followed for four teen years. Naturally bright , be mastered the details of ] nhls buil- ness , learned the wants ot/fiblppors nnd cattle dealers nnd was chosen fir ) 1S7D to con struct the stock yards In Council Bluffs. When thU work was dona MK Boyd was made .superintendent of Iho yards , nnd man- god them Until 1SS4 , when hoHwhs employed by the sa-no company to erect the stock nnU of South Omaha , ot Which ho was nutlo superintendent at their.-completion. Taking charge Of the yardSr/r m Iho day f their oiionliig , Air. Boyd saw the stock In- lustry in South Omaha grow from nothing o n oosltlon of third place In jtff World's live lock markets. ' In May , 1887 , Mr. Boyd w i elected ns ouncllman-at-largo from thoiScvcnth ward and served , under the terms at the now city barter , until January 1 , 1800. In 1889 Mr. ioyd wns nominated for sheriff of Douglas ounly on the democratic ticket nnd vas elected. Ho served ono terra and vns rcnomlnatcd , but wns defeated attbolnst election by George A. Bennett , the present hcrlff. During bis term oC oftlco as sheriff occurred tbo brutal murder of Allan and Jorothy Jones for which Ed Neal was hanged on Octobtcr 0 , last , Mr. Uovd acting ns executioner , the exciting scones of the day being followed that night by the lynch- ng of the negro Smith , charged with having assaulted n llttlo girl. Mr. Boyd was an exceptionally genial nnd courteous man , and few men in Umaha had moro or warmer personal friends , Tno arrangements for tbo funeral nro not completed , and tbo time will not bo decided ipoii till word Is received from relatives lu tisssnchusotts. It will not , however , bo bold before Friday. It is quite probable that In- crment will ho mndo hero , where two of the children of the deceased are buried. Samosct association will attend the fun oral n n body , nnd n meeting is called for this evening at headquarters In ardor to perfect arrangements. ii B HTRAN MI : > HIS VICTIMS. Story of n Scrlct of AHful Crlmm Ilulntrcl by the Perpetrator. ViRNN'A , Jan. 20. The .sensational trial of Prank Schneider and his wife , Hosnllo Schneider , wns continued today and many new and startling facts In connection with he revolting crimes alleged to have bcon committed by the couple were brought out dm Ing tlio proceedings. The prisoners are charged with having murdered and lobbed ciebt servant girls , md the hldeousnoss of tbo whole affair is ntonslQod by the additional charge made igalnst bchucldcr of having first outraged ils victims before putting nn end to their ivos. During tbs course of the trial yesterday Schuuldor admitted that in two Instances ho was guilty of the charge of violat- ng the Kirls. and also admitted that ho hod killed ono of the unfor- unato servants. Ho endeavored to throw the guilt of tbo other murders on his wife , whom ho accused of decoying the girls to tholr fate on the prutcnso of giving them em ployment in her residence. These charges made by the husband against his wife were the cause of an ex citing scene by the guilty pair in the court room , both indulging In a violent exchange of causations. Ghastly exhibits were produced by tbo prosecution during tbo proceedings , in the shape of the skull and hair ot Kosnlle Klein- rath , one of tbe murdered girls , and the torn and bloody clothing worn by her at the time of her death. The produclloniof these evi dences ota terrible crime caused a shudder to run through the spectators and bad a visible effect upon Schneider. The . -sight of the ; ruesome objects scorned to unnerve him , md he finally broke down , and' tlio prosecu tion succeeded In g9UIng.hlrn to confess that 10 was guilty of murderingMiosnllo Klein- rath and the other unfortunates. Amid the most Intense excitement.the prisoner described in all Its horrible details his method of strangling the poor girls who were ui'cd to their death In hi * jlioJso. Ho said lie had not employed chloroform lu tiny in stance. His victims wore always conscious when he attacked them , and ha was assisted in his horrible work by his wife. His wife , bo declared , used to bold tlio bands of tbo strucgling girl-J while he giusped them bv tbo neck und choked their Ii7.cs out. At this point Mrs. Scbnpider interrupted her husband byoxcltoily . .shouting'l am y6urrioxt victim ; I novcr took -part 1n thP crimes ; " ' Medical evidence was , produced to show the great strength possessed by Schneider. This testimony was brought out for the par- pose of showing that Schneider was so .strong that bedid not red the aid of his wife to grip the throats ol his victims and uboke thoui to death. Schneider hero volunteered to tell how the murders were committed , and dramatically went through tbo blood-curdling perform ance. Ho showed how bo used to seize the struggling victims by the breast with his loft hand and with his powerful right bund clutch them by the throat and thus strangle tbo poor creatures. In concluding bis confession Schneider said that ho bad not killed the first woman he had outraged and robbed because bo had not at that time bad tbe practice in the method of strangling which bp afterwards acquired. The caso'baj created a great sen sation and the court room was packed with spectators. _ LATKST J'UUm JA I'AN. Tires and Kurtluiuiiko nnil Election News from tlio Occident. VAKCOUVEU , B. C. , Jan. 20. The steamer Empress of Japan arrived this morning from Yokohama and Hong Kong. The corre spondent of the News Advertiser says : Much excitement prevails over the election n Japan set for February 15 , and as the cabinet is prohibited from taking part in tbe contest tbo opposition will likely have u ma Jorlty in the lower nouso. Another severe shock of earthquake oc curred December 'J4. Many buildings shaken by tno previous sharks carao to tbo ground , but no loss of- life U reported. Two line steamers have boon lost near S'\ato. The Yungman ran ashote nnd signa's ' of dis tress brought the Tongsbun to her assist nnco , when the latter went aground nnd both were lost. The Gorman steamer Marie has been wrecked near Chofoo and several of tbo crow were drowned , . A great tire occurred in Scbiciceni Clio , on January 0 , destroying GOO houses and burnIng - Ing the post and telegraph ofllcos. The loss of property is Immense , but tbo loss of life is not reported. Eight hundred buildings at Yodovodomart also burned December 7 and December SO , but no lives wore lost , STAMHOULOIT'.S ACCIDKNT. Alleged to IIn\e lleen nil Attempt on HU Life Tlio rope's Condition. LC ; > i/r/u/fc / / ( < ( tSMliu Junifx Onnlnn llcnnctt. ] PA n is , Jan. 20. | Now York Herald Cable Special to TIIR Bun.l According to re liable disnatches , tbo alleged accident of M. Stambouluff , the Bulgarian ptemior , was really an attempt on that all-powerful states man's life. Three pbysUttiis are watching the minister day and night , , and no ono is allowed to apuroach him , Tbo fact that a doctor was telogruphod for In Vicuna proves how sorlnus the case Is. , / The pope today prosdodl | , ( | < .tho meeting ol the congregation of riles'Svh.en the canonlza tlon of tbo vcnerablo redonii'ionst , Majolla took placo. His holiness wns very weak. Ii trying to outer the mcetlng-ball unaided ho btu in bled over his robes. „ , . - , The Spanish strikes contjnuo. At BItboa the disorders ate especially alarming , The women uro prominent In the agitation , Serious trouble is oxuectdd'lbalirht. BADLY Dr. Hlomun tlio Victim of'ii ' llor o'n Huddei Dr. E. E. Sloman met wUh a painful ant possibly serious uccldon'Tostordav ' after noon. Ho bud called oirn patient on South Fifth street , near Pierce , where tbo road is in very bad condition. Just us the doctor stepped Into his buggy Ills borte suddenly backed , throwing the doctor to the ground The horse continued to buck until b trampled upon tbo prostrate form. As qulculy as possible tbe f tightened animal was stopped and held wbllu Dr. Slo man was assisted into his buggy. Ho wa taken to his home , 2J03 , ' Furnani street , am Drs. Uosewmer and Soiners made an oxami nation. No bone ; uero broken , but It wa found that Dr , Kloinan bad received sovora severe bruise * , which will probably conlino him to his bed for at least two weeks. Jtlfili | ) ' llrothrr. , Pa. , Jan , StV-John I. Hlg gin of tuU city , a broilior of tbe United States suitor killed by tbo Chilians , has an gtgcd as counsel ex-Attorney General W. W Kerr to press on Indemnity claim for hi brother's death ugainst the Chilian government mont , The amount of Indemnity that wll bo uilced bat not been decided upon. AT THE-MERCY OF THE SEA Over Ono Hundred People Adrift in a Storm on the Atltmtio. TALIAN LABORERS IN A PERILOUS FIX Towed to Srn on ( Inrlmgn Scows Iho Tug- bout llrconirs Disabled , ntul Iho Men anil Hunts Arc llrltru Out to 8rn. New YOUK , Jan. 20.--Tho tow boot Vobstcr , and two scows belonging to the do- inrtmcnt of street cleaning1 , are ditftlng out o sen. The steamboat Is beyond the control f her skipper nnd crow , She has not been con since 0:20 : o'clock this morning , when ho was sighted by tbo HocKawny life saving talion. At that time 'she was signaling or assistance. This much was known late this afternoon , > ut ulnco then the lookouts on the Long 1s- and coast report that while the Webster vns struggling In the teeth of n" " flftv-milo gale her hawser broke and became tangled n nnd about her propeller. Thus she vas % nt the mercy of a torrlflo ea nnd , bobbing helplessly , she began drifting out to son. The greater error , however , was about the garbogo cows , which had been towed out into the ocean , us is the custom , to bo dumped of tholr rofnso. On these scows , it is said , there vcro atJeast sixty Italians , whoso help is equlrcd In dumping the scows. Thcso help- ess creatures were seen by the outlook1) to ) o moving about frantlcallv , orned no doubt with four in tholr terrible situation. Went In Srnrrlt of AKHlntunc < < . The tug boat H. S. Nichols , with two other cow * , which had bcon discharged of gar- mgo , anchored her low and then started to ho assistance ot the Wobstor. The captain ot the Nk'hols concluded , however , Unit vith bis own anchored scows in ex- rorao danger and the chances of reaching ho Webster against him ho would do bettor o coma up to tbo city nt once to report and ccuro help. So the Nichols turned bar losa cityward and stcamod homo in the ircast of the galo. She would bavo done letter had she rlung to her own scows on vlilch , as on the already drifting out seaward cows with the Webster , there were about ixty human souls , most all Italians. Scarcely was the Nichols out of sight vbon her tow of scows were beaten from heir anchorage by the tumult of furious oas , and with their human freight were ilown rapidly out to sea by the almost hur- rlcuno which was sweeping oft tbo land. The first news of the grave happenings off ho Long Island coast cn'no up from the Uckuway outlooks to Commissioner Bren- lan of the street cleaning department. A dispatch stated that two steamboats , each vith several scows in tow , bad boon sighted off Kockaway beach in the morning. Later , a second dispatch said that one of tbo steamboats with i's ' tow had disappeared off Mioro while the other bad anchored her scows under the beach and sailed for this city. Steamers Sent to tlio llescue. Late this aftornoou the statements con- alned In the dispatches were confirmcd by ho arrival at this cliv of the lepartment's steamboat. Nichols , which ic- lortcd that it and tbo Webster hud > ccn blown out to Rocuawav during this morning's calo nnd that the Webster and ils ows had afterwards drifted out to sna and disappeared. The sixty Italian laborers em- jioycd upon the scows of tbo department , .ho captain said , hud been left on the two scows which tbo Nichols bad left atanchorm Uravesend bay. These men were in open scows in a high sea and a gale of wind. It was probable that any moment thov might bo bloxvn or washed oft .ho scows and drowned. Tbo captain of the Nichols said that ho had been unable to res- 9110 the Italians because tbe waves and wi jd ; vere so hich that it was impossible for him to approach the scows without greatly en dangering his own boat and them. The cap- Lnin did not know that already his tow bad dragged its anchors and was then plunging and drifting out to sea. Commissioner Brennnn WAS at first dis posed to send the Nichols bacK for the Ital ians. ' He decided , however , to send the Nichols and another steamboat , tbo Dosoris , out to search for tbo Webster , as at that time she was apt to bo moro In need of as sistance than the Italians on the scows in Uravosond bay. This wns done. Tbo Nichols and Desoris are out searching for the Web ster. It is not known how many Italian laborers are on tbo scows towed by the Webster , but itistbougbt thatthcro must beat least as many as are on the scows in Uravesend bay , namely : sixty , besides the captain nnd crew of the Webster. These will , with the men on the Webster and tboso on the scows , aggregate 12S mon who , nt last reports , wore at the mercy of the gale and heavy seas. It is thought that these men are on the onon sea. About half an hour after the Nichols and Dosoris had started on their search for the Webster and tow the new steamboat Munici pal reported for orders. It win at once dis patched to Gravojend buy to , if possible , take the sixty Italians from the scows erron eously believed to bo anchored there. All-look the Oiitli. ICnpurlghttd JS.92 liy James uwaoii TJcjiiielt.l OumvEgvpt , Jan. 20. [ Now York Her ald Cable-Special to TUB BKB. ! All the English onlcers in tbo Kgyptlan sort-ice , in cluding General Gronfoll , this morning took the oath of allegiance to the new khodlvo , as did also tbo Egpytlan troops. Zulllkar Pusba , grand master of ceremonies , and Sibil Pasha , chief of the cabinet , have bcon re placed by Mnzloum Pasha , governor of tbo Suez canal and Mahmoud Cbarkrl. The Kho dlvo wishes to reduce the limit of ago with respect to trovornmont ofllcinls. Ac cording to a dispatch from Constantinople the sultan has Insisted on England fixing a date for tbe evacuation of Egypt. Tlio Rus sian and t'roucb fleet are expected toj arrlvo shortly at Alexandria. J. L. Baker of WostPjlntlsattlioDcllono. Mrs. H , A. Mooraof , Dunla , > , la , is at the Murray. James Carr of Lexington , Not ) . , is at the Paxton , D. W. Moffat of Gordon , Nob. , is at the Arcade. Charles F. Luce of Logan , la. , is at the Mlllard. J. M. Flomlng of Froraoo.1 is stopping nt the MitUrJ. J. T. Armstrong of Beatrice Is registered at the Mlllard. H. (1. ( Vandovor of Urund Island Is stopping at the Mlllard. G. W. Monrew of Beatrice , Neb. , Is stop ping at tbo Arcade , II , H. .Stodnmii of Shelton , Neb , , is regis tered at tbo Arcado. H , H. Hobinson of Kimball , Nob. , is stop ping at the Paxton , W. A. Westbiook of Dunbar , Neb. , Is stopping nt the Paxton , W. J. Cook and N. S. Crump of Plain Nob. , are at the Dollone. J. C. Lllllbrldgo of Sioux Falls , b. D. , is registered at tbe Dollone. George Mitchell and C. P. Dasch of Cos per , Wyo. , aru at the Paxton , J. W. Price and John Barsby of Fair mont , Nob. , are at the Murray , AloortP. West. osq. nnd J , i' . Llavls , VII- llsca , la. , uro guests at tbo Hotel Brunswick Alexander S. Thwealt of Chattanooga representing the Richmond ft Danville , is it thu city. Mrs. E. C. McSbano and daughter re turned yesterday from a three weeks' visit to the east. Alexander Campbull of McCook , superin tendent of thd western division ot the B , & M. , is In tbo city. A. S. Marville , president of tbo Converse Cattle company , is ul the Paxlon , and is rog Jsterod from Tilden , Mr. H. Khrlloli und daughter , Miss Joslo of St. Joseph wcra In tbu citv yoitarJay under tbo ciceronago of Mr. L. Wossel of the Lincoln Courier , and they visited Tin : UKP bulldtnv to see a great newspaper in procrs ot making , K. A. Stevens of Grand Island U stopping at the Murray. A. A. Dillon and wife of Lyons , Neb. , are t tbo ArcaUo Sandwich Hand Our Improved Is the best cheap HandShellcf on the market. J ! Council Bluffs , IOWA. Deere.fellsFo . r" > I f \ / T 7 T"O ' The niinio of the hus- G , E Meyers K < 1 1 V Uf k/ / \ lnDSS bouses IUTO , Agricultural 1 1 17 1 1 V 1 \ LJ Riven uro us rufor- Bucco'sor to 0. A. * " * * - * * , , enco for the Lunllt llcobo V Co Implements of buyers. Wo recommend - /f t 'IT" ' ! ' ' \Til I-nrxcU Fnrnltura mend them .is the srll 1 1 1 H. Houjo In the Mo. \Yngon , best houses to iloul VrflJ JLJLJJi-4 Vnller. WJ to JUT . . - etc. South Mnln St with InConncllllllTs. Ilrotdwny , Council Council lllutTi. llluITs. CHURCH SOCIALS and all manner of -HOME Entertainments ! FOIt SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES together with Fireside Games and suggestions for Unique Parties are to bo found In tbo Dagos o ! tbo Monthly Social Only 60o a Tear , Samples lOj. Address : Home Eotertainmcnt Co. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. W. C. ESTEP , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER , 14 N. Main. , Council Bluffs. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. WANTED Evury tlilnkliu man nnd woman In tha country to rend tlio ro- inirl < able now lioo < . "Tlio Wonderful Hlory of Kt'oley und Owl lit. " vlvln ; Kruiiblo dcscrln- tlonsund piitliutlo InoldcntH ( is Klu'im-cl ' by the mitlior ut tbo world's itroutest invccu of 111)- orty-DwUhl , tlio Jnebrluto's Court of Inut earthly resort , Kor halo o'l railway tralnn , or sent postimld by tbo author. O , 8. Olarx , box U7J , Mllwnnkeo. Wls. i'rluu 59 cunts. WANTHD A flrst-olnns ludy piano loiobor. Address T. W. D ivls , annul hotel , Council IllnlTH. FUIt K A IE Counter * nnd vault door In tbo building recently occupied by thu Coun cil HliilTo huvlngs bunk , Ofllcur it 1'usuy , Council lllilITs. IlUJI'Td nullify on hand for COUNCIL W. A. Wood A. Co. . 6VO Main , filOK IjAl.E A tenin of good iniirub ; pur- XJ ehaber may cut wood to p.iy for same. Ap ply to Leonard Kverott. 1Hlt UKN'I' ntllk und dairy farm , HI ucn-s , Just south of thuelty IlinltstlioO acres line h iy lanil , balanuii p ihtuni and farm land , Auoly to I.ivin ml Kvoritt. Council IllnlTH , la. FOR KI'.NT 7-room house , with bath loom , corner 4th are , and Uth nt. Inquire next door. IOITKH tlio followln ; cholco barguliiH In fruit and vouotalilo lands ; : > acres 60 rods north of thu Cliaillaiuina eraundN. easturn fllopu , llnusprln i und line surliiK-lirook , laud very rli'h and well ndiiuted to fruit. 1 ucrci on Grand avenue. Him orchard , windmill und line Krovu ; situated un Myintor proponed motor line , ono > md one-half nilluB f i oin Couiiull Illulfn poHloinvc. U acres ofory eluiico plowed land on Orand avenue , I' * inline from uo'lolllce. 1IU acroi : iii mllun from elty lliulU ; tcood house , barn nnd ouitmlldlnitti ; llnuiruhurui | a ruutljiir uln ut fi.fiW. Kusy terms. 'M acres , cholco fruit furm , 0 aeros In blaok- horrlCH , cojyounir fruit trues , : iowi ( 'rapo vlnus. House , burn und outliiilldln s A very eholeo linrfc'iiln , oniv li miles east of posiollluu In Council HlufTn. W , O. Ht luy. Hoom I , Opera lloiuu block. Council lllulTti , lu. IOWA farms ; line 'JO acre farm , t-'W per ( icro , Jl.ooicanh , balance cm long time ; 151 am farm , WOO Mown , bilnmuj easy ; farm * of ull size * trend for IM. Johnston i vun 1'at ten , Coiinull 11 lu ITs. I WANT Ui huv Htook of i5roeorij or liooU and shoes ; will pay pirt ia h an'l p rt by u 5 rooui honao anJ lot In Omaha. U .b lieu. Couiiull Iliutfs. OOMI'ljKTH outfit btr fUtnron and two pop' ' tulitos for KUO | and btilldlux for runt , uuot location. IX II. bUuafc , over Olllcer & 1'iuuy'j liuuli 171 Alt MS , i inlun Innd * . bauson , tuts and Jbuilueii blocks for ale or ronU Day 4 llowi , A i'oarl ilreot , Uouuoll Uluffi. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. TAL STOCK $150,05) SURPLUS AND PROFITS 70,001 TOFAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $223,001 DinKCrnm I. A. Miller. P. O. Olonson. R. U ' Bhucnrt , E. E. II irt , J. U K Jmundson. Oharlai 'Jt it. Hunnin. Traiuict b inking bcnl- iota , L ir oat capital and lUrului ot any baa t n South western IO'.T.I. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS < JaiinrIl > rc Attorneys at law 1' ddlllUlUa tleo In the itato anl 'edor.-il courts. Hoirns . ! , t and 5 tibu arl Ueuo block , Council UluiTi. Ix Attorney at H. J. . . i I'oarl streat , over noil's store. Telephone No. 2U lluslaji hours. 8 a. ru. to i p. in , Council Uluff * , Ik ] PATENTS For inventions PROCURED BY THE Bee Bareaii of Claims OMAHA , NEB. Kqunl nllh tlio intoreic of thoto harlni olaln BRnlniltbOKorernuioiilUtliiit of INVKNI'OIIS , who often loio the benoftt of valualilo InrentUni bo3 inia of the Incompotoncy or Inattontlun of tin atUirnof l employed to nlitala tliolr patent * . Too muoli oira cannot bo oiorclioil In oiiil < i7lnt CDjipjtunt nid relliblo ollc'tora to prooura patmiu , fur tlu Tulao of apntontriipendi Kroitlj , If nutentlralf , upoa lt cure and skill of the nttornor. Wlthtlia vlair of protecting Inronton fron worfi leni orcarrle s AttornDr > , antl of ioaln { thut inron. tloniaro wnll priitcclei br vall-1 patonn. TilIC UJJ 1IUHKAU hat rutalnod eouniel oxpjrt la practice ; and U tliureforo propiroJ W tHitaln jmtcntH , , Conduct rrjeeteil cnnea , tntilt ! iiinrkH anil copurluhtt , Jteiuter oiilnlonn nu toacojte anil valid ity o I'roHrcittc anil ilsfrn-J Infi-lirja ni n miitH , cfc. , etc. Ifrou Imvonn Invontlon on hand cn1 THH IIRa IIUItKAU ankotcli or photograph therunr , Uixotnor with brlof itoicrlptlon of iuo Important lusluroi , HiiCjruu will lie onoa aUvUo > t m to thti bolt co'ir ' o to pur > ue. MoJuli are not nacaiiiirimloi the Inyon- tlon Ii of a cumpllcixtod nature. If otliun are In * irhiKliiKoa your rUhti , or If you nra cimr oj with InfrlnKumont ujr otueri , > ubnilt the mittur to TUU HUIIKAUtor u rulUbla Ol'INlON tioforo actuuoa tlio matter. THE BEli BUREAU OP CLAIMS 220 Ileo IlulUIn ? , Oiniiln , Neb. t3TThla Iluroaii Is nmruiUcod by ths Omaha Hue , the 1'lonecr I'roMs und the Han 1'Vunclsco l.xamlnor , Cut this out nnd Bond It with your la quiry. INDIAN DEPREDATIO ) ! CLAIMS I'ertons who bavo lost property from Indian raids should fl'o tbolr claims under the Indian Depro latlon Aet of Mitrjh * , 1S)1. ) Thu time Is limited , anl the claims aru tuVon up by tha court in tbo order In whluli they uro lo.'olvod. Take Notion that all contraou untorel Into wltli attorneys prior to the Aat ard raaia null and void. Information Klven und all claims promptly attended to by the BEli BUREAU OP CLAIMS. iiiillillitu. OM A.HA , NISBRA BKA , rWThlx llnronit ti Riiaranteu.l by tha Omaha Htu , the I'loneer I'rcki 411 1 thu Han FruncUco Kxamlnur , Cut thiu out and tend it with your in quiry.