Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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6 THE OMAHA DAILY NKE : wTfbmsiuY , JANUARY 27 , 1892.
Wlcat Opened Dull and Lower , But Closed
Bather Strong.
Operator * Wcro Incllnod to lie CnutlniiH
About MnldtiK Heavy Trannnctlorix Until
After tlin Hrcrlpt nf Olllclal Inforniii-
tlun on tlio 8uli.cctf |
CiitrAno. II ) . , Jan. CO. Wheat wns dull nntl
lower todiiy , tliouuli rv flurry ( lurliiR the last
hour liroiiRht the prlco up to the closlna llp-
urcs ycstorduy , hut renewed weakness fol
lowed and the market closed cmsy nt a loss of
only about Vic compared with liiBt prices
yesterday. Operators were Incllnod to ho
Miutlous nhout making heavy transactions
until nftcrtho rccnlptof olllclal confirmation
of the news that Chill had assumed u pnolno
tone. 1'cndliiK this , howovcr , the Associated
Press' antlaRO dispatch trlvlns the terms
ot Chill's reply to the ultimatum of this
government proved a bearish factor. In ad
dition to this cables wcro lower , except furls ,
which was hUhor ; tlio amount on ocouti p s-
Biigo lio\vcd u small Increase whorous a tlo-
crease hid been looked for , and domestic
markets wcro all lending downward. The sit
uation was rojnr.lod by the lon s IIB qulto
discouraging , and at the start there was frco
selling with buyers holding off , May opened
ll4c ) ! , or about Ho below the cloo yesterday
nnd for a tlmo it looked very weak , and soon
touched OlMc. Hut there was Jlvoly covering
by shorts who Rot out irood lines yesterday
and who xvoio now disposed to take In profits
nnd thunlTorlnss were roudllv absorlied and
the fccllnit Rrow steadier. Pardrldgo was a biz
buvurand ItwnHvstlmatod that hlspurchasos
durmc the sc ilon could not fall much liolow
1,500.100 bu. ScliwiirtJi-Diipco , Lcstor. l.otran
nnd Konnctt-llopklns were aNo iroort buyers.
Thu Bolllnir was scattered , thoiizh , nt ono
time. Now York and 1. Louis parties putting
nvood duiilon the mnrkot , This peed Iniylri ? ,
together with the reported Increase of 3i > 0.0:0 :
fcu. durhiii the week In the English visible
Bilpply. caused a roncllon , May advancing to
Qlfic. It hold for some tlmo around that ttg-
tirc. but near the close n report was started
that Chill had miido no overtures for peace
nnd that the situation wus aRnln warlike. This
croutod some excitement and the prlco
( lulckly wunt to Iti'ic. ' Thu excitement , how
ever , was shortlived , and the mnrkot soon
weakened iiRiiln and receded , closing easy at
Corn was on lot and easy most of the day.
Receipts were rather heavier than wore
looked for , hut the pradliiK showed some Im
provement. Liverpool was Jd { lower. May
opened Uc lower at 3U7ic , fluctuated between
that price and -Kc. ! and closed ut-IOc.
OatR wcro dull and easy , ell snx ! a shade off.
Max prodticla wcro less active and ciisloi- .
Kccolpts of hops were about as expected and
price * nl the yards without ( iuot-ib.o chance.
The absence ot any fresh war news nnd the
weakness In other speculative pits were also
unfavorable. May porK opened I"io ! lower at
112,10 , sold off to * I2.W. fluctuated some and
closed firm at I12.07M , a not loss of 15e. Lard
Is 7Jo ! off and ribs I0i\
Kstlmatcd rcco pts for tomorrow : Wncat ,
( Hears ; corn. 210 cars ; outs , Ml oars ; lioirs ,
32.0fO head.
The loiidlnR futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were ns follows :
VMIUII Stoncly and unchaiiRcd.
WIIKAT-NO. y sprinp wheat. 87Uo : No.
cprlni ; nlioat , 8HBB2o ; No. 2 rod , S0400c. ! (
COIIN No. : ' . ! ! 7Wc.
DOAT8 No. 2. iKc ; No. 2 white , No. 3
wiilto. l.W.SUc.
KVE-No. 2 , 711 0.
HAHLEV No. 2 , 5KSOOc ( ; No. 3 , 12SOJc ; No.
i , t. o. h. . : i7a.Vc. )
Kr.AX : No. 1 , OTiHc.
TmoTiir SKKD I'riinc , tl.23O1.2fl ,
I'OIIK Mess pork , per bbl. . IS.C2H ; Inrd. per
cwt. tu.r.'K : short ribs sides ( loose ) . tA.7fl ®
5.00 ; dry sxltod shoulders ( boxed ) . W.ffiii ®
4.7.ri : short clour Hides ( boxed ) . M.OOSO.ia
WIIIBKV Distillers' finished goods , per Ral. ,
KU'OAUS Cut loaf , unchanged.
Ilccolpts and shipments today were as fol
lows :
On the Pro luco oxohunpo today ; The butter
market WIIK lilnhor ; fancy croainory , awilo ;
flno wostorn,2Sffl.'Ucs ) ordlnarvlO27c ; selected
dairy. 24-'itc'orlliiiiry.202Uc. Kaca , 224c ! ,
OIIEKSK Klrnii full croani choddurg ,
IliitB , Il3ic : Ycuinp Americas , *
lliDK.s-Unchtincd ; wet s-iltod Now" Or-
Icctcd , "ii tola ) Ibs. , COBc.
Unclism ed.
Ku\v York Markets.
NEW YditK , Jan. 20. FI.OUU Receipts , ni.3ft3
packages : exports , 11,728 Imrruls. 10.078 sacks :
marUot uulct , Irregular , closing oasyj sales ,
* 4.400 UU'H , *
OOIIN MEAI , Quiet. s
WliKAT-Hccolpts. 30.750 bu. : exports , 173.-
8.13 bu. : Elites , 1,030,000 bu. futures , 131,000 Du.
spot. Spot market trro ular , easier ,
nulct. No. 2 red , f I.02U In store and elevators
tl.mxtti.OVi ; il.o3 ai 05W f. a b.
Na 3 rod , S1.03 ; tinu-riuled red. teyc(3I.07jfi (
No. 1 northern. * 1.04 ® l.051 , ; Na 1
hard , tl.07 ; < ai.07X : No. 2 northern ,
t ) ! > ? lc. Options declined .lo to lao ! on
JvoaUur cables , forelniiors solllnR nnd IIICTOHSO
In amount on nassaizo , advanced ? i4 ? u on
. . . . ,
closing at fl.Olivr ; April. tl.b3J.OI.01U , closliic
RtH.0 ' , : May. l.Bi ( ! O1.03 , closliiB at 11.027. :
Juno. H,0li ? ; loiM. closing at l.ui ; ; July ,
.0o. ! closlii WUc.
HVK Dull nnd unsettled ; western. O.'iJOfliio.
IlAitLEV-Uull , Irregular ; No. 2 Milwaukee ,
70 ir.v.
llAiii.GV MAI.T Quiet
COIIN Kccelpta , 148,013 hu.j exports. 8,500
Im.t sales. 3' ' bu. of futures : 122.00J bu.
* pott spot market opened weaker. clo od
steadier and dull ; No. 2 , 4imaiiio : | In olo-
vatpr ; 40U@lfl o nlloat ; uiiKradod mixed ,
37a.Voi ( ) No. : i , 47o : Btoamor mixed. 4 ? > tfi48i < i
Upllonsdiill nnd } fflu lower on Increased
Biinp.less Janiiury. 4i ( ffl40jc. ! closing 48io :
l-ehruary. 48V { < a48 ; e , oloslnit 48j'o ; March. 4Sj {
Q4Hc. } cloiliiK 4K.So : April , 4SJic , olosliiR 48JJo :
May , ' } i .8i. OIO.IIIK 48jio.
UATH Uoi-oliitH. 4tiia bii , ; exports. W.250
Im.i call's , U5,0io bu , at fuliiros ; nu.ojo bu. of
poti spot nitrket Mo.idlor mid H < s active !
tllKO. " , l\\U ,
HAV Qulotiind wonk.
Hoi' .MHli'ritilenmn ; ( ] , flrm.
FUQAH-Knw. ; lulli rutlnvd , qiilot and onsyj
tbo uutaluo iiiiotiitliins ; ro tlio o iio-itrd hy the
trust , liieiilo IIiiiroi i-ovor tlio rchulo ; mould
A. 4Ua4 * oi Htunniinl A , 4 I-IOUJ 3-lGoj Kriinu-
luteil. 4 I-1U4 MUo ,
Mor.ABSES-roroIgn , dulli Now Orleans ,
itoady uiul ( pilot ,
Iticu Utill mill stemljr ,
I'KTitOfiRUM- ulot und Blcndyj Uiutod
closed ivtfUJio for I'obriiury ,
COTTI N HKED On , tjulot.
TALI.OW Dull mid biendr.
" - - N Qulut nun steady ; strained , common
E Dull and steady at
EodH-Qnlct and limn wcitera , 24Viei re
ceipts. 1.CU2 oackugca.
Woorituady | and quiet ; domestic fleece ,
BOA36o ; pulled. i'Ctt.-tlo ; TUXUH , iG24c ,
I'oiiK Active aud Dun ; men , ta75 UIO,7S ;
extra prlnii1 , fano.
CUT MBAW-rirm nnd qulot ! middles , quiet
and caiy : iliort clear. fcUU.
LAUD l.owuriuul dull ; wosterustouin closed
at 13.77 U blu : sales , WO tierces ut tO.8U4tU.ti4 ;
option lulou. 3,250 tierces : January , tfl.77 , clos
ing at t6.7U ; l-'ubruary. M.73 : March , i64 ;
May , tO.H ( 37.01. clotliiK at JHOS Lid.
lIUTTKii Quiet and onBy ; wcitcrn dairy ,
16-arJoi wtiKteru crcumory , MfelSui Klgin , Uic.
UliRtUE L'ulr demand : part sklnii , OiSOJie ;
full sUlnu. l'UlUc.
l'ia IIION Modurato domnnd ; American ,
Coi'i > Blt-IuHniidweaklrkefia75. !
LEAii-Kmy und quiet ; domestic , tt.m { .
TIN Dull and weak ; strulti , tlO.COOiaax
RllniieupolU Wliuut Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Ml mi. . Jan , 20. The collapnu
of the Chilian war talk cuu < od a wui.kncan In
prices today und uu exceedingly dull market.
M y wncat opened ut b7' < < ' , hold to H7o und
then hold very steady all the e lcui ana with
vary light trudtni ; , Juit ut the close there
was a Ilttlo stifftiiilnK up and May closuJ on
the bid ut B7Vp ; January , 8lic. ) The cash
market win without feature beyond tlio usual
active blddluK for No. I northern. Low grades
ireru uot ao much desired us n few weuks ago ,
liberally. Kccolpt *
of wheat hero were 273 cars : nt Ihiluth and
Superior SI cars. CIo"-o : January , clotlng ,
64ic ! ! Mav. opened , S7' c : highest , 7'inH7 ? e ;
lowest , WM'nc ; closinc. 87'ic ; ott 1rnok. No. 1
hard , K7c : No. I , northern , fcOci No. 2 , northern ,
from 81c to isle ,
Omnliii 1'roilurn
Fxios-l"roih stock , ? 033lc.
I'ouLTiiv Dull ! cli ckcns , CSSos RCCSO ,
ducks nnd turkeys , 15 ® lie.
IlUTrnn Pnlr toRoo.l , KVSKcj choice coun
try , U ? t21c.
ri.ouii-Oni.iha Milling company's Itclltuico
I'ntcnt , f.m ? : luvmclblo Patent , tS Alt I'Oiio
Htnr Superlative. J2.2.- . ; fe-nowllako. ( ( .in ; Tancy
Family. tlXH S K. Ullmau's Oold Modal. S.J.G.- . !
Snow Wli'.tc , t.J."i ! ! ynowllakc. t.2.0 ; low grade ,
tl.not Queen of tbo I'nutry. $3.70.
OAMB .lack rabbits ? l..V ) per doz. ; small ,
Me. M.'irKct N plultcd and conimlislon mor-
chanti tire tidvhlng their customers to stop
fthlnmcnts. *
HIDE4 No. t procn sal'od hldns , 4 > { ® l c !
No. 2 green salted hides , iaa'ljjo : No. i qroori
sailed hides , as to 41 Ibs. . 4Hfti > ; c ; No. 2pr > un
salted hides. 2.1 to 40 His. , iVSiSe : No. i veal
calf , 8 to 1 > Ibs. , Co : No. 2 veal calf. 8 to n Ibs .
40 ! No. I dry flint hldci. 7 ® o ; No. 2 dry flint
hides. r > B'k' : No. 1 dry sa'tcd hides. STinu. Tal
low. No I.i'if,4c : ' , ! tallow. No. 2 , 3 > < e : uronso.
white A. " \n : groaso. while 11. it'iO'lJic !
grease , yu . : ici urcaso. dark , 2SJ ! old but-
tnr.-J(3.2Tci ( ( ticcswax , prime , lOo : rough tul-
low , l4'c. ! _ _
Omnliii drain .Market.
I'rlccs hued on di'llvory nt Mississippi river
points , Nchriska Inspection and ten days'
shipment , unless otherwisestiitod. . Cash
grain calls for shipment within five ( I a vs.
OATs No 3 white , 30'tj ' asked : No. 2 , mixed ,
3o bid : No. It , mlied , 20io ! mixed ; No. II ,
colored. 2iu ! ) ! bid.
CoiiN No. 2. cash , yj'io hid ; flvu days. 3'i'tc
bid , IMHSc asked ! thirty days , 3'iVe bid , at.
I.ouls terms.
Ainona the sales reported were : CO cars No.
3 ur better corn , St. l.ouls totinsU.Mic : 20 cars.
No. 2 , St , Louli terms. 33 ? ci 1"0 cars. No. 2 ,
thirty days. M. I.ouls terms. H\'io ; 10 cars. No.
3 mland oats. Omaha terms , : u ; 10 cars No. 2
corn.tBt. Louis terms , 3" > ? .ic.
Jtimrd of Triido Notes.
fU. . Cot troll , Soward. Neb , , was In.
Lincoln was rcpri" > entod hy W. II. Axtator.
llonry llliimor. of I'halco , was looking over
the Omaha izraln market.
( Joorfto Orny. of Gray , la. , was a visitor on
the hoard.
J. Davidson , flrcsliam , Neb. , was In looking
over the grain situation.
lloston Wool .Market.
UoSTON , Muss. . Jan. 2(5. ( There Is a good
° toidy : demand for wool , and the sales are
fairly largo , but there Is no special activity
unless In Australian wools , which nro
colling freely at low prices at 324lo
as to quality. Klcoccs In fulr de
mand nt 2So for X and 2044300 for
XX nnd XXX and above , with Michigan
at20W27c : No. 1 comblns wools nro quiet t
3 ® : Wc : Ohio line dolalno sells wi-ll at : ilWile : ,
and Ohio at 323c : ) : Ohio and Michigan un
washed and iinmetchantablollocccs are In de
mand nt IU@24e : unwashed combing wools are
stondy nt 2lit2o ( ! for one-quarter und 2028o
for thrco-oUhths : territory wools unchanged !
WSOOOij clean for ( Ine : KUltAe for flno medium ,
and M'OVio for medium ; pulled wools nro sellIng -
Ing well ut 404'Jc for choice supers ; ; V'l ® t3c for
fair to L'nod supers , and 2.Q/32a ( for extra ; for
eign carpet wools are dull.
Kansas City .Markets.
KANSAS Ctrv. Mo. . Jan. 26 WHEAT Good
milling demand hold prices firm : No 2. hard ,
77c : Na 2 red , 805J87C. .
CnitN Weak ; mixed sold at 34&3Hic , and
whlto at ! ) fic.
OATS Weak ; No. 2 mixed , sold at 20c.
Hvc Strong at 77o for No. 2.
FI.AX SUED 8lo on a b ists of pur ; .
HAY Firm , unchanged ; timothy. tO.00 : fancy
prairie. $7.00 ; good to choice , J5.oa30.00 ; low
grades. J5.00. _
Liverpool Markets.
LiVEiiroor * Jan. 26. WIIBAT Dull ; holders
olTer moderately ; the receipts of wheat the
past three days were 200,00. ) centals , Including
3),000 American.
COIIN Steady , demand f-ilr : the rocolpts of
American corn for the past throe days wore
l.MWO centals ,
HACON Long ana short clear. 5" pounds. 32s
Oil uer cwt ; bacon. long clear. 45 pounds , 3J ,
LAUD I'rlmo western , : )4s Cd per cwt.
Coffee Market.
NEW YOIIK. Jan. ' . ' 6. Options opened steady.
five points down to fifteen points up ; closed
steady und unchanged to ten points up : sales.
2.i..VX > bags , including .Tnnunry. 1 13.0MSI3.15 ;
February. I12. 0ffll2.75 ; March. U..4 < © 12.50 ;
April. $12.IO12.1J ; May , tl'.O O12.10 : Juno , ! ( July , JIl.f-5 : September , $11.70 ®
11.75 ; spot Ulo. flrm and fulr demand ; No. 7.
$13.75. _
Milwaukee Markets.
MILWAUKEE. WIs. . Jan. 20. WHEAT Steady ;
No. 2 spring. 860 : No , ) northern , Die.
COIIN Qulot : No. 3. 'J5 % < &tSe ,
OATS Easier ; No. 2 white , 3J30Ko ; No. 3
white , 2txa2DWc.
HAUI.EV Rusy : No , 2. 55o'/i ; sample , 42fflCOc.
liVE l.frlvort No. 1. 70c.
St. I.ouU Markets.
ST. Louis. Mo. , Jan. i'O. WnnAT-Steady ;
cash. 88'ie.
O nx Knsler ; cash , 30 c.
OATS Weak ; cash , 29'io.
I'OIIK Quiet ; now. I11.G2&
I.Altu-Steadv at $3.25.
WHISKY ti.lft ,
Clnclnimtl Markets.
OIN INNATI. O. , Jan. 20. WHEAT easier ;
No. 2 red. M03c.
Cons " . 'oaken No. 2 mixed ,
OATS Kasler : No. 2 mixed , 3
WHISKY $1.10.
Toledo Market.
TOLEDO. O. . Jan. 26. WHEAT Firm : No.
2 cash , and January. ! Hie.
OOKN bteaay : No. 3 cash 30J4c.
OATS Dull ; No. 2 cash. 32Kc.
Nmr Vork Dry ( ioods Market.
NEW YOIIK. Jan. 20. There was no change in
the dry goods market today.
Traders' Talk.
CHICAGO. 111. , Jan. 26. Counselmnn & Day to
Cockroll Ilros. : Eprculuttvo markets ruled
dull nud uninteresting today. Those wno
hud bought or sold wheat on war prospects
evened up as quickly as possible , utter readIng -
Ing the morning papers , with the profits In
favor of short sellers , The decllno permitted
the worldiu of fair amounts for export
und n good business was done for
Interior mills. Upon the whole , however -
over , there was Ilttlo hotter than
a narrow scalping market nnd prices at the
olose showed scarcely any Improvement over
tl.o weak opening quotations. Corn and oats
ruled wcuw , but rallied with wheat on buying
by shorts and closed steady. Provisions col
lapsed nt the opening on pouco news , but ral
lied slightly In sympathy with firmer prices
for ho , ; * . Cables were stronz and materially
higher. Packers' operations were soaring ana
the market closed at about the high point for
the day. Wn favor selling on bulges at
probe rit.
CHICAGO. 111. , Jnn , 20. F. O. Logan & Co. to
J. Sands Commission Company : Wo had a dull
und dragging wheat mm kot for the first two
hours of the session. The traders are nervous
nn 'ill advances and are anxious buyers. The
Chill dlfllculty with our government has some
Ilttlo Influence , opinions are divided ns to
what the result would be. Many bollovu It
would give higher prices , und IIH many think
It would gtvo lower. Wo look upon our ro
colpts us the most Important factor. They
ore very ll.'lit , and we bolleva they will con
tinue so In wlntor wheat districts. Good au >
thorltles say they will bo larger In the north
west , but to keep prices down they will re-
nulro to bo much larger. There has been
foreign buying In the northwest for Immediate
shipment. Wo 'ook for higher prices and bo-
llovo It Hhould bo bought on all weak markets ,
Corn continues weak : wo look fpr ( overprices
for May. Outs steady , They will go lower
with corn.
GIIIGAOO. III. , Jan. Ifl. Kennott , Hopkins &
Co. to 8. A. Mo\V barter : With lower oiblcs ,
an Increase on ocean passage , peaceful news
from Chill aud a snow storm , there wus a rush
to soil wheat. Otn-rlius were lurgo. but It U
said that 1'ardrldgu took over hushols
and sustained the murkot. The bulls had evi
dently lost confidence nnd were not buying
much. Cle.iMiicrs for two duys have boon
rather light and receipts at primary markets
glvo Homo Indications ot Incrousln : , Tlio
iuott scrloui obstacle ) to an advunco U the
attitude of foreigners. They do not respond
to the strength of American markets though
the situation would warrant It. It U said
that European stocks ( ! ,7ia"GO
bushoU dining December und the diminu
tion Is still going on. Recent news from
I ml It show u discouraging outlook
for the next crop whlcl ) will tend to restrict
future offering * from that source. Knnsas
has sent same bad oop reports toauy , thu
ground being buro and subjected to alternate
freezing und thswln ? . News of this nature
litis Ilttlo Influence ut the moment but
It will toll by-und-by , The trade Is
very dull. It may linger along
this way for weeks but wo don't bellevo thut
price * can bo permanently depressed nnd the
chances seem altogether In f uvor of short sui
ters. I'ortilitent attempts to break down the
prices of corn und outs have been made today
and It looks us If a very considerable short
Interest hud boon created without
ucroinplUnlng Its purpose. The dnmand for
cash stuff U not as goo : ! us could uo wlshel ,
It la claimed by homo receiver * thut not less
Uiaii20.UJOuuObuHhtlsof ) com wuro on truek
during the Into blockudo. Current receipts
at Interior points are not larice. and It U be
lieved that the apparent supply proving priors
will disappear uuu a more healthy tone will
prevail. In provisions prices touched on the
sharp rally with which the mnrkot closed
yesterday havu not been held , but there has
been u strong undertone- that promises well
for the futuru. It Is perhaps well to tuko
profits ou tallies as the proJuct has had a
good udvatrje and U likely to react more or
Intlumicu pf the Chilian Mutturs Wus On
tin- tilde ut the llnlU.
New YOIIK , Jan & Tbo stock market was
till uudvr the milueuco of the Chilian mut
ters , lint Its offset was on the sldo of tho. bnls ) ,
today nnd while the transactions continued to
fdiow their professional character Uioro wns a I
wide distribution of the business done nnd the
whole list shared In the Improvement mndr.
The Associated I'ross dispatch published this
morn I net Indicating a complete baokdo\vu by
the Chilian government from Its previous
position took the wind out of the sails Of the
war party and tncv were ns oaccr to bllytlili
morning as they were to sell the last few ditrs.
At thu sumo time , ns the news wax known In
London before the opening of this marxoU
prices there wcro materially higher and for
eign houses were bidders against tbo shorts In
the early trudlmr ,
As consequence the first sales hero were
tnudoat materially higher fl uros than the
closa of last light nnd among the netlvo
stocks these which opened loss than 1 per
cent were exceptional. Lackawutina and
Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago & Ht. Louis
weio tin ! ; per cent , The sharp advance
iiatur.illy brought largo amount of stocks
on the market , but the doinnnd was so
urzont ( hit all offerings were absorbed and
while the first few minutes saw some conces
sions from the opening prlcoo the upward
movement t-oon made headway ami prices nil
along the line wuro placed on a materially
higher piano. The sto.'ks which pnssois nn
ntcrnuilonnl market worn naturally the lead-
orilrilhoourly movomontibutlati-rthoellcqiio
which has Lackawatiu.i In hand , forced It
to the front and tradlnir In thn stock assumed
largo proportions and Tts advance was rapid.
Thu Indications that the advaneo U a move-
ixent against the shorts wore as conspicuous
us usual , whllo the loaning rates later In the
day were easier , Indicating some reduction in
the outstanding short Interest , The prlco.
however , was run up to in : ? > against 14. . " * last
evening , nnd It closed at oloso to thu best
prlco. Heading was active In sympathy und
undnr the buvlnx by the western operators
the grangers were prominent In the mnrkut
throughout the day , The stron thin Onmha
wns again noticeable and Manhattan
continued Its advance , keeping puce with
Laokawiintia In the upward movement
nnd Consolidated. Gas joined the procession
lute In the day. Louisville was conspicuous
In the afternoon and It finally closed with a
slight loss for the ( lay , bolng In this rcspoct
quite-exceptional. The market finally closed
active and flrm at or near the best figures.
Among the more Important gains Luoku-
wiinn i ros < )3t per cent. Manhattan a llko
amount : Consolidated ( Ins , 2 per cent ; Hock
Island. 1'i per cunt : Cleveland , Cincinnati ,
Chicago iSctit. Louis. Hurllnuton und Missouri
1'uolflcoich 1SJ percent ; tit. t'ttiil & Omnliii ,
14 ! percent ! Northwestern , 1 ? percent , und
others smaller amounts.
Government bonds have been dull and easy ,
titato bonds have bcou noilected.
The following are the closing quotations for
the loading stocks on the Now York Stock ex
change today :
Atchlson . do preferred . . . . 11
Adams Kxiirena . Its N , V. Central llli
Alton , T. II 80 N , Y. Chi. & St. li. . . . 2 } <
do preferred 12t ( do preferred 71) )
Amurlcntl Kxprois. .lll ! Ohio Mlsilsslppl. . . 22
11. 0.11. ft N 4J tie preferred . 85
Conncln 1'nclllc 8' ) Ontario A Western , . 1J ! <
Canada Houtucrn . . U0 > 4 OrcKon linprovciuo't 37
Central 1'ncltlc 3.1 OrcEon Nnv 87
Chen. A oido : : > H Oregon Trans. . . . . . . . 15
Uo 1st preferred , . r > 2 1'noJflc Mall 4H
ilo 2nd preferred. . 41 l > . I ) . 4B 20
ChlCRKO * Alton 1'lttsburK 1MI
I'lillman I'alnco 187
C. , 0. , C ASt It 11H Itcudlnir 4\H \
Del. Hudson I21M Itocklsland ! HH
Del. I * . AW H.iX Ht. L. AS. K. 1st pfd 7lit
D. A K. U. pfii 47M St. t'nul BOH
K t Tennessee 7AM do preferred I2JH
tto lit preferred. . . 45 St. ! . . Mln. i.Mnn..113Vl
do 2nd preferred. . Id' ' St. I'aulAOmaha. . . 60St
Krle .11 ! do preferred 113
do preferred 172 Tcnn. Cool A Iron. . . 42H
Fort\V yne 15.1 Texas 1'aclUc. . ! . . . , 12
Chi. A Hast 111 II7M Tol. &O.Ccn.pfd. . . . 8 ?
Hocking Valley 305 * Union I'ncinc I'H
Houston * Texas , . . . : ) V % U.S. Express. . i 48
Illinois Central 108k Wnb ih , St. U A 1' . . 13 ? {
8t. 1'aulA Diilutb. . . (5H do preferred M )
Kansas A Texas 1H' < WclUKurgo ] Cxp..HO
Luke KrloAWest. . . 2SW Wottern Union Kl
do preferred. . . . . . . 7IM ; Am. Cotton OilliX
LakeShore 122 Colorndo Coa . ! " ! {
Louisville. % Nash. . . 7i ; flumeatake 12
Louisville & N. A. . . . 28H Iron Silver I'M
Memphis & Char 20 Ontario : 44
Mlculitan Central. . . . 104 Quicksilver , . 4
Mil. L. S. A W Ul do preferred 20
do preferred 131 Butro 6
Minn. A St. U U llulwer 40
do preferred 21 ttlch. AW. P. Ter. . . . 15 ! <
Missouri Pacific IS- - Wisconsin Central. . . 18 !
Mobile A. Ohio .11 Great Northern pfd..110
Nashville Chatt SO CulcaicoGas t. . . " " <
N. J. Central 1111 Lead Trust 20 !
Norfolk A Won pfd. K Cisr Trust 83
Northern Pacific. . . . 23 ! Southern t'acltlc 40
do preferred OH ! * Oreiron S. U A U.'N. . OOH
U.I' . . Denver &U. . . . 2IH It. U. W t.j.v. . 37K
Northwestern 118U H. O. W. dl < WV
bid. .
The total sales of stocks today wore 42. i.552
shares. Including : Atchlson , 12,140 : Chicago
Gas , 11,360 : Delaware , Lackuwunnu & West
ern , 4l > ,81li : Eric , 1I.4SH : Louisville & Nushvlllc ,
221.53 : Missouri I'aclflo , 0,2) . * > : Northwestern ,
1(1.780 ( : Northern Pacific preferred-10.713. ; , I'a-
clflc mall , 3,07 % ; Ucudlng. 44.112 ; Richmond &
West I'oInNS.OJUSt. Paul , 2.VJD3 ; St. Paul &
Omaha , : n.9:0 : Union Puclflc , 12'SO ; Wheeling
& Luke Erie , 3,312.
Financial Review.
NEW YOUK , Jun. 20. The Post says : With
Intervals of dullness the mnrkot shows sig
nificant strength through the day. This was
largely duo to the discovery that outside buy-
In ! * orders of a very unusual character Imvo
bocn executed on the late reaction. There Is
reason * to boltovo that an amount of In-
stltut'on money , larger than had been
supposed , hud been und Is bolng In
vested In the stock mnr. < ot. This Is
conspicuously true of Lackuwanna stock ,
but must have been true of other , dividend
payers as well. If these reports are at all
well founded the purchases are most effect
ively taken out of the market and furnish a
solid foundation for efforts at further advunco
In prices. There was Ilttlo discrimination In
the support of stonks today , though Lacka-
wannti , Manhattan and Missouri P.iolQc hold
tbo IcuJ. There was , of course , some reaction
In the market during the later afternoon ,
early buyers showln " some disposition to take
proms , but the underlying strength wus Ilttlo
New York Money Market.
at l'2 per cent ; lust loan , V/ percent ;
closed offered ut Hi per cent.
1'itiMi : MEUOANTILG PATEII 4y per cent.
Sxiiiif.iNO E.xciiANOE-Qnlet but llrm at
J4.84 for sixty day bills und J1.S3 for do-
mnnd ,
The closing quotations on bonds :
U.S. ttrex Mutual Union us.luu
U. 8. 4s coup N. J. ( i Int. Cert 1IOJ4
U.S. 4 > rex North. 1'nclllo Ists..Ill )
1'ncineiisof ' 85 North I'ncino2nds..Ill
I.a , stamped 4s Northwestern Con. . HUH
Tcnn. now set Ca. . . North. Dcbcnt. 6s.,100
Tcnn. now set 5s St. I. , ft I. M. Gun. 5s. 85U
Tcnn. new sot 3s St. L. ft 8. K Uon.M.,110
Canada So. 2nds St.l'aul Consols 1211
Con. Pacific Ists St. ! ' . . ( ; . ft l'ic. Ists..113
Den. .t ft. ( i. lets. , . , ,117 Tex. V. U ( J. Tr , Hots 82
Den. ftlt. U. 4a . Tor. 1' . H. (1. ( Tr.Ilcts 31
Krle2nds Union l'ncmolsts,107M
M. 1C. &T. ( WestSboro 102M
M. K. ftT. Cen. 5s. . .
' bid.
1'liiHiichil Notes.
.NEW ; OIILEAXS , La. , Jan. 25. Olenrlngs ,
KANSAS CIT - . Mo. , Jan. 20.-CloarIngs today
wore Il.ifl0.aj4. :
PAHII : , .Tun. 20. Three per cent rentes , OJf ,
02Sio for the account.
New YOIIK , Jan. 20. Hank clearings today.
tl5n.lMJ.182 ; balances. KI,4U7.I ( > 2.
UAI.TIUOHE , Md , . Jan. 20. Hank clearings ,
l : > .G.U.riS | ; balances , tlO,70) ; rate , 0 per cent.
I'liu.AiiKU'iiiA , I'll. . Jan. 20. llauk eloar-
Jugs. tl2.075,2i2 : ; baluuccs , IOD3,27U , Money , 4
per cent.
UEIII.IN , Jan. 20. The statement of the Im
perial Hank of Germany shows an Increase In
specie of 23. < ttGOOOm.
ST. Louifl. Mo. . Jun. 20. Clcurlnjg , 13,537.337 ;
balances , ? X")13. ) : Mouoy , dii7 percent. Ex-
changoonNow York , 50e premium.
UOSTON , Mas ? . , Jan. 2i ! . Hunk clearings ,
81i'J07ll-jii ( ; bulances , ; ' . : IH4.7IS. Money. I'/iG. ' . '
percent , Exchauge on Now York , bifilOo dis
count per 11,000 ,
CIIIOAOO , III. , Juu 20. Money easy atS'/iO
G per cent. Clearln 's , $13,514,510 ; Now York
exchange lOA'iOo proinlum. Sterling exohango
flrm utfi.ei forhlxty duy bills und tl.bU for
sight , dr.ifts. _
London Ntuck .Murket , .
[ C < iiJurtuhle < l IfffHiu Jtiinti Oanlon Ilfiinctt. }
LONDO.V , I mi 20.Now York Herald Cable
Hpechil to THE llKK.l A good deal of uual ness
way trunuaeto : ) on the stock exchange today.
There has boon niiieh preparation for tlio
Bctt'onient which comniencoH soon. Now en
gagements havln ? lieon restrlctod. funds wuro
well maintained. Indian rupee paper has
given way from ii per cent lo ; i per cent ,
Notwlthmanulng that there was no alteration
In the prlco of silver , foreign government
boourltlos Imvo been somewhut pressed OK Ing
to the weakness of continental bours < . Homo
railways have shown considerable firmness
during the afternoon. Huylng for the now ac
count has been somewhut moru active. Drl-'h-
ton deferred met with moat attention. Thu
close wus ii percent higher. Americans.
which have been lurgoly dealt lit. opened Hat
and materially lower. About peen ( ho mur-
ktU took a complete turn. Ifecluod firm
ness provulls ut thu close , , In the
m.tjorliy of ousoi tha opening decllno
wus not only recmorod , hut un
advance wus eslubllshuu , Cnnadlua lines
leave oft rather stronger than they oiicncd ,
though O uadliui Paclflu und UninU Trunk
Issues still sliow u bmull dot ! Ino on thu day.
Mexican Is loner ouliij to the poor trulllu
statement. There was no imprpvomt'ut lu the
demund for money , bhart IOHIIS wurp frpo'y
offered ut U percent discount. Thu market U
bllgutly firmer. Two unit three months' bills
uruuiiotcd ut IS to lli ueri-ont.
LONDON , Juu.U 'llie folio vlnt wurj the
Lonaon stock quo'.atlous cloning ut 4 p m. :
ConsoU monujr. , , .U 15-111 Meilcau ordinary .
Cuuiioli account. , UM5-1U Ul. I'ntil common. . . . k.1
N. Y. , I' . 40. Ists. . . 37 Nuw York i i-n
Can. 1'aclno Ul 4 I'ctmiylvanla.
Krle 3JH . . . . . . . * it |
Krlixcconds . . . . . . . IWH
HllnoU Central Ill |
llAlt SILVLII-43U-10J. "
MONBT > j percent.
Uato of discount In the open market for
both short and throanmonlh * ' bll'.s ,
Amount of bullion wltlid-awn from the Hank
of Kngntndon bnlar.cbniav. i'lil " .n.1.
llottnn Sp ) < M'irki't.
tltmo.v. M is < u .Inn. it. Thu followltu were
the cloflnt price * uf/'sttxjifi / on tlio llostun
stcxjk market todiiy ! " '
Atrhlion A TopoU.1 "fi ( < Atlantic . . . . . . . . . . . II
lloitou A Albiinjr , . 3)1 ) lloiton , t Mmitin * . 81
Ilo > ton A Milnj , , -nlnnm A llcclv. . . ZOT
( Ml. Ay IfmiTrankll : ! . . ' . IS
Kltclibur It II. , , HI Kcnr .i < o. II
Flint A I'oro M . , , 2il U9CCOla. . . 2 < m
do preferred SI * itantK Ka Copper. , . . 274i
K. a St. I. . AC. 11. . . Tamarack li'i
l.ltllo ItockAKt. . , USVI Unnlson l.nnl ; Oo . , 2)
Mim. Control . 17 llo ton I Co
Mex. Cent , common. 20 > f West Knd Land Co. . .a
N. V. A N. Knxlnnd. r.j Hell Telephone , . . . 20-.I
N. V. A N. Km. 7s.,12l | < Water I'oirer. . . . . . . .
Old Colony C. M
Ittitlnnd common , . . 41 Houston-Thomson.
Win. Con. common. 410'4 \ II. All. C.
Allouei.MCo.diiHTl. IJ )
lrn\i'r Mlnliif ; Storks.
DRNVEIL , Colo. . Jan , 28. The fotlowlnz list Is
thnclosltuquotattouaon thoMlntiij oxonango
today. S lies 51M ) .
San I'rmirlsco .Ulnhifr Quotations.
SAN I'lUNCisco. O\l. . .T&n. W. The odlolal
closliiT nuotatlons for mining stock today
were as follows :
X nv York .Mining Quotations.
Nui'Yoic < . Jan. 2) . Tho. followlns arc the
closing mining stock quotations :
Onmluv's Trices Sun ; Hudly Under the Supply
nnd Demand ICuIc.
O.VAIIA , Jan. 20. Two days' receipts foot up
J.TI4 cuttle. 13,2 < )1 ) hogs and 2.202 sheep , against i
: i,18T cuttle , 7,017 ho ; s and 03" sheep tin sanio
two days last nook.
The general onttlo market was a Rood deal
like It was ut the oloso of last wcok. Yester
day's ndvunco was duo entirely to the very
limited offerings. With only a fair supply
today , 122 carl , that audvanco was completely -
pletoly wiped out , boot steers sold slowly
at Friday and Saturday's mean prices. Theof-
for.iiiti Included a very respectable proportion
of rather desirable cattle , although as usual
there wns comparatively Ilttlo really eholco
stuff hero. Shippers wanted sonic Rood cattle ,
but wanted them fully as low ns Saturday.
But two local houses wcro.buying iinythltiK
and thoy. having practically a clear field ,
were Inclined to bo. Indifferent and bearish
Trading of course drained. Taken all In all
It wus a very unsatisfactory market. Good
1.150 to 1a' > J-lb. stpprs sold from W.30 to
$3.70 , und common to fair stock from $3.00 to
{ 3.25. ConsUlepxulo' . stick was shipped on to
Chicago and there hwtro plenty of decent
cattle unsold In thofp'oas at the close.
With butcher stuft thecaso was oven worse ,
buyers huvlnz mordocldedly ; tbo best of It
Iluslnoss was very alow and prices were pen-
orally a good lOo lower-'than Monday , or about
the same us Saturday1' ! There was a moderate
shipping demand for'pood'to ' oliolco stock , but
tliere was verv llttldot It here. The decllno
was heaviest and tlio market moanest'on the
fair to medium crudes. Sales were largely
from $2.00 to ( . ' .3' , wlttwcholcio stock us high MS
$100 , and common afclow ILH SI.00. Dulls , oxon
and stugs were , weak ut from H.'JO to JI.05 ,
calves about stead v ut ) from 11.03 to & > .00.
Stoakors and fcedortiwere In monger supply
and fair demand at slightly Improved prices ,
Trading wus somewhat limited and largely1
from (2.75 to (3,00. Itouresentatlvo sales :
Nd.'Av. Pr. No. AV. Pr. No. Av. Pr
4. . 042 $250' J7i.l077 $3'10 30. 1137 J335
8. . 822 2 85 10..1218 < T15 37. 1153 245
2.,1030 200 17..1020 3 15 u " 525. - - 12.VJ 350
n. . 1052 a oo IS.'VIIIS 3 20 25. .1188 ' 350
1..1233 3 00 10. 1102 ' 3 25 17. . 1385 355'
0..1101 3 00 .7. . ma a 23 - 10 1270 3 CO
1..1110 300 a 25 22. . 1151 3 CO
o..HIS , : 300 21..IlBt BO 73. 130) ) 300
i. . 000 305 8. . 1047 3 30 0. .1203 365
0. . OJO 310 12. . 1200 3 30 5. 1354 370
11. 031 200
30. . OS2 2 75
4. . 792 S 15 0. . 401 2 IS
S. . 393 1 00 1. . 21:0 3 00 ] . . 280 500
1. . 300 1 M 2. . 220 3 75
1..1500 120 1..1330 210 1..1710 245
1. . 820 150 1..HCO 215 1..17UO 2AO
1..I310 180 1..1000 225 1..1230 210
l..KIX,185 ! ) 1..1510 235 2.1410 275
1..1340 100 2..1il50 233 1..1G01 300
1. . 870 2 OJ 1..138J 240 2..17M il 05
1..1520 205 2..1305 340 1..15CO 320
1..1320 200 4..1350 275 13..1583 305
? . . 85 ! 275 1. . IGO 2 B5 4 , . 725 205
5. . 54 ! 2 77 > i 1) ) . 7JI 2 85 6. . 840 300
10. , 715 2 8J 1. . OOJ 2 85
55. . 6.10 2 00
Hods Niitwltlistnndlng a liberal supply of
150 cars and an Increase for the past two dnya
compared with last week of tiUO > hogH the
liiarkntHCored another advance. There was
u marked Improvement In the quality of the
ofl'erln.s , there bclnv several loads of very
eholco hoxs hero and not a great many thut
could bo culled common. Everybody wanted
hogs at the opening and business was brisk at
un advance of iibout lOo over Monday , The
best heavy bozs sold fmm 11.30 to tl.40. Com
mon heavy and mixed packers sold almost
entirely ut fl.25 and light und Unlit mixed
loads went at from , (4,15 to tl.27i. ! A loin :
toward the mlddio of the forenoon the weak
oppnln : In provisions produced u dooldodly
o \Hlor fcollng horu.'aiid fur u tlmo It looked as
If the advance would about nil be lost. The
demand was too noJjt'however , and the late
luitrket was not moro than a shade to So lower
than the early sulrlfll/vbout ovorythlng wua
disposed of , tlio luililrif the sulos being ut from
tl.25 to ll.3li. ugulnatitS. 15 to t4,2.t Monday. Tlio
average cost was tl.27H ugulast ) I.20U Monday
und tl , 0 last TiiosiUy . Keprosontatlvo sales :
No. Av. till. l'r , No. Av. 8h. Pr.
81 . 211 MO II 151,1 60 218 120J42J : !
33 . 23U 10) 413 fj2,20.'l 11X1 4S7M
05 , . , , ,2eU 120 4 15 , r-
77Ui 10J 4 m , *
Ui ! 6t ) 2JO 4 W
1i\ .51 24'J 4 2J I
07 . . . 210 4 20
05 , , . , ,2.15 80 4 20
hO. , , , ,227 20J 4 21
70 , , , .V3J 4 20
70 80S 200 4 20
05TJ 227 210 4 2 *
TJ . . . 218 240 4 2.M4
ra. , . ,3ii7 581 4 221O1
10 , , . , ,28 ! 4 224
57 , . , . .2tJfl - 4 Si
17. . 3V7 KM 4 23
71 . 247 100 4 25
- ' . . . , . . < ] 210 4 25
77.KI1 2JU 4 23
OS . 2 l 400 4 1'5
11 . 27. ! 4 25
Ii2 . 214 60 423
&l . A6 8J 4 25
Cl . 204 1(10 ( 4 2i
45 . 2i4 mi 4 ± 1
50 . 2. < i If'J 4 Si
7J . 8.W ICO 4 15
83,2 1VO 4 23
. , . , sw : KU 4 .n
II. , , , . , ' 113 4 25
CO. . . ,258 1I1J 4 23
87 . . . . VWI 12J 4 23
7 . 272 240 4 2.5
OJ. . . . , IIW - . 4 25
59 . ,214 3'0 4 25
7U . . . 253 2.W 4 25
05 . , , .S4i : 300 4 25
115 . . . J88 40 4 23
81 . . . . 174 3.0 4 2i
Ul , . . . ,2s7 200 4 25
70 . 285 210 4 25
81 . . . ,223 110 4 25
01 . SV7 2EJ 4 St
W , , . . .281 240 4 23
111.2H4 M ) 4 25
CO . . . 241 ISO i 25
Cl 2X1 120 4 S3 T5 300 40 4 30
TJ ' "VI IBJ 4 25 R5 193 43 4 it )
Bl . . . .317 M ) 43J 71 .270 40 43U
C5..23I 49 4 25 fll . . . . .203 100 430
C . . . .571) 425 fi > 27D 43)
71 Ztt ISO ITS Kl 2SJ CO 430
r > 9. : ui s-o 4 as cs saw N 4 :
fiS .3)7 ) 210 4 So W . . . . 272 50 4 30
nj . . . . .203 80 4 S3 64 K0 ! ! . 0 43)
0 ! 240 ( o 42:1 ri . . . : x.MO 4ttu :
01 . . . . 201 MO 425 55.,347 4 : tt {
fi 3 > : i : IGI 421 ooioo : 4324
Ca 2.V. 2SO 4.5 Nl. . . . IB7 432H
50 200 4 as r.2 340 ice 435
C'J 24 4 SI WJ 33 ! ) 435
! > 370 - 4 23 M . . . . tf.XI 40 4 X.
74 . . . . 2.V ! J20 4 83 00 iCB 80 4 a.r.
711 Klf 1(1) ( 425 ( VS . . . . .KM 120 4:0 :
C2 aW 240 ' 4 83 CM 2O ! 4 35
Hi. . 2K1 2JO 4 2J 73 282 40 4 ! tt
caju , ' 20J 423 r > i : TO HO 4n :
70 203 40 425 M 374 80 4 IK
IK..283 PO 4 2"i M 274 4 5
01 . . . . .284 N ) 42.i fil 372 8J 4 JO
59 247 80 425 70 242 1GO 4 M
71 2.X1 240 425 M . . . .MO 4111
63 ZV9 245 4 > 31 110 till ) 4 MS
(17 ( 2CJ 203 425 HO . . . .314 ICO 431
04 22. ! 101 425 t < S 204 t > 0 4 37i !
08 287 443 4 27J4 to . . . .Ii70 4 41
72 . . . . .208 ,80 4 2it ) CO 3V ) 3A ) 440
73 240 80 4 27' { r > 9 311 440
ins AND iiouott.
2 1.T3 - 3WI 8 . . . .13. ) 300
1 100 351
HHKKP Hocoljits were fulr , suvcn curs , nuil
tlioqimtlly In gunural urottv ROCK ) . Triitllnjr.
however , wus riuhorslow. Some wrctty iroo , < l
western < > wo . cornfoil , t > roti iit 14.4J nncl a
MnglodocU ot fiilr tmtlvQ nwcs sold for $4.25 ,
I'rleus wore iiuota'oly uuulmtinotl. . Kiilr to
good muKcs will brliiK from JI.2.S toJVtt.
westerns from ! I.U ) to IS ID , common mill Mock
and Cued Inn slicop from $ . ' .50 to IL7.1. liimbs
wcIitlilnK 40 tolio pounds from 94.00 to (3.50.
Ilplircsuiitutlvo sales :
No. Av. 1'r.
K ! native owes 04 $123
410 Colorado owes 85 440
HocolpU nnd DUp.nltlon of Slock ,
OlUclnl rueoluts Mill disposition ot stock : is
shown hy the hooks of tlio Union Slock Ynitls
company for the twcnty-fourliours , ondlng tit
5 o'clock p in. January 20. 1MJ. )
HKCKll'V * .
Cnra.lIIontl Cats. Hond Cam , llutul Cars. I Hem ) . .
150 1.140 .
Chicago l.lvo Stock Market.
OMICAOO. III. . Jan. 2fi. lSpeolal Telegram to
THK HEE. ] The cuttln market was nulot
today. Iliiyers were present In about the
usual numbers and there was a fulrdomund
from ciumors and butchoM. but the wants of
shippers were somewhat limited. Hut while
the movement was slow , there wus an unnual-
Illcdly ft rni tone to the market , the light re
ceipts for the last fuw days Imparting ti confi
dent feeling to all o : sscs of operators. The
supply In the yards today wus conllned to
about 0,000 head and was absorLou at strong
rices , the average being from lOo to ISo
hi igher than for la > > t Friday. Quotations tire
from 11.25 to J3.00 for poor to choice cows , ( l.fio
to 150 for bulls. J2.00 to J.t.05 for stockers nnd
fcoiiors and MOJ to $ o.BO for common to extra
shipping steers.
The hoi market remained strong. The average -
age prices were higher tlinn foryestorduy but.
taking Into consideration the fact that the
quality of today's arrlva's was bettor , a
change In values can scarcely bo noted. There
was continued activity In ttio shipping de
mand and as local cullers were also eager to
got the ho ? ? , the rather llborul supply was
easily hai\dlod. Light wolglita snowed rela
tively the greatest strength though thor * was
no slgns.of weakness iinywhcrn. Quotations
were from W.25 to Jl.fiO for poor to prime ll.-ht
and from $1.45 to $1.70 for common to eholco
heavy. As high ns $1.CO was paid for assorted
light and there was ono load of fancy heavy
for which tl.T'-'Ji was obtained. Culls sold at
from $ ' .5'Jtol4.0ii. '
The sheep market was without noteworthy
new features. Not much activity was de
veloped. but by virtue of the continued light
receipts , sellers were enabled to close out at
stronz prices. Sales wcro on n basis of from
fi.50 : to $5.50 for poor to eholco qualities. Few
lots went auovn $ j. 15 and there was not much
trading below 11.25. The lamb market was
. &U > dy-nB lastquotou , prices ranging from
$4.50 to $4. 75 for Jioor lots to from I'.4J to $0.50
for choice. '
Receipts" : Cattle , 0,033 ; bos , 35.000 ; sheep ,
The Evening Journal reports : CATTLE
Receipts. 0.000 ; shipment * , 2.500 ; market
steady ; good to cho'co steers. $ l.5050) ;
others. . $3,104.25 ; stackers , $ iOO2.85 ; iows ,
Hoas Receipts , 30,00 ; shipments , 12,000 :
market active and Irregular ; rough and
common , } 4.i5ft4.4i : ; mixed. II.4'4.5'J ; heavv
and butchers' weights , $ I.5UQ4.70 ; light , $4,30 ®
SiiKEP Recolpts , 5,030 ; shipments , 303 : mar-
ketuctlvo ; no from yesterJuv's quota
tions ; owes , $ ( .40(33.50 ( : mixed , $3.30l,75 ;
wethnri. $5.0U5.50 ; fed Toxuns , (1.40 ; west
erns , $5.00 < t&.20 ; lambs. 5.5033.10.
New Vork I.lvu Stock .Market.
NEW VOIIK. Jan. 20. BEEVES Receipts. 11.017
head ; all for export and slauirbtcr : no trade ;
fell foaling flrm ; dressed beef steady at Oii"SUc ;
per Ih.
CALVES Rocolpts. 207 head : market dull ;
veals , $ . - > .00S.75 per 100 Ibs ; gra sers , $ .2.50 ,
SHKBP Receipts , 1.5S5 head : market nrm ;
sheop. $4.0Jn.uu par 110 His. ; lambs. tO.OJ7.03 ;
dressed mutton , steady , 7iQ.'JSio } ' per It ) . ;
dressed lambs , flrm. nlu'jC.
Hoas Receipts , 0,480 hn.ul. consigned direct.
Nominally stoady. $ I.15@4.75 per 100 Ibs.
Knnsas City Mvo Stock .I
ceipts. 4.2UO ; shipments , 2,030. Steers were
strong ; dressed beef and shipping steers
selling at if I.OOO3.D. ) ; cows and feeders steady ;
cows Jl.75iW.ljU ; stockers and foodors. I2.UJ ®
: ios.
ios.Hoa < Receipts. 1SJO ; shipments , 103. The
jimrKot opened strong to nehlghur. lost the
gain nnd closed lower. AH snides , $ JLS5I.37H ;
bulk. I.SO4.25.
. SHEEP Receipts. 1,800 ; shipments , : t)0. ) Mur-
kot was strong to higher , prices being at the
high point again.
St. T.ouls Mvo Stock Market.
ST. Louis , Mo. . Jan. 20. OATTf.B-RooolptB ,
liuO : : shipment , 103 : ruarkot steady ; fair to
good natives , HOO4.W ( ; Texans and Indian
steers fair ui dressed bout. i.7.V(6'l.fl. ! ( > .
lions Receipts , O.OJ I : murkot higher : heavy
I4.4.V24 G5 ; mixed , tl.QWi.W ; light , * 4.30l.50.
No gripping , no nausea , no pain when Da-
Witt's Little Early Riser * are taken. Small
pill. Snfo pill. Best pill.
] ' > < < ! Dealcrn' Ofllcnrn.
There wns a well attondiid mooting ot tlio
Omaha Hay nnd Feed association at 1510
Howaid utrcot last night. Permunont
ofllcers were oloctud as follows : P. T , Shin-
rock , president ; J. J. Jensen , vlco president ;
\V. W. Mace , secretary ; nnd Thee Burwioic ,
An oxecutlvo committee consisting of
Messrs. W. H. Cady , T. H. Olbbs and T. II.
Vunvalhcnburff was also elected. A con
stitution and bylaws were also adopted , and
then the association aujournod to moot uaxt
Tuesday evening In the Hoard of Trade
rooms ,
Cliiiinliurlalii'8 Collr , Cliolcni nnd Dlurrliwii
Persons nubjoct to cramps will bo inter-
eitcd In the oxperleuco of J , F. Mlles , \Vei-
ley.roningo ( Jo. , Pa. Ho was takoa very
aovcroly and called in two doctors , who pro
scribed' for him but failed to Klvo him rcltof ,
A druggist of Duller , PH. , then crave him a
doublodoseof ChnmborlMn's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrluua Homody , and in twenty min
utes ho wns all right and Is enthusiastic in
bis praise of the Itemndy. 25 and D'J cent
bottles for sale by druggists.
IViirlmiil fur llnrni'im.
Two orthroe woeln nsjo James \VIlson , a
well knbxvn vagrant and potty thief , was ar
rested for having In his possession a bridle
nml part of a single harness. Judge Derka
gave Wilson ton days on tbo hill because ho
could not account for the property , Ha wa
rclea9ed"yostorday , and last night an ofllcor
found him wandering around with a borio
blanket under bis arm , nnd the old timer
was giveii a free rldo in ttio wagon and as
signed to his old cell in the city Jail. Wilson
Is evldpiitly'trylui , ' to collect a complete rig ,
\\hcn ho U released next time hs will probably -
ably got the borso and buggy. „
_ _
-II - TT1 I I
DeWltt's Little Earlr Inscri ; cnly pill to
cure sick headache and rcpulata the bowels.
4 "Is.LTu . Worth U\ln l
The man nho Keeps hU utomavh In flratcluas
c'onrtltlflir'iill 'the tlmo IH the only man who
fit-.tiiiU a chance of nccos-i In life. 1'or all dls-
iirJcrs of the stomach , liver and kldnuys the
sonulno UurUbad t-pi-ndcl Halt U with
out ; equal and malallfo a plcuturo In-
ktuuilof a burden. UK specially bcnetlchil
fur.chiojlu constlputlon , gouty und rheuma-
tlu air eel Ions , llo nuro to obtain thu conulne
uftlelo , which IIKS the soul of I ho oily
of ( lurlshad and thn sleiiaturo of "KUnor &
Munditliou Co. uKunU. 0 Uarclay Street , New
Vck."tju every bottle.
Omoha Tent < t-
Co. ,
Hw. linmuioclis , oil nnd
rubber clothlntf. pond for
cntnlogue : 111:1 : Knr num.
llemlf Oiuihii ttaa cvx
lini'ortcn nml imn.if.ic-
Flour Snrki , Iliirlnpl nml
.1. U. I'trriU'i it ( Vi. , , 31 O , Damn ,
1 < 0) Doiteo xtroct. Illcrcles sold on monthly
fond for our ritiloguo Itayiuciitt. j
nnJ iirlces , Kiirii.iraft.Omnlia.
Knctory roracr lltli mill loiiKla streets ,
\Ve arouiaklnu clo o p.-lcof to cmh b lyor > , nnl ; nro
wjilph licry al-
st'llliiK a clai of noocH \cry
unMowltli iiiori'hiintH.
Eaolc Cornice H'orfca
Manufncturcra of Gal *
Vnnlicd Iron Cornice.
Window caps , uict < ilo !
skyllirhtH , etc. 1110 and
1112 I'OilKO St.
Imv GOOD.- .
M. H. Sn.i'.hACo. A'ffxirc7f ( ( - Koch Dry
Clamls Co. ,
Dry good' _ , . , . , , notions . . , fur- Dry KOOdK.notlons. ( tents'
nlsh furnishing goods.
Cor. lull and HowiirJ t .
Corner Hill and Ilownrd.
Omaha OoiwoUditid Eleotrioil 0) . ,
, v.iian. fiiaii. Wlro and Klectrlcal Sup-
piles of All Kinds.
1112 Howard atreat , Uinnlia.
C. A , Stnnth 1 ( , A. , Jr.
Millinery , notionscloaks rinnos.
etc ,
mitcrlnh , etc ,
1HMI9 8 U'tll tt , Onmhu street ,
A. Utkttli racltina Co. I'lalt A Co. .
I'nokori of oystorj , Ilsli Oysters , Flih and Colorft
nnit Celery , Sl'.l Bautli 10th St
COS Leaven worth St. Divld Cole , Manager ,
Cosolfdnfcrl XViiik Line
Co. ,
Hoflncd nnd InbrlcntliiK
oils , nxlo Kreane , etc.
Itranch A Co. , nibbed A Smith ,
neuters In country prod Produce fruits of all
uce , frulti , vegetables ,
etc. kinds , oystori ,
lao ; Howirrt Street. 13th and Itarncy Street ) .
Kira > iliKtun A Son * . Jns. A. Clark & Co.
Duller , cheese , ,
Duttcr .
, CEKS and poultry.
poultry nnd Earns.
ID ) n'.i'ii n i t CCU South 13th Street.
Eiddell & Oo. , G. Pegau ,
Coinnils lonII orclianl ,
Butter , choose , eggs.voz- Produce , Uutter , Kitgt ,
ctHblns , fruits , poultry Cheese und Poultry.
. 12th and Ilownrd Bti ,
ami KBUIO. Oniuha.
Mullin & McOloin , Bingham. & Son ,
Sppclaltlas , buitar , eiit , Send UB your Kgiis , But *
choose , poultry , clo. No. tor , Poultry , ( iaiuo ,
15 H I 111. Hot. 1st Nat. Illdoi , Kto.
bank. 1701-3 I.eareiiworth St ,
Carpenter Paper Oo , , King Papar 0 J.
Carry a full itock of WrapphiKpaper , all klnilj
printing , wrapping and of twlncii , eto.
HOd Howard ft.
wrltliiK paper , card pa
per , etc. Tel. 17J3.
= 3
James Hughes , OmahStova Bepaii
Stoves repairs of all kind ) Wor'.a.
Cooks and HoalorJ Sloro repairs and water
for Dale. attnchnieuta for any klua
of stove made. ;
. nth Btroot I2U7 '
SASH. aoys.
M. A. Disbrow & Oo , H. Hardy Oo. , \
Manufacturers of ensli. Toys , dolli , albiimi.
doon. bltndf and fanoy goodi. houiofur *
mouldings , llrnnch of- nl'blnv RooJi , cbll < U
Dcc , 13ib and Iiard Hts. ren'4 cnrrlAgos.
13111 Kurnam Stroot. |
AVtn Boot & Oo. Gaaniuu &
Iloom3 < KxclmnKO Hulld- Itooms , 01 and ill
llullillntf South clmnxa bulldl.i
Omahiu Bouth Onnhi.
- - * <
Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher writes :
" DnoouLYH , N. Y. , February u , 1890.
"I have used ALLCOCK'S Pouous PLASTERS for
some years for myself and family , and , as far as
able , for the many sufferers who come to us for
assistance , and hate found them a genuine relief
for most of the aches and pains which flesh Is heir
to. 1 have used ALLCOCK'S ' POROUG PLASTERS for
all Limb of lameness and acute pain , and hy fre
quent expeiiinenti find that they can control many
cases not noiiccj In your circulars ,
" The above is the only testimonial I hive ever
given In favor of any plaster , and jf my name has
been used lo re'.ommcn J any other it is without my
authority orsmction. "
George Augustus Sala writes to
the London Daily Telegraph ;
" I especially have a.pleasant remembrance of
the ship's doctor a very experienced maritime
medico indeed who tended me most kindly dur
ing a lioirible spell of bronchitis and spasmodic
asthma , provoked by the tea-fog which had
swooped down on us just after we left San Fran
cisco. Hut the doctor's prescriptions , and the
increasing warmth of the temperature as we nearcd
the tropics , and , in particular , a couple of ALL-
COCK'S POROUS PLASIERS clapped on-one on the
chest and another between llic tliouldcr.bladcs
soon ici me right , "
Russell" Sage , the well-known
financier , writes :
" 506 Firm AVFNUP ,
" NEW YORK CITV , Pccember so , 1890 ,
" For the last twenty years I have teen using
peatedly cured me of rheumatic pains and pains
in my side and back , anJ , whenever I have
cold , one on my chest and one on my back
speedily relieve me ,
" My fa.dily are never without them , "
Marion Ilarland , on page 103 of
her popular work , "Common Sense
( or Maid , Wife , and Mother , " says ;
"For the back ALLCOCK'E
TER ii an excellent comforter , combining the sen
sation cf the sustained pressure cf a strong , warm
liand with ccruln Ionic qualities developed In the
Mealing. It should be kepi over the seat of the
uneasiness for several days [ n obstinate cases , for
perhaps a fortnight.1
Beware of imitations , and do not
Ask for ALLCOCK'S , and let no solici
accept a substitute.
| Buffering from
TO WEAK MEN youthful Uie vticU errors ot
rarly decar , waMlnfr wptknvss. lost luouhootl , etc. .
I will K'nd avalualilu tnallto ( Mali'di cuntnlnlui
full parllrulars for liawa curt' , FIlilK < jf i-liartc.
A riJli-ii'lW ' midlcal work i shimlitp read lr every
uian wlio U urrrnui aud drhllluttcd , Addrisl.
fi-of. V. V , A'OWliVn.BIooduit C'onii4
The Rev. Mark Guy Pearse writes :
"LONDON , December 10 , iE88.
" I llilnk It only right Iliat I should tell you of
how much use I find ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLAS
TERS in my family and amongst those lo whom I
have recommended them , 1 find them a very
breastplate against colds and coughs. "
W. J , Arkell , publisher of Judge
and Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper -
paper , writes :
" NEW VORK , January 14,1891 ,
' 'About three weeks since , while suffering from
a severe cold which had settled on my chest , I
applied an ALLCOCK'S I'onucs PLASTCK , and in a
short lime obtained relief ,
"In my opinion , these plasters sliouli' be In
every household , for use In case of coughs , colds ,
sprains , bruises or pains of any kind. I know that
in my case the results have been entirely satisfac
tory and beneficial , "
Henry Theme , Traveling Secre
tary of the Y. M. C. A. , wrifes :
"LONDON , February 3,1868.
" I desire to bear my testimony to the value of
ALLCOCK'sI'oKousPLAsrEits. I have used il m
fet pilm lit the back and side , niislng from rheu
matic and other causes , never without deriving
benefit from Ihclr application,1' They arc easily
applied and very comforlinj. Those engaged , at
I am , in public work which involves exposure to
sudden changes of temperature , will do well to
in their portmanteaus. "
Hon. James W. Ilustcd says ;
"When suffering from n severe cough , which
ihreilenetl pulmonary difficulties , which I was
recommended lo go to Florida la relieve , I deter
I applied them to my chest and between the
shoulder-bladei , and in less than 4 fortnight was
entirely cured. "
Henry A. Mottjr. , Ph. D , , F. C. S. ,
late Government chemist , certifies i
"My Investigation of ALLCOIK'S POROUS PLAN
TER show * It la contain valuable and essential
ingredient * not found in any other plaster , and I
find It superior to and more efficient than any
ether piaster. "
be deceived by misrepresentation ,
tation or explanation induce you to