1 THE OMAHA DAILY BKK : TUESDAY , , IANITAUY 20 , 1H92 , 1J SPEG1RL NOTICES , A i.vnniPi.Mi'Ms von TIIFBK COLUMNS. Julll I tilnkrn until 1Z-SO p. m. , for the cfnnlnit i n < 1 until C.cO | > . m. , fur Ibo morning or Sunday edi tion /It KltuttM menu In there column * ISconts it I'rr flril Inv ttlon unit 10 tcnli it linn tlicrrnttor , or IS 1 rr line | > cr month. No ncUertlftniont tnknn for liirtliniSiicntK lor tlin llrtt Insertion , "reruncaMi iMiiUnnrc. ( oiml nlont 7 woril to the tin * . Inlt * IMr flcntf' ' , efintolK.rtc. . rr.cli count fix a woril. /It nUfttlf irrnlMnnft run roniccutlvoly. Ailrcr- tl iT ! tiy rrqucKtlnif it nittnliored chrok. can nitrn II olr Iillff ndilrcffoil to n numborril letter In onto MIliKlirr. Annvrrsiin niIilr f > iMl will bo dcllv- ncrl on profcntatlon of tlio dice * . 'I 1IAMII omiTH-AHVKUTIStNO KOIITIIKBK -I rnlt'trnii Kill IIP Iftkpn nn the nt'Orn ronrlltlnni rlflii' follnnlPcMiKlnrn lioii > r < , who nro author- In it to tnkp | rrlnl nntlcpn nt tliu mmerntci nacan l > hail r.t tlrn.nlnofrrp : hnuth Oman A llranch Offer No. IRS N street , .lolui W I'rll. plmrirncliit.lllli nnrt Mnunn MreoU. H II Knrnmorth. ptiarinnrl t.Sllf > C'unilnir Mreot. W..I Ihipl re. t'l'irmnrlM ' njl N. ir.th Mrret. ( ' V. . i-nltcrndtl , | .hoinmcl . t , 1718 Lcii ilrrrt. Ilimlif ' pharmacy , Jlth nml rarnam , SITUATIONS \VANTEb IIATK8 Hf n linn flrft tlmr > nnct ! ( ) ( n llnntlinrn- nfter. No mltrrtl'ement taken for le-n IhitniBe. - - . ! ) , 1'OSITION WITH IIONK8T HUM nti MI IP * man or onirn nork : ( rood reforciu'O Klren nnd ti-giiln-d. Aililtcim JI 13 , Hoc , Ml'H 1 * mSPONMllU' ! ( ' : ai'lilKNl'KI ) MAN A wanUpnMtlnn ai-.cle.rk , collrcloror bookkeeper ! hi' l city iofcronce.il. Aililrcus M ID , lleo. .MiW4 ' . ' * COMl'KTKNT MAN AND WIKK TO nil ) orlntenil n laruo fnrm or rnncli , cnn hoard other linnd * If ileslri'tl. Aililrrim lock box TM , llnm- biitK , In WO 1 _ WANTHI ) . A ltisriONSIIlTK ; T'OSiT10iN 11Y A A No , I honkm-cper. ! ! > jonrn o pi rlcnrn , Ilcot clly references. Aililtcm I.M , Itee. AISI1 "O * WANTED-MALE HELP. ItATKH If.o n line first tlmn nml 10 < i n linn thero- nfter. .No nilrcrtliiMiipnt taken for 1cm tlmn 25c. leal Klr I'alls. JlOUIn n ilay possible , hlit demnml for thPxo goods : no c perlenco nceesf ary Sold only by iiKents , to wlnnn cxi'luslvo territory Is Klvi-n. Wi' can provo this statement If you will nildress , 'Iho Worcester 1'lro Appllaneo Co. ( In- coriiornlnl ) . Worcester , Mnssj. Wo have other money makjiii. speulnltles. - * - - ( ! STAT13 AHI'.NT TO B-WANTKI1-KNKHAL open headonrters | III some principal city , as- aiimu cMintrol of our business , nml nppolnt local and aubacents In uvery city In tills htiitc : Kooils In unlvernal demand , am ) pay n net proilt of M to 100 percent. The Union Company , 711 Hroiul ny. Now York. .MIWH27' - - ! M HOYS TO WOHK FOH MK betwern school houra. I pny n larnii commls- nlon , Sena stamp. II 1' . Hlchnrds , II. Pp.videnee , It. I. JI.V.W2II * - A rillST CLAS > HLACKSMITII. B-WANTKD tfood waues and steady Joti ; married man pro * ferret ) . Call on or nddrcss Ilnrrull llros. . Clarlndn , Iowa. t8l 2S | > . All KNTSWANTKD FOH TIIK WOHLD'S FA 111 J'souvenlr. Kreluslvo territory nlvi'ii. Sample , Me. Sent on rorulpt of prlen lo any address. Worlil'a Fair Souvenir Co. . Uttl N Y. Life HiilldliiK , Omaha , NebrnBkn. 415 2i ( * > -CANVASH'.llS WAXTKH. CALL oil AD- iilreim ! K1 N. Y. l.lfo M21IKI4 * n-WANTFD. ALf MKNONSALAHY OH COM- J 1ml l"n to hiindlc the new patent chemical Ink rraslni ; penrll. 'Iho itrrntuit selllmt novelty ever proiluccd : erases Ink thoroimhly In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper. 2iU to Mil p.'r cent proilt : nno nuent'.s sales amounted to if'uU In six dnys , another 1.12 In two hours We want omicenernl ncent In each slute mid terillory For terms ami full par- Denials address Monroe Kiu.ser .MfKCo. . , Ln , .Cro se WIs. . X : iil. 7 l WANTED FEEIALE HELP. HATKSIfo n line first tlmo neil lOen line there- nftur. No iitlverll iinent takun for loii Hum .Tic. -A"O ( ; ( ) | ) HAiitY ( itAitANTKii ; : > TO ANV Inily who will ilo nrltlnj ; for mo nt home. Ail- ilrews In own hnmhvrltltm nlth iidilrvttsLMl nntl Mninpetl envelope. Mlin. INInn I * S-invtho. South llunil , Intl. , proprietor of the fnmouB ( ilorln Writer. StlrflO-P.'ft" I 1-GIltI , WANTHI ) . 1121 JACKSON ST. V ; 3IIMI-29 * -WANTIII ) , Illllli TO DO UKNK11AI. IIOUHE- work 211H Cn n nt. JII07 SS" WANTKD. SMALL CIHL TO TAKK CAHK OK hllrdei at " < i\'i \ ' N. lith , .Id floor , flat D. MKJ5 23 * G iSFCOND OIHL AND HKI.P TO TAKK CAIU3 children , 2115 St. Slary's nvo MO 27' C-WANTKD , A CIHL FOH OKNKHAL HOUSK- nork : must ho Kood cook , washer untl Ironer. ApplJ'li2JCailtol ; | nvo. .W G-WANTKD. A WOMAN TO HUN A SI I HIT bos tni. collar nnd cutf Ironer. City steam ' Laitiitlry , Plattsmouth , Neh. 4SI-2T * /I-WANTKD. YOIINO tilHL TO . ASSIST WITH v housenork , 1I2S N. I''tli ulrect. 577 2ii /-i-\VAN'iiDTiiHL iwT noiwTT- / - \ : : OKNKHAL - V. work , family of three , KOOI ! cook. 4014 Sewnrd st i70 27' C-WAMT.I ) . KIIIST CLASS FKMALi : COOK nlio ppcoml ntrl. llefvroncca rcqulruil. SIS S. ' 'nlliKtrcot. 5T"i2.ri' - WA NTH1 > . A fiOOI ) CHHSIAN fHUIjTODO CWA Kpnurnl hoiitoKork ; rufcrcncua reiiulre.il. 121 ! 9 3l t st. 670 S7 * -WANTKI ) , ( Hill. Kll fiUNKHAI. HOItr-K- wurk ; intiBt hOKOod cook. Apply , 2. < W Cnpltol nvo. , city , 4''a ' 'J.'i C 1-WANTHI ) , A ( iOOI ) COOK AND LAIINDIIKTs , lilJl. Mm , C. H. Kuynionil , 114 rr'ontli Mill nveniio. C-WANTKD , A CAI'AIILi : SKCOND lilHU I.amlon Court , fourth house from the corner tit 24th street. One block north of M. Slary'i nvenuu Slid I * ? ' FOK RENT HOUSES. _ IIATKS tCo ft line llrst tlmo nml lOo n line there after No ailtnrtlsemttnt tnken for loss than 2.V. - 'runt , or will null fnrnltnro clienp and ulvo PIIH- KOHilon liiiineilhiti'ly. 'il7 ! DoiiKlan. MiWl ! L'7" " -1 IIAVi : TWO VKIIV DICSIIIAIU.IC HOUSKSi will rent cheap to perinniu'iit tuniintn K K. WllllaniB. I-In-l.Valloual llnnklliillilliin. MIW W n-SMAIl. HOtJKIC.KDUNISHKI ) , WITH IMANO , X/n-nt luwj ! tai Cnllfurnl trct't. fi'.ij3U -I.AIttli : I.18T. IIKO. J. I'AUI. , 1OW KAUNAS ! Knm > D-KOII UINT. : ONLY 125. THAT IO-IIOOM jioi ) ornliointit ; no contcnlenco IncklnK. he It nt l.WN. 18th ulrcot : only rpupuimllila tennnt rontltl otctl. J. H. .lohnson , bl2 N. V , l.lfo. AUDI Kl TSI.OOM"CO1TAIIK | | ON N. 25TII , M5AII J-/Ciinillin t. , cliuap. Kmiiilru , 8M8 Itjtli t. 41)72 ) ! ) P-lKStllAIII.K 3.IIOOM COrrAtlK , HTIIVf ) Clark rtn-utn. .M&.i8 : iU' -KOlt 1IKNT. 10 HOUSKS , fS.ro AND tU'WAIlliS per month. The O , r. Dmrls company. DID I'lO T\-A VKIIY N1UK6-IIOUSJ COTTAtJK , 5SIO CABS JiJtl , 1' . O'Mnlloy. 471 37" T [ - DKHIIIAllI.n KI.AT8 WITH ANI ) WITHOUT J hlfnin hi'iit , htoren , rt flllniB and cottnueii In nil partii of city. Kvlkuuny , Continental block. 21331 SO -roil HUNT , THUKK NI'.wMtOOM. J-8TOHV cottaeo * "Illi bath and now train ) , ot nnd inmr corner Wc-bitiT mid Tlilrtlt'lli ilrcotn. llviluiTd tn IVO.UU each. Houry W. Yatei. IU D - - HOUSKi SIODKHN ; K13 S 211) ) ST. IZI F3- Di 1-3. 4 A 5-HOOM HOUSKH. (10 to f 15 ; HKST HKS- Ucnre Uati tn city , . \lcutl luv't Co , , 412 Hue bhlg. 7U ! T\-FOH HKN11IOUSK. 10 HOOMU. ALLMODKHN J-'liiiirovoinciiti , filO.UJ pcrmunth , iUJ und Furimm. Dexter U Thomas , 7tA ' "lA-KOll HKNT. UHOOM HilUrtK , WITH ItOTIl Ji u and rangn If dolrcd , nil In Kiiod condition ; location near20th and b-t. Slnry's utentio. Prlca reasoimliluiiipeclal tormt chun lu the right party. Inquire HIM Fnrnaiu Bt , , or U. II. Tt > churk. lieu oinco. SIM ) D-NKW IHIOOM CVH'AKS ! , MODKHN I.M- provements , "utanford Circle * . " Apply C. ti. Klgutter , room 4. t > . Y. I .Ifo bull ting. 7ii D-U-HOOM 1I011SK 27TII AND DAVKNl'OHT , all convenlencei , ftt.UO pvr uionth. f' , K. Dar * llliK , Darker block. M W -NINi : UOOM HOU8K. SIODKHN IMPHOVlT menu , rensonable , t 3N , sitli ttvo. Apply , It. Kitlili , tailor. SUN. Ililli it. iyj JJ-OR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. HATKS 15o n line first I mi ) ulul lOo u line there- lifter , ix'o nilvertliemcnt taken lor liu * lhan2Sa OMB LAItOK KIIUNT AI.COVK uroom with bay whitlow , fmnUhud or unfur- nlihetV tienthMia'u [ irulericd. 6Wt , 25th avenue. 4 HI tt _ _ _ 17-KOH HKNT , STKAM Jvroonik , tWISo. ISth utrcut. S153J 71 UHNlllKuiOOswiTH ilATli.tO MONTH 'vl'.Hr.i F rii m. 475 _ -KHONT HOOM WITH AI.COVK , 121 * 1444 27 F KLKOANT KUHN1&11KD lUK > MS , 101 J23- W-rOll HKNT , NICKl.Y HJIINIffllKD , 8KCOND J-Jitory back room , nultublu for ( Ingle gentleman , Hlthuut tHianl , Itl 8 , 2Mb. .IrotfL Zil -NKWLY B70 JJ7 FURNISHKD ROOMS A11D IIOAHD. itATKS-io | llnollrit tluia. mi4 I Jo a line thnrn- flor. No mltcrllit-mi'Ut taken ( or lo than c on IMHISICKKKI'INO n > n MA : < nlfej Doclillilrcn ; rent ukrn In tunrtt Hit ) -IHU. Mill * T . VV US IHIIKI ) It90MS , UOAlii ) . in A H S'A M In. llvfercnro. i.j It" FTTKNISnED ROOMS AND BOARD. . ItOOM ANI ) lOAIll IN 'll- 1 rnto furfllljr , 7W Nortli lOth , MJ33 M" ir-St'lTB or SOUTH IIOOM3 WITH I1OAIII ) . 1872 I Clilcnitn ( trect. MM 2 < i * -WAIIM UOO.MS ANI ) IIOAItl > lTltTAll.K ! ! KOIt 1 Kontlerr.cn. Terms reasonable. The Hillside , N. W corner 19th and Portxe. 4''l ' W l.-HI.KOATlvntNlstKI ) ItOOMS , J or on unite ) nil nimtern conTonlcnecs ! first cl lionrd. SlS niitlilCth Ktroot. -i , ioois WITH tiunrd , 1M llownrd t. , nurtlipnst cur. lull fit zy 1 2 ? " llATiS. : t.ionllnoflriil tlmn nml Ido n line tlioro- nltor. No mlrorllicment tnkca fur lo < )9 ) tlmn T > o. - - IIKNT , 3 NICi : UNKUIlNliHKI ) G--KOU rooms. HI. ' . ! -ii. IStli. MM ) : - ( ( . IN I1AHKMKN1' , CITY WAT Hit nnd nonurxKO , I92.1 Knrnnm t , 4H 2- ) ' on HVB KI.KOAST IIOOMS ATBIII VJ8intli2itll Ktroet. 4II2J- rj-SKCOND KLOOH OK 3 IIOOMH , UNKtlll VJnMiPil , for rent , also bnscment. a rooms. Nlco mime , evcrythliiK convenient for llKlit housekeep ing. Apply ntolllccTho Merrlam. .M.VU2H' DOAnDINQ. n-IMH.LMAN luU8K , IS10 HOIMrK. F'dlt ( lOOD boanl , nicer roomi , conveniences , rates ami lo- atloti It cannot bu excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor 2C1 MIO' _ F011HENT STORES AND OFFICES. 1-FOll HUNT , STUHK , 1118 JACKSON STHKKT , -FOH HKNT. TUB 4-STOHY Illlinic IIUILDINd , loin Fnrnam street. Iho hulldlnchns n tire proof cement basement , complete steam heating fixtures , water on nil thu floors , gas , etc. Apply nt the olllco ot The lino. W FOB KENT-MISCELLANEOUS. UATKS I5en line firm tlmo nml ICe n line tlu-ro- nfler. No nilvortlscnicnt tnken for 1cm tlmiiji. ' * ! ! 1 1MPUOVKI ) KA11M OK fiu ACIli : ? . 10 Mll.l'.S " went of Omnhh. Hnrtman.'i Itoliblns , 210 Dee tihlK. M.KII Kill WANTED TO KENT. - , IIOAHD AND COMFOHTA11LK K-WANTKD private family for nenllemnii nnd wlfu with InfantiBiibnrbs preferred. Address M II , lieu. MWM 2H % r-WANTKl.UOOM lNl'inVA'rii'A.MIl.V. : AD- Ldrons.Mil , lleo. tat Za" K WANTHI ) , TO HKNT , IlY HKSPONMIILK party"room house with nil modern Improve ments , Address or call nt IS.I HaniBO block. M 401. KENTAL AGENCIES. 11ATKS lf > en line first tlmo nml lOe n line there after. No ndvorllsement taken for le.su llinn2Ja i _ -ro INSUHK ( JUICK HKNT1NO , LIST WITH iJtlie Exclusive Ilental AKcncy. 1'arrottc , Douulns block. " -II. K. COI.K , CONTINENTAL HLOCK. j 7(13 ( ItKNTAIi ACJKXOY ; HANK ItHKlHtKNCKS , I JH. t % ( Jiirvln A Co. . 2M Slieoly block. M 'i. l STORAGE. HATKb l..cn line first time anil lOo n llnu there after. No advertisement tnken for less than 25o. -DiiY. cin A N AND iMiiY ATILY : sTotttu ) furnlluru. Omaha Move HcpalrWork , 1207 Doitu M-OI.IHhT , rHKAI'KVT ANI ) 1IKST STOUAIH ! house In tliu city. Wlllhuna A Cross , 1314 Hnrnny ll WANTED TO BUY. HATKa lSc a line first tlmo uud lOo n line thnr.i- after. No advertisement tnkun fof less than i"ic. TVT-A SMALL SiCONI-llAND : STKKL C1IKST Ji tlmo lock and vault door , nultablu for country bank. AildrossJ. H. Atwood , Uox 8. , Albany , Ore , 485 SB * -\T--WANTKDIIAH1IKUC1IAIH , SKCOND HAND , -l must bo cheap ; state price. C. W. lleeman , Corloy , In. W7 29' AT-Wl : HAVi : CU8TOMKUS KOU NK1IUASKA 1' farms. Co operative I.antl and Lot Cu , , SOJ N IGth street. M 5rti f TV-NOTK8 bKCUHKD HV SIOHICAIIK. LIST 1 ' real est.ito for Bale with Ilutchlusoii , t Wead , 1121 DouKhn. JI5.iS ai _ VT WA.NTiliTTO 11UY SAI/3ON FIXTUHKS FOH licnali. Anton K. Dworak , llurwell , A'eb , SI 4ft ! a * AT TO IIIJY SKrOND-HAND FUHN1TUHK , IIIOII IN c at prices paid , lloston Kurnlturu Co , WW N. ICth . HOIIOIIT , SOLD , STOHI8D. Wells , 1111 Fnrnnm street. 771 FOB SALE--HOKSES WAGONS ETC. HATKS 15c a line first tlmu nml lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o. 1J2.'A , COUHTLAND SUHHKY. NKAHLY NKW. J new harness and chunky horse , family pet , for $2.V ) , or homo f 100. Willis Yales , agent , 32nd street , 2nd house south of California. Mil 27-a FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS lie a line first Unit ) and lOc n llnu there after. No advertisement taken for lets than 2ie. Q-FoiTHALi : , COI'NTKHS'AND VAULT "noon In thu bulldlne recently occupied hy the Council lllntN SuvliiKi bank. Otlltur .It 1'usuy , I'tiitncll lllutls. M65HFti I FOH SALII. ' . ' UOOII POOL TAHLKS CIIKAP. Q Inuulro I'J.'I Llalk street , cor. 20tb , upstnlrs. SUS ! 2i3 * MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS 15o a line first timu nnd lOc n line thorn- after No advertisement taken for less than 2'iC. PHYSICIAN WANTKD ( ! OOD PHYSICIAN K can find n desirable location by addressing S K , Ilcnchlur , Dig springs , Nob. M5MII5 * OI.AIKVOYANTS. HATKS I 'HI a line tliat tlmo nnd lOc n line there- alter. No nd\crtldcmcnt taken for lest than 25e. C AHim'AT ] KATH.UHliNAHr7 ) Wo"siiHFUL Orevclatlons Chullcnees the world. Sirs. Dr M. Icurare , ilead traneo clairvoyant , nstrologlst , jialmlst and llfo render ; tells your life from thu cradle to grate ; unltoa tlm separated ; causen uiar rlago with the on you love ; tells where you will succeed and In what business best adapted for ; has the celtihratcd Kgyptlan breastplate for luck and to destroy bait Influences ; cures fits , Intemperance and all prlvnto caniplnlnta with nmssairo. baths ami al cohol treatment , fcend K , lock of hair , name and date of birth and receive accurate llfu chart ; 2 < ents In stamps for clicular ; give Initials of ono } ou Kill marry ; nlso photos uf lama. Olllce 1U07 r-outh Ilth itrcet , first floor ; hours , 1) n. m. to 11 p. m. Come one , cumu all , and bo convinced of tlili wonderful oracle. ' MtUUI'l * SMHS. S1AHY I'lH'iy. . 2129 LAKK STHKKT , elalrvoyant and trance iiieillum ; lnile | > endcnt voices ; tells past nml future. 57IK2I * -MKS. NANNIK V. WAHHKN , CLAIHVOYANT , rellablu litlhlness medluuii fifth jeiir.ut II'JN. li'th. 772 MASSAGE , BATHS , . . . .foNIiY KII18T CLASS . pnrlorHliiUninhii. ovprfilO . IStti nt. .Mr.'i I'll- ri'-SIADA.V K LA IH'IC ' , MASSAtJKTHKATMKNT , -1 41 So. 15th M.ilnl floor tint 4. SU 27' ' ! SIADAMK hMlTH , 1121 DOUIiLAS STHKKT. JL room 7,2d floor. Alcohol , nulphui * KU < ! baths. S13JJ4 : il _ rp-SlAttSA < | iTUKATMKNr. : Kl.lil'IIO 'I'll Kit 1 ma bailiH. > c U anil Imlr fealmunt. manicure and chlrupodlit.Mrs. PoslJI ! > ' , S , 15ttiWlthiiull blk , PERSONAL. U-MATUIMONY. KIll.Itl'AUTlCUIilKD. 10 CTs Iloia.il. Omaha , Null , , ' * S'T' ART AND LANGUAGE. \r 1IKKOIIK UUVI.NO A I'lANK 11 > lutirDcalu Klmlmll piano. A. llujpj , till Duuuln 771 Ar-li. I1' . ( iKI.I.KXIIKI'IC. IIANJO fllAt'IllIll ' > * | tli Ho pi > , tirX'IW N. IMh strni't , UJ Moor .Ml MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. \ \ 7LOANS. . ( .ITY PIIOPKHTY.K.NKH. AN IMV 'i luttiifuniu. K , F , HIiiKur , lil'J Farnan , , \\r Al'I'liV TO J. I , LOVKTT FOiCHIOAP 'i money ; only upon tlritvla * nucurlty 2.M Soiithlltli "trBtit " _ _ _ _ _ _ \V-ll-PKIl "CKNT , KIHhT SlOHTIiAUi : LOANS. it Hlchartl C. Patteruu , 1MI Funmiunt. 7sl \\r-i OATKS , i , HIM u i ra AI > K , . "KAS'TKIIN j luouer. _ _ " MS24 - . AAismiai3 .s , v LlfH. lend at luw rate * for cliolcn > ocurlty uu Nvbraika ur luira farm , or Omaha city property. _ _ _ 77S , \ \ -IXANS ) , W.M.HAHHIS.Il 20 , FHKN/.KH IILIC. . ' ' 783 _ \V-HKCONISIOHTOAUKS. ALKX SIOOHK. 431 ' ' . "EH'iyS < * : _ _ _ ! _ \\r-CK.NTHALIXJAN ANlTrill'ST CO.IIKK ill/J ) ( 'A _ _ _ . ' -.4 \\-MONIY iIXJAN ON IAI.MI OH biioTcr ' lluic In nnn uf IJOOto tl'J.O.U. Mutunl lii > tiueut Cunip ny. 774 \\T-WWK\V HATKH OK INfKHKiT i > TViu3T ii claittcrt'iHIy , Ijivutt i WooJuian , Vi ) S Uth , _ _ _ _ I2"iJ " ] _ r UANSON ItliAli KSI'ATK AN ! > COLLAT- tcral uotos and uiortcuxiu l > ou < bt. Iteeil A 4 HOKrofTr | Ji- . Y7J \\r ll. U V AI.I.ACK , lit IIKOWX IlUtCK MONEY TO LOAN nEAL ESTATE. \\r-IXJANSOX IMI'ltOVKI ) AN I I'NIMI'ltOVKI ' ) * ' city property , tl.009 and Ui | > mri1s.il to 8 IKT cent. No delays. W Karnam Smith A Co. , litb 4 Harney. 7H \ \ -IIKAI. . K8TATK I.OAN8(1TO 7 I'KIt CKNTl l no additional chsruos forconiniliilon or nttor- ncr'a fees. W II. Mclklo , Tint National bink bhU. "l\r- LOANS ON 11KAI , KsTATK , LOWKHT ' 'rates. The O.K Davis company. lt'3 V10 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. V-MOMKVTOIXJA.N. no , CO , AND W DAYS ON -.Vfiunlturc , etc. DulIUrcen , r2U , Continental blk. \ i V-MO.NKV TO LOAN IIV II. K MA8TKIIS ON VhouM > hold Koods , pianos nrk'ntn. horses , mlile . wnk'on * , etc. . i t the line ( t pnnMhlo rnte without tuibllclty , removnl of property or chaniio of | > os- session. Tlmo nrrnnitod to suit the borrower 1'vymenM of nny nniourt cnn bo mndo at nny time , rcdurlnic both prlnclp/il / nnd Interest , thus Klvlng pntrons all tiin bonotIM of the partial pay ment plan , Cnlt nntl see mo when you want a loan , or If moro convenient call tolupliono 1 > RI nml your bnslness cnn ho nrrangcd nt home. Money olwuys on Imml : no delay ; no publicity ) lowest rates ! business confidential. II. K. Masters , It 4 Wlthnell blk. , 16th nnd Itarney. 787 CIlATTKt. IXANt * . HKNKDIOT.V WltAV , 6U I'axton block. We loan our own moiifly , clmrxa no commission. It will pay you to consult us. MMJ-J31 * V-llOII'TlMtlTCllAUU , 11.3 , WmiNKLL 1II.K V M3W V-C1IATTKMAJAS3-W2 N. Y UVO. MOUHia- 'v awno * Y-MO.NKYON KUKNITUIIK. IIOIISKS. PIANOS. - V Koydono MtKO. fo. , room sus , f hecly block.M431 M431 X MONKV I.OANKD ( IN Ktlll.NITUItK , IIOHSKi' . wagOna , plntion. without removal or chnntco of pos'usilon. Coulhlentl.il , Fred Terry , r iU. ItnmKC. JTJI _ X MONK. TO LOAN ON C1IATTKI.S : 15 to M days. 211,1 CuiiiinlMK HI. M'.l5-F4 | BUSINESS CHANCES. HA'I'KS 15a a Una llrst tlmo nnd IDa n llnu lliero- nltur. No pclrertlscmcnt taken for less tlmn 25o. V-WANTKD , A I AHTY ro'T'Piicii Xs K A t )61 ) i I lot on U'th M , with four-story bulldlnv. nnd lea onamu to mo for lUjpiir * nt I ! | ier cent , ( lood ruforencos furnished. Address M 12 , llco. MtKW 28 A IIUSTI.KH TOMANAIIKUKAII JL cstnto nnd loan business. Small cnpltnl M I , lleo. MIKWIG * rAHTNi-.lt WANTKD. 11MX ) . TO TUAVKIj with ndvertlsor who controls a monopoly for 50 Mntva : must hnvo helps there Is uclcnrll.UUU for very $100 Invested ; strnlKht , ICKttlmnto business. Address M II , llco olllco. MOII ' . ' 7 * rOll 8AI.K. WIIO1.K OK HAW ISTKUIChT In a democratic paper ! tow n 10,1)00 ) people ; hnr- ln If sohl liuiuedliitoly. Address M 3Omnlm Dec. \-SToitK nooM KOH UINT : , SUITAIII.K FOH dry Koodtor clothing , In thn best location In Marsbaltown , la. Adilrest 11. , V K. . Kunrnoy , Neb. 631.37 * \r .MKAT MA UK KT FOIt SAI.I ! t'HKAP. COT I to sell on account of poor hculth ; for purlieu Inrscnll nt 1HM N. 17tli street. J74'7 * r-UE&TAIJUAST FOH BA1.K CllEAl' . Al'I'I.Y - KXJ.l l.euvonworth st. S72 til * V JIANUKjlCTUHISU WAM'lID , KNKUCKT1U J ninn with n few Inimlredilollnri to startnmiiney inaklnir mnnufnttiirlnj : huulness In Omnba without competition , Address M 7 , lleo. 67.1 UI * Y-KO" 8AI.K OK IlKNT , Till ! ONLY HOTKIi 1 nnd lunch counter near the depot In the city of Aurora , Neb. Inuulio of It. W. lirnjblll. Aurora , Nub. SIMII : Vr--IlOAUIlNG ) IIOUS1. FOIl UII.ST. < 10OD I.O- ciitlon. Cpll ft * nddrcss IfcMJnckson street. fi'JJ V-FUHN1SHKI ) HOTHI , TOIl BAI.K Oil IIK.NT. JL the only hotel In city. Apply to Tllilon State bank , iiKcnt/llldcn , Nob. I'.O-f-TJ -FOU HAM : . SALOON. I.ICKNSK AND &TOUK ; it good titnnd. Address b M , lloo otllce. 407 2S V-AN INCOltrOUATKD CO.-DOINt ] A OOOI ) J. biitliipHS wish to Incrento their tupltiil five thousand ilollnrs. ntnl oflur n first clans opiuirtunlty to n Tollable party , one competent to take chnrKO of the hooka preferred. Address U ( .I , lieu olllee. sura 23 .FOR EXCHANGE. V 54.VW CIIAN ! STOCK MKltCHANDISK. W1I.I. tnko half cash , bnluneo clear icul estate AU- itrehs Ho,75. . Schuyler. Neb. S1UIO iW * V-FOIl 8A1.K OK KXCIIANIIK , IIOX 1HITTK AJcounty farm lands , Frank M , fcnedokerAlliance , Neb. ftf a I * y-oooi ) s IIOOM HOUSI : IN LINCOLN AND /Jflomo iiionoy to trade for hardware. Write amount of Block. - Lock box 14 , Hebron , Neb. 431-23 * V-CLKAN STOCK OF OKNKUAL M'lVSI1 ! ; WILL ' -/tuko real estate A money , llox 2J1 , Frankfort.Ind 7'J1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HATKS lie n line first time nnd lOc n line mere- aflcr. No advortlsemcnt taken for less than ± "ic. V'llI CAN 1I1JY A LAltCK LOT IN SIUSKKCON , JLsilch. , four tilockH from 12 Immense factories , CorJIiIi. Only J5.IXI cash , bend > our name and ct Plata mill views free. Wrlto C. M. Mcelo .V Sons , Mlinkenon , Mich. 1'OH SAL15-S-K COHNKIl 17TII , DOIICAS. SjIjX I ISii , Scottaue , Htnblu for I ! horses , can be divided lo.'ilolj ) , luiiilroiitpruiiil | es. 6:031' : 8'U ACIIIC IIANCII IN I.OIJ1 * VALLKY , li MILKS , 'rom Hum ell , the county seat of Curlleld county. 1 Inu linprovemcnts , river trout , reasonable terms. Address , 1L. . Hall , lliirwell. Neb. 68 ! 'JO * Q-IIOOM BAST FHONT IIOUHK WITH HKAT < . Jaml nil convcnlcncf s , built last season ; short dls tance from 1'urk avenue and Leavenworth ; K > ,500. 6 acres Smiles northwest , I2OUU. Hutchlnson A Weail , 1'i.M DoiiKlns. MM. 20 \\ri5 HAVK A CASH CUSTOM Kit FOH ONiToil ' > tno modern lieu o worth aoout tMO. must bo located within ono mile from postoltlco. Ames Heal Uatntu AKoncy , 1607 Farnuni St. 515-211 80 ACHK FAHM 12 SULKS KHOM LINCOLN. J3000 pur aero , on tlniu. Cooperative Land nnd Ixit Co. , 20i N. It.tli st. SISMfl ! 170H SALK-NO HKTTKH I1AUCA1N IN CITY -L IVUI3I ft with .1 room cottase. nt 23111 Cameronst I'J'rIHI feet Juxt ut the rear , frontlnit on Win nt. nultnblu for 4 I ! room cottaitcx , worth f , WXI , (4.IW takes It wlthlnS ilnys ; t'2.U cash , balance to milt If you want It seu mu iinlck. Owner wrnts tel euvo city. J II. .lohnssn , 842 N. V. Life 457-.T I OIl S.ALi,2W ; .ACHK FAHM. li-HOOM 1IODSK. L barn. 12 horses , 'M cuttle , doubln corn cribs. 2ilx'K lee I HI 11 MI , tenement house of X rooms ; .W under 'cultivation ; HO tame Kra : six miles eabt of Coun cil Illutfs , la. Addrci > a L bi , lice. M441 27' J OIl BALK , ON SMALL MONTHLY PAY.MKNTS , 10 houses. The O.F.DitvIs company. 101 FIO T.-'ORSAI.K ATA IIAHOAIN. LOT 15 , I1LOCK 4 i W.L. Solby's llrst adtlltlon to South Omaha. Small payment down , balancu monthly If donlrod. Inquire li. 11. Tzschuck , Oinnhri Hue. ; is. | IjVWBALK , IIOMK4 , ANY PHICK , HV ) . JI.2M UP ; J easy terms ; take clear propotty as first payment , li. I ! , Wallace , Ilronn block , lOtli unil Doiulm. 7J ) OH SALK. NKIIHASICA FAHM LANDS. < i. o. Wallace , I2J llrown block , Itlth ami Douulaa. vn AT K. COHNKIl 2 ! TII AND HICKOHY. WxIM .1' ifeet ; u bargain for a few dityn only. K K , Dar- llnu , llarkur block , 7111 HAIR GOODS. riMIK IDKAL LAD1KS IIAIH DHKsSINtl PAH- 1 lorn , Dwllclm , linajt , wigs , toupees , jewelry nnd Imlr ornaments In slock : wg lo order , special attention given mall orders 20JS 15th si , 3rd floor , 153 KJO * IAIttiKSTS'lOCIC IN KNTIIIK WKSV ; T1IKAT- Jlrlcal wljs and heartU n | > oclilly. WUi. l uii' , ' < , twitches , hair chains , eta , In stock ami to order. Slallorders oollcltotl. Duvlun , 111 S. lilh iLOmuhit 7W STOCK WINTERED. P.ATKB I5e u HUB lint limn and lOe n line there after. No tidvcrllimiient fikun for less than lie. ritWSKS AND COI.'lh FKD AND OAIIKD FOH lion farm two miles of Omaha triiiu (4 to IJ moiilli. 411 H. 14th btreet. Tel. HIM. M.'ty Fl l ; loiisKS WINTKHKD"ATI.OWKST HATKS AT I 1 litillevuu mock farm , box stall * If desired f lurko , I'J Hoard uf Trailn building or llollevnu. MASQUERADE C03TUM3 , ETC. HATK.S IJaa lln.i llrst time ami lOo n Una t niter No advertisement takuu fur le < tha' T ADrKsVliKNTLKMKN CAN HKNT sfASQ J Jraducoetumotat 114 HlClh RolJon Knglo itoro. CUTLERY GRINDING. UKND YOUH hCISiollS , IIAXDHS. KTO. , TO UK Ogrouud tu t'ntlcrlaiid \ Co. , IW S. Ilth > t. > 7'JI JEWELERS CASH PAID FOH OLD liOLD. CAHbON Iliinki. room : u Darker block , Omahit. ' PAWN BROKERS. IKX K. SIAHT1 , HKMOVKD TO 107 S. I3TII.8T. THE OGLETH3RPE ( Jcorgl.i. A I'KIIPUCl' WINTKH ItlMUItl' IIOTF.U Januiirr iutl Hoiid for Illuitratat THK I.KI.AM ) IIOTKI , COMl'ANV. WAKUK.ViaXJ ! ! | t .Ii.iii.- FOUND AT LAST. After Years of Unsuoosssfal Ssarch for a Cure , Mart n Anderson Gets Relief from the Chinese Doctor A Voluntary Testimonial menial , OMAHA , Nob. . .Inn. 18 , 18)2. ! ) To whom It Mny Concern : This Is to certify thnt , I hnvo boon n constant snlToror for many yont'd with cittnrrh. nslhmn nnd bronchlnl nfTcc- lions of Iho throat , ittul tried ull the D.ilont inoilicincs uiul roinoJio I overheard hoard of , but with no snoccss. I ttonted With doctors in various parts of the country , but none of thoni could do mo nny peed further than { jiving mo short temporary rolicf. I MtlTorotl nltfht nnd ilny. nnd continued to grow worse not withstanding ; nil the inudicino I hnd taken. I hnd almost q-ivmi up my case ns hopeless when I wns informed by n friend of Ur. C. Goo \Vo , the Chinese doctor , nnd ndviscd to go nnd boo him in the hope of getting relief nt Icttst. if not n pormnnont euro for my troublo. I was slow in making up my mind to make such n rndiunl chnngo in my treatment , ns I know : i trlnl with the Chinese decor - or would bring mo , but I linallyeon- ludcd to give him a tri tl , s > o I called nt his office with thnt intention. I found the doctor n clover , entertaining gentle man , thoroughly posted on my condi tion , nnd it took only n vary short time to convince mo thnt ho wns the parly I wns so long in search of. Ho told mo my cnso was curable , nnd thnt ho could euro mo , nnd prepared tno n special treatment to suit my condition , nnd in two weeks I wns so much better thnt I had the fullest oonlldeiu-e in the doctor's ability nnd committed my case to his treatment. I continued to grow bettor rapidly nnd tun now entirely well. I owe my cure to Dr. C Gee Wo , nnd inn not nshnmed to ndmit it. I nil visa ull who wnnt relief from their troubles to call on Dr. C. Goo Wo. nnd they will be cured. For nil , pqrticulnrs npply or write to MAHTI&TL. ANimusotf. ! Mi21 Cumin Kt. , Cmuliti , Nob. nn. c. tlU'iovo : , Itosulnr uradnnte of t'hlnesu incdiellie. olzht yonrs'study , ten yoaiKVpraet'ce. TrnntR suc cessfully all diseases khoxvn to hUlterltiK hu manity. > ' - Hoots , plants nnd hwJjs nature's remedies his inedlelnes the worldllils wltnrsi ; l.UiiO to < - tinionln's. ( 'all nun : are him , Unnsnltatlon free. Has also i > onstanl4y on hand rctnoilles for the following illHCaies ready prepared : Asthtnn , Catarrh , Itricdmntlsm , Indigestion. Lost Manhood. I'emalu Woakni-ss. Slek llund- aclie , lllood I'nrlller. "and Kltln y anil 1'ver. ' Price , one dollar pur bottle or six for live del lars. Tboso who cntntnt call , enclose S-cont stamp foniiiujtlou INttund full pirtloulnrs. t. lUee , Cor. IQthand'dji'jifo . - ma Sts. , O.naha DR. . . EYE AND THROAT , > EAR , NQE Glasses nd.lusteil to nil vlsunl defects. Catarrh f > ueeesifully treateil , Room 18 , Barker BlocK. 15th and Farnam REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MKGEATH , 1(107 ( FA UNA M ST BEET. OMAHA , NEI1 RHJLWRYT1ME GgRD Leaves KUICAliO HUHLINISTON .V Qj Arrive. Omnlia , I Dejiot 10th and M.ison Sts I Omnh'i 4:10 : p m Chicago Vestlbulu , 800 a in U.5U a m Chicago Kxprcss > ' .Ml n m 920 p m Chicago Kxpress liOO p m 0.50 p in Chicago A limit Local. . . . I B.I5 a in Leaves IIIUHLINtiTO.N & MO. H1YKH.I Arrives Omaha , | Depot 10th ami Slason St s1 _ _ | Jmaha. 10.15 a m | . .Denver Vestibule Limited. . . 4.IJO p m 10.15 n m .Deadwood Kxpresi. 4 U'i p m 7 10 p m .Denver Kxpri'ss. .Kt5 a m 7.10 p in .Denver Kxpesis ' . 'DO ' p m 5.00 p nu.Llncoln Limited ( KxceptSun. ) . 1I.HJ : n m 8.15 a in ! .Lincoln Local aai p 111 Lciivos I K7u..ur. J. A. C. II. I Arrives Omaha. I Depot 10th itml Miaon HU | Omaha ii.IiO ami. . .Knnsuii City Day Kxpross. . . . [ fi.'ij p ni tut p mK. | C Nlnht Krp vbi II. I' . Train I IHO n m I.eiivcn I UNION ' Arrives' ' Omiilui. [ Union Depot 10th mill M nicy St . | Omnlia. TTr > 0 n pi. lloatrlro KxpresH | 7.0U p ni Kl ) n ni Denver lxnrf : i MIO p in 2.15pm Overland Hyur ' 11.15 p m 4..TO p mllllucHp'KsAKidrlluldKxlojchun ) I2.W > p m 0.1)0 p in ) . . . . . . .I'uclllc KxprusH . .ill.VSu m " ( lobfif i T'lflOAfiO. " It. ir&'lMCTFic I From KiiHl. | Union Depot 10th A .Murey bu.l JKoHt. 10M ( iiTiiiI Atlaiillu Kxprvna . , . . . . Ti.ai p in 4.0.ri p in , VextlhuloKxpicsi ' I.Id p m ti.10 | i in' ' Nlnht hxprm" l I' ' . 10 a m ( iobiK I CIIICAil ( ) . 11. 1 , , V 1'AI IHl' . i From Woat. lUlllon Depot lUtll and .MnlfySta | Went. i..ij p m ! Dunvor Limited ii. : < U iT m 7.03 p m ; Dunvor H prej ' 7.m : a m Leaves ICIIIOAtJO , MIirS Sir f'AU Omalmi U. P. depot and Marcy Ms. I Omaha K.20 pin ! ChlcagTrkkTiresi U.Ti : i in 1.00 p nil Chicago Kxprma. . - 5.42 p in Leaves I SIOUX l.'ITV .O'ACII'lc. " ( Arrive * Oiiiahnl Depot. 10th and Maroy Stu. I Omahit 7.20 n m . . . . bloux City Passenger Plt 'pin ' 5J5 p ni | bt. Paul Ktpress vii. . 110.00nin _ Leases \ "WtuDTclTY & PACIFIC. TATrlvJa" Omalial Depot. 15th aim Welmter t . i Oinaliu 5.4J p nil Bt. Paul LtmUiul. . . I'J.2.1 n m Leaves | CIIICAtl7nNUTHWKSTKIlN ( ) A"rrl > es" ( InililmlU. P.jlepot , 10th unit Maruy M l > muhu _ 7,25 a murlx. Sifn'y ) CarrnlT Pastenuer lo.'ii p m 25 n m ChloiKuiHxpres * 8 15 u m l.UO p m1 Vestibule Llmltuil , ' .MJii m 615 p ni , Kaitura.ftrlver l > . < Mi | m JUO pni _ | ( lx. ! hot. ) Fasl.Jljyll ( Kv.lon _ . 2li p in " " " " Lenven I OMAHA AiHl'"LOUIS" ( Arrives' _ liiiiBtiB' ' . P. dfpot.JOtjvflnil MareySli.iHiiulia _ | _ 4 IU * p | . . , . . . Lo ula puuion llan . . . . _ | l.15p m LcaTes" I "TT."lT."TlToWAT7LfTAnTvoiT ! Oiuaha1 ljpot. 15th niiT yfelntHr Sis. [ Oiiialiii iil/J n m"T. : . . , . DeailnoodjV\presi | ) 6.VJ p m ! < 00 iii'lKx 'u' l Wyo.rxuv. , ( . Mon. | ' 6'iup m . ' . .III | i m . Norfolk ( liv..sittiil.if.1 . 'll.IJa ' m ft n p m. , . it. l'mil.fofpr3 | - _ . _ . _ . , Lu-2 > m i > nei cr.VlCl'.ilkr All" jCrrlvcT 1)11nlm Depot. I5lh unil Webster Sli _ ' Oiiiahn B"0 | n m bl.ux ( 7'lty Ad.iUtumJJ.itlon" ! uofp m 1.00 p m iloux City r3xprrf < 4 < > -x' : Sund'yl.12.41 p m 645 | i m . , . .St. I'aul Limited . . . . [ .I. ) urn 515 p niillancroU I'.utjiucf 1K , Sand y J S.li a m l-nvoii I MISSOtJHI I ACIKlr. | Arrlve < _ Oinidia | DepoUMh nnil JVulnter Sl | Omaha 10.nj : u ml. . . . . . .Ht. Limit KAprt'M . . . . ! i.UJ ; anT i.apnl ) ) | bt. Lonl ICJpieiu. _ . | 6.10 pm leaves I K. C. 81' . JOKA. C. 11. Transfer Uiilon llriiil. | iTincll _ bliilfi. I'l'miulHr 10.110 a iiiKr.liriY ah City Uuy Kipiu > ii . ' ft 'S ti in" 10.15 p mi .K'unnu 1 llr .N'blit r > prut I lUi ) a m 1 j'avcT"jlIHI'AfiO'IItlfiIVVX"/ ! ! | T 'rrninft'r ' 1'nUni Duput. council JllurU | 'J run.fiT 'M > a m Chicago Kiprtm * . . . T"5.iu | p m ItlUJpnil. . . . ChlniiHi K < prc > i SJ u m _ 70i _ pjiil . . . . I n'tton 1.01'ul . . . , . . .i 7.15 a in ij'uvc. i ciiiuAiai. it. t. \ I' ArrTvoi" TrainH-r. Unluu IiciotCouncll | III ml. , Trilnrt'r : I''D u m' ' NUIifKlirc | .i. , . , VM a m 1UVU a in. Atlniillc ICipr ! . . . . . . 4Uiui ; | ] \V tllJHlu.l.lmUiJ , . . . . It.ta p in ' " ' " " i ntci'i H'MAHA , t Hrri.oiiidT" Traurtcr Union DupouCouncll H I IIITJ. _ _ riorum fur " 4 40 i m < .n , t. l-ouls VitWir Hull . . , . IIMVp in t\r t MtPlJ.X OITV * I'AC'lTu ? UrTltiir" Tramfcr L'nlon Dupot. t'ouncll llluit . rl'rui ! fi'r 7 i.'i a ll Mluux City AcouiuiatiU itlnti. . jIUJu'ii m t.'a n m _ . . . . .rit. ll < > ul.Kifji iiili , . . jjljll u m " . 'J rji.ili-r _ I'u Ion lioMjiincll ) | llUiri. | 'l > : unfor IS.Ol \ , ni " . T l hli-aju R.rck | , . , Xio p til j.U p m , , , Vcillbulti l.hnlioil. . . . , , . ( v.lu it m IbUJ p m . Ku.U'r-i ttivr . . . . ( I..W | > m 8U < 11 tu H'.f S.tlilUutle Mull Kx tioii 7n 11 m t.U u di | - , , . nrr n .Vnt'Jt'.r iltl > J | > in A Wrillcn fuarantca lo SYPHILIS CUrtt tV RV USc or MONEY REFUNDED , Our euro li permanent itml noln patching up. tVi ps tfontnl eti'n yi-arviim tin o nercr pi > n n sfmplom since , lly Je't rlhliNcnic fully wo run tre.it yon by mall , an t wr > KlTi < tli3 > iiiio trong Riiftrmtrotorura or refund nil money. Tiin'owho profortuconii'liC'ro fortrontmrnt rnndo xinml wo will pi\y rnllron I furo butli wnf iinil hold bill * while licro If we fill : to euro. Wo Clinllfni0 the World for n erne that our MAOIO IIKMKDV > ? lllnot cure. Wrlt for piullciritr nml Bet the I'Tl lenee. In our "oven yp\r < iirt'tlcn with til ! MAOIC IIKMKDV tt hn < ticrn inoit dinicnlt to orrrcomu the pn < JiMlci > 4 ninln t oocnllot spcoltlc * . lliitiinileronr 'Irnni ! uuiirnntvo thvi.nml ( < nrj trjrlnx It nml belne euro I.Vo Rtinrnntoc to euro or rpfun I every ilotlnrnnl ni wo hnvon rpputntlon to protoel nl'oHnnncltl bn"klnuotf.X.OJD ) It I * pprfccllr > fo to nil who nil ) try Iholrvntment. lleretofo'oyou IIIITO been putthiKUpnnl ptiliiu only our nuinuy for dinar put troiittnent * , nu 1 nlthonith you nro not yet cure-it no ono hut pnlil bick your money. We will positively cure you. Old chronle , deep ottinl ci oiruroJ In 1 to ! U ihiy . IIITP < : UAO ( our financial ttniulliiit , our repulntlon n IniMnc' " men. Wrlto u * for mines nnd nildn o of tlio n wo hnvo eunnl who hitvo Klvon l > criiil lon to refer to thorn. It coiti you only | i < i < t- niiutoito IliK If your * yinitoiis ITO < ere thront , mucous pntchc * In mouth , rheumatism In bone * nmt Jolnt , Imlr f nil Inn out , eruptions on any part of Ilia body , faelln * of Kcnerfll dopreolnn , p.iln' In head or umu'S. You Imvo no tlmo to wnite. Thotowhonro constnntly tnklnit mercury nmt putit h shoulddl'eon- Unlit ! It. Comtint ui > e of the < o ilru will surely brim ; ort < * nml entlnx ulctri In thn en.l. Don't fall to rite All corri'iponilcnca sent sealed In plain piiTotoi'i * * ; Wolnvltothemo t rlvld lnve tlnatlon nnd will Oo nil In our power lo ft'I ' you In It. Aditrco COOK REMEDY i'0. . - Om.ihi , Nebraska. FOR MEN ONLY. torn cnso of I.O T or 1'AiuNfl MAN- iioni ) , Gonorul or NKIIVOITR PKIUMTV. wuiik- iictsof body oriuliul , the pITuctsnf errorsnrux- ccssoslti oliloryoiiiiictliat wociiiinotouro. Wo L'uunnitou uvory L-aso or return ! every ilollur. I'lvu duys trlnl trcMitniLMit if I , full cinli > o WI5. I'orcoplll ) o biMiollts u'itll7cd In tluco dnys. lly innII. < .ociin < ly ) ) icUocl from obsurvnlliin. COOK KKMUDV t'o. , OMUIA. NKII LADIES ONLY MA RIP l-'UMAI. ! : HIUll'I.ATOU. Kafo mill IIIHUIU Curtain to a day or inimi > y rcfttndoil , lly innll { . ' . Securely .sealed from uhsorva- ton. ! G'OOK Kl-.JfKMH : Ul > . , Onrnlia , Nob. It Is not to modala , adoea or tbo Insignia ot royal favor that the qreat- eat of all speclaUats. DRS. BETTS & BETTS , Owe their wonderful per- / nonal and prolesslon- ' al popularity .Tlioy won their hon ors by their merits. In the scientific treatment and tmccess- lul euro of over 8G.OOO cases of those NERVOUS. CHRONIC AND PRIVATE DISEASES -which nro so for midable to the medical profes sion In general , DRS. BETTS & BETTS nave proven that they possess extraordinary ability and skill. vateDlsoases as well as Stric ture. Hydrocele , Varlcofjele ana Rectal troubles , their success baa been tiuly marvelous. Therefore , they are entitled to wear the emblems of the high est honors , for these they have richly won by their own efforts Send 4c for their new book of 12O pages. Consultation Is also free. Call upon or address with stamp. DRS. BETTS & BETTS 1198. i4thSt. N. E. Coiner St. Omaha Neb. Douglas . , , . P KOI'OHAI.S KOK KKEOTION OP SCHOOL llulldliiss , Stoani * Iluntliu "nil Vnntllu- tlon , null Flrn Khoniies. IoiitrtinoMt ) ] of Iho Inturlor , Olllccof Inillaii AlfiilrK , WnBliiiiRton , 1) ) . ( ! . , Jiinunry , ISU. . SKAI.KD I'HOIMHAI.S. on- ilorauil. "I'rojmsulh for uruotlou of liiilldlM'-'H. atu.'iin liontliiK. otu. . " us tlio oatu1 nuiy he. inul nddrosscd tn thn OoiimiUslnnor of Indian Af fairs Wuslilii'-'Kin. I ) . O. , will uo ruuulvod nt this nlllco until I o'clooli , p. in , , of February h , IriiL' , for the nrt'etloii ut tiin I'lno UlilKti Auonuy , Smith Dakota , of onu brlul : a soinbly hulldliiK , ono LirlcU liusillil | : linllilln'nnd onu hrloU iiiilltir house , us pur plnm end siinulllcnltons which nuiy lit ) nxuinlncd nt tlio olllcus of Iliu Itopuhllcan , of Unpl'l ' flty. S , I ) . , the HKK of Onalni : , Noh. , mid thu Ittilulors Hoard of Triulti , cornurTtli nnd I'u lur Ktroots , st. 1'aul , Minn. , nnd nt Ilio 1'iiiu Hltli'u Agonuy , ) lhlnur- < will ho rmiiilrod lohiilJinll st > | ) iir.itu bids for imuh hulldlnu' , anil Hlalo the loniUli of tlniu propoieii to lin etiiibuinetl In tholr coiiHtrnu- tlon. IIIdN nro nlso Invliou for futnlHliliu ull jiuieliliuiry , niatei lalx , and .ill l.ilnir necebsury lo nut ilioin tu position , for liunllnx nnd vun- llllatlnx Iliu assuiiibly bnlldliiK. thu hospital mlldlnn , tlio iireieiu sclniDl biilldln , and thn laundry mow In conisu of constrnullun ) . ull to lie pruiierlvconnuc.tud liy adviiuutu | IUM ! | ) wltb Iho boiler liuitsii. fioin tvlt i M tliov are to bo heated , Soi.iratu | "Ids nhoiilti also bo mndo for liuiiUiii mi I vuntllatln. itH abotu , fuiin liollvr liuttspi only llio assembly bnl dlni und thu pie.ient seliool linlMIn , snpnrato bids nro nlso Invlletl for fnrnUhln/ p auuu ono or two tlrti esuanes on thu ass mblv and liONpltal bulldlii''H ' wliiin same hlia I Itavo boon iirnutod , itUoon thu piosunt subool hnliillir.Illtlders n liciatlnx and venll atln , und IIro uscupo. to accompany tbolr bids with duslKfib nnd Kiiec-'Illuailons of the xtu.nn hnutlni ; and vnn- tilatlon and lint ust-tpus proposed to bo f - iilshed ; atd di'shns ainl upoulllo ttloim to a ndiiptoil to HID bnllditus lo wliloh they aru i bo applied. Tliu rlnlit Is rosurvol to reject tiny or all lilds , or any pait otunybldK ilnunic'd for tlio bi'st Inturt-.st of llio servlt-o t'KUTiriKii cttrcKif Kuub bid mint bu nocoin irinled by a corllllttd eheuU onlruft nponHoniii rnlled htales deposltiirv or solvent natloiml bank In tliu vicinity of thu nisldt-neo of llio bidder , IIIIMIC payalilti to tlmorder of tlinC'oin- mUloiiurof Indian Allalr.s , for nt lo.iht KIVK I'Kit CKM'of thn aniottnt of llio proposui.wblcb check or drift will bu forfeited lo tliu Unitiitl htatea In t-aso any blddur or liltlilers receiving an award shall fall to promptly uxucuto a contract with gn > d and snllleli'iit nuri > tle , olburw.bu . to bu lutnrnod to tno bidder. llliU nucoiiip.tnled by cmh In Hun of a eel titled cbock will not bu uonsldoriMl. T J MOItOAN CoiiiinUslontir of Indian ATilrs | , .MOd''lt.M in 1611 IHSr.HiU'fc-BlU'Vmj ' ' Jil to ) > ll l > cl 1U7U. COMMISSION MERCHANT , a& If ) Wand v \ and sons. Hoa. 2 and 4 Shannon St. , Rooms Q & G9 CHICAGO. KI"t-cU facilities fur tbo Im iitlHiigof clilpiuenU of l.rain. Mvlitunrl Kl x Scvrtf , Ili-fcicnii'n Corn LET'S THRASp CHILI. fl Artny ltrpr - cnlarlMM Support ttto I'rc hlciit In 1IU Attitude. The fcollnp about military headquarters yesterdny was docldodly in fnvor of stipport- tnpProiliiont Harrison In bis peremptory do- innntl for the withdrnwjl of iho offensive note sent by Senor Malta , ox-minlstor of foreign nlTnlr.s for Chili ; am ! also tn hU de termination to keep Minister I-X'an nt hU pro'cnl place of duty unless war should have to bo dcclntcd , "I think tint the sueROstlon to Secretary lilalno by Minister 'Moult that Kfn\\ ; \ should bo recalled Is sltnplv another Insult to this country. If Uhlll would first npoloqlro for the Insults her ticoplo have nlteaily neaped , tpoii iho Unttcil Stntes then ll might bo llmo for her muiisters to suggest the recall of Kgnti , " said Colonel Stanton , "Under present clrcumstnticoj President Hnrrlson Is Justlllnblo In keeping Mr. Uijan In Chill no matter how much the Chilians may halo him I would not bo surprised to see It became noL-o sarv tor the United Stntes to clvo Chill n peed round thrashing. " Speaking of the rumors of war , Clcnornl BIOOKO said yostcrdny : "I hnvo rccolml nothing of a wnrliKu nnluro nffcclltig Iho sloros or Iho men in Ihls department , but I Judge from vermin movement thnt the navy is preparing for war. Several car loads of ammunition passed through Omaha n few davs ago. enroute to the Pacllic coast. There was no loitering by the way. The goods were hurried right nlonu. Such things usually mean than nclivo prou.irallous for war are golnir on somewhere. " "Meet mo by moonlight alone ! " "I can't" ' she said , ' 'mother says I'll ' catcli my death of cold. " "Toll her I've got a botllo of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. " "All right I she says 1 may go" Salvation Oil Is n certain euro for head ache , toothache , onracho , or any other neho or pain. Only 25 cents n bottle. At all dealers. Dr. McGrow , prl vuto diseases , 14th &Fnr * wi.vniToims. : Tn SiimineiI.tiuiM \ l.tho Wuh.ith Itontn Tlio Witbnah nro now sollliiR rountl trip tickola good returning Juno 1 , 18W ! , to nil the winter rosorU in Ten nessee. Mississippi , Alixhatnn , Georgia , Florida , North nntl South Carolina , Louisiana , Arlcnnstis and Toxas. The quickest and host route to the Hot Spring * ) of Arkansas , For tickola and full information in regard to ro itoa east or south call at Wnh-ish ollloo , 1502 Fartmm street , or write G. N. Clayton , M W. Pass. Airt Dentil ot Mrs. ItrcKmnn. Mrs. Catherine Ucoknmn , Iho wife of Hans Bookman , died al her residence. IS'JIl Capllol nvuntio , at about 8 o'clocic ye.stordny. from Ibo otTecls of * > an altack of the grip nt the ago of 00. Mrs. Bcokman was an old and highly nupoctoit resident of Ihls county , having located hero twonty-slx years ago. She wns the mother of Mrs. (3. J. Sterns- dorlT and Mrs. Henry uollu , Iho wife of iho city treasurer. The deceased wns a nntlvo of Germany nnd wns only taken sick last Monday. A week ago yesterday she celebrated her fiOth birthday , all her children and grandchildren with their lamilios being present. Up to ihu lime of her being atlackod by the disease wuicn carried her oft she had enjoyed Iho besl of lioalth nnd spirits. A largo circle of relatives and frlonds mourn her loss. The funeral will take plnce from nor Inlo resi dence Wednesday afternoon al 'J o'clock , ( itiiiil Coolilng Is ono of Iho chief blessings ot every home. To always Insure good custards , puddings , sauces , otc. use Gail Borden "Eagle" Brand Condensed Milk. Diroctiotis on the label. Sold by your grocer and druggist. Women's disousotf. Dr.Lonsdnlo , 0103.18. Tlip CriM'iIo Camp i\clt : < MiMMit. Crucdo Camp promises to become a second Lcndville. The number of people ple going into this wonderful camp is unprecedented in tlio history of Colo- radooxcoptonly during the Lcudvillo ex citement. It is estimated thnt now the townsilo is located , thnt there will uo ton thousand people in the camp by Juno 1. Tlio now discovery is only reached by the Denver & Rio Grande railroad , and there is no staging. CImi-K With StiMlliiK C'oiil. A quartotlo of Polisli women were ar- raignou in police court forstealltif 201) ) pounds of coal from the B. & M. railroad company. Thov wore accompanied by a small army of children and nearly ns many ill bred curs. Nonu of them could speak English , but llioy managed to make Judge liorka understand their pleas of not guilty. One of them pro tested volubly that she could nol huvo car ried awav the amount charcou , and showed by signs that she took only a part or an apron full. The cases worn conlinued nnd the prlso'i- crs were released on their own rjcozntzatico. A sere throat or cough , if suffered to progress gross , often results in an Incurable throat or lung Iroublo. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" give instant relief. The Empress Elizabeth of Austria , B vornl years ago after n. severe Micll of Hick- lies * . , \uisail vised by her biinso physicians lo nsn.loliann lloll'H.Malt Dxt-act , to rii'Htlld ' her weakened ooiistltutloii. Uncled MI admirably that In appreciation Joliunn llolf lecelveil tbii Order of the Colden iiross ol Merit There Is notlilnu' "Just uHuood" when von ean obtain the xonulnu article , wliluh must li ive iho Hlg- naliiro of " .loliann I loll" ' on thu neck of every bottle. Tnko nootliur. DOCTOR will atop a Cough in ono night. ; cboclc a Cold in a clay , and CUKE : : Consumption if taken in tlmo. ! IP THE LITTLE ONES HAVE ; I WHOOPING COUGH OR CROUP : . Dse it rrorarily , : A 85 ccnf ; bottle may \savo tholr ; i lives. Afllc ; - your clrup-1 jplst for it. ; HTaslesCooil. : ; tmmmmmtmw * ' " " ' I PPU'RE"PVNK"P | L'J : Dr. Ackor'fl English Pills : : ( UJHI5 CONf TIl > ATIO.\ , : Kinall , plru > uiit , n fuvurltc ullli lli luilli' " . : W. II , HOOKKIt * C ( , 4 Wnt I'roailway , Ji , Y. * * ! ! . ! * ltp * . I MHIlf For Btlu ! by Kuhn it Co. tn I H u.-in tin MuCoiinull.Oiiiili i. CURE YOURSELF ! , Auk your DnifKlet ( or a . Lottie of II ! ; ; U. Tbe nuiy ' Muu-jjo/jonimj rein Lily for nil' , the ummturul lUsuhurKt * and I prhate tllsctits of men utul the I ilctiilltntlng ucuknoi peculiar l lo iromi'ii. It cttrn In u lew 1 days without thu alii or bllrlty ol o doctor. I'nttfrjnl r-ifrfrnn Curt Manufactured by g kTbe Evaiss Chemical fa. * CINCINNATI , O. CUKtSimi \ All ELSE I AILS. tlXCElibyrup. Tutrc tioo , ] . I'vj In llcm. lyilrt by druityliU. DELIVEUKD THE KECOnDS. Dr. Onprn ( ll\r < l'i > tinIlimnl of Itrnlth Hoforo IcavlnR the oily ycslcriluy Hr. Clnrko ( .Inpon ntitlrossod llio ( ollowiiiK lottnr to llio members ot tlio Horml of tlcnlth : OMAHA. .Inn. W. To lion , ticurao 1' . lioinN , W. S. SiMtvcy , chlrf of polK-f , I'lilllli AntluM , Hitnltary I'ommlislnm'r , .Itiliti .Mol.o.irlo nml I , ( I 1 Honoll , ttioinbi-r * ol tlio Pit ) ' I'tiuni'll of tlio city of Oni'ilia ' nml muinlmri of tlio Hoiint of Ili-altli of sjtlil oltvi UontlciniMt In order Hint tlio nlTaits of tlio linnlth ilrimrttiiunt of the city of Oniiiliit may not itiiiiour tu bo lit nny tniinnor olistincloil by mo , 1 lu-rowlth dullvur Into your t i p n on nil tlio book' * nnd rpporiMof tlio Hoard of lliviltli uhloh nro now In my kci < | ilni : itHKoorotniy tliuroof. I ilothN boi'auso I ropoitilio you IIM ussoi-lnto tnoiu- liors of tbo Iloniit of llonllli with HIP. nml IMI til liul lo tbo tisiMif < nld booki nnd toooriK lint I do not intend to nilnrt tla- claim of 1)t. ) Somors to tliu uoNsoviloii ofld ! tvcordi , und 1 pviirpi ly t.ito tliut Dr. Somor-t IIUH no rlubl to inbl books and rcconK 1 furtbor Mutit tliut you i-nniiot lawfnllf not ni n Hiiurd nt Honltli wltlioiit niiinlttliiti mt < to full iiartlol- ii'tllon In ull your | inot > ctllius , ntl I sli.ill Immi'illately tuko tlm uropor H'K'al sti-p-i to iMtfotvu my rtithm n un tiitoolnto miMiiborof tliu llimnl of lloaltli. Very rnspevt fully. C'liMIKK ( UPf.N , ( 'onimlssUiiornf ) llcallli , I'lty of Uniitlin , After Moiullni ; the letter to the board Dr. Oniicti tplohonud | to Ctilof Scnvoy lo como up unil tnko clinfgo of the books. As the chief wns In Lincoln SofRunntVlmlcn acted In his stand nnd pivo it rccolpl to Dr. tinpcii lor the records , which nro now stored nl po- lluo homliitiiiftora , I'fovciitlonls IJcttiif than cun > , nnd these who nro sulcot ) ] to rhuiiinntlsiu , cnn prevent nttaeUs by Uooiiln the blootl pure iiiitl frou from tlio acid "Mili'li onuses the dlscnso. For this purpose Hood's Sarxnpnrllln U used bv tlioitsnnds with Rival success. U , Is the best blood purlllor. Conatlpallon U caused by loss of the perls- tnllo netion of the boxvols. Hood's I'llls ro- sloro Iho notion null vlijornto the liver. Among Itiillrond .Mi'n. Gonornl I'.nsiinvror Atjont l.omn.x l ns returned - turned from Clilea o , whcra lie wns oitiniraii on nti nrbltrnllon commlttoc. .Innies Hrown , naatslntil onornl pntscnKOf tieent ot tlio Union Pnclili' , U n ; . ln nt his dc.sic. J. II. Ga'lo ' , trnvolimj pnssetiBor 1130111 nf tbo Klkhoin with hondqunrlers nt Dos Molncs , Is In thu city. Gonornl Freight Agent Crosby hns goito to Chicngo. A tolcprnm announces thnl ,1 , O. Phllllppl nnd family nrrived In Iho ( Jltv of Mexico Sundny. They will rotnaln utilll Thurs- dnv. dnv.V. \V. P. Vnlll , elty nponl of Iho Uurllnglon , wns nblo to KO on duty ycsU-rdny. .f. H. Uo.vnolit.4 , trnvolliiK | iissetiKor agent of ihe lUirltngtcn , Is in llio city. Lit drippr. No henlthy pot-son need fontnny ilnngor- ous i-onsequeneos from nn nttnoic of la Kflppo if properly Iro.itod. It is miicli thu ttnuio its it suvcro cold nnd roqnlfos precisely the sumo treatment. Humnln'quiotly ut homo nnd Uiku Clmmborlnln's ( Jouuli Komcdy us dlructnd for n suvero cold nnd n prompt nnd complete recovery is sure to follow. This romoilv also eonnternets any tebdoncy of la irrinpo lo ro suit in pnnumonl.i. Amou thu mniiy tlion.s ands tylio huvo used it during the epidemics of tliu'pnst two years wo linvo yol lo lonrii of a single cnso Hint hits not recovered or ihnt hns rosulled in pneumonia , " "i nnd , " > U cent botllcs for snlo by drngglsls. NO JOKE FOR EITHER. Olllcrr tl'tinnit in 31itl < rs SlitirtVorkoTit .MiiKio tliini' } ' llllirr. Olllcer O'Gormnn ' ycstordny fooled n ninn who hnd one of the new toys known ns Iho miiRlo mutiny nniccr. Henry Hiirsh wns gonifr nronnd with ono of the deceptive little machines undurhis arm nnd ever nml anon KrinditiK oul bills for nny ono who wished to stop nnd s o the operation. Tlio porfurmnnco wns Riven solely for the purpose of takliiBordors tor Ibo toy , but O'Gormnn couldn't sco it that way so Air. Ilursh wns esi-orlod 10 Iho jnll nml ciinrccil with connterfeilinp. Afti'r a con ference with Prosecutor Cochrnn the olllccr found Ur > hud no grounds for a complaint , on thnt chnrco nnd so il w.is decided to hold thu Mipnuscd bud man for solliiij , ' without n license. Ilursli was held on this Inltorchar o and locked up. SMioprnd. | > l < i > Toll * IlliVlf Siiini'lliln % . Yes , I see , you hnve got a terrible looltint ; face nil plmplos und blotohos. Now , Air * . Spoopendyke , it you'do ' lot those cvorlnatlni ; . ' doiignstt'd powders nnd cosmotiei alone , nnd . UbO Hallor's Sar.sapnrilln nnd Hurdocl ; com pound you'do look like something. Soul ilnlin U'nrK'ii's Dliippraniiici- . The police hnvo boon notillod of the illsnp- pcar.inco of .Inhti Wnrren , a horso-rndlsh nnd mince meat peddler , who was last seen Friday morning when ho was Intoxicated und bnid hn wus goitig to Council Bluffs to spend tlio night. Ho had been collecting during the day nnd luul considerable money in his possession. Ills horse nnd buggy were placed in Botn's livery barn on South Thlr- leonlh street oy ex-Councilman Krutilc Mas- imr , who gave him written illicctlons as to its location. They slill remain thero. Homo of ' .VniTCti's Mends four that ho mot with foul pinyhilo crosslncr to the UlulTs , but uthcr.s nru conlidonl that ho will rihortly shod his ] ng nnd turn up all right. The only complexion powder In the world that Is without vulgarity , without injury to the user , nnd without doubt a banutilicr , is Po/70til's. rniirinl ill Ali'K , Mary N , Clarki * . The funeral of Mrs. Mary N. Clarlto wns bold al ! i o'clock yesterday afternoon from her Jatoliome , I"il2 ! Davonporlslreol , Dr. Dtiryca conduct inc the services. Mrs. Clarke wns ont'of tha early soltlors r nf Omaha. She wn the slsior of W. N. Whitney and tnn mtUhcrof W. K. , John and Snm Nash. The remains were taken to Massachusetts for interment. A ( illllll 1,1-tlfl- , Persons troubluit with cohu or the grip will find home pointers In the following letter tor from n prominent Pennsylvania druggist : llituuioiK , Pn , , Oct. 20 , ISill.-McssM , Chamberlain .t Co. , Dos Moines , Inwu. Ctentlemnti ; You will pliMisn shii [ mo ns hooit nR possible ono gross Chamberlain . L'nuglt Kiiinedy , Out nf iho slxly no/on you have shipped mu in the last two years 1 hnvo only mm ilo/on umt u half lefl , I tnlnU from thu sales tn dnto this fall that our sales tills winter tor will ho gro.iter than over. It Rtves mo pleasure to say that out of the whole amount that I h.wi ! Hold und guaranteed 1 lm\ ' ( > not had ono customer say that It did nut itlvu all the relief clulmud for It. Yours truly , A i. . MUIUI.SI , TIN ; HIAITV : .M JNBTHIJMKNTri plaoud on rouorrt January S , , lb ! i - Jacob l.ttvy nmlvlfu lo Niith'aii fllns- berg. l l i. block : i and u ' / > lot II , blonk ' . ' , , lel I T'M nild Miutli Omaha . t I Tlioiniis I'nlertiim and wlto to ( Ji'nrxu M-hostvdl. Int r > . bio I ; 4 , Uichard Illll. J.r.H J U MIIMIII and w.fo to C A Start , lots IU , II iind 1 ! . ' . bin-k I , W < ) ils I'laeo . 10,0.0 Omuhii Heal Kstiileand Tnut company tti ( , ' li naiindi'iN , loin ! ! t > mid 'M. block I , loin fi and 4' ' ) , bloi1 > i' , . ' 'utindurx & ild \Valnnt Illll I'niuii Htiiek Viirils coniimnr to Anton I'ovonliM , lot T , block 10 , Ilist arid to tjoulb Oinahii ,11 .TUIIIHH M lyan ! to Klc'nml ' Prnnnoll , w 'j lot J. bloolv l.VJ. Oninbii . . . I < ; UIT OI.UH DltKIIX. r1 r Hulln mill wlfo to AYlniiicst ) | , n * > i l , lots 1 unil "lox IMlnir w unil ) , blouk 0. liiiiriVenieiit | ocliillon mill I 1 > .1 nml l.uey J 1'iillni ; lo titobu I o in & Trust ( ; o. . u 4lfl lol 7 , bl < ial < IS , I'ltt- rlul'biul ( ! ! uilil 1 Admit Fnydvr. romity tru.isutor. to K I ) I'litnam , u'/i lot K > , bluuK I , l'arker' < ' ' ' II ! < ' Cochrnn. n'iootal | ndniMiUtra'to'r. to I.onU llradford. OvIUft Insiiko 4-1VI.I. 170 Kniiiit . Hfl tJanili . 140 To till amount of transfer * DKOATl'lt , II ! . , NOV. 'J4 , 'W. Dr J. U. Moore Dear Sirs I huvo for years past been troubled vtltti bllllou nosi i unil tendoncv to kidney troublo. YourTrea ' of Mfu is Ih'u only remedy I have over found that gavoonlltu relief 1 cheerfully n > com. menu It to those who may bu suffering from klrclfcd disca o . T J Kx-icomber I'of sulo by all i rri