Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by Carrier lo nny putt of the City
Hmlnoi Olflco . No 41
E)1tor | . NO uj
Jl/f.XJJt . ! / / : % X/O.V.
N , Y. Plumbing Co.
Council UluTs ( Lumncr Co. , coal.
Croft's chattel loans. SOI Sapp bloc ) ' ,
General O. M. OodRO camp , Hens of Veterans -
orans , will Install onioors this evening In the
Oranu Army hall
The ladlc of the Woman's Hollof corps
Imvo presented their ex-president , Mrs.
Campbell , \vlth a line gold badge.
The social union of the First Presbyterian
church will meet tomorrow ovenlr.i ; nt the
residence of Dr. Stephen Phelps , 718 First
Froomnn , the i4.month i-old son of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Chris Connor , died of lung fever
> ostorday morning at 8-.TO o'clock nt the
family residence , 122S North Tenth slroet.
A number of small boys undertook to maka
Ufa miserable for the SalvallonUts by pelt-
lug them with snowballs Just as they wore
leaving the corner of Hroaaway and Scott
streets yoMrrdny afternoon at the roncluslon
'of tholr open air sprvlcns. They were roc-
ognlzod and will probably bo arrested.
Patrons of the motor line who transfer at
the corner of Pearl street nnd Broadway are
beginning to clamor for nn electric light at
tbo corner. Tlio only light nt present comes
from the lower at the corner of Fourth street
and Broadway , and thin Is so dim thnt they
find It hard to pick ihcir way through the
Abe Lincoln post , Grand Army of the Uc-
piibho , has appointed committees to make
arrangements for n celebration of Washing
ton's birthday on the --d of next month.
The program bus not boon completed yet , but
It Is the Intention to hnvo an entertainment
in the Afternoon and evening of the day In
The tunpral of John McCltiro occurred
yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock from the
residence of M. J. Alworth , Huv. T. J. Mno-
kay of Omaha ofllcliUlns. After Iho services
Iho mombois of Abe Lincoln post , Grand
Army of the Komiblic , nnd the Uodgn Ught
guards escorted the remains from the house
to the Northwestern dopol , whore Ihoy were
tiiken on board the curs for Darlington , Wis.
Vociil MttHlc.
Prof. T. W. Diivis , tenehor of volco
nnd note reading. Lessons private.
Call or udurcss nt Griind hotel , Council
W. A. Mauror is In the east on business.
lr. T. D. Lacey Is expected homo today
from n few days' visit to Fnlrbury , Mo.
Miss Mary Key loaves today for St. Pan ) .
where she will visit friends for several
The condlllon of Mr. A. B. Walker , who is
suffering from an attack of diplhoria , was
pronounced somewhat improved last evening.
Lieutenant C. D Palmer arrived from
Atlanta , Ga. , yesterday noon in response to
the telegram which was sent to him an
nouncing the death cf his father.
' There nro still a Inrgo quantity of
I these beautiful Jnp upods nt tbe .Inpnn-
1 J eeo store , 317 LJiouuwny , nnd to suvo
m < w ficiRbt bick ; to the coast till will bo sold
nt Importers' cost for the next seven
days. Ladies of thij city nnd Omiibiv
will find this the best opportunity of
their lives to got those poods nt Sin :
Fninelfaco wholesale prices.
Leading drugstore and news standDa vis.
\i\K \ for thn loUf't'iiiin.
The pollcomon who have to report at night
from the two new boxes at the corn or of
Pearl and First n venue and First street and
Broadway , are experiencing a new found
woo. Each one Is compelled to light a match
each time ho mnltos his report or run the
risK of malting the wrong call. With thooid
style patrol boxes reporting was a pleasure ,
but under the present system there is so
much responsibility that the hearts of the
blue coated peace preservers are beginning
to quake.
"You may expect to hear of some great
brcnks , " said ono of them yesterday vvhlla he
was olT duty and was consequently alloncd
to talk to people on the street , "until wo gut
usrd to It. We're just as apt to hit the
wrong call and bring the wbolo llro depart
ment down about our oar.i , or bring out the
patrol wagon nnd a nquad of captains and
lioutouants to quell a riot when wo only
wan' to report , as anythlntr else. It's a line
system , though , and when wo got accustomed
to metropolitan ways wo may bo all right. "
Swm33i Muilc GJ. , M i3onlo temple
Still on the Itlmbnll-Clmmp Cane.
Sheriff Htuen loft yostcrdny for Irwln ,
la. , for the puruoso of serving sumo papers.
Just what papers he was cxpcotod to servo
is not stated by any of his deputies , but it is
Icnown that MclTaddon , who filed the first
in formation against Klmball and Chump ,
charging them with embezzlement , lives ui
the place , nnd It is thcrnforo supposed that
when the sheriff returns Mr. McFnddcn
will return with him to give Ins
testimony before the grand Jury. He
is cxpeetcil homo today , The gr.uid
Jury has been nt work nearly two weeks ,
nnd has still so much work to do that a re
port is not looked for for a couple of weeks
ioncor. The Klmball and Champ cases arc
the ones that am causing the delay , as there
la n largo amount of detail to be looked Inti
by the men who compose the Jury , nnd whr
are not accustomed to business transaction !
on such a largo scale.
\Vo huvo our own vineyards In Callfo ?
nin. Jnrvls Wino comunny , Co. UlulTs
Walnut block nnd Wjomliiff conl ,
frobh inliiL-d , rceolved dull } Tlmlchor ,
10 Main.
thn Day.
The people of Council Uluffs approclatcii
the ctmngo of eighty or ninety degrees in tin
tcropcraturo yostordny , nnd In the bright
suiishliio and balmy May-day air forcot the
terrors of a few days ngo when the froit was
senrchltiK for the tea roois In China. People
poured out of their houses and enjoyed tin
day In the open nir. AD Ibo outdoor pleasure
uro resorts were visited , including even Uiki
Manuwa. High and dry Falrmouiit park at
tracted multliudcs of visitors , and during
the afternoon there was real onjovmcut Ii
strolling over Us sunny nnd smiling hill
sldeg , Casper's L-reonhouso was ono of tin
especial points of interest to pleasure seekers ,
and duriiiK the day hundreds spent hours ir
wandering through tlio aisles of the acres ol
glnss covered tropics. Altojethir ; it was one
of the pleiuantcsl January Biibbatht in the
memory of the oldest inhabitant.
.Jnrvis 1877bnind.v , purest , safest , best
Dra Wootlbury , lontlst8noxt to Grand
hotel ; line work u Bpochilty. Tola 145.
I'nlillo Mri'tniK Ciillfil ,
A meeting of cltliens has been called foi
next Thursday evening at the Masouli
temple , for the purpose of offoctlne an or
Kanlzatlon to secure the holler natrons o
homo institutions. The cull U Issued by tin
president of the Hoard of Tratlo In rcsponbi
to n petition signed by about -5U citlrcus.
Dr. P. T Soybort hns removed to tht
Grund liotol. Telephone 33.
When Baby vrai tick , we gave ber Caltjrln ,
When cho wa * a Child , die cried tor Cutoria.
V \VUmi the bocune MUf , she clung to Ontario ,
When ( Iw bad CUUMrcn , the g r Uium CaitorU.
"Hero's ' a Htra1 , My Trusty Trien1 , an Qio's '
a Han' ' o' Thine. "
' The Mniiircli'ft llln'iiinsl Vnar lull Ano"
It Sf'er I'urgnt liy lli" rt * I'r.ip Mcotln *
i.riiul ] ( ol > ln' liny ArroM
I * llltvr.
The 133d anniversary of the birth of
Uobcrt Burns will bo celebrated this evening
nt the Mnsonlo temple by the members of
St. Andrew's socloty with ouo ot their ban-
qucU , which hnvo como lo bo looked forward
to by the pleasure-loving public as uno of the
social events of tlio year. The committees
\\bormvuchnrgo of the nrrmigoments hixvo
boon making the most elaborate ) preparations
for weeks past , nud although ono of the
( rosiest chnrms of the ontortnlnments of
this socloty in the complete lack of formality ,
no effort has been spared to tunlto It n suc
cess. The b.-inqnot board will bo surrounded
nt 8 o'clock , nml those who are nrqunlnlcd
with the Scotch lan iiaKO din see what Is In
store for them by the following bill o1 faro :
Tuk1 u Drain.
. ! Notch I'otch ,
Cock-a-I.eo < lc ,
Ilowiowdy ( PcoH'li styli-l.
Tattles and I Lire , frac Stroniiclilitchor.
Kull llroth ,
A Mucklo Tat o'Grcnn Kull ( suiip t wl'
liorn spunus ) .
FISH. Ilndillrp , CallurCoil , frao I'lrlli o't'orth ,
l.ucliliiven TrouU ,
H.iuiuont , true Hi'Tweed ,
Suut llorrln' ,
I'mtuus' Tuts mid Onllor Oyster * , frao I.eltli ,
Caller On' In ill'Shell ( frao u
Ncwlnivoti fishwife ) ,
SniuuKlt ; ; mmon Suuldrlns.
Tak' a Drum.
Hash o1 Mutton , llocko'Stuak , I'oat-Ilcekit ,
Itra.xlo Iliiin , A Woo Uriimphto mi' Neups ,
Duuki. stull'd wl' Suobyi fine rcelufuolmn.
Hubhly Jock , wl' Cranberry S uico.
lluntiuii Cocks frao Muuchllne ,
1'altrlcks , StulTod wl' In-tliis.
I'oacouks , wl' Hlaoborry banco.
Hlbsn' : i Illulnn'Stlik ,
Uluuto' Mutton and tlin Hind I.OR o'
JocU Tamson's S-oo.
AnltliLT Woo Dr.ipulo , to Slockcn.
CAUI.U Di3ins.
Kostlt DOOH. I'eusweep I'les. Corblo I'los.
Slwklu Tremmllo. Whann and Uoo.
Turn. I'ottod Soo's Head ,
Tak' a Drain.
Royal Scotch lluuA'ls ( Tiim O'Shantcr Style ) ,
" Chlottaln o' tlio I'uddlu' Uucu. "
Shcop's Head nn'Trotters
( Slnaet at Handy Mcl'horson's Snilddy ) ,
Ulclcerso' I'tirrltch , Swims nnd Sour Douk ,
1'alslcy I'uitso Itrose ,
frklrl wl' Altinonl , 1'cpuor und Baut.
Illl'd Inalns , Chnpplt Tattles , Hll'd Neops.
Sauuys ( frao Mossizlcl ) ,
HilsoIlM Tattles and Carrots.
Curly Katl ( frae Aberdeen' ' ,
HI I'd I.BOKS und Shlvus.
Tak' Anllhor lrani. ) _
Cakes o' bhortbreiid wl' Swocllcs.
Soda Scones , I'ar.lcs ,
Itannncks o' Hurley Moul. Tiirls o' Altouuc ,
A Mncklo ICobbnek o' Avrihlro Chocso.
Alhol lliosL-lfraoKI.lieurunK.c ) . Trouelol'eorle
Host Glovlivot ( Whisky Toddy ) .
Qnulglisu'dwut * . Strom : Ale if i .10 EUlnboro ) ,
Strawberries iinil Crcnin ,
D iwlioo It ips mid Tattle Scones ,
Alt CtiUes and IHmiocks
lll.iklton Mrs. Muuklowham's Griddle ) .
Uingorbroud ,
( frao liobblo Saliuona o1 the Lam Totm ) ,
Currun' Loaf , Apple Jeelle ,
NntH and Auinond * .
Ginger Cordial. A Hum's Horn Snuff Mull.
Hurloy Ilreo.
Cotreo and Tea.
Wl' a Cinder In th' Cup for th' Auld Hachelors.
. After tbo banquet speeches will bo made
and toasts drank , and at the close of this
part of the entertainment the floor will bo
cleared for danciuir , which will occupy the
rest of the morning until breakfast time.
The ruoplo SntUlliMl vrlth the lliirKulnt.
l > Rcrc l lit tlio Hoston Store , Council 11 III IT * .
Since the beginning of the great semiannual -
annual clearance sale nt the Boston
store the rush has been without parallel
in the history of the dry goods tnido in
Council Blutls. Occurring as it , is , in
what is supposed to ho the dullest season
of the year , it is more than simply re
markable ; it ia phenomenal , and indi
cates the fact that the people have
plenty of money to spend when they can
got genuine bargains. The big sale will
continue this week. Read some of the
bargains for the week :
Our entire block of novelty dress goods
sold for COc. Too nnd OOc in ono lot , dur
ing this so'o ' 47c. This is ono of the
biggest bargains offered.
f > ( ) pieces 10 in. Brillinntino , full range
of bhaUes , sold for fic ( ) n yard , will ho
placed on sulu at iiSu a yard. Don't nuns
Boeing this bargain.
SUM ) blankets for OOc.
$1.80 blankets for $1,00.
$1.00 blankets for $15.00.
$5.00 blankets for $3.75 , 0 Ibs. , extra
$ U.uO Davenport blankets , 5 Ibs. , 84.83.
$5.7. " ) all wool rod blankets $4L'5.
Comforters tit. greatly reduced prices :
Bargains at 07c , $1.10 , $1.3 : ! , $1.75 and
Bpeuiul offerings at $3.00 , $3 3 ! ) , $3.80.
1 case -7 in. rod Shulior llannel , sold
for 'l3c , during sale 20jc ,
25o rod twilled llannol lOc.
Shifting llannols liJJo. 17c , 2oc , I53o to
7oC ,
$1.25 all wool skirt patterns for 08c.
DOe and $1.00 iiiudo up skirts reduced
to C'Jc.
Children's wool hose Co a pair ,
25e all wool hoao , fij to H } , for 17c , H
for 60c ; in dark colors , seals , navy and
Black wool hose , 5 } to 0 } . to close at
lOu n pair.
Boys' heavy gray mixed wool hose ,
sold at - . " > o , to go during sale at 17c.
Ladies' wool rihbod hose 17o u pair.
Wo have just received 600 Sample
Garments from two of the leading man
ufacturers of Now York City , which we
will well nt lltty cents on the dollar. All
our regular stock at the same reduction ,
"just half prlco , " and in quite a number
of cases less than the cost of making.
Ladies' Newmarkets Our entire
stock , which bold for $5 , $7 , $10 and $15 ,
choice of the lot for $ l.oa Only one
"Garment to a customer. "
Prints wo cut your choice of our
stock for 5i ! a vnrd. This includes best
blues , silver grnyu , Simpson's black ,
heavy \vido gorge in bhick and colors ,
bold for 7c and Be , all go at 5c.
A special bargain in the book line ,
Our $45.00 bets of Encyclopaedia Brit-
tanica for J2iCO ; our $30.00 uots for
818.00 ; tlio above contains 30 volumes
oixch and by far the best work on the
market at the present day , ( Allen
edition. ) A chunco for all professional
men that boldotn occurs. A library ol
ForiinitixaiiAM , WIIITBIMW & Co.
Council Bluffs , In.
N. II , Mall orders promptly attended ,
Packages delivered to nny part of the
city free of charge.
\VhUt Club iiitrrtuln il.
The Whlit club was entertained Prida >
evening at the residence of Mrs , Albright ,
en South Seventh street , tliu hostess bolnj
assisted in entertaining by Mr * , Philips
Mrs. Alford and Mrs. Sherman. Those
present were : Mtsson Cheney of Manches.
tor. Conn. , Uoss. Anna KOSB , Zurmuebleu ,
Key , Uerncr , Davenport and Dobuny
Messrs. and Mesdames \Vakotlold , Cumuv
iiigii , Htchniond , Miller and Alford , Men
dames Mauror , Soybort , Plum or , Forson anc
Key , Messrs. Majne , Hoed , Evans , Puxtoo
Uobbloi , iiurmuohloa ana Wic
Prizes wore awarded to Mlsn Anns Hoss.
Miss X.urmuehlcr nnd Messrs. Pnr.ton and
Sherman , The club will bo entertained next
Wednesday evening at the residence of iho
Misses Hess on Willow avenue , who
will bo assisted la ontcrtatnlni ; oy
Mrs. Altchlson and Mrs. Miller.
Roller , the tnllor , 310 Broadway , has
nil the latest styles nnd now winter
goods. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Illlilo Society MroU.
The Potlawattamlo County Ulblo society
held Its annual meeting lust evening In the
First Presbyterian church , anubmcr of the
other churches giving ; up their evening ser
vices for the purpose of attending. The main
address of the evening was mndo bv Hov. U.
W. Hughes of Urlnnoll , state superintendent
for Iho American Blblo society. Ho called
attention to the work of the socloty in the
past , ami stated thnt It had had the btblo
published in : ) OJ dllTorant languages and
that 12.000.00J cople ? had been printed by
It during thn seventy rive years of Its exis-
tonce. At the cloioot the addrois a collcc
lion an.ountlng to about ? i5 was lakcn for
the society. The rnportofsomo ot thoolli-
cors were Rnbmltted , and iho following ofll-
ccrsvcra elected for iho coming year : Pres
ident , W. W. Wallace ; vlca presidents , D.
C. Hloomcr nnd N. P. Dodpo ; secretary , L.
O. ICnotts ; treasurer. C. T. Oulcor ; directors.
H. M.Chambjrlln , W. W. Cones and S.
I'linoral ( ill. M , I'nlnior ,
The funeral services of J. M. Palmer oc
curred yesterday afternoon at the lalo resi
dence , 830 Fourth avenue. A lame number
of friends were present to pay their last
trlouto of respect to Iho deceased , and Iho
exercises , which were conducted by Hov.
Stephen Phelps of the First Presbyterian
church , of which the deceased was a mem
ber , were very Impressive. Muiic was fur
nished by n quartette consisliiiR of 'tho
Misses Jauor Baldwin and Anna Patterson
and Messrs" F. H. Keys nnd W. P. Oftlccr.
At the close of the service * the remains were
taken to the cemetery , followed by n lartio
procession. The following pontlomen noted
us pall bearers : H. H. Obcrholtzer , John
Clausen , John Bono , Smith Saunders , Dr.
D. Macrae , V. Jennings , J , A. Murphy and
P. C. Uevol. J
The Boston Store , Council Bluffs , In. ,
closes every evening atO p. m. , unless
Mondays and Saturdays. Mondays 0 p.
m. , Saturdays 10 p. m. FoUicringham ,
Whitolaw & Co. , Council Bluffs. In.
Two apprentice nurses wanted nt the
\V. C. A. hospital , corner Oth street and
(3th ( avenue.
E. II. Sheafo has eastern money on
hand for real estate loans.
Jarvis wild black harry is the bsat.
G.tltZl CUill'LlCATIOXS.
Interview With tliu Milran Consul lit I.ll-
rc-ilo > 'f.- t from the Hordcr.
LiAiir.uo , Tex. , Jan. 21. A call was made
upon Lamodo Diaz , Mexican consul at this
point , this ulleriiooii. The direct question
was asked him U any reward was offered for
the capture nnd delivery to the Mexican au
thorities of Garza. Ho stated in his opinion
no such reward had over been offered or that
a private reward had boon offered. Ilo Itnow
nothing about it and di.d not believes that Iho
president of Mexico had over sanctioned nny
such offer.
Bo it as It may , the Impression Domains
hero that there are public mon in Mexico , no
further off than Monterey , who would bo
very pleased to be nblo tn lay their hands on
Gtnvu , and know that they' could see him
tried In Mexican soil for crimes against Mex
ican law. The covarnment doubtless would
also take a haad ufter ho was put on trial ,
and the principal charge against him would
be treason.
The post ofllcers at Fort Mclnlosh were
interviewed to-day again in regard to the re
peated statements made from various points
that if Garza fell into their hands ho would
bo at once extradited nnd turned over lo
Mexico. They claim Ibc report is prepos
terous. To begin with they have no
right to arrest him unless they turn
him over at once to a deputy
United mates marshal or police ofllcers
who have warrants for him. Should ho bo
turned over to the former ho will be tried in
the federal courts for violation of the United
States neutrality laws. If to the latter ,
then Iho only charges against him would bo
the killing of Corporal Kdstrom at Hotlnal
Springs , Starr county , and a case of libel era
a misdemeanor in the courts ot this ( Webb )
county. After ho has been tried on these
charges , then it might do to talk of extradi
In regard to the recent sentence ot a mili
tary court at Monterey , to the olTect that
General Nevis Hernandez , formerly com
mander at Mtor , was sentenced to bo shot ,
and that the greatest secrecy was exercised
in the trial proceedings , etc. , the consul
stated that tticro was no truth in the
report : that the trial was public , and that
witnesses had Leon summoned and sworn
evidence taken all over Ibis border counlry.
Ho stated that the sonlonco could and prob
ably would bo appealed from , first to on
appellate court , then lo a supreme military
tribunal , and then , before sentence could be
passed , President Diaz would have to ap
prove the sentence.
The report of the federal grand Jury nt
Brownsville Is cor.burod hero , as it casts a
slur on civil roaco ofllcers In tlio lower coun
ties , and vet falls to indict them for any violation
lation of Iho laws.
Trjlnt ; to Inilucu Him to Surrender.
SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , Jan. 24. Major Lewis
fP. Morris , Tmrci cavalry , who has been in
command of Iho movement forces at Laredo
for a month p 1st , has reached hero in response -
sponso to an order to report to General
Stanley In person. Ho says the Garza bands
have broken into parties of two or thrso par
sons and are protocled by the ranchmen on
this side of tno rlvor , who nro undoubtedly
in sympathy with Uar/.t. The United States
forces will do nothing until spring , \ > hon the
grass nomes up , as It is Impossible to cnrrj
forage through the chapparol , and in the
malterof grass the country is us bare as u
billlurd table.
It Is le.irned hero thatT Garza has been
exactly located by tbo United btatos troops ,
Ho will bo a prisoner or inbido of ion
days. Adjutant General Miibroy Is endeavoring -
ing to inuuco him to como in and surrender
and stand trial for violation of the notrallty
lows. If Ho refuses ho will ho attacked.
Oulct in tint South.
Dr.MiNO , N. M. , Jan. 21. Tlioro is ever )
reason lo bollovo that the trouble to the
south Is ended , The fact that troops from
Fort Bayard have boon ordered to the Ilia
Grande border is conclusive evidence of this
fart. A correspondent who bus returnee
from a Journey lo iho reported scene of iho
revolt and along tbo line , reports the refu
gees ris having dispersed to the ranches
along Iho border , and that tliero U no danger
of further troublo. SuU , the leader , IH under
arrest at Mpssllhi and so nrn two of his lluu
tenants , awaiting extradition action. Tha
ruuelH hi'Ing without loaders are all the more
W/omlnc'H Nodll DciioxllH ,
LUBK , Wyo. , Jan. 24. [ Special lo THE
BEE. ] A Now York company has let a con
tract to build a soda diior near tbo Independent
pendent rock on the Sweetwator , on the BUT
vey of the Northwestern railroad , abou
sixty miles west of Caspar. The main build
Inif Is to bo ICOicSO feet , with two wings earl
GOxlt ) feet , The soda lakes on and near the
Swoetwator are the richest in Wyoming In
some ol these lakes the crystallzod soda it
from four lo six fret In depth. Tueso do
positB were known to freighters many years
ago , who used to carry with them on the !
return trips quantities of this soda to bo ex
changed for butter and eggs with the farm
crs of southern Nebraska and Kansas ,
.Medical itljuctto. ;
ST. Louis , Mo. , Jan. 21. At 3 o'clock thi
morning i-naed a secret trial wHch ha
caused a sensation m medical circles hero
Dr. J , L. Bauer , accused of Introducing Dr
Alphouso Etavard In certain quarters
In direct opposition to the code
of medical othlcs , was ex pel lei
from the faculty of the College o
Physicians and Surgeons , the largest schoo
of the kind in St. Louis. Dr. Bauer is at
eminent obstetrical specialist and Dr. Kta
vard , through a Graduate of tbo schoo
Pftiaod , U ostracised became ol alleged uu
thlcal methods of nofYtlsltig himself.
Therein lies Dr. Bauer's c ciiso In introduo
np him a professional way ,
"Ultt ! HKl'ultll.
Mno HIiilT , Ark. , Itiully , 'Scorcliril OHirr
PIXF. Bi.urr , Ark. , Jan , 24. About 1:30 :
his morning fire was dUbbtorcd In Atkln-
on's shoo store , coiner Main and Barraquo
trccts , and before It wa * subdued n loss of
" . ' .V,000 ) had resulted , largely duo to the mis-
rablo water supplv. Tlui insurance Is about
l.ilK ( ) ( ) . The tire beginning at Atkinson's
tore , spread from that two-story building to
C. Wcrtholmor's wholesale liquor , aim H.
S. Thompson's hardware store ; thcnco to the
Merchants nnd Planter's bank , Mitch-
oil's store , John O'Con- '
ncll's liquor store , Hunnett &
Weil's dry goods establishment , Fred
Senyard's saloon , lloscnbaum & Fics' furnl-
.tiro house , Allsohul's ci ! ar store , Fred
Schneider's tailor shop and W. L , Do\\oody's
drugstore. The origin of the llro Is tin-
tn6wn. The losses arm W. L. Do Woody
flOCOO , insurance $12,000 ; Fred Schneider
* 3UJO , Insurance S-1,500 ; F. M
Utsctiul M,000 , insurance W.OOO ; A. Strauss
< 10,000 , Insurancefctf.luO ; Uoscnbuum & Flos
Mft.OOJ , msuranco SI2tJJ ; Charles Weil
< i,000 ) , , Insurance fl.V ) ; Fred Sonyard $3,000 ,
nsuranco & 3.UOO ; Hunaett & Well f.'O.l'OO ' ,
usttrnnco $ rl ) i ; J. 11. DoilJ * 10-
000 insurance J,000 ) ; E. Wortholmur
$17,000 , Insurance fin.HJJ ; J. Wothel-
ner , $8,000 , insurance $ ' 3,500 ; Atkinson
shoe company $ * , IH)0 ) , Insurance$7,000 :
Thomson W.fiOO , insutancc. $ 'JS)0 ! ) ; Mer
chants' nnd Planters' tunic 11,0 JO. Insurance
$7,500 ; N. T. Whlto fl.OOJ ; A. J. Mitchell
51,500 , Insurance , $1.000 ; Mrs. M. B. Smart
$10,000 , Insurance $0,1:01) : ) ; C. U. Harrison
* 3MK ) , insurance ) ? , ' ) .OJO ; John O'Connoll
? 0,000. insurance , $ t2,2.iU.
All the contents of the bank's vault are
ntact. Minor losses In law ofilces , ole , will
add S10.00J to the ag rognt2lo > s.
o.v or Tin : u\ : a.isti.
rrnnrlH , tin ; Mun Klllnl liy thn Missouri
1'ixte , Onu of tliu ranuiin tliiiiillls.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Jan. 24. Ono more of the
? ang of train robbers which , on the night of
November HO , relieved , at Glendale , Mo. ,
Adams Express Mcssdnircr Mulhannon of nil
Lho valuables In his car , U in custody , not of
the authorillca , but of his Maker. Vosler-
uay's account ot the robbery of a train near
L'tmar , Mo. , told of the pursuit of the two
desperadoes , a Unlit , the death of ono and
the wounding of the other. The
dead tobbor was known as J. S. or S.
C. Francis. He. it is learned tonight , was
the fourth man of the Glendale gang , whoso
name has been persistently kept from the
public. The police had been after him for
three weeks , knowing his name , but he hud ,
Ihough ignorant of their pursuit , kept away
from them until vostordav , when ho was
killed by a posse in pursuit of him tor an
other crimo.
11 is learned now that immediately after
the Glendale robbnry ha wont directly to Ills
homo In Kansas City , whore ho had a wlfo of
about 18 years and a baby. Since then ho
has moved his family lo the Kansas sldo.
where they were found , ns told in last night's '
dispatches. His record has boon a bad one ,
but his photograph has never adorned the
rogues' gallery , for he was always able to
ovoid arrest. Ho had long been asso
elated with IlcJspcth nud Ulnli Wilson , iho
two Oleiulalo robbers .still nt hiruo and wns
known ns a dcserntt iron und ono H ho would
Debt If cornered. He lies been going under
Iho name of Francis for some llmo , but it is
not believed that that is his true name. Ilo
tb not , as staled Inst night , H eons-in of the
governor of Missouri. Mr. t ) . U. Francis of
Normamlv , Mo , father of the governor , to-
dav said the Lamar express lobbcr was in no
way related to the governor or his family.
Jsonoof the latter over had nnv relatives in
Maryland , but are of Kentucky birth nnd
origin. The Governor's father says ho has
never hoard of tlio cxmoss robber before his
name was priutrd today. The fact that the
police consider the name Francis itn alms is
further proof that tie is not the man last
night's ' dispatches slated him to bo.
I.iirketl Tlic rilfllitles.
MT. VICTORY , O. , Jan. 21. A destructive
fire broke out about 1 : SO-a. m. In the rear end
of Dickinson & Wallace's hardware store and
spread over all the east side of Main street ,
burning Dr. Bornes' residence and nOlcc ,
Ht'nry Williams' dry coodsstore " , Dickinson it
Wallace's hard wart ) "storo , Meukin's ' barber
shop , L. W. Winder's crocery , J. O. Angel's
balto shop , and the Alt. Victory bunk ; also
the Mt. Victory observatory ofllcc. Tne
tcwn has no lira comnany or ladder company
und Iho llro had Its own wav. The loss Is
J.10,000 ; insurance , $25,000. The postofllco
was tauon out of tbo building which it occu
pied and now stands in the sheets. The
streets are scatiered over with household
goods , harness , buggies and other articles
saved from the liro.
I'ngltittt Ironi Collusion.
George Enright was arrested at 1:33 : o'clock
this morning and looked up on the charge of
being a fugitive. The nrrost made at
the request of the police ofllcials nt Covlnc-
Ion , Nob. It is claimed thutUnriL'hl worked
a sort of flim-flam game down thero. wns ar
rested and released on bill. Lain yesterday
afternoon Enricht was scun to jump a train
hound for Omaha , and Detective Haze nnd
Sciguant Sigwart took him in as soon as bo
Criilii { ; < W.mteil ,
Now lhat iho January thaw is on kicks aru
heard on every sldo about the lack ot croas-
ings connecting the various fragments of
sidewalks with each other in the different
parts of the city. The sidewalks , it is
claimed , uro all riKht as fur as they so , but
they extend only n block at n time and then
Ih'j pedestrian innc.t wada through a so.i of
mad before reaching tno next fragment
ncroas tbo street.
Saf.i-.l.iy W. B. Tavlor , state woighmas-
tcr , slipped and fell near Iho Barker hotel ,
dislocating his right shoulder.
A burning chimney nt I'Mi JaoKson struct
callt d out the lire dcp'irtnuMitatnoon vaster-
day. The blaze was extinguished without
The cnso of liyan & Walsh's creditors was
sot for hearing Uoloie JudcoScott Ibis mornIng -
Ing , hut owing lo the condition of tlio judge's
health tlio hearing was postponed until next
Dr. Duryca will load the discussion of the
subject of hmitini ; iinmigralioi , at the meet
ineol the Current Tuple the Yountr
Men's Christian us odution building this
I tiunslent lodger named John Munroe.
who was slopping ut a I'ourtconth street stag
lodging houio , took sick with a fever yestcr
day and wus removedto , , St. Josoplf's ' hos
pltat for treatment. ( .
The meeting of the ililcbiorldo of Gold
club which was to havoi been yesterday aft
ernoon was postponed 'Until ' Wednusday ovo-
nlng , nt which Iliiio it i $ expL'ctod that a por-
inanunt orgunuution wilLbo olTcctod.
Hev. Juiikin L. C. Juries of Chicago will
glvn liu colubralpd leriui'o on Bruwning ut
the Unitarian church , rtovontoonth and Cass
sticots , this ovi'iilntr1 ' ' 't'oinmonciog ' nt 8
o'clock. All inteiesUHliWr wishing to bo in
terested in the poet nre cordially invited.
Chief Seavey , Sergoa'nt ' Onnsby and Do.
tpctlvcs Haze nnd'o and rx-Asslstanl
City Attorney W. S. ShWcmakcr wont to Un-
coin this morning to iljipoar before Jndgo
Dumly In the federal court , where they were
summoned to show causli'uhy ' they should
not be punished for contempt of court In coi
nectlon with some obacooo lituraturo faces in
police court , u (
> Price | " Worth a Guinea a Box. " 12Bc.
[ Dislodge Bile ,
IStir up tlio Liver ,
ICuro Sick-Headache ,
I Remove Disease &
Promote Good Health
Famous the world over.
Ask for Ilecclum' * ami ukc no others. .
Made at St.llclcns.F.nuland. Sold by drug-/
l-isls and tlealco. New \'vik Depot , 365'
( C anal Street :
Mrs. Prank Wntt re , Residing nt
2507 Pfttrlok Avenue , Stitos Her
Relief Through the Euccos ful
Treatment of Drs. Gopolnnd ,
Shepard nnd Mansfield.
"My dlsca o hail been In inv systrm for n
imp while. I ould take cold so oa llv nnd
ny head would stop up and fool heavy and
acho. but I onlv paid sllelit nttontlon to llit .
Int alinnt one your tigo It had C'OVMI o tnnoli
wor o that It cunsed mo scrlniiR trouble and I
lecnn to fnol alarmod. I'rom thnt time on It
undo rapid strides and kept mo In
"Mv head and no \\eropontlnuallystopped
ip ! tlio mucus ualhprlng In my thro'it K VO
no an Inccss nil hnekliiK conch nnd most dls-
acrrpablo snlttliiK , cspea'nlly In the mornlii ) : ,
when \\oulil I r.iKo a great deal of heavy ,
thick mucus or phlegm. .My throat wa > Mire ,
dry and lirlt.i'ed. and I continual ilntinK
ii'iil btuzlin : nulbcs In my oars. My Moniuch
bocainu iiiueh out of order , my au | elite almost
entirely failed me , und. when 1 did oat. the
food seemed to dn mo no pond and my stomach
ach foil hu.ivy and ovorlu.idod.
" \Vhune\er 1 stoopdd vur I would have
lltishlnj ; | ) alns ihrointli my chest nnd should
ers ! my slei'-i was broken and tltfill Tlio rav-
accs of tliu ttlbeasus told very seriously on tnu
In tvery wnv. und mv entire nervous sy-tein
was uelne destroyed. I was Irr.tublo and
oasllv ntinnvud by trifles Ivery miirnlnK
found mo with u heavy , dull , tiled feetln. ,
"I WHS u Hi eat siinaror from nervousness and
ln oniiilii , I was very miserable during the
day nnd unable to rest or sleep ut night , and
cradually wuarliuuiit instionjUh. 1 ulsosur-
forrd IM oal ly from hovcro pains In the ehest
aniniiil my hoirt. and lould not draw full
breath without severe pu'n. In tlilseondltlon
I to I Ir > Copolnnd , bhop ird and Mans-
( lolrt sifter I had vainly icMirteU to vuilons
means of CHIP. They bean my cuso ono
month au-o and I am now so much Improved
that I feel liUo : i now womnn. Sly nervous
condition Is much Improved , and I can sleep
as well us 1 overdid , uw.iKlng rofrusliod and
icady for my duties. All this without the HMO
of opiates or Injurious drug ! My ticutincnt
Irie oeen mild an I plcasint mill yet oirecllva
"I cordially tocnmmend Ui-s. Cojio'tnil Miep-
; ird and Manblluld to all nooilln. ; sltllUal med
ical hull- . "
Their Crotlcntlnls.
As bus locn sill. Ii , \V II , Copelnnd w-\s
nit's dent of his clnsut Hollcviio Hospital
.Medical Coile c. .Now Vcirk , whore ho grad
uated , the most famous Institution of Its kind
Ir. the country. Ills diploma boars the written
endorse , enl. of tun nioilluil authorities or
New York , of the doins of prom nunt medicU
collates In Pennsylvania. lr. T. 11. Munsllotd'.s
credentials me no less .ibtinilnnt and
Hied. Hoilso Is formally Indorsed liy the sec
retaries of various county
societies , Tliv > o ircntloinen , after thorough
hospital expcrlencn and practlec. h.ivc de
voted their lives to tlio pr ictlcu of tholr snoe-
tles. with what success the columns of the
dally papers show.
] ) H. C. y. SIIEl'AUH , who was prosldentoi
his cliiss ut Hush eollcxu , ( Jhlenco ,
which Is acknowledged to be the leading In
stitution of Its kind In the west. Is now asso
ciated with the ( Jnneltinn Medical Institute.
Dr. hhepard's thoroiich hospital experi
ence and special study of the disc isos of tliu
eye. ear. nose and thro it. u aeo him anion.,1
tnelcadlng snooialltts In the nest.
ROOMS 311 AND 312 ,
New York Life Building
Cor. 17th and Farn.v.n Sis. , Oniiilia , Neb.
C. S. SHJU'AHD , M. D.
T. B. MAN.SHI15M ) , M. D.
Consultlni ; I'hys.ulans.
Spoclaltos : Ottarrli nnd all dlsu.iS3 < of tha
Kye. Kir. Throat an I Lunus. Nervous lls-
eases , skin Diseases. Uhronlo Diseases. Olllea
Hours U toll a. m. , to 5 p , in. , T to U p in.
Minday Hi a. in KM p m.
C.'itarihal troubles and kindred diseases
treated successfully by in ill. Send 4o In
stamps for ( inestlon elr.Milara. Address all
loners lo Copeland Mwdlcal Institute , ew
York Ufa Unllillntf. Omaha. Nob.
$5 W1ONTH.
( INKb Pt'HN'IMlKl ) rilEE.
: i" OMAHA. SEU. , HV
lEnbu 4:1 o. Co.r Uth it JtniiBliH fits.
.1 A fuller A. Co , Cor. llth A IiuiinlasSU.
A. U 1'oslcr < t I'o , Coum il JllulTs. la.
C *
> Tlitiys | > ci > tlrtli < lcl > iiItnt4Mliilieth-
IT from cxr < > i > s < if work i > r mind ui
, lindy or cxposiiro Ininnlarlul -glon
9 will IliiiITntt'H I'llli. did most icnlii
rcFtorntlvo ever ollcrod tliu Inviillil.
Sl. Ixni ! . fo. | n ( t < lit'nii lukrl'iR'nilljr.-lillb lllullh luo
ubluilM > > l ! unt9 , 1'iiy t > tiiLlnlaltltlnntn ) ill | KR | CUMK In U.
B.l'uiitliif AKMl | | alJl. Lmil * , L'orrtiomt | ( ncn bollclted.
- < . * . unu n .
j&a wQpnrfon ( > BAlfem > fciii > | H > iilor > htif-
rt a illtt n nf a nlmple Tt'incnv Krnc hy ( ! *
dre . : riiHO..78.Nui ; uht.N. Y.UIty.
I.Idle NellldVlnu' llusly Act Cost llei
I.lln South Omaha TScus.
Kotwllhstanding the heroic methods made
to save Iho life of Nellie , Iho il-year-old child
of Kd Wlnif , the little girl died yesterday
morning by her own hand t. The dan 'orou : .
operation known at tracheotomy had boon
rosortcd to und her lint'It cut open 10 cnublo
her to breathe , as the ihront was closed up
with membraneous , croup.
A bllvur tube had boon inserted In her
tliroat through Ihoartillclalopening. Through
tills she breathed and it was bellmed mat
she wrs on the road to recovery.
Ye-iterday mornlni ? the child became im-
pauont because of Iho rubber band around
her neclf. holding ; ho tnbo In plico , and she
tora It off .ma throw U on the Iloor. liofuro
a physiumii could nrnvo to replace the tubu
the child was a corpse.
HK.imer Arrival" ,
At Copf nhagen ThliiBvalla ,
At Bouthampum Hlbo from Now Vorlt
and proceeded lo liromcn.
At Klnsale Passed -Holland from Now
York for Liverpool ,
At CJuoenstown Uinlirla from Liverpool.
At I'rawlo I'oint-l'assed Malno , Irom
1'hlladelphla for London.
At London Minnesota , from Baltimore.
At New YorU-IlreUb'iio. fiom Havre
D nn mar It , from Liverpool ; Franco , fron
London ; Bulorno , Iroin Klo Junblro , und Per-
nambuco. Sailed Ulonmore , for Ulo Ja
ii olro.
At Havre Bourgocno , from Now York.
Sandwich * > Manufacturing < & > Go ,
W. M. JONES , General Agent ,
Deore.WcllsO ' The name of the bus G E Mcycw
. BUYER'S iness houses heio , , ,
divan are as lefor- Bucpp'sor to C. A.
Agriculture1 ence for the ken lit llcuba A Co ,
Implements of buyers We recommend I.nruoit Knrntturo
Hiiil-c In the Mo.
mend them as the GUIDE
. '
Vnlloy. 'JOS to
best houses to < ln'il
. . Ilio idrray , Council
etc. Houth Mtlri Si Couneilltlirs.
\\ltli In
Council lllulTa. II hint.
Every MAN can ha
I OllOUSln all reipcrti
NKKVINE , theKrent bpiinlnh Remedy. YOUNG SIGN
OK O&D suftcrinu from NERVOUS DUDII/ITY , LOST or
FAII/INO MANHOOD , milillyemissions ; , convulsions , ncivous
prostration , cnus * d by tbe use of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wake *
fulness , mental depression , loss of power in cither sex , spennator-
AMD AFTEK usp , rhira caused by self abuse and over indulgence or any personal wrak'
ness can be restored to perfect health and the NOI1I/B VITALITY OP STRONG MKN.
We give a written guarantee with 6 boxes to cure any case or refund tlic money. $ l a box ; 6 boxes $5
For sale inOmtiha by McCormlek & Lund , loth & Furnam Bts.
A flrst-uln s lad v piano toiclicr.
Address T. W. D ivls. Grand hotel ,
Council lllnffs.
SALiE Counteis and vault door In the
bulldlns ri'centlv occuiileil by the Unnn-
ell HlulTs Havings funk. Olllcer & 1'nsoy ,
Council Itlnirs.
/1OUNCIL liLUrKS money on hand for
\J loans. W. A.ooA ft Co. . S''U Main.
FOll SALE A feum of good inures ; pur
chaser may cut wood to p.iy for same. Ap
ply to kounuid Ciurott.
ilk and duliy farm. 440
acres , Just south of Ihe city Ilmll8i00 : : acres
line h.iy lun'l , balance p ihturu und fiirm lan.l.
Anuly to Leonard Kverttt , Cinincll HlulTs , In.
TTIUiX KKNT 7-rooin house , with bath loom ,
-L < corner 4th ave. and Uth bt. Inquirenott
IOI'KEH the followln. choice Imrgalns In
fruit and vegetable lunils : f > 7 acres bj rods
north of tliu Cliantiiiiiina groundx. eastern
slope , line spi In s und line serins-brook , land
very rich and well adupled to fruit ,
W acres on Grand avenue , duo orchard ,
windmill und line grove ; situated on Mynstor
proposed motor line , one nnd one-half mllus
from Council KlnlTs ] )0stnin''e. ) '
U acres of very choice plowed land on Grand
uvcnutt , I3i miles from postolllce.
110 acres .Hi mllus from city limits ; good
house , barn and outbuildings ; line ; u
grc'it aln at J'l.ftM. Kitsy terms.
. ' 8acio3. eholeo fruit farm , 0 iicroi Inblaok-
beriles , UOJyonni : fruit trees , y.UlUgrapo vlnuH.
llnnse , barn und outbulldln.'B A very clioluo
Inirgaln , oniv-.j miles of pusiolllcu In
Council ) I lulls. W. O. htiey. Itouin 4 , Upor.v
llunsu block. Council lilnirs , la.
JOWA fiirms ; llnoUII IILTO ( arm. $ ) per aero.
il.uili ciibh , liiilaiieo on long time ; ID ) uuro
( arm , WDOUown , b.ilaiifu easy ; farms of all
BI70ti'iul for list , Jolinstxjn & Vun 1'iitlen. '
Connull Ulnira _ _
WANT to lin v stock of groceries or boots
I und shoes ; will pay pirt cash an. I p irt by
ufi room IIOUHO anil lot In Omaha. L > Uoo.
Councjl llaijr _
' b ir llxtnros nnd two pool
tubleb for snlu und building for rent. Good
location. 1C , 11. rihuufu , over ( Jllluer Ai 1'usuy'n
buiiK. _
FARMS , giirdon liinds , hoiuas , lots mil
liiialiR'su blooks for silo or ronU IKiy &
Hess , .U I'carl atreut.UonncU lllnirs
Or Council Bluffs.
1 AL STOCK . $ 1 30,0 J3
-I. A. Mil or. P. O , Otoason , M I ,
Shiuiirt , K R U irt , J , 1) 10 J in nnd son. Oliarlei
It. Hann in. Transnut 1'oncrU b inkliu Dull-
nets. l/ir/e unil nurpltu of unyb iK
In sontliwu tern low.i
IN rc.RE3r ON TIM ; DEPO3'rS '
The stomach can deal with
a drop when it cannot deal
with a spoonful.
Scott's Emulsion is cod-
liver oil broken up into drops
invisibly small ; each separate
drop is wrapped in glycerine
so that the taste is lost.
This is why Scott's Emul
sion is the easy and effectual
form of cod -liver oil ,
Hypophosphites of lime
and soda combine in tonic ef
fect with the half-digested oil.
Let us send you a book on
it ; free.
Sco rr Si DOWNS , Chemltis , i } > South > th A venue ,
New York.
Your druzgUt kcrpi Scblt't Eraulilon cf cou lUu-
3 ill drcjgliti tvcrywhcre do. Ii ,
For Inventions
Bee Bureau of Claims
Kquil wltli the Interim of ( hum liirln < claim tliat of IN VT.S" t'ill-i. ) wlia
often loin the bonullt of viiluiibla Invontl < tn bjomia
of tlio Incompoloiicy or Inattention of t'u attjnrjys
omployeil lo obtnln thulr pMouti , Tno mtie'i ' o rO
cannot bo uxorclsoil In ojiploylnt oinpitjit nnd
lollalilo pollc'lnn lo p Hunt ) , for tuviihlj
of apatontiljponili Krettlr , If aotoiltlrjly , upon till
cnronnil skill of tlio nttornay.
\Vlththo view of protoatln/liironton fr > n wortli
loin orcirul.'n nUornayi , ami of o > ln ; tiitmvan-
tlnni nro well protoctal by vnll I pitaiiti. TII2 II .ill }
11UIUCAU luta rotaluQil counsiul ox.urt 111
practkn ; nnd Is thuroforu propirdJ u
l > utciifH ,
I'rimeente reject ?
r traila marka tittilujfjrlihti ,
oitlntoiiH ttntoHcujm unit riillilr
Itu ofitiiluiitM.
1'ranecnte. innl ilsfan-l Infi'Snyi 113
HiiltH , etc. , etc ,
If you Mvo im Invention on Iminl ( .MI' | Till ! 111 ! 13
BUlllSAIJnnkotch nr | iliotKrHili ( | thurjuf , to othuf
wIlliB brlof iloicrlptloa or tlio linimrtint iciturat ,
nnrt jrnii will ho oiioo mlvlnuil nt to Uu liuit oi'irioto
pill * uo. MoiIolH are nut nucojsury iinUm ttrj luyon *
lion Ii of n cotupllcntoil imtnro. If > itiur < ro In-
fMnKlni ; on your rluhti , or If yini nri ca irton wltli
InfrlnKuinuiit Dr otnori , antimlt tlio in ittur to TIII4
IIUlllCAU Jor a rulUblo OI'l.NION bururJ uc'.uuou
tliu matter.
220 lice HtiUdiirOmali i , XQ'I. '
llnroau IH | ! iiiir.intnil ( by the
Oniahii Heu. thn 1'loneer 1'ioss uu I tlio Ban
Kranolsco hxiiinlner.
GUI thin out and send It with your in
I'criKinB who Imvo lost property fio-n Indian
raids rilionlil II. . o tholr claims under tint Indian
Depro liitlon Act of March ' , IS I. 'Ihe time Is
limited , itn I the uliilina are taken up by tha
court in the order In whleh ttioy are 10401 vod.
Take Noticu that all contract ] cutariU into
with attornoya prior to tha A3t .iru maJ
null un'.l volU. Inforinallon Klvun iinJ all
claims nrumptly utlundod to by Urn
XHO lien /ItilMlnu.
OM A.MA , NU1131LA.SKA ,
Bureau N iriinrantuo 1 by the
Oinali.i lleo. the I'lonoer 1'iuss ' uu I tlie Hail
l''ranulbco ' Kxumlncr. ,
Cut thin out und bond it with your iri
qnlry. (
Sims & - ' '
Saunilers-ftJr.rih'o' .
federal con Ms. Koonu ! , 1 uuJ
Ucuubloclt , Connull lliulTi. Ix
HI Phiinhnrc Attorney vs IjvrV ) I I
. J , l/lltllllUUb ! i-oar | HlrojL over Iiilnil
null's storo. Tuluphuiio No. jil Iliulueit
hours. U a. in. to J p. in , Uounoll U a li , U. |
14 N. Main. , Council Dluffj.