Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1892, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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Out Great Sale Tomorrow Will Bring Out
tbo People ,
3 lila Sale for Good niul True Merit Will
Unnrf tnNotlilngiirss the IVeliloVnll -
iiiRii 'f TliospVouldlio
1 0,000 , yards peed substantial bleached
muslins , full yuul wldo , at ! 2Jc a yard.
Jlogulnr price , ( He ,
Two cases of mill rcimmnls of Lous-
ilnlo muslin at Bo a yard. Thcso rem
mints arc from two to llllcon yards.
12xtrn flno blenched muslin , the well
known Ulluti mills , Ojc n yard ; regular
price lOo.WIDB
A big opportunity for hotels and
"boarding bouses and these wbo.cnn use
muslin by tbo bolt.
Host grade of two yard wldo bleached
bhectings. ICjo a yard.
ii ! yd widoblVb'd snooting 17jc.
ilj yd wldo bl'ch'cl sheeting llljc.
8-4 unblonohcd shcoting liljc.
! ) ! unbleached Bbactlng MJc.
10-1 uii bleached sheeting 105c.
42 inch , 8jc10 ; inch , lie ; oO inch , He.
On Monday wo will olToruomo wonder
ful bargains In this department , in
towcly , crushes , table linen and napkins.
Largo bleached hucU towels , 'JJc
Largo canvass and honey comb tow-
Oltf , fie.
All linen huck towels , lOo.
' Extra largo Turkish towels. lOc.
Our entire stock , JJOcISc , COc and Toe.
Knotted fringe satin damask and hem-
htilchcu buck towels. "Vour choice for
10-Inch bleached and browned towel
ing ciash , HJe ,
JS-inch all linen glass toweling OJc.
Fine Scotch toweling , 10c.
filMneh turkey red table damask , 1'Jc
liO-lnch turkey red damask , " ! ) c.
till-in. Impt. Gorman goods nt Ooc.
fiS-in. heavy cream damask 4-ic.
( ! : Mii. line cream wit in damask Me.
(10-in. ( bleached satin damask G3c.
OH-ln. bleached satin damask 8"c. .
Nice napkins tomorrow 12c and 4c.
Extra bargain in 2 dinner napkins.
Rlightly soiled.
Elegant hand-made torchon laces , new
pattovns and designs. Goods generally
retailed for llijc and 15e go at 5e to
Medium and wide hand-made torchon
laces , all now patterns , worth -8c go at
JUc tomorrow.
Extra wide and the most elegant pat
terns Imaginable , all hand made torchon
laces go tit 10c a yard , worth up to
A nice line of narrow embroideries gent
nt le a yard.
12 dlllorent patterns of mediilm width.
Hamburg edgings go at lie a ymd.
An elegant line of 21 dilToront pat
terns of medium width cambric em
broideries go at oo n yard.
A splendid line of i , Ii and 4-inch wide
cmbroidcricH go at 7Jc a yard.
Elegant now patterns in Swiss and
( 'tirabrlc embroideries , very neat , go at
JlOo a yard.
TJio iinobt grade and now designs of
4 to fi-lnch ombrpidoi'iosgo at 15c a yard ,
worth 2oo. ,
Wo have just received an elegant line
of now white goods , forty different pat
terns , in stripes , checks and plain goods.
They go tomorrow at 6c , Vie , lOc and 15c
11 yard , all worth double.
N. AV. Cor. 10th & Douglas Sts.
I'or Sale ,
1 Hull's steel chest , no spindle , Crane
lilnge , double chronometer time loclc.
1 Hall's lire and burglar proof safe ,
f'rauo hinge on cliost , double chronom
eter limo lock.
\Villiams' automatic bank punches.
Hunk furniture of the celebrated A. 11.
Andrews it ( "Jo. make.
All in Ilrst class condition ,
GEORGE W. GOODELL , Receiver ,
Broken Uow , Nob.
livery pair of spools or eye glasses
warranted to give satis action at the
Boston Sloro jewelry department.
Dr. Birno-y cures catarrh. Bui : bldg
Tim I'UKlPKt Train III till ) Went.
Chicago ft Northwestern train No 2
leaving the Union 1'siclllo depot at
OMAHA daily at 0:20 : v > . m. , now arrives
at Chi jago at 11:59 : a. m. next noon. This
is by far the quickest time made between
Omaha and Onicago. The equipment of
this train. IB ; fully up to the "North
western Standard.1
No.Otho"Hirlortrain | , ' 'still loaves ni't
p.m. daily from the U.I' . dopotOMAHA ,
mid arrives at Chicago 8:15 : next morn-
injr vostlbuled throughput. Free par
lor cars , Pullman fc Wagner sleepers
and dining cars on both trains. Baggage -
gage checked from residences. Call at
tiitv olllco , 1401 Farnam.
It/R. Rrrciin : , G. P. ,
Uon'l Agt. City Ticket Apt.
Nebraska Is famous for its flno oats.
Quail rolled oats are made in Nebraska ,
Siili'MiuunVaiitril ,
Must bo an A No. 1 specialty salesman
to sell our goods to the trade.
Tin : F. E. S.VNHOIIX Co. ,
16C8 Howard St.
Annual masquerade ball of Union Pac
illo Im ud will take place at the Kxpofei
lion building , Friday , February 12 , 1)2. )
Quail rolled oats are the llncst mndo ,
I To I.DIIII lit Onri' .
$100,000.00 on good improved property
or vacant lots in Omaha.
Kill Farnam slroot.
We have an expert watohmakornt ttu
JloBton Store jewelry department.
llou. okoopora will llnd Qimll roll oil
oat * the bent made. _
Anv grocer can supply you with Quail
rolled oats delicious for bronkfiibt.
Tin' In < lo.
You have boon California fri'qucmtlj
montlonod | u newspapers and mnyiulnoH
1'urhnpM n friend IIIIH been tlioro mu
wrltos 'onthiinlnstio lotion * bacic liomi
about the climate and the fruits. I
makes you anxious to sou the uuuntrj
lor yonrcolf.
The Ixwt tlmu tn go Is In the /all am
wlnlur. Thou work liuro U Iwmt proa *
ing and California elliniito U turn pl a
ing. The way to go la via Hanln Fi
route , nit ono of that lino's pomuur , iwr
Bonully uunductod purtto * . lenvliitf ( 'hi
every Hulurdny availing , mul laav
Jng KunttiiH C'lty awry Huuilny morning
Hpoi'iul iitttfii U niul porters In aUoini
nnwj I'umimu tnurUt ltwiwrn ur
uiwl , wllli bwlilh/C / , mnt
uok U hotior Ml. Write Ui K. 1.
ur , ii wi flg0r agent K iitiK
roulo , Mill r'arititiu * tr yt , UuiHlm , i
For That Reason Ono of Chicago's ' Largest
Pant Manufaotorys Sells
Intuiting * l 1,000 to tlip IVoplpj
at I.CM tlmn Iniiiiruct
Cost * > iilu t'ntiinicticc * nl
u'clotk Toinorrou' .A
In order to arrange these goods in first-
class shape , our store will bo closed until
Monday morning at 0 o'clock , when our
doors will open. Every pair of pants i
inakcd In plain figures , of which J'herb
will bo no deviation. You can tnko
them homo and If they prove unsatisfac
tory to you for any reason whatsoever
mo'noy will bo cheerfully refunded if
they are returned unsollcd. You will
flint them arranged as follows :
OOc , First pants table from rear. OOc.
On this table you will find a big pla
card , "Choice for Otic. " There is punts In
this lot worth up to $2.2o. Punts better
suitable for workingmen never were
olTorcd in this city.
$1.54 , 2nd punts table from rear , $1.51.
Ou this table you will find a big pla
card , "Choice for $1.51. " The cloth in
llioso pants Is worth considerable more
money and every pair Is guaranteed not
to rip.
81.08 , third pants table from rear , $1.08.
O"n this table you will lind a big pla
card , ' 'Choice for $1.08. ' ' Amongst
them is a big lot of "Dundee casslmoro
pants.tlioy ; wear like iron and wo can
safely say without /ear of contradiction
that better values never were ofTord. To
prove this wo agree to refund the money
If purchase is not satisfactory.
$2.07 , 4th pants table from roar , $2.07.
On this table yea will find ti big pla
card , "Choico for $2.07. ' ' Amongst them
you will it ml a lot of black worsted punts
to mulch suits that you paid S15.UO or
more for. Also a big lot of spring bottom
tom pants.
W. 00. 5th pants table fiom rear , $ If.G. ! )
On this table you will fliul u big pla
card , "Vour choice for $3.00 ; " amongst
them you will llnd some very elegant
gpods , and if you consider that they are
equal to merchant tailor madepantsand
that the tailor charges that much for
the making alone you ought to bo satis-
lied that you are getting 200o in pants
for lOOc inmonov.
$4.03. Last pants table from rear. $ l.9o.
{ 1st pants table from front ) .
On this table you will IIml a big pla
card , "Choico for $4.0o. " There is no
liner goods put into trousers by your
most high toned merchant tailor , that
clmreosyon $ lo.00for a nalr. You pay
your money and take your choice for
$ )
Remember our doors will bo open to
morrow morning at 0 o'clock sharp. No
goods will bo sold before that time.
Bear in mind that wo are a house that
has built up a trade by keeping good
faith with the public , also remember
that money will bo refunded for any pair
of punts that i ? not satisfactory.
iio ; ; : DOUGLAS ST.
P. S. Mail orders during this bale
must be accompanied by the cash.
Tlio llum-j'iminn
for millions ot couple ? is absolutely
spoiled and these ugl.v Ilrst quai rols begun -
gun because the wedding trip is sur
rounded by the discomforts of travel.
Lasting happiness attends these sensi
ble people who tnko the only road in
America whoso very title is a guarantee
of present and. future felicity , t ho
"Union Pacific. "
S. R. Patten , dentist. Boo building.
For fine watch repairing call nt the
Boston Store jewelry department.
Tlio < 'r M' < ln ( 'niiii | i\fll : riui'iit.
Creodo Camp promises to become a
second Lcudvillo. The number of people
ple going into this wonderful camp is
unprecedented in the history of Colo-
radooxceptonlyduring the Lcudvillo ex
citement. It is estimated that now the
lownsito is located , that tlioro will bo
ton thousand people in the camp by
Juno 1. The new discovery is only
reached by the Denver ft Rio Grande
railroad , and there is no staging.
Dr. Mcf ! row'rl ] ) vatodlsonFes,14th & Fiir
.1. K. Dictriek.urehitoct , 000 N. Y.Lifc.
An l > tru'l ; Iroiu Ht > r I.itlrr ; ,
"If you could only bo hero tills winter
morning1 and see for yourself you would
no longer doubt me. Roses are blooming
in our front yard ami all nature is as far
advanced In this lovely Puget sound
country as it will bo in your cold eastern
Homo by Juno. The long journey to
Portland was made delightful by the
perfect service und luxurious accommo
dations on the grand old Union Pacific. "
Hamilton Wnrron , M. D , , eclectic and
magnetic physician and surgeon. Spe
cialty , diseases of women and children ,
HON. 10th street. Telephone 1481
Wo have an export watchmaker at the
Boston Store jewelry department.
Try Walnut Blocko.OO ton delivered.
A. .1. Meyer & Co. . 109 H. 15th htreot.
\Vluit Mitru Do You Want ?
Shortest line , fastest time , low rates ,
union depots , Pullman diners and bleep-
orH , flno scenery and perfect service on
the Union Pacific to all points west.
Dr. Culliraoro , oculist. Boo building
Shoot music 10c , S. Bank , IMS. 10th.
Tiikii Union I'-iclllu No. n fur Dem or.
Why ?
Because it Is a solid vestlbuled train
composed of Pullman puluco Hlooporn ,
Pullman dining cars , free reclining
chair cars and modern day coaches.
Because It makes fast time.
Because- IOIIVCH at 1UK ; ( ) n. m. , n con *
vonlont tune for starting.
You can got your tlcicota and make
your sleeping cur rosorvutlons at l.'iO
Furnam Htreot. HAHHV P. JKirnr ) , ,
C'lty Tlckut Agent U. P. System.
Women's diseases , Dr. Lonmlulo , 010S. 1.1.
TV. T. Soainun , w.i/oiu | aiitl
Road the Burlington Route's ni\v. \
tvivrtm TOUIH.
To Hummer l.miU vlt Ilia
The Wftb.iah nro now soiling round
trip tlokuU tfuoU rutuniiug Juno I ,
1802 , to all the winter rcworU In Tan-
URbuQQ , 4MU liiippl , Ambiinm , Gaomlu ,
Florida , North ami flout u Carolina ,
LoulsUiri , Arknniuini \ \ \ Toxas.
The iiuU'UiMt. und Innt r.mlo U ) lh *
lint tiiiriHifu ol ArkHusu , Kur li < 'ktU
and full liifoi-wHtlun In r tf.iril to ru iUd
- aimtomouih i' U \Vi\tmh \ ottlun , [ Mi
0 i PHruftin ilrwit , or wrKti ( > , N. Clayton ,
; Nv ,
Grand ( Hearing Sale at Stonehill's Begins
Tomorrow ,
CO riroo * I'llloiv ruse Timlin , 10 riorr of
Scrim , : i,0l ( ) I.nrc C'urtnlii5 Siilu
JtCKlnit Momlny A
' -illli
Clearing fialo of all winter goods nt
half price will begin tomorrow , besides
which wo shall olTcr anew spring line of
dress goods , hosiery , table linens , nap
kins and lace curtains. Wo are going
to give some wonderful bargains.
Wo have about 20 pieces of table oil
cloth left over which will go fo'r 12Jc n
800 pairs of lace curtains at f ! ) n n pair
nml $1.0H u pair , worth thrco or four
times the price that wo are going to ask
for them. Our store being so email
oftlmes wo do not place the bargains
that wo advertise on the counter. . If
you cannot ft ml them aslc the floor
walker and you will bo taken to the
counter where they are on sato.
Wo oflor out 7oc dress llanncl that is
ol inches wide at HSo a yard.
Our 8oc dress flannel , ol inches wldo ,
$1.00 dross llanncl , o4 inches wide , at
Hoc a yard.
S1.2o broaOcloth will gofor72enyurd. }
! ! 0 ( ) pieces of now spring dress goods a4.
2oc and I0c ! a yard , worth double. Among
these dross goods are a bountiful line of
plaids that will bo a bargain that should
bo appreciated.
23 pieces of lace curtain net at lie ,
loc , lOc and 2-5c a yard , worth more than
0,01)0 ) sample ends of curtains nt 2oc
and It.jc , worth $2.00.
W)0 ) remnants of table linens at one-
third price.
! t,000 remnants ot all kinds of wash
goods at ono-third what jou can buy
them for oil the piece.
We made n big purchase of soliclns
worth 2oc a yard. The purchase was so
very largo that in order to dispose of
thorn we are compelled to fccll 10 yards
to every customo
10 yards at 23o a yardwould bo $2. " > 0 ,
but wo shall soil the 10 yards for OOc.
Ic is full a yard wide. They como in all
Wo just received porno beautiful out
ing llannol worth 16u and 20c a yard.
They are not these wo have been showIng - [
Ing at 41 cts , but some elegant new
goods , They go Monday at 0 } els a
! ! 00 sample corsets worth $1.00 each
vill bo bold Monday at 20c.
Scrim goes Monday ! 5i cts tv yard.
A lot of comforts will bo sold at OOc.
AH our underwear reduced Monday to
20 per cent less than cost.
1100 blnclc shawls on special sale Mon
day for _ about one-half value. These
'mvo silk fringe.
All our cloaks will be Bold at about
one-third ac.tual price.STONEIIILLS.
A complete line of spccts and eye
jlasses nt the Boston Store jewelry do-
Dr. Birnoynoseand throat. BEI : bldg.
Trv " Peacock coal. No soot , quick lire.
A. J. Meyer & Co. < 10 ! ) S. loth street.
Ask your grocer for Quail rolled oats.
Bo sure lo ( ry the Quail rolled oats and
take no other. '
AVorlt I.ookril Aftrr ut tin * Ili'Kulnr Session
At the regular mealing of the Bo.ird of
County Commissioners hold yesterday uftor-
noou ,1. 1 * . Ilanuor was appointed road
supervisor of Waterloo precinct to Jill
County Hospital Sunorintondent Mahoney
la a communication stated that ha hud been
signing tlio n inn o of Commissioner Vuu Camp
to all orders lor supplies for the poor and
asked for instructions from tbo board for Ills
future puidunco , In view of the fact that tbo
committees had been cbnngod. The matter
was referred to the committee on charity and
the superintendent directed to discontinue
ttio use of Mr. Van Camp's name. Mahonov
also sent la a doubblo-bnrrolod communica
tion , asking the commissioners to muku pro
vision for supplying ice to Ibo poor farm and
inviting thJ board to visit the poor farm in u
body during the coming week. Tlio Ilrst part
WIIA referred to the committee on poor farm
with power to act ,
The county cleric called the attention of the
board to the provision of the statulcs re
quiring' the clerk to keep check account on
U.o treasurer's accounts and requested in
structions as to the wishes of the board ,
stating that to comply with the law would
require- the establishment of another ilepnit-
incut in tlio clerk's ofllco and necessitate an
Increased expenditure. Tbo matter was referred -
forrod to the Judiciary committoe.
The county treasurer was authorl/od to
employ an extra clerk at a salary of glQO par
month" , for Ui purpose of briUKing certain
work In the oniuo np to duto. Mr. Van Camp
htutod that the work was some which had
boon allowed to fall behind during Treasurer
Uolln's limo. Tbcro was no provision made
for paving tbo dork , although the question
was raised by Mr. Uerlin as to who was
responsible for the payment.
Major Paddock , chairman of the committee
on mmncu , reported on the communication
of the Kcnl Kstato Owners' association on
unnecessary employes on the county pav
roll. Ho imld ' .lie committee wat unani
mously of the opinion thai the services of
Harnoy ( Jordan and Pat liurko , omploycs In
the auditor's olllco , might bo dlsponsoa with
after January ill , uud so recommended. The
rocominnmiation was adopted unanimously.
The com mi It eo found that the ndvortlsbiK
for printing and supplies was defective anil
directed that-other bids bo advertised for.
Change } nsited for In the county court
room mid the court room occupied by Judge
Ko.vsnr were ordered.
Mitjor PaddocK rtml n lengthy patulon
from \V. J. Council , in which ho nreod the
necessity of oponiui ; the streets through
Douglas rlaro eastward to llanscom pane ,
A majority of tlio Ilnancu committee recommended -
mended that tbo mutter bo referred to tlio
major ami city council as tlio commissioner *
had no authority to open streets. In the cllv
llmlti , J'no rojiort was adopted ,
Ttio county clerk was directed to ndvcrtbo
for bids for furnUhlng supplies , etc.
The county clerk was directed 10 take an
Inventory of stock In nil county ofllcoi anil
tnko a rucolpi therefor from the olllcer in
charge mul to OUIMI up an account with each
onicur and to keep a record of all anppllos U *
moil to each oftlcor.
Chin lloriliiii'H ( Vli'liratliiii.
Clap Gordon No , fill , Order of Kooltlsb
Clmu , will give Its second annual concert , at
Wflihlngton hull tomorrow evening In cole-
bratlon of the Hl3d annivorsarr uf the birth
of Kobcrt Hums , Vnry claborato propara-
lions hnva txton maiio , and the event prom
Uoa to bo nn oxcontUmaliy pleainnt one.
The pioKTrtm U a varied onu niul coicprUoa
HII iiililiMii of woicoina by Chief II. J.uwrlo ,
( m add rou on tno inomury of Hum * by i'ant
Chief A. l ! . 'Croup , an udilrt-ii uv I'usi Clilel
( I. W HliluUU on "Tlio Land Wo left II o.
hind t' ' , " Intumponod wllli Scottish eng * .
ruoll.illoni from tliu worus of tint liolovinl
barii. Kolaeitoui by thw pipe * and r cl In
nuiu Mvtkli * . Alt *
o. . . . iia | . Mi.
i M r hlnK. \llv/ . X. b.
Bargains in iNctfr Ginghams Calicos , Best
' 3o Yard
-'Styles ,
Inventory Wock-.Vn ( ) | i | irtnnlly tn ( let
Wiish llJrcusrs SljIUlily 3
il > I > nt u Very Low
1'rli-i' .
For the cominp week wo will mnko up
and trim eoniplclo ready for wonr any
of our new Scotch ginghams at $15 , com-
nloto. This comprises goods , making
and furnishing , all for
An oDportunHv to get wash dresses
Btylibhly made very cheap.
All remnants of silks nt cost.
Short lengths of velvets at coal.
Drcsi pooda lonmnntB "o per cent off.
All wool dress plaids now OOc.
Plain wool French serges 50c.
Dress llannols 54 Ini'hes wldo 53c.
, $ .10.00 1'arlsitui ombroldcrd'l robes
$10,00 serge dross patterns now $5.00.
Id-Inch wool honrlotta cloth 8oc.
00-lneh blcaclied linen damask , 50c.
04-Inch bleached llnon damask , doc.
07-lneh bleached linen damask , $1.00.
Largo linen huck towels , 12Jc.
IJxlru largo Hnon huck towels , 15e.
Llnon dumusk towels , ! ! for $1.00.
li-l ! Marseilles bed gproads , $2.60.
11-1 croehot bed spreads , $1.25.
11-I crochet bed spreads , 7oc.
Men's unlanndcrcd shirts. COc.
Men's trimmed night shirts , 50c.
Odd lot men's undershirt ? , 75c.
Men's natural wool hose , 25c.
Men's linen collars , It for 25c.
Specially low prices on boys' school
suits and overcoats previous to in
ventory :
$10.00 and SB12.0Q overcoats now $7.60.
$ ( i.0 ( ) and , * 8.00 overcoats now $1.50.
$0.00 and $7.00 suits now $1.60.
$5.00 Knickerbocker suits now $3.75.
$1.25 llannol shirt waists 75c.
Ginghams you'll not llnd elsewhere ;
for beauty of llnisb ( like china silks ) for
strength'and delicacy of weave , and
happy color combinations such as you'd
look for in line dress goods ; discounting
the displays of former scubons , and
makes you wonder if there is any limit
to thotasto and ingenuity of the design-
ors. Ouo hundred frobb pieces opened
Monday , iioc a yard.
Items of Interest liiitlirriMl from tlio 1'oitn
In ( lit1 Dopui-liiH'iit nl Hie 1'Inttc.
A letter from TUB DDP. correspondent nt
Fort Niobrara s'ates that tbo command bad
n bard fight with tire on the niiht of the
10th which broko'out ' in the administration
building' . The boys of tlio trulloning Sixth
and the gallant Eighth turned cue in double-
Itilck order , itind by their ufllciont services
1101.11 quenched the flames , which at one ttmo
threatened tbovliolo building.
Lieutenant Uj'ron , Klphth cavalry , has
boon appointed to command troop U ( In
dians ) , ThlrUcavalry.
William M. Royal hat just enlisted for tbo
Seven tn cavalry. The young man is a very
near rtlativo of 'Colonel William U. Hoyal ,
The secretary of war has granted the re
quest of Major Lewis U. Ovo'rman , corps of
engineers , for a postponement of his trial by
coiu'tinmrtlal jt'Clovolimd until February : i.
General' orders No < 1 from the heauquar-
tors will publish the remits of small arm rltlo
nml carbine tiring in the army. Company II ,
Seventh Infantry , is again awarded tbo
Nevada trophy.
Dispatches state that the Infantry com
panies now stationed at Fort Rene have boon
ordered to Texas for service. It Is presumed
they are tn talto part in the troubles on tbo
Hio Gran do. The Fifth cavalry Is expecting
to take up the march for Texas at any mo
r < ) i-ri > . A. KusNTii.
Telegraphic instructions from head
quarters , Department of the Platte , have
been received by the commanding ofllcor ,
Seventeenth Infantry , dirccliughim to desig
nate an ollicpr of his command to proceed to
recruiting depot at Columbus barracks , O. ,
for the purpose of conducting a largo dotacli-
mont of recruits to the rcirimant. First Lieu
tenant E. I. Crumty nasbern delected for the
duty. The regiment requires IL't ) recruits
and it Is supposed that about thU number
will bo sent. In vlow of the nrospectivo
trouble with Chili , this Is goncrally regarded
hero as Indicative of a determination by the
War department to 1111 up the army tolls
maximum strength.
Private Albert Dauoror , company II ,
Seventeenth Infantry , I'-n made application
to bo discharged , with permission to ro-
onlht in the ordnance corps.
Cnptain A. II. Appel , assistant surgeon ,
has been granted twonty-ibrco days' Icavo of
Suvon recruits assigned to the hospital
corps company of Instruction to bo stationed
at this post arrived on the 15th Inst.
The pacKers sent from this post for duty
in the Department of Texas have been per
manently transferred to that department.
Charles Thompson , n deserter from com
pany E , Seventeenth infantry , has boon ap
prehended at Lciulvlllo , Col. , and Is now in
confinement nt Fort Logan.
Private fJanlel Hogarty been trans
ferred from company C to company E , Seven
teenth infantry.
Captain L. M. O'liriori , Seventeenth Infantry -
fantry , has boon granted thirty days' leave
of absence on account of the death of bis
youngest bon.
J'orl Mriiilr.
Work on tlio Ice pond is In progress nml
tbo ice houses are bolnp rapidly filled. Tlio
ice this year Is lit teen Inches thlclc.
Lieutenant Colonel Surnnor Is confined to
bis quartei-B with the grip.
The social club's
Friday evening ball wain
grind success ,
Korgoant Hargls of the Kiphtb cavalry was
honorably discharged on Friday last.
A minstrel troupe isbolngorgnnl/od for the
purpose of fiiriiliulne tvfcokly entertainments
during the winter.
The ladles of the poit gave n Inap year
party ol the peat ball on Frlduy evening the
DpWltt'6 UltUo Kany Jdsori ; best Ilttlo
ills fordyapopaia.8ouf jtomacb.bjq broaih
'H'luU ' iKiin : .Mrnul.
When l ro Wotit Egun of the Chicago , St.
Paul & Kaiuft * ( Jlty rullroail apoUoof buying
a system wau of the Allnjurl ha roforroj to
the Kunsai City , "XVyundolto , V Nortlnvojt
oni. The lauer runs from Cltv to
farbondalo.lHnn. , uud Iloiitrieo. Neb It
but boon In tlio hundi of a receiver for ono
time nml wnsonoe onlnred sold , Tlioro has
ilnco boon -talk.of
rcortranUIng It bvr It * old
oivnori , BRdinow it U rumored thJ Man
' " o
Loaf U tryliDftobtiy It ,
Use Hallor'j Ularbonro ) Jlnlmont for
cut .od | lonH.Ba , , ralns noiVoV „ a cat
llaahvayi girt well.
& . CO.
tlio I l 'rrl < of ( Vnr 30 1'cr
frnt Din-omit Snip tin AVIntrr ( looiH. -
During the coming week wo shall con
tinue to offer 20 per cent discount on nil
winter goods , which Includes our onliro
Our ontlro stock of
Our entire stock of
Our ontlro stock of
Our ontlro stock of
Our ontlro stock of
Our entire stock of
Our entire stock of
CLOAKS , embracing all the LATE
ARRIVALS which wore purchased at a
discount of 50 per cent. ;
Our entire stock of
This discount is positively taken from
the low prices to which our stock was
reduced immediately aflor the holidays ,
which makes this the greatest oppor
tunity to secure Ilrst class dry goods in
the history of the trade.
Wo shall also continue for the coming
week our Bale of
At actual cost.
In addition wo shall continue our
special sale of
Corner Farnam and loth streets.
i. o. o. r.
Members of Ruth lodge , No. 1 , will
assemble at Odd Follows hall , Mth and
Dodge streets , Sunday , . .laundryI , at
12UO : p. in. bbarp , to attend the funeral
ot Sibter Iligloy. Conveyance for mem
bers will bo at the hall.
By order of N. G.
SADIK Wuioirr , Secretary.
rrro " .Shuts" mid ! Wlit l < y Allrm-t u
( iiiod Attriuliilirii to MIC Oponliig.
The Houston Narcotic Cure company began
actlvo operation yesterday at ofllcos in the
Sheeley block. It had advertised to glvo
frco treatment to the first ten applicants and
had nineteen patients for its Ilrst day's busi
Some of tbo worst liquor victims In Omaha
and Council OlufTs bognn treatment yester
day , and the varied unction with which they
called for the frco whisky provided by the
cure made a curious study.
Tho" treatment is similar to that of tbo
ICcoley system , by Injections under the sum
of the arm , and Dr. Houston administered
the "shots" In person. It Is claimed that the
Houston system does not Imualr the sight or
the mental faculties , but otherwise ) the ef
fects nro about the sumo.
LJoWlU's Little Early Ktsors for the Hvor.
Th Tailor MiicliGill. .
To the young woman who foolishly sup
poses that she la not properly understood In
fact , Is undervalued , and does not receive
the credit that her real worth would seem to
justify In this busy world 1 wouli1 most af
fectionately commend the letter of Charles
Dudlny Warner in tbo December number of
Harper's Magazine.
It Is full of humor and truth , shows " deep
and abiding fnilh in "the fashion"-that
would endear It to every female heart were
It nlsrobed of tip sentiment that clusters
around and underlies the subject proper.
1 tell you , dear creations of a necessity ,
just outsldo of the ken of'all scientific inves
tigation and philosophic demonstration ,
Charles Dudley U our true friend and faith
ful photographer , and Is the Ilrst to cor
rectly decipher what has boon such an
enigma to the general public and worlu of
fashion , i. o. . "Tho Tnilor Made Girl. '
Hollas adjusted her , "neck and hools/ '
and loft licrbtaudiug out at a bus-relief ui > on
a panel of the door of society , ns a menace to
these who do not rccognlro her true attitude ,
and a joy to those who do. And ho not only
credits her with artistic talent in the cutting
of a , gown , out endows hnr with power and
courage , to carve nnd shape the social future ,
pointing ; out ton sleepy , gaping people that
In tUo building of her train she gives to tbo
world but a Hash of the "making nnd
marring" capabilities that underlie nnd guide
human nature.
Lot us deserve some of tbo pretty things ho
says of us , nnd as wo gather nn our "long
sKtrt" nndvado out of the past , shako from
our train seine of the accumulated dust that
has gathered there und become an atom , at
least , of the generous porirail of candor
ho has pictured. Uo i : 10. STKVW.N.
llHmnrlriit nii'lrr ' Hilt liMilflftii
tcntfnicli ; inlilltliiixil line , trn cent * .
Horn to Mr , ami Mis. William Hudson !
.hinuary IK a MOIL
Jfntttf * of Krt llMt-nr l < u innlti Ilila licitil , njly
ci nt ; null iiiMHfuM'il linr leu cent * .
HOHIUOAN- Maurice , tiso Sii yours , runeral
h nml u V at " p. m , , from ir-ililence of bis
ilaiiKhtiT , Mis. .li-iumliih n'diiuly , north-
\vcit corner T ( 'Kill ' nnd Doicus. Interment
Hi. .Mary's cunietcry.
< 'IAHKK-Mrs. MnryN. . n od fil ynars. 4
inimthH. h Mm of Wlllium N \ \ bllnov , aflor
u Ions lllnu&s , nn Miturilny iiflorniiun , , lui > -
' ' , lit I'M o'clock. 1'uiniriil
nary -I , I-1- snr-
vlces Monday at 2 oVlnoU nt her Into rusl-
donco , " .M'J ll.ivenport klrrrl. The remains
will bo fiiruiirdod to MunaachimuUs Monday
liucrmiml ,
Tlio umli'rsl/iiod fiiiniiillliMiniiiinltitoil today
al itspoi'lul mi'utlnitof the Indies Aid Boeli'ty
for tli | i rpii'Odf xhovfini lliolr hlt-Mii-storm
and kind frolln.H IOIIK to bn riini'jiiiliiircil In
ilin lirartnof licr iniiiiy frli'mln. oiler the fol
low Inn fi'kolillloiin :
Al'.iUiity Hod liiivliizpiilli'd uwuy ( rum thli
p.irthly plfKrluiii'i ) Mr * . I'limilo ll.irt.
veil , ' /'hut wouipri'xMliuriiliyiiur lieurt-
It i.'iI I -
felt ynii.ttliy | mill iliuili Borrow lo luir ( llb-
irti-iHi'd hiitliiind und II vo children In ibUuuil
hour of tholr niiriiiivoiiiuiit.
M iy linil itranl IKT liciii'i ) and IIHII.H nil hur
fuinlly "I" ' tl ' teething imini uf
ll. > IIH. .1 llAMIIKIKIIII ,
Mil * C. SlMIKII ,
NATAI-M HKIISDTCIN , corral , tiy.
Mn1 , .1 M'liiuri , 1 ri'Dlilviit.
'owder ' ;
hi Millie in of Kiacs 40 Yean t c t ta1 * '
Altk llrinrlini | ill ,
Wo Imvo tnndo Inunonio rcduotfon * In
prlcos in our silk dopartmonl In order
to mnko room for our spring
Koto the prices :
HI nek falllu IhN week :
82.00 qualit. ; now Jl.oO.
SLoOquallty now ? l.'Ji.
nti/i quality now Jl.OC.
SI. 00 quality now 8.V.
$ l.7o qnalllv now It.fiO.
Jl.fiO quality now tl.2. ' .
SI. ! 2o quality now tl.OO.
41.00 quality now Soo.
Mu quality now " "u * .
75i ! ( jualitv now ( Wi1.
All of our colored failles worth up to
$1.60 vlll bo Mld this week for Sif.
Colored ( , 'ros grains worth up to 'M.12" ' >
will bo sold for 7.K\
Hemnanls of all kind * of * HIt nt bait
P'-lce ' , UAYIir.N HKOS.
uf Nt > linil < n . \ orlittlim nl Vrlrntn
.Mil-Mill * llrlil \ r.trlil.l.l.
Tlio annunl meeting of tlio Votcrrui
Masons association of Nebraska foil somewhat -
what abort of previous occasions of n simi
lar nature. Since the organisation ot thu
association live years HBO It has been thu
custom to intensify thu pleasures of those
social meetings with n banquet , at which
the wives ntul lUughtors of the incnibcts
were nlso present. At n meeting yesterday
iiftcrnoou , howovor. tills customary fu.ituro
was wanting. It was not because ( lie ban-
quotlms bccomo unpopular nor that interest
In the nicotines is on thu wnnc , ns on the
contrary these mcultiigs autl their nltoiulnut
festivities nro yearly becoming dearer to the
veteran .Masonic heart.
TUo change In the program was ituo to tbo
fact that many of the members I mil scut
word that they would bo umiblo to bo pres
ent , niul advising that the baunuut bo post
poned until a Inter period. As U was , about
twenty-live of ttio member * were present ,
nml enjoyed tlio social features of the meet
The association tins a membership of 110 ,
nil of whom nro residents of the state , nml
about one fifth ot thuri are residents of
Omaha. To become eligible il Is necessary
to Imvo boon a Master .Mason twenty-olio
ycnrs , nml some of the members Imvo been
such for more than twice that period.
To make up for the postponed features nnd
lack of attendance yesterday , -special meet
ing will bo huht In Lincoln m April , at
which a largo percentage of thu members
will undoubtedly be present. The regular
somi-annuul meeting will bu hold In this city
In July.
Tlio stockholders of the .Masonic temple
building recently held tbulr nnnunl meeting
mul elected six directors in the temple cratt
in the place ot six whose tonn had expired.
The following gentlemen wore elected for
ttio term of two years : L. M. Anderson ,
Victor MnQsclman , Lewis M. lihccmV. . O.
Solvers , Thomas 1C. Hudborough nnd Henry
C. Akin , On Wednesday evening last the
directors met ami elected thu following olll-
cors : Houry C1. Alita , president ; Uustuvo
Amlorsoii , vlco t > re. ii1ont ; Frcu .1. Uorth-
wlck , secretary ; L. M. Anderson , treasurer.
Tlio nobles of Tangier temple , Arabic
Order of .Nobles of the Mystic Hlirluo , of this
city wet Friday evening uud Installed the
newly elected ofllcois with nil the forms and
ceremonies of the order. The following Is
the divan for l ' .rj ; Henry O. Akin , poten
tate ; Joseph II. Stafford , chief rabbau ;
TUomas K. Sudborough , assistant rabban ;
Luverett M. Anderson , high priest ; Thomas
Dattortou , oriental cuidc , James b. ,
treasurer ; Alexander ( J. Kidllng , recorder ;
Ctiarles S. Huntlugton , Ilrst ccromotilal mas
ter ; John T. Clarke , second ceremonial mas
ter ; Henry C. Crumb , marshal ; lames Gil
bert , captulu of ( ruard ; Henry Newell , outer
guard ; Lewis M. Khecm , director ; Joseph
lsIJurtOH , musical director. The following
gentlemen weroolocted representatives to the
supreme council of the order which meets in
Onmlm , August is of uo.xt year : ( Justavo
Amlaraon , Henry C. Akin and HIchnrd Smith.
H is expected that this will bo oneof the
i.ost ! important Masonic events that ever
happened in Onmlm. The triennial conclave
of Knig'uts Tomular moots in Denver about
the middio ol August , anil immediately ill tor
adjournment such of them as are Nobles of
the Mystic Shrine will rome to Omaha ,
whore a two days'session will bo held. No
pains or expense will bo spared by the nobles
of this city to make thu ontcrtoinniontns Hue
ns money and olTort can iniiKo It. Omaha has
an c.vcullcnt reputation for her generous en
tertainmcnl and the no Dies do not Intend
that her fame shall suffer In this case.
The Installation of the following ofllcors of
Blair ledge No. II , Independent Order of
Odd Fellows , took place last Thursday night :
Noble grand , ,1. S. Hoberts ; vice grand ,
Joseph S. COOK : secretary. S. K. Kemp ;
treasurer , II. W. Larson ; wurilun. Theodore
Murrfty ; Inside guardian , F. L. Parish.
About twenty-live of the members , toRCthur
with about twenty from Fremont , will go to
Tckuniah next Wednesday evening on n frn
tonml visit , 'f ho Fremonc team will do work
for the Tekumah lodge. The Ulalr lougo Is
getting very strong. The burning of Its hall
m December caused u great loss , us nil Its
valuable records were destroyed. It will
build n good brick hnll early In the si.ring.
I'ast Chancellor John Wldcnour will enter
tain the member * of Triune ledge No , 51) ) ,
Knights of Pythias , and their ladies at his
homo , Thirty seventh and Marey streets ,
Tiiosduy evening. February ' . ' , It being his
'tith birlhday. Ho U n goniiil host and a
grand good time Is anticipated. 1
The reports of Forest lodco No hi ,
Knights of I'ythms , for the last six months
shows n not , gain of nonrly fsU In the exche
quer , and the conferring of twenty-one
degrees. The ofllcors Installed nt the last
meeting nro past , chancellor , Jnmrs Tanchill ;
chancellor commander , H. K. I'axton ; vlco
chancellor , John I'ntorson ; keeper of records
nnd seals , A. M. Jlack. master of exchequer ,
C. A. Olson ; master ut nrms , ( ; Christoltcr-
The following ofllcor.s of I'ythngoras |
Mo , M , KniRht * of Pjthim
nd nt tholr IftH liiPotltik' I'nM n.nnl/
rcllnr , II ( Ircfiliift , rlmnrollor coin inn > 'il % (
.t , ( ' Hrowliiftton , vlro rliMirollcr , 1JT
Hroilerlclc , prouto , W It l.nvcndpr , * i
ot records nml . < nl , U , .M. hiMibnrh ,
were ,
( Iraml Chancellor
liintnllfttlon rcromniilo * .
Nebraska lodge ;
Is ni ranging f
talnmcnint P.
lu if , February
tnlont will participate.
Nine of the thirteen tuptulioi t o thflf > x *
pctillvo council of the seven n i-itB'uT *
Woodmen of the World , have bci i in uplift
tn this rlty for the patt four iinv nml t 'Olt '
labors nro yet uncompleted , rhn ii > isl eifc
of the session Is wholly of nil ill o tinturf
coiuUtlui ? of the uvamlnntioti of rrpuM
from the various rninpa. ll\lng oliu mi bond *
ami thu ootiMdorntloti of surb minor mat etr
us may bo suggested. Tlio sutMon ill > n if
curly In the week. The visitors M 'it ' I'h n <
dny evening with Alplincninp No. I
N'nlri ( iiitlirroil Uric Mini
llli < Mule 1'ilrliitli'
Secretary Hrndlcv of the
nnd Consumers association reports Unit lid <
following LIlu'olii ilrms have made upph .if
tton for membership tn the state nuMH'lnllon , !
Vltrlilcd Paving ami Pressed ! lrlcK < ) "a\ \ * < '
puny , Llueoln Saddlery compinv. li *
Itango nnd Furnace company , Thoiniis On > ,
soapmamifiieturor ; Lincoln Panor Mimu'iu , <
luring company , Ktnto Join-mil cmnpimy I <
The Hastings member * of the Slum fii. * *
turors and Consumers nssomtlon lutf
elected ( t. H. Kdgcrtnu a dlieclor to it' re.
sent them nu the state hoard of di'-oiUnriJ
Mr. KdQortnn Is n member ol the lit in oC 1
llumphiey ft Kdgi'rton , morrhaut inllUin o
that place * , and ho has taken tin lu'tlvo naifl
In the organization of the home
movement ,
U. 11. Osleihout has organised
ami Incorporated under thu mime of the U ;
11. O.stcrhout Kmlng Wagon ManufAetu ui | { < r
company. He has put uight men to worn It
his shop at 1MJ1 Cuss strocl , uud aullclpu'oft
iiicreaslitg the nuinucr lu view of the lu iid
patronngo sentiment. I
As noted nt tlio time , tlio lipatriec Storcll
company made large sales of their product lit
Omaha. It will not do. however. tolotthU -f.i
matter stop here , nut COUSUIUCIM must now *
do their part hv buvlng Nebraska s1'rc't *
of the dealers , which will encour.ige tlioso
who nut in a stock to buy more , uud .vlll
nlso force other dpulers to buy. Uj d up-
tMs cotisumois will bo keeping their inouoy
In thu state whcro it will bo llltoly to llnd Hi
way back to Omaha niraln , but oven ' 6
should not U will liulp to do\cloti the re'
sources of the stuto nnd the
Nebraska Is the prosperity ol Onmlm Lot
every consumer insist iimm balm. H ipjuoil
with Nebraska starch. If the dealer < , oe i
not unve It In stock make him gel it ' U 4
jobbers. _ '
Olllcri's iii'clcil : Inr Hut llnsiilii \iiriini (
Ollirr IlilHlncis CiiiiHlilrii'il. I <
At the nnnual mcoting Friday night ol tilt )
Central Labor union , new ofltccrs for tlm cn
suing year were elected. They arc Harry
Kastnn , president ; K. II. Overall , vice preit'
dent ; August Heermati , llnanclul .senclary
Juiluo Meyer , treasurer ; William
A board of directors was appointed ami
several committees selected. The i-ij.'iinlt-
tees constitute the emergency commit'L-O , thtt
orgaul/atton , the homo Industry , the lrtT73" *
nnd printing. i.
The committees were well orcaul/ed mitt
are now ut work on the different labor mopci
sitiOH ! ' . t >
The old ofllcora made their reports ami all
are satisfactory. The policy of the union lint
also been laid out nnd will bo , nccor < lliii , f'iif
statements of these interested , vigorously
pushed. t
Arrnugomonts are nUo being made in labor
circles for the nnnunl convention of the ntnto
Knights of Labor , which , convention uill ba
held In Omaha during the lli-ht week In FflU'
runry. Many prominent Knlghtt of Lnboi
are expected to bo hero during that \\fOp ] ,
The convention will open Fobruarv I , nnd oil
the night ol' that dny the working girls Mf
scinbly will give n musical and literary ciitct'
tammcnt nt Exposition ball.
il.llrs. ill/illirt : II l.timigrr. .
Mrs. JOIl/iibotli Lluin or died nt : < o'cloclc
yesterday morning at the residencoof hersoiy
( Jcorgo W. Llningor , corner of ICIghtccntli
nnd Davenport , after a .short illness of ptie'6 < > '
mourn superinduced by la grippe.
Although in her olghty-llfth year , the
ceased had enjoyed very good health until d"
low days ngo when she was attacked by\tEo
prevailing Inlluoiua , which soon davclopT *
into the disease thai resulted in her doatb <
Tlio end came nlmosl painlessly. i& * ,
For twenly-ono yoari Mrs. Liningor haityr
resided In ihls city with the fnu * *
lly of her son. Him had V
wide circle of acquaintances , many
of whom she bad known during nil tin ) J "urj *
of her residence here , and was greatly Lit ;
loved by the many who mot her H thil
Linlngcrhoinci. Two sons , George \V. and
Jacob Lltiingcr , of Wvrnoro , survive her.
The latter has buon notillod of his molhoi y
death and will be here to attend the futioral )
which will bo hold nl " o'clock tomorrow
afternoon nt the residence. A short HOI vlco
will be conducted by Kov. A. J Turklo ot
Kountzo Momorhil Lulboraii church. All
friends of the family nro Invited. At < > o'eiock
the remains will bo Dome tn thodopotto mact
the Itock Island train and will bo take i to '
Peru , III , tliero to be laid lo rest bcsldo t'lOiO '
of her life partner , who pmsod from liiv to
Iho other Blue twenty one years ngo
Klllnl III * llrolliiT'Vlli - . / '
CiiicAdo , 111 , .Ian. ' -Miehau ! Ouynni' ' , an
ox-pollcoman , loday dollhoratoly .shot an I In-
stanlly killed his brulhor'.s wifn , Mrs. Ml. ltd
( iaynor. The killing was the rjjull uf R
family quiirrul.
14O9 Douglas St.
\Vo muku iv hjioolalty of 1'uro Califnrnla C'larots , per caao of 12 ijii'iitii ' f l ' .0.
IVi' llottlo , l"i ! cants.
\Vo will save you from ft | ior cent toIII per cent on all jHiri'lmroi li > tin
Hvory paokatfo k'i"mwlnuu for purity , quality , nco a jil jfi-nu i > <
roprobfiitMl. Mont i-uinnlutn block in Oinalm of winoB , llquorri , oti' . . over n1' ' . i
| iuiortoil | iljri'ot from ( iorinany , I'Viincu ' , Spain , Italy , and otbor furolt'n i-ocu'r v
ulao tbo of Amork'ii'tt lioht proiluctloiiH.
i Miidford Hum.botll.i. DoKuynor Oln , Impurtocl , pr lot
Jamaica Hum I I , ' ) tlo , $1.115 ; r oa u. . . .
Milltar I'umdi , imported , prbolilo 1 l"i Hrandy , : i-Star Heniio n.v. il
I't'.tlla Slu-rry , Impnrtod , pr botllu I M | ior bottlu ; pur oa a .
t'futlo I'ort. Imported , pur hotllo. ] li-5
Cublnst NhttiTv , linportod , bottlo. | (10 ( Mollrnyar WhUky , 0iiarit . n
' . ( ) per bottle ; pur ( ; aiio
Cubliiiii J'o.'t , inportud , per ijoUla 1 DO
Jinpurt'td ' Hjwnlkh Shnrrlo * nirJ GirllshiVbUky , < 5 yoari old.
I'orUi , In l-jrnllon
from $ .fiU U ) 0 8T > , „ K. I'uppsr WlilsUy. '
Califoriiiu L'ugimo llrtintly , . yours old , \wr \ bntllo , il 'Jj. \
boltle , 7fi ( UUO I
( Juiifoi'iiid ( ii'HiH ) llrnndy , Holla of Andni-Kon Whlilty M
. . . battle . . . I Oil
yirnru old , Ixiltlod in bon ltj per
Fiiw Imported llruiuly , per iHjtiht. I T'i bottlu , pur uavo . '
QJitlu ( * t'nllfnniln I'ort , sherry
I'.ii-o ( jurkeiiluuinor ItsoVlii l.s
UMJ AngolicM. I n'ulon ! JIIUK 1 1"
Uid MuiKsatul and MU < KUU Wuie , | itir ii mrt b ittlo '
j IKS . . . 1 I'upn'iii Wli.Ay , 'icr qua I
C. B. CONNOR & CO. ,
| 409 Douglas St. , Between 14th and 15th