YP TIIK IP iMi 1111.1 Li- /ics / of the Social World the Tart Seven Days. JMISES OF FUTURE ENTERTAINMENTS .thin ? I'rlv.ttfl Dnitrlnij 1'arllni The llnnttn jt Trillon | Ml" Wnkrlrj' * 1'rrtt ) ItciiMiiKton nml Other AflUlri. The gny world VIM hiur with Its gnlotlos aslvcdit , a flrmnmcnt of stnri shining gal tbo blue or dull cars , which It Is oen. . * function to drive away. IrThoro were n number of tnorotiRhly do- lRhtful functions mid the belles and beaux , Iho sires nnd matrons of the tiaut monde ' 6ad opportunity to rub oil the dust which bad accumulated upon thoirctothos by reason jif the qulotnesH of the provlolis woe * . In addition to the Hoaglaiul dancing party vhlch gave the Society Man an opportunity ) grow n bit reminiscent , there were also no FjSnd to dinners , luncheons , recaptions , teas h ? nd mUcollnnaous attain both in town onti 'throughout the suburbs unouqh to keep any t pvttjvM on the go from week's start to ona < X Oy f Tlin irniiKlitnil Dinirhif ; I'nrly , , . It was llko old times to sco the gay crowd Dt dancing mon and woman at the Hoaeland dancing party Thursday evening , In honor of the MlssosVndlolgh of Clinton , In. , who , forsovcrnl years , hnvo brightened' the social Ilfo of Omaha by tholr prcaonco. The pocloty Man was romlr.lscont as ho stood in n corner of ono of the nrotty rooms and loolcod tn at thu mon and maids enjoying the music Of Trvlno'a orchestra. It reminded him very Jimch ot the private partloi of four or flvo wears itgo , when snmo of the fair sox even Came ulono to join In the pleasures pf the night. Ho contoinplatud the Darkling Jawols and the extravagant and Jew cut gowns of the belles bo- jforo him nml smiled : "No. " said ho slowly , to a llttlo group of man ubovoslnlrs In the Interim of a iluncu , "a hello of today could not cnmo to ono of thcso avail private parties on honohack. A score of yrars ago , I nil Ho Jromcmbor , n famous uoiuity riding n do/on miles to n ball nnu , after dancing nil night , RO home In the gray of the morning the way bho camo. Times have changed" "And , " oinoono of these 11 n do sieclo mon romnrkud , Tor the bettor too. " In past davs a party nt ttio floaclam ! house a sure to orliigouttho "youth and hoauty" if the town , nnd what Is very pleasant , the cputntlon has grown with the years , and { Thursday ovonlng the Ilfo and fashion of tho" now metropolis wcro there So enjoy the hospitality of Mrs. ( jeorqoV. . Jlonglatul and her charming daughters. The licruio was pay with color , roses , pink earn a- jtlons , hyacinths , smllax piottlly at ranged on inniuols In nlcoves , nnd wherever a rose bowl could bo stood out of the way of the dancers. /The / { whole lower lloor was used for dancing , \ippor being served auovostalrs. The "orchestra " was stationed In the hallway ba- I 'tolijd a screen of palms nnd Corns. There jsvaro no programs for the dances , no ban- \ liors on the walls ns In past seasons , the usic Indicating the style of dance to the scsts , n feature much enjoyed by the on , who danced with whomever they found ot dancing. Miss Hoagland wora n nrotty ordoa yellow silk , with turquoise trimming. IlL-Miss Laura Hoagland was In a lovely foreign naao costume of pink und whlto stripoil bro- : ndo , docollota and ontraino , with garlands of Sjnr rosebuds oncircltng the skirt , p Miss Wadlolgh were a smart gown of jlvbito sillc with a graduating ruula of rod ; rope , tha waist trimmed with crepe of the intr.o color , nnd a coral coranot In her hair , ft Miss Maud Wadlelgh appeared In n llow- "srfid moussclllno do soio trimmea with. ruf- . lias , with a garniture of pink satin and pin It jstrlch feathers. j Miss Wyman Were anilogroon ombroidorcd loussollino. Miss Yost was very lovely In n costume of ; nslight yrocn striped tulle over silk. Miss Graca Wallace of Salt Lake were a ilmplo , but quite pretty , dress of terra cotta loth trhnnjud with passomontorio , gloves lid show to match , high nock and long ilflRVflS. I v JMlss Orchard , pretty and piquanto , were a fbtcien made costume of pink brocade. * .V M'ss ' Kmlly Wakoloy was very hanpy In a < landsomo gray and nlnlc crepo. j JJ Miss Stella Hamilton were a pretty blue < j. Miss English , a thoroughly offcctlvo gown fared crepe , trimmed with null03. ' i LMlss Chandler , whoso beauty has boon the ' * fubjact of so much pleasant comment , were n ' CVOioCul toilette ot whlto silk enriched by Miss Doano was n picture of Glorious young 'I JSvonmnhood , In a frock of hollotropo nnd Alnk crepe , -1.Miss HURUCSvlth health and beauty ro- , 'a ctcd In ovary line , v/oro a pink china sillc iriimned with roses and ohltTon. fr Miss Mary Pouploton was becomingly at- In a whlto silk nnd gauze , trimmed 3V 1th pearl passementerie. { , Miss Williams , wblto silk and whlto flwcrs. Mtss Men to Hambloton's beauty was on- ancod by a whlto and pink china silk rim mod with pink ribbons. MUs Sherwood , white and pink silk. ( " Miss Clara Drown , ono of the brightest of ' ' Dcloty's fair devotees and an universal fa- orlto , wora whlto and pink brocade with ' 'inasseniontorlo. ( KI Miss HargU was very fascinating In a i town of whlto over clol blue silk , the round vrnlst conllncd with broad blue ribbons , j MUs HOO.HO were a frock of white china j Ilk f ostoonod anout the skirt with tiny bows , j These present were : Mr. and Mrs. A. U. ivVymnn , Mr. nnd .Mrs , Will Wyman , Dr. ind Mrs. Duryoa , Ur. and Mrs. Leo , Mr. Jtuid Mrs. Colpotzor. Miss Wyman , Miss J3nilly Wakoloy , Miss llrown. Miss Hal- Bombo , Miss Uooso. Miss Yoat , Miss Wallace t Suit Lake City , Miss Chandler , Miss Ibninbors , Miss Kawlos , the Mlssos Me- Jagno , the Mlssos Hlbbarcl , Miss Hnmbloton , Iiss Zlamllton , Miss Sharp , Miss Williams , \lls3 \ Orchard , Miss Doano , Miss Hughes , tll s McKonnu , Miss Popploton , Miss Hug- is ! ) , Miss Hargis , Miss Margaret Pratt , Miss Shorwood. Miss Durkor , Miss Knight , Mr. \ . S. Ilorlln , Mr. Algernon P&trick , Mr. lobUon , Air. Hastings , Mr. Fay. Mr. flax- r , Mr. Henry W.vmun , 1tlr. Will \\'yman , , lr. Curtlss Turner , Mr. Frank Hamilton , Ir. McMillan , Air. Sauhdon. Mr. Tuttle , ilr. Wilson , Mr/ Hall , Lieutenant Hoott- iilllor , Mr. Arthur Uulou , Mr. Will Doono , jr. Morgan , Mr. Coles. Mr. Will Carton , > \r. McCngtiu. Captain Crowdur. Mr. Cllf- 0-dKmlth , Mr. Fnlrllold , Mr , Charles Hill , dr. ( iannatt , Mr. Hood , Mr. Jordan , Mr , JraU Mr. Uarlow , Mr. Augustus ICounUo , plr. Sharj. , Mr. Huchanau , Mr. K. C , Uarton. M | A I'lnk l.unrliuii'i. . jftfjlrs. Hlchara C. Moore , 1'arlc avenue , gixvo j | most elaborate and beautiful luncheon on I'odnesdny to twnnty ilvo young woman , in ouor o ! her dnnBhtor nnd Mls Ilpn of Cincinnati , names familiar o the social Ilfo of Omaha. The ocoratlons were In pink , lit Franca roses olup 'nvlihly used throughout the room1) ) . . .no munu waj ilullghtfully conslderod. sor- K boluf had at a mall tuhios , which were yptfCHIIy oriintiuntoil with fairy lamps with lnk similes. The moiiu wai artistically ittlutcd on boltlnif cloth. After thu luncboon ird were plnyd ana prliot awanlcd. < These vnjoyliitf tha afternoon wera Mh e Pouuioton. Coundlor , Wallace , May Wallace. Unroll , llliH' , Kmlly Wakeluy , llalch , Tud Ittch , Mrs. McCormlck , Pratt , Parr otto , filbert , Tutum , Nellie Mooro. Mamie Moore , lamllton. Mr * , Chetter F. JUriiard , Mr * , ft aw ton llurkalow , Kntbcrlno IlarUor. - 1'he weo' < wai auiplnlouily tnaugurta d londur by Mm Kmlly Wakolo.r' * Kouilui ; . u , RlYon In honor of Mist llaruli of Loula- Ky , ona of th b lle * of that fauiou * of bt&utioi , an eiroedluyly Tivacieiu ml jietltu blonde , with o , oi ttml dim the thotfrnyiieitof Ihoioui , " ol which It * | \ > ol nd gray | > o t * | > ak4 to fe llouiy hsnl ttt imujjiuo n urotliitr WOIUIHI. ami ib oharm of ( ua II Urnoon tu linl ku > nfel by Uia ilelMhlfHl r of inform&lity vibli'h u < irvmlil ibaniNirl tin -if JmUrtV \ l * ieijr'4 nl uwrtt Nlwo- an 4 ( Ullfariil * d * arato > l icrved at small tnDlos pr-ccd throughout the larlor and library. A pleasant feature of the afternoon was ho number of songs rendered by the guests , several < f tno sin gets displaying voices of ex- coptlonnl swootnossand purity. Miss Chanty flabcock gave the "Answer : " Miss Mary Poppletcn sang "You ; " MIssKawtcs n pretty ' Lullaby " Mlis Daisy Donne , "After wards , " \vhllo M . a Bishop's deep contralto voice was hoard to excellent advantage in "Tho Journey Was Long , " which was fol- owed with n sacrrd song showing oft the younir lady's voice finely. The guests present were Misses Uabcock , llncho. llalch. Theodora Balch , Mr . Newton Uarkalow , Miss Amy Unrkor. Misses Barnard. Barber. Doano , Hamilton. Hughes , Mrs. Charles Hull , . Misses McClelland , Me- Ken tin , Mooro. Nnsh , Popoloton. Mrs. John McCormlck , ir.s. ilarry McCormlck , Mlsies Ida Sharp , CJeorglo Sharp , Sherwood , the Misses Stephenson , Misses Wallace , May Wallace , Yost , Wyman , Bcckwltb , Hipp , Itawlos , Hooso , Hartman , llambloton , Crolghton , Bishop , Mount. Tlin lninr ; ltc No plcasanter reception has boon glvon this tircsent season than the Doano reception Wednesday evening from 8 until 11 o'clockln onor of Miss Hargis , who Is the guest of Miss Daisy Donno. Thcro was not n largo crown in attendance1 , the number of mon being - ing particularly remarked , and when the dancing came on later , thn young women wcro In tholr element , for so many dnnclnt ; men have not been soon at another ' event" this season. Judge Doano lives In a beautiful homo , just suet i homo ns you expect n learned justlco Inht itlng for whom the world has had n will ig ear and a sympathetic heart. 1 o decorations were tasteful and quietly oliv ant , carnations , roses and smllax being uolvorsally used. There were lots of urotty nooks for quiet toto-a-totes , and it goes with out saying they were always occupied during the evening , Judge and MM. Doaao. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Keller , Miss Hargis nnd Miss Doano received In the front drawing room on the right of the wide hallway. Mrs , Doano wore a heavy black satin gown with canary brocade and carried n beautiful bouquet of vcllow roses and ferns. Mrs. Keller graced an attractive Oroclnn costume of whlto crepe trimmed with gold bands , nnd cold bands in her hair. Miss Hargis looked particularly sweet and pretty in a whlto omoroldoroa llsio over white silk. Miss Doano , who is ono of the boanUcs of Omaha social circles , was very attractive In n costume of pink crcpo , made effective by shirring. Miss Nolslo Hughes were an exquisite lav ender bongalmo with violet trimming ana chiffon , Miss Emily U'akolcy xvns beautifully gownou in n vellow silk , with feather trim- minea wreath of violeu bringing out her clear complexion to excellent advantage. Mrs. D. II. Wheeler , jr. , who is always lovely no matter In what costume she mav appear , were n pretty red crepe with Ameri can beauty roses. Miss McIConna were white tulle with dots of pink chenille running through it , trimmed with pink ribbon. Miss Balcombe , whoao ambition to bo "an everyday newspaper woman , " is being gratlhod , were old rose silk with rulllcs of blank laco. Miss Mary Poppleton , wo'ro with a charm- Inir grace a costume of whlta silk with an effective girdle of Persian nassomcntorio. Miss Sadlo Nash , whoso summer in Eu rope gave her abundant onportunlty to sup ply her wardrobe with lots of pretty gowns , were a blue and pink surah with cream silk. Miss Fritza Barnard , a clever nnd exceed ingly Interesting girl , were a beautiful gown of bluoish gray crcpo cloth , made up with plultlnga of crnam cropo. Miss Wnllaco of Salt Lake were a fetching costume of old blue silk , plainly mado. After 10 o'clock the young people danced until the small hours of the morning , round ing out n most delightful reception. In fact it reminded ouo of "yo olden days" when dancing men and maids were always in the majority , but now tbo mon go and herd by themselves and tbo maids must do their dancing alono. Among the guests present were , Mr. and Mrs. Trultt , Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan Whcolor , Dr. nnd Mrs. Sponsor , Mrs. Clara McCroarv Wicks. Misses Stella Hamil ton , Yost , McKenna , Mary Ponplotou , Barn ard , Balch , Tau Bnlch , Hughes , Keeso , Menlo Hambloton , Nash , Chandler , Brown , Balcombo , Wymnn , Beckwith , Chambers , Kawlos. Williams. McClollana. The men Clapp , Drake Cook , Chat Uedick , Charles Hill , Vornu , Warner. Caldwell Hamilton , Frank Hamilton , Gannett , Uoss , Drake Augustus ICountze , McCaguo , John Patrick. IMrs. It , I ! , Wood's .Mlltlliec. Notwithstanding the frigia condition of the atmosphere on Tuesday , Mrs. B. B. Wood's recaption in honor of her eucsts , Mrs. Beckwith and Miss Bockwllh , was very largely attended , a graceful compliment to a charming hostess. The uouso was elaborately ducoratod with roses , tno absence of any ono particular color In the decorations being remarked. The rooms were lighted with many lamps , which added to the effective work of the florist , and made the apartments particularly inviting and restful. In the dining room whlto and pink were the predominating tones. The table was exquisitely covered with n pink molro prettily trimmed with lace au nar row ribbons , on which stood a cut-glass bowl filled with white roses and hyacinths. Candelabra stood at olthor end raUecting soft rays throughout the room. Tbo Manila- line club played during tbo afternoon and was ono of the features of the matinee. Mrs. Wood were n magnillcQnt Paris gown of cream embroidered moussollino do solo ; Madame Barkalow , bor mother , were n dainty gray crepe , trimmed with passamen- torio ; Mrs. Beckwith , a train gown of black silk and jot : Miss Beckwith , a yellow striped tulle , docol'otto ' and outralno ; Mrs. S. D. Barualow , black silk and lace ; Mrs. Newt Barkalow , whlto brocade with gold passe montorio ; Miss Stella Hamilton , pink crepe , accentuated by many rufllos. Misses Yost , Sherwood , Wallace and May Wallace as sisted throughout the rooms. Mesdames Truitt , Hill , Fonda , McCormlck , Yost , Mo- Cord , Catlin , Tbayer , Motcalf , Allen , Adolph Meyer , Falconer , Burns , Yates , Kollar , Mor ris , Carter , Morsman , Prltchoit , Bennett , Saunders , Molkln. Hold , Barker , Perrlno ; Misses Yoit , McClelland , Copeland , Hughes , May Yatoi , Wallace , May Wallace , .Bishop , Kawlos , Chamber * , Ogden , Ammoll ; Mos- datnas Haskcll , Kllpatricir , Jones , Wossols , Smith , Morris , Cornish , Moday. A MclKliliiK Party. On Monday night a party ol young ladies residing In the vicinity of South Tenth street availed thom elves of the privilege given them by leap year to entertain their gentlemen friends , and certainly they suc ceeded to a uogroo that was perfection be yond description. The ladles bad planned a sloighrldo , with snowballs , cracldng whip * and tinhorn at tachments , to bo followed by supper. And throughout tbo entire affair bad pledged themselves to wait on those "lords of crea tion" and assist thorn to sigh and smllo , and , it necessary , protect them , In a manner sue gostlvo of tbo good old motto , "Do unto others , " ulo. At S o'clock tbo party assembled at the homo of Miss Mumlo Mnlona. Shortly after ward thoiiloluh , drawn by four borsos , was In roadincis , the guests ombarued , ami elf they started with a flourish , defying the Frost King , who was out that nlpht with u force not known for years. After driving around the suburb * the party stopped at "dotty1 * , " where an oloiraat supper wa tarvod , after which the ladles escorted each Reatloman to bis homo In true leap year fashion. The following nm J participated ' Mo - arae * Marv Murphy , Marguerllo Murohy , UJOJ CofTijr , Mumio Matono , Joonlo Ooff , Manila KeuuoJy , Holme * , llanna llronnon. Mary llronnou. and Messrs. John Coffev , J , Mahoney , U. Wallace. Tom Uolfor. It lllaui , Oooftfo Holme * , KU t'ouuull. S tu Malono. M. 8. t'lajretl IIUli Uni. JiuttfO and Met. HUloMi ontorUitnad the KounUo Plaog ( Huh Flvo olub at tholr r&sl- Joutm on Km'udt ' lr ot itiit r'rlilay availing. Mrt II Mwrrlo WM Ibo iu < % nful wlnuor uf IIfully ortuuwuUd. .Mr. Vatt mnirt OArrtutl olt tha ijonU' nn < , au Mil r iwlver , rhq ( olWwiuit * > ira ( w 9ni Judjia MV IlradiMr. . d v l.awij. Ar anil Mrj , MmaltuH , Srifttl ) Mr * E. U. r Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Lawrlo , Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Javno , Mr. mm Mrs. Judge Macombor , Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Curtis. KntrrtiilnlnR Their JInlo rrloiuls. The young ladies In the north part of the city gave ono of the ploasantost leap year parties of this presidential year Thursday evening at Erlltng's hall , the committee hay ing the function In charge being Misses Mln- tile Bauman , Aggie l.lvcsoy , Maud Church , Dollio Bailey , Inez Htukoll , Ousslo Bauman , Anglo Boyco and Mrs. J. D. Fostor. In honor of tbo pleasant occasion the young ladles decorated the hall vary pro * ' ' < y with largo American Hags , draped about the room , while in each corner were handsome stands of palms , ferns nnd other hothouse plants. In ono corner stood the punch bowl , ornamented with roses nnd smllax. Not content with supervising all the essen tial details of the party the young ladles acted In the capacity of lloor managers , an nouncing extras , and seeing that tholr gen tlemen friends had a good time. And so ac ceptably was their work done that ono lonced for n change In social customs that would moko them always t'ao real promoters of such entertainments. Light refreshments wcro served In the bal cony , everything being thoroughly well con sidered. The costumes were particularly handsome nnd the varied colorings represented gave n kaleidoscopic tlngo to ttiu ball room. Miss Kona Strung were n blue crepe with chiffon trimming , blue slippers nnd whlto rosos. Miss Tllllo Fried appeared In n very becoming - coming gown of rod bonrlotta , chltfon trim ming , tan colored gloves MUs Angio Boyco were a dark blue silk costume with black lace overdress , square cut nock , white rosos. Miss Minnie Baumau were n combination gown of ntlo green and llgurod China silk , pink coral nccklaco. MisssFroo graced a pretty pink crepe gown trimmed in chiffon and silver , pink gloves nnd pink roses. Miss Fannlo Bishop was very prettily dressed In n combination gown of heliotrope and whlto honnotta. Miss Btrdio Kelly , cream honriotto , rod carnations. Miss Carne Oincomlnl looked particularly well in n pink surrah with creon velvet bodice. i Mrs. K. P. Hamilton were n gown of navy blue satin , trimmed with cut steel pnssompn- terin , pink gloves , diamonds. Miss ( Jussio Bauman , a cream crepe costume tumo trimmed with pink rosebuds , diamonds. Miss Nellie Slaughter , figured China silk , pink roses. Miss Aggto Llvosoy were n very heavy black sillc and lace gown , dccolloto and cn- tramu. Miss Minnie Collott , n combination dross of whlto albatross and figured China silk , diamonds. Miss Tony Tzschuck woro.a pretty gown of cream crepe , red roses. Miss Dollio Bailey , ono of the favorites In social circles of North Omaha , were a blue surah trimmed In llgurod chiffon. Miss Cora Weaver , pink silk , with fan and roses to match. Miss Flynn of Lincoln looked very stylish In n gown of yellow crepe trimmed with sil ver passementerie , rod.slippers and red car nations. Miss Irene Byrne , brocaded brllllantlno , cream roses. Miss Ida Hammond , groy honriotta and grey glovos. Miss Wedge were a blue .silk gown nnd carried a blue fan and bride roses. Mtss Georgia Rich , blue sillc with slippers to match. Miss Nottio IJich , a dark green silk with white silk bodlco. Miss Mary McMahon looked well In a cream silk crepe , trimmed with duchosso Inco nnd ribbons. Miss Hulllo Osborno graced u flgurad china silk , very prettily made , white fan and slippers. Miss Carry McLean were a striking costume tumo of red crepe , V-skapod nook , red rosos. Miss Marie Uiacomini , pate preen China silk , black point lace , whlto rosos. Miss Sue King , cream albatross , trimmed with brown velvet , brown gloves , whlto roses. Miss Maud Church , n pronounced brunette , looked very captivating In a-ROW a of green albatross and wbito silk cropo. Miss Inez Haskoll , a charming young woman , worn n cream India silk , simply made with lace , square neck , dancing length , rod roses. These present were : Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Hamilton , Mr. and Mrs. Van Court , Mr. and Mrs. Lewis , Mr. nnd Mrs. Jaynes , Mr. and Mrs. Josolyn , Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hnskell , Misses Livosoy , Minnie Bauman , Gussio Bauman , Boyco , Hasitoll. Church , Bally , Bishop.Friod , Slaughter , McMahon , Nottio Hich , Tzschuck. Georgia Klcli. Carrie Giaco- mlni , Marie Giacomini , Weaver , Flvnn of Lincoln , Stranpr , Free , McLean , Wedge , Byrne , Collott , King , Kelley , Lena Forester of Los Angeles , Cal. , Barker of Scrauton , PaMrs. Crnndall , Messrs , Gruiugor , Smith , Barrett. Sherman , Palmatler , Goodm.ui , Adnir , McConnell , Woodard , Strnng , Miller. Brown , Kuouse. Johnson , Chiunplain. Ochil- trco , Mot/ . , Dickey , Falos , KLramel. Toitz , Moran , Hastings , Sherwood , McDonald , Miller of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. ItoHdiu Knti'i-tatn. In honor of Miss Hipp of Cincinnati , Mr. and Mrs. Augustus F. Boscho gave on Mon day evening a thoroughly delightful card party which is yet tbo pleasant subject of talk with those who wore present. Color has bccomo so necessary a feature at social functions that Mrs. Boscho , with charming Ingenuity , decided to vary the predominating yellow nnd nlnk at social affairs by making her decorations blue , and the change was very welcome nnd restful. Throughout tbo rooms thcro were blue lamps prettily shaded In blue , the draperies wore of blue surah , whllo all the tables were covered with light blue cloth. The prizes worn tied with blue ribbons and enclosed in blue paper , every thing pnrUlclntr of tbo predominating color , avon the miosts who fulled to win any oC tno dainty prizes looking extremely "bluo. " The ladies' prize was won by Miss Tad Balch , a silver framed mirror for use on the dressing tablo. Tbo second was carried off by Miss Moore , being a silver mirror the same as the tlrst prize only of n different shape. The third ladies' prize way won by Miss Nellie Moore , a blue fairy lamp. The first gentlemen's was won by Mr. Compton , a silver handled whlalc broom ; tbo second was taken by Mr. I Usic , a silver pan and pencil tray , the third by Mr. Art Guion , an antique watch holder. These play Ing were tbo Misses Balch , Tad Balcb , Doano , Hnrgls of Louisville , Wakoloy , Bar nard , Hughes , Pratt , Hoagland , Laura Hong. land , Wadloigh , Maud Wadlelgh of Clinton , Parker , Ada Parker , Moore , Nellie Moore , Tatuui , Pounsford and Mesdames McCormick - mick and Barnard. The crontlomon were Gulou , Donne , Clnpp , Baldridge , Drake , Kodlck , Chat Uedick , KUk. Coolie , George Compton , Fonda , I'easo , .McCormlck and Barnard , _ Tim llu li-y Kensington , Mr * . Hawley and the Misses llawloy , 2514 Capital avenue , gave on Friday a very elab orate kanslngton , which was thoroughly en joyed by the guestn foriunato enough to bo present , Tbo house was beautifully decor ated with ( lowers , and the sorvlcu of re freshments all that could bo desired by the roost exacting of social loader * . A pleasant fcaturu of tbo afternoon was the singing of Miss Mnry Pnppluton and tha piano music of Mme Muentoferlngand Airs. J U. Buchanan , Mme , Muontoferlnn particularly winning pralso for her artistic work. The guests present were Mrs. Popplo- ton , Mm. Buchanan , Mrs , Sheridan , Mrs. O. M. Carter , Mrs. Hums , Mr * . T , L. Kimball - ball , Mis. Hubbard , Mrs. Wordcn , Mmo. Muontofurltig , Mr * . Charles Brown , Mrs. CrolRlu , Mrs. Parker , Mr * llaruor , Mrs. Hurt. Mrs. Wallace , Miss ( Irani , % llss Kim ball , Miss Klmball of Denver , MUs Harbor , MUs Jessie Wlllard , MU * Alary Popplelou , MUs Yost , Mis * Wallace of Halt Lako. "Tlio Niitlmml Yesterday thu patronesses interested lit .ir ran l n if thu tableau * for "Tho National I'u- goant , " which U to bo glvtw at tbo Oranil oporii houio. Monday and Tuoiday , February M anil JM. had their nrsl meotluu at the rotl- iltwca of Mr * P L Pariuo , Twentieth and DoiUti atreeU. TUB m uiitf wit * Mtm | liiklio nmi oiiur out * * ware Jlvtii llmt Ute witoftulnmoit vruuld IMI u fliwiwUl at well a * sown au SMI ( Jaw hi a wUiIti thiira oinw * u eaVorUIn iMMt ibariHiKuljr unique MM \ knwr \ r * ai Ttl yesterday , will bo "Tho National Pagoanl , " to bo given under the direction of Mrs. Cora Scott I'ont Pope , who will nrrlvo February 5 to fibrin the ro- heannls for this oonutnul performonco. The entertainment will consist of n series of historical tableaux , presenting briefly but most strikingly , thrilling" Inspiriting scones of our national drama from the days of Columbus down to the fin do soldo days. As arranged the tableaux will bo as fol lows : 1. Columbus at tlrr Court Hf' < ? llc ii Isabella. Patronesses , Mrs , Adolph Meyer , Mrs. O. A. 2. Landing of the PIlRrfAiC1 Patronesses , \VarronSwlt7ler. . Mrs.V , Illok * . it. Courtship of Miles Sl.'uulUh. Patron esses. Mrs.V. . . I. Connell , Mt * . lleorjo Paterson - son , Mrs.V. \ . II. Mlllard. 4. The Old Uolonlul Kitchen , Woman's Sphere 102n-lf.V ) . Patronesses. ' , Mr3. J. T. Diir- yen. Mrs. W. P. Allen. 5. Hocoption to WnshltiRtnn 'rthil T.afayctto. The Minuet Piitronessos. Mrx. J. 1C. Itrooka , Mrs. Jumus McKcnnii , Mrs. Lyin.in Hlchnrd- a'll.ittlo of Itunkor Hill. Patronos , Mrs. I'rank Whcaton. T. The Doclnr.itlnn of Independence. Pa troness , 1) ) . 11. WlieiMnr , Jr X. Dcimrturu of thu Thirteenth Ku lmont Pennsrlvniila Volunteers. Patronesses , Mrs. Iliirrv McCormlck. Mr * . II. H. Mulfonl. n. Wom.iu's Patriotism Her Sphcro fmm Hill to H5T > . Patronesses. MIM. J It. Christian , Mrs. P. M. Klohnrdsoii. 10. The Kiiiaticlpiitlon Prnelninatlon. Pa tronesses , Mrs. W. N. liubcock , Mrs. J. W. Cot ton. 11. Woman's Work Her Sphere Today. All those tnbloauxs will bo given In cos tumes , the leading young men and women of tbo city being invltod to assist In making thd affair n success. The Woman's Christian association Is oftl- cored ns follows , and unon whom devolves thu work of tins undertaking : President , Mrs. P. L. 1'orlno ; Secretary , Mrs. C. W. Hull , executive committee , Mrs.Tildon , Mrs. Lttddlngton , Mrs. Cadet Taylor , Mrs. F. L. Hallcr and Miss Ella Bracken. There wnro present at. the mooting yester day : Alesdnmos. Tilden , Porlno , Kiclmrd- son , Ludlngton , Allen , McKenna , Duryca , Hull , Connell , Christian. Swltzlor , .loslyn , Babcock , Adolpb Meyer , Cadet Taylor. Drinking Tea In the 'rypl. Tea plays so great a port In tbo social Ilfo of the season , and ono tea is so llko another , if tnsto in furnishing the rooms and tact in entertaining the 'guests bo conceded to be universal as they ought to bo , that novelties If they are of n pleasing kind make tbo guest bear away n recollection of "an ex tremely pleasant afternoon. " Pink is such a general favorite for the color scheme of an afternoon affair that the Ingonlus hostess wishes to llnd another Idea. Yellow hap pens to bo In great favor this year and on Thursday tno ladles of the Guild of Trinity docoratoil tbo crypt or the cathedral In that color in honor of the tea which they gavo. Mrs. G'irdnor and Mrs. Trtlltl presided at the tea tables , while Miss Chandler and Miss Chambers had charge of the chocolate tables. Among those present were : Mrs. S. D. Bnr- knlow , Mrs. Cowlti , Mrs. Pool : , Mrs. Kalph , Mrs. Hallor , Mrs. Motcalf , Mrs. Cornish , Mrs. Harry McCorralck , Mrs. Lander , Mrs. Uriggs , Mrs Lundt , Mrs. Frank Johnson. Mrs. Byron Keod , Mrs Jones , Mrs. A. J. 1'opploton , Miss Edna Cuwin. Miss Kawlos , Mrs. Bowen , Miss McConnell , Mrs. Potter , Mrs. Babcock , Mrs. Wossolls , Mrs. Williams , Mrs. Love , Mrs Jloth. Kcsslrr mid Shomiulst. Wednesday night the wqdaing of Mr. Charles Kesslcr of Omaha , son of Gustus Kessler , and Miss Emma Stionqulst tooic | place at the homo of tbo paV'eua. | . of the bride in Vail , Crawford county , Jav Only the near relatives of the couple woi' ' < f Arcsont , never theless a great number of > th' < JV ( friends sent the young couple their congratulations. The bride was n school toachpr. at Vail and was well known near bor hemp. Oilr. and Mrs. Kessler arrived in Omaha Thursday night nod took up their residence lit \S now house on So.th Thirteenth strobl ' 'near ' Spring street. _ c ' Coming Social PiiTiotloiis. Mrs. L. J. Drake \vlll jyvo acard ( matinee at 2 o'clock Thursday. , IV Miss Jennie McClollatiputortalns ) in- fo-mally Monday availing. Mrs. George H. Boggs announces n recep tion from 3 to 0 on Tbursday-jijo.brpary 4 , The Omaha club will gfvo.a i-'pcqptiou and dancing narty Wednos'day , FaUfrutiry'H. Mrs. E. M. Morsnian , a high' tea on Fri day to meet Miss Wallace of .Salt Lake City. Mrs. D. H. Wheeler , jr. , will give n kensington - sington Friday at 2 : 0. Mrs. Frazar lectures at the Linincor gnl- lorv Thursday evening on "London and Paris. " Miss Nealy Slovens gives a piano recital under thu auspices of the Ladies' Musical so ciety at the residence of W. J _ Council at 2:30 : o'cloclc on Saturday. Mrs. Frazar at the Llningor Art callory will lecture on "Genoa , ' Pisa and Koine1 Friday ovonlng. South Omulm .Society. Tim loading social affair of the week was tho'marriago of Air. Jamas Parks and Miss Mury J. Kenny and the wedding reception same evening. The nuptials occurred at St. Agnes' ' church In the forenoon and were wit nessed by a largo number of friends. The widsomo bride was attired in n lovely cream colored satin with n bouquet of rosns at the throat. Mr. Kobort Parks accompanied the groom to the altar , wbtlo Miss Ella O'Don- nell acted as bridesmaid. Father Morlarty pronounced the holy words that united the two for nil tlmo. In the evening the wedding raroption was given at the hospitable homos of George , Robert and John Parks , Seventeenth and Missouri avenue. Some of the most promin ent people in tlao city worn present. Ono house was devoted entirely to the lovers or teruslohoro , a.-.d splonuid. music raado the Impulse to dance Irresistible. At the other house were tables for high llvo and both liquid and ediolo refreshments. An elegant supper prepared by the groom's ' mother was served. Among the guosta were : Kov. Fathers Morlarty , McGrath , Ilickoy and Mugan. Messrs , nnd Mcsd'imos Tom Hoctor.P. II. McMahon , J. J. O'Kourko.Pat- rick Itowlov , Daniel Kafforty , Thomas Flem ing , J. J. Broen , C. A. MulchoiEd Con ley , J. G. Irwln , Miles Welsh , Patrick Trainer , A. B. Haley , John Kearney , James McGuire , L. O'Koefo. The Mlssoss J. Kinp. Ai. Molloy , M. O'Brien , K. Boyle , E. O'Donnoll , K.'Gooloy , M. Hunt , N. Hughes , M. Storms , M. Fit/- trerald , Lottie Scanlon , M. Dohcrly , N Hvnes , M. Kano. Messrs. K. Ebbitt , James Doherty , E. B. Towl , William Bronnan , M. Flaherty , M. McNamoo , John Doherty. P. Butler , A. A. Donnelly , T. Crawford , -M. Kelly. M. Mur phy , John Murphy , Fr. Boyle , Joe Toner , Morcran Hoafoy'D , McKoon , M. MoIIalo , Pat Martin. Tom Loonoy. J. J. O'Brlon ' , M. Doherty , O. Dohurty , Dan ICgan , U. J. Clir.churd , John Boyle , John Parks , Hubert Parks , George Parks , M. O'Donnoll. Daniel Qumn , P. J. King , Ellis NlclflOn. A JICK HOIlNT.lt 1'jlM'jtnTV. ' Yesterday was the llfth birilnJav of Master - tor Dale Talbot , son of M ? , , unjl Mrs. Claud L. Talbot , residing at the vorMVi > ' ° f Twenty- third and H streets , nndij jvnsmado the Decision of a happy gathni itijgof tbo younger ladles ami gentlemen of hfi , ieigliborhood. ) Tho.tfturnoon was spent Ip H UI and othur ninnsoinonts anlteil to the Juvti | > io ! fnnry , and closed with tliu opuning of ( ( . } ) _ Jack Humor pie , from which each yoimKiHi' extracted u good sUed plum , The folfqvying young folks were presents . t Dale I'.iloot , Hugh Mct'iill/A' ) } , Itoy Young , John MoNoe , James Plillllnrnnt | ; C'liuittiuy , Cecil I'VancUco , Mabel ultMticlsru , Lois Francisco , lilancho Borryi Jfhn KuoortS , Kntlo Uoburts , Mnud We [ * ' , | At ry Broukut , Alvln llrocnot , ( ioorgo . . .Mvrlnwn , Amot Morrlman , Hurry Iluymo.it , ) ik'.niost lluy- mati , Wade ( iornuiM , Ftli < il , Huiv , l.ura Kerr. George Kurr , KossVonj , llulun Lane , Llo Wllloford , Clifton I'ariiouter. lllllTIIHAr IUIITT. A very ploaiant birthday parly was given by MUs Mlnnlo Mack to nor inuny llttlo friend * on her tenth birthday , January ! > , at 1 IMi Houth Tenth Ntriiut , Kaoh guuit rocelved a hamUomo souvunlr. ' 1 tioa prmnnt were Ht holy n Furbu * . Kdith LotinoC ll rtl Kin djo , Falrv Lemming , Orantii ( "uiiuliiK , Kiln Purr , I'rtulii Hinlili , Naulv IlutUr. Aiu litt Huummruinu Kuiuiii r * . Noti i 1 1 n u N HIM * Tim KniuM * of I'yiaias Urn I vnry ant tfutlmtlntf ruoKfuv nhfK at iilr * uull auJ uM * tUi4lv m tow AildM ai mutti * * , > lr ( ' 1 * HU < J i ml t IturltM Murh \ > l > r T. A , Botwlck on piano ; , recitation , "Ttio Debating Society , " Mr. E. F. Patton ; duet , Mrs. C. J. Collins nnd Dr. Berwick ; recitation , "Grandmother's Day nnd Now , " Llttlo Mary Uobinson. Following the lltor- nry part of the program came dancing and n social good tlmo. No ono wont away dis satisfied. Fully fifty couples were present. MA010 C1TV fOCI It , NOTES. Mrs. Frank Hay ward gave a recaption Frl day , the hours being from 3 to 0 p.m. Mrs. E. fc' . Carpenter received on Thurs day. day.Mls.s Etta Erion cclobratcd her sixteenth birthday on Tnosrtny evening by giving a loan year party to her many friends. Games and cards were In order ami on cleeant lunch brought the evening's enjoyment to a happy close. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Minor Mention. Miss Hlbb.ird has returned after a short visit away. Miss English of Columbus Is visiting MUs Stella Hamilton. Mr. Will Koonig returned on Wednesday from Now York. Miss Oraco Wallace of Salt Lake City Is n guest of Miss Yost. Miss Alay Dundy will bo the guest of MUs Orchard this wcoir. Mrs. M. D. Frarnr Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kitchen. Mr. Ernest Hlall returned from n trip to Arizona on Thursday. Mrs. Haskoll of Chicago Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. Al. Benuott. Mr. Charles Hill has gone to tit. Joseph , where ho will make his homo. Mr. Clark Kodtck gave on Informal dancing party at his homo lust evening. Mr. W. J. Cartan Is again In Omaha and making the rounds of social events. The public Inspection of the Metropolitan club was largely attended Monday. Mrs. L. J. Drake has Issued Invitations for a cord mntlnoo at 2 o'clock on Thursday. In honor of Miss Bockwltb. Mrs. S. D. Barkalow gave a lovjly konslagtou yaslor- day.Mrs. Mrs. Judge Dundy has gone on a visit to Air. nnd Airs. Newman at Bayonne City , Now .lorsoy. Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrick ontortalnod a few congenial friends nt luncheon on Friday lu honor of Mrs. Haskoll. Airs. M. S. McCormlck and Miss McCormick - mick will bo the guests of Airs. Bon Galla gher for two or tlireo weeks. Tbo G. G. G. club gave a pleasant ovon- Ing's ' entertainment nt the 'raslilenc"o of Miss Carrlo Butler , 1013 South Tenth street last week , J. Sanders Carr loft for Philadelphia Wednesday ovonlni ; . His address fur some tlmo to como will bo the "Philadelphia Club. " Ed nnH DwightSwobo.Dick nnd Fred Gray , Kussol Burt , Charles Waller , Kobort Easson , loft for Sbattuck school , Faribnult , Minn , , on Wednesday. Miss Lone Forrester of Los Angeles and Miss Altco Barker of Scranton , Pa , , are the guests of Mrs. J. D. Fester , 151 1 North Nine teenth street. The engagement Is announced of Miss Bottle Sollgsohn of this cltv , to Mr. William L. Harris of Milwaukee. The wedding Is to take placa In April. Airs. Frank Colputzor gave a kensmgton Friday afternoon which for beauty and elegance - ganco deserves to bo ranked among tbo picas- nutost of this season's ' , events. Airs. L. B. Williams and Miss Williams loft for Sutherland , Fla. , on Friday where they will join Air. E. B. Williams' , who is there for the bcnoilt of his health. The North Omaha Musical club gave ono of their enjoyable entertainments at Airs. Chase's residence , 2223 Burt street , Thurs day afternoon. The next mooting will beheld held at Airs. McAlvin's , 2101 Wirt street , next Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Airs. Bon Smith entertained at luncheon on Wednesday nt 1:30 : , Alesdames Barton , Yost , AlcCord. Pntchott. Kicbardson , Ale- Konnn , Nnsh , Cowin. Bennett. Alorsman. Airs. Klall , Miss Smith , Aliss Orchard Und Aliss Dewey served tea for the ludios. Tbo Leap \ oar High Flvo club mot Tues day evening at the homo of the Alisscs Giacomini on North Twenty-second street. These present were : The Alisses Allen , BaUman , Collott , Giucomlnl , Gussio Bauman , Rich , Nottio Klcb , Cnrrle Giacomini , Wilson , Gibbs , Haskoll , Alessrs , Brown. Koss , Mathaws. Allllor , Aly-crs , Beach , Boss , Knouso , Woodard , Palmatior , Pawhlnnoy. A very pleasant leap year party was given Wednesday overling at Forest Hall. These present were : Air. and Airs. G. Williams , Alosdnmcs F. Ploronot. Smith , George Farmer , Guy Palmer , A. Walker , Alisses Smith , Robinson , Weeks , Hardy , Furman , Ilaslnev Slit , KOSP , Tnren , Woodnrd , Curtis , Alossrs. Goodman , Grannich , Wright , Wil liams , Reagan , Eponoter , Poironct , PJerio , Vanqillst. Ike New is the rociniont ot a valuable and beautiful diamond lockot. which was pre sented to him by the members of the Alotro- politnu club , of which association ho Is secre tary. The present was mudo in appreciation of Air. Now's services and shows the esteem In which ho is held. The gold locket is handsomely engraved on ono side nnd on the other the diamond is set. Tbo stone is said to bo worth $ 50. " Air. and Airs. Lyman Ki-.ardson ' enter tained Tuesday evenlug at dlincr Air. and Airs. Guy Uarton , Air. and Airs. C. E. Yost , Mr. und Airs. AlcCord. Air. and Airs. Prltch- ott , Air. and Mrs. AIcKonna , Air. and Airs. Nash. Air. and Airs. Cowln , Air. and Mrs. Ben Smit.u . , Mr. and Mrs. Bennett , Air. nnd Airs , Moraman. After dinner the guests adjourned , to the rooms of Air. and Airs. Klohardson in the Paxton and played cards. Aliss Clara Brown gave a luncheon Mon day afternoon to some of her former class mates ut Brownoll Hall. These present were Airs. Will Pike , Miss Kount/o , Aliss Hall. Aliss Leila Shears , Aliss Hibbard and Aliss Chandler. To remind tltum of their school days , luncheon was fiervod .in dainty little wbltn baskets , and the participants sat to gether cozily as in school days and nibbled their sandwiches and olives , 'maccaroons and other dainties. Mr. nnd Airs. Bon Smith , Air. nnd Airs. Richardson , Air. and Airs. Josopb Barker , Air. and Airs. George Prltchott , Air. nnd Airs. AlcCord , Air. nnd Airs. Wnllaco , Air. nnd Airs. Lovl Carter , Air. and Airs. Wos- bolla , Air. mid Mrs. B. B. Wood , Air. and Airs. Lewis Rood , Air. nnd Airs. Curtis , Judiro and Airs. Thiirston , .ludce and Airs. Cowin. Mrs. Beckwith , Airs. Haskell and Aliss Grant were delightfully entertained at cards by Air. and Mrs. L. AI. Bunuutt Thurs day evening. In honor of Miss Bottle Soligsobn and Mr ] William Harris , whoso engagement was an noun ceil last week , a pleasant dancing party was given at the Metropolitan club Monday ovonlng , ton numbers being danced nnd nearly u hundred guests participating in thou u II air. The gentlemen having the iirrang- meuls In charge were Julius Aloycr , August Deichei , Phil Rose , Alex Wessnl , bam Frank , Jerome Kaufman and Air. Hosenau. tiupner was served during the evonlnu nnd toasts were drunk In honor of the betrothed couple. Thu Social Hour club mot with Dr. and Airs , Paul at their residence , 2U2 ( Hurt street , Thursday avonlng. Tim prl/oi wvru won by Air. R. E. Allen und Airs. J. N. Phil lips , tha gentlemen's a pretty roval Worces ter vaiu , and tliu lady's an Ivory bound poem DyTennvson , Tim members present wcro- Air nnd .Mrs. R. E. Allen , Air. und Mrs. J. N. Phillips , Air. and Airs. C. vV. Lyon. Air * . A. Trcynor and All ? M. Jonon , the absent members' plactH buing llllud by Air. C. U , Hownll of Chicago , Air. C' . C. ( 'helps und Air. Hurry Smith. Air. and Mrs , L' . F. P Froom ontortnlnna tholr frlouds at hish flvo Thurtduy ovonlng at tholr residence on Ilurdetta street , Clifton Hill. Thu ladles llrit prlo was won by .Mrs. WllllAtn Anderson and Ilia ladlos' second pruu by Mr * funny und Mrs , French. 1'ho Konlloinon's first prize wu * awarded Air. ( ieorgu l.avldgo and Air William Anderson currlod olT the seomul nrUo. I'hoto present were Messrs and Moiilntno * H irUon , Frunuh , Penney , Cudwoll , Lavitlgu. lluywiird. llur Keas , Millar , Anilenon , AIU o PfollTur ami Uhl , Alosn. Lavulua and llaldwlii. llrnnoh No ' , Catholln .Mutual Ilsnent u < t4 < H < lutlaii uuve IM fint card purt < * r'rUUy HVMihiti ut tholr mums wild uroit SJIMHM * , hlili ( live iwlHfi IH ftttttura of tH availing imUl II u'uiiMiK. wlMH I miik wu * tervatt , afl r which daHCMtif WH * mitul wl IN MU M \lubuuHiul Mr II Mula hwl III" lumur f laknitf hotiMt liM llr t urine , v 'hu Mtv Urndr ami % WklM W Mw .AUM wlitt tha Uki wrttMt , TSM Mia * M t t ii > l IN Mi * f , 'ir l.untMMr | ) fur Kind 144 rluii * r < fuiMi * Mr n il Mr P t ffjr Mr i. I Mr * J \iw u iiu > i twilt Hrix i < ii" tur yullM. I i < Mf/ NHHIU , Him * 1 1 tV U it l i , VI. Mali MI I. ' NEW BOYD'S THEATRE FAREWELL. Sovonloont.1i ttml lliirnau Stroote. THIS ( SUNDAY ) EVENING , JAN. 28. - 1 AS T L ' IS It K 1 ) KM A N O t i O V - PRIMROSE i BEST'S ' GOMEDY GO Prosotitlnij ttio N.uittt , \ \ I'.irt i.ii Ot V/ITII TLIM LJROTHKUB BVUXK. Nothing Like it Ever Seen Be/ore. A Great Sunday Night S/ww * t. $1.00 ; n.itiiiiGliMrcli > . "Si- inn ! JIOOs Imlcony. We ami T. > o : gnllory , 2..e. Over ; iOO rosurvoii soatt hi the l > a loony will bo sold for oJo iMuh. BOX OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. ' NEW I A Season of BOYD'S THEATRE. I El ° 8ant Comedy. b'ovontucnth und llarney Sttvcls. Thursday , January SATI/IIDAV Engptqpm o ivto.T . th e C T Anil t iiniii.iiui ill I'litjrMM U mlc'i" th < Onio IUMI t I \V. K. 11AUKN. . Tli'ir ilay and Friday livening. January 28th and 2th. ( ) Tti an Aclciiialo | I 'roilin. I lou ol i's ttiiniorl.il Comtulij , MR. ROJ3SON as TONY LUMPKIN. Saturday Matinee an 1 Night , January 30th. Hronacm I lo\v.iril't * Coun-dij ol l.ho Oc'iit urji. THEH MR. ROBSON ns BERTIE THE LAFV3B. rrlcca-lni < | itctii JO I'aninut cltclo i : nul ? i , ' 'J Ilivlronv 7 c , uiil J | ( t.illiry L1 t1 llo\ op m \ \ iMnt'Sil nuunln ttl o't-lack FARNAMTHEATER " " ' THEATER 'prices. f \ atinee I I FOUR j Tonight Today , 2.3O. I I NIGHTS. I I at 8IF. : . J \\\\\\\wiaoKi-i i JAV M A'rrNuuo\\\\\\\ The Ofoalust ol All Irlsli Ooiiiodtj 13r.iims AN IRISHMAN'S LOVE Headed by the Ucant.ful and Talented Vunni ; Actress LIDAHeaded And the Talented Voting IrKli Commit : in , CO 3 < < cu cue LJ S\vM3I5T SONGS OP i IN' . v-r v * \ - * J.I I v " * V" * J v > r * 131 1 > Now and Novel Hpccl.lltlos ( r. | TTVThe Altniuplud Murdor. Now and OrlRlnal Mu-ilc > " " "s r Vv f \v i I'lni Wini'iij-rH to iliu lltsi-iu. Now i-oiits nml Daiioo- . V ' - * A Tliu I'linny 1'illnw llaia-o. 3 Nights , Commencing Thursday , January 28th. MAT IK ( 13 BATimiJAA * . A FAIR REBEL T1IK 11KST OKVAIl I'l.VVs. | ir.\U tlioNew cencry nml KfforUHiieiliilly pri'purpil fiirtlin run nr A I Alll Itl.l- ! ! : ! . ' nt tliu Kuiir- . icoiitli strci'tTlicirtrM. Mn\r \ Viir * T1IK TIlltlKMN'ci TKM-HiltMMI SCI-JN'K 'IIIK HKVOIA'IN * ! Mltm I'lllSDN rtC'KNI- " T11KVON1JKUKI'I. . I'iMCVPlS I-'UOM LxIBBY PRISON , I.AUT BONOS y AN .U.K - u u.r , r , ( ( EDWARD R. MAWSON , as Colonel Ezra IVJar.on. FANNY GILLETTE , as Clairette Wlontleth II. liiiHtli ) , MuMal.onO'ShuuihncHHv , liuri : lay , MuVann of Hloux City , .McC.lnnU , Murphy , Kouitur , Klnslor , Dr. Iflloy , Ihissit' , Il'-uton , Mullen. The "Crystal I.cnjuo" BJIVO n iltorarv party ut. tht > roslduncouf MM. llatluiway , Tiit Hnrdottostroiit , 'I'uusdav oVDiiliiK , All prosonl had u vary [ ) lei 'iiit tlmo. Thoau jirosuiit woro. Mr niiil Mri. T. C.Vnllnco , Slcssn. ( 'lutrllo l-'rlUuaiir , Krnoit r'crroll , Krnuit llodder. Cltnrlln lUtlullii. Frml Huv- wnrd , Ilarry Miller , Hoi-hcrl Hopper , Kay Ilo.ity , l-'rank Hll , ( Jcorjjii Htieot , .lucoli ( Jlali , ( ! uor o tllsli , llurUVhipplH. . Ml Met Katlo KL-rrynmn , Allen Hoduor , l.iu ; Kuff , olllo Craven , I .mm Munxuln , Jo iti Cole , Slcllu Iluuiorf , Iloulo Cuniot , Hullo llvlat , CuoU. Monday ovpnlni ; Mr ami MM. K. Uiuioy , Klutileonth and rarnuiu HtruuU , ontnrtaliiml tha ( ortnUhtly high llvo olub lu u very pu i nut und hoipllaolu mnnnor Thma nlaflnx wora Mr ami MM , II. I' , Dnuul , Air. HIM ! Mri , N I' , l-'oll , Mr * . Rdwunl Uiwowiiter , MM ( ( oiewntor , Mr * Krank KuniuuJ. Mt > n Wllhiiinoii. Mr nnd MM ft W. [ Inter. Nr | ami Mm I'uuill Tlw > MI ' prt < WAI w n Iw MM. Ilnkor. thq | { aiiU iMH4' prU * w * ut tm by Ml * KoMvvMlor , whu , uiiwwtir ( ) UK | UUI rr * hituHiii w r < ) < MH > TIW | Mr. nail Mr * r'MMfe Kvuur < l w il MtarbilM tie I'luW R wwNi from 54 * iiar nr Mfiifl tuy > MI MI | IruM " w iMCtt * trtll MMl M H I4 WH 'i , < * ilM < M m III OREHT BIG FAKE - - A.T Tills n I'M ' .liiiiniirjr t' > anil nn Unit linuirr * i > ; ; % .11-7 : io rin iii\s u n i' . A.ilml-lon - - 'M'i C * l.t'iloi ' hiwitiwi AlpiHt.ir nlJM lr w l-UINi- : ! : AlAltlMA Miiiiiiuiir 1511J K N M U W 1ft K. | C < nw . I U i' * n U inn b I'liulk L'MWMly I'l rliu r < luriU'ii pig i.tMt 4nii | ft f Ninlii- ( Mi 'him IIM IHIIIB , nit : < mn\ \ rj , YALK PITCHBH : , I ' ' * " * " < r * AU . fro r\i \ f\ \ \ iMHInl y A * ( i ' lM | ) [ i , " " PKl" "M' ' * " ' '