0 Tim fYMTAITA DAILY HRK : SUNDAY. , TAXITARY 2' . 1802 8TXTl mf "PAr.KS. THE OMAHA PISE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE : - NO. 12 I'KAUL STREET. Dcihotcd by Carrier to tiny part of the City. It. W. TM/TON , - MANAOEK. Ti-t , r Htl iIncM Ofllco . No < 1 NRht | , ; < | ltor . No i N , Y. Plumbing Co. Council muffs Lumber Co. , coal. Craft's chattel loans. 201 Sapp blocf. Mr-s. J. N. Maldwln entertained n party of ladles vcstcrday afternoon nt n Kensington tea at her homo on South Sixth street. MMV. . W. Sherman and Mrs. Albright ontcitalned the Whist club last evening nt the rcsldcnco of Mrs , Albright , on South Seventh street. Harrv Hhcphcrd of K sox. la. , who Is visit- Imj the family of L. T. Woodward In the castorn part of the city , met wllh nn accident while coasting on Catmints street that knocked out all tils front teeth. Marshal J. L. Tompleton received a telo pram last evening from City Attorney Slow- in t , staling that ho had Ju t loft DCS Molnoi , accompanied by Attorney Oenetal Stone , for Washington , niul that thov woJld bo joined nt Chicago by Hon. Smith MePhcrson. f.owls H. Kcoms and Miss Annlo 13. Law , uolh ot this cltv , xvoro married Thursday evening nt the resilience of tbo bride , corner of East Picruo street nnd Catmint : nvonuo , Justice Sxvriirlngcn oftlclailng. THe ceremony mony xvas witnessed by a largo number of Jrlrnds of the parlies , John Yanroy , who keeps a restaurant near the corner of Hroadway nno Scott street , lost nn overcoat yesterday morning , a colored man xvho haj been working for him disap pearing nt about the snino time. The colored man i oupposod to have gene lo Omaha and taken iho coat with him , nnd BO far no trnco of him has been found. J. U. Mitchell , xvho xvas arrested night buforo lust on account of u telegram from the sheriff of Monona county asking that u man xvhoso description ho answered bo nrrostod and hold , xvas discharged yesterday , n second telegram being received notifying the police that the man xvho xx-as xx-antod ImO been cap tured In Onaxvn City. Kcv. U. xV. Hughes , state superintendent of iho American Hiblo society , xvlll corduct n service Sunday nfiornoon nt : i:30 : o'cloctt nt the Episcopal church especially for children. Each clillil xvill rccclvo a lotcer containing matters of interest. In the ovenlnn ho xvlll deliver an address nt the union mooting to beheld held in the First Presbvterian church under llio auspices of Iho Pottnwattauiio Counly Ulblo society. A man named Etilor narrowly escaped drowning In the rlvor I'liursilay evening. Ilo xvas cuttltii : ice near Iho ripraps xvhon ho slipped and fell into thoxvator. Thosxvlft , current carried him to the cdgo of the ice , ivhoro ho came to the surface and xvoulii Imvo undoubtedly been carried under tbo Ice had not ono of tbo other workmjn caught his clothing wllh an Ice nick and brought him safely to land. James Bradley , electrician of tbo Ilro do- purtmcnt. xvas busy yesterday putting the apparatus In the noxv patent boxes at the corner of Pearl stroct and First avenue , and lit tbo corner of First street and Broadway. Kach box is provided with separate calls lor the patrol xvagon , riot alarm and tire alarm. If the experiment ivlth them proves success ful it Is probatilo that several more boxes of the same kind xvill bo put in in various parts of Iho city. _ _ U. K Colbttrn , rcprcsonting the Mitl- Ittntl CoFeo mul Spice company of St. .losoph , Mo. , will bo in the city for n foxv tliiys only , anil on Monday xvill bo nt Jtiincs & Hnvorslock's. nt S. T. MeAteo'f < on Tticsdny , at J. T. Hopkins & Co.'s on Wednesday , nnd nt N. A. Taylor's on Thnralny/xvhoro ho xvill dispense to nil xvho call n free cup of tbo famous .1. W. W. Mooha and .liivncoirccs. Como in mul got n. . drink of the finest colToo you over tasted. It will bo remembered that Mr. Edxvln M. Bunker of this city is the trcnortil ngont of this tjront coiTco mid Bplco company , and ho xvlll bo pleased if every man nnd xvoman in the ftty gets a cup of Mr. Colburn'b de licious bovoni.ro. ( J'JSW.SO.V.IJ. J'.tlt.lUll.ll'IM. Judge K. Peako of Blencoo. la. , is In Ihp cily , a guest of D. J. Kockxvoll and family. L.V. . Hess , xvho has boon seriously ill for several day. * , xvas pronounced bettor yester day. day.J. J. W. Tomplototi , father of the city mar sliol , is dangerously ill xvith an attack of la grippe. ' Miss Augusta Boxvkor , a prominent I' teacher of DOS Moir.es , is a guest ot tliu Ogdcn houso. F. W. Woodruff of the implement firm of Cntheart & vyoodrtiff , Correctionvillo , la. , was in the city yesterday. F. W. Woodruff , M agricultural implement dealer of Corrocuonvlllo , la. , xv < is iu mo Ira- jiloment dbirlct yesterday. S. E. Stiry of the Ilrm of Story & Boiuiott of Cambridge , Nob. , xvas in the city yester day laylt.g in a stooa of implements , J. S. Tnomas of Lexington , Neb. , has boon lu tbo city for-tivo days past completing ar rangements for spring trade in the implement lino. lino.D. D. C. Chapman , formerly secretary of the Yound Men's Cbrlstlan association , but noxv of Ores ton , is In tbo city visiting friends fern n foxv days. S. K. Maxon is disnoilnc of his property nnd xvlll leax'o xvith his family In a fcxv days for Portland , Oro. , xvhero ho xvlll make bis homo in the future. Mrs. Peterson and her dat.ghtor Emma are eonliiicd to their homo , f > US East Pierce btroot , by diphtheria. A youncer child xvas already ill xvith iho * nnio disease. J. S. Thomas of Lexington , Neb , , an Itn ] > lcment dealer in that city , xvas in town ycstorduy sorting up for the spring trado. Uo reports a thrifty condition of things In his vicinity , Mrs. O. H. Jacltsou has gone to Outline Center on business connected xvith the Order of iho Eastern Star , of xvhlch &ho is grand matron. During her absence sue xvlll visit DCS Molnes , Colfax , Noxvton and ( irliinoll , % Vo liavo our oxvn vinoyarda in Callfo- : u u Jarvls Wino cominny , Ca. IJlutl'd r , the tailor , JJ10 Urondway , has nil the latest styles nnd now winter Koodn. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tivnnpproi'.lco nurses wanted nt the W. C. A. ho1 il , corner Oth stroct nnd ( Jib avonu _ ( leurl III Trouble. Dr. I 'ho is now In trouble In Omaha on n c' ' , practicing medicine Illegally , was A , it of Council Bluffs several years ago , imibor of curious tales are told of hlif ' 'tig hli peculiar Idem about the " t Iclnu nml the human anatomy. nan Uvlnir on Mynstcr street state * 1-onnultcd Dr. Llubor wtlti rafcrunea " \ 1 1 on bio ha had boon havlntr with his A careful examination was made of thu organ supposed to ho nf and the doctor Informed his patient that tils heart VIM BUS- | iondd from his uhouldor blades hv a couple of IkatronU , ono on each ula. Otio of thoxn ilgumoillH , Uo told hli horrified patient , had been already rotted away by the dlinaso , and thn other was on thn fair road to the same fin ) , Uncoiled but llltlo argument to how the ninn iKuieuod of tliuso paoitllarly ar. milled lnuirn l organs tlmt It would prob nldy ha but a ( hurt tlmu until hli tioarl would drop down nmoiiHhln dtgoitlvo or. irAtK , when his nsino would bn noun chamiod to Dennli. ThlH tory I * fully vouched for b. thQ Kcntlomau who wan the roclplont nf Ihl * UIIKJUO bit of medical ailvtre , mul theio ii ro ialJ lo bo otbeu oitially | liiteic tlng , JnrvUwlld blnokburry l tlio bust 1C II. Hluittfo liai omtorn inotiiiy on Jiiiiul fur real twtitto liwiit , Tim lltwton BtorM'uuuoil niudu , FH. , Qv ry i vMilHtf.ai a p , ' HI. , uulww J ( HEWS FR05I COUNCIL Bll'FFS. Hon , W , H , Ware Declares the Fate of Prohibition in Doubt. LITTLE WORK DONE ON THE SUBJECT , limn I.rgUtittorfl lln\o Horn ( Irltlui ; Ac- qimlntcil Tim * 1'nr , lint Ibo Storm U to ( l.ither nndMII Itreak Curly. Hon. W. II. Ware was In the city yoitcr day on a short visit to his homo and returns to DCS Molnes today to resume htcscnt In the legislature. While hero no xvas asked his opinion as to xvhat would bo done about pro hibition tlih xvlntor In the legislature. "Well , " xvas the reply , "It Is Inrd to tell Jilit xvhat tbo outcome xvlll bo. Of couiso xvo all knoxv xvhat the attitude of the demo crnts U on the subject , but the question noxv Is xvhothor vo can got enough republicans to vote xviih us nn any square footed llccnso bill to carry our point. J don't believe xxo can count on moro than thrco republicans nt the very oulsidoxvlio xvlll stand xvith us ana it will take six votes to knock out the prohi bition majority. The appearance of things may change before long , but that is tlio way It looks noxv. Wo haven't been agitating the prohibition question very much doxvn at Do Molnes , but have boon devoting most ot our tlmo to getting acquainted. " WOOL ( iOOIS roi"AI.MOYT A SONH. The ( in-lit sVinl-.Xnimul dealing Sitle at the Huston Store , Council Itlulls , In. , Opened Wcclncsdtiy inortilny. The store wns closed till day Tuesday to nmrlc down { foods and tntiko preparations for tins crcat event , which is looked forward to with deep interest by almost every housewife" in Council liluffo and bitr- „ country. IJoloxv is only n partial list of the thousands of bargains that are offered at this bale. For n bolter list of prices sco Council niulTs dully Nonpareil ami Glebe : 40-ituh bi'illiantino , former price , 50o ; ( for IhU sale , 2oo. 'iO-inch all wool iilahls and plain flan nels , COc goods , for U3o. r 1-inch all wool ladies' cloth , worth 7oi' , for -10c. } /iOc , 7Gc and 05t ! novelties in polka dots , camel's hair stripe and plaids , all in atone ono price for this sale , -17H' . 40-inch all wool hcnriettas , former price Sloe , snlo price 69c. GO pieces all wool red shaker flannel worth ; j"c , sale price "OJc. iJoc all wool red twilled Jlannel , 19c for sale only. Co heavy unhloachcd flannel cottor. llannol , . ' ) Sc. All our fur capoa and muffs nt just one-half the original price. $0.50 capes for $3.2o , $10.00 capos for $3.00 , $12.00 capes for $0.00 , $17.00 capes for $8.50. MtilTs : > , ' ! c nni IT for 17c , 75e mulT for 38i' , $1.00 muff for f > 0c , $2.00 mull for $1.00 , $1.00 mulT for $2.00 , $9.00 mil ft for $4.oO. All our stock of innlTs the same way. Toys and Fancy Goods \Vo must liavo room for our immense stock of wall paper which ia now on the way. All our toys , dolls , baskets , clocks and bricka- braek p.t just half ] ) rico for this snle. 18c Bannock Hum suitings 12c. All our stock of prints , including best blues , silver grays , black and whites , heavy twilled serges , all usual sold for 7c and 8c , for this sale 5c. ! ! 1-inch wide suitings , former price 15o , for this sale Oic. HU-inch wide Armenian serges , in black and white , former price 15c , for this sale lOc. 12c } and loc outing fltinnols for lOc. Best apron ginghams Oic. Coats' and Clark's boat 200-yard spool cotton fol1 He. Belding's 100-yard spool sill ; for 5c. Holding's 100-yard spool twist for Ic. All our children's coats in two lots , $2. 75 nml $3. 25. All our nowmarkots , that sold for 810.00 , $12.00 and "blo.OO. " all in ono lot for $1.98 ; a chance that should not bo lost sight of. Ladies' short coats $3.00 coats for $2.75 ; $ aOO , $9.00 and $10.00 coats for $5.00. Novelty garments , embroidered sleeves and rovoreil front , $14.00 gar ments for $7.00. BOSTON STORE. , WHITII.A\V : & Co. , Council Bluffs , la. In this Courts. The following business was transacted in the district- court yestorUnv : Itenry Noifort against L3. F. Dorothy and J. L. Foreman , judgment and decree for the plaintiff ; Mary Olmstoad against D. H. Olmstoad , order issued that K. II. Slioafo , George Canning. II. V. Slead nnd M. Woodward bo brought infer for cross-examination as to the things con tained in tboir oflldavits at the expense of the defendant ; William Larson against Augusta Larson , default taken ; WioUham Bros , against .ludd & Wells Co. etal. , two cases , judgments for I''U.OO nud flC. ! ! 10 against the defendants ; liens of tbo plaintiff declared superior to those of all defendants ; WlcUham Bros , against Kutlo liloss ot nl. , default taken ; M. J. Clatterbuclc against K. F. Dorothy , judgment for plaintiff - tiff ; Wiro-UuckloSuspondorcompatiyagainst H. Kiscinan it Co. , judgment for the plaintiff for f-'llli,1 , " ) . In the matter of the application of Ilcury Wllltins and I'eter Masse for llio appointment of u commissioner lo establish lines and curves In dispute , Sctli Dean was appointed commissioner to niako tbo neces sary surveys and report at the next term of court. In the superior court the case of C. C. Stanley against U. U. Mitchell , in which tno plalnlitT sued for (135 for commission duo for sales of real estate alleged to liavo been Bold , was tried and a judgment was rendered for the defendant for costs , it boinp proved that the solo was not made by the plaintiff. A petition was plural on llio by J , U , Mc.Mur- try , receiver ot Lincoln Insurance company , against the Capitol Insurance company of , DCS Moliics , bringing suit ( or ij 1,030. , claimed ' as roln an ranee. There nro still n Juryo quantity ol thobo beautiful .Tup irooiln nt the Japan ese store , ! I17 Hroadivay , and to wivo freight bai'lc to the coast all xvlll bo bold nt importers' cost for Iho noxfc seven days , I .nil I OH ( if thii city uml Oinithii xvlll lind thin the host opportunity ol tholi1 lives lo yet those jjoods at Sun Turned stiito' * Ctldrnrc. "Dutch" Iloylngton , the hack driver charged xvith robbltnr Sam Stogolm , has decided cidod to turn state's ' evidence for the pur pose of completing the chain ofovldonci against liU partner In crlmo , Fred Klasell T.ho cane ugalnit him xva& dismissed yester day , but ho xvas held as n xvlliiesj , and In ( In- fault of flOO ball xvas taken to the county Jail for Imprisonment until the case comes up for trial. Klsscll xvas bound over to the grand jury , r.nd ho xvai nlio taken to thu county lull. Ham Ktogelln , the victim of tha alleged rnbborv , xvho ran axvny and xvai recaptured , William CaniAlmn , Chariot Latvian , Clurlosi Iloll , LlfHe Hamilton anil Loltlo Itoas , are all it Jail for afo keeping as xvltnenoi , none of Is ttiPiu havlni ; furnlihed the roqulred bond for roiiMin. The two XTUIIIUII xvura In the hack vlth the thrco men the night the robbery li claimed to Imvo taken | iUc , and mo t of 'tho uinii now In conlliienioii ) ara tlu a ta whan fiUacil HBt.ddcd ( ha itory of tha night's o * capAtla. Walnut blook t < nd'jomluf cunt , .ash mlHtHl , riolvtii iUHy Tlmtolior , 10 Main , 1-tMt III * liiillwf Half , j \ w * nawal I ! , vf In H M m m * t IV toraw l f * wllM Mil at l'4w , , va * mi tb itr * U la * < ! ( vii tr.'dWo Hit v mi In ) f on urvuuul it I his wife , of wtiom ho hftd lo t all Iraelr. Ho f tated that she had been rutting with her brother , .ferry Lnnnan. wbo Hvos at the corner of Sixteenth street and Avenue CI , for he last two weeks , and that ho had seen her during the afternoon and tnado arrangements o meet i her at the Hoclt Island depot and take , hc evening train for homo. She failed to show tip nt the appointed time , although her slitcr-ln-Iaw claimed to have put her safely aboard the motor In plenty of time for the rain. Mr. Holinan telegraphed to L'ndcr- vood , but nothing had boon seen of her at that end of tht ) line , anil he was very certain hat she could not have cotton on board the rain anyway without his toeing hor. His anxiety know no bounds , but tit' to 11 o'clock nothing , hud occurred to allay his fears. A 1'iriy < Vnl George-10 , Williams xvas nrrcstoj yester day afternoon on an Information illod before Justice Sxvoarlnccn charging him with burglary , The information alleged that hn had entered the bottso of one John Morgal nnd had taken tborofrom txvo bunches of lath valued nt 50 cents. Ills bond xvas ilxcd nt MOD and ho xvlll Imvo n hearing Monday morning nl 10 o'clock , Morgal states tlmt n neighbor of his xx'as building a house and Williams had bean xvorklng for him. On the day lu question iho neighbor's lath ran out , nnd Williams xvent after more. Whou ho returned ho had txvo bunches , nnd xvhcn questioned sain ho had gotten them of Morgal. When an Investigation xx-as maiio Morgal's honso xvas found to have been broken open and not only the lath but a largo amount of other lumber , In value amounting to about j-'i , had been taken. Ho claims to have pretty positive proof that Williams took all the missing lumber. J. O. Lemon hns Just Issuotl his statement Of the tlnanccs of the past year In the Chris- Ian Homo , of which ho Is manager. The ' cport Is audited by L. L. Uontloy of Mal- vern | and .1. C. Pontius of this city , a com- nittco ' appointed by the board of trustees of the institution. The total receipts for the voar ! was fl1Url.S2 , and tbo disbursements SID.ISii.II , leaving a balanca In the treasury of3S371. In nddltion lo the cash contrlbu- lens there liavo boon a largo amount , of merchandise chandiso of various kinds received. Jarvis 1S77 brandy , purest , safest , best. Vocal Music , Prof. T.V. . Davis , teacher of volt-o ind "olo romling. Lessons private , 'till or address at Grand hotel , Council 13 lulls. AVIII Mnrl In Business Again. Messrs. Klaiball & Champ liavo determined to resume the loan nnd Investment business 1 n Council IllulTs , and 1th this purpose in view wore yesterday negotiating for ofllco room , They Imvo received many earnest as surances of conlldenco from eastern capilal- sts with whom they have had business rela tions for years , and after n careful consider- ntion of the situation thov have concluded T that Council Bluffs offers the best oppor- Umitioa to rebuild their shattered fortune's. \V1I1 Tench Stcnogrnpby. Miss Augusta Bowker of DCS Molncs has arrived in the city for the purpo.'o of taking charge of the classes in stenography and typewriting , which it was decided at a recent meeting of Iho school board to organize. She will also liavo classes in arithmetic nna lihyslral georaphv ! in addition to her other branches. The High school now has n total enrollment of 00 pupils , which is moro than over before , and is in lh'3t class condition in every way. AViitterson Wilt Speak. . Arrangements wcro completed , yostortlay between Henry Wattcrson of the Louisville ° Courior-Jounjal , nnd the Pottawattnmlo Democratic association for a speech March 4. on the subject -'Money and Morals. " It will bo at the opera house , and will not bo of a political nature. An admission fco of GO cents 1s to bo charged at tlio door and the L'uum in iu uti uaui'KUU ( LUU uuur , uuu itiu proceeds of tno lecture will bo used iu lilting up a club room for the association. Drs. Woodbiirydonlislsnoxt to Grand hotel ; line work' . specialty. Tolo. 1-15. Dr. P. T Soy bar t has removed to the Grand hotel. Telephone : > o. Sw.xnson Mujio Co. , M isonic totnplo WiXT DOWN WITH AM. OS ItOAKU. Itiirnliiff of nil American Oil .Ship In Mld- Oceiin , LONDON . Jan. " - . The British steamer Egyptian Monarch , from Now York , whence she sailed January S , reported that on the morning of January 10 , Iho steamer then being - ing in latitude north , longitude 10 west , she sighted a wooden vessel apparently of American build on flroond burning furiously. Judging from the dense black smoke nnd the odor , Captain Irwin came lo the conclusion that the burning vessel was laden with oil. [ As the steamer approaorcd the burning craft two men could bo seen clinging to the bow sprit. A life boat on the steamer WAS hastily cleared away lo rescue these two mon , but before it could bo lowered , the "bowsprit foil and the two mon. was precipitated into the nea. Kfforts were inndo to iltid there , bat they wcro not afterwards seen. Captain Irwin thought It probable that the boats of the burning vessel were in the neighborhood , nnd re mained near the spot until daybreak in hope of picking thorn up. A heavy sea was running nt the titno , and it is moro than likely that if the crow had managed to got uvrny from their vobsel they wcro drowned by iho capsizing of Iho small boats. 1'lrxt Italnmll In Four VearH. S t ANTONIO , Tox. , Jan. 22. Advices from Durango , the center of the drouth-stricken rcq-iou of Mexico , says It has boon valuing tuoro steadily two days , nnd the downpour still continues. Phis is-tho first rainfall iu tnat part of Mexico for four years. H. B. Joffers of Elkhorn Is at the Dellone. \V. 11. Clointnons of Fremont is at the Paxton. F. W. Clarke of Creston , la. , is nt the Paxton. C. E. S"atiford of Alnsxvortb , Neb. , Is nt the Areatlo. M. M. Sullivan of O'Neill.JNob , , Is at the Arcado. W. ti. Washburii of Beatrice Is at the Murray. Ernest A. Yates of Lincoln is at the Murray. C. H. Tulloy of Kushvillo Is stopping at the Arcade , W. ( I. Scott of Deadxx'ood Is stopping at the Murray. A. C. ICnlght nnd xvifo of Lincoln nro at the Dollone , I" W. II. Bryan of Sioux Palls Is stopping at " tbo Dullonc. 1) . P. Uolfo of N'obmka City Is registered at the Paxton , W. A. Fisher of Hod Oak , la. , Is stopping a at the Paxton. II. I ) . Hull ( if Marqueitc , NOD. , U registered at tbo I'uxtoii , W. 11. Brooks of Beatrice was at the Mil lard yohtorduy. tlcoreeC. Hlckok , n binltcr of Dcatiwood , to Is at tboMllltird. W , C Hill of Blue Springs , Nob. , U stop ping at the Arcado. I ) . W Hasson of Norfolk , Nob. , Is regis tered at the Mlllnrd. U. K , French , ox mayor of Kearney , Is stopping at the Paxton , of W , H. Shu.for nnd wife of Lincoln are reglsterod at the Arcado. T V ( loldon , nn attorney ol O'Neill , Neb , , loglfttorod at the Arcade. K. M. Morsman loft by the Uook Island fur Chicago yosirrday afternoon. N H , llradloy and wife of Mitchell , K. I ) . , fr aru domlolled at the MlllarJ Ion for ChlouKO yo tortlav Jam * * Hull ami brother , Kamu" ! J , are rui/UUiad at ilia Murniv from UavW Cliy , Neb. Neb.Mr Mr WillUiu Jaekitp , n nruuilniut attoruiy , ( IWk Ultiod , U IB His dtjr WHMJutf itJUW i oj ntotitti aqnlMl Ifie Km at J. J 1) MpllruU , II U * wltw , U C Wmt HKJ i intriM Huir of Xchutrka , Nib re at 1\IP/MTPPIM\ TIIl IM'niTTIPP DISClSStD BY Flit DtPtTIES , Trouble With tMlLritcd Stales Eofcmil to in thoiObilinn Congress. , i v TALK OF WArVomCIALLY DENOUNCED , Minister Hurras , l.i\ce \ Asiurri thn I'lihllo Unit 1'enee XX'III'1'Continue rriini thn Killer's Wreck I'olltlen In Argentine i\lriisltt : * rorBcrlcs , SAvmno , Cfillrvln ( ( ( Jalvcston , Tox. ) , Juii. S2. | By Mexican Cable to the Noxv York Herald Special to Tin : Bic.-Tho : ) ques tion of the .strained relations botxvcen the United States and Chili came up In the Chamber of Deputies yesterday , und the tone of the declarations made xvlll glvo scant comfort to those xvho are looking for n xvnr- like termination of the trouble. Deputy Mathlcu brought the matter before the Chamber , saying that In vioxv of the nlarnitng rumors which have gained circula tion In the press ana among the people rela tive to the questions nt ISJUQ between the United States and Chill ho doslrcd to kno from the government the actual state of affairs , In order to quiet the public feeling. Senor Barros Luco. replying for the gov- criimont , said that Iho questions pending xvcro assuming nn oimncn'ly pacific tone , and there xx'as absolutely no foundation for the alarming rumors. When the negotiations xvoro concluded , at an early date , documents in relation to the matter would bo laid before the Chamber. They llnxe lleaid from Illiilue. I learn this morning that a cable dispatch has boon received from Senor Pedro Moult , Chilian minister at Washington. Ho states that Secretary of St.Uo Blalno requests the Chilian government to regard the contents of the dispatch as coultdontinl for the pres ent. 1 am , however , clvon to understand that the tenor of the dispatch xvos decidedly peaceful , and" indicated n spaedy and har monious settlement of the trouble. 1 learn that the Chilian government xvas much pleased by n cable dispatch received from the United Stales this morning , which am informed stated that the terms required for the settlement of the Baltimore nffiiir xx-ould require nn indemnity ivith nn apology but that tlio tenor of the latter xvould in nowise humiliate Chill. A cabinet meeting was nt once held but the president was absent from the capital , Judging by expressions from cabinet ministers ' 1 think that the dispatch was satisfactory aud agreeable to them. Some Chilian Ncus Items. Private loners received hero say that a revolution is imminent in Ecuador , based on tlio assumption of dictatoral powers by the president. < prEh Passengers on iho xvrecked steamer John Elder publicly denounce the Pacilic Steam Navigation company for tno manner in xvhich they xvoro treated and the utter ' noclect to take moans for their comfort. The \ Clcary Opera which company , xvas on board the steamer John Elder when she xvent on the rocks off UuoHquina island nt Car- ran/a cape , arrived lioro today. They had a terrible cxporienco at sea in an open boat after they loft the xvrecked steamer , but all the members of tbo company are well. A portion of their baggage xvas saved. I'lciiMircs ot Polities. ICopiifuiIciixnlby / / James danlim Hcnnrtt. ' ] Mnxnczt , Argentine ( vm Gnlvoston , Tex. ) , Jon. 22. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald Special to Tin : BIK. ] - A number of the deputies of Iho provincial Chamber mot nt.lbo hotiso of Dr. Suaroz last night. The house was attacked by a mob of armed men aud a dcsporato fight ensued. After the nttaclc had been repulsed it was found that Scnor Navagas , sec retary of the Chamber of Deputies , had been killed , while Dr. Suaroz nnd others were seriously wotuidod. Friends of the men wbo were assailed have armed them selves and swear that they will have ro- vongo. The police are patrolling the streets , and further trouble ana bloodshed are feared. i\tcnsl\o : I'oi'Kd'Ics Discovered. ' by James finnlan llcnnrlt. ] PANAMA ( via ( lalvoston , Tox. ) , Jan. 22. - By Mexican Cable to the Nexv York Herald Special to Tins BEE.J Forgeries amount ing to 20,000 on account of the Huanchaca Mining company of Bolivia hax'o been com mitted by the cashier's assistant , Dumy. The latter part of Dccembsrho disappeared nnd later ho negotiated 3,000 of the fraudu lent paper m Lima und a .small choclc in Panama. It U supposed that ho xvas n passenger - sengor on the Pacific Mail steamer leaving Colon on January ! l for Noxv York. STORY OF BOBBERY RECALLED. dial leg IJiixter'x Arrest at St. I.mils I'rcslicim C'aptaln .Mohtjn'H Memory. In a recent issue of the St. Louis Globe- Democrat thcro Is nn account of the arrest of one Frank Furroll , alias Charles Baxter , for grand larceny , nnd his subsequent rolcaso by Police Judge Ciaiboruo on xvhat proved to bo straxv bail on account of misleading statec incuts made by Farroll'sattorney. Shortly after Baxter , by xvhich name ho is better Known , xvas captuied a photograph and description ivoro sent In Chief Soavoy , xviUi n request for any information regarding tha criminal. Chief Seavoy sent a lengthy letter lo iho St. Loutu ofllclals giving a hisI" lory of Baxior's xvorlc In Omaha nnd vicinity and making iho statement that the man win - an nil-round crook. Before Chlof Seuvoy's Hi letter reached iho St. Louis police Baxter A had boon released on Ilimsy ball and had 7 snipped. , J The letter and request for Information conUi - corning Baxter axvnKoncd old memories nnd tno page xvhich Mr. Baxter occupies in the I polco ( records was quickly turned to and -i found to bo full. Probably the most darini : roboory Baxter xvas Implicated in xvhilo ho stopped In Ornaha occurred about nl- : years ego , xvhon the DavU Joxvelry company , nt 711 North Sixteenth street , xvas robbed ono night of about fM)0 ) xvorlh of stock. Three men , James \Voodard , Pug Sullivan nnd Baxicr , engineered d executed the Job. All tha plunder xvas taken to Woodard's house , nlu then lived on Hurt street , bo- txvecn Kittcoiith anil Sixteenth. A day or txvo 'alter the robbery Sullivan too > < ono of ibo'Mnlim xvatchcs to Council Bluffs to sell , atfd intended to vo onto Ot- tumxva xvith Iho proceeds and negotiate xvllh fence for the disposition ot all thn stolen property , The Council Bluffs police arrested - rested Sullivan'xvhilo ho xvas trying to pawn lhaxvatch , When searched , a letter of In troduction , signed by U'oodard and nd- drotied to the kfctier of thu Ottumxva fence , xvas found. A ti'lophonn message xvss sent I Captain Mostjn and the address ol thn WoodurU residence ! glvou , At II o'clocK In u the moriilrig Mostyn , iiccompanfnd by u few truity officers , tfurroumlod thu house. A tiasty soarfh fulled to produce any stolen proierty | and thu | > ollco were about to clvo up xvnon Mrs , Woodurd xvai seen ihrotvlng her bustle out of UiA window. This nrtlclo foinulo iidordtnoiit xvaa quickly seized i and ripped open cm ! fully half uf the plunder foun.l , Further earoh revealed most of tha stolen silver and pinto bidden In a coal icut tlo which hud u lavur of coal for covering Sullivan and U oodurd xvoro soiitonrrtd to llvo year * apiece at Lincoln , hut Maxtor got ti. Blnuo then bo ha * given Umalnt xvldu berth and till traoe of him wiu Icut until ho turned up iu bt Loun , lutru Supreme Court llfeUlmu. I'fim ' - i MC.IVKH , la i Jan M i Hp < sHal T * * l - gram lo run IU * 1'ha * uin | um court tliiu company , Mahnska district , afllrmod : L.V. . Clark VE J , M. lUyinond , fit al , appellants. JJarrlson district , reversed , ON THE WAR PATH. SUtli Wnrdcr Meet nml Itlttrrly Denounce n Lot ot I'enple , , ThoSltthVarU Republican club had n high old tlmo Friday night and Indulged in vocal tlrcxvorks to their hearts' content. President Messlck announced tnat the mooting xvas culled for the purpose of dis cussing the proposed action of the city ml ministration xvith roforcnco to the consolldn tlou ot appointive oftlcos , The discussion of this subject assumed n xvldo range and many extraneous matter3 xvoro dragged into the debate. After several of the members had expressed their feelings the following icsolutlon xvas adopted : WhPieas , The city council of Iho city of O in uh u now has turner consideration an ordi nance proposing the abolition of certain of- llcers. the reduction of uaucs of necessary olllccrs and the consolidation nf other * lu outer to economic , now , therefote , ho It Ill-solved by the cltlrens and tuxp-ivers of tint bl\tli ward. That any such chanite xxoulil bo utnvlse , imprudent and ha/ardous und tending toxotk the opposite effect for which It xvas Intended , cmlatiKcrliitt Iho hcallh , prouertv and Interests of the cltl/cni of Omaha ; that If tlicto must bo economy In the new ndminlstiMllon lb.it thu reduction la made In the cioJiillxo , judli'lal and police de partments. lto olvcd , That xxe request and Instruct our honorable councllmeii > pechl and Mcl.earle.to use nil their Inlluciico to prevent any chance ns at present conlcmplatetl , The folloxvlng xvas also passed : liosolxod , That tbo eluh.Hhllo endoislng the action uf the Heal I'Mato Owners association In Invoking thu aid of the courts In preventing municipal dishonest and Illegal talds on Ihu lieiisury , depiecalu their action In the In junction restraining the payment of election olllcers at llio last election believing It un fair and unjust , to a larno majority uf our rlti- /ens xvhoso xtoik xvas well done nnd money honestly earned all asked for. and x\htio they feel that they am loyally entitled to , but aru still deprlxcd of their .lust compensation by Iho said Keal l.state Ouncrs association , he it Hesolved , iThal the Iteal Instate Owners as sociation should xxlthdrnxv thulr teniporaiy liijuncllnn at this term of court and proxeiil further ' ] del'iy In the matter. Next Friday evening a nicotine of the club xvill bo hold to discuss the question of dlvld ing iho Sixth ward and mailing txvo xvnrds of It. KKKI'JXtS OUT or II.IHM'S ll'.tr. ( .unit Successfully i\uiles : rupture by the Troops anil Hangers. L\ttnpo , Tox. , Jan. S.M.Tho raid upon the Lomn Prloto ranch on the line of Enclnal anil Dnvitl counties , where Garza and a foxv friends xvoro located the first part of the present xvcok , failed as far ns the finding of lar/a ! xvns concerned. Gar/a had been thcro , hut did not camp on iho ranch , preferring to keep in the brush. Thcro is no possible doubt hut that Gar/.a has scouts and spies xvho itcop him continually in formed of the moxro incuts and xvhcrc- abouts of the troop * , rangers nnd United States maivshals , which enables him , to effectually keep out of their xvay , aud it begins to look as if they xvill never effect his capture xvhilo anting under the present nlous of operations against him. Itctoliillonlsts to lie shot. N. M. , Jan. 2 > . Txvo of the leadcis of the recent revolution in Ascension have boon sentenced to bo shot. The execu tion xvill take place next week. Others nro noxv being tricu and oilier executions will folloxv. or/1 TIII : < : .IMI : . Kx-l'rchldcnt Cleieliiiiil llii\lnK ( irent Sport < In Louisiana. New InnitiA , La. , Jan. ' . The first news at all from Jefferson's , referring to ox-Presi- dent Cleveland , was received today. Yester day morning early no went woodcock hunt ing , and later in the day and at sunset ho stood n pusso for duck , which is bis favonto xv LMtne. Last night numerous visi tors ; were received , and this morn ing .Mr. Cleveland again went hunting. As no permits are given sports men to hunt on Jefferson's Island , game is plentiful , aud Mr. Cleveland is getting as mucn of it as he can conveniently attend to. In conversation last night , ho expressed n desire to hunt prairie chickens. Captain Cade , who was amonir Iho visitors , cordially invited Mr. Cleveland and party to accom pany him to his ranch near IJcaumotit , Tex. , xv wbere prairie chickens are plentiful. The invitation will bo considered and if time per of In mits will bo accepted. in HOCK ISLAND TU\IX DITCHKI ) . Six I'enple Injured by a U'l-rrU mi the Chicago cage , Itoek Isliinil A : I'.ieille. CIIICAOO , III , , Jan. ffi ) . The Chicago , Uook Island & I'auillc passenger train No. ,1 , which left this city at 10JO : : last nisbt for ; Davenport la , , loft the track near Hluo Island and rolled Into Iho ditch. Tbo train consisted of nn engine , baegago car , thrco passenger coaches and two sleepers. Near Hluo Island is a largo pottery plant \ nnd it was within a short distance of it that the rails spread. The engine cleared llio gap eh in safety , but the baggage car coupling gave way. All MX cars wcro ditched in a few minutes and all took fire. Tbo Hock Island oflicials in the city re ex ported ul a. in. that they had boon notified that six passenger ; wcro Injured. No fatalities of ities had been reported. no ca hteiinief Anil.its. or At Philadelphia Austrian , from Glasgow. orWl At nallimoro Virginia , from Ilambure. no , At London Sighted-Adriatic nna Kibe , MI lh from Now York. „ su lai SPECIAL NOTICES. . fill fillI COUNCIL BLUFFS. I _ ics I71OU HAI.K A team of Kuod mares : pur- pa J- chaser may out wood to puy for same. Ap tin ply tol.conaid K mt KHNT- Kino mill , and daliy farm. 440 lo acres , Jusl south oft he city llmltHou ; : ; acres eel line b.iy lanil , balanci ) past HID ami faun land , fin Apply : to l.cnnurd Kvun.lt. Ciinnull lllulfs , la. at tu : "I71O.X Ifl'N'l' 7-ir/nm hin e , with bath loom. nn ; corner 4th ate. and lull bt , Inqnlto nuxt not dour. the ( iCM'l'r.K the f.jllowln ; elimco b irgalnti In 10 frult and vugulablu lands : r > 7 acres 8J roils tin north of the I'haiilaniiua KirmmlH. eastern all Hlope , flnosprlins and line Nurlng-brooU , land very rich and well minuted to fruit , lo ! l acics on ( ir.ind u\enue , line orchard , r XVII ulndinlll und line grove ; -limited nn Mynsku UN projiosed mntiir line , one nml one-half in I in till fiom Council Illnir * posininee. till II iicrcHOf very ehnlce plowed land on ( fraud till avenue , 14 miles from uoslnlllce , PII 111) ) acres ; Hi miles from city limits ; good till house , barn tnrl oiiibuildln/4 ! line urcharj ; n so great b.irualn at ? " ' . ' > W. Kasy terms. oil ! .H neres. elniluii fi lilt farm , 0 acres In hliek- berilex , dUOyuunit fruit trcoi , 'l,0i ( < lKiape vinos. llnnsc , barn and ontlmlldln.ru A very elinlco Imrxaln , onlv" ' > miles mist nf iiontnfllcu In Council Illnirs. W. i Mncy. ' ( loom 4 , Oput i Monte bluok. Cnunell llhiira , la. frr IOWA farms ! flui'l > acru farm , f 10 per nor ? . el flMllciiKli , b.ibineo on limx lime ) IM aero Ihi farm , flitx ) down , bilaiit'o easyj fauns uf all Hires tend for lUt , Jo'instun ' A , Vail ratten , Council lllillfH , WANT tubiiv to"k of Kru'er.iu or boon and dimes , will pay pirl i"i li an l.pirt by ! > room hoiio und lot In ( Jintha , U .H Hoe , Council ll'ulf _ _ _ OO.MI'M'.Ti : outfit lur IU turns and two pool tubleu for ii-ilii and bulldliiK for rout. I lee I locution I ) , II. Hliuafe , uvur Ullluur Ac 1'iuuy'i ban i > . ifiinlon Imnls , liniisoi , lut mil bunlnota bhuU * for K ilo < ir rant. Day , V Mont , oil I'uarl ntru t , ( Joiinall In CITIZENS STATE BANKer III.It INI bu or Commit niuffi. 1AL STOCK . JH0.03) AMU PHo Ti . 'OOOJ TOTAL CAPITAL AND WHPIU3 . p > vw lu l > IH cr ' I 4 ' " VHE9r ON TIMi DEPO3I F 8 " ' LIKE A MIRACLE. Mrs. Prnnk Wnltsre , Roslding ab 2507 Patrick Avenue , StxtoJ Her Relief Through the SuccoBJflil Treatment or Drs. Copolnntl , Shepard and Mansfloltl. " .My dl ca o had been In my vMom fora lonK whllo. ' 1 would take cold vo < > a < dlv nnd my head uonld Hop up nnd frcl liciivy mvl KOIIP , but I only paid sllulil nllciitlon to tli ! . Hut about one voar npa It lind crown so iniiclt wor o th.it It c.iimcd inu orloui It-onlili1 mid I bocnn to frnl alarmed. Prom that tlmr on It tnado lapld trldo and Uopt mo 'u ' CONSTANT I'M.N MlMISKItV , ' 'Mv hcnd nnd uosovMToi'iintliiiiullyHtoppcd up ; the mucus eatlipilni ; In niv llirout KIIVC mo an InuesHint lni'Ulii ooiipli and iiiol dli- acrcoalilo spitting , c ] ) uclnlly In tbo inornliiR , _ Mttf . i uNM < wAt.-tr.its , ' . ' .vr. r when l ! \\mild I rnKo a ( ; icit : deal of houvy. thick IIIIICIM or phlegm My thtoiit ns soie , diy and Iriltnud , and I ( 'ontliiiial linking ii'id bii//.Ins nolsus In my rnr < . M > slonuieli buuiiiuu iniirli out of oi dor. my iiiilii'tlttMilinost. entirely failed ino , umlvlion I did cat. tliu food sccinod to do mo no ROOI ! and my stomach aej full lioiivy and overloaded. "Whunovor I stooped OVIT I would havi > pains tliiiiiili ) ! m.v I'hc-t nml sliould- 01' s ; myeep | was liiokon and lltlul Tla < r.i\- IIK S of the illsen L s told very M'lluti'.ly on me "n In oxcryvav. . nnd my cntlin ni'Moussy. ' ! ! ! wis : liolnu dcstioyi'd. I was In1 table uml oaillv annoyed l > y trllli's , Kvc-ry moriilm ; found mu with a hcnvv. dull , tiled feetln- , W1TIIOLT CMilUlV Oil AMIItl ION "I was u Rioat Mtiroiur fiom ni'rvoii-iu'ss and Insomnia. I was % oiy ml&oralilo diiilnt , ' tliu day ( and unable to rest 01 sleep at nlc'il ' , nml cruduallieailns out in stn'iiKth I also suf fered L'teatly from soveio pnlns In thuehost mound my Jiont , and could not. dnu full lireathllliotit sovoto pain , In tills I'ondll Ion I consulted ) Copi'lnnd , Miepiinl and Mans field ! utter I had vainly lo-oili'il lo.vuilom means of cure. Tbuy be un my cast ) ono month ! ace and I am now MI much Improved that I feul like a now woman. Sly nei\oii > . condition Is much Imimivcd , and I can sleep as well as 1 ever did , auaitliiK lufMMlied and leady : for my diitleo. All tills u It lion I , tin usu ot opiates or Injiiilous din - , . My treatment " been mild uirl pleiisant and yet " 1 cordially rucnmmciid Di I'opi'luiid > lii'p- ard and .Manslleld to all needing bUlllful med ical help. " "ON YOUR HONOR. " This ; IB the Condition Upon AVhieli a n IjtKly CoiTOhponilcnt AHCS ! n Direct li rect Qiicstioi. : "Is catarrh ourabloV Aitincr on youi honor as i-entleiiioii. " Now , this direct and x cry I'liiiiliiitlu question wus the Introduction of u letteilneh Dr. . 'opelainl and lita ussoL'l.ttcs iceelved tlio other day from fiom : i lady in Miaum , I'n. "Is catarrh uiirnblu'i1 Answer on your honor as gentlemen. . " \\hlle the qiie tlon Impltet considerable doubt as to the curability of cal.irrli. or ) ier- haps an Imntcsglon that tliodbe.ise IH not cur able. It also Implies a eompllmcnfiiy rell- unoe on the truthfulness or tliu people to whom It was addressed , and , for that , mason , de < a f.ilr and srjnaie answer , and such an answer It shall locuhrf Yes , catarih Isacniahlo disease.Vo liavo been demonstrating that fact for yea is. We an demonstrating It eM'iy weul > In the pub Us btateiiicnti of well known mun and women In ho community who liuxe been en tirely cured , and vrhostato to tliu ixibllco\ur their own signature's , and In Inter ; lurts ae- comp.mled by their jiortralls , tliat they luivo been cured. Wo liavo been demonstnitiiiK It nvain and again by icfcrrlng continually to statements pnbll.sbed in our advertl&emcnl yoar-i ago , and rcatllrmcd by the persons spuaUIn- ; today , who point to their statement of years ago and state that not the slightest sign or svmptom iheh trouble has appealed since tlinli orig inal : statements -were made. Catarrh Is curable. To I he ic.idlng , thlnk- Inj. ; , Intelllicent public wo haio left no loom for doubt of the truth of this statement. Wo answer this ( | nest Ion "on our honor us gentle anme men. " and as conscientious phyli'lans every day In our consultation rooms. We do il hon estly with our patients and Uecp faith with the public. Intelligent 1 people Know thN. Kven those who HIU not specially Inteicsted In our work Unow that It would not bo piolltnblo f > r us to do anytiiln : el o. Located , as no aic , perma nent I v In this city , char.'InK a insular and uniform fee for medicine and tieatmont , It would bo the height of folly to Impose upon tine puhllf , even if wodeslied to do M > . Ad- \ertlbeis who Impose on the people- expect to set their aatlents lint \eiy fen times , and charge exorbitant f"es , 'Ino specialist wlio charses lotv fees aii'l tees bis pallenls resii- larly , Is not iolii to muKe stalcments that he catiiiot ' fulfill , 'i'hls stands to reason. When uo siy calarih Is enrablc , no mean exact I v what we say. and when w place a pa- tlinit under treatment In the ulllcu for ca tarrh , wo expect to ouio him The nrijorlty tlio cases that wo trout lira eniM ; HOIIIO are not. There aio cases whuio the piojjnus of catairh bus extended to thi luii'-'s , the heart nrhomu vital or 'an , nnd a euro is lniio | > siblo. \Vherg the disease him been so Ion : ; neglected , medical sUill will bring ahotit u euro. In such cases wo me fortunate If no can renollt , the < patient , and In thse Instince.s we never piomiso , , to elfect u cure. Catarrh , when It bus1 developed Into con sumption and leached an aihiinced .stage , can laroly. If ovm1 , bo permanently euieil. Thoiu an oilier ami moio fieonenl ca-estn * wlilch a failure to obtain a euro Is note I. In I these cases It Is not the surloiisnnis of tbo disease that , pievonts a e'lin ; It Is the caio- " > sncr < s , neglect and thoughtlessness of the patient , I'or Instance , us t-oim as ho begins to improve he becomes neglectful In tilting his medicine or In geltlnu bis tieatmeiit r-avt II'H lee much trouble , nnd In a slioit lime comes luu Htiindstlll us faras iminoveinoat Is con- ecined. and after a wlillo blames Mis doctor not curing him. This Is a fair mainpli ) nf gioal ! many eases. Tin : Imincssloii that ca- tanh Is Incurahlo Is liicioiiscd by such cases this , null N fostoii'd by pbyslchin- , who tin truut catarrh and Know nothing about II. ( 'alarrh Is a curable 'li o.isc . In eases wheio In pitlent follonsotir dlicuilons faltlifuliy. > _ juliiily nn I fir tliu ] irescilhu ( | liinglh ot lime , a comploloand pcimaneni euro Is mor ally certain , We ate ready to maintain HUH piopo | | | < m by an abundance of evidence , and llio niiL'st Ion with which this mlk-lo liegan answer In all Hlni'oilly and on our "honor gentlemen " that cataiili Is eui.iblo when pi.tlenl follows rogiilaily and faithfully , doctor's lust i net Ions , when the contrae- llon of no other dlseic-o Interfeies ivlth llio ptogicss of the treatment , and when the IM- tarrhal condition Itself Inmial been neglected long as to nxlend Into eontumptlon 01 HOIIIO other fatal dhuise. Proof. The follow lirx Inturi-'stni' ; NIII | > mnnts mo from Ihn lips of bioibiir an I s Htur. MIss.Mln- va i and \\r. \ lluiiuvlii 'lindiir who icsldo with thcli uurJiitstt VKH N ' 'llh tU.'et , lluimUe and M in ' - n Iti.idir 'Our rases were very similar hcaty dl > - ciuliiK piiliih in the head , roai.iM and 'iinx- X nuUn In llio IMIH.-I ippliu npof the HOIO , t onovlde tlien the iithi r , and ln ml 1011- unlly wo experh uee I n ilmppln/ from Iho CK nf ( he IIH til lulu thu llir < iu , wlilch n in IIHWK and , ( ill , It } Iii4 in iul e U m' throat > ) oud | nl iv n < > < iliuny Ihu ili tl < old IIIK ! miMle llfti ri ry HI > ruble , \ \ it l > hull u oavint' r t'kluir iiiiih i n utl iirni | ln In thli clit'it exti'Mdn llll'K tu tht ) milder liluden , i4iilli r null mi * illl UIMIU urlili 4 lu ibL < iniiiul uf , no H e rlir I i < aii < l nllrx I Ti" lu- irlibl/ bt i ritd 11111 m > riiiuil lln i iui In-auul till ) aiOi n lit i * but fttllM I I > BU | lv l rri.i-f. ( I h l l u (4 ( in 1 wi.uiil iii. * i.ui t . . .r il , bm , / ii o ri | irtTf ! n UMIM lagil la ilnl i" n r- i i pi'Uiiil ill an d -Vkiil nl Mr -Mfi in < l I 1 1 in ln-.il n ( nl l i' n , in , i- i 'nl i in i i wi. J id firallourdl afir oabe ) lymptoms Imvo ills * appeared , Her Honr nir Rostorcd. "Iliad constant ncc latlons In my nose nnd Iho * _ dronpluzs from Hie bark oC f my throat kept mo alwnj i nauseated. Thciu a u ronllniinl roarlne. UnqliiK nolso In my enrxnnd , / MV | | l'A * > IVf1 M AC IITM' almoU entirely. 1 c > uld not hear nil onlltinry cumena- thin. I had a secern cdiiti. ( ! Ml ! ? . II .IANSON rrv. lliul no ntipctilii nml my stomach waaout of older nn.l eaused luu great distress "After treatlm ; with Drs Oopolaiid Micp nnl mill Mansfield , liituntur. I found Unit they were dl Me mil frtiin nil tlio other- . They seemed to uwlorst mil the OIIHI thoroughly , nml my doubt changed to conlldcin'c mill I know they would cure inc. " 1 lia\i > not lionn disappointed , either t foci so well now that lean hardly lean e my past condition. Mrs. Jaiiscii lives nt . .flthnnd V stieet * < oiith Omaha , where she can l > t > seen uml will u ad- llyorlfy her statement. Hncl Catarrh Tell Yi nrs. . "My llfofor the p.isl Icn yean h.ii buvn oneiifcon- sli nt sinTeilne : evetylhlng 1 trlml seemed to nniKe niv OHM' wursu , I 41 Pill I'll with iniiny doi'torluit they wore only successful ( u 10- llcvlns mo of my moncv , mid my liuultli was crid : utilly fallin. ' . tMitil Iwasa. complete wreeK. "My lit'iid nml HUM' nil- beared to tin cnnstiititiv Mil ? . MI-VA 1)01.1 , ' ' "Wdupnud , ' ' " 'ddulf . , hCilNy pnlllS tmr , nj. , iyii , mytliroiil wtudry nml i > tu > . mul iho nuieuV droppliiK from the h.icK putt of the head iiiliN * my tliro it would till it up. eninliij ; UK a dis agreeable eoimh. espselally In the i.i'irulnx : my M-iisoof smell was considerably Impaiicd ; niv appetite was II i fill , my sleep , \\hile upp u- eutly sound eunuch , did nut npji ) > : u to u fieth mo , inn ) when I awakened In llio m inliu I trim languid nml tired nil llmmuli. " \\hoio. all others lm\e failed lim r pi > laml , Shepard mill Munsllold have been successful. mid I epiinot s y too much for them and to iiuy mid nil I would Kindly repe.it my toiy ' Mr . Hull lives on l.caM'iiHnilli slici't , whuro she can bosocn mid luidlly Nei'fy ' her statement , Ano'lior ' Instance. Mr. M II. Mi-ford Is thankful for the bene fits iceohed from His. Copclmid , Sii > p.ud and Mnnsllold troaimcnt ' Tor vu.iis I wns troubled wltli cat it id my no90 u nt stoppoil up llrst ono -side mid then Hill Other , also a fullness 111 Iliethloll p.Uns til t tin liiid : mid n rnnt liiiirit liu\i 1. im tnul itll tlmr. Aftei 11 vine various reinedesiuul , celt In * ' no n lief L KIIVO up In despair , but In i < iil'nir ' i > r ( hit lemnrKi hie eun s of ills Copulamhi ) p aril and Maiislh Id 1 decided to call upon them and tiy their treatment. 1 did K > and can snj they Jhavo ( Nine \\ondcii for me. and I desltu to e\ress | my feel- ' niBHoi criiiitinii 10- MII u'i iititi Mti MIoiin. Wnrds them foi tliu benefits 1 have received , and I am perfectly sntIslled that a speedy and peimniinenl emu will bu thoiesiilt. " Faithful Work. "At times T would 1 o omo almost blinde I by teiilblo beadaclics. " 1 had thoM ) lm/7lni : and roailnp noises In my cars , a continual bawMii ) ; and sinttlm. . and my tnioat was so dry and foie I eonld ll.l , .1 I V ull fl I IllVV. lu addition my IIOMI w as I'ontantly slopni'd. up us far ten vears 1 had n o t lueathed throiiKli It : In the e\- 4 uiiilnutlon lli > t'opoV 1 nil , Miepard .tnti Manbflcld found In my nnso a lnii ; polypun. \\hluliwiislbu cause oi ; the obstructed In until- \ 111 . JOHN MAI.DNII. "They deftly tenioved tbo tumor nrlllmil a bit of p.itn or li , - , of blood , 1 felt immediate relief , and can now btcathu thiuiieh both nostrils , my head u lic-i liavo ceased , no mete ro.irliiK nol-es In the e.irs. no hawkliiR and splltlnir , and Ifecllll.u a dlllcrcnt man. ' " 1 heartily recommend Ir * . Copcland. Sliop- ard and Mansfield's ticuliiiuiit as ihu i nljf troilniunt that over gave mo any relief , and had I Known of them sooner itiiiil I Invo saved mo years of snlVerln ami mucu inonov. " -Mr. .Malonollros at IRttt Houth rth sdod , w here ho will readliy verify Ills statement. Their Ci'odontliili. Aslios been said. Dr. W. IT.CopcI.ini .H president of hla class at llellovnu Hospital Medical Colloc. New 'Vork , where ho nr.id- natod. the most famous lust llnUon of Its Mud In thucouniry. His diploma bears the HI It ten endorsed ent of Iho medical authorities ot Now Voru , of Iho deans of prominent medical cnlloKus In Pennsylvania. Mr. T. II , Mniisllfld'4 eredentl.ils are no less abundant and nuqual * Illed. Ho also Is formally Indorsed by tin ) sec retaries of various county and st ita medical societies. These gentlemen , after thorough hospital experience and pr.iclleo , buvo devoted - voted their lives to the pr-iutlce of theli spou- ties , with wlrit success the columns ot tuy dally papers show. V Dlt. O. S. KilEl'AKD. who was president of V his clt.ss at Hush Medical college , t'lik'tieu. , which Is acUnowIedned lo be the leading In- btltntlon of IIH kind In the xics' . Is now asso- eluied xvith Ihu Copolann Med.cal InstltutL Dr. Hhepard'H thoroiipb hospital expert- * " cute and special Htudy of the discuses of the eye. ear. nose and thioit. p ace hlm iinu'r ; the leading specialists In Ihu west. Copland Medical Institute , BOOMS 311 AND 310 , New York' Life Cor. I " ( li nntl Fani.Viii Sis. , Onmln , W. II. Coi'ir.AM : > . M. J ) . C. S. SlUII'AKI ) , M. I ) . T. L5. .MAN'M-'IKM ) , M. 1) . Consulting I'liys'clans. Hpeclalloj ; nilarrli and all dl-i'j.n.-- lli-j Kye. Kar. Throat aii'l ' lnnr : > . Nurvons Ills- eases , hldn Diseases , ( ilinmlo Dlso-isos "Illun llourh U toll a. m. , ' ! to > p. in , , 7 l > 'J p m. Mitidiiy IU a. m to 4 p m , Cittarrhal troubles and klndiud I | | CMIMH treated successfully by mull , Send 4i ; m hlanips for onustlim circulars. Address all letlDts to Copulnnd Medical Institute , New Vork Ufo llulldlni : . Omahu. Nub $5 A MONTH. CATAKHII AND KlNIIltlM ) Ml1AnHH ! TKKATHI ) AT TIIK \TKOUM I HATI 1)1 ) J" A SIONI'll UNTIL Al'ltlh 1UTII Ml 1)1- ) CINKH I'MTKNIsuni ) I'ICICK. and all inunnoi of HOME Entertainments ! roit Hi'iirioiiS A.VJI Hut'iinis ; : together xvith Fireside Games and siiZRestloiio for Unique Fartie ; are to bo found In the IKIBIM , . ' < hu Monthly Social Only 50o a Yuan 10j. Addruwi Home Eiilci'liiiiiciil ' Co. , COUNCIL IIMW1M , I \ COUNC'IL HLIM'F.S Calvani/ l Iron Corni * \ \ < \l \ U Utt < UU > t * > . lH < > i"i nntl UMV lili'iuM