TflK OMAHA DATLf BEti : SUNDAY , JANUARY 17 , 1802-81 XTEtiN" " TRAIN ROBBERS SHOT DOWN T Two Misuonri Man Successfully Hold Up an Express Near Lama ? . BUT VENGEANCE OVERTAKES THEM After Kilting u fort Scott 1'ollcrmnn , n l'o sn Siirriinnil Tlir-m , Hiiddi'iily Tor- initiating Din Ciirrrr of One mill 'niuifiiiiR tin' other. KANNtt Citr , Kan. , Jan. 23. Last night was a thrilling ono for tlio crow ami passen gers of thu soullinotind Missouri I'acillc Iraln. The train was holil uii twice , once by n lynching party I hut wns escorting Mur derer Robert Helper from Novuda , Mo. , to Lumnr , Mo. , whcra they hanged Intn , and n second tlmo by train robbers who rcbbcd tbo oppress car nnd Its inmates. The train hail hardly loft Nassau Junction whore the lynching parly look possession of It , when n danger signal inducou iho engineer to slow up again. When tbo train canio to n standstill two maslica men onlorcd tuo ex press car nnil ordered tlio occupants to hold up their hand * , keeping tho-ii covered with revolvers while the train traveled twelve tntlos to Lamar. The lobtiers rlllcil the pockets of tlio trainman , taking $75 from { ! aggaioman ; Hull , and sotno from ICxpross Messenger iluuclc and Traveling 1'asseiiRor Agent Harrett , of the Missouri I'acltic , who had irotio to the express car to escape nnnoy- unco by ttio mob of lynchers In tbo rear caw. Tlio express messenger was compelled to ro- Vcal the combtnaUon to ttio Pacific Express company's safe nuit that was also tilled , the amount secured , however , being of nu laslg- ntllcant amount , less than $7. > . Itilli-il 11 rnllrriimu. When tbo tr.iln arrived at Lamar , the des tination of tlio mob , the bandits mingled In the crowd of lynehcrs and for u time wore lost sight of. Ono ot the trainmen , however , soon discovered them hoarding n passlt.g northbound freight train on the Memphis road and sent tlio Collowlnir disp itcli to the shurifTnnd city marshal at Fort Scott. Ivan. : Wntch for two men ; no ba g IRIS loush ap- poarMico , onuMitiiowliat tulk'r tnan the othiT. They lire iviiiitiiil for lobbing I'.ielllu Ipres train hero this tmirnlnt : . Aio coinlir.1 toward your city ( in u fright. Tbo freight train arrived at Fort Scott at 7 o'clock this morning. Policeman S. B. Mc- Lcmorc , colorcil , was on duty at the station. Two suspicious looking characters ot the description of tha roobora , as given In the dispatch , got on * the train. Ho halted tboin , when ono of tbo men drew hU revolver and ilrctl. Tha 'bullet pierced the pollcoinan's head anil ho dropped dead. It so happened that by this tlmo the frcicut train was pullingoutand the robbcra boarded an empty box car und looked themselves in. Shorlly afterwards the passenger train from Tjamar arrtvrd and on it was Detective dies- J jr of the Missouri P.iclllu who was in pur suit of the bandits. Ho , accompanied by United States Marshal Alapos and City Mar shal Abbott of I't. Scott , boarded the iiasscn- 'Rcr train and pulled out Immediately in pur- stiltof tliofroipht. AtMtamistation ttio freight was overtaken , liut was just pulling out tor Pleasanton v. hen the passoncor train nrilvcd , the crow of rmer train having no Itnowl- edge of tno uAngerous fieiglit they wore hauling. Fought \vlh tilii KoHlM'lM. Dotcctivo Cnottcr and his * companicns , however , succeeded fit boarding the moving freight anil took uossession of the car imme diately behind that in which the bandits had taken refuge. Tbo latter liud seen their pur suers enter th-s car and immodiutelr opened flro upon them. Ofllecrs returned tha IIro and shots were continuously e\changua through tlio ends of cars all the way to JRloasanton , a distance of live miles. A dispatch lint boon sent to Pleasanton nsklng that a passu moot the train , and when tbo freight pulled In the robbers' car was surrounded and tbc inmates were called upon to surrender. Tlioy answered with shots from their revolvers and the posse returned tbo flro. Finally ai.hotfrom the Winchester of ouo of tbo posse struck ono of the robbers in tno head and killed niin. Tha other b.inult than surrendered. lie was seriously wounded in tbo sldo. Ho ( rave till own name a ; ( Jharlus Myers of City , Kan. , but declined to reveal that ot Ins < loud companion. The coroner held an inquest on the ? body of the dead robber and returned a verdict In ac cordance with tha facts. Myen was taken back to Fort Scolt. Idi-nlily ol' Hut ItolibcTs. A. reporter tMllud at tha bouse which Myers gave us bis address in Kansas City , Kan. Two women wore found there , ono of whom said she was MyorV wife' and tlio other his wifu'.s sister. When nslced where ho was they s.iM that bo left last night with his brother-in-law C. S. Francis - - , , to go to Harrlsoiivillo to uvuio for u furm and was expactcil to return tonight. The women inhibited much nervousness in answering < | Ut.Mtioiis. When told of the Iraiu robbery and tbo wounding of Myers mid thoulllingat his companion , they nude no comment , It Is supposed that tbo dead robber Is none other Ulan C. S. Francis. Mrs. Myers said her husband had been running a "joint , " era a Kansas salooi. . but no such man ts known to the polio ? The police at Kansas City , Kan. , received tbo following telegram touigt.t : s 1'OHT Scan. Ivan. . .Ian. LM. Tell my tvlfu it Is Us. Toll I'-jr not to 1:01110. : 1 am badly wonmlocl. OlIAHI.I.h MVKIIS. The "u " ovfdenUy includes C. S. Francis. Ho and Mycra married sisters , ,111 d were pro fessional gamblers. Francis was a coubin of Governor Francis \\bom he greatly ro&cm > hied , and a nephew of Judge ( Jow.m of St. Louis. Ho was heir to nu estate near Balti more held In trust for him. CHILI IIK.VUS TIM : xiws. : lllulno's C'nblu l.'Itliniitnm llns llrrn ! ! < . ffitnl ill .SlIlltlllKil. NBW Vomc , Jan. 31.Hellablo infonmitlon this afternoon froiu Santiago do Chill states it Is announced thcro that the L-ovorninout has received tha ultimatum from the United States that no further delay In the settle ment of the dispuiu between the two govern- incuts will be rolcr.iled. The Malta telegram - gram , thu ultimatum suyX , must bo Immedi ately withdrawn. Vlrbittt'4 < * olil StiHi | VIENNA , Jan. -Yesterday was the cola est day experienced hero in muny years. The thermometer neutered I degree Fahrenheit Above zero in tlic city and 0 degrees below zero outside. 1'Uo streets were almost do- erlod. I'erscnj compelled lo bo out found hreatblng dinleuli ; their brains bccuiue benumbed > numbed mid tucli * oycs tilled \\ith tours , which froze to tliuir eyelashes , lloriui had Jolclos pendant from their mouths. Itlrds Jfrom the Prater crowded together in fcliul- torod nooUs. Owing to tbo extreme cold there were very few spectator * at Urn funeral of Arcnduuo tialvator. The i.x > urt physician tested the temnonitur * of tlio chapel before the royal faintly were allowed to enter , Small In sUr , great in reimU ; UuWttt's i.lttlo Early uiiart. Iteit pill for constipa. tlou , boat forslcjc headache , bast for sour tnmacn. CniOAOo , ML , Jan. 1 , Kvcrott * Post , one Of tbo Urgoit pig lead and spotter cam- Xnlnlon boutc * In tut ! count ry , The honaquartors nro nt St. L uls and the assignment Is said to have bcci i mndo there yesterday. This afternoon a d 'rd covering the property hero was lied. The Chicago branch nlono did n business aggregating Ifl.OOO.fOO last year and nt St. Louis tbo hoi < n ncarlv doubl vl those figures. At the ftleo of the company In this city nothing could bo learned as to the assets and liabilities. Tllose familiar with tno business say the firm wis caught by a serious drop In the market umf hid been unable to tncot all contracts. .VH itirot.VTio\\ \ Two Opinions on. tli'n llorilpj- Tronlilns Wlilrli Dim-r Widely. WAIIIIXOTO.V , U. C. . Jan. sli.-Oenfcral Schortcld rocovod n telegram tmlay from General Stanley , commander of tlio Ooparl- mont of Texas , In which ho oxnitissei ! the opinion that th ' Garzalnsurrcctioary move ment was nt im end. SAX AVTO.VIO , Tex. , Jan. 2b.-Harold Uootllgor , a moclmnjcal OUR ( neon , who has traveled oxtonsivoly'ln Mexico during the past three months , says. "Tho blljgost and most important part of tbo so-calll'd GnrM revolution Is quietly uolng its won < In the interior. It is a mlsUko to think Ithnt this moss Is merely n pleco ot border advertising. There is something heavy and MOW' ' jrful bo hmd tt nil. I was In Xacatecas a ew days ngo. Well , that town , ns you knolv , Is far removed from the Ulo Grande counjtry. It Is ono of the qulot , slow , sleepyIdtlcs of Mexico , and yet on every hand , In ol'ory 111.- tie tratbormgof poonlo , In nvary honse , ono coula hoar whispers of the Gur/a resolution. Thasamo state of ntTuirs was manlfrsted at San Luis Potou. In the cities of H.illlllo , Monterey nnd the other eastern touns , the Gaiva revolution 1 * live subjcjt. I These who bavo tnkon the trouble to post them selves on the subject say that the skmiiNhos by Onr/'i's men on the border are Imeroly mndo In divert the attention of the Mexican authorities. It is riot the nucleus ! of the revolution nt all , but merely a flank Imovo- moiit The general Imnrcaslon is that tno real revolt Is secretly brewing in every tovfn.1 FIUVH1XU O.Y mil fiVlil'/.UN. S < 'i'ri'liry : Spmilling Appi'iiri Itoliirii the AVajs mill .MrillM ( 'iiniillltIn' . WASIIINOTON , D. C. , Jan. SU. By request of the Ways nnd moans committee Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Spauldtng np- pearod before the commltioo today. " "Tho object of the inquiry was to secure ofllcial Information as to the rdvOuno nnd expendi tures of the government as preliminary to any possible turiff legislation. Mr. Spaulding m.ido a comparison between the current fiscal year and tuo llscal year ended Juno 3d , 18'JO ' , the year before the present tariff ret wont into oirect. Ho said the total revenue receipts ( estimated ) for the current fiscal year weto $300,000,000 , against $403,079,000 , for the llscal year 1S90. The act ual receipts wore $17,151,000 for tbo llrst six months of the current llscal year , about $7,000,000 more than the expenditure for the corresponding sK months. Tno expenditures ( estimated ) lor the current llscal year were $ tS,000OOU ; ! , or about SJ4,000,000 loss than the estimated receipts. The secretary said it would bo necessary to take $10,000,000 out of the apparent surplus of ? 'J 1,000.000 to provide for the sinking fund requirements. He added that in additioa to tlio-S24OJO,000 ap parent surplus there wAs "cash in the treasury" amounting to $ lil'J.TJybOD ' , making n total of § 153,4)9.1,000. ) WASHINGTON- . C. . Jan. SI. TSnaclal Tele gram to Tac HUE. ] Tha followin-r ll t of pensions gr.intoJ is ropartot by Tun Buu and Examiner Bureau of Claims : Nebraska : Original Luito C.irt , Daniel Clemens , James A. Smith. James S. Stone , Henry C. Scott , Anthony 11. Fr.uor , Harri son. Inoreabo E. Theodore .Elliott , Thomas G. Bartlett , Heurv ' Clnbaugh. Iowa : Oricimd'-'William Woiglo , William Ashley. James Wildman , David Davis , bam- uol A. Woods , Samuel S. Wood , Henry .1. McVoy , Thomas. Fisher , Jacob Paul. Pbilo M. Sage , Charles E. Hardy , John M. Liuta , Lewis Ireland. John M. "Bartlett. Thomas W. Morris , Andrew .1. Knssoll , Philemon Paterson , William. Doak. Original , widows etc. Francis Carr , Louisa Antrim , Eh.aV1UB | man , minors of Moses B. Ferry man , ftlagda- . lena Border. I'ort l CHICAGO , 111. , Jan. i. } . It has been prac tically settled by the War department that n substantial addition to the Garrison at Fort Shor'dan ' shall be made , and if the wishes of General Scholield and General Miles are car ried out , Fort Sheridan , by the Ilrat of May , will bo the largest garrisoned post in tlio country. Uy that tlmo orders will bo issued lor one troo'p of cavalry anil a ballot y of ar tillery to proceed to thu fort in addition to the troops already there , making about bOO men. Where tbov wilt come from lias not yut been decided , but they probably will bo tu lien from western posts. Thu Flro Ui-ciirit. CoxxKU.sviu.E , Pa. , Jan. 28. The Catholic church hero burned this morning. The building , including valuables contents , was valued at , $100,000 , on' which there was only $25,000 Insurance. BOSTON , Mass. , Jan. 21 ! . The Ferdinand branch of the Boston Electric Light com pany burned early this morning. The loss Is estimated at $ JOO,000. The property de stroyed consisted of twenty-four dynamos nnd'throo valuable oncincs , It U feared one life was lost. KlltVil liyu lliiriiilcss Inibi'clli' . PiTrsnuiin , Pa. , Jan. SJ2 During the tem porary absence fit the guard in ono of the wards at Dlxmont insane asvluiu , O. A. Wil liams , who was thought to bo n harmless lunatic , choked John MoFeo , mi ugcd imbe cile to death. . Ho gave as his roaaon that McFco talked too much. Antony Brouuclli. trlod to help McFco nnd was also seized by the Infuriated madman , but was rescued , lirounolli is seriously Injured. Olllrlillx A LONDON , Jan..2:1. : The Times' Valoaraiso correspondent says an attack by armed men was made upon the house of Dr. Satireat Mendoza , Argentine , where u number of members of tha provincial chamber were holding u mooting. Navajos , secretary of the Chamber , nnd several other legislator ) were assassinated. TlicinVrn Nil SVN Fi'ANC'isco , Cnl. , Jan. 23. General Superintendent Gabel of the Atlantic .Si Pa- clflo railway , now in this city , received an ofllcial dispatch today staling that no one was killed in the train wreck on that road west of Albuquerque Friday. II , II. Me- Croaglo , n deadhead fireman riding on thu engine , was the only ono seriously injured. Total damage to the train wa * slight. VIlliiKn Innniliiti'il. SOUTH Srii.i.wvrnii , Minn. , Jan. 2:1 : , This town is Inundated from a peculiar cause. During tjio lalo cold spell Perroj brook was frnzon solid at iu mouth , but tlio water continued tinuod to How and backed up all ever the Hat on which the villagg is located. The street railway has been obliged to nuspoud opora- lions and great damage has been dons to private and publiu property , linn ' .lifrnlinil. * SKATTM : , Wash. , .ran. 2:1. : The wtialobnck steamer1 CharloV , Weimoro is aground at the mouth of Snohonnsh river. In attempt ing to cross the bar at low tide ho got out of tbo channel and struck on a sund bar. Sound ings show live feet of water on om side and seven on the other , U Is thought there will bo no trouble In getting her ott. niurqui'lto Cluli'n lluniuii | . CIIIOAQO , 111. , Jan. 23 The Mimiuuttu club will give Its sixth annual banquet at the Audi torium liotol on February 28 , , Among these who are eypcctod to ro | xud to toaiuon that occasion are : Senators Cullom and Woluott , Houry Cabot Lodge , J. J. IngnlU , J. p. Dolll- vor , General Deniamln Uutlcrworlb uud Hon. J , B. Kunuolls. lUnk lti < > i < rvi < Mill liiciouliit ; ; Nu\r YOHK , Jan. 23.Tno weekly bank statement shows thu roiurva has Increased f3,4'JT,000. The banks now hold tt\00t,000 ) In excxus of legal requirements. HOW TO SECURE A PATENT , Directions to Inventors Issued by The Bee Bureau of Claims. METHODS OF THE PATENT OFFICE , Tim Cmir o I'lilloirn * ' by the Author of nil lincnllnn tn I'rnlcc't Ills Might * CosH < > r Olitiitnlng 1'iiU'iit. To the Inventor the nil Important question presents Itself , "How ' win I socuron p.itonU1' nnd to this Tnr II'BB IJureau offers the fol lowing oxpla atlon : Inventors as"a class nro not familiar with the laws under which letter ? pTitont nro granted , the forms and practice in the patent ofllco at Washington nnd the technical methods nf casting specifications nnd claims to properly protect tbolr Inventions against In f ringers , yet the vnluo of the patent and oven its validity dupond largely upon the careful nnd export preparation of tlio caso. Specifications must bo drawn to fully dis close Iho Invention , to distinguish b otwco what Is now nnd what Is old , and claims , upon which the vnluo nnd validity of the patent depend , must bo cast to fully cover the Invention yet not to encroach upon pnt- cnti already granted. Failure in either of these respects often rondcri the patent value less or void , The employment of counsel skilled In patent law is therefore usually n prerequisite to the proper prosecution of a case and 'a grant of n valuable patent. Many Inventors suffer the loss of benefits that should bo dorlvod from valuable Inven tions owing to Insuflloiont protection by pat- ots procured through incompetent or care less agents , etc. l > 'orVliut CranM'il , Under the laws of the United States let ters patent nro granted to any porsou who has Invented or discovered anv new and , use ful ari. masuinc , manufacture or composition of timltor , or has invo'utod any now or < usof u 1 Improvement thereon. Torni or 1'iitrnt , A patent is granted for seventeen years , during which tlmo the owner has solo and exclusive right to make , use and soil the patented invention. lloiv to I'rocrod. For economic reasons before malting ap plication to the patent ofllco for a patent , the novoltv mjd patentability of the Inven tion should bo ascertained , because , If the invention Is not now or not patontnblo an unnecessary expense is incurred by filing an application on whica a patent can never bo granted , etc. Tbo lirst thing to bo done Is to find out whether or not the invention is now nnd patcntablo. For advice on the point it is necessary to send to the bureau a roucli or complete sketch or n photograph of tbo invention , to- gelhur wilh a brief description thereof , sotting- forth the object ot the improve ments , the arrangement of the parts and the advantages attained. U'hilo n modal Is very seldom necessary , yet it Is often of great assistance. The latter can bo made of any cheap material , ar.d will be returned if n request is made to thateffect. . Upon receipt of the data mentioned suffic ient to enable tlio invention to bo understood our counsel will at once examine thereinto , and will advise without charge what is the host course to pursue and will express an opinion , from their knowledge of the arts mid patents already gcantcd , as to the patent ability of the invention. Iu this connection it is recommended that the best and safest course is to havu a special search made iu the patent olllco to ascertain whether or not tbo invention has been herotuforo patented , , The ciuvjantago of ' such a search 13 that , if vno'anticip'atmir patent is discovered the application can be tiled with u greater decree of certainly , whereas If the invention is lound to bo old all further ex pense b avoided. The cost of a search of this nature is $5 , and with the report of the result thereof the inventor will bo furnished with copies of such patents , if any , as embrace - brace his ideas. It is much bolter to bavo this search made in the outset before incur ring an } ' expensu whatever regarding the ap plication for patent. If it is found that ho invon lion Is now and pjtentablo tbo client is advised to proceed with the filing of t\n application for patent , and will then bo requested to remit $13 to cover the lirst government fee and $ .5 in payment of cost of drawing , when ono is necessary. As soon as uosiiblo after the receipt of this remittance tbo specification of the invention will bo carefully prepared and forwarded to the inventor , together with forms for application for patent ready for execution. Upon return of the latter the case will bo promptly Hied ut the patent olllco and notice will bo sent when action is had there on. und also of the nature uf such action. The examining corps of the patent ofllco is divided into thirty-two divisions , among which the applications nro divided according to the onlciui classlficatibn. The condition of the work in thu various divisions varies train ono to live mouths in arrears. 'I'lin liurriiii C Consistent with the spirit with which this ourcau wan formed , it is not intended to conduct any branch of the business on u money making basis , but it is proposed to do the work as near tbo actual cost as will pro tect the business from los. Although counsel are retained at heavy oxpunsa to the bureau , yet it is tbo wish to charge in ordinary cases only the minimum fee of Jil. However , in cases requiring extra care , limp nnd labor the fee will bo proportionately Increased , but clients will always bo advised in advance should such increase of fee bo found neces sary. In dlrcctinir inquiries please mention the' fact that you read those instructions in Tin : Biii : , Di-xlgn I'liti-ntH. A patent for a design is granted to any person who Im invented or procured any new und arlglual design for the prinliug of woolen , silk , cotton or oiher fabricj ; any new and original impression , ornament , pattern - torn , print or picture to bo printed , painted , cast or otherwise placed on or worked into nny article of manufacture ; or any new , useful and original shape or con 11 su ration of any article of manufacture , tbo same not having boon known or used by others before hU invention or production thereof , or pat- onlod or described in any printed publica tion. Patents for designs are granted for the term of three and one-half yours , the government fee being SIO ; or for seven years , tbo fee being S15 ; or for fourteen years , the fee being $10. The charge of the buroyu in such cases Is usually $ i"i. Jtl'iHHIll'X , A patent can bo reissued whenever tbo same Is Inoperative or invalid by reason of a defective or insufficient specification , or by reason of the pa tea too' a claiming moro Hum he had a right to claim as new , providing tbo error has arisen by accident , mistake or in- advorttmco , aim without fraudulent Intent. Thu government foe for u reissue is $ .10 , The cost of drawing Is $ . " > , and the bureau charge is usually )5 ) , ( .treat care must bo oxcrcisod In reissuing a patent , because very often what llltlo validity them may bo in a defec tive patent is entirely lost by procuring a ro- ssuo which is totally Invalid. Iti'Jrcli'd CiiHru , There are In tbo patent olllco a great many rases which stand rejected , but which should bo allowed. This condition of tha case maybe bo duo either to iiicompetency 0.1 tbo part of the attorney employed or his inability , be cause of residence elsewhere than in Wash ington , to make the examiner see the Inven tion in Its true light ; und then , again , as often occurs , cases are rejected on Improper or insufficient grounds. When so requested wo will bavo our counsel examine Into any such cast * free of charge and advise as to Iho proa poets for success by. fur'hcc prosecution. The client will also bo then Informed of the probabla cost of complotion. By moans of a caveat nu Inventor secures record uvidenoo rovimliug his Invention for the purpose of enabling htm lo complete or further experiment therewith. Tin Ufa of n caveat Is one year , and It may bo renewed at the end of that tiinu , The government fee is $10 mid the bureau charge Is IITi. Tiiiilfiuuiltt , A trademark Is u fanciful or arbitrary Us Il/Jlr - _ . vice or * vmbol used \S | 'Sstlnguish { the good ofa pnrtk'ilar ' mnnuTfiSvaro. The owner ol every trrtdemark Is ottlllWfl to register Iho .same , no matter how loWit has boon In use The life of the cortlllcato of registration Is thlrly years and may Jfi rflnrwod for n llko period. The govornmmit fee , payiblo on filing each npnHcat\Jn'"rov \ ' reglstra'lonof Irademnrk , Is & ! 5. Tlrti bhrcau's charge is about f-JD. " ' ' Labels of all kinds ! .ritjiignod to bo at tached to manufactured Vtrttefos or to bottbs , DOXCS , etc. , contnlnln 'trVWtn , have heretofore been received for rorfftthulon In Iho patent ofllco nnd n cortlflcWlc- Issued accordingly Under n very recent flhci'sion of the supreme court of the United States' It Is held that there Is no authority Irf ItiW for granting cer tificates of registration1 fat labels which simply designate or describe the nr- ticlos to which thdf aro" attached , nnd which have no vnluo separated therofrom. A label to bo entitled to registration must have by ItsoICsomn valuoru n composition , ntloast as .serving some purpose or ctbor than as amore moro designation or advertisement. Many now holding certificates of registration of labels - bels are totallv without any protection what ever. Many registered labels comprise sub ject mailer rogislorablo is irademark * . Wherever ibis U so , or where bv n slight change It can bo made to en mo within tlio purview of the laws governing trademarks , registration .should bo sought under this bond. The government fee in n label case 19 M nnd tbo bureau charge Is ? } . " > . Cop ) lights , can bo had for books , maps , engravings , photographs , pilntlngi , pictures , ote. The total cost thereof Is about $9 , including all fees. An Interference Is a judicial proceeding In stituted under the direction of tbo commis sioner of patents lo cuablo him to determine - tormino the question nf priority of invention botwcon rival claimants. The bureau , recognizing the fact that extraor dinary care and skill are requisite on tha part of an attorney In charge of a case In In terference , has nt tls command counsel prepared - pared to conduct a cuso in Interference from the very Inception down to n final determina tion of the merits of the cause. Testimony will also bo taken under our direction in any part of the United Stales. While no specific sum can bo sot down as applicable to all In terference cases alike , yet the charges will always bo ns reasonable us possible. The question whether or not ono patent In fringes another is the very soul of all natont lltigalion. The questions involved are "many , and of the most Intricate nature. It is al ways u matter of such great importance that no ono should ever claim that another is In fringing on his righls , or , likewise , no alien- lion should be paid to Iho claims of infringe ment by others until the questions Involved nro carefully passed upon by a cliablo at torney. For such services the charges are awnys fnir-aud reasonable. I'orrlgn In addition to the bureau's facilities for attending to tbo interests of its invontor-pal- rous before tbo United States patent olllco and courts , It Is also enabled to procure oatonts for Inventions in all countries of the world. In many ot the foreign coun tries , notably Canada. England and Ger many. natcnts for Inventions previously pa ton ted In this country are looked upon with crcat .favor , and inventors am there very frequently moro likely to realize profits from their inventions than they nro oven In this country. The qbst of foreign patents varies with different ; cises7 ( but us a general rule the expanses of procuring patents , cov ering all charges , is abiut hk follows : Canaan , $ . > 0 : EnglaUO , SOO ; CJonnany , $93 ; Franco , $85 ; Spain , iOJj B.ftgium , $ l0. ! Ad ditional information nygariPing the cost , ote. , in nny foreign country'wiir ' bo furnished by letter on application. "UP till such requests mention having read'lhesd ' instructions in Tin : But : . , i i i Important Warning It seems romnrlfable.lhi\ , this enlight ened ago it becomes liio tluty of every 10- liable and trust-vorthy rfttornoy in patent matters to advise his clients to beware of the many sharks who sot , but'with the ap parent intention of "hqfrduding inventors Immediately uftor the Bsuo of their patents. When a.patont appear , in the Patent Ofllco Gazette patentees are .bes t with. Innumer able offers , sollcItatloiis/Vcquosts , etc. , some ' ' pretending lo want'to'purchasa their patents , whllo others otTer to take an interest therein under premise of procuring foreign patents. The sole object of these peopln is to obtain money from inventors , ahdtuoy never make tbo slightest endeavor to carry out their groundless or worthless promises. .Models. As hereinbefore mentioned , models are not required iu tbo patent office except in intri cate or complicated casos. But at the same lima whnn nn invention can bo hotter ox- plalncd by a model it is well to send the same to us. A modoi should always bo of a size not larger than ono srjnnro foot , nnd iu sending - ing the same by express the charges should bo prepaid and the box addressed to TIID Bun Bi itniu or CI/UMS Bee Building , Omaha , Neb. | Mention this paper. ] A Ajmnian nuni.iu. T The organization of Iho now court of law claims at Denver last month and the an nouncomoiit thut the court will hold Its Una session In that city on the 17th of November tlvo promise that ho long-voxod lilies in th wcslcrn territories and stale will soon bo In a fair wav lo settlement. The disputed titles under the Mexican and Spanish grants have proved especially troublesome in Arizona and Now Mexico. They nave delayed settlement mm investment In some of the fairest lands of tbo southwest , anJ nave proved annoying in the districts farther to the north. After much agitation and complaint congress wa tiduccd at tbo last session to provide a court for the consideration of tUis ousinoss , and vill soon begin to work. The organi/atlon of this court givns Tin : BII : : BuKXAiror CMIMSO chance to extend its usefulness. It will take claims under this law nnd prosecute them for persons who do not know whom to engage for the service. The business entrusted to the bureau in Washington is being prosecuted witu energy. The Indian depredations patent , land mining anil other claims before the courts mid departments nro being pushed as rapidly as possible , with no delays on accunt or the largo amount of business which has been sent to the bureau. The largo amount of claims Intrusted tolls carols a standing proof nf tha esteem and confidence in which TIIK ! : : is hold by the public which it serves. It is llko- wlo n demonstration , if ono was requiredo honaad ( > l 3iici | an organization The revelations in regard to the Loomls agency which have boon published recently go even further In the same direction. When a man sought for bv tbo police for neurly u year on a warrant for nmbozzlomunt can setup up us a claim agent , flood the western coun try with circulars and .i6celvo ; assignments for several million dolJar'Tworth of claims , It appears that there iJ lltelb prelection for the claimant wbo seiiUsJJoin unknown ropro sontativo. The men who1 sjignod Ihoir claim o Loomls wou.ld have MdIsmall ohanco o Ihoir seeing any of , > } iojr ( money if lha schemer had boon glvpir llmo lo collect jlioir claims. Whah such risk * rti-e run and mon who nra not oblo to go"tb' ' Washington und know no ono there mustMit're their attorneys at haphazard , the ncediforiit bureau to pro tect ttio pcoplo and do Uwlfovork at reason able rates Is apparent. The approval with which , TIIK BKK enter prise Is. received bv iiiuriiiUlsts and public men Is as gratifying us"tuu1 response of the ' w ' public. 1C It. Tun B u Bri'UEu o/1 fe.UMS , in dealing with the claims urlsmgVyjndor the Jndjun ' depredations net , has been successful' in pro tecting a largo nuint. r of subscribers and others from oxtortiua > md loss. From coin- plaluls that have comu to it , hotvovor , It ap pears that many of tlio claimants do not un derataud their position under the act. At a tlmo when there appeared to bo lltllo chunco that congress \yould take up the clnluu or tnaka any appropriation 19 pay them , they signed con ( racts wUlit ho Washington agents , promising from ono-uuarti-r to one-half the amount to the agent in case tbo money should bo collected. In view of this ontortion'cou. ' groas inserted u provision In the act annul. ing all contracts and limiting the agent's commission to 16 oriJO per cont. The claimants all probably understand that ho agQiil's commission has been limited by tha law , but many ol tbom , according lotholr Own Htatotpoins , dn i > ol understand that they are free to do as the. ileasa about employing the agent they hud Vi * chosen. TU.iy con Idorjthal they are si. . > ound to employ the agent with whom they signed the oxer bltna contracts whether they are satufloti with 1m or not. hit was the Intention of congress to protect them nt nil points nnd they were loft on Iho passngoottho act free to do ns thov uloasod nnd omplov whom they pleased. Section 0 of the act stated ! "That all sales , transfers or aisignrjonts of any such claims heretofore or hereafter made , except such ns have occurred In the duo administration of decedents' es tntcs and nil contracts heretofore made for fees and allowances to claimants' attorneys are hereby declared void. There could bo no mistake about the mann ing of this. All claimants had to make naw contracts with agents after the passage of the act , and they wore nt liberty to omplov nny ono they pleased , If ihoy were pleased wllk thozonl nnd nets of Ihoir firn ajjotit lhav might make their now contract with him. If they were dlssatlsod Ihoy might cheese nny olhcr ngont that they pleased. These who have not signed now contracts since the passage of Iho not mav profit by this lo secure much belter terms than they could otherwise got from the agents. The fact that Tin : Bii : : Unictu Is doing the work for the bare ovnonso Involved has had n good effect In moderating the charges of all agents to these who know how to protect thorn * selves. For these who distrust tholr ability to cope with the claim agents on iheir own ground Tim Hnn Bfur.iu Is nlwavs opon. mini srxxv ITALY. Ncu duns lor th < < Italian Ami ) A 11111 Ic.ins In Hoitii' Itumi. KOMH , Jan , 23. Signer Utidlnl , president ot the council , speaking with an opponent of the ministry , snld recently that it was intended as soon as tha financial estimates wpro approved to reorganize the central ad ministration , and added that the government would always pursue a liberal policy wblih could not nllonnto the support of the loft. The' llrst lot of now guns for the army Is expected soon to bo ready for distribution. In the cstlmales for 1SDMU1,000,000 , , lire were Included for Iho manufacture of now guns. Fifly thousand were to bo made tbo llrst year and after that 100,000 annually , so ns lo equip Iho onllro army In three or four years. The committee that has been organized for the Episcopal jubilee of the pope Intends to issue an appeal to Italian Catholics to collect 1.000,000 lire to defray thooxpenscs of n mass lliat the pope will cciobrato in St. Peter's. Two general com/rogations of cardinals will bo convoked In a few ilavs , under the presidency of the pope himself , to consider tlio .subject of two boatlUcntions that will bo proclaimed on the occasion of his episcopal jubilee. Quito n number of propositions for bcallficnllon and canoimal'.on are under dis cussion by Iho "congregation of rites , " nrnnnir which may bo mentioned the ven erated Kemusat of Marseilles. The Naw V'ear's greeting to the pope from Emperor William contained these words : " 1 pray to thoclornnl God that llo will pre set vo a life so precious to the interests of re ligion and to the maintenance of friendly rclnllons with the empire. " Anibng tbo prominent Americans who have lately arrived in Uomo nro Pro ! . Fnirman Hogers nnd family of Newport , R. I. , who expect to spend the winter at the Hotel Europa , nnd the wife nnd daughter of Senator Warner Miller of New York , who have taken rooms at the Quirinnl hotel. Amo'ng those who have been attacked with inlluunza are the wife nnd son of United States Consul ( .Senoral Bourn. They have , however , entirely recovered from the atlack. Miss Annie Porterol Franklin county , Ala , died hero n few days ngo of heart failure nnd was buried In St. Paul's cemetery. Her mother died of same trouble a fovv years ago in this city. AXVrt'l. TAM'S OP .SLri'IIICIN'C. Kiisshin IV.ixiiiits iinlKl"tli : > In Iliipi * of rinding liollcl. ST. PiTCii ! iuu < . , .fan. 2i. ; Fourteen hun dred emigrants from the famine striciton provinces recently arrived at Tioomen in Siberia cnrouto to Tobolsk , which ties 120 miles to the north of Tioomon. These un fortunates are in a mot desperate plight. Their money Is exhausted , they lack food and clothinjr and many of them are suffering with different dtacases. A Inrgo number of these emigrants have died whllo others are in such a condition that they would bo far heller off if llioy were dead. 11 is imnossiblo to walk any distance , owing to tbo extreme cold and the heavy snow , and as these pnor ncoplo are ontirolv without moans it is impossible for them to proceed to Tobolsk or to return to the pro vinces whence thov came. Arriingeil lor u Supply ol ( .old. Vicxxv , , lau. SI. The ministers of iinanco of Austria nnd Huncary have opened nego tiations with Hotbschllds to arrange for a supply of gold , to bo used In providing n gold currency. Gold to tbo amount of ? 100,000,000 is required , and bankers interested In thu project declare that it is obtainable without disturbing the money markets. The news of thn negotiations caused a general advance in prices on tha bourse here. Catholic ( 'luii-fliL'H Closed. Wxitstu , Jan. SJ. ! The Polish papers nn- nounco that the government is about to close all tha Catholic churches and convents in the provinces nf Podolia nnd Volhynla. The authorities have already closed tbo Francis can monastery at Deilorkcda and the Car melite convent at Onbno , dissolved the con- greeations of monks and nuns and convnvod all tbo inmates ot both institutions to War saw. tl.l\IKl > HIM y.V 1'IIK VUintT V.lJtl ) . Mimlrror llcplml.jnchoil ) > > u llarlon Count } , .Missouri , .Moll. Nr.i > \ , Mo , .fan. 23. When the Missouri Pacific train arrived here lost evening , n mob , of. 250 won from Barton county got off , pro ceeded to tbo county Jail , and after breaking into jail , took therefrom Floplor , the man who murdered Mrs. CJoadloy and her little son. The mob hurried down the railroad track witn their prisoner , and llaggod a train to Lainai- and boarded It. They took tbo mur derer back to Lamnr and hanged him in the court house vard Immediately on arriving there. It was the intention of the mob lo burn H > ; plor at the stake , but the plan was abandoned. In I'm or of Hut Church , BRMOX lUmioii , Mich. , Jan , 23. The case of Bishop Foley vs. Henry Flnnogun , which has boon In the couru for four years , has just boon decided in favor of the bishop. The case involves title to n largo tract of land formerly owned by n hermit named James Flnnogun. The will In effect provided that 'tlio estate should * go to tbo Catholic church , and lliat Brother" Patrick should havu the tuo of thn land whieli bo lived upon. Tbo former behoving in Patrick's honesty , doomed it unnecessary to bavo him sign tlio papers deeding it to tno caurch. Hence the suit. \VimlH u Illg Fe , NBW YOIIK , Jan , U.'l.--lOdwnrJ P. Cole of San Francisco has begun suit in the Unilod States circuit court against Henry 1) . Slav Infer for $111.500 , with interest from April 1 , Is'Jl , for legal services aliened to have been rnmlered from March 1 , IB'Jti , to March ill , 16.11. II10M YrsTUHIIAt'lj MUOND CIIITIOV. I City Mmllrll. /M./'fy./iiwr / / * < ! in\lint licnnett. ] KOMI : , Jan. 32Now [ York Herald Cable Special to TIIK BinA | moat extraordin ary scare occurred nt thu opera tonight. 'Ihoro was a crowded allandauco , caused by the debut ot Comtessc Colanl iu ' 'Traviata. " The debutante bad enormous success , being recalled five times. At about 11 o'clock two alsllnct shocks of earthquake were felt. All the occupants of the boxes quitted the house with prjeipluto haste. Tbo shocks caused great conatornalioit throughout the city. The pope , though still ill , gave audience to several high dignitaries of tbo church this morning His holiness is belter , but lotlrod early thU evening. ( juiiy U'lim.noiinTSiiit. . PITTS ULIIU , Pa , , .Ian. 2J.--A.fter being out three and a half hours the July In the famous criminal libel suit of .Senator M. S. Quay against thu Pitsburif Post Publishing com pany. Albert J. liarr , picsliluul , and James Mllit , editor , brought In u vor.Hct this even ing ot guilty , iu uianuor aud form as in dicated. TRYING TO WIN OVER RUSSIA , England aud Germany Said to Bo Making Overtures to Hor. QUEER CONDUCT OF EMPEROR WILLIAM , iiiRlUh : Tropic OtlrmliMt nt Hi" W JIn Which Mr Itrcrltrd Ilio News ( if Cliiri'iu < ' Uoiith Ciirdlmtl Will. IKfUiu Xeia Vorfc.HMtfct.'ftl TirM. ] LONDON , Jan. 2Lord Salisbury having suddenly taken nn extraordinary step in canceling Sir IJ. D. Morlcr's appointment as ambassador to Uomo , nnd deciding to retain him at St. Petersburg , a foreign ofllcer Inw - thorlty is Instructed to state that Sir U. U. Morler's health Is Improving ami ho hud expressed his willingness to remain In Russia. Tins explanation vns offered lo night , ns nil that could boofllelally given out. Sir H. 1) . Morior some tlmo ago secured n leave of absence , llo was In London tun ! left as vigorous ns over. The transference when arranged wns not associated with reasons of health. On Inquiring into the gcntiino catiso ot Lord Salisbury's action , points were which indicate that the retention of Sir Ii. U. Morior at St. Petersburg Is duo to the fact thai the government Is co-operating with the Gorman and Italian governments In trying to pursuado the c/ar to abandon the French alliance aud join the Huronoan compact , leaving the French isolated. Sir H. 1) . Morlcr , who isnpnrsonngrata at the Russian court , being much liked by the c/ar , Is using his Intliicnca to arrangeaeonfcrrnco between the emperors of Russia and tiormany , nt which it is hoped tha old bnrmony of re lations may bu ro-c.stablllicd. The Intricacy of the quostlon ; ; requiring solution before a permanent agreement can bo obtained must involve prolonged negotiations. Wants Thrni All In Hi ; Tlicrr. Lord Salisbury today prepared a circular addressed to the conservative peers , reqiicsl- ing Ihoir presence in full force on the reopening opening of parliament on February U. This circular will bo issued on Monday. Mr. Gladstone's circular is also expected to bo is sued carlv in Ilio week. The prince of Wales rolurnod to Windsor castle Ibis evening lo attoud tbo private service In St. Oeorgo's chapel , nt which all of the members of his family and those of tlio dukes of Fife nnd Tcck were present. After the service all proceeded to the memorial chapel. It was tbo linal faintly gathering around the colllu of the duke of Clarence. The duke and duchess of Tcck and their sons and daughter , Princess Marv , immediately afterwards left for Richmond by the night train. The princess of Wales and family will return to Sandrlngham hall tomorrow. Did Not Slimv I'l-iipiT Iti'sjioi't , The neglect of Iho German kmscr to ob serve the respect duo to the duke of Clarence is resented in the court circles bore. The emperor went on n shooting oxcutsion to BuchsbiifK on thoovo of the duke's ' death , although ho hud been apiiraiscd that his con dition was desperalo. Kvon after receiving Iho telegram announcing the duke's death , ho continued to sport , and had another day's shooting , returning to Berlin on Fri day evening. And instead of immediately lightening to express his condolence the em peror did not call on the British ambassador uulll Sunday afternoon , Finally Iho near ness of relationship justified the court hero in oxpectinc lhat tlio emperor would order mourning for tbreo weeks , Instead of for onlv ten days. The ox-empress Is believed to have written to a per sonage in the English court that she had been pained by her son's want of consideration , and that she had also bad cause to complain , as the emperor did not call upon her as custom nnd duty dictated uutil iho third day after the dukib of Clar- onco's ' death. The best interpretation put on tbo behavior of the emperor is lhat he bad n tit of eccentric humor , such as now and then frequently occurs , and that ho allowed his ill will toward the prince ofVnlos to dis play itself. Researches for precedents enabling Prince George to marry Princess Mary have dis ! closed the fact that it's a rule that in the event of the death of her betrothed a royal princess must wall live year.i before becom ing again betrothed. The result of tomorrow's polling in the Hosscmlalo division is awaited with strained anxietyNo bye election was over before fought with such vigor on each side. , Cardliml . MnnnliiK'x Will. . Cardinal Manning's will leaves his books and paners in charge of his executors , Ur. Butler and Rev , Father Buyloy of Iho oblnlo of St. Charles. The total amount of his , available assets , H-J50 in railway shares , goes to pay a loan contracted for a choritablo purpose. Any residue is to bo devoted to charities. His executors will compile a wnric on his life and letters. The cardinal letters alone fill immense Hies. t > cir.ii < 'iit is stinr.i.v cii.t.iirw.v. , Wl/nid .Inkr Di'fc.ilH Moi-jou Again ill it lliird ConJiMt. " Nr.w YOIIK , Jun. 2i It" was a representa tive audience that filled Lenox' Lyceum in this city tonicht nnd watched "Wizard" Scluufer and ' -Student" Slosson cross cues for the championship of the bil liard world. For tbo thirty-third time , Messrs. Schiofer and Slosson were to meet , llflcli wns confident of vic tory , and much money changed hands us the battle waged. Schaefer held the champion ship and Sldsson wanted it. The mutch wns for a cup , a .stake of $1UU ( ) a side and tha not receipts of the house. The game was four- toon-inch bulk line , 801) points up. The rof- nrec wns Pincus Louclf of Philadelphia. The results follow the winner being chal lenged by Ivus : Phnefnr-0 , 0. 'J7 , II. ; . II , 0. 0 , 2 ? . 5. 73. 0 , 0. U , ! . - . > . n. u , niJ' . 101 , ai , 4i > , ii , r. , M , 11 , . M , 2 , s , w , , - ' . U-nOU. Slossnn . 5. ! B , IS. 117. 2. P. ( ) . < Vi. 0. 18 , I , 0 , r. , n > . ' , - ' . : is , 21 , to , 7 , a , n , M. o , no. o , : i , i , o. 21 , 2t , ' 'o , J-Wtt L lllislii'sl run-Scliaofor. ITi ; Slosson. 110. Average . ' elwufer , -"J.b'i 0-7 ; Hlusson , I7.4ii-17. : Tlmo nf samu Three hnnr-i and 40 minutes. Vi'rNIi < i l I Im Mmiity. There wai a nice qulot prize light between "Jack Wolf h" and Uilly Plimmer about 1 : ! 10 a'clock this Qorning. The affair took place In n rear room of the ild dismantled Pennsylvania house on fonUi btreot , between t jpllol avenue and Davenport street. It was for blood und only i dozen or so luvitcd friends were present. rtio ring \vu > the size of the room less the jpaco occupied by tlio few friends of the principals. "Marquis of Quconsliorry rules were to govern und the light was to bo with bare knucidos. The lirst round went off all right with Welsh , in the load as to points. When Hole was called in the second round the participants stopped to nrguu u Jisputo and a llghl without any rules oiisuod. Welsh chased his man all nver the room , and besides pulling bulb eves In mourning got in several body blows. This lltllo row broke up the alfnlr , and the money which had boon put up was turned over to Welbh. at ( Ji o , M. J. , Jan. a.Track bad. Attendance lorgo. l'lr-.t race , the furious * : fioluoUy won , Sil ver Mint second , I'eiuuno third. Tlmo : 1OI : > 4. Hceiiuil rucu , nlv inrlmiKsi ° - ' * 1- won , MulCuuvur fcfli'oml , Inc iilur third. Tlmo : 1:17. Third nice3oven-ulglilhsor a inllu : i ubliin won , Uufondunt vcund , Vutoo third. Time : 'fourth rncu , live furlongs : Toano won , Ilro- vlorneuund. 1'iidy I'ulHlfurildrd Tlmo ; Iuj3j. ; : Klflli rueo , HVII fiirlonKH : 1/lttlu Krud won , i\xri : l Hticond , Iliiwkoye t'llrd. 'I'lino : blxtli r.ico , oiin mil' ) anil a furlong ; tilr liforgull won , Van Hccond , Krouier third. . Wlmt MillUnn Suy * . Mont , , Jan. 2 , ' . John L , Sut. llvan's attention was called to 1'oter Muhcr'a ihulleuge today , JIo aid ho could JM ) " no at tention to it. Mahor's object was to got some 5heoi > advertising. Ho ts ready to meet ilnvlu In August , and says when he gets to New York all tha "uiouth-llghtors" will re tire. _ llnrlal ol Mr , liiirniiUy. I novii > Bau , It. I. , Jan. HI.Tho body of Mrs. J. B. Barnaby was today placed In the family tomb at Swan Point In the presence of the member * ot the family , it having been for four months In the receiving vault , .1. H. Conrad starts for Now York tomorrow morning to meet District Attorney Stevens. and says when ho returns to this clly ho will be prepared for another chapter Iu the caso. I'llOTIXTl.Mt I1IH Iny ( .mild Continue * to Amirrt Tlint UN Company U OlnrrUng All Contract" . NEW YOIIK , Jan. 22. The following cor respondence relative to the Western Traffic association wns tnada ptiultc late this after noon : "Orncr. OP Ciucvoo. Mit.w U'Kr.u ft ST. PAVI. UUI.UAY , NMV YOHK , Jan. 22Jay Mould , Ksq. , President Missouri Pacillc Railway Co. Dear Sir ; I hog to acknowl edge the receipt ot request of your coiiinany that 1 shall convene n meeting of the ndvlsorv board , to consider nnd dispose of appeals In the matter ot violations of tie agrecinunt ot said association. Kvccpt nt tbo request of three members , the president Is nt llbortv to convene n special mooting onlv when in his Judgment It becomes neces sary. The mallets for which you desire n special mooting were before the board nt Its meeting last week , hut the board adjourned with the understanding that they were disposed of until the next regular meeting. It Is very Doubtful if n quorum can bo had for n special innutl ic , anil n failure to obtain such quor.uu would bo harmful lo tbo association. I believe lhat Iho numbers of the advisory board nro In ac cord with you in the view that these cases should not bo delayed unduly , and If there shall bo no quorum nt the next regular meeting , 1 i should consider it my July to immediately call n special mooting nt such time nnd place as likely lo secure a quorum. In view of these considerations , I irust you will not Insist upon n special moating. With pat'cu o In Ibis matter I am sure that the assoclatloh will bo much stronglhcned by Ilio outcome. Roiuni.i. Mi 1.1.1:11 : , President Advisory Board , Western TraQIo Association. To this Mr. Gould replied as follows ! Roiwin.i , , Esi } , President Ad : visory Board , Western Trafllo Association- Dear Sir I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of Ihls dnto. This association , ns you know , made no charges against anyone at the recent muollng of iho advisory board , but urged n prompt hearing of iho cases pro- scuto.l by Iho commissioners. It was only to secure this that the resolutions recently adopted bv our board were passed and trans mitted to you. Tbls company still feels that no undue delay should occur In bringing these and similar cases to n prompt hearing , and the decision not only In tliolntorcstof the strength nnd stability of tbo association , but In justice to the Missouri Pacillc company which has suffered great loss In discharging its trafllc managers In Iho desires of Ibo nsso- clatloy. I recognize , however , iho force of Ibo objections to a special meeting as staled by you and acquloso in them , particularly in consideration of your .statement that If there shall bo no quorum at Ilia next regular meet- lug of the advlssry board you will consider it your duty lo call a special moollng for the constdsratlon of the cases recently post poned. JAV GOULD. Soiling Alton TIHtrts. CmcMflo , 111. , Jan. 22. The Baltimore & Oaio resumed passenger relations with tbo Chicago & Alton road this morning. It was the llrst ol the eastern lines to begin selling Alton tickets after the presidents , at Ihoir meeting in Now York , adopted resolutions declaring the boycott a failure and poinit- tlng the boycotting : roads to abandon it. The prompt action of the Baltimore & Ohio in this mailer is regarded as confirma tion of Ibo general opinion that the manage ment of that company has never been in sym pathy with the boycott , and only wont into .bo Trunk line agreement for the sake of larmony. ft Is understood this evening that ill the roads except the Vanderbilt and Pennsylvania have irivon notice that they ivlli at once begin selling and honoring Alton .ickots. Special Agent Frank Krotchmer ot the Intorslalo Commission was In consultation ivlth the United States district nt- .ornoy today regarding the coming .rial of tbo cases against the Swifts uid others , who wore indicted for receiving mlawful f rolgk * ralos. The defendants will jo tried ut the March term of court. Crotchmor says the recent decision of the lupremo court In the COunsolman case docs lot Iu any way affect the pending cases. PITTIIIUKO , Pa. , Jan. 22. The street car linkers and their friends caused moro .rouble in Alloghany tonlcht , and the police vero compelled to clear thosireots , every car .hat left the sheds after dark being assailed , , ho mob throwing stones nnd other missiles it the employes. Nearly nil the windows m ho cars were broken and sovernl passengers vero fllghtly injured. llflglum Aiiroi'lilnirii | | : Crisis , lttcil ibUi by Juine * < } < ilnn ltciinrtt.\ \ Jan. 22. [ Now York Herald Jable--Spoclal to Tun BKK. | It has boon lecidod that the House of Representatives vill begin discussing the revision of the con- itltutlon and the oxton&lon of the suffrage it the end of the month. With this event 'iolfrium will ontor.upon the most important : risls In Its history. Will lin Hill , rd lo u Cardinal. CITV or Mexico , Jan. 22. A .letter cccived Irani Itnmu by a prominent nembor of the Catholla hierarchy m this : lty announces that Archbishop Gillow of jaxaco will bo raised to a cardinal at the text meeting of iho papal consistory. RAW AS BEEF STEAK 3aby's Fearful SufToring from Skin Dlsoaso Covering1 Entire Body Cured by Out oura. .My lull/ win tiiktyi vorjr Mrk.wiicn he wan Iliruo iiomliH iil.l , nnil In a fuw iiiiyH ln'itan biQiikliiunui Vi ) mnployiMl iMith tit HID Inline doctor * , nnil tin. ' * " until ihi imlhliiK fur him. 'I'liun u vent tor Hi" li.'Ht luctorln Kiitun llaplil , Midi. , nnil liu ilortoroil liliu fur two uurk * . unit liu trot wnr&u nil tliii time. Hill ! IhlMI I IllOk Illlll Iu tljtt'kton ' , to a dm tor wlio iiltuiiilx i.'Hpuchilly In Hkln illnpHKCM , unit tlimi liu uiil wnrmi tliiui uior TliiMi I tolil my liiisbuiul wu Inul Ijvltur try Hi1' UI'llfrilA ItK.II'WI'l Htiy way < llil not IIMVO nny Mo i llioy irmilii ilu uny goo * ] , but In lo i tlinn iwn iiiniitliH iriini tliullnifl nu lii'tiim ulv- IllIK llll'lll In Illlll liu will luillrul ) wi'll , nnil not npul on liliu , Illi luilr Krowtnil rlitlit oil , mill wu thought ImwmiM ilwuyg bo bultl lioiiilt'il. TltiiroUIH not u Hjint on lili yhuln boily , fiu'o un I lii'Hil. only hlH IIOKD unil 'y * , mt wlnit WJIB HH ruu' jmLieufHtt'iiK/ poor tiu-rii wai lot luiyttiluu but boiiui , anil HD wyiik liurmilit iioltlmr * ulhu liunil nor IIKIIII. .Mild. KlU.NK IIAUUK'IT , Wlnlli'M , Mich. Cuticura Resolvent 'ho new Illooil mill bkln I'lirlllur , nnil Kroutojt tit Iiimor lliuiii'ilk'5. clonruut thu lilowl of til , hiijuirl lot unit iiiilionoim oleinciitK , mul tlnn riiiuuvm HID iiniu , wiillu ri'Tiri'ii.v. Iho urvut > kln euro , ami TTICL'HAhIMP , till UX'lllllttU Hklll ln'JHUIIll'f , Cl r honllii niut sculp , mill rcitnro the liulr Tlim tliu Iirricriu UUMKHIIM euro every fpcrloi nt lthlii < iiriilim , i ly , I'liuflanil lilolrliy vkln , calimul | , ilooil illKo.iien , from IIHII' | | ) lo nciofula , from In- niiuy t'J iw , huu Iliu bi'tt iiliyultlmu full. 8ojdovcrjrnlim1 I'rlcrCl > Ti't'luUir ; MII. . l'ro | > n l by ttiu 1'orrKii Duru AMI I.CulirOKATIIIN. IlUtUlll , Hc-iul fur "How in Cure llloo.l IHiou o , " linyP | Hkln mul bciilp rurllltHl mul bi JflD I 0 byCt'lli'i'iiA fi'iAl1. Aluulutcly | mru. RHEUMATIC PAINS. IX OSK HIVITK TIIK ClTld'IIA A.VTI- IIAIV ri.AMriiir ll vri > rhuuiiiuUuKi.lnlU'a hip , klUuuy , cliott , IIIK , ! miu ulur imlnt wi'Ukiiu o > . I'flic , 4M , ffflT 8 , BURBHNK. \ vX ti Manufacturing und \Vutcb \ lto > uJ/t pair Wgrkn. Have blit trudu adjiihtliu wutolioi whluh ittvo broil iiiHllruuiril by tUono who mlvur- l u liulf prlou. Bond IDu fur t eel ( on walvhuK , rthhlorr | ( n lalklnir wutch'v experlunvo. l.-ill ( iraifilri ) n K. h. IIIJUIIAMf , an jiuiiutt MTHhr.r , u.ujii.i , NKU.