OMAHA DAILY HKK ; SrynAY. JAXrA.lY 21. 1802-SIXTEKX PAGES. 8PEG1HL NOTICES , - COI.l'MNS I nil T1IFBK ADWItTIPr-MKNlS 1J an p m for thp fvonlnir nd until i < X > p m. , for the morning or Sunday edl All mlvrttlsfmnntK In HIPIC rolunins l.SrcnU n llnp rut ItiH'ttlon and 10 tents a llnp thereafter , or IJter llnp per nionlh No advertli m nt taken for Iciill > tn25 cents for tlic llril Inierllon Terms cash In advance Counl atjoul ? word * to the line lull IB.IS , IlKtifes , symbols etc. each count as a word All dTMtlMnirntii mull run consecutively Artver Him by rptiiKntlnir a numbered check can have tlelrlcttirs addressed to a numbered letter In care of Till Ilrr Answers so addri cd will bo ncllr tied on presentation of HIP chock UHAM II OrTirKFAI1VKIITIBINO rOHTHKSK J roltin rs will bP taken on the ntovp condltloni alllip follow Inn btislnrm ho'isrs. who are author- lurt to takcspcrlal notices t the fame rales scan le hnd rt tl P train office rmitli Omaha llrancli Offcp No IC23 N flreet. 1 Irlpr tilprl : John W I'ell , pliatmsclst.lllh and Mason streets. H II Kntnswnrtli , pharmacist ! ! 1. CnmlnK strcel \ \ .1 IhiBl'Ps. pharmacist 24 N IMIi street C K rMtprncli ! ) phttmacliit. 1718 I-cavcnworlb lltcrt. lluehps phnrmncy t4th and Karnnin SITUATIONS WANTEPT IIATKH If < - line flrsl tlmn and lOc n llnpthrrp- after No advertisement taken tor less tlian 2f > c. W A N TKI'.1. ' . A HK I'ONSIIILK POSITION 11V A A No , I bookkeeper. 15 years experience llest clly references Address IOS , lice. M.,4l JO' WANTED-MALE HELP. JtATKSI5p ft linn Ilrst time nnd lOc n linn theny alter No adicrtlscmenl taken for le tlmn 2..C 1) .1 VOI NO MI'.N WHO IIAVK PLKNTV OK llchlnmii'le Adilrrsi M . ' , , lice olllee r.ot24' T | A OIOI ) AC'IIVK ANI ) ilKMAllT.K8AI.KS I'man to sell mola soi on commlislon or shnru of profits In llii'MMo of Nebraskn No otijectlon inadp to the carrying of other lines Helercnces requeued Aililres llox 172 < i. New Orleans 55124 * I'lrAfTICAI. MAN WITH KAMI KDUCA- HA nnd need jiidmiient wnnteil : steaily em ployment for suitable ! mnn. t\l \ per week to com- nirnto Apply at 5W Paxton block. CM 24 * IJ-WANTKIl THAVKLINC. HALKSMKN TO I'carrr dlovei. n-nl iiilllpni ns n sldo line on com mission Address W II I'litnnin A Co . La Crosie , \Vls. til. 24. 1 > AOIINT'M CIKViitl.V : WltlTTKN ClltClJ- I'lnrs How to sell the fnnious licit donhln l'"t- Icini ronrter nnd linker. Increased sales WriteII. K , Hnyden t'nme.-on house , f-loux Falls S I ) . 51524 * T ) WiANT : A MAN IN KVIJItY TOWN IN NK- I 'brnska to sell onrcooils IIIc money In It. Ad drcrs nltli M-inip. H \ P. , C'JO Pnxton block , tlmnlin Mill 2i * 1) WANTUD , YOl'NCl MAN < OMI'IITKNT STUN J > o0rnphe tyjiewrlter nnd bookkeeper Address with reference llox 742Umnhn M4'U24 HAltrHM N WAN'I Kl > WK IIAVK AN openlni ! for B No 1 spetlnlt } snlesninn of exjier- lencc nml iihlllt } to handle our standard horse nnd cnttlo food ntuonir ostnhlHiod trndo wpnllliy | n Itoiiil Hilary to the rluhl limn , only those whn etn furnish llrst i Inss iredentlnls need npply 'I tin 1 ° . K fnnhorii ( .omiuiny , 1 ffl HoHnnl st. .M.U 24 AliKN'l S WANTI'.I ) FOIl TIIK WOIU.I ) ' FAIR souvenir Hxiliislvo territory ( liven Sample , Ult Sent on rcielpt of jirlew to nny nddress. World's I air Soiuenlr Co. . WII N. \ l.Ho llulldlni ; , Omaha , Xebrnskn. 4J5 : iil tCANVAS'-KIIS WANTI'.I ) CAM. Oil AD- B. dress . .151 N. Y I.lfo bnlldlnx. M2&IKI4 * 7 > - WANTKI ) , YOUN ( ! MAN WITH SMALL CAPI- Jtnl nnd plenty of enerifr and pxpprlcncc to rent the best news , stnttonery nnd book stnnd In thu very finest location In Omaha. Address K U , lice. r > WANTKI ) , HALf.SMIINONSALAHV OH COM- J'mlSKl'Mi to handle tl e new patent chemical Ink crasliiK pi in-ll 'Iho greatest selllnv noM'lty ever produced : erases Ink thnrouuhlv in two seconds , no abrasion of paper 2U ) to 50J per cent tirotlt : ono n ent's snles amounted to fliiO In six days , another 1.12 In tno bourn We want one conornl auent In rnrli Flntcnnd territory Kor terms and full par ticulars nddnss Monroe Krasor MfK. Co. , Ln Crosse \Vls.X I'l ' 701 B WANTKlT-A HCBTLKIl 'IO MANAISK HKAL estnto nnd loan business t-mnll capital M 1 , lieu 514 24 * _ " | > -WANTKIi. AOK.STS KVKIIYWHKKK HU ) J'IN'rk S niitomritle llrelluhter ; niients Inxe this before tnklnir niivthliiK eNu For further par ticulars ftddroH H. Perk , HMO B lutli street , Ht. Louis , Mo . > 55 H' B WANTKI ) A NKAT CI.KAN HOY. ONK Wlli- ling to work. Apply at HufTsky'e store X. K. Cor. Utli and Williams MM ! 25 WANTKII. A YOUNO ANI ) NKAT COLOHKI ) boy to lend door The Hoston Store. .I'O WANTED FEMALE HELP. HATKS U'f n line nrit tlmo nnd IDca line there- nfter No mlvertl emenl lakcn for luas tlmn 2ic. 0 WANTKI ) . YOUNd OIHL TO CAHK FOIl children German jireforred Apply 1 < > . 8 H rMld street. 5UU24 * C WANTKI ) . A HKFINKI ) , WKLI. ltissTf | : ) younit huly to call on ourenstomers ; Iliiht pleas ant tiuslness. six hours dnllv. ulth peed salary. Apply after 10 Monday , W T. Marshall , 12 Lrclvhton block 4'/.i-4' C WAN'I III ) AT WJS ST. .MAHV'S AVKNUK. A 'yontiK ' Klrl to wait on tnlilu , utu Uit 34 * C1-CIIO1) ) lilltl. 1OH GK.N'KllAIj IIOIJSK WOIIIC ; 'iniiHl ' ttoifooil cook A ml Innmlrens Apply to > 1rn. Jolin K. Ilniil ) , . , : llownnl. .V.T21 } -iillI.TO : DO IIOUSICWOItK IN RMAI.L KA.M lly liooil iiica Mm. Cobry , 2JJi ( ( Kinmott ot. WO Z4 cHKCONI ) Clltl. , Ill N. I'.itli itrcct 522 24 1 WANTKI ) . ( JOOII COOK , 1210 SOUTH lltli Outrun , ( all lorcnoon. MOT 2S p WANTI.'II. Clltl , I Oil ( Jlt.NKllAI , IIOUHK- V work , ruferciuo rc'iinlrvili npply linnivillalely. 415 N anii utri'cl ' MM7 25' CWANTTI ( iKIIMAN OH MVKDKISII OIIIL for ceneral houscnork No. bUJ North Thirty rocinil > ttcct M547 / WA.NTKD-A K1HST CLA > S ( tllll , KOH ( ! KN V erul luiiucMTork , iinibl bu aiioud cook 618 S. I'Olli . 64i ' . ' 4 rWAN" ! ID. : tiiiti , i on 1101'Si : V irork , ninil III > KOOI | cook. Apply , VJUii Cnpltol u > o. city CI.AIIIK" , I WII.I. PAY I.ADIKS A SAI.AHY OK 110 per week to work for me In their locality nt liomo , light work , & : ooil pay for part time : nrlto itltli itiunp Mrs. 11 II rurrlncton. llox 702 , till cano III M4SS 24 C WANTIII ) . A ( iOOI ) COOK ANII KlJl .Mre C S. lu ( > monil , 114 tenth 3Mh avenue. M4I.4 C WANTKI ) , A CAI'AIIUC hKCONI ) C.1III. . Lnmloii Court , fourth lioimo from the corner of 2ltli Htrcut Uno tilock north of bt. Mur > i itvennv. _ M4.ll p-illtMOIt ( iKNFIIAI. llllt.HHWOKK ( iUOl ) V pn ) , eiiiall fniully. Call lit 2UM llc'ciitur street .M5CJ ' 'I FOR ItliNT HOUSES. IIATICS I . ' ' ! u line tlmt llmo nml lOcn line UieTo" nfter No uiivortlFement Inken for Ie > tlmn 'J5c. D fc-ltOOM MOIIIUIN NKW IIIIICK IIOI i'Alt- : pelt anil ulct'I rnnuu for milo 2417 Krekliui ilreet i -HOUnK OK II HOOMS , MODKIIN CONVKN leniev , lutli anil Cantelliir Btreclii , rent lib IK ) Mi 24 * DNICK 5 HOOM I'OITAliK , WITH KINK Vli\\ : and good location , nil N 27th axoniio 621 24 ] T I.A1K1K J.IBT. ( IKO J. 1'AI'I , , HW KAIINAM D Kill HKNT , OM.V 155 , THAT 10.OI | | M MT ) ern hoiivei no ron\enlenco Intklni ; , heu U nl IWW N Ifith streeti mil ) responklhlci tenant consld- pred J H JohusJn , 81 N. V. Llfu MI4 2V - M.HOOM COITAOK ON N CnmliiKBl .cheap. Kmiulrn.tH H. Ibth tit. ! > 7 28 NICK KlxK-HOOM COITAliK. HICK'S HICK'SWi Wi 24 D-IIKSIIIAIII.KS 1IUUM COTTAOK , IVI'lI AN7 ! Clark Mrceln. M5J8 : ) KOIl HUNT. lOHOUSKtU , IS ( AN in pcrmontli , ThnO K Dnvli company DID KID DA VKIIV N1CK5.IIOOM COTTAlTlC , ' . ' 510 CAhS t. I' O'.Malley _ < 7I 27 -I"V-IK8IUAIILK FLATS WITH AND WITllOU'l -I 'kti'aiu heat , lorrs , ilnellliiun und cotlaie > In nl purtB of city. Kelkunny , Continental blockM.1S M.1S IJO I IA-IOU HKST. TIIIIKK NKW 7-IKIOM , S hTO'l\ I'C'dtlKtfi , with butli and few irnto , at and lien corner Webster and Thirtieth Hreet . lleduiedt IJU.UUcach. Henry VV Vntoi. \M \ \-B-HOOM HOUbK , MOUKHNi 6J38WD ST ' l'"l KB' D-3 , 4 A i HOOM HOllhKS. 110 10 f I5i 1IKST Hits Idvncu dull in illy. Muad Iiiv't Co. , ill lieu bldi ; - D-lOlt HKNT. HOIISK 10 HOOMB , ALLMOIIKHN Improvenn'iiti , t IO.UU per uiontli , 32d and Karnam Dt'iler I * Thomas. 705 --rOIl HKNT , V IIOOM HOUBK , WITH 11OTH k-ai aud rannp. If desired , all 1n uooil rondltlon ; locution near SOtli and bl. Mary's avenuu , 1'rlco ri'asonabloi iprclal terms tltcii to iho rltlit varty Innulru VJU 1-urnniii it. , or U , li. Tttcuiick , lieu oltfce. .Mb.M D-NKW MIOOM COTTAHK8. MODKIIN IsT proveuietits , "htanlord Circles , " Apply C , S , I KU'ulter , room 4. N , V l.lfu bull Hint. 7ti > l i , -iHlOO.M HOUHK IITH AND IAVK.N'I'OHT. i I-'all conveniences , l.'i W per uiootU , I' . K. Dar- llut , llarker block. M bus -NINK ItOOSI IIOUSK. MODKIIN IMI'HOVK muiiti reasonable , 1 < 8J N. Jill ) uvc. Applr. II. Kullili , lallnr. : il N , loth t. u _ JfOH RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. HA'lTS-I.Vi a Him llrit line und jOaa llnu there- uller No adtcrtlieiuvnl taken for Hvt lliun I5a 17-IOH * HK.NT. ONK LAHlili FllONT AI.COVK -'room with bay wlndox , futulshed or uufur * kliheil. lieullvuifu ( irvUnvil , KM b. Zith aifiiue. FORRENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. KOH IlKNT , RTKA.M IIKATKD H'llNI'tlKI ) noms WJSo l.itli street M.vtt 30 \ fHilNI ; < < HKn HOOMi AS , HATH. 1IKAT , 2017 nilnrneyiii 24 * l-i-rOll HK.NT-NICKLV KL'HNIHHKI ) HOOM nilonrrt If ile ltel 1918 Dodk'o sired 658 H' _ ] f KUH.NISHKI ) HOOM. til MUNI iT. 1W2T'AU _ l-Jnoin 4 < 3 21 T ? r IMINIHIIKD HOOM WITH HATH. frt MONTH IJIKW Kntnnm 472 K KHONT IIOOM Wl'lll AI.COVi : . 721 N 2IST. M44I 27' l.i-KLKHANT HJHMSHKI ) HOOMS.242S DOIH1K 111 7U1 . | -Kll ) HKNT. NICKLV HJHNISHKI ) , SKCONI ) Ivulor ) buck room , suitable for slnulo | : enllcnian , without board , l i i * . 25th street 25 } ItATK ? I5cn llnu first time nml lOo n line there after. No ndvurtltpment tnkcti for IPS * than ! io IKWHYA1U.K UOOM ANl HOAUI ) IN Pill- vato fnmllj. T03 Nortli tUth M523 5C IfHll SAliK CIIUlCK ' 1 K.N ACIIK TltAtT. CI.O < 4K 1to city : nlll UHkn nlcp hunicor unrdens , can bo divided Into lift/ lulu , cnll anil xct prlco Hicks , nccnt. 1105 ill S4 NYJUfo _ _ _ l-i-HI'ITK OK BOUTH UOOMS WITH IIOAHD , 183J J ClilciiKu street .M.Vil 2ii' _ l7-\VAKM HOOMH AND IIOAHD SIllTAHI.i : KJt ) J 'Icrnis rensonnblu 'I he Hillside , N W corner 18th and DoilKC 4'I4 ' 2'J * _ V-t.AIIK { ( I'ltONT UOOM WITH IIOAHD , VIOS J' IKiiiKlas street M4'4 24' _ TT KLKOANTI.V KUItNISIll'.D ItOOMS , HINHI.K I or en suite1 nil modern convcnlcnccsi tlrstelnis board : ils south ? l.tli utrret M O , - otlKM' ftNIHllKI ) HOOMS J bonnl , 1522 llownrd st , nortlienst cor ICth st WJ 27 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS HATKS-IScn line first time ami I0o n line there after. No advertisement tnken for loss thi 1-OU HUNT , 3 NICK UNFUUNISHKIl FIIONT G rooms HI5 to 18th. MM',1 2i > * FOIl IIKNT-HKVKN UNFUIINISHKI ) ItOOMS , Jfl5XJ ( 2512 Capital nvenuc. 'il22l > G-SKCONI ) FI.OOIl OF ,1 HOOMH , UMTK iil-licd. for unit , nlso bnsemvnt 'l rooms Nlco rnnKt * . ever } thlnir ( .onvenlent for lluht honsekoep Inir. Ajiply atolllce'Iho Merrlnm .MMO'-t , " rT HOOM.S IN IIASi.MiNr : : , CITY WATKH On m il ! scwernite , ltil ) Fnrnam st 478 28 * J-FOUIl Oil FIVK Kl.UUANT ItOOMS AT81(1 ( VJfcon nth 25th street 41425 * BOARDING. PULLMAN HOl'SK , 1H10 DODOK , KOH ( iOOI ) board , nicer rooms conveniences , rales and lo allen II cannot bu excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor .111 M 10- FOR RENT STORE3 AND OFFICES. 1-KOH HKNT , STOHK , 1118 JACKSON STHKKT , J KH ) HUNT , TIIK 4 STOHV HllICK HUII.DINd , till ) Fnrnam street. 1 ho bnlldlnir has n Jlre proof cement bnsement.coniplcto steam hcatliiK fixtures , water on all thu floors , gat , etc. Apply at thu ottlco ofThollee. ' . ' 18 FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS I5ca line first tlmo and I Co n line there after. No advertisement taken , for lest than 2Jc i -Foil IUNT : h I three miles from bonlh Umnhn. A. S. Itltchlc , ( * ) Puxton block M5.VJ25 i-irai ACitns OF ( iooi ; LAND. I < NI.MPHOVKI > . & J mlles west of Oinnhn , to lease for u time of 5 yeurs. Call on or mldrcss the Odcll Investment Co. , IUI I'enrl street , Council llluffs , In. 512 21 T- FOIl HUNT 10-ACHK CAHDKN FAHM. SW ' miles from postotllcc. Aijd > toJ 11. West , IU)5 ) Fnrnam street. M4i'.l 24 * r-IMl'IIOVKIH-AUM OK > ACllK ? . 10 MILKS l weal of Uni ihii. lliirtuiun A Hobblna , 240 lleo bide M.IM Kill WANTED TO RENT. K-WANTKI ) . IIOAHD AND IXDCINi ) FOIt PA- tlents of the Houston Narcotic Cure company In houses convenlont to the cure , cnd addicsses nnd terms to Houston .Narcotic Cure company , bheeley block , 15th nnd llownnl streets 55724 K WAMKI ) , 2 MJHNIMIKD HOOMN HUIT- able for Huh' housekeeping ; tlosu In Address M il , lice. W > 2 24 * -WANTKI ) , 11V HKSPONhlHI.K PAHTIKS FOIl a term of j ears , u deslrnhlo olllee on second floor within 2 blocks of corner of 15th and llounlus streets. Address M 4. lice. 551 24 * K WANTKI ) , A FUIIMSmi > IIOOM M'lTAHI. for one1 , cuntrnlly located Address , st'itlii terms 1. ( > . ) , llco. MJ07 24 * K-WANTKII. 'IO HUNT , IIY HKSPONSIIII.K pnrty , 7 room lionte with all modern Improve ments , Address or call at 4 U Hamxe block MIDI. WANTKI ) , IN KOl'NT/.i : PLACK , IIY TWO yonne ladles , II or 4 unfurnished rooms liefer- cdccs. Address I. 4U , lice. 3.'J2I * RENTAL AGENCIES. HATKS 15en line first tlmo nhd lOo n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 2 > o. L-'IO 1NSUHK QUICK HKNTIMJ , LIhT WITH the Kiclunlve Hentul AKC'ncy. Purrottc , Doiulus block. L -II. K. COI.K. CONTINENTAL IJI.OCK. IlKNTAI. Adn.N'OY ; 11ANIC UUKKIlKNCnS , JK. t' ( iarvln .V Co 211 Mwclr tilock. M 751 STORAGE. ItATHs 15o a line tlmt tlmo nnd lOn n HUH there after. No aclvertlienient tukcn for leas than 2" > o rD1IY. . Cl.KAN ANI ) PHIVATKLY S'lOHKD ] \r \ furullure , Omaha Move llepulr Work , ) 'U7 Doiu rM 7o'J _ M -OLDKST , CIIKAI'KST ANI ) liST k'IOHACK house In thoclt ) . Williams A Cross , I''II llarney WANTED TO BUY. HATKS l.r a line Ilrst tlmo und lUo n Una them after. No tuUertlBUmcnt taken for lusn th in J.H ; . XT WK IIAVK CI'bTOMKItS I'OH NKII11ASKA li farmn Co operallvo Land and Lot Co. , 205 N ltth Direct. X -NOTKS bKCl'UKI ) IIY MOU'l ( i AC K LIST ri'NOTKS 1 > ri' 'ulrrlata for nalenltli llutchlni'on A : Wead , i. MS.I2 2U TO i > { i liete. 1'J ! new nlTeri lliln week. Saniplo 10 cents ' 1 lie Middleman , Chicago Mi'H' XTVA.S"III : ) , AN iNsmn IMKCK OK VACANT il propcrl ) h > party who lll pa > canh and leano naiiio to Holler to erect bulldlnt ; , I'aul , ] Ufi har- 475 24 iT-WANTKI ) . TO Ill'V SALOON 1'IXI IJHKS KOH leash , Anton F Dnorak , Hnrwell , iS'eh MIMi.'l * N T TO iirvsix-oNii iiANi > FunNiTuiii.iiiiiT : ( est prices puld. lloiton Kninlturo Co , > ai N H > th ail F- ! ' N' KrilNIIUUK. 1101'UIIT. bOLI ) , b'lOlini ) . \Voll , III ! rnrniun mrui't. 77) ) FOR SALE-HOUSES WAGONS ETC. IIATKH I5un llnoilml tlmo nil I lUn n linn there alter. Noiulvertltumont tiUjn for lom tlmnijo " 11-A WIDOW WILL HKLI. rOllfl5U TIIK VKIIV I liuinliome > > tll li , Keiitnek > bred fabl Troltlni ; nnd Kninlly lloriio ClIKsTIIIt , llred b ) Almont. mn u [ Alofandcr'n Abdallnh , ( tain Klulo liood b > Illua llnll : hecond dam Ilcanty lllooin , by II il I'lilclieu CllhSTIIll lull yearn old , wclulin 1,000 Ilia and \\ltliont ox- reptlon tliu must perfect uentlvmairn family and road linrno In Iho illy ; M'r > tll ! i and llnely fiirmetl , tint , full inane and tall , needs no liools or uel liti ) , of iireat i oiirai.o and endurance doeit not Iiy or pull , pufeitl ) Mifn tor i.nmt timid person , not afraid ol CUTH or ain i > bntarlo on the loinU ho him an line a otraln of blood In lilielii8 an can bo triu > 'il to an ) trotter of the in.ii , ho Mintm bin line bri'i'tllnif , hoIIIIK never trotto'l ' for an ) mone ) HO he lm .SO I't'HI.IC ' lU.umil Ilunlll inaku aory Miluablu home lor roa > | or traik purpi e > ; hu IH an lutellenl poliiliorfii hu trolled when rriuilAr : > ii : ) HV.MVI-ATh llt'-IIAM ' ) . it Illtlu IMIT ono tear niio. nt rllANKrOUl' , KIINTUCKV , ilrlu'n b ) Mr U I * Simp on , In 2 Y t | , 2 27k 2 ' . " < . at which time hu paldll , , < * 5 for him I will nnrrant him to bu In evury u > HII repretnnted nnd dercrlbed , u hand komo , it ) ! l h. tiife , mil nil , taut , ) ouni : trottlnic liorno undTOTIUir I'l'LI. MIL ) : INI. . IU Oil NO > A ! , Alr eU'fiiiit Improved , Khlftliu top , blilu bar bvif by J II. lln-Mfctor of : .Hh Mm't , .Se VorkClly ; nrarl ) new ret of liurnemi , robe , tie ror further In formation cull or uildrce * in ) iroom , Cluirle * , At my iirlMiln elulile , rt'lir nf my nrltnlo rciilileiu-u , > o itcil MIchlKan u > v , Chlcavo , 111 lloro Jockei tii't'd not apply ill-'l' I ) Hilt SAI.K. llAUO Ill'VS ' A bl'A.S OK ( iOOI I work hornet. Inquire 1 uru > 'i barn , Jilh and CuuilUk'ttret't * . K H. Jceter. MH.124 * MISCELLANEOUS , UATK.h l. < o it line llrol llmo and Ido Una there ultur No advurtt > emt > nt taken for Iu lUun''io AUK TiiiuTV-vK cuuiicii ijoiik- people llvlnti on Omaiin'i 110 lot addition lo no mo denomination Mho will build n chun li there HU Kill furnluli lumber and hand ovur a duc > i for tu lou freu and clear Iroui uiicuiubrunco Interested pitrtlttn pleuiu call at thn til ) lot tale I5UI l > ud.t | > rtrevl bvlHt-eii U nnd I o'clock Tuesday or Tliurtdny U 1 * . llenjauiln iolo ugeut , 1500 Dodyu Ireet ln the bulldlni : recently occupied hy ihoCounc'l i limit * MtUnva bank , ottiier & 1'utoy , Counci Illulft , QFOH HALK. DK.STIHTh CIlAIHj MODKIIN , new , and very like. I all nml ee H at Webslcr slree.1 frvU'bl depot J. H Flatiuyun. 5JaV4- fAT A HI liltToUN'r OH CAdll. IJJOOoT Wsluuc dluuiuud cltclot iluy Addrv M 1 , lieu. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. ( Viiif'niiril , n If * VIM' IIAVi : IXST VOUIl IIKALTII ANI ) Wnrr ulrrlna ( nlth rntnrrli , bronrhltln , ntttima or any klndrM dl inne ! politic Oiyeen will tcMnre > oii. It IK nntiirp'o own remedy. < nil on or nddre < the nitont. MO ShC'Olr butldlnir Mnnual > 0 it freer rI'MKAI1 KOH CASH. OAK HALL IIACK. fTtwi V- new Quick Me I ia ollnp plovc. ftOVJ : lientliiK dlore , KUU nnd IHu. Mcel ramp , nlth ivater back , :2UUU : ; llaniond typewriter table1 nnd letter holder. 70(1 ( f room modern brick Imnop for rent , filuo month , earpeto for unlc Cnll nt 2417 Krskln otreel. akc 84th street motor. Ml 84 * -\VIIV SI'KKKIl WITH CATA1IUII. IIHON ehltl'or n thnia' Cnll nt .MO Hieoly InilldltiK and enrn how to be. cured ' 1 treatment free. free.MB MB 54 * Kilt SALK , t IIOOI ) POOL TA1ILK8 CIIKAI * Inqnlra IV3I Hark Plroct , cor ZUlh , tipstalr . M411 5fi MISCELLANEOUS. HATKS ISo n line llrxl tlmo nnd lOcallne there nfler No ndvprtl cmcnl taken for less than 25c. 'lVsciANNVANTK ) - A ( IOOI ) Y'lYsnAN can tlnd n. de < lrnhlo lopiflnn b nildrc * lnir K. llenclilcr. UlKSirlM | . Neb MMiltU * TT I'KHCONAL fm" \ 8TONK , Al I ) . , 18 A Iviloctor If you ho throftt or Innir IrouMo of nny kind , IMP lil llronchlal nnfcrt , 25o n bin nl ilrniritliitit' Hpeclal rnto to preachern , toaehere , Tocallits For sample , nenrttuc toMonoMed Co , Chicago. III. M4'U84' _ JO OXYOKN CL'HKS CATAltllll 610 ivOicnluy hulldliiR. WJ ! ' _ _ -HKNIIrOll MANUA L ON SI'KCI FIC O.Vtl KN. Cortaln euro for catnrrh and all dlseax-s of the head , nnd IUIIK * 610 Sheelo ) bullillnir. 610 24 * CLAIRVOYANTS. l.'ic n line lint I line nml 10o n line tliere- after. No r.dvprtlscnicnt taken for les < tlmn Sic. R 7iTuiVAIi KXTItAtTuntNAIlY , WONDKUKUI. rvvelatlont ChnllciiKes tlio worlil .Mrs. Dr M. I.eBr.ivc , dead trance clalrvoynnt , a troloitlst , pnlmlvt nnd Ufa rcnduit tells your lift ) fiom the erndla to uravui unltos tliu separntvd , caniei mnr rlngo wltli the ono you loroi tolls wharo you will succeed nnd In what business best ndnpted for ; lias the celobrnti'd KEyptlnn hrcnstplntc for luck nnd to dc tro ) bnil Inllncncos ; ruruslltt , Intemperancunnd all private complaint * with nussnun. hnths nnd al cohol treatment. Send K , lock of hair , name nnd ilat of birth nnd reeulvq accurate life chart ; 2 cents In stnmps for clri'iil.iri ulvo Inltlnls of one you will marry ; also jihotoi of aamo. Olllce 1007 Soutli llth street , llrst lloori hoursOn m toip m Come one , tomu all. and bo convinced of this wonderful oracle M3.I3 K 1 * 0-MIPTNAXXlKV WAII1IKN , CI.AIUVOYANT , Orellablo business mudluin , lltth yenr.nt 110N Iftli " 2 MASSAQE , BATHS , ETC. MI MASsAOU. VISIT Tlin ONIiY FIIIST ri.ASS -1 parlors In Omnlin , over MO il.ltli st , .MVJ2 Fll' T MADAVK 1A Hl'K , MA89AUK TIlKAT.Mr.NT , 411 ! Ho 15th st , 3rd floor lint 4 M4ir225j M' MADAMK SMITH. 1181 DOlKil.AS STHKF.T , -I room 7,3d Uoor. Alcoholsulpbui- sea baths M83t31 * _ 'P-JIASSAUKTUKATMKNT. KLKCFHO TIIKIl A nml batlis , sculp nml h.ilr trentment , mnnlciire mlchlropodl9tMrs. Post.JI ; ) S 15tliWlthnoll blk i7J PERSONAL. UATUSISeallnoIlrst tlmo an I Uo a line tlioro fter. No advertisement taken for loss than 2 * > c. " PKHbONAl with pen picture of future husband or wife , necordlni ; to nstroloKy. Send date of blrlli nndVOc to 1. llox 117. Kansas City , Mo. 61,1 24 * -PKH ONAlV-Mll. uclIAItn HA1.STKAD , formerly of 81 Illiili street Hoston , when you reach Oinalm KO to I.VJ'i ' Dodo street and buy 5 more of those lots at $10 each for Kllen. Ret them next to Fred's If possible MiiKUic. 5I'J ' 24 * PKHSONAI.-SKN I ) IOC1SNTS FOIl HKJ PACK n e of cabinet H7U jilctiircs. also full dcscrlti lions ( tnclndlnK residences ) of respectable Indies who want to correspond fur matrlmoii ) : 5000 lad ) members ; every UUP and nntlonnllty : living OMTJ- wlii-iu ; man ) of them botutlful and wealth ) . llrn erl'J7. ChlCHk'o. Ill 511 24 * _ TIIK KM.OWINU P1MISON8 CAN HAVI3 suits by calllm. at my olllee : A .lordiui. Max Janseii , A. Donuhue , Win.Vultmler. . llnrrj Ilronn , .ri4824 * _ MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. \-A SOI'TIIKHN LADY OF Cl'LTUHB WOULD ' like n few select pupils In elocution , or on piano and banjo ; 6Uc a lesson Address Ld7 , Dee 52424 * iC A PIANO KXIMINK THE v new scale Klmball piano. A. Hospj , 1511 I > oii | la 774 AT n. K. DKLLKNIIKCK. II AN JO THACHKU with Hospe , orlttlK N 15th street , : lil lloor. I2 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. \\r-HKAL KSTATK LOANb. PA UL , IdOU KA UN AM V > 62G KJJ W -LOANS. CITY PUOP 'HTY , i : . NK1I. A NI ) W lowu farms. K. F. ItliiKcr , J51U Karnam. \\r-APPLY TO J. L. LOVKT1' * OIt CHKAP money ; only upon llratcl.isj security. 20 South lath Hlri'Ot. M'.ijU ' \ \ Lr-ll-l'KIl CBNT Klll.Vr MUllTUACi : LOANS , Hlchnrd C. Patlcrson , 1511 Karnnm st. 7S1 IfCOATUS , 7 , UOAHD THADK. KASTHHN > money M3.4 \ AXTIIO.NV LOAN ANI ) TllUSl' CO. , 'IIS N. V. ' Ilfi > lend nl low rules for cliolcn nccurlty on riiBkb or Joua furnu or Oinalm city property. , W.M.HAltlllS.ll 20 , KllENZiil : III.K. 783 \ \ r-HKCONIMOHTOAiS. ( ; AI.KX MOOIli : . 401 Dee Hldu. 7bU r CKN1 HAL LOAN ANDTHUsT CO.IIUi ; IILOC. ? J4 A\ T MONKY TO LOAN ON LONG OH SHOUT AM time In DUtiin of IM1 to flU.IWO. Mutual ln\cstmcnt Company. 770 _ \v T-LOWKST HATKS OF INl'KHKST ON KIHST class BCO'iilly. Lovctt A. Woodman , Z.'J S l.lth M HI \\r-LOAN8ON IlKAL i : TATK ANI ) COLLAT- M teinl Mdtoi and inurlunk'us tiouKlit Hued & Pelby , M4 Hoard of Trade. 77'J \ \ r-O. 0. WALLACIJ , 312 IlllOWN IILOCIC. ' > \T LOANS ON I.MIMIOVKI ) ANI ) UNIMIMIOVIII ) ' city proiertf.lJOU | ( nnd upnnrds.ii to S pur cunt. Nodelnja. W I arnam Smith .V Co. , IStluV llarnoy. 777 _ VyIlUAl.nsl'ATKLOANSIITO 7 I'Kll CKNTj it no udilltlonal clmrireH for commission or all or- nev'e fees. W U Melklo , First tunic hlili ; , 775 _ \\r-LOANS ON UHAL KSTATK , LOWEST rates , Tlio O.K Davis comp.iny , I ' .U I'lO MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. X-MONKY TO LOAN IIY II. K MAbTIIIlS ON hoiiHuliold KOOdH , planoi * , oriantt , lior eH , mnlei , nauoiia , vie . at the lowest poxxllilo rates without pnhllclt } , remoMil of propurty or rlniiiKU of pos c'sllon. 'llmo arranged to ttntt the borrower 1'uymentu of nn > r.mocjnt can * ju inado at any tlmo , rednclnit both principal nnd Intoreit. thus Kl\ln pntromi all tie benellts of tlio partial pay inent plan ( nil nnd M'O me when yon want a loan , or If moro con\enlent call telcphono li&l and your bnslnosj can bo iirranved at liomu. Mono ) alna > s on hand ; no ilrilny ; no pnbllclly ; lowesl rateni bimliies * uonlldentlal II. K. Mantel ) , It 4 Wltliuoll blk. , Ijui and Harncy. 787 r UOHTPIUTUnAIII ) , 113 , W1THNKLL IILIC x CIIA'JTKLLOANS-92JN. Y L1KK. MOIIIUS' 20JK1J * -MONKVON KUIINITUIIB , UOIIHKh , 1MANOH. V Ki1) stone Mtite. Co. , room 20b , bliecly blockM4S3 M4S3 X-CIIATTKL LOANS , IIHNUDICl' A.VIIA V , Oil ruxion block. Wo loin our own money , charge no rummlsilim It will pay jou to coiibiilt IK. .M.'W J JI X.MOMCV TO LOAN. : a. 10 , ANI ) K ) DAVH ON furnlturu , ulc. Dull ( irueii , r'M , Contlnuntal blk. IS'J MDNKV LOANKI ) ON KUHNITIMIH , HOHShH. ii'oii | , pianos , nlthout removal or chniiKK of enflon louHdvntlal Kred Terry , itw , Itnuife ill X -MONK. TO LO .N ON ClU'lTKLSi 15 to , ilnjs 2ll5Cumnilniibt. .MlHi-ri BUSINESS CHANCES. IIATICb Ifio n line lint tlmu and IJo a line llierj- alter. Noiidvurllsomenl lakjn for loss tliin SiJ Y HJH SALK OH HUNT. THK ONL110TKL 1 and lunch counter near the depot In the city of Aurora , .Sub Inijuliu of H. W diuyblll , Aurora , Neb M5.W .10' Y-WH 8AI.K THAIl'-IuLlr lNTKIII'.ST 1 or uholpof ono of thu best pl-inlni ! mills In Omaha Inquire Viiful llros , Tnvnt ) sixth and \\ulnutstreeta M.MIi'S * ' -HOAHDINti IIOIISi : rOIl HK.ST OOOI ) LO- i latlon. Call or addreos | 5'M Juckson slrti-t. f."J Y-HIHMMIKD HOTKL KOH HALI : OH HKNT , 1 the only hotel In city. Appl ) to Tllden flato bank , aKent/lllden , Nub 4'u f ft Y I-OH SALK , SALOON. LICKNt-K AND oTOl'K , -1 a iood tlund Addremi 1. 5. , llco oftlcu. Y -AN INCOIII'OHATKI ) CO DOIM ! A ( JOOII -L biisliieM , Hl h to Inerenx * their apltul tl\o thoucand dollarn , and oner a first clu oppnrtunlly tou rvllublupurt ) . onucoinpelfiit tu t ko charituuf the bouk > prifvricMl Addresb L 01 , Iliuoltliu M luS 2 j _ _ Y -KHDIT IIUBLSL-VS , IIHnT IXCATIO.V IN TIIK I illy , UWIIIT hasotlivr butlnuiis lniulruat | room Cll , I'axtou block 410 VI' LK. A l'OMIrK JUII 1'lll.Nll.M , ollico In Oniatiit dolnv fuuG builnv . Lou rent Address LKJ , lieu. MUKi 5 > 'OK KXCHANOK. KOK KyillTIUS IN 1UHJSKS. AND /Jlots. Loll fur .usrcLuudlic , etc. Uvuruu I'aul , U5 J4' FOR EXCHANGE n KOH SALK OH K-WnAMIi : . N K COHNKIl ith and I rnnklln. , IJtteor | no cash required K CUarvln _ A Co , fchpMiyilk M4.D 24 y HOOD 9 IIOOM IIOl'MK IN LINCOLN ANI ) /Jsome ii'oney lo trade for hardware. Write amount of stock l.otfk bdx 14 , Hebron Neb 431 25 * r/-CIKA"N STtTn { OKirRNKHAI. M DSC. WILL -'take real c tnto A inqnui llox ' . " < . " > , FrankfortInd 1111 71)1 ) "FOU SALE REALIST/ . ' ItATK-i I.V n line ilrnt ufnp nnd lOc n line iinro nfter No advertisement tnken fur Icaa than 2ie. 'A MA'NMN NKW6iYi < : oil v si'KN'r i 'wu MiT. /Vliun ( lollnm In le thai tlvo ) rnr Hi1 l < now ilrlvliiKn dtreet cnr nt II Mlpi ! " day Htil In1 only > a\ed n few ilollnrn , ramp we t and lnve tpil H In Otnalin lite t nddltlon. nherp lots nro now selling nt ten dollar * nich , lie would harn n roof to cover lilii head i'\en thoiik'h ri'ver-c' had Krappleil with him , Hinieinber nil thl < neek let ! dollars H full pnmrnl for n nice liultdliu lot lylnit betneon Omnlia nnd now Fort Omnhn Kncloro pnMngo for pint nnd full Inforninllun , U. r. llenjnniln. cilo nucnt , IWl DodKO Mrcel QIO-DO VOtl OWN ANV OK THl ! ( JHKAT 'ipAmerncnn conlinenl' Vou nrj no ilonbl n clll > en nnd \ olcr. Now to boa full Hedged clllren ) ou should on n propjrty and boooine n freeholder. Vou cin nc\cr item tnrt for lens llian fit ) Vl lt tinIU lot i > nlp nt I.V 'i Dndrc utreet. (10 l f Mil ! > n ) munt liir n nlco Inillillnit lot bolween Omnha nnd now I'orl Omaha beinK'a po tiwc for pint nnd In tornintlon C r llunjamln , nolo azciit IMKl Dodno utrecl 518 ' . ' 4' _ _ 8 HOOM 1JAST 1'IIONT IIOUSK WITH HKAT and nil convenlcncei , bnlll lasl upasnn. > hotl dl tnnco from I'nrk nvenuc nnd Len\cnworthi IS.fiOO A acre * Smiles northwoil , tl.VM. Hutcliln on , t Wend , 1534 Douiilai. M.VIi M Bill IIAItliAIN KtiCdANT NKW HOIISK. JlIhT completed , near Hanncom p.irk , nil modern Im provement * , n bin bnrii ln If cold quick , llleka , nKcnt , wiSN V. l.lfo. 5.1324 \\rK ] fAVlfA CAfTl cTrsTOM KH FOU ONlTllK ii Iwo modern liuu o < worth nnoiit f < MO , imi l bo located nllhln onu mlle from postoltlcu. Amux Kent Unlaid An'iiey , ICUTl'ariitini tt. 645-21) ) _ 80 ACIIK FAHM 12 MILKS KIIOM LINCOLN , 120 tlO tier ncre , on tlmo. Cooperative Lnnd nnd Lot Co. , Sa' . N. lull Bt. M5I.MU OIJNT/.i : 1'LACK IIOH9i:9. _ : B TO 12 ItOOMS eacli , i.fXlnpff ( ; Oca h , bnlancoHS per month ; would take trndo. J. J. lilbson , CrelKhton blk 614 2I > l Oll SAI.B XlT'llUTTRIl HAIltlAlN IN C1TV L ( Vil3l ft with : i room collude , nt 25III rtixlH feet Jnsl al iho rear , frontlnK on Wlrt t suitable for 4 II room cotticei , worth WWW , 4flO ( takes It wlthln5 da > ! f..V J canh , bnlnnco to Milt Ifou want II see me quick. Onncr wrnts to lenxo illy. .1 H .lohni n , 8li N V Life. 4'i7'7 _ _ lOll SALK , Ki'.m-ACHK KATl'M , b-UOOM llODSi : . * - bain. 12 hordes , . ' 1C cattle , doublu corn crlbn 1'ti \ ' ,2 Ice house , tenement honso of n riHilnr ; .Oil under cultivation ; 80 tame ( trim * . ? U miles oasl of Conn ell lllullH , la Address L 515 , Ilee. M441 27 * l01l HALK. ON SMALL MO.S7TIILV i'AVMKNTs ! i IU houaei. ThoO.K.Dftvlicomimuy. Ml KIO 17011 HALK ATA HA HI ! A I.V , LOT 15 , Ill.OCK 4 L W U Selby'n addition to South Omnha Smnll payment down , balance monthly If tleslrod Inquire li H. Tmclmck , Oinalm lleo. 3M , HOMls , ANV IMUCU. * 7V > . J1.2M Ul' : - Icanylerms ; propeily as tlrnt pnyniont < ! . U. Wallace , llrowu block , loth and Douiilnn.TW TW 7Olt SALK. NKIIHASKA KAHM LANDS. . (1. i- Wallace , 12J 1 ! row n block , IClh and Douglas. "VT K. COHNKIl 2TTII ANI ) II1CKOKY. x -L * .foot ; n bargain for a few daya only. K. K. Dar- llni ; , llurkur block. 7V4 LOST. HATKS 15c a line first tlrao and lOc line there after. No ndvcrtlicmont tnkan ; or less tlmn 25c os-r , sn.vTiiiT'uiisi Y'INDKHILL TLKASK return lo Annlo blilvcrlck , S.'IO Karnam. 4l , 24 * LObT-l'UG DOC , IIL1NI ) IN ONK KVK. AN sner to name ot "Dandy , " atraCd from 2521 Harne ) . Kinder wlllba rewarded by luftVlnu the Bameul Kelle ) , btliier A. Co.'sstoro 417 24 " HAIR GOODS. HATKft l&callne tlr t time luU lOc n Hue there nfter. No adtert'.sciiienl taken for less than 25c. r HTlDKAI7.ATIK8 ) yiAHl IVlKbSINO r'AH- - 1lors , HH Itches , banas wl s , loutieos , jewelry nnd hnlr ornnmcnti In slock ; nigs lo order , xpcclal ullenlloiiKlvcn mall order"WS 15th st. "nllloor , 4M K21J' IN KNTIHK WKbT. THKAT- Jtrlcnl WKH ! nnd beards a Si3cl | illy. Wlxs banns , pwltcheshnlr chains , etc. . In stock und to order. Mall orders solicited. DtiTlej , 111 S. 15th st .Onialia STOCK WrNTERED. HATKS 15e a line Ilrst time und lOo a line there after. No advcrtliomcnt tikon for Ions than VJc. J4'n Asn cA n KD on on farm two miles of Omnha Iron ) J4 tel month 411 8. 14th street. Tel. 15'.O M2IU I'M * HOH KS WINTKHKI ) AT LOWKST HATKS AT llcllavuo. slock farm : box stalls If desired tlarkc , 1'J Doaril of Trada bnlldlnx or Ucllcvue. _ TO MASQUERADE COSTUMS , ETC. HATKS-l.lcallnnrlrst tlmo and lOo n line there aftet. No advertisement taken for lcss tha'i25o TTADlKfjt ' . 'iTNTLKMKN CAN HKNT MArQUK- iJrnducostunieint 114 b Itlth. lioldon EaRlo storo. SHO ml FOUND. HATK" 15o n line Ilrst time und too n line tliera after. No advertisement tikon for loss than 2JJ T TiwC om ir nTA Ki/flT : OVVNKH CAN have name bycillliiK ut II LG oMIco und putlne for llils advertisement. M451 24' n line tint tlmo nnd lOc n line tlioro nltur No udvertl > cnient taken for lens than 2 , ' > e. DONI ! 11 Y TIIK rfAY Oil wK D bll ,\onworth ntroct. 40 it' CUTLEKY GKINDINO. HNI > Toril .SCISSOIli- , UA/.OIlb , UTC. , TO HK nroiind to Undurliind A Co. IDii S 141U i > t. 'M MANUF-i.CTUItINQ JEWELERS. ( TUSH TAHi Toil OU ) ( iU > . CAllfeON . v llanksi , room . ' 10 Marker block , Omaha. " 'J.I PAWN BROKERS. ) i\ : K MAHTI , HUMOVKI ) TO 107 S. I5TI1 ST. ) 1171 KI , ' 'IMPROVEMENT ' tilGOROS ] of Ui\ ) \ } ] THE BEST. WHY ? llcuuiiBo vo liiuu prolllo'.l by tlio shortcomings uf thu old tyrmwrifcrs. nml liuvu ovurcomo many tlofoets nail , botwocn onrslovca. wo liuvu ndiloil tunny jl niiro\uinuiili , ofslilcli tliolr Invriitor.s nl'Voi iliD.inii'd. All typeuioiinod In < c/i / soc'oitUs wltlioiit soil- In.tliu hands. ' < Mori' in.uilfolci uoplos nun bo Hindu at ono lin- Iiruisliiti on tliu 1'ruinlur than upon nny other typutvriter inunufiictureil S-enif for L'.italofiie. " ) Q TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. The Smith Premier Typawritar C ) , KlO'.lj 1 arnaiii ' Street , Unitiliii , Neb , K. ii , . ti ii i.n , ) ? . - - .IM .v mint , The Afost Comfortable Train between Omaha and Chicago is the Burling-ton's "Vestibuled I7lyer , " whici 4eaves the Union Depot daily at 4:30 : p. m. It is composed of superb rolling stock , leaves Omaha and reaches Chicago at most con venient hours , runs over a magnificent roadbed , ' and , in short , offers the best possible facilities between the Missouri River and the World's Fair City. The Burlington has also two other express trains for Chicago , one at 9:50 : a. m. , and one at 9:20 : p. m. , both of which are first-class in every respect. City ticket office , 1223 Farnam street , REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BESTINTHE WORLD. Jos. P. MFGKATII , M > 7 1'AUNAM SlUEKr. OMAHA , NKH RKILWHYTIMBOBRD Leaves illlt'AUO IH'HLISU I'OV A , J Arrlr Omnha * _ ] ) epot lotli mm Ma < on ct omili 4U ! p in Chicago Yt'Mlbule 8UO n lit VUi n m ( hic-ico Kxprrts < ' .Ml n in V 2J p m . ( "hk MO l.xpri'M ( ' . OJ p m JL52JU" _ . _ llilpniioA _ , Iowa Locnl 8 Ifi n m "l.paves HtniLIMTToN A MO " " IllVhll . Arrives Omaha _ Dppot lotli * nnd Ma on st I Omaha 10 15 n ni Denver VeMlrmlo Limited I 4 UU p m 10.15 n m , llendwood Ksprcs * . . 4 tli | in 7 10 p m . . . .Denver Kxpre s lias a m 7 II ) | i m . , .Denver K po s - 1'tX ' ) p in 6.UI | t in Lincoln Limited ( KxccptSun I II 10 a m 8 15 a m Lincoln Local ft BJ p m K. C , sfi'"j AC II. Depot 10th an liMnvin v Omilin .Knnsas City lny Cxiirp ! ) . . AM p in , K ( ' XUht Kxp vln II. I' . Train lili ) n m U-nves I. I'NION PACIHC. I Arrives Omaha [ Union Depotloth nnd Mnrcy Sis , ] Omaha BIO am . . . . HoMriee Kxpress I 7lx ) p m 1000 n m . . . .Denver express . . . . 'AUOpm ' 2 15 p in Overland Myor IMjpm 4 .TO p m HlueSpVs , ( . KHlrlli'lilKxlex sun ) 1265 p m liIOpin | Pnclllc Kxpress 11.25 n in \ Mnrcy Allnntlo Kxpri-Kd . VctlbuloKxprc < i . . . . .Myht ICxprcs I'lllL'AliO. It. I. A I'At'lUr Kroni Union Depot IQlli and Mnrcy i-t West . . . Dcim'r l.linlti'il . . Ul.lU | i in . . . . . . . Dciivgr lxjirt' ! < . . . T (0 ( n m CHK'AliU , Mil. A SI' PAl'I.IArrho IM' . depot nml .Mnrcy Ms. | Uninlin . . .tMilcA o Kvpri'99 . . . .Ili.Vi n m C'hlcnKO l.xprusi . ( fll'i p in riiorxTTrv \ I-ACIKII' . lArrivo Omnlin Deiiot , loth nnd Mnrcy Sti. | llnmlm T.'JO . . .Sioux llty l'iii"L'njor lUi''Op in f H5 . . . . . .bu 1'niil lixprt'n , . . IJUOOnni hlUU.X C1TVI'Afiril' . Anl\c- Depot , littli unit AVt'l tor ttts Oinalm M I'nill l.linliud ICHICAC.O A NOHTHWKSI'KHN Arrhes" Omnhalll P. depot , lutli anil Mnrcy Ms I Omiha 26 n m ( Hi , hiin'yi Ciirriill I'lmcnter. IU .M p in ' . ' * > a in ClilciKO 8 1" , a m 1 00 p m . .Vostlhnlo Limited li.Wi m 5 15 p m 1 Itur lUp ( in a 00 p m 2 1" ) | < in Leaves I OMAHA A ST. I.Ol'fS I \rrlvos OmahajU P , depot. 10th iind Maruy Ms loniiitia 4 IU p ml .SI. Louis Cuiiiion Hull. . . 112.Tip in 1.1-nvei I ' . , T I' . . .M .V O lArrlvpi Oniiilia I _ Depot 1Mb nnd Wubntor HH I Omnlin 8.10 n ml .SUfiix" City Accommodation . HOi p in I OU p m Sioux City Kxpress ( Ux bund'H ) \ ) p m S.I5 p m . .St. Paul Limited . . . . 1 > 2J n m S.15 p in llnncrott Pft 3n < Qrlix | , Snnd'yl _ S 45 n. m MIKSOUKI 1'ACIFIO OmahRl Depot IStli and Wnbutor Sti. Oinnlit Notice of the Sitting < > l tlif City ( 'iiiincll IIH n lloiircl ol Kiiniill/ut Ion. To tlio owners of lots nml Innils : iliittlnROM or ndj.icont to tlio streetH. alloys or avenues tiltmiU'd In wliolu or In part within nny of the cllstrieth herolniiftcr n iinoil : You and uauli of vou nro lit'roby tiotldud that Iht ! city ooinivll will nil us a bo.inl of oiiitll/itlon : : : it the olllou of thu c t v clurk. In Douglns county com I liouie , on I'rlduy , tlio "itli 'lay of I'ouniary. itQl. from 0 o'clock a. in. to , * i o'clock t ) . tn. for the jmrposc of cqiiiillzlni ; the proposed levy of taxes nnd assess ments nnd correcting any eirurs theri'ln , itnd of heirln all ooiiiplnlnts thai thu ouneis of propei ty so to lie tit\eri nnd nssesseil may ni.iKti ; sttd : special ta\'cs and aH'tussmeiils hclnn levied aueordln to law to cover the cost of I'AVI.NO. Allu.v In block 52. elly , in btrcet liiiurovinn' district No. ISO. ! Allev In block 54 , city , In stieol Improving tllstilet.No. . ' 1'U SEWKIIS. In sewer district No , US. ( lIIAIl.SCi. linneriif tstrcL't from ' 'Dili street to''Uh strc-ot Hint street to Hth strout to 4Uth streot. : tlrd street fiom Iu.ixen oi th street to I'op- ploton avenue. L'stli sit col f loin I.uavcnivottli street to Woonvorth nvciiiie. iioth street from Aibor struct to south line of section . Douglas street from Kith lo I'Otli streot. ITtli street fiom alley ninth of rirnani t. ) Dodxostioot. IMIi stieet from Karnam to Doil o street. 19th stieet from I'iiniiuii to Dodve street. "itb , i\enuii fiom I.uueii\M > rlh to .Mabon hi. "fith street from Lu.ivenuorth to .Mason ht. Alle.v.sln bloi'Us t loU. Marsb s add. Matey btrool fiuin 'J.Mli toTill. . MUSOII Htiect fiom 'J'ltli toTill , Alley In block 11(1. ( oily. M.OI'IMi LOTS. l.ot , Hun , , Lot l ! > . I'liii-K I'lneo. Uit 2(1. ( Clatk I'lsico. Lot 21 , ClalU Place. Lot HI , litocK I , Haiiscom 1'Iaco. 1 oil , block U , lltinscom Place. Lot 2 block 14 , ILinsuoiii Place. Lot IS blo.k U , Shull'bU'nd addition. Lot 1 ! ) bloeU li , r-liuirb'Jnd addition. Lot"0 bloclt U. bhiill'H u'nd addition , Lot''l block li , HIiuH's 'inl addition , HI.I.IMl LOTS Lot 1 block II. Ihu''H Hilt's addition. Lot ' . ' block II. llogpi X Hill's uddltlon. Lot II block. 1 , ItoxKH.I IHU's addition. Lot 4 block : ! , Ilon'C8 ft Hill's 'iddltlon. Lotllbloi'k I , lo/Kh.V ! 11 1111 in i addition. Lot 4 block 1 , 110'nn.t HI I's''nd addition. Lot 1 block U , HOKKH& lllll'b''nd addition. , llnrr OiiK addll on , l.ot.O , llnrr ( ) uk adnltlon Lot'JI block ' . ' , Iliiulhornu addition. Lot fi block It , lla\\tliorno addlt on. Lot III block .1 , lla tlion.ii ndilitlon , LotSl blooU it , llawtlioino ncldltlon. Lot-MiloL'k ,1 , lliiutlioiiui addltlcn. Un28 block II , llawthorno nddillon. Lot II block , I. llanthorne addition. Lot II nloi'k 1. lluullinrno addition. Lot I" block 4 , ll.ituliotmt addlllon. Lot 13 blocU 4 , Iliiwllioine addition , Lot 14 block 4. llawthorno addition , Lot I. ' ) b tick 4. llaullmiiio addition , Lot Hi lilo'K 4 , lluwiliornii addition. Lot 4 nlon'i 1' . ' , HlKhlnnd Plait' . Loin block I" . HUhland Place , Lot II block U' . lllKlihnul Place , Lot T block I' ' . llU'lilanil Plaeo Lot II block i > . Mcl'oimlcU'H addition. Lot I block I' , Lowe's addition. LolN block I' ' . Itc'od'H bt addition. Loti/l , Hcn I'lneo. l.oM , Itedh k Cio\o. ! Lotft , Uu-llek ( ! io\u. Lot I ! . Itndlou litoro. North .10 feel lot 10 block I , Park I'laee. South 5'J foul lot 10 block I , Park Place. W. M ft'otof .V. 'i' ' feet lot II blk I , Park J'lucu Lot 4 block IH , i : . V. nmllh'h add lion. Alleys in block ! ) -land 4 , llaulliornu. A I or in Mock 1. ' Ui'o I'h 1st addition. Tax lot 5. suetlon it | n > | .l , T ix lof.'l , soetlon Ili-n-M. And bo it fin liter lesolvud , that the ulty elork chonollui of such Nitllnj at least NIX dnj.s pilor tlicruto la thrto dally papcniuf Iho c'lty. c'lty.And be It further lo-oUud , that nnlesH .or peed mid HI Illclont o i use It may bo othcrwibo ordered and determlnuJ , that b.ildcosl , or part ufconthu 1,0 iihsesHt'.l pro rain , uucordlnK to fool ftontaKo upon all tun lots and lual Cht.tto liiKald dlsii.cls rcuiicthcly | ) , adjacent to or abiittlnu tlui line of K.ild linirou | nu'iils. ac- eordlni ; to Iho u"iul sc.uliu' liaeli piocessnM horutoroio adoptu'l , and followed by sild council. In tho. is-emim nl of special t AUS to cover the eosl of haul ork. to-wlt : Uno-lhlid of bald pro i.ila cost , upon the onit-bIMn pat lot iho uholo amount of uiound In bo a sesul , Hrst abtitlliu upon tlio BI reel line alone s ild Iniprotcmiintii lae-llflli p tit of siiuli pro ratacoit , upon tin ) hocimd one rt xth put t o ( the wholu amount of b.ud iTJilinl ndjoltiliu HiiTcto. Ono-slxlh p ill of such pro ratu cost , upon the third one-siMh part of Hie uhulo amount of i ild mound neM adjacent. And threu-teiitlix of H ild pro rala cost , upon the adjacent or remaiimu onu-lmU Pirt of thu wholu of bald uiounil. Vou nnd each of you art ) hereby notlnud In ajipcar liufnru mid boird of uualU'tlon | , at thu llmo anil pluco above nuocllled , to miiko an ) complaint , statement , or objection you dcslri ) eoncornln said proposed levy and as- tiinent of special t.xrs JOHN GliUVKb , Oityt'lerk. Otuutia , January Itttb , U'J2. J'JIUCI PKopqsAi.s roiu.ur.t'Tios ' DI' s < iiooi. HilltdlnKo , lloiitlnt and Ventllri- tlon nnd 1'lro I so.ipes Drp.irtmptil of tlio interior. Olllco of Indian Affalr-i , NVashliulon , II. O. , .Inmlary n , itu.P.M.KII PiioiM-nf.a. on- rtor od , "Propon.iN for prcctlon of biillilln , steam lieiulni. etc < . , " a Ilio en p m-iy bf nnd nddrc ed to the Commlsilonerof Indian Af fair * Washington , I ) , t' . wilt no receive I at tlil onico until I o'clock , p m. , of I'chruary < , 1W2. for the ere -tlon at UKI'lno Uldge Agency , Ninth Dakota , of ono brick n sombly liullilliu. ono brick hosjiltil hulldln. ' . and oriebrU-n Holler houio , IIR per pl'ini utiil Mii-clll itlom which may bo ex.unlned at Iho olllcos of thu Itrpiihllpin. of llapld City. s. 1) , the IIKK of O.nahu , Nob. , and the lltilhlcrs Hoard of Trrttli" cmner Tth nnd I'o lar streets , t I'aul. Minn. , and at lh P.lie Ultimo Atronej1. llidder < will bo reiiulred * o mibnilt sepirjlo bids for each hulliilir. . nnd state the length of tlmo Jiroposeii to buconsutia-d In their conNtrue- tlon. Illds are ale Invited for fiirnlshltu nil machinery , materials , and all labor nocc .iary to put thorn tn position , for heating and 1011- tllfatln the rusombly Inilldlntr. the hospital bulldlni ; . thu present school biilldlnj ; , And thu liuin Ty mow In eourso ot constructloni. nl ! to ho pronerly connected bv mleituntp plpos with the bdllerhouse , fiom wli ih thuv nro to bo hunted. Scp-irato tilds sluuilt ! also bo made for hoatiiK iin-l ventilating ns iiliuto. from holler house , only the assembly bnl.dliu an I thu present school bulldlnt ; Sepanlo IiUls nre nlso Invlled for furnlshliu and p aeln one or t o ( Ire escapes on the nssemblv an I hospital buildings when sha'l ' have liven creeled , also on the present scheol bnl'dliu. Illililers n hcatltu and vent ) utliu- , and lire osctipe- . to ucc'ompniiv their bhli with designs MIK ! specllleatlons of the sto'vm ho.itlni ; and ven tilation and lire oscnpes propi od to bu fur- nl hed ; s ild dcslns an. ! spoi'illc Uhins to IIP adapted to the bnlldlnm to which they am to be npnllod. The rluht U reserve I to rolcet any or all bids , or any part ofnnvhidlf deemed for tlio best Interest of the sr\lco CiiiTiftii : : > cin.t'K I'.ncli bid must ho nc"oni P'inled by n certllled check or dr.ift upon some t'nlted States deposllorv or solvent national bank In the vicinity of the residence of the bidder , made payable to theoider of tliol'om- mlslimer of lii'llan ' AITiilr * . for at least nvn ct'NT of the amount of the proposa1.which check or ilr.ift wl'l ' he forfeited to thu l'inlel States In case any bidder or blddurs reeui1114 an awaril shall fill to promptly evcuto a contr tct with u-o id and biilllclent sureties , otherwise tube rutnrned to the bidder , Illds accompanied by cash In lieu of a eertllled check will not he considered. T. J MDUtlAN Connnlsslonet of Indian Allnlrs. .HOd''IIM ProjiiisulH for Heal INtute. Sealed iiniposiln will bo received by the Bo ltd of K lueat'on until 4 o'clock , 'Mon day , February 1 , IS'.1 ' , for suitable bcliool sites at the following iilaees : Additional ( 'round ndloliilint the Center school site. In the vicinity of Kluvcnlh and Tenter streets. Additional cround adjolnlni ; the Ilartmtin s'lmol site. In the vicinity of Sixteenth and William streets. Aildlt'onal ' mound adjolnlni ; the I.onu' silioolxltp.lti thu vlclnliy of I'ranUlIn an I Tvventv-sUth stieuls A suitable school situ In or near Windsor Place , addition. A Hiiltablo school site in the vlc.nlly of Cntiltol Souiiie. llldners are reiiticsted to file scaled bids In duplicate , one addicssed to the Presdontof the Hoard nnd one to the Secretary of the Hoard. The Hoard reserves the rlsht to reject any and all bids Hy order of the Hoard of Education. ClIAIILlS C'ONOYEll , Seerotiiry. .I''ii d Hit THE BOSS SWINDLER. Demise of Huston's I'emille Nnjiolroii ol C'riiokcd I'lnaiiee. The ilonth in Boston of Surah M Ilo\vo , Buys the Cliiciifjo Post , reciiltb ono of those csircors ho dibhoartuiiitig to optimisth wlio scuk to convince thoin- solves that as the world grows older it grows wis-ur , nnd .IH the means of cdu- catiofi nro diirused iho odticittpil arc less susceptible to tlio wiles of vulgar and greedy adventurors. Ten years ago Mrs. llowe'h "Women's Deposit Hank" was thn most successful as well ai tlio most daring hwindle ol the day. Tlio best "educated" " " ana most "refined" women of the most ' 'educated" and "re- lined'1 city in the world wore itb victims , paying willing tribute to a game so clumsy and pulpab'.o ' that the vulgarest ehnrppr at a country cross roads would have bcorned it. Unmarried men of small menus wo o invited to deposit money in the "batik" and promised returns of 8 per cent a month. The bait was irresistible. It mattered nothing that the promise was in doliancc of the commonest principle ; ' * of finance or tlmt it bore on its face every mark of common swindling. The chance of getting tomothing for nothing attracted the dainty spinsters of the thrifty Bay btato , and they poured their dollars into the lap of the advonturuhs. "Kiulorsemonts' ' from poisons tn the highoat position fed the Hume. Kvery agency in the Athens of Atnorieu seemed unconsciously leagued with this common swindler for her succors. Il was tli3 press , the vulgar prosaie press , that opened the eyes of the Boston minorvas to their own folh and brought the law to bear upon the swindler. The press continually renders such service to an ungrateful people. Mrs. Howe was bci/.ud , but when the eye of the press was withdrawn from her case she was virtually able to defeat the law. A short sontoaeo in the city prison vviib the only punishment awarded for crimes that would have cost an ordinary swindler his liberty for life. Tlio woman was soon free once more. But her hold upon the credulous wa bioken She had held fortunes in her hand but she closed her days after the manner of the swindler and cheat , Btaiving in a gar ot , with no other icsourco than the proceeds of fortune-tolling. Cough ToIloxtliiL ; Ilio ( irlp . Many tiei'ioas , who have lecovctod from la Ciippo , tire now troubled with a persistent coutrh. Ctiamoorlnin'.s Cough Uotnedy will promptly loosen this couuh and rollovo the luiins. oflcctiuij a permanent euro Iti u vcrv short time. 25 nnd M cent bottles for sale by dru ( 'hts. + Cnino'M Mai la. Now York Commercial : "Speaking of servant girls , " said Crane , the aetor. to .i friend who was recently entertain ing him with an account of his experi ence with the tribe , "wo hail one up at C'ohiiBset last Btimmor that simply took the bakery and everything appnrtaining thoreunto. She was named Maria ami HIO ! came from the rampant west with a letter of recommendation from n family of our acquainlanro out there. They said that shu was honest and faithful , but a little ertido and needed training. Imagining that the latter fault could boon bo remedied wo engaged her nrul appointed her to the then vacant posi tion of waitn.'Hi-in-oi dinary. "On the afternoon of her arrival I giivo a little dinner to u few of my pro fessional frieiiiH and felt particularly anxious to have tlio iilTiilr go oil smoothly. With this end in view Mm In was put through u little prelimlnaiy drilling bofoiohand , in the coin-so of which t-ho in inaged to Hiiiaah the llsh platter of a valuable but of china and dlfpluy the fact that him didn't know nny more about waiting on n table than she did of vu'Hing uomie BongH in Saiiberit. The guests ar rived , and in four and tiombliiii ; 1 took my seat. Wo prop-irod for the preliminary oysters. J'hoy did not coino I thumpcu the hell without elicit ing u rutponHO from the non-evident Maria. Then I breathed her name boftly. but in vain ; I breathed it again , s'iinu loHult ; and finally I reached for upper C nnd called 'Maria ! ' in tones that rattled the plutos. "A capped andhorihboncd head thrust iUolf around ihu eonior ( > [ the dining room dour , and in tones of calm inquiry the young laity from the west remarked : 'Old anybody holler ? 1 thought 1 heard n yell. ' "Wo pii'-toil from Maria more in anger than in boriow that evening. " ( 'onmpation poisonj me Dlool ; OaWitt's Kittle Kurty lUiuri euro conslljiatlon. The causereiuovod , the duouio In Unitarian ohurcli , Sovoiitocnlh nncl ( ; ass btreou Kcv. Nowloii M. Maun , tuliilsior Korvico at 11 Sdrmon on "Homo of lUo Worst KluUs ot J'rolttiiiiy. " i Little Earljr Uisori , ooit pull THE DAY OF YOUNO MEN. Tlicj Vrr itl Mir rruiil In UtrRpr Number * \4i Tlmn i\tT : ilrlort' . The young man who hesitates to nr- eopt or itsstiino stations of resnonslblllty nml trust bccauso of Ills yotilhfulnosa , 9'iys the Augusta ( Oi. ) C'hronlelo , itnil waits for Iho dignifying and solidifying inllut'iico of mnturor you > > to lit him for tlio position , 1 * not a close student of the lives of mon who have improved their names on tholr country's history. While ' older mon shako tholr he ids'and re mark In halt complaining tones that bo\s % k'lowmoro than their fathor.s those days , yet from no souti'o does the timbl- tloiM , determined young m in toeoivo more cortlial encouragement ami support than from those same men who dociuro they are being shol veil for I ho boys , It Is not that youth knows moro than ago. Hut wfion u youth , buoyant with hope anil cotilldencc , his vision u ti ll iintnetl by the doubts anil prejudices engendered by lonir acquaintance with the world , his ambition not withered by years of dreary struggle for wbslstonco. Ills heart full of love for humanity and his soul vibrant with the possi bilities of life when stu-h a youth , frcbh from study anil with Intellect well stored , ean mount ill once to the point reached iiy his father through years of bitter oxpurienoe , and from this'vantage ground beirln the battle of life , ho is the hotter equipped of the two , juit us iv "dwarf perohed upon the shoulders of a Blunt cm see further than the giant. " Those youths who think young mon hiivo not u fair chance , and those older mon who think young men not able to 1111 Important stations , may each learn a lesson from the record ot the past. Henry Clay was in the " -omito of the United States , contrary to the constitu tion , at 21. Wobslo" was in college at IT ) , gave ovldonro ol his ureat future before - fore ho was i ! . " ) , and at ; tt ( ho uas the peer of the ablest man la conj.'reH9. Charles .lames Ko\ was in Parliament at li ) Martin Luther had become largely distiniTtiishod at il ! , and at 111 ! had reached the topmost rot' . < , f his world wide famo. Pool was in ' .irlinmmii at 21. Napoleon at ! ! " > cc mantled the army of Italy. At 10 h , ras not only ono of the most illiiHtr' j generals of the time but of lk ' , one < 'cat lawgivera of the world. AtIt ! ho i v U'alerloo. Washington was a eolone n the army at lil ! , president at . ' 17. .In , 'e , Story WIIH in Harvard at 15 , In congress at 211 and judjjo of the Mipremo court of the United States at ; t" Glad stone was in Parliament at 2 , and at 24 was lord of the treasury.Mlliam Pitt entered college at H , ivits chancel lor of the exchequer at 22 , prime minis ter at 21 , and when Ho was the most powerful uncrowned head In Huropo. liyion wrote ' 'English and Seoteh Hoviowers1' at 21 and published "C'hildo Harold" at 24. Alexander Stephens went to the legislature at 21 and con gress at 31. Henry ( Jraily refused a nomination to congress at ; t2 and made his New Kngland hooeeh. which gave him national loputatlon , at 'Hi. These instances are only cited to re mind older men that thu wo-Id has over been ro'tdy to give distinction to young men who command it by their abilities and lo show young men of brains and pluck that nobody is Irving to keep them back. At no time in the world's history lias ability been disregarded be cause coupled with youth , and never were there moro doors open to young men than todav. No crippinp , no nnusoa , no pnitt when Da- Witt's Little Early Ulsori are taUon. Small pill. Snfo pill. Host pill. The SitrurlNe ol .sp.irtuenn. It wab at n certain east side theater recently that n tragic star of medium standing produced in the courbo of his lep'srtory the well worn tragedy of "SnartaeuB , " says the Now York Com mercial. Late in the afternoon the managc- 'ment was notified that the gentleman who had boon accustomed to portray the lighting Gaul in the arena scone had succumbed to the grip and wouldn't Lo around that evening. _ After an hour erse so of sharp hustling fo'r n substitute , a Milosinn of diminutive p oporiions was secured , and there being no opportunity fora loheitrsal ho was told in a general way what to do and informed lhat ho was to give up the gliost when the star told him to do BO When the evening came the Htago ni'inagor find his assistant rigged up the volunteer in breastplate and helmet , gave him his little tin sword , and at the propur moment turned him loose in the arena. The star oponcd the combat by giving1 Ills antagonist n lively crack in the ribs. This roused the lattor's Celtic blood and ha retaliated by whacking the star's helmet in good gladiatorial fashion. Pleased by this display of enthusiasm on the part of a tyro , Spirtacus smote the fighting Gaul in the neck by way of encouraging the Hamo , arid received u sharp jab in return. For two minutes the battle was a sharp one , whoa the < itar , who is a stout intm and not much given to exorcise , began to retreat. "Die , Murphy , die ! " ho hissed lutweon ills teeth , as ho vainly tried to doik'o the trip hammer blows the Gaul aimed at him. "Divvil n bit , " hissed the lighting .Jaul in reply , "oivo jlst clapped mo oies on the terrier that's rtinnin agin mo fur sargiiit-nv-anims in our society an'it'll nivor do fur him to say mo hater' ' The curtain was rung down on the hitherto unusual spectacle of the doughty fipartacsus buing chased all around the ring by n small and red headed gladiator of generally i.ioasly appearance. Small In le , great in roiuiU , OuWitt'i UttloEarly UUuM. Host pill far constipa tion , boat for sick headache , bjil for aouf Blmimcti. ( int the Ill-It nl lllo.llHlXK. A A lawyer was relating homo of hla A most amusing experience * recently In j the Boston courts , cavi tbo Herald. I Ho told of a case that had conio up. I where a prominent lawyer , a man of I pronounced ideas , witty , quick , yet iiltd * I gethor cranky , had a hind time tryintf I to defend his client. I All day this case was considered. Thfl I judge was irritable and the lawyer was I stubborn , Point after point was dilnteil I upon at length. No sooner would the I lawyer gain ground than the judge 1 would t'iko exception by HOIIIO legal technicality. fl Tlien the lawyer grow Hir''asllc Ho J wns losing his patience. The judge ro- f bilked him in n manner that wus not too | delicate. I The Inwyor turned upon him , nnu 1 burst out with : "I nlwnyu thought your I honor was a gentleman. " I "What's that ? " asked the angered J judge. I "J always thought your honor wns a- -1 gentleman , " repeated the legal man. j The judge could not contain himself I now. Scornfully lie lashed the lawyer I with his quick tongue. When ho finished I tholawAor bald , hinllingly : "J alwaya I thought your honor waw u gentleman , " I "J think . " I then , hesitating , so now. Nothing was heard for a few heconus 1 but the silent muttering * of the judgei \ then the crier called out ; "Tho court x will conio to order , " for iho wltneBSca N , weio convulsed with I inghior. Nl DoWitl'i Mtllo ICarly Uuori. Jlo.t little | iill evur inudo. Uuru coniliuitloa ever/ B lime , None equal. U u thoin iioiv. Ur.Culliuioro.oyo und cur.Uau buildlni } '