Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1892, Part Two, Page 11, Image 11

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    . ( I
TIIR OMAHA DAILY KEK ; SUNDAY. 21 , 18J.2S1XTKKN ? AKS. ( ; 11 ill
Bank Deposits as Well as Clearings Show
an Increase.
Tlir l.ornl tlnlihrr * Itl port n Vrry
tury 'IrndiIn .Must All Lines of
Iluntiie * ) * ! Durlnu UKI I'list
The financial conditions prevailing In
Omnha are certainly Improvintr. Hankers
report nn Increase In deposit * and money
comparatively easy. Bunks tlnit wcro not
lent ? ago Inclined to restrict their loans , now
claim to bo tnactliiK all the demands of
worthy borrowers.
The clonrlnps for the week , amounting to
fA , 170,1 Ml , "how moro actlvltv In buslucns
circles , As compared with last yonr there Is
nn Increase of CM per cent In the clearings.
At the saino tlmo Homo complaints are still
heard of dull times In the rotull trado. As n
futo. however , Jnnuiiry Is never H Rood
nonth for thu retnil trade. Following so
j-loso upon the holidays , during which tltr.o
y people mo supposed to huvo expended thuir
savings , It Is only natural that ' .rado In n re
tail way should bu dull during a good shnro
of January.
With the coming of spring nnd the rcIvul
of Industilcs that Ho dormant In the winter
tlmo , nnd the consequent employment of id lo
labor , the retail tiiiilo of Oniiiha must show
\ material Improvement , With the revival
of tno retail trade of Omuha will disappear
the last vestige of the recent dull period in
T ho smaller towns of the .state report trndo
In excellent condition nnd the feeling among
business men go'ieniHy was novur bolter.
The farmers disposed of a sufllcient amount
of their products while the market was hlfh
V ) meet their immediate \\anli. , und they can
now wait for thu market to advance. That
they uro doing this Is proven by tlio stnal
tmounl of grain being delivered by the
farmers nt the present time.
The Jobbing trade of Omaha is in excellent
shapu und January bids fair lo Im a good
month this vcnr. In fact many Ili-ms uro
already claiming that they are Imvini : the
best January trade fn the history of their
business ,
Hardware Jobbers report that the cxcos-
xlvu cold weather for a fowd-ivs back caused
Bomo diminution In the volume of trudous it
kept bujors at homo and retail dealers could
do little business. For the same reason col
lections were not quite so prompt as they
wcio a little oarllur in the month. In spile
of the unfavorable weather , however , the
voluinu of trade for thu month so far makes
n very good unowlng. No material change
In prices has been nmdo during the pu.l
In tlio grocery line granulated sugar ad
vanced Me per hundred on Fiiday , other
grades remaining unchanged In canned
goods corn , tomatoes and string beans are
limber. There bos neon some itdvanco In
moats nnd lard. The colTca market
romatiiH unchanged and no paiticulnr
change Is anticipated for the present.
Hoods of all kinds in the grocery line have
been moving freely and the volume of It-ado
Is very sail.factory. In Now York the Bui-
v letln remarks lhat'tho market for bulk lots
of groceries , us u whole , continues to bo
Hpol < on of with much respect. In some casts
_ operators admit a lltllo disappointment over
the quantity of trade secured since the
of tl.o year ; but seem to bo nblo to c.\plain
the deficit upon reasonable grounds , the
very miserable wcalhor for n long time pre-
vuiling pluvlng an important pait , but now ,
with a prospect of n cold spell , there is n renewal
nowal of hope thai , demand will broaden out
on co moro. Geneiully goods coutinuo cheap ,
in some cases could hardly bo ruplac-od at
the ruling rates , and that nlono induces a
fairly confident carrying ; but there is a
stroni ! belief that nil branches of dependent
custom nro so scantily supplied as maku
nbsonco from the market only a temporary
matter , and while in vest men ta may bo small
tboy will have lo bo frequently repeated , so
far as staple grocoiics are concerned , fancy
goods uro to a considerable extent out of
season , ami show the greatest irregularity :
yet the variations uro of n minor character
nnd unlikely to cause any .serious ill.-
turban cc.
The movement of dry goods from Omnha
jobbing houses Is vary fair for the season and
entirely satisfactory The dry goods jobbers
are looking for a very heavy trndo in the near
future and are pulling in unusually heavy
stocks , Onmliu's dry goods market is broadening
oning out and buyers will lind plontv of goods
from which to make their selections. At
eastern points It Is noted that mi extremely
_ . variable temperature and weather conditions
have been unfavotnblo to the retail dumund
forspilng fabrics , Whenever this class of
dealers nro iulorruptcd in advunro purchases ,
' i , the Jobbing trade sympnthl/ns to a corrc-
j , sponuing degree. From the southern tier of
states , and the cotton belt in particular , the
demand has MIOWII no expansion whatever ;
bunco the conservative policy that has In
fluenced muderato transactions by merchants
from other .sections. It must not bo under
stood , however , that no business bus been
done , as tlio volume of suits completed bus
bc-ui very luiyo , though limy have resulted
chiefly from furwaidlngs on prior engage
ments. The major port Inn of tliopiucliuscs for
spring were oftecteilsoino time agoof which ,
however , n larito percentage Is vet lo bo made
nnd forwarded. Much business has to bo
done yet , but with the execution of contracts
supplying moiiv wants , thouclnnl movement
of goods has been largely in excess of what
has been nppnient. Whllo for spring wants
considerable has to bo affected , in other
classes of goods nil offoits uro being used to
the placing ot engagements for next autumn
nnd winter ; lienco tliu reflection of tlio mar
ket IH in no respect an luilox of the business
in motion , nnd particularly since such largo
quantities of goods uro shipped diicct fiom
tlio milts ta mnikuts of purchase.
The local produce markets hnvo not boon
pnrtlciilnrly ucllvo during the past week ,
" wliilo tlio supply has not boon large , the
demand has not been ns active as might have
bcon expected. The retail trade appears to
bo strongly Inclined to buy in small lots.
The leading articles handled by cummUsion
merchants , t.s butter , eggs nnd poultry , have
commanded good pi ices llio greater part of
the week and the lluctuallons in values hnvo
not been great.
In the way of fiuit , California Hivcrsldo
oranges are in fair supply and will become
more plumy us the season advances. The
present quotation U f..W ) , as ngulnst $1,00
lor Florida urlghts. At ihc opening of tlio
henson Collfornlu was holding her slock very
high , bin she Is now getting her ideas down
\ foinownnt nnd present quotations are 10
gnrded as very reasonable for this lime of
year. Fioilda otungcs uro becoming losn
plenty , U Is n notfcoablo fact that
un unusually liirgo quantity of
russet oranges hnvo boon thrown on the
market from Florida this j car. A few Inn
gerlnes nro arriving from Flondii mm Cali
fornia. Ills said that the supply of apples
In Omaha bus been materially reduced but
there are still plenty In the countrv. Chicago
In said lo bo cnrryiniery lurge' stocks of
Jovui npplot. It may seem a little etrnnge nt
llrst thought but it li u fact nevertheless
Hint Now York npplos have bcon sold In
, Omnhn for lea * , money thnn Iowa apples.
At the same tlmo Iowa stock has commanded
a picmlum In Now York , where Ihuro np-
penrs lo be an active dcmana for borne va
rieties of western apples.
Oysters are ' . ' 5 cent * per gallon higher In
Baltimore than they were two or Unco weeks
ngo. The trade In this line baa boon fair ,
taking the season all through , und u good
many ovutcrs have gone Into consumption
tbrouih Omatia houses.
The Omaha grain market has been fairly
nctlvo tturing thu past week and tno tians-
fictlons In the aggregate have bcon quite
large. On Saturday there wns no regular
session of the board , an adjournment being
taken from Friday until Monday ,
UM.tll.t Lift : .ITUt'K M.tltiiKT ,
UUAIIA. . .lull1. .
Kecelptt. for tlio week foot up 1.1.7:0 calllc ,
4tOlHJ4 hogi > und ; iITJ hlieop iiiaii | > l i7'sO ealllo ,
d..UlO IIIIKS V.iivt sheep lust week and r.VW
cattle. 41. iui : liojs nnd 2.4'sheep l ho corrc-
tjKindln neok of Junuurv , 1 > > UI ,
Whllu llieru butt been n falllnc olT In receipts
tnUvcck compurod vrllh lust , prices have nol
only not [ men maintained but have ilecllni'i
coiiklderably , Un Moivlay and Tuesday thu
eitiemoly cold vteuther had thu cIToct of
reducing thu supply and an advance
of Uo to 3o wan noted on ul
useful crudes , both bcuf leer am
bntcliar Hock. During thu luttvr part of the
weuk rtrolpu both iioro and at other market
coaler * wun heavy uud ptlccn bruuu liudly
the week closlne with values 'JT to 40c lower
than Tnesilav. thehich ilnv of the wrok. nml
PC lo 2.V * lowVr thnn lust faturday. With the
box iniirUcl It bus been dltTercnt. There has
been n stroii' * fililpmiiff dcnnind. rthlcli. wllh
llcnt receipts tltirin. the earl } part of the
wrek , caiiK'd u sharp ad value. As receipts
1)01111110 more lliu ml there was a strong effort
mndo. by pickers cpe < * mlly , lo bioik the
market. The tre-li meat und slilpplnu demand ,
however , was lee stion nnd the week closns
with prue * 'lUinil .lie hliiher than a week aao.
The heep market has been featureless and
prices are substantially the sumo as a week
I'or u " itnr'uv ' ropnlpts of entile were only
fHlr. 1.00 laud loss tlnn lust " iturdnyin Mho
irenernl quality nf thnnlTcnnrs was lather In-
dltTerent. As usual -aturday there wns no
radical olimiKc In prUes The drlu..nd was
only modfrute nnd uppoared lo bo eapiblo of
absorbing tlio supply vvlthonl lee lunch nf n
strain Iliiyen rcfnfeil to advance prices and
sellers were icncra Iy Inclined to accent
steady pi Ices as tibniit the best thuy uon'il ' do
under the elrciimstiinces. Tiade was iiilhiT
slow ( IM Lfof steer * and prices were not moro
thnn steady uv on on the Lest , while .t took a
mechanic loqtt siu dy iirlees on common or
Inferior * tin-It. I'lie entile kept soil ntf. how
ever. nnd bill lllllo des table rlouk remained
unsold nt the close.
Hutehr-r stock "vns not In very liberal supply
althou.'li I hero was quite u food dual of stale
stuff In the yards. Tlio dninand was fair
cspeei nlv for desirable sridci und prices
ruled stionior on SIK-II. The ordinary run of
( ( ins sold pielty much the H uno as I'rMnv.
Wlillo tnldlni ! wns not brisk the movement
was moderately freu and u fair and
nbly onrly clearance was directed ( Jood to
choice tows und heifers sold fiom $ . ' .2" > to t..lii ,
fair to Kooil stuff from il MI lo S..v.i , common
and eniuilm ; pni'lis from J .00 loll 7. > . Hulls.
oxen and macs wpr-3 we lU ul fiom JI.OO to * l.dO.
cnlvos steady at from II. ou to fioo.
Slockers and fee lersoiu In fnlrsnplily but
poor demand. Itiislncss was slow with trading
lurcnly at fiom J2.2J lo J.'CCKepiescnlallvu
sales !
No. Av. I'r.
I IOII.I2.- |
14 UK II 2.1
H iom
7 12110 : i : )
is. ion 2:0 :
r. 124 : IB :
' ' 'Sll ' ) 40
4 : i 10
2:1 : 10 0 : i 10
22 I IM : i Ji !
; i iiou nil
4 : i 15
: i 20
si UTO a 2.1
1 I 1 Ml 1 7.-i
1 liil ; I 7S
1 II M ) 17 ; ,
4B. 1)7.1 ) 18)
IS PI 12 18) )
i. 1070 i so
i w
1. 7S 1 sr
IHXJ i si
IDlVi I ! (0
INI I 03
10J7 1 UO
M4 1 < K )
1210 200
1)17 200
ll'Jl 20)
3. 7. I 200
I. . H7U 200
0. lltli 200
2. lll > ) 20,1
1.1. . O.T 2DO
0 IllTII 200
f > . 1110 200
111. 1071 2 15
4 : e.i ice a. 2.0 210
1. 460 1 SI ) 1 : fll 2 4) )
460mi 1i
4 : mi 1.10 i xio 2.10
3. : UI 2 00 1. . 2.0 4 75
3.I nui.i.s.
I 1270 1 CO 1 UTO 1 SI
Itt5 I 2i ! 11.11 1 M
1 12IU 140 .1,1.10 IM
1 C80 140 111 ! ) 2 IIJ
1 1110 IM IfilO 200
'l. II'KI 150 . HID 200
2 U'i.1 1 IM .1200 2 OJ
1 .1.143 1 fij
1 1240 1 SO 1200 1 75
801 2. . 870 2 50 2. MO
fiOO 4 710 2 00 1. 1110
8 711 2 40 7 fi.17 2 ( < 0 3. KJI 275
20 ( Ml 2 5) ) 17 074 2 00 57 8U8 285
U 720 2 50 11 CGO 2 C5
No Av. I'r
01 feeders 1023
Hocis The week closed with a coed run of
hops , tint them bus been n docruitsu this week
compared with last week of about 1 ' , i 00 head.
OIlcrliiKs In gcneinl this week have been
gotiiewhit llchter and commoner than last
week , but the quality Is still very fair.
lluslnesi oponud r.ither slow , with pilccs
weak , shipping ordois wcru not overly liberal -
oral und fresh meat dealers wcru not taking
their usual number. Packers were bearish as
a matter of course , but when provisions
opened stronger and reports arrived quoting
Chicago from ,1c to lUc higher , with only 17.UOO
on sale , theru was a change In thu situation
und packers as wull as other" slarted in bid
ding u nickel higher than Friday's general
market , Trade wns bilsk ut the advance and
the pens w die practicallyclearen by tlo'c ock ,
( ! oed heavy heirs sold at from il.lo to $1.25.
eonimon heavy and mixed packers at from
M. 5 lo $' ' , Unlit and light mixed loads from
M..H to { I.1J' > . Tradlnu was largo'y ut from
SI (1.1 ( In JUS. uaalnstJI.0.1 lo M 10 frfday , and
1.1.81 toll ! I5 li st Saturday. The averaze of
prices paid was tl.lOV. nituliist fl.O'ij I'rlduy
and ilkl lust Saturday. I'hu general market.
Is aboutl'ilu hlxhci than a week ago , Kcprc-
sentatlve sales :
11. . . .Ill 3 5d
MIKKI * llocoljts wiiiu the largest of the
week , hut four cms vvuro billed throusli and
not ollercd for sale , and Iwu or three loads of
ciillu were not Rood ( inouuli for the local trade.
A buni'li of fair ( . 'oloiado wuthurs cornfnd ,
bronchi tl.81. The ( luinund for dcslrublo
iniittons ionllnui'stroiu and prices uro fully
Htcady. I'nlr tiifiioil nallvei , JI.25U-1.25 : uest-
m > , ft OOiJHJ ( ; common und stock xlioep ,
r.H > 3i7. ; coed to chnh-u lambs , f 1 0 < u.5.'iO ,
ICcprcscntutlYC sales.
No. Av. I'r.
100 vtoturn wcthcr-i 1HI tul \
1 0 wuilern wethern IU 481
1'5'J ' western wether * 01 4 M
Iti-ri'lpU und l > Upu4ltlou of Stock ,
t-ATTI K 110(14 Hiu.i'i' . IIOIIKLS * . U l.s
C.n lllcail Var I Mi-nil I'urs I lleail
C70 | TT7K I4i | 8017 "Tii WI
: u.i
Untituii City I.I vti Mock .Market.
ICANSAa CITV. Mo. , Jan. -IATTLK lie-
celiits , I4UV9 ; thUiuicuU , 1.300. Tbo gcuvral
tnnrkt't win unchanged ! ilrp Qd bcof nml
shlpplnx steers sold ut tlttfM 40i cows anil
hclferi , II : iMI5 : stookorn nncl feeder * . I..M
tt.' mixed bulls , IJ 2.WUU.
Hoe . Uicrlpts. 10,7-0 ! Mi ptnents.3.2T3. The
nuitknt wus .Vill'c hl-jliT. closlnz nlili the
enln lost ) all crndco. I14M11 2.1s bulk. { I.'WJ
4.20.HiUKi' J.locclpt' , . 50C ) : shipments , none. The
market wus unchanged.
( 'lilrueit I.UrMurk Market.
CntCMlo. III. , .Inn. Zl.Special ( Telegram to
THE lliir.l The eatt'n nu rket was quiet
to lay. the supply not iiilmtttlii t nt extensive
truiliii ? , lint ilio previous day's prices wore
thoroii.'hly ustnncd--s ! ilcs maklir. : nn ti
basis of from $1.21 to 11 IK ) for Interim toclio co
tows. ( . .V ) toll > 0 for bulls. M.M t ) 13.0 for
stockcrs an 1 fe"ders mid at from 12'W to l 71
for dressed beef mid shipping steers. Venl
calves were qnnlo I in from IMM toSt. P. ' < > r
' ( im-noii to ( food steers thy n urrfct li a Illtio
oner tifun one week uzo
With only nliont in.0 0 us the dny'-J receipts.
ho horf market ronllnuijd on Us upward
nurse . H Was fnnii 5e to 110 lil/hor than
osU-j-iliiy. heavy vveluhU sellliu t from II 3 >
njira. mid lUlit mil.hts ut from JUIMoJIU
Thesu quotations sho-v nil mlviinco for the
Teek of from .Wo to : Ho per ICO pounds I hero
Tnsuii active demand mid the Krcnlor part of
lioorfcrlncshiid ( tone over the scales Doforu
o'olook. The close was steady.
There was not asulllo ent nuinher of sheep
in sale to make a market , yet the few s-iles
nadu show little or no oliaii'o us wo aim in
liinto ewes nt from Jlftto JMO. in'xod from
H 10 to tl.8.1 , wethnrsfrom tl.UJ to wost-
rns from li 10 to $ i.50 , imnbs fioin t.i.VIX to
Kccalpts were ! Cattle , 1'OJi ho ; ; * ' , 10.000 ;
heep. 1,500.
I'lllCAdo. 111. . Jiin.Sl-lSpecIal Telesram o
TIID IIEE.I--TIIO Ilvcnlm * .lotirnal ropoits :
ATTI.K llecolpis , VW ; Milpmcnts. 3,1)00 ) !
uarkct slow but Meady * to lav's sales
latlvos. * , l.ll.0l ) ! Mojkois. J..u JW ; cows ,
lions Receipt17.0J3 ! shipment's , 10.010 :
tiarket itell\o and r > c h'chor ; rough , fl.1.1 ®
,2V mixed and packers Jl .lOtftl 5J ; prltno
inavv and butchers' weljils , * ) ,4V34.00 ; light.
8llKKi--Hccelpts. 10.0DO ! shipments , notin :
narkot hto.idv ; owes.H.ViOi.lo ( : mixed. IL.loa
Si ! wethers. Jl l'J ' USO | westerns , tJ.ICKi4),50 ;
ambs , 5.12'4 ' < ao 43.
SI. I.imU Live SlocU Itirlcd.
HT. Lorn. Mo. . .Tan -OvTT.E-ltcoolpts ,
,0i ! shipments. WS-markel steady atdecllno :
air to Bond natives , tIOOSI.,1) ! Tuxan and
nd la n Mcus , t-Ml tM/O.
lions Hecolpls , 2.7J : shipments , 2,000 : imir-
.ut higher ; Heavy t4.2J < & 4 4J ; mixed , IJ.fcO
t.i.30 ; unlit4ooiti.a
I'hjslcH Which Will lie Ktpiinniled from
Onriliu's ViulniiH I'lllplts.
St. John's church , corner Twonlv-slxth
mil FiMtikllu sti'euts. It-jv. .1. O. b'orrls. roo-
or. Holy eucliarist , 8 a.m. Sunday school
1:43 : a. in. Morning piuvor , litany and sor-
jion nt 11 o'clock. livenlnp p'rayer ana
sermon at7)0 : ) o'clock.
I'.irk Place CoiiKfc atlonal church , Thir
tieth und California streets Sorvlcos : Sun
day mornlnK at 11 ; subject , "Victorious
i'raycr. " Subject In ovonliiR nt 7:3 : , ) , "A
( Jodly Ancostry. " I'rayor mcotliiK Wednos-
diiy ovcnltig at b o'clock. You are cordially
invttod to these servfcos. William J. 1'asko ,
First Memorial church , corner of Nineteenth -
teenth nnd Lalhrop streets ( KountzolMaco )
Kov. J. C. I..eo of Lombard university ,
JulQshuri , ' , 111. , will preach Sunday , the VMtb.
us' . , morning and ovcnlnp , at the usual
hours. Sunday school at noon.
At the Central United Presbvtorinn church ,
Seventeenth street , between Uapitol nvenuo
and UoJco Itev. John Williamson , D.D. ,
; > astor. I'rcnchlni ; tomorrow nt 10tOa : ; in.
riubject , "Acccptaole Sacriilco ; How Ob
lained. " Subject at T-.Vi p. in. , "Right
Use of the Word. " Sabbath scnool at 12
o'clock. YOUHK people's moetitiR at 0:1)0 : ) p.
m. All welcome.
Immnuuel Baptist church. North Twenty-
fourth and Uinnoy streets Kov.F.W. b'ostor ,
pa tor. Services at lOiIiO a. in. nnd 7:30 : p.
Young people's meetniK nt t:4"i. ! : Sunday
school at 1'J in. The pastor will have for his
moriiitiB therao : "Tho Tares. " For the
evening theme : "Out of a Job , " a sermon
for working men. Seats are free in our
church and the public aio cordially invited
to attend all the services.
The First Society of Progressive Spiritu
alists meets nt Marathon hall , cornet
Twenty-fifth avenue nnd Cumlng strcer
every Suuclav nt2:3'J : ' p. m. Subject for next
Sunday : "Tho Difference Between the
Christian , the Materialist and the Spiritual
istic Premise of Nature , " by Prof. W.M.
South Tenth Street Methodist Episcopal
church , corner Tenth and Pierce streets
Hev. Alfred HoJgotts , U.D. , pastor.
Ulass meetings , 10 n. m. and H:30 : p. m.
Preaching , 10tJ : : a. ra. , and 71.10 p. m. Sun
day school , ! ! p. m. Mrs. Woodward , state
organizer of Women's Christian Temperance
union railroad work , will speak , in the eve
ning. Seats froo. Everybody equally wel-
coin .
First Christian church , corner Capitol
avenue and Twentieth street Ilov. T. E.
Cramblot , pastor. Preaching at 10iOa. : ! m.
unil 7:4.1 : p.m. Sunday school at 12 in. Young
People's Society of Christian Unelouvor at
( S:45 : p. in. bubjoct of morning sermon :
The Prodigal's Brother. " Evening sonnon :
'Why ' Not Fret Because of Evil Doers. "
Baptism administered at close of evening ser
mon. All arc raado welcome.
Trinity Methodist church , corner Twenty-
first and Binnov. W. 1C. Beans , pasto'r.
Preaching 10:3J : a. m , and 7.T ; ) p m. Sub
jects : Morning. "Tho Second Coming of
Christ. " Evening , "Ahab A Character
Study. " Sunday school 13 m. J. T. Robin
son , superintendent. Epworth Ucnciic meet
ing , 0:30. : Seats free. Everybody made wel
First Presbyterian church , corner Seven
teenth and Dodge streets Kcgiilar services
wiiu preaching by the pastor , Kev. W. J.
Harsba , D.D , , at 10:30 : n.m , and
7i0 ; ! p.m. Sabbath school at noon. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor meet
ing at liiiUl p. m.
Southwestern Lutheran church , Twenty-
sixth s.root , between Woohvorth und Pop-
pleton avenues. Kov. Luther M. ICuhns ,
pastor. Services at 11 a.m. subject : "The
( jospolof Hope ; " nnd nt 7:110 : p.m Hubject :
"Tho Simplicity of Faith. " Young People's
Socioly of Christian Endeavor at ( i:4.r : p.m.
Castellar street Presbyterian cnurch. Six
teenth nnd Cnstollar streets Hov. J. M.
Wilson , ptistor. Evening subject : "Tho New
Testament Church Stripped of Innovations. "
A student fiom the seminary will supply the
pulpit Sabbath morning , the pistor preach
ing nt the Southwest church , Twentieth and
Loavenworth streets.
ICounue Memorial English anil Lutheran
church , corner Sixteenth and Harney Uov.
A. J. Turkic , pastor. Services 10:30 : n.m
subject : "Josus1 Temptation ; " ami 7:30 : p.
. * "What Hinders Your
in. , subject Joining
the Church I" Sunday school nt noon. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor at
0:30 : p.m. Everybody Invited to those so ic
and iccvlvo n cordial welcome.
Those who heard Kov. L. Moss , D.D. , nt
tlio First Baptist church last Sunday wera
so pleased with that gentleman's sermons
that ctTorts were made to secure him to bup-
ply their pulpit ngaln. Dr Moss has con
sented and will preach nttno First church to
morrow , both morning nnd evening ,
llillslilo Congregational church , cor
ner Thirty-seventh nnd Ohio streets ,
A. H. Koss , pastor Morning ser
vice , 10 : ) , Sunday school at noon ; Young
People's ' Society of Christian Endeavor ,
0Ifi. : Vesper service 730. ;
First Methodist Episcopal church , Twen
tieth and Dwonport utreoli , lltv , P. S.
Men III. IX 1) . . piitor. 10:3u : a. in. , "A
Very Old Fashion. " 7:3(1 : ( p. m , , "How Paul
Would Fool About Omaha. " Sunday school
at 2:30. :
Wustmlnslor ProsDytotlnu Twenty- ninth
nnd Mason streets. Tht < pastor , Hov. John
Cordon. U.D. , will preach at 10 : * ) a. in. on
"Devotion ton. Man " and at : )
, 7)0p ; , m. , on
"Tho Soul's Need of God. " Sunday school
at 1' . ' 15. Meeting of Young People's Society
of I'hrictlau i'lidoivor at 0:45 : p m.
People's church , Eighteenth and California
strenls. Kov. C. W Savldgo , pastor. Kov.
Mr. Smock will speak at 10:30 : a. m. on "Tho
Dark Places of Chicago , " The pastor \vil
pii-uch at 7:30 p. in. Sabbath school at 2 .IK
p. in , Seats free and nil will bo welcome.
St. Mary's ' Aronuo Congregational church
- Services at 1U.3U a m. , will bo conducted
bv Kov. iV F. Hrudley of South Dakota.
Sabbath school ut noon. Chapels at ;
o'clock. Young People's meeting ut 0:45 : p.
Cynthlu Christian Church J3I8 Nicholm
street , Joseph Shields , tustor. Preaching at
10:1(0 : ( a. m. ami 7.30 p. m. Sunday hdiool at
13 in. Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor at U-15. Subject nf morning ser
mon , "Jesus Ktirour.i-liiK ) His Disciples , "
John xlv , 1-0. Evening suhjuct , ' 1 Can do
all Tbini-k Through Christ Who Stienuthens
me , " Phil. Iv , 13. All arc coraUily invited
to attend these tervices , Scats free.
Calvary Ilaptlit church , corner Twenty-
sixth ai.d Sotvard , Kev. S. 1) . Wilcox , pas
tor. Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:45 : p. m ,
Subject for the moiuiiig discour n , "Unsta
ble Goodness , " und for the evening , "Why
BuiitUts Inun ri > o Only. " Our seats are free
aud all are welcome , "
TUP P IIPm ITIITP ittiiirpT. " '
lllh SPhlLLAllYE MARKbb ,
. \
Wheat Was Higher Yestsrtky nn-l Olosctl
With an Advance.
/ii ;
llrporlrd ttee.ill ol .Mliilit . 't > Kgun friini
Chill \Vns Qullr u l-'ru tuir-inrly :
I'rlxuti1 Ciilili' Were Higher
blocks und Itonils ,
Ciliculo , 111 , , Jan. in. Wheat wasblcher
today. The opening uns Xc up nnd 'iC was
; alned. There was a recession to yesterday's
closing price at uno time , but the market
strcnzthunod again and closed with nn nil-
vutico of * ii * . There were n number of more
or less bullish Items of nens lonffcel thocntly
triilln ? . The chief one vras the puDllfihcd
stitemcnt that tM" Ucrmnn llclchstai ; had
voled to reduce the duly on wheat mull April
I. This wassnbseiitinntly donlod bv u Her
man exporting house In Now York nnd as
sisted In the snb-c ( iient depression of prices
The report that Minister \'x \ in been re
called from Chill w.ts also n. bullish feature
llradstrcel's reported the week's clearances
from both co ists at 4,5'M.uOJ bu. nnd the avail
able supply at Is,000.0.10 bu more than at this
tlmo last yeir. Local statisticians llgured
tli it the visible supply would show a decrease
of 1,000,000.1)11. Some of the early private cablei
ncro hUhcr and reported a belter feeling
abroad , nnd domestic markets nearly all
shnucd an upward at the tart.
The olToriiiK14 of wheat wore model ate
iiiul with good biiylnt ; by many
stiong and Inlliientlal operators , shorts
suon hneame uer\ oils and covered \ery freely.
I'unlrldpo was the central figure and tils liuy-
liu and helling was \ery Inlliientlal In fixing
Viilnns. As has been tint c ise for Kovcral
days his duallmis were In thu natnru of u My
scalp , as hebouuht only ( in breaks nnd sold
on the bulues. Ho as a free buyer on thn
curb nnd his purchases much to do with
the bullish opening. Then he turned an IIK-
Krcstlvc seller and a sl-ted In beating thn
value donii.Micii his object had been
Rained he turned again and coveted at
a subsfintlal prollt. May opened at DiVc ,
sold nt WH' , sagged olT slowly
to tll'ic. re oMrud to We. wont olT ag'iln to
UUic during the last hour , but on a report that
1UU.U.U tin. had been taken for export through
Halt more at about May prices , better late
continental cables and good biivlns ' < y early
shoit sellers , lUth Pardrldge In the leud , there
wasa rally toHJ'ic , n break on oloslni ; cables
took the price to Dl\e again , lint the mniket
ag.tln firmed upon eoxeiin by shorts , who
fe.ired to let thuli trades stand over on
account of the strained Chilian situation , und
the close was firm nt'C c.
Corn was f.ilrlv actl\o and firm , duo partly
to a reaction at letthn hte.iK of the past two
days and partly to the heavy exports , which
iC.'roBnlcd3.VHI.OOObii for the week. The close
Hhmvs an advance of > icuoinuarcd with yes
terday , though nt one time un advance ot J o
was shown.
O.Us were dull and easy and closed a shade
Hog products wcro firm and higher ; the re
ceipts of hogs nt the yards were less than ex-
pectuil anil prices were from to to lUu higher ;
this gave products n Strom : send oil. 'I here
\\ recessions and rallies and the
tuaikct closed with an advance of l."ie lu
pork , from .V to T'ic In lard and , " > c In ribs
Kstliiiated receipts for Monday : Wheat. 125
cais ; corn , Jt'i cars ; oils , use cars ; uo s , 117,000
head. i
The leading futures ranged as follows :
spring wheat. 8'Jtic ; S'o. 2 red.
OOHN The market ruled lowers No. 2. a7' c.
OATS No. 2. : :8 : > i < 3lvOe : No. 2 white , f. o. b. ,
yil4i52'c : ! } : No. awhile , SJ'ie. '
KYE-NO. 2. bi'Jc.
HAHI.EV No. 2. r > Y : No. 3 , f. o. b. , 45 ®
0o : No 1.1 o b. . : fiQ53c.
I'I.AX SEEP No. 1. 'Me.
TIMOTHV HBED I'rline , * )1.2Jill.20. )
I'OUK Mess pork , per lib ! . , J-l.40 ; Inrd. per
ewt , . } < U2'i4 ' ! : : short ribs aides ( loosci. ? 'i.70
® . 7"i ; dry silted shoulders ( boxo'll ,'J'-j ®
4.7 ; short slden ( boxed ) . V > .9VTW.O\
WHISKY Distillers' llnlshed goo Is , pur gal. .
tsUHAit' Out loaf , unch inscd.
Hecclpts and shipments ted iy wcro as fol-
lous :
Now York Aluikrts ,
NEW YOIIK. .Tan. 21. Ki.ouii-Hccelpts , 21.275
packaircs ; exports , ( iCOi barrels. 4,519 sacks ;
market dull , but unchanged ; s lies , 20,350 hbls.
CHUN MEAL Dull ; yelluw western , J.jO ©
WllEVr Receipts. 89,2.10 bu : exports , 141-
21.'bu. ; bales , 1,010,000 bn. futures. 112,00) ) mi.
spot. bpot miirkut irii'Kiilur , elosliiK
steady ; No. 2 rod. fl.02Hl-0-'s In
sturu and elevator ; tl.Ol't&l OH * ;
* l.o.i | , > ai v ! > \ f. o. b. ; Nn , 3 red , 0999'c ' : un-
craded red. lH ) > 4cffil.07l4i No. 1 iiortlicin ,
H.U4 > ® I.Uli ; No. I hard , H.MiV < rcl.073 : Nn. 2
northern , Ici ffiOO 'e. Options advanced ( fi'gc
on llrinui cables and local coveilnii > . declined
' , c on late Trench cables , closed llrm at un
changed pi ices to 'jo up ; No. 2. tod. January
closing , Jl.'UVic : February , UJ'iO'J1) ) ' * ! . ' . closing
H.U2VI5I ( ti'i : Match , l. ' ' ! ' , closing tLO-IS :
April , iti : , ai.iu , claslni : tl.u.l' , , June , Jl.ui-1 , :
July , O'i'.e. closln , ' IKl c.
Itvis Dull and lower ; western at 0097'/i ;
sales. 4OuO bn.
llAitl.KV Dull ; No 2 Milwaukee , 7K37.C.
llAin.iiv MAI.T Dull ; Canadian country
made. Me.
L'oiiN llccclptr ) , ii8,721 : bu. ; exports. lfi' ' > .403
bn. ; sales. 540.00) bn of futures ; 8I.OOJ bn.
spot : spot market Irregular , dull , closing
steady ; No. 2 , 4'o ' ) In elevator ; 5ufi1 ? ti *
alloat ; ungraded mixed. 3 ( > ffi12c ; No. 2 vvhlto.
51V : No. . ' , 4l > aiOV4c : flteainur mlxcl.48iM9li ( * .
Options advanced ' ® ' 4c. and closed tnil ) on
covering and lur/o elo.ulnus ; .liinnury. 49Jic ;
I'obruary. 49'nC , elosliiK 49Bc ! ; March , 4u2.l'J' ' c ,
clouhiK 4 ( > 561U'Bo : May , 4U4U4bUc ! , closing
48 < ic ; July , tic.
( lA'is-lteiolpts. 133,175 bu , ; exports , l.'W.OOO
bn. ; sales , lO.Ojo bu. of fiilnros ; ISO.OJU bu. of
spot ; spot murkol dull und weak ; options
( lull ; January , J5\c ; Poliruary , 3Gu ; May ,
iiO1 * ipot. No 2 while , 3s'io : mlxod vvemern.
35S',4t-l7'c ; while western , 374i)24e ) ! ; No. 2Ulil-
caKO , . , fis4c.
MAY Qnlut ; shipping , n.1U70c ; Rood lo
choice. 7Vir-f 1.0) ) .
lloi-s In inoiloratoilemiind und firm ; stale ,
common to choice , 2 Ct c ; I'aclllc coast. 1'OQi
274i * * .
MidAii-liaw , quiet nirdjlim ; fair rennlug ,
OiM.i-lCui ecntrlfnsals , 01 lest , , i 7-IOiWe ( ! ; ru-
lined , quiet und itcudfl cut loaf , 5'c ;
crushed , Wi5iac. K
Moi.AssKa i orelun , nopilnal ; Now Orleans ,
steiidy , ( inlet ; common < ji fancy , 28 t.l < > c ,
KICK- Dull and .steady ; domcsllu fair lo ox-
tiu , fni'Mc.
I'KTiioi.uiiu-Uiiitud clOsed for Pubriiary lit
fll'c. *
TAI.T.OW Very qnlof city ( Jl'.OO for rack ; .
4 o bid , . ,
KDM.S Dull ami steady ; strained , common
lo teed , < B.4u. | . '
l niut a ( J "tiiady ul Jl'Ii-'tto.
and iinlets 'western , 2IQ. 4io ! ;
rocelptn. 1.4IU pkgs. .
HIDLS ( Julet , sliiidVl ) > vet salted Now Or-
nansiiu eclml , 41 Io7 > lllri CutlO ; to.l.iy'n se
lected , . " > i to iiU Ilia , ( iit u.
I'OUK ( julut and stciitlt' ; mchs , fl.75 ) < aH075 ;
uxtin prime , Ci.iO , '
( 'IT MKATI'liiii ; pIcMcd bellies , Co bid ;
ploUud shouldcrH , * 'j < & > v bid ; hams ,
mlddlusiiilel | ; snort , cluar. Mlli.
I , Aim -Illghnr. llrinand iiilet | ; western stu im
ole 'd ut t . ' 5s s ilci , 2 > u liurcch ; ont on ialcH ,
2,750 tin rcej ; .lannarv , W.7J ; rebrnury , ( u.7i : ;
March , (1.S , ' , clos.iu , I ibi ; May , W.W/ , clov
ing JR..i ; .
llt'TTKiiJulet ( ; llrm ; western dairy. l ailc ;
western ereamiiry. VHitfu ; weitcin factory , 15
W i'.e : iiiin. : .i ; .
CukEiK I'ulrly act to nnd firm , purl hklms.
fiSltl.lf ,
I'ui Inns -Mndoratuly uttl\o ; Amuj-lu.tti.
l5.7.Vul77 > .
( ' ( iri'i.ii-Dnll and weal. : Irke ,
I < E * > li ( julut nml iMny ; domestic , H.I5 ,
Ti. > Dull and Honk ; slralu , fl'.i.-i ' !
Oiiuiliu 1'roiliiii' .Miirl.clK.
KiKH IVcsh btdi-k niostlv l.'u ,
llUT-itii--l'ilr tu gnud , liU7u ! ; cholcu coun
try. ItXii''le'ii ! : , good mock. Ofinc , dull :
turkuyb. il& 2o ; gec&o and ducks , ILfiillc.
llAt-1'tr ton , I..S tti"i !
ruiuil Omuha Mllitng compnny' * , Hollanco
Patent , tiGO ; Invincible I'ulunt. f-.ij ; I.onu
MarSuperlallve , I. 25 ; Miowll.iko flUJ : Fanvo
Family , 11.60 ; f. Utliu&n'i Uuld Me4 l , ti.&J |
no W hlte. JIM ; ? no ( liikn. 12 00 : low grade ,
ll.wj Ouccn nf tlio 1'nntry. r.,70.
(5iK JncU fHbbtts , ti.5) ) per dot. : small ,
llitir.s Xn 1 ercen 'tiled hldc * > . 4ll4'iei
No Screen silted hldts , 'UWfe ! N . 1 Ureen
salted hldei.a to 4U lb . 4'iWIVio ; Nx 2 srcen
sated hides , 2S to IQ I In. , vt. i'i'i Nd 1 \oit
calf. S In nibs.rNo. , ; . 2cil calf. 8 to 15 His ,
let No. I dry Mint hides , 7 < aic : No. 2 dry Hint
ildes. .VflOc ; Nn I dry s il'ed hides , r lle. Tnl-
ow. No. I , : i' ' < © lei i allow , No 2 , Il'jc ; grease ,
white A , 4fllV : Krca e , ulilte ItISSM ci
grease , vellow , , lc ; grease , dark , 2 > < c ; old but-
tei. 2il2'1o ; beeswax , prime , ltc ! ; roiuh tul-
ow , liiQ''c. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mlnnrilpoll U'lirnt MurUot.
MlNNKAi' M nn. . .t'in. .a There wa no
edge to wheat lod.'y. It was exceedingly dull
uid tr.idln was limited In a fuw small denls
May wheat opened at Wo. nn advance of Seer
) \er last nlRht'H elosu and declined at
once to a ramie from * "Vo and 8"Vc
uid held nlthln IhU to the close.
with May at WSo bid , and January at
MSe. Tlio cash market < is In about Ihu
usual nctivo condition , nnd o'TiTlncs ' vrern
cleared up early. No. 1 northern sold between
'rom K > c tit Mi'U' . Hecolpts of .vheat hero were
Ji : > carj , IK ) at Diiluth and fuperlor.
Inniiary closing , CISc : May opened
c ; highest , esc ; lowest til'.e , closing h7iC.
: ) n track : No 1 hard , 8c : No. 1 northern , bCc ;
No. 2 northern May , tea to Sic ,
Kiinsis Cltj Mnrkcts ,
KANSAS cirv. Mo. , Jan. 2.1 WIIPAT Mar
ket was dull ; No 2. harJ , 7"a77 > lc ; Niv S red ,
{ Cc.
t'oiiN--l.ower but slronR ! No. 2 mixed , 3lffi
14 lie ; white. 'Jto : Mo
ll\M-\Vcro llrm : No. 2 mixed sold ut SO ®
JO'icj No. 2 while. Ille.
l\i : Wns strong at the decline , none offer
ing ; 77c for No. 2.
I'l.AX bnuit blc on a b tsls of pur : .
\N-Hnn nt07c for racked.
HAY Plrtnt timothy. KOO ; prairie. M.SO.
KKCI.IITK Wheat , IW.UOO bu. ; corn , l.OUJ bu.i
oats. l.tXIJ bu.
Snn-MKNTS-Wheat , IJ.003 bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu. ;
oals , none. _
Imports of Wool nt London.
LONDON , .Inn til The Imuoitnof wool dur
ing the past wouk worn as follows : New South
Wales , , u.2lU biles ; Queensland , llUi Hi Vic
toria , 2 ,1U ) : South Australia , 2.U7J : West
Australia , 2KI ; New /.iMi.iuul , H.rd'i ] Cape of
Good lloponnd Natal , H..II.I. 'Ihe arrivals fur
tlio next series of sales are : New South
Wales. I > r.l'.i7 ' ; Queens nnd. "UKI ; Victoria. tW-
477 : bmilh Australia , .c.l' ! > N \ > esl Australia ,
. ' .517 ; Tahiiiiuila , 110 : New /.o Ham ) , It ! , > 7.V Capo
of Oood llopu and Nalal. 70,412. S xty-threo
thuusand bales will be offered ncMwcek.
WIs. . Jan. 3A
Quiet : MUv. SS'tCi No. 2 spring , cash , Mic ;
No. I northern. Olc.
OATS-tiiuoi : 'No.1' ! vvhlteV'.lUi'a.Ko * No. 3
white , ; i.i5tllc. ( )
I1AKI.KV iisy : ; No , 2. 5.1c ; sample , 413S9C.
Ktc-Cuay ; No. 1. t c.
. Coltei ; Mlirki-l.
NKW YOIIK , 2J Options opened steady ,
live points up to flvo points down ; closed
sluady and uneliiinced to llfteon points
up : sales. 14.2.10 lmis , incliidln. : January.
$ )2.9.Vil300 ) : I'ubtuury. JIJ 45 ® 12SO ; March ,
JI2lM < ; M2.ii : ; Miiytll.8i < iMI.8.l : September , til.70 :
spot Klo. quiet and Him ; No 7. $1.1 0.,4.
l.lveriiool Markets.
I.iVEiirooian.2l. WIIKAT Quiet ; holders
oner moderately ; California , 8s ,4a < &Ss .Id per
COIIN Quiet hut steady ; demand fair ;
mixed western 4s 7l-td per cental.
HAUON l.oin : clear , 41-lbH2sGd percwt.
LtiiD I'riiuo westernUs : ud per c\vt.
St. l.iiuls Markets ,
ST. I.OUIB. Mo , Jan. 2.1.ViiCAr Unsul
lied : cash. Hc. )
O UN I.oner : ; cash. 'lO'ic.
OATS Lower : ciish , 1'OSSc. '
1'oiiK New , Ml.(11 (
I.Aiiii-KInu at $0.20.
WlllbK * , JI.IB.
Clnclinmtl MiirketH.
CINCINNATI , O. , Jan. 2. ) . WIIBAT Steady :
No. 2 red. l c.
CORN Kaslcr ; No. 2 mixed , 4'0. (
OATH Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 3lc ,
WIII > KV fl.10.
Tnulris' Tiilk.
OlIlCAOO. Ill. .Tan. 2.1. Keonett , Hopkins &
Co. to S. A MuWhortcr : ( 'allies were lowur.
and there wus no apparent leason for the
curly slrenRlh oxcupt lliu fact that room
traders vvuro generally shoit and wunled to
cover , und there was lllllo vvlioat for sale.
1'lbarances today were Unlit , but for
thu wnck , both boust 34 ' ,000 bushels larger
than llio previous week. Itecoluls at
eastern primary markets continued to
fall off , and for the week aru about
40K)0 ( ) bnshols less llrm the previous week.
This would show u decrease In the next visible
supply of from 1,750,0hi to 2.000,000 bushels , but
transfers from public to private elevators ,
ano vice vors i , may prevent a statement of
actual conditions. One. thin ) ; , lion ever , is cer
tain , name.y th..t fanners cannot or will not
deliver ftcoly at these low prices and
the supply will probibly shrink some
from now on. A round lot of 100,00) bushels
hard spring wheat was marketed hero today
for export via UaUlmoro at ill'40. Conntiy
mlllers arc piyiiiK M iy prices at home and
buying In Ihls market when unable to supply
themselves nearer by. Thu domestic situa
tion undoubtedly favors tilirhcr prices and
foielun statisticians are lucre.islnc materially
their estimates of lliu amount required
from America In thu next six months
\Vuexported In tlio last six months ! 2U.OHi,0i ( )
bu und it In I lion-lit as much mole wll
bo required bcforu the next foielch harvest.
Russia whlih shipped over : i5,000,00 bu. In Ihu
pant six months will supply noiio Ihu coming
six months and It Is Pclluvcd oilier countries
will f.ill short of the amounts shipped by thorn
In the first six months of the past vear. It
will perhaps t iku u little time to convince tlio
specu utlvu public of these chaniiliiz condi
tions but wo are inclined lo think that
llio market will soon show much sliength.
Neai.y 4.000.00J biishulsof corn norc exported
from lliu four Atlantic ports for thu week just
closed , 01 nearly 7'U.iiOObu ' huls more than In
the precedlni ; wecK. Itecelpts ut the principal
primary markets fell shoit of thu pie-
vlous week's reculpts about 100.003 bushels.
This would Indlcalo u considerable de
crease In llio visible supply. At
the decline. the export demand has
shown liicro-iscd activity. The waim uealliur
will intcrfuru with uradln : . ' . Tills und the re
duced prices will doubtless cause shippers to
hold their K'raln. With decroaslnu receipts
and Incrcaslnc exports a further decline In
valu-s Is Improbable , llolli fniolKii and do-
mcsllc market ) ! are now on u
good , he.iltliy tonsumptlvu basis and
conditions ucuin to us decidedly favor
able to holders Thu uxpoit of outs
Increased ISO.MiO bushels over the previous
week , but thu inaikot Is dead The decreas
ing supply of hess nd the increasing u\polls
of provisions , which have been vei v luru'e the
past week , aru KivliiR speculators moroyon-
lldniico ami restrlclliu tno c.xcesslvo ollerln-'s
uf lliu bears. It looks llku n bull mar
ket In provisions und wo advlsu
purchases un all ruaellons.
> vv Vork .Iliiiuiy .Murkct.
NKW YOIIK , Jan. 2.I. Mo.vnv ON ( JAM. Hasy
with no loans ; closed ollercd ul2 pur cent ,
1'ltiviu MKIICAVTII.K I'Ai'Kii 45iV4 per cent.
.s'rKiu.lNO CXUIIAMIE Quiet but steady ut
fl.84 tor sixty day bills und il 83'i for de
The closing quotations on bonds :
Jti > v.
NKW VCIIIK , 2. The Block market
today presented no foatuios of special Inter
est anil the most bo said was thai In
Bplto of noisUtcnt allicks by the local bear
ish element , prices were well hold and few
changes of iniporfmco tun seen. The most
slrlkliiK development of the day was llio con
tinued heavy gains shown by the hank slatn-
inent. tii.O 0,000 In cash und fll.OJO.ooy In de
posits , und It U without question Dial the
irinlis are now In u suon0'cr posi
tion limn In unv of tlio pievmns ynirs ill
thu same tcason , cMcptiiu possibly ItnV Tim
opening of the market was Irregular at fdlght
chnngcs from lust night's fluunH but thu boarx
ullackiid tl.o list Immediately , payln. special
attention to Northern 1'uelflu preferred ,
thoiuli Omaha reversed Its movement of
yestei.lay und diopped back 1 per cent. On
thu other hand u fuw material ml unices wcro
made in some of thu snuilaltlm Disllllurs rU-
li\g \ rapidly und M inlmttcn tralnlnu1 1 per
cent. Thu pressure WIIM itbutuil after
( he first half hour lint tlio ollerln s
continued largo and Iheiu weio no full rallies
until the publication of llio bank statement ,
when Ilioopurnllons assumed largo proportions
tions and must of nut list Yitiru hroiuht up
liejond ihnopenliu. In this movement .Vuw
Kiu'lnnd , Omaha and the Industrials were
.ipeclallv prominent , I'lH In r.idro id sloclisilio
Into dealings slniniid a loicllonary tendency.
The inarkut llnally closul active und
llrm Kcncially at Inslxiillli'nit clmnscs for
llio day. Dlhilller.-i Is up 2 pet cunt ;
but no oilier inail.ed cliaiiKt't oreuriod. Tliero
vvas absolutely no feature In I illroad bond *
and on u business of ! IH lW > no clmnseof Jm-
portuncu look pi ice. tlio wholu lUt bchu
liuld at Ihu * uno level. AKdiUon Inciiiiict. Ht ,
l.ou K , boulliiMist llrhtb Hiul I'nlon I'uclllo
IICHKvuru active , but fulled lo u oru any
Government bonds hnvo been dull and
ktc.idy atuto bonds huuo been dull und linn
The fu.lowluif are thu clodog quotiuuoi for
the icidlne slock * on the Now York t > lock ox
cliiuuo ted , iv
Atrhlnon IIU .Mutlmoiern
Artunn Kinrcni Us | On tirpfprrcit HI } *
A'ton , T. II . . 3U IN \ CVntrnl . . . u >
mi preferred II ) N V till A 81 I. . Ill
niftlrmi Kt | > r ( > ! i * ) 116 l do preferred 7H'- <
11 C U A N . . . . 40 toiilo Ml sl lp'l | . * n |
Cnnndfi rurlflp ulUi ou prpfctrpil . . . . . W
CmifiilA Hnntlicrn W Ontmto A Wi'Morn ) ' 'X
Ontrnl I'ndtlp S4' Orp.jnn Improrpme't Vi (
dies A Dido S ( ! Orpnon Nor . . . . 8H
Oregon Trans . . . . IMj
ito Jnil nroferreit I'niinr Mull . < 7
ridook'o A Alton I'M I * . t > A 12 ' ' ' ' ' " 2)U
t' . . II A V . . iN ( > < IMItstinrii. . . . . . . . . 1W
f. , C . C A st I , . | V * I'lillmitii I'nlnre . . *
Del Ittulvin I3 U llpmllin * IOJ {
Dpi. K AV IliH Ituck Inlnnil ' . 'I' ' |
I ) A U O JiM 4il M I , . A S K. l t | if.l 7(1 (
Knit TCI 7V SI I'nul S )
do IM 4i i ilo ptcfi'troil. . .l l
do Vml preferred li.'t St I' . . Mln A Man IK
Krlo Slit , l I'nul AOmnlii
do preferred 7'.JV ilo preferri'd IT.
V'orl Woyno . IM 'Tciin ' I mil A Iron IIS
Clil A KnM III . . r7H Toxnd t'nclt'c . . . . US
ItooVinu Vrllpjr .tOVTol AO fell | iM 8J
llouMun A Tpuris .tv % fnlon I'm llio 4714
llllnolH Cpntrnl tusij f s KxptcM . 4S
St I'ltiilA liiilulli l& < tVib * . | i St l A I
Kuninn A Tovns Ui i do iircfertoil . .
I.nko Krlp A Wpst r.'H WellKnreo Kip .IIU
iln jirpferreit 7l i Wptlern I nlon
' l''l l Am Cotton ( Ml
IKIIIIHTIIIPA NltSll 77 u'uluniilo ( on
lAJiilsrlllp A N A .
MpniphU A t'hur 10 "jllntnrlo < 4
Mlclilk'.in Contrnl tlll > < sjiilrknllvi-r . . . 4.'t
Sill , li S AV I'll * do prefetrpil . . M
do prpfprrpil Ittf'lllrh ' AV I' Tpr MM
Minn A St U f iWlnpunslii fetitrnl IS4
ilo preferred 21 Ultest .Northerti | ifO 111'
MlpMiurl 1'ndtlo ( - < Chlrnno UBS 7(1 (
Muldlp A Ohio 7 , U > iiil Trust SO
Nnslivlllorhntt HI Minnr Trust . . . S'lH
N J IV'iitrnl II5X Soiithprn I'nclltc . . IUH
Norfolk A VV c-,1 pfil . ' ) ' < Orenun a I > A. t' N M
Northern 1'ncllle MH It ( i. W . . 7ln
On prpforred B , ' ( | ll ( IV I Oil . . . . ( S'.m '
II. I'.Denver A ( ) . JimiM'tlllOM
The tottl sales of stocks today wcro 177.1XX1
shares. Includlnn : Alchlson , 4.IV ) ; I hloaiio
tins , 4.1.10 ; Delaware , I.ackawnntm .V West-
ern . IU77 : Krle , 3.11M ; l.onlsv Ille I .V Nashv Ille.
.1'Wl ! Northwestern , ( Misui N'orthwestein pie-
ferreil. IM ) ; Northern 1'aelllc. prefi-ned. l.l.lMj
New Km ; I nil. ll.VK ) ; lt ( > adlnir. ll.sK ) ) : St. I'liul ,
4.4D ) ; M , Paul k Omaha , 0.410 ; Union I'aclllc ,
riimncliil Kev lew.
NRVV YOHK , Jan. S.I. Th 1'ost saysA
very tnnio market opened todav. aceomuaineil
bv two developments , announced as P'lrtlcn-
lurlv favorable , uneoflheso WIIH Ihe eoiro-
spondencu between llio presldenl of the Mis-
Bonil I'aelllc aii'l the president of
the Western Tralllc association. The
bank statement the second point
of possible ciiconrat'cmcnt. Hut neither
of these contributions to Rood feolln h id any
peiccptlnle eiToct. In some ( inarterslhuearlv
innrUet wns weak coiisplcilonslv , as usual. In
I. on sllio and Northern 1'aeillc piefcired
but rallies cntne easily und the malorlly of
the list moved little In either direction. Ho
dull weru Ihustamlaid stocks thai the alten-
t on of the lionid was duollv concentrated on Inilnslrlal specialty , which has be
come notorious for Its quick gambling oppor
Thu accumulation of Idle money in New
orU city Is fast becoming phenomenal
enough to pn//le thu most Ingenious theorist
Nevertheless thu changes In llio saveral re
corded Hems of today's hank at itcinont Illus
trate the fact which Is nt the bottom of llio
vvholu phenomenon. With all thin super
abundance of inonuy , ouiBtandln ; loans and
discounts' hnvo actually expinde.l only
JI , : V > ,40 > . Hero is a very unusual
record. Its only explanation Is that
the Interior banks llml their op
portunities for the prolllablo nso of
iniinfy to limited that they uro crowdlnit their
deposits In New Yorl , . si thus the New York
banks are now flmllni * themselves almost
swamped with funds. II outsldo business wore
to revive , or even speculation on thu Stock
cvchange , a f.ili shaiu of tills could bu em
ployed : as It Is. most of thu money lies wholly
Idle. This Is a Curious sequel lo the predic
tions of a Ilirht money maiket which were
current among not a fun vvlsuaeics scarcely
six months aso. _
London stock .Murltct.
[ rnp/iy/ilr / ; ( / < l J&h ) > //itm < vi ( , 'imliu licnnctt 1
I.OMIOX , I.in2t.--Now [ York Herald U.ihlo--
Spcclal 10 Tnu ltii : : ] - Ituslnoss was ( inlet on
the Stock exclian o today , owing lo the lim
ited attendance of members. The market
cunerallv oxhlbltod nn Irregular tendency.
I'dnds , however , were tlrm. Uonsols ad
vanced ' per cent. Homo railways
were not much dealt in. Caledonian
IB materially lo ur. Chanuos In others
are only fractional. ihoncn mostly
a Milnst holders. Americans , thoiifh not par
ticularly active , tlnctuatcd to * < umu oMent
and closed fairly slroiiL' . Theio was a rlso of
? i per cent In Chicago , Mllu.inKee. Wabash
nrcferonce. but the changes In thciilliers ueru
not Important. Canadian lines wurn rejected
but closed firm , uspecla Iy Uiand Trunk Is
sues. Movlcans scarcely moved all ( lay and
close without change Money was very lltllo
wanted. With thu Increased supply of flint-
Ing capital , owlni ; to lliu lupavment of tie is-
ury bills , short loans were easily obtained at
> 'i percent. Intliodlrt ; onnt market tliuro weru
very fuw bills brought forward ; of thoae , two
or three months' were quoted al Mi lo Pi per
IJOMION , Jan. 2.1Tho folio vln ; were llio
London slock quotnlloiis closing all ! p. m. :
Consuln money. , , . iri7i ( llllnoU Contrul . . . llllj
( 'oiuoH account . UifdMevlcan onllnary . .w4
N. V. , P. A. O. lulu. . : ,7UHt. , I'nul COIIIIJHJII . S. ! ) ,
Can I'atlHc. . M'll.Sen ' York Central. . 118
Krlc . 'IJU ; I't'iinnylvnnhi . . . ri7 i
lUu Sll.VKII 1211-lfid.
Amount of bullion wllhil-nwn from llio Hank
of England on balance todav. iV.ujJ.
, rinaiicliil Notes.
NBVV YOIIK. Jan. ' . ' .I II ink cleirlnxs today.
Jia''.I.HSJ ' ; balances. 81.10 ' ,0.0. Tor the week.
elouriir-'s. jnil/ll.MSI ; balances. JIIiS : < , aii2.
IIOSTON , Mass. . Jan. Kl. Hank cleannzs
todav , $ i * > ,44T.4) ) ; bilances , * l,74.r > ,7II ; rate
fur inonuy. i ; pur cunt ; exchange on Now
York , lu tl'tv discount. Knr the week , clear-
IIIKS. $ I l.2'ri ' ) : balances , til ) , L"i.4VJ. I'or the
sumo week last year , clearings. : ; ; bal-
amcs , fi.irTU4 ( < i.
PAHI- , Jan ' 'I Three per cent rentes. "If ,
4'ic ' ( or lliu account.
HAI.TIVIOIIK , Mil . Jan. 'J.I. Hank cloirlnts : ,
f..S'JI.'HI ' ; bul inces. $ .117.711) ) ; lale. per eci.l.
I'llll AUKl.rillA , I'a. . Jan. 'M. Hank olear-
Incs today. fl'.MaO.Vifl ; balumes Jl.5ttl.OD ) ;
elearlnu's tor Ihu week. $ V'U8T'Js : ; balunces ,
fld.lll.'i.lOS : money. I put cent.
KANSAS Cm , Mo , Jan. * U. CleirIn8 today
. ' .
Nhvv La. , Jan. " .I. Cleat Ings ,
Ill , Jan 21 Now YorkexchaiiKO
lOo premium Money easy atS'sUO pel cent.
Hank ele irln.H , $ 2 , ( ) I.rih ( ; for Ihu wool' . fSH.-
h l. > .7r.i. bier. In ; ; u\ohangu .sto.idy nnd nn-
Nhvv" YOIIK. Jan. 21 Thu exports of specie
from thu port of Now York last vvook
amounted to * i/ > 'l,00' > . of which f.17,000 was gold
and t < llii.U ) " > silver. The ImportH of sjieelo for
tlio week amounled to JI21.I2II , of which 11 111 ,
T'JI ' was sold and fl.ll.O silver.
.Vitvv York Alii UUdtHtlollH.
NKW YOIIK. Jan. 21. Thu follow liu uro the
closing inliilns stocK i liiotntldiis :
Alice Hum Mlvur . . rf'ill
Ahpcll . . . : M Moxtcan
1U' 1 A llclchur . . . Z75 Ontario
( hollnr . . I l'i Dnlilr . . . .
Crown I'oltit . . . , 1.10 I'lyiiiuutli . . . . 17U
Con , ( 'id A Vn . 7U i-avnKu . . . . li. ' ,
lloailwooil . IIU Slcrio Nuvuilu 171)
Kiircliti Con . . . ' htHiuhiril IIU
( iuulil A Curry . } M I'lilon Con
llulu A NorcroHs . 17U Vcildw jHCki-t 110
Honif laku. . . . UVJ
Sun I'ranrlnoo Alining ( jiiiitittlonii ,
HAN PIIANCISCO , Oil. . .In.n , ia Thu olllclul
uhmliiK quotations for mining utouks Unlay
wcro as [ ol.ovvs ;
" "
Hot A Uulclnr
Chollur . .
Cuiinol Cnl
Kurckn Con
lioiild A I'nrrjr.
Muuut DlttblD
JncU Frost has n special mUsion Invuitor
it's lo chnp up our hands and chookn , and
Jack l rostea'yn he don't like Holler' * Aus
tralian tinlye H bit , It cures the "littlo chaps"
rljat ; up. _
Up.CuHlmoreoyo auduuri3oo building
3afo in Trcitscbko's Saloon Blown and
of its OontonU.
VITJ Snitiiitli I'leeo or U'nrk Ncilly llxo
ruled 1i > the Vltlexeo Ncltlinr Illnek
\Viilcliniiiii Nor I' Knetr
An ; thing Alidiit the AlVnlr.
Burglars mndo n comfortable haul bctwoon
4 anil fi o'clock ycstei-day morning nt Julius
rroltschko's saloon nt Thlrtoontti and How-
aril streets. They forced n aide- window with
n crowbtr , and after unlocking all the doors
from the inside tackled the snfo.
A hole was drilled In the safe door about
six Inches tiolotv and an Inch to the left of
llio knob , nun then a ehnrpo of blasting pow
der Inserted that tore the door from ll *
hinges nnd hurled It fully tun foot , smashing
some of the wood worK of
the bar. The robbers secured | 7fl
In money , nnd about $800 worth of
diamonds , J440 worth of forolgn boml.s.nnd so
far as is yet known , about 1,000 worth of
personal notes , although them mav havi
been oven moro than that amount , The hit
ter , however , had not boon endorsed nml
payment on thorn has been stopped.
The bonds nro negotiable , and the haul of
th ! > burglar.s will net them something Ilko
$ luxi. : A now watch chain nnd several gold
studs t'lid other pieces of Juuelry nro Includ
ed In the list of missing articles. The nolso
of the explosion un > heard by
several parties living In the
neighborhood , but they did not renllyohnt. .
it was. Nothing was heard by either the
policeman on the beat or the block watchman.
"I don't pay nny moro block watchmen , "
said Mr. Troltschko. "I have been paying
stnco 18 ; ! , ever since 1 have boon locate !
heic , but I will draw the line right hero.
Nobody know anything about It , until the
bat tender came In shortly nftcrfl o'clock to
open up. Everything was gotio then , with
the exception of the drill that they used oil
the safe. That is nil the detectives have to
work on. "
\Vi > r srnrnl Auiiy.
The residence of C. W. Kawit/or.northoast
corner of Tenth and Oak streets , was entered
by two burglars about 3:30 : o'clock yoitordny
morning. They were evidently frightened
before had * Intended
nwny they completed tnoii
tended operations , but they took w.lh them
an overcoat and a p.tir of beaver gloves ,
valued at about 53.
I.n ( irippe.
No healthy person need fear any danger
ous consequences from nn attack of la grippe
if properly troatod. It is much the sntnn as
u severe cold and requires precisely the sitmo
treatment , Kemaln quietly Mhoino and tnko
Chamberlain's Cough Komody as directed
for a severe cold and a prompt and complete
recovery Is sura to follow. This remedy also
counteracts any tendency of In grippe to ro
suit In pneumonli. Among the nuuiv thous
ands who have use.1 it during the epidemics
of the past two years wo have yet to learn of
a single case that lias not recovered or that
has resulted in pneumonia , -5 and 50 cent
bottlca for snlo by druggists.
Dr. CulUmoi-o. oinilisl to Mo. Pitu. Ry
Courts I'limlly "iVIml Up tln < ItiiHluuti of llio
Septi'iiiliitr Term.
The September term of the district court
gave one spasmodic llaro yesterday and then
Business has boon very quiet In the court *
for several days anil only ouo or two judges
have done nnr ofllclal work. Yesterday morn-
inu , however , .hidcos Doano , Irvine and
Fortriison hold court and transacted a small
amount of busliic9salter which the Septem
ber term was at , nn end and the court will
take a vacation until February 1.
Judge Ferguson 'iiado n ruling in the
famous Unvls casn. in which the husband ,
Doug Davis , sought nn order of the court to
restrain his divorced wife from visiting their
children. The court directed that the chil
dren be given into the custody of their graud-
mothcr , who should have charge of their
training and education , and that the mother
be allowed to visit the children at stated
Judge Irvine decided the case against Nols
O. Brown , who was charged with contempt
of court In disposing of certain goods aud
chattels which were subject to a Judgment
obtained against Brown. It was claimed by
thn prosecution that this property , which
had been exempt during the life of Brown's
wife , had become subject to execution by her
death and thr.t Brown had put himself In
contempt of court by disposing
of the propoily. Brown claimed to have
disposed of 'the property in order
to raise funds to bury hu wlfo. The court
hold that ho xvns In contempt.
Judge Doano imulo n decree In tlio case of
Hcnrv F , Cady nguinstMrs. May A.Upton ,
und others , holding that a mechanic's lion ou
the property of tlio defendant for construct
ing n building was valid.
Judge Irvine issued n restraining order
against the mu\or and city council ut the In
stance of W. F. Gurloy , to restrain them
from parsing AH ordinance repealing un ordt-
nanco passed by the last council , creating a
paving district , which included Ird street
Irom Eighteenth to Twenty-third street.
The petition alleged tint a mujoiityof the
properly owners on that street had selected
red Colorado sandstone as the paving
mat'rlal to bo used and would notify the
council to that effect within thn thirty
clays allowed by law. The nlnlntitl chnrgod.
Unit the proposed repeal was n scheme to defraud -
fraud the prop rtv owners of their light to
select tbu material to bo used for grading.
Similar restraining orders wcro issued by
Judge Irvine nt the instance of 'J' . C. Brunor
in the cases of Twenty third street uud
Michigan street , upon the same rcpicsonta- ; -
tlons , the paving material in both cases being
red Colorado standstono.
John T. Gathers , attorney for
the Konl Estate Owner * association ,
cndoavoicd to nrguo a motion before
Judge Donno asking to bo allowed to or.iBO
thruo words fiom the lostrnlnlng order
against the city to prevent the pavmont of
claims ot judgo.s ami clerks of election. Judge
Doano slated that ho would hear no motions ,
as this was tlio last day of the term , nnd h *
had too much on hand.
Mr. C'uthrrs stated nftnrwurds that
the council took the stand that
the restraining order pin von ted
them from allowing nny claims
nrUIng out of the election and refused to not
nn any cuch claims , Mr. Cnihors nuld that
the object uf his motion was to erase the
words by menus of which the order might , bo
construed tonpply to any claims , instead ot
to the claims of Judges and clerks nlono ,
which was the Intent of Ills application for
nn injunction ,
Juilgo Doane was engaged the greater part
of tlio day in hearing further argument ! ) In
lliu cao of the Omaha National bank against
Siiiiij | > enilyl < ii Ti'lU IllnVlfn SoiiitiMilng ,
Yes , 1 see , you liuvc got a tcrrlblu looking
face all pimples and blo'.cho.i. Now , Mrs ,
Spoopond * , lie , If > ou'do lot these ovorhutlng.
doilattcd | ; powders and cosmelici alone , and
use Hullor'H Sarsaparlllu nnd Burdock com
pound you'do look like something , Scot
, r
Dr. Ciilllinoro , ociilibl , liuo building
placed on ruuord Janiitirl
-1 * * "l 18'C'l
Wdbhiiverund wlfu to fl O Wellborn
lot 8 , hiUh. Hhrlvci pliuo . . . . t tJOO
Aithaiiiio Itlcu und husband lo l < H
K-olt lots 8 to 11W and T Androw.s'lli
dlv . . . . . 14,000
(1 W Amos and wlfo lo II h Wallace lot ! , 15
and lit , blk 2. Ames . . . 1,400
T ,1 Toolny and wife to J II Tliomti-on
H'llot'-.1 blk 2 , Coiner & Archci H ad
10 soutb Uiuuliu COO
JMwliltiuiinunil wlfu to ItlUnl Kain-
tuil und wlfo lol 4 , Aruhei pliuo S.OOO
I , M'luocder , Irnsluu. lo J J K.irkln lot il.
blk I. Modas' llrst. ad lo.-onlh Dm , ) ia JOO
Hank of Hi iinlneton to Michael MaiU'-ld
lot II , blk 1. town of Ilciinlncion 4UO
Mlunael Mangold to Mangold A ( ilandl
guir OI.IM iir.unH
I' I ) Mnli lo W I lloopt-s I J ) I'Ml tv uf u
lOOftof that paitof tax lot ID in 21-15-
UlyliiKwof sw cur r.irnum und
Total ctrount of IrauiforsM