IT 6 THE OMAHA DAILY 1J10K : 'tTHSDAY , JAMJAUY 19 , 185)2. ) SPECULATIVI ! MARKETS. f heat Opened More Active But the Sentiment t ment Soon Changed ! \RLY \ NEWS WAS NEARLY ALL BULLISH rene ; fnctornVcrn the Mglit ItrcelptK iyer ; > ivliern Ciiiiililnril nltli the ( n. ti'MHcly Cold U'callici-nml llcuty I1 Vlnlblc Supply llecieiiite. III. . Jan. 18hoit openonmaro tlvn , fitroiiK and hlilior this mornln * . bin flur scorlnK an advance of Ic , Hcnllmcnt tianKod In the pit und the close shows the pprcclatlon wiped out mid the prices un- hatiKcd from tbo cloiliiK llnurcs of Saturday 'ho early MOWS was noaHy nil bullish. The troiiK factors were the llnht. rnccints innry- /lierc. tliuStroiiK mid blRher c.lbles. thiMorjr nld wcuthor In thn northwest anil the huavy crroa ( - in the visible supply. There nun hill Ittlo wheat for s'tlo In the ciny ir.ullng and in the Short Intereot wus larie and a cener.i leslro lo cot rr seemed prutalent , tluf miirUul issitinpd a st ron tone at the start and held li nest of tlio day. llonmstlc markets were all iilvaiiclnz and a good many opcritors win mve boon holdln : olT waiting for the tuin loomed tothliiK It had come and were KooiJ buyers while frlithtened shorts were making bnsto to cover. Tliu strength nxhlbltod hold even the chronic bears In cheek for a time , aim there wis very llttln pressure from that Interest. I'ltrdrld e sold some early mound from Oi'/ie tolUc , but hooti grow moreconsorvallve nd eovored the most of It NO in after putting It on LORUII , Mitchell. OIITord and t'ouusulman A. Day note nnioiiR the mo-it liberal Individual buyers thoitzh Hchwart/-Iiip ) > 'e and most of the pri vate wire houses alno bought f rcuty , lur.'cly on liow Vork orders. Some of the houses with foreign connections sold m > der.itcly on the advance During the lust hour without ap par < ! iitly siilDii cut leason liu market re- Dortcd v ry wc-ik. The bear crowd h id bought freely on the upturn , oxpuoliiri tbe boom to continue , but hon there uerc indi cations of n halt In the upw.ird movement and elosln. ? Liverpool c ib os c uno we ikei , eonll- don o was undermined and i-i'Illnj boii.une tirccnt. Mav opunod at UPio and bold upulth- out liny considerable ruaetlun to U.4c. then turnlnz a < out unit closed o.isy at fll'ie ' , the price nt willjh It loft oir on Katnrdav Trade In corn was lluht .mil the price changes Inslvnilifant. The spooulatlvit In terest ( if the d.iy eiMiteioilcblelly In the \\lie it provision plin. Corn wan Ilrm , honeMii , on tbu no ir rr.ullni ; on receipts and widespread BIIOWtdriiis. . wnluh will tend lo keep the I'rndlni : low. The close shows an advance of ; c , with lluctu itloimioiiflncd to'iC ranee. OatH were dull , ste.uly and fo.itnroloss. Hog products wore active and hli-her. The receipts of llveho s were below tbe ostlmatr , iiiul pr'cen at the yurds were excited and from 10i ! to l. > c hlKher. Thin , wllh tbo sticii'-'ih In irhont , RIIVO the produce market a strung ittfirt. The tendency throughout the session was npw.inl , though there \\eto shaip breaks < ; aiiHed'hy shorts rildlui : the rnnrket under the lead of I'ardrldKO. I/.itcr In tbe so-sion the vstlmatcs for tomunow wen ; for only V."i OHO head of hois and of product ad- v.niL'ed aKalii und closed Him at the top. Potk wtx cspeclallv affected and closed with an mlvaiiid of : i.4c. The leading futures r.incd us follows : lllllll lOW ( LOSE Jnnnnrr. . . . $ 87' ' ( § ft , Xiir ! -.n't ' Conv .No 2- Jniinnry 8V Hcbrunrj , .Mny OATH MI 'i Jniiinir ) ' . . Jlny MEKS I'd it i < Janunrr . . . Mny . 11 EO II M II ! ' .i Jnitnirr I. 2TJli fi . ! ' Mar- b ( KI 0 7.j } b UJ H1IOIIT 11111-1- Jannnrj- . , Alii 5731 , rr,3 Mny , . B 00 | i 'JO ( Junh o.uotatlons were as follows : KI.OUH Kirmer , but not iiuotab y higher. WIIKAT No. - spring who it. WI'Jo ' ; Xo. vprlni ; wheat , HHJfflh-o : No. I' led. < ) J . OOII.N Stead } : demand coed ; .No. S , aa' ' NX ! ' . "OJie ; No. : i yellow. 3Tc. OATB-NO 2. Mc : No. 2 wnlto. f. o. b. . MH@.KJHe : No. : t w bile , f. o. b , 3JG3.V. IlVK-No. S.f.1'tC. HA IIV No. i' . die : No 3 , f. o. b. 41 ® ( We : .No 4. f o. b.isM : ( . . ri.AxSEEto. . 1. We. TIMOTHYSIKII : I'rline. ( I.2i81.2 : > . I'OIIKMess porl > . per bbl , t-i.4r.S8.50 : laril. p er ewt , l. > U > ( Qn : i short ribs sides ( lee ol , -71 : dry silted shoulders ( boxed ) . H C-i'S " ' ' ' .i . IlitiKMt'lichjn ed : wet silled Now Orleiins so'.ceted , 4 * > ( oT.'ilbs. , dijiic : TON us soleetod , M to 00 Ibs , U28C. TAM.OW UneliaiiKcd , Ncu Yoik Miuki-ts. NEW VOIIK , Jan. is. ri.otltt Receipts , 2s\OJO p.ieKaiccs : exports. | , ; in barrels , ti.8IHR.icks ; dull null beavys sales , 21.101 bills. ; low evti.i ; (1.HQL : ( | < K ) ; u Intel wheat low ur.ulcs i I.IIOfii J.1W ; fair to fnuoy. Jl.oo ® ) ! ? > ; Minnesota , it OJ U4.7i ! Mltinosota patent , .5035.2 ; ( .trails , ( I ! iOiW.Oi ( ; nilMiiros , * 4.IKKat W. \Viif.AT-lleeelpls , ir..rnil bu ; oxpot Is , : iK,117 : bu ; bales.t,9IOtOObu. | . futures. 207,1100 mi spot. Hiiot innrkiit fairly actlxe , unscttlod , wonK ; No. 2 r d. Jl.OUi In utoro and elevator ! n.o-'Viil "l' ' iilloal ! Jl.0 | > tjji MJj. f. n. b.j No ' red , IHes iinunided red. 14'ac Cltl.044 ! No. I noi them , ( > 4tl.lA ; No 1 hard , tl.O'i-1 , ® ) U7 < i. No. a northern , lis'ifHteUe. Options uili uncoil I'.u to ] Uu on Bnner eiihles forelan buying , ducn-iiso In stcoks and the vlHlblo supply and a lnr o lo.-al ouuralor piin-liiiHliiRtdeollned ' elo l'aoim 1 into India bliljimunts nnd solllnuby tbo loiidlnt buyoi of the moinlnz ; o osln. stoiidy lit ' 4o to So oior y.itiudin ; No. 2 red , Juiiii' ' l. JI.U ! il.UIJ. . elosluc il.Ollj ! IVbru- Bry.l0iafi6luit' ( , ; olosln. * 1OJ : Mun > li.SI.O.IS ; closlii' , ' | Anrll. * 1 untoi.oi > { . closing H.V.P. ! May , I.O.'UI W3-IB. olosln ? t\.ttl\i \ June. JI.oOfcfl.OPi , eloslii ! ; * ! OlUj July , ! U'e , llosln DQic \l\K \ Dull and wcuUor ; western , OjUffilS'ic. Moel sof era n liihtore and iiliout Juniiarr ICi YAlmut , fi.M , GH | bu ! corn , I.M'UISS ' bus onts 1,111.742 bu. ! rjo , b-4 , 3s bu ; barley , 2S.1.- P4I bn i pens , l.uttbii ! lUltt.KV gulot iiii'l toudy. llAiit.Et MAi.T-Dull. CoiiN-Heci'lpIs , itHTTO bu. ! exports. 181.071 bu ; sales. KO.uOi bu of futures ! lOT.OiHI bu. Hliot ! spot , market dull and easy ; No. 2. Rio In e ( iMitor. SlWVo ! uiiKr.uled mixed. JlVitl.'o ; NIK V , white. Slcj No .1. 4USt\n\ai \ \ steinner mixed. 4i,4jile. | ! Uptlons adiunecd ' o to 14.0111 Hyinpithy with wheat and expected freer mulpts. .Inniiiirv. rii > 4Q5lc. elos- InfiO e ; rehniitri , ftO SIM'fc. eloslntr. f.0 VMarch. . MUtt.'Ojfe. cluslnx , , t 4oMuy < ! t U4U , ' ( . elosliin 4 ' 4C. DAIH KoielptH. ! V < , h7,1 bu. ! exports , Itt/01 bu , sales. 2tt .Oioliu. of fiitnies ; lOI.IKKI bu. of spot , spot n iirkot dull and tinner ; eloslni ; Irret-uliir : options mote netl\o , llrmoi : .liitiu- . " " / /xli1"1.11"11' " ' " ' - ' - t J4'o ! rciiruary , IMI'.QiJ.c , eiosliK at .liPno ; May , J77-lVil.l7 ( 1i. ' , olos n at : i"ltei spot No. 2 white , ! ' 8io ! nilxo I wealorn , Mil bo : white western , J7iyilJe ! ! No. B riileiiKO , J'UQ I'hO. HAY Quiet and Ilrm ; shipping. 10.5 © 7.0J ; good to choice , t ; WxaiO.UJ Hoi'h rirm nnd actliei state eommon to Choice. itKit-'Sci I'aclflu coast , VCtaae. hlinAllUaw , dull , nok'luotcd ; rellned nulet ; fair rt'flninv , : iia3i.lOe ; centrifugals , lid lost , U7-lt > aJ'ie ; Kiilew. 2suo tonsj Hello A,4aiCi Dtniulitril A , 4 > , o ; ennfeotlonoia A , 4 1-ltloi cul loiif. ft'iv ; eriuhed , 5'o. ' powdered , i ft-lilo : Kriiiiulateil , 4i-ltHCIS-li5a ; ; cube * . 4Mflo. Moi.Asshb New Orluanu , ( julet und llrmi common to fancy ,'o ' Itu'K bteuity and nulct ; domestic , fair to f xtrn , .Vt4&7c ; Japan , n ic Vc. rcriiot.KtiitStiiidy and iiilet | ; United ulo-ed ut iljiio for rehniiirv , , COTTON bbKiiOitr- Steady ; crude , 25 > to ! yellow - low , Sff , TAI.I.OW bleudy , dull ; city ( IJ for pl.tfsi , lJ4e ItnrtiN steady nnd iiulot ; voniiiion to uoou , II.J.Vinl.40. TUIIITNTIM Qulot and dull ! 3l'ilV. I'lKM Qulutt kteady : westoin. 2lu ; recolptn , | , * t Ill'klltfCS. I'OIIKQuloland ste.uly ; men , < AT.Jiia'5 : ixtru prime. ( U 5) ) . CiTSlKATS fctrons ; plekled bellies W.75. .Mnipi.Kii rirm ; bhori clear , ( MO. I.Aitn Much hleher. tiironi ; und more uctliet ivcittrii stun in , hid ; lies. I.UVl tieices atf ,11 'ittillU ; option saU'i,5.7tO tlorooHl JHII- uary (4.1x1 bid ; Kohrii.irv. lltei March , M7oO O.V7 , ( .loslui ; ut 10,77 : May , 10.80 , ulosliu ul $ XVJ ttrt.04. lliTTtnI'Irm : western dairy , l&itlUci weit- ern creamery , 3 4ti2o ; wcbtcrn factory , IMi Kuln. :\ ! s Fairly actlTOi part iklmt , murk * : r < um\i r tU I'm Inns Moderately ncllVi > ; S American , tl.\7V5rl7.7" > c'ni'i'Kii-QnIrl wcnU ; litkiJIIOO. . I. run Htouily und c sy ; domcst'c , $ l,17' { . TlN-Iull ) and \ie.t I. ; utrults , IM5. Onmlm I'roilnie - I'ri"ih stool2:13. : . Rii-rulrto/tiHHl , VtfaKn choice coun try. iH-fi-.uo , roriTiiv-t'hlelcus cooJ Mock , flo ; turk-cyx , l-/IKH' ; eipsiiiinil ducks. KcitU'u HAV I'er Ion , ? 1 vnt i'.1. I'l.otm Umalia Milling comiiiny's llellinco t'.itent. $ .MiO ; luilnelble I'.ilent. t..Vi Lone HtiirSuperIulvvtiJi | ; Hnowll lUc.ti.ifi : riinuy I'nliillv. 1 .HO : s. I' ( lllni.'in's ( liilil .Mo la1. K M' snow While. S.'Kl ' ; uowlliiKe. f 'U : low cr.idf , ll.ui ; yueen of the I'mitrr. * . ' ' 0i brim , tl'i.UJ ; cboppud feud , f | f < 01 tl > lt : .M.illuid ducks. Jl.Ol ; blua wuued leal , t.'Mi cret-n nluacd te il , ' 'O-l. lnp' < ribblu. $ LH ) : snmll. tl t ) Htl Sis llim.s Vo. I no in Called lilies 4 < iilUc : No. 2 grown s ilto I hlde . K l'te No t ureen nutnd hlilns. 2i lo4il Ibs I'ifMUc ; No 2nreen suited lit let. 2i to 10 Ibs , y IV ; : No , L ical calf , 8to nibs , he , No . ' vcul naif s lo Ci Ibs , 4c ; No I dry Hint lilies. - , < ! , ' < > ; No 2 dry Him hldon. . ' 'iWo ; No I drv s.ilto I htiles. . " > iiiM' . Tal low. No. 1 , 3'i'tl ' : tillow.N'i ) ' . ' . I'i" crciine. white A , 4'ci'te ' ; urcnso , whitn It. .1'ittl3 * " ; cn use. yellow ; , iruise ilurk ' . ' ' } o : old hul- ter. 2Uc : beeswax , prime l > lc ; nnuh tal low , HrltUh llr.ln frinlilclc . Los DON , Jan. is Tin | Mnik Line Ki press In 111 wvokly review of thn Ililtlth ur.iln tr ide n iv s : KiiKllsh wheats nre dull nn I demand Is Innrt. The hoavv I nirllsh teseries an I ( ho en os vi 1 MooUs ( n the xarious ports have caused u fall of ( son the II nest samples with out liiiliu'lni : buveis lo purchase I'oruUn whcits have s into red n slmll ir leiliii-tlon The tot iliilecllno since ihc llrst of December iHtson ( 'ill I fm iilu aniln nn Aniorlean led winter. ThUMfteksof forelin wheats aniouut ti > 02.I.I.OOIiiiiarteiH , aiMlnst 4.'ll ' 1.0 0 iii | uteri on thocorriMpontllnr dale list > ear. I'ntll the domiind tb ill have minu'l a pirtof this Hiup1U4of J.OO.MlllJ iiintrters. dull markets are Incvlt ible. A hopeful sln of the Increase In continental buying an I relief Is the eess.itli n of the Hnssl.ui nnd Hun- iiiiinlan snpille Anieileuu Hour is Is louot ; oils Is Is and corn Is l l cheaper During tbo week beans and peas were ne iroo an I com mando I Is more. At today's marked the prlciiof Knillsli and foreluu who its d'd not moio buyers to purclMsc ; bullish Hour 'Mopped li ; barley w , is steady ; o its and corn jinch itiKuil ; hoins and p'.is weio held fet an ad Mintoj linseed wus Id lower . K.uu n Cll.v Uirl < ct4. IVANSs CITYMo , Jan. ' rt.otm I'lm and In cooil donmnd ; putent , t..40u)2..p ) > v ) ; ohnleo to extr.i fanev. tl.'l ftftv. " > . \Viif\T Dull but llr n ; No. 2 IMI7C1t'7ic ! ' ; Nn 2 red. Se. ! Onus MutidytNo. 2 , IM'iliiKc ' ! No S white , IK''fttOe. ' O TS-Plrni but dull ; No. . ' mixed , 2 > a , ' ! > ! Se ; No 2 white , .Me. Kri , btroiiK ! No 1 , 7 c. I'l.Ax iiKD MeiilyKI ; a bisls of pur ; . IllUN Weak ; rlic s leked. HAV Dull but sto idy ; timothy , J8.0U ; coed to fancy pi ilrlo. t > .OJb.OJ. inns-l : Inn. luc. pllnrr.Mi-nrm : creamery. 2227u ; dairy , ( JitEESK Pte.uly ; full ercuni. tIOo ; younjt America. lOe. KKCKIITS Wbeit , 14.000 bu. ; uirn , 7OOJbu. ; o.iti. none. btiii'MHNTWho it , 10,000 bu , ; corn , 2 000 bu , ; oats , none. Olll.lh.i ( li.llu M irket. I'rlcca hnboii on dellvei v at Mississippi river points Nobnska Inspection an 4 ten days' shipment. uiiloiH otherwise Hilled. Cosh Hr.-iln e.tlls for Bblpment within ( lie days. WliHAi No. 2hprlnK. 84o bid ; No. 3 soring , 70 bid. KVE-No. 2. 81j bid : No. 3. 77e I Id. UA IN NO a white , 3lo bid ; No. 3 wblte. liOobld ; No. 3 mixed , 29c bid ; No 3 eoloted M'i ' : bid. tJoilN--No 2. cnMi. 37 b'd , HU Louis terms. No 2 January and robrn.irv , 'i o hi I ; St. I.ouls terms. No. J or bettor , c.isb , IlU'Jc bid ; Jmiuary , 37obfd ; rehnmiy , 3j' > c bd ; No. d white .lac" bid. 1IOAHII OFTIIADK NOTES. C. U Gunnell , a 1'axton gialn dealer , was in looklnK 01 er the market. William Vim Dohren ot Mlllurdwas union ; : the \ Ultois at the board I. W llronn. Ked Uuk , la. , who eumo In Saturday sUlcl Snna ly and was on the board ac.iln yesterday. AIinneipi > lls .tl trket. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. . Jim. 18. May wheat opcnnd utHTSle and until noon fluctuated con siderably between 87T < ® S7Sc Just bofoie the noon Ineak there was u spurt toft794cwlth bollcrg at ST'iC , but this would not noid and In : i few nilnutos the price wus down to KiUc. The caKb marlict developed a coed cult on No. 1 northern wheat and during the mornlnc sales were iiiudo pretty Kcnerallr ut 8lj ( but later dropped olT to v , ic. Low grades wore not In fai or and coirbo L-r.ilns. except oils. did not uhowinuuli activity. Hecolpts of whcathoro were 411 oars , and at Duliith and Superior 67 cars ClosNo. : . 1 norrliarn.Jaiiu- ary , Ki\o ; Mny openln , ' . 873e : highest. S7'io ; lowest , 8J' c. clo-ln 8 > ' .e ; yesteiday. 81So. Oiitr.iek : No. 1 bard , fflijc' ; No. 1 northern. 8Vje ; No. 2 northern. BJSMl'ju. ' Colleu l.irket * NBIV VOIIK. Jin. 18 Options opened steady. ton points up to five down ; elosed dull und unehiinced to ton points down : sales. 6.5JO bass , including : Jununry , l2.7W61i7 ( > : I'oh- rumv. $ l2.Ti' : ! li4J ; Mtiruh , JU 3312. 2 ! } ; M ly , Jll.nyail.03 : June. tll.7. < : Soptemuei , J11.70 ; spol ; Klo. dull and Ilrm ; No 7. JUnO. ISto JIMMIIO. Jau IH Ke-nlnr firsts nomi nal : uood seconds. O.dOO rels poi ten kilos ; re- colpts for the week , 77.000 bairs ; pu rob uses for the I'nltod Elites , .M , HH ) ; shipments to the I'nltnd States , 4 ,00) ) : sioek , Sitl.Oll ) bais SANTOS , Jan. 18. Rood uverairc.10.3fK ) rcls per ten kilos ; recolptsdurliu the week , OU.OOJ bays ; puiehnses for the L'nlted States. J7iKiO ; ship ments to the United Stute > , 1,000 ; stouu , 70,000 uikcii .Markctl. Mll.iriUKBP. WIs. . Jan. IS.-WiiK\T- Qulet ; Mnv. tii'iu ; .No. 2 spring , bflc ; No. l mil t horn. tKk- . COIIN Steiidy : No 3 , 'I'c. OAT ? riun ; No. 2 white. 32e ; No. 3 white , lUiti.KV rirm ; No , S , M'Jc ' ; sample , 30 ® O.'e. O.'e.HVK Quiet ; No 1. 8.1'jc. ' l.lierpool Markets. LlVKiii'OOU Jnn IS. WiniAT-ririn , demand liniirovln. ; holders ofter nparliiKly : No. I , Callfornhi , Ss.ttjiKilH * 4i ( percental ; ted nest- on ; sprlnr , 7s iUidGSi. . No. 2 red winter , 7o I'ejiiN Ij.isy : ( Ionian 1 fair ; inlxej wcMoin , rs * { < poreeiitnl for now. l.Aitu l'i line western. 2.1s ( id pei'e.wr , , St. I.mils Murlieti. ST Lotus. Mo , Jan. \Ynu\T-Slcuily ; oasli , silc ; May , 9 * o. U nHi hei ; cash , ! 0'5uM ' iy. 'WViHS'ne. Ovrs rirm ; cjisli , .1 t ; May , 31'fc. I'OIIK On.I ; new. HI.C'J ' \Vnihi\ ti.'l' . Ne\\ York Dry ( , oi > ils MarKnt. NKW YOIIK , Jan 18. Tbo inarnct for dry Koods opened without much ebun.'o from pluvious comllt oua. Ameilcan liidlRO linn shlrtlnjjs uro to be advanced on February I , to fi'4o and 4o rusuuetivoly by agents anilon robruary 1.1 by Jobbers. Visible ( iruln Mliilj. | | I'm Mil ) . Ill , .Jui : 18 , The vhlble supply of eniln SHlurdiiy lasi ibcomplleil by thubeciu- tnry of the dilcain Hoard of Trade Is us fol lows ; Wheat , 44,0'JO.O ' ) I bu. ; corn. 7.73 , ' , ' OJ bu. ; oatn,3,112.030 bu. ; rye , 2U 1,000 bu. ; barley , l.TU..OW ) bu. Chlelnnitl M.rlets. OlNCINNtTI , O , J.lll 18 WllKVT-StrOlli ! No 2 red. ( lie. COUN tronaon No 2 mixed , I'kfi 1.1140. 0 TS-iasy : ; No. 2 mixed. 3lttl'4o. ! Wnisit\-I.IH. Tiilodo ( ir.iin Toi.Eiio. O. . Jan. 18. WIIKAT Wuik ; No. 2 cash and January , DIUc. Cons Htoaiiy : .NO. 2 cash , 4l'4c. ' U\T4-litll ) ; No.2ensh , 3l'Jo. Traders' Talk. OHII Mio. Ill , , Jan Is. Couniolm in , \ . D.iy to Cookie I llrus. : Tr dine today WHS chlelly irofcsslon il. Tim niurket oiienod hinder lib sHllIm ; oideis from the on iiocount of the cenernl RIIOW storm The east bought in larie eluarnnces. Local oper.lors bind early on tameointlncntiil oablus ind covered in theilslble decrease. New York sold out on wiiuk second cables und be maiket oto ed at tbu bottom. I'he hliio'xhourl Mhowed tola ) hhlpmenls ul .wolvo points .V.tHiO l-ariols of Hour. ! luoo jiuhels of wheat and IAOM busho's of corn In excess of recelntH Tbu Impression that the imoiint on p miwo would show u lurue lu cre IKO tomorrow was the cause of tbu closing lueilne , C'o-n un 1 o its were lerv dull und unchuiised. provisions wvro somewhat Ir- uguliir lint elusuil maturlally higher nnd ut tliiiblKli point of thu day. The hk-h moie- nent was couslderablv bcloir expectations mil iho publlu IH bo.-lnnhi to flhoiv an netlvo nleiest in the market. 1'acker-i are uls.i KCII- eraljj faior.itilo to hi-her prices. I'urk en- ) eo ul > > looks like u bull deal , ( . 'memo. III. , lun. 18.-L1. U. Lo.'iiu X Co. to I 5 mils Commission : The wheat niiiket ouonod Ilrm and under fair buylnu ailvuneed lo oior MUupluy's close , nlthoimb iciih from tlio HohU mis to the otleot ( hut snow was imikln ; a hl-inkel for the pnitei'ilon of thu nl int. As eaolos were cniillloiiiiir , east ern holdeiN marketed their ho'uluijs nnd the close was at tbu iHittom price for tbe U iy. The tiewK rocurdlnvi Indlnn shipments was dlt- couratilni ; lo holders. The market may he-,1- tuto on the decline bofoiu I'ebruiiry. but with thodomund t preiontforuash wheat , liberal exports timl do rouio In tnoUlblo supply , coupled wlih Inerciislin ; nrplm of tiionor ut principal center * n lilch inuyut anv tlmu enter Intospeuiiiutlou , wo feel of thu opln on Unit purchases on those breaks will uro\o uatlsfao- loryVe bollovu In provisions at present prices. There wus no fo iture to corn or outH. fine luo , ML.Jxn. m Konnutt. Hopkins tV Co. to S. A. McWhortor. There w i souio orut u ui. w _ . . . . If from then bolog baplUod , slac buying for lonn account on country orders At thn ton local lonxs Unloaded , nnd ItHsntd that forcners ( wpre IIKO | sellers. The market Is so nnriow that it could not bo'd ' up under tbeso sales and the prlci * broke-dowu Ic. Cios- liu cnhles were ntrunner nil around , forelitn ad rices showinc monunlmiitlon than for ninny dnyn. Atlnntlt * count ox- purl enziuenicnt.s , 1,0 n.ojo bu. , und forwuril DnxuRcincnlK are on H turner scule. Kccclptn at primary murUeU tire dropplnc otr nnd nhoiild bu Improving If export prospects in i- terhillye we may cot hlehnr prices for u few days A depressing feature til the close wn the reported export by Ir.dla of IIV.WO bush els last week- mid an .iicrciiKH lu the world's shipments over the previous week o IHli 00 J bushels It b expected till will Increase the amount of oceui pissipn and nciiti.Ulzo thu iMToct o of our decreiiRliiR visible simply In corn am 0 it there wns u very narrow market , ( lib trndo and scarcely uuy price cliantfes The slouksof b ) ih show u decru.iso Cindlllon iiru heiilihy for hleher prices when speculat ion sets In Provisions wore strone all d-iv HII I closed ut about the tiip. Kei-ently they have been u purchase on all soft spots and wo tbltiK this will continue for some time. A 7 U VKS 4A7J HWA It S. NKIY YOUK. Jan. I8. T110 slock markc to.lay was In the hands of tbo bearish e'cmen almost fiom openlne to ulmo nnd materlii declines marked thu eh inu'os In iiiotitlom | ulnce S.iturdiy afternoon. The marko Ihmiiuhoiil w is very feverish with consider able pre suro. Lon Ion was undoubtedly a buyer at tbu decline and wlillo the buy Ins from other directions was good It wn tp.ittorln ; und utterly Inadeiiuatu t ( stem the Ibw of stocks both fo the long und short account which were poured upon the market during the forenoon The short Interest was largely Increased by tlio day's ons us Indicated In the loat crond und while there was an utter lack o urL'ain/ed short the sol hi r uncovered many Hiop orders which lot the whole list down 1 ho declines were therefore very even am nothln ihowcd nnv Htronjth. Tno ODIIII nu wits Irrcuular , bill the pressure to sell was Im mediately appaiOnl and prices foil away fron the opcnlna- till well into tbu afternoon , the Industrials loadlnz the donnwnrd moicmonl and CordUKK profoired dropped 2'j ' per cent nnd Illlers 2 per icnt. while the loidltiK ru Ire id sh ires decline t fiom I to 2 per cent , Iteadliu' , St. I'aul and Hock Island were most prominent In the deal IIKS but other xlocks score 1 equally us heavy los os. The pressure was relieved toward 1 p. in. and the market then fell Into comparative dullness , punctuated by spellb of weakness and act \ltv. but prices i.illlcd slUhtly about 1:1) : ) mikliiK a sin : : u marked inoioineul and tbe tridlii lemulnud utterly ilmold of feat- tiie for tlu rcmulndur of the d iv The close wi > ipilet andsteady to firm , but olosed at the lowest pi lees of llie day. The general losses of Importnn u iimimc leading slmros were : Dm ih i. l\ per cenl ; o and I ) stillcrd , CHch 14 poi cent : Mlssouil I'aellie , \ \ per ciut : Ho idln ; and Lake .Shore. l' per cent : St. I'ml , Canada Southern nndVheelln : & Lake Krlo , m percent each ; Kock Islun I and L.ickaMann.i. 1 percent. The following are the elnslnr iiotr.t | oci for the le idlnic stooki" on the Now York stock ex change today : do tiruiu.ica Adimn Kxpremi . 147 N V Central Alton , ' ! ' II . . . . AJ N V fbt \ 8t I. qo preferred HI ) do preferred . li American Kiprea : * Ih.-i ' Oblo Mls ls ljipl . ti II C H A N . . . 110 do preferred 81 Cnnnda Put trio . 114 Ontario A Wi'itcrn . ] H Canada i-oiitlumi . 6tlW Oregon Improvcmv't Jt > Cenlnl 1'aitnc . .ClVOrivon NUT 85 Chen & Ohio . . VI. loremn Traim . , . I0' < do Ulprefeued IW > < I Paclttc Ma.ll Ji ) ( do 2nd prefened . 4W < ! I ) AK 2J < Chlrauo A Alton . ,13'J IplttahurK I'M c. . ii AO , . . . , IW < 4 Pnllinnn Pnlnco. .IB7M C.C.C. AH I , . . . . 7IHiltendlni ; . . . . TJ- ! ( Del Hudson . .I241ltock ! lnUiiil . . Wf , Del 1 , . AV . . . . 118U M U A > F. Irt pfd * I ) A It O | ifd . 4J1f s-t 1'nid VM Kait Tcnncsseo do preferred .I 'J ' do 1st preferred P. Mln. * Mnn IH do 2nd preferred lf > W , St rnnl.VOiniilm. 45K Krlo do prefuned IDS do preferred 71 Tun n Coal A Iron . tort Wayne , , . 151 Ti'xim I'aclllc . . . 1 ( Chi AKR t ill Wl Tel Ad. Con | ifrt . . ' , llockliiK Valley . . . 2y)4iUnlon I'ntlllc . . 47 llotmton ATciHs . 4 IU b Kxpren . . 48 Illinois Central . .103 > < Wnbanh , bt I. A P. 48n St foul A Diilutb 41 I do preferred Kainnn A Tuxna . 1U > J Wells Fnrgo Kip m I.nkc KrleAVeat 2IKVeUcrn Union . . . , tan do preferred . 71 Am Cotton Oil iiu I.nkoiliore . l.'O 'ColoriidO ' ( ov . . . . Mt-yi Louisville A Nash SH { Humt-ftiiVe is l.oulsTtllc A N A . 27M IroiiSIKcr 140 MemplilH AChar 2i ( Ontario . ( I .Mlchiuiin CentnU . .105 Qiilckfllver . 4 Mil I , S AV ] do preferred . M do preferred . . . . Minn * St U . . . llnltrvr . 40 do preferred . . . HlLh & . W , P. Ter. MlBBOiirl I'aclllc Wlsponiln Central 18 Mobile A Ohio . . i * ( ireat .Nurlhorn pfd 122 .Vailnlllo Ctnitt . . 'JO CnlcaKO < ian 40 " ' " " N J Central IJZ j Lend Trnit. . . . . . . . . . ll > ' < Norfolk AVeU pfd Sil4 pillar Tru t 7S ) ) Northern Pacific 21 Houthe-n Pnultlc 40 do preferred Orczonh. L A V N. U P. Denver AO . S. < It. ( i W. .S'ortuwentern U ( i W.W i hid , The totalsilcs of stocks today were 4Hr > iI shares , Inclunlni ; : Att'hlBdii , 2lni.r > ; Canada Southern. 4..VO ; ChluiiKo , liflM ) . Laeka- WUIIIIH , 7.1h ) ; Crle. 22.IIS1 ; Loulsilllo & . Niiih- \IIIe , 10.7'K ) ; Missouri Pacific , 11,000 ; Noith- wcstorn , 5,050 ; Northern I'aciflo preferred , 10.02) ) ; New Inland. ll.OiiJ ; P icllle Mull , : i.OM : Uoadlnir. .il.O'J ; Klchmond & West Point , 15.72-1 ; St. I'aul. 300.M : Union 1'aclflc , 18.00J ! Western Union , .1,177. Heilpiv. NP.XV YOIIK. Jan. is.-The 1'ost aiys- With out specllio Items of bad IIO.MS. unit wltli little aggressive boar r.ildiiiK , the stock muikctsold down steadllv today throuKlioitt the list. A published Interview with Jay Gould. In walch he expressed some fooling al lhe slowness of tbo Western Tr.iftlo ussoelallon In disciplining rate cutters , h id u bud etfoi-t. no uttenlion Nooniiiij ; to bo paid to Mi. Could's further HS- suritncu that the .Missouri PaelUo Is anxious to maintain harmony. I'nr tbe llr-it time , the Chilian war scare miulo Its uppcaraiico on the market , In bitch a manner us to hUK est thut the lo idors will use 11 sclentltl- oullv In the prozress of thh week's oper ations. 'Ibis unmistakable weakness In the miiikct calls for Intelligent ex amination , und Is not satlsfaclorlly answered by ; i mere rocltiil of snob favor.ible points In tlie outlook us the mat Hot Is U'liorlnc. It Is Important , first , to l < up In mind that the sellers of tbo mat Icot today ate of tbu same class us the buvoisof the last two weeks , In other words , the ml Minces nnd declines of price silica the middle of last month , the traders as a whole tinned bulls , haiobcon made almost entlrulv on professional opcr.i- tlons. The lur u outside capitalist whoso purchases made the oiuly Dcco-nbcr market had nitlidiuwn before this l.ito morcmont bcean and th outside iniblle lius not jut come Into thu maikut. Neil Y ik Money Murliel. NEW YIIIIK , Jan H. MoNhrov ( JAM. 7'asy. rnnzlui ; from 2 lo 2S portent ; last loan , 2 per cunt ; closing ottered at 2 pur cent. I'IIIMI : .xlBiirtNTir.K PAPEU I'lffil per cent. Sn.iu.iMi nvciiAMit : ( juli < t and ( .toady al fl.Hl torslxty day hlllb and Jl b. ' > for dc- m mil. The closing iiuut-itlous on bonds ; U S 4 < rik' . Ilii l Mutual Union ia , lu k 17 > * < coup . . .lli > ' \ J 'i Int l ert .110 II * 4V4 raj . 10J ' .North I'lUlllclnti II. , Xortti Paclllu 'niH .III l.n t lnlp ( ll is Nirlhwi > stL-rn tun 140 11 enn now hel IH .North Helium , ' > H ( ml Tenn nun set AM St I , A I M den . 'H 8V > { Tenn new not .Ii. il I , A S F ( ion XI lor CiumiU yu 'mis , it Puul Conroli l.'d ( Vn P olrti lati St P.O A Pao l ts III Den A U d. lat-i . lax. P I * ( J fr ltct 81SJ Den A U It Is I'm P , It II Tr llcts .11 Krlo 'nds . Union Padua Uts 101 M K A T ( Jen in \Vost .siioro lo-i M " " K AJTioiil9 bid t asked I.ondiin Mnok .xfarket , iii liuJtiinn fliirilm'ii | | , l LONDON. Jan. ISNow York Herald Oiblo Special to Tut : Hut. J lluslnuss on lee Mock oxchuiiRU was extreme.y quiet today. Most of thu leiidltu brokers complain of an unac countable stagnation and thnro worn fuw miller * , consequently the in irkets show a itood tenditnuv , Iloino rails nru mostly heller u Ih tbo uxeoptlou of IboHcotuh lines ; tboailianco not uxetedlnt ' * of I pur cent Ainerlonns hhowod a Kood tondenoy at onu time , bad bet ter prices been received fiom Now York a further rise would have followed , hut as the uxpoetod Mipport W.IH not forthcomlui ; tlio whole use wus not maintained ; mill the bulk of the cbaiuch are upwaid ( Janadlau I'aol'les wore wanted Mexican luIN were weak. Money ban been In moderate demand to I1 * iiei cent. No ehaiitfo In the bull markulh Two Hnd three months paper was quoted at 'i pr oont. LONDON' , Jan. Ill--I'ho folio vim were thu London stock quotations closing ul 4 u m : CoiiiolM inoiiuy. i'ji ' | iiininol ; | > Contrul . COIIHOU mill nut V1K Mexican orillniir ) . N V. . P A O lit * . ,11 Al. I'-in I toininon Can PiKlllo . . . | i.i ! .Nuw \ nrk lulitral Krlo 'it'lllluadlnK j } l.rlo lecondu . . , . lll'dl UAH MONI.Y I per cent. rinnnel il Note * . v. Mo. Jan IS. Olcarlnss tuliiy. II.7S5. ! . ' ) I1 A n I-i , Jan Ifl Three tier cent rentes , ait 27'Ju for thu account. NKW YOIIK , Jan ia-Ulearlnxs today , m- 4J0.8VI ; balances , AUiAJui. Hu.TlMoiiK. Mil . Jan. K Hunk clearings today , t.tWJ)7ili ! ) bil in-cs. tlallll ; rate , U per cei.t. O .Ni INN TI. O , Jan IR-Money,3ti 1 nori-gnt. New York exchange , .50 piumluin Oluarlnus , * II.,2VJ. 1'iui Aiini.i'iin , I'.i. . Jan , 18. 11 ink clu.irlnus today , * llUiiU77 ; baliincos , il.TUl.Uluonuy ) ; , I percent. , Jtn K-Thosttitoincnt of thu Im- perliil bunk of ( fcrinany shows un Increii-io In specie of 21,112'uom ' I'liie.uu ) . Ill .Jan. -Money easy at 5'i''iO ' per cent. New YurK exchunirn , 2 4A.I o lire- mluin. llnuk clearluji , I1U,3U,17U. o tnt iinclinn Hit ! for dO day bills HIKI H NOIT York commercial pur bnnK. II.K ) per I , , Co prelifliini. j HUSTON , Mas * . . .KtuJB M Hank clearings tort.iy , $ < mt,7l.'t bilimp.1 , tl.77437.1 ; ritu for money , 2 per cent ! exJClngoon Now York , 10 ® I Me discount , jffi I HAVANA Jan. I" . Sp.iuUh old , l. ' iUO'.tO'i. hxchniwoquint ; on tliPl'iiUuil Stltes short slejit Kold. liVft'i i priliiiluin , London. I'i'i ' ® lU'i prcinluin , > J Itostiin Htov/f / Market , HOSTON. Mass . Jan. k-Tho followlnz were thu closing prlrus oivrslocks on the Iloslun stock market toJuyt ' ' ' Atclilion A TopeknT VirflTTiliiiiiPl A llecln. AA lloMun A Altiinjr Itnxll ranklln' ( Hoiton A Mnlnu , Iiu | K. . r.n \i C II Ag . . . I07WI 78VI Hlchliiirir II II Mi < j VI K. U St ,1 AC Il7n 8J 'lanmrapk . . . Mnn Central 17 'Annl-on ' l.nnil Co 23 Mex ( Vnl rommon xmillo ton l.inil Co 23.v < N V AN Uiifflnnil 4 > ( \Vuot i Knd Land Co . OldColiinj . . Hi'i ' [ Hell Telephone 310 Win i vn romniun " \Vnter Power . . . Alloui-r M Co ( new ) 114 C M . . . . Atlnnllc . II II A II 0. k . Ilostiin A Montinn ! ImiMini-Tlmin oti Denier . .MllllniStni'kt. . DKNIKII. Colo. . Jan. IS.-Tho followlnz list ls thi > closlnxuotatlonson | tbe Mlnln ; evon.uiRO today Sale . 20.QJJ hh-ircs. AI Ifidnuiy" . . . . 7. 10 illold'n I'ruaMirv Hi Ainltjr 2 Mloldltock M IlnlUrnt . 12 , Irimuliil . , I4i < lln'ickim Cora II . . ii Jnhn I I llntes Hunter 11 IJ untie. ) 2il IllK Inilhin 10 Loxliutton : i > ' < Mil fix liHll.lttlo llulo W llrownlow Mar1 70 Ciilllouo Mntchlco tlindlaj 5 Ore Century II I'.i ) Itock Clay Cmintr 1UI PdtOfll Diamond II . . . 3'N ' < lleeil National . CO Denver ( inn and Oil N ItnmiltiL' l.uilo. . ICmimmn 411 Hiiltnii so ( icttynhnric 27' $ Plllll ( lOld San rrunelsco Mining Quotation" . SAN I'liANctsco , Oil , , .Inn 1S. The olliclal closhu riuotatloiiH for mining blocks today were as folows ; Ne Vurk Mining Oiiotntliiiis , NEW YOIIK. Jan. IS. I'he fotlowliu are the closing mining htocic ( juofitlons : AllcoT. . no Ontirlo 110. ) A | ien m Ophlr SM Hi it A llelchttr IUO Plyinmitli 170 Con Ii111 I A Va. . . 400 * a\nKO 120 Kurekii ( on . . . . Sierra .Nevada ISO Hontetitnkt ! . . . . nr. Mnmlnrd 110 Horn Mher .17 I nlon Con 140 Iron Silver UU Velloir Jacket IOJ Mcxliun'M \ OM.tll.l T.lUJbTUUK JIIKKKT. OMMIA. Jan 18. KocolplB were the IlKhtost we hi\o had so far this month and this fin t h id a \ ery bonc- lii'.lal effect uuon the trade In The pre\ ailing demo-alUation of cattle val ues iliirlnR the latter pirl of Insl week , to- KCthcr vslihthe cold and stormy weather of Sunday , combined to keep many e.Utle ut , home Ilolh local an 1 shipping iiuvers had good orders , but the lattci appeared to lie the inuiu uiiAiuiis jor ine cniiie. i ne result was that with aetj\e eoinpi-lltlon and a limited supply pi lees took a ln\rp upward turn of lUe to ISc and tradlnir wifs fair v active at the ad vance. There weio , iio' llKlit choice lieetes here , but fair to good l.SUO to 1.400-lb. Htcers so'd ' from f l.7.r > to tl n.-wfth eomniou toerv falrstocK from $100 ttiSir.0. n\tuylhlnl ; at all desirable foun I a purch isor in'l the yards "ore practically cleared nt the close. Butcher stocU advnncod In gympathv und tradltiK wjs active With the moio desltablu grades selllnK lOe to tXdlilijhei-thaiv-Satuidav. There was a Miljstiinil'il advance almon the inedlum nml common httilT but It was the fair to good cows and hejfers that sold thn best. Canning ami copimon cows sold fiom SI.Ml to W.OO. fair to ioods co\\s fium ? MO to tJ : o , ifooa to choice cows n l heifers from K.W to tl.UO. CaUosweie. llrinpn tbo b isis of J-.OJ ui J5.CO for common to tiholco vital and bulls , ( uen nnU HI i s strong t ! . , ' > / to IIM foi com mon to choice Rr.idts. Tlioro wus no partipulur ch inzo In the stock or' ' and feeler t .Vle. " ricsb orTerin s were somewhat limited but regular dodlers bad a llheral supply on hand which on account of the scarcity of buyers they worn s ow In movlnif. Prices worn nbout steady , uulln' belnc lai elv from $251 to f..OJ. Hepresonia- tl\e sales : lions On an iidv.iiicln : or stions marliut It , s bard for ohlppuis lo buy hnjs : In thucountiy and Uils fact together Mill the extreme cod | weather must account for thu rattier light run of onlv .11 oars today. Thuy wore nojtily all KOOd IIOKS , houovai ; In fact tile lilies hale icvor inn bettor at this sun-on of thu yoai I'ucUors could not uot ho t > enouih : to miUo i ruspootiiblu day's Killing nnd so were not lotlie bidders or buyois Thoruw.isno hhlp- iliiK demand and siieoulatnrs did \ory little. I'lm fresh moat tr.ido , bonovor , wanted the io.s and took over two-thirds nf theoireilu s I'ho miirUetouonctl upt vo and ,1o to ll'c ' higher , but advance. ) uulckly , nnd It was soon con.- i iratlvoly easy to iet prices lee hotter than ' .llurday. The best heavy ho. s sold al$4 II to ' 1,0.1 wllh one load at { I I'l. t'ommon. heavy and mixed packurs sold from * l'JO ' to $4.0) ) and iKht and lUlit mixed loadsiittuM to 4 0) ) , The narkot closed Ilrm al Ihundvaneu. In fact 11 was a good Htroiu aetlio trade from start to inlsh , uvorythlu ; solllux early , the bulk al Jl..ij toll.03 n-taliist $181 to * l til Saturday , tl0 | n\urmo prlcu beln M.Os'i iiKalint'Jj Satui1- luy aiidSJCS-1 , last Monday. Uuptcscntatlio sales. No. Av till. Pr No. Av frh I'r. 70 . .210 2sJ $1 81 fill . . 270 121) ) ' . ' 41 41 .1 tU 74 24 , ' 400 2i7 240 .1 IU in ) H,0 40) | S4 71 . ,71) ) 40 40J l ) 10 . . .4 > l 400 ) 233 I , ' ) 400 I aon 3 1)1 ili . 24S ' 40) ) I"j 40 3 01I ns 'hO 400 "jI ! .t 40 3 01 ( .7 217 2IJ 400 I 2.11 II. ) 3 IVi i H . 27.1 sat 40D 1.1 L'hi 120 3 111 Iddl . .JO I 210 400 . ' 4S XOJ 3 1)714 ) dl 277 120 4 CO 221 41 3li ; ' " so 4I'"J 12) ) 3 ! > 7'V 70 3t"i 4 02' , 40 3117'i'- " r.u . .11' ' 311 < ) 4 0.1 H" 1.00 1 00 , , , wM 2(11 ( 40M 40.1 I 2. ) I HI 4 00 , . M .HU1 M 401 il ,1 2 8 > , II.1 270 41 4 i.l 8U „ " 2JJ U 4 01) ) ITS H ) 4 10 'KH HOUGH 3 10 ' ' " . 14) ) - , SIIKI- Two doiimo < 1ncks of MoKlea M constituted the fijiyb reeulpts They woio onsUnud through Ilif leeilln- and not altered in tbu iiuui.ut T4iiJiiiniiiinil for deslrabin iiuttons lontlnuei nit IMI at fully stiudy incus , guotatlonslccriilr ! to KOOI | n itlvua a fiom il.-'i tot'J'Jo ; ) turns. at from tl M to i. ill ; common and bti * . kuri at from I..V ) to 17. . ; iri'od to uUoleo. forty 10 ninety Dunn i limbs at from * l 00 to M 5J Iteo-lpts mill UNpfitltliiu of Stoek , Oniulal ro-ulpts unl ( llhposltlon of htinkus hotin by the booUmif the IJiiUin Sto-k Yards omp my for the twontV'foiir bouts , ending at aoV.ock p m. , J.IMU iry IS isr'j C UTI I Iliiijs IIOIIMhSAM IX Cara. Head Car lluul Cnr lleun t'nm. Heuil su m-iHis IIMTT Ouiuha Pauklni. vouipan ) ( i i | . llaiiiniainl i-oinii.inif. . fnlli A ( o Cinlulij Pack ) blilpiivri HI ' Total Tile \\erlf * I'llrcllilxtl , Ltho iiuiuter of cattle , lio.-s aud | CliltiiKo I.InStock Aliirliet. ClllfAnn. 111. . Jan. 18-Special [ Telo-ram to TIIK llKK.-At | Ilic oponlim of tluiciilth ! niiir- Uut to.liiv ( ho tlliiiitlun loiilL"t tobu ilro dudlv In fclluM1 fluor , I'liu roci'lpls worn oitlintutl jt II.IKO mi uniiHii illy II ttit iiipply for n Mniuliiy iilitl us Imyurs Rhowctl i ilNpn ltion to cot toork , huliluri iitUiul lil''hor prloo . It \viis i > ii lunrniMl tlml thollr t O > HIIIIU-H | : of tli supply ucio sliiirl , ot tlio timrk by front S.l ) tol.Xiil ( lienil Tli U discovery oiiustfil n purlin los of ooiilldiMico , but tlio rrporiocl siiloi hull cnliul unllRlitly liUlior UMTI'JO of | irlfo . tlio Siilti ns conip ir.'il with thu lonost tlinii Ins woi'k b 'lntt iiliout I ipur IU1 HH Thorn wim u irooil Ucul of ni'tlvlty In lint Im'iU anil cnstorn < | LMUHIII and tlio supply wm c'o pil out on 11 Imsln o from fl.lU lo Si Vft for lufeilor In \ira COWH IiHfi'f * utiil built mill fniin J.IOO to faoi fo ooniiiidn to t-xtri drp'xod liinfiinil ill ppln. steers Tlio quality nvoru.-tcj riilhurcoiiunoi ruiil iinly u Hiniill purcriuim'o of the olTorlnz \\ent nliiivDti V ) Stocl.oM and fenders dr ( motive an.I rnliiM ncr iioiiilinilat from fl.8. tof.LM Vuul oal\os were iiuotcd at fron } ' "r > to in.v > . There was brisk trullnu In hous. and tli rniiii' of viilncs wun ronsldurnb'y lilulmr MiliipiMH and local packiMi wore Minni coin polltors. and very noon after tlio lin liniiir.-o opor.itloiH pri" ! i li id been pifhi'd up Ikpo lli ) jxHiniK Tlio IK-SI Kriidos went .it fron J4 'Ifl to ft 40. hnd $ * ns frculy nald fo oliolci ) ! i oito I Ilirbl wcluliU Tlio fact HIM tlio reoolols iiiiioiintud only to alonl .10. on licad ( jiHt about otiu-liair the nuiiibiT ro celxcd last Mond.iy ) as tlio eau r of tlio jump lu pi Icon The inaiUi'tvm not a littto oxollod nl ilinoi , but tlio oloso uasnrv "o il at from KU" > to * l II for poor to cho'co ' IlKbt and nt from Jt 10 to $1.43 for linivy wolchtji H.ilosof inodiinn w nlcbts not o principally at from Jl.iniotl.LU Tlio small roenlpts of shcop only aboil 5010 buadIndu od a linn fiu'llnu' lu i > ltt > of tlio fnethat reports from tlio cast were dli coui.iKliu. Tlioro was not cuoiub vlt.illty In tlio tlomiiiid , liowovnr. to cirrv up prk'i'H Kblcli ruli'd about sto.uly as list quolod Siilos of snoop woio on a b isis of from tl. I ) t < J.T.'i i for common to cholco. and from tl T. * > U Jiro was tlio run o of iiuol.itIIIIH foi lambs Kocolpts woioCatl'c , 17,000 ; IIOKS. ! I5,030 shnup , 5IK ) . Tlitnxonlni : .lourinil 'upotts : GATTI.K Ito- rcliits , 17,100 : siilpnionts. 4,000 ; innrkiit slo.tdy top prices , fl ( Wji4Ti ; uoo\tra stcoron s.ilo othurs. ? .l''Vai 50 ; stockuis , J..V3.I-10 ; cows * l/-- , li < 5 IIiKls Itccclpls , T.Ou : shlumcuts , 1.MWO mnikot in'tlvc' . Ktioiu lohlitbui ; rou h nui common , f4lorcl. f > ; mUoil il.l © ( .ITi ; prlmo | HMy. . Ji/j ® 4 , ia. iiiiit. $ i roai n. yilKKl' Itooo pts. 4,010 ; stilpmonts.i.OOO ; slie.'p sto.idv ; Innilis slow ; nweo. $ t- ' . > ® l.iiO ; mixed. Jl fM& > HO , wotb.'rs. t'tM 'tt ; wost- crns , fClofOMili lanibs. $ " >'i. ( ' New Yolk IHe Stock Market. NKW YOIIK. . ( .in Ifl. KCKVKS Hfi'plpts , .ri.71l licad , Including ( lfty-t o CITH forsalo ; mar ket VITI dullt nutlxo tilot'r < . * .l 7.ViW IK ) per 100 IDs. : build and cow. * ' .liOiii : * u ; ( trussed bfof slo.idy at 7@l-c ) ' per Ib ; shipments today , Gli8 tit'inos OAi.vrs Uocolpth. 7IU head ; mnrl > oltoadv : teiils. JMWB1 ! V ) per 101 Ills. ; Rrassors , JJ..YX3 JO' : wcstoin cahes , l.'V/Til.Vl. SlIH.p HoeoiLs | ) , I4.4 > ' > lio.ul ; sboep si end v ; lambs lie pvr Ib. lower sticop. JJ , ' > dJti.Vfl per 1(0 ( His : l.imbs.7Vd7 K'- ; dressed mutton , b@IOo per Ib. : dressed l.unbs slon atiifillc. lions lU'celpts. li.'jji Inc'udliii ' ; two cars for silo ; nnrl.ut nominally steady at M 103,4,4' ) per 100 Ibs KniiHiis City l.Uo stnck Htrkct. Ctrv. Mo. Jan IS UATTI.E Ho- colpts , -'JJO ; Rhlpments , l.dnu ; markut I Ho higher ; cows and feedersteidy ; drussert beef and bhlppln. ; stoeis void at ll.C.'il ? I V ) ; cows and heifers $1 T. > S'30D : stoekers and feeders , S.HUffi. UooHjdlpts. . : i,7iiO ; shipments , s.900 ; maiketand lOe bUliHr ; the bulk sold at tl.OJ ® 4.1.ri ; extreme range , ? l 1.r tti.-U Siiffci' Kooelpts.11) : shipments , none ; mar- all i-okl , il JS.15 St. T.ouls f.lvu Stock Market. Sr. Loins. Mo. Jan. H UATT , K-Uoeolpt3 , 000 ; shipments. l.'JW ; mai lot sto.idv ; fallto Rood Tox-in aim Indian sleors. fJ.7i.I.T i fall to good n.itl\o feedliis. { . ' . .VJQlJ.rin ; butchers' , W.VH&I.M ) . lions Itecelpts , 4i3) : ) ; shipments , 4,100 ; mar- Uut hlKlior : hoa\y $4.10I.10 ; mixed , J.I.70S& 4.1J ; llKht , IJ.UOO4.IO. lli Orlppe. No hoalihy person need fear any dniiBor- itis consequences from an attack of l.i grippe if properly treated. It IK much tlio sauin as a severe cold and requires procUolr the sumo treatment. Remain quietly ui homo and take Cbnniberlaln'K Coucb Uemody as dlroetod for a severe cold and a prompt and complete recovery is sure to follow. This remedy also counteracts miv tendency of la crinpo to ro- suU lu piioumoni.i. Amoup the many thous- unas who hive used it duiiiiK the epidemics of tbe past two years wo h-ivo yet to learn of i sintle case that has not recovered or that las losultod in pneumonia , " . " > and 50 cent joules for sate by drugpists. ( corKoA. Custer I'OHt Klfctlon. Gcorgo A. Ouster 1'ost , No. 7 , department of Nebraska , Grand Army of the Hepublic , and Georce A. Custer Post , Woman's Relief Jorps , No. 8'J , hold a joint installation of oftl- cors Tuesday ovoninp , January 12 , at , the Grand Army of tbo KopuDIic : ball , 111 ! North Fifteenth stiect. The ofttcers of the cost as Installed \\oro : FritWirth , commander ; O. G. Decker , senior vice commander ; Ftnncis Garrity , unior vice commander ; Augustus LocUner , jftlcer of thodav ; J. H. Weaver , burgeon ; Jason \Vooa , chaplain : Chailos L. Thomas , quartermaster : John Maronoy , O. of guard ; lohn B. Sawhlll , adjutant ; John Hoimi , sor- icaut major : \V. 1 . Litidloy , Q M. sergeant ; nstalling olllccr , T. L. Hull of Crook Post , No. 20-J. The ofllrors of the Woman's Relief corps were : Mrs. Mattlo Rhodes , president ; Mrs An- reline Whitmarsh , senior vice ptosidont ; Irs. IcICinnoy , Junior vice prudident ; Mhs jortrmio Sawhill , sccrotarv ; Mrs , Alice lendorson , treasurer , Mrs. Parkliurst , chaplain ; Mrs. Maria Ullcv , condurtor ; Mrs. Viinio Schnmmol , guatd ; Mrs. Millie Griffey , assistant conductor ; Mrs. Musser , assistant puard. _ _ Uo Witt's Little Eavii' Uiori : only pill to cure sick headache and regulate the bowels. Tlio r.uiniilliij ; C'.IKCS. The victims of Snturday nif-bt's louse raids , to the number of noarlv three core , were in police court yesterday morning o ansuor to their aliases Two complaints , ono inrainst W. B. Smithson , Jaku Muclr , iilclc Alurdock and Oicar Ryan , and the another against D.iu Ceiscr ! and William Nostlehouso , chuiglng them with Keeping n Ka'iibling hoi so. The cases weto sot for Thursday and Fri day afternoons , respectively. All of the others ueri ) dibchurgod as to gambllni ; , and subpicuicd as witnesses against the parlies named. Mrs. Wlnslow'ii SoothuiR Syrup is an un- oxcclled mediclno for children wlillo teeth ing. - > cents u bottle SinIM | I'roiu the \Vieek , Of the eighty-six head of cattle that were tut nod loose at the licit line stock train wieeU , but forty-two have been recaptured The iinlimilboio fcodera , and are .siipoobed to have hought sheltoi in the North Omaha timber. _ Uewitl's Little Larlv Knurs host pull CUli * UI IN OMIIM.ll 111 illlllll ' ' < I ' 111) i lll'lllll M > J A III. . r ft < > Cur Kill A llnutll > s' . A 1 I 11 T ,1 i u > uu ll l ii ( T- I i rno c THE "PACIFIC JOURI.'AX. " "A Inieiitlim liao bi en niailii b ) Dr. TutU 'Hint eiiiliu lit < liemlst lum imidutcit txxa u HQ B H a tc < a i IniltaleH iiatiire lo pcifci tliini it acl > i ly anil U pi ili'i lly luirinli * . " 1'rlif , UI. Olllce , U'J A : tl Turk I'lutc , M. y. OMAHA. * Jilll'lo " ' A H'AVAY/.S A XI ) TMXT& . Omaha Tent & Awa- ing Oo. , Flue * , hamnmrkt. oil nn I niliticrclolhliiit stand fur rnUlogue. Ill ) Mrnni .i .in / Bemis Omalia Bagr 0 3 , Imporlori an \Uiufi3. I . turam HourSarki llurlapt i\n 1 Twin * . A. H. Perri-o & Co. M. 0. Daxin. HOT DodKd Strait. lllcjele * "Old nn monlhlf PU menu Bend for our citiloj 13 apd prlcoi ISO X IMh itrpot A xi Morsere S101 ' oil u 17 , llfti tliiwirt trn' Fnclorjr purnorlltli nil in i tn Strait. \Venro miklnircl m prl-jM - lu on'i ' > iri Ml nro elllik- dim of H ui I" w U ' ! II TJrs U e ' ) le with in iruhinti Williams , Van Aer- KirkoiulallJoaoaJcOo ntun & Hnrto Aitnnlifor lloiton Hilli- ' 1212 Ilnrner "IMS' ticr Hhnu Co 1IHI 1101. Omaha , Nob- anil 110) , llarnnr xtroel A ncrioa'i livid Sowj I S100 Oo. n ml' "lino i , rnbb e unit foil oud , ISOI-d 11-irnpjr. ( LOIUIAC. W. T. Seaman , Qilmoro & Rubl , Mnmifixctnrari I Oranha'i l.tiriioit Vnrlolr Whnlomla Clot'ilur nn * . ANII ( .AKHIAGK4. lllWlInrnnr 'treot. COAL , < OKK , ti'LU. Omaha Goal , Ooka & Gontantoc Squires , Linio rj , , HarJ and soft coil nhlp- lUrrtnmlsotl cosl 3 K. | ) nri 1303 Piirn-imilroot cur lllth anil Douuliu Oinnha itreou. P. H. Maboiay&.C ) , Johusoa Bros. , 9U rarnim trout , ltnrd-Ccml- 1W7 Karnam SUN Oniaha. Neb OltXlUK. Eagle Oornica Work ? , M niificturer iif(5tl i i lied Iron Cornlco Wlmlow caiu ni-talH nkyllulit' . etc UlUftnJ 11U DoclKO ft. Omaha Ooaiolid tid Electrical Motors , IyniBIOS , Imipi , Wlrs nn 1 Ulectrlail Sup plies of All Kliult 1112 Howard strcat , Ooialn / / . ! YYs , KTC. _ _ _ W.A L. Gibbon & Go. G J' . Obarns iT Oo. , Huts CUM-tnir dm | . liurdrt of till * . wo > l < ; io\e < ii I Mllttmi. t-illow mil furn Kill nml llnrn.y MI x.mth lllh-M Ecctor& Wilholuiy Co Lobock & Linn , Cor loth HnlMerV Imrctwnn' nitil inH'IntnUM tool * Om-ihi , Nob. HJIDjiliu St. IROX Paitou & Vierlinr Iron Work ? , Wrniiuhl nml rut Iron I'll ' I 111 Inn mirk , onilllJi lin work. U. 1' . llr. and inii S' . LIQUORS. Trick & Horborts , \1' \VliulcsalaLliiuor Iiil3r i WJI Karn-iin St LU Mil Kit. Oharo3 ! R , Lo3 , John A Wakofiold , Ilnnlwoiiil luiiii ! r. woo I Imimrtoilniorlcin I'ort cnrpats ntul ptrquub Ian I Cuiiiint , Mllvrii Bourlnv koo llydraullii Coitoi til liiiimln itmUJul tor Whltj LI ID MILLIXERY. nA. . Stonohill , A. Hospc , Jr. , Mllllncrr , Nntliim.Cloiki I'lnnni Ornnns , Artliti IHc M-ilrrliiN , Kto. 1IC-1I8S IdtliSt , Oimlu 1811 IKiiKl i street. OYSTERS. ABjoth Packing Oo Platt & Oj , , l'nclior of o ) > tor < , tHI Oistern , Fish i ml rolfl' nml Celery , Sl'.i Bnutli lOt'i Bt 09 I.cavca worth HU David Cole .Manager OILS. Consolidated Tani . Line Oo , Unfilled and lubrlmtl ulli , uzlo grt'axQ , ota Pit0DUCK , COMMISSION. Bibbel & Smith , Branoli & Oo , , SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO , - - LIMITED COMMISSION MERCHANT . A' ' en Root & Oo. Gnsmauu & Da 11)- ) . llixmi 14 llxclmiu-u llullil- UootiH. 1)3 ) unit ill Ui- Illdlillni ; Smith chiiiKO bal ill U. Oin buuth O in'l i BONDED PUBLIC WAREHOUSE CAPACITY OOO.OOO BUSHELS. rage for All Kinds of Graii MONEY ADVANCED ON MSIONMEW All tiraln woluhed , Inspected and utor.iu i i < CHtabllsbeil by .stato olIleurB Write foi ratei and full pal tleulars and cimsltri fihlpmuiilheuioof U'OODAMN & RITCIUEC' > OMAHA , NKH as a wise business investment for in creasing the bank ac count should always precede and never follow other things. Other schemes may TRADE MARK. fail , but advertising never when we a hand in it. So say business men every- I where. Newspaper Adver- tising as a paying business I investment can be counted ft on as a certainty , when back of it there are capital , aj experience & organization j ( such as we claim to have. ) The signs ot the times infer - j ( licate tii.-t the opportunity for the advertiser to make some money IS right now , today not to-morrow. If undecided where to FAXON , invest f 5 orf 50,000 in ad vertising , by all means first ascertain what wo CB A OH W. Third Htrrei , can do for . TRAPE MARK. you. OINCllitfATl , O. Ic316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nc j. v riio oiiiliu'nt purlnllit In norfuui etironlo prl tt > bloo I kln unit arlinry duo i > \ r-u ilnf > ia4 > tutiur i Ivrndui't I muerth Ini" HI dlploiui < and cernOoiin' iu I * Hill trni'.liu U ttiu < lml > u | ct i C4t rrli tmr-na urili M , l > iit manli'ut mliwl wniknin nlihl I n 'n I ti , i i | iti I * lrl . - lure murr mot gi t varlotcala me Su mur-f rr u uil Sew t e l ni it fir lot nf r iti 111 ir l' rll | " unaoio i ' me wnr bo lrc K-il ilh'iiui ) br ourr 'Dunirtiii-o Malioim or Inilrumint < UT. b/ neil at i-ii.r.M -urLlr l' ' "kol no murk * Uittidloiln contonli or toiiitor Oi nernci il nu r < i * | irfi-rol. Con * nil.lluu fro ( orruiponcjaceilrlctlr prlrnle Hook iMiurli ul l.UoJ iit frJo ( J Uo OJ jrj , V u , e v m buadar , IVk. u , to l > m banJ it nip for r plr *