Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1892, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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Wonderful Bilk Sale at Stonohills To-
30,000 ItrmimiiU 5,000 Dorell Hole 'JOO
J'k-rrs of Dross ( iiiixl * MOOO P
ul ] { | il Uloic * on Mutant Stone
lilll * Tomorrow ,
Saturday wo rocolvod 21 cn&cfl ol
bargains In the nbovo goods , which were
bhipped tous by air. G. L. Stonchlll ,
who Is now In New York buying up
everything that ho can lay hands on
tliat IH COc on the dollar.
Wo offer till the bargains nil dny long
except thiu ono :
FROM 11 TO 12 O'CLOCK. '
Wo offer : i,00 ( ) felt huts , till new full
shapes , tit Ic each. Those hnU you will
llnd In n great many of thorn small holes.
Wo just received thorn from the factory ,
find they are what Is called manufac
turer's seconds. These holes are imper
fections in the felt , but can bo covered
in the trimming.
10,000 remnants of sateens , calicoes ,
Outing Ilannels , muslins , in fact every
Itind of wasli dress goods that tire made.
Jo a yard will bo the cheapest , and 8c } ti
yard will bo the highest. The goods
are worth up us high asJOc n yard.
These nro the entire remnants of ono ol
the largest mills in the country.
All these who ask for them can have any
Of our dress goods remnants nt one-half
the marked price. These that do not
ask for this bargain will bo charged reg
ular price for thorn , so it will bo your
own fault if you do not got these rem
nants of dress goods cheap , as wo wisli
to clear them out.
Xophvrs go at ! an ounce.
II.OOO pair of kid gloves ,
These are manufacturers' seconds.
They arc worth up to 82.2-j a pah' . All
go for 4oc. Come in and sco what these
Wo purchased 2,000 doicn hose at oOc
on the dollar. Thoi-o tire no wool hose
in this lot. The entire lot comprises
2,000 ladies' ' , children's and misses'
bjtt-ing hoso.
There will bo an elegant line of chil-
ilaon's hose , fast black , beautifully
ribbed , at ! ) c a pair up to 25C , none
higher , although inaiiv of them tire
Worth 65c a pair. *
Ladies' hose will bo from Sc a pair to
' ) C. Many of them are worth ( ioc a pair.
Attend our hosiery sale and bo con
vinced that wo will give you just what
wo advertise.
Monday wo nro going totry o got
rid of our dress goods.that wore wet by
our pine bursting the other night.
The choice of the entire lot will go for
37Je. and seine of them are worth $1.23
u yard.
Yuu will find slightly wet a beautiful
lot of till wool plaid gooJs.
Wo shall also oITor till day Monday 110
pieces of now spring Henriettas in all
the now bhtidos , worth $2.00 a yard , at
Those goods are full CO inches wide ,
and the finest goods over shown in
Wo shall also offer 50 combination
dress patterns at $2.08. The silk alone
is worth more tlian wo ask for the whole
pattern. Those patorns , tire what wo
received during this last week , and very
few of our customers have seen them.
Wo shall limit ono dress to a cus
Wo shall also have on sale Monday a
beautiful line of half wool Henriettas in
all the now spring shades , Including a
nice line of red ? and cardinals , at 25u a
Special for Monday.
$ L'.OU napkins , 3-4 size , at $1.10 a
Also about 20 per cent discount on our
entire stock of linens , which have just
You will notice wo have all our goods
marked in plain figures so you can see
that wo have cut on the prices.
Pine upright piano very chcan , must
be sold at onco. 2022 Caldwell street.
Omit Cli-arliiK Siilr.
Odd lots of goods in every department
at runlously low prices to clean them
Crockery at half usual value.
Cilasswaro at half usual value.
Tinware at half usual value.
House furnishing goods of all kinds at
half to quarter the prlco usually askod. ,
Boy's and girls' sleds are going quick
nt our prices , -JOc , 75c , Soc and OOc ; they
are worth double. '
Boy'B skates at half usual prices.
100 dolls , slightly damaged , at 2oc ;
worth up to $2,00 each. ,
Our great advance sale of baby car
riages is now on. Wo are solo agents In
Omaha for the celebrated Whitney baby
carriages , acknowledged to bo the best
goods in the market. Next week is
bargain week , and don't you forcrot it.
Mike Dillon , who has for several years
been connected with Sa.xo's drug store ,
also with McC'ormlck & Lund , is now
manager of the Merchants' drug store ,
corner 10th and Howard streets , where
ho would bo pleased to moot his many
S. R , Fatten , dontlst. Boo building.
Tln > Honeymoon
for millions of couples is absolutely
spoiled and these ugly iirst quai rols begun -
gun because the wedding trip is sur
rounded by the discomforts of travel.
Lasting happiness attends these sensi
ble people who take the .only road In
America whoso very tltlo is a guarantee
of present and future felicity , t ho
"Union Pacllic. "
Wanted Copies of the E\'ixixa BKI :
of October IS and Moitxixa HUB of
October 10 , Leave at Bee counting
room. _
Dr. Birnoynosoand throat. Bni : bldg.
Tim to o.
You have boon California frequently
mentioned In newspapers and magazines.
Perhaps a friend ban been there and
write * enthusiastic letters back homo
\bout the climate and the fruits. It
ukos you anxious to sou the country
The best time to go Is In the fall and
win lor. Then work hero Is least press
ing and California cllmuto IB now pleas *
Ing. The way to go Is via Santa Fo
route , on ono of that lino's popular , por-
honally conducted parties , leaving Chicago
cage every Saturday evening , , and leav
ing Kansas City every Sunday morning.
Special iigontB nnd porters in attend
ance. Pullman tourist sleepers are
used , furnished with bedding , mat
tresses , toilet articles , otc , Second
ohua tickets honored. Write to 1-1 L.
Palmer , passenger agent Santa l-'o
route , Kilti Farnam street , Omtilia , Nob.
$10,820 , Linens and Muslins Secured for
SpM Cash in New York ,
llonglit from n Jolilior Deeldrilly Hard t'p
\Vo .Make n Ciinh Pout Tor IIIVliolo
.Slock of Mnilliii niitl
fi caeca of muslins remnants of ono
yard wide , the finest and well known
brands , such as Lonsdalo , Fruit of tlio
Loom , New York Mills and Homestead
muslins. They go at Co a yard tomor
row In lengths from two to ton yards.
You all know the regular prlco of those.
fi cases of ex ti a line soft finish Utica
Mills miiHlin at Oje a yard.
2 } yard wide bleached shootings loc a
U cases of remnants of bleached shoot
ings 8-1 , 0-1 and 10-1 width In all tlu >
best known brands at 15o a yard , they
are worth up to ! ! 0c.
1 case of remnants of the best quality
of pillow case muslin in all widths at
12Jc a yard.
12 inch pillow case muslin at Sc a
2 cases of unbleached 8-1 Popcrall
sheeting at 12je a vard.
Crashes and TowolIngH.
18-inch bleached nnd unbleached crash
toweling at ! ! Jc.
18-inch all linen twilled toweling at
18-inch red and blue checked glass
toweling at ( ! jc.
Largo bleached buck towels tit 2k' .
Fine honeycomb and canvas towels at
oc each.
Extra largo all linen buck towels nt
loc , worth 25c. . ,
Our entire stock of15c , SOc , 05o nnd
7oc hemstitched , open work , knotted
fringe , batin damask towels , at 2oc.
fiOO elegant now open work all linen ,
knotted fringe , bureau scarfs , splashers
and tray cloths , your choice during this
sale for 2oc , worth from COc to $1.00.
lOc turkey red table damask ( fast
color ) for 19c.
7/5c / turkey red ( fast color ) for -lc. ! )
7Cc cream damask ( now pattern ) < 53o.
Too bleached damask ( now pattern ) Coc.
$1.2-3 bleached damask ( now pattern )
$1.60 bleached damask ( now pattern )
for OSc.
Wo have napkins to match most of our
finest double satin damask.
E.xlra heavy wide table padding at o9c ,
worth 8oc.
Turicoy red frincro napkins , 2o each.
Turkey red and rod bordered all linen
napkins at 4c each.
. .r8 all linen napkins atJOc per do/.on.
G-S double damask napkins at $1.50
per dozen , worth $2.25.
3-1 double damask dlnnor napkins at
S2.98 , worth $ i.50 per dozen.
Your choice of a largo assortment of
turkey red , plain cardinal , red bordered
cream table cloths , all sizes , during this
sale OSc each. Secure ono Monday.
1C6 crochet , bedspreads at 25c.
100 crochet bedspreads nt 49c.
100 assorted mai-boilles bedspreads at
On Monday wo will sell ono case o-'l
table oil cloth , best quality , at 14c per
yard , worth 2oc.
"Remember this sale starts Monday
morning , the 18th , and continues ton
days only.
, i coses or unnleacneil u-l anil iu-i
sheeting at IGc per yard.
5 cases of the best quality American
shirting prints go at 2ic.
2 cases of Lonsdalo muslin at lOc.
Housekeepers will find this a great
opportunity to buy their supply of mus
lins and sheetings.
N. W. Corner 10th and Douglas.
I.IIT.S .ixn j'iioi'itifv r.osr.
s Destroy a Hlg Klcuitor , Warcliiiuso
unil.Sliililc.s In Ni\\ ' York ,
Nr.w YOIIKJan. . 10. E. M. Van Tassel's
big grain elevator and warehouse , together
with the old stables of the Knickerbocker
Ice company , burned this morning , involving
u loss of $ > uUnuO. It is known that two
workmen perished in the flumes. Hoiiry
ICopp , a carpenter , was burned to death on
the fourth lloor. John Kinslov , also a car
penter , is missing nnd n supposed to have
been burned. There wore several narrow and
thrlllliiB escapes. Van'Tussel's warehouse
and clovatorand now machinery costlfiO,000 ;
insurance only $40,000. In the elevator thcro
wore 110,000 bushel of oats. 10,000 bags of
wheat , bran and llax seed on hand.
Special hat sale tomorrow Mrs. R. II.
Davics , 111 S. 15th street , opposite post-
The Omaha Conservatory of Music has
removed to1th lloor of Boyd's new thea
_ _
Dr Cram , 707 So. 10th street , catarrh.
* Omiilia < ! ( > t the I'rlrv.
Rios & Guotel ono of .Chicago's leading
pantaloon manufacturers deckled to
quit the pants business ; their stock in
voiced $11,000. Wo made them a cash
offer on the entire stock , and yesterday
wo received a telegram from them ac
cepting our oITor. Tomorrow these
goods will bo opackcd and shipped to
Omalm , and as soon as they roach hero
will bo put on . loss than manu
facturer's cost. If you are in need of a
nair of pants for work or dross don't buy
Lhom , wait for our sale and wo will inako
It worth your while. The full particu
lars of this sale will bo published in the
daily papors. Watch for it.
1U03 Douglas fat root.
Try Peacock coal. Noeoot , quick lire.
A. J. Meyer & Co. , 109 S. 16tU street.
All Kxtrnrt Irom Ilc-r T.ottt-r.
"If you could only bo hero this winter
morning and see for yourself you would
110 longer doubt mo. Roses are blooming
In our fr.ont yard and all natnro is as fur
advanced in' this lovely Puget sound
country as It will bo In your cold eastern
lomo by Juno. The long joui'iioy to
Portland was made delightful by' the
[ lorfcct service and luxurious accommo-
lations on the grand old Union Pnolllc. "
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , eclectic and
nagnutlo physician and Burgeon. Spe
cialty , diseases of women and children ,
HON. 10th street Telephone. 143 !
The I'liHtt-nt Trulu In
Chicago & Northwestern train No 2
oavlng the Union Pacific depot nt
OMAHA daily at 0:20 : p. in. , now arrives
it Chicago nt 11:50 : a. m. next noon. This
s by far the quickest time mndo between
3muim and Chicago. Tlio equipment of
this train Is fully up to the "North-
voatorn Standard.1
un. dally from the U.P. dopot.OMAHA ,
mil arrives at Chicago H:15 : next morn-
ntr vostlbulod throughout. 1-Voc par-
or cars. Pullman & Wagner sloopord
and dining car 3 on both t tains , liirg-
gage chocked from residences. Call at
city ollico , 1401 Fnrnam ,
R. R. Rrrt HIK , U. R WllST.
Gon'lAgt. City Ticket
A Million Yards of Fiuo Embroidery in
Full Pieces and Remnants.
Xo."Milder Ifonor Whore \ llntiKlit Then
It In the ( IrnmleU Stork of Kmlirnlil-
crlet i\or : OH'oretl mid I hi ; I'rlccs
. 1C A YARD.
In this stock were any amount of nar
row Hamburg-edging of nice , neat pat
terns ; wo give you your choice tomor
row at Ic a yard.
At He a yard you will find an elegant
assortment of nice , neat patterns of
medium widths Hamburg embroidery.
You will Hud as nice n goods as cvor
were offered for twice the money.
An elegant line of Swiss , Hamburg
and .Tackonot embroideries. Elegant
new patterns , all high grade goods , they
go tomorrow at Co , 80 and lOo a yarn.
Elegant wide Swiss and Hamburg cm-
broideries and llounctnga , some of the
nicest goods that were ever Imported to
this " country , they go tomorrow at 12Jo ,
l" c , lOo and 2oo a yard. This is the
most exquisite line you ever saw. An
nlognnt line of Swiss and Hamburg embroideries -
broideries nt 2oc , 29e , JiOe and -lOca yard ,
worth up to $1.00.
These are Jlno goods , but in short
lengths. Embroideries put up by tlio
manufacturers in pieces with a certain
number of yards in each piece. When a
piece of embroidery is longer than the
spccillcd length it i's cut olV , and during
the course of a year tliousandstof these
short ends accumulate , ranging in
length from two to four and a half yards.
Wo purchased 8,000 of these short
lengths of a loading manufacturer of St.
Gauts , Switzerland , and will bear the
closest inspection.
_ Wo Bought tliom so cheap that wo
will give you rare bargains tomorrow.
They go in four lots :
It consists of all the medium widths of
embroideries worth So and lOc , this
sale 3c.
LOT 2 AT 5C.
It consists of all the widths and finest
grades of embroidery , that would ordi
narily soil at 12c and 15c ; this snlo oc.
They consist of all the medium widths
of embroideries that would sell readily
at 2-js , this sale lOc.
LOT 4 AT 15C.
This consists of tlio finest Hamburg
embroidery and flouncing goods , worth
up to OOc. this sale loc.
N. W. Cor. JOth and Douglas.
To Summer JVimls vl-i Ilia WulMsli
The Wabash are now soiling round
trip tickets good returning Juno 1 ,
1802 , to all the winter resorts in Ten
nessee. Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia ,
Florida , North and Soutli Carolina ,
Louisiana , Arkansas and Texas.
Tlio quickest and best route to the
Hot Springs of Arkansas. For tickets
and full information in regard to rq itos
east or south call at Wabash oilieo , 'loO-5
Farnam street , or write G. N. Clayton ,
N. W. Puss. Agl
The Omaha Conservatory of Music has
removed to 4th floor of Boyd'b now thea
A. O. U. AV. , I.o < lK < < 18.
Ladies' leap year party. Now hen
for a good time at their hall , loth and
Farnam streets , on 21st , S p. in. All of
the sister lodges cordially invited. Como
one. come all , como now. Admission oOc.
Sheet music lOc , S. Baiik , 114 S. 10th.
Annual masquerade ball of Union Pac
ific biuidwliruko place at the Exposi
tion building , Friday , February 12 , 1)2. )
Dr. Cram , 707 So. 10th st. , consumption.
The Omaha C msorvntory of Music has
removed to 4th lloor of Boyd's now thea
Try Walnut BloclTJ.OO ton delivered.
A. J. Meyer & Co. ' . 100 S. loth street.
What Moro Do You Wiint ? <
Shortest line , fastest time , low rates ,
union depots , Pullman diners and sleep
ers , line scenery and perfect service on
the Union Padittc to all points west.
Special hat stile tomo-row Mrs. R. U.
Davics , 111 S. loth street , opposite post-
olllcc. _
The Omaha Conservatory of Music has
removed to 4th lloor of Bovd's new thea
ter. _
Dr. Grain , 707 So. Kith street , cancer.
Women's diseases. Dr.Lonsdnlo , 010S.13.
To My Muny Friend * anil the. I'lilillf.
I wish to announce Hint having boon
connected with the clothing business in
Omaha for ever twenty years as olllce
boy , clerk , salesman and as proprietor
at 1122 Farnam street for the last ton
years , I have now removed to the now
iml elegant brick store , northeast cor
ner Fourteenth and Douglas , where I
hope to greet all my old friends and all
others of this bustling city that v/ill bo
pleased to call on mo. . I will endeavor
to keep a largo and elegant line of men's
and boys' clothing , lurnibhing goods ,
1 do not advertise shipwrecked or old
bankrupt stocks to you tit Cheap John
prices , as they are dear at anv price ,
nor will I handle that elass of goods ,
jut I will say to my friends tuul the pub-
Jc that I buy my goods direct from
American manufacturers at tlio lowest
cash prices , which enables mo to com-
> eto with anybody on earth and give
.ho customers full value for their
Thanking my old frlonds'for past pat-
onago and trusting ftfr a continu'anco
of tlio an mo in my now location , whore I
Vlll bo bolter able to take care of their
ittorosts , I tun most
Respectfully yours ,
S. J. Rl/ROSTROM / ,
N. E. Cor. Douglas and llth St.
Dr. Blrn oy euros catarrh. Bin : bldg
Dr. Culllmoro , ouullst , 13oo building'
TV. T. Seaman , wagons and carriage *
Rend the Burlington Route's adv. ;
, Silld Train * Trout Omalm
Vestlbulod , oloctrlc lighted mid steam
icatou , yrjth the finest dining , sleeping'
and reclining chair car sarvloa In- the
vorld , via the "Chicago & Omaha Short
4110" of-tho Chicago , Mllwaukep fc'St.
'mil Railway. Double dally train
orvlco , leaving Omaha nt 1p. . - in.
ind 0:20 : ix in. , with no transfer at Coun-
U Bluffs ns heretofore. Apply 1501
farnnm street for tickets and further la-
urination or audrusa iNASH ,
C. a LINCOLN . Uen.
City Pass. Agt.
The Morun Dry ( looiln Co ,
The cloak 'dale of yesterday will bo
continued MbMday ; wo had no old cloaks
no out of style garments , no plush
cloaks so that wo were In a position to
purchase 'tills lot through our Now
Yorlc buyer at 40o to OOc on the dollar ;
they are made by the finest maker In
the country , hro made of now stylish
cloths , Bedford cords , worumbd' ' ) , chev
iots , chovroilH. etc. , mostly black but
all the colored garments nro fashionable
shades and tVbovo all the sizes nro till
medium wo dan litany ordinary figure ;
you will bo'sutjprlsed to see whut a gar
ment you can buy nt $15.00 nt $20.00 nt
? 2o.OO Hint would have cost us much
more 30 dave'rico.
Continues nil next week. Wo have
tables of corset covers nt 2oc , nt 38c , tu
GOo , that nro simply mngnlllcent values ;
our tables of gowns at oOc , 7oc nnd SI.00
nru big bargains everything out In
sight In n strong light "where you cnn
see the qualities plainly.
Odd lots of our best Indies' tuul chil
dren's wool vests , slightly soiled , to
close out at
llc ) , WORTH UP TO $1.75.
Como onrly and got a choice on these
that will ropav you.
Jersey titling , all wool , reduced from
$1.7oand $2.00 down to $1.00.
Ladles' undorvosts 60c , were $1.00.
Ladles' hose 2-5c , worth ; ! oc.
Children's rlbbod hose ! 5jc , worth
Child's school handkerchiefs oc , worth
Kmbroidcrod handkerchiefs 8Jcworth
Scalloppcd embroidered handkerchiefs
loc , worth 25c.
A small lot loft from last season's
Block that were overlooked , $1.50
quality , now $1.00 ; $1.2-3 quality , 7oc ; 800
quality , now OOc ; 05c quality , now oOo ;
all odd styles and sines.
Norv dress style calicoes -5c , Monday
only , worth 7Jc.
To keep our corps of competent girls
together in the dull season wo nro do
ing dressmaking at actual cost. This
applies to this month only. Wo have a
lot of
imported especially for tfio DRESS
make up at a great sacrifice.
A Hip : Iliian/i. !
Our special sales ( every other day a
fresh bargain ) are proving a big bonanza
to thopublic. Monday and Tuesday wo
offer choice from our Sue and 75o work
ing shirts for 25c. They are now dis
played in our show window. Watcli for
the next bargain. People's Clothing
House , 1303 Douglas street. P. S. If
you need a pair of pants over so bsd
doh't buy them until you hear from us.
LEAH CITV , H. P. , Jan. II. To the Kei
llor of TIIK HKE : I'loaso answer tlio
following questions : In whut yi'ar wns
JIIss Latla ( Jralitreo , the notres" . born ? Is
ISM a leap year ? A pu : ty hero wants to uot It
Is not , owliiK'to'n'u article that hoaw In tlio
Chicago Times ttint it was not , or It stated
that In a certain number of years by the time
Rained every vear every four year- , was not a
Charlottes Crabtreo ( Lotta ) was born in
Now York in 1817. She matte her llrst ap
pearance on the 'stajjo at the ago of U in a
slneing part-in "Xho Loan of a Lover. "
Yes , Ib02 isia leap year. It tnlcos the earth
RG5 il'iys ' , 5 hours , 43 minutes nndil ! seconds
to malto the circuit of the sun. A your of
UOo days ia therefore a llttlo short of the time
year , and a day (24 ( houvsj is added every
fourth year , but that maltcs too lonp a your
by 11 minutes and 14 seconds. This gain
amounts to about , three days in 400 years ,
and to correct the inaccuracy only these con-
turv years are leap years that nro divisible )
bv'400. For example , 1000. 2100 , 2200 and
2300 will not bo leap years , tilthoupli divisible
uy four , while 2000 and 2400 will Do leap
years because divisible by100. .
HKIIIION. Nob. . Jan. 11-To the Editor of
THE Itp.n : 1'leaso Inform mo through your
columns the author of the quotation hi'low ,
"Ilo bulldud bolter than ho knew. " J. 11.
it occurs In "Tho Problem" by Ralph
Waldo Emerson.
OMAHA. Jan. 13. To tlio Editor of THE HEE :
Who Is the author of the comedy "Llttlo
I'nck" as presented by Frank Daniels. K. H.
It is a mosaic to which several persons
bave contributed. The foundation is said to
bavo boon laid by Archibald Gordon.
Orot'lt-y mill Vloo Proililent Wilson.
Amos Cuminlngs tells how a faithful
body guard of Horace Greoloy once kept
Vice President Wilson out of his room.
The story , after detailing hpv several
Now York politicians were disposed of ,
continues :
"A few minutes later Vice President
Wilson came in. Ho hud boon traveling
a good deal ana his form was covered
with the grimiest linen duster I ever
saw. Ilo slammed down his old carpet
itig on the iloor and said : 'I want to see
Mr. Cireolov. '
' "Git out ! ' thundered Don ; 'tho old
man's busy. '
" 'Well , can't you tnko my name ? '
asked the vice president.
" 'I guess I'll have to do it ; but you
stand right Hero and don't move or
you'll ketch it. ' _
"Bon- wont Into Greoloy s room , and I
icard a hot dialogue going on fora llttlo
while. Then the ollico boy roc.ppoarod
nnd looked at Wilson with supreme Uis-
" 'Just ns I thought ; ho don't want to
see you. ' declared 15on. "Now , git out. '
"I pacified Ren and went in to toll
\lr. \ Greoloy who wanted to &eo him.
The great editor listened to what I had
to say and then shouted : "Toll the vice
n-osidont to walk right in That fool of
i bov-eaid there was an old bum named
Wilson' ' loafing around outbldo who
vaulcd-to sco mo. ' "
Tim Irish "O. "
The s'ntomcht that Mrs. Murohall O.
Roberts , some time previous to her recent -
cent mnrrliig'o to Colonel VI van ,
dropped the > 'O' ' from her name , be
cause certain lingllsli psoplo erroneously
construed It Ks an Indication that her
uisDand was tin Irishman , loads the
3oston Iloitold to revive- the story told
of Frederick O. Price , when ho wtifl a
candldato'for ' biayor of IJoston. That
gentleman n do'clurod that ho esteemed
ilmselt fortunate in the possession of
his Initial. Mr. Prince claimed that a
good deal df'tho Hlrongth ho had In the
rish wards wns duo to this cause.
At the cfid df next ynar tlio Telephone
company of 'Austria will cense to exist , the
[ ovcrnmontussuimnn control ol all the telo-
ibono linen in the Uluf-Join.
nv ST 101:11 : * co *
Snlo of Now MuMln , t'mlorwonr ,
Linens' and liousokcoplujf goods on
special sale.
These goods nro from ono ol the larg
est and bust mnnufacturora in the coun
try , nnd are trimmed In modicl and
torchon laces and hemstitched ombrold-
orlo .
Night robes at COc. OOc , 76o , $1.00 ,
$1.26. $ U5 , up to S3.CO.
Skirts at COc , 7oc , 8oc , $1.00 , $1.2' , up
to $0.00.
Corset covers 2oc , 30c , J15c , loc , oOc ,
03c , 7oc , up to $11.00.
Chomlso 26oloc , COc , COc , Tile , S-lc ,
$1.00 , up to $3.CO.
Drawers 25clOc , COc , OOc , Too , OOc ,
$1.00 , up to $2.CO.
A nice line of children's nuiblln un
derwear and Infant's slips at equally low
Our 20 per cent discount , sale on all
winter goods still continues , which at
the recently low prices to which our
stock was marked makes the greatest
opportunity to secure llrst class dry
goods than over offered In the history of
This 20 nor cent sale Includes our on-
tlro stock of wool dross goods , blade wool
dross goods , ilanucls , blankets , comfort
ables , carriage robes , cashmere and wool
underwear , cashmere and wool hosiery
in ladles' , men's and children's goods ,
our entire cloak stock , fur capes , fur
muffs and fur trimmings.
Special pulo of linens nnd housckcoQ-
ng goods.
- Muslins and shootings at actual cost.
Ladles' rod goat oxfords at $ , " . .00.
Ladles' rod goat strap slippers for
Infants' red goat button boots at $1.00.
Ladies' strap dancing8lippoi'.snt$2. . " > U.
Ladies' opera slippers , all widths , for
Misses' cloth top , spring heel button ,
all widths , $ : .OD.
All win-in Vnod winter fahocs are going
tit very low prices ! .
Call and examine before purchasing.
Cor. Farnam and loth streets.
Special hat sale tomorrow Mrs. R. IT.
Davies , 111 S. loth street , opposite post-
GOULD : * -v/ir scin.iti : .
Ho AVI 11 ( ill ith MUmiiirl 1'nclllc
.SoiitlM-rn Connection.
New Youic , Jan. W. air. Gould's attitude
toward the Western Trafllc association , of
which the Missouri 1'aclllc is ono of the
component roads , has excited much interest
in Wall street. Some believe the true reason
for his reported action lies In the fact that
Jlr. Gould has boon working for years to de
velop the Missouri Paclllo into a homo
genous and independent system , and before
another your is out that end will have been
accomplished. With the completion of the
road which .Mr. Gould last summer an
nounced his intention of building ho will
have a now and almost straight line between
St. Louis and Now Orleans. The Missouri
Pacillo lines will then extend from Denver to
New Orleans via St. Loilis and will in their
course tap all of tno tralllc points of the west
'and can uraw upon the mining , grain and
cntilo industries by giving them ono line to
tidewater. The larcer part of Mr. Gould's
new line from St. Louis to Now Orleans is
practically finished. The southern half of
the line extends from Alexandria , La. ,
whore it connects with the Texas Pacitic
into New Orleans , duo north to u point on
the Iron Mountain. It is proposed to inako
the line even more direct by building a
cut-off of about 150 miles through eastern
Arkansas. This road will make the only
direct line from St. Louis to Now Orleans
nnd will traverse a rich country in addition
to the tidmvatcr extension ol the Missouri
Paollio system. With the completion of this
road , Mr. Gould can niako a new export
route for grain.
rtorlc iHliiiul \ \ " < PII u Victory.
CHICAGO , ill. , Jan. 1(1. ( John Sebastian ,
general passenger agent of the Rock Isla n
road , is tcollng particularly good nalurod in
consequence of a victory ho has gained over
Chairman Fiiiloy of the Western Passenger
association. A short tune ego the chairman
handed down a decision ilhdiiiK the Hock
Island guilty of doing a brokerage business
and assessing a line of $300. The facts in
the case wcro that the HOCK Island had an
advertising contract with a New York firm
by which it was to furnish a certain amount
of transportation in payment for advertising ,
The Hook Island issued some transportation
under the contract to the agent of the adver
tising linn and that foil into the hands of
detectives employed by Pinloy. A complaint
wns nccordiugly filed and in making up his
decision the chairman held that the nature
of the contract was such as to placu the com
pany iu the position of doing u brokerage
ousinoss , which is evprosjly\prohlbltod bv
the agreement. Tbo Hock Inland unnealo'd
from this decision and the arbitrators
selected to hoar the appeal were 1C. O. Me-
Cormlck of the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Day
ton , George Doflavon of the Chicago ft West
Michigan , and J. M. Choscbrougu of the
Vundulin line. They reached a decision
which reverses the decision of Chairman
Finloy. _ _
th .Story.
BOSTON' , Mass. , Jan. Hi. Director Ames of
tbo Union Pacific says the report from
Chicago of the proposed extension of the
Union Pacltlofrom .southwestern Utah across
Nevada and California to San Francisco , has
no basis whatever. The report tluit the
aillanco with the Northwestern is to bo
broken Is the old story and no more true row
ttmn in the past.
Ill'CIlt lit I IKIIITS ) .
Yerah Colburn was the most gifted
mathematician ever known. When only
8 yours old ho raised the number eight
successively to the sixteenth power , and
in naming the last result , which con
sisted of llftcon figures , he was riglit in
everyone. On being asked the Mjuaro
root of 100,021) ) ho answered ; t27 before
the old grav-haircd philosopher ques
tioner hud time to put it down. Ho was
next asked how many minutes there
were in forty-eight years and instantly
replied 2o,2li8,8UO.and live seconds later
gave the astonished bit van la the exact
number of socondu.
i llirniilty ,
Ono man at lust hit upon the Idea
of how to move a pig from ono point to
another , says the uelfast ( Mo. ) Age. Ho
tlos tv rope about the animal's nook , and
also to tlio rope just far enough away
so the pig can't got it ho tlos a potato.
Then all ho ban to do is totako thoond
of the rope and walk off. with the pig
hustling behind making frantic olTorts
to reach the potato.
It Is Intended to place the telegraph and
telephone wires In Victoria , Now South
Wales , under ground , The estimated cost of
the work is about $100OJO , and It Is oxpootod
that It will bo begun at an curly dato.
Used iu MilUons of Homes 40 Years the Standard ,
A Pr'AooM Wlilrh U ( lolnir On In Oifr Sin-
llmiory mill Oilier Doimrliiii-nli.
Wo'ro condensing prices In order to
condense the stock , The workmen will
begin in a few days pulling In our now
passenger elevator , which It lo occupy
the space whore our stationery depart
ment Is now located. We've 110 place to
move this department lo llll our annex
Is finished , PO wo'ro confronted by a ill-
lomti. What shall we do with the sta
tionery ? Wo know , ( llvo It nway , al
most and that's what wo Intend doing.
We'll fommonco Monday , nnd before
wo got through this line of goods must
bo Ho moro than ono-quarlor Us present
ftho. Wo'vo a great big line of ooviM-ed
slates to close and they'll ' go at just half
price , lOc ; covered slates for oc ; loc cov
ered slates Kc , etc.
Did you ever know BcnnottV lo inako
a promise which wasn't kept1 ; Ever
know them lo advorllso a bargain Ihev
didn't have ? Then you have reason to
bcliovo when they say they're closing
out every kind of furniture nt or below
cost , that It's so. Thousands of other
people believe just as you do , ami they're
thronging this department all the tfino.
Big line of plush chairs of ovory'do-
Ecriptloii , none marked nt a prollt.
( " 'outer tables in endless variety from
ISc up.
Some flno ollico tables and deskslogo
at 'most any prlco.
Do you own a baby ? Buy a butrgy.
'Twon t cost much at the prices wo'ro
sellingthorn. .
Lounges and sofas , cheap onoiigh for
Library lamps enough to light every
library in Omaha. The block won't lust
long a't the prices wo put on Iheiu last
night though.
Bedroom suits of three pieces , from
$11.7o up.
Crockery and shoes and in fact every
thing on t'ho second floor hah boon cut lethe
the vorv quick , and the sooner you
rcalix.o tlio fact the more money jou'll
inako out of It.
J. E. DIotrickarchitccl , 000 N.Y. Life. or a iiKi'Kituxn n.isr.n. .
Tri-rllili * Kxprrli'iif-o ol n I.iiinlimVoiiin :
iiltli u Vicious ( "li'rjsj nr.iii.
LON'DO.V , Jau. 10. Notwlthstniuling tlio
terrible Iuurlos ] sustiiitiou by Mrs. Siddals ,
tlio v/omnii who on Monday night last Jumped
from nranldly moving trnlu near Tiimworlh ,
presumably to escape the advances of Hev.
Mr. Gnodale , Is now improving nnd hopcj
are entertained that she will recover.
Mrs. Siddals regained consciousness today
and was at once questioned regarding the
circumstances of the affair and hoi-story cou-
llrms in substance the theory formed by the
Mrs. Siddals says that the minister en
caged her in conversation after they
had ridaeti some distance together , and
after a time ho attempted liberties
which she repulsed. Ilo was miulo
very angry by being foiled in his designs and
grasped her by the throat , preventing her
Irom making an outcry. Uo then forc&d her
down on the seat and attemr/tud to outrage
her. bho struggled desperately to prevent
dishonor ana Dually the preacher , whether
simply to escape detection or to catibo her
death is. not known , pushed her out of the
Fortunately she caught upon the footboard
as she was falling and regained her footing.
She snys , however , that she was so terribly
excited that she did not rcali/.o the danger of
jumping and with onlv the thought of escap
ing the man who had attempted the crime
atjainsl her , she leaped from the carriage nnd
remembers nothing further.
Goodalo will shortly bo arraigned to
answer tlio serious chat-go npnlnat him.
ICcniarkalili * .Sppucl I'puit a Typru rltor.
The following clipped from the Syruouso
.loiirnal of recent Issuu&hows that the double
koy-Doard typewriter has speed beyond any
operator :
Miss Catherine V. Curry , December 30 ,
1SOI , at the Hahly Shorthand college in tills
city , In the presence of a number of people ,
nmoiicr wcro Dr. John Van Duyn. No.
4' > 7 , South Saline itreot , Frank B. Lord , No.
1511i Grape street ; James Cantwoll , No. 101
The Florence- Eugene J. .Mack. No. 501 Irv
ing street nnd D. F. McLonncn , Commissioner
of deed ? , No. 515 bouth Saline stront , who
ufllxcd tbcir bignaturo under atlldavit lo the
correctness of the statement that Miss Curry
upon tbo Smith fromiur typewriter , In mak
ing nineteen attempts upon the customary
speed fsentrnco "Now is the time for all
good men to como to tto aid of the party , "
attain u spied of ItiO words per minute in
thirteen , Hli in three , 11)11 ) in ono and Iflo in
Miss Currv's limit of speed is confidently
believed by her friends to be not loss than
ISO words per in inn to , nonsiaorine the progress -
gross she has inaJo within the last few
weeks practice1.
1'rlcri III ! ( loilll mi |
Wo MtTST have room In our nii.-a d\
partmonl for spring goods ,
PRICES will innko It.
Ladles' rtibbor.lac , worth 25o.
C Ladies' ari'tlcj 70c , worth $ I.OH.
Ladles' felt slippers -loc , worth . -
' Ladles' kill shoes $1.10 , worth * l X > .
Ladles' dongola kid button shoeil 7 !
worth $2.2.3.
Ladles' line dongola pat. tip -JiC < *
Sit.OO , worth $2.f.O.
Ladles' French dongola button i > i
* ; t.IO , worth HOO. * '
Men's self-acting rubbers Hi1 , ti ,
GOc. . . , ,
' $ self-acting Alaskas , ( We v tli ,
Men's B calf lace and congress slioe'j ,
* I.IO , worth $2.00.
Men's line swttn oil calf lace iu A. o i <
gross Hhooc , $2.-10 , worth W.OO.
Men's line Morclorculf dro'S s ! < , > i
$2.00 , worth st.f)0. ; )
Boys' butlon shoes , 11 lo 1'i , * ' "
worth Jl.2-3.
Boys' butlon shoos , 1 lee , $1.2i , wlji
Mines' grain school shoes , I/I / to 2 , fl.WJ
ami SI.2" .
-Mlsaos' kid button , patent lip shoot
* l.r 0 , worth * 2.00.
Children's line shoes , o lo S , RI . . j
liouls , 7oo and Soc.
Infants'fine ajioes , Ito- ) , . " .ociu .
Dry goods and 1'iv ' .
Agiilnst tinViiminlH ,
Paul W. llarbuch has bronchi suit nynli it
DouRlns county , tlio Polcrok X-ipjilu i.nd tb
( ioj-innn Trlbjne. Ilcscoks to prevent the
county from pitying the two paperi tlic s fti
of ? I'J00.71 each for publishing tlio dc in
quctittitx Iht of Dottgliis county and a ui
tluit the county warrants issued In pnj > ,
of the printing bilh bo withheld vi I - i
court can p.is3 upon the legality ' ' " <
t'lniins. Iu Ins petition the plaintiff < t
tbo fart that tlio Oorinnn Tribnnu is ) t ' -V
In the German iaiigHapo , wlillo the 1'c.i.ron" *
/.njindu is printed m Uohcinlan. II 'so
nvors that in botli papers the tnx i t wna '
printed hi Euclish , n laiiQimco that \\nn uc'
imdorstooil by the rondori of the two pnoors
This , ho avers , was a useless nnd unticccs * ,
sary oxpoadituro of public tuoticv.
The followhif ? iiiarriaRO licenses woi'6 '
sued by Judge Eller yesterday :
Name and Adilrc s. Ago
l.loliu < . I'o.unur. Omaha
I Anna i'lol'ililj.u : ! ; , Omaha
j I'run I ; nciard , Omaha. ?
l Annie Mclvell , Omnha , . Ifi
J I' . U. Tiiri.qulst. OniHIia. . i in
I Anna 1'otorson , Omaha . . . n
J Hrlc-k llcr/sacn. Miinroo. . . .
I Clar.i Nordall. Omaha
111. M. I'ostiT. Onnilia. .
I Kcbcce.- - l.ovo , Illalr
Cash Capital . $ 1,000,000.00
Kc-Insiirancc He-servo. . . . 2,2I ) ! > ,2JI. !
CjininKsIoiH and Oilier
Liabilities . 15 , Wil ] , ( JJ
Lisses AdjiHled and Unad
justed . : ! IOOlt.fjl {
Total A cts $ . -S21 , P.W.O'L
11KS1DKXT AO.KN 1'Sz >
Klist National llanl. II
S DANA , Spot-lilt Agent and Adj ihti t i
801 Now York Life HiilldliiR.
_ ji
Tie yourself
For 50 cents--
Every necktie in the store , sold lor liVJatur j
day and Monday. Wo have been selling thonli
at $1 , $1.50 and 52.
1822 Albert Calm
Farnam Street ]
14O9 Douglas St.
Wo make a specialty of Pure California Clarets , per case of 12 quarts } 3.CO.
Per Bottle , ! ) o contrf.
Wo will save you from ft per cent to10 per cent on all purchases In thlc '
Every pack-ago guaranteed for purity , quality , ntio and gonuinch v
represented , Moil complete stock In Omaha of wines , llquora , ol.j. , ever olT < '
imported direct from ( aurmany , Franco , Spain , Italy , and oilier foreign count'1
also the choicest of America' * ) best productions. -
Choice Mod ford Rum , bottle $ 85 DoKuypcr Gin , Imported , per hot-
Jamaica Rum 1 lo Ilo , $1,25 ; per uuio. . . . . . . .
Milttar flinch , imported , prbotllo 1 15 " Brandy , it-Star llonnossy , $ I..VI
Cnitlo'Sherry , imported , prbottlo 1 2" > per botllo ; pQr ca&o
Cnsllo Port , imported , pur bottlo. 1 2 >
Cabinet Sherry , Imported , bottle. 1 00 MoBriiyor Whisky , 0 years old ,
Cabinet Port , imported , per boltlo 1 00 $1,23 per bottle ; per case
Imported Spanish ShorrlcK and C.irllHlu U'htbky , 5 yctu-H oW , in
Ports , in 1-giilloii dumtjohns , jugs
from : t.r > 0 to 0& > J times E.
' Pepper Whisky , /I /
Fine California C'ognnu Brandy , years old , per bottle , $1.2-3 ; per
per bottle 75 eaeo
Fine California Cirapu lirandy ,
pot- bottle 1 00 Hello of AndorsunVhl8kj , 1(1 (
Kino Imported Brandy , per bottle. 1 7o yours old , bottled In bonl2 per
botllo , . . .
Cholco California Port , .sherry pur CIIBO.
and Angelica , I gallon jug * . . . 1 10 Pure ( iiit-konliolmor Rye Whl
Old Mnscatol and .Mmlor.i V.'luo , porqtinrt bottle . . , . ' K
1 gallon jugb , 15" Popcorn Whisky , pop quart
C. B. OONNOH & CO. *
1409 Douglas St. , Between 14th and 15th Sto ' ]