Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1892, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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    . ' f ' M" Ir ' I/ , U/M ' Tf
wflhort Talks Upon a Multiplicity of Push-
\ ionablo Topics ,
Blrs , Vrltcliett'rt Hriintirtil r.ttnclifoii on
f lclay Mm. Ciiilnliy'n llljli I'l e
1'iirtlu * Onloru
.Minor .Mention.
Society IIM boon moving ou runners to tno
accompaniment of sleigh belli the past week.
The lethargy Into vlilch the social world has
fallen slnco tbo holidays was temporarily
thrown off nnd the flno elolghing has boon
taken advantage of by the belles and beaux
ot the fashionable world.
. The nights have been Uiodo musical with
the Jingle of all sorts and conditions of bells ,
while tin horns , trumpoU and kazoos have
sot tbo wild echoes flying along tbo bluffs
nnd ever tha pralrlo as merry parties of
golden youth gnvo vent to tholr pent up en
thusiasm ever the coming of the snow.
To many ot the older people wbo were
called upon to chnporono.lhu youngsters tbo
slo'Eh Hues were reminiscent ot joyous
occasions when still "down on the frrm1
J nd the pranks played on tbo girls , the upsetting -
, setting of sleds In a&ow drifts to the con-
jjtcrnntlorj of the females , wore all recalled
by those wno live In tbo past , ns ago usually
Every manner of vehicle bni boon turned
into n temporary sled , and for the past week
Omaha has boou a city on runners ,
nl though the sucrgOiitod pace Is
] uat a bit too last to apply to
tbo doings of society , for outside of two or
thrco ovcnts and the sleighing parties , the
' week hns been exceedingly quiet , very sug
gestive of whut it will bo when Lent puts in
an appearance. But that Is another story.
The loan year boll \vas productive of lots
of fun and heap of talk. Everybody wbo was
there has some wild aud weird tale to toll of
"tho night nnd its pleasures , but the "on dlt"
Jthat a bashful bud offered hand nnd heart to
ft thorough-going man noout town must betaken
taken with a grain of allowance. She must
bo an undnuntablo young person , for it U
qulto well known that bo
"Nover In his llfo
Wus In love wltli n woman
Who was not a wlfo. "
The denouement remains sub rosa nt pres
i There will bo a marriage in the autumn
that will leave in the ranks of Omaba'8
young bachelors a aad vacancy. She is rarely
jorotty and much admired.
* *
. Tun BEE'S "homo lidustry' ' agitation baa
nad its' ofTact on fasbionablo women. A
handsome nud well dressed girl ( though In
eorabro hue ) was heard to remark n few days
ngo that in future she intended patronizing
Omaha stores and Omaha modistes , wbo not
only suited her as well astotbors but loft her
ivlth a better conscience rind sometimes moro
plethoric purse. Then , too , she Is on heiress
with n pot of inonoy In her own right nnd
yell able to indulge whims and vagarios.
. It is also 'Quito well known that the
uandsomcst 'dress nt tbo leap year party ,
V Ivorn by a charming and very popular mar-
\Tiod woman , who has nn ear for nil the girls'
. > > cqrots In the city , was made by an Omaha
jnodisto and the material bo'ugbt hi on
Omaha store.
Apropos of all this the cry of bard times
Bounds on nil sides , and the woman who said
jthut sbo would welcome Lent when EIO
could don sack clotn utid convert her Old
Slothes into ashes , voiced the sentiments of
the majority.
/ A I , mill's' Social.
{ tTho Elks nro to bo congratulated upon the
/success / of tbo first ladles' social of tbo season
JFnday evening nt their club rooms. In many
jrospoMs it was tbo pleasantcst dancing party
ever given by this social organization , a
larger number of people being present than
'upon any similar occasion in tbo history of
tno fraternal association.
There were sixteen numbers on tbo dance
Brogrnm. two extras being added before tbo
r "medley" by Lecocq closed a pleasant even
While not elaborate the floral decorations
fjoro very tasteful , the chandeliers being
tlecoratod with s ml I ax , while hero and there
ptood rose bowls filled with rosos. Punch
nnd light refreshments were served in the
Dining room by the waiters of the club.
The committee having the party In charge
Avoro : Arrangements G. Sam Hedgers , B.
JH. Smith , Frank Barrett. Ed P. Mullen , D.
; H.Seaver ; reception David Bennlson , E.
S. Rowley , C. C. Hulott , F. F. Williams , Ed
W. Mullen ; floor Byron H. Smith , Charles
. ,1k < 6hornian , VV. J. Hughes , Oscar Goodman ,
3rnnk Barrett , D. H , Seaver , A. B. Hudson ,
* G. K. Collins , Chester Bralnnrd.
It is the intention of tbo Elks to follow tbo
h\lcco33 of Friday evening with a card party ,
10 bo given within a month.
The guests present " were : Mr. nnd
A. J. Vlorling , Airs. H. J.
Air. and Airs. H. P. Stoddard , Mr.
; and Mrs. Eugene Montgomery. Air. nnd Airs.
JCJ.V. . Shields , Air. and Airs. Frank Gregory ,
! Mr , nnd Airs. C. S. Potter , Mr. nnd Airs. E.
J9. AlcGilton. Air. and Airs. C. J. Fvlco , Air.
nud Airs. E. D. VanCourt , Air. and Airs. E.
V. Lewis , Air. nnd Airs. George P. Crouk ,
JJr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Bowman , Airs. William
13ygor , Air. nnd Airs. I. W. Minor , Air. aud
Mrs. J. H. Wheeler , Air. nnd Airs. AI. A.
Hall , Air. nnd Airs. B. A. McAllister , Air.
nnd Airs. F. L. Buck , Airs. Soxnuor , Mr. and
Jilts. J. G. Gnddls , Dr. and Airs. It. AI.
Air. nnd Airs. William London
jgtono. . . , Air.
jand Airs. Edgar Leonnrd , Air. nnd Airs. U.
iCuunth , Air. and Airs. II. D. Hood , Air. nnd
jMra , Will Hector , Air. and Mrs. J. O. Harrl-
aon.Mr. nnd Alrs.A.AI. Pinto , Alrs.AI. B.Col-
jnan , Cedar Falls ; Airs.V. . S. Hlg'gs , Airs.
Jlhoa , _ Judge and Airs. Strawn ,
Mluuah Hawko of XMobraska City , Baumau !
Galley- Strong , Brandt , Canflold , Kelley ,
Joyce , HydeIUuger , Llvosoy , Church. Aula-
. ) UUgH , Wllllamsou , Messenger. Smith ,
Ouasle Bauman , Powell , Gveor , Glbbs , Mc-
jMnhou , Burklov , Cora Weaver , Flynn of
jKookford , Warner , Hlgglns of Chicago
cage , Haskoll , Malone , O'Hourko , Scott ,
/Ooist , Pomy , Anna Poray , Soott.
jMossrs. Byron II. Bmltb F. B. Barrett
, ,
" , . . . . . , , . . '
V" Mnw TrviiO.Y l. tT ) < i.,4. Tn 1 /l l.ll
'tj. ' i-'iaungan , V. II. Phllblu , Fronlc Blaok ,
jHarry Woodard , C. K. Sherman , M. C. Uob-
V fiilaW. \ . C. Koss , A. L. Uood , A. S. Carter ,
jp. P. Goodman , Ed Gygor , A. E. Hutobln-
ijtan , 0. K. Brown , II. A. Jopllu , J. Jopllu , L.
i ' .Strang , Ed MoMnhonHarry BurKloy.Georgo
Minor , Grant IlulsUor , H. W. MoConuoll , W.
Y 03. Palmntlor.T , G. Cushlng.J. P. Murphv.M.
( 3Doo , A. II. Brlggs , John W. Paul , Harry
> jQodmau , George Holmrod , W. J. Hughes. ! ! .
F. Strlckllng , Joseph G. Allen. F. Iliehard-
* pn , Chat Kodlck\V.F.IIowoll.Honry Pundt ,
l _ To the JliiRlu of Hliilgli ItvlU.
\ ito n number of Omaha's bright younjc
1\3 , npproclatlnu the bpautlos of winter
. iiind the excellent alelghliKr , made a party
Monday evening aud enjoyed n sleigh rldo.
V 8 o'clock the party loft the residence of
tlr. nnd Airs. E. B. Talmngo , 2533 Ilarnoy
Bttroot , and after driving an hour they
tatonpod at the Now York Llfo building
Kvhoro refreshments were served by Miss
Jrondlo , the rooms of the Omaha conserva
tory being appropriated by the guest * . The
following wore prosontt Mr. and Mrs. L.
INI. Talmago , Mr. and Mra , A. M. Kitchen ,
Mrs. M. D. Fruzar , Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
1'almugo , Mlas Ada L. Talmugo , Miss
Cbarlotto Talmago , Mr. F , A. Talmngo , Mr.
Hold Talmago , Mis * Carrlo M. Boutollo , Mr.
H. II , Harder , Mr. M. U Btono , Mlas Cora
nlcCaudllab , Mr. W. Ernest Johnson , Mlas
Imogen Alexander , Mr. H. P , Halloek , Mr.
iapd Mra. J. Ilurd Thompson , Mr , and Mrs.
J. T. Morris , Mlas Fminlo Cougoahall , Mlaa
Hello \Vymau , Mr. E. L. Vauglmn , Mlaa
Nfora Baker , Mlaa Lucllo Stevonaon. Mlas
\unlo E. Hallook , Mr. L. P. Slue , Mr. A.
iVnjland Carpenter ,
J Luncheon uuil UlKh I'Uc.
'hursdny afternoon Alra. E , A. Oudahy
tortalnoU qulto a number of her friends at
k Jior residence , Twonly-alxtb and SU Alar.v's
venue , with a luncheon nod high five. The
tloral docorotlona wore very tasteful , stmUx
hod hyacinth * bomif particularly uaed. The
luucheoii v > acrvod at auiall tables through-
kul tbo parlor and dlnlngr room , attor which
cards \voro played. The first prize wai won
by Mrs. Llnlngcr , a net of boom , "Princess , "
t > v Tcunyaon ; "Lucllo , " by Meredith , and
"Songs of Bummer. " by James Wbttcomb
Illloy. Mrs. T. J. Ilojcrs won lUo Bccond
favor , a bonbon spoon , Nine games were
played , the guests tborougbly enjoying the
Innovation of serving luncheon llrst and
having the gatno to follow.
There were present : Moidamcs Llnlngor ,
Hnllor , Clinic , Bhcrldan , Lander , Cowln ,
Ilustln , Trullt , Hamilton , Greene , \Vorden ,
Hubbnrd. Joseph Uorkor , George Barker ,
Swnrtzlandor , Catlln , Thayer , Colpotzer ,
Klnslor , iVhllmoro , Levl Carter , Lolimor ,
Dr. Lee , Nash , Bradford , Blerbowor , T. J.
Hogors , Sharp , ( Jllinoro , Mngrudor , Joseph
Barton , Van Noslrnnd , D , H. Wheeler. Jr. ,
Conedon , JIawlov , Swobo , Mclntosh , S , I * .
Morse , Knymond. Alotcalf , Paxton , Holdrogo ,
Tatum , Samuel Burns.
A JlilKln IlliiNl.
A novel bugle rldo was enjoyed by a party
of Indies nnd gentlemen last Friday evening.
Many and prolonged worn the blaits that
were blown , but enough breath was loft in
the party to enjoy n pretty Httlo dance , given
In the parlors of the Murray hotel. A sump
tuous lunch was served In the dining room
nnd after a Httlo dancing and n few songs
the party dispersed to their homos , voting a
speedy lopctltlon of tna ovcnt. The follow
ing ladles nnd gentlemen participated : Miss
hmsla Kanfrow. Miss .lano Powell , Miss
Agnes Frnzlor , Mrs. Lyon , Miss Minn Bom-
Rardnor. Miss Nunnlo Blshou. Mrs. O ales
Bond , Mrs. Qcorgo E. Powell , Miss Porl
Paige , Miss Mlnnlo Burns , Mr. Franklyn
Orunlngor , Mr. Earl Kolsov. Air. U. S. Wagner -
nor , Mr. E. II. Hand , Mr. Will Konyon , Mr.
Hammond , Mr. Kcogti , Mr. Will Taylor , Mr.
Tim lluku Ulilim Wedding.
Last Saturday ovonmg the pleasant homo
of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Hake , Twenty-seventh
and Popploton avenue , xvas the sccno of a
very happy celebration , the occasion being'
the twentieth anniversary of the wedding of
that estimable gentleman and lady. Mr.
Hake has long boon connected with the live
stock , business of South Omaha , and was
recently elected president of the Live Stock
exchange. His friends and business asso
ciates , with their wives , dropped in on the
brldo and groom of twenty years nco nnd
completely surprised them with nn elegant
nnd complete sot of Hnvlland china. The
estimable couple were further surprised by
tholr guests bringing with thorn uu orches
tra and substantial and eletrnntrefroshmoti s ,
the ice cream being frozen in forms repre
senting cattle , bogs nnd sheep , the commodity
In which tbo assembled guests were daily
wont to deal. After suonortho oven inn was
spentjn dancing * and card playing. Alto
gether it wus n most enjoyable affair and
thoroughly appreciated by both hosts and
The following wcro among these present :
Mr. and Mrs. James Foley , Mr. J. C. Sharp ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Kelly , Mr. nnd Mrs. W.
H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. ' Frank Dorsby , Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Blnncbard , Mr. nnd Mrs. .T. S.
Gosnov , Mr. and Mrs. A.Waggoner , Mr. nnd
Mrs. F. H. Boyd , Mr. and Mrs. Leo Koths-
chtld , Mr. and Mrs. J , Lobmnn , Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. HIgguis , Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Birnoy , Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Stephen , Mr.
nnd Mrs. T. B. MoPhorson , Mr. nnd Mrs.W.
N. Babcock , Mr. and Mrs. Charles OofTmiui ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. Cheek , Mr. and Mrs.'M.
It. Murphy , Mr , and Mrs. LT. . Martin , Mr.
nnd Mrs. S. G. Wright , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L.
Lott , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Slater , Air. nnd
Mrs. W. H. McCreary , Mr. nnd Airs. , T. M.
Monroe , Mr. nnd Mrs. O. N. McVIcker , Mr.
nnd Mrs. U. L. Campbell , Mr. und Mrs. Wil
liam Underwood , Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Bcuton ,
Mr , and Mrs. William Boll , Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Perry , Mr. und Mrs. M. F. Blanchard. Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. F. Boyd , Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Frazier , Mr. and Mrs. J , G. Martin , Mr. and
Mrs. A. Haas , Mr. and Mrs. George Burke ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. H. Hogarty , Mr. and Mrs.
W. B. Wnllwork. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Dadis-
man , Mr. and Airs. C. E. Bogartr Air. and
Airs. B. S. Adams , Air. and Mrs. Daniel
Alurphv , Mr , nnd Airs. George Booker , Air.
nnd Mrs. S. L. Degen , Air. and Airs. A.
Vlorllng , Air. nnd Airs. Horton. Air. nnd Airs.
Korty , Air. u C. Kodlngton , Air. E. P. Savage -
ago nnd dnugbtor JessieAir. . P. T. AIcGratb ,
Airs. T. E. Saunders , Air. W. F. Wood , Air.
Ayill Dyball , Mrs. Dyboll.
TJio I'rerloHS C'Jiib ( 'iilcliratofl.
Tuesday evening the 'club gave
one of the most enjoyable parties of the
season at Erlllng's hall. A neat program of
eighteen nun'bora was danced ; and the oven-
log was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
During the intermission the ladies planned
n leap year party to bo given February 9.
Aliss Hedfiold were a pretty gown of scar
let honriottn , pink roses.
Miss Phillips were a becoming gown of
figured silk , crimson rosos. * .
Miss Arnold appeared in a pale blue alba-
tros gown.
Allss Ratcllff was prettily gowned in eriin-
sera nnd tan , crimson poppies.
Miss Kellogg a gowit of pink silk and
cream lace.
Allss Peterson n costume of cream hon-
rlotta trimmed with Inco.
Allss Chosbro u pretty blue gown.
Among those that were present were
AIissos Lena Chosbro , Eva Munson ,
Cassia Arnold , Claudlo Uatcllff , Aliss
Blackmoro , Allss Jonas , Allss Cornish ,
Miss Kellogg , Allss Jones , Anna Ken
nedy , Jonnlo Dodson , Hose Peterson , Allss
Cornell , AHss Alorroll , Aliss Phillips , Aliss
Halmon , Allss Collins. Aliss Mary Kennedy ,
Allss Dalton , AUss Lnrkon , Aliss Hod field ,
Allss Norrls , Allss Andrews. Alossrs. Will
Stockbura , Claud Stockbam , Alunson , Bnrt-
lott , Pnolps , Smith , Peterson , Board , Linglo ,
Bnruuni , Jonas , King , Colonmn , Kompor ,
Kennedy , Wnlltico , Alack , Klrby , Husslo ,
Stratinan and Carpenter.
The J\celnlor : Chili.
The members of the Excelsior club gnvo a
most enjoyable progressive high-five party at
the residence of Allss Carrlo Althouso , 1577
North Eighteenth street , on Friday evening.
Tbo favorite game was indulged in until
11 : UO , when n delightful lunch was served.
Tbo prizes were then awarded , Miss Carrlo
Althouso and Air. U. K. NIsbot capturing
the first and Allss Blanche Elltu woo'J and
Arthur Carlln the "boobies. "
Among tboso present were : AIissos Alaggla
Beck , Mary Beck , Lottlo Hobbs , Annie
Kelly , | Mary Kelly , Blanche IClllngwood ,
Etta Kosenborg , llattio nnd Alelll Lundour
and Mrs. Counsmnn nnd Messrs. Simpson ,
Carter , Miller , Couusman , Sloan , Carlln ,
Nosbitj Ilosouswoig , Banks and Counstnan.
Air. Julius Iloscnswoljr rendered some very
pretty selections on the violin , accompanied by
Alls * Altbouao. to the delight of all present.
Although nothing is known fora certainty ,
undoubtedly the lady members will give a
leap year sleighing party In the near future.
I > citi Year Sleighing I'arty.
Tbo young lady olorka in the manager's
ofllco of the Western Union Telegraph com
pany , nine in number , gave n leap year
sleighing party to tholr pcntloipon friends
Tuesday night. After spending a pleasant
bour in musla and dancing at Alanagor Um-
stod's residence , > J023 Farnaro street , the
rldo was resumed until 11:110 , when the gen
tleman of the party were again surprised In
bolnt ; driven to Getty'u ' , where an oyster
supper was served In that caterer's best
stylo. The young ladles then drove the gen
tlemen to thulr homes lu true loan year stylo.
The party com is tea of the following , viz , :
AIissos AI , P. Doyle , Kato Nloklas , Helen
Adams. Ada Mark , Daisy AloElroy , Alary
Book , Elizabeth Uniulinrt , Alolllo Carnabv ,
Alabol Athearu , Alossrs. 0. II. Doylo. W.
Salisbury , U. AI. Southmayd. J , W. .Olon ,
J. F. Boss , F. W. Conrory , A. L. Jagoo , G.
W. Merrill , T. H. Uoblnson.
A llpitutUul T.unt'licou ,
Mrs. George Prltchott gave ono of the
handsomest luncheons of' the year Friday at
1 o'clock to twelve young women , The table
was In pink and green , a tall yaso with La
Franco roses serving us a center Piece , while
carnations wore scattered over the cloth In
delightful ! confusion. Mrs , Prltohett were
an cxquUItely beautiful gown of black tnaV-
qutfl. luco over blaok moire , trimmed wl\h \
Nile green velvet Jlouiiuo and Jet , beaded
with green aatlu rosoUo , a Nllo green velvet
vest and Modtcl collar , trimmed ID lot passe
menterie. These present wow i Miss Me-
Cord. Miss Dockwlth , Mrs. Will AlorrU ,
Miss Allllard , Allss Nush , Mlas MoKflnna ,
Miss Sherwood , Allss Brown , Miss Carrie
Mlllard , Mus Yost and Mr * . MoCora.
A I'luuuuiit Sociable.
A merry , sociable and select assembly qt
ladloa and gentlemen thronged the parlor * of
the Young Men1 * in tltuto lost Tuesday
evening In celebration of the beginning of
socials for the year 1802. A moro enjoyable ,
occasion could not bo obtained , every ono in
nttondnnco show Ing tholr appreciation of the
rfTorts of the Institute by tholr.bnppy coun
tenances nnd hearts full of enjoyment.
The Instttuto will continue clvlug these
events cvory two weeks , tind If noeosnry ,
after n duo consideration of ull facts and cir
cumstances , may offer them \vccnly.
The member * of the Inntltuto nro making a
vigorous ofTort towards organizing n Young
Lndlo ' Institute nnd are meeting with grati
fying success , as several laOlcs have signified
tholr Intention of joining and giving consid
erable nttontlon to such a causa.
In San Francisco , Portland nnd other largo
cities the Young Ladles' ' Institute Is a very
prominent society , having enrolled moro
members than any ether ladles' society In
tholr rospectlvo communities , nnd wo trust
that Omaha will bo in the load In a short
M tli ( jiirrUon.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Spencer , In their usual hos-
pltaolo nnd charming manner , entertained
Colonel nnd Airs. Bacho at dinner Friday
evening. Invited to moot them wcro Colonel
and Mrs. Parko , Dr. arid Airs. IlnrtsuiT nnd
Airs. Wicks nnd Major Worth.
Airs. Bacho were n French toilette of black
moussollno do solo , blaok satin bodice nnd
gold trimmings.
Airs. Spencer was in a most becoming Httlo
gown of changeable silk with garnet passe
Airs. Parko was elegantly nttirod In black
silk and lace , finished with cut Jot.
Airs. Hartsuff were n very handsome whlto
silk , cntralno , American beauties.
Airs. Wicks , geranium gauo.
After dinner they went ever to the hop
room to join In the Friday evening hop.
A jolly slclanlng party came out from
town. AIissos Donne , Wnkolov , Alargarot
Williams. Hatrges. AlcCord , Hughes. Alabol
Smith , AIoKonna , Balcombo. AIM. Hlall and
Mrs. Trultt , Messrs. GluouFalrfiold , Donno ,
J nines Howe. Coles , Garnoau , Berlin , TrUltt ,
Wilson , Hail nnd Captain Crowdor. Tho' '
others from the post were Aim Nightmgalp ,
nloco of Alra. Parko , Alosdamos Piper ,
Wright , Alallory , Webster , Pickering , Ulio ,
Wllkln , Van Lieu , Chlom. Ale sri. Ppor | ,
Wright. Pickering , Alarkhart. Hlnos , vnn
Lieu , uhlom , Whitman , Bookmlllcr , Powell
and Captain ICoilur.
Air. and Airs. Wllklns hnvo as their guests
Air. and Airs. Alfred Chlom of England.
Airs. Porter , after a long vijlt to the oast'
nnd south , has returned to tno post.
Air. Thomas H. Wilson , who fdr som6 tlmo
past has been stationed on'tomporary aufcy
at Dos Alolncs , has returned to his post.
Little Allss Octavla Whoatou lias b9enlald
up for a week witha sprained ankle , J
Kxcntrt of the U'ei'lc. '
The Trinity Altar guild wilt give n too
from 3 until 5 Thursday in the crypt of the
cathedral. j
Miss Emily Wakoloy u konslngt0n"flt 2yO :
on Monday. * ' ' j '
Ir. and Mrs. A. F. Boscho will.gly 'o' rd
party Monday ovonlng. i t \ t
Mrs. B. B. Wood has Issued invitations foe
a reception from 3 until 5 on Tuesday. ,
Judgn and Mrs. G. W. Dnano announce a
reception from 8 until II Wednesdayicvon-
Mrs. Hawley will give n luncheon on Fri
day. , '
Mrs. John B. Hnwloy , Miss Hawley otld'
Miss Clara Hawley a konslngton on Friday.
Mrs. George W. Hoaglnnd , a small tinncing
party for her guests , the Misses Wadloiga of
Clinton , la , Thursday evening.
Captain Crowdor returned Tuesday from
St. Louis. ' y < .
Ganoral Low Wallace for the first tlmo''ii a
Miss Harges , ono of Louisville's belles , is
a guest of Miss Doauo.
Miss Mary Hlbbard Is vHltlng Mrs. Carl
Morton at Nebraska City.
Mr.V111 Koonig Is expected to return
from Now York ou Tuesday. , [
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 11. Blair have taken I a
Jiouso at 1010 Capitol avenue.
Miss MoCord anticipates rotun.Ing to Tier
bomo in'St. ' Joe , M6. , on Monday.- ' ' '
' Dr. and 'Mrs. Harold Glfford 'n'ro
ever the birth pf a son on Monday.1'- ' * ' " } '
< ' '
Mr : aud Airs. N. l. H'ubbara"ontorta'ihoa a
few friends at dinner Tuesday evening ,
Tbo Misses Summers of Chicago 'will ' , bo
the guests of MM. J. / . Diokoy this cok ,
O. M. Carter , president of the American
Loan nnd Trust company , roturupd Friday
from Boston.
Miss Lilllo Lowonstoln from St. Josunli.
Mo. , is visiting Mrs. A. Mandolborg ,
Farnam street.
Judge nnd Mrs. Scott entertained the
Whist club Friday evening nt their residence
on Dodge Mreot.
Mrs. Ashtou , of Leavonworth , Kan , , who
has boou the guest of Judge ' and Mrs. Dundy ,
has returned homo , - <
Mrs. George I. Gilbert gave a delightful
kousington yesterday afternoon in honor of
Mrs. E. A. Thayor.
Miss Kato Ball , formerly teacher of dra > v
Ing In the public schools , was the guest of
Mrs. Cotton the past week.
"Tho Madison" will bo'tho name of tbo
new family hotel at Twonty-flrst and Chicago
cage streets , now Hearing completion. ' i
Friday evening nbout twenty voung people
made merry nt Elizabeth Place , which lias
been the scene of so much gaiety this wintqr/
Miss Hlmobnugb , who Is the guest of Mrs.
O. L ) . Ivos of Cedar Haplds , la. , was giyon n
progressive high Hvo party Tfiursijny oven-f
Mrs. "Uussell B. Harrison , nrcora'patAod byj
her Httlo daughter Marthonn , left for'Wash-i
ington ou Sunday , arriving there on Tuos-j
The North Omaha Social club was reor
ganized last week nnd bold tholr Initial dance ,
at Erfliug's hall Friday evening with u good ;
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. B. Gillmoro have returned
from Topoua , Kan. , where they were called' '
by the death of Mrs. Glllmore's father , Mr.
W. M. Whltton.
Tno North Omaha Musical club mot Thurs
day afternoon at Mrs. MoAlviu's , 2101 WIrt
struct. Instrumental , vocal and recitations
gave the participants an otijoyublo after
Doau Gardner will preach to the Omaha
Guards this evening at the cathedral. An
Invitation U extended to all ox-members of
the company to be present and Join in the
services ,
Monday ovonlng Mr. nnd Mrs. QuV C.
Barton entertained ut dinner Mr. and Mra.
Ben Smith , Mr. aud Mrs. I ) . V. Barkalow ,
Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Barker , Mr. and Mia.
II. W , Yates , Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hlchard-
Mr. Asa Pbilpott of the well known firm
of Phllpott Bros. , contractors , loft this weak
for his old bomo nt St. Thomas , Out. Mr.
Pbilpott will return about March 1 and It is
reported that ho will return with Mrs.
The North Omaha Musical plub mot ou
Thursday afternoon at Mis. McIColvy's ,
' , ' 5-0 Charles street. An Interesting pro-
gratn was rendered , The next mooting will
bo Thursday afternoon at Mrs , Cbaso's , 222:1 :
Mr. It. C. Moody who
. . , was formerly con
nected with tha Morse Dry Goods company ,
but late of Tbomaston , Mo. , has returned to
Omaha nnd will ongngo In business for him
self. Mrs. Moody will not como to Omaha
until next fall.
The Metropolitan club house will bo open
to the general publlo tomorrow from 1 until
U o'clooK. Members will bo present to ro-
cotvo visitors and show thorn through ! the
club houso. The invitation U a general ono
and everybody will bo welcome.
Yesterday afternoon Httlo Marlon Haller
entertained her kindergarten schoolmates at
the bomo of her rrandfuthor , Mr. Qft
Llnlngor. Her teachers In the kindergarten ,
Misses Boutollo und Wyman , were present.
The occasion was Marion's sixth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W , Gray'entertained at
dinner Thursday evening Mr. nnd Mrs , T.
Swobo , Mr. and Mrs. S. P Morse , Mr , and
Mrs. M. A , Hall , and In honor of their sons.
HI chard and Herbert Gray , Masters Kd and
ifwlnht Hwobo and Herbert and Sam Morso.
Mlas Jessie Mlllard gave a small though
perfect luncheon on Wednesday to a number
of lady friends. . There were present Airs.
Will Mlllard , Miss Brown , Miss Yost , Miss
Chandler , Miss Wallace , Miss Boyd. Miss
Barber , Miss Bookwlth , Miss Nash MUs
Margaret Pratt , Miss May Wallace.
"A Grand Nutlonai Pageant. " which Is to
bo under the patronage of the leading society
ladles of the city , la to bo given at tbo Grand
opera bouso February S2 aud &J. U will
begin with Queen Isabella's court and Include -
cludo moat ot the bUtorlo oveutf of thla
country. Well known loaders of the haut
inonclo wilt participate In tbo oconos nttond-
nnt upon our national llfo , nnd tbo oagonnt It
to bo made n * much of a sucrose as attended
the recent display In Now i ork City.
Mr. F. H. Pugh of 2013' ' Iwvonport .ttreet
stole n march up < m his friends ami got hlm-
aolf n noW wlfo for nn Xiuas prosunt. Mrs.
Pugh li n Virginian by blrttj nnd has tbo
warm sunny nature of her loved southland.
She Is n ladV of line literary tastes , and ono
whom Omaha will bo glad.tayclcouio to her
midst. '
The Leap Year High FfVd"fcnb1 ! to meet
every two weeks , was orgrfnttod last Tues
day ovonlng nl tha residence of the Misses
Ulcb , 101-1 Emmett street with the following
member * : Mlssos GIbbt. Bnlloy , Allen ,
Gtacomlnl. Carrlo Glncomlnl. Baumau , Col-
lett. GussloBauman , Georgia Hlch , Nettle
Hlefi , Haskoll , Boss , Messrs.MIllor , Beach ,
Knouso , Luvonport , Mcyorsi ; Boss , Drown ,
Mnthows , Palmatlor , Youstj Hlcu and Wood
ward. The ilrst nrlzo was won by Mr.
Brown , while Mr. Davoniiort carried off the
booby. °
Mr. nnd Mrs. D. C. Patterson and Mr , and
Mrs. Normnn ICulin chnporoiiod n Jolly crowd
of youug people Wednesday o\oning\vho \
Indulged lu a sleigh rldo. After an hour or
two the young ladles who gave the party
still further showed tholr knowledge of the
way to do tilings by taking the young men
to MoTuguo's , where supper was sorvod.
The members of the party wcrq : AIissos
Lowe. Pauline Lowe , Balbncn. Nettle John
son , String , Joslyn and Bedford ; Messrs.
Knapp , Wnsbburn , Strang , Chnrlton , Stone ,
Gurdon , Bnttln , Suydam nnd Kennedy.
A congenial company ot young people en
joyed n most delightful ctroulng Monday , tbo
occasion being a sleighing party given by
seven or eight inou. After a trip to the Post
the party sat down lo n most delicious sup
per at Mrs. Uoano's ' where pleasure reigned
supremo. Those present were : Miss Harges ,
Allss Doane , Miss Emily Wnkeloy , Miss Hipp
of Cincinnati , Miss Mary Popploton , Miss
Hughes , Miss Barnard , Mr. Will Doano , Mr.
Arthur Gulou , Mr. Falrflold , Mr. Charles
Howe , Mr. Curtis Turner , Air. Frank Ham
ilton , Mr. Caldwcll Hamilton , Mr. Colos.
A thoroughly enjoyable sleighing party
was given by the young ladles In the north
part of the city Thursday evening , a largo
six-horso slelKh being used. After riding
about the city Miss Wollor of Ifounlzo Place
Invited the guests to tnko luncheon with her
and the result was a glorious good time ,
These participating were : Misses Wollor , .
Haskoll , Slaughter , Davenport , Hulott , WH-
kins. Faucott , May F.iucott , McCuno , Ruth
Welter , Hamlin , Byrne , Messrs. Davenport ,
Palmutlor , Uoss , Gnlloncamp , Couelaud ,
Hulott , Andrews , McCuuo , Wollor. Faucott ,
McConnoll. Mr. and Airs. Davenport , chap-
' Saratoga lycouni electedofllcors for the ensuing
suing year on Wednesday evening as follows :
President , Louis LltUoflold ; vlco-prosidont ,
Edgar Smith ; secretary , William A. Pluraor ;
treasurer , Charles Cox. This Is the twen
tieth year of the lycoum's oxlstonco. It has
in its membership the loadlntr people in tbo
i north part of thu city. Regular meetings are
ihold'on ' Wednesday evening of each wooir , at
which time a flno program is always
arranged , consisting of select reading , recita
tions , singing aud a debate of some live sub
ject , also tbo reading of tbo weekly paper
entitled ' -The Uollector , " which Is edited by
a corps of editors.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. C. E. Yost , 423
North Twenty-third street , gave n lovely
matiniso ten , which broUghtout the fashion
ables In numbers. The bouso Is perfection
itself and Mrs. Yost entertains In an Ideal
'manner. The guests woWM'&sdainos Mon > -
man , Pritchott , McCofd/J'Wlll Mlllard ,
Carrier , Lander , AIorHs'"De\vis Rood , Ale-
Intosh. McGco of Council."Wlilfls , Squires ,
Charles Squires , Sinltb"SjT ; > . Bnrkalovv ,
Newton Bnrknlow , Chasfy' ' "Will Poppleton ,
Garncau , J. 1 { , KlngwaltJ , ° itHchcock , Uom-
ingtoit , ' Mlssos Pornno,1 Co'iiolana , Brown ,
Sherwood , McKcnn'a , Beelcmfb , Ella Smith ,
Wakoley , Wallace. *
Mrs. D. H. Wheejer ga 5 § , piinrming kon-
( Sipgton Friday uftornooiv to tuo older society
people. This week she will lorttortain the
younger members of the boau.mondo. These
present on Friday were ; Mrs- . J , Popplo-
tou , .Mrs. Holdroge , , Mfj. jVVnkeloy , Airs.
Wood , Mrs , Tnurstou , , ] } > Ics ( , Barker , Mrs ,
WhoelojvMr Parker , AJU : % 03 , J. Brpwn ,
Mrs. fttcICouiia , Mrs. She'rjaati , Mrs. Morse ,
iMrs. Sharp , Airs. BroatcK ( AIRS' Cornish ,
Alrs Brpoko. Airs. Paxtou , JMrj jaurijham ,
Mrj .iraith , JMV3 Burns , , $ Ic3rtUawdvMr3.
Carter , Airs..Boyd , Airs''Ureou , ' Mrs.'Lin-
ingor. Airs. Gilbert , Mrs. CdUJq , Ar . Wos-
sos | , Airs. Thayer , Mrs. Cotton , Airs. Barka- ,
low , Mrs. Hartmon , Airs. Dubois , Mrs , Bqb < -
cock , Airs. Colpotzor. Airs. Pratt , Airs. Car
ter , Mrs. Ambrose , Mrs. Smith , Mrs , Mot-
calf , Airs. Cowin , Alt's. Swobo , Airs. Briggs ,
Airs. Council , Mrs. Burns of Anaconda ,
Airs. Robert Walls entertained Wednes
day evening lu honor of her guest , Allss
Keeco , at high five. Following is n list of
the guests : The Alisses Bacho , Miss Donno ,
Aliss Harces , Aliss Hall , Miss Shears , Allss
Wakeloy , Miss Warraclf , Aliss Hoagland ,
Miss Itnwlea , Aliss Voung , Allss Chambers ,
Mhs WiUou , Allss Hughes , Miss Bishop ,
tbo Misses Wadlolgh , Air. nnd Airs. Acueson ,
Air. and Airs. Harvey , Air. and Airs. Hill ,
Air. Hall , Air. WorrackAir. . Palmer. Mr.
Hastings , Air. Fonda , Air. AIcDoucral , Air.
Hess , Air , Hoth , Air. Choate , Air. Robinson ,
Air. Lewis , Air. Klsk , Air. K. C. Barton.'AIr.
Alurray , Air. Nelson , Air. Charles hill , Air.
Guiou , Air. Chat Uedick. The prizes won
were ns follows : Aliss Wakoloy , llr&t prize ,
cut glass plate ; Allss Harges , second prize ,
cup and saucer ; Altss Chambers , booby
prize , paper weight ; Air. J. F. Hill , llrat
prize , leather wallet ; Stockton Heath , second
end prize , silver pencil ; Air. Wilson , booby
prize , peanut man.
Honlli Onmlm Society ,
The party given by the Indies df tho" Young
People's social club on Thursday evening
proved an elegant and most enjoyable nffalr.
The entire affair was gotten up by the ladles
'and ' the greatest consideration was abown by
lUem for tlioir t'ontluinoa guests. A dainty
cupper was sorvod. ,
The young ladies getting up tbo nffalr
were : Allssea Woodard , E. Woodord , S.
Elliot , C. Carlos , D. Carpenter , J. Savage ,
AI. Hush , AI. Laur , J. Siipploo , N. Arnold ,
H. Lambert , C. Persons , L. Cooper , C.Tylor ,
E. Tyler , AI. Kiclmrdson , Lin a Hamilton ,
Davis , L. Nilscho , AI. Hoed , M. Adams.
The guests were ! Air. and Airs. Jones ,
Air. and Mr * . Beaten ; Messrs. H. Christie ,
K. Hotcber , B. Wllcox. II. Carpenter. J.
Ackorly. H. AIcDougal , H. Kelly , F. Urinlth ,
H. PottiUKor. S. Prague , Charles Lake , E.
Patton , F. Supplteo , L. Utter , C. Cooper ,
II. Broadwoll , O. It. Kelly. V. Grantharn ,
, \V. Ward , F. Coekrell , B. Pleradn , Air.
Alunshnw , F. Dennis , A. Walker , W , Laugh-
Uu , B. lllcliox.
The ladles of tho'Eplscopat church gave a
dime social Thursday evening at the homo of
Mra. A. W. Snxn , Twenty-fourth aud F
btrceta. A goou-alzoo crowd was in attend
ance nnd nn enjoyable evening was nassod.
The evening's program WA * a follows :
Piano duet , Dr. Borvvlck and Air. Lnndsberg ;
recitation , Airs. Sullivan ; duet , cornet aud
piano. Airs. Suxo und Air , Qarloy ; vocal duet ,
Air. Carloy nnd Mrs. Saxo ; 'rocal solo , AUss
McDonald ; duet , Air. ifaiMoborg'aud Dr.
Berwlcn. '
Charles Black of Atlantic"H. , it the ( juost
of his sister , Airs , H , Heyln&cF. '
The young ladioi of BroVvij'Parl ? will give
a leap year party nest wo.etf1' "
Air. Myles Welsh has ratuntbd from ICan-
sas City with his. brldo. \ lf \
William Fergus in of Lincoln , Is the guest
of his fathor-lu-Iaw , E. J-J.'y/'Jp' ' / '
International riu.Htoi-uril.riy iiilik'to Their
I.itlijtrx und AIJiirn ( | ,
The Operative internnllDndhPlasterors as
sociation , which has boon rift bmvontlon the
paat week at the Dolloic''lu6tol ? ' , adjourned
sine die yesterday at noon , . Thu , various dele
gates of tbo United States , anil Canada loft
for tholr rospootivo homo * at 0 o'clock last
night. Botoro adjourning , however , the con
vention decided to hold tuo next convention
at Pltuburg the third week lu January , 16W.
There wera six cities In tbo race lor tbo
honor of getting tha convention. Tiiov wore ,
aaldo from PiUsburg , Chicago , Detroit ,
Loulavlllo , Wbuellng nud Brooklyn ,
Hcsolutlous of thanks to the local union of
plasterers , to the hotel nt which they were
domiciled , to the press and to Tun BBB par
ticularly for extending an Invitation to tbo
delegates to vlait the greatest newspaper
building In tbo country , were passed , nnd
then tbo adjournment wus taken ,
A very a mall pill , but a very good ono. Del
Witt'a ilttlo IJarly ItUori.
Dr. Culllmoro , ociuUt , Boo building.
Omaha People Asked to Subscribe a Qnar-
qutca Fund for tbo Nntioual Drill ,
Ho Ilii4 Sccilrnl the Mrptlng for Onmlm
Ciiiiilllliinally mill Hiu JMncIo nn InU-r-
CHthif ; Ditliuiiti' of Ilin NiU'ot-
s.iry riimiKT' ,
Intoroit Is again being revived In the Na
tional Compotltlvo Drill association , whose
next competition Is proposed to bo hold In
Omaha some tlmo in Junc.
Several woo s ngo a mooting of various
committees of the different trade nnd busU
ness organizations was hold , nnd ox-Alnyor
Broatch was elected president ot the joint
committees , but now Mr. Broatch says his
private business interests compel him to
resign in favor of some one else who can devote -
vote moro time to 11.
'iho competitive drill will bo between nil
the military companies of the United States.
Through the efforts of Messrs. Alulford and
Aitchlson of th < j Omaha guards the encamp
ment was secured for Omaha last year at the
national encampment hold at Indianapolis.
Thirty thousand dollars as a guarantee
fund for prizes to bo offered to the visiting
aud competing companies , as well ns to coyer
tbo preliminary expanses , is" wanted by these
interested in the scheme , Captain Alulford
of the Omaha guards thinks that not a dollar
will oomo out of the pockets of tbo business
men who guarantee tiio fund. Ho believes
that the gate receipts , the erand stand foes
nnd the ground privileges will moro than reImburse -
Imburso tuo parties furnishing the guar
antee fund.
( More .Mjittrr of .Money.
At a committee mooting hold yesterday
afternoon at the Board of Trade rooms , ho
sold It would bo a shnnio for the cltl/ons of
Omaha to let tbo drill go by default after the
National association hud given It to this city.
In order to Induce the military companies
froin the far east and the south to come hoio
the city would have to ollernt least WO.OOO In
prizes. The other $10,000 would hnvo to bo
guaranteed for expenses In making arrange
ments , for advertising , procuring touts ,
grounds-ancl the like.
Captain Alulford nUo prsscnted n state
ment of the leccipts nnd expenditures for the
Indianapolis encampment. It showed the re
ceipts to bo $10,000 nnd the expenses $ fa,000 ,
leaving n balance or profit of $ . ' ,700. Ho
makes & .comparative estimate for the en-
campmontfor Omaha. The way he figures
It the receipts , including the gate toll , the
ground .privileges , tuer grand stand receipts ,
will bo fil.BOO. The expenses , including
$20,000 in prices , nnd otjior expenses , will bo
$27,000 , leaving n profit of $5,50(1. (
As the mooting was not largely attended it
was decided to 'adjourn until 7:15u : oclock
Wednesday night , when It Is oxpcctod that
n largo attendance will bo had to glvo ex
pression to ( heir views as to whether or not
they wnn tfio competitive drill in Omaha.
If thpy don't ' Jt will go to sotno ether city.
Oinnlni Workmen lircrlvo I lie Snpioiuo
.Atlister Worltnmu pi ( lie Order.
The § 00 member * of the Auplout Order of
United Workman lodge of this city , together
with their wives , had a merry tlmo at tbo
Grand opera house last night. The occasion
was an entertainment and reception tendered
to J , W.Klnloy of Hclonp , Mont. , supreme
muster workman of the order ,
The officers of the grand ledge of tbo state ,
together with the officers ot a number of the
lodges in the citv , pccuplod places 'on the
stage. W. J. Broatch acted as master of
Tito entertainment opened with a piano
duet , rendered by Prpf. Allen and Aliss
Havorley. This was followed by remarks
by-Mr ; Broatch , giving n shoit tifstory of
the -wore that the order had. accomplished in
Omana.- ( . r Oj u < i -
Th9 address of.welcome should have boon
delivered by AInyor Bemls , but on account of
hat gentleman having boon unavoidably ab
sent , the duty of welcoming the truest of tbo
evening devolved upon J. W. Carr.
Air. Kinloy stated that it was always a
pleasure for htm to moot and talk to a body
oforkmon. . The fact of his mooting
Workmen always suggested that ho was
thrown lu contact witL thinking men men
who were ready and willinjr to contribute to
the support of widows and oiphans. The
Workmen had accomplished a great deal.
They had built up the strongest .fratornul
organization In the United States , and each
hour In the day and each day In the year
were paying our , 81,000 to tbo widows nnd
orphans. The Workmen wore engaged In a
calling that commanded the respect of nil
and tuo admiration of every nation on tbo
globe. The system was simple mid consisted
simply of keeping the ranks filled with good
Air. Klnloy extended an Invitation to tbo
Omaha urothrcu to attend the mooting of the
supreme ledge to bo hold at Helena next
Juno , und assured them that they would be
ns warmly welcomed as would bo the mom-
Dors of the supreme lodgo.
Following the uddrosB G. AI. Frazler de
livered a recitation , There were moro songs
and' music , after wulch J. G. Tate , grand
master workman of Nobrusiin , spoke , out
lining the woik that had been performed in
this state. *
.Siituriliiy i\enliiK : : Alilutluut or Tno Mul-
( lunx lutei-ulpted l > y ail Oil , Sln\e.
Two girls , ' a bath and an oil stovoconcoctcd
a very respectable blaze and moro or loss ex
citement at 1015 Dodge atroot shortly before
0 o'clock last ovoumg. It was In ex-Mayor
H. C. Cushlng's row of brick Hats , in apart
ments occupied by Mrs , Goldman.
The girls were In the bath room , nnd the
ol | steve was doing duty taking the keen
odea off tbo water. What happened ono of
the girls don't know , and the ether can't ' toll ,
but It Is generally conceded that In the course
of its operations thn steve became rod boU
Possibly so mo water was bplasbod on
it , but In nny event It exploded.
A venerable gentleman who occupies nn
adjoining room hoard the racttet and waltzed
in. He waltzed out again , ucspito tbo tear
ful behests of the maidens to pick up the rod
hot steve and throw it out of the window.
Ono of the girls HCiud n quilt nnd throw it
ever the cause of the ttoublo. It may bnvo
extinguished the blaze but it didn't extin
guish tbo rod hot Iron worth n coat , and
was soon adding fuel to the flames. The
boarder offered to go after the II ro depart
ment , but could find only ono of bis shoos ,
and did not reach tholowcr llooroqulppoil for
bis Journey until the lira was out and tbo
firemen were "reeling up1' ' to go homo.
The damage to no bulldinc will amount to
about fc.V. ! ) nnd about half that amouut on
turnituro , both of which are covered by in-
The 11 ro reporter inada a wild dash to Air.
Cushing'tt resilience , but returned cimpty-
bnndcd , us Unit gentleman U In Nc\v York.
This mnHcfi twenty fires which the depart
ment hat , attended this month , nnd Jnnuarv
bids fair to bent thu record , which now
stands qt thirty-four.
Tr > lug I" It
A movement U under way to rcorgnnUo
the Klus Social club , The schema Is to soil
its furniture , which cost about $ o,000 , to an
Independent nlub for ft ! , 000 and then disband
as an adjunct to the Elks lodgo.
Subscription papers were out yesterday
for the now club , for such it will bo , nnd It
Is proposed to put the scheme through If 100
gentlemen put their names down for mem
bership. The Initiation Is fixed at f .whlah
will hnvo to bo put up ou signing n paper , as
well as $9 for three months' duos In advance.
Member * of tbo Klus club will go Into tbo
now organization on the sumo oasis as
The 2,000 will bo used to wipe out the
debts of the old club. A mooting will bu
bold at the olub rooms thla aftor/ioon to dls-
OURS the matter , and it U thought that the
now organization will bo In full swing Inside
fa month.
bmutsl''l 1)11 )
Von i ; , Jan. -Ludovlo Splrldon , an
art dcalar , was arrested today charged with
smuggling oil paintings Into thu country ,
U U iftld ho bad smuggled lu palutlnys woith
$100,000. It Is said other nrt dealers nro to
bo nrrostod on similar charge * .
Ho Will linn for COMKI-CM If Up U Needed
Uiully ,
Air. J , G. Tale of Hastings , grand master
workman of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen of Nebraska , U nt tbo Mlllard.
Speaking of the gossip about his bolnr a
probable candidate for congress In the Fifth
district , Air. Tate said yesterday to a Bnn
man ! "I am not nt present making any otiorts
to pave the way to n nomination. I will not
say now that I will not bo n candidate , bo-
cmiso complications may arise which would
make It satisfactory to n largo number of the
republicans of the Fifth district to see mo
nominated. As I look nt It. a loval republican
should never plaro himself whrro ho cannot
bo of sorvlco to the party In the capacity of a
standard bearer In case ho Is needed. For
this reason I say now that 1 cannot sny posi
tively that I will not be a candidate , I don't
expect to bo , but I nwy bo. "
o ofLiiurrU ,
( ItTNTSVii.i.K , AU , , Jan. 10 , Tbo North
Alabama Improvement company has sold nil
Us properties , worth about * ' ! .000,000 , to the
North western Land association of Pierre ,
S. D.
A U'limiiu'ti MiKK < 'itloii.
OMUM , Jan. ID. To tbo Editor of TIIK
BCE : Not long ago' the writer noticed n
newspaper article suggesting a certain num
ber of days hard labor as n punishment for
drunkenness nnd a probable euro. It seems
evident that the author of that article had
watched drunkenness from the lop of the
bill , and had nov'or witnessed tbo struggle
with the evil ono which some men ex
perience. There Is no room for doubt that
the vice becomes moral slavery , or as Dr.
Kooloy treats It a disease , neither Is tboro
any doubt as to the chains being voluntarily
forged In the beginning , or the disease being
carelessly contracted. As long ns men of
otherwise blameless character offer the
"social glass" und nro soon to enter saloons ,
Just so long weaker men will drag them
selves aud the innocent members of their
families downward to all the torments
of n drunkard's homo. However ,
this article was commenced simply to offer
another suggestion ns to the best way for
this city to battle with the curao of nations.
To my mind tboro would bo n kind of pootio
Justice in appropriating the Income derived
from saloon taxation nnd establishing
"scholarships for tbo Keelov academy , " If.
a man does not wish to bo cured then con-
dotnu him to hard labor until ho can make a
rational choice ho oueht not to bo free to
become a dangerous "citlron * . Undoubtedly
tno city ( others would ho surprised at the
number of victims eager aud willing to bo
cured of the Insnno craving for liquor.
It has boon i said that business men nro
taking an Interest In the Kooloy euro because
there is "mouoy In It. ) ' 'How much nobler ,
grander would It bo for the state to tnko i
deeper Interest because there Is huinnnttv lu
IU The Emperor William with Dr , KooloyN
help would soon hnvo Gonnnnv the .labor
naUonof the world , why should not our Httlo
city of Omaha do something for thociuuol
While our women nro busy nldlnif the suffer
Ing families of di Inking men , lot us see thcli
husbands nnd sons nnd brothers helping the
weaker ones to recover tholr moral strength ,
'loo many mon think they hnvo bought free
dom from moral responsibility by handing
ever generous checks to tholr'wives for tin
relief of the poor , forgetting that the bonl
help n poor slrugglluR wlfo could have
would bo n husband restored to sobriety.
Another painful fnct Is burned Into the soul
of ovcry thoughtful mother In this city ,
which this suggestion readies , nnd that Is
that the wngcs of vlco nnd sin nro used to
educate nor child , How much purer , nobler ,
moro In harmony with the eternal litiu'ss of
things would our city government bonho/uld
the voters of Omaha demand that the nivonuo
from saloon llccnsu bo used to restore drunk-
nrdH. nnd that most nhnnioloss license of nil
bo given to the support of "Tho Kosouo. "
H. M. 1) .
I'Ol'l'I.AIl I'lUOKS.
1'lvo nlilit < eoniinoncliu WiMlniMiInr , .Inmiutr II.
.Mnlliu'ti snturtlnr nml Miintlnjr
NoTAT-toii Boers
In Ills M islorplsco or V liulrani i ,
Sniurtliiy Mntliuui ,
2Bth Anniversary of the Omaha
Turn Verein ,
Saturday , January 23d , ' 92.
jpimmtA.M ,
I..Mnsmal C'alosllionlcs ( llrU
'i Wand I'\orcliOH . . . . Hoys
II. UltihSMltitfltu tn .Music. . . . Yomiit l.adlus
4. lj\orcl * > os on the Parallel Hun Timicn
D. Kxorclses on the HoiUnntul Hur . TIIIIIOM
( I. Kvorulses on the I.ouif lions
7. Oiook Tiiblu.uiY . . . . . . . . Tuinon
Assisted by the Turners fliiartcltc Club.
Admission 60o , Tno'udiug ' laJy aud Oou' .
Tickets to lie had of J. 1. 1'nmhanf , J
Itauinor and II. ICnmlc.
Weak Commonclin ; Momlar , .Inn II , On * muk nnlr.
The Kruntott ( if nil llluxluiH ,
G A IA m T K A
Alicautlfiil ntntiia or marble trnntfurmiM to u llv-
Inubulnu nnil Liuk nitnln tu mirlJli' .
Goo. Kdwnnli tpml.illr Artlstf.
Victor Irtje's Vuiiilovllhx
A Imlsslon Ono Dime. Upuu , D.iHy 11 < > ) l ) ly.
' NEW .
govonloonlU and Ilarnon SI roots.
n Mi. i. n i i '
One ! \oullLikcIt.
Night Only. , _ .
1 January 17.
Koturiilng from a Triumphal Tour of the 1'aclllo C' , In John J. MuNally's Intoit Uiuatlini ,
OKOIHJR / ; M.tlllOfT ,
1GNAT10 iU
: JvlllllY ,
irai , Jt.
Jtl..ltiiJlltl M.s
OTIS ll. : r. iinmit , A.
< w
Ml'fUllRT.T. . JtUXt' ill IO.V. .
Ftnontucnth and Harnoy Streets.
A Nautical Pantomimic Gomec// ,
Introducing . . . . 17 An.l Excellent
The Famous LVm Cast of Players.
I. Homo of O'Connor liy Moonll ht. The llulfry Chlinus. Tim .Soiviiadi1. Thu Klilo.
Thu t'haie.
AVT Ji. , Kallwuy and Stoamshlp DOCK. The ni > toctlv . A 1'iital T.ettor. Hcono S-OIT f' r
Tranoo. Tim UutopiH. "KlKlit Hulls. " Tim \Vn\ol. .
( The involving Hhlp in thU scnno U a wonder In Hta' < o InvunUmi. )
ACT //r.-Safo on the Trench Coast. Hearts too Mght to Bliilc. Murry-innkliiK 1" tJnlnbrntlnti
of thu ItescMio ;
Durlnjt the nation of thu play the cclobritod niiMitrloQiiiirlol Aluasr * . Korr. McOtbi1 , Kerr
nnd Hardlim ; Mr. Tom llrotvno , "Tho KliiKof Wlilstlun , " unit hint of spiclalllt ; .
Wednesday and Saturday Monday , January
Elaborate Scenery.
Novel Mechanical Effects.
And a Superb Company.
The Production a Marvel of
. Stage Mechanism and Magnificence