Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1892, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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iJeilvcreil by Carrier to nny ptirtof tlio City
il. W. TII/rON , - MAXAOKH. ,
1lmlno Office . . . . . . . .No 43
Knm. , . No jjj
K , Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Dlufh Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans. 201 Sapp bloclf.
Willie Linnhan died of scarlet fever yester
day morning' , aged I years.
Unbo Hunker , who has been 111 with schr-
let fever for several days pust , was pro
nounced somewhat bottea yesterday.
An Information was Illed before Justice
Kwoarlngen yesterday charging William
Provo with the larceny of a whip from L. ( ! .
Knolls & Co.
Miss Laura Fllekliigcr 1ms roturnoJ from
Independence- , where she has been spending
n couple of weolis with her mother , who has
been quite 111 but is now Improving.
K. ( llasgow wns arrested yesterday morn
In ) , ' for nipping n silk inufllor out of the
Docket , of a man who wns eating nt n South
Main street restaurant. Ho wns given n
trial and was sent to the county jail for
hcvcn days.
Louisa A. Stevens filed a petition Tor n di
vorce yesterday In the district court. She
nllcgcs'lhnl she wns married to Charloi M.
Stevens In Prlncoton , Ind , , In 1SS1 nnd lived
with him until last year , when she found
him guilty of Inlldoltty nnd left him.
A. motion was ( lied In the district court
yesterday by the defendants in the case of J.
1 { . Hallcy ngalnst M. M. Stead man , et nl ,
nsklng that the bond'glvon by the plaintiff
lu the suit iccontly commenced to enjoin
thorn from transferring the stock in tno Non
pareil publishing company , bo Increased by
S. F. Hoag , who lost his vallso a few days
ngo and suspected .1. C. Hopkins , n brakeman
nn the Kansas City road , of running off with
It , has recovered his property. It was In the
bauds of Hopkins , who was simply waiting
fora chance to return it to Its owner , and
Hoag is now convinced that he was n little
rash in making so serious a charge against
him ,
Frank Williams , who wears a cowboy suit
lo Impress people generally with a duo idea
of his toughness , xvas given u thirty days'
Kcntotico In police court yesterday morning
am n charge of vagrancy. O. \Vlntorsttno ,
who boat a young man named Bochtolhoim
out of all bis mono ) ' at a skin came of poker ,
was given a similar sentence on the same
The case of C. H.Vhltc , deputy city mar
shal , against Pottawattamlo county , brought
lo recover SI BO claimed as fees for serving
papcis in criminal cases , was on trial In the
MI fierier court yesterday afternoon. The
county refused to settle the claim on the
ground that the cases In which the costs bad
accumulated had nearly nil been in the jus
tice court of N. Schur/ , and tbo serving of
papers should thcrofoio have been done by
the constable.
Some complaint Is being made on account
of I ho recklessness ofthe boys who coast on
the various streets of the city , particularly
ncross main street and Washington avenue.
The coasting across these streets is rendered
very dangerous , on account of the frequency
of teams passing nnd the fact that no ono is
at hand to signal when a collision is likely to
occur. A number of serious accidents have
heon narrowly averted during tbo last few
A largo number wont to the transfer
jestcrday morning to sco the sixty ton gun
which , according to the morning papers ,
was to pass through the city on Its way to
the went. The announcement was made at
the request of the general freight agent nt
tlio transfer , and was supposed , to bo ofll-
clal. After the announcement had been
made thcro was u change made in the pro
gram , which tno railway people did not take
the trouble to let the puDlic know , hence the
disappointment ,
Boston Store , Council BluFs , la. , will
rotnmonco their semi minimi clearing
sale of winter goods Wednesday , Jan
uary iJO , nnd continuing for ton days.
Htoro will bo closed till day Tuesday
Hitirking down goods and ranking prep
arations for this'grent snlo. Watch the
duilv papers Tuesday for tno price list.
Council Bluffs , la.
Kisscll Conli'HKpd.
The grand Jury spent n largo part ot yester
day afternoon Investigating the case of Fred
Kisscll , who Is In Jell charged with druirgiiii ;
nnd robbing ono Sam Stogolln , who is now
serving out a sentence for drunkenness. The
amount alleged to have born obtained by
Kisscll and his "Dutch"
partner , Boyinc-
ton , a hackdrlver , is 5.10 , and the au
thorities claim to have secured al
most conclusive evidence of tbo
guilt of Kissoll , if not of the other. A day
or two ago the Jailor happened to overhear a
conversation between Kissoll and some of
the other men In thn Jail , in which ho made
n clean breast of- the affair. Thrco of the
men whom ho took Into his confidence were
afterwards put. through a course of cross-
questioning by the eltv marshal , and were
taken before the'grand Jury yostordav after
noon to tell what they know about the caso.
Charles Hell , another prisoner at the city
jail , says Kisscll narrated to him the details
of several drugging and lobbing exploits in
which ho bad been Implicated , and If half
what ho told was true , there ran bo uut lit-
llo doubt as to hU all around toughness.
Kisscll i.s said to have bad nMiaro in knock
ing down and robbing a traveling man on
I'iorco streot'nbout four years ngo , his . ac
complice bolng Charley Smith , who was re
leased last week after serving a term In the
penitentiary for the offense. Kisscll was
thought at the time to be as deep in the mire
ns Smith , but ho somehow managed to escnpo
iiuiilshinont. Now , however , there scorns to
lie no doubt of his guilt , nnd the chances of
him and Hoyington for being sent to tbo pen
itentiary nro very bright.
Wo have our own vinoynrds in Califor
nlu. Jtirvls Wino comnany , Co. Bhiirs
ISoilor , tlio tnllor , 10 Broadway , 1ms
nil the Into9t styles and now winter
goodrf. Satisfaction guurantoed.
llnthrr Too Sudden ,
The report published In n Council Dluffs
paper yesterday morning to the effect that
Colonel J , J , Stoadraan had received otllclnl
notice of his appointment as clerk of the fed
eral district , is pronounced by that gentle
man to bo a fnko. Ho states that ho has not
received the notice , and that In fact It has
not yet been decided who Is to bo tbo lucky
man. Ho has hones , but further than that
ho cannot go. The appointment will bo first
made public next week at tbo opening of the
district court nt Kcokuk. The appointment
of a deputy clerk to succeed F , M. Hunter
will also probably bo made at the ! > anio time.
There are thrco candidates now In the Held ,
U. H. Muyne , William McCrary aim F. Al.
rim at the stock
Shortly alter 0 o'clock last night an alarm
Df lira was sent In from box -II , at the trans
fer , on account of n blaio which had
itnrtod in the stock yards. Ono of
the water tanks hail caught tire
und was burning rapidly. Only the
Lower itroadwny nnd South Main street hose
companies responded to the llrst inarm , but
about an hour later a general alarm was sent
In , which called out both the others. Uoforo
the II ro was oxtmculshoit the tank was completely
plotely destroyed , but by hnrd work it was
prevented from apicaillnir to the cattle pens
which stood near by. The entire damage
was estimated at about $700 , which was cov-
md by Insurance.
Walnut block and Wjomlug coal ,
fresh mltiud , received daily Thatcher ,
JO Main ,
8 nun I r lturo.
John Orcon , who lias knpt a boot and shoo
shop at il Broadway for n number of years ,
assigned to fieri Shcoloy yesterday for tbo
bonolit of his creditors , turning over all his
lock , fixtures and book accounts. Accord-
UKtohU statement hi a liabilities amount to
Vbout tl.'W. .
Annnnl drop of Candidates I * Now Receiv
ing Careful Attention ,
nir * or I'arllrft Hiupri'liMl of Hill during
Ilrslrr l < i ii < r rTlirlr IVllim' CIIUcus
us .Alii ) or , .Mnrnlialf ) or
As the spring election draws near candi
dates for'the various political ofllcos nro be
ginning to come to the front in a quiet sort
Of way and sot up vlchy nnd sclt/er watbr to
the men who expect to exercise the right of
suffrage In the course of n few months. The
prospects nro now that the combat will boone
ono of the hottest over seen In Council Bluffs ,
nnd'lf the cnudldatos multiply ns fast in the
next six weeks ns they have in the last two
there h danger that thcro will not bo enough
outsiders loft to make a majority for nny ono
candidate when It comes to mnUlng nomina
tions. Most of the candidates so far discov
ered belong to the democratic party , a- the
republicans nro hiding their plans until the
last moment for of having their political
aspirations knocked Into n cocked hat by
making them known prematurely.
S. B. Wndsworth and A.'C. Graham nro
among the names prominently mentioned
ns candidates for the oftlco of mayor. Wads-
worth Is thought to have something of nn
advantage from the fact that Graham al
ready holds two oftlceo , which will probably
injure his chances for getting any moro.
Mayor Macrae is also talked of bv some for
nsccond term. LiUclus Wells Is believed to
have a covetous eye on the place ,
nnd Judge W. C. James' name will
again bo presented , ns it has on
a number of previous occasions. J. B ,
Weaver , Judge McGee , G. A. Holmes nro
also mentioned , and It Is believed John
Schoontgcn would not object to the honor if
It were thrust upon him , although ho strenu
ously denies having any aspirations In that
direction , E. L. Shugart nnd Alderman
Wood nro talked of as possibilities from a re
publican standpoint.
J. J. Stewart has a strong following for
city attorney , and the frienJs of G. A.
Holmes are pushing him forward. Like nil
good politicians , however , Mr. Holmes do-
claroi that ho Is not in the raco. Judge E.
E. Aylosworth , J. G. Tlnton , Emmet Tlnloy
and Frank Trimble are also thirsting for a
chance to take charge of the city's legal in
terests. A. S. Hazelton will bo a republican
For city marshal J. L. Tomplcton , the pres
ent Incumbent , U a prominot candidate for
ro-olcction. Ho will have to light J. J. Hatha
way , John Churchill , F. H. Guanolla and his
present , deputy , Charles White , when it
comes to the democratic nominations , with no
ono knows how many other competitors in
the ring , the icccnt failure of the council to
BOSS an ordinance cutting off his fees having
wonderfully quickened the candidate mar
ket. J. M. Scanlan and Theodore Guittnr
are mentioned by the republicans as candi
dates for the ofllco.
How many men In the different wards
which elect aldermen this year are nursing
boomlcts Is not yet fully known' , but there
are sure to bo enough to satisfy the most
greedy. Alderman Casper will undoubtedly
come before the republican convention as a
candidate for renomination , while E. T.
Waterman would bo willing to carry the
colors of the democratic party In bis
ward. In the second P. Wind , C.
Boson and V. Battin are mentioned by
the republicans , and E. P. Bellinger ,
\V. H. ICnophor , nndCy. " Danforth by tbo
democrats. W. A. Hlghsmitb and E. A.
Trouunan nro after the democratic nomina
tion ID the Fifth and Peter Smith has al
ready announced himself as U candidate for
re-election nt tbo hands of tbo republicans.
U. II. White and T. L. Smith nro among
those who have entered the contest for the
nomination of aldorman-at-large.
J. C. Lange will bo candidate for ro-olec-
tlon to the ofllco of auditor , and It is stated
that C. A. Hammer and E. J. Abbott will
also bo In the ring. L. Kinnehan is tbo only
candidate so far hoard of fortbo ofllco of city
treasurer and W. D. Hardlii the only candi
date for assessor.
A citizens' ticket Is being strongly advo
cated by n number of prominent citizens ,
both republicans nnd democrats , who have
not become disheartened by tbo lailuro of
the last citizens' movement to cure every ill
that threatened the city government. The
Idea , it is needless to say , meets with the
hearty approval ot a largo number of the
present city ofllclals , who wore elected bv a
move of this kind , and nro now waiting to
see what tbo prospects uro for a repetition of
the program of two years ago before casting
In their lots with either party. Drvssmalclng.
Ten years experience , lit guaranteed
without change of seam or no pay ;
prices $3.00 to $5.00 , ladica please call.
Meedamcs Earnott. M. A. Fair. M. G.
Triplow , C25 South Main , second lloor
Jaryls wild blackborrv is tha bost.
Sensational II\orc Suit Hi-ought Again to
the Siirlncu Soinr DffaiillH.
Tbo divorce suit of Mary Olmstoad against
David It. Olnistead , the well kilown fruit
farmer living east of the city , was again
brought to the public notice yesterday by the
liling of some now papers lu the district
court. The case , it will bo remembered , had
some icnsational circumstances , Mrs. Olm-
stend baying returned homo after n confine
ment in the Insane asylum ami , found her
husband , according to the allegations'of the
petition , living with a Mrs. Fisher. She
was nut nut of the house when she sought to
regain her former place in her husband's
homo and soon after brought the suit for a
divorce which Is now ponding. Yesterday
Mrs. Olmstoad filed nn application for tem
porary alimony in the sum of $1,000 , stating
that she is In feeble health and In u penniless
condition. She claims that her husband Is In
a prosperous way financially , owning a largo
farm which she has heard him say is worth
JI300 an acre. In renly to this the defendant
made n showing that ha was not worth ? lf > , -
000 , as the plaintiff claimed , and that ho was
indebted to various parties in the sum of
M.GOO , and therefore not able to furnish ali
The following coses were also disposed of :
Ethel 0. Soarlos against Wilfred C. Soarlos ,
decree of divorce on default , awarding the
custody of minor children to plaintiff ;
Charles O. Watts against Maggie L. U'atts ,
decree of divorce In favor of plaintiff ; Hus-
sell J. Straight against Walter W ; Lomnn et
nl , Judgment on default ; C , C. Greenwood
against Catherine DraUon , decree for plain
tiff ; K Hammer against Miles S. Hoop ot al ,
Judgment on default ; F. C. f ougoo against
C. Minor ot al , judgment by default ; Public
Guaranty Savings bank against A. M. John
son , Judgment on default ; F. J. Uav against
H. D. Phillips , dismissed at plaintiff's cost ;
Oitaqucheo Savings bank against Allco M.
Ellis ot al , decree of foreclosure in favor of
Drs , Woodburydontis'tsiiost to Grand
hotel ; fine work u specialty. Tele. 115.
Jarvis 1677 brandy , purest , safest , bost.
Dr. F. T Soybort has removed to the
Grand hotel. Telephone 35.
Swnnson Mualo Co. , Masonlo temple
The Uoston Store , Council Bluffs , In. ,
closes ovary evening at 0 p. in. , unless
Mondays and Saturdays. Mondays 0 p.
in. , Saturdays 10 p. m. Fotherlnghtun ,
Whltolaw & Co. , Council muffs , lu.
Ta IdHIT | About I'm Ing.
The residents of East Plcrco street think
they have a sure cinch on the council nt last
in the matter of getting their street paved as
fareaitns the intersection with Canning
street. They tinvo been Signing petitions to
the council for some time past , but so far all
their efforts to engineer the scheme through
to a successful issue have been In vain. The
subject has been referred to a spochl com
mittee consisting ot Aldermen Van Brunt ,
PRCO nnd Grave * , nml there it
stlclts. Now the residents come out
boldly and say ttiflt unions tuq
UCsIvoi ] having U riutiO on Plot'co street , they
will absolutely refuse to glvo the now ntotoi'
company the rlirht of way past their property
to tlio Chautatiqtia grounds , As Alderman
Van Brunt of tbo special committee Is greatly
interested In tlioChautauqtm grounds , und Is
currently reported to bo n stockholder in the
motor company , they have an Idea ( hut a
move like the present ono will bring thocoun-
ell to a scnso of what they mean quicker than
anything else.
The schema has a number ol friends in the
council , who claim that the paving should
bo done by all moans , ns the constantly in
creasing amount of travel to and from Wal
nut Hill cemetery nnd the Chautotiqua
grounds renders an Improvement of the read
International I'lmtrrrr * Did u Illjf Night's
Wink ( .nit Night.
The International plasterers' convention
was In session 'until 2 o'clock this morning.
During the night session many changes in
the union's constitution were made , iimong
which woio safo-Buntds to strikes. The
constitution as amtndod nnd reported upon
was adopted.
Then came tlio election of oftlccrs of the
Intornntlonnl association. C.V. . Sullivan of
Indianapolis was re elected president ;
Thomas Scully of Cincinnati , llrst vice presi
dent ; I. W. Dornslfeot Toledo , second vice
president ; H. Frn/lor of Plttsburg , third
vice president ; .lames O'Connor or Bonnn ,
secretary-treasurer. The executive commit
tee Is composed of the following gentleman :
Albert \V. Vyo. Boston , chairman ! Miles 1C.
Schumaker , Cleveland , nnd C. W. StooUer ,
Wheeling , W. Vn.
In the evening tbo local union spread a
banquet at tbo Dollone to which a number of
city nnd other ofllclnls were Invited to meet
thu delegates. For some icnson not nn offi
cial nut In nn appearance , ana only ono
Postmaster Clariison sent a note of regret.
But this did not interfere In the least with
the enjoyment of the occasion. An excellent ,
menu was discussed , and many felicitous
responses wcro made to the toasts proposed
by Toastmnstcr Sullivan.
At this morning's session the plasterers
decided upon i'lttsburg as the city in which
the noVt International convention will bo
jield In 139. ) .
I't'iist of ifillhlos niul Ur.itnry Srirc'iut Tor
Jtev. Dr. I.riiiiirl Moss ,
A banquet was given last night nt the
Puxton hotel by the Omaha Baptist Social
union in honor of Kov , Dr. Lemuel Mots of
Minneapolis. About eighty couples were In
attendance anil were seated at the tables at
0 o'clock.
After the repast Judge D. I ) . Gregory ,
toaUmaster , made reference to the Athenian
feats , and compared the banquet to them.
Then he introduced L. X ) . Holmes , who
toasted "Our Guests" in response.
Letters of regret were read from Rev. A.
W. Lnmar , who was to have toasted "Tho
Baptists , " Uov. Woods and Rev. O. A.
Williams , all of whom cald they welcomed
Dr. Moss.
The toast , "Omaha , " was responded to by
Uov. F. W. Foster , lie congratulated the
Baptists of this city. They had passed by
the history and gone through the struggles
of the early days. Ho extolled the increase
in population nnd religion of the city , but at
the sumo time ho did not think there were
ououch churches In Omaha. Ho bclioved
Christianity would bo more popular If there
.were moro sociability in tbo churches nnd
among the people. At some future time ho
expected to sco nt least 10,000 Baptists in
Rev. S. P. Wilcox responded to the toast ,
"Babtist Ruths , or the Sisterhood , " followed
by Rov. Lemuel Moss. Ho said the Baptists
sbould bo a spirited body , n spiritual and
inspiriting body , and tbon drifted off into
humorous stories.
The banquet was a very elaborate affair.
Iturkcciu-r Clmrlrs Hunt Stiihlirit by n NcRf'
AVIio Had No Monry.
James Wood , a negro , went into Mont
gomery & Adams' saloon , Fourteenth and
Uodgo streets , just baforo midnight" and
called for a drlnic. Ho got it , and then called
for another.
After putting this last nail in his coflln.
Wood quietly remarked that ho had no money
and consequently could not settle the little
bill. His behavior angered Bartender Charles
Hunt , and ho ordered him out of the place.
The negro wont at once , bis stops being has
tened by the flourishing of a mallet by Hunt.
After the saloon hud boon closed Wood at
tempted to enter again. The barkeeper took
down the bars to the door ana told him
to go away. Hot words followed and the
negro pulle-.l a Ion ? knife and made a slash
nt Hunt's face , just as the barkeeper hit the
nozro with the mallet.
Hunt got the worst of the deal , for the
knife blade cut a gash in bis face from the
oar to tbo chin , and sliding downward made
a long slash in his vest. The negro was
knocked down and when ho regained
his foot found a big bruise over
his right eye. The barkeeper hustled out to
llnd a doctor and his face was sewed up by
Dr. Sumnoy.
Ofllcer Boyle found Wood sitting on the
curbstone at the corner of Fourteenth and
Douglas streets bleeding copiously and took
him In as a drunk. At the station the wound
was dressed und Wood locked up.
Orgnnl/oil u DlHtrlvt Assembly ,
The labor alliance was to have had its
meeting last night in Central Labor union
hall , but as John W. Hayes , general secretary
tary of the Knights of Labor , returned after
a six weeks' visit in the west , n moating of
nineteen assemblies of the Knights of Labor
of Omaha and South Omaha was held nnd
organized as a district assembly. This body
will displace the old countv assembly and
have full nowcr to intervene nnd settle uny
and all labor troubles that may arise between
the local assemblies and employers.
Tbo alliance will meet at 10 o'clock this
morning at the Labor sWavo ofllco for the
purpose of taking stopo to holding a conven
tion of the people's Ind pendent party.
Secretary Hayes of the Knights of Labor
h now on his return oast. Ho has accom
plished much good work while on bis west
ern trip.
Should C < i AltciCarii. .
Private John Peterson of the Second in
fantry downed n littla too much reservation
fire water last night and worked himself up
to a lighting mood. In the absence of an
enemy ho hurled a few rocks through windows
dews near the corner of Tenth and Howard
streets and wns taken In charge by Officer
Walker , who bad him locked up for being
drunk nnd on the verge of the Jim-jams.
THO IIuiiilii-il Dolhirx n Word ,
It is not often n piece of legal advice
costs $ i'JO a word , but yet this recently
happened in this city , says tlio Indian
apolis Journal. Not long ago Mr. Mor
ris Duller , son of John M. Uutlor , who
hart just arrived homo from an evening
party at 2 o'clock in the morning , hoard
a carriage drive up to the house , and , a
moment later , answered n ring at the
door boll. A young man of handsome
face anil energetic manner blurted out ,
without ceremony :
"Whtit states can cousins legally marry
in ? "
' I don't know , " said Mr. IJutlor , ns
soon ns ho could recover from the effects
of his visitor's bluntness ; "but I will
nsk father , "
Ho wont upstairs , am ] , after much
knocking , arouscilhis father. "
"Father , " said ho , "what states can
cousins legally marry in ? "
"Kansas , " was the Bingjo word In re
sponse , between what Bounded sus
piciously like snores.
Mr. Hutlor returned downstairs.
"Woll , whnt does ho saj ? " asked the
"Kansas , " replied young Mr. Butler.
"Thank you. " The door \vai closed
nnd the visitor was gone.
Nothing further was thought ol the
Incident until yesterday's mail brought
Mr. Uutler n , certlllotl chock for $200 for
"legal tidvlco" from hlb hlthorto tin-
lcno\vn client.
Directions to" Inventors Issued by The Bee
Bureau of Claims.
i §
The Course l'i > ilnuc ' 'by ' the .Milhnr of nil
1'rotrrt lilt Hlgliti
of Obtaining n
if /
To the Invoulor'tho ' all Important question
presents Itself , ' 'ilow ran I socuroa patent1 !
nnd to this Tun BBS Bureau offera the fol
lowing explanation :
Inventors as class are not f.unUtar with
the laws under which lottcw patent are
grunted , the forms nnd practice In the patent
ofllco nt Wellington ami the technical
methods nf casting specifications nnd claims
to properly protect their invention ! ngntnst
infringe ! * , yet the value of the patent and
oven Its validity depend largely upon the
enrohil and export preparation of the caso.
Specifications must bo lit awn to fully dis
close the Invention , to distinguish between
what U now and what Is old , ami claims ,
upon which the value nnd validity of the
patent depend , must bo cast " to fully cover
the Invention yet not to encroach upon pat
ents already granted. Failure In either of
these respects often renders the patent value
less or void. The employment of counsel
skilled In patent law is therefore usually a
prerequisite to the proper prosecution of a
case and a grant ot n valuable patent.
Many inventors suffer the loss of benefits
that should bo derived from valuable Inven
tions owing to Insufficient protection by pat-
cts procured through Incompetent 'or care
less agents , etc.
I'tirVlmt riiiuitril.
Under the laws of the United- States let
ters natont are granted to any person who
has Invented or discovered any new and use
fill an. tnashino , manufacture or composition
of matter , or has Invented any new or usofu 1
improvement thereon.
Term of Patent.
A patent h granted for seventeen years ,
during which time the owner has solo and
exclusive right to make , use and sell the
patented invention. <
Ilow to I'rnrriMl.
For economic reasons before making ap
plication to the patent ofllco for a patent ,
the novelty and patentability of the inven
tion should bo ascertained , because , if the
invention is not now or not patontnble an
unnecessary jDxponso is incurred by liling an
application on whlcii a patent can never bo
granted , etc.
Tbo llrst thing to bo done is to find out
whether or not the invention is new nnd
For advice on the point it is necessary to
send to the bureau a rouph or .complete
sketch or a photograph of the invention , to
gether with a brief description thereof ,
setting forth the object of the improve
ments , the arrangement of the parts and
the advantages qttalnod. While a model is
very seldom necessary , yet it is often of
great assistance. ( The latter can bo made of
any cheap material , ar.d will be returned if n
request is made to that otTcct.
'Upon receipt of the data mentioned suftlc-
icnt to enable the invention to bo understood
our counsel will ftt once exnmlno thereinto ,
and will advise without charge what is the
best course to pursue and will express an
opinion , from tlioir knowledge of tlio arts
nnd patents already gcantod , as to the patent
ability of the invention.
In this connection it is recommended that
tno best und safest course is to have a
special search made in the patent otllco to
ascertain whether or not tbo invention has
been heretofore patented. The advantage of
such a search is that it no anticipating patent
is discovered pie application can bo tiled with
a greater do'creo of cortainty. whereas if the
Invention is found to bo old all further ex
pense is avoided. The cost of n search of
this nature U f3 , and with the report of the
ntsult thereof the inventor will bo furnished
with copies of such patents , if any , as cm- .
brace bis ideas. It is much bettor to have
this search made In the outset before Incur
ring any expense whatever regarding the ap
plication for patent.
If it is found that ho Invon tlon is now and
patcntablo the client is advised to proceed
With the filing of nn application for patent ,
and will then bo requested to remit S15
to cover the llrst government fee and
55 In payment of cost of drawing , when ono
is necessary. As soon as possible after tbo
receipt of this remittance the specification of
the invention will bo carefully prepared
and forwarded to the Inventor , together with
forms for application for patent ready for
execution. Upon return of the latter the case
will bo promptly 11 led at tbo patent olllco and
notice will bo sent when action is had there
on , and also of the nature of such action.
The examining corps of the patent olllco is
divided into thirty-two divisions , among
which the applications nro divided according
to the oflicial classification. The condition of
the work in the various divisions varies Irom
ono to five months in arrearj.
Tli Iltirrau Clmrgrs.
Consistent with the spirit with which this
bureau was formed , it is not Intended to
conduct any branch of tbo business on a
money making basis , but it is proposed to do
the work as near the actual cost as will pro
tect the business from loss. Although counsel
are retained at heavy expense to the bureau ,
yet It is the wish 10 charge in ordinary cases
only the minimum fee of $ J5. However , in
cases requiring extra care , time and labor
the foe will bo proportionately Increased , but
clients wilt always bo advised In advance
should such Increase of fee bo found neces
sary. In directing inquiries either to our
Omaha or Washington ofllce please mention
tlio fact that you read these Instructions in
Design Patents.
A patent for a design Is granted to any
person who has Invented or procured any
now nnd original design for the printing of
woolen , silk , cotton or other fabrics ; any
now and original impression , ornament , pattern -
torn , print or picture to be printed , painted ,
cast or otherwise placed on or worked into
any article of manufacture ; or any now ,
useful and original shape or configuration , of
any article of manufacture , the same not
having been known or used by others before
his invention or production thereof , or pat
ented or described in any printed publica
tion. Patents for designs are grantoa for
the term of three and one-half years , tbo
government fee being $10 ; or for seven years ,
the foa being $ ir > ; or for fourteen years , the
fee being $3D. The charge of the buroyu In
such cases is usually tM.
A patent can bo reissued whenever the
same Is inoperative or invalid by reason of a
( Infective or iosutllclent specification , or by
reason of the patentee's claiming more than
ho hud u rlghhto plalm as new , providing the
error has arlsun by accident , mistake or in
advertence , aua without fraudulent Intent.
The government foe for n reissue Is 10. The
cost of drawing Is , J5 , nnd the bureau charge
Is usually $35. Clrcat care must bo nxcrclsod
in reissuing ft patent , because very often
what little validity there may bo in a defec
tive patent is entirely lost by procuring a re-
ssuo which Is totally Invalid.
LJtfjL-ctuil Ciur * .
There are In. the patent oftlco n great many
caso-i which stand rejected , but which should
bo allowed. This condition of the case maybe
bo duo oltbcrlto incompotoney o.i tbo part of
tbo attorney employed or his Inability , be
cause of residence elsewhere than in Wash
ington , to maup tlio examiner see the Inven
tion in It.i true light ; and then , again , as
often occurs , cases are rejected on Improper
or lasuftlclont grounds. When so requested
wo will have our counsel examine into any
such case free of charge nnd advise as to the
nrospecta for success by further prosecution ,
The client will also bo then Informed of the
probable cost ot completion.
Cutout * .
By means of a caveat an Inventor secures
record'ovidonco regarding his invention for
the purpose of enabling him to complete or
further experiment therewith. The life of n
caveat is ono year , and It may bo renewed at
the end of that time. The government fee is
f 10 and tbo bureau charge is f 10.
A trademark is a fanciful or arbitrary device
vice or symbol usou to dialing uitb tbo
fa particular manufacture. The owner of
every trademark l entitled to register the
name , no matter how lone ; ItIM \ boon In Hid
The life of the certificate Of registration Is
thirty years and may bo renewed for n like
period , The government fee , payable on
filing each atmllcatlon for registration of
trademark , Is $ > . The bureau's charge Is
about f20.
Labels of all kinds , deigned to bo at
tached to manufactured article * or to bottles ,
boxes , etc. , containing them , have heretofore
boon received for registration in the patent
ofllco nnd a certificate Issued accordingly.
Under a very recent decision of the supreme
court of the United Btatos It la held that
thcro is no Authority lu law for granting certificate
tificateof registration of labels which
simply designate or describe- the ar
ticles to which they nro attached , nnd
which have no value separated therefrom , A
label to bo entitled to registration must have
by itself some value in a composition , nt least
ns serving some purpose or ether than as n
more designation or advertisement. Many
now holding cortillcatcs of registration of la
bels are totally without any protection w hat-
over. Many registered labels comprise sub
ject milter rogutorablo as tr.\dennrki.
Wherever this Is so , or where by n slight
changi } It can bo nude to come "within tbo
purview of the laws govornlnir trademarks ,
registration should 03 sought under thli
head. The government fee in n label case Is
M and the bureau charge Is $ . ' . " ) .
< ' < > ! ' } rlgliti.
can bo had for books , maps , engravings ,
photographs , pilntlngi , pictures , etc. The
total cost thereof is about $ J , including all
liitrrfi-ri'iu'o * .
An Interference is n judicial nrocecdlng In
stituted under the direction of the commis
sioner of patents to cnablo him to determine -
termino the question nf priority of
Invention between rival claimants. The
bureau , recognizing the fact that extraor
dinary care and skill nro requisite on the
part of an attorney In charge of n case In In
terference , has nt Its command counsel ore-
pared to conduct a cuse In Interference from
the very Inception down to a llnnl determina
tion of the merits of the cause. Testimony
will also bo taken under our direction in nny
port of the United States. Whllo no specific
sum can bn sot down ns applicable to all In
terference cases alike , yet the charges will
always bo as reasonable a possible.
Infrlngi-incnt * .
The question whether or not ono patent In
fringes another Is the very soul of all patent
litigation. The questions involved are many ,
and of the most Intricate .nature. It is al
ways a mutter 01' such grc'at Importance tlfut
no ono should over claim that another Is In-
frinclngon his rights , or , likewise , no atten
tion should be paid to tbo claims of infringe
ment by < otbers until the questions involved
nro carefully passed upon by a reliable at
torney. for such services the chorees uro
aways fair and reasonable.
lor < 'lgu Patent * .
In addition 10 the bureau's facilities for
attending to the interests of Its inventor-pat
rons before tbo United States patent olllco
and courts , it Is 'also enabled to procure
uatonts for inventions in all countries
of the world. In many ot the foreign coun
tries , notably Canada , Enclund and Ger
many , im tents for Inventions previously
patented in this country are looked upon
with gicat favor , and inventors urn there
very frequently moro likely to realize profits
from their inventions than they are oven In
this country. The cost of foreign patents
varies with different cases , but as a general
rule the expenses of procuring patents , cov
enng all charges , is about as follows :
Can aua , ? > 0 ; England , 393 ; Germany , ? 93 ;
France , $ bo ; Spain , $00 ; Unlgium , fOO. Ad
ditional information regarding the east , etc. ,
in any foreign country will bo furnished by
letter on application. In all such requests
mention having read those Instructions In
Tun BEI : .
Important AVarnliifr
It seems remarkable that in this enlight
ened ago It bccoinbs the dutyot every re
liable and trust-vorthy attorney in patent
matters to advise his clients to bewuro of
the many sharks who sot out with the ap
parent Intention of defrauding inventors
immediately after the issue of their patents.
When a patent appears in the Patent Olllco
Gazette patentees are beset with Innumer
able offers , solicitations , requests , etc. , some
protoniMng to want to purchase their patents ,
whllo others offer to take an interest therein
under promise of procuring foreign patents.
The solo object of these people is to obtain
money from inventors , and they never make
the slightest endeavor to carry out their
groundless or worthless promises.
As boralnboforo mentioned , models are not
required In the patent ofllco except in intri
cate or complicated cases. But at the same
time when an invention can bo better ex
plained by a model it is well to send the same
to us. A model should always bo of a siio
not larger than ono square foot , and In send
ing tbo same by express the charge * should
be prepaid and the box addressed to
Tin : BEK BntK.uj or CMIM * ,
Bee Building , Omaha , Nob.
| Mention this paper. ]
What Ho Considers Ills Start lug Point to
o 1.IIV.
A prolty story of a romance in tlio lifo
of Speaker Crisp comes from Georgia.
While the speaker was a struggling
young lawyer in Kllavillo ho foil in love
with a Miss Clara Burton , but his atten
tions were discouraged by her father ,
who naturally wanted his daughter to
marry well from a money point of view.
Tlio old gentleman was linn and the
| young couple slightly discouraged.
The young lawyer , but freshly admit
ted to tlio bar , lived in his olllco , a room
in tlio old court house. Hero were all
liis worldly possessions a few law books ,
a bed , a trunk and a low chairs. At
this juncture ho was taken sick , and in
his cheerless room was attended by ills
physician , Dr. J. N. Cheney.
Miss Burton had arranged it that the
doctor should keep hoi1 well advised us
to the condition of hl.s patient ; that ho
should lot her know his e.\aet condition ,
concealing nothing ; and in ono of his
communications to her ho betrayed an
uneasiness as to the result of the iaso.
Immediately this young woman , despite -
spite her fatlior's well known opposition ,
requested tlio doctor to deal honestly
and candidly with her and to inform her
whether her young lever was having
Unit cave and attention which ho should
have , and notified him that if ho was in
need of particular tender miming nnd
watchful ctuio , she would t-oino at once
to his lonely cluunborand htuo the marriage -
riago ceremony between thorn performed
BO that she could properly euro for and
nurse him.
This proved the turning point in
Titdgo Crisp's life. When the physician
read tills note to the nick man it proved
the ncododmodlcino in his caso. How as
at once inspired. The discouragements
incident to poverty in tlio case of strug
gling young mon had hilhorto posessed
and dominated him. lint then and there
ho bnnishod forever all hopelessness and
despair of tlio future 11111 ! in evidence
said to liis professional frlond :
"Got mo up from this hod. Hence
forth I'll bo a man. My lifo shall bo
consecrated to a woman with such pluck
as that. I will marry her dosplto my
poverty , and nho shall never bo ashamed
ol mo. ' '
Ho has leapt his word.
Captain C. 1) ) . Uustln. Cantnln Marsh and.
son and Charles Ualbach leave by tlio IJnr-
Ungton this afternoon for a California trip.
or Council Bluff *
TA U STOCK $150,00)
DnuOTnnn-I. A. Miller. P. O. nioiion. Ii r *
BhuBsrt , K. B Hurt. J. U. KjiniiniUon. Olmrloi
It. llanuau. Tranoact Konora banklni bull-
uoii. Largest c-ipltal uud iiirplui of uuy baai
luHoutbwotteru lonu.
Mrs. Goorgln Hnll , oi Ft. Omaha ,
Contributes Her Testimony. Af
ter Thrco Yonrs of Suffering
She Flnda Relief nnd is Glad to
Give Her Evldonco. ,
"Tosiy that I am liappv H pulling It very
tulld , " says Mrs. Georgia Hall , of 1'orl Oin.ib n ,
" 1'or I have certainly Ind moio my
.share of sulTerlnc.
Three yo.irs USD my trouble biwui with a
small lot eon my limb. I paid but little at
tention. f > It nt llrst. but anil , pradnally
urc\v larger and gave mo p.iln , I con-
"lilted nhcglulnns who told me I lunl cinliil.i ,
At this Unit ) It hud gained In H/O | ni.lil It was
u largo nsiny himl. and ticiitiniMit by illlTor-
entdoctoisilld It no iiood. ( Jim doc-tor tri'att-d
me tncnty-slY wrukn , did me no Ki'iiil ' , In fuel
mndo my trouble worse and then piibllsluiil
my name , saying I was I'lircd , After M > loin
a tlmo and my complaint , rapidly irroulni
worse , I buunnu ; nturiiRMl im tolmt thu out
come of iny dlhouHU would be : but ono day
upon re.idlni ; thu newspaper" , I mud of tlio
suci'o"sof Dis. Copul.ind , Slicpaul and Mans-
flold , nnd nucldoii to cull upon them. They
told mo not to worry and they would do till
they coul'l to i cllovi * me of my snirrrliiK. anil
they did. for at this tlmo thu MHO Is cntlicly
huult'd up , nnd 1 ntn feeling a" u ell as ever.
Too much pr.Mso cnntint bo Klvnn DM , I'opo-
linid. SliL'imul nnd Mansllcld for their caieful
and olllolent work In my < 'a-.r > .
I'ot t Umalia ,
Nctablo Statmoits Prom Notable
People in Other Cities.
The i\ldpnco : of the Itciniirli.ililiurross of
tlio TriMtmi'iit of Dr. < ; < > | > rhiml mill Asso
ciates by No .tlrmis C'oiilliird to Ouilllm.
The e\ldcnco of the snnurlor sKltl of Dr.
Cupohind and his associates , nnd of the ro-
mnrkablo und successful lesults which their
system of treatment brim ? " . K not , by any
moans , conIInod to this city ; It. enmos from all
parts of the country. Never In the hIMory of
adveitislni ; has there been Mii-h nn : iuay of
testimony. The evidence Is not fiotu obsutiro
or unluiowt souicus. It conies tiom peou'.o ' ,
ninny of whom are not onlv well Known In
their own cities , but tbioiighoiit the country ,
from clergyIIICMI , lawyers , piofcsslonul men of
every class : ftom business men of national rep
utation : Iron : artist" , und oven fium physi
cian ; , the most und ono would think
the luust willing to lend Ihelr testimony. Thu
following short statements ioprc-cnt Mime of
tbo evidence of tbo clnss ulmxo icferred
to. Thcbostatements , in their oilglnal publi
cation , are , In every ca e , accompanied by
the portrait nf the person Hpea.ulng , or by u
fae sinillu of their slgniUute.
HON. U.V. . DUNN. Mayor of llio city of
franklin , I'a. , writes : "Mv father ( Hod from
uuturrhal complications. 1 ha\e ljuuii cough-
In , acinus mid been converted Into : i ca-
tarrhnl nulsanco for in or 1.1 youiw. but was
not prep.ircd to leiirn , till I began tir.ttmont
with you that I Imd eatai rh with the RI 1)1 ) of u
vise , chronic In fonn , and had altulncd to thu
dUnity of Incipient consumption. I now see
whut was mount by nlelit suc.ils pain of tlio
eyes , dl/iy Ima'-'cs dancing bol lines hcfoio my
eyes , u cough which Tor thu past year or moro
has played luivoo with my dreams ut night ,
and my professional duties In the day. I got
so thin that they tlinusht of iislns mo for u
skeleton at Initiations. I began treatment
with you , und I just cannot draw a compari
son bcturun how I inn now und wliut 1 WHS
when I bcKiin. 1 sleep well , cannot got
oiiuiigh to cat. fool youis youn/rr. and piu-
sue my prorehslonal duties I ewe It to you. I
do not know wh'it other ph.Vblelans cm do ,
hut I do Know that 1 eun leeommonil you In
tlio treatment of seriously chionlc e.i'ianli. "
JAMES J. ItAFTKK , atloinny-ar-la-.v , 110
North Thlid street , Kast fcfr. J.ouls , writes :
Tor the mist thrno ycai = t 1 hu\o snlleied
from u eatari hul trouble whluh the best dou-
tois und a trip to the Surlngn fulled uttnrlv to
lullove. Under tieatment with Dr. ( .opulund
und associates 1 Impiovcd rapidly , not only
as to my eatai-rhul tumble , hut also lu gen
eral health. As courteous u-entlemen und
skillful physicians 1 can heaitlly iceommoml
them. "
REV. .T. W. ASHWOOJTl'astoi fJraml avon-
110 U. I' , church , : Us 1'oresi I'urk Iloulevaid.
fit. f.ouls , Mo. , writes : "While suircrliiK fioin
a suvoio throat trouble unused hy' exposure
and iiKCr.iVHturt hy jmhllo .spoiiKIng , I mudo
application to Dr. Ooneland nnd associates for
tieatment , nnd I tiil > o pleasure lu lolling
olhei.s know that f am now able to do all my
icgnhir woilc without dllllutilty 01 annoy
ance. "
liV. ! : M. OT.A1JK. : tva Dio\ol Itonluvaid.
Chicago. Ill . writes. "I hiiMi been ( route : ! hy
Dr. C' und tiHsnuiutu * und doMio to say
Ihat they huvn afforded mo moio nlstanllnl )
relief In u few weeks than 1 haxe iccehcd
front otlior doetois lu yeui , and I have hull
the best I am glud to iceomiiieml thorn to
my frlundb. "
SAMUEL RTHIN , 127 rranklln ssipot.
IlocJicstoi , N. Y , 1'resldont of tno National
( 'uaUot Manufacturing Company , under whoso
iicrsonal dliecUon thu cauUets of thu Into
I'lusldunts Giant and ( < ui fluid wotu nmde ,
wiltos : " 1 liuvo bad a Ilium tioiihlo for
man v vcais , caused by ciitnnh of I ho nose
md thro U. K\ cry thing I had tried failed I o
; lvo anV pel munent itilluf. MUCH using the
treatment of Dr. Cnpolaiitl nml associates my
ondltiim has ImproM'd , and 1 am unll satis.
lied with the result I bcllovu the o ccnlle-
mcn to ho competent , lollatjli ! und skillful
Mioelallsts. mid commend thorn to the favoi.i-
ilu cunslUurution of the puhlio. "
V. KKNnsTCUAMni , of the Cramer Dry
i'lutu Company. St. Louis , niitu-i to Dr. Copn-
aud and iihsoi'luU's ! "My ohjoct In wrllliu
hose lines Is to uvpiuss my grutltmlu ami
complete satisfaction nt thu successful nnd
ntclliL-ent manner In whleli you uiu tioatlnp :
uv oaUiihul trouble. Von uio perfcully
welcome to uny iisu you may dcslio to niahii
if tb'.s letter , nnd I only hope It mny hu of
home bonullt to you iinrt the public. "
Cn. Tronsuipr A. I' . SlinnlolKli
Hnrdwaru company , M ! ) N. Main strait. Hi.
[ , ouK Mo. , wiltos : "I nm iindor iioatiuoni.
with Dr. Oopoland and associate * and um sal
lied with the Intelllueiil manner lu which
, huy bundle my cusu. "
Hl'V. .1. W. MlTOIII'Ijf/ . Pastor Taylor
street M. 13. nhnuoli , Nmih Newport. Ky. ,
vrltosi "I have boon trimlnl hy He. O'opo-
and and nssoclulos for t-afirrh , und without
solicitation from tliumorany ono ulso. 1 do-
slru tosuy that they hauo ulfordod mo mure
HiibstJiitlul lolluf lu two mouths than 1 litivu
received fiom iiiiyollior physicians In twrnly
, 'oaiH. I mrat cordially nml fully ludorounml
iucommund thorn to rny frh-udij as pie-oni-
uont In the triiutimintot u.ilurili. "
linv. T. W. WfMilAMPON , pastor M. H.
chinch. HI , Oiuli. Ohio , wiltes. "I lime honii
troubled with catarrh for many yu.m. I had
Klvon up all hoposof ever bolnz lusiorcd to
itnltli ! out after M'olmr Huv. Dr. .Mltcholl'H
hliitemonl , with others that I l > new In bo ro-
luhlo. iMJiicoinltit : thu wonderful cuies rnniiu
jy Dr. Uopelanil and iissmil iti'H I i-onulnUoil lo
ry once iniiru.nnil nftor loss than imu months'
treatment 1 found thut 1 wn * MI gioallv ic-
lined Unit I full ulto.'nthor Ilku u dUTuiuilt
icrson. And It Is duo Dr. Copelund nml nsso-
latcs that ( hhoulil say to thu publlu that I
icllcvotlioy aio all they claim lo buln the
treatment of catairh. "
UKV. O. M. HODolc.MAN. 21 Knwloy street.
Jlouhcstor. N. V. , wrltesi llnvlint tried ih.i
.lo.ilmcnt of Dr. Ceuoland and assodutfs for
cutarrlial tliro-it tiouhlu. und received l > eno-
It therefrom , 1 take pleasure | ji adding my
testimony to thu valno of their iiiiithods ui
Lro.itlmjiMttirrhal Irouhlos. As nklllful , rn-
labln and eorteons ifcntlemcn , 1 can hen tlly
lecommend thum to my frli'iids mill to the fu
vurablu consideration of the nubile. "
Hit. 0. C. nilADIlfmV. 12 < W WaMilnirloii
nilcuuo , fct. ! Louis , Mo , writes ; " \ \ hint I lu t
look the tumtmuntof Dr Copeland und iikbo-
clatosiuyaupetltn WIIH i > poor I could
not oat miouuh lo k i < p i y ttfiigtli up. My
ulifhu WITO leoili'ki. | llmlcr thiilr treat-
limit I mil und HO veil pounds In foui w(0k . I
: it well und leup toiiudv * | now I tin mar
tially uud fully omlurn ) und levummcnd
thorn lo my frlcmU ns nklllfiil nnd
hi C'nlnrrliul Caiiipttnntlnnft
DrinonstrntoH tlio Hnpcrlor Skill of
Irs. ) Copulaiul , r-hop.iril nnd Maiis-
llolit Tlio .Statement oOliss (3al\lru
CM urh lt elf , In the hands of the skillful
nml thorough specialist who Is provided ntit
the necessary incehnn.enl nnd ohnmlonl ap
pliances for troallim the dl- > enc , will In a com-
jiarathuly reasonable time ylold to proper
treatment , but when catarrh Is coniplloau'il
with severe asthmatic troubles It Is n dllllt nit
matter torlToet a , permanent cure , nnd n H < U -
oossfnl rc ult In noasn of this kind Utho If. " "
posslblo test nml demonstration of the snpc-
ilorsMIl and faithful care of the plivslcln'ic.
An Instance- this Kind Is avoided In t1 anise
niso of Miss Jcnnlo Uulvlu , of South 14 ; u
lroot , hotwocn ! MtIng nnd VnlluvtriTis
Slio.says : "I oanghi. u had eohl about f r
your-t mto , which as followed by n MIOI-PRK nt
of colds until It developed Into ohronii
iMtarrh. I Imd sovcioiinlus In my head , over
my eyes and in the back putt nf my head ; mtf
MISS .tn.NNlK ( HI.VIV ,
nose would cloi : ill ) vud discharge a fo'tcl i
Into my thro it from behind the palate ,
" .My chest would III ! up ami I would SIIUR < n
for breath. When I would Ho down 1 cp.ii I
not breathe at all. my elicit \\onld sunn
pro sed down n with n woliMit. ami many tk
nl''hl , 1 up hour after hour , sinol'i-
erlnrsnlTocatliu' spells would come on. My
bmith would conic with a whcc/lhK vm nil
HKo drawliu air Ihroiuh a tube. I would loot
ns If I ucio brealldn ; ihroiuh a-jpon'-'e. 1 | > - -
Hove m v trim bio Ind developed IntofonainiiiH
tlon , thut the tumble had
At.iir.Anv r.\in.snr.nTO MV i.i'Nii1' .
I lunl tried dllleicnt , pliyilclansand nuiucrc > i < 4
catarrh remi'dlcs. hut could obtain noicllof ,
"I had mad of ln. Copeland. Miepnid ami
Mnnsfli'lil's success lu such cases \\licu one ol
my nolclibois hud het-n eurodhy thfsoilooloru ,
I concluded I would Irv them. In about Bl.t
weeks I felt puifucllyvoll. .
I suppose my trouble \vould have eonlo lincU
acain. hut 1 loo' < tlio doctoi's advice and con
tinued for another sweiikM | , and now 1 feel
pcrfectlv Ha'fo In stonplntr the tieatinont , tut t
feel Unit I am cured and am sum thut ) ) m.
Uopelanil , Hhepaid nml Mnnstluld arc nntltlcil
toKri'at credit for the pcifcct rcbiilts ( "
case. "
Tliclr CrcilontlalH.
As hits boon sil.l , Dr. W. II. Copcliuul wa4
nres'nent of his class a ( , llellevuo llo-idtiil |
Medical Oolloic. Now York , where ho giad-
nated. thu most famous Institution of Its kind
In the country. Ills diploma boars the written
endorsement , of thu authorities ot
New Yorlc , of thu do.ins of prominent
eollo.-es IM I'onnsylvnnla. Dr. T. II. .Munslltilirs
credenllals urn no loss abundant und nntUiil- |
Illed. Ho also Is formally Indorsed by the se3-
rctarlcoof various county
societies , Thcsu gentlemen , after thiirou < { h
liospltul oxpurlunco and practice , have ( lo *
voted tholr lives to the practice of their spoa-
tlci. with whut Micucs ! ) thu columns of thu
daily papers show.
IH. C. i- . KIIKrAUD.lio was president of
Ills vlnss nt Knsh Medical college. Chlcaco ,
which Is acknowledged to bo thu leadlirr ; In
stitution of Its kind In the west. Is now ano-
el'ited with thu Ooiiohinn 'Medical Institute'
Dr. Shonaid't ) thorough hospital e\icii- |
cnco and special study or the diseases of the n uco I ) mG
IheloadliiK sposlallsts In the west. _ ,
BOOMS 311 AND 312 ,
New York Life Building1 ,
Cor. 17th and Fuvnam Sis. , Onmliii , Neb ,
W. II. Coi-irAND. : M. I ) .
C. S. SMKPAUU , M. I ) .
T. B , MAXbrir.nD , AF. 1) . ,
Consulllng I'liyHlelanft.
Bpoclaltes : O itavrh and all dlscasas of tlin
Eye , Eir. Thrott and Lungs. Nervous DIs-
ouses , skill Diseases , Uliroulu Diseases. OHIo
Hours U toll a. in. , - to 5 p. in. , 7 to 3 p , m.
Sunday ID a. m to 4 p. m.
Uatarili.'il tumbles und kindred dlscMiit
treated successfully hy mull. Send Jo In
stamps for oucstloii circulars. Aildrc s al (
lutturs to C'opoland .Medical Institute ,
York IdfoJliilldlng. Omaha , Nub
$5 A MJdNTH.
nnd all manner nf ,
'Entertainments !
riresitle Games
and siiggo-Stlons for
Unique Parties
nro to bo found In the nagos o ! MID
Monthly Social
Only 50a a Year. Samples lOa.
Addicid :
Idl'TUU ' the following chnlci ) hiiruiiliiH lit
fruit uud voKUlutilo laud ! , . 67 ai'H's 80 roil *
north of the ( 'liautiimnm grounds , pastor
Hlopo , tlnuspilius nnd line snrliiR-brooK , laml
viiry rich uud null ndiipted to fiult.
. ' ' .t ueics on tlrnml ivciiuo , line oreh.irrt J
windmill ami linn glove : bltnateil on .tlynst
proposed motor line , ono nml one-half milt'
from Council Illulln noitoiriui * .
! l acres of very choice plowed land on ( iiat r
avOuuu , li miles from mistotllco.
Ill ) auiui : ii ! miles from cilv limits ; po (
hoiihc. barn nnd onibnlldln H ; line orchuun a ,
Kieat bargain attV.Viy. Kasy tiirmn.
U ncroH. oliolcu fruit farm , H ncres In hint. .i
lioirlct , COJyonni ; fruit tri'us , : iUWirapo ) vlin -
UOIIHC , ham and oilthtilldns ! \eryclio ) i
bargain , imlvx'ii miles east ot poslolllco i
Council 111 n ITs. W , C. hncy. Itooin t , Opt a
lloiibi ) ulook , Council Itlurts , In. _ >
r"ANTii-A : llr > t class liivoicnorbillcl
One who \i \ rapid lu extoiidtnx jirlcns
IlKiirliiK illscoiintH , Htunoxriiuhiir prefei
who Is allu < oiiiiiuo Invoices on HmUli , 1'n
inler or Itenilnt-'ton niuchlne. Must come wn i
recoiiuneiidnd indKlvu name of liibleniployiif ,
t > loudy work. K found competent. Addrcsi'w ,
1 , llox ( ii > - , Council Illulfn , la.
sot of tlnnvr's t'lij '
cheap. luiillru | Il.'i Ilrondway , C' '
_ _ _
IOWA farmt ! line "U ncro farm , tW ) ier nj' - ,
{ ! , ! > ) i cash , bal.ini'o on lonx time ; I3)nff )
Taint , ItlfHIuowii , h.ilineo easy ; faims Ofif >
hi/en , l-end for list , JoluiHUjit V Van I'alO i ,
Connall llliilK _ _ _ _ jj
I" WANT to buy Block of Kti < : erlo i > iW ) It
Juiml Bhoo ! . ; will pay part cusli mi'l p irl JLr
n t > room hoiisn and lot lu Omaha. U ; b C ,
/ tO.MI'l/r.Tioiitnt ; lur llxturus nml tw <
vAiihtui for sulu and hnlldlng for rent.
location. K , U. Shcafc , ovur Ullk'er A. t1' ,
> T7IAHMH , yurdun ) : iinN , luiiltjs , Inl
. ! bti > ln * bloolti for iihi or runt. 1
Host , to t'onrl utiottt , t iiiiioll Illulf * ,
SAM ! The most prolltibu- lob
-1 li-tfolllriilii Ilia city. AUoruis U .
xuti , Com. pit