Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1892, Part One, Page 5, Image 5

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    OMAHA DAILY 1H3K : SrXDAY , , J VXt'ARY 17 , 1802-SIXTEEN PAGES. 5
Gigantic Sale of Embroideries and
White Goods ,
Post J Pail U AH
an Express on rs-
in net
As previously announced ,
.tomorrow we place on sale
/our late purchase of FINE
They mostly come in manu
facturers coupons or short
lengths , from zto 4 yds.
in each piece. Notice a few
of the prices :
Coupons of embroidery at
5c , value ioc.
Coupons of embroidery at
ioc , value if > c.
Coupons of Hamburg edg
ings , I5C. 20c , 25c ; length
from 2/ to 4J yards each ,
value 25c to 400 each.
Coupons of embroidery at
3oc , 350 and 4oc , worth up to
i Coupons of embroideries at
5oc , at 6oc. at 75c ; 4- yard
lengths , value up to $1.25.
Also included in this sale
Will be a beautiful line of
match sets in Swiss nainsook
nd cambric embroideries ,
which far surpasses in original
ity of design and artistic as
sortment all our previous
showings. Our line of French
i embroideries , hem stitched
Vgoods , misses' and ladies'
.skirtings , ranges in price from
300 to $5 ; cannot be excelled
anywhere. See our assost-
ment 'of demi flouncings , it
will b'e an entertainment.
Mail orders receive special
attention. N. B. FALCONER.
They Hold Up a Mail Wagon and Shoot the
tfoiII Cliaso tlio Valuable llooty 1Vu
itnil tlio Hold Itoblmr * atiulu
/Abandoned Tholr Kacnpe Other
loivu ? iew * Note * .
Sioux Cnr , In. , Jan. 10. ( Special Tele
gram to THE BEE ] . Tnls morning nt 0
O'clock the moll wagon on the way to the
Jtnnaas City train was held up on Nebraska
itroot by four mon. They ordered the
driver to halt , and when ho whipped
up his horses they lired several
shots at him , wounding him in the shoulder.
Two ot the mon solzcd the horses , wbilo tbo
Other two secured the poucho.s of registered
letters. The bags wore found unbroken
Within a block of the scene of the robbery. A
{ policeman passing by frlghtonod tbo high
waymen and they dropped tbe'r ' bootywhich
Vras quite valuable. There is uo oluo yet to
the pcrpcrtrators. ,
l.i'KlKluturo rrcpiirpil to Ilogln Work
1'liiim for tlio IiuiiiKiirutloii.
DBS MOIN&S , la. , Jau. 10. The house this
Ihoruing increased the committee on Inaugu
ration by the addition of Messrs. Campbell
And Stono. A report was received from tbo
commlttoo to tha effect that the inauguration
bo hula next Wednesday afternoon. The
bouso than adjourned till U o'cloox this nfter-
1 When the house reconvened the speaker
Announced the most Important house com
mittees and will give out the remainder
Monday morning , to which time the house
adjourned. The republicans have Jlfty
chairmanships , the democrats two , six re
publicans being left without chairmanships ,
'Tho following are the raoro important chalr-
innuslilps : Ways and means , Lane' ; Judic
iary , Chase ; appropriation1) , Norm ; rail-
{ onus and commerce , Morrow ; schools and
Bohool books , Crawford ; normal schools ,
KpauUilnp ; suppressing Intemperance , Bruce ;
agriculture , Austin ; mines and mining ,
{ Miller ; retrenchment nnd reform , Young ;
federal relations , Van Glider ; medicine ,
jjUrgory , pharmacy , Urooka of Audubon
bounty ; municipal corporations , Coftln ;
/lalms , Lindmnn ; insurance , Hoover ; tele
graphs and telephones , Sewers ; batiks and
Banking , Ilarrlman ; private corporations ,
Entoy foods , McNooly ; public charities ,
Bolls ; labor , Spuutz ; domestic manufac
tures , Holland ; woman's suffrage , Jester ;
Constitutional amendments , Carpenter :
horticulture and forestry , Urltts ; peniten
tiaries , Douno ; public lands and buildings ,
' "loach ; congressional districts , Stone ; judl-
al district * . Wyckoff ; senatorial districts ,
_ , _ roous of liooiio county : .representative dls-
jricls , Goodwin ; rules , Jonos.
ImprrusUo I'uiicnil
, la. , Jan. JO. [ Special Tolosram
jEo TUB IlKis. I The mother of United Status
Senator T. C. Power of Montana was burled
icro today with Impressive ceremonies ,
Senator Power nnd other relatives were prcs-
nt aud beautiful Moral tributes wore cent
rom Chicago , St. Paul , Milwaukee and otner
"daces , The venerable ox-Senator Jones was
0.0 of the nail boarors. Tbo deceased had
loon an old resident of this city up to six
\ ear * ago. _ tSSH
\ IWwlouu llnail to Omaha ,
PoufDoDQE , lo. , Jon , 10. fSoocUl Tolo-
, Cr&ra to Tun BEB.J-llecont developinouU
indicate that the WInona & Southwestern
bought or Is about to buy the Mnion
pity & Tort Dodge road. At a meeting'
ho Business Men's association lost nlgbt a
communication was road from Secretary
Blrnpsou a klncr what inducemout * Fort
podge haa to offer , Mr. Simp ou visited the
Now is the time to buy for
the coming summer.
Never have we been able to
offer such bargains in
WHITE GOODS , as the
following ;
Satin Checked Nain
seeks at 5c per yd.
100 pieces satin check
nainsooks , regular 8c , ioc , I2c
and 150 qualities , Monday's
price , sc a yard.
Apron Checks at 7c
per yard.
40 piccos Apron Chocks , line goods ,
valuu 12Jc , Monday 5o yard.
Out of town people send for
White India .linens at loc ,
value 13 0.
White India linens. i2j c ,
value 17 0.
White India linen , 150 , aoc
and 250 , worth 22 c , 280 and
35CAn elegant line of plain
nainsooks and white lawns.
A iarge line of satin stripes
and plaids at loc. at 12 i-2c ,
at i5c , at 2ic ; worth up to
4oc.Out of town people send for
Send -for our loo-page cata
logue , mailed free. Post and
and express paid on mail or
* * ity this week very quietly and hold a two
days' consultation with John F. Duncombc.
O. II. Manning , a Chicago railway attorney ,
Is authority for the statement that the deal
has already baeu made and that the road will
go through to Omaha by wav of Jefferson ,
Coon Haplds and Audubon. This cntiro sec
tion of the state is anxiously awaiting same
reliable news of the future intentions of the
company. _
Dcutli of I'roinliifiit Ciithullcr.
DUHUQUE. In , , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram
to THE BBE.J nov. Fttnor Haltonborgor and
Sisters Vincent and Monica have died at the
mother house of the Sisters of Charity in
Table Mound township , this county. Father
Haltonborgor waf ono of the early priests of
this section , coming bore in 1841 and being
associated with Bishop Loras , the first of
this dloceso , and had been chaplain of St.
Joseph's convent for twenty-two years. The
two sisters wore among tbo nineteen founders
of tbo order , coming hero from Philadelphia
nearly fifty years apo.
'Colonel 8 tend man Appointed.
DBS MOINUS , la. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Buc. ] Judge Woolson of the
United States district court for the southern
district of Iowa today appointed Colonel J.
J. Stead man of Council. Bluffs cleric to 1111
the vacancy caused by the death of u. 1C.
Lovo. E..U. Mason and C. L. Dahlborg of
this city were the other candidates.
ooA'jG , IFTIH THE coxraxTtox :
Kunsiis Clty'H Committed Starts Out lur
AVilHliliiKtou with High Holies.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jan. 10. The committee- "
wnlch will plead the oauso of Kansas City
before tbo national democratic committee
and wlh endeavor to show that this is the
only city in which to bold the democratic
convention , loft for Washington this evening
in two special cars , The route lay over the
Alton to St. Louis ana tnouca over the Penn
sylvania. The committee is composed ot
many influential and wealthy business men
of this olty and is accompanied by delega
tions from St. Louts and many of tbo Im
portant cities of Missouri , Kansas and Okla
homa territory , CJovoruor Francis also ac
companies the committee ana Hon. C. II.
Jones of tbo St. Louis Hopubllo leads the St.
LouU delegation.
The committee carries with it a guarantee
to provide JIOO.OOO with which to defray the
expenses of the convention and also the
plans of a four-story building of brick and
stone , 100x240 feet , which would comfortably
scat 15,750 people. Tbo building will bo
erected , in the event of Kansas City getting
the convention , by several organizations
which have for u long time needed it as a
pUce for mooting.
Four Held fur Kxiimlimtloii nnil Ttru lu-
lenKi-il an Hull.
LUIBIUT , , Kan. , Jan , 10. The preliminary
hoailng of the men charged with the killing
of Sheriff Dunn was continued at 11 o'clock
today until Thursday , January 2S. Tbo
court discharged Robert Ilutohlnson of lias-
hell county , ono of the defendants , because
110 evidence * | prcdfccd tpcluithlm.
Carey Anderson , chairman of the county
commissioners of Seward county , and Lee
Kstes were admitted to bail In the sum of
$5,000. ana the four remaining prisoners
were beta for further examination. They
will bo hold under tbo sheriff's guard at
Springfield until the hearing is resumed , *
Governor Humphrey authorized tbo re
moval of the troops bore at noon today and
they departed at 1 o'clock. It la believed
that quiet has now boon permanently re
stored lu the turbulent county ,
Tiilg * nutklu Will Not
TOITKA , Kan. , Jan. 10. Judge Uotkln
stated this morning tbat ho would notroslgn.
Hn gave this information utter consultation
with tbo governor.
Now | mper l.lfu lu Mexico.
Cur or Mexico , Jan. 10 , A duel took
place by moonlight last night between
Chnrl03 Kspowo , a discharged prison ofllclal
find luuoccnclo Arrlolu of the editorial staff
of the Dlaro del Hogasu. The newspaper
published an article which led to Eipors 'a
dumlnal. Both were wounded at the soc-
uud uro ,
f cJ
' , 18O7 , 16O9 Douglas St.
Post and express paid.on mail orders. . ' .
Large size corset covers at
Ladies' drawers , chemise , cor
set covers at 25c.
Ladies' drawers at39c.
Ladies' corset covers , 38c.
Night gowns having tucked
yoke ! " cambric : ruffle trimming ,
and finished with finishing braid ,
at 69c.
Ladies' chemise , trimmed with
embroidery , back and front , V
point , and also square bodice , go
at 69c.
Ladies' drawers , trimmed with
embroidery and also cluster of
tucks. 09c.
Ladies' corset covers at 69c.
Ladies' gowns , V front double
yoke back , at 73c.
Ladies' skirts , all lengths , wide
hem and cluster of tucks. 73c.
Ladies' drawers , trimmed with
embroidery , 73c.
Ladies' gowns , nicely trimme'd ,
at 89c also drawers and skirts.
Ladies' gowns , drawers , skirts
and corset covers 98c , all nicely
Mail Orders Filled
Hrst of a Series of Important Y. M. 0.
A. Meetings.
History of SOIUB of the World Famous
JIou Whoso Intelligent Kilbrts Have
IJecii Directed , Apriilnst the Op
pression of lingluiid.
The first in the series of Saturday nleht
meetings at the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation to bo devoted to subjects of particular
nationalities was that held last night and
was called "Irish Night. " It proved to bo a
decided success.
The lecture room on the second floor was
entirely llllod by n very intelligent and earnest -
nest audience of gentlemen with a slight
sprinkling of ladles. Mr. J.V. . Battin presided -
sided and tbo first speaker introduced was
Hon. M , V , Gannon , ho spoiio very ear
nestly and entertainingly upon the charac
teristics and wrongs of the Irish race. Mr.
Gunner said ho had bocn given but a very
short time to prepare anything like a speech ,
but bo would talk about tbo Irish people In a
general way. Ho was glad to moot and talk
to the Young Mon's Christian association
because it was not the first time ho had
addressed thu organization , end bo felt sure
that what ho said would bo listened to with
out prejudice and with that broad Christian
spirit that should characterize intelligent
mon of every nationality.
Wiping Out I'rt-Jiidlctt.
Ho was glad to do bis part at all times to
help wipe out these miserable prejudices
which had boon a nurse to tbo human race
and a hindrance to the peace and progress of
tbo world. Mr. Gannon said that there was
a popular fulacy In thin country among the
American people , that all the crltno
committed in Ireland was the product ot
Catholicism. With the single exception ot
Dntilol U'Connoli , Mr. Gannon said , all tbo
great Irish leaders In the struggle for liberty
and Justice had been Protestants. FiU-
gorald. Shears , Emmet , Mitchell , O'Brien
and Parnell were shining examples
of what Protestants bad done to
unite the sons of Ireland in their efforts to
frco themselves from the oppression of Eng
land. There was .10 bitterness between the
different religious denominations in Ireland
but these who had written English history
and English literature bad taken pnins to
misrepresent and slander the Irish peoplo.
Mr. Gannon then spoke deplorlngly of the
prejudice born of religious bigotry. Ho said :
"Ol all prejudices In tbo world that which
has religion for Its foundation is the least
excusable. "
Ho pictured tbo misery aud bloodshed and
desolation that hud boon occasioned by re.
llgious prejudice and contrasted with this
tbo Christlllco works of mercy and goodness
nnd the ennobling and elevating influence
of true Christianity us exemplified1 In the
lives of the Slstars of Mercy , the missionaries
and true ministers and prlnsts who follow the
meek nnd lowly Nazareno. Mr. Gannon spoue
highly of tbo work being accomplished by
tbo Young Men's Christian association , nnd
hoped that such meetings as that of last
night would create a fooling of the universal
brotherhood of man among the young men
aud make them to feel that
This world Is full of bounty ,
As uro thu worlds above ;
And did wo do our duty ,
It uiUht bo.fu ) | of love.
Mr. Gannon's remarks were loudly ap
Cure IT ( if a ruinous Man ,
lion. T. J. Muhonoy was then introduced.
Uo delivered n very able aud Ictcrei4in ? ad
dress upon the life of John Ooyle O'Kellly.
lie followed tbo thread of. too famous pobt
ana Journalist's llfo from bis birth at Dolf ,
on tbo river Hoytio , near the spot whore
Jamedll. was defeated by Willlnm of Orange ,
nil the way through the rotnantlo aud ro-
murkablo vicissitudes of his wonderful
career to his sudden and unexpected death
Children's ready-made Flan
nel Suits , all sizes.
Lbt i , Children's Sailor Suits
made of all wool flannel , lined
throughout with selesia and
trimnied with Hercules braid ,
ages 2 , 4 and 6 years ,
$1.59 Each.
Children's Suits , ages 6 to
12 , made of fancy flannel or
hcnricttas , 'all good styles rang
ing in price from $4.50 to $7 ,
Ladies' House \ Wrappers ,
made of heavy "sMltana cloth ,
warranted to wagtail new and
handsome patterns ? our price
$2.23 Each.
Ij 1.
Mail Orders Filled
two years ago. Mr. O'Koilly's arrest as a
conspirator , his confinement in English
prisons , his banishment to ilio penal colotiics
of Australia , nis escape to Aratrlca and his
subsequent career as ono of tbo "brightest
and most talented newspaper writers and
poets of tbo century wore all presented in
choice and effective language by Mr.
Tbo address was exceptionally entertaining
and was eagerly listened to by the audience.
The hearty applause which followed the
closing sentence attested thehigh estimation
placed upon the speech by these who
hoard it.
, Secretary Obor than Icon the speakers for
their courtesy and kindness in furnlshiug so
admirable an entertainment for the evening.
Ho said it was the mm of the Young Men's
Christian association to teach tbo Idea that
all men were brothers and that while people
might differ in their rolicious beliefs yet a
broad-minded consideration and respect for
every honest man's conscientious belief
should be entertained by every professed
Christian , oy every Intelligent , generous
hearted man.
noo3iixu Aor/711 it.iitoT.t.
Funds Will lie Secured to J'ropiirn a
World' * 1'Hlr Inhibition.
S. D. , Jan. 1C. [ Special to THE
The chances are very much in favor
nt this time of a special session of the South
Dakota legislature to consider an appropria
tion looking to a fund to bo devoted to the
collection and placing of an exhibit of South
Dakota products at the World's Columbian
exposition. In Muy of 1691 a state World's
fair convention was held in this city which
created a World'.s fair commission. It has
lahoroa at Its own expense to raise money for
a state exhibit at the exposition. Early In
its existence the commission en
deavored to Induce the governor to
call a special session of tha leg
islature and Hocuro plodeos from a
majority of the legislators to unite for an
appropriation , should the legislature bo con
vened , but Governor Mclletto positively do-
dined to convuno the body if it would onUll
anv expvnso to Hio state. So the commission
tried a stock company scheme , un Individual
contribution scheme and a county appropria
tion scheme. Kadi ono failed to encourage
the commission and the condition of things
made success impossible unless a session of
the legislature could bo secured ,
When the rommlHslon met hero Thursday ,
President Evans said einutiatlcally that ho
would not go homo until the matter of funds
was settled or the commission dissolved , lie
had previously invited Governor Molletto to
attend the meeting , out tbo. governor failed
to appear. The commission In its ilrst
sesiioii telegraphed his i oxrolloiicy to rome ,
but ho could not , The commission passed a
resolution stating in substance tbut the com
mission was nvvaro of tbb outtmeuta of tbo
people lu the state , ncdtharo [ was no other
way of raising the mouoy. cxcopt by state
appropriation ashing Hitrrto call n special
suasion and wired it to-hlm vorbatun. The
governor replied that bq > vat > anxious to caU
the session without expanse .to tbo state , and
the commission promptly ( budorod htm its
assurance as a commission1 individually ,
each member speaking jus district , that
the session would cost the state nothing and
asking him to call the special xosslon at onco.
The governor accepted tho. ( tender of assur-
auco and the commission uamed Prod Evans ,
Oliver Ulbbs , jr. , and Ohnrles Keith to call
on the governor and arrange details.
That cctmnluco wont.ip.J'lorro today prepared -
pared to urco tbo governor to convnno the
legislature within thirty days. South Da
kota will bavo un exhibit ut the World's fair ,
because H is well established thnt a majority
of tbo legislators .aro favorably dUposed
toward au appropriation.
31 > llmurm > 'p Servluci DrMrml.
lUnn CITT , B. D. , Jan. 10. [ 8necial Tele
gram to Tun BEK. ] Ono'hundrcd and fifty
farmers from alt parti ot the bills mot hero
today to organize for the pTirposa 01 securing
the services of Melbourne , tli ? rain maker. ,
A Black Hills organization was fpnned and
committees appointed to negotiate with
Melbourne , A second meeting was called
for January 30. Much interest and onthuil-
asin was shown ,
A very small pill , but a very good ono. Da *
Witt' * little Early UUor * .
Wash Goods
Remnants of 7 c prints at
Remnants of ! 5c sateens at
Remnants of 35c sateens at
Remnants of 15c ginghams at
lOc yard ,
Remnants of 25c ginghams at
1.5c yard.
Remnants of I5c outings at 10c
1 case of best .fancy prints at
5c yard , regular price 7j C.
Torchon Laces-
4-in torchon lace , regular juice
15c , sale price lOc.
J-in torchon lace , regular jrice )
20c , sale price 12c.
4-in mediccis lace , regular price
15c , sale price lOc.
( i-in mediccis laces.regular price
20c , sale price 12 Ac.
AJinc oflincn lace to 5-in ,
ranging in price from 2 'c to 15c
Also a fine line of hand made
torchon laces of new designs
that come in matched sets.
Mail Orders Filled
Board of Health Sustain Mavor Bemis in Dr.
Soraer1 Appointment.
City Attorney Council ( iltcx tlio lloinl His
Jiilorprt-hil Inn of tht > Oliurtnr'ii 1'ro-
vlilon > mi tint Point Dr.
( liipcu < ) ! * ' * It l'l > .
Tiia now Board of Health mot yesterday
uftornoou nt ! i o'clock In Urn board's rooms
In tlio Barker block lor the purpose ot affect
ing na organization. It organised and Dr.
eitu'ko Gapeii was unceremoniously ousted
without any particular demonstration.
Mayor BcinU rapped the assemblage to
order. Chief of Police Soavoy , Sanitary
Comniissionor Amlrus , Health Commissioner
Soinors anil Oouncllmcn McLearlo and
Howell looked him squarely in the eye as ho
said ; "Gentlemen , I suppose you nil know
what wo tire here for to organize the Board
of Health under ttio now administration. "
City Attorney Council , who fiat over by the
door , looked on as if ho had no Interest in the
proceedings , and Dr. UapcnnndhU attorneys
maintained a sort of aggressive position in
the background.
"What is your pleasure , gentlemen' " asked
the mayor , and .Mr. McLeario read the fol
lowing :
Whereas ) , Dr. A. It. Homers him boon < luly
appointed by tin ; mayor and confirmed In- the
city council us Cdiiiinlsilonurof liunlta uf the
oltv < if Omuhuj and
Wliiiieulllsprcdeic orlnofllct' , Dr. CliuUo
Gapun , rulsoi some queaUon as to his right to
hold wild olllcv ; thorefoie bu it
Kusolvcd. by tliu llounl of Health. That Dr.
A. II. Somets bo and hereby Is rccu/nl/od as u
inonlhur of tald lio.ird , and tlmt ha bo 10-
quested to p'lrticlputu In Its proceedings and
nut as Its bucrolury us provided by thu oliur-
tcr ,
Declined lo liccoKiil/i * ( isipun.
Dr. Gapeu's ' attorney wnntcd to make a
statement at this juncture , Haying that bo
appeared as counsel.
"For whom 1" domanood too mayor.
"For Ur. Unpon. "
"Ho is not a mouther of this board and baa
no volco in Its deliberations. "
"That is just the matter that wo want un
dorstood. "
"Ho will not bo recognized as such , " was
thu mayor's Html ultimatum.
"Itoad your letter , doctor , " said Gnpon'b
counsel , mid the ex-coiniuKsiouor stopped
forward nnil road and handed to the mayor
tbo following letter , whlcn had been drawn
up by his lawyer a few minutes buforu , and
on which the ink was hardly dry :
OMAHA , Jan.10. lion , Uuoruo I'.liomU. 1Mayor
of the City of Omulin : blr : Yon uro re
spectfully Informed that I .un ruaily to pur-
forni tlio duties o ( commissioner of health for
the city uf Omaha 1n conjunction with you
and tliu oilier inomliors of the Hoard of
Health oC sitlil city : I tihall contlnuu personally -
sonally to perform nil thu duties pertaining
to that ollli'o iiud will ini'ct yon and thu othur
inoiiihers of tliu honnl for consultation mid
notion at all proper times and pliuits. Vouri
very icspciitfiilly. UI.AIIKU GActN.
Coinnilssionot of lloultb.
The mayor took the letter but paid uo at
tention to it , and asked what was to bo anne
with McLpario's resolution , McLoarlo
moved Its adoption ana the question was
put , MoUmrlo voting "ayo" and On pen
"no. " It wuj declared carried , and Uapon
demanded a yea and nay vole of all the
U was so ordered , and MoLenrlo sung out
* "ayu" good ana loud wkuu his name was
Attorney Council 11 curd I'roiu ,
Chief Seaveyvus next called upon , and ho
didn't know what to do , so ho asked that tbo
resolution ba road again. It was road , and
then the cblof wanted to bo excused from
voting. Ho suld that ho know nothing of the
merits of the case as between Gapon and
Sotuors , and tbo courts would probably bnvo
to settle it anyway , Ha would rather bo ox
cutoJ. but would vote If to ordered.
McLoarlo Insisted that tbo chief should
Monday morning we put on
sale all Dress Goods Rem
nants al prices which will and
must surely close them out.
In order to simplify the sale
of these goods we will place
them in lots at the following
prices :
Lot 'i at r 78c per remnant.
Lot 2 at $1.48 per remnant.
Lot 3 at $2.47 per remnant.
Lot 4 at $3.47 per remnant.
Lot 5 at $4.58 per remnant.
Lot 6 at $6.39 per remnant.
Amongst the above lots are
a great many short dress pat
terns which we put in at the
same price as a remnant.
Lengths run from ij to 8
yards , and every one perfect.
Our sale of blankets still con
tinues , enormous reduction made
to clean up the stock. Single
blankets from 79c up.
Mail Orders Filled
vote , and the mayor said that settled it. Th
chief was just about to express himself when
Mr. Jloweil arose and declared that hoas
In just about the sumo position as the chief
of police , and ho would llko to hear the
opinion of the city attorney before voting.
Mr. Cunnoil replied by stating that the
provisions regulating the appointment of
commissioner of health were somewhat con-
Illcting. but ho thought they could be recon
ciled. Regarding section M3 , under which
the appointment was made , ho said the sec
tion was swneping , plain and mandatory.
The mayor must appoint a commissioner of
health , and if the "council falls to ccnllrm ,
the mayor must repeat his appointment every
Tuesday night. The term'of oftlco of evor.v
one of tbo many ofllcors appointed by the
mayor expire * with the mayor's ofllco , unless
sooner romoved. This provision was un-
doubtoJly made in order to insure all the
ofllcors working in harmony , either polit
ically or otherwise.
"Dr. Gapen's attorneys claim , " said Mr.
Connell , "tbat the ieclion under which ho
was appointed U an execution. If this is so
It Is strange that it is the only one. Such an
amendment looks very much as if its passntro
had been secured by somn one interested In
this department , either directly or Indirectly ,
as It is utterly nt variance with oviry other
provision of the charter. It provides thnt
his term of oflice shall bo for two years , but
with this reservation 'unless sooner re
moved or retired. ' It is very plain to mo
that ha is retired In this case by thu action
of the mayor and council , The sections are
conflicting , and it is fair to conclude that
the legislature never intended to make a
tingle exception in this caso. All courts
hold that conlllcting suctions shall bo made
to harmonize If possible , and It is possible to
har nonlzo these in this way. "
t'lili-l hi-n\i-y Voted Aji .
This brought the vote arotina to the chief
again , but ho looked around and asked :
"Who seconded that motion to adopt ) If it
wasn't seconded there is nothing before the
hOUbR. "
Nobody pleaded guilty to having .seconded
the motion , and after waiting a mlnuto the
mayor said : "I suppose the president can
frocbnd it , and I will do so. It is now ready
for your vote , rhief. "
Thcro wu : no way out of it , and the chief
said : "This is a matter for the courts to de
termine , and it may ba months hoforo it is
settled , but tbo board cannot afford to wait ,
as it should bo organized at once or
the health of the city mav suffer.
I don't know Dr. Seniors , but Dr. Uupon
is u personal friend of mine , mid
I huvo always gotten along well with this
department. But I don't propose to allow
friendship to stand in the way ot the per
formance of my olllclal duties , cither in this
cuso or any other. It seems to IPO that the
elauso regarding the contention between the
two might as well bo loft out. 1 don't know
us it amounts to anything , but tboro may bo
something behind ft. "
The chief was assured that the resolution
was not loaded nt both ends , and thereupon
voted "nyo" for Its adoption.
Mr. Honrcll voted "aye" without a mur
Arguments lor U.ipvn ,
Dr. Ciapou's attorneys managed to gotn
few minutes' bearing , and argued the case
from tholr standpoint. They urged that the
intent of the legislature was nonpollticul ,
nnu Insisted thnt the last action of the body
was surely intended to lay over previous leg
islation. They urged that a special provision
would hold over a general ono , but tholr ar
guments failed to convince tbo members of
the board that the mayor had lu any ucgroo
exceeded his proroiratlvos ,
'NVhon i\lr , Andre's' vote was called for ho
said that Inasmuch as the mayor had the np-
pomtlva power It was not for the hoard to
decldo us to Its legality , and ho voted "aye. "
The mayor voted the same way , making U
unanimous , and Dr. Oapcn wus thus legis
lated out of ofllce. Ill * attorney stated that
lib client would turn over luo olllco without
further trouble.
McLoarlo Introduced another resolution ,
rending as follow * ;
ili'solvcd , That all Inspectors or other par-
tic- , heretofore employed by tlio Iliiaru of
Health or In connection with the Hnallli de
partment of thooltyfif Umiilm ho. and tlio
siiiho lire hereby lolloved from duty and dU.
clmrgud from fuitlioruurvlco.
It was adopted without n disjoining volco ,
and the board adjourned until " o'clock
Ttesduv , when it will consider rules for the
regulation of tha sanitary department.
Dr. ( Japon left last evening for Hobtiylor.
Furnishing Dep't.
Gcnls' white and scarlet Aus
tralian wool shirts , at 78c , worth
$1 to si.50.
A large lot of men's heavy
and medium weight woolen
half hose at 25c a pair , formally
sold at 35c to 50e.
Heavy oxford mixed cotton
half hose , 2 pairs for 25c , extra
value. '
Underwear Dep't
Ladies' fine Australian wool
shirts in gray , white and scar
let , atScworth SI to $1,50.
Heavy ' jersey ribbed balbrig-
o-an shirts' and drawers , in gray
and cream , at50c ; extra value.
Ladies' extra fine quality of
cashmere hose , in slate , tan and
blacks , at17c ; real value 75c to
37K per cent off Dr. Jaeger's
25 per cent off Ypsilanti un
derwear , in ladies' and chil
Mail Orders Filled
Bishop Newman Offers a Suggestion as ty
the Opening of the Oherokco Strip.
Only Two Ways to Atold u 1lcpi > tllloa ol tlio
UliKriirvfiil SrriM'x That Attended
tliw OjiciiliiR : ol thoOkla-
, lioinu ItcHrrvc.
"I want to suggest something to the people
and the president of the United Status.said
Bishop Newman yesterday tea Bun re
porter. "I bavo Just returned from Oula-
hoina , null I found while down there that the
people were becoming very much uxcitcil
over the opening of the Cherokee strip ,
which tbo Indians recently ngrocd to sell to
tbo United State * and which the prcildent
will probably open by proclamation next
spring or summer.
"Now , tbo people well remember the terrible -
riblo scramble and lots of
lite that attended the opening of Oklahoma
three years ugo. The opening of thu Chcro-
koo strip will undoubtedly bo a repetition of
the disgraceful scene * , of the Oklanonm
opening , I doubt the wisdom ol such u pro-
Iralor the l.niiiN.
"What I want to suggest U that the claim
ants decide upon the llnal ownership of those
lands by u drawing. Let every quarter
suction of land bo represented by n number
nnd let there bo ticket with a'corro pendIng -
Ing number in the box. Lqt loU in organized
town and villages , if tueru should bo unv , bo
disposed of In llko manner.
"Then 1 would niako It necessary for every
person desiring to draw to furnbli u certllf-
cute , duly Mgnod , witnessed and sworn to ,
bottlnp forth the fact that the person had u
legal right us u cltl/.eu of the
United States lo the ownership of
a puitof thoao lands to bo opened for settle
ment. 1 would lot no ono dnr.v who could
not furnUh Mich a cortilicuto prior to the
tlino set for tha drawing , lu case the num
ber of people ir. attendance at tlio Drawing
hhould exceed the number ol plcccb of hind
and loin to bo distributed thena certain mini-
bur of blank tickets could bo put in , Tbii
would glvo every ono n chnuuo to dia\v \ u
valuable ticket , wherein If the tirkots should
all ba exhausted before the people huvo' all
drawn these loft out would have cause to
complain , I of TIVII HlllH.
" 1 am well nwaro of the fact that , some
ncoplo will hold up their hands in horror ut
tha Idea of my suggesting anything wnluh
resembles a lottery , but I ntn simply sug-
cesilng tbo least , in my opinion , of twoovlls ,
The element of chunco is already present In
the schema to open those lands for settle ,
ment , nud It U a dangerous , and 1 might uy
burbaroua , kind of chance , 'Iho mim who
geti upon tbo ground flrat niter tha word Is
given is supposed to bo thu rightful claimant
to the entry of tbalaud. In oilier \\ords ,
every man takes n physical chnncoct semir
ing his title. Ho may huvo un encounter.
Ho imay lese his Ufa in the Mruggla
I simply wish to HUj/gost a way tbut would
bo aafor and I boliuva uioro ] ust , hucauso U
would Mint out fraudulent pi > culatnr3.
\Vouiii jiiiniiuiip ; riiiinci' .
"The only way to eliminate the clement of
chance from the disposition of tbono lamh
would ba to sell them nt publlu nur.tlou ami
pluco the funds In tha iwbllii trodtnry , Thh
would bonellt tlio entire people , mid every
man who wished oould hilt on the inndj. Hut
the element of chance U In the xi-homo u <
contemplated at p res cut and 1 would Illto to
see some plan adopted that would avoid
bloodshed ami disgrace to our country.
The ChoroUco fctrln Is u miiuiillkoiil
stretch of country and will In a very short
time bo occupied by u thrifty , oncrgotk' uud
progrnnslvo people Hut 1 dread the pie
posed opening if the plan adopted n' iho
opening of Oklahoma Is followed , 1 hopn it
U not too tutu tor 1'resliluiit lluriUon to not
upon sumu lurh gupi/mlon DM J l.uvu
you. "