THE OMAHA TAlTAr IJEE ; SI N DAY. JANFAUY 17 , PAGES. F9 WIfT W -uial-iO iilJjLj \ \ Omaua'u Branch oF the Btato Oraiu Inspec tion Eeorganizcd. JrfORE WORK AND LESS PAY ORDERED , of TrniiM > rliilloii OMIelul * 'Inclined to L'nmliictTliJiiK * OIL u DIITVr.'nt llml * TliruiiKliiiiil I InS.vnlrni l.lli- rolfi JS"ttt Nnli-N. I < tNCGi.x , r > eb. , J.-ui. 10 , ( Special to TUB MKE. ] Tko action of tlio State Doant bf Transportation nt a special mcotlnR liclil this forenoon will BO far. toward gleauJtiR uwrty tuo obttaclcM to tlio successful opor.itlon of the grain Inspection and ( train weighing de partments at Omaha. When tlio jioiV ware house law went Into -effect last full the > flv- pral departments worn organl/i'd upon nn Clabornto plan. The chief Inspector ap pointed a deputy and u full conw of aisist- nnU. The chief xvolfshmnstcr ( ltd the sumo nnd the chief noisier followed .suit. All tbroa departments rented suites of ofllco roomt , had them furnUhed nnu provided themselves with u full line pf/Untlonury and qfllco supplies. .All this was done before the law had been test od and before It could bo ) Jcnown wholbcr'or not It Would bo successful , As unatiirarrcfliilttlio departments nt Omaha wore plu'iRod dreply In debt nt the very cutset of their oDIcial careers. An InviMtlgiitlfin Ordered , In vlow of the cmbirra ; iiij ? dllUcultlot which Imvo surrounded the operations of tlio several Omaliq departments , tlio mem bers of the Btato Board of Transportation Jinvo long felt thu urgent necessity for re form. The chief inspector nnd tbo chief wclebtna&tor have strenuously Insisted all along that It would bo Impossible to conduct their respective department * on a less olabo- Vato basis. Last Tuesday , however , the tooard hold a sptu-ial mooting and adopted u \-esoUition directing the secretaries of the lioard to investigate the departments nt tOmaha with a view ot lakiuir sotno steps toward - /ward a Solution of the question. On behalf of the secretaries Secretary Koont/ , who Bias general supervision of tbo ( 'ralu depart ment , went to Omaha mid looked Into the inattcr closely. ( let-found that the chiols of the three departments had so nrnmpod their- Kvork us to tiuvo but very little to do thcm- Eclvoa. "i hey were all supervising tbo ofllco I work , whllo their deputies and assistants tvoro doing the rail work of weicliinp and 1 iupectitif. | In other words , Chief Waigh- inas tcr Taylor and Uhiaf Inspector Ulnnchurd liovo boon practically enjoying a "snap" nt a salary of $ J,000 ptiyear. . Svcrntarj- KuonlIteeoinniemls , To tlio Hoard of Transport'illou : Ountle- lnen--Wo have prtiteoded under Instructions tob'ecrotary IvoonlA under u resolution of the l > oard uasscd .Iinii.iry U. 1H97 , to Investigate the question DS to ( ho c\pouscs ot condiictlii ) ; the stall ) wclRlini sinter's department for tlio city of Oimihn.Vii have also Intcstlsntad fdnco nnd prior to the nnssiiKO of s I'.il resolu tion , the oxuensf. of eoiidiiutlnK tlio olhur de- partmunts provided 'for iimlur tlu ; nuiohouso Jaw and hex leave tOMihmll the Collins IIIru - j > ort of Hald Invest fsut Ions : ] . In the xvcluli muster's dnmirti'ienl In the . city of Omaha there 1110 the following ollleeis : i 'W.I ) . Taylor , stnlt : wulsjlimiibtor , sit a .sulurv ' of f-.UOO jior jear : 'P. II. Itoiisnuor. iis-iKtiint i ivolphma'-ter. at. u milury of JI.-JJ JILT year ; , O. K. Tnylor. ts-SKtant. at u salary of , 81.200 per yoar. and ono liolpor nt u salary of $30 per month. The duties of the clilof ttufgh- . inastor. uceoril'iip 10 thn manner ho has nr- I ranged his work. Is to look after the ofllco i vrork , to visit thu elevators , slsn i-uttlfle.ites . of weight nnd 10 at tend to the business genor- ' ally. Tim HutlcHOf MrKoubonur , thu iibslst- nnt , are to help In the ollluu , mnkuoiit luporls , ] < oop the IjooK.smiU ( toirgriiuial clerical work , with ouco In a avvlillo work at one of the clo- | Tutors wolphln : , C. K. Taylor , assistant. Is ' { stationed lit the Oinahu elevator and ( lous 'ill I of the wolKblnK sit that ulovutoroxcopt ovury other nlaht. lie KOCS ut ? o'clock In tlio morn- jiiK , with an I'tur oil' for dinner , 'ind worlH until half past ti , hcn thb helper t.-.kcs his jlnco every other nlsht and I'ontliHH" ' tlio work until 10 o'clock In the oveiilni ; , or until tlio elevator clones the nl 'Iil work. The diil'es of tlio helper am toJo the H'oiRh- ' 4"K attlmroxyleroUiYator. Jle KOUS on < luty .a. 1 7 o'clock In the niornliiK and noiKs until 0 , iindovury otLurcvenliu lolluvos U I ) . Taylor ' at the Omaha povitor ! and works mill husl- j / licsa closes at tint Omaha eleVator , \ihlch Is at' | | l'abotitlO o'clock in tlio ovenlnhen husl- ij JIOSB IsHitch that Ihls.urriiriKOinont cannot bo /.carried 1 out uclvrrtMi the \soKhniaslers { , | Mr. Itoahoncr rclluvenxjno or tlio other for the ( lima bolni ; . Wo llnd lhit : It would probably bo'an Inlury fo the carrylnz ouof thu uolxlimastcr's olllce In a just and s.itMftictory manner If the force JuasrcdnuudexuKptiis lioriilnaftcr Mated , hut > vo believe that it lH > ttor apDuilloiiinvntuf sal- . nrlcs could bu mailo and some o\pcnso saved n that manner. The dink's nf thu helper are the sumo us tin- duties of O. K. Taylor , asslst- nnt. Mr. Taylor receives $ IU ) per your and the hcIporM > | > er inontli. Wo think ono as sistant and two hclpurs would bo MilHoleiit to carry on thu liiiHlnt'ss Of that department w-Viidor the dlrcutlun of thn vlitnf ViDUhmaslcr. i iVo haxoalso I , eon considering thuiiucs- tion of the expenses of tlio KIM In Inspection department , mil would recomiiiK'id , fioin TVliut wu have ! x' : ii able to ascot tain , that It can bo carried with a chief Imipcctor , llrat . assistant Inspector , nnd , If occasion iciitilios , I n helper uan U ) employed temporarily , \\ntl \ \ tvb would recomuiond that the furco in ( .aid tioparlmont liu , n-duced accordlnjily. Wo would further leeoiumund that tlio hireot ear , < nroof the n.saUuit Inspector , while on olli- clal business. Ixj allowed as an Item ot o.\- Vonso and bo pa.Iil out of thu ffes ot the In- tinectloii dcpurUixint. U. Jn thest-iter resistor's depiutment tlieio Is astntii renlsU-r ut a salary of f ' , uno pur jrearandouiumSttaiit at u balmy of ( MOO Jior-yei.i. Aauttlu > io has heon ul oluloly cotlilns to rcqutro this services of a uulstur , nun from what , v lii.vo : heon able to ascer tain from the public w.irehousas now licensed , jiono will lie required for sonio lime.Vn > rould therefore rt'cominond that the pay of fhoHtutu register ho eonsldeiedln the natuio \pt \ icon , nnd thatlio lecelvo for hlx conipunsa- llon Hiieh fce.s us ui-o envnud In hi if olllce. ao- jCorduiK torule. : it mid that the sprvlces of ua- S6lstant , budlsittUMxl , Artlaii of the Hoiird , „ At the special mcottuK of the State Hoard Ovf Transportation this morulnir the rocom- inendatlons ot Secretary Koont/ were nuoptod with but. oao utnouamont. Section 2 3Vas modlllcd < > o as to rand ns follows : S. We have ulsn ( icon considering tlio o\- ) > onsusof thecralu Inspection department and ivoiild reoorni'joixl us to the Inspection nnd hlnK dcpurtMKMit at Omaha that thuio bu ruin chief lnspv TA5r with onu assistant and nno chief nrlctiiuabtcr with ono -Mant ; that ono room t nllotcd to the ehlcf Inspector pud chief wclcliuittiitor , to housed hy them jointly , nnd lluit tlo street i'nr fmu of thu as- uUtant liibpcetiir.vlillo on olllclal , t > o allowed as an lu-iu of expense ami bo paid Out of the fees of the Inspection depart mont , , At toaay't. meeting the rcquestof the hoard , taado ut Its tx-suiai * Dccombur tncotitif ; , that tUo railroad companies grant the .samo stop over prtvlletr s to shippers of grain that uro accorded to ICans.-i3 City and other points was fouowod nnd Attnrnoy (3onoril Hustings < waa requested to transmit another latter to Xbo railroad managers rouowing the rcijuost. Aiiswrr to a < ' < imi > lulol. fho Kansas tTity , WyatidottQ & North - Tvcatcrn Kailroad company , through Us at- jornoyg , tiled UH auswer to the complaint rondo to tbo beorntnrios of the Stnto Board of .JTransDortatlou on January r > , Ib'.r ' ' , by Cbarlos II , Fiucti of Armour , Neb. Mr , Finch innJo comptuint that , a public crossing On the road nt-sr bis farm was in a deep cut 80 thai approicltuiK trains could not bo seen frail ) a poiut near the trucl ; , uud that the crossing was uuicnnco to the publlo snlcty. The railroad In its answer alleges that tbo Kansas City , Wyaudotto & Noith western company was cUartcrod under the laws of JCansas nud ucvi-r owued or operated u line t > ( railroad in NubrusUa ; that prior to March 01 , 1SOO , Uoporatud , under a loose , the Kan- eaa City & LleaU-Ico railroad and that it Is Upon this loisctt line that the urosslni * ol- logod to bo dangerous is located ; that tbo eatlro system is now In the bauds of Now- ) nan Erb , a rccuivrr appointed bv tbo federal courts ; that thu complaint docs not state facts sufHcteut lo entitle ( ho complainant Jfinch any rctUf whatever ; and that the .crossing U as aafo oa it is practicable to uiiiUo U. By direction ot the secretaries Nowmnn Erb , the receiver , was also tnndo a dof''ndiint to the complaint and bo was noUUoa accord- ltelcu eil Allnr I.'IIIK ' t'liiillnenii'iit. tDdnnis lliiumumil , who has for many VrooVs boon Icauverutea la ( bo county Jail , is a frco man UiC.Un. He owea hbrcodoiu io Judge J-aji5iutja.nd thu privllego of habeas corpus. Ilaramood ono or the ijuurtotto of gamblora apuiust whnm Chief of 1'ollco Pingos died coaiplnlnt ou tbo'.Sh | of last Boptomber. lie uvudcd urreat for some inuo , ' [ but was Hn lly placed in the couuty Jail. Ho v ) ( f vo ball , but was aurreudei-cd lint Monday nnd ngnln placed la jail. Hli attorneys today proved to the satisfaction of Judge Lnntlnir that Justlco Crlppon , who Issued the mitti mus last Monday , bad no authority to do so Inasmuch ni his term of. ofllca bad ox pi rod llvo days previously. Odd * and ind : < . The Dally Sun , ftn afternoon nonpnrtUan dally newspaper , will bo usuod In Lincoln by M. L. Thomas and other. * February I. An Informal roccptlon was tendered ( J , A. \Vllllnm * Itf the parlors of tbo Young Men's Christian association ttils evening. Mr. Williams U tbo now physical director of the association , nnd comes highly recommended. Nora Smith filed a petition for a divorce from her husband today on tbo grounds of desertion. Mary Klntr did likewise. A petition /Hod / witb tbo clerk of the dis trict court today requests the dismissal of the cases brought against tbo city by the property ownora who basements wore Hooded by the bursting of the U street bcwcr. Kdgnr P. Illood today sued W. T. Dudgeon , bis former employer , for $ KW , which bo claims is still duo htm as wages. Sonio excitement w.-w occasioned by the breaking of nn oloclflc trolley wlro on Tontu street today , but beyond a frightened toatn of horses and a slightly dbflgured vohlcla no damage was Uonc. Kd Wadsworth was fined $10 and costs tbls afternoon for beating bis wlfo. The Daughters ot iloboicnh cave a leap year social and dauco at Odd Fellows hall tbls ovcninp. Up todato)30 ! ) ca os bavo boon placed on tbo docket for the February term of the dis trict court. CII.STIJK cor > TV r.\n.M iits. : They Voiiclndo nn IntrrrKtliiK Institute of .Soxcrul Days' Duration. BIIOKBS Bow , Nob. , Jan. 10. ( Special Telegram to Tun Uti.J : : Tbo Ctistor county farmors'lnstltuto closed Its three days' ses sion tonight. Tbo attendance has been fair and tbo Interest good. Prof , Cunflold lec tured on Thursday night to a largo audience. Uov. O , K , Beobo on Friday nisbt addressed the institute on bis trip with the Nebraska advertising train. Prof. C. S. Ituorsoll also was In nttopdanco and gave some very instructive - structivo tnllts. It is the eonoral soutlment I'cro that the mooting has been conducive of much good. The exorcises will close tonight wltb nn address comparing the methods of farming in 1800 and IS'by ) Uov. Byron IJcalo. .lulled lor forgery. BKATIIICI : , Nob. , Jan. It ! . ( Special Tolo- RtatntoTnn Bin : . ] Late lasf night John Bourko. alias Davla Boyer , called at lirom- toy's hotel , rogislerod and asked for a room. Not having any baggngo bo was requested to pay In advance for tbo accommodation. Ho replied that bo bad no mono } ' , but bad 11 ehccK for $ - > V > 0 , given bv S , P. Lester of Beatrice , for Whom b'o claimed to huvo been working. Ho offered the chock In payment , but before it was accepted the proprietor stepped out to tbo telephone station and callIng - Ing up this city soon ascertained that tbp check was a forgery. On the request of Sheriff Kyd Bourke was hold until the ar rival of an ofllcor wb ? took htm in charge , lodging him In jail boro. Lester found on examination' of bis desk that Bourkc had stolen bis check book and other papers. Ho had been employed for'a few days as hostler In Lester's livery stable. May Cost Him Ills l.lfo. , Nob. , I'au. 10. [ Special to Tun Br.K.J lloborb , Kennedy , a boy pf 10 ycara , sou of a farmer residing near Lexinaton , was disappointed in love and determined to run away from homo. In company with Ed Kico , a friend of the .samo age , ho bo.U'dcd the westbound flyer , occupying an unenviable position on the front platform of u baggaga car. The extremely cold night wind did its work , and they loft the train at North PlnttOi severely frozen. Word was received bore that Kennedy was boiuc cared for by Lincoln qounty oflicials. It Is feared his limbs will have to bo amputated and that recovery is doubtful , AVccphiK Water Mrreli.ints fall. Wcni'ixo WATCH , Neb. , Jan. 1C. [ Special to T n Bnu. ] The KeoJ Brothers company , general merchants , wnro closed by thcsherlff today. The liabilities so far roach obout $ Soob ; , witb assets of nearly ? 15,000. Tbo First National bank of this city headed the list with over i7,000. .Tho firm has been < doing business but u short time. Tbo old firm , Reed Bros. & Co.-contracted the -Jobt. The members of the firm doubt the locality of the proceedings , and say they are not re sponsible. t Jtaplil Transit Intensions. BRA-THICK , Nob. , Jan. 1(1. ( JSpcclal Telo- grara to Tin : .BEi.J The Beatrice Rapid Transit and Power company has today very materially enlarged its membership by the addition of twenty-live or uioro of the loaa- ing citizens nnu capitalists of the city. The company will ntonco extern ! Its electric road to all parts of tbo city , and has In addition completed arrangements for an extensive olcctrio light plaut sulllcient lo supply the needs of the entire city to uu installed and in operation within thirty days' . Xohuislm'N Death ttnll. FIUEND , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special to THE BRG. ] John Buckingham nnd Alexander Love , twp old residents of Lincoln proclnct of this county , died last nK'ht. Bath tboso persons settled in this couuty cany hi 1870 , and have resided bore since. . Champion Mills llnrncil , Vr.SAXoo , Nob. , Jan. 10. ( Special Telegram - gram to Tin : Bii.J The Champion Holler mills were destroyed by lira Friday morning. The loss Is ? 10OOJ , ; Insurance , ? lrUO. I.iiHt Year's I'lonr Output ut Minneapolis tlui < 'renlesl l'\t-r Iviiou-ii. MtN.NKAl' , Mlmi. , .Tau. 10. The North- wostoru Mlllor reports the olsial ! ) output of Hour by Minneapolis mills for tbo year of 1891 nt 7,378,01" barrels , njrulust 0,9SSS30 barrels in IS90 , 0,033SJ3 ! barrsLs hi ISi'J , and 7 , Tul.taO barrels In 1S3S. Tbo direct exports of flour to foreign countries for 1SI1 ! were IIMOS.OCS barrels , against ! > , OS7U3ri barrels hi 1890 , l.Orh't.Slfi . barrels in IbSl > , ami ! iiyr,0ir > barrels in 1S < S. Uogaruing the year's business - ness , the Allllor says : "Tho output for the calendar year U ahead of anything before ever done. Kvon ISSS , horctoforo tbo banner year , is exceeded by over 800,000 barrels. IIOJS'Al'AKTK OIT OX IS.ll.l. . 1'rlnco l.onls * Trouble nllh Ills 1'lrnl Witt ) . AKIIII ! Alri'il In Court. LOXDOX , Jan. 10.- Prince Louis Clovts Bonaparte , who. on the comnlalnt of his wife , Hosallo Bonaparte , was arrested on tuo charge of conspiring to defraud her of jewelry - olry valued at .20.000 , was again arraigned in court today. At tbo provlous hearing bail In tbo sum of t.1,0011 was demanded , but today tbo magistrate reduced tbo amount to 1,000 and tbo prisoner was released , tuo mother ot Princess Bonaparte becoming bis security , Mi's. Kosalio Bonnparto , from wbnml'riuco Louis Clovis Bouapnrte Is trying to secure a divorce , alleges that her husband has given her Jewelry to his second wife , formerly Miss l.auni Kllzabotb Scott. M'JlVS7'K/f.V IIISHIIII.I. I.KUn'i : . JIt ) > tliiK t'altod for : s.-\l Week to IVrleft the OrKiinl'iillon. CiiifAOo , 111. , Jan. 10.Tho committee an- pointed at tbu last mooting nf tbo Western B'aso Ball leagun has completed atrango- mcnts and called a mooting for Thursdaj , January til , nt the Auditorium in ibis city , to complete tbo formation ot the league. It Is stated It will bo composed of tno following cities : Minneapolis , St. Paul , Ouiahu , Kan sas City , Milwaukee , Indianapolis , Columbus and Toledo. _ Freddy ( Jeulmull Wiinl * lo lie Cured. WIIITB PI.AI.V * , N. V. , Jan. 10. Mr. Fred ( jobbardt arrived bore thU ovpumg. Ho > vas mot on the voraiula ot tbo hotel by Dr. Hayuor and a number of patients of tbo ICco- lov Institute , Dr. Havuor was reticent , but It Is understood that Mr. UeUhardt will boglu the blcblortdo of gold treatment at once. IMulu Arnolil Ilii * the ( iilp. Pim.iptii'iiiA , Pu. , Jan. I0.--Slr lidwlv Arnold , who was to bavo given a reading la Treutou , N , J , last tilgbt , was uuablo to till bis engagement , being con lined to his bed at bis hotel here with au attack of grip. [ FROM TKITBIIDAT'S SECMXB nt AWAllNC SPE S" SEWS ! Chili Will Not Make Any Apology Till 8ho Knows What Is Wanted , NO TALK OF WAR IS HEARD THERE. I'rrnldent Monti nnd III * Cabinet Are Iteinly to Do' Wlmt In IllRlit Veal- ItiK of the Poimlaco UCIinni ; * Ing Iliipldly. liu James nnnlnn ntnntU.I VAU-AIIVISO , Chill ( via ( Jalvcston , Tox. ) , .Tan. If ! . [ By Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald--Special to Tin : Bnn. | There has boon n decided Improvement in the situ ntlou within tbo past twenty-four hours. There Is no "war talk" In Valparaiso among those whoso opinions have weight with the government. Minister Montt has cabled from Washington that ho has assurances of on early sottlomout of the questions arising from the assault upon the crutsor Baltimore's sailors , nnd Senor Poroirn , minister of for eign nffalrs , has assured Minister Egan that the Chilian government will deal severely with all persons who have Insulted Ameri cans. Ila\e.Vot Heard from Ilurrlioiu Notwithstanding the reports sent from Washington that President Harrison Is urg ing an Immediate reply to the demand made upon Chill by the United States , I Imvo been tolu by a representative of tbo Chilian gov ernment that no spocltlo rcnuiromcnts have boon forwarded to Santiago. Up to tbls tlmo only conoral proposals have boon made , and the Chilian government Is awaiting the de livery of the express terms of the demands which the United States government will make upon It. It is not expected here that these demands will bo made unjll1 nftor the entire ovldonco concerning the Baltimore affair has boon received at Washington. / am told on seml-ofllcial authority that Senor Pedro Montt , Chilian minister at Washington , has boon instructed to act in tlio most.conciliatory manner. Under these instructions ho will avoid all dlfllcultlcs that might bring about a war. Congress Will lie Asked to Advise. President Montt in all probability will not act entirely upon his own responsibility , in replying to the demands from Washington. If no does not receive tliospecific demands before January 25 , on which dale the Chilian congress will adjourn , bo will either callan' ; ' extraordinary session or await Its mooting in ' rogulur session in April. In njiy event 'con gress will bo asked to adyiso President Montt in regard to his action. > United States Minister J3gnn now moots wltb great consideration wbon visiting the monoda. Diplomatic cavaliers acknowledge bis success. A Chilian squadron of three ships andjone torpedo will start on n cruise next Tuesday" . They will sail with scaled orders and their destination Is not publicly known. It Is no torious that tlio vessels In tbo Chilian navy have not tholr. full complement of ofllcors' and men. Colonel Carvalho , late of Balmacoda's army , will bo released from prison next Monday. Other ox-olllclals of tbo late presi dent will probably bo .released at an early date. date.Now that the roftmens who are In the forelen legations are out of the Jurisdiction of Chili , there is llttlo doubt that tbo gov ernment will proclaim a more extended am nesty , nn nvont that will bo generally ro- gardot ! ns tending to pacify tbo country. Two of tbo roughs who atoned the occu pants of tno York town's gig a week ago have boon arrested. An early conv.lctlon and sentence - tenco mav bo oxpectod. The refugees from the American and Span ish legations , who were permitted to go on tboard the Vorktown , will leave ou'Saturaay , sonio going to Europe on English steamers , and others to California yla Callap. . , lIonnTl to lte\ol e. Thif prevailing 'opinion ttmoncrVhJ'publi'c mun In Sa'ntlago and Valparaiso is that' the elections soon to to hold la Argentina will , end in a revolution. This idea seems 10 bo confirmed by the news ,1 , have received from Buenos Ayres. Admiral Solicr , I am in formed , has taken command of tbo Argentine squadron , and has ordered several ships to bo put in readiness for immediate use. Tbls , coupled witb bis recent disagreement with President Pellegrini , arouses tbo suspicion that the situation is not as serene as it might bo. MAICIXl ! AMMUNITION. foundry nt I'ranldnrd Arsenal Hclng Cleared for l'ne us' Factory , PiiiiAnni.i'inA , Pa , , Jan. ] & . [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bun.J The influence of the threatened war Is already making itself felt in Philadelphia , and the force at Frankford arscual has been put entirely on tbo manu facture of shot and shall. By orders from the Department of War the iminonsn brick structure known ns tbo foundry and rolling mill , which was erected at a cost.of $100,000 by the government during tbo rebellion , but was never put to nuy other use than thrtt of a storehouse , is now being cleared preparatory to placing machinery for the manufacture of shrapnel shell and cartridges of , tie ( , no\y .caliber in use by the United States troops. Several sots of cartridge-loading machines will bo started at onco. Experiments which ha-vo bcon going the arsenal for some time , in the manufac ture of shrapnel shell , have so far progressed that Thursday there arrived at the arsenal from the Xvatervllot urbouul a three-inch rilled breech loading cannon , for tbo purpose Of testing those agents. I.i ; SAM'.S CltlMSKItS. Work HeliiK : l > on on the Parllln I''lui-t The H.iltlmore Almost Ite.idy for Se. . : , Cal. , Jan , 15 , Examination proves that the cruiser Baltimore was not injured in the least by her contact With the Vallojo shoro. Sao drifted and settled on au alluvial deposit and on return of the tldo floated off without asslstunco. She will not bo docked again. A force of machinists , boilorinaKer.4 and helpers are at work on her engines and boilers ovorhaullng thorn for the first tlmo In two years. All repairs to the ship will bo finished Inside of twelve days. The Mohican Is in the stream ready for service nud the Adams and Hanger are being put lu readiness for service.- . Testing Their Speed. Svx Fjuxcibco , Cnl , , Jan. 15The steam ers Acapulco nud City of .Now "VorU belong ing lo the Pacific Mull Steamship company Ibfthcro at noon today for Panama. On reaching Santa Barbara , Cal. , they wjll bo given a snood trial exten lug through the Santa Barbara channel , to fix tholr ratine under the now mall subsidy sebedulo adopted by the postmaster general nnd also to deter mine the availability of the vessels as cruis ers If needed in the event of war. On board the City of Now "York Is Contain Louis Kcmpf , of the United jStutes navy , chlof of the board of naval Inspection , who will on hit return to this city inako a report to the government on to the qualifications of tro sto a mers. I'nder .VillhiK Order * . * SAX DIF.OO , Cal. , Jau. 15 , Saillnc orders were received by Captain Homy of the cruiser Charleston today. The cruiser will Leave here Monday evening or Tresday morning , The destination U not stated , but It is be- llovod that the cruiser will first go to Mare fsland to bo cleaned of the marine growth on her bottom nnd then RO to aouth Pacific watON , It Is officially said that tbo Balti more will report tioro at once to Hear Ad miral Brown , Paymaster W. Goldxborough of the Charleston has bcon appointed fleet paymas ter of the Paclllo squtuirbu , vlca Pay Iti- spootor Arthur Burtls , detached on leave ot abjonco. Doelum Ale DUpntlnif. l/ojij/rfv' / ' < ' / IWHiijJttiiiet ( Junliiii lltnntlt. ] Ciiuo , Kpypt , Jan. 15. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BEK.J A serious dispute has arisen among the doctors as to who Is to take the responsibility for the death of the kbodlve. Hallm Pabn , to ox- Quorate himself , mailo statements of ambi guous character raspoctmg tbo former malady of the patient , wnieu have caused much comment llioro , ns calcul ated to cast dlfTodlt on the prl- vato U fo of tip deceased prince. J'ubllcnplnion Is greatly opposed to the pub lication of Audi statements. Thu young khcdlvo , Abba * , Is expected here tomorrow. There Is n general ox pecta- tlou that something will happen , notwith standing that for some tlmo to como the maintenance of the status quo Is inevitable. tCopyrfi/MfdlKWhi/ / < i7Jt ( InMnn JfcmiffM PA m ? , Jnti. IS. [ Now York Herald Cable- Special to TUB IJEBIt i rumored that Queen Victoria Is now ! tTectod by Influenza. President Carnut has rt oolvod the following telegram in reply to hlj message of - condolence ence ' . \ I am touched by the wbrds of sympathy you send mo on the occa ) Ion of the misfortune which hasovortuUon my family nnd my coun try , under nuuullar tragic and niovlnt ; cir cumstances. * VICTOUIA. The 1'ortudioso ilnanclal crisis is bocom- InB moro nuuto , Senor jCarvalho , minister of finance , has roslguodf In consequence of his having boon accuiuil of advancing ? in , . 000,009 to save a lotUrmg railway com pany of which ho was chairman. -lACouns ST. Cnun. . She Will UiineoNoMorc. ISO ! Ini JimiM ( Ionian PAXA.MV ( via Galveston , Tex , ) , Jan. 15. - [ By Mexican Cable to the Now York Herald Special to Titr. BEB.J News of n horrlblo crhno has reached hoto from Valencia , Ven ezuela. The daughter of Sllvostra Oultlewoz persisted in attending a ball against tbo wishes of her mother. When she returned homo the mother poured kuro/scno / over the girl and her ball d resit , to which she applied a lighted match. The girl suffered terribly nnd died of her Injuries. Her mother has boon placed In jail but it Is believed the in furiated populace will lynch her. A plague of frogs Is following In the wake ot the locusts In Bolivia nnd the Inhabitants are In great distress. Slrk. iCni > urlijitfil ! IsyibuJam't Gunlvn Ilcnnett PAUIS , Jail. 15. [ Now York Herald Cable- Special to Tin : BEI : . | Bouguoroau , who has been seriously ill with injjucn/a , is batter. Thoostntoof Gustuv Boulanger , the cele brated painter , who died In ISSS , will prob ably escheat to the French' government. He loft no legal heirs , and tno only will found was dated many years atro. The larger portion tion of his fortune was loftitoMmo. Nathalie , an actress nt the Comedlb 1'Vancalso. She died before Boulnugor , consequently the will is of no effect. New BKIU.IX , Juu. J5. The budpot was Introduced - ducod in the lower house of the Landtag today. The increase in the expenditures is estimated at 1UO,000,000 marks. Oxvlng to the now commercial treaties reducing the the sums assigned to tbo provinces for tbctr local needs will bo 0OC'0 marks less than In IS'Jl. The treasury bills will bo increased to 100,1)00,000 ) marks In order to allow the government to choose a < favorable moment to make a now loan. SO3IETHIXO Of A 1'TZZr.i : . Aristocratic California C'lnl ) Has an 1-Jx- pcrluneii ultli 1'rlrc Flf 'tcrM. SAX FIIAXCISCO , Cal. . . Jan. 15 The fipht between Charley Klm'mlck.t/ known Min neapolis welterweightjipj Jack McCanuwho gained local reputation1 by knocking out Bill Gallaghor.llghtwelcntettarflpion of the Pacific coast three months ago , was to have taken place nt the Callforuta.O.talctiu club tonight. Tbo purse was $1,500. jl'rfcsldout Fulda ex tended tbo club's hospitality to tbo eastern delegates to the press loat-uo convention and a. number of visiting 1gurn.ali.sts were pres ent. Several three \four-rouud bouts preceded the event cvciiing. At D-15 : President liulda entered the rinc nnd said thnt Kimmlek was at weight or slighll/ over , whllo McCann was eleven pounds overweight. There was a stipulation that the contestant riqt at woiebt should forfeit $300. Ho statolTtuat Billy Gallagher had'Offorod'to tnlrp.'r3lcCttttft1s place and. a motion to that effect was earned by the club ' ' ' ' " Vivuvoco. 'fltV" McCann also entered the' ring and , reply ing to the criticisms of certain speakers , said a week ago ho weighed 143 , but sustained an injury and could not cotno to weight. Gallagher , bowever.camo to the ring sldo nnd denied that ho could liglit tonight ns ho was under engagement to Mali an at tbo Occidental club next inontn. The club thus being put in a quandary , President Fulda suggested that a match be tween Billy ICeougb and Billy Smith , which had been arranged for February , should take place tbo 28th or ii'Jth ' of this month. The ciuo momoers uppcurou saiisucu vnui mis arrangement. After considerable discussion , participated in by both contestants and President Fulda " nnd "tho members , the crowd gradually dis persed. The Bcono was one unparalleled in the club's history , a motion to adjourn and Fulria'u suggestion for n postponement being vigorously booted. The ( affair was finally loft pending , with the understanding that the directors should take up the matter to morrow. Charley Turner , who Is matched to fight tbo Black Pearl in the Occidental club , is reported ns training moro faithfully than over in his. life. The Pearl Is recovering from the grlo , but will not ho able to fight till next month. P.usy Cardiff , whois wnltlng'horo ' by order of the Occidental club , being promised a match , desires to say in the event of a match being proposed , between him and Cboynskl , and the plirso tb'o small to Induce Joo's meotintr him , hols willing to put up a side pet of fjO'J or $1,000 on the ovont. Ho Is alsp willing to moot the winner of the ICcogh- Sipith pontcst same conditions. In thu event of the above mentioned not accepting his proposal , ho will meet any man in his class , in the country and proposes to linger here for answers. Ho Is willing nnd oagcr for a fight with Jack Davis , the Omaha man. antl a match may bo made. Slelnltllun n Strong I.e. id. HtVAXA ; Jan. IS. Taohigoriu opened the seventh game of the chess match against Stoinltz with the Evans gambit , but lent after twenty-nine moves. Score : Stomltz , ! ) ; Tschlgorln , 1 ; drawn , 3. iioivoii7 riBht . CHICAGO , III. , Jan. 15. Fitzslmmons de clined today to sign an agreement for a fight with Hall ut llio Olympic club , Now Orleans , during mardi gras wcolr. TIIKV M'.IAT J'i'/fJ/.IABAT QU.lItTlMS. Ohio .Spiritualists Muldnj ; an in'ort : to I'ui- "eh.iso n Stllllliiei ; Itesurt. AI.I.IAXCIJ , O. , Jim. 15-t [ Special Tologrnm toTiiK BIE. : ] A confodorauon of spiritual ists is making a slirritu ffgrt to raise f-J5,000 with which to purchasable acres of land , Including Lake BradyMj popular summer resort lying in Portage fjpunjiy , about fifteen miles uorth of this cltyn for ormancnt head quarters. Bonds have ibcaii Issued for the amount required , of wluchfStQ.OOO has already been sold. When purclulaud tbo os'soclatlon propose building a botulitbat will accommo date 1,501) ) gucstti , and u number of the mom- bur ! ! pf thu assonatlonlikilv.Q Hlgnluod their Intention of crootlug cottage , A mooting will bo lifW lu. Cleveland Jauu ary 27 , when it IB thought , -tltut the amount of fuuds required will bo * | IOrlod. If the pro- jcctls successful the namoof the society will bo chaugod to Luke Br dj.'ji' If the purchase U made the docd for tbi jjvaport..v will bo re tained , by the society niwlirtTs will bo leased to Individuals for nbwuylono yearn , The olllcen of tboassoclatltMbuoro : 1) ) , F , Lee , Mantua , president ! ChttttustThoinas , Clove. land , vice president ; L6uls Hansom , Akron , secretary. ; Dr. Edwin Fowler , Cleveland , treasurer ; John TvJowlU ) , corrcspoudlugsoc- rotary , lOlleillllpinellt llistltlllecl. CoitTi.AXD , Nob. , Jan. | 5 , ( Special to TUB BKK. ] Gngo encniupmont of Independent Order of Odd Fellows , forty-one members , was instituted ul' Cprtland last , night by Grand Patriarch Bycr and Ora'nd Scribe Gngo and tnonibers of Sane | | canip No , 4 of Lincoln and of Goodrich cnmpNo. . 10 of Beatrice. Ttio grand onicers and visiting members arrived on a special train from Lincoln at D p. in. and wore mot at the depot bv a delegation end ctcortod to the ball , where they instituted mi encampment of thlrty-jnco charter mcmUrs and conferred the encampment dcgrco ou three candidate * . Tuu followlu ? ofliucrs were elcctou nua Installed for the term : L. A Simmons , C , P. ) II. n. Bprauuo , H. P ; Jl .Band , senior warden ; H , J. Stockfald , ( treasurer ; K. ( I. Lnscllo , scribe ; K. E. Aukoa , Junior warden. The encampment starts out with bright prospect * , At mldnlcht the alarm at the outside door was sounded and n messenger announced that Lucy lodge. Daumitcrs of Hoboknb , wished to see the uucampmont nnd visit ing brothers In the opera house below. A recess was called nnd they proceeded to the opera house , where the Hobckdhs had prepared nn elegant repast. After the spread Past Grand Master Cllno , In n ncnt speech In behalf of the brothers , thanked tt.o Hobokahs for tholr hospitality. After nuppcr mem bers returned to the lodge room nnd finished the worlc , which was not completed until the break of tiny. _ _ xi'KcrAr. i.iMisf..iTirK .su.s.s/o.v. .South Diiloilu Will Now limn u World' * I'ntr i\lilhlt : Sure. YAKKTOX. S. D. , Jan , 15 , [ Special Tele gram to 1'iin BKC.J The South Dakota World's fair commission has probably struck "pay ore" nt last. The commission has la bored Incessantly for otcht months on various plans to ralso $ 0,000 for a state exhibit at the World's fair , but failure has practically stared them hi the face from every quarter. Months ago Governor Mollotto was asked to call a special session of the legislature for the purpose of securing a World's fair ap propriation , but the executive declined nnd the feeling has been that bo was personally and officially opposed lo a state exhibit. The commission has contracted some debts , nnd , if the work U continued , will contract moro. There has been no money to worlc with and tbo commission had just about concluded to tnrow the whole endeavor up. But the commission has finally obtained some executive clemency and the prospects are good for a special session of the legis lature at an early day. The governor has ex pressed a willingness to call u special session without expense to the stato. Today the commission wired his excellency that If ho will accop1. the personal pledges of the com mission that there will bo no expense accru ing to the state because of n special session , and call the session without delay , the com missioners will boar the expense. Tbo com mission is composed of eighteen of the host mon In South Dakota nnd the pledge Is gilt- odgcd. Members of the commission say that if the governor calls the special session , an appropriation of nt least ? 50,000 may bo expected because the farmer tnonibers all feel rich in grain and future prospects. The governor's reply to the commission will certainly settle South Dakota World's fair exhibit prospscts for bettor or worse. Vankton College. YAXIUOX , S. D. , Jan. 15. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun BEU.J E. S. Clarke of Drakota , S. D. , has endowed Yntikton college to the extent of'about ' $3,000 to bo expended In the construction of nn astronomical observatory , which Ml1. Clarke dedicates to tils father. In the observatory will be mounted n line tolos- scopo'whlcli1 another philanthropist bestowed upon the collcgo several years ago. .1/VM/y ; or MEXICAN ouTf..i\rs. \ Citl7cns of nemln * ; , N. M. , Ask lor Ilut- tallon of Itegtiliirii. DCMIXO , , N. M , , Jan. 15. A petition , numerously signed , has been sent to the com manding oOlccr at Fort Bayard , fifty miles north of Doming , asking thnt , in consequence quenco of the recent troubles hi Chl- hunuua , a battalion of troops bo sent to Doming to remain there In order to pro tect the citizens against tbo predatory excursions of small parties of the Mexicans mentioned. It is tnio thnt many Mexicans are crossing to this side and it is believed that Sais and bis band of immediate fol lowers nro among them , and that they are preparing for another assault on Mexico similar to that which Sals recently Jed against Ascension. Citizens of this vicinity are really alarmed by thu appearance of the Mexican outlaws. Won't Ol\n Up Any Information. SAX AxTONio , Tox. , Jan. 15. Advices by telegraph from Captain Francis Hardio , commanding troop G at Homa. Tax. , says : "I wilt start this afternoon for the Bemtado ranch. Sheriff Sheeloy , with Captain Brooks of the Texas rangers , has gene to that vicinity with some spies to locate Garza. The prosp < 3ets are good for the cnri- turo of .some of thb leading spirits among the bandits. " Captain George Fitch , reporting to Major Morris at Fort Mclntosh , says : "People of this section about Bonavidos ranch rofiiso to give any Information what ever of Garza , though there is every reason to bollovo that many of them know consider able. ' ' ArniH for Our/a. . EAOI.U PAS ? , , T'o.y. , Jan. 15. Mr. C. F. Layman , owner of a ranch near Quomados , a largo Mexican settlement twenty miles above Euglo Pass ou the Hio Grande , reports that tliero were four wagon loads of arms and ammunition sent into Mexico a tow miles above the ranch thrco or four days ugo. Ho says two of the four mule teams wore loaded witb 1,000 carbines and two with ammunition. It is .supposed that they were loaded cither at Spofford or some point this side of Del Hto. Tbo report has emphasized tlio petition of the Board of Trade that tliero Is actual neces sity for more troops at Eagle Pass. Corn for Mexican Snfl'erers. Ei. PASO , Tex. , Jan. } 5. Reports circulated by the Garza sympathizers that the Mexican government-is purchasing nil Imoortedcureals and refusing to soil or distribute sameIn the famine stricken districts is without founda tion. The object of bucti a report Is to arouse tlio poorer , or peon class against the govern ment and onlUt tholr support to the revolu tionary jnovemqnt. Nearly 1,000 cars of Kansas and Texas corn have been either ex ported to Mexico or uro now hi transit , des tined for the Interior for tbo relief of suffer ers from famine. Hll.l.lSt : TJIU.U H'JTll K/.V/J.VKS.V. Sail j'l'.inelxeo In J'ostusNton ol Visiting Ni'MKiMper Men. Six Fiuxnsco , Cal. , Jan. 15. The visit ing delegates to the convention of the Inter national League of Press clubs bad a busy day. This .morning they were taken for a trip around the bay on the big tug Holiof. The Union Iron Works were visited nnd the warships in process of construction inspected. At Hunter's Point dry dock a couple of whalers were lowered into tbo dock for the bonellt of the visitors. Alcatraz , Angel and Goat Islands were visited nnd at noon -an elaborate lunch was served at Sunslloto in the Pacific Yacht club houso. After u short run into San Pablo bay to Hod Hock , the tug steamed back to Sim Francisco and tbo delegates were driven to the rooms of tbo San Francisco Press club , where a short session of the convention was bold. This ovonlnp ut tbo Powell Street thoutor a largo audlanca listened to the public proceed - coed ings. Addresses were made by T , Keenan , William H. Worrell , A. K. Pearsall , Mrs , Upham , L. -Mookln , Charles M. Shortridgo and Foster Coates on the news papers of tomorrow , mechanically , editor ially and artistically considered. Miss ICato Field's ' subject was "Why I Founded n Hovlow in Washington , " B. J , Nowton. Miss Ulla Prostor Otis , Mar shal P. Wilder and Mrs , Frame Leslie , spoke on personal recollections of n journalist ; WV. . Wlldo ou "Joys ot Journalism by an Old Hand , " and a paper by General Felix Angus on 'Journalism of the South , " Af tor the mooting tbo delegates wore uhowu through Chhmtown , This uftornoon , after n bay excursion , the ladles of the party wore given a reception in the mnrblo palace of the Palace hotel by the wives of the members of the Press club , The Dentil Koll. PAWS , Jon. 15. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TIIK BKK. | Ernest Christoph , a sculptor of talent , died Friday , ngod 03. GrmtuA , la. , Jan. 15. [ Special to TIIK BBC. 1 John B , Wlckhaui , the oldest man In lowu died today aged 11N ) years. Ho was born iu Franklin county , Virginia , and at tended Washington's inauguration In Now York. Death was caused by la grippe. Kleiiiner Arrival * , At Now York Stoainor City of Berlin , from Liverpool. At IClnsalo-PAssed : Hunlc , from Now York for Liverpool ; Italia , from Now Yoru for Liverpool. At OenoaFulda , from Now York. At Breuiorhavoa Trave , from Now York. fMIIt * IlTltlllMA TII1A flf IMlir SHE lAPlllllD 1IIL ULRK , Lively Career of a Now Jorsay Woman at Sioux Oily , NOT EASILY SHAKEN BY HER LOVER , AfterHertirlngii South llakotiitDlvorro Mr . Iliililmrd Wont In Search nf ricmiire. Hut It Was Temporary. SIODX CITV , la , , Jan. 15 , [ Special Tele gram to Tnr. Bnn. ] Last summer n sensa tion was caused In the fashionable circles ot Now York by the advent of MM. Nina Hub- bard of Hod Banks , N. J. , nt Sioux Falls for tbo puruosu of .securing a dlvorco from her husband , who is u wealthy merchant. Dur ing her residence at bioux Falls Mrs. Hub- , hard made the acquaintance of Clant Brown , a clerk In Van Eppa' ' dry goods store , and so much gossip was occasionedby their actions that ho was discharged by his omplovxw. It was announced that , they were engaged. Brown fell sicit nnd Mrs. Hubbard moved Into his rooms and nursed him , and on lib recovery refused to leave him. January C the pair came loSioux City and registered at the hotel as William Smith nnd wife. Within n few days it was found that Brown was trying to shake the woman. Ono day ho wont to the station but she .followed him , boarded the train , pulled the bell rope nnd compelled return. A few days later they departed for the Black Hills , but Brown jumped off the train at the city limits. Mrs. Hubbard promptly returned and spent several days vainly .searching this city and Sioux Fails for Brown. She now says thnt she will return to her parents at Hod Banks. Defeated ills I'nrtners. LIMAHS : , In. , Jan. in , [ Special Telegram to THU CUE. ] John Butler , who was ar rested for obtaining money under false pretenses - tenses , was discharged today , the Justlco holding that the state had no cause for ac tion. . Butior is the party who was nrrostod In Chicago some tlmo ago and brought to Lo- mars a few days ago oh complaint of i\ local bank which had cashed ono of his chocks on the Midland Elevator company of Sioux City. Butior was vice president and man ager of the company , which was operating n line of elevators along the Sioux City & Northern. Butior claimed the other mem bers of the firm were trying to freeze him out , and in order to protect himself and se en ro his share of the profits ho draw checks to the amount of about $5QOO , bad them cashed at local banks along tbo line and ap propriated tbo proceeds. This the company claims ho had no right to do and bad htm prosecuted for obtaining racuoy uudQi- false pretenses. Hauliers bcntonced to Jail. CnnsTox , la. , Jan. 15. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKC.J About one year ago the Fon- tauello bank of Fontanello , la. , failed , owing the depositors about 510,000. WosloyTnylor | and A. E. Jackson , as officers of the bank , were indicted by the grand jury and arrested , and at the finishing of their trial yesterday nt Groonilold , Adair county , they were found guilty of receiving deposits after having knowledge of the bank's insolvency. Judge Henderson sentenced thorn each to four months hi the county jail and pay a fine of WOO. A. E. Jacisson is a son of .lames Jack son , a prominent stock dealer of Chicago. t'01.1) ir I.o\vTemperature In the Xorlhuoxt Heavy SIIOUH In thu Ilasl. POTTSVIU.E , Pa. , Jan. 15. The biegest snowstorm of the bcason visited Pottsvillo today. Up to noon about fivo-lnchos had fallen. Incoming trains on. the Pennsyl vania nnd Lonfgh Volley5-oads wore delaved by drifls. New YoiiK , Jan. 15. Five inches of snow foil here this morning ana incoming trains are somewhat delayed , ST. PAUL , Minn. , Jau. 13. This , week 1ms boon ono.of ttio ' coldest over experienced in the ontlro north'wost , but tliero lies been llt tlo or no wind stirring nnd a great part of the ordinary discomfort was absent. The last very cold winter was four yc.irs ago , when the great Dakota blizzard caused over 200 deaths. The present cold Is of the in tense variety. There is llttlo or no snow on tbo ground In this section. Farther to the north and west there has been snow , out it is very light. Last night was prob ably the coldest qf the season. The mercury went down until it froze in many localities. In fact , all through the northern part of the state , in Manitoba , North Dakota and In the Canadian north west temperature ranged from U0 = to 50 = below zero in spirit thermometers. In this city it ; recorded " 0 ° below nt the weather bureau and in various parts of the city therinninotcrs recorded from 5 ° tolO = lower. At 0 o'clock this morning It was OS3 below at Potnblnn in the northern part of North Dakota. Fergus falls ropoits . ' )0 ) = below this morning , this being the sixteenth con secutive morning with the mercury below zero. Bismarck reports temperature at il ! = below , St. Vincent -10s below , Moorhcad ! iS ° below nnd Winnipeg 4'i = > bolow. A heavy snow storm Is reported at Elk Point , S. D. , but hero It is clear and cold. //OA"7.SyT ( > ! ' . I 1 > Kit It I.Kit. .Money Iteeel\e < l Tliroiljjh Mistake Itutnrneil Alter a Lapse ot ITie Vi-iirs. MiiAVAVKcr , WIs. , Jiiii. 15. ( Special Tele gram to TJIE BELI I After a lap'aoof nearly three years Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt , nn aged woman In poor circumstances living nt115 Maple street , today received a $ .1 gold piece which oho had given oy mistake for a penny to a mustard peddler. The pedulpr was John Darow , who had found the gold jncco among his change nftor a day's journey , uud knowIng - Ing that' ho hud received It by mistake , turned It over to the police. Falling to find a claimant for 1 : , the police after some time urged Darow to take tbo money , but , ho ab solutely refused , saying that it did not be long to him. Hecontly a friend of Darow's heard that an old woman bad lost a gold piece by ulvlng It to a mustard peddler , mis taking It for a penny , Darow sougtit the old woman , and recollecting that ho bud sold her the mustard , satisfied Inmsolt thnt tlio was honest In her claims , and today had the pollco turn the money over to her. li'H I'ut Woman Dead. KAHMA/.OO , Mich , Jan. -Special [ Tele- grumtoTitii Bun.J Adam Foropaugh's cele brated fat woman , Mrs. Hannah Buiuicll , died last night near Bronson Qf tlio grip , She had not traveled for -Bovouul yoaw slnco bho began losing llosb. At the titno of her death she weighed less than -100 pounds , She was the mother of two bright children , who are of 'but ordinary aizo. Mrs. Buuncll pos sessed her greatest weight when -J years old , but llltn all stdo tiliow attractions , never made the true weight public. She was 'M yours old nt the time of her death. I'rritlt ) tei Inns IteUxnif. NIAV YOIIK , Jan. 15. The committee of the Presbyterian assembly on the revision of the Confession of Faith today amended section 1 chapter 10 on "free will" i > o as to read "God hath endowed the will of man with that natural liberty thnt It Is neither forced , nor by any absolute necessity of nature do'tcr- uiluoJ to good or evil , wherefore man Is and remains a free moral agent , retaining full re sponsibility for all his acts In his , states nllko of inuoceiicoof sin , of grace aud of glory. " Will lieu Candidate. CHICAGO , 111. , Jan , 15. The Dolly News' wil ) aujr tomorrow that A , M , Jones , cuair- niau of thu republican state central committee - too , has decided to become u candidate for thu republican nomination for governor ot Illinois , I liu l'imor ( , Ind. , Jau , -Today Mortimer Stewart , a member of the Methodist Episco pal church , was 11 nod for .vhlpplue Ids' pas tor , the Hor. J. H. Sands of CoiloKo Corner. I'lttubtirt ; ' * ( Jood People. PiTTSiuiia , Pa. , Jmi. 15.- The suits Insti tuted by the Law and Order league of this city against the newsboy * , nowsJonlotH ami others for soiling newspapers on Sunday , which were to havo" boon hoard today , Imvo bcon postponed until tomorrow ou agreement of counsel , Those cases nro the bagmnlng of n movement against the Sunday nowspnpors , but notwithstanding this the news com panies dcclaro they will sell papers as usual on Sunday. - Mlt. UK VAN'S I'UOMISKS. kn'it Vonni ; CoiiKremmmi Will Pro- tret Ills Corporation I'rlrmN. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 1ft. iSpoolal Telegram to THE BKB. | Mr. Bryan of Ne braska has taken n largo contract on hU Jiands. Jn addition to free salt , frco binding twine , free lumber nnd free barbed wlro ho ha promised Tree coal , Iron ore , cotton ties and other articles which really Involve a gcnoi-al revision * of the tariff. If what ho p.'omls9s Were to bo carried out In good faith thorn would bo no reason why all the schedules fhould not bo rovlsod , The demo cratic hotisp , In addition to free wool , could hardly afford to give the Now linglnnd mini- ufncUirors frco coal and Iron ere without mnklng.u pretty heavy cut Into the Iron nnd stcol schedules. But .thuro Is In icnltty no intention of putting iron or coal on the free list. That would strike too many democratic congressmen. It was Gorman who , -in 18811 , so bitterly nnd successfully .opposed the tarjff comihlsslon's recommendation for a reduction on coal of 25 cents n tog. Mr. Bryan In Ills bill shields the trust by maklnc provision for free bind ing twlno nlouo. Tbo cordngo trust controls not only the blndlnir twine product but every spoclos of rope and cordugo. It hns bean steadily forcing up the prices of nil ftirletlus of ropo. The only way It can bo brought to tlmo is by reducing the duties In the on tire cordngo schedule. But Hoformor Brvnu is at great pains to do nothing of the kind. WOIIK of nn : iwyiHiits Discovery of u Iliininn .HIiuiKlitcr House In Indian Torrltory. CiiAXiir.n , Old , , Jan. 15. For years the disappearance of travelers In the Indian country across the river from here hag boon frequent and mysterious. Today iu a dcuso wood a mile from the stage road a house was found which was approached only by a long circuitous trail and there the mysterious dls- nppoarancoa were explained. The house's construction snows that it was built by aud for the use of robbers nnd crim inals aonorally. It Is a cabin of eight rooms , ono bohtnd the noxt. In the doorway be tween thn first nnd second was found a trap over which the unwary stranger must pass. By an arrangement of bolts this trap , which led to n largo cavern bolow. could bo worked much like au execution scaffold. That mur der was the purpose of tbo trap was shown by the discovery of hair , dried blood and bones on the rocks at the bottom of the pl s under the trap. The inhabitants of the den , however , are missing. Tennessee Allliinco Mun. JACKSOX , Miss. , Jan. 15. The nlllanco members of the legislature mot iu secret caucus In the sonata chamber at 7:1)9 : ) o'clock and are , at 11 p. ra. , still at work with closed doors. They seem to bo marshaling [ all tholr forces for the final struggle over the sena torial fight on Tuesday noxt. President Jamison of the alliance and "other prominent men of the order , not members of the IcgUla- turo , are here. Troubles. BAI.TIMOKK. Jan. 15. Edmund S. Altnutt , Ernstus D. Nixon nnd John H. C. Gold.s- borough , mom bora of n boot and shoo firm , made an assignment this uftornoon to Henry C. IConnard , trustee , who filed a bond of $150,000 , Indicating assets of half that amount. MiiAVAtiKBi : , Wis. , Jan. 15. Partnership troubles led to the npppmtmoot of n receiver today for the trunk manufacturing firm ot Abel , Back & FltzKorald. , To Aid Ireland. DETHOIT , Mich. , Jan. 15. At a largo gath ering of tbo Irish-Americans In this city this evening , Detroit branch of the Irish Na tional Federation oLAmorlca was organised by Dr. Fox , M. P. , 01 Kings county , Ireland. Objects of tbo association nro to earnestly and actively sustain , the cause of'homo riilo for Ireland witli moral aud material aid. a l-'lre ICccord. PjTTauuiiOj Jan. 15. Shortly before mid night touiahtfiro destroyed the Loader build Ing on Fifth avenue. The fire also com municated to the Aland block adjoining. The total loss to the Loader Is $00,000 , with Kl-V 000 insurance. Adjoining buildings were damaged to the amount of $11,000 : fully in sured. The oriciii of tbo lire is unknown. Water ut Atlanta. ATLANTA , Ga. , Jau , 15. The river has risen so rapidly nt Homo that the disasters of the Hood of 1SSC are foarcd. Tbo merchuuts began yesterday removing tholr goods. The water encroached upon the city rapidly and today reached thirty-seven foot and ono-flfth iucli , loss than three feet of the high water rn&rk of 18SO. Disappeared the I'midx. Cor.u.Mitus , O , , Jan. 15. President Langtry and other members of the Natiopul Stone Masons association report that James Tracy , tbo treasurer , of Baltimore has disappeared with $1,000 , funds belonging to tbo associa tion , Tracy has a wife ana oleyou children in Baltimore. Moving Speotnele. Boston Transcript : "That is Orpheus - phous , " said the young iiuui ; "lio wua a wonderful musician. IIo watt auelrn. forceful player as to move trees and StOll03. ! ' T "So , " roiilicil tlio old tjoMlcioan , looking at thq statiio in u contemplative mood ; "noi so badj but you never heard that cousin of youra play. ShoV only a little puny tiling , but they Jo say fiho'H made no less than twelve whole /uniiliofl / move , and I guess it's no mpro'u tlio truth. " TORTURING ECZEMA Editor Town Plain Healer CiireJ of lit- hiiH'uniblo Itching anil P.iiu by the Cullciira He.meillcs. No-Less Thau Fhe I'JiysIcInug Consulleil. Their Combined Wisdom Followed bciicilt. I nui > Utylx ycu old. In AiiKiixt , 1-W , wui troubled wltli tlio peculiar kln disease to wlileli p < > plo or my ago uro subject , known iimunu lueillcul men nt eivuinii. H' llrnt iippeuniuea HIM iieur liu ntiklos , It rnpldly extemtiHl orer tlio lower uxtrcmltlei until my k'K were nciirly ynn ruw BOIOJ from K'KS the trouble vitciidtMl ucro s Hio liifjn , iliuiililori luul tlio ontlro Icnuth of Ilia arm ] , tlio leu * uuJ urnn Kri'ntlitvollen ulUi 1111 llultlux , liurnlnn ] nllll , without ( ussliUoil. Altliouxlj ) ho Lv5t lubUciil uilvlcn nttuiuiiUlo employed , no lean tliiui llvo phynlclun * i f the plncolivlox < oiuultiul nud tt.o pre , ( crlptlons buliitf tlio looult of tliolrtomulnoJ wUilum llio ( ] luiii > o , tliuuuh nppurt'ntly Oicokuil , u'ouW Kcur In a funrUnya un but ! tin ever ; ilurluu U pnvross my wvlulit full uwuy ubout twentlvo | pou'uU. ' Aaua experiment I buuun tlio iiaoof Ct'ilctMU , foliovtlnu tbo klmplo umt plain InBtructloiiK vlrcn vllli tbu llBMiniKn : , ivm ! In four weeks round myself well , with kin of t nud nuUirnl In color , tlui ItfblUK uuil pain entirely rulloruil. W. It. JIHAD , KJItorJuwil > 'liln ) IJeulor , Ca co , Iu , Cuticura Resolvent The now Jllnnil and bkln I'urlMcr , tlio gri-utmt of lliimor Kcnu'illu" , Inturnully tlu clvuii o tlio MooJitit all liupurltla * un'l ' polnouous olouiuntt.uiu ) IIKJVO tlq ) euum ) , iinil ( , 'i'T i'JU , tlie reut Bkln C'uro , unit Cirnci'iiA bn.\r , un oxquUlto Bkln rurigur Biiil JloautlUur , ntkTiinlly , ( to clear tUu klu ami icnlp , ami ro toro the hair ) , | iev > llly euro uv ry Iiuiqor uml illieiuo of Ihonkln , ix-alpunj bluoU , with loin of liulr , whether Itching , tiurnlnv , eculy , pimply , uml blotcliy , ( vlivllior uluiple , pofuluu , boredllury , or contnxloun , wUcn jiliy Iclun ud ull otbtr rciucdlo fall. _ _ _ Sold everywhere. rrlto.Oimi'i'iiA.Mc , ! < ur , 2Jo.i lYcmnre.i liv the I'DfTMl llui'i , AMI ClIKMICAl , nilirmUTIOX. nouiillj fur'-Ilowtofurot-klu IH en o > , " I'l.lCS , black hcadi , ruuxli , red , ti ppoiliul | oily > klu curoJ Ur Cl'TU tlltA 8dAe. FREE FROM'RHEUMATISM it OXK MlNt'TU TIIC1 ANlH'AIN I'l.ASVKII tull Vl' tlmu Kilo , jn > l llo , IIID. kWn-jy , ctiml uuKUlnrpuint anil trvukuu i. , Urit Bad only p laIIUng plaittr.