Till ! ! OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY : JANUARY 17 , 1892-SIXTEEN PAGES. 8PE01HL NOTICES , VOIl TIIKBM COLUMNS AnVKItTISPMENIS MiSO p. m , . for the evening art until 818) ) p , m. , for the morning or Bandar cdl- All artvi-rllfi-mnntci In then rnlnmns licenls a line flrfl Insertion nntl 10 tent * a line thereafter , or 12rr line pi > r month. No ndvertlicntcnt taknn for lrFtlr > itn2& cents for the first Insertion. Terms.cnsh In advance. Count it bout T words to the lino. Inlt- lalr.flKurcf , symbols , etc. . each countn n word. All ndrertliicmpntu mint run consecutively. Advcf- Him. by requesting a numbered check , can linro lliclr letters drtrr. od to n numbered letter In cnro ofTiiEllEK. Answers so nddrriase-d will Lo deliv ered on prc ent tlon of the check. TniAKCIl OFKICKS AIIVKHTHMNO FOIITIIKSK Jurolurrns will bo taken on the nboro conditions tthe following buslni-a * houses , who nro author- Ittd to take special notice * at the lame ratca aican be bed at the main omca : Eolith Omaha Ilranch Offlcc No. 5O3 N ilrcct , John W. ll'cll , pharmaclnt.tllh anrt Mnson streets. B. 1 ! . Vnrnnworth. phnrmarlnt.2115 Cumin * Mrcet. W. J. Hughes , pharmacist , iW4N.HHh street. C K. gallcrflold , pharmacist , 1718 Loavcnwortn itrret. Hughes' pharmacy , 24th and Farnam. SlTUATl6NS WANTEIX RATES-Ita n line first tlmo and lOc n line there after. No advertisement tnkcn for le s than "sc. - . POSITION IIY OENTLKMAN A-WANTED. with two yearn' e p < ; rlnlirp | understand telegraphy nnd general clerical work. Dcatof refcrciici-n. Address 140. Hen. M3iO la * - SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER In bank , nnywhoro In Iho stnto. Cnn glvn best of references. Address. L 47 , llco. ' ! n * A COJII'Ki7i NT"l1l7iNTHIl AND WUITKIl would take position In charge of country onico and tnko half salary In stock , Address A O.Iloo Office. Council Bluffs. 3i5 17 SITUATION WANTKI ) HIT A FLORIST A Kanlcner and coachman : flrst-elasi liorseiiian : rcfi'ronni three years from private place , llnnry Holler , P.O. Box8l , Globovlllo , A'rapahoo County , * - * . , . Mtl'l ? In * WANTED-MALE HELP. _ RATBS-l&c n line first tlmo nnd lOo n line there- nftor. No ndrertlscmont taken for les < tlinn 2. > c. " " -lifor the erentest book on cnrth : Photogrnphs of the World : " costing (100,01X1 ; mammoth Illustrated clrciilnr nnd terms free : mi- paralleled BIICCI-SS ; Mr. Thos , I * Mnrtln , Canter- Tlllo , Tex. , cleared f7ll In 0 dnys : Mlsi Hose Adams. Wooster. O. , (2.tln 40 minutes : llev. J. , Hownnl.Mndlson , Lyons , N. Y. , (101 In 7 hours ; n bonnnin ; maanlllcent outfit only ( I , Hooks an credit. Fic-luht paid. Address Globe Hlbln Pub lishing Co. , 3.W Dearborn St , Chicago , 111. , or Phlla- ilelphln. Pa. MUM 2' ' * -WANTED.TRAVELING HALESMBNTOSELL baking powder to the retail grocery trmlo. Wo put our goods up In glass rolling pin * . fiV ) month salary nnd expcnKen or commission. Wo wnnt men who lire now nn tlm rend to cnrry as a sldo line. Good opportunity for clrrka anil others who wnnt to get on the lonil. Wrltu for particulars ; send lamp. Chicago linking Ponder Co. , 707 Vnn llnrBii street , Chicago , 111. M : < 38 20' -TRAVELING SALESMAN SPECIALTIES Tor dry goods , grocery nnd ironcr.il stores : Some thing now ; worth (75 per week. Allison , 177 Mon- roc St. , Chicago , 111. 347-17' -AGENTS , SILVER PLATED BH1TTANIA models made Into Inkntanin. clocks , banks , etc. , of Chicago's wonderful Mn-onlc temple ; Illustrated circular free. Hcchtcl A Cloud , Chicago. 33 17 * -WANTHI ) , AN ENEIGETIC | MAN TO MANage - ago n branch otllco : pnlnry (100 per month nnd Interest In the business : must have good refer ences nnd from * 500 to 1893 cash. Address Box 401 , Bt. Louis. Mo. 311-17' - . A BOY FOR A HORSE ROUTE. Call st 1100 ollloo 351 -ENEHGETIC SALESMAN WITH GOOD AC- B ctunlntancn niniinK Omaha driiKKlstn nnd Kroccrs to push staple article. References. Ilex 1071 , Chi- COKO. 371) ) 17 * _ -WANTKI ) . SALKSMKN TO COVKK IOWA , Omaha and Missouri , Address , Klvln present nd former occupation , Sumatra Cl ar Co. . Chl- cage , 111. M333 20 * _ WANTKI ) , AT ONCK. A COMP15TKNT SALKS- mnn , one oxpoiloncoil In extracts and croccrs' specialties , n rustler for trade ; none other need apply. Address L 33. llco. 311 18 _ TWO M1DDLK AKD MKN WHO AHK OUT of employment and cannot do hard work can flnd peimancnt place.runnlne passenger elevator : men of iiood habits and references only need ad dress L : ! , ileo olllcc. M313 18 _ -WANTKI ) , HKSPONSIIILK PKUSONS TO represent- financial corporation In all cities and towns. Liberal terms. The North American Finance Co. , .Minneapolis , Minn. M300 21 * - AS TO THE WHKItKAHOUT.S B-INFORMATION of u Innto , all red Irish setter don , few scatter- Inn whlto linlra on forehead and shoulder and mnlltvnrton eyelid. Howard. 1225 N 17th. 2'J3 17' -JOI1IIING IIOUSK WANTS AN KXPKUI- enccd head book-keeper. Address L 33. Ileo , giving reference and ralary wnntod. 2"J ! 17 * MILLKIt WANTKI ) . Till ! HOLMKSVILLK roller mills will employ a llrst-clnss workman who can t-'lve proper references. Address Neumann , Smith A Trowbrldgo , Holracsvlllc. Neb. VJ3 17 AOKNT8 WANTKI ) , OKNTLKJ1KN OH LA- dlcs ; exclusive territory ; best soiling article ever ottered , f3 to ft ) per day easily mado. Address li 20 , llee. J121M 17 * - WANTKI ) . CALL OR AD- B dress 321 N. Y. Llfo building. B WANTKD. AQKNTS TO SKLL A FINK SKLL- Ing article , hie money made by rustlers. Address - dress L 24 , llco olllce. M2C1 17 * WANT A MAN UNDERSTANDS WAITING on table and work around house : none need ap ply without the best of city reference ] . Apply 910 Douglas st. 227 -WANTKI ) , YOUNO MAN WITH SMALL CAPItal - tal und plenty of onorKT and experience to rent the best news , stationery and book stand In the very Uncut location In Omahn. Address K 01 , llee. Ui8 _ -WANTKD , SALKSMKN ON SALARY OR COMmission - mission to handle the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil. The greatest soiling novelty ever produced : erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds ; no abrasion of paper : 200 to 500 percent profit ; one agent's sales amounted to ft'-O In nix days , another 132 In two hours , We want ono general agent In cnch statonnd territory. For terms and full par ticulars nddrc.si Monroe Krascr Mfg. Co. , Ln Crotsc , Wls. , X M. 7CI B WANTKI ) . DRUG CI.KIIK RKGIBTKRKO IN Iowa. Ono with a little capital preferred. Ap ply to llarle , Haas & Co. , Council Illutts. M7IK ) B WANTKI ) . A YOUNO AND NKAT COLOIIKD toy to tend door , The Uoston Store. ! iUO WANTED FEMALE HELP. HATF.S-l.V- line first time and lOoa'Uno there- nftor , No advertisement taken for leas than 25c. WANTKl AT S008 STMAIlY'a AVKNUK. A neat girl about 111 years of ago to lualst with housework. 371 17 * -WANTKD , 'A DIGNIFIKD LADY OF IIUSI- ness ( net and suavity of manners for an agree- nblo position In our business. To responsible party 110 weekly , with rare prospects of speedy advance ment If mutually satisfactory. Apply after 10 Monday - day , W. T. Marshall. 12 Crolghton block. 375 17' -LADY MADU $32 LAST WKKK SKLLING "Long's Solid Mucllrgo Pencil. " Why not you ? Address C , A. Long , manufacturer , 334 Daarboni St. , Chicago , 111. 313-17 * _ -COOK WANTKDAN KXTIIA GOOD COOK FOR family of two. Wages $5.00 a week. 2303 Douglas - las street. M316 IB * WOMKN , HOYS. KVKRYWIIKRK i O.I 00 linns want 100,000 persons permanently to Iinnd out papers at $1 n thousand : particulars fern 2-cent stamp. Agents' Herald , 126 B. 6th St. , Phila delphia , Pa. 337-17 * -WANTKD , A GOOD GIUL. 2113 DODGK ST. 353-17 _ -LADY FOll COPYING AND OFFICK WORK for a month. Must write a good hand anil bo no- curato. State experience. Address L 42 , Bee 32Mb * _ _ C-LADIK3-I WILL PAY LADIK8 A ( SALARY off 10 per week to work for main their locality Bt home : light nork ; uood pay for part tlmo ; write , with stamp. Mrs. II , U , Furrington. box 701. Chicago cage , 111 , ' J130I 17 * p WANTKI ) , A (10OD GIRL FOll GKNKIIAL Vviioutework , 243t ) llainey street. M239.17 * CGIIIL ( FOH KITCHEN AND LAUNDKY WOBK. Largo wugoj , small family , 1130Georula avenue , P-WANTEDGOOIOEHMAN llllll , Tp TAKE v caroof two-yoarold child and lo do second work , 1004 Furn.im it. COU 17 -WANTED , GIHI , FOH aKNKllAli HOUSEwork - work , 5001 Farnam t. 270)7 ) FOR RENT HOUSES. RATES 15o n line tlrst tlmo nnd lOo a line there' . after. NQ advarllsomcnt taken for loss y-KOIl RENT , 10 HOUSES , 15 00 AND UPWARDS - > P < r month. The O. F. Davis company , a BIO FID 1-LAHOK LIST HOUSESSTORES , FLATS ; ( SCO 'and up. Paul , law Fafnam stroot. MSOO 19 * D-FOIl RENT-ELEGANT UOPBKN BUILT housu 'In Hanscom Place ; oloio to motor , etc , Also ova-room collate near illuh school , lllcks , gent. BQ5 Now York Llfo building. SM IT HKNT. O-IIOOM IIOUSK. NIBAKWD AND navenport streets , HO. lloit' & Hill , 1408 Fur- natu street. | M881 n _ _ T\-DE3IRAHLK FLATH WITH AND WITHOUT JL/iteam heat , stores , dwellings nnd cottages In all tjiarli ot city , Kelkeunyt Continental block. MM I SO _ _ _ _ _ _ D-FOH RENT , FURNISHED IIOUSK , WELL I.O- catcJ , with furnace , (32.6U , Inquire , Nvtlu-rton Uall , 5058. 13tli , TO 111 - FOR litCNT , TWO KLEGANT NEW HOUSES , hoit location , nil modern coiiveukncn. lln-n- D n A Co. , 217 K rbacli block. MS07 fi Do-NICK COin'AGB , HALL AND FOUR UOOMH , 110.00 par ruoulh. Wllllanii , bet lith ami l thst. -FOH HKNT , THUKH NK\V t-UOOM , Cottages will ) bath and sew irago , ul and u ar iorn rV b > lor and Thlrtlelh ilrevlt. lUduced to 9,00 e cli. Ucury W. YU * . FOR RENT-HOUSES. . , -FOHRENT.G-ROOM . . . . Mum .and 18th trocls ; In good repair. Iniiulra at BIT Llntdn tloc * . Johh llnmlonn , agentMWI T-8'HOOM HOUSE ! MOUKRNl 3 S 210 Pf > t T3 , 4 A MIOOM IIOUSK8. (10 to (14 ; BEST RES- JL/ldcncc Hats 'n city. Mead Inr't Co , , 443 Bee blrtg. -FOR RENT. HOUSE 10 ItOOMS. ALL MODERN Improvement * , ( .10.00 per month , 32d nnd Farnam. Dexter I * Thomas. 7IB TV-FOIl RENT. U BOOM IIOl'HE , WITH IIOTH Jl-'gns and range If il < Mrnl , all In good condition ; location near 2tith and St. Mury'a avenue. Price reasonable ! special terms given to the right party. Inquire VOU Farnam St. , or G. B. Tttchuck. llco olllco. MEM "n-NF.W MIOOM COTTAGES. MOOEHN IM- JL/provcnients , "Stanford Circles. " Apply C. S. Klgutlcr , room 41 N. Y , Lite bull ling. Tlifl 1Vll'OOJI HOUSE S7T11 AND DAVE.N'POltT , J-'all conveniences , (25.00 per month. F. K , Dar ling , llarkor block. M 803 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN I.MUIIOVK- menu , reasonable. | J N , 25th nvo. Apply , H. Kallsb , tailor , 211 N. Ilitli st. IWJ KOIt RENT 'FURNISHED RO'OMB. ' RATES-lfk ; n line first line nml lOo n line thereafter - afterNo advertisement taken for IcJi than 25a E-HKATnir ROOM"urir iioAitD ; "PRICE moderate. nll5 Douglas. 889 2J'o -FOH RENT , FURNISHED ROOM IX PHIVATE family ; modern conveniences ; board If desired. 181(1 ( Doilgo st. MI8.S IS'ft E-NICELY FUIINISIIKD SUITK OF HOOMS. 1623 Cnpltol avenue. M3BI 18' -ONE LAHGE IH1O.M FOR TWO LADIES cheap with use of pl.ino , 1510 Callfornln street. 1TTWO FURNISHED STEAM HEATED ROOMS , JJIO and (12 : Kill Chicago street , Hat I ) . Call Sunday or week days. 3t7-li * E-FHONT ROOMS , MODEIIN. STEAAl , GAS , hath , etc. , for Gentlemen , 1317 Lcavenworth. SKi 20 * 1-TO RENT , FURNISHED ROOM , HEAT. GAS , JUictc , 2017 Hnrnjy at , 297 I7 -FOH RENT , FURNISHED ROOMS AND FOR light housekeeping. Address , 211 N. 18th Btcect. M29I 17 * -NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM , OR SUIT of rooms , now modern bouse ; 422 S. 2iHh st. 278 17 * -FUHNISHEI ) ROOM WITH BATH , ( fi.OO I Jmontli. liXM Knrnam. 2lU ! E FOH BENT , FUHNISIIED FRONT ROOM with alcove. 724 N. 2lnt St. M23U 19 * FOR RENT , NICELY FURNISHED , SECOND story back room , suitable for single gentleman , without board , l' ! S , 25th street. 255 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS , Oil N. ISlli. U70-J27' NICE ROOMS , STEAM HEAT , 1723 DAVEN- port. M471) ) Jl'J * E ELEGANT FURNISHED HOOMS , 2425 DODGE 701 J28 * FURNISHED ROtSMS AND BOARD. HATKS I5c'a line first Urn ? and lOc n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c " -DKrfUlALK HOOM AND llbAllD-ONK LAIWSK front room , suitable for three gentlemen , 614 North Twenty-third. M324 13 _ -KLKOANTLY F.U11NIS1IHD HOOMS , SINGLE or en suite ; nil modern conveniences ; first-class board. 318 South 2Cth street. .M2bO -FUHNISIIKI ) HOOMS AND I1OAHD , 2214 FAK- llcfercncc. 27i > ! iO * - OF SOOTH FHONT HOOMS WITH F-SUITK board ; modern conveniences. 2022 St. Mary's avenue. M311 22' F FUHNISIIKI ) HOOM WITH BOAKD FOH GKN ; tlcman and wlfn with private family. Inquire 1824 Dlnney street , Kountzu Placo. U01 FOR RENT tJNFTTRNISHED ROOMS 11ATBS I50 n line first tlmo nnd lOo n Una there after. No advertisement taken for lesi than 2 > o. Fou UNFCHmsnti tlO per month. 2542 Capitol avenue 351-17' -2 , 3 AND 4 HOOMS DOWN TOWN FOR housekeeping ; K > to (12 per month ; cheapest. rent possible : also many houses. U. F. llutts. 311 Paxton block. M535 .123 _ BOARDING. RATKS 15c n line first tlmo 'and lOe n line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. board , nicer rooms , convenlcncas , rates and lo cation It cannot be excelled. Mrs. Horn , proprietor. . 201 F1U' _ FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. IIATKS 15c a line llrst time nnd lOo n Ilifo there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25o I HKNT ! STKAM IIKATKD O"RFCK ! rooms , 13th and Jackson sts. 251-19 T FOK HKNT , THU 4-STOHY IIHICK DUILDINO. DIG Farnam street. The bulldlncbas a tire proof cement bnseuient.completo steam heating fixtures , water on all the floors , gas , etc. Apply at the olllco of The Doe. ' .118 I FOH HKNT , STOHB , 1118 JACKSON STHBKT , M5 _ FOR RENT-MISCEIiliANEOuir IIATKS 15on line first time nnd ICe a line there after. No advertisement taken for lesi than 'I'M J mAc\iKZGontt.v \ miles west of Omaha , to lesso for n term of II vo years. Call or addicss The ( Mull Investment Co. , 103 Pearl st. , Council DIulTs , In 332 17 J IMPHOVKDFAHM OF TO ACHKS , 10 MILES west of Omalm. llnrtnmiut Bobbins , 2(0 Dee bldg. M3tll FIG _ T FOll HKNT MX ) acres , finely Improved ; three miles from South Omaha. A. S. Hltchlo. (130 ( Paxton block. 345 17' WANTED TO RENT. K WANTKO-HY YOUNG MAHH1KI ) COUPLK , room and board , with bent , gas and bath , In private family. Deferences. Address , L 43 Deo. 3U2-I7' K-11Y MAN AND WIFK. THHBR FUKNISHKI ) rooms , light housekeeping ; best references given. L .TO , Hoe. 2W 17' WANTKI ) TO HKNT LAHOK HOUSE AND grounds with stable In good locality. Might purchase If suited. Occupancy between January 1 nnd May 1 , Glvo full particulars. Address J 39 , lice. ! I39-17 NICELY FUHNISIIKI ) HOOM WITH GOOD board by n single gentleman. Address L 40 , Dee olllco. 318 IB' RENTAIi AGENCIES. IIATKS 16oa line llrst tlmo and lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. L TO INSURE QUICK RENTING , LIST WITH Iho Exclusive Rental Agency , Parroltc , Douglas block. M3C5 ' GEORGE J. PAUL , 1009 FAHNAM. J M207 T-H. E. COf.K , CONTINENTAL BLOCK. 7C3 LE. HKNTAI. ' AGENOY ; BANK HEKEHKNCICS , . C. Oarvln A Co. . 2H Pheoly block. M V54 STORAGE. ItATEb 15on line llrst time and lOa n line there after , No advertisement tuken for less than 23o. - CLEAN jVNi ) ' "piVrVATBiVY""r"STOIUl > furniture . Omaha Stove llep.-.Ir Work , 1207 Dau ; TO M -OLDEST , CHEAPEST AND BEST STORAGE house , In ttio city , Williams & Cross , 1214 Ilnrnoy TO ) WANTED TO BUY. HATES I5on Una first tlmo and 11)0 ) n line there after. No advertisement taken for leis than 2ta. EXCItANGK , etc. , 125 now ofTcrs this wt-ck. Sample 10 cents. The Middleman , Chicago. 378 17 * \T-WANTEI1 TO BUY FOH CAH1I A nilllfl J- > stock of iibo'ut (2,000 , 111 town or Nebraska : must bo good. AitdrcsH , with all particulars , at once HOT OH , Waterloo , Neb. MI150 IB * "VT ( .I.OO.to (3,000 grocery stock for cash and clvar 11 real cstato , CoatldunllH. Address L , 3'J. ' lire. 341 17 * AT'-WILL EXCHANGE NICE OAK HIGH DUSK 1 > for good low deakt or will sell former and buy latter. Vr.'S N. V , Life. Sl'MS'o AT--TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN WANT NIOKlTv J-i furnished room , with board , bath und heat ; lo , ration noarnnurt housot Immediately ; ntnlo term * . AdMrcu Ii7. : Ileo. MJIO 17' "VT WANTED , A GOOD OFFICE DESK ; STATE -I-'kind , where It can bo seen and ptlcn. Addn-ss 1.85. Ileo. M3IJ 17 * XT-WANTKI ) TO BUY ATlIOHOUGIliTiuYll FOX J-i terrier or whlto bull pup , uiate. Address , stat- tng Price , 1,28. m-e. Mail 17 TVT-TOIIUYSIICOND-HANUFUHNITUBB.HIGH J-i cut price1 * pnld. Button Furniture Co.U03 N. liith _ _ ; Kll _ Fj _ _ Vr-FintNlTUHE , IIUUOIIT , SOU ) , HTOIIKII. 1 > W ll . 1111 Farnam stro-tt. 771 0FOH BKNT Oil SALE , l.KAHH AND KUIl- nlturo of n prlvatu boarding houto. centrally located. J , H , Parrotto , room W Douglas * block. 3S7 If FOR SALE-MISOELLANSOUS. a-FOH 8AI.K , CHEAP , LOT THOttOUGHIlUKI ) light Brahnm , Black Minorca and Plymouth Hock fowls. 100 * So. a.M it 7U II * Q -BUY A 110 LOT ) S&L12 AT 1JIO UOIMllS 8T , 0. ; P. llenJimlD , A UI. FOB SALE MISCEIiIiANEOUS. - YOU IIAVK USTOL'H I1KA1/TH AND Q-IK arn snfTcrlnir with cstnrrh. bronchitis , asthma or nny kindred dlscanco , riprcllle Oxyvcn will rritnro you. It li nature's own remedy. Call on of addre the agent , 10 Hhccly bulldlrm , Manual sent frec. Q-WI1Y SUI-'KKH WITH CATAIllllI. 1111ON- chills or asthma ? Call at 610 Shcoly bulldltiR nnd loam how to bo cured. Trial treatment free. free.H37 > 7 * -KOH SAtiK-HOM.lSIl TOP DKSIC , WITH olllco chair ! nliio ono small Mall's safe. Inqulro at thu Midland Guarantee and Trust company , IC.lt Knrnain street. 3M I ; * -KOIt HAI.K , HANDSOMK UANIt-MAIIK IiAI' robe ! will trade for parrot. 119 North lHli ! street , room I. M8H8 17' HKVKHAIi 8QUAHK PIANOS OK STANnAKO makes , In good condition ! will stand years of practice , from fiU.OO up , on easy terms of payment. Now Is your tlmo. Call at onco. Max Meyer A Itro. Co. MM 18 -A KQUAHI5 OHANI ) C1I1UKKIUNO PIANO , but llltlo used , nearly nnwi sold fur WW.OO..only fi.VI.UD. on easy terms. Other great bargains the balance of this month , Max Mo/or A llro. Co. - BARGAIN , FOR SALE ! ONE IS H. P. EN- Q-A . ono 12 II. P. WcBtlngliouiin engine , two 8 II. P. engines , one "Rival" pump , nil In good order and will ho nohl cheap for cash. York Foundry nnd Kng. Co. , York , Neb. M2HI = 0 MISCELLANEOUS. RATES IKc a Hue first time and lOe a line there- nrier No nilvcrtl oiiignt taken for less than 25c. SI'iVfMiVIf OXYl I1' V ( MJllKy OAI'A Itll 11 * filO K Shceloy lillllplng. 32817' 1JSENI ) FOH MANUAL ON SPECIFIC OXYGEN , JLXCcrtnln cure fur rntnrrh and nil diseases of the head , throat mid lungs , 510 Shceley building. 1J-OAH HILLS REDUCED ONE-THIRD WITH JLithe "Economic" burners F. N , Perkins 121 'North Sixteenth street , lu restaurant. MS5723 * iV JKI19KV COW , FRESH , AT A RAROAIN : JAinnsi ho sold In three dnys ; a very rich nnd Inrge milter , four yenrs old ; n great put : very hnndsomo , Address L 41 , llco. M355-22 -1IALDNKS3 POSITIVELY I'UltKD ; NO MIS tnVo nhmit It ; send for descriptive circular. Ad dress "Antl-llnld. " box 293. Davenport , la. T > PEHSONAL. bTUP- COUGHING ? (1.000 HE- -IVward for a case of throat or lung trouble. Inst stnges cxccpted , which cannot bo relieved by a proper use of Dr. X. Stone's Bronchial wafers. Ma n bix at druggists. For sample , tend lOc to Stone Med. Co. . Chicago. 111. M 303-17 * CLAIRVOYANTS. RATES 1,1o n line lint tlmo nnd lOc n line there after. No advertisement tnken for less thnn 25c. Orcvclatloni c'hnllcngcs the world. Mrs. Dr M. Itfgrnvu , dead trnnco clairvoyant , natrologlst , pajmlst and llfo reader ; tells your llfo from tha cradle to grnre ; unites the separated ; causes mnr- rlago with the ono you love ; tells where you will succeed and In what business bet ndnpted for ; has the celebrated Egyptian breastplate for luck and to destroy bad Influences ; cures fits. Intemperance and nil private complaints with massage , baths nnd al cohol treatment. , Send (2 , lock of hair , nama and date of birth and receive nccurato life chart ; 2 cents In stnmps for clrculnr ; give Initials nf ono you will marry ; also photos of same. Olllce 1007 South llth street , first floor : hours , 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Come one. como all , and bo convinced of this wonderful oracle. M330F1 * S MRS. MAItf FRITS439 LAKH STREET , clairvoyant and trnnco medium ; Independent voices ; tells past and future. 6'.i7-J23 < -MRS. NANNIE V. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , reliable business medium , fifth ycaratll9N. Kith. 772 MASSAGE , BATHS , BTC. RATES Iflc a line llrst time and lOc a line there after. No advertisement taken for less tcan 25c. T' ' MASSAGr. . \ IS1T THE ONLY FIRST CLASS parlors In Omnun. over HO S. 13th st. M222 Fll * rp-MADAMK SMITH. 1314 CAPITOL AVENUB ! JL Sdtloor. Alcohol , sulphur and sea baths.MS3424 MS3424 * rp-MASSAGB TREATMENT , ELECTHO TIIER- JL nml haths. scalp nnd hair treatment , manicure and cnlropotllst.Mrs. Post,319 S. 15tUWlthnoll bile. . 773 PERSONAL. I AM A TRUE GENTLEMAN MEMBER OF the Episcopal church , character gUt-cdgcd. ; do not drink , smoke'or chew tobacco , hnvc steady situation nt { (1500 ( per month. Will Borne Indy of means , or ono who can assist me for n while with her own work , please answer ; object matrimony. Correspondence strictly confidential. AddrcsB Ii 44 Bee. S2517 U PEHSONAL SKND IOC FOR DIG PACKAGE cabinet size pictures , nlso full description ( In cluding residences ) of respectable Indies who want to correspond for matrimony ; 5,000 lady members , every ago and nationality * living everywhere , many of them bountiful and wealthy. Drawer ( J97 , Chicago , III. 330 17' -PERSONAL. YOUR DESTINY FORETOLD , with pen picture of future husband or wife , ac cording to nati'ology. Send date of birth and 20c teL L Box 117 , Kansas City , Mo. 333-17' U -T. V. P , ALL RIGHT. 320-18 * MARRY BOYS AND G1RI.9 JOIN OUK COR- rcspondeucoclub. Write for particulars. Ad- drena L. Box t5 , Mount Carroll , 111. S1305 17' - AGHEEAALB CORRESPONDENTS SECUtlEO for fun or matrimony. Particulars , lOc. Hox32i , Omaha. 271-17' MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. V BEFORE BUYING A PIANO EX VMINB THE ; new scale Klmball piano. A. llospe , 1513 Douglu 771 V O. F. GKLLKNBKCK. BANJO TKACLIKll with llospe , or321H N. 15th street , 3d floor. 912 MONEY TO LOAN BEAT * ESTATE. \\r-CITVLOANSWANTKD. WKWIMj QUOTK > i lowest rates for loans on well located business or residence property In the cities of Omaha , Coun cil BlufTs and Lincoln ; sums of $1,000 to $10,000 pre ferred ; cash on hand. Central Loan and Trust Co. , Bee llulldlng. M3I4 20 W LOANS. CITY PltOPKRIY , K. NKB. AND W Iowa farms. 13. F. Hinder , 151'J Fariium.WO WO 29 * W-APPLY TO J. I * LOVET1' FOH CHEAP money ; only upon flratclass security. 220 South 13th street. M930 W-U-PEK CENT FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS , Richard C. Pnttoraon , 1511 Fnrnnm Bt. 781 \ \ -COATES , 7 , BOARD TRADE , EASTERN ' < money. MH24 ' W ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 818 N. Y. Llfo. lend nt low rates for choice security on Ncbrnska or lorra furrus or Omaha city property. . 778 " \y LOANS , W.M.HARHIS.H. 20 , FRENZER BLK. 783 \v-i SECOND MORTGAGES. ALEX MOORE. 401 > V Ileo Hhlg. [ 760 IV CENTRAL LOAN AND TRUST CO.BEE BLUU VV .11 IV MONEY TO LOAN ON LONG OR SHOUT > V tlmo In sums of (300 to $10.000. Mutual Investment Company , 771) ) W -LOWEST RATES " OF INTEREST ON FIRST class security. Lovctt& Woodman , ? -'J S 13th. 7bd J3I \\r-LOANSON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED " ' city property , ( .1,000 and upwnrils.O to 8 percent. No delays. W. Farnam Smith li Co. , 15th & llarnny. \V-LOAN8ON REAL ESTATE AND < : OLLAT. I' teral notes and mortgages bought. Reed fc Bolby , 334 Hoard of Trade. 77'J ' W-G. G. WALLACE , 812 BROWN BIXCK. ' ' M 921 KSTATK LOANS U TO 7 1'KH CltNTi no additional charges for coaimlsilon or atl or- ner's foci. W. li. Melkle , First National bank bldi ; . . 7TS _ \V-I.OANH ON HKAI. K8TATE , LOWKST V > rales. The O.K.DuvIn company. iiu F10 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. UATHS Ito a line llrnt tlmo nnd lOo a linn there- titter. No advertisement taken for lc a than 'Jic. X "MONKV itTToAN iiY'iT.TrJiAsa'Kits'oN household k'oocls. plunos , organs , horses , uiiilea , waiions , t'lc. , nt thu lowest ponidblu rates without publicity , removal of property or chuuco of pos- leaBlon. Time arranitcd to suit the borrower. I'uyiucnto ot anjr r.iuount can ! > o maae nt KHT time , reducliiK hath principal and Interest , thus Klvlnu patruus nil tuu benetlU of the partial pay- went plan. > I'all and see mo when you want a loan , or If more convenient call telephone KJI and your business can bo arranged at homo. Money always on hand : no delay ; no publicity : lowest rates ; business confidential. 11. K. Masters , U 4 Wlthuoll blk. , 15th and Harnoy , . ' 87 X MONKV I.OANKI ) ON KUUNITUIIK , HOIIHKS. wnfons , plunos , without rmnoval or chaniia of possession. Conndunttul. Fred Terry , r I3S , lluingis. 111 _ _ _ V -IIOU'T 1'ItlTCHAHI ) , U.S. W1THNKLU III.IC + + r-CHAlvi'KLIXANS-W2N , Y UVtt. JIOlllllS- jV SOJKIO' _ _ _ _ _ _ -MO.NI5YTOLOA.N , SO.i'O , AND 10 I AY8 ON JVfurulturc , etc. Dull ( Ircen , r'.iJ , Contlnontal blk. ; yj _ X--CHATTKI , UlANS , nKNKDICT A WHAV , ( ill Iaxtou blnck. Wo loan our own money , clmrtfa uo couimlsslun. U will pay you to consult ui. M6M-J81' _ _ -MONKV TO LOAN ON CHATTKI.Si IS to .10 days. illM'umuilni-Ht. .MUIi-t'4 _ BUBINE38 OHANOE3. HATK3 ISa line first llnio anil lOa a llhs Iher3 > afttir. Noi'dvertUiimoiittakaii fqr lesi .than . 813. \f-ran BAIH A8 > TALh STOCK OK jioOTSANI ) -L shoes , and utoro fixtures. Till ) best location In the city lleosoD lor twlllui ; U on account of the death pf my husband. .Mrs. Orpha C. Thum i. 5(15 N itreit , Boutb Omaha , K b. _ _ 11304 H * BUSINESS OUANOES. V-AN KXCKIT10.NAU IIAlltlAIN , OWNKIl tip- .1 In ? nhronil. for pHln.'M ' libl. roller water mill , where a liirno l ] iliio ri i always been done ; nl p n hiiiitu and twulvo loft , clear , surrounded with hada nnd fruit lreo , n lovely honu' , on easy terms. C. howllh. ilcarKslalo , O Htroet , Lincoln , -IIJIM Oil tJ,000 TO INVK8T IN IICBI of references atmn and required. Si 45 , HPO. V-I'AHTV UW.NINn ftboll INDDSTIIV WISHK3 J. to rnlaruu plniit. 1'roper Investmontwlllspcuro n position and salary. Address , I. a , llco , for Inter view. * l 874 Ii * Y-FOR SALK-A WKt.L ESTAIILISHED i oral mcrchatidlio business In n llyo town. 8,1) . O'Neal , C-illanay , Neb. ' Ml IT V-AN EXCELLENT STEADY INI.'OM E ASSURED JL by systematic betting on eastern races under di rection of skilled hnmlicnppcri term ? . (21.00 per week ; three yi trial free : results sprnk fpr tliem- selves. C.D. Howe , I * . U. box 127 , Ilrooklym N. Y. V WANTKI ) , MAN WITII f 1.000 OH BKCUIIITV1 -L to supply BK nt < In northwest with aimoITcr now pnncnko KrIOdle. I'osltlvo proof you can ro- nllro 110,000 protlt annually. M. HIinctTer , CnntiimO I.K CIIKAI' , ( 'Itljrr. CKIAH ANDCON- JLfcctloncry store. Call 316 N. Itith street. -MKATMAHKKTOXK 11A1.V 1.NTB11KHT IN J. city , toll or trmlo. Adilrcss li'.tt lloo M30si I" * ' V-WKHAl.K. A WKU , KUHNlSltUD BAI.OON Xln West I'olnt , Nob. , two billiard tables , ono pool table , upstairs for club rooms , tlnast location in town , commands the bott trade , llcaion for fclllni : , purtlrs irolnit Intb the wholesale business. Kor particulars wrlto or apply to F , Sonncnscholn , West I'olnt. Neb. 951-13 _ - MAHKirr , COHNKIt LOCATION : I1IC1 1 cash trade ; low rent ; price , fSJO ! owner leaving city ; bin bnrKaln. Alex Moore , 401 Hoe biilldlnir. y -von HUNT OH SAKK , 2 CHAIUH AND IIAH- J. bcr outfit , complete. Address Ii 31 , lice.2t)5 2t)5 ) 21 -FOR EXCHANGE. HATKS-tSoa line Hrst time nnd lOe n line there after. No advertisement taken for loss than Zoo. y KoulisxniiANaK , A GOOD IIKMVKKV IIOHSK Aifortfrocerles. Address Kilo California Btrcot. < rWANTKI ) TO K.XC1IANQK. l.OI'l ACIIK STOCK Aifnrm , 3D miles from Ht. Irfinls , and ether prop erty , amounting tolVOJO ) clear , for irood property In Omaha or lands In eastern or middle Nebraska. Address A.J. Qulnlnn , MJOl'ago avenue , Bt. l.onls , Slo. S8'J 17 * y-HOIJSKS , FAHMS , IJOTS , MKtlCIIANUISK. iJj'cnd for list. George 1'nul , 1800 Kornani , _ 3o9l i V-lIO KKKT ON WUUSTKH STHEKT , NHAH A/Snored Ik-art , for ncren for Rnrdenlne ; fZ.OOO house and lot clear for , bettor home , llutchlni-on \VciKl. . I5tl DoiiBlas street. Z-KOU KXCHANOK , 4SO ACHES OK UNIM- proved clear land. What have you to oilerW H. Uartlctt , Campbell. Neb. 2M-17 * _ Z FOH SAW ? OH KXCHANatC A ( JOO11 CHICM- leal cimlno for sale or will exchanxo for hook nnd ladder outtlt. Address Clerk , Arapahoe , Neb. Z-CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL M'D'SB ; WILL take real estate & money. Box 295 , FrankforUnd ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. RATKS IBo a line first tlmo nnd lOe a Una there after. No advertisement taken for less than 25c. rpHE STCHY OF A COHNHR LOT : YOU HAVE Jlall heard It ; all the old scttleri toll It , how they bought lots In Omaha for (25 and afterward sold them for $25,000. Well.-'rill , this week I urn going to sell lots In Omnha'sMatcst addition for (10 each. These lots are free from mortgage ; deed and ab stract given with each lot sold. Every lot guaran teed a nice level bulldlnilot , and I50il Dodge it. Is the place to get them. 'Call on or Inclose postage for pint or Information. OyiP. Benjamin , hole Agent , I50U DoiltfO st. 3 = 3 303-17 * FOR SALE-ELEGANT'EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE IN llanscom Place ; dona to motor line ; new nnd modern built ; nil conveniences ; n splendid bargain If Bold quick. Hicks , agent , 305 New York Life bldg. 'r'ff 38817 XUCE COTTAGH CENTRALLY LOCATED ; -LJ furnlturo for saloortorent with cottage. Ad dress Lp.i. Bee , . 220 18 * pORNER.60X124.Pf A'IXVIUW-NBAllKOUNTZE J place. tl.OM ) ; 55xl5Spn Lowe nvcnuc. Dear Far nam , $1,400 ; "acre In Bolrldore. near Fort Omaha , (550 ; corner on Ixwo'nvenue , two blocks from motor , $1,050. Hutchlritou & Wend , 1524 , Douglas i street. o M342-19 ,17011 BAitGAiN-g IN.CITY OR FARM PROPEHTY 'J.cnll ' oi/OeorBo Paul. 11M9 Fnrnnm , ' ? J aA3-17J OUNTZE PUACE HOUSES , 8 TO )2 ) ROOMS cnch$5WX ) up ; $ .VX ) cash , balance (35 per month. Would tnke some trade. J. J. Gibson , Crelghton block. ' am 17 * ARGAIN-CIIO1CE TEN-ACRE TRACT , CLOSE to Belt line ; the best Investment In Omahn. Ulcks , agent , : i05 New York I.lfo building. 3t > U 17 FINE'FIHJIT FARM SITE , so ACHES. ADJOINING city limits Council Bluffs. Address E. A. Rlsser , Council Bluffs , la. M224 18 T70R SALE. BEST BARGAIN IN THE CITY , 41X127 JL fc-ct with 5 room cottage at 2423 Bristol street , worth (2.SOO , for 10 days at $1,800 ; (500 cash , balance to suit ; owner removed from city ; see me quick If you want It. J , II. Johnson , 842 N. Y. Life building. iaj-17 17OK BALK , ON SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS , X110 housca. The O.F.Davis company. 191 FIO OR SALE. ICO ACHES FIRST CLASS FARM land In Knox county : (200 only required for tint payment. Tbo O. F. Davis company. 193 20 FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN , LOT 15 , BLOCK 4 \V. L. Sh-lby's first addition to South Omnha. Small payment down , balance monthly If desired. Inquire G. B. Tzschuck , Omahn Beo. 383 IJOH SALE. HOMES , ANY PRICK , $750. $1,250 UP ; easy terms ; tnko clear property us first payment. G. O. Wallace , Brown block , Ititb. and Douglas. 792 FOR SALE. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS. 'G. G. Wallace , 123 Brown block , 10th and Douglas. 703 -\T E. CORNER IDT 11 AND HICKORY. 50x150 L'.foet : a bargain fora foiv days only. F , K. Dar ling , Barker block. 794 STOCK WINTERED. P.ATE8 15c a line first time and lOo a line there after. No advertisement tnken for less than Vic. OUsEANDras' on farm two miles , of Omaha from f to $ ii month. 411 S. 14th street. Tel. 1J10. M2I > : | F13 * TTOHSKS W1NTKUKI ) AT LOWKST IIATKS AT 1 LlielloTiio stock farm ; box stalls If desired. Clarke , 19 Board of Truda building or Bollevue. 795 _ DRESSMAKING. HATES ISc a line II rat time nnd lOo a line there after. No advertisement taken' for lens than Mo. H8. W. J. SCOLKS HAS Ol'KNKU DUICSS nmklni ; parlors nt the N. K. cor. Uth & TAKEN UP. IIATKS ISen line flrit time and lOe n line there after. No advertisement taken for lens than 25o " j -Iwelifht , 1,100. Inquire It. Is'elnon , milk dealer , Highland park , near Leaf nnd Dumb Institute , M3IU 10 * HAIR GOODS. IIATKS 15c n line first tlmo nml lOo a line there after , No advertisement taken far lC9 > than -'Jo. IN lk-s and l > i\nJ4 | a gpaclalty , Wlxa. BwltcheB , hair chalnf/eto. . In itock and to ordur. MiUlordorn ollcltcii.Ii'l'Javlu8 , 111 S. IMh 8t.Omnha. 7Uti PATEKT'gQLICITOKS. _ IIATKS ISo line tlrViitlmo and lOu a line tlinro- after. No dvertl IHent tnken for los > tlmn''Jo I. Kue iVCo. . lleoliulldlnif , Oinalin , Noli. liranch otUcout Wnahlniiton u.O , Consultation free. TJ7 CO3TUMS , ETC. HATKS-ISo a line tlfitl'tliirj and lOa n line there after. No ndvcrt | ieuetit | taken for le < 3 T -Ljrade contuniOi at-Tlll S 16th , Golden Knulo store , jiwi VHIO-mS QRINDINO. SUNDYOUlt SCISSOU8 , HAXOltH , KTC. , TO UK uround to Undorlnwl' & Co. . lot ] H. llth Bt. 7M ! BCANUg-iOTUItlNO JEWELERS. CASH 1'AII ) FOll 01,1) . 001,1) . CAI180N k tiaiiki , room SO llnrker block , Omaha. VW PAWN BKOKEK8. _ IIATK8 15enllnu lint time ami 10j a line there after , No ndvortlM-uient taken for less than l'5c. TrKx n iiAitTi' , uiSiiovKii TO lei a. i&Tfi ai\ o ' S 11 The whole stoclc of school furnltnro , olllco Biipplles , und cublnot letter files und ono auto , or will toll in joblotH , J , W. lUiiniH. As.slKnuo. Call ut Gerniiin-Anierlcan EJIIVIIIIIS bun Ic Omiihn. Nob. Ittkltf .Mdo Church of the Good Shepherd ( Episcopal ) , corner LuKe and Nineteenth streets J. P , D. Llwyd , rector. Holy communion , 8 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon on "Inter cession. " li a.m. Evening prayer , 7:30 p.m. , wltn nddrcss toplo : "Tho True t'rlend" a character study. Seat * free to nil. "IMPROVEMENT IlieORfliMtin AGE1 , THE BEST. WHY ? Uoeauso wo lirxvo profited by the shortcomings " of the olrt typewriters , unil have ovarconio many Uefut-ts nnd , boUvoun onrsluvi's.vo litivu ntUlo.l tunny Imlirovonicitts of which tliclr Inventor * novcr dreamed. All type cleaned In ton seconds without soli- ing the. limuU. More ni.iu I fold , copies oan ho made at onn Im pression cm tliu Smith I'romlor than upon any other lypinvrlter hinnufucturcd. b'cnif for ciUuloKuo. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENr. The Smith Premier Typsv/ritar / Co , 101)01 ) Faniiiiu Street , Oiniili.i , Neb , K. it. MAI' nini ; - . . . REMINGTON TYPEWRITER BEST IN THE WORLD. Jos. P. MEGEATH , jr PA'IVAM S HI EElOM.VIt V. NRH. RRILWRYT1MEGHRD Leaves It I1ICAGO BURLING TON ft O..I Arrive Omaha. | Depot 10th and -M'non His. Omahn. Leaven IllUHIilNUTON ft MO. ItlVKH.I Arrives Omaha. | Depot 10th anrt Mason Sts. | Omahn. SI.30 n ml..Kansas City Day Kxpress. , . . ! i > .55 p m 9.4.1 p ni | 1C. C. N In lit Kip via U. I' . Trans | li.40 o in. Leaves UNION PACIFIC. I Arrives Omahn. Union Depot 10th nnd .Marcy 8(8.1 ( Omaha. Going CHICAGO. K. I. * PACIFIC. From Kast. | Union Depot 10th & Marcy 8t . | Kast. 10.00 a m , .Atlantic Kxpress I O.VO p m 4.05 p m .Vestibule Kxpiess 1.10 p m li.10 p m . . . . Night Kxpreas I U.40 a m Going I CHICAGO. B. I , & PACIFIC. I From West. I Union Depot 10th nnd Mnrcy Bts. I Wcst. 1.20 p ml Denver Limited , . .13.40 p in 7.05 p m I Denver Expreaa. . 17.SO n m Leaves IC1IICAGO , MIL. ft dT7 PAUL I Arrive Omaha | U. P. depot and Mnrcy Sts. | Omaha 620 p ml Chicago Express 19.83 a m 1.00 p m | Chicago Express [ 5.45 p m Leaves I SIOUX C1TV & PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omaha Depot , 10th and Marcy Sts. ! Omaha 7.20 a ml Sioux City Passenger tlO.-'op m 6.35 p m | St Paul Express 110.00 u in Loaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. Arrives Omahal Depot. IMh and Wcbuter sts. I Omaha 6.45 p m | tit. 1'nul Limited I'J.aj a in Loaves J CHICAGO A NOHTJIWHSTKllN Arrives Omahal U. P. depot. 10th end Marcy 8ts. Omaha 7.26 n m ( Ur. Sun'y ) Carroll Piisscuyer. 10.20 p m 125 a m Chicago Kxpress 8.15 a m 5.00 p m Vestibule Limited.- 0.30 a m 9.15 p n > Kastern Flyer. li.OOp in 7.0U. p m . ( Kx.Sat..Fii3fMoll ) ( Ex. Mon. ) . 2.15 p ui Leaves OXfAlIA & ST. LOUIS. Arrives Umahtt U. P. depot. 10th nnd Marcy Sts. Omaha 4.10 p m | St. Louis Cannon Hall | 12.3op m Leaves C. , ST. P. . M. Hi O. { Arrives Omaha ) Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. Omaha 8.10 a in . .Slcux City AcRommodatlon. . U.Oj p m 1.00 p m Sluux City Kxprcss ( tix. Mund'y ) 12.41 p m 5.45 p m St. Paul Limited U.2J a m 5.15 p m Bancroft I'msciner ( Kx. Snnd'y ) 8.4) a m Laves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. I Arrlvei Omaha Depot 15th and Webster Sts. I Omaha 10.30 a m I St. Louis Kxpress. . . . I ii.30 a in 0.30 ii m | St. Louis Kxprcss | 5.10 p m Leaves I K. C. , ST. J'OKlTC. D7 Arrives Transfer ! Union Depot. Council Dlugi Transfer 10.00 a m . . . .Kansas City Day Kxpress. . . fi.25 p in 10.15 p m . . .Kansas Cltv Night Kxpross. . . t.20 ! a m Leaves I CHICAGO , 1IUIU/M & QUINUY , lArrlvoi Transfer ! Union Depot , Council Bluffs Transfer 9.U ) a m Chicago Kxprcss , 5.40 p m 10.00 p m Chicago Kxpress n.25 n m 7.05 p m t'roston Local . , 7.15 n m Leaves CHICAGO , It. I. & PACjFIC. Arrives Transfer Union Depot.Council Trnnsrer U.30 p m Night Kxpress. . . 9.20 a m 10.20 n m Atlantic Express. . 6.55 p m 4.30 p' ui Vestibule Limited. 12.50 p m Leaves I UMAHA ft ST. LOUIS. Transfer ! Union Depot. Council Illufls. 4.40 p m | . . . .jjit. Louis Cnnon Ball Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. lArrlvot Transfer ! Union Hpp.pt. Council lllnlts. Transfer 7.45 a ml..Sioux City Accommodation .110.00 p in 6.50 p m | St. Paul Exprsss | 11.40 n in The Most Comfortable Train between Omaha and Chicago is the Burlington's "Vestibuled Flyer , " which leaves the Union Depot daily at 4:30 : p. m. It is composed of superb rolling stock , leaves Omaha and reaches Chicago at most con venient hours , runs over a magnificent roadbed , and , in short , offers the best possible facilities between the Missouri River and the World's Fair City. The Burlington has also two other express trains for Chicago , one at 9:50 : a. m. , and one at 9:20 : p. m. , both of which are first-class in every respect. City ticket office , 1223 Farnam street. pUOl'OSALS KOIl PIMM ) SKEnS-Hosobud JL Agency , South DaUotn , DcuoinDor tioth 1801. rioiiluit proposals , omlaruod "Proposals for Hold teuils , " nnd nildrossoil to tha uudur- ut Hosobiul Agunoy , South Diilcotn , bo rocolvcd ut th H uvunoy until ono o'uloulc p. ni. , of Moiidny , Jmiinry inii , IH'J. ' , for ( urnlsli- Irtu mill dollvonuir tit , this tuimcjy uliont l'i < K ) busholanf seed outs , 000 husho s of toed corn , l.uo : ijusliols of soud potutoos , nnd : mu liushola of seutl wlinat. Illddors 11 , bo required to Bttita In tholr bltlH thu proposal ! price of ouch uftlolo oiTurod for dollvory uudora uontruot , Thu rUlit Is reserved to reject nny or nil bldK , or any part otnny bid , it ilooinud ( or the licit Interests of tin ) tervleo. GKUTlfiKD UIIGCKM. Kucli bid must bo auvompanlod by a curtlllod clicnU or draft upon sonia Unltoil rJlutosilu- posltory ormilvunt nalloiitil bunk tnthu vluln- Ity of the rosldonco of the blditor. tiiitda tiny- nule to thoordor of thu Commissioner of In dian Affiilrs , for nt least CIVK 1'Kii CUNT of thu amount of tlm proposul , which cheek urdruft will bo forfeited to the UNITKII STATUS In on so nny bidder nr bidder * ruonlvliiix un iiwnrd Blrill full to promptly nxucutu a contract with Kood ntid tniilloliiiit sureties , uthorwlsu to lie rutnrned to thu bidder , llldx iioooinnanlcd by uaxulnllou nf n cortlllod check will not bo COIIH ilarcd. Kor further Infurinittlon apply t < ) J , ( JKO. W1UQI1T , U. b. InJIuu Asont. JidSltM Church of Jcsui Christ of Latter Day Saints. HIS North Twonty-llr't street Hor- Vlcoa Sunday. I'roachliiK atlOBO. : Kuiidav school l'JUU. ; I'ray or Borvlco SUO. : Preaching - ing 7:30 : , Klilar Charles Dcrry , inoaltcr , morning nnd evening.Vllllatn Dalllngor , prcsldeut , TDKOrOSAIS FOK EltK ( TION Ol' SOIIOOti J. llnllcllnjB , Stonni Moulin J nml Vi-iitllii- llon , nnd l-'lro I se.il > ov Dopiirunoiit of Iho Interior , Onicont Inulnii AITnlr * . Wa lilnulon , 1) . U , Jnmiiirrri. IHU.-HKU.Kti rito0 ! < Al. ! < , on * ( loncd.'TrliK > iiU for I'icctlon of liullilliufl , sloatn MeiUliic. etcus the CR O iniiy lie , nd ' iiddrt'B-icd In the Commissioner of I ml i nil Af > fillrs , Wiislilniton , I ) . ( . ' . , will lo rvcolvod at ihlsdnk-e until I o'clock , | > . in. , of I'eliniury 8 , lRir.\ for the emotion tit the I'lna Itldun A'/oncy , , Koiith Dnliotn , of ono brick nBsoinbly bulldlnz , ' onn lirlck hosiltil | : liulltlln.nnd one lirlok , nollnr liatiso , 113 per iiliins nnd MinultUiftlntii wlilch may bo u.x.tinlnod ut the olllco.s Of the Itoimlillciin , of Kiild : ) Oily. S. I ) . , tlm llr.K of i O.imlin , Nob. , nnd Iho llul dcrt llouril of Trndc , corner ? th mill Co Inr streuts. ft. I'nUI. Minn. , nnd iitlhn Pine Ktdtto Asenoy. Illdilerd will bo reiinlrcil to submit sl-o.ir.lto bids for ouch Imlldln ? , nnd Mittu the loiiKth of tlmo iiroposiid to ho consiitnud In their Ciinstriic- tlon. IlliU are ulto Invltod for ftirnl.shllU nil tnttchlnnry , inutcrliils. and nil Inlmr necrniry : to ttnl tliom In position , for honlliiit nnd von- tlllntltiK the iiAsenibly liiilldhiK. thu Itoipllut Inillillni , ' . tlm present .school IniltdliH. nnd the InnnJry ( now lucotirsu of coiislrtictloni. all to lie iiroucrly connccled by iidcnntitu | ilcn | ) with the boiler luni ! > e , front wit i li thev nrj to bo hentcd. Soiurnto nidi slioul : ! nlsd lie iniido for heiHn : t nn I vcntlliitln ; an iiliovo , from bollur linnuoonly thn im einbly but din ; nnd the pre ent school bull-ilnK. epuratti blilM nro nlso Invited f < ir fnrnlshln. tinil p : IIIK | ono or two llrucsRuDcson the ussonibly und ho pltiil liiilldliUH when HUMIO HII | : | | huvo been eroded , nlso on the p resent , school bill din * . Itldilurs on lieiitlnx und tehtl utln , nnd flro CRCIIIICS. to acroinpunv their bids with delKnand speclllcatliins of the stpuni hoiitln und von- tilutlon and llro usgupcs iiropmutl to he fnr- nlslied : s.-ittl dcsUns nnd spoalfloitlons to hu Hdnpte , ) to the liulldlnis to which they uru to bo applied. Tha rlttht l reserve i to rot | ct nny or all bids , or any part of any bid If ileonicd for thu best Interrat ot the xorvlco CmtTifir.i ) CHUCKS Kwcli hid mint ho nu.-om punloil IV nurrllllud chcckordruftnponsimio United Stales depoiltorv or solvent nullnnul bank In the vicinity of the rosldeiifo of the b'dder ' , mudi ; piynlle : to thoordor of the Coin- inlslonoruf Iinllnn AlfutM. for ut loisl : FIVI' riuciNTof the amount of tlm proposnUwliluh check or draft will hu forfiilteil to tha Uittteil States In ease any bidder or bidders receiving un nwurd Klmil f.ill to iiromplly exesnto n contract with po ) d nnd Hitlllclcnt sureties , otliorw.se tube retnrni'd to tno bidder. Illds iiccoiniinlcil | ) by cash In Hen of cortlllod check- will not lie considered. T. J. MOItOAN , Commissioner of Imllim AlT.tlrs. .TlOd'JItM "VfO. I. I * A. NO. 14. I'KUi'US.VLS ! ' -L > Subsistence Stores. Olllco of I'urch tilir * mid Depot GoinniNvirv of Snhslstcnco. U.S. Army. Omuliu , Nob. , Jannury 15. IH1) ) . ' . Sealed propnialH , In trlplcitc. : wilt be received ut this olllco until 1.'o'clock m. , cent nil stundurn time , on Tues Iny , I'obrniry 10. IS'1 ' , at which time itnd place they will bo opened In tl.o | ) rcsencu of bidders , for the furnishing anil ( Ic- llvory at Oninliu , or on cur * at South Umuba. Nob. , the fol owliu fliihslstcnco Htoros , viz : I'ork , bacon : b ( ef , vornud , canned : vinegar ; bucon , brcnkfast : Hour , family : IKIIIIB , S. C. : und Inrd , I'refer ncu will ho i ; I veil to nrtla'.os of domestic production nr munnfncture , con- dltlonsof < iunllty nnd prlco ( IncludliiK In tttu price of foreign productions or mtinnfncturu the duty thereon ) bolnis eiinul. Tlm rlabt. Is reserved to reject any or nil bids , lllnnk pro- posuls and spcclflcuMons showlnz In detiill tbo articles und qu utltlo ) rcnulro 1 und Klv- ui'4 full Inforiniitiun us to condition of con tracts , will hu furnished on application to this olllce. W. II. liKLL , Mujor und O , S. , U. S. A Jl5dlt-fl4-l5 AMONO THE CHURCHES. of Uiniiliii'x raHtors and 1'coplo for the I'list Weplc. The bright little publication culloj Mon. roprusonting the Interests and work of the Onmnn Young Men's Christian association , nnd ably edited by Secretary Obor , Improves with each mcr.thly uppnaranco. It is n gem of neatness , ana the largo amount of information mation it contains is so succinctly arranged as to make it quite a remarkable llttlo maga zine. . Dr. W. .T. Harsha will preach tonight upon "Cas > h K , " the unidentified philanthropist of Omaha who for llvo "successive yenrs gnvo $500 annually to chnrttablo work in Omaha and this year doubled the amount , Riving $1,000 to tno Omaha city mission. Dr. Harsha will draw a word painting of "Cash K" as ho has seen him in his mind's eye. Ho will then speak of the valuable le.s.sons that may bo gleaned from the example of such a generous llfo as that of "Casn K. " Secretary Obor Has arranged a series of oft nicht programs to bo called Irish night , Scottish night , Swedish night , English mgtit , oto. Thof.o special pro grams will bo given on Saturday nights or off Saturday nights nnd will bo mudo very ictoresting. Last night was Irish night. The principle feature of the evening was on ad dress by Mr. T. J. Muhonoy upon John Boyle O'Reiloy. Next Saturday night will bo Scottish night , the Saturday night following will be Swedish night. The Current Topic club will discuss next Monday night this question : "Is it Desirable - blo to Adopt More Stringent Measures for the Regulation of Immigration I" Mr. McDowell will sing at the moa's moot ing this afternoon. The regular monthly contest in the gym nasium will take place on Monday , Janu ary 18. Tbo American HUtoty Readme club is an other very practical organization rooantlv begun - gun In connection with the Youn ? Men's Christian Association. It moots Thursday evenings. Bishop and Mrs. Newman returned last Friday from the Indian territory or Okla homa where the bishop hold u conference. "Wo supposed when wo loft Omaha , " siIdMra. Newman , "that wo were gomtr among cowboys and In dians but wo found a ' delightful people down there. Their prlnclp.il towns of Oklahoma , Norman and Outhrio are well built up and lighted by electricity and tno people nro cultured and progressive. " The Kountzo Memorial church is In a prosperous - porous condition. At the annual meeting of the congregation lust Monday niijht , the dif ferent departments of the church were re ported and showed'everything moving on in good shape. Thn report of the treasurer , A. Koch , was ns follows : msmmsK.MENTs. Heal cstnto repairs , 8 30-10 Note bold by A , ICoch 475 1,7 Incidental expenses 71 SO llsmovolcnco 20'J 70 Stationery , printing , etc ai 45 Fuel . 13177 I'urnHaio and fixtures 27 M Tuxes 177 IK ) Wiiter service 1:1:1 : : so Interest on mortgage and note 1.IJ4 U Iiumrimcn , 3JO 00 1'ustor'H salury , ,2,00001 Janitor's silnry 48000 1'ulpltsuuply . : ooo Musk- 318 00 Lighting , or Kits ivi m Ituluuco on hand January 1 , ISM 200 32 Total 13,877 80 HECEIPT3. Ilaluncoon linnd January 1,1891 t HI 3' > Hecolvod on note of trustee. Iloo 00 Mlsuloimry collections 17:1 : 10 Sunday collections- toi lu Pew rent L''J(1 ( 7 , " > Itont , cnrrlueo repository l,5'J9 ' W ! Music , Women's Helping Hand v W 00 Total $ % 8f80 The report of the pastor , Uov , T. J. Turkic , shows that during the year forty- flvo members hud boon taken In , seven mem bers had been plvon tatters to otbor churches , nnd 0110 bad died. The total membership Is 185. Mr , D , U , Hhodos was elected older , U. C ! , Bell deacon , and Allen Koch trustee. Refreshments were served by the ladles. Few people scam to fully understand the opportunities that nro afforded those who wish to become trained nurses at the Meth odist hospital , The hospital has been a pronounced success from Its very beginning , nnu tbo UcacpjKAVc'j and tiursos now at the hospital ara scarcely"ablo to tnko euro of tbo lanro number of patients there Voting ladies wishing to It'iirn thu duties of a trained nurse can do BO by slmplv donating their tlinn to the work nt tbo hospital , There nro n great maay surgical cases taken to tbo hospital , nml In this linn of work the nurse * have ample opportunity to become thoroughly elllciont. * At tlici Churches. Clifton Hill Mission -Sunday school , H p.m. Unitarian church , Seventeenth and Cuss streets Rev. Newton M , Munn will preach In the morn In ? . Subject , "Look on the Bright Sldo. " The Swedish Baptist Mission , northwest corner of Hamilton and Thirtieth streets. Regular services at 10:30 : and 7UJovory : Sunday und 8 o'clock Wednesday. Second I'roibyterlan church , North Twenty-fourth nnd Nicholas streets breach ing titlOi.'W n.m. und 7 : ! < U p.m. , by Rev. Thomas McCaguu , Sunday school nt noon. Young pooplu's nicotine ntf:15 ) : p.m. First MoiliodUt Kulsoop.il church , Twon- . tlotb nnd Davenport Ntroots , Hiv. I' , S. Merrill. D. I" ) , , pastor. 10j3u n. in. , "How to save ChrUllans. " 7:3(1 ( p. m. , "Smooth i'l'cacliitig. " Subbath school at 3:80. : Hillside Congregational church , cor ner Thirty-seventh and Ohio streets , A , II. Rons , pastor Morning ser vice , 10:30 : ; ( ortuoti , lubjoci , "Impira- tlon. " Suntlsy Reboot nt noon ; Yotinu People's ' Society of Christian Kiulouvor , U < li > p. ni , Tomnnrnnco mooting under the X. . nujpli-c * nf the liullo.s of the church nt 7:30. : A bright ptograiU will bo ramlorod. Klr.U IJiitvcrnullst churoli , corner of Nino- tcontii nml ijjtlirop strooLs , Kountzo Plitoo. * Rev. Marv Olrnnl Andrews will preach Sun / day the ITtti lust , , both morning' ami even- in ? nftho usual hours. Sunday school nt 12 m. Trinity Calhodntl , Glghtoonth nnd Capitol nvonuoVery Kov. C.H. Onrdnor , dean. Holy communion S it. m. ; Sunday school 10 n. in , : morning pr.fycr , litany ntid sormoti nt 11 u. m , ; evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 : p , in. St , John's church , corner Twoiilv-slxth nnd Franklin stroota , R-jv , ,1. O , Forrts. router - tor Holy uucliartat , 8 n.m , Sundty school < I.'I5 n. in. Morning pr.iyor , litany nnd sr r- mon nt II o'clock. U'vonlng p'rayor nntt surmon at7)0 : : ) o'clock. Uo.ui ( Jiirdnor gives n "Straight Talk" to men Sunday , nt 4 o'clock , nt the Younu ; Men's Christian association building. The rending room and p.trlors nro open to young men from 8:3. : ) to IO:3J : n. m. ami 1 to 7 p. m , Bible classes at 1) ) n. m. nnd it p. m , Attho Hnnscom Park Mothodlst ICphcop.il church tomorrow Clark Wilson , ovangollst , proitchc.H morning and evening. , The mcot- ings at this church during the week hnvo In- croiKod in interest nnd will bo continued afternoon nnd evening for a few nioro days. First Presbyterian church , corner Seven- toutilh nnd Doilgo streets Kov.V. . J. Harsha. D.D. , pstor. Regular services wltu preaching by the pastor nt 1UK : ! ) n.m. nntl 7:30 : p.m. Sabbath school at noon. Young People' * Society of Christian Kndoavor meet ing ntG0 : ! p. m. Custcllnr street Presbyterian church , Six teenth nnd Castellar streets , the pastor , Rvv. J. M. Wilson will preach nn nnulvnrsurv sermon Sunday morning on "Tho Word o'f God. " This Is the sixth nnnlvorsary of the orgnufznllon of the church. In tho' evening Rev. K. P. Dunlnp will preach , First Baptist church , corner Fifteenth and Diwenportslreots Rev. Lemuel Moss , D.D. , of Mlnno.ipolis will suppiv tbo oulplt in the morning nnd Rev. F. W. Foster in Iho oven ing. Services 10:30 : n. in. nnd 7:30 : p.m. Sunday schools nt 12 nnd 3 n. m. Prayer meetings Wednesday and Frluuyat7:30. : St. Marv's Avenue Congregational church , corner of Twenty-seventh street Morning services , nt 10:3U : n. m. , will bo conducted by .President George A. Gates of Iowa collogo. Sabbath school at noon. Young People's meeting at 7:45 p. tn. Chapels nt 3 p. m. Prayer mooting Wednesday evening at 7:43 p. m. Westminster Presbyterian Twenty-ninth nnd Mason streets. The pastor , Rev. John Gordon. D.D. , will preach at 10:30 : n. m. on "Devotion to an Institution , " nnd nt 730 ! p. ni. on "Tbo Soul's ' Need of Peace. " Sun day school at 12:15. Meeting of Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:45 : p. m. Calvary Baptist church' corner Twenty- sixth und Seward Rev. E. S. Wilcox , pastor. Tbero will bo preaching nt 10:30 : n.m. and THop.m. subject lor tno evening : "Why Wo Do Not Baptize Infants ! " Sunday school at 12 m Young People's Society of Chrls- tian Endeavor meeting at 0:15 : p.m. All are wolcome. Saratoga Congregational church , corner of Ames avunuo and Twenty-fifth street George A. Conrad , pastor. Morning at 10:30 : a. m. , subject , "All Taunts are Yours. " Sunday school at noon. Evening service at 7:30 : p. in. , subject , "Ponitonco and Confession. " Pi-ayor meeting Wednes day evening at 7:30. : People's church on Eighteenth between California and Webster. Preaching by the pastor , Kov. Charles W. Savidgo , at 10:30 : o'clock a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Sabouth school- ' at 2:30 : p. m. Subject In tno morninit : ' 'Some Experiences of the Past Subject in the evening , Hypocrites. " SoaU free. All are wolcomo. The Thoosopuical society moots dvory Sun day nignt at room 6 , Frorizor block , opposite postoflico. Prepared essay this evening , "Tbeosophy in Dally Lifo , " und discussion of same. Everybody welcome. Every Tuo day evening at same place and hour.studenW meeting for tbo study of the key to Tuooso- phy. Everybody invited. Seward Street Methodist'Episcopal church corner Twenty-second and Seward streets " Kov. H. A. "Crano. A. M. , pastor , will preach Sunday morning on the "Second Coming - ing of Christ. " Evening the moThe Cry for Recognition" a discussion of leadership in social movements. Services at 10:33 : a.m. and7:80 : p.m. All wolcomo. Southwestern Lutheran church , Txvonty- sixth s.roet , between Wool worth and Pop- ploton avenues. Hov. Lutnor M. Kuhns , pastor. Divmo services at 11 a. in. subject : "Short ; " and at 7:30 : p.m. subject : "Tho Divine Character. " Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor nt 0:45 n.m. Installa tion of officers at the morning sorvlco. Kounuo Memorial Engli.sn and Lutheran church , corner Sixteenth and Harney Her. A. J. Turkic , pastor. Surviccs 10:30 : n.m , Subject : "Spiritual Drowsiness , " ana 7:30 : p. m. , subject : "following Christ , Out . ' Sunday school at noon. Young People's So ciety of Christian Endeavor at 0iiO : p.m. Everybody invited and receive- cordial \vol- comfl. At thoContralUnltod Presbyterian church. Seventeenth street , between Capitol avenue nnd Dodge Kov. John Williamson , D.D. , pastor. Preaching tomorrow at 10:30 : a m. Subject , "Tho Kich ana the Poor. " Subject at 7:30 : p. m. , "True Freedom How Ob- talnea. " Sabbath school ut 12 m. and young people's meeting at 0:30 : p. m. All wolcomo. . AH Saints churchTwenty-sixth and How ard streets T. J. Mackay , rector. Morning service , 11 a.m. Evening service , 7:80 : p. m. Sermon topic , morning : "Social Lifo from Christ's Standpoint. " Sermon tonic , evening - ing : "Mnsony and the Church. " Sunday school ' ' ,1:3(1 : ( a.m. Bible class , Wednesday , S:00 : p. m. Young men and strangers always welcome. Trinity Methodist church , corner Twenty- first and Binnoy. W. 1C , Beans , pastor. Preaching 10:30 : n. in. , and 7:30 : p. m. Sub jects : Morning , "Kov. G. W. Wulnwrlght , D.D. " Evening , (5:30 ( : , union love Joust with Epwortb. league ; 7:30 : , preaching by Elder Clcndonnlng aud sncramcnt. Sunday school , 12 m. J , T , Koblnson , superintendent. Scats free. Everybody made wolcomo. South Tenth Struot Methodist Episcopal , church , corner Tenth and Plurue streets Kov. Alfred Hodgotts , D.D. , pastor. Second quarterly meeting. Love feast , 10 a.m. Preaching by the presiding elder , Kov. T. C. Clondonnlng at 10SO : ! a. m. Sacrament of the Corel's supper at close of the morning sermon. Preaching In the evening at7:3C : > . Sunday school'at 3'p.m. Lot all who enjoy an old-fashlortgd quarterly mooting and a good sermon attend thu service. First Christian cnurch , corner Capitol avunuo and Twentieth street Kov. T. E. Cr.tmblot , pastor. Preaching at 10:30 : a.m. und 7:4 : ! > p. m. Sunday school at 12 m. Young Pcoplo'j * Society of Christian Emlouvor at 0:45 : p. m , Subject of morning sermon , "Out of Bondage ; " evening subject , "Soina Tvposof American Aristocracy. " A number of persons will bo baptized at the close of the evening service. Alt are made welcome to the services. Tno church wilt give a recep tion to strangers and nowmembers on Tues day evening , 10th Inst. All arn invited. Free Church of S. Matthias ( Episcopal ) South Tenth street anil Wortnlngton Plaoo. Kov. Alexander W. Muoimu. rector. Second Sunday after Epiphany Celebration of the liolv communion , 7 a. m. ; Sunday school and blblo class , 10 a. m. : morning service with sermon , 11 a. m. ; baptism. U p.m. ; evensong with sermon , 7:30 : , Week day ser vices Dally morning prayer , 0 : Wednesday , ovonlng prayer and lecture. 7:30 : ; Fridays litany sorvlcoand conflrniatloa class'7:30 : p ? m. ; Friday at 3 p. m. , mooting of the Woman's Auxiliary In the parish rooms ; Saturday at 2:30 : p. m , , industrial school in the parish rooms ; colouration or tbo holy communion on every saint's day at 7 a.m. Kov , Eugene P , Duntap , 11 f teen years a missionary In Slam and ono of the foremost wprosontattvos of the Presbyterian church In that work , who la visiting friends In Kan sas City and Iowa , will spend Sunday and Monday In this city. Sunday morning ho occupies the pulpit of the ICnox church and In the ovonlng that ot Castellar direct. Monday night , January IS , nt 7:30 : o'clock ha dell f era hla lecture , Siatn Illnstrat'onsylth ' storcoptlcon vlaw < of palaces , public building ) , paintings , oto. , at the Seicond Proibytorlan church , Twenty-fourth and Nicholas , stroaU. The purpose of the louturols to inform and Interest Pronbytorlans and Christian people ( ronorally In foreign missions , and hence nos restraint is put upon any In the tnatter of ad- .mission. . An opportunity will bo given for contributions which outsidu of certain nocoi- sary expense * will bo forwarded to the Pros- byteriau Board of Foreign Missions. UoWltt's Llttlo Enrlr Uison ; only pill to cur licit h d oho and regulate the borrelt.