rnirATTA TAATTVmT ? . ' 'AATTTADV 17 T QO CJTVn'TMJV 1 > i n MIDWINTER'S ' BREEZY SPORT , Among tha Gepso and Ducks on the Lugou- bcel Morgues. THE KNIGHTS OF THE SQUARED CIRCLE Shooting I'ronjiGctItllllnril Tournament The Kennel Cluli AmateurSqullii ) ' Anil uh KntcrtnlnliiK Orlst of I.ocnl Sporting ( loaslp. Duck shooting on tbo Lugcnbcel marshes I 1 | md a week of it this fall along with Jack Morrison and UcorRO Tzschuck'of this city , and Colonel J. C. HofTmayr ot Council Bluff * . Wo loft hero oit the mornlnir pf November 3 , via the Fremont , Elkborn & Missouri Volley. , road , ana ufrcr a pleasant Journey of thirteen hours reached the llttlo railroad station , Wbonco wo proceed by wagon to the auclclnf * grounds , just six miles distant. This part of the trip wss made after midnight , and not * withstanding It was ever one of those cxe- crublo sandhill roads , It was not without Its enjoyment. The night was warm and pleas ant , the stars affording sufllclont light to givo' ui > a vnsuo Idea of thu topography of the country , Interesting .S from Its very barrenness. 1'ho gloomy sand hills stretched away for inII03 on our light , "while In front of us and to tte loft was ono broad expanse of atorllo plain , relieved occa sionally by scraggy niotles of timber , wild cherry , dwarf oiik and sumach. Hans Newborry , our irost and driver , Is oao of the oldest settlers of the region , and was , of course , possessed of an inexhaustible fund of information uncut the Interesting features of the country its Indians , wolves , ducks , goose and chickens , and his convnrsu- tlon kept us In thoMlvollost condition of llt'o to the journey's ond. It was nearly 2 o'docu in tbo morning when wo pulled up at Nowbcrry's house , u rudely constructed , though comfortable , two roomed affair , the very ideal of a duck liulit er's lodgings. A short distance from the house were a half dozen Indian tepees , which wo could discern looming up dimly against the background sky. They belonged to a party of itinerant bloux on 'their way from the agency to the station to trade , and had stopped ever ut Newberry's place for the night , as is their custom on all such excur sions. As much as wo would have liked to , our hose did not think U advisable - blo to disturb them at tuat hour of the night , BO we deferred satisfying our curiosity until a moro favorable oppor tunity. Wo were quickly in the homo and after having our beds assigned to us , wo opened up our trunks , lay out our hunting apparel and accoutrements for an early Blurt in the morning , and retired , to dream of auaoKing mallards and bonking ROOSO. We were up at an abnormal hour , and pulpoa down Mrs. Newborry's rolishabla breakfast long ore the sun had planted his polden sandals on the summit of the highest bluffti , that towered up misty and indistinct , to the north of the bouso. Everything was soon in readiness , and it tvas decided that Morrison , myself and Mowbcrry's son , a 3"oung nan of twenty-two or throe , bould take ono of the flat bottomed scows , ana the Colonel and Tzschuck the other , bunt out our own stands , make our blinds and get to work , for already the whiz of wings cut ting the nlr high above was heard. Fifteen minutes brisk walk and the Lugonbecl marsh -ar lake lay before down us , stretching tow ard the southwest , and reflecting upon Its . broad bosom the blue and white of tha soft heavens. In front of us was a narrow chan nel cutting its tortuous way through the dark green roods , until it led into the main lake Itself , with its acres of cnno and rico and swamp' willow. Tbo yellowish sandhills I teen llttD n row 01 grim sentinels along tno northern shores , while to tbo southwest an entrancing picture closed by an abrupt curve Into the impenetrable reeus ; yet , as wo slowly paddled and pushed along on the qui Vivo fora suitable place .for a blind , the Im agination continued on , fancying a hundred luiry nooks mid bayous , stately reaches and romantic shades. There was a cool gray light over the limpid waters , which lay llko glass. The opposite uplands rose indistinctly , as if roared in the air , with dark pictures of lloat- Ing fogs below them. Tbo atmospboro was fresh , even to chilliness , out sweet with thai fragrance of uquatlo vegetation. A broad turning to the northeast looked dismal , bat into U wo turned. A loon , near a jutting point , was sending forth his weird cachona- tlou , awakening a hundred quavering echoes. A flsh hawk was sailing round and round' nbovo the water , while a drowsy twitter was beginning to creep through the marsh. The largest stars wore still shininir.though dimly , through the somber tints of the sky. Filially wo selected a place lor our llrst blind , a darksome cul-de-sao among -tho reeds , with open reaches of water before and upon both sides of us. The decoys wcra quickly out , and the cumbersome scow labor iously worked back among the rosislent roods , aud guns in band wo crouched lowIm patient for the first flight. It scorned an age. but really wo had but n brief time to wait before Young Nowberry , with baud lifted admonlsblogly , uttered that electrifying monosyllabic : "Markl" ' Anu peering tnrougn inu reoas janic ana i taw n big bunch of mallards bearing down fioin the north. "Quack ! quack-quack quack ! " sounded the pusher's caller , and tha birds began to' clecoy nicely , setting their wings and coming directly toward us. "Stoadyl" I whispered , as Jack made a move for a Bolter position , and tno next In stant , they had dropped their red-orange logs over the decoys , flavoring In mid-air as if suspicious ol something wrong. Fatal fcositancy. " ( Jruckl crackl craoul crack I" wont our four ourrols in really too rapid succession , but as wo heard n number of splashes in the water , wo were satisfied. "You 'got throol" exclaimed Nowborry , as ho stepped from tbo seat from which ho had boon peering over tuo swaying reeds into" the open wutors ou our right , "but you oughtor " " nave bed n half dozen , unu they ur > corking birds , too1' ! "Mark ! " It was a small flock of canvass backs and they came cutting through tbo ' lirlghieninR air llko so many arrows from tbo bow. bow."Shoot on your own sldo , Jack , " I contin ued as I potted my gun out through the rico to take the three ou thn loft. Wo got u close ihol with both barrels , but as In the first In- itanco wo knocked down butlhroo. "Canvas 1" cried young Nowberry , as the remnant of the flock dashed from sight ever the flaggy expanse. "Wnat's that boy ! " eagerly inquired Jack , "canvasbacks did you say ! I don't bollovo It. " ' Tim change from robins , flickers and mead ow larks to wild ducks , and canvasbsck at that , was a llttlo too much for Morrison , and when assured again and again that that was what the last kills were , ho would hoar of no moro shooting until the birds were retrieved. The oousoqucnbo was wo hud to push the boat out from among tbo rcods nnd gather them. 1 kicked and o did the "pusher , but it didn't go , and realizing that the speediest way to Bottle the matter was to recover the birds , ' wo proceeded to do to as oxpedltlously ns possible , as small Hooks of ducks wore now to ba soon cleaving the air in almost every direction. . The look that came ever Morrison's face when young Newoorry loaned ever the low gunwales and grasping a big druko by the neck throw it. wet aud dripping , Into his lap , wai a study Indeed. It was n magnificent poclmeu and as Jack stroked Us cinnamon head , end turned It first ou Us ushou back , then on Us white breast , admiring it with in- tensest pleasure , ha kept repeating : 'Well , I'll declare , I'll declare ! " . All the ducks retrieved , aud once moro back in our reedy hide , we hadn't loug to trait for a resumption of the excitement , A dozen croon wing * came whUzmg ever tha i rico and were past us before wo wore fairly * ready , although Jack and I both cut loose. t "Too far , " laconically obiorved the pusher , ' ' and B the flock cover tu much as dropped . feather , bo was probably correct , ' "Markl" It was a pair of widgeon , and they were coming ttral ht up the channel , their gray mottled breasts fairly brushing i the rippling water. Jack took the onu in the ' lead , and I the other , and at the crack of our guns tboy both dropped. Mlnu , however , > VM only wing-tipped and required ( booting over , only succumbing after four loads bad been sent after him m bis frautlo efforts to calu the rcodi. Thou It was mallard , bluebill - bill , teal , redhead and wlpeon. with un occa sional canvas and mereaazar , for two hours , jn which exciting interval both Jack and I emptied no tots than a hundred sholU aaoh end possibly more , but only with Indifferent success , for wo soon discovered that wo were not loaded heavily enough. TITO drachma and a half of American wood powder is not sunlclcnt for tbo kind of shooting wo were having. It Is plenty powder for quail and snipe , but too light for Koeao or ducks , Uay was now breaking. 'I ho aMi color of the east began to clear into soml-transparoot gray , ( hen to klndlo into pale yellow. The outlines of tbo lower bluff * began to creep outof the massed shadows , and a streak of distant mist to crawl along the iBko. The barren Holds came out , moro boldly , and the honking of the gccso starting for tha corn fields could be board ; tbo waters nhowod diffusing , though still sober colors : hero a BD.ICO of marble tfrny , there u polished green. Now tbo rdgct of the drifting clouds at the zenith are blushing into row ono long feathery ma s in the cast glows Into ruby , beams Into gold , tiunriso on tbo Lugonbeol marsh u'scono of woncierous , mystic beauty. Goimnod hues , sapphire , emerald , topaz and amethyst glance upon too surface of the waters. Vellow lines run aloug the tops of the tallest bluffs. The east fairly gleams with royal crimsons and Imperial purplos.nnd at lust through n vista of background hills , striking tbo breathing earth into gladdening light , pours the luster of the risen sun I "Mark ! geosol grosol" are the thrilling words tlmt interrupts our trance , but poor as hard nnd ongorly through thu glistening reeds ns we might nothing awards the vision. "Honltl ahhonk-iihonk , lionk-honk-honKl" Is the melody that strikes our strained hearing , mid wo feel that no mistake has been made. The next moment wo sco them n long cres cent shape line , with measured wing Haps is advancing ever the low rice. With beating h'earts , though ns still us images cut from stone , wo crouch and wait. On they come right at us. They would pass alrcclly over lha blind. What n plcturo of rapturous on- chmilmsnt to n Iruo sportsman 1 Wo could hardly curl ) our impatience , but the noble birds were coming swiftly on , the sturdy old loader , soundlnir rozulnrlv his resound ing honk. Now they begin to rise percepti bly to clear the open water In front of tbo blind. Wo are on our feet lUo a Hush I I ( rive the old gander acting as pilot my 'trst ' full in thesldobut with a frightened ah-honk ho bo- Kins to climb , then hogois my second barrel , ivhcu ho lots go , and drops from ndmlst his ( Hurtled mates. A heavy splash on the water 1ms already told mo that Jack has killed his bird , and a second later mlno too is floun dering in the translucent waters. Wo are boisterously elated over this bit of luck , and upprehensivo of losing our birds wo hurriedly push out from the blind. Won ore not a moment too soon. The old gander has righted himself , and with gray body half submerged is leaving a trail of white and frothy bubbles behind him , a * ho slrlkos out for the rico. "BangI bang I bang ! " and still bo con tinues ou. He has reached the selvedge of yellow cane , another second and ho will bo Kono. "Booml" all four barrels speak in concert. The old Canada , with a spasmodic squawk , rolls gracefully ever on his back , with logs kicking up llko a circus performer , and ono bloody wing vainly" beating the crjrnsonod water. It was a longer chase tbau we had thought , but so long as wo bad got our birds wo were moro than satisfied. It required fully an hour for us to get once moro nicely ensconced in our hide , and by that time ibo mornlnir flight was about ovur. Still all through the day straggling birds af forded ample sport. During an unusually long quint spell , Morrison and young Mow- berry had quito an Interesting talk , .lack wanted to know ull about the country , and Nowborry was equally as desirous of tolling him. him."Kiyotcs P' said ho , in response to an in quiry ; "yas , thar's plenty o1 'm , herouways , and you couldn't mike this trip in the even ing without seeln' ono or moro of the onery pcsks sneakln' 'long the hills yanaer. And thar's big wolves , too , lurder down 'long ' tbo Niobrara , whar they make thu rancher's lifo ft weary ono. Thar's a sort of a big , whitish crrav that's as ferocious as all outdoors , and bo's death on horses I" "You don't mean to say that they will kill a horsn , do you , Nowborry ? " asked Morri son , with some incredulity In his tones. "Jes 'zactly what I moan , " continued the young man. "They'll git down on thar b&l- Iios and crawl onto u horse afore ho thinks o' danger , and when clus enough they'll give a run n'n' a Jump an' hamstring him so quick ho won't know what's hurt Jm. The rest is easy work. Ho can't run and in a jifty they have him down an' ' then thar's a sorry moss fur von. " "Bid you ever kill one ? " Jack persisted. "Oh yes , an1 the las' ono not moro'u a year ago. I was bayin' down on the 'Brara , and thlnutn' as how I might fetch n geese hum , 1 took my Winchester 'long. Wai , to cut n long story abort , 'long 'bout 4 o'clock I heerd ole Slbley's noun' moutbin' down on the branch , an' 1 crabbed my gun nnd run down that away. How olo'Majo did yelp-see that mink thar ; thar ho goes lickoty-split'long that log ; I'd a shot 'im if I'd hud a gun , Mr. Morrison , no difference if ho was in the reeds an' } es as I roch tbo opunln' , and drawed un. fur I knowcdsumpin' was comin' , what should Jump out o' the shumakes but an unmossyful big white wolf I i fired , bur. only wounded him , nnd he Item fur mo I say , Jack , I'd Jos' as loaf wet my lips with that licker pin's not whowl that's stuff , ns these saudbillors never dreomsd of and ho kern on , oponon' his green eyes as farse as n nulsy capln durin' the railroad riots torribul times em war , Morrison why I was at East Liberty when they stopped the express " "iJut ino won , fsowoorry , ino woui" im patiently Interrupted Jack. 'Wai , bo kept a cumin' nn1 a cumin , ' nnd war Jos' about to Jump , In fac' ho did Jump , and while bo war in the ar' 1 fired Mother shell right into bis eye , an' he tumbled as dead us wal , I wont say bell , knsu tbnt'd co sivnrln' but us dead as wal.Idunuo wu-nl , dead as the aovll , cnny way. That was shoot- in' , that was , nnd I kin show you Jos' whar I stood when I dua it , to this day. Cracky , look at that fcosbuawk I He } cs' riz from that pint-over tbar. How clus ho files ! " And as Nawborry spoke tbo bird flow by , so close wo caught the flash of his wild eye ball. On ho darted until he reached an old scraggy willow , on whoso rotten limbs ho throned himself , standing high and proud on his yellow-pillared feet. Wo continued our shoot until the sun was well ever tbo meridian , when wo pushed out of our reedy retreat nnd started up the chan nel for the house , where wo found a sumptu ous repast awaiting us. This ovor. wo wont out and mingled with Uho Indians , who yet loitered near , and with whom wo spent a full hour , talking to old Picket Pin , ogling the pretty squaws and pappoosos- examining the tepees , nna otherwise interesting ourselves. About 4 o'clock found u * in our blind again , and the experience ot the morning was gone through with ncain. In the dujilc'of evening wo acain pulled for home. And what a joy ous rldo that was , drifting down the shadowy channel , with a boat full of ducks , tu tbo lovely November eventide. On wo gliOcd , the measured exertions ot ttio muscular pusher sending us through opening vutiis , whoso changing shores continually offered new scones , i argo masses of light and shade , cast bv the dark ening bluffs In the -soft light , lay along tbo water. Kxijulslto little waster pieces gleamed out as we floated nlonir , while the laugh ot the loon and the hoot of tbo owl wera sounds that belonged to the place and scone. Hero a mossy muskrat castle ; there a tiny , oozy dingle , a colonnade of canes ; an arbor ot mat ted reeds ; a bank bung pool , like a pooping eye , where the jamey pickerel loved to dis port ; n half-wholmeu trunk , with w&lor sparkling round ; an islet of riff-ran , or stretch of marsh where the cane stalks cut tbo breezes into plaintive sounds , and where the splatloruook curled their spotted dishes among the rushes and fuzzy cat-o'-nlnc-tatU , Sometimes a playful breeze stooped to tbo surface , brushing it Into darkening ripples , then fanned our brows with Us delicate wings and molted awuy. , Such was our pleasures , each day repeated , for a wool ; , and there must be something wrong with' the man , who could not , from their teachings , form newer aud loftier ambi tions end emerge a bettor and nobler being. Hero the true sportsman , at least , could llvo ; in this fresh , free wilderness , this tangled realm of content , whore honor Is not meas ured by success , whore protontlon does not trample on merit , whore genius is not a jest , goodness not a seeming and devotion not a sham , Hera whore tbo light of day U un- dsrltoncd'.by wrong , where solitude IB tbo parent of pure meditation and the sohtudo Is eloquent ot Uod. Here would I abide , HstenluK to tbo marshu's call * to self-coin * muuliiKf aud all thojo teachings that guide tbo insight , soften the heart and purify , While they expand tbo soul. GUIS WOLD. I'lstlc I'ucti * ConenruIiiK OM-Tlmcru. ; NKW YOHK , Jan. la. To the Sporting Edl. torof TUB ORB : The votoron sport , Johnny Giduou , who saw'Frank Slavlu fight twice , remarked that ba WM A dangerous oustomar for nny man to taukU , but thought n clever loft-banded fighter might do him up. His pot , Tom Sayew , forte was with his toft , but ho had a very dangerous hit with bis right , which ho kept in reserve , and when ho had his man safe , after ho had operated on him with his left-handon "and hti favorite duke , " the right , which ho called "tho auc tioneer , " generally put bis mau to sleep. Young Dutch Sam , who was born ID 1805 , nnd was middle-weight champion , was a man about Maco's slzo. Ho was n handsome , black-eyed , flno built young follow , with acttvo pins and long arms , and retired from the rlntr unconquerod. Ho boat ail tbo best men of his weight , and also defeated several good big men. Sam had the supple strength of the tlgor and was a good natural fighter. Ho was a llr.it'Clas man at timing and meas uring bis dlstanco'and often avoided danaor- OUH blows bydcxtorousiy bobbing his head to 0110 sldo. The lioavy-wolghts who suc cumbed to him all told thosaincntory. which was that Sam's blows camd too quick for them. To appreciate Sam's milling talents properly onu should road the life mid battles of Nod Neal called "The Stroutlmra Youth. " Nod , although no taller or longer In the reach thini Ham , was much heavier nnd moro mas sively framed. Nod fought many game and strong fights with famous big men during the 'Lis. ' ) /.monir them Phil Samson , Jem Durn , White Headed Bob , three times nnd Tom Cannon ( the great gun of Wlmltori. Neal wan un Irish cockney nnd was so successful in hU pucllistiu career that there was some talk of matching him with Jem Ward.- the then champion , but unluckily for him ns with John L. in later tlmoa , ho was matched with young Dutch Sam , the 147 pound champion. The conditions of the contest was that Nod , who was a ITii-pound mail when in condition , wns to reduce himself to 1 < H pounds ( Bandl- go'd fijrtninir u night ) , and Sam w.is to bo catch weight , that is any weight ho chose. On that Occasion Sim wolirhnrt l.'fl n.ninda and wiia said to have been in line a looking young follow ns ever stripped. It was a long light , but the matchless quickness and sci ence of Sam prevailed. Ned was much mor tified nt the unexpected result of his strug gles , nnd attributed his defeat to his bolng overtrained. So Ills backers coucluJed to give him itnothor trial nnd hnvo no restric tions in rogarc' ' to his weight. In the second battle Neal was said to be bang up to the mark nnd scale tipped ut 174 pounds. Sam understood his tactics bailer the second time and was juaiu victorious , lu lesi tlmo than the ilwt tattle. Neal wus afterwards beaten by Toin Oiynor after a gnmo battle , and the latter was also vunqunnoJ by Sim Consumption took htm at 3. > . If Sam hid been twenty yean Inter no might have been nhumnlon of Englufld , but no man of bis cali bre would have stood much oluinco with Tom Spring or Jem Ward , the then champion. The public Is getting tired of the vas-arlos and love lapping , spirnug and theatrical gammon of James Pornpador Corbott , Fran cis PdtriuSlavIn , Charle * Windmill Mlenoll and John Lushlngton Sullivan. The theatri cal sparring match that wa mojtT appreci ated by the audlenco was the otic atLivjr- pool between Mltcholl and Sluvln , when both men were "three sheets lu the wlnU , " aud went nt it savagely. Claret was spilled , and the curtain wcs dropped with the furlpus combatants poundinj ; viciously , to the great. dellRhtof the kids. It was said thut little Charlie had the best of it ; probably big Frank was the proifiost. Blurk Peter seams to be the most modest and tensitlvo pug of the lot. Ho wunti'd to flht out. his draw with Corbet' , und frankly admitted that he was fortunate in cottin ; ; nff with GoJdard with a draw on noeotint of his want of condition. Joe's backer. } assorted that ho had the b. < st of It , and would have wjn.if . the raforoa had not stopped it. The aged Tioton Slasher said ho ! o5t bis flcht with Saycrs tbroush injuring his hip in asuddcn twist trying to catch hU nimbla antagonist. Tom did nnt voiituro too near Tipton until ho besan to blow o.'I tm steam. Ho afterwards admitted , that he got a blow- en the back from Tipton's right when bo was chasing him. that he fnlc for-uianv u year. Old Tipton had boon turning night Intoduy for voi" , a.id coald have drank J. L. under the table. The editor of Hell said : "Savow , in his contest with burlov To-n Paddock , abstained from the harliquinndo that ho Indulged In with Tipton and stqoJ nnd fought with his ponderous opponent with steadiness and precision. " T. C. 1C. Tlt-Tiittlu uftlie Kinj ; . They say that Dick Moore , the St. Paul welterweight , showed up in isleg-ant liphtinir iig for his go with Bnruoy Taylor at South Omaha Wednesday night , Tne plucky but soiuncolcss packing housu m\h was n marjt , and was quiollv thumped to slcjo in the joc- end round. After tha ripht , Moorn issued a bold chullunca to young Niland , who knocked him out u couple of months since , offering to stop him within ton rounds itntdu of three weeks for nny reasonable sum. Moore has several friends here from Minneapolis who nroimxious to back him aamst Niland for from > OJ to $1,0)0. ! ) Niland Is still in Chicago , but has been advised of Moore's dcfi. dcfi.Jimmy Jimmy Lindsay has fono to Denver to'take a clerkship in Chnrlio Fanning' : ! contractor * foundry. Jimmy announced before his de parture that ho hid washed hU bunds of the rlnir , and henceforth would confine his tal ents toward building up a colossal fortune for Colonel Fanning. It is dollars to dimoa , however , the wires will shortly bo singing tliosonc of Lindsay's first knock out in the Colorado metropolis. ' Boxing appears to be spreading. All sorts and conditions of men soum to be inter ested in the sport. Now the bank clerks of New York aru to have u tournament , and the boys will contest for ttie championship of tbo trade. All this moans training. The presidents of banks will bo in favor of this schnmo. It Is much bettor far youn ? men to train than to spend their time in saloons , it improves thorn mentally , morally and physi cally. The Colnoum ongiutomont- Slnvln and Mitchell , champion blowhards of throe con tinents , which was booked for last Friday night , was cancelled owing to n theatrical venture which the precious pair have gone into. Shorroy , tbo local colored middleweight , who is to again try conclusions shortly with "Fitrhting" Dobbs of Colorado Springs , is putting in some great licks running. Jumping , skipping the rope and puminollnir the bag thosu days , no seems determined to reverse the result of his first collision with the foxy Uobcrt. Dobbs is also training Industriously , and will assuredly glvo bis burly antagonist another good run for bis money , The Black Pearl , who suffered his flwt real sound thrashing at the hands of Boston Bennoy , a few months sluco , has another fight on his hands out in California. Ho moots Charley Turner , the Stockton colored pu ? , before the Occidental club ono week from next Tuesday night Quito a big delegation of the fancy of this city will go up to Deadwood next month to see whether they can't get tbo job of taking euro of a little of Alf Kennedy and Billy Meyer's money. Oa the night of the llit'n Danny Dalv , Omaha's gentlemanly llttlo featherweight , will measure stronzth with Eddie Meyer , Billy's younger brother , for a purse of 8TOO. - M. J. O'Flanagan , the Irish bicycle cham pion , came over in the same steamer with Tommy Callaghan , the feather weight. O'Flanagbau says ho is a corker and that if ho and Dixou aru matched bo will lay his money on his countryman. Australian Billy Murphy , who was in this city a year or so ago with Austin Gibbons , Is expected at Frisco on the next Australian steamer. The clubs out there are all auxlous to match him against Johnny Van I lees t , the SU Paul boy who conquered Danny Daly , but only after a most stubborn contest. If the pair are ever matched , Johnny Is booicod for a 11 rat class beating. Roddy Gallagher writes a well known sporting man that Billy Woods has just Slipped up ou a match with a "mug" with whom be expected to.mako some money. Before - fore the boxing- match could come oft the "hobo1' ' skipped , and the Denver sports say if Woods wants any moro matches there bo will "have to Rlvo the publiu the worth of their money. The Occidental club , San Francisco , is talking of matching Patsoy Cardiff , recently defeated by bier Joe MoAullffe , against Jack Davis of thu city for a SJ.500 purso. Dcsplto Jack's two defeats In Frisco ho has many friends and admirers out there yet and they seem moro than willing to give htm every ohanco to redeem his fallen fortunes , Tbo fUtia reminiscences running In TUB SU.NUIT Use ever the signature of T. C. 1C. will bo found ot much moro than ordinary Interest. Our Now Yfltk.correspondont Is an old English snorting mm-of tbo best repute , and ho baa an Inoxhauillblo fund ot Intm-ost- 1ns Information about old time fight * and fighters , and moro thnn , all , knows how to dish it up palataoly fo'rhl3 readers. Pnt Alien , who was'Khockod ' out in three rounds at Ocrmanla hair , * South Omaha , by Jack Davis , la.st rfprlbg , knocked out two huht weights In the natno ring last Monday night m Jose Delgodn'a saloon , Now Orleans , fur a hundred dollar \Vlilinm. Pnt agreed to fight both men at the , kHmo time , and did it , and won bis money Imrjfds'omcly. Font ItoniN'soy , N6W , Jan. 12. To the Sporting Editor of TbK BEE : Last night Danny Daley and a p6HIon of his uggrcga- tlou gave us a sparring exhibition in tbo Post ball Tbo show was not properly ad vertised and resulted in a loss to Mr. Daley , for which'ho hai our sympathy. Ho deserves a grcud deal of credit for giving as good a Hhow as ho did , under the circumstances. His Rcntlomanlv behavior galnod him a lot of friends here , and wo will all bo pleased to hear of his besting Mr. Alyat. D. P. T. The cops jrot onto the proposed ( Jarilnor- Hobinson mill out on the island Thursday eight and entered an pstunplo. Mr. Jtiiiulyoii the Miick'H Plight. NiswAHif , N. J. , Jan. 12. To the Sport Ing Editor of Tun BKE : I have just bad the pleasure of reaJln ? a clipping from , your paper written by Mr. John Potty in regard tothospcoj of wild duck ) when flying. I have road the article with a coud doll of In terest , but must dlrter frcm Mr. Potty lu regard - gard to the flight of some of the ducks nuutloncd. 1 aui well nwaro of the speed of the canvas-back , roduoid aid othaw. ns I have had rjulto a largo experience In gunning for those ducks on the great celery bo Is in the head watori of the Choiapoake bay at the mouth of the Susnuohanna rivnr. Tha fastest duck thit ( Hoi ever those waters is a llttlo coot with a braid bill , commonly cillod a "greaser. " Without any exception ho can load the canva--back fiillv a luilf-mllo In two. I have had him llv ever inv hetd when lying In u sink box , and biforo I could raise unand place the gun to my shoulder , ho would bo out of kur : shot. Mr. Potty , in speakm ? of shooting ahead of tha birds during their flight. If ho ' .lid not told eight feet ahead of u grouser going side ways by you ; it sixty yards , you would hoot bchiud him. Onu calm day in tbo spring of IBjli I lay in my bout , adjoining the lea husiouk in the ouv. Hearing the whistling of wingi and looking up , I saw bout fifty canvui-bick * nearly over my head. Kalsinu- my eijht-bore ! , which was loadoJ with oujht drachms of the b st powder and ono and thrco-ciirhtbs nunce. < of No. " chilled shoe , I held fully twenty feet ahead of the loading bird , und kiojksd two out of the coaler of the Hosk. firing bath barrels in succession very quick * Thoie ducks were fully 3JJ feet high. Tno blackhead , I think. Is fully as swift u bird on the wing as the canvas-back , as I have seen both of these ducks in iliuht Ilvlns to and from their food- insrgnmnas hitrn up In the nir , when the DUoi-hOid would leave the canvas-back in the rear. I would lilra to moot my fnond , Mr. Potty iu a duck shoot , as ho is said by you to bo oao of the ufesfl shots on wild fowl in the west. I think , unless ho holds his gun in ndva'icoof that mentioned in bis article , on the largo plump bir-fs that food upon the wild celery in the ho-iJwators of tho' Choia- peatooay , becoming vpry strong ana very swift in their flight , hOj would gjt left in bag- glng very many of thom ; A year airo h'ut sprlug I sat in a blind anchoro.l a short distance from the shore neat ; tha uriin lund in ttJiQ'Spasutia narrows , aud from 7.31 until 12 o'clocic , I had lying on the bank behind tno , V11H dead dueled , nil Killed on too wing ia darting over my decoys , " from ono gjn. List woslr a friend "nnd nw- self Killed lil'two ' divJ iHx The m ijority of these birds were klilodinvhilo durting ut n speed equal to that of.Uia canvas-balk. They were nil bliclc-huads. , But for u swlit bird "on1 ho wing , making calculations on aujou'nt"pf ' the lllu'ht , ot all o'her < * , anit.I have Seen ti4m ( alltho"iroascr' ( takes ' ihocaka. Your < ) ? o pectfully/ , i j , tj J. S. Muxor , An Eistoru U.ick Shot. Mr. Mundy's favor Is. very intorastin , but. 1 tmisinuform him that out here wo have no liltlo coots with bro.id bilU. " unless ho means the broad-bill or blue bill themselves , dunotand kdoxv whatn" i'oaser" is.outsidpof our 'Mexican fnonds.Vhcn Mr. 1'otty said \oumiisthoidatJo.isteiRhtfcctin front of thu lender of a flock ot swHtl.v Jiving canvasback , he did not , nio.111 clu-nt foot literally , but sim- nlv mentioned thuttilitanco to irira some sort nfanidoaof thu hlr.J's swiftness of wing. Asj-iin , if you held eight foot in front of the loader nnd killed the blrJ sixth or seventh in the roar , .von would probably bo holding fully twonly foot ahead of it. As Air. Petty trulh- fnlly.said , the canvasb.ick , the morganz'jr , blue nnd green wln > ; Uial and blue-bill , are the fastest of the duck family that vUlt our waters. Sronnxn EJ . II M > IM' rroipi'Ots for Gniinors , Owing to the iai.noiuo snowfall in tha mountains aud on tbo plains this wintnr the exporjcncod sportsman , is already predicting fine wild fowl shooting in the spring. ' It is a well established fact that the birds always stop ever in this rajtfon during their vernal migration in greater numbiri w" 3n tha rivers and lakes are flush with walor and the low lands inundatod.and with plenty of snow in the winter season there Is an abundance of water in the spring. For the pait several seasons owing to a scarcity of water the birds have only comoiin here in straggling flocks , nnd always curtailed their sojourn to an extent that has bon highly exasperatIng - Ing to sportsmen. Under favorable condi tions , however , there ore no bettor ducking grounds in the world than risrht hero in Ne braska and the adjoining stales , and Ihoso conditions nra just what , the gunners have boon waiting and longing for , for several suc cessive years past. At last there nro line pros- poets for a realization of their fond hp'pos. The tremendous crops of the past year and the exuberant growth of vegetation , is cer.- Uun to furnish an abundant supply of food , and vith plenty of wntor during February and Marchwild fowl hunters will certainly have little ground for complaint during the ap preaching shooting season. A Freak of the \V11 < 1 Gooso. , As mcredlblo' as it may scorn , a- few wild geese were killed out on the Platte during the past week , and It is safe to say , dosplto the artlo woatbor , that many moro are still lingering along their favorite bars. Every winter , excepting in eases of extreme hard ones , those hardy bird * remain here ail through the Innlomont , months , oven up to the time when.tho balmy breath ot spring loosens tbo icy fetters * which lock In oloso embrace river , stream aud lake , before tboy mnko up their minds to leave this apparently favored region. And tUien it is only to wing their way to the breeding grounds in the far north for the brief season of nldltloaUon , when they nro bock again. Wby these mys terious birds should huu'rit the bleak shores of the frozen Platte through the severest months of the year , whotl they might bo dis porting In the tepid waters of tbo tropics and waxing fat In bounteous fields of growing grain , is a problum I shall refer to the fin ished ornithologist und''naturalist for solu tion. Hero they must/ / depend upon some se cret spring for their wi-or supply , and work llko Trojans it the expression Is porinissablo for a scanty meal iu the barren and frozen cornfields , when as ( uUtnaied before , tboy could jnst as well bo "raveling In plenty la sunnier and moro comfw'ablo clime * . I'rnapoctlra Illlllurct Tournament , A billiard tournament , the fourtoon-lnoh balk line , for tbo championship of the atato , under tbo auspices ot the Brunswick-Balka- Uolleiidor'company , will behold in this city in the near future.probably not later than the first week In February. There will bo four prUos , tbo first a handiouio gold mounted cue , emblematic of the championship , with a cash punte. and the second , third and fourth , cash purao * . Tbo Idea is to eot to gether the host talent la the stuto , and by a series ot pumoi , arouse tbo latent billiard fires In this section ol the country. Omaha will In all likelihood bo ropruiontnd by Lieutenant Arrovvsmitu , whom everybody Is particularly anxious to ace in a mutch game , Frank KanUton and Harry Synios , with probnbly ono or two others. The first game will ba played on tha magnificent new fix 10 niculatlon Brunswick- Baiuo tabloln Kouliton's Now York Life rooms , and thea alternate with Foloy's , the Mlllaru and Murray betel roouu. ICvory effort will bo made to make the affair a suo- COM , aud billiard player * throughout tho- Blato are urged to interest themselves , hntncs can bo made to J. C. Sheldon , ropro- setitmpr the IJrunswlek-Bttlko-Coltendor - - com pany , 407-400 bouth Tenth street. There will also bo prizes for highest run and beat average. Tlio f.ocnl llnte Hull Hlttintlun. There is precious llttlo In the way of news to bo retailed this weak from tha base , ball field , As yet no report has boon received from the committee appointed at the late Chicago mcotlug to make a caava * of the various cities end decide upon the most practicable and dcslrablo circuit So far as Omaha is concerned , it is n well established fact , that she Is doomed most important in the make-up of the now league , but Just what Omaha intends to do hornolf In the matter is quite problematical. Just ns soon , however , ns definite plans nro formulated by tbo chief spirits In the movo. a mooting of the business raou nnd lovers of the gnmo w'll ' bo called for ibo Mlllard hotel , aul : an effort made to ascertain the most feasible course of procedure. With1 the right kind of men in attendance at this mooting , there Is no ifoubt but what Omaha will again hnvo her professional ball club , but if every cap able man who Is interested in the matter sees proper to.shouldor onto his nolehbor all the preliminary labor , she will not. So much is a foretro'io"conclusion. . This mooting will , in alt likelihood , bo called within the next two weeks , and It wouldn't bo a bed idea for all those whodostro to see thu pamo restored hero , to do n llttlo hustling on the quiet , if nothing moro thnn nn Intorohangu of opinions on the situation nnd prospicts. The condi tions of the propoiod now leugue couldn't bo moro favorable , for Us basic prlnolplus nro nil of Iho most economic character , nnd onoo put Into execution success Is Inevitable. Thu Om.llri Kennel ( 'lull. There was a goad attendance at the meet- of the Omaha Kennel club last Tuesday ovonlni ? . It wus understood nt llrst that the annual mooting for the election of pfllcors was to have boon hold Init Tuesday nghtbut ! on consulting the constitution of the club it was discovered tlrat on the flwt Tuesday in February that duty would devolve upon the members. A committee was appointed to rovlso the constitution if necessary and to report , ut the next meeting auy suggestion that may occur to them. Another committee wns uppclntod to Rather the proper data as to the best means of holdluir and con ducting a successful bench show , some thing thli city has never had. True there has been several irresponsible exhibi tions , which were udvortUod under the misnomer , "bench show , " and tbo result was always dissatisfactory to exhib itors. A lunch show properly conducted under the rules of the American Kcnnol club , such as the Oimtm club will put on , If it puts on any , would ba a inon attractive entertainment , and prove a big advertise ment to the city. This , hovvevor , can only be accomplished "bv Iho cooperation of the merchants nnd business men of the city , who so far have manifested but llttlo interest in this most meritorious enterprise. Thn AVallccrH , From WalkorvUlo. Prof. Bill Chirk of St. Lauls , and who by the way was one of H.inlev'a seconds in his memorable fight with Fell , threatens to swoop dowo on Omaha wooic after next with his pedestrian combination. The couioination Includes about all the celebrated walkers and runner * in the country , as the following list , with rosorJs appended , coos to show : Dan i Horty. 003 miles ; Gns Guerrero , SSS ) miles ; Peter Hegleman , 52(5 ( miles ; H. O. Messier , 52G miliis ; W. Nolan , 478 miles ; Thomas Cox , 473 miles ; Orio Moore , 53'J miles ; W. A. Smith , 5'K ) miles ; D. K. lionnott. 5IS miles ; John Gliclc , 5'ii miles : John Hughes , 5GS i miles ; Geonjo D. Noremao , 513C miles ; Frank i H. Hurt , 505 miles ; George Curtwright , 510 miles ; Peter Golden , 533 miles ; Thomas Howartb. 5,10 miles ; George Connors , 530 miles ; Martin Horan , 500 miles ; Ed Howloy , " 4'JO miles : Old Sport Campanu , aged 05 years , 510 miles ; Norman Taylor , aged Gl years , 410 miles ; J , S. Hurrlman , . > 20 miles. WhUperlnc-tofthe Wlinol. Cycling news is a scarce commodity this week.- A tournament will bo hold at Springfield about the middle of September , The annuil eloctloi approaches , yet no ono has mentioned any preference 'for an olHco. A. H. Overman of the Ovsrman Wheel compauv. drives about in it buggy filled with ball bearings and Victor cushion tires. The snnunl road race of the 2:50 : club of Chicago , which occurred Now Years day ever the Pullman course , wus won by the olii war horsu , Van Sicklon. His time was 1 hour and 37 minutes. There are 23OJO , cyclists in Hie United Status who are members of the League of American Whoolinon. If each man would preach road improvement to the people in his vicinity what n beautiful system of roadways wo soon should have. Sioux City with her usual enterprise has secured the Iowa meet for ' 03 , which means a "big thing" for cyclists in Iowa and Ne braska. The Sioux City Cycling club have the engineering of the moot and their efforts to entertain will bo ably seconded by the business men of the city. Omaha will ba represented by a lar o and enthusiastic ) party. "Cyka" Lytlo is preaching "cash prizes nnd nnli-loague" to the boys at the club house these long cold winter ovoMngs. This IS U mUU WUy lur u luu uu luumuui w vuin , yet "thoro is method in his madness. " 'Twould bo 'a good thing for racing men in general it cash prizes word given and cias races run. Lot the professional comvoto side bv side with the amateur and a now state of affairs would bo inaugurated. We would hnvo races then which the most chronic grumbler could find co fault with. The en tertainment committee will vary likely on- gugo Brother Lytlo'to lecture bofaro the club ut the initial social which occurs soon , or perhaps n debate may bo arranged between him and Chief Consul Pcrrlgo ; cither would bo very interesting and draw a crowded house. The cycling club which receives the mos attoatlou now is the Midnight club. The club has no particular homo , as it is as well known and popular.in Syracuse , N. Y. . as in Denver , Col. The Mldnignt club is a fad , inaugurated among the wheelmen of Denver and in a brief period has spread in popularity until Midnight clubs are being organized in nearly all of the largo cltioj. The objoot of tha club is to promote uight cycling , riding aftur the day's toil is over and when the moon is full. A full complement of oQIcor * is elected at the organization of the club nnd nro known by such appropriate names as the chief owl , vice owl , recording owl , purveying owl , chief hooter and color bearer. Chicago bobs up this wcok with nclubof this doscrlp- . lion , the officers of whom are nil well known prominent cyclist. "William Twinkle , " the cyclist humorist , acts In the olllclul capacity ot purveying owl and Billy Horrlck , of Cen tury Koad club fame , Is knuwn as chief hooter. Omaha must bo in the swim end 110 doubt boforo' the gentle zephyrs of spring time blow the Omaha Midnight olub will bo a fixed star. in tbo local firmament. AinuiiK tlio Aimitonra , Buck Adams Is wintering iu Beatrice. Bnlloy may play lu Blair , llo isv u hard hitter. Ticknor. of Fremont , is working In South Omaha. Gross , Fremont's catcher , U wintering la Omaha. Plaits mouth will ba stronger than ever next season , The Patterson brother * will n gain run the team at Plaits. Stonoy was the kid of the Black Hills league last season. Klmmol of Fremont will pitch In the Hills the coming season. Jones of lioatrioo U tha best throwing catcher iu tbo stato. _ iiarly and Wlsman will bo found in the Crane's outflold In ' 10. Kid Mobler has a half balk that would knock old Ualvin in a fit. ( ituowooJ of Beatrice , U a man of whom any team can bo proud of. Flynn will play first base for the Norfolks , other reports notwithstanding. Dallas , the old-time catcher , U firing a locomotive on the Union I'aclllo. Siiydor will pitch for the Cranes this year and Klinmel for Fremont as usual. Hubankj , of the giants , h gelling too fat this winter and will give up base ball , Abbott , who caught for Hastings last sda- son , bui become u full fledged barrister. lllpc Kolm will ba found up in tbo Black Hills lenguo. They say ICelra Is king up thoro. Taylor of the Olftuts , la ono ot the bast all round players In tbo state , and a very bard hitter. Ornvor of Mlsiourl Valley will play profes sional ball this year that Is it ho gets a ohanco. Shorty Sbnnnot ot Hastings , made morn homo run * laitsoasbti than any two men In the state. In Hoffmastor nnd Bourke , ( .Irani ! Island will bo well fixed lor tivlrlors in case of a state league. Lou Kclui , bolter known as "Tha Ice Wnou ) , " is gelling opulent up In Dead wood this winter. Buck Adams has quit blowing them off nnd says ho will make Udders rldo horses after them Ibis year. Miles , an ox-Western association catcher , will bo found with Holier In Hastings when the gong sounds. Ooorgo Yapp , the star pitcher of Iho Platls team , has eot all kinds of suoad and plenty of English. Williams , the star plluhoi * of last season's Crane ? , Is wintering in Chadron and will pitch there next summer , Porrlnoof Plattsmouth , is the heaviest amateur in the state , whllo Miller is ono of Iho speediest base runnorj. Billy Mud Motz , Nebraska City's first baseman , has gene west on the hot ; train to shovel snow outIn the mountains. Danny Llnnalmti , the pioneer catcher ot this section , U golncr to quit boa ball and BO In thu millinery business up in Blair. Hobby Black of Hot Springs is the old-time professional. Ho was the receiving end of tbo famous pony battery Black and Bald win , Bowman ' , of the Cranes , is already Mmrp- onin'g his plutos and sandpapering his but nnd will bo ready ns noon ns the grass grows ( rroon. F. Mnhonoy , the flcot-footcd outfielder of the Nonpareils , has played with the same loam eleven years und will piny left field this season. Shanuhan's now pitcher , Edlnger , pitched the St. Louis Browns out with ton hits whllo with the Sioux Citys , and beat them 10 to 9. Charley Tew is ono of the foxiest second basemen In the state , and Kdiio Bailey of Blair , Is ono of the best outfielders in tbo business. Jiaru miters seem to run in the I'attorson family , Sum of PlaUsnioulh , led that team while John of Froaiutit , had the highest nvcrago thero. Ucorv'o Taylor of the Beatrice team is a very valuable man to a club , as ho bents out sloxv throws nnd Hues out his share. He also fields out of sight. Colorado is talking state league , with two teams in Denver , ono in Aspen , Loudville , Pueblo , Colorado Springs , Cheyenne and ono other good city. Lucas , the man of many suits , played one fjamo with the Los Angeles , Cal. , loam , and got the dinkv-dlnk and will finish the sonson picking oranges. Kid Miller of Nebraska City -is without doubt the spaediost pitcher In thii state and Is good for u game every day. Ho Is also a linn tirlntn ntirl InflnlMot * Shanahan and Cnrrlgart will scnrn base runners to death around second bnso with the Nonpareil * this yoar'os Shanohau plays short and Corrlgan second. Gad i(0. Nebraska , City's catcher , is ono of the best in the business. He suytj ho is put ting his wing through a cotirso 'of training this winter and will surprise the gang next season. Knyder , who pitched for the Cranes last season , would make a valuable man for an y team. Besides being a good man In the box he can -play nny position on the diamond , nnd for a pitcher he is an unusual hard slugger. If the list in last Sunday's BBE is correct of the Beatrice team it will take a lot of hustling to got up a team to down them. They are the finest lot of players thai have ever been gotten lagolhar in this state. Most any of them could hold their own in a profes sion ul gamo. Gnlowood's ghost dancers will make the pitchers around the stajto want to play under the bench. Harry ought to got good team work out of them , as "he is well up in the points of the game and has got tha cream of the somi-profeisjonnl talent. The team in tact may play iu the Black Hills. The following fontlomcn should call n moetfuir of tbo business men and ball cranks to orgnnizo nud appoint delegates to meet each other some time in Fubruarv : Billy Kourlto of Grand Island.Shepard of Kearney , U. S. Roher of Htisllngs , Jnteo Olhnmn of Beatrice , Cnslonc of Lincoln , Ed. Mantz of Fremont , Nebraska City , Plnttstnouth , Co- Iambus and Norfolk. Tin : line would likn to hoar how thov stand on Iho state league question. Address all communications to the base ball editor of Tnu H.B , who will lend every possible as'ittmco to the enterprise. n Local Sports. A coon , weighing 28 pounds , was killed by n rabbit hunter just north of the water work's Thursday afternoon. The late snows has made great rabbit shooting in tbo thickets and fields north of Florence , and In the river bottoms. Tom Eok six day olght-hour-a-day blcyolo races boglng at iiattary D , Chicago , tomor row night. Thor are no entries from this city. city.Franks. Franks. Parmoloe ns in Chicago along with the majority of the crack shots of tha country , but.it is safe to say the Omaha man will hold bis own in any of the shooU bo sees proper to enter this week. An amateur wrestling and boxing tournament ' ment under the ausplcos''of tbo Omaha Ath letic Club would arouse a hoallhy interest in athletlo sports hero , and at the same tlmo furnish a Una entertainment. Manager Prince is still negotiating for n match tug-of-wnr between the slalwart Swede nnd Danish teams. Tbo representa tives of Sweden nro ready nnd anxious nnd it is fair to presume that Denmark is only biding her own good tlmo. Whew I whit a pull these twenty giants xvould mako. Sportsman are nrobably awnra that the open season for quail closed on the llrst of the year. All dealers exposing these birds for ealo after tbo tlrst of the month are liable tea a heavy lino. For th'o bunoflt of the Omaha gun club it is stated here that two dealers had quail hanging out no longer ago than lost Wednesday. OtH'HtloiiHaiiil Answers. LINCOLN. Nob. . Jan. 11. To the S Ertltorof TUB HER : I'leuso answer I DAY' * I'KK tno following niK-'stlo n. which has boon under dismission , It la in thu ciimo of casino , viz. ; I , Ims 14 points. H has 10. In next bund H tukus In hie casino , while ii makes but- unco of points. It wus undorbtood In advance th'it cards nnd spades go out first. Who wins Die game ? I'loubu explain nnd oblige , Si points constituted name. Ham Wossol , Ans. Tbo count runs : Cards , spades , big nnd little casino nnd aces. Cards and spades makes L only 20 , consequently S goes out with big casino , which comes next In the count and bo only needing two points to win , TKKAMAII , Nob. , Jun. tl. To the Huortlni ; ndltorot THE HKK : 1'inaso solve thin prob lum In hluh llvo ; A IIIIH ' ! ! ) points , It 1ms 48 points : 11 buys the trump for uoven ; 11 makes low , name , right flvu ; A makes high , jack , left live , which wins ? O. 0. Harrowr , Ans , B , The off llvo comes last In the count. MODALE , In. , .Tun. 8. .To the Sparling Editor of TIIK HKK ; Will you nloiiso send me the rulus to the game called the tug of war ? M , U. Uutlor. Ans. They were published in TIIK SUNDAY BRE , December IU. No questions in this department nro answered by mall. OMAHA , Jan. 14-To the Hportlns Kdllor of TUB HEK. I'loaHo publish In Sunday's HKE n uynopals of thn records of Mitchell und Bluvln. Kibosh Aus , (1) ( ) Mitchell's flast battle was with Bob Cunnlnghum , Jan. H , J87d , whom lie de feated in fifty minutes. Ho then defeated ono Smllhors , bare knuckles in seventeen minutes ; fought a draw with Billy IConnnOy ; defeated tbo Belgian Ulant in four rounds ; fought two draws and one win with Juck Burke ; best Mike Cleary in four rounds. Af tor this battle .Mitchell came Into promlncnco speed ily and was matched to bar Iho great and only John L. Sullivan nt Madison Square Uuruon on May S3 , 1B3& During the rounds Mitchell managed to got In an accidental blow ou Sulllvau , which floored thu latter , but Sullivan's heavy weight und powerful blows proved that ho WM Charley's master. Pollco Captain Williams stopped the bout in the third round when Mitchell was nlinont knocked out. Fought Billy Sheriff , tbo Prussian , n six round draw ; defeated Joe Deunlng in four rounds : boxed a draw with Joke Kilrulnt bostud Billy Edwards in tbreo roundswas bested by Domlnlck McCaffrey , Tbo content was decided at Maduon Square ( Janion , October IS , l&U , Four rounas wora fought , and McCaffrey , while he possessed science , showed that bo tvas inferior to Mitchell. But the referee thought otherwise und decided In favor of McCaffrey. Boxed a draw with Patsy Cardiff at Minneapolis. MHchcli's lost real buttle was with Stave Gallagher , bettor known as "Heddy. " They fought at Cleveland in tbo month of August , 188V , and Mitchell won. On March 10 , 1833 , Mitchell fouchtJohu b. Kulllvnn , the chain- plan pugilist of the world , for 500 n side. The battle was fought at Chantllly , Franca. After fighting thirty-nine rounds the contest ended in a draw. The fight lulled Ihroo hours and eleven minutes. (2) ( ) Cannot glvo you Stavlu's record , but It is a mixed ono. niiAtfi ) ISLAND , Jan. 12 To the Kiiortlna Kdltorof THE URIC.-riivno In form mo through thoaportlnt coin inn of TUB HKK the fill low- Inn : Inn Knmo of diuw iiokor , with "joker" and plnylnit "striilKhts , " which Is Die bettor blind , flvo iices or u atralitht Hush ? Alnx U. Ans. There Is no such thing ns five aooj or fives of any denomination , even with th joker ID use. The joker simply makes th < fourth of a kind , nnd four aces with the 1okcr count no moro than four aces alone. A "straight flush" boats fours , whether made up with or without the Joker. Sotrrii OMMA , Jnn. 14. To the Sporting Ed itor of Tin : IlrKi r.enmi answer the following questions In Bnndny'H HKB : In pluyliiK high live , A und 11. U und I ) nro partner * . Ill A nnrt ll's iriolts tire In A's possession , with the fiico turned up , and O nnd ! ) ' tricks are In D'.s possession with the fnoo turned down. Ilavn'lUor Da right to look at A nnd ll'n tricks ns longns they nro faced up ? (2) ) Does A and 11 Imvo > uiy rfsht to IIMIK at U und D'l trloks ii. < i long an they nro faced down ? CD In cutting the canU.can your opponent cut thorn more limn mice , providing Iho one dealing does not Hhiiille them miv mor ? (4) ( ) And In euttlnv does It mutter from which plla ha deals from ? ( t ) Uan the dcnlur nftur cloallnx nroiind Iho onnls hold all the onrdu In his Imnd ho has loft , Nny there In only two trumps In thu ulmlc niinihor hold In vour hand , can they call It u misdeal- ! , (1. ( ADS ( I ) How would you prevent thorn I (2) ( ) The last trick taken In only , ( it ) H can cut the cards as ho pleases. ( I ) You must dent from the under pile. (5) ( ) You ran compel him to discard nil but his regular band , six cards , YOHK , Neb. , Jan. in. To the HportliiK Hd- Itorof TIIK HKK : i'lunso ' ndvlso apntron ol your piper und obllpu. A and 11 lire playing Dull pool. A called the 14 bull. In shouting the cue hall after striking the 14 ball , strikes theO ball , ntirl thoD ball Is pookotud ns well ni thu 14. hut the ! ) hnll KOUS In Unit , Now wus ha iHitlllcil to the 14 ball ? Vorlc. Ans. Ho was. Van Houton's Cocoa The standard of the world. DR. The Successful Obesity Specialist. Mri , IiJf. Cnmptotl , Argyle. Wl . , Inforo and nflor triMituicnt by Dr. Snydcr. Klrklnnd. 111. , .Tun. i. IS'.r.-Dr. Bnydcr. Uoar Hlr : lliivliitfKlvmi yourtrimtniont u fair Irlnl , 1 am norr willing tonitrt i\ir toxllmonlal f > tneumnr roil now havo. 1 rnn linrdly llnd wordH to nxproiii 1117 cratl- llontlon for tlio imccdts of your treatment In inf < * R3Q. My frlond * nro nmnrod nt tht ) rovulta : my lienlth Is DO much Improved. Tlio fulloirlnK la mjr wclcht nnd meaiurumtmt before and after treat ment' He-fore. Aflar. I.OHS. Welebtru pounds , . 14'.I pounds It poundi UtiBt..J ? } liKlio * . . . . : dInches. . . 7W Incljuj Wult..7 : Indies . . . 10 Ini'ho 7 Indies lllpi.,41i } < ! Indies. . ! nclK > n , 7W Inches Any oiio rtoilrlnc to verify the nbuvo fncts c n dn 10 by ndtlroilng mo wltli itamp onclOBVd. MltH. W. I ) . K UII.K , UmoniaUniMrosa with Co. lu stomp * , DR. O. W. F. SNYDER. MoVlcker'a Theatre Bltlg. , Chicago , III Baby's cheek is liico a poach , Is it Madame Ruppert's bleach ? No ! but baby's mama's cheek Volumes to its praise doth speak ! Cull for Mm p. Ituppcrt'a book , "Hour to 1 > B Ik'.iutl- fill" of Mrs. J. lloiiBon. 210 . " . IStli .St. , Cmih i , Nub Lo Duo's Periodical Pills. The French remedy uots dlrootly upon the generative orpins mid cures suppression of the iiionsos. & 'or three for $ " > . nnd c.'in bo mulled. Should not uo used dnrlniiruiiinuy. ! Johbori , dniRRlslsiind thonubllo supplied by Gooduvia Drui ; Co. , Omaha N , M , RUDDY , THE ONLY PRACTICAL OPTICIAN 21H South 1.11 Ii St. , I'nfniun St. Thoiitor. EYES TESTED PH.EE . Glasses Fitted to remedy nil defuuts of oyo- Btcol spootaclos of euarnntood quality SI and up. Solid Gulil HpoctaolPi atrl EyqgtassBtt and upwiir.l. Oocullst'n proscriptions for K lassos II lied correctly sumo dny us received AETIPIOIAL HUMAN EYES INSERTED A GKNUINKMIcnoilKKILT.KttU KlllO'9 (1I8HU lSKAIlUATOK--Uuroi nil dotoaioi boc.iuio U kllli the mlcrobo orcorm. Put tipand rctiillod In * ! . WnnJ lialzcs , tlio latter IW k'lllloin. Bant nnywhoro prepaid - paid on rocolptof prlcoorC. O. I ) . Welnuo n itusc- antuo to euro. Thopubllo trade nnd lobbrri i.ip- pllod by tbo KInslpr llrujr Company. 0 nnhu ; O. A. Mclihor , Howard Mcyorand 1C. I * . B.-ykor.i. Sou"i Omnlia ; A. I ) . Koitormid II. J. UllltCouncil Ilium a a pusitlro roinody f ur tlio abofuillsefia'a ; by III nso thousands of ciaet of the wont kind and of Innx Blinding liaro been cured. Indrftd BO Btrotif U my faith InlUfincicy , tint I will Bond TWO IIOTTLRS rntK , wltb a VALUABLE TRITATISi ; on this dlsoa o to any wif. feror who will Bond mo tliftir JCxpruu aud 1 * . O. addroM. V. A. Slocimi. flf. < ) . . 183 1'eurl HI..N. V. tionoi'i'ltoeit , I ocitrcrnutt cured In - iliiys liy the I'roneh Iloinody untit- Icd the KINO. H dissolves npulnst und i ab sorbed Into the Inflamed parts. Will rotund , jnonoy Iflt deus not euro , or causes slriatu.ro , . Gentlomun , here Is a rnlluhlo article , gi a pueUusc , or2 forti per malt prepaid. JslcOor- mlek Jt IiunJ , Omaha. * En8lly , Qulokly7PormnnontlyRo"itored. \Vcukaiu * . XurTou tie a , Itablllly. and all tbo train of erlli from early errors or Inter oicevu's , tbo results of overwork , slcknef , worry , etc. Full Btrongtb. durelopuicnt , and t < ino given to overX organ and portion ol the body. Simple , natural Biatnodn. Immediate Improveuicnt won , 1'nllura loiponlblo Z.UUQ rofereucos. Hook , explRuattoul &adproofsoiallf'dliHi&lcdl free. AddrexA BRIO MEDICAL CO , , DUFFALO , N. Y. BRAIH 1)11. K. G WEST'S NKItVIi AND JIIIAIN T1IKAT. S1KNT , aipoclllofor llyttorla , Illiilneii , Kits , Noil- r luln , Ileiutneho , Norvoun t'roglratlon rauiod by nl- cobol or tobacco , Wnkcfiilnasi , Mental IH'pruinlon , HoftculiiK of tlio llrnln , caunlnx luiinlly , lulinry , decay , death , I'romnturo OI4 AKO , llHrronnotn , Lo of I'oncr IniillliPmox , Impotcncy , I.oucorrlioni and nil Keinalo Weaknoitaoi , Involuntary I.oa if Hi > or- luntorrliooa cauaed by over-exertion of tli brain , H ir-nbu novar-lndnUecco. A month' * treatment II , I ! fur (5 , by mull. Wo Gunr ntoo U Imxai to cure , Kacti older forR boioi , wlthli will end wrlt- tcn ifiiarantco to refund If not cured , ( lunrftntnoi Usuod only by A. ftchrotfr , DruiiuUt , iota iionl , H , K. cor , luh und Knrnam its. . Uiualm , Nob. OAPANJESEJ CURB A now nnd Coraplolo Trcntinont. con Ulln of BuppuBltorleiii Ointment In Caniulo , iil > o In llox uml I'llhi a I'onltlre Cure for Kxternal. Internal , Illlnd or llleedlnx ItcblnR , Clironlo , Heurnt or Ilnrotlllary rile * . 'Jlili lluuicdy lian uvvor tioun known to fall , II par box , U forU ; ictit by mull. Why eiiHor from tlili torrlblo dlroimo wbcn n writ- tun ifuarnutee l > potltlvoly ulvi'ii with U boxct , to refund tlio money If not cured. Bond ( lamp for free Hniuplp. Onnrantoo Uiiued by Kiilm A Co. , DrUKKUU Hoiu Auouto , corner Utli and Duuuln treutu , U mil bo , Nob. i- i Tft UirAIf ft FAS fofferinc from I ii WrAaiC MrGii " " > C1T"1' " " ' 1 19 HO latril % l9li l youthful crron farly decay , wn > tln > wrakiiru , lout maiihoixl , el ( , 1 will x'li.l nvalualilo truatlw ( u'alfd ) cimtnlnliij fulliuirtlcillani for liomo euro , I''ltii5 : ot rhargn. A tplendld mi dlral work | uliouM l > ) i rrau by every . tnau who U nt rrou and debilitated. - ' - 1'roC.ir.U. J "