/ 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JAPttTARY 17 , 1802-SIXTEEN PAGES. 11 THE CONDITION OF TRADE , Business in the Northwest in a Very Satis factory Condition , NEBRASKA COMES IN FOR HER SHARE A Wry I.nrgo Incrrnso tu the Clearing * of Omillm llmikK .lolihliiR Tnulw ( loud , with Collection * ( Ipitrrnlly ( looil Thu Orillti Mnrkct. Report * from the southern states Indicate thnt business is dull in that section of the country , owing to the low prlco of cotton , nnd In the cast tbero U not much llfo to trade. In the northwest tbo situation Is much more satisfactory and business In a general way good. Nobrasua Is experienc ing her full share of this prosperity and from every part of the state como reports of satisfactory business conditions with tho' prospect of n most prosperous season to como. The farmers are realizing on tholr crops , nnd as the prices for farm produce nro very fair , they nro lu a position to throw a very /Considerable amount of money Into general Circulation. This gives a very decided itlmulus to trade and Is n boon to the mer chants who were pinched Inst year. Wtlh fluch favoriblo conditions prevailing among the retail merchants of the stnto it is imrdly accessary to ndd that the jobbing trade ol Omaha 1 * in excellent , shnpu. As a pone nil thing collections are reported ns very lair. The cold weather has had the natural , effect of stimulating the movement of nil seasonable goo'ds. Tha retail trade of Omaha is not all that could bo asked , but there Is every prospect . for an cany improvement and the fooling Is . becoming very widespread that Omaha U entering upon n period of unparalleled pros perity. The bank clearings show n heavy increase , the average clearings lust week being over IIUKM ( KI per day. Some idea of the condi tion of business in Omalia as compared with other cities may DO gained from the fact that Omaha surpasses nil other cities In the rale of increase In the mutter of bank clearings. This denotes a rauid revival in business and renewed activity lu financial circles. Mpncy Is easy at Omaha as well as nt tbo eastern money cantors. The market on country produce has not shown much change during the past week. Thu receipts of chickens have been quito largo and nt the same tlmo the quality has not been very good. A very largo porcontugo of the animals buvo consisted of frozen stock , 1 which does not scll 'ory readily unless at a low price , which has a tendency to keep tno market down even on the best slocU. Other kinds of poultry have not boon In very largo receipt and prices have boon quite satisfac tory , as will bo noted from the quotations. _ - Butter has been bringing pretty fair prices and the market Is a little bettor than ft was a week ago. The demand Unfair Tind- stocks in ( Irst hands nro kept well cleaned up. The eirg morkot has been comparatively steady for some tlmo past , the price quoted being generally at from Sic toc. . The game arriving nt present Is confined for tbo moat part to rabbits. A fair amount of business has been trans acted in the Omaha grain market. Grain men all over the state appear to bo friendly Inclined toward the Omuhu market and all that Is apparently wanting to clvo UHS..OUSI- -noss a great boom Is the milllnp-ln-trausit rate from the railroads. OMAHA Ul'li STUCK MARKET. . OMAHA. Jan. 16. The week's receipts foot up 17'JOO cattle , Bia'iO hops mmJ,4S'i .sheep , ngulnst HUiTU cuttle. 60,07 : ! IIOKR. UiO sheep last week iind lU.G-'J cattlo. : )7.K8 hozs , ; iu.U sheep the correspond ing week-last year. The cut Uo market started out all rlgbt this week and prices in general were strong. E.x- ccxslvu receipts bore and at other niurUot cen ters and advices ofvull supplied and lower e.'iHtcrn raiirncts produced n reaction , how ever , nnd fllnco Tuesday there has been u de cline on bccf.stocr values of 15o to ' > c. On bu t" her stock there hus been a decline or Mo to 4 e , as the supply bus been fur beyond the ordinary requirements , the unusually largo proportion of cows amen the receipts belnc occasioned by the fact that toward the latter part of last and thu early part of this week iiilr to good cows and heifers sold ut nliont thu highest point of the season. thus Inducing hoiivy rcco pts , nnd thcso In turn brin ? al'out u hcuvy decline In vnluut. During the early part of the week the supply of slockera and feeders wns rather limited and prices were rather stiff. An Im provement In the supply without a corro- Bpondlng Increase In the demand produced a , reaction and lower pilcos have been the rc- Riilt for HID last duy or txvn. HOJS continue to sell very unevenly and the week closes with prices at u shade to f > o lower than lust Saturday. Conditions continue practically unchanged , a fair tihlppliii ; nnd iruxh meat demand with pucker : ) IndllToront anil bearish. Bheep values are ciuotauly nnclmnnecl , the iupply bo'ng considerably short of the do- in n nd. For a Saturday the supply of cattle was rather liberal und the duality Imllirorcnt. Speculators were disposed to do a. llttlo tr ( I- ln. hut local houses having boon free buyers ull week were Inclined tn hold olf. The result was : i Hlow market throughout 1'rlceworo fully ns coed as yesterday on the more dcslrtulu snidos. but fully us mean on others. Ono buneli ot food l.l'.li-lh. ' Ijcovcs brought U.f > . > , but the bulk of the fair to good l,0h ; ) to liUi-lb. : ( beeves sold from 1.20 to 1.73. Whllu truditir wiis more or less dull und drugging und prices all the way from Ilia to " 5o lower than the first of tha wee it about everything ut all desirable found a purchaser before the close. There was \ory falrdeiraad for the better trades of butcher Htook , Iluth shippers and killers > vunlol ! them because they were cheap und there were plenty of them. 1'rlces were nhout aloud y on anything In fair Mesh , but medium and common cows suffered a still further decline. These latter uro selling from 0e to 4o ) inwor than Tuesday. Good to choice cows hold from Ix'.M toHO > , fair tOKood grades from J'.00 to . ' .40 , common und canning grades from 9 .00 to $1,75. Hulls , oxen and sta s were steady ut from } 1.7f > to MM : calves strong on thu basis of from f-.W to $5.00 for poor 10 prtino stuff. Thu stoclcpr nnd feeder trade was rather dull und prices ruled easier on account of thu .liberal supply und limited demand. Common to liood stuck so.d from t..OJ to IJ.OO , Kuure- lentuttvo sales : RTEEKS. lions The week closed with a ( air run , 128 S'u ; tLq iix d j ' r a luti ( all nearly 4,000 short of last week. Them wns a liberal sprinkling of Unlit nnd mlxa.I hois among the offer JIRS. but tno hulk were , as usual , licavy- wulithls. the nverngo weight for tha week being V73 pounds. , . . . . Business oucneil slow and dull with a light dcnmml froln shippers nnd frt-sh meat men nnd with puckers Indifferent nnd bearish. Kurly trading wns nt prices steady to fie lower thnn Friday. The market was ratnor uneven , but rather wuaunuod us the mornlnu ad vanced , nnd finally fettled down to u5o du- cllnp. The close was weak , fully So lower thiin Friday , mid a few loads were left unsold. Good to choice heavy boas sold fiom tJ.W to 11.00 , common heavy nd mixed puckers nt from fiS3 : toil.DO. and Ilitht and Ilitlit mixed louds from KI.MI tol.lOJ. TriidluK wiis Inrzo y from taw to * . ucalnst from ll toW.UJ Friday. Tlio avoratso cost wus H.IO , ntralnst ti.O'i',4 ' Friday und UUI',4 luitSaturdny. Hepre- sonlatlvo naies : No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Sb. I'r. 80 2IVJ 120 $1 CO 71. . . . . .310 ice tno ) 80 101 I2J 3 70 r > i . . " ' 20.1 300 02 .189 241 37i ) 73. . . . .232 40 3IK ) 03. . . . 201 200 373 31. . . . . .312 120 393 10. . . . .31)0 ) 3 R ! ) 78. . . , . .2IS 41 31X3 70. . .223 210 3 SO Bl. , . . . 844 40 30) 119 , . .211 200 3 A3 05 . . . . .272 243 300 18. . .191 381 70. . . 80 300 68. . 120 383 Cl. . . og * il * 'tsj'l * U J 3 DO 70. . .8.8 8) 3 80 51. . . . . .27 ! ) - 300 67. . .242 10' ) M , . . 8) ) 303 0.1. . .231 ire 3 M TO. . . . 279 243 ' 303 74. .210 210 3 83 01. . . . .204 80 300 3 ! ! . . .Sill I2J 383 01. . . . ,274 40 393 04. . SiTi 210KI 3 M B- . ' . . . 120 301 8 8.4 KI 3 H , > B71. . . . ! .2M ) RO (10) ( : 211 40 il 83 Oi . . . 23S 303 77. , 8J 38'i 03. . . . 319 30) 0 > . .231 210 3 H3 5'J. ' . . . .an IIX ) 31)0 ) 74. . .231 li'O 3 K'i . .203 49 300 os . VI9 80 3 85 72 . , . 270 12J 390 25 . 3 Si 01. . . .270 100 30) KI , 81 II 83 87 . . .247 810 3 IK ) m. 480 3 81 01 , , .2fU 40 300 04. . 203 383 ro. , . .291 200 3 03 54. .2.0 38" 79. . 2JO 390 .297 lit ) 385 02 , . , .27. . ) 3110 fit. . fi2) ) : IM 50. . , , .270 8) ) 31)3 ) ro. . .2:10 : 83 383 O'l. . , , J9) ! ) 3 1)3 ) 7.I. . 2u : Hfl 3 83 02. . 10) ) 300 71 . 2 < H RO 3 85 Bl. . , 240 393 f.7. . 21)0 ) 3 83 ( VI . , 3Uf 73. . " 120 3 8 1 ' 05 , . , , .a-o 520 3 IK ) 47. . 3 83 07. , , .271 ICO 3 'JO HI - 07 IM 3 85 0' . ' . . ire 31X1 HIKi Ki 20. ! 29) 3. " 3 70. . , .1G5 400 3DJ'/ ' r.2. . . OJO 3 83 CO . , .27S ICO 3 1)/ 31 . 251 101 3 K'/J 02. . . .2811 40J .283 1VO 3 S7i ! Bl. . , .3 9 3 Oi'/i 201 41) 3 87'/i ' 61. . . .318 40 KM 230 3 S7SS 77 , . , .8T8 .am 10. ) 08. . , .2(10 ( 100 81 3 87'/ KI. . , ,29J 120 3.0 3 87 ! , 300 80 303 .21)2 ) 3 7 01. 100 3 U5 63. . ' 8U 3 7i' ' (2. 278 103 3 ! > 5 rs . . .Ti'4 20J 3 IK > 71 . .3'3 ' 80 393 .217 210 3 I/ , ) 6 > . .313 240 303 .2.VI 3 90 6Kt . .281 80 30.1 71. . . 4) ) 3J ! ) HO. . .30l ! 2SO 3 ir 72. . . .2HJ ! 12) ) 3 00 5CO. . .312 .1.0 3 95 HI. . .314 00 II ! * J CO. . 2C4 39'i 73. . . 2fi- > 100 3 0) 6' ) . 303 41 3 93 02. . . . 2S3 l.'O 3D ) 01. , . .343 : ice 303 03. . . .373 30 < 3 00 70. , . .Sli 203 3 P5 (11. ( . . .314 2:0 : 3 9) 01. , . .312 121 303 73. . . 121 3 IK ) 67. . .315 120 303 05. . . ,2. , 3 12) 3 111 61. , " 240 30' 68. . . 31W 40 3 'JO 70. , "iai 80 3 a'i CO. . . 274 21) 3 0) ) 08 , . .311 100 39' 73 . . .875 B3 3 93 03. , . 308 : itr. 07 . . ,230 , 4) ) 3 U3 03 , , . .311 3 U7J1 01. . . 2n 8) ) 3 IK ) 02. , . . .TO 39714 KI . . 235 203 3 DO CO 93 4UO 3 03 61. , 3U7J4 69. . . . .219 40 3 OJ 40 393 400 AND IlOUail. 29. . T. .107 40 330 SHEEP Four double dock of corn fed west erns were received. Two double decks of yearlings sold at { 4.85. The market Is strong and the demand active. Quotations : Natives from W.25 to fcVJS. westerns from * 4.03 to $3,03. common from Sir.1' to JI.5U. lambs from 21.00 to $3.50. Representative sales : No. Av. I'r. 401 ffcstcru yearlings fed 74 $4 85 Itecplpts nnd Dlsiiosltlon of .Stock. Odlclal rouulpts and disposition of Rtotk as shown by the books ot the Union Stok Yards company for thp twenty-tour hours , ending ut 5 o'clock p. m. , January 10 , 1B'J2 : IlKCKIl'TS. DISPOSITION. Clilcagn I.lvo Stock "Mlirkot. CIIICAOO. III. . .Tun. 1(1. ( ISpoclal Toloir.im to TIIK IIEB.I The Evening Journal reports : CATrt.B liccelpts 2,5)0 ) ; shipments. 800 ; mar- kiit steady ; natives. M.,0-34.Gu ( ; stocltcisMOO 270 ; cows , $ l.'j : > a-.45 ; no prime steers on the market. Hoes Receipts , 31.001 ; shipment ! ) , 8.000 ; iiiarlcct active , steady ; rough und common , KL75i.Omixed : ; and packers. U ) ' > ffi4.1 ( > ; prlmu heavy and butcher weights , Il.iyii4.2J ; Ilzht. $ l.854.10. BiiKiiP Keculpts. 1,500 : shipment ! ) , 1.000 ; market dull , lower ; native owes. &UKK3I.UO : mixed. tt.y&t.IZi urlmu wethers , $ .V.Sie\ii : : ; westerns wethers. $ o.O SJ.13 ; Tcxaus , lambs. ' Kunsiis City Llvo Stock Mnrkot. KANSAS CITY. Mo. . .Tan. 1(1. ( OATTI.E Ho- celpts. 3.UOU ; Hhlpmcnts. liOO : ; market steady for steers. 10@ISo lower for cows : drosseil beef and shipping steers sold nt $ l.iU55r : > .UO : rows and holfcrs $1.752.75 ; stockcrs and foodors. $2.7wa'IM. Moos Kjcelpts. 14,800 ; shipments. 2,703 ; market steady to strong for Rood hozs. woatt to lower for common : bulk of the sales were ut KUU4.o : > ; range , $ .1.2001.15. SHBKP Itocolpts. MU ; fililpmcnts , 100 ; mar ket cutlet und steady ; muttons sold ut tl.25 (83.50. ( Constipation poisons ino blood ; Do Witt's Little Early Risers euro constipation. The cause removed , the disease Is cone. SINKING SIXTY WELLS. Character of the 1'ostolHco Foundation Slto to 1S Dutnrinlncil. Ever since Colonel Frank E. Mooros sang it in tbo republican county convention , people - plo have accepted the statement a * being true that "there is a hole , In the bottom of the sen. " But there has been considerable difference ot opinion as to the nuinber.sizo and condition of tha holes in the bottom ot the hole \vhero tbo basement of the now Omaha postofllco is going to bo put in. In order to sot at rest all speculation as to the character of the sub-stratum of that Important building spot Architect BelndorlT , at tbo suggestion of the Washington authorities , has decided to bore about sixty twelve Inch holes from fifteen to twenty font deep In the bottom of tha pres ent oxcavation.and la this way ascertain the exact solidity or instability of the founda tion. tion.Work Work of boring began yosturday. The workmen are using a twolvo-inch well augur and in a few days the architect and the pub lic will know what kind of a foundation underlies the government building site. UoWltt'b Little tiarly Ulsors for the llvor. An IiKliixtrlong Trio , Three brothers unmod Illll of Now Brunswick , who were found to bo do- fuultors uftar their dontb , show roinurU- ub'o ' trulls of family scurotivonosa nnd incliTontnlly rolluotn on tbo sbrowdnoss of tlioso with whom they were associated. Charles , a bunk cushier , committed sut- cldo in 1881. aftoistoiiliiiff 8100,000 ; John T. died in 1891 , after ombozzllnpr $400- 000 as a Now York bank presidentwhile the youngest brotbor , Wilton , seoma only to have stolen $20,000. If death bad spared him bo miirbt have bouton tbo record of bis brothers. Truly , with eonio honesty is indeed u rolnttvo matter. Dewltt's Little Early Uisors. best pill * Dr.Cullimorcoyo and oar , Obo building Clmrlty Needed ut Home , A Boston physician thinks that bu- iniuio people wlio uro BO fond of raitilnf , ' funds for tbo unfortunate in forolpn lands ml'bt ( , moro wixolv do somuthlii } , ' fur the consumptive of tholr own coun try. . In Now England there nro at loajst 16,000 consumptives , half of whom might bo benefited if they could.nllord to llvo in another cllinato. And the same thing i true of tbo whole rbtjton. which bo calls tbo "consumptive- . " Ho thinks that nil consumptives ou ht to go to New Mexico , where consumption is til to- ( , 'othur unknown among the natives , and do calls on tbo churches to start n con sumptive emigration movement to that territory. DoWltt'a Llttlo Early Risen ; beat llttlo ills fordyjpepila,5our stomach , b d breath Dr. Cullimoro , ocullit , Dee building. TIII niin itf * Tiin Tiii irnTf Till ! , SPECULATIVE MARKE1S , Wheat Moro Active and Inclicatotl a Marked Improvement , CABLES WERE NOT SO DISCOURAGING , Itccrlpt * nt All Primary I'dlnM Itntlicr Mght HIM ! the Iniprcnuliiii Wan Crrntcil Tlmt rnrincra AVrre Holillnc Their Oniln ( Irncriilly. CIIICAOO , III. , Jan. 10. Wheat was moro active today and snowed a marked Improve ment In tone. The drop In prices during the last , few days brouaht In a good many buying orders nnd the cables at thu start were tint so dlscouraglnz In tone ns they hjvo boon for Bonio days. Cargoes tn arrive nt London were Ud lower , but gave signs of renewed mitlvlty , while Liverpool , while not hlfilur. was firm with Increased Inquiry and loan disposition to sell ntiiuotatlous. Domestic , umrkols were higher nnd New Vork was a goo I buyer dur ing the first hour. Thcro was no concentrated or heavy buying here , but everybody , nearly , seemed to want a little und the offerings liolnz llcht the azgrcgatu ( loiuiiiid was sulllclent to put urlces uu sharuly , but the olTorinis were lUht and prices were Rraduully advanced fully leovur yesterday's cloio. The > recolpts here : uid nt nil primary points were rather Unlit and the Impression wag cruiitod that farmers were huldltr ; their grain , owing to tlio sharp incline In viiue4. Others , however , attributed the filling olT oniy to thosovoro weather which has been prev.'illluR lu the country. Porolgn udvlees state positively that ull rumors us to thu ro- niuviil of tbo Itusslnn prohlhltlon are utterly tcruundlcss. A few forel-'n houses here were buying moderately and the same was said tel l > o true InNmv York and IliUtlmoro. Kara tlmo the mnrkel. filiowo : ! a xoocl deal of vl'-or and nrnincss. .Mny selling from ll > Uu up to Die. Then the cables boiin to come lower , with Ilerlln quoted U ! ( imirkM nIT und I'nrls ! 'i frano lower , and the clearances were sliown to bo moderate , with the exports from both coasts for the week were 1'J.W.UCO bu. smaller than thu wcnk prevloii" , und there was it reaction to iXHic. Then there was u reaction to OJTjc. on renewed buying und another short suell of we.-iUne.Hi , tno price loucliliu uu'ic. Uables durlnx the lust hour , liuwuvor. wcru more en- courauliiKi Ilerlln , Insto.-ul of bolnv lower , wus reported li ! iiiarKs higher , though Purls und Antwerp were lower. May r..llled to and closed linn utilise. Corn WIIN quiet but r.ithcr ( Inn. Induchccu by the better tuna In wheat and thu liberal export clearances , Tb3 receipts today were ' . ' 40 cars , hut. _ Included only six curs of contract prude. Trade was slow i nd fluctuations eon- lined to a range of ! ic. closing ! c hlKhortban vestordiiy. Oats wore dull , steady nnd foaturoless. Ilo products were strotr. dining most of tlie session. The receipts of llvo bogs were llsht ! foreign advices were better and there was'u RooJ demand from shorts. Thugeneral tendency was upward. 1'ork scored an ad vance nf 2 c ; lard from ? ! io tn lOc and ribs 15c. E tliniitud receipts for Monday : Wheat , 110 cars ; corn , 235 cars ; oats , 1S3 curs ; hogs , 41.00 ; ) bead. The loading futures ran ; ed us follows : AUTICJ.ES. 11IU1I. LOW. CI.O3K. WHEAT-NO. 2. January ! SOU May ! > li ! 91 > < Cons No. 2 January 88V WM February. . . 3\1 \ ) ! May 4I ! < OATfl.N'0.3- January May SIX 3IH - 31H MESH I'OIIK 3nnuary. . . . 11 10 II 3JW 11 10 11 35 11 Ki' 11 36 I.AIID January 617K 6 17K May 644 0 45 li 65 SHOUT llllis- January 6 45 sea 45 SCO May 675 & w 5 75 503 Cash quotations were as follows : I'l.oun Duil and unchanged. WHEAT No. 2 sprln : wheat. Wl ej No. 3 spring wheat , 7 < J8 o : No. 2 rod. OOfflOlc. COIIN Steady ; No. 'J , USJiiJWSKo ; No. 3. 30ic ! ; No. tyollow. yc. OATS-Nn. 2. anjic ; No. 2 white , 33U@'Jle ; No. 3 white. 3'J3l c. rtVE-No. 2. S2 o. No.-y , COc ; No. 3 , 5003o ; No. 4 , bAX SHED No. 1. O4'jc. TIMOTHY SEKU 1'rlino , 1.233I.2 : . I'OIIK Moss pork , per bbl. , J--t.3Q.8.i7J : } ; lard , per cwt , J < ! . ' . -M : short ribs sides ( loose ) , } . ) . .V1 S.05 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , W.U 1/ ® 4.7.'i ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , t > .8 ) ® 5.8.\ WHISKY Distillers' QnUhcd gooJs , per gal. , $ I.1H. SuoAits Cut loaf , unchnngcd. On the I'ro.luco exchange today : Tho'buttor market wits firm and uncliungctl ; fancy ureamery. ' "JiiMo ; flno western , "ti46'JSc ; ordf- niirvDS . 'ic : selected dairies. ' 4 ® 7e ; ordi nary , isa 'c. Egcs. aiH4taiHc. Now York Markets. NKwYomc , Jan. 10. Fr.ouu Hecelpts. iJi.701 puekacus : exports 1-VJ33 ljurrols. 1U.U7 sacks ; dull and boiivy ; snloa , Iti.lO ) bbls.j low extra , $ .l.uJ.I)0 : ) ; wlntdr wheat' low cr.iclcs * J.iOSy.90 ; ( ; ( air to fancy. t4.oo0l.So ; Allnnusotii clear , it.Ql C < { 4.7.'i ; Minnesota patent , $4.50 5.23 ; straits , Jl.r > lX2 > : > .Oj ; mixtures , * 4nOl.7.r ) . WHEAT Heeolpts. 1U7.2W bu. ; exports , C9.43Q bu. ; sates , ( W.'i.UUO bu. futures. 47,000 on. spot , boot market llrmor with option ! ) dull ; No. H red , $1.00&I.U1 In store and elevator ; t.iK.l.H ( ullo.it ; * l.ui5t.oiW } ! f. o. b. ; No. a reel , uy9flio ! : ungraded rod , l 4S5e 8MI.01M ; No. 1 northern , l.tt ( OlWi ? ! No. 1 hurd , tl. ( HI.OUH : No. 2 nortliurn , U08 > ic. Options advanced steady nnd closed llr'n ut Uuovor last night on local eoverlnt ; prompted by less fuvunthlo croo weather. No. 1 ! red , January. Sl.on,7i ; IVbriiury. tl.OOUQl.ulf , closing il.OliS , ; Miiruh. I.UX ® l.VJ , closing' ( I.Uiii ; April. | 1.0JJ4ai.03.'i. closln ; ; Sl.O'J.'i ; May. Jl.ull.rjycloslirj ! ( | ) il.u.'Fi ; June , ll.ouifl.LO ! > i. closing $ l.iOf ( July closlnK , 1)8 ) 7i i * . ItvE Dull : wcstorij. 07nOe. IIAIII.EY Qulut ; No. .Milwuulceo. 77@78c. ItAia.KiMALT Quiet ; Canada country made. ts' > e. CoitN Kecelpts , 101,423 bu. : exports. 165,270 liu. ; Kales. ' 'io.UOJ bu. of fntnros ; G4.UUO bu. fipot ; spot market steady , dull ; No. 1' , & 0.iff ? : > lo In clovutor. SiyOV.'o iilloat ; un graded mixed , OTliiftt-Uu ; No. a , 40l7c ; Btoamur mixed. 4iiCQ.vj ) < . Options gen erally slow und shuwu.l lilt u change , or a du- OAT8 Uocelpts. l.'iU.hOU bu. ; exports. 441,10) bu. : sales , IM.OiUbu. of futures ; GU.UJU bu. of spot ; spot n urkut cjulot , unehungod ; options dull nnd firmer ; January , . ' .Go , closing .it Me : I'obrunry , Me , Muv. 37 > ic , closing at U7ie ! : spot Nu. 2 white , 1'obruary. asie ! : spot No. 2 white , ilSiic : mlxol wesiorn. WH,7c ; whlto western. y71J'lic ' : ; No. 2 Chicago , : i7e , HAY Firm und ( inlet : shipping , W,5.oi7iiu ; coed to choice , 7.M46tO.OJ. HDi'U Active und linn ; state common to choice , 203C2.V ; ; 1'aclflu coast , VO2Jc fc-unAU Uaw , quiet and steady : fair rofln- ing , : ife.'l 1-lUu ; centrifugals. DO tust , -lOTtUHc ; sales , I'.HOO tons ; Hello now huro. to I'lilhulel- phla on private terms ; refined , dull and steady ; No. 0aiu : No. 7 , ! lho : No. 8 , ; iMUo ( ; No. l ) , HJSc ; No. I.i7-l : o ; No. ID. axe : No. 12. UA-Hlu ; No. ii.iUcotr : : Am-lUiVll.vilu : ( ( ; mould A,4 ? c ; standard A , 4&u ! ; confuotloiiuis A , 4 l-liic ; cut loaf , njiu ; criibhed. 5'ioi puwuimul , 4.Vliiu : grunuliitu i , 4i-iuais-lioeubof : ) : , 4ii-lle loIAS8ES Foreign nonilnitl ; New Orleans , firm und qulot ; common to fancy , lUZJiSo , ItiCK-Qulot und steady ; uonicstts , fair to oxtru , fiVA ( u ; .I.iuun , I'KTiiOLKUii-Qulct and steady ; cni'lo In bblK , 1'arkor's. * i.SJ ; I'arliur's , In hulk. ( l.'Mi refined New Vork , M.45 ; 1'hlludulphlu und llaltlmorc , IllMUlU ; I'hlludolphluund ll.iltl- more , lu bulk. JJ.hiiil.lM ; United closed utU'Uo furl-'obruary. COTTON SiEKliOir. Weak ; crude , 21Jo } : yel low , -.K ; . TAI.MIW Stoutly ; elty ( JJ for pkus ) , 4xu. Ittisi.N- Dull und atuiidr : common to good , TuiiPENTiNR-Qulet and llrint aiSiffl'nc. Eo s Steady ; wuslurn , -41iU''lie ? ; receipts , and steady ; wet salted Now Orleans soiceted , 4A ( i > 71lbs. , OiMc ; Texas so- luotud. JU to CO Ibs , WlHs. I'OIIK Moss , qulot ; , ta7JUIO,75 : cxtr/i prime , tO.nt , .Minpi.K.s- Quiet ; Khort cli > ar. 10.40. OUT MKAW siieadyi pluklud bellies W.75. LAUD About Blcady and dull ; w ; torn ' , Slo ; western creamuiy , 2 < iii2u ! western fac tory , lliv.Mc ! K glu , : ifi | i2o. ( ; IIHKSK Quli-t and llrini P'.irt , skims , IMSOIOc. I'm IIION .Moileialo duinund ; Aiuurluan , JU7.Vjil7.7J. Uin-i'Eii Dull und weak ; lake. til. 00. l.KAD-IOuslcr ; ilomustlc , tl.'MJI.au TIM Quiet am ] weak ; utrult * , 110,05. U \Vlit > : il MINNKAIMII.IS. .Muni , . Jan. 10. There wus an up turn tn thu wheat market today , although foreign murkuis were low , < r. Thu fuollug Huuiuvd t'l bo fuvorablu to an advunce , und the argument used by the uliurt vide wu nlm- Ply that iThoiit must bonour the Uottonl and it wm tlmo to buy. May wheat opened at bOJ.c , .tn advance of Uo over the closing prlco last night , uua for three huur hold very t ady at from SOSio to UOKu. The I/ ' prlco wns the lowest of the ftosslon , and the clnsn bo iu H > Ui * . Jannarv. R3' c. Thorn hai been no trading at the loan ! txiurd. ThocnMi tiiarKut wus In uollvo con dition. No. I northern selllni fritn tile to 85c. Only ruurc.irint No. I hard were reported 'I. Uw ) grndc wheat nf poor finality Uocalpu of ivhuat here were 1M curs , and at liamtli nnd Superior is , ) can. Closj : No. I northern. January , H4WO ! yester day , ( Vie : M'ty opened tnuct highest , * < Gc ; lowest. 81'ic. ' oloslnHfl'ti'l. . yesterday. S.i.'io. on track : .No. I Inird , tOc ; No. l northern , Met No. 8 northern. ftHM-'e. , , , , , Omnliik 1'rodurn .tjirk , ts KOHR Krcsh stook was quoted at SlttTU'c and the supply wus light " ' h'l.otJiiOmaha Mllllni pompiny's Uollanco Patent , 12.110 ; Invlncltilo Patent. J'.r.J ; Lone Star Superlative. i2.M HiiowlluUc , JI.OO ; Fancy Kainllr. J'.HO : S. P. Oilman' * Uold Modal. $ . ' .af ; Snow While. IWfl ; HnowllaUo..OJ : low grade , $1.1)0 ) ! Queen of the I'untry , ti.70 ; bran , ttt.OO ; chopped fucd , tlS.ni GAME Mallard ducks. 11.01 ; blue winged teal , tlMi green winged teal , 12.00 ; tuok nibblts , M.OI ) ; small. JI.O ffll.23 : squlrrcls.tl.no , HIPKS No. I gro'u salted hhlp.s , 4SU4.Vo : No. 2iroen salted hides. ! Wfc.'llc ; No. 1 green salted hlnn9,2Mo4U Ihs , 4)iU4\ic ) ; No. 2greon salted hides. Ki toll ) Ib.s , : .litlo ! ( : No. 1 veul calf. 8 to 15 Ibs , fie ; No. 3 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. 4 > : ; No. 1 dry ( lint hides. 7Sa ; No. 2 dry ( lint tildes , f/ii'lc ; No. 1 dry salted lilacs , oiiflc. Tal- low. No. I , ; ii4ffl4e ; t-tllow , No. 2 , : Hie : grnnio , whlto A , 4Tikito ! ; grease , whlto 11 , DU'itnvo : gronsc. yellow , .c ; arouse , dark. 2Wu : old but ter. ' . ' ® 2/c | ; beeswax , prime. IBc : rough tal low. l'TK.'e. { ( lltiTTEU--I-'alr to * oed country , 1410a : coed to choice , KSP.IUo. JNiuijTiiv Some ! frozen chickens have sold ns low iiAOi7c. while fancy stock would bring HTf'.lc ; turkeys. l2A\So \ ; gcesu und duuks. 10 © I2o. _ s City -Markets. "KANSAS CITV. Mo. , Jan. Id Kt.oun Active and firm : patent , I-.403'i5J ; choice to extra fanoy. tl.OW''X. WHEAT Fairly uctlvo nnd firmer ; No. 2 hiirl. 7ilJia77c : Nft 2 red. ftlc. L'nits Active and firm ; No. 2 white , IlSJic ; mixed. XMfc'tlKc. OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , aio ; No. 2 mixed , 20c. 20c.livE Steady : No.-2,78c. PI.AX 8Je for piu-2. UIIAN Weak ; IKK3 sacuccl. HAV Dull lint steady : timothy , J3.00 ; good to fancy pr.ilrlc. $ .VOVSn.r ( > 0. HUTTBH Quiet and steady : creamery , 22 ® 27e : dairy , I.VBlSo. UiiKKdu Steady ; full cream. C < 310u ; young Amurlcu. I lie. KKCKIITS Wheat , 28.000 bu. ; corn , none ; oats , none. -x Siiii'MKNTS Wheat , 27,000 bu , ; corn , none : oats , none. _ Mllmuilcuu Murkots. KIiMVAUKBE. WIs. . Jan. 10. WIIBAT Qulot : May. 875c ! ; No. 2 spring , Kio ; No. 1 northern , bflc. COIIN Steady : No. 3 , .TSlJc. OATS Quiet : No. 2 whlto. SOJJe ; No. 3 white , Illii'IM'e. ' ' IlAiu.EV Steady ; No , 2 , 5C'j'o ; sample , 30S O'JUc. llVE Lower ; No. 1. fl,4c. ' Liverpool .Markets. LiVEitroou .Tun. in. WHEAT Steady : hold ers olTer moderately : California No. 1 , CsydO 8s : IQ ; per cental ; rol : western sjirlnsr. 7s lid < 37s lllic : No. 2 red winter. 7a lld7 lllid. CoitN Steady : ( loiniind fulr ; mixed western , Cs llf per cental for now. CilKhsB American finest whlto and colored , Ms per cwt. TOUl'ENTINE Dull. Nc\v York IJry ( iooils AInrket. NEW YOIIK , Jnn. 10. With clear skies after several days of Inclement weather , there wus an Improvement In the dry 'goods market for u little while. A few largo buyers were In the market , but most of-tliem were ropre- sontut ves of southern trade. 1'r nts wcru In good demand glnghuins jitnd small staple cottons , 'liransucllons generally were for moderate orders. . J ( St. I.onU .Markets. ST. Louis. Mo. , Jan. Ifl. WiiuAT-Hlghor ; cash. STJiiii Sc : Jiuy , il ) ; ® 'J ' 'i'L- . COIIN I'lrmer ; cash. liiilie : .M. y. aSS ! > Si3 : > 4o. OATS Steady ; ciisli , iMManMay , : il > io. I'OIIK Steady : nuw. $ ) . : ; ) > LAiii-i-to.idy ; S110. WllISKV $ I.1N _ , . . , ColVoo Market. NEW YOIIK. Jan. 10. Opened steady and un- clianireil to 5' . points udvtlnuc , closed stondy nnd unchanged tn 10 polatsrup : sales. 40.000 bugs , including : February.12.r > ; May , J11.83 ; spot : Ulo. quiet und linn ; No. 7. 3111.50. Traitor * ' TUlk' CillCAno. III. . Jan. If. . Counsel man & Day to Cock re II llros. : The faotiepamo ( pretty well established , touay that the , trufle In gciieiul will not press a. broalflu-wl/ent / below9 . The hour element had mosti'of the cable news In tholr favor , but could not. rally a following nor Induce any moro liquidation by holders. Korut.'ii news , unlcs ) very Important und startling. Is disregarded , and wo think the do mestic situation will control the market next week. That Uradstreat's visible supply showed an Increase of 414,0.x ) bu. of wheat while experts - ports were decreasing I.IU3.000 bu. Indicates that farmers' deliveries this week were 714,000 1m , leas than homo consumption. No. 2 red winter wheat sold sparingly ut lo over the May prlco here today and Is hold higher. The visible supply reports are expected to show about 1,000Ujo bu. decrease. Corn and outs were very dull and futures closed ! 5o to ! ic higher , lu sympathy with tno wheat market. Shipping busi ness slack , owing lo small offerings. Provisions were a packers' deal today. A leading hog buyer predicted that this week's receipts would nut bo cquulod again In eight months. Puckers bought lard early , ribs later and pork very freely after the call , giv ing the market a strong closing at the ad vance.eoxpecthlgher prices on Monday unless receipts of hors run conaklcrab y over the estimates. CHICAGO. III. , Jan. 10. V. O. Logan < fc Co. to J. Sands Commission Ccmpuny : In wheat u llttlo llrmntHS Indicated In some of the 'or- olt-n markets developed strength in this mar ket und thut considerable of a shortage niuat exist. The fact that wo are ut the bottom of iiiJOo decline , nnd that the lower grades of wheat , which uro mainly sent nt this .season from this market Into consumption , were us high u when the current speculative option was several cents higher , together with the fact of smiill receipts northwest und n good milling demand , us well us export enquiry started an advance which wo are of the opin ion Is likely to continue. We favor buying on any weakness. Wheat cables , wo think , are as likely to affect prk'cn ' at present .us they did when they wore stronir udvunalng , but ut lci\sti'iu per uu. higher. Corn und oats were neglected. Provisions were strong on light receipts and good outside buying. Cmc.uio. III. , Jun. 15. Kennett. Hopkins & Co. to S. A. McWhortcr. Earlv cables were a disappointment to the bum's In wheat who hud counted on extremely weak onus , I'urdrldgo'H purchases yesterday hud left the crowd short , and when tno bull tupped there was a rush to cover , advancing the prlco lie In : i few Hoconds. The unwillingness of the room truders to open fresh accounts on i-uturday kept the market dull und steady most of the session. They sold u little on the easier closl tig cables but bought It back ut the close when tnoy saw 1'urdrldgo buying. It U expected thut tno visible supply will show considerable ao- crcnso Monday und there has been som-j buy ing for lonu account on this. The European .situation shows no improvement , and until It docs wo do not anticipate a sustained ad vance. Tbo market cloned strong with Indications of u Btrong opening Monday I'rlcoj on corn und oat * on a light trudo have hardened somewhat , butjihow no pronounced features. Receivers say that receipts at in terior points are light and predict thut stocks will Noon begin to run down If the present liberal export movement continues. Varllos who hammered the provision market yester day buomcd to bo the host buyers. The boars uro not having miiuli success with their raids nowadays. I'roduotseutus to bo a much bet ter purchase on breaks ; tJmn a sale on rallies. Now York .Mouey , JHurkot. NEW YOIIK , Jan. la. MUSKY ON CAM. Easy , with no loans ; closing ofti e-d nt ' . ' ! i per cent. I'IIIMI : MtutoANTii.K i'Arfeu 4iOt ! pur cent. gTKin.i.vo ExijitANOK-Qulet. but easy ut $ I.H2X toral.xty duy bills , , und I4.8ly for do- mnnd. ' 'T < i The closing quotations an 'bonds ' ; U. ri. 4s run i lliili M. Ki AT. lion. 5 . . . . & ! U IJ. M. 4SCUIII | IID'4 ' Mutual Union tin 105) ) 11.8.4t < riu I/J ( .V. J1C. Int. Curt 41 I'ucllloiiaof ' ! U IJU Mortli. I'nclrtolst Hi Ijl , utampoil 4s hi Tcnn. nunr ml Us 1UI Kprtliwoiturn Can. . ,140 Tumi , new > ut Sa W < NoVt U. Dubcnt. 6s. . . .IW Ti-mi. new sot : i > ; A I. M. ( Ion. 5s , B5Ji . K. lJon.M.107 Con. I'aclllc lits.IU3l < . . . . 'aul ' Conioli „ lon.V ) II. ( I. Uts IllrVi SI. I' . . < > . Al'na. \ l.W Den. .V U. ( i , 49 7814 faff 1 > . U O. ' 1'r. Itcti tUtf Dun. & U. II W. Ut . . 77H ( Ct. I1. U. ( UTr.llcti : ilH Krl 3iil > . - , ,11)7 ) Dillon Tactile ) l > U..10l ( ) M. 1C. AT.Hon.lit. . . . HIH \Voit Slioro IdiU STOCKS .I.VW IIOXDH. NEW VonK. Jan. IG.-TUO stock market to day was the dullest wo have had lu a lout ; time , und as u result fluctuations were on it strict parity with thu amount ot business done , xo thut the llnul ohuuvos , whllo gen erally advances , arc for Insignificant fraetlona only In railroad stocks. The dealing still ru- Inlniid thu profii-isloiiul eharuutur which they have hud for somo. time , nnd no ulxninuuuco may bu attached to thn trading. Tiu | only fcatuie , whatever , was the Indus- trlala und Hi ) ir , ulilcli still felt the ulTect of the proposed new Usno of stooU , furttior ro- tlr'iia f rom W to 7ii nnd closing only } per cent lueliur ihiiu the lowest IIsure. Cordaso stnt'KS were atront ; und the preferred rose over 1 per cunt , hut Olilciuo ( las wus quite no- K ectud and DUtlilurt iihout thu same. Tno nmrKulo | > onud hlhor und further Improved diirlur the llrst hour ot business , but the pulim were not Important and loallru- tlonn afterwards neutralized these ad vances In nlmost everything. Tha Ohusiieake& : Ohio pruferrud stocks were thn trouff > st ou thu Hit , but tUcy , still bettor flirurcA than they have heretofore attained , scored only unmll fractional eulns. The dual dealings attain saw a firm temper and tnij close was IIrm nt a shade l > otter than lust iilitht'n prices ; Sunar scored , however , a final loss of l' ' per rent. Oovcrninent lionds have been dull nnd states noRlcctrd. The foilonltm nro thaolnslnc quotM'oui for the londlnz stocky on the Now Vork Stock ex change todays Atchl'on 41 N. Y. Ceillr.ll II1J1 Ad mis Kxpress 147 M. Y. fill. .V 81. li. . . . ! ' ) ( Alton , T. 11 , 147.U ilo preferred. . . . . . . W do prefcrreil. . . . . . 131 Ohio MlMtMlptil nile Amprlcnn Kxprcst. . . 117 ilo prorcrrcd S3 II. C. II. A N. . 117M Ontario A Wettern. . W ) Cnnndn I'ncino , Oreiton Improrcmo't 27 Ciuiniln Houthcrn , „ Oregon N . . . 67 Central 1'nclllo MI * Oregon Trans. . . , . . , . Irt'l Chi' . \ Ohio 5IIH I'aeltlo Mull 37 > 4 do Ut preferred. . , M ! ( 1' . I ) . AK 31 ilo 2nd preferred..i 414 I'lttnbur * . . . .15" Chlcnco.V Alton 14U Pullman 1'aloco 107'- ' ( U , II. * y , 1U7J Itoadlnit 4UH 0. , C.,0. .t St. li a > Itock Island Wl I ) l , Iluil9nn. . i 1MV < St. I. . .VS. K. let | ) M , 7(1 ( Dal. UAW 140 Ht. rnill WHile 1) . A U. O. life ! ilo preferred. . . . . .IJ2' ' Ktst Timnusseo. . . . . . Ht. 1' . . Mln. & Man..1131 * do 1st prutorrcd. . . St. I'nulOmaha. . . 4ii ? ( do Vml prcforroil. , do prctcrreil IW Erlo Tcnn. ( 'oil , t Iron. , . 13 ilo preferred. . . . . . Toxin 1'nclflc 1:1 : Fort Wnrno TOI. A o. ecu. pra. . . . 82 Chi. A Knit 111 Union i'ncinc. . . . . , . ISK Hocking Vnllcjr. . . . U. S. Kxpren. . . . . . . . . M Houston.V TOLAS. . . , Wabaili.Si. U \ 1' . . HU Illinois Central . . . . to ; ? < do prafcrretl : a ) > 4 St. rani A lluliitli. . Well * Kiirito Kx | 110 Knnms AToxns \Voitorn Union. . . . H-'t Ijiko KrluA West. . , Am. Cotton Oil . . . . . V > H do prc'fsrreJ . , IfS Colorado Con At Lnko Mlioro r.'i Ilomcstnku \ > I.oul.vlllo , t Nnsh. . , 81 Iron silver MO I.oalavlllo A N. A. . . , Ontario. . 44 Memphis & Char Quicksilver 4 illchiidin Central. . . ID ) do preferred. . . . . . . 24 Mil. I. . S. A. W , 0.1 Hutro 5 ilo preferred ra Ilulvrcr 40 Minn. A St. U in Illcli. ft W. I' . Tor. . . . Ul'f ' do preferred init \VHcoiulnContrnl. . . Wi Missouri 1'al'lllc Oreat Northern iifd..U Mobile A Ohio Chlcntio ( Jas , . . 75 > < NnnliTltloChatt to l.cid : Trust I01 ( N. J. Central. . . . 113 HiU'nr Trimt WH Norfolk A Won pfd. 113su Sontliorn I'aclllc 40 Northern I'aclllc. . . , su * Ore/onS. I. . .V U. N. . 30 do preferred 117 II. II.V M U. I' . , DonrcrAO. . . , II. tV. ) . ills 70 Northwestern HTM Distillers Wi ! do prof emit. . . . . 141 The total stiles ot stocks toJuy wuro 14:1,511 : shares. Including : Atehlxon , 5,348 : ol < ackn- wanna , 2,0 0 ; Krle. 8.4. > 7i Northwestern. 3'IIO ; Norlhern I'nclflo pruforrcd. 4.1.7) ) ! Now Kns- ' land. 8o : < 0 ; Koiidlnir. 4,2KJ : Klchmond & West I'olnl. 2.77C : St. 1'uul , 7.019 ; Union I'aclllc , 5,10) ) . Financial Itnvlmr. NEW YtiiiK. .Tun. in , The Post says : Except for an advance In Now Kntliind slocks , u fur ther but short lived rally in the OliesupcaKo V Ohio , there wus scarcely anything In thu nrirkor worthy of comment. Tills spir itless market uccompinled : ono of the most brilliant exhibitions ot bunk resources published In many mouths and boncu naturally caused a surprise. Hut. It should hu rumcmlicred thut In ono sense the rapid Increase In hunk deposits und the lim ited tictlvljy In the murki't are duo to the sumo causa the continued nnd disappointing dullness ol Kcncrul Interior trade und In dustry. To the reitulur Investment , however bonds In particular the Immense Increase In Nuw Vork supply of unemployed money can have but one meaning , I.onddii Stock Mitrkct. [ C ] > urlvMcd isn bu Jttmt * Cm-dim UcmiM. ] LONDON , Jun. 1(5. ( [ Now York Hcriild Cable Special to Tun llKhil Scarcely iinytlilnK In the way of new business was uffocted on the Stock exchnnco today. Consols were firm. There was a rise of 1 I-IU percent In homo rail ways. There has boon'u further advance of 2S5 per cent In Hrlchton. Changes In Amer- cun wore for the most p irt unim portant. Thcro wus u Rcnurul decline. Xlexleunr were quiet without much cbau.-e. Bur silver , 4od : Mexican dullarv , 41Jfd per ounce. Nodomiind fur money. Hliort loans easily obtulnud ut U to 1 percent- Discount market wus equally qulot. Two und three months hills wcm quoted utU to 2 percent. LONDON , Jan. K ! . The follo'.vlni were the London stock quotations closing ut4 p. m. ; Consols money ! | ' > n < Ht. 1'nul romnion. . . SU Consol * account. . ,95 lMi : > Mexlcnn ordinary. . . 'M N. V. , I' . A O. Ists. . . ISld Now York rentrnl. . Ill ) CHII. 1'acinc ! Hi6 ! l'enn ylvniiln ! > Wisconsin Central. . 112 llendlnir 21 IlAlt SlIjVKII 43d. MO.NEY IfflHJ per cent. The discount In the opr > n m rkot for both short and three montlui b.lls Is 2 pur cent. rilmncliil Notos. BOSTON , Mass. . Jan. 10. Hank clearings O'AOjOj balances. $11 , 289. II Til. For the corro- .sponcllnR week last your : Clearings , $103,371- 'U18 ' ; balances. J.1.143.0US. I'irtr.ADKLriiiA , I'a..lan. 1(1. ( Bank cloarlnzs. tl2.7l)4ui ) : ; balances. 3' , ' , I Hi. 107. I'or the week : Clearings , $ r3,070.-)9. ' ; balances , $11,837.70. ) ; money , 4 per cent. BAi.TtMuitE , Mel. . Jan. IB. Bank cloarlnss today , 2,345U78j balances. $ r.UU23 ; ratf. 0 per cei.t , I'AIIIS. Jun. 10. Three uer cent rentes , 03f 27 We for the account. NEW CHILEANS , fja. , Jun. 10. Clearings , $1- 042,514. OHICAOO. 111. , Jun. 10. Money easy nt 6'/40 per cent. Now York oxchanco steady at 3-o Dremlutn. Hankcloarln. HI'i'i7J,8SI ; for the week. $1)0,015,097. ) Storllnc exehangn. Jl.Sx'Ji for ( X ) ( lay bills nnd J4.S4' for sliht drafts. NEW YOUK , Jun. 10. The exports of specie from the port of Now York lust week amounted to iil'I.G H ! , of which # I.3IO ! wns nnd $181.201 silver. The Imports of specie for the week amounted to & ! 14.Dl7 , of whlchlS7l 2 wiis old und $27.733 silver. KANSAS OIT.Mo. . , J.in. 10. Bunk clearings todav. $1,914.012. New YOIIK. Junf 1(1. ( Bank cleurlnss. JI47- 45..4U3 ; balances. $1.047,412. For the week : Clour nga , f8JllU41l,8Ji bulunces , $3J,511,5I9. Jtoston Stock .Market. BOSTON. Muss. . Jun. 10. The followlnz wore the closing prices on stocks on the Boston stock market toduy : Atchlson A Topoka. Atlll title II lloston A Albany. . . VMX lloston A Montana. . IIS7H Iloston A Malua. . . . IB2L * Calumet A llecla. . . . 2IU'i C. II. A Q 103 Krnnkllu 15H Kastern It. It. Cs. . . . ll'J Ke.irsuio 12 Kltclibnru U U 81 Osceola Flint A 1'eruM pfd. . . 81 % rianta lro Copper. . . . I * K. A Ft. B , . . \ 81ri Tnmarnck Mass. Central 17 Annlson Land Co . . 33I Mex. Cent , couitnon. 172I lloNtou I.nnd Co. . . . I ! N. V. A N. Kngland. 2INIKS WesMCnd I.and Co. . do 7s 12IH Hull Telephone. . . . 210 Old Colony Lamionlord a Hiitland common. . . Water 1'owor Wls. Con. common. C. M 61 do preferred I ) . & II. C. AllouozMCo.navr ( ) . Houston-Thomson. Donvttr MliiliiK Stocks. DENVEII , Colo. , Jun. 10. The following list Is thnoloslnsquot.itlonson the Mining uxcnango today. Halo ; , 20,000 Hhure.s. liohl lloclc . . ' < ! Amity Ironclnil . 15 Ark'onuut . 15 .lolmJ . 1 llnllurat . Justice . 2U llanKkok-Corn II. . . . I.oxlnuton . : i7 ! ( Hates-Hunter . l.lttla Itulo . 'M Mv Indian . 10 Mujr Mnioppa. . . M 8 * .Matchless . ? .U llrownlow . Morning ( Him . 10 Calliope . Ore . 7& Claudia J . * . . . . . . I'll ) ' Hock . VA Century . , . Diamond II . Ittnlto . 75 Denver ( las and Oil Itunnlng I.oila . .13 iCrnmuns. . . . Mutton . HI ( lettysbun ; . 1'iuil Uoia . . 10 Uolden Treasure. . . . San FriinclHco Allnlnir Oinitutldiis. BAN KIIANCISCO , O.il. , Jan. 10. The ofllclal closing niiotutlons for mlnln ; fatooka today were us follows ; Alia. . 50 Oplilr 370 llulnor 45 I'otoal K. ' . llpBt \ llalclier J-D 135 llodloConsolidated , m Slorru Novailu . 1UI Clmllnr 10 Union Con . 135 Consul. Cut. & Vn. . S'JO IJInh . 45 Crywn I'olnt. . . , , . . . 1 < 0 Vullow Jnckut . 1U5 Ooulrt A Ourry UU Com . 20 llulo ANorcross , , . . 8J N. Q . , . 1U .Mo.xlc.in 1119 II. 1. . . . Ml Mono eu N. 11.1 . 25 Narujo . . . . 1U Now York .Mining Qiuitiitlons , NKW VOIIK , Jun. Ifl. The following nro the closing mlnlug stock quotations ; Alice. . , lie Iron Silver UU Ailama Con 170 Ontario. . ,4.W ) A | > un &IU lilr , . . . 'J70 Crown 1'olnt 100 I'lyuiuiilli IU Con Oils. A Vu SIQ ( uvniiu , 115 DeaiUvood , , I'.li Sierra Nuvnda. 115 Kurokni'on 110 Stnmlard KM llomestnko H'JI Union Con I'M Horn hllvur 3iJ Volloir Jnckut. 1UJ Dr. Cullimoro , ocullnt to Mo.Pno1 Ry. Among Military .Mini. "I am thoroughly convinced that la grippe is a contagious disease , " said Dr. Dacha to a DEB man. ' 'In fact I bavo thought no from the lint appearance of tbo malady. I noticed that the moro remote tbo military posts were last your tbo longer It required for the alsonso to roach thorn , Ilv a careful system of quarantine l am convinced la erippo could bo entirely kept out of a military post or a town , so fur as thut Is concerned , but It would hardly pay tope po to the trouble and expanse of a thorough quarantine to protect a community from so mild a disease , " "Is the disease the result of an attack by microbes I" "In nil probability It Is csuscd by micro formulations of some- character , and as 1 said before. It is personally conUuloui , " Lieutenant Hot ) , uld.do-camp to General Urooke , Is quite Hi at hl home. Dr. Cullimoro , oculist , Dee building. Views of the Oounoil's ' Honil on Needed Municipal Reforms , OPPOSED TO FAVORITES IN CONTRACTS , 1'iilillcVorlts .Should llo Started 1'nrly null 1'ushcit t > Coiniilotloti Oilier ! Tlint Should llo AliolMird llcduco fnncy .Salaries. "I nm In favor of several reforms m munic ipal affairs , " said E. I * . Davis , president of the city council , yesterday afternoon In outlining - lining the policy of I ho city government. "Somo of too work iitrciidy planned by democrats will bo uudono , but as to methods of city Improvements tlioy will bo changed. I don't want to Hint fault with the last city administration , as It was hardly responsible for contract work beiuR delayed. It wns obliged to wait bcciuso tbo city had to Issue bonds before the work could bo commenced and thus contractors could not col to work before Juno or July. Now that the bonds have bcon voted city improvement * will bo bouun as soon as the froit loaves the ground. It will bo pushed and alt work contemplated will bo completed buforo cold weather njfuln sots In. I'oriHi-r FuvorltUm In Contract * , "Ono thlnp , however , that should bo rom- adlcd li tliu manner In which contracts are lot. Under the past administration thcro xvuro prejudices against certain contractors and others were favorites. The city onpl- neor and Board of Public Works should bo compelled to formulate spoclllcatlons of all kinds of work , Including paving , grading and sidewalks and the like. "Thuro are three or four different kinds of asphalt for Instance , and when they adver tised for bids It hus boon the custom to specify Trinidad or other as phalt equally us good. This should not bo. Why don't thny specify tno differ ent kinds as well as the Trinidad ) Wants the I.ovy Lowered. "Tho iipnortionmant of funds must be de termined by the expenditure and require ments of the improvement ? , but I am In favor of lowering the levy as much as pos sible. This is a mutter that wo must con sider on estimates of work , but I think when they are considered the levy can bo reduced. "I nm also opposed , and that , too , on good grounds , to diverting the general fund for grading. My reason is that the main thor oughfares of the elty are good and sutllcieutly adequate. The grading of cross streets U generally to benollt 501110 private individual. Of course such a street as Douglas , or any thoroughfare in the Immediate center of tbo business portion of the city , should bo graded , but nsldo from this I am opposed to any now grading. A N'ccensary hut Kvpenslve. ICvll. "What about the street commissioner ? Well , thnt ofllco is a sort of necessary evil , but It should bo under the direction of the Board of Public Works. The street commis sioner should be required to report dally or weekly to the board , in order that his worlc could Da chocked up and regulated. Then the city would pay only for the labor that It got for the money ex pended. Men on the street forces should not bo paid any more money for their ser vices than are paid by business men for similar kind of worlc. I bcllovo in doing the city's ' business as I do my own. Should Abolish Tills Olllco. "As to the sldnwalk Inspector ! That of- flco should bo abolished , but an inspector should bo employed by the city ongmoor and Board of Public Works. Nobody has con trol over the oflU-e now and it Is run to suit itself. "Tnero are also many reforms needed in the matter of reducing expenses of city em ployes. This can bo broucrht about by the consolidation of ofllces , and I am in favor of it whenever it is practicable. There are too many departments at present and too many brunches of departments which are subject to no one. They run too inde ( pendently. I tbink there- will bu a material reduction in the forces of some of the city offices. There are times when It is qulot and dull and many clerks can bo suspended , the sumo as any private business rr.au con ducts his affairs. Salaries Should Ho Keiluccd , ' Salaries in many instances are also too large. 1 have always been opposed to pay ing clt.v employes morosalnry for the amount of labor performed than I would pay for the same kind of work in my own busi ness. Therb are now many em ployes receiving SlOO or ? I25 u month , when there nro Just as capable and competent men on the streets who would like such positions at $75 or $ SU' a month. I believe In the city paying fair salaries , but no moro than any other business would pay for the same quality of work. " Mr. Davis , also favors replacing street signs at the intersections of streets and hav ing the numbers of houses corrected reauir- ' ing all to number. For tbo street signs ho favors the iron with an enamel over the face , but ho says this will bo a great expense. A ( iond Letter. Persons troubled with colds or the grip will find some pointers in the following letter - tor from a prominent Pennsylvania druggist : BiiADiiocK , Pa. , Oct. 20 , 1801. Messrs. Chamberlain & Co. , Dos Moines , Iowa. Gentlemen : You will please ship mo as soon as possible ono gross Chamberlain's Cough Hrtmcdy. Out of the sixty dozen you hnvo shipped mo in the last two years 1 hnvo only ono dozen and u half left. I tbink from the sales to dale this fall that our sales this winter - tor will bo gre.-Uer than over. It gives mo' pleasure to say that out of the whole amount that I have sold and guaranteed 1 have not had ono customer say that It did uot give all the rellof claimed for it. Yours truly , Ai , . MAOUIM. ROBBING THE STUDENTS. Sneak Tnloves Kind Itleli Ticking In the High School Clouf ( Itomn. Sneak thieves tinvo laid claim . to the Omaha High school as their special field and professional snap. Numerous cloaUs and overcoats and wraps liiwo recently disappeared from tbo cloak room nnd not u truce or token of the thieves has boon dlscovorcd. The following complaint has been sent to TIII : Bur. with the hope that It muv bo the moans of stirring up tno Board of Education to furnish protection and safety for the per sonal effects of the pupils uow attending > iho High school : UMAIM , Jan. in. To the Editor of TIIE BKK : Can you not suggest some plan by which our cloak rooms at the High school may bo protected from the raids of thieves , who , regardless of the three "caglo eyed" Janitors nnd the otherwise careful toicliew , carry off our overcoats and cloaksl No loss than llvo hnvo disappeared within the last ton days. It is very uncomfortable to go homo without your overcoat , especially so when you can illy afford to got another , and the winter .Just commenced. No ono in authority at. the High school soum t&f- llclontly interested In this matter to provide reln.'f , so if you will klndlv come to the relief with some suggestion you will confer it favor on many n boy nnd girl whoso wrap Is hung up In the cloak room with the four that at evening it will be gene , und to that "bourne" from which no overcoat returns. ONK OF TUB VICTIMS. Cliuinhcrlulu'ri Collr , Cholera and llarrhu > u Itumedy. Persons mbjoct to cramps will bo Inter ested In tbo experience of J , 1 , Miles , Wes ley. Vonango Co. , Pa. Ho was tuKen very severely and called in two doctors , who pro scribed'for him but failed to glvo him relief. A druggist of Butler , Pa. , then eavahuna double dose of Clmmborh'ln'a Cello , Cholera and DiurrhUMi Komoiiy , and In twenty min utes ho was all right and is enthusiastic in his pralso of the Itomody , " 5 and 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. STOOK TRAIN WRECKED. A I'oa ll > lu Hillri : > : nl Horror Averted by tint Accident. TlioSt. LouU ox prim on the Mlisourl Pacific , which Is duo In this city ut 0:30 : o. m. , narrowly mlsio.1 furistiing another railroad Horror yesterday. The passen ger train win n few mlnutoi late , and it wns preceded Into Omaha by a freight consisting of loven cars loaded with ( took. At a point near Thirty-first street a rail spread , and three of the atook cars rolled down n twelve-fool ombAtiicmont , Strange to any , none of the cattle wns killed. The can wore badly muMhod , nnd the trainmen imulo openings Urge enough for the oulnmls to escape. The onglno nnd throti cars prised the danger safely wnlln another car loft the rails. The track was torn up for n dlstanco of SOU foot. The express train stopped at Druid Hill station and Us passengers were transferred to tha Belt line train , which brought thorn In to the Webster street depot. No gripping , no nausea , no pnm when Do- Witt's Uttlo Early Ulsor * uro takon. Small pill. Safe pill. Host pill. AMONG GERMAN SOCIETIES. Election of Olllcor * In the Various Organiza tion * The. Wrck'n Dollies. The Uorumu club at Its meatlug Wednes day night nl Gormnnla hall elected , by lu directors , the following oftlcors for the ycan Charles Horbotz , president ; frjil Motz , Jr. , llrsivlco president ; William ICrug , second view president ; Uustnv Hahn , secretary ; Oscar Pumlt , corroipondlng secretary , and R ,1 , Lunge , treasurer. At the mooting it was decided to make ono of the foaturoi of the club a ladles' afternoon nnd evening which will bff Thursday of each woolc. Tno ladle's day will consist of muslcalos and card Diirtios. Saturday night , January 23 , the llfth anniversary of the olub's organization will bo celebrated. It is "Ilcrru Abend , " or gentlemen's evening. The German association has elected the following board of directors : 11 , Kunclo , Theodora Booker , O. LouU , Chnrlos iCau f- man , William Schultzo , Iloury Haubcns , U. Blattert , Henry Hlx , P. Pruohuuf , P. Leh- inanii. Wednesday night these director * will meet at Germanla hall and elect officers for the year. The turners arc still nt work making great preparations for the celebration of their twt'ntjfifth anniversary , wMch ti kcs place next Saturday ulght at Gormanla hall. Fol lowing Is the evening's program of exor cises : Dancing rugcn by llttlo girls ; wnnd exor cises by small hoys ; club swinging , "Tho Llttlo Klshorinaldou , " by the ladles ; parallel bur exercises by active members ; horizontal bar exercises by active members ; long horse bur exercises by "Bears ; " Piaster group by active members ; Held sport ; gladiator ; cap ture of Sampson ; speech by the president , Dr. Lncko. A new society of turners has boon organ ized at Norfolk , Nob. Sioux City members of the turnvercln assisted them In the forma tion of the society. The third week In February a public ath letic exhibition will bo given by the state turners. Two other exhibitions will beheld nt different placcb during tbo year. Do Witt's Llttlo Early Risers. Bast Uttlo pill ever raado. Cure constipation every time. None equal. Use thorn now. CRUSHED HIS SKULL. Itohort HiiriiH Milken n Fatal MUstcp From Lumber I'llo. Robert Burns , an employe of the Star Union Lumber company , mot with an acci dent In tbo company's yards at Tenth and Nicholas streets shortly before 0 o'clock yesterday torday morning that resultoJ In bis death an hour later. Ho was engaged with John Pfofferll In pil ing up some lumber In ono of the sheds. Ho was ut the top of the pile , almost fifteen feet from the ground , and his companion was passing up the lumbar to him. Just how the accident occurred is not known , us the first that Pfefforll know of it was when ho hoard Burns strike the ground. It Is supposed that Burns Inadvertently stopped oft the llttlo scaffold that wns built around tbo pile and on which ho hud been standing but a moment before. Tbo unfortunate man was ptckod up In an unconscious condition and removed to the yard ofllco. A physician was summoned. and It was ascertained that Burns had sustained n fracture of the skull , and was suffering from concussion and compression of the bruin. The patrol wagon was called to romov * him to the hospital in ordnr that an operation might bo performed in hope of saving hl life , but ho did not rally , and before the intended steps could bo taken , ho died , The body was viewed by the coroner , and removed to Maul's undertaking rooms. The deceased was a married man , forty- three years of ago , and resided with his wlfo at HIT Nortb Fourteenth street. Ho had bcon in the employ ot "tho company about a year , nnd was a sober , industrious workman. The Inquest will bo hold at the undertaker' * at noon. The coroner's Jury brought in a verdict ( hiding thut Mr. Burns' death was purely accidental , nnd the company was exonerated from all blame. Cough Following the Grip. Many persons , who have recovered from la grippe , are now troubled with a persistent cough. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will promptly loosfin this cough and relieve tha lungs , effecting a permanent euro in a very short time. 25 and GO cent bottles for sale by druggists. Dr. Cullimoro , oculist , Boo building. Omaha's aitiral Status. OMAHA , Jon. 10. To the Editor of Tun RISK : It 1s so seldom that the secular press is so decidedly In favor of morality and re ligion as Tun SUNDAY BBC editorial In re ferring to a sensational dlvlno on tbo ques tion , "Has Omaha Grown Moro Wlckodl" "Itrcomos like rain on the mown grass eras as showers that water the earth' . " The morals of a city ( or an individual ) cannot bo Improved by continually finding fault , and as you say , "it can do the cause of religion no good to say that the praying and preachIng - Ing In the last ton years has muda no head way against the devil. " Morality and Christianity are vary closely connected , A man may bo u moral man and not a Christian , but n Christian must of necessity bo a moral man. The line between morality and Im morality must bo drawn somewhere. As I understand , you draw tbo Una , throwing the Sunday theaters and Sunday base ball games on the bide of other Immoralities of a moro decided form. Whatever morality wo hnvo wo are under obligations to the Blblo , either directly or indirectly. The duty which God requires of man Is obedience to Ins rovonlod will. No doubt this law was revealed to man at his creation. Most assuredly It was revealed through Moses lu tbo ten command ments. Love to God and love to man Is the sum. The moral man frames his llfo accord ing to this standard and becomes an excellent citizen , ready to engage in any humane work , and expects hl reward in this line of duty. The Christian sobs tbo utter Inability to keep tha law as God requires , since sin entered Into the world , and has accepted a substitute in the person of Jesus Christ , who fulfilled the law , and requires him to tuko the com mandments as a rule of llfo. The law cay * do ntul llvo , the gospel says llvo and do ; ' tbo standard of morality Is the same In each case. The line ought to * bo drawn Just here , and if uot hero , where ! "ANSWHIU" Dr. Cullimoro , oculist to Mo. Pile. Tly. TUB KBAIYTY rNSTKUMENTS placed on record January JL 10 , 1892I WAIIIIANTV DEKI1S. Allen Koch nnd wife to H N and J T Kohn. lot' ' , Kooh'ssubdlv . I 1,600 A O Urlswold and wife tn K O Dlnimlok. lot A , Dunnott's subdtv lu Orchard Hill . 1,500 11 J MoKonmi to M A MpICenna , lot U3 , mid nK , lotUH. Kountze add . . . . . . 1 M H Council und wlfo to V A Smith , lot 1lilnulc r.'l , Dundee place . 1,850 Anna MuWlllmnm and husband to same , IOIH 17 ami IB , blouk U ! > , laiuu . 0,600 E K French and w Ifo to llonry Arnold , lots II and I'blookO. . lludfurd phicu. . . 5,000 Mutual Investment company to W M lliirlKhl , lot IH , blnoK II , Uruluird Mill. 4,000 J F Flunk company to Itnburt Keller , lots 1 und " , I'ro ' I'laoli'i lubdlv and lots Jandfl. Kliiulf'SBiibdlv. . . 12,000 Itobort Keller tu J I'1 1'laok company. xaniu . . . . . . . 12.00S lllr.im Oiilpund wlfo to W U Turner , iwo acres In nw 8w 11-lil-iQ . 2,773 J 1' MeUnni and wlfo to N W Trnax , lot KMiloek 1:1 : , Clifton Illll . . . 004 It. Huhroedur , trustee , tn Joncph und Mury Illlok , Iot8. block U. llrowuuiirk Kt Andiow Traoy nnd vrlTo to ( J W l.o an , lot duud east H lot 7. block 24.1 , Umahu 10,00 * gi ) IT 01. A III DEBUS. Ezra Hwlokurd to A H Larkln , lotH.blook 100 , Umahu . , . , 201 DKEDS. United States to J I * danger , sw 31- 15-10 ( patent ) . . . . . . .