TIIK OMAHA DAILY 1WE : MONDAY , JANtTARY 11 , 1802 , Lew is Almost Total on the Btracturo and ' Contents , CAUSED BY SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. nfllio Town Worhril Xolily lint thn I'lre , Hprr.nl mi Itnpldly in to JlcnilcrTlielr IlinirU ( 'selrsi- OtlicrNi'liraskii Nrwi. Nob. , Jan. 0. [ Special Tclo- pram to TIIK HCE. | At this hour , : : ) , the Hour end gristmill is burning and u almost coniumcd. Tbo flro broke out in the third ntory of the striioturo in the dtisi room nnd was caused no doubt by spontaneous com bustion. Too flro spread so rapidly to other parts of the building that but very littloof the con- touts could bo savod. The residents of the town succeeded la saving in the neighbor hood or 100 sacks of Hour and about 100 bushels of wheat ; other than that the whole Is an cntlro loss with the exception of $1,500 or $3.000 Inaurancn , part of which Is In the Omaha Fire Insurance company The owner. Jacob Ockandor. Is In Omaha with stock , and line exact amount of Insur ance on the property car.not bn ascertained. Tno loss of thu mill U a heavy blow to thU thriving town , as It was running continually mid doing good work , and Us natrons increas ing dally. Whether it will ho renuilt or not will not bo known till Mr. Ockander returns. * Curlmm riieiioiiicnoit. FitBMoxr , Nob. , Jan. 0. ( .Special to THE Ili-.K.j J. T. Conrad , a farmer living near Ettlnn , Saumlors county , u few miles south of 1'Vomont , reports a very strange case ' which Is worthy the study of scientists. Ho has a bored well , ton inches in diameter and 141 foot deep , which supplies the water for bis place , from this well there Is fret - ( t quontly emitted a strong , cold brcozo , with u nolso like escaping steam , the current bolng ' sometime * ) strong onouch to blow olT a per son's hut. It Is worao when colu weather sets In , and ho can tell pretty well a day ahead when the weather Is going to turn cold. cold.With the first cold snap this winter the plpo In the well froze up for a distance of thirty-six feet from the top. His plnco Is a mllontiU a hnlf back from the 1'latte , hut ' the only theory that can bo advanced so fails * ls thai thcro is some kind of an opening through to the edge of the bluff , and when the wind Is from that direction It draws up through thn well ilka a chimney in full blast. It Is an Interesting phenomenon , at any rato. ( Kearney N H Notes , i IvimixKY , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special to THE BKU. ] Uqv. Dr. Barnes , pastor of the Pros- 1 bylurian church delivered an address at the opening of thocollego at Hastings January 0. Callio AluDonald , Allna Stuckoy and U. F. Stuckcy of this city are students at Hast ings. ings.Mrs. . J. M. Tlsdel attended the Installation of officers of the Womuns' Holiof Corpse at Omaha last week. Misses t.ouio Lee , Minnie Norris. Ally i Blauk , Llllle nnd Edith Acuarman and John Brady have returned to Lincoln to continue ! their studies ut the Statu university. I The ox-oftlcers , Sheriff Wilson and Dh > - | trlct Clerk W. G. Nye banqueted the inom- Tiers of the Buffalo county bar Monday ovon- i i ioK * i , Mrs. J. L. Koch gave an 8 o'clock dinner 1 party Wednesday evening at the Midway X hotel. About thirty guests enjoyed Mrs. i Keek's charming hospitality and tno numerous - \ ous courses of toothsome viands that wore i served. " Mr . C. Ira Juttlo , assisted by Mrs. .Amanda Swcnson , entertained a party iof Kearney society ladles trotn 4 to 7 p. m. Thursday. The merry-matting was bccun by each lady bolne presented with a little paper sack , 'which she was told to 1111 with all tbo peanuts she could find- Prizes were awarded to Miss Finch , whofoundtho great est number , and Mrs. Humphrey , who found the least. Uofreshmonts were sorted on dainty china and the rooms were beautifully decorated with smlln'x and roses. Card are out annountng lha marriage of Robert Nelson to Margaret Mao Mason , to take place at the Christian church at 0 a. m. , January 14. Arthur Cunningham , an omnloyo of the flub Printing company , and Miss Ella Hen- dnekson of this city were married Thursday evening by Hov. John Askln. Arthur Scranton was married to Miss Tillle Mayor of Fremont Tuesday. Ho im mediately rc-iurued to this city with his brldo. * An elaborate wedding took place In Ken wood suburb Thursday evening at the-rosi- dcnca of Mrs. Canon. The contracting parties were James II. Dlgnan and Miss Mary Carson. They loft for Denver , where thay will maho their homo. Miss Ooodoll entertained u six-hand euchre party at her homo Saturday evening. Tha name company will hold another mooting at the home of Mrs. Juan Boylo. Notes front South MOIIX City. SrtUTii Sioux CITY , Nob. , Jan. 11. [ Special to Tnu BEE. ] Diphtheria is very prevalent In this city , Th'ero are several house * quar antined and public schools are closed. The Pacific Short Line is using the pontoon bridge /or transferring passengers , baggage , etc. , to nnd from Sioux Cltv on account of the land slide on thu Chicago , St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha tracks near Sioux City. Seven gamblers wcro arrested in Coving- ton ono night last WOOK and taken to Dakota City and lined $ " and costs oach. They were shell men nnd tin born gamblnrs. Colonel H. I ) . Daley gees to Lincoln this Vr'ook in the Interest of thn county scat matter. Ho will endeavor to got a special hearing before the supreme court. There seems to bo no doubt in thu minds of the best posted attorneys as to the ilnal outcome of the uaso and the work Is ? olng fit-lit along on the now building The otiltdlng wilt bo much better than tbo orlglnn ! plans called for and It is a structure that any county in the itatq might feel proud of. The quarantine has been raised from the homo of Editor Dalrd of the Times. Went Point remounts. WEST POINT , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special to TIIK BEE. ) Cieorgo Hurtung and family loft Friday afternoon for Iowa , where they will inako their future home. Miss Charlottn Crawford will leave West Point Wednesday , to assutno charge ol ono of the departments In ISrawnoll Hall , Omnbn , pending the recovery of ono of the Instructors who is 111. Otto C. Holtz of Hartlngton and Miss Anna H. Nollgh of this city were married Saturday morning , at 11 o'clock , at the homo of the brideby Samuel Pearson. Thu happy cnuplo loft ni noon for HnrtliiKton , whom they wilt inako their future hoinu A delightful party was given Saturday evening at the home of Miss Cora Oxvon , Jus't below this city. Danclne was indulged In mid a luxurious feast was'spread. Prominent Nclmiskuu lrml. Hoi.imiuif. Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele gram to TJIK BKK. | P. D. Travis , late county treasurer of Pholpa county , and for merly postmastur of Holdrogo under Cleveland - land , died hero this attornoon of heart fail ure and dropsy , He leaves a host of friends among all classes and purttoi together with a wife and two children. Flr ut WATXB , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Si > eolal Telegram to THE linn. ] At ( I o'clock ilils evening 11 ro bcoUo out of tbo roof of the City hotel , eausoii by a dnfectlvo Hue. In a few minute * the llames were under control. All of the furniture was carried from the building and more or losi damaged. The loss will amount to about $300. Slierliliiu County' * 1'ro iorlty. KCIIITILLB , N U , Jan. ID [ Special to Tuts BKE.J-Clerk of the Courta O , K. Mays has xecontljr txwu appointed United Btatei court comuiUsIcner , The outlooir for thU county U very bright. Messrs , Urookman and Tnlly have juil returned from n extended trip east where they have been advertising this county with a vlow to bringing In xotttera , and report the prospect fern blir Immi gration next spring ai very flattering. A creamery , n Driving Park association and several other enterprise * are among the probabilities In the near future. Sheridan county has shipped nearly COO.OOl ) bushels of wheat darlnir the fall and winter and has thousands of bushels yet on hand. Xrliriukit . OIIANU luMXtt , Neb. , .Ian. ID. ISpcclal to TUB HER.Tho ] following Is a statement of mortgages Itlod and released In Hall county during the month of Decembers Farm mortgages filed , f.'KMMS.'JO ; released , $ l'J- STil.STi ; town mortgages tiled , $10,875 ; re leased. $ y,103.IC ( ) ; chattel mortgages tiled , ilOI7.0" ; released , l 1,01:1.80 : , AcTi-pliMl n llrttrr Position. DOHCIIIISTKII , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special to TUB UnR.1 Mr. .1. C. Thurston has vacated his position as cashier of the First-National bank of this place and departed this morning for Chicago , where ha oxpccls to Join the firm of F , W. Thurslmi & Co. , dealers In painter * and > vood finishers' supplies. r.tixlliKtuu'n N MV r.ExisiiTOX , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special to Tun BKK. ] Three splendid brick buildings upon the silo of the first lire are nearly completed. The structures uroot handsome design , with solid Iron nnd plalo glass fronts on every floor. Arrangement ! are bolng made for a solid block of brick structures unon the ground burned over November 14. Iteiil llHtiili' tfuiiKri'Ms , NASiivit.u : , Tonn. , Jan.Governor ) Buch anan today tssurd the following proclamntloti apropos to the national real cstato congress mooting , which will convene In this city on the ltu proximo : The national rual rstato conzrcss will con vene In annual Mission at Nnshvlllo , Tonn. . on tlio 17th dny of Kobriiary , ISlC ' 1 lici objects iif this mcutliiK In part are : To suggest : i Uniform mode of real estate trans fers for all the states : to formulate a fjlan for cnahllnc iho Incliistrfal classes to scuiiro IIOTIHIS for thutiisutvcs , thu Catherine and dis cussing of the statistics rotating to roat estate In Dm milled Status : thu rnil : estate wealtli of the fulled Stiitus Including Its mlntiiK and tlmlior wealth , nnd ho\v this noalth can bebt Do utill/od and dovolonod for the cond of the whole country farm lands nnd their hetter- rniuit Tennussco will welcome to this congress tlio real ustato UL'enls. dunlurs and land on tiers of the United Slates. JOHN I' . DUUIIANAN , Oovornor. N II. The secretary of the assoolatton Is M. M. Kline , Nashville , Tonn. tlriwy City Sc-oroliril. JnusEV CITY , N. J. , Jan. 10. Fire at mid night destroyed Charles S. Furst's dry goods establishment on Nownrk avenuo. Loss , ? 12.,000. of which 3100,000 is on stock. Clorl- how's establishment Is also wlp d out , in volving a loss of $10,000. , The flames soon readied the four largo stores Known as "Tho Boston1 conslitlng of four four-story bricic buildings. ThosO buildings are on fire at 12:30 and the tenants arn tlccing for their lives. The Olmstcd building caught flro. The damage is Sl'.OOO mainly by water. Mr. Furst estimates his loss at 9150,000 ; Insur ance one-half. Most of tbo people who Hod from the Boston teen refuge in neighboring buildings , whllo about a score of thorn sought shelter In tlio main hall of the city hall. Children .SiHVouutcil. BETIII.BIIKM , Pa. , Jan. 1) ) . Mrs. John Bardorltz , a Hungarian woman , loft two small children locked In bor house this afternoon while she wont picking coal. Later neighbors saw smoke coming from the house and hroko in the door. The children , ngcd aged 0 and it years , wore found nearly suffo cated ana will dlo. 1'orlHliril In thu I'liinics. AMIIRHST , N. S. , Jan. Q. A dwelling house waa burned by the overturning of a lamp lust evening and Mr | . Campbell and her young daughter porlshod-ln the ilntnoj. Cailfuinlu Wlieiil , i\portH. : SAN Fuv.\rsco _ ! | , Cal. , , Jon. U. Wheat OXT ports for the week , KW.OOO centals. LOC.IK ItttKI'miSS. There will bo a moating of the Afro American league at Hartman's hall , 100 South Fourteenth street , Monday evening. The funeral of the late Joseph Sheoloy will bo held at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the Kountzu Memorial.L'uthcrau qhurcn. Tbo annual convention of the Brotherhood of Hallway Trainmen , of t.ho Union Pacitlo system will ho hold at the Arcada next Friday. Tbo Hotall Implement Dealers association of Nebraska will hold Its annual convention nt the Board of Trade building , Tuesday , January 10. A.meeting of the Keeloy Bichloride of Gold club will bo hold at 2 o'clock this afternoon at Louis Falst's barber shop , under the Continental block. A largo attond- uoco Is requested. The police swooped down on the Kansas City Sun man yesterday afternoon and con fiscated GOO coplos of the paper. Another warrant has boon sworn out against the cir culator of the papor. Lizzlo Knupp , 10 years old , stole a pair of shoes from the Boston store yesterday afternoon and was taken in charge by the police detectives. Immediately after the ar rest the girl's relatives furnished ball. The North Omaha Improvement club will moot Monday evening at Spauldlng and Twentv-ninth streets. Both councilman from the Sixth ward have boon invited and are expected to bo present. A full attend ance Is desired. A volume of smoke caused by a defective line In the ICncic block , Sixteenth nnd Webster streets , caused a lire alarm from box 51 at 10 o'clock last nlcht. All the down town apparatus ansnorcd the boll , but found the alarm to bo false. No loss. A large number of the nartios noldlng claims against the astute cf Dr. J. W. Mc- Mfnamy , decoded , appeared before Judge liller yesterday mornlnjr. On account of the absence of 301110 uf the attorneys tno hearing to make proof was poUpom-d till January 23 The soml-nnnual meeting of The Club was hold lust bight and three directors were olectod. They were II. W. Yntos , C. S. Montgomery , ro-eloctod , nnd C. J. tJreon elected. The dlrco ors will moot the early part of the ween and elect oillccrs of the club. club.On On January 2 James Callahan , who llvos nt Fourteenth nnd Webster streets , had some trouble-with a neighboring woman nnd struck her. The trial came up In police court yesterday nnd Callahun was fined JK and costs. Ills attorney cave uotlco of an appeal nt once. The de th of Martin Nelson occurred yesterday mornlngat his brother's residence , : 2 North Twenty-third street. The de ceased was for sonio tune n clerk In the Union Slock Yards hank ut South Omaha nnd was a brother of N. H. Nelson of the 11 rm of Brunch & Co. Colonel Floyd of the Diamond pool rooms had some trouble with ono of his colored men , Dan Wbooior , last nlirbt. The negro strucir Colonel Floyd with a bottle and cut n gush about half an inch in length on the colonel's forehead. After striking tbo blow the negro oscaood before ho could ho ar rested. Heth-Kdon Baptist Church Park avenue , near Loavenworth street. Hev. E. F. Harris , pastor. Preaching at 10:45 : u. m. Subject. "Hoturnlng Unto Obd. " Evening at 7Ud : p. m. Subject , "Resting In Jesus. " Sunday- school at 12:15 p.m. Evening mooting * on Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday at 7i45 p. in. Clan Cordon No. 63 , Order of Scottish Clans , will give a irrand concert and ball In celebration at the KCId anniversary of the Scotia's bard , Robert Burns , nt Washington hall , Monday , January'Jo , The committee Is at present forming a veir elaborate program , which will consist of singing and dancing , interspcred with selections on the bagpipes. The members of the clan will appear In full Highland regalia , and omo very line Scotch reels will bo given by the cinnamon. The Installation of thO nfticor.1 of Omaha lodge. No. UO , Knights of. Pythias , took place last Thursday night. J , P. Luud , deputy grand cbaucullor , performed tbo corcmooy. The officers elected for the ensuing voar were as follows : Potorllqlnlz. past chan cellor ; LouU Mou , chancellor commander ; Herman English , vlco chancellor ; Paul Soinmor , prelate ; Henry Jobanjeu. master of exchequer ; Adolph J. Hartwlp , keeper of records and soul ; Jnns Potorion , master of arms ; Fritz bohlommo , inner guard ; Wil liam Itutt , outer guard , nnd J. P. Lund. Peter Hrnnti and William Van Krogo. IrnOM TsuTnnuAi'n ftKCoxn r.niTiov. | MATNSfTlfEPElCEOFlIAYTL Revolutionists Eqnlp a Vessel to Attack Her Seaports. FORMIDABLE PAEPARATlONS BEING MADE , Who Mm f.oiulrrn of ftio Xtfvr Are How unit Wliora tlm Tint Was btnrtril ( lo\rrnmnit Looking for tlm Mtw YOIIK , Jan. 0. The discovery has Just been made by Mr. Prlco , the Haytien minis ter , to the United States , says the Herald ; of a revolutionary movement , havltlg for Us ob ject the overthrow of President Hlppolyto of Haytl. The revolutionary pjrty , ho nas found , has fitted out in'thhvconntry a man- of-war equipped with all the appliances of modern warfare , which is intended tb bo tisod by the Haytien political exiles In Jamaica to capture Por't uu Prlnco and establish a now government. Minister Price has denounced the revolutionary 'movement ' to the government nt Wnshlntfton , nnd It Is to bo expected that the detective' machinery of the Stnto department will bo sot In motion today for the capture 6f the man-of-war nnd thn arrostof the agents here. Government agents will solzb tho. shipif tboy can llnd her. Ilnw tlio MoM'lllcnt SUU-IMl. The chances are , howov.or , " that the revolu tionary vessel Is already far out to sea , where the tlnytlon navy will bavo n merry time finding her. The revolutionary move ment Is a direct roiult of the ovonls of the tragic 23th of May , IS'JJ. 'fho passions aroused by HIppoIyto's acts ou th'at fateful day led the men inoxlloin Kingston , Jamaica , to band themselves into 'a committee , which had for Its solo object tho'punishmont and overthrow of Hlppolyto. Therb were several men In exile in Kingston who had been prominent In the affairs of Haytl. Among them were General Francois Nanlgato , General Anselmo Prophote , ox-Prosldont Logltlmo and Uonornl Fouctmrd. There were other exiles of tno'ra or loss prominence , but these men were the acknowledged loaders. Each man had his political follow ing in Haytt. Some were in the 'south , some were in the north and some wcro in the In terior of the island. After much discussion It was resolved that the loaders should constitute themselves a committee of revolution , nnd that an expedi tion should bo lilted out in the United , States. An agent was sent to Ncw Yorkinccompanlcd by delegates , but after thosltuqtionbad bccu ' thoroughly c.mvassod the movcm'ont was abandoned. For a time U'lookcd as though there would bo no revolutionary movement , nnd the committee of revolution gave up all hope of immediate progress , , For several months political matters in Haytl and among the exiles In Kingston were very quiet. In fact , they were sus piciously quiet. Early lost autumn the situ ation had apparently become so peaceful thai President Hlnpolyto Issued a manifesto of general amnesty , Inviting alt the exiles to re turn to Haytl. Ho oven wcul so far in his desire to got the exiles back , as to soud a ship to take them to Port au Prince free of charge. The ship returned empty , Chose a > "cw Leader. It was during this time of peace and quiet ness that the present revolutionary move ment was sol on foot. The committee of revolution at Kingston chose a new loader and now methods. The leader was General Francois Nanlgale. It was Nanlguto's in tention to make a movement at once , how ever , as all of , the , leaders had banded , them selves together for , the .SUCOOSH of : tba move ment. 4l "was decided lltvout' to lltv a , man-of- ' war In the United States aijd Lto p'nroluise largo quantities of arms and ammunition , ' the general plan boiug to uttacK Uyppolitc by water In his stronghold al Porl au Prince. , A iruslworthy agent named Francois Robert , who was a man of ability nnd dis cretion , was sonl to Now York to confer with the friends of the movement in this city. The acent , accompanied by an assis tant named George S. Rlcbot , arrived In this city early in the summer. Ho bad many consultations with General Nanigrato's friends and also with tbo friends of those of the revolutionary loaders , but the serious work of the movement was arranged almost solely wltb. the friends of Nanlgatc. Late In the summer it Was dclinitcly ar ranged that a steamer should bo purchased and armed , and thai thU vessel , after bolng properly equipped with the supplies nna munitions of war , should sail for Huyltl on or about the tniddlo of January , 1892. the Slnunx til War. The money with wKlch to flt'ont iho expe dition was raised In this city among mer chants who have or who wished to huvo busi ness dealings with Haytl. The amount , is said to bavo boon close unon f" > 00,000. The sto.imer was purchased In September. She was an American built vessel , 2iO : fool long and of 2,000 tons register. She was admirably adapted for tbo purpose of a man- of-war , and sbo had been builtVxtra-sIrOng for the purpose of carrying rails and boavv railway supplies. Sbo mid two screws , which drove hov at the rate of fourteen knots an hour. She co'uld carry coal for fourteen days steaming at full speed. After the steamer had boon turned ever to the revolutionary agents she lay for a short time In Tobo's yard , In Brooklyn , where she was accidentally found by spies employed by Minister Price. She was t very' tflosoly watched , but the spies were thrown olT thn scent by a business man of Ihls city , who as serted that the ship belonged to him , an J that ho was about to load up for Europe , After the spies were withdrawn the shin Iof I the porl for a quiet plai'o on the r.outh At lantic seaboard , where the workof tilting oul was begun early in October. "p , f 1'rooiiitlon to A\ol < I DUouVery. During the three months , thal iho con tractors were al work upon -the- ship the utmost precaution was. taken to avoid dis covery. The hhlp was constantly , coaled so that she might put to aea al .a moment's notice. The workmen who worotimplayed In strengthening her docks , In limiting the necessary alterations and in , constructing the gun carriages were not allowed to leave the ship oven at nlcht. Thay ate and slept on board , and no one except the 'foreman and contractor wcro allowed to go on or' oft the ship. Toward the mti'dlo of December1 most of the big guns had been put In position , and the men to manage them had bccn.qngagcd. The gunners selected were retired United States navy gunners. Whan the 'work was nearly completed they were' sent on board and were not allowed to leave/ For fully three weeks the gunners , workmen and others Interested In the work of preparation did not leave the ship oven for a moment. They were waiting for sailing orders , * which might arrive at any time. The cracking of an urraor plate detained tho-vessor hloro than a week , so thai 11 Is likely thai If II had nol been for ibis accident Minister Price would have searched the coast in vain for any trace of the revolutionary ship. Ariiitiinoiit of tlio ftliln. The ship was armed with fourlargobroech- loadlng. ritlcd cannon , and six rapid 11 ring guns. The largest rillo throw a fifty-pound shot and the next largest a "thirty-pound shot. The secondary battery bad rllles of six-Inch bare. The ship was * lilted with powerful search lights and all the appliances of a modern man-of-war. The plan of the expedition was to proceed to a selected point In Jamnloa with suftlclent arms and ammunition fortho equipment of an army. The ox lies at Jamaica were { hen to betaken on boanl , and the completed expedi tion was then to descend upon Port-au- I'd u co. the capital of Haytl , and to make an attack by water. It was expected that the navy of Itippoly to would have little chance with the powerful guns nud thick armor of the Hoot revolutionary ship. In co-operation with tno ship , the revolutionary troops were to make a landing and attack the city , Whllo the man-of-war fought the vessels of the navy and pounded tbo foru OD shore the troops were to rush through the streets attacking Hlppolyto's soldiers and Inciting the populace to rue in rebellion. It was expected that most of tbo a.blo bodied men of the city would Instantly Join in the cauia of tbo revolution , thereby avenging the blood p deeds of the 2Slu of May. When Hlppolyto' * capital should havqboou captured by ttnTrTvolatlonlsts n now govern ment would bo sot up , probably with ( lenornl Nanlgnlo at U4 > head of lu Then , If Hlppo lyto had takonlto the trounlalnii with tno In tention of fighting , n largo army would bo sent out to crush-hiui. if > ) . \y'in What Is HrllW'llono tii llostora 1'rurc'lii tlio Triinbloil llUlrlet , SruiNtiFiui.u , Knn. . Jan. ! > . U has been agreed that tlio pVollirflnary hearing of the men under arrest for the M-asslnation of Sheriff Dunn , nnd those to bo arrested , shall bo hold next Thiffciday nt Liberal , a prac tically ncutrnHtown In thocxlrcmo .southern part of the cotui/Ly. / General Roberts thinks the most ndvlsahlo thing Is for the governor to put Steven * nnd Seward counties under martial Inxv at once and have the Judge advocate try all offenders by court martial. W. F. Hiitchlngon has adjourned district court until Monday morning , when It Is i sup- po cd Judge Botkln will bo present to Hold court , * ' The coroner's ' Jury , which has been In vestigating the circumstances of Sheriff Dunn's death , completed lu work today , but the verdict was not given out. Warrants for the nrrost of several persons Wcro Issued and wcro placed In the hands of deputy shorlffs" , who will servo them under military protection. The six prisoners are being guarded al tUo , Jull by the civil authorities , | \vho are In turn guarded by the military. All the troops nro novv concen trated at this plnco. Hot klu Uimnloil liy Solillor * . AiiKM.os , Kan. , , ian. 0. .Judge Botkin returned this afternoon from Pratt accompanied by his wife , General Murray Myors of the state militia and three armed ft lends. Ho nt once slnrtnd for homo , whllo Oenorul Myors went to Spring- Hold to Join tbo troops. Judge Bodkin de clares thai ho will remain hero until the end ot his term unless killod. Tbo appeals of bis frlonds cannot shako his resolution to re main. main.When When Informed that Robert Hutchlnson , the man who had warned him of tbo ambus cade , had boon arrested with the suspects , thn judge showed much emotion nnd ex claimed , "My God , thai man saved myllfo. liomustbo given every protection. If It becomes known that ho Is ray friend ho will bo murdorod. " Hutchlnson joined the organization which plotted ngalnsl Judge Bolkln's llfo fortho purpose of keeping iho Judge Informed of the progress of Iho plot. Judtjo Botkln will go to Springfield Monday end open court under military protection. The Judge's house Is still guarded by a detachment of troops. Late last night Aaron Potter arrived bore from Springfield arid reported that on the way here ho met-a wagon loaded with seven men armed with Winchesters All wore strangers to him nnd ho Irnows every resi dent of Iho county. They were moving In the direction of West. Plains. A courier nrrcd hero from Hugoton today who reported that Iho DOSSO of Botkin's frieiid who had been ohasinc the murderers of Sheriff Dunn into No Man's Land had been compelled to give up the chase and wire returning homo : Fmicuil of , Sherlll Dunn. PIIATT , Kaiu , Jan. j ) . The funeral of Sher iff Dunn , who -was 'murdered in Seward count } by thoonomtes of Judge Botkln , which occurrcdfniro today , was largely at tended. At tno conclusion of the religious services JudgdvBotkln paid a glowing tribute to Ibdr Jctfurage , bravery and loyal friendship of tho'tlend man. During his ad dress Judge Botkln broke down completely , nnd during h } recital of tbo dead man's horolcsolf-sacrhlcb the au'dtonco was deeply ' affected. ) * , ' . Relatives fronr Iowa and Illinois worn present. Tho'noUy was buried In ( Jroonlawn comotory. A , wife , ono daugttor'jxnd ) iwo sons , nearly groiVn , constituto'tho-'famlly of tbo dead man. " ' Judge Botkln lift this/morning to return to Seward cou itjjjo hold court \VhntrtVir "Troops " Are DoliiR. SAN-.AxTo.s-i fex.l/nn. 9. Fifteen days shave now olap < se4fiiiieov < jarz.V second ' jovo- lullonary outbreak , uud though'lho United Stales'ti'Oops'anjaiptho/Texns' ' ran fers havjo joboli licourlrrg IBS 'coujrfify for hiirfcotfstantly sincd that date tho"dougity ) revdlutlonlst remains In the field with more adherents lhair ever. Jii3t' where ho is cannot bo de termined , b'ut the'nir'l3 'thick with bhn nnd bis supporters nro legions along the entire Rio Grand. * Ho Is simply avoiding nrresl' ' or unnecessary conlllcl with troops of a country acralnal which ho has no designs furthpr than makmg , il a tem porary recruiting ground , riiehnwuio , | Waiting the growth of the sentiment whi < ih .u Jippos win ultimately achieve tbo success pt his designs againsllbo Dluz government. the location and plans of operations of Iho troops In the tlelil uro indicated in tbo fol lowing dispatch , received at 'military ' head quarters hero today : I'diii RiNiuior.u. Tex , Tun. t ) . To A sl tant Gonenil of the Department of Texas , Sap Antonio : I received Information tluitUata- rlna Uurza wortld meet twonty-llvo of his inoii at IxiKUniv l.oca , eighty miles northeast ot heru ln < IlldnlRO county. This Information w.is forwarded at once by cornier to Captain Mutiny.- now scoutlnir In that direction. Captulu Mefi'oli with his ran era is with McKay. 1 will wlro any Im portant Information ( received. Lieutenant liuach , with hlsr troops is this moment In from I'rcnrnd. lie reports everything quieted down and nothing to ho learned nt erIn In that vicinity. Uenteniuit Knight , al Cir- rlzo. Is scouting and patrolling the river In that country up nnd down fiom that point. Caiitiiln Francis Ilindle will leave Sallono to morrow for a Boout back Into the Interior toward the railroads. CAPTAIN WIUIIKU : , Commanding. llorrou luff Trouhle. EAOI.E PASS Tex. , Jan. 9. The sensational news of the last fevV days that the clerical party of Mexico 'is back of Garza in tbo revolution has aroused citizens to the import ance of bettor military protection in tbo event of an outbreak , ihoro are between . 1,000 and ! > ,000 AmerlJ cans on both sides of the river in Plodras , Ncgras mid Eagle Pass , and to protect the Inhabitants ot the American towns there is ono company of United Stales troops and a local militia. The reporl that Garza sympathizers have effected an organization on botb sides of the river , while it could uol bo traced to a reliable source has Impressed citizens with Iho necessity of doing something to as to bo prepared if an emergency should arise. A meeting of the Uoard of Trade has been called to draft suitable resolutions to bu for warded to the department commander at San Francisco and to Washington. An ambitious young officer nt Fort Duncan , who made application to tbo department com mander nt Sau Antonio for transfer to the lower Rio Grande , was told to remain where ho was , as ho would probably HOO nil the sor- vlco ho desired Jlwfnru tbo present difficulty was settled wlLUout. hunting for It. Heuilntlohlstt RioGitiviiK ( jjif i Tex , , Jan , 9 , A mes sage from CaptamjBrllo , stationed at Havana ranch , status { hat Ibe revolutionists nro gathering at Jnvallfra'ich In Mexico , about twenty miles babk frrlm the river near Roy- noso. MoxlcoU'tSfcops ' hoe started for tbo ranch , and the "rlWr is well guarded on this side by UiiltodTstHtes troops and rangers , Captain McKay ? with C troop , and Captain McNeil of thoaUngors , are on a trail In Hidalgo county10' ' A trooper arrlVwJ yesterday morning with ono prisoner ftbm Sullno. The principal body of Garza's"band Is supposed to bo In the country biclf'from ' tbo river. Nothing but strairclora HP ffhiall bodies can , bo found along tbo octuhf WArder. Another troop , A , has left to asalst'lrt'guardlng ' the river. llUhop of Mont.Kii-y Not Iinplloiitoil' LAKUDO , Tex. , Jan. 0. Lamerla Diaz , re presenting the Mexican government at this polct autborlzostbe - unqualified denial of all reports' sent/ out Irora this point to tbo effect that the bishop of Monterey- the channel h rough which thn revolutionists in the United States or In Mexico secure financial aid. Ho has a letter 'from a party high in authority which states thai there U no truth In the reporl that the bishop U ono of the most meek and unassuming prelates la the republic , and always has tbo ulghost respect for the law and authorities of Mexico. llfiivy IlnmiiRe Hnlt. la. , Jan. 0 , [ Special Tele gram to TUB Br.K.I William McCarly , a brakeman , has sued the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy road for 10,000 damages , for In juries received on that road. PI AN Fdll TIIFW 1 KAPl'F 1 It till lull llllv Dull lAjt\\i\jij , Ontlino of the Ideal Organization Sug gested by the Oomntittso , LOW EXPENSES AND GOOD CONTROL ProtltloiK U'lilrh Will Itoxul.itn Ihr Mini- ngi'liirtit of ( tin l.riignr unit Insnr II * 1'roHprrlt.v Wnoil Wins tlio UlK lllc.\lii It.irc. CiiU'Aoo , til. , Jan. 0. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Uim.J The Ideal minor league seems to have , been evolved nt last In the organl/a- lion of the now Central league , which cannot fail lo aiiccccd It the nugBostions nnd rccotn- mcmlntlonH of the organizing committee nro carried out. The committee completed Its work todiyfi ) ' lini changed somewhat the plan recommended iho day before. It Is now designed to limit salaries to flL',000 pet * club , and the secretary Is to sign nil the pMaycrs , no thitl there will bo no club grab bing , U the salary limit rule Is broken the secretaryiwlll bo responsible solely. After the players are all signed they wilt bo turticd ol'er to the committee on organization , which will distribute thorn among the illlTeront clubs In a irnnncr to equalize the , playing strength of the teams as inuch us possible. No contract made dliecl by a clbbvUli \ player will bo recognized as local. The , double season plan will bo tried. The first Bcricswlll , begin April in nnd end Jnly 1 , mill iho's'oiioiid will commence July 1 and end October 10. Should dilferonl clubs win the two series , they will play olT for the championship. TdO sales system was dealt a blow which promises to make U next to impossible in the nowleague. Should a club wish to sell u player It can do so , bill the proceeds of the sale inusi go Into ibo leuuuo treasury. Thojeague will bo responsible for the salaries .of players and contracts will bo for six months' service , with an option of ono more for exhibition amcs. There Is a lot of base ball sense In the plan drawn up by lha committed and the league will no dodbt adopt it In full. With a salary list of $12,000 , each club's oxpcn'.es ivlll ba $2. > ,000 for iho season , and that Is us.much as each club can take In at the gntb.- " L. C. Krauthoff will bo recommended for nrosldcnt and Jimmy Williams for secretary. The election of Williams will insure iho sup port of Columbus and Indianapolis. Williams TIO.S called n mooting of clubs nt Columbus for January 1" , but his actions have only been In the direction of making n bortb for hinweif. With that object accomplished ho Will fall in line with the now league. TIHH OUT. Active KIl'ortM Again Hrlng Muilo to Snp- prritrt Iowa Siiloun Keepers. Sioux CITV. la. , Jan. 9. [ Special to THE BBC. ] The La.w nnd Order league has re doubled Its efforts to close the saloons In the face of the probability that tbo legislature will repeal the prohibitory law. About thirty .saloons have boon closed under the injunction process , and quite a number of others have voluntarily discontinued busi ness. The city authorities have stopped the enforcement of the Illegal license ordinance that has beou In operation for tbo last Iwo years. _ Objcctnl to Ills Temper. DKS MOISES , la. , Jan. 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tnn Bnn. I The police last evening received Instructions from Adalr , In. , lo arrest a young man and woman on iho Rock Island. Accordingly Amos D. Carahan and Florence A. Mackenzie were lakon mlo cus tody when the train arrived here and placed In separate rooms at tbo the city hall. This morning John Mackanrlo , father ot the girl , came down , and after , a conference gava his consent for the runaway couple to bo mar ried , and the mayor performed the ceremony. The parties are Well connected nnd the young 'man has considerable property , but his wife's parents objected to his temper. KoftoUeil for Shorter Hours. Sioux CITY , la. , Jan. 9 [ Special to THE BEK.I The Retail Clerks' association after a s > lx months' battle have won their contest for early closlnir. All. but eight or ton of the Important "retailers nuvo signed the agree ment to close at 0iO : ! p. m. , except Saturday. The Trades Assembly , which now repre sents fourtedh affiliating organisations and a population of 10,000 , Thursday night adopted a resolution withdrawing patronage from all firms refusing to sign the early closing agreomodt.1- _ Ttt'o .Moil Aevhlentiilly Killed. CcnAiiRu'ius la. , Jan. 9. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BBE.J A young man named Taylor , living near Central City , whllo handling a shotgun this afternoon , accidont- dUchurgod the weapon , ' killing himself almosl instantly. WINTKHSKT , la. , Jan. 9. ( Special Telegram to Tutr. BKE.J W. F. Woolery , aged I'O , recently married , accidentally shot and killed himself at his homo In this county today. _ Hold lonu . CKESTON , la. , Jan. 9. [ Special Telegram to TIIK DEC.A. . C. McGlngan , an attorney , was unocKod down nnd robbed at. 11 : HO this forenoon. The robbery occurred In plain sight of half-a-dozen persons and iho bold highwaymen1 were captured by Chief of Police Maxwell und are now awaiting trial. Crmtoii'H Strt'pt Kiilluny , Curmox , la. , Jan. 9 [ Special Telegram to TUB BEU.J Articles of incorporation were today illod by the Creston Street Railway company. Capital , $ r > 0,000. The work on thls.clty's llrst line of strool railroad will commence in the spring. IT 8. HeKlllurn llnroute to Kansas. DirnuNUTOvIa. , an- ' ' [ Special Tele gram to Tim BKE.J Two coaches filled with United States regulars from Chicago at tached to the fast mall passed ihrnugh Bur- llngtou thIxtmornlng onrouto to the scene of the outbreak In Kansas. Ork'iinlzliiK u NitMil Ilrlguile. I'liil.AiiKi.iMliA , Pa. , Jan. Oi Theodore M. Ettlng , iwho Is endeavoring to organize n naval brigade , wont to Hnrrlsburg today to consult With Governor Pattlson rolbtivo to the authority for recruiting the command In pursuance of the action of the authorities at .Washington , who bavo agreed to furnish a vessel nt any time the gov ernor bhall authorize the formation of the _ brigade. It Is. not known yet what vntbol "tho government will use for this work. When it arrives It will be moored In the DolAwato river , either opposite this city or at Lcagde Island , and the work of recruiting and organizing companies wilt then bo entrusted to Naval Constructor Lawls Nixon , who will bo chosen commander of the brigade. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he .M lalltononmli'H nuns , T , L. I. , Jan. ! ) . The firing tests on the Mlantonomah were continued today ( h Gardlncrs bay. During the firing observ ers were stationed at different parts of the ship to note the effect uf Iho concussions. * Everything was found to work satisfactorily nt all points attor thu heavy oxp'oslons and tlio firing was attended with no unpleasant results to the ship's officers or crew , A few more shqtH will to tired next wooir and lha Mluntonomah wU | then return to the New Yerit navy yard. riueeil In C'omiuUnlon. If KWWIIT , R. I. , Jan. 0. A crow of fourteen - teen men has been placsd on the torpedo boatCusblng , launched yesterday , and six more moil are expected shortly. Her officers areas yet uninformed us to the reason for her boui placed In commission at tbU time. Her engines ard not yet In condition for ser vice and she U not fitted with tiring tubes for torpedoes. FortlfyliiK Hun FruncUoo. SAX 7iusci9co , Cal. , Jan. 9. Four-alght- inch steel rilled cannon , which were recently pent from Washington , \yill soon bo mounted in the now fortifications abont the bay. Wlthia Uvo iflonlhi lU tlvo-lucb. rltlet and six inuzito lo.idlnc rllliu have been received , nnd In a few days a twelve-Inch rllln will bo on Its way for the coast dAfcnso vcsiol Monterey , _ _ / / ; ; H.I n inn ins .WM.VIM * . HNroxery of u I'orttiiio Stowed Amty In the llmnr ol n Kereneil Mlinr , DECATfit , III , Jan. II.-John H'g * , son of Tnomns Hlcgs , ciinio to town today and re ported finding in the homo Sli.UJO In cosh. It was hid awiij by hit father , Thorn > s Hlggs , mi oltl farmer wbo dlod Wednesday In Long Greek township , tills county. Ho tins for many years been known as the stingiest man In the eountv. Ha made money on his farm of'M \ acre. , but never spent any and never put any of It In the bank. Since his death the family have boon digging up the farm and searching the buildIngs - Ings for I'mold man * money. They found the pile In n box In thn houso. ' The old' man bought torly acres of land some tlinn ago und pain for It nil In silver dollars that hu had .stored away. Iteheli Aelhe TvS-air.ii , Jan. U. The French cruiser Cosmo has arrived hero. The rebels In the vicinity of Tangier are displaying much activity They demand that the sultan dismiss the gotoruor of Tangier. Rebels control tlio routes of communication to the Interior , andas a conscquence.tho provisions which nro drawn from the rountry districts to supply the clly' are running short. There- is hardly any danger of sutTorlng from this cause , as supplies to any extent may bo brought In from the sea. It Is reported thai the sultan has dismissed the ptilm of Tan gier. Thu removal of this official Is ouo of the demands made by the reb.m. HiAX NOTIM. : I.lahlllty or forelgneri' Son * to Military Duty rriinec In Africa. P Mils , Jan. 9. Tbo court of cessation has allowed the claim of ono Hess , the son of a Gorman father nnd French mother , born In Franco , to servo In the French army , thus Croatia ? a lia bility on foreigners' sons , born In Franco of French mothers to serve In the arm } ' . The decision has created some stir ntnone forcicners living In'France , and n number of British residents uro in communication with the ministry of justlco in regard to tbo matter. It is poml-ofllclally denied thai Franco has conceded iho oasis of Tuat , now within the sphere of her Influence In northern Africa. At Iho same time II Is declared that Franco claims that the regions In dispute never censed to belong to her. A dispatch lo the Temps from Madrid sa > s thai Ibo Spanish government Is about to negotiate with , the Dank of Spain and other Spanish and French banks for the conver sion of the Cuban debt. Guy do Maupassant Is now more qulot nnd is eating. Dr. Blancos and other specialists arc more hopeful of his recovery. His publishers - lishors say that ho was engaged on a volume of studios of Flaubort , Turgeuloft and Dos- lolvosky when he became ill. Ausliliiu Information. , Jan. ! ) , Masses of Russian troops have boon imported Into Poland , and il is be lieved lhat disturbances are expected Bodies of gendarmes have been drafted in southwest Poland for military purposes. Tbo Now Frel Prosso , after denying thai Hungary has concluded agreements with Iho Balkan states detrimental to the zollovorcin , says thai as a pledge of good faith nil of the secret tariff concessions will bo published. Aflcr Abbas Pacha finished his studios hero Iwo years ago , ho pursued political and military studios and read under eighteen nrofessors in the Vienna.school of war. Ho is healthy , thick sot and inclined to be fat , nnd physically ho is indolent. Ho is very astute , with a surprising command of longuo and countenance. "w I.'iigilsli llfoillles. LONDON" , Jan. 9. The snow Is so deep al Windsor and other places in Berkshire that It has stopped the royal nnd other hunts. The storm at Belfast is Iho worbl known in Ihnl oily for many years. Tlio snow which fell a few days ago caused much trouble amongJbusinoss men and others , and the present storm has caused a complete suspen sion of traflic on the streets. At tno request of the prlnco ot Wales , the London municipal authorities have decided to fiivo tlio duke of Clarence and his brlilo a public reception when they return from their honeymoon , Preparations for tbo pyrotechnic oxhlbl tlons , which are among the festivities which will mark the duke of Clarence's woddlnt ; , are giving employment to hundreds of flro works makers. liom.lll Pointer * . ROME , Jan. 9 , The , newspapers of the cily bollovo ibo doalh of iho khodlve will not nITect the situation in Kgypt. The Rlforma thinks his death might huvo occasioned seri ous complications If Russia was not occupied with her famine. Cardinal Rampolla Is recovering from his attack of influenza. Ho was out of bed for nn hour today. Thu cab strike In this city continues. A few cabs resumed onoratlons today , escorted by gendarmes. The "Italia" and the Trlbuna both favor the maintenancn of thu status quo in Egypt. l.oiiKlnt ; Out lorspinilrili Intel cv-il * . M until ) , Jan. U. Tlio papers in thi.s city strongly insist that Spain cannot _ allow the stalus quo In Morocco to bo Infringed upon. The Imperial , while approving the action of France In sending a uunhoat to Tangier lo prevent British aggression , says II thinlcs It would have been hotter It Franco herself had not encroached upon iho wosi and suuth of Morocco. _ * pmUli : Tin In" Duties , M.umm , Jan. ( ) . The official ga/otto today published a royal decren to 1)19 ) effect Unit all nations whose treaties with Spain expire in Juno will enjoy the benefits of minimum tariff , Imports from countries whoso treaties expire ut , the end of January will he sub- luctcd to maximum duties , beginning In February. Centum ( Iiiveriiiiiinil Kriiiioinl/ltifr , BKUI.IV , Jim , ! i.--Tho socialists paper Vor- warts , which recently announced railway economies , asserts that retrenchments have been ordered In the military1 departments , und that the director of the Spandan artillery workshops has stopped the faros hitherto allowed to workmen dwelling outside of Spandau. * run : imcoun lliilldliiKH of dm Shite llnUerslly of MU- Mourl Dexliojeil IMIuir Illii/en. Coi.L'Miiu , Mo. , Jan. U. Thu main building of the state university of Missouri wa do- slroyod by lire tonight , causing a loss of 1100,000. Ono of the literary societies of the unlvor- sity had arranged to gtvo au ontermlument In the ohapol and the aiidiuiLM | had just asj somblod when thohmall of stpijUo attracted general attenllon , ! uvojtlg > itlou dlscovarod the fact that lire had stalled in thu library directly above the chapel and was burning fiercely. The audience disperse' ) quietly , while the students did all they could to suu- due the II.lines and save the contents ot the building. The village Uro depart * monl could nol cope with the llames , nnd they confined their efforts to Having the adjoining building * , In which they were successful. The mum building was completely dost roved and only n small portion uf Us contents wore saved. The loss Is fllX- ) 000 and the insurance f l.'IO.OOt ) . The entire library , consisting of10,000 volumes , was wholly destroyed , It Is Insured for (10,000 , Tbo building contained all of the recitation rooms , the chapel and a large auditorium besides the library. The main part of tbo building WM oon- itructod In lfH5 at a cost of f.'liO.OOO , Two large wings had bien added lu the tail ton ycui-4 al an additional cost of t.'UO.OJU. WORSE THAN A CYCLONE. Diamond , a Big Elephant , Goes on n Rmnpago in His Winter Quarters , CONQUERED BY THE WJLL OF MAN. ( 'oot Heroic Counijrvor Keeper Sworney ninl UN lliuiM A iMunU ! .Mono rre\rutnl tlm Complete Wrecking of the PKIIV , Intl. , Jan. H , [ Special Telegram to Tin : UUK.J Md Hweonoy , the manager nnd keeper of Wnllnco A Co.'s elephants nt their winter quarters two miles oasl of this city , wont through an experience this morning tlmt ho Is not likely to forgot very soon , and QUO which , but fur his pro.sonco of mind and coolness nt n critical period , would have resulted disastrously to Wallace ft Co. und the loss of human life. Diamond , the ponderous elephant of the show and ono of thofinesiof his species in this country , has boon unruly for several days , but little was thought of It. This morning ho slipped his chain lu thu boii.se where ho was confined , mid with freedom came In n violuni fury. Killed Ills Coiiiimnloim. Ho commenced by tossing Iho light arti cles of furniture ixbont , smashing them to flinders , und then turned his attention to Mock , the pot bull dog of the circus , who has been his constant companion for five years. U'lth ono turn and twist of his trunk the doir was sent Hying up through tlio skylight , sixty feet away , landing outside dead The fury of the boasl was now n froury , and ho started toward Dick , the favorite horse , who had boon his companion , also , for five years. In the rush the horse wns Im paled on the tusks , and Diamond wont through the enclosure like ono mad. Ho throw the horse UD and down , and lu ono instuncn clear across the cnclosuio. With the death of Dlcu ho turned his at tention to the building in the endeavor to so- euro entrance to the other elephants. .Millie th .Men.iKcrle llol. l. Falling In this ho commenced tearingawav the sides. Ho then found another homo , which ho proceeded to demolish as ho did Dick. The Intoilor by this time presented the ap penrnnee of n slaughter house and , coupled with the cries of the lions , tigers , monkeys , clcphanUs nnd o'.hor animals , thu scone can bo bolter imagined Ihan described. Pando monlum roljjnod , and iho noUo wns heard Iwo mlles away. Aboul Ihls time Sweeney arrived. His fir.si acl was to enter the plnco olono mid without any weapon. One glailro nt the , elephant , however , caused him to roticat. Together with some fiftcon other employes , nrinod with irons , spears , clubs and other weapons , he or.tcrod and npproachod the beast. Twlco was ho driven bncK , always returning and commanding the brutn to do as ho said. Ills Will I'ouer W It was a question of mind aver brute , and'1 although in the deadliest uind of danger und narrowly escaping doalh" many limes , his will power , aulod by iho utensils of Whr , conquered , and Diamond was driven Inlo his corner and chained. The olephnnl has been with the circus for llvo years and this is iho tlrsl time that any Iroublo has occurred. Il Is doubtful if thirty men with an hour's time could hnvo caused morn devastation than Diamond did in the space of three minutes. ixfLVistint nr TIII : VOLWJ : lion il Coinlelloii ol .Murder Wan Secured In li Sun I'mnclsco Court. Siv Fiuxci-.ro , Cat. , Jan. 9. In tlio case of Sidney Boll , charged with the murder of Samuel M. Jncobsun , the trunk manufac turer , on August II. 1690 , a continuance was granted today for ono week. Hell was con victed some time ago , hut made a motion for a now trial on the ground of newly dlscov orod evidence , which m'etion U still pending. An afternoon paper prints lengthy affidavits alleged to have been made bv Edward W. Campbell , who was arrested at the same time with Bell.and whoso tostimonj chiojly , on the first trial tended to convlcl the latter. Campbell Is now in Chicagonnd In an allidavlt claimed to have boon made by him It Is stated that hu was influenced by foari of the police and by hope of release to swear talselv" against Boll , The affidavit claims thai Jacobson was nol shot by Hell for thu purpose of robbery , bin that hu was Killed by one Henry Schwartz during a tumlly quarrel , The ntTiilr has created considerable Interest from conflicting statements made by Caiunbell and other witnesses on whom the prosecution relied lo convict Boll , and charges that have boon made by thorn against even detectives and police olllclals connected wilh the cnso. ix.it'ui'it 1770. % i/fi.iio.vr/.v. I'repuiliiK to riiieii ( ioiernor .Helilnluy of Ohio In Olllce , Coi t Miifo , O. , Jan. I ) . Arrangements have boon completed for the Inauguration of Major McICIuloy as governor Monday noxt. The govornor-eloot and party ar rived fiom Canton by u special train loday. The Cleveland Uraysvactcd us escorts to the governor-elect. A clti/cns' reception committee mot the party at thu union station and escorted them to the hotel. After the miuguralpiocoedings on Monday the now ; ovornorwlll bo tcudorod an Informal recop- , Ion In the evening. I'Ue nit illtlcx. .o , In. , Jan. 9. Henry Ot.vald , ono if the men Injured In the boiler explosion est nlsht , dlod today , brlnglni : the fatulitlos ip to tlvu. Another death Is o\pjctod , tnut of Lcgglns. Is mm o especially than any other a hereditary disease , nnd for Ihls Hlmiilo icuionr Arising from Impure and iniiillck ) > nt blood , the dis ease locates Itself In thu lymphatics , ulilch are composed of whllo tissues ; there is a pviliid of fu'tal life \\hcii the uliole body con. Hood's l'stH ' " ' ulllo | tlssucH , and tliuiefoioth'Jimboin child h especially .snicoptlblu lo this dio.idfnl disease. Hut there Is a potent rcmudy for . .scrof ula , whether hurfdliary or m-qulred. It Is Jlood'.s Kar.sap ulila , which expels \ery trace of Hid disease and gl > us to the blood Mm quality ami color of health. Oct Hood's. ' " Whfii rnyhoy was two > ears old ho wns attacked and mif- fer dalong time with scrofula ( ini ns. Thu physician nt length told in to Blhim iinod'x 8ui"y Boy sap.u1llii , which wo ilhl. Two bottle * cured him. Ho U now 10 year * old and lias not had any blRii of ni'iofulii ' ulnri. . Wo Hood's Sarsapirlll.1 tonll our friends. " 15.0. CLii'i-Kit , 8 Kiddcr fit , , Cleveland , O. Hood's Sarsapanlla BolilbyallilrugKltu. SI | lforS-l. I'reparoduulr lij U < I. IIOOI ) A CO. , Ap tliecarl 4 , Lowell , M u IOO Doses Ono Dollar l'l o' lloinr.1/ for Oninrrn U thA Rent , Uuloit lo'Vto , ftfwl Cheapwl. Bold br dmxBUii or uct tir m U , Wo. K.'r Ua ! tliioW rrcofl'a