Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1892, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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    MIH OMAHA DAJLY BllK : St Mm ,1M ANY 10 , 1H02-S1XTKKX I'ACJHS ,
by Carrier to any ijart of the City
11. W. TM/I'ON , - MANAORU.
cs-i . Ofllco . No \ \
. / / ; . > rio.v.
K , Y. PltinihlngCo.
C onncll UltifTs Lumber Co. , coal.
Craft's chattel loans. IH ! ( Bapp bloiJl' .
lOncnmpmont No. * < , Union Veteran Legion ,
V.-I11 have a special tnuutln ? thh ovonlng In
Knfghtn of Pythltis Imll.
tienntot * Wllltain Oroncwcs lint left for
lca ) Molncs to bo ready for the oponlng of
Ilio Kunoral tt-tiembly , wlilcli occurs next
Monday inorninp' .
An order win tnado by .ludtfo Smith
yt'stordny inornlntr In the m.itter of the as-
nlgninent of the llrm ot ( Ironn & Sons , clos-
Inu : up ilia matter anil discharging the us *
Minico , K. K. Hurt.
'J'lio Kneltsti Violet club , a aooloty com
posed of little plrls. will Rlvo an ontortain-
incut this ovonlni ; at the Maionlc temple for
the bcnollt of the Christian homo. Adinh-
Klnn 'J. > and 15 cents. .
Mrs. IdaSoybort will on tnrlaln the whls
club this cvuiilncntliur residence , 11 ! ) South
Klphlh street. She Will bo assisted by Mrs.
fUimnilngs , Mrs , Fcrson , Mrs , \V. Ii. Troy-
uornnd iMiss Osborno.
The jury In the case of Rlcllor \ ; Xlmsor
nfattist IJabl ir was given to the Jury In the
RUporlor court yesterday afternoon about it
o'clock , and after an absence of about an
hour n verdict was returned in favor of the
plaintiffs to the amount of f 19.0. .
K. W. Peterson of the It. O. Dun Commer
cial agency failed to show up at tlio oDlco
yesterday and some apprehension was felt
that possibly some hiirin had befallen him.
The mystery was cleared up in the evening
when It becamn known that a son arrived at
his residence , IIDP.irk avenue , at an early
liouryostordny morning.
Papers were tiled with the county 10-
cordor yesterday by Charles W. Morwin and
Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. 10. Clark , in which on
agreement Is sot forth that Clarence E.
Mcnvln , who was adopted by Mr. and Airs.
t'lnrk sometime at'O , Is to bo allowed to co
back to his father , and that Mr. mid Mra.
( . 'laric shall adopt Instead tliu boy's sister ,
Kva K. Morwin.
W , Ilitnci- and Mary Brown had a dtfll-
ctllty yesterday mormng at the residence of
the ItUtor on Upper tlroadway on account of
fti which Hauer claimed the woman had
stolen from him. Ho wont to her house , and
accusing her of the theft , proceeded at once
to got satisfaction by battering her with his
lists. Both were arrested by Ofllcor Kemp.
Tlio woman was lined $ -1 for larceny and
lluucr J5.S1,1 for disturbing the poaco.
Dnvlu , dftigB , paints ttiul stntionury.
Tract lea ! Dri'SSinakliiK ; .
Ten years experience , fit jfunrantcotl
\\ilhout chanjjo of Benin or no pay ;
Ill-Iron $3.00 to & 3.00 , ladies please cull.
Mofidatnes Bni-nott , M. A. Fair , M. G.
Triplow , 62.3 South Miiln , second Hoot-
An Important meeting of the trustees of
the Assembly association Is to
bo hold next Tuesday evening. At that time
it will probably bo decided whether an as
sembly will bo hold next summer , and if ths-
dccislou shall oo in favor of holding an as
sembly something will bo done in the way
of milking preliminary arrangements for the
progtatn. The oilicers and Iho oxccutivo
committed will bo elected for the onsu ing
year , ana as soon as the executive committee
is chosen it will appoint the manager.
Last summer soon after tlio close of the
assembly there was a grnat deal of growling
indulged in by the stockholders on account
of the unfortunate financial results , which
wore duo to many different causes , but
mainly to the failure to advertise tUo as
sembly properly. There was considerable
talk of discontinuing the assembly , at least
for the time being , and some of the dissatis-
llcd ones even wont so far as to threaten to
apply for ttio appointment of a receiver , and
. thus have the oftairs of the company wound
up for good. The moro enthusiastic ones pre
vailed , however , and nothinc dosjjorato was
done. The principal hope of the stockholders
now ts that n motor line will bo built to the
grounds botoro six months roll around , and
although hope has been so long deferred tUclr hearts are somewhat under the
weather , the prospects are now said to bo
much better than ever.
Keitor , the tailor , J)10 ) Broadway , has
nil Iho latest styles and now wintoi-
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Dr. R T. Soybert has removed to the
Grand hotel. Telephone M.
Death ofT. I' . Treynor.
Jurvls lS7"hrandy , purest , safest , best.
Carman Peed and Fuel company ,
wholesale and retail hay , grain and
food. Special prices on hay and gruln
in car lots. 700 Main street , Council
Apportionment of County I'mids.
County Treasurer Heed was authorised by
the supervisors yesterday to nmico deposits
In the various banlct of the con nty as fol
lows : Council Bluffs Savings bank ' , -M0,000 , ;
First National , § 10,000 ; Olllcor' & Pusoy ,
nO.COO ; OUI/ens1 State , $40 , 000 : Cattlomon's ,
1 35.000 ; State Savings , $ r , O.TO ; Farmers and
Merclitints' ' bank of Ncola , $10,000 ; German
American bank 01 Mlndon , 10,01)0 ; Avoca
bunk , $10,000 ; Kxclitingo bunk of Walnut ,
fr 10,000 ; Citizens' bank of Oakland , * 10.000 ;
Hank of Carson , $10,000 ; Macedonia State
banit , $10,000. All of tUoso banks must glvo
satisfactory bonds before the deposits can bo
The appointment of K. U. Bowman and
Claude Uyo as deputy treosurord was ap
proved by the board.
J. L. Foreman , overseer of the poor , reported -
ported cash items paid out by htm slnco the
last mooting aggregating f.ili.n. ! ! ? Tun au
ditor was Instructed to pay him MOO , or so
much thereof as may prove nouossary to do-
Tray the expenses of his oflleo until the next
\VoodburydontlHt9next to Grand
hotel ; line work a specialty. Tolo. 145.
Walnut block and Wjomlii } , ' coal.
fresh mined , received dalh ThaUmor ,
Hi Main.
Sw.inson Music Co. , Muaoiilo temple
Left h ) the lljlitniii | ; i\prcsi : ,
The house ofV. . II. Lynobard , on llonton
street , was outirod by a burglar Tnnr.sday
night , lie entered the front door and st-vyod
la the ball waiting until tbo family should
retire before ho commenced operations. Ho
chanced to nmko a sound that attracted the
attention of Mrs. Lynch aid ana she opened
the door loading lute tlio bull to Investigate.
The door had no sooner opened than the
fellow made n wild break out ot tbo front
door and down the stops , clearing the porch
nt a single bound , A number of cases have
boon known of into wuoro men hiwo boon
urowlhiK about houses In that vicinity after
ulgtit , apparently loaning out for n chance to
commit robbery or soinotblnp oUo , and the
consequence is that the people , and especially
tlio women , are becoming somewhat
ThO Boston Stoi-o , Counqll Bluffs , la. ,
closes every ovonltiL' at 0 p , m. , utilosH
Mondays and Saturdays. Mondays 0 p.
in. , Saturdays 10 p. m. Fothorlngham ,
Whltolaw & Co. , Council BlulTs , la.
JaryU wild blaukboi-i-y U the bast
Walnut block coal , $4.2-3 per ton. Do
ll vored nnywhoro In oily. Carman's
TOO Main Blroot.
llrlllluilt llccepllon ,
Wo have our own vlnoyftrds In Cullfoe
jOltw Jurvl Wluo company , Co. liluffa
\tPllff l fiATf1At'TPII I'll HKPO
Important Meeting of the Ohautauijna As
sembly Association to Bo Hold ,
Oulni ; tut IIP C'ntnpunj'it rallurc'to ( ) Ad-
\rrlliliiK I'lirlllllcs tin * Sciilmi of
Lust Vcar Wan Not a I'linin.
. clul Htirrrsi.
K R. Rowe arrived In this city last evening
In charge of Detective Johnson of Dos
Molncs , his wrists ornamented with n deli
cate pair of nickel plated handcuffs. He was
taken to the city jiill In a back , and when ho
arrived there the charge of cnibci/.lomcnt
was entered against him.
The crime for which ho was arrested is nt-
Icdgcd to have been committed about n month
ago. Howe has boon a resident of this rity
for some time past , and lids boon selllnggoods
by sample for a silverware and cutlery firm
of Dos Molnes known as W , A. Kvers it Co.
It Is charged that ho secured ! 00 worth of
goods from his house and disposed of them lo
parties In various parts of the stale , receiv
ing Iho money in return , which ho then ap
propriated to his own use and skipped the
country. A warrant was at once Ibsued by'
Judge McGee and placed In the hands of de
tectives , who have boon over since that time
working up the case. Ho led thorn n lively
cbasu all over the country , and for over a
week past Mr. Johnson has been steadily or.
his trail , always arriving in a town just after
Kowo hful loft It. St. Joseph , Mo , , was the
last place he struck , and after lying around
the town a little whllo ho nailed his mat ) and
brought him in under bis wing.
Wlillo on the way to Council Bluffs Iho de-
tcctivo learned from Kowo thai bo had been
on vcrv friendly lorms with May Thompson ,
who left here under a cloud a couple of weeks
An ii ( > fiiiil Snlti'iil ItnmiiM.
Poi-htips tlio luiiulhoinost sulto of busi
ness rooms in the city m-c those that uro
now occupied by A. A. Clurk & Co. , son-
oml llooi- over the American Kxprens
comjmny on the corner of Main und
Brondwiiy. Mr. ClurK' hus done u very
flno loau'brokcrnjfo business during the
past year , and the incroabo has been so
{ jreut thttt at tlio present time the largo
front room formerly occupied was too
btmill to ulTord proper accommodations
for it , not to take into consideration the
future prospects ) , which indicate a still
heavier inui-easo. To obtain sufli-
clout room nearly the entire second
end lloor hus boon remodeled und
u largo well lighted room added to the
front apartment. The now apartment ,
together with the former olllco , has been
decoi-ated in accordance with Mr. Clark's
own idous , and the work is a permanent
compliment to his artistic ability. The
wall decorations are modest and hand
some , and are the newest ideas in that
lino. The furniHliings tire of the most
substantial charnetor and harmonize ar
tistically with the wall decoration. The
private ollico is carpeted with the
heaviest royal wilton.
Mr. Clark will bo the recipient of
many compliments upon his good tusto ,
and his patrons will appreciate the ef
fort to incrcabo their comfort and con
ScircIiiMl tlio lY 'mlips.
Ernest , Cnllls , the young man who was
arrested for vagrancy last Thursday after
noon , was given asontenco of Ihirty days
yesterday morning In police court.
The charge of larceny which was made
against him by his ox-landlady , Mrs. A.
Beach , will not bo triad until his present
term expires. Yesterday morning Mrs.
Beach hud a search-warrant issued from the
superior court , in wnich she alleged that a
number of articles had boon missing from
her house about December 15 , and that she
had reason to believe that Cullis stole thorn
and secreted them nt a bouse on Fourth
avenue , whore ho stopped a part of the timo.
Among the things said to have been taken
woru a bluclc chinchilla overcoat , pair of
shears , oiblc , Methodist hymn book , gold
brooch , wrench , buckskin gloves , basket of
china dishes , child's writlnc desk , allograph
album and picture frame. Thn value of the
missing property is tixcd
ii urixti i-'oit < IHKIX
Lieutenant ICnnrlo * ol' ( lie Army Predicts
AnutlurSloitv War.
PiTrsiiuito , 1'a. , Jan. -First Lieutenant
HourUo of the Second cavalry of Iho United
States army was a passenger on the day express -
press east this morning , bound for Washing
ton. Ho cntnu direct from the Pine Hldgo
agency , whcro ho has been attending to
bomo affairs of the government and looking
over the field. Ho will now make his report
of the condition of the Indians nt that
agency to Secretary Noble and pi-oparatlons
will bo made to suppress any outbreak.
' -Trouble is brewing among the Indians of
the Pine Hldgo agency , " snid ho , "und ills
my firm belief they will start another
crusndo soon ntralnst the whiles. J have
spent some time amont ; them , and when I
loft there a few davs ago they were suHon
and at times very ugly and made open threats
against the pule faces. If it were not for the
fact thtt they ore now largely depondinc-
the government for fcod , fuel and clothing
for the winter , they would rise In anus at
any moment. They uro again talking about
the Messiah , and it will not bo long until Iho
ghost dance will ap.uln be resumed through
out the agency. The Pine Hldgo Indians are
a very peculiar race of people , and need
watching continually , "
.INIlttltK OX TllK I'lltdlXl.t CO.IST.
Unit I'K an inllNli : | Snipper Pound
IIU Vessel.
TXSUY , Accomao County , Va. , Jan. S.
The Ashburno , u largo iron ship in ballast ,
bound from Sundorlaud , England , to Balti
more , went ashore early yesterday morning
on Palramore's beach , off the southeastern
coast of Accomai ; county. She has a crow of
twenty-six mon , and was recently chartered
Dy a Baltimore firm to carry grain
from that city to European ports. She
is now lying about 200 yards from
tlio land in cloven feet of water in an upright
position , with her bow pointing to the shore.
The Merrill Wrecking company's steamer
Rescue ts on the spot trying to haul her off
into deep water , but ns yet without success ,
It is believed , however , that she may bo
hauled off at high water if the weather con
tinues favorable. She Is a stout iron ship ,
300 feel long , wllh u net cnpacltv of 1,01 ! )
tons. Shu is owned by J , P. Ilartvictc of
Sunderland , England , and ts valued at $100-
000. The amount of her Insurance is not
known , bne lies two miles south of the
Pairamoros Bcaoh life saving station , whoso
keeper and craw are rendering all necessary
imlsttuico und attention.
Wool Men In ScNxlon ,
BHTOX ( , Mass. , Jan , 8. The annual meet
ing of the National Wool Manufacturers'
association was held nt the Parker house
this afternoon. President \Vhlttnan presid
ing. These ofllcors were olecled : ,
William Whilmun , Boston ; trot'suror , Doir.a
mln P. Phlpps , Beiton ; socrolnry , S. N.
North , Bos ton ,
A coimmltou was appointed to take charge
of the wool exhibit at the World's ' fair ,
A memorial was adopted which petitions
agulntt any chungo In tha tariff act of ISUO ,
particularly skodulo K of that act relating to
wool and woolens ,
.Will Uulldou tlio site.
KANSAS CITV , Mo , , Jan , 8. The Missouri
World's fair commission today formally ac
cepted site .So. ' 'I offered by the National
commission , and also decided to build upon it
a building to cost $10,000. The commission
voted to offer 20,000 In prizes to Missouriiuis
competing In the llvo stook exhibit.
Jlrtn-i ury Combine.
Oixcixxm , O. , Jan. -Twelve breweries
In Cincinnati , Coviuctou and Newport have
agreed to form a combination , similar to that
of thn whisky trust , for the purpose of Im
proving the n.uallty of tliolr product and of
reducing the expense of production and de
livery. Their combined capacity Is about
! t,000,000 barrels per annum , and their capital
.amounts to about IV-OO X ) , Tlio now com
bine proposes to Increase Iti capital stock to
tj.000.000. If It to possible for lomo of the
brewers , and If It shall ho found economical
lo do so.
Tire .srortiiis1 .IIHHT rin : .in-'nit.\ \
American .Siilloi-M Tell th Mni'y of the
Chilian Assault.
VAIXKJO , Col. , Jan. 8. Investigation Into
the assault upon the Brvlllmoro'a sailors
In Valparaiso In Oclobor was con
tinued. T'io ' evidence adduced today
brought forth moro strongly than
over Iho fact , that the assnull
had been planned beforehand.- the Eamo
time Hlugln was lying on Iho pavement ,
white Iwo policemen Idly wntchod the mob
plunging their knives Into his back , two
negro coal heaven in a distant part of the
city were living before a mob of Chilian men-
of-warsmen , who finally stabbed ono nnd
robbed the other. Another man Instill n third
part of the district was chased and thrown
Into the bay nnd would hnvo been drowned
but for the protection given him by a French
naval ofllcer. The claim is tnado by the nro-
curator of. Valparaiso that all but two wit
nesses toslillcd thfil the police had done their
duly , has been completely demolished. Of
tbo seven witnesses so far examined , flvo
leatlflod to the contrary before the Chilian
Charles Langor , tosVIIlod Hint ho was In the
International hotel with Johnson , who yes
terday gave evidence directly implicntt ng
Chilian men-of-war , police and soldiery In
Iho killing of Boatswains Mate Hlggln.
Lunger's lestimony today was oven stronger
than Johnson's. According to Langor , whoa
Higgin rose tlio llrst time , two
policemen came up , drew short swords and
knocked him down aaln. They then stood
back and lot the crowd stab and boat turn.
Htggln seemed to be asking protection of the
pollce-when Ihoy knocked him down , After
ward a squad of soldiers approached marchIng -
Ing ny iwos , under command of n mounted
olllcor. They marched to within six foot
from where Johnson wan holding Hlggln in
his arms. There they hulled and the
two soldiers leveled their rillos nnd fired at
the two American sailors.
" 1 was about fifteen feet off to ono side , "
said Lunger. "No ono was bolwoon mo and
them , the crowd being buck of the soldiers
al Ihut moment. No other shols wore llrod
by any ono. I saw Iho soldiers dislinctly
level their rilles at the Baltimore's mon nnd
flro. The crowd had drawn back when the
soldiers came up , leaving a clear patsngo be
tween Higgin and the soldiers. After the
llrst shot was llrod the soldier. * pressed for
ward a littlo. and I could not see the second
rillo tired , but am sure it was ono of tno
leading soldiers that iirod. "
Adjourned till lomorrow.
One ol thu SiilIoi-H Missing.
It has Just become known to the ofllccrs of
tno Baltimore that John Davidson , ono of the
crow , was tried by tno criminal court at Val
paraiso , on achargoovon yet unknown , con
victed and sonloncod lo live years imprison-
monl without cither himself or Cap
tain Schlcy beinc informed that ho was
under trial , and in the fnco of a written
slutement lo Captain Schloy by the Valparaiso
raise authorities thai no charges were pend
ing against any of the Baltimore's crow.
Davidson is still on Iho Brltltnoro's ship
boons. Forty-three out of the party of the
Baltimore's sailors that were mobbed were
potty olllcei-j of the ship and all tbo men
were in Jirsl conducl grade.
CltllP.s NIde ot the ( 'use.
WASHINGTON- . O. , Jan. 8. Senor Monti ,
the Chilian minister , had another conference
with Sccrolary Blalno today. The minister
laid before Iho socrolary Iho following in-
fortnalion , which ho received from Senor
Pereira , Iho Chilian minister of foreign
affairs :
The volminous summary of judicial pro
ceedings instituted ' before the regular court
( that nrosided'ovor by Judge of Crimes Fos
ter ) on the l th of October , in reference to
the deplorable Incident of Uio day before
( the trouDlo In Valparaiso between Iho
Chilians and Iho sailors from Iho Baltimore )
has terminated. The dislrict allornoy has
presented an oxlonslvo report upon its.
merits , drawing the following conclusions :
PlndliiKtt ol the Court.
First The unfortunate tncldontof the 10th
or September originated in an outbreak be
tween intoxicated sailor * of both nations.
The not grew in proportion on account of the
special ward In which it occurred , full of
houses of bad repute and saloons.
Second The police , from Iho tlrst moment ,
did all they were directed to do to suppress
Iho riol. Tno correct course of the police
bus been acknowledged by every ono of the
witnesses and all of the American sailors
except two.
Third Only ono shot was fired from a re
volver. The police carry caroines. "
The district attorney indicts the following
named nrisonors : Carlos CJomoz , Chilian ;
Frederick Hodoriguoz. a Chilian , Ahuahuada.
a Chilian , and Davidson , an American. Ho
asks that they bo punished according to law ,
a follows : Gomez , from three lo llvo years
confinement in the ponitonllnry ; Rodriguez ,
Iwo lo ton months confinement in the peni
tentiary , nnd Ahuahuada nnd Davidson ,
twonly to forty days imprisonment.
.Monti Dccllnex to Talk.
Minister Montt declined the request of the
Associated Press reporter to bo interviewed
on the subject matter of the foregoing stato-
mont. Ho explained , however , that the pro-
sonlalions of the report of Iho dislrict ntlor-
noy carries wilh It the indictment ot
the mon named therein. Tholr trial
will now lake placn before the
Judge of crimes , who hoard the evidence
taken onsiimlly Tor the benefit of tno dis
trict ntiorney. At this trial the mon will bo
given an opportunity lo present any testi
mony they may hnvo to prove tholr innocence
of tbo crime for which they nro arraigned.
The minister thinks the trial will follow
speedily and believes the result should bo
known wltnln two weeks.
Ohlll'H rondKii .Minister Calls on tliu United
States at Vnlpunilio.
\Coii\ir\\jlinlttfih\iJum'i \ \ \ \ { \ OimVmJemKlt.l
VAI.I'AHU-O , Chill ( via Oalvoston , Tax. ) ,
Jan. S. [ By Mexican Cable to the Now York
Herald Special to Tin : BOB. 1 Foreign
Minister Porcira paid an onTolal vhit to
United Stales Minister Eenn today. The
mooting between the two democrats was of
the most cordial character , nnd the hone was
mutually expressed that thu diftoronces bo-
Uvcon Iho two countries would bo speedily
The price of exchange is receding , owing to
tno suspension of shipments from Iquiquo ,
by order of Iho directors in London.
Minister of Finance Vergnra has made u
proposition to congress that President Monti
bo authorized to borrow .t'5,000,000 from
the banks for ono year in order
lo , meet Iho currant expenses of tno
government , nnd to maintain the gold bal
ance In the Bank of England to moot the
Chilian bonds. Tbo Interest on Ihoso funds
It is proposed to provide for by the sale of
the sliver burs taken away by the British
war ship Espieglo and by further rommlt-
lances in silver.
, SI// ; lll.OH'HHS I'.U'TI'KKIt.
Tim .Much U'Hiiteil Crooks Pulled by the
UHIINIIS City Police.
ICN8.s CITV , Mo. , Jan. 8. Chnrlps St.
John , a dosporalo safe blower , and J. II.
Bennings , aliai Bennett , an ox-convict , have
boon captured und lodged in jAil. The cap
ture was made at 1201 Highland avnnuo. A
most complete layout of safe blower's tools ,
some stolen goods and severalhundred , poit-
ngo stamps of different denominations were
seized ,
Some months sluoo St > . John escaped from
lull at Now Arkadulplua , Ark. Not long
afterwards ho was incarcerated In Iho Al
bany , Mo. , jull. lln ojcapod from thu re , also.
Several auspicious elrcumstanco-i would loud
to Iho conclusion , apparently , thai St. John
and his wlfu were implicated In a number of
postofllca robberies In Kansas eighteen
mouths ao. Twenty-two offices were robbed
at that time , and the amounts stolen varied
from $000 to (1,000 In caoh caso. Tonight St.
John will bo taken back to Albany , Bon-
u hi gs will bo held tor investigation ,
Omnha Damocrat ? Pour nn OblntlfjU of
Oratory oiiftlio Saint's ' Tomb.
Addrritcfi by ( lii.i * iilr ] Itujd , County At tor-
ney .Miilinney , Dr/Jr/irKi > l > . Miller , M'ur-
ri-n Sultliriind Otlu-r Di-ino-
< 'rat > ie"U'iirliorKrs ,
i [
"I iuppo.e you have rend the story
How riicklnsham In all his ulury
Attempted to in-ike. U Id Hickory vvlnco ,
lint soon learned tluil Ids HChunio hukcd a
OlllL-ll. "
Ills thought that the foregoing lines were
written ycafs ago , about the Unto that An-
urow. Jackson captured the presidency of the
United States. Lot that bo as It may , his
tory records the fact that on January 8 , 1815.
General Andrew Jackson , fortified himself
and his army behind a fort constructed of
cotton bales , wlion ho licked the British at
Now Orleans.
In viuw of that fact the democrats wuo arc
known as those of the Jacksonlan order , liav *
Ing the pura Jacksonlan doctrines incorpor
ated In their mnko up , celebrate January S In
each year us Jacksonlau day.
About the name time 'Jackson Is said to
have coined the expression , ' 'To the victor
belongs the spoils. " and for that reason the
average democrat rovers his momorv.
All of those things duly considered the
democrats of Omaha last night .celebrated
Jacksonlan day In a bclittlng manner.
The celebration was under the auspices of
the Omaha Jncksonlan club , and consisted of
a banquet at the Paxton dining rooms. The
local contingency to the number of ' . ' 00 put in
an appearance and tn addition thereto many
democrats with state reputations wore pres
ent. Among thorn wore J. G. P ItildoDrand ,
who for v ars has been the editor and pro
prietor of the St. Paul Press , but who re
cently has sold his plantand for a few weeks
will take II fo easy before again
buckling on the editorial harnss ; Or. John
son of Fairmont , Albert Walking of Lincoln ,
Joseph Crawford of West Point , John Shor-
wia ot Fremont , Frank Whl'.o of Platts-
niouth , James North of Columous , Dick
Thompson of Hastings , and many others.
Wlmf They Ale * .
For an hour the question of the hour ,
"Democracy , " was discussed in the rotunda ,
after which an adjournment was taken to the
banquet hall , where the following menu was
discussed :
llluo Point Oystni-s.
Caviar Anchovies In Ilolvlju.
Haul Sutitcrnc.
Green Turtle f-'oup. an Canol.
Celery. Olive. Tickles.
Dolled .Salmon , ijiiuco llollaudalso.
1'otatoos Duuhessu.
Ohk'kon C'roquetts. Masciiot ,
I'leiu'li I'oau. Com Chateau.
Ifonst English Sniue , Stir Cunopo.
Aspur.'iu'tis. I'arislennu Potatoes.
.Lobster Salucl Mayonnaise.
Jamaica Too Cream. Fancy Cakes.
I'rults. Cheese.
Coll'eo. Clgais.
Heard Sonic Ie-i4ets. (
As the smoUo from the fragrant Hnvanas
began to curl toward tbo ccillnc- , Toast
Master Martin , who sat at the bead of the
tables , which weio in tno form of a "U , "
with Governor Boyd at , the right and Judge
Wakeloy upon the loft , arose , stating that
the hour for participating in the fes
tivities had arrived. The hour was
11 o'clock. Mr. Mtu-tia stated the object
and purport of the club , and then road letters -
tors from Grover Cleveland , J. G. Carlisle ,
J. Sterling Morton , Charles Ogden , Allen G. , J. C. Black , Governor Boies , V/ .
J. Bryan and several others , who expressed
their regrets at not being able to attend the
gathering. '
Whenever the nam'o of Governor Boyd or
Grover Cleveland was mentioned , cheer
after cheer resounded about the festive
boaro , drownitii' ' the clink of the champaRno
glasses and tho'muilcni strains of tbo orchestra -
chostra , stationed in : in alcove near by. A.
J. Poppleton was booked to respond to "Tho
Day Wo Celpbrnte , * ' but owing to his
absence M. Y. Gannon responded ,
by explaining that ho had been taken by
surprise. Ho loved Andrew Jackson , after
which ho perpetrated a joke , which ho said
was to apply to the city attorney to bo ap
pointed by Mayor Bonus. Mr. Gannon re
viewed Jackson's military career , and then
dwelt upou his statesmanship , referring to
him as the father of democracy.
Hlx Spirit is .Miii-L-hln * ; .
"County Attorney Mahoney , in responding
to the toast , "Tho Jacksonians , " remarked :
" 'John Brown's body lie > moulding in the
grave , but hH soul goes marching on. ' How
much moro truthfully can it bo said that the
soul of the hero of Now Orleans goes inarch
ing on. "
Mr. Mahoney thought that the spirit of
Jackson should animate every democrat and
should keep them true to the discharge of
ttieirduty. Jackson taught the British that
to unlawfully put foot upon American soil
meant war. It was ho who issued the proc
lamation ttittt the American flag should bo
protected upon every sea and in ovor.v land.
Ho hoped Iho spirit of Jackson would live in
every democratic hoirt : and llourish as true
principles of democracy.
Albert SVntldns of Lincoln handled the
question -'Democracy , " Ho had boon a
democrat for nine years. Ho did not smoke ,
cuow or drlak , which ho said was contrary
to tbo teachings of old time party idoas.
Seven or eiRht times whllo in Nebraska ho
had scon the republicans pluck the fruits of
politics , but after cacti pluckinc the demo
crats had smilingly walked up to tno cap
tain's ofllce 11 nd taken their medicine like
men."Wo have to do this , " said he , "for
"Hope springs quadrlcnnliil In the democratic
"Which Is , and always Is to bo blessed. "
Ho referred to Jackson as a great tariff ro-
former. The party ouly needed courage to
keep itself alive. In closing ho throw out
this advice to his friends' not , to toy with the
dishonest dollar. Ho thought that all the
democrats noodud In 18'JJ was to have Cleveland -
land for a loader.
"Wo are ontorlnu' upon a season of politi
cal liberty , " sutd he , "and the three
lights of political liberty wore J csus , Jack-
on and Jefferson. "
Mr. Illtelicnek-s Position.
Right ut this point G , M. Hitchcock de
clared himself In discussing " 'iho Issues of
ISOi. "
"Somo mon , " said ho , "wore born
democrats , others a quirod domoo-
racv , while others had democracy
thrust uponthem. . It was not
my fortune to have boon born under a demo
cratic ! > tar , but gradually I hove boon imbued
with democratic principles until I believe
that the prosperity and llfu of the American
government rests in the democratic party. "
Ttioro woru .several rounds of cheers , and
a member from iirrural district said some-
thlnir about another altinor having sought
For a time tho'b.inrtuot took on many of
the characteristicsot ! U well organized camp
tnoctitik' .
Mr. Hitchcock ipvoked the spirit of Jack
son to return and cpmo b.iuk to this land to
witness his confession. Ho voiced tlio tdoa
that It would not ouly require HIQ spirit
of one , but 100 , Andrew Jacksona
to' reform the republican party , Pros
perity could only bo secured by the election
of Grover Cleveland tqthoprasldonoy in 1692
W. H. MoHugu ld | jolt in tun discussioa of
"Kufotm the Primaries " The elections had
been prostituted by the republicans of Ne
braska until Governor Jamus 1-3. Boyd was
instrumental In MvlnL- the Australian ballot
bill become a law , , ,
Hope lor the lnunilieil. ?
Governor J. 12. noyil was announced to respond
spend to tlio toast , "Oomoer.Us of Ne
braska. " Ho was not prepared to
make a speech , ho bald , but lie
wus cheered to tno echo. Mon yelled them-
nulvcs hoi.rao and then , waved tbplr liandker-
ctitofs. Mr , Boyd patiently waited until
quiet was restored , and then stated that for
yciu-j tie had regarded political success us a
forlorn hope , but had ohangoJ his mind. The
democrats of Nebraska could win If tliuy
kept up ttiolr organization , and era many
months they would ne brutish i to the full
realization "that to the victor belongs tlio
spoils. ' '
Tbo party was gaining converts and , as In
heaven the angoU sang together over the
saving of a slnnor from the other political
camp , in the democratic ranks taoro was
moro rejoicing over ono sinner who repented
than sorrow when ninety and alno wont
Warren Swltrtoi * dlsoimed Iho tariff nt
.inmo length , and then Dr , George L. Miller
handled "A > i Honest Dollar. " The doctor
Intimated Hint ho had retired from polltlc.i ,
and had bocn relieved of political ambition ,
but ho suld hi * Interest In the
democratic causa would never ccaro
A dishonest dollar robbed honest toll urn
under no consideration should n Jncksontnti
democrat consent to degrade a currency with
which tlio laboring man was natd. The ( M
cent dollar was a fraud , while the honest dollar
larvn < \ tlio noblest work of tniin. Ho advised
the democrats not to juggle , tiot to play
tricks and not to compromise tliolr
principles by tlolng up wltn any party that
In past years proclaimed for a free ana un
limited supply of greenbacks.
At 1 o'clock this morning the annual meet
ing of the Jncksnnliin club idjourncd , after
being voted a success by ail who were In
llcrr Nil l.oenl sntlilst of No Mean ( 'nlllire-
lleur IIU Complaint.
OMAHA , Jan. ' . To the Editor of Tin : lint : :
Some time In Iho prehistoric year of IS'.il '
was informed that 1 had been found guilty ,
by some one in high nutliorlty. of being t
gentleman , and therefore , had been son
tcncod to nftlulato us a clerk of elections to bL
hold In that year , il was a republican or
might have been doomed to bo a judge. )
It was stated In the newspapers of that
tiL'o that with the adoption ot the Australian
election system , thu bummer and ward
heeler were to bo ellmlnlatcd from politics
and only pure and incorruptible gentlemen
were to bo incarcerated in the Australian
Iron dungeons provided by a direful anc
honorable government. I accepted my sen
tence with that resignation which becomes
en American citizen , and submitted to being
confined In ono of the Australian Iron cells
.aforesaid , at hard labor , for twonly-olght
weary consecutive hotiri. I differed 'from
tlio malefactors In the county jail In so fiu
that I was not oven provided" with broad and
water or any other of Iho convonloncos dic
tated by the ctvlli/atlon of that age.
After perform ing the duties that had boon
assigned mo , 1 was unconditionally released.
Tnon some ofllclah gave it as their judgment
that I ought to receive proper damages for
having been deprived of my liberty and the
rlgl't to attend to my personal business for
said twenty-eight consecutive hours ; then
the honorable major ( who Imd just returned
from an extended tour through our glorious
country , and , as TUB BII ; : of those days
stated , had cheerfully combed In his various
salaries , a similar draft on the treasury hav
ing also been made by a member of the hon
orable council ; declared that I was a horse
thief and n traitor to the state and should
never , no never , bo permitted to rob the
commonwealth. Then some other olllciah
stated that I was a line , elegant irentloman ,
and a pura and In corrupt I bio bulwark of the
liberties of the people and should have proper
recompense. Then some descendants of
\VillIntnthoConquoror , who had accumu
lated sunicient of our native land lo belong
to the _ Real Estate Owners exchange , de
clared that no poverty stricken election
ofllcial , unable to'show a clear title to any of
our glorious country , and thoioforo ineligible
to membership in the Kcal Estate Owners
exchange , should got any damages for having
been found guilty of being appointed au
election ofllclal.
Then but what's the use. Am I in it or
not ) Do I got anything or not ! Or should
1 consult THIS BBC claim bareaul Or what
is the racket all about auvwayi Uospect-
fully , CLEISIC.
Train Knblier Sly.
ST. Lofi , Mo. , Jan. S. Adelbort Sly , the
alleged Glendale express robber , will make an
attempt tomorrow through his attorneys to
got out on a writ of habeas corpus , it bcinir
claimed that Sly is being illegally hold , be
cause the St. Louis eitj' criminal court has
no Jurisdiction in the case and becnuso the
prisoner was brought hero from California in
an illegal way.
Work ol Ion u ICiii-Khu-s.
GII-MOIIK CITY , la. , Jan 8. fSpcscial Tele
gram to THE Biu. : | Burglar. ? entered the
house of Uev. Father Sullivan during Ills ab
sence early yesterday morning and com
pelled his housekeeper tosnrrendor WOO , her
savincs for a long timo. The house was ran
sacked , but little also of value taken.
Hulled His Ki-ains Out.
ii , Tonn. , Jan. 8. A. K Sloan , nt
ono time prominent in business circles hero ,
committed suicide this mornintrat the county
Jail , whore ho was Incarcerated f.n- drunken
ness. Sloan literally butted nis brains out
against the iron bars of the cell.
und all manner of
Entertainments !
together with
Fireside Games
and suggestions for
Unique Parties
nro to bo found in the naccso * ilio
Monthly Social
Oul50c a Year. Samples lb. (
Address :
Or Council Bluff ? .
TA L STOCK $ 150,03)
DuircTiwi I. A , Miller. I * . O. Oloason , II I ,
Plinu-iirt , K K. H-trt , J. I ) . Kdmiindson , Oharlm
H. Transact Kunurat b.inkiiu busi
ness , l < arKost uupttal and nurpliu of any ban (
Indouthwusturn Iowa.
1'ald Un Capiliil $10lOD9
Oldmt ontnnliol bin' < IM th ) cltr. Foreign an I
dnmflillo eicluiUJ mil tml mijirlllii. Ci.ijjlil
ttontlonpild tocQlloctluni. Aooj-inti of InJlrla *
uali , ti.mki , bankuri ni > J oorporilluai jollalut
Oorroiiioiiitjiicu In rltjJ.
UUU. I * . B.VNl'-DIU ) , IVaildmt.
A. W. ItlKIOlAN. OnliUr.
A. T. IttUtf. AlillUT.
IOWA farms ; lltio-'tl uuio fat in , f.K ) pcrucro , balance on lout ; time ; 15) aero
farm , fiuoiiiiwii , linliiiu'O im-ty , fiunn of all
siusend ( for IM. Johnston X Van Pattvn ,
I'ouni'jl lllulK _
" "
T"WA"NT to buy Btook of groceries or boon
.land NhouHi will pay part rath ami nirtby
n , ' > room IIOIIHO und lot In Omaha. U ,6 Him.
l ll.nllrt ,
COMl'1/r.Tr.oiitlH hir flUureii and two pool
t.ibloi for sain and bnlldlii for runt , deed
location. 1C , II , hotfi : ! , over Olllcor & l'u oy'B
llUlllt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TTIAUMS. gnrdun lanilu. houios , lots und
-L1 bullies * bloaki for iulo or runt Day &
Hess , it ) 1'ourl utroot , Ciounull lllulfs ,
And It la Jmt tn Woil To Bo Ei
tlroly Frank About Tell.UK il.
t.oxv mill I'liU'orin Kcoxi null I'ultli-
fitl , lloiicil , OotiHOlontiousVorlc
'lliOHR I'orin tlio Komid ition I'oiMhu
ItcmarUnltlr Hiiui'i * N of Dr. Cop"-
1,111(1 Htll ( till
Vntll ( lie Iniuiviilloii Hindu by Dr. fopi'lnnd
uinl his iiMnctitliM In iiluu'ng HUMleul ! skill and
Uiotouuh iinil ficlcnilllo treatment for nil dH-
emi's wllhln Iliu reach of all , by u sytlein of
low mill uniform price * , II HUalmcM lmuo -
Mbit * fir ) pcoptu III tuodorato elr nnistancoi to
olitnln Ilio iild of skillful mill eoniclontloiH
S'OClall'.K . The fiu11 , Unit In splto of thi'ir
wml established anil fairly t'tmii'd rupinatlon
finlinm" < \uirk. . skillful truiittni'iil mill ni"
fistful ti'iulK they atll ! iiinliitaln ( lit'll-low
anil uniform rliarcix iliovsthal tlio.v aim nut
alone at HtmtK'lal miciM'si im pntctittniim- * ' ,
iMll as well lit Mil' accomplishment of tin )
( 'lirit"Jt amount , < if possibly peed In tlio com-
\\'c lm\i > heard In Ilio past , unit still hoar , for
Iliat mutter , many complaints over thue\oi-
blliint focschtirKuil by per oiu ( 'hinnlnt ; ID be'
slH'clulMs In Ihroiil nnd Innir iroiiblos. Ills
not only tine lliut Dr. 1'iipol in I and lll .v--o-
elutes ehaijre Ilio low and uniform fi > i > of
$ . " . < ) ( ) a .Month for MctliulnrH null
Twin mom ,
but that u euro under t'lulr system of truni-
nii'iit Is inou' cut tain and moic rr.pldlv n'1 ' *
talnud tban iindtr any oilier known ini'tliod.
and what Is bnttor still , tboir results nro pei-
inunent n > > shown by reference tocnses printed
yonis ago and roufllinied by the patfnnl
speaking toonv.
Skill anil SIII-POSS In tlio maelleu of medlelne
tind stirjiuiy can be no Ion er usiliiiiiti'd bv
the sl/u of the fuos when Hpni'lallsts bavin1 !
tin1 Inmost pnu-tlco and tin1 highest and bi'sl
ji'liimitlon for honest. , skillful and snei'e .fill
work place tholr foes so low as to Lolthln
the re u'li of all classes and cnndltlonsnf people
ple I'mlei * mich conditions It Is pialnl.y the
skillful mid faithful work of these spoelal'sts
In the IIMl plni'o that ( 'UIIM'H tholr pionDUiK-i'd
pioiporlty and suecc-s.
Otnors iniiv in 'Oino measure try to follow
their lines of win k , but
Can-tot ini t in
the superior ediu-utlon , tralnini ? nnd o\porl-
enee which has ( rhon them their ael.nowl-
odtred ninstory o\er the dl-e.ibcsin their spe-
flnltles , and It pn-slble fur ilium to
carry on tholr practice pel iiiiinently and suc
cessfully at sueli raios
You cannot ndvoitisP n mini Inton s | oelal-
ist. Training , complete experlenco ami skill
must come llrsl , and then your advertN nK
" 111 hu\e the mnrlt of ceiiulnone- , and tnitli-
tnlness. and will sueeeed. This Is the sn-i , 'l
or the whole matter. This Is tlio scciot of the
fiilluie of so many. Tnev me I'dvertlsois llrst ,
spci'lnllsts afterwaid. The older must be ro-
\orscd ! speolallsts ( list iiuallllcd by a tubular
medical L'diii'titlon. and by sieclnl ) study ,
training and uvperlcnce , llicn ad\erllsers.
'I hero Is > o Oilier \Vny
Insecure iiermiinencc , iiublle ronlldenee and
snerc--s , and those who try tiny other way will
full. 1'oorly ot piutlally trained mon may , liy
snoulons. iintriitbfiil iidvortl-liiL'di leprusont
.it Ions , and by eharclns liirj-o fees for a shorl
lime , deceive the public , hut It IK only a ques
tion of time when the offense Is dlseoxeicd ,
and universal contempt Itrthulr toward. Gen
uine skill , scnulnu cspcrliincc. iiciinanent
locution , skillful and siiveo-sful treatment ,
low and uniform fees ; ( hito.lav Is thn only
pathway by which the specialist may obtain
siiivcs- . and public confidence.
Is the way BIrH. \voll I'xprrsuprt lioi1
( Irsptiii'liiu : uoiiition. An inslnnoc
worthy of note.
" 1 cannot beain to tell you how * cry sick I
was , but will tiy and iniiko my story as shot t
as possible , anil In or lor to do thai I could
with .safety' ay , 1 was a lit
tinl\ | t lor I litGrave. .
"Three yoais ago my tiouble bc au with of the lun s I at that time
very ho.ilthy , and the lo s of blood -soon
weakened me so that I hud to lake my bed.
Hiarp , hhootlni ; pains would taUo mo In the
chest oxtondlnv h.r'k to the .shoulder hlado- ;
lalns In the head , toailiK nolsu-i In the nar <
mil a constant hau Iclir- nail spitting , trying
toraKtithc mucus that constantlv droiipud
from the head to the throat. My condition
low was so seilous my neighbors had
Kravo doubts as to my leco\ery. Thiitcen
weeks I was forced te sit up In bed unable to
lo down or even slojp.
"Many had treated mo lint of no
consequence. Tlioy ail Miook t ieli heads And
said It was no iiso ,
Slii MIH ; CoiiRiiinptio'i'
mil Is beyond all eai thly hcdp.
"Tills was. a' my friends lliou ht. the last of
ny snllcrliiir , and they tit once piocuocled to
nftko mv last Jays as oasv and happy as nos-
ilb'o I fnitKht for life and u flora hardstriiR-
gle. 1 became convalescent Fi lends advlsoil
ne to consult HiCopulund , hhopurd and
Mjuisllidd. for thnlr Bkill w is eoitalnly r -
inWi knblo and all foil confident 1 could bo at
east benelltted. As u lust hope In mvdo-
iloiable condition I I'onsuld.vl them. They
weie not ovui v anxious to take my cane , and
iromlsed nolhln : > et I had confidence In
horn , and decided to trv tln-lr liea'.munt.
Phuy ut oncu IIOBIIII to lescuo me fiomlho
llioast ) that Jiad almost destioyed my earth-
vex 1st enoo. They Kavo inn tru.itment en-
liolv dllToiont from any I h id over hail , I
'ollowed closely Ihulr dlieJtioiini.d today I
ANVoll AH lOvsr.
"Many people \\lio my statement w 11
Miy. ' ( ) , 'that Is false II.m roiiiil anv ( Joctoi
iroducosoeh wondeiful irsiilti ? I don't ho-
levii It , doyoiiV
"To any or all who thliiU th's ' , I would ask
hiouith iosllve to Ill's. Copnlaod. Hhcpaid and
M-insllolil , to call uiion me and I will tupint
ho story just as It Is < ; lven In the column * of
Ills paper. "
Mis iiwell : llvu-J ill MlVJt'astellar St. , where
fdio wilt icadllyorlfy bur lemarkablo state
ItcMillH in Call filial ( < i iiiil'ontioiiH
1) ) ( nuinstriitcf. the St iirrlor skill of
III H. ( . oiielii IK ) , Hiri > rd anil J > lnnn-
tleld1 he Ktnti UK n ol' riKH Oalvln.
Oat mil Itself. In the hiinds of the hklllftu
ind thoioiIKh specialist who N plovUloil with
the necessary inechanical and eluimleal ap
dlances for tioatljm the ill-oiisc , will In a eOm-
lunitlvidy ruasoiiable time yield to piopur
roatmenl , but when caianh is complicated
vllh heveio iiHlhiuatlo troubles It Is a dllllunll
nattor to ull'oct a petmanunt cine , and a sue-
ii-sfnl result In a CIIHU of this kind Is the hou
insslhlo testnnd demon.stiatlim of thesnpe-
InrHklil and faithful eaie of the physicians.
\nlnslunco of this kind Is all'oided In the
ase of Miss .Tennle llatvlo , of iM > iitli Itth
ftieel. between f-prln ; ; and \illov htieels.
bliosavs : "I causht a Imd cold about foi.i
'OiiiH ' a o , whleh was followed ' ) y a Micct'hS'on
if eoldH until It dovelopjd Into chronhi
t.itanh. I had e\eruallls | ) in iiiy head , over
ny eyes and In the buck pail of mv head ; my
MISti .11 VNIK (1U.VI.V
nun would vluts itii vnd d si > iiur40 u te ictlim
ntomy thioit from behind tin 11:111110. :
"My uliiint wouUl Illl up and \onld 1 UilKi-'Io
orlnoath. When I would lie down 1 could
lot brrntho ut nil. my chest would beam
irusscd dovMi uH with ti woluht , and many it
ilsht I have up hour after hour. Hiuotli-
uns , kullocutlnif ni > elu wcuid come on , My
hti'ilh would conio with a wlieolnR oitn < l
Ilk ; druwitu air throuith u tube I would feel
as If I iM'io hri'atliitu throuuli n siionuo. I In-
liovo my trouble Imdtlevelopcd Intdi'onsiiin * .
tlon that th'Mioiiblo Imd
, \ > .URAIIV im.Ni : > li ; > Tt ) MV M Mis ,
I had tried dlftcrunt phytdoliiii * > iiml mimcrriH
o'ltnrili remedies , but i-oitld obtitln noreluf.
"I had read of l > r < I'opolnirl. Miepanl nnd
Mansllold'sMicccst In such cases when onoi f
my nolxhhnrs had lieen eured by thoodoeiotfi ,
I oniiuludcd I would try them. In ahontMv
weeks I felt perfectly woll.
ir i il.ui sioi't'ii : > TIII.N
I siippiHo my trouble would hnvo conic l/iu k
asmiii. but I toot , the doctor's udvlco mil con-
tinned for another six week * , and now I feel
perfectly s.ifo In stopping the treiitn out , for 1
feel that I am cured nnd am sine that Dm
IMpolnndhi'iintil und MnnsllfUl tire cntltlril
tn meat oiedlt for ( ho peifect lostilti in my
Iji < > rl | ) | > ! IM An noli * ooiiiII > \v to
Avoid II , anI ( low 10 rmv h \ \ IM-II
Von Are H 'i/.i'tl.
This dlsn. ' o Is s < miollmo.s called llonslnn lit-
dunnm , bee iiise it lssiippo ol t < > Imve had Is
oi-lRlti In Siberia. It usually occurs u an
epidemic nnd travels uipldly o\er II e j-tobe
It Ins ici-olNOd tunny mimes the most ci in *
mon belli : inllncnx-i and la . rlppc I'heltil-
luns In the seventeenth century. oal'od ' H in-
llnt'ii/ii , siiosinf | ) | ) II oucd Its origin t. . si nin
occult Inlluen of the stats. , : Kiippc Is ( .aid
by some to come fiom the I'ou-di TJ ; hit ,
moaiilnsr "lio.-itse : " ntnor-i leeottnlni It In Iho
Iton-h wind -x-rlpper , " which me-iiis Mo
t-ei/oi" the lieimans call li - billkntairh '
It bus hi en known in Humpo since thu llfth
century , and Invariably SHI uisoverthe , coun
try fiom east to west. In the iccent unlver- upldemle it tr iVeled from SI I'elfi but
to New \oik In nlioutblv weeks The d fUtn-Oi
Is beyond iiuestlon Infections , uud sireads | by '
atmosDliorie Inlliiences Mnnv e\ iniplvs nru
to be found In the cuiient medic lliientnto
which coo d ho cited In iinnu Iho assuiiiilloili |
a so t ho \perleneo of t < \ physli-liius \ dui-ini ;
the iceunt opldemlcs ainoiiit thu'i ' piillents
was In tills dlicctlnii. t-onie IntosilKiitnM
eliilm , liowevur , that II l.s eoiitaiiiotis , and ie-
K.ird It us n disease o ip.ibloof bolus ; convoyed
fiom Illncu to lilaeo and fioi.i | | i > lnn to ppi-
Il attacks persons of all agosaiid i-ondltli n
althouili ; chllilien are inoiu apt t < > tie u\en.i . | >
I Im dNoiifo seems tn nttaeK. e | ) . " -iiliy ! tlm
miicns membr.ine of the losplialory tii. i ,
wllh which It comes IM cimt.ii-1
llnmldlt v of tliu atmospheio sei ins to IKII
inn Ii to do with its ilcM > 'opmcnt. Altitun >
( "ins to malic little dlireleiico. It. is seen n
Iho v.iliovsof laio river * and hiirli up in nm
in iniiluln riiiK' " ) ! nn lettlio snows ol Scan
( linavla. under thn suns of the Hi-nator us
W'l'l ' as on the miaiids of I'olynesla In ttm
hnnso and lu Iho nalaco ; In the busy mint and
In my laov * boudoir.
The nru ti'-oof Drs C'opoliind. hliepaiil and
.il.inslleld has irlven them abundant oppoi lu-
nlty lo sinriy this diseases In all Its phases , us
It conies under the h > uil of line of their sne-
i laities 1'iom Its Hist antmaraucc in tn s
counliy they huvo heun thoiouulil- . familiar
wllh It fiiini their lirattlccnnd ; have m.ibter
ed Its details and needs. Thev mo c.ipul In
mil only of ptovcntlnc It. but of eurln , n
when It lias oneofiisleiied itselntclios. Nearly
every ease of la Rilpnu letiM's a
eatarchal condition. wbU-h. unless It Is tin i-
oushly and comolotely eniod , lenders the p i-
tlent vorv llublo to cliroule hronvliltis , whl < h
Invarltibly le ids to eonsuinptlon. The fn-
rineiiey with which dicad | niiinmoiila follinss
nn attack of la crlppc , and nil her terminal' s
fatally or permanently wo ikens the constitu
tion of Hit victim , has created uonm-al alum ,
and lugrlppn Is now looked upon as avoiy
serious nmttur. Aiming other comidlcntlons
which may follow this dlscnso may he men
tloned liillamiiiiilion of the nuddlo e ir , c.ins-
Iniatai ; rhal deafness , hi ( inch 1,11 pneumonia
and weakened condition ofthooves.
It is a tnattcr of ur itlllcallon to Dr.s , Oonc-
land , Kliuiaid | and Manslleld that their pa
tients | uiM < lar/ely lesisted tin * at tacks of th s
dlso IM * Th's Is due. no doulit , t > tliusnper or
condition of the system iiroiuht about by foi-
liiwln a sj s'.cinatlc mil rational coui-hC of
treatment I'cr-ons att.-icked by 11 cilpp" , or
tho-,0 sulVeiliiK fiom a cat-irihil eondltum.
should place themselves at once In cliaigpuf
a tluii'iiih specialist.
An Omaha Iruly U hi > Souiilit Kche' '
Hays .She IMIIIII' ' ! It in Ors. fopolaud C.
Shep rl and AJansllold'H'1'ro.Hin Mil.
I0vidcni ! ( ! ITp in Kvidu Je , I'ruot
Upon 1'ro I'
"i was to .som 3 extent a victim of thodlscaM )
-o well named , la iirlppo. When It 'uts a anil
nice upon a person's system It holds on. The
speaker was Miss Helena Suhliitor. a mllllnei , : 11. Divls , ill Houth Kali sired
this city. Miss Schlntor his had a pretty
sevoietlmo of it for tlio
jiasl year , and her expe
rience ot what she suf
fered and where she
llnally found relief n is
told for the benefit of
others s'mllarly allllcld. .
"I had a heavy , dnil
.ache over my eyes , ui -
companlcd at tline by
very severe pains In the
.Misssi'iir.t'Tiin , bauk of my head. My
eyes urow dim. and It was I tn possible foi mete
to look steadily at an object for any length of
time without
My head felt elo pert up , and I would have
the strangest hiu/ln ? and rln lni ; noises In my
oars , wlillo I was constantly troubled with '
dl//lness iind nervous fcollni ; .
"This Mate of affairs kept KI-OW na woiso
when , to eap tint climax , last spring. I caiiL'hr ,
the Kilppo , and this Increased ijiy HiilVerhiK
and dKoase two fold , and left me In the most
delle.tte health. The disease bad seilously
alVectcd my stomach , and my appetite and dl-
pesllun wuriiery poor , My stomach was MI
weak , in fact , that I could only eat the light
est food , and not oven that without siillcrlni ;
n feclliiKof uneasiness and HOIISD of depies
slim afteiwarls. I also snlleied much fiom
lialns In my stomach and lliioiuh the baclc
and lost much llesh and .stieimlh.
"I was In this deplorable condition when my
attention was attracted to Dr.s. ( 'opclanil.
Sieiar | | < i and Manslleld , an physicians and
suiKiiims who were ski led In thplr piofcsslon
and having wldo snoccHi in their piautlce. 1
soiuht them for lellef and can truthfully vty
I found 11. The dl.stresilnv pains over iuy
eyes and In the hack of my head went almo-it
Immediately upon taking thn Ilisi tioilmert ,
and have vonu to stay , I ihlnk. My eves ha >
cleared up and valued stion.Mh : my dl//lncss
and nertousness htivo dlsappuuiod , and the
i loping and bu//.lnu noises In my oars cei scd.
My stomach and appolllo hive itieatlv I n-
in oved. and I eat well and si cup widl aKo ,
now. IiiHhort , 1 am In every way on the mad
lo health , and although I ha\e half many
doctois , | ) i-h. Copeland , Hhepard and .Mans
field are the only ones tint have Klven iiiuiiny
leal relief. "
Miss Sclilntjr resides at . ' ! ) IIO'lKelin' ,
w hero she can he seen and will loudlleiKy
hei ttatement.
Tliolr Crcdontliils.
As has been sail. Dr. W II. Con.1. ; | w n
nres'idenl of Ills class at. llollevni ) II HpiMl
Medical Colle e. New Vork , where by urn-
nated. the most famous Institution of Its U'nil
li ; the country. Ills diploma bears the wnui u
undorso i out of the authorities if
Now Vent , of the ileansof nroin nent modi' il
cidlojes In I'ennsylvanla. Dr. T. II Miiusllnid )
credentInls uro no loss abundant and nn < ) iml
Illed. lln ulsolH formally Indoised by tin ) SMI
relar.CBof various county an 1 st it ) medic il
societies. Those ircntlemen , after thoio.i'ii .
hosp tal imicrlonun and jiractlee. have devoted
voted their llvin to tlio practice of their utili
ties , with wlrit .success tlio columns of tliu
dally paicis | Nhinv.
III ) . O. H. SMKl'AUO. who was picsldunl oi
his eliiss at Itnsli Medical collude , Clilca.'O ,
which Is acknowledged tn ho tlm leading in
stitution of Its kind In the wem. Is now iis-o-
( d itnd wllh thu CoimhiiKt Medical Inslliute.
Dr. Hiil > aid's Ihorouu'h ho-ipltul e\peii-
OIKO anil special Htudy of thu dise'istvi of tlio
eye , nai. HUSH and throat , p nt'ti him aiu.inx
Ihole.'idliiK sianlallstsfn tlio uot. .
ROOMS 311 AND 019 ,
New York Life Building
Cur. 17(1) ( ) mid l-'iinmm Sis. , Oiu.tlii , NVU.
W. II. Coi'ur.ANi ) , M. D.
O. S. Sni--i'Aii ( ) , M. I ) .
T. U. MA.VhKIKU ) , Al. D.
I'hys ' elans
Hppolattoi : Oitarr'ii and ul dlsi ni > < f ti >
Kyo , K-ir , Throat an I _ _ . Nervous Ills
. . . i , hkln UlscaKiH , Olminlo Dlse-isos , I'lll'-d
Hours U toll n. m. , " to ft p , m , , 7 toO i > i <
biinduy IU a , in to l p. m ,
Ciitari-hal troublean'l kindred dl-io.ii/i
floated Kiiocessfnlly by m.tll. Hoiid lu < n
hliimiis foi ijuusllnii oiruilluis. AddniHS : ul
iLitorn to C'opuland Mudlual Iimtltuto , N < >
Voik l.lfo llnlldlni. . Omalri , .Nub.
I'm I'.itiinh nud kindred dhoasesr l ndei ]
for thu luinalnderof Iho winter t n I who van
uomo to the olllL-c fet mcdlulno O" iii-nlmi nl.
All patients under thin condition ticitul : tit
the rate ( if i.l a month until cm ml Mullcine
fnrnWii-d fruo , Hpuclul uuiinguiiieiit * > n
wltn out of town pal'i ' nH.