THE OMAHA DAILY HER : SUNDAY , JANUARY 3 , 1892-SIXT1WN PACKS. SOCIAL LIFE IN OMAHA. the Beau Monde Did During Now Year's Week , THE CHILDREN HAVE THEIR INNINGS. Allrniliint on tlm Now Vonr Hull Dimclng I'urty at UKClurlio Ilcil- driicr Mrnllmi of IVciplr. Tim not ends nmltlio curtain falls : Tlii-ro Is nw Intnriiido between Tim iictn , uiiil now tin ; prompter cnlli Toclnnr llin stiiRo ami change the sceno. Thus ElLhlcen Mnoty-nuo U o'or , And , In the Intorvnl liofoto Tlnio'ii boll liiis on now Ninety-two , We tnkn n , inomont'i brief rovlovr ! "I would not bo a man for all tbo wonlth of , the Indlos , " said n fair young woman to her alter ego Friday evening ut the MllldVd , as she conned tier dance card and debated how aho could dance with thirty-two gentlemen with sixteen numbers on tbo program. Along tbo walls of tbo ball room black-clothed gentlemen - tlemon stood In expectant attitudes , waiting for the Invitation to tbo ilanco which never came. 'They were wall flowers , as confirmed us nro some of the fomnlo members of the bout IF moudo , and tbov didn't Ilka It n llttlo bit. "But tblnK of the heart burnings I am re sponsible for ? " said another clover woman. "It Is quite Impossible to drtnco with all these \ men , and I am Indebted to them al. ! It will tnko the whole yonr to fet things right with mo and I urn not infatuated with the pros- pectn little bit. " "Why don't you follow the course I have mapped outl" said a thlrJ. "Don't ask these lords of creation but look on this vanltv fair In microcosm with that subllmo faith which Carlyle gives to his hero In Sartor Uosnrtus. " "will you go Into the smoking room ! " said n tall , finely proportioned bourl to a potlto blonde as they drifted along the hallway from the bull room. "Not just now. I am engaged for n Man hattan cocktail , ' ' said the Ingenue as alio winked the other oyu. " It was Now Year's nlghtl rbolongtnikod of leap year party was at Us height and the hours of care given to Its arrancomont was receiving justification. In many respects U was the most brilliant dancing party given nt the Millard for sev eral yonM.oUt.shinlng oven the Assembly par ties which weroso much n feature of social li fa two or three years apo. Yet tboro were many and some ludicrous mistakes inndo which will need the toucn of time to right and tnnyhap explain. And the young worcnn who would not DO a man found bow embarrassing It was to 1111 a program of dances whou all the desirable waltzcrs huvo been engaged before the evenIng - Ing of the party. But then that was another storv. To Miss AIcKeunn , Miss Yost , Miss Hoag land , Miss Laura Hoagland , Mlsa Orchard , Miss Brown the success of the party is largely due , while Mrs. Hoaplnnd , Mrs. Brown , Mrs. Swobo , Mrs , Russell Harrison and MM. McKcnna olllcinted In the capacity of patronesses. There wore many handsome costumes worn and the young women rolloctoi ! the holiday cheer in bright eyes and glowintt facis , for the week with the society sot has not boon ovriy ambitious. Miss Nash were a striking French gown of yellow moire , with u deep quilling about the skirt , the quilling being accentuated with .yellow tulle. Pink chrysanthemums gave a touch of color to the gown , wtillo an algrotta of the same attracted attention to ttio intel lectual face. x Miss \Viullelgh , who has for several years been a favorite In social circles , although a resident of Clinton , were a blue faille , fes- oonod in moussolllno do sola , caught up by American boiiuty roses. Miss Mnud Wadlolgh were a beautiful old- rose faille , trimmed with bands of green rib bon , caught up on the skirt wltb tiny bows of embroidered chiffon. Miss Otetuinl , on this occasion , were whlto moussollino do sole , a brocaded uodico being made fascinating with lovers' know. Mrs. Russell Harrison , a beautiful woman and n favorite in the social Ufa of both Washington and Now York , were a pale citron -colored sat'n with n small rufllo of black silk ut the bottom , covered with heav ily jotted net. Mrs. Lander was the cynosure of all eyes In a handsome black Jetted not over black satin , ostrich feathers being employed effect ively as trimming. . Ono ot the most beautiful irowns seen at the party was worn by Mrs. Ernest lliall , being n combination of wblto satin and moizo brocade , a wide vVntteuu plait falling from the shoulders and forming the train. , The zouave Jacket was edtred wltb passo- 'montirlo , high and wide sleeves of yellow satin giving a picturesque touch to the cos tume. fi * Miss Sherwood were pin It crcpo and green velvet. Miss Nolslo Hughes , ono ot the most charming of tbU season's dnbutantcs , and , withal n very interesting young woman , woio n gown of heliotrope albatross , the bodlco being almost covered with violets and /chiffon. C , Miss Emily Wakoloy , still a debutante In the number of her admirers , notwithstand ing that this Is her second season , looltod particularly fascinating in a yellow silk with V shaped vest of silver brocade , edged with feather trimming , and she carried a beauti ful bouquet , of hyacinths and roses. Mus Mills of Ics Molnus , who bos been n mnguot to ono of Omuha'a young bachelors .for several years , were a butt brocaded satin trimmed in tiny bands of pearl passomontorlo. Miss Lewis of Boston , blue Drocado satin trimmed in wide white satin ribbons. Miss Tbedo Balcb were n pretty white strlpoil gauze , while her sister. Miss I'lnk Hatch npi.uarcd in white china silk. , Miss Grnco Hlmebaugh woio brown croco with edging of gold passomontorlo. Mrs. Dan Whcolor were a very striking dress of pink canton crnpo trimmed with pink ribbon heuvily spanelod in sliver. Mrs. Clcmont Chase were a turquoise crepe caucht up with pink hyacinths. Another of the young women who found llttlo dlrtlculty In lllllng her card was Miss IJalsy Donne , In whlto silk trimmed with wldo rutllos of lace around the low bodice , and she carried an Immense bouquet of American beauties. Miss Delia Chandler were a yellow ohina silk trim mod In yellow velvet. Miss Mamlo MiToro , a potlto and pretty girl , were an attractive yellow crope. Miss Margaret Williams , who enjoys the distinction of being Omaha's most graceful dancer , were a Bedford corded clol blue silk trimmed with blue featl.ers. Mrs , Newton Barkalow were old rose and wblto Mile trimmed with whitn laco. Miss Wakuloy u rich pink silk with white lace trimmed with embroidered chiffon. Miss McKunnn were a pretty pn\\n of whlto satin trimmed with lovers' knots. Mrs. Wicks , u vivacious mid Interesting woman , graced a whlto tulle over white satin. But there were many beautiful wotn n present , ami the leap year party of IbUJ will bo a subject of warm discussion when an other soison brings about n change In tbo calendar. .Among these present were : Mr. und Mrs. Charles Stewart of Council Bluffs , Mr. and Mrs. W. Morris , Mr. and Mrs. Bradford , Mr. and Mrs. Uomlneton , Mr. and Mrs. AIc- Corinlck , Mr. unit Mrs. Cudahy , Mr. and- Mrs. DIota , Mr. and Mrs. Colpetzor , Mr. and Mrs. Wood , Mr. and Mrs. N. Barkalow , Mr. and Mrs. Harvey , Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bnrka , low. Mr. and Mrs. O. Green. Mr. and Mrs. McCormlck. Mr , and Mrs. McCord , Mr. and Mrs. Hodlck , Mr. uud Mrs. Lani'ar , Mr. and Mrs. Peck. Mr. and Mrs. Swobo , Mr. and Mrs : Will Poppleton. Mr. and Mm. Cbaso , Mr. and Mr * . Wheeler. Jr. , Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur , Mr. nnd Airs. Charles Squlioa , Mr. and Mrs. Hlull. Dr. and Mrs. Lee , Mr. ana Mrs. W. Hamilton , Mrs. Harrison , Mrs. J. J. Brown , Mrs. Book- with , Mrs. Riwell Harrison , Miss Chandler , Miss Crown , Miss Hoagland , Miss Sharp , Mlsa Uoane , MUs Emily Wakeley.MIss Ham- MoMis * Wadlalgh , MUs Dalcouibo , the Misses Wallare , the MUses Balch , MUs Hub- bard. MUs Lewis of Boston. MUs Hipp of Cincinnati , MUs Yost , Miss Corby of St. Louis. MUs Bache , MUs IJams , Mist Moore , MUs tiara Diet on of Minneapolis , Mis * Wil liams , MUs Youne of Boston , Mrs. Trultt , Mrs. Wloks , Mrs. McKonno. Mrs. Honglund Miss Orchard , Miss Popplotou , MUs Dundy , Mils Laura Hoagland. Ml s Ida Sharp , Miss ( , Wakeloy , Mm Stowort , MUs Nash , MUs Maude Wadlelgh , Miss Sborwood , MUs Hughes , MUs Cooolaud , Mlsj Bookwlth , M * Hlmobausb. MUs Woolworln , Miss Robliloux , MU Margaret Pratt , Mus Smith , MUs McCnRUO , Miss Harbor , Ml * * Chambers , MUs Rawlos , Mist Mabel Pratt. Mr. Will Wyman , Mr. R. 8. Berlin , Mr. Loorals. Mr. Coldwoll Hamilton , Mr Fnirllold , Ir. Algernon Patrick , Mr.L W. Patrick , Mr. John Patrick , Mr. Gannett , Mr. Hall. Mr. Hanry Wyman , Mr. Herbert Cook , Mr. Compton , Mr. Will Crary , Mr. Barlow , Mr. Cole * . Mr. Charles Rountzo , Mr. Bishop , Mr. Hastings , Mr. Drake , Mr. Koed , Major Cornoffvn , Captain Crowdor , Lieutenant Hlnos. Mr Prank Hamilton , Mr. Will Pax- ton. Mr. Curtlss Turner , Mr. Jordan. Mr. McMillan , Mr. Charles SaundeM , Mr. Plorro Garnoau. Dr. Summon * Mr. Darling , Mr. Arthur Oulou , Mr. Crofoot , Mr. Clark Hodlck , Mr. Clifford Smith , Mr. Voss , Mi' . Edward Sherwood , Mr. Augustus Kountzo , Mr. Chat Redlck , Mr. Will McCaguo. Mr. W. F. Smith , Mr. J. 1C. Chambers , Lluu- tcnnnt Powell. Lieutenant Palmer , Lieutenant - tenant Bookmlllor , Lieutenant Nichols. A Ilrlllliuit Dancing Party. Alfred do Mussel soiiowhoro spanks of tbo delight of sitting on a fauloull by the window and watching the passing throng , but Alfred never could have boon a looker-on nt a young people's dancln ? party , else ho would have amoiidod his pleading to suit the modern method of giving our boys and girls pleasure. Last week was purely the children's \voek , mm everywhere throughout the city parties and luncheons were given l < i their hot.or , the older people , for oncti , havliiB to stand In the background while the procession of college boys and sem inary girls.dtirtod past In the mazy waltz or more stately minuet. * Among the beautiful entertainments given for the llttlo men and women , none were more gracious than the dancing party Riven bv Honrv nnd Gordon Clarke at I ho rosi- dcnco of Mr. H. T. Clarke , Twenty-fifth and , Cuss streets. There Is something delightfully pleasant about the Clnrlio residence. It has the charm of boitig lived in and thtoughout reflects n line nrtisllu taste which is not alwavs to bo found even in these latter centurv days. From the wide hallway with Its mussivo carved oak early English mantel to the beau tifully proportioned ball room in tbo third story it U an Ideal city homo. While there has boon no attempt at elaborate decoration , thcro Is n harmony in tone , in finish , which gives It n restful , bomollko appearance , very enjoyable. There are no Louis Sclzo chairs and rococo vases on the mantels , staring ono another outof countenance , but each room is a complcto reproduction of adlslinctstyleevon to the hangings. Tbo mural effects have been conscientiously considered , and iho architect and decorator have worked in thorough har mony. All the rooms are largo and nlry and thov open into ono another in a manner which leaves llttlo to bo desired. - Mr. Clarke was not limited as to space when ho built this charming homo and per consequence it has magnificent proportions. Off from tlio hallway to the left Is the drawing room , next to it is the parlor nnd back of that on thosido of the small hall way from the potto cochere , is the library , u , bijou apartment , lined with books and fur nished with the easiest of easy furniture. The dining room is on the north side of the house immediately In the rear of the Immense central hull , another perfect apartment. Above stnlrs the architect , bus shown n wise judgment In his arrangement of the sleeping apartments , and each mem ber of" Mr. Clarke's family has a line , handsome room in which their lares and petioles have boon erected. Some ot the rooms in their pleasing decorations sug gest the delicacy and daintiness of tuo Ital ian renaissance. There Is no straining after effects , but a perfect knowledge of rela tive tones is overvwhoro discern ible. The ball room , which was ; iol used on this occasion , is finely furnished in hard wood , and is almost square in form , alcoves bora and thorn being sot into the side walls , which when furnished with divans will make a beautiful vantage irround from which to view "tho passing throng. " Tbo decorations for tbo ovonlne' were simple , Doing confined mostly to Christmas evergreens , with Inrgo stands of ferns and tropical plants adding additionally to the beauty of the apartments. The naso of the hallway mantel was banked with hot house plants , while the grand stairway was rich with many palms tind ferns. Thn doubloparlors were canvused for danciDg , while the hallway was loft bare. Mr. and Mrs. Clarice , Miss Clarke and Messrs. Henry and Gordon Clarke received at the foot of the stairway , guests entering from the side , passing above stairs and then down to whore the recoivine party stood. Mrs. Clarke was a sweet picture of woman liness in u handsome gown of black lace , with American beauty roses , whllo her pretty and accomplished daughter , Miss Gertrude , were a beautiful and becoming canary col ored crape , simply made , trimmed with duchosso'Iaco. slippers und gloves to match. Miss Fanny Durvoa , a nrotty and piquanto joung woman , were a gown of figured silk , inado princesso , trimmed with Valenciennes laco. laco.Miss Miss Burr of Lincoln , a sweet and lovely nils3 , wore an India mullo costume , simply mado. Miss Mabel Brown was brilliant In rod silk. silk.Miss Hall , n striking beauty , with a line classical face woio n becoming gown of black tulle with a gold girdle. Amor- lean beauties. Miss Helen Hoagland were n very Frenehv costume of pink crepe , Miss Lizzio Allen were a soft yellow crepe with black bodice. Miss Susie Colpotzor , with the air of an castotyi finishing school about her , appeared in u clinging blue crepe. MUs lOthol Morse graced a clol blue cropo. Miss Gertrude Ringwult , ono of the favor ites in the race for position in tno social world , were a pale pink silk with tullo. Miss Lou Hobble , a pretty blue crcpO. Miss Borlha Sloan , who Is douinod to wreclc many hearts because of her dashing dark type of beauty , was lovely In a red crepe costuuio , thoroughly girlish , with full sleeves , gloves and boots to match. Miss JontloYatos , who grows more nnd moro like hnr mother , Mrs. Henry Yates , were a swcui gown of white silk , with red slippers. Miss Hattlo Cady were a clol blue cropo. Miss Bobsto Raymond was dainty In a bril liant red gown. Miss Mabel Taylor , red silk trimmed with moussolllno do solo. MissCahn , whlto silk. ftliss Phllllppl were n pretty blue chiffon. Miss Sherwood , a pretty flowered moussol llno do solo In u rosebud pattern. Miss Crauser " , n quaint toilotlo of Quaker gray cropo. ISliss Buulah Sharp , who promises to take up the social reins when thovarn dropped by her older sisters , xvas attractive In light green. Miss Lou Drake , pink striped chiffon. Miss Louise Squire , white sill : , peasant waist , trimmed with gold. Refreshments were served in the brilliant ly lighted dining room at 10:30 and after wards u few moro numbers were danced , the guests leaving at midnight. There woio present : Helen Millard , Fan- nlo Duryea , LIzzlo Allen , Edna Cowln , Bertha - tha Sloan , Anna Shwanlk , Winnla Gray , Edith Crowell , Hattie Cody , Hortonso Ulark , Amy Barker , Mabel Taylor , Lulu Hobble , Louise Squires , Mabel Brown , Jan- tie Yates , MUs Lt'inan of St. Joseph , MUs Johnson of bt , Joseph , draco Burr of Lin- coin , Susie Colpetzor , Gertrude Branch , Katie Preston , Edith Prostou , Ui'salo Towlo , Gertrude Ring wait , Adelaide Nnsh , Cnrrlu Mercer , Mamlo Hall , Fannlo Gilbert , Mao Mount , Bessie Hulbort , Lcm Carter , Mar garet MeKoll , Helen Hoavland , Florence Kllpatrlck , Ethel Morse , Florence Mono , May Morse , Buulah Shurp , Florence Krapsor , Ruth Phillip , Emma Sherwood wood , Louie uud Alice Drake , Will Cowip. Herbert Morse , Sam Morse , Jov > Banter , Scott Brown , Edwin Davis , Edward Swobo , Dtvlght Swobe , Herman ICountzo , Luther Kountzo , Arthur Carter , Carrel Car ter , Charles Pratt , * Louw 1'ratt , Ward Clarke , Louis Clarke , Ru&soll Wilbur , Mark Polack , Frame Hoskcll , Frank McCuuo , HUH- soil Burt. Richard Gray. Ralph Connol , Carl Connel , Sam Burns , Will Burns , Howard Tllden , Rae Hobble , James Wallace , Fred Lake , Masher Colpotzer , Jay Bovd , Bert Raymond , Fwd Schneider , Wuldeii llranch , George Purvis , Morrol Brown , Ezra Mlllaru , Ross Towlo , George Gilbert , Archlo Nuuglo , Archie Pratt , Uollm Smith , Percy Jensen , Rex Morohouso , Asa Shlverlok , Mont ICeu- uard , Mr. Vaughn of Now York. Thu .Mount Cotillon. Mr. and Mrs. Mount gave one of the prot- ttosl cotillons of the season on Now Year's ove. The dalaty maids and handsome youths norno for tbo uiid-wlutor holidays cavu thorn- solves up to cards , muslo and chased the Ilootlutr hours with merry feou Mr. and Mw. Mount worn assisted In receiving by Miss Mount , Mr. ana Mrs. Collins. The parlors wore beautifully decorated wltn pottea plants nnd flowers. LiehtrofrcshmonLs wcronorvcd. Tlio youmf Indies present were Lolta Car ter , Etnmil Crandnll , Allco Drnko , Ruth Phllllppi.Edlth Smytho. Mabel Taylor. Fan- nle Duryoa , Lulu Smith , Frances Gilbert , Ethel MONO , Louise Hobble , Moo Morse , Florence Mono , Bosslo Raymond mend , Florence Crnpsor , Myrtle Roblson , Joannlo Brown , Anna Shlvorlclt , Bertha Van Camp , Bosslo Dufronu. Jessie Oodso , B-jsslo Towlo , Blrtio Biilbach , Evn Kounard , Emma Moore , Mabel Barker , Edna Cowln , Edith Preston , Bosslo Hulbort , Emma Sherwood , Sue Colpotror , Helen Hoaeland , Hattie Cadv , Winifred Gray. Boulah Sharp , Bessie Dunham and Mabel Brown. The young men present were Arthur Carter , Ralph Crnndoll , George Purvis , Ed Alexander , Charles Pratt , Louis Pratt , Rollin Smith , Fred Ilartmnu , George Gilbert , Archlo Pratt , Frank Haskofl , Fred Lane , Rae Hobble , James Wai- lace , Henry Clarke , Gordon Clarke , Bert Raymond , Frank McCuno , Fred Dufrono , Archlo Nnuglo , Edwin Swobo , Dwlght Swobo , Ross Towle , Russell Burl. Linsloy Sherwood , Mosior Colpotzer , Paul Hoagland , Dh-k Gray. Bert Gray , Jock Sharp. Bert Morse , Sam Morfo. Mont IConnnrd , Will Hartman , Will Gardner , Irvln Gardner. Chorlio Brown , Asa Shivorlck , Will Cowln , Ralph Council , Carl Council and Will Burns. Among the Invited ettosts were MUs Mnttlo Hayward of Nebraska City , Misses Jennie nnd Myrtle Montgomery , Mlssos Marirarct Carpuutor nnd Bculah Hall of Oswego , ICan. , and MUs Ruby Rlloy of In dianapolis. _ _ _ _ _ A J'rctty Holiday Wudillng. St. Barnabas was the sccnoon Wednesday of a very pretty wedding , the parties In In terest being Miss Allco Knight Tracy and Mr. Herbert Vnllentlno Alien of Jnnusvillo , Wis. Tha sacred edlllco was cxquisitoly de corated with garlands of evergreens , while upon the altar Christmas lilies "sivayod and bung1 tolling the nature of the occasion , which was Joyous In the ox t re mo. Promptly nt high noon the wedding pro cession entered from the choir room , glad tones of the Wedding March echoing over the heads of the waiting congregation. The ushers , Mr. Pogne , Mr. Ton Eyck , Mr. George nnd Mr. Forsman , led the pro cession , followed by the maid of honor , Miss Hodson , walking nlono. Then carne two rjrotty children , Grotchon Nye and Jean Weston , the former bearing the ring , the lat ter strewing flowers in the pathway of the fair young brldo who came next In order , walking alone. At tlio chancel she was met by tuo groom and his best man , Mr. Sctmllor of Janosvlllo. Rev. John Williams , rector , read the service , Mr. Tracoy , father of the brldo , giving her into the keeping of her now ' lord. The bride was a swcot picture of girlish loveliness , robed In heavy whlto satin trimmed exquisitely in point luco and om- broiderea moussellino do solo , loops ot sniilax giving a dash of color to the happv effect , which was was still further aucinontod by the rich Arussels not veil falling gracefully over the girlish figure. Miss tlodson was costumed in embroidered chiton over faille , doml-train and decollete. After the service the wedding party drove to the brido'3 residence where a breakfast was served , the guests being : Mr. Botsford , Janoavtllo ; Mr. Russell. Jnnosvlllo ; Mr. Shorlll , Janosvillo ; Miss Hodson , Jnacsvlllo ; Mr. nnd MM. Talcott. Mooreland , la. ' , Mrs. Watson , Moaroland , la. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Wes ton , of Fort Dodco ; Mr. and Mrs. Rlall , Mrs. Burns , Mrs. Hyr.dshaw , Chicago ; Mrs. Busholl , Council Bluffs : Miss Willis , Mrs. Fred Nyo. At 7 o'clock Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen loft on a wedding tour of the west. They \vlll return to Omaha in n fortnight and then go on to Jauosvlllo to make their homo. A X nv Veur's K\o Juorjtlon. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn , 2111 Emmet street , Kountzo place , gave a reception tion and dancing party Thursday evening to their niece. Miss Anglo Boyco and her friends , Mlssos Nora Gibson and Wort , which deservedly ranks among iho leading social events of last wcok. Mr. Joslvn has a beautiful homo InKountyo place , the rooms opening into one another very pleasantly , the architect having used , the space allotted to him most admirably. But it is in the artistic decorations and furnishings that the Joslvn residence ex cels. Throughout the daintiest of shades have boon usod. the most discriminating care being shown in combining effects , which , instead of diminishing the size of the apart ments , really makes them look larger. The parlor on the north was a picture in its soft hangings of mauve , while pretty lamps and curious bits of bric-a-brac added still further to the pleasing surround ings. Excellent pictures , hang on the walls and everywhere ono turns something quaint gathered In voars of travel Is soon. In addition to tbo pretty curtains , roses nnd smllax helped to make the lower portion of the house n bower of boauty. The irtantcl in the parlor was banked with American beauties , while the dining room was resplendent - dent in ovorgrcons , holly and smllnx. The table was effectively decorated , a soft , dark cloth covering it , upon which stood candelabia at either ond. tloro and tboro also stood out glass dishes filled with bonbons bens , the oltoct under the shaded lights being very restful. Mrs. Joslvn , Miss Boyco , Miss Gibson and Miss Wort received in the parlor , Mrs. Joslvn ' wearing a prutty costume of green silk'simply mado. Miss Boyco wore a becoming gown of pinir embroidered crepe , velvet bauds - ef fectively to Its beauty. Miss Gibson , a very stylish young woman , were a smart gown of white silk with luco over dress , sllppors to match. Miss Wort were a dainty tollotto of whlto organdie. Miss Wedge were a pretty shade ot blue silk trimmed with quantities of ribbon and whlto laco. Miss Balloy were a white Louis Solzo gown with a mauve colored train. Mrs. McDanicts graced a pretty pink silk trimmed with bands of velvet , cntralno. Miss Livesoy were a graceful dross of yel low silk filled at the shoulders with Ullos ot the valloy. Mrs. Pinto who is quito n favorite In Kount/o Plnco circles , were a white striped silk , dccolloto. Mrs. Bishop , shell pink cloth , trimmed with passementerie. Miss Ada Parker , a very attractive young woman , were a pink embroidered chiffon , whllo her sistor. Miss Alice Parker , were whlto silk und flowered chiffon. Miss MoLaln , rod croue. MUs . H.uinmn attracted attention in a lovely gown of cream surah , trimmed with plnlc ro-ics. Mrs. Stoddard had on a beautiful white coided silk gown , ontralno. The guests present were : Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard , Mr. and Mrs. Hall , Mr. and Mrs. Pinto , Mr. and Mrs. Craig , Mr. and Mrs. Bryans , Mr. and Mrs. Cobb , Mr. and Mrs. McDaniels , Misses Bishop , Alexander , Fisher , Bailey , Keller , Haskoll , Bauinan , Minnie Bauinan , McLaln. Livesoy , Strang , Parker , Allco Parker , Hartman , Church , Strawn , Messrs. Alexander , Llvosov , God- fro v , Holln , Farnsworth , Porloy , Barrett , McLaln , Strang. Sherman , Beach Mornn. Knouso , Moran , Smith , Foyo , Howell , Grout lager , Ross , Boitwlck , Russell , Schollor. Tilt ) Coiiiii'U DinicliiK I'ltrty. In lionor of her two ous , Ralph Sheldon Council and Carl Connell , Joseph Barker , Jr. , airi William Tracy Burns of Anaconda , Mrs. W. J , Conaoll entertained with a danc ing party Monday evening at iho Council residence at Tweiity.fotirth and St. Mary's avenue. The house was prettily decorated with palms and evergreens , in addition to hosts of Japanese lanterns which were bung about the room In picturesque confusion. The lemonade - onado bowl , for the young people have not become blase enough to love punch , was stationed in'tho corridor loading from the main hallway , n largo Japanese umbrella hung over tho. bowl , the rim of tbo umbrella bolncr also decorated. with lanterns. In fact , tbo party was suggestvo ! of tno Feast of Lanterns which U so often celebrated lu oriental countries. The whole lower floor xvas canvasod for dancing except the hall and tbo young man and women entered upon the festivities of the week with the exuberance of spirit that tells of Hooting Joy * . It was the last week of the holidays and tbo children determined to rnaka tha moat of It , ovou It hollow eyes and languid looks told of Into hours and heavy suppers. Mrs. Connell who U a i-aro hottest loft nothing undone for the pleasure ot her sons' guests and among tbo delightful or.totaln- monts ot "children's wook" the Council dancing party will rank among the first. It was perfect in every feature. There was llttlo crowdhui-ln Iho dancing rooms nnd the boys and plrU were very happy. Refrothmonti wprrr served In the second story , at small tal > | oi , ' which hail previously lieen used for caret playing by these who either did not dance or tllu not care to Join In the revelry bolowTtnlrs. The orchostrn tyas stationed lit the roar hallway und played n well arranged dance program. The danccVcards were very unique , the lly loaf having a number ot swallows In relief upon It wltb tttmvonU "Homo Again , " In gold letters Immediately underneath tha birds , together with Ulo data "Monday evenIng - Ing , UcenmborUS. lh2JJ' There were present : Edna Cowln , Fnnnio Cole , Fay Cole , Mabel Brown , Gertrude mint-wait , Allco Dr.iko , Bcrthn Sloan , MabAl. Hollman , Soima Hell- man , May , Kthol and Florence Morse , Bnsslo and Helen Peclr , Blanche Estubroolc , Helen Hoagland , Eugenia Brown , Fannlo Gilbert , Margaret Brown , May Hamilton , Miss Johnson , Miss Lemon , Miss Cook , Winifred Groy , Anna Hlvi-nck , Lula Hobble , 1C nun a Sherwood , Leila Carter , Suslo Col- pctzer , Dora Raapko , Bosslo Towlo , Luclllo Plnnoy , Jon tie Yates , Gertrude KounUo. Helen Millard , Grctchcn Crounso , Marie Crounso , Agnes Reed , Loulso Holler , Lily Moore , Frodrloa Wessells , May Nash , AUoluldo Nash , Mabel Taylor , Fan tile Duryoa , Darllnu Coo. Edith uud Katie Prostou , Grace Alton , Bculah Sharp , Loulso Squires , Bosslo Raymond , Mnttlo Cady , Anna Kelley , Marie Coffman , Lulu Smith , Ootnvia Whcatou. Esslo Donisc , Florence Kilpatrlok , Mary Barker. Ammlo Lionbcrgor , May Mount. Anna Bcchol. Bcsslo Ilurlburt , Joseph Barker , Jr. , James Wallace. Russell Wilbur. Allen Hop kins , Millard Hopkins , Ezra Millnrd , Georco Doane , Herman Kountze , Luther Kountzo , Russell Burt. Hurry Yates , William S. Burns. Gray and Chaillo Montgomery , Fredoriclc Lake , Carl and William Burnham , Jay Boyd , Snmuol Burns , Herbert Plnnoy , Ross Towlo , Ralph Richardson , Alfred Barker , Dwlght licr , Samuel Caldwell , Raymond Hun- drlx , Herbert Raymond , Louis and Charlie Pratt , Horuurt and Samuel Morse , Monte Kennnrd , Howard Tlldon , George Purvis , Henry Claric , Gordon Clark , Frame nnd Charllo Morsoman , Henry Rnapkc , William Cowln , Mosior Colpotzer , Atthur Carter , Lindsay Sherwood. Ray Hobble , Asa Shlvorick , Herbert and Richard Gray. Frederick Hamilton , * George Gilbert Charllo Brown , Paul Hoaglaud , Edward nnd Dwight Swobo. tlio Now Vciir The employes of May Meyer & Bro. tendered - dorod n reception to their friends Now Year's night In the music hnll above the storo. The guests were received by Misses Ada Stlck- loy. Morse , Lena Butts , Ida Wheeler , Por- rino. rino.At At 8 o'clock a game of progressive high flvo began nnd lasted until 10 , whou the prizes were awarded as follows : First prize , a sil ver picture frame , Mrs. McGrow ; gentle man's prize , a silver match safe , Mr. L. Walker : ladies' booby prize , n gold hairpin , Miss L. Seritoii ; contlemon's booby prize , Mr. W. Ponder. After the cards came light lofrcshmonts , consisting of coffee , cake , ice cream and fruit. Whllo the guests partook of the refreshments the following program was carried out : Mandolin club . Prof. Sartorlus I'mnobolo . , . Mr. ( } . Mcl'liur on houa Ava Jlarlu . MM. Joseph flitter Violin solo . 1'rof. Hull Murtln Calm , accompanist. Song-Iiass . . . Mr. W. A. Derrick I'lanosolo 1'or thoojjaaslon . . Composed by Charles Stephens Mandolin club . . . . . < „ > . . I'rof. Sarturlus The lloor was then -clouted and dancing was indulged iu until , the small hours of the mornlne. Among tuoip present were : Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Pond.orMr. and Mrs. Jesse Whlto , Mr. nnd Mrs' , .Joseph Rlttor , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers."Mr. and Mrs. A. Pat terson , Mrs. T , Klut * . ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Van Horn , Mr. and Mrs. IV Hover , Mr. and Airs. T. Gross , Mr. and Mrsi Ma'x Bri/zl. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Roth , Mr. . and Mrs. D. Sampson , Mr. and Mrs. Leonard , Mr. and Mrs. O. Pihl , Mr. and Mrs. Kottern , Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Bothwoll. Mr. ai\U Mrs. T. il. Hart , Mr. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Wotfo1. Mr. und Mfcs. Wil liam White , Misses n'orrill , Louis , Isottio nnd Efllo Now , AddioNewman , Tilllo New man , Hclon Budman , Hoyor , McGrew , Sea- ton , Wheeler , Mesfn-q. Bloedol , Smytho , Boyles , Eu. Wcssel/Longstadtor , He.yn.Alox. Wcssol , Deichos , Xdiiar Wessol. Kohp , Smith. A. niudskOfT.-li&uts 'Uthdskoff , Por- ' flold , Slopho'n , JUllus'Meyor , Schaffor , Derrick - rick Cumlngs , Satorlus , Thomas Boyd , A. Calm , Martin Cdhn , ' Albert Cahn , Snyder , E. Whitman , Burkloy , L. RoitanburH. Will Ponder ZiUnmnu , E. Xltzmiinn , J. Cotter , llarvov Smith , Widemore , C. C.Schaffer , Mr. Woodbridgo. The success of the entertainment was duo in great part to tbo efforts of Mr. A. Mandol- bcrg and his assistants on the arrangement committee , Mossri. D. Sampson , T. Porfleld , Al. Barston , Arthur Smith , William Bloodol. The Kindergarten ) : ntertuliiiiirnt. Ono of the most attractive and unique of tbo numerous holiday entertainments was that arranged by Miss Evelyn Griftlths for her kindergarten pupils at ! i" > 00 Davenport street. Her home , so admirably adapted for the occasion , was handsomely decorated with mistletoe and holly and sweet with the frag rance of La Franco roses and chrysanthe mums. A lovely Christmas tree , filled with presents , was the center of interest for the children , as it contained presents made by tbo little ones lor the mothers in attendance. At a signal from the piano , the children , who hnd all boon in the chambers upstairs , marched down singIng - Ing their pretty songs and waving flags , through the parlors into the kindergarten room. Thcro they performed the evolutions which they had been taught with nil the pre cision of llttlo soldiers , and In their dainty toilets , with bright , happy faces , they formed n lovely picture. After completing these ex orcises they saag a number of kindergarten songs and played the usual school games , when they took their seats anil listened to recitations. Refreshments were served , parents and children alike participating , nftor which the presents were distributed und the party dispersed. Among the lady patrons of the school present were : Mesdames - dames Cudahy , Road , Bradford , Now , Moday Collins , Richardson , Dlokoy , Shori- dun , Gilbert , Barkalow , C. Cahn , Martin Cahn , Halncs and McCaguo. In Honor of Tlii'lr Sons. Wednesday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Montgomery entertained for their sons , Charles nnd Gray , who nro students at Farl- bault , Minn. , where so many of the Omaha youths are in training. The house is de lightfully arranged for dancing four rooms on the lower floor opening into ono another , the double parlor and dining room having boon canvassed for the ovouing. A pleasing feature of the occasion was the dance inusio played by a number of harpists , the rythmic flow of iho muslo being an Incentive to nim bi a toot to distinguish themselves in the wait/ and quadrille. , . It U wonderful wVal changes have boon mndo In the manner , , of children's enter tainments during1' the past ton years. Tlmo woH" ' that the children were compelled to rdniuln religiously In the background until th.iiJVnrs gavu thorn might to bo hoard from. IJQ.I.V , at ( ) , and possibly earlier , they uru sent , tp the dancing school , the deportment toachci ; ; they take French or Gorman , and by the tltno they are 15 are a very great deal easlerth society than their fathers nnd mother.Vah'd yet to have looked on nt the Montgomery.1) party ono could not belp but command the change In the manner of children's educating , for already they nro real men aud women. . ' ' .standing with reluct ant foot whoio the brook and river meet. " Upstahs Mrs. Montgomery had placed a number of small tables ; for the card players In the party , and lion 'Wo refreshments were served , u very plotsunt idea , avoiding the confusion of going Into the dining room and making elaborate donation ni'cossary. There were no doioratons ; | to gpoaft of on Wednesday evening , Mrs. Montgomery tie- Having that the bovs nnd girls were lu for a good tune , und they had It. These who were present woro. Cadet Kounsmau , Cadet Hulso , Cadet Wolior , Cadet Fowler , Cadet Dufrono , Cadet Bush , Cadet Counell , Cadet BomU. Cadet Baker , Bert Schneider , Frnnk richnolder , Bert Raymond , Robert Morse , Sam Morse , Arthur Carter , Carl Connell , RossTowlo , Ruy Hobble , Clayton Goodrich , Mosler Colpotzor , Allan Hopkins , Millard Hopkins , Warner Field , Charles Wilbur , James Ritchie , Wal ter Chapman , Eugene Mills , Lewis Pratt , Charles PrattSuslo Colpotzor , Mona Martin , Bertha Sloan , Jessie Dickonson , May Barl- lett , Marjory Uitchle , Lolla Carter , Hattie Cady , Loulo Hobble , Gertrude trudo Goodrlob , Winifred Gray , Mary Johnson , Allco Druko , Louisa Drake , Bessie Towlo , LouUn Squires , Darlino Coo , MUs Barker , MUs Sherwood , Misses Howell , Missus Phclps , MUs Walklin , MUs Fowler , Miss Barker , George Martin , Uaylortl Mar tin , George West , Waldou Branch , Joe Barker , Fred Hnrtman. Lindslov Sherwood , Ed Swooo , Dwlght Swobo , Cadet Gray , Cadet Eosson , Cadet Igoo. Tim DrnliMfll Utsli-Tlio flilli. On Now Year's eve Iho nbovo club assem bled at the rosldonco of Mr. and MM. An drew Potorsou , Thirty-third nnd Sprague streets , nnd played hl h-flvu nnd partook of the flagrant "nectar , " fruit nnd other doll- cacios. Mrs. Doogan and Mr.Glondonlng carried off the honors , and for ouco Mrs. Glendcnlng nnd Mr. Wilson were not In It , nnd before leaving they fully resolved to laarn the "Rnmo'1 before again attempting to plav it. About 11 o'clock all present sat down to nn elegant and delicious outlay of viands , which highly redounded to tbo credit of the hostess , proving that .sho had studied to launch her guests on the now > carlu the midst of good cheer nnd happiness. Playing Was resumed and Kept up until the wco small hours , when they dispersed with an agree ment to moot nt the same place next year on Now Year's ovo. These present were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Glondenlng , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Giliam , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Docgan , Mr. and MM. W. H. Robertson , Mr. anil Mrs. G. E. Wilson nnd Mr. nnd Mrs , A. Peterson. This is the secoml season of the club'a exist- once. It Has n membership of twelve anil U exclusive. The meetings nro hold regularly on Saturday night of each wcuk , nnd the members take turn In entertaining the club. A Prrtty Lunrlii'im. A lovely luncheon was plvoti Tuesday nf- tornoon by Miss Gertrude Hingwnlt , in honor of Mr. Joseph Barker , Jr. The house was artistically decorated with hotly , mistletoe and cedar In honor of the event , the happy effect brightened by rod roses nnd the light ot pink candles. After a well considered luncheon of sov- crnl courses , thoyotinu friends of the hostess , who have quite dominated the social llfo of the metropolis since tlm advent of the holi days , played "kono" the principal prizes beIng - Ing won by Miss Helen Millnrd , Miss Loulso Dohertv , Mr. Luther Kountzc. nnd Mr. Edcar morsmnn. These were present : Miss Gertio Kountzo , Mr. Joseph Barker , Jr. . Miss Helen Millard , Mr. Luther Kountzo , Miss Jontio Yates , Mr. Herman D. Kountzo. Miss Bosslo Peck , Mr. Ezra Millard , MUs Mao Hamilton , Mr. Wil. Ham B. Cowtn , Miss Belle Morrow , Mr. Frnnk Morrow , MUs Edna Cowin , Mr. Frederick Lake , Miss Mabel Brown , Mr. Henry Clnrko , Miss Florence Morse , Mr. Joseph J. Morsmnn , Miss Mabel Taylor , Mr. Gordon Clarke , MUs Hclon Burnham , Mr. Edgnr Morsmnn , Jr. , Miss Louise Squires , Mr. Ralph Connell , Miss Mav Morse , Mr. William Burns , Miss Solla Carter , Mr. Arthur Curler , Miss Fay Cole , Mr. Ira Van Camp , Miss Emma Sherwood wood , Mr. Russell Wilbur , Miss Bosslo Raymond mend , Mr. Dwlght Swobo , Miss Louisa Doherty , Mr. Millurd Hopkins , Miss John son , St. Joseph. Mo. ; Mr. Ray Hobble , Miss Cooke , Milwaukee ; Mr. Edward T. Swobo , Miss Lulu Hobble , Mr. Bert Raymond , Miss Leuimon , St. Joseph , Mo. ; Mr. Frederick Hamilton , Mr. Allan Hopkins , Mr. AsaShlv- onck. _ Mil. II. C. Ititrr'M Uuiltal. The muslcalo given on Tuesday ovonlng nt the rosldonco of Mrs. C. S. Potter , on South Twenty-fifth nvonuo , by the pupils of Mrsi H. C. Burr , was ono of the pleasant occasions of the holiday season. The pupils taking part were : Nona and Kitty Smith , Mary Fltchott , Ida Moore , Bcsslo Bedford , Georgio Fltchett , Allco Ferguson , Emma Potter , Delia Soars , Clommie Russell and Vvlnnio Gray. To muslo lovers who see the promise of the future in the performance of today , the play ing of these llttlo misses , and the manifest study not of notes and staves alone , but of tlio thought for which notes , staves nnd a piano are a mode of expression will not soon bo forgotten. Real talent was dlspla > ud by several , but all of the nuuibors given showed such faithful study nnd such an interest in the work that It would bo unfair to accord creator crodlt to one than to another. Dancing ; the Your Auny. Ono of the jolliest of the wood's dancing parties was that held at the Paxton Thursday evening. Though thoroughly informal , the invitations having boon given- verbally nnd by telephone the day previous , it brought to gether a number of the leading social lights , aud the old year was danced away under delightfully pleasant circumstances. 'iho muslo was gooJ , the largo parlors finely canvased , the people were congenial , what moro could bo demanded to make an ovonlng eventful J Luncheon was served at midnight , the sturdy youngster , 181)2 ) , receiving a round of welcome from the guests. Among these present were : Mr. and Mrs. Smith , Mr. nnd Mrs. Riall , Mr. nnd Mrs. Richardson , Mr. aud Mrs. Truett , Mrs. Mc- Konnn , MUs McKenna , Miss Orchard , Miss Dewey , Miss Dundv. Mrs. Charles Dewey , MUs Yost , Miss Williams , Miss Hookor. Miss Smith , Miss Mills of Dos Molnes. Miss Lewis of Boston and Miss Stewart of Coun cil Bluffs. The gentlemen were : Messrs. H. F. and W. T. Wyman , William Hamilton , Ed. Sher wood , Dick Berlin , Robert and John Patrick , Arthur Smith , Dr. Wilcox. W. L. McCnguo , John Fornst , Nod Hooker , Al. Patrick , Charles Saumlors , Mr. Fuirflold , Mr.iCopo- land , Art Guiou , Ike Colos , Lieutenant Palmer. Earl Gannett. lit I'ort Oiimlm , M-s Wheaton , Mrs. Wicks nnd Liouton- tenant Kinzio spout the early p irt of the week nt Kearney , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Juan Boylo. A concert was given Mr. Kin zio by his friends there Tuesday evening at the now opera house. Never did his glori ous tenor volco sound to a batter advantage or moot with warmer npproclation'nnd hearty applause. The Second infantry has Just cause to bo proud of Mr. Kinzio. Lieutenant and MM. Pickering gave a de lightful card party Thursday evening in honor of Lieutenant Mnrkhnrt , who ha * re cently boon ossltrned to this regiment. Miss Waring was the fortunate winner of an after-dinner coffco cup and saucer In whlto and gold. Captain Dumrsar , was awarded a dainty -postal cord holder. A merry party watched the old year out and the now yont1 In. MUs Florence Hart stuff ufter n pleasant visit homo during the holidays returned to her studios In New York. Mrs. Fox of Detroit Is the guest of her sister , Mrs. Frank Wheaton. Dn und MM. Spencer return Monday from Fort Loavonworth where they have boon the guests of Lieutenant and Mr. Bcuhnin for the pa. t wook. Regretfully did tbo garrison bid good bvo to Miss Dana yesterday when she loft the fort toroturn-to her homo in Pennsylvania. Hliu Wax .SiirpiNcil. Tuesday evening a number of Miss Fo- ilora Wolff's friends , lea rains that It was Miss Fedora's birthday , determined upon n surprise , aud at H o'clock called at the rosl donco of tliolr play mute and frlond on Harnoy street. MUs Wolff Is a bright and interest ing llttlo woman , an accomplished plantsto for her ago , and the coming of her young friends brought Joy nnd happiness in Its train. Tha guests played games , lUtenoJ to the young lady play the piano , and then to cap tno ovonlng n feast of good things was spread , which wa filled with the spirit of holiday cheer. There were present , bcsldo the llttlo visi tor. * : Linn nnd Hunehen Kohfeld , Hulcm nnd Miriam Hurt , Bertha Newman , Fnnnio Meyers , Emily Bowles , Ethel GInsor , Bortlo Bali , Al Solomon , Morgan Sherwood , Carl Meyers , Fred Flrroll , Carl Patrick , Julius Wolff , HannnU Wolff , Palsy Hart. Olcliratlni ; St. SU < > itor'n Nl A score or moro levers of good muslo nnd good comradshlp were the guests ql Mr. and MM , Muontoforlng Thursday evening at their rosldonco , I'JO North Twonty-slxth Btroot , to assist the host and hostess lu for mally welcoming the chubby-limbed Infant , 18'.fJ , according to the tlrao honored German custom which prevails on St. Sylvester's nit-lit. There was good muilo. that goes without saying , both vocal and Instrumental , the loading musical lights of tlm city being pros- < ftit , and ono of tbo most delightful of cviin- Ings was pa.ssd with Just enough Bohemian- Is m to maUo It all the moro unjoyaulo , be cause of the informality which prevailed. Mino. Muontefonng nnd Mr. Cahu begun the foust of tone with a duo by two plunos , "Cachouno , " by Jadossohu , Us first perform- nnco In Omaha. Herr JadossoDn shows In this composition a tlno scholarly appreciation of tone with tone and U really ono of tbo gniat composers of thiso ( In do bleclo days. It was played with muslclnnly tooling , the players being en rapport with tno master. It U n ponderous derous production and would oxclto llttloen- thualasm among iho masses , but musicians nnd Iqvors ot n high grade ot muslo would find In this tone-poo in much to enthusiasti cally praiso. MM. J , W. Cotton , whoso volca has grown very much In volume since she was n pupil of Mine. Loulso Cnppiant , sang with line effect Gounod's strong nnd pootlo storv , "Klni ; Out Wild Bolls. " Mrs. Martin Cnhn , who has not boon heard lately in the musioixl circles of the city , sang with line fueling W. O. Smith' * "Entreaty , " n style ot composition | ust suited to the aluRor's voice. Mine. Mucutofortng played the first move ment of Giles's concerto In a manner that called out loud applause. Her phrasing wns always clear and well emphasized , whllo her physical power astonished oven these who have lionrd the mndtimo on former occasions. MM. Cotton , always gracious , especially when the pleasure of her friends Is involved , snug two numbers next , n dainty conceit by Nevin nnd n pootlo gem by Rubenstoln. Tosti's "aoronnta" wns another of the numbers whlcn gave pleasure , Mrs. Cahn showing that although tbo cares ot mother hood were hers , she stilt kept In touch with the host music nnd did not mean that her voice should grow unused to nrtlstio effects. The musical proeratnmo wa-s concluded by playing Kilter's "Danso Tchorkcsso , " Mrs. MuontoferliiK and Mr. Calm again scoring n decided success. In some respects it was the best number given by thojo talented musi cians. The composition Is one of the best of the modern school nnd Is a great favorite with pianists. Mr. Calm's playing of the second piano was quito in keeping'with his reputation as a musician. Ho roads readily anI there is no clap-trap in what ho does , reflecting in his technique the power of his teacher , Herr Jadassohn. Justnt I-o'clock Mr. Mctntosh announced the birth of the now year lu nn original couplet nnd the guests clinked glasses ns nn accompaniment to"Auld Lang Svno. " There were present Mr. nnd Airs. Mcln- tosh , Mr. und MM. J. R. Buchanan , Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Whltmoro. Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin Cahn , Mrs. J. W. Cotton , Dr. nnd MM. Grossman , flir. and Mrs. Snyder , Mrs. Mc- ' Aushind , MM. McShunc , Mmo. Mori nnd Mr. 'Clarence Brown. Kr\l\lniuii Old Custom. Misses Mat lo nnd Ida Sharp were homo on Now Year's day from U until (1 ( , and during the hours named their residence , ' 'O.M Doug las street , was filled with the youth and beauty of the metropolis , in addition to many of the older residents of tha city with whom the Misses Sharp have been on terms of in- timncy for years. It was n Jolly afternoon and the callers wcio a unit In declaring that the old custom of Now Yeai's calling was a good ono nftor all. Assisting the Misses Sharp were Mrs. Mo- Cord , Mrs/ Dan Whnolor , Mis. Jinny McCormick - Cormick , MM. Brady , Mrs. Bradford , Mrs. William Pnxton , Miss Dundy , Miss Brown , Miss Chandler , Miss Wnkoloy , Miss Emily Wakoloy , Miss Williams , Miss Doano , Mrs. Rllnv and Miss Yost. , a bevy 'of handsome women who gave additional Interest to the occasion. Mrs. Sharp assisted her daughter in re ceiving , appearing in a gray silk trimmed with cut stool and black luce. Miss Sharp were a pretty gray crepe em- btoldorod in pink , ttlmmod in green velvet and pink silk' Miss Ida Sharp , who has boon unable to participate in the social life of Omaha as much as she would Ilka on account of Illness , wore a black net and Jot. Miss May Dundy , always n striking llguro at any assemblage , was dlstlnu'iio in a rod crepe and black Jot costume , red shoos. Miss Emily Wakeloy looked particularly pretty in a whlto silk costume , with rufllos of Inco ; violets. Miss Daisy Doano was attractive in a now gown of green crepe , trimmed with Iliac chiffon. Miss Margaret Williams were green chiffon fen , trimmed with spangles and silver fringe , silver slippers. Miss Yost , gray crone , trim mod with silver. Miss Chandler , ono of the most lovely of this season's debutantes , was gowned In black China silk trimmed with rod roJos. Miss Wakeley. white brocaded silk , trimmed with gold threads , a pretty nnd very becoming costumo. Mrs. McCord wns In black net and gold passementerie. Mrs. Bradford , who is particularly fasci nating , were green and white silk , trimmed with green chiffon. MM. Brady , black lace and Jet. MM. Harry McCormick , one of the most charming of thojonng married women , wOre white embroidered chiffon nnd rod roses. Mrs. Remington , gray crepe ornamented with heliotrope molro. Mr } . Paxton , old pink China silk , trimmed with bliiek laco. Mrs. Boron Riley , lilac crepe and Jeweled passementerie. Miss. Georgio Sharp also assisted in enter taining the guests gowiiud In .1 blue faille , simply mado. Tbo decorations wcru simple although the bow window in the second parlor was made into a floral alcove wherein the punch bowl was placed , provided over by Misses Emily Wakoley , Margaret Williams nnd Daisy Doano. In nn adjoining room Mcs. Bradford and Mrs. Brady poured coffee , an orchestra above stairs playing n concert program throughout the afternoon. Minor "Mention. Mrs. II. W. Yates will leave this afternoon for Chicago Mrs. F. W. Wosbols gava a Kensington tea yesterday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Littloflold entertained nt dinner on Now Year's. Mrs. T. Wollstcin nnd daughter of Chicago are the guests of Mr. nnd-Mrs. E. Seligsohn. Miss Suslo ColpoUor will start this after noon for Now York to rcsumo her school duties. The engagement of Bishop George Worthington - ington to Miss Milton of Boston Is an * pounced. Mrs. John D. Bormlngham will be at homo on Fridays during January nt 9701 North Kightoenth slreot. Mrs. C. F. Catlln will glvo a high five pnrtv In honor of Mrs. E. A , Thnyor Wednesday afternoon. MUs Agnes Bo > s of Leavonworth , Kan. , Is visltinir with her cousins , the Mlssos Rich , at 1(114 ( Emmctt street. Mrs L. E. Rock of Mllwnukcn Is In the city , the guest of her sister , Mrs. Horn , at 2050 South Twentieth street. Mrs. William E , Clarke will entertain the Bon Ami card club on Monday availing nt her rosidlnco , J'JIS Park avanuo. Mr , and Mrs. Alexander Atkinson have issued invitations for a recoptjon January 8 , to colobratt ) their silver woudlntf. Miss Mattic Polack nnd Miss Carrie Ko5o of St. Paul loft this morning for Sioux City to attend a largo party on Monday. Miss Lorn Cunning loaves Wednesday for Cllftou , aHuburb of Cincinnati , where she will attend the Sacred Heart academy. Mrs. Aaron Cahn , MM. Martin Cahn nnd Mrs , Albert Cr > hn will bo nt home on Tues days In January at U ± ? . ' Fa main street. Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Wakeloy , who spent Christmas with Judge and MM. Wakuloy , have returned to their homo In Chicago. Miss Eflls Hamuff will leave this aftor- tiooil for Brooklyn , MUs P. M. Donnor for York , Pa. , and Miss Lily Steel for Boston. Yesterday afternoon- Miss May Hamilton and Master Fred Hamilton entertained n number of young friends at Hamilton place. R. J , Dinning und family huvo gone to Col fax , la. , that Mr , Dinning may take treat ment with tlm minunil waters ot the springs. Mr. Joe Barker Jr. , loft Saturday aflornn.m for his school nt Knoxvlllo , III. Mr. Will Cowln also returned yesterday to hist school. MCSSM. Victor und Charles Uosowator have returned to their schools , the former to Columbia nnd the latter to Cornell uni versity. MUs May Burns is homo from Mount Auburn Institute , spending her vacation with her family and friends. She returns about January U , Mr. William Lincoln McKay , ono of the lights of Peru Normal school , returns to that Institution on Tuesday after a pleasant holi day recess. Mrs. C. M. Hoffman ( nco Lulu Miller ) of Columbus Is spending the holidays visiting her father nnd mother at 1S07 North Sovon- Uxmth stroot. Nye C. Bowan of Cedar Rapids , Nob. , nnd > MUn Mao E. Austin of Omaha were married at bign noon by Rov. Jr. Duryea December yi , at the parson ago. Mrs. MarTurUln ami dtiuu'htar Stella , of Ohio , niothnr nnd sister to Rev , J.JT. Turkic ol this cltv , nro visiting nt the rosldonco ot the lottur nt 511 Sol.tli Tivonl.v-llftU avcnuo. The family of Colonel Dudley Kvnns , now general superintendent of the cmtorn division of \VVIU-Kiircu Kxpros * company , will leave Monday for their now homo In Now Yorit. A letter from Mr , Nellie Burns nnsim.rn states that ho U so fur recovered to start home-ward thu latter Dirt of this \\uek nnd U expected to reach Omaha about next Hatur- iluy.Air. Air. George W. Hnll of this cltv hns gouo east to nttatul the funeral of his brother. Rov. Alfred II. Hall of Mnrlden , Conn. , who died nt his homo very suddenly of pneumonia last Siturdny. AlUs EtUon of Rock Island , Allss Van Put- ten of Davenport nnd Aliss Hnrgous of Louis ville , Ky , , are oipcctod the second week In January , as tha mit'sts ot Allss Donao nnd MUs Hmlly SVnkclcy. Mr. nud MM. 13. 13. Nauijlo , ! 13'ii Cuinlng street , entertained at dinner Now Y.cnr'a eve Air. and Airs. A. P. Hopkins , .Madam Hopkins. Air. nnd Airs. Fred W. Gray , Mr. and AIM. J. U. Loll nor. A qulot wedding occurred nt Blair , Nob. , on Monday , Ducembor US , the contracting parties thereto being Air. Nelson Hnthaivuy nnd Miss Ruby Folov ot Omnrm. They will bo nt homo to their frlonds after January . Mr. Thomas L. Beldon , whom many Omaha people have reason to kindly remem ber ns chief clerk nt the Hotel Orloins , Spirit L-ikt' . Is with the Hotel Hastnian , Hot Springs , Ark. , for the winter season of IS'.ii. The opening mooting of the Saratoga Lyceum occurs on Wodncsdnyoveiilnirnoxtnt Lyceum hall , North Twenty-fourth street. An extended program 1ms been prepared for the occasion to utilch the public nio cordially Invited. , Tha Omaha guards' monthly In.ipocUon oc curs tomorrow evening at the armory Com pany drill nnd gattling gun drill from 8:15 : p. m. to U p. m , Dancing from ( i p. m. to U p. m , Tlio presetted of nil thu honorary members Is earnestly doslrcd. Airs. D. H. Goodrich , who has benii suffer ing from facial paralysis for some time past , loft for Chicago last work , where she will .spend a fortnight with friends , in tha mean time taking treatment from ono of Chicago's famous specialists. Madnino Randall will lecture ho fore tha ladles of the Cloofan on thu afternoon ol Saturday , January 1) ) , nt half past 2 o'clock , In Pvthlus hall , Paxton block. Subject : "Taino. " ' The public are cordially Invited , n small admission fee being charged. A delightful card paity was given In honor of Will Counsmun nt his homo Saturday evening. Among these present were Alissos L. Harpstor , B. Elllngwood , C. Althousu , D. Harpstor , AIossM. Miller , Tompsott , Conns- man , Althouso , Cofllii , Harry Counsman and some few others. On Thursday noon , December 111 , by Rov. Dr. Dewey nt uis residence , Nye C. Bowoti of Codar" Rapids , Neb. , to AlUs Alno E. Austin of Omaha. The newly wedded couple loft tbat evening for Chicago nnd will visit Ohio before they return during the latter part of February. Tlio opening ball dedication of the new Alotropolltan club house will Saturday ovcninv , January lit. Very elaborate invita tions are to bo sent out , and the event will bo a ml loiter occasion in JowUh society cir cles. The club house will bo completed by the opening nlgtit. The North Omaha Social club , which lias * boon holding a series of dances nt Eifllng'a ' hnll , gave a masquerade Friday evening , It being the tnst of tlio series. Thcro woio about sixty couples present , about one-hall ot whom wuro masked , nnd all enjoyed n very pleasant evening , Aliss Alargarot Brown , who has boon homo for the holidays , returns Sunday evening tu Christian college. Columbia , Alo. , where she completes her senior year in Juno , nt which tltno it is hoped she will bring nwny creator honoM than last yonr , when she received the gold medal for the best Junior essay. Airs E. L. Loraax wont to Chicago on Fi I- day in Mr. Lotnax's special car. Airs. Lo- max hns been very 111 , nervous prostration following an attack of m darla. El orrecovery * has been so slow that both Chicago and Omaha puvMciuns ndvisod n change and she will bo with her family In Chicago un'.H a change for the better takes place. Airs. R. A. Atwntor of Omnhn , who hns been studying for some time In London and Paris with a view of singltipopqra in Franco and England , is now in Paris and expects to make her debut in concert this month. Mrs. Atwntei's stage nnmo Is Roginn , Nogotia' lions nro in progress lo have Airs. Alwntor sing in Italian opera next season nt Covcnt Garden. The homo of and Airs. W. G. Cham bers was thronged Noxv Year's afternoon bo- twcon tha hours ot il and I ! . Thu following matrons and maidens , handsomely gowned , proved most attractive nnd able assistants : Mrs. W. S. Popplotou , Aliss Rawlos , Airs. Charles L. Deuol , Aliss tlu.iglnnd. AllssLauia Hoagland. Ihe Aliases Wadloisb , Alls * Bachc , Miss Leila Shears , Airs. Albert Cahn , Mrs , Martin Calm , Aliss Nettle Johnson und Misa Louisa Johnson. A verv social and pleasant high live party was given nt the residence of Air. Will Mnthows , 'J.Vill Dccaltir street , Now Year's ove. Those present wereAllss Franlan McGonignl , booby pri/o : Miss Ada Golden , prize ; Aliss Alabcl Mathow.s , Allss Ell.i , Edith Malhows , Mlr.i Lilllo Hollow , Aliss Grade Hall , Air. Bun Bales , booby priyo ; Air. Hurry Kane , Air. Edwnnl Haywood , Air. Samuel Howe , first prl/oj Air. Honrv Frituher , Mr. Will Alnthcws , Mr. Harry Burns. Mr. nnd Airs. Yost entertained at cards Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Pr.tchoit , Air. nnd Airs. Morsoiunn , Mr. nnd Mr * . Bur ton , Air. and Airs. Alorso , Air. and Airs. Ben. nott , Air. and Mrs Cowln. Mr. and Airs. Richardson , Air and Airs. Barker , Air. and Mrs. Coutunt , Air. and Mrs. Yalos , Air. und Airs. Wossols , Air. and Airs. AIoKenna , Mr. and Mrs. Carrier. Mr. and Mrs. SnundcM , Air ami Airs. Aledny , Mr. nnd Alls. Wullaco , Air. nnd Airs Pock. MM. Cuitis , AlUs Sher wood , Airs BrinkerholT , Alts. Beck with , Air. Cm tor , Mi. Wood. Airs. S. ninth , " .Vil Chicago street , In honor of her twentieth wedding anniversary , wa- > the recipient of a large nutnUor of tokens of t'stuom , useful nnd ornamental , Thursday , December : J1. In the afternoon the follow Ing ladies called upon Uor informally , but much to the surptiso of tlio hostess : Mrs. R. R. Grotto. Airs. Louis Holler , Mrs. Adler Mrs. A Holler , Alis. Lee Heller , All's. B. Newman man , Mrs. L. Bergman , Airs. U. Illlltr , Mii Lee Rothschild , Mrs. N. Rothschild. Mrs. I. KalAirs. . W. Rothschild.Airs. M. S. Benson , Airs. t. Oborfoldur , Air , * . T. GooU. Miss Sopplo StandUh entertained at high live Wednesday evening nt her home , 'J/iJl St. AInry's avenue , In honor of her friend , Miss McKowon of Sioux City , In. Vorv dainty refreshments were sened about 11 o'clock , after which dancing was indulged in until a late hour. The iruosta were as fol lows : Misses Clnni Olark'son , Alnud Church , Ada Parker , AlabqJ Hake , I3vu Manchester , Dutchor , Alnrgnret Dutcher , Donaldson , Jcnnio Donaldson , Hornborgor , lOvuin nnd ' Aliss McKowon of Sioux ( 'lly. Messrs. Aloyor , Tuttle , Uroxol , Knou&c , Conrad , Whorrltto. Beaten , Woodward , Baldwin , SlandUh , Hake , Date , Ricu and Qua Law- i once. It .seems 10 bo more and more dlMleult tc keep the older young men in the ranks of thu alwnys-to-bo-dopendcd-upon dancing men They plead business as an excuse. Too much dancing and late hours robs them , they say , ol time that should ou devoted to rest after their woik. "They have their fortunes to make , nnd hence they must not play , " The early Hoiuon finds them ready enough for HOI hit pleasures , but as soon as the pace bu- comes rapid many of them bccomo tinentliu- slnstlu and the brunt fnlls upon the youthi who have Juit entered society within tha past few years Those latter may he ac counted luyky this year , for the bevy ol young girls uro as pretty und bright ns could bo , enough HO , one would think , tu make the ambitious and busy young inou forgot tholi ambition. On Wednesday of last week Clarence , ' Grace and Jean Mhurston entertained nfty ol Ihuir younger friends at n "Jack Horner'a Pie" party. They were assisted In receiving by their grandparents , parents ami their governess. After thu guests had nil arrived n Him nf march was formed and directed into the fiont parlor , when ) upon n low table within the leach of the tiniest guest , was nn enormous pie. The center of the upper crust wns lifted off nnd ono by ono each child Inserted Its hand aud drew forth n "plum. " Them were .fifty ot these "plums , " odtiU ono different from oil the others. Each one was securely tied wltb orange "baby" ribbon attached to a small safety pin so the little souvenir could In pinned upon Its possessor and not havn to be carried In the hand. Later n dancing party was given to V 0 of their vouisjf friends , tha children boiutr < ut homo promptly nt 7 o'clock.