Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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rcllvcrnlt-y Cnrrlcr In f ny part of the City.
nimlntM Office . No. 45
Etor ( , |
Jll.\tlt .li/AT/O.V.
N , Y. Plumbing Co !
C. B. Water Works Co.
Hcmovcd to TO 1'carl street ,
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. , conl.
Craft's chattel loans. 201 Sapp blocl- .
Burliorn'sdiamonds , watchos.liolluaVBOods.
Carmen Clausen dlod of membraneous
croup yesterday morning at 8 o'clock after
an Illtioss of three days.
A mooting of the directors of iho Council
Bluffs-Omaha association will
bo held next Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren entertained
n number of friends at their residence on
, , Scott street last evening at high live ,
The Catholic Mutual Benefit association
will give a musical entertainment and dunce
In Hughes' hull next Tuesday evening.
Thcro wns a dance In 1'otcraon'n hall on
upper Broadway last night. It was well at
tended an'd u complete success in every re
ft pec t.
The Commercial Pilgrims of America will
moot this evening for the election of otliccrs
and other Important business. All Pilgrims
nro urged to bo present.
There will bo a special meeting of Kxcol-
slor lodge No. 2.W , Ancient Free and Ac
cepted Masons , this evening for Installation
ofofllcc-w. Visiting brethren cordially in
vited. By order of the worshipful master.
Mr. Frank Smith ana Miss Pluma S. Uod-
son were married at the resilience of tlio
bride's parents , Elder and MM. D. 1C. Dod-
son , Hit ! Benton struct , Christmas ove. The
ceremony was performed by tJlder Charles
Yesterday n tcloeram was received y
Henry Hwnn from his wife , who went to
Mount Pleasant Thursday to bo at the bedside -
side of a sicksislcr , announcing Iho death of
the latter about an hour before Mrs. Swan
rcacncd her.
II. II. Luott , nn Avoca lumber merchant ,
fell from n motor train about midnlghtThurs-
day , und was badly skinned about tno face.
Ho wns taken to thu Ogden house where tils
Injuries were attended to , and yesterday he
lull for homo.
The Jury in the case of the Citizens Htalo
bank against. ! . C. Abbott , after wrestling
with legal points for thirty-six hours , gave
it tip as n bad Job , and yesterday morning
wns discharged by Judge Smith. Atthe
timu of adjournment It , was stated that the
veto stood 7 to 5 for the plaintiff , and It was
nho stated that this nnd been the complexion
of iho Jury over slnco iho first ballot was
Thomas Kelly mot with an accident Thurs
day night about midnight whllo olllciallng us
Santa Clnus at a gathering of children nt his
house , ( iir > Fifteenth avenue. He was coming
down stairs when his foot slipped and lie f.ui
the entire length of Iho flight , breaking his
leg just above the ankle. The broken limb
was set nnd no was made as comfortable us
possible , but it Is feared that ho will not bo
able to walk for some weeks.
Uvorything the line of holiday
k'oods ut D.i vis' drug sloro. Uo has the
lur/juat / htoulc and lowest prices in the
oily. His stock is all now anil fresh.
and must bo sold. If you are looking
for holiday { roods it will pay you to call
andoxamino his stock before purchas-
The only kindergarten in the oily is
in tlio Morrliim bloolc , next to the Younir
Moil's Christian association. Expori-
oneed teachers and only one-half usual
rates arc charged.
L I'.llt.lGHAl'JIi.
J. A. Barrett , of Lincoln , Nob. , is Iho
cucst of his brother , II. P. Barrett. He will
remain In the < : ity for several days.
Martin Hughes , Jr. , is homo from Alchi-
8on , Kan. , where ho is attending school , und
will spend the holidays wilh his parents.
Carman Feed and Fuel company ,
wholesale and retail hay , grain and
ood. Special prices on hay and grain
car lots. 700 Main street. Council
HI u ITs.
Solid silver and plated ware for loss
money than anywhere else in the city at
K. Hurhorn'H , 17 Main street.
Do Haven hns his usual stock of beau
tiful do'ls. They are worth seeing and
way down in prices.
Wo have our own vineyards in Califor
nia , Jarvis Wino company , Co. HlulTs
S.v anso.i Mtuie Co. , Misoiitc to in pi o
Tlio Print OTH' HataiiiKtiuc ;
Last incut , in Masonic Tamplo hall , Bluff
City Typographical union , No. "OH , gave its
tenth annual bal masque. It was ny fur the
in oat ohiuornto and successful affair of the
hcason , The printers spared no pains in
preparation , nnd every doinil was regarded
with sui'h care , Ihat" nothing happened to
imir the ' . oinplal'- success of Ihc uvcut.
Tlio niorry maskers commenced to arrive
curly , bo that when the irand march was
formed nt ' . ) o'clocK and started to
line imisiu by Prof. Dalhoy's entire
orchestra , Iho tloor was crowded with
ladles ami gentlcinra In brilliant costumes.
Prom that hour until far into the morning
dancing wus.indulKOd in. There were several
unmircd in ntlondunco. '
To the following gentlemen is mnlnlv duo
the uiilliunt success of tbo ball : J. I ) . Doiu-
rlch. J. C. Ittcutirtis , P. II. ICat/onmyor. .
II. Copson , ( ! . W. Kynii , K. O. Oliver , .1. M.
Thomas , \V. II. Trovnor , P. B. Spmiccr , It.
J. Tliomas , W. H. Fisher , C. M. Muynurd ,
James ICIrloy , George Oliver , James Irvln ,
Oscar Henderson and 1) . A. Ilaggoriy.
The proceeds of Iho bull will go lo iho aitl
of MrU printers , mid as they nro very largo
that fund will bo greatly increased. *
It is a wall known fact that nooulo can
jiot bgttor groilti for less money at K.
Bnrliorn'H than any ether place in the
oily. ( ! o nnd bo convinced yourselves.
Buy your Christmas cnndy of C. O. D.
Brown. Candy fie , So nnd llijo a pound ,
mix nlilK I/it / ; a pound , Florida svveut
oranges -Oe a do/on.
The larpost Block of Japanese nnd
Chinese floods onnt of Sun Francisco ,
'Frisco prices , at ; i7 ! Broadway.
Candy ou u pound at C. O. 1) . Brown's.
Wltli ii Mailer.
Chief of Police ( \iry and wlfo entertained
all Iho members of the force yesterday at
Christmas dinner ut their homo on Oakland
avi'iiuo. The night men were dined at noon
nnil the day men immediately on going oft
duly ut 7 o'clock. During iho evening Ihu
chief was presented with an oleguni gold
biuigo , on thu ( rout of which worn engraved
thu coat of arms of thoslaloof Iowa and the
words , "Chief of Police , Council BluITi ,
la. , " whllo on the bade was the inscription ,
' Presented to Chief Wade Cary by friends
and mem ucrs of the police department ,
UhrUtnms , 1MH. " The budge was the gift of
the day mon. At the same time Captain I'M
Martin was woscnteil with u line diamond
ring. Doth of the recipients wore totally
unprepared for any such llilng , so that u
great deal of eloquence that might otherwise
liaro been launched forth wui condensed into
u simple "thank you , "
YTtifn nab ; wu slrk , nn gara tier CaftOrta ,
Whrn she uiu a Cliilil , iho rritxl tor C'Mtorlfl ,
When ho liccamo Mb , iho clung lo Cutorla ,
Wtico ( ii * bail Children , the K YU them CutorU.
John Peters' Djiperato Conflict With Four
Armed MOD.
Mirroring \Vltli Imnimcrnlilt !
din Vlutlin .MtiinttiliiH n
Dulcriiiinotl iViRlit I'or Mle
.Men ilallctl.
John 1'ctcrj , n farmer vho hM boon work
ing on tlio 1'lumor fnrra , about n milo nnd n
half Ironi Island Park , u short ills tmico south
oT the city , hail thu novel , though not vorv
desirable , cxporicnco of being mailo the tar
get of four weapons in the hands of as many
infuriated man , and coming out of the en
counter well enough to bo nblo to toll about
it , although not in n condition to enjoy his
Christinas dinner to the lull.
The four men who handled the weapons
are UroKg HOUIM , hU two sons , Kots mitl
Klmcr , and his son-in-law , Daniel Wilson.
As near as can bo learned from these who
claim to bo familiar with iho cir
cumstances , Soars has been living on
I'lumer's ' farm for.some timu past , but had
been drinking' heavily and atlowliiK the farm
and nil its surroundings to RO to waste. Hov-
eral weeks npo some of the creditors stepped
In and petitioned the illstrietcourt to appoint
u receiver. i'etors was appointed , antl cvor
since that lime Ho hits been holding down the
farm against all comers.
The Sears outlit , In the meantime , bail
matlo up their minds not to allow Peters to
run them oft entirely , and nnulo numerous
throats as to what tliey would do if ho did
not rotlro and leave the Held to them. Peter *
wits somewhat nlurmed by the threats , and
had a number of nblo bodied friends
stay with him Thursday evening to
assist film In case it was necessary. The
evening were itway and no ono appoarett
to molest them , so about 10 o'clock the visit
ors wont away und loft Potcrs alone with n
boy about 15 years of npo , who llvo in this
city at the corner ot Twenty-seven ! n nvenuo
and Tenth street.
Shortly after the dopnrturo of his friends ,
Peters hcum a noise and a moment later saw
the barrel of a shotgun stucic tbrougn tnno
of glusR and leveled directly at him. Quick
as thought ho drew a revolver and shot into
the air , so as to snow the man who was at
the other end of the Run that ho was pre
pared. The man with the run , who after
ward proven to bo old man Soars , responded
In turn , nntt the contents of the barrel of the
ctiu were emptied into Peters' Ion , The other
three men in the meantime weru working
busily with their revolvers , and several snots
were' tired at Peters , sqmo nf them toning
effect. The assailants then broho a hole In
the door and entered. The boy was speedily
kicked out of door * and ran three miles bare
footed across the country to the Plumer
house , where ho irnvo tno alarm.
A party of men nt once set out for the
scone of the encounter , but when they ur-
rivea the attacking party had made peed
their escape. Hefore they went , however ,
they administered a lorriblo beatinc to
Peters , who was found lyini ; in a pool of
blood on thu floor , alive , but uleedini ; from u
number of severe wounds in the arms ana
limbs and on the scalp and face. He was
moved to Plumer's house. Twenty-throe
shot were found to have- lodged in his limb.
His bruises were very severe , but not fatal ,
and in a few days he will bo brought to a
hospital in this city for treatment.
A warrant was issued in Justice Hammer's
court yesterday for the arrest of Iho four men
on the charge of assault with intent to com
mit murder. Constable Nicholson andnposse
of assistants started in pursuit and all day was
spent in finding them. Thomoniborn of the
gnu ? bear a very hard rouutation in the vicin
ity where they live and have terrorized their
neighbors on a number of occasions. Ono of
the Soars boys is sriitt to bo out on bond now
pending a trial on the charge of stabbing his
father in n drunken fray nt Glen wood.
Last evening Nicholson returned with the
four tnou in tow and they were looked up in
the county jail. They wanted to give bonds
for their nppenranco , but the Justice would
not admit them to bail until ho learned
whether Peters would bo likely to recover.
Holiday oinls.
nomombor Unit UoIIavon has ono of
the moat ole ant stocks of holiday novel
ties in the fity. It sticpassos nil former
yntirs both in beauty and low prices.
Call anil sou them.
Mamlol & Kline will move their entire -
tire stock to Sioux City January 1.
Until that time you can buy furniture ,
stoves , carpets , at your own prioo.
Roitor , the tailor , 'J10 Broadway , has
all the latest styles anil now winter
goods. Satisfaction in every respect
guaranteed. . ,
Woodbnryd6ntlBtsno.xt to Grant !
hotel ; line work a specialty. Tele. M-5.
Unrn for rout , locatotl near court
house. If. W. Tilton , BKK ollice.
Highest bargains In holiday goods in
the city ut 1C. nurhorn'd.
Bulk oysters 2iic quart nt C. O. D.
Brown's. _ _
A l.eou Man Seriously injured in the
Alil\Viiii'oo Y ril .
A laboring man named \V , J. Gulp , who
lives in Li3on , la. , mot with an accident las
evening In the local yimU of the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad company
which , while probably not fntal , will nrovo
very serious. C'ulp started out early in the
day to colnbr.Uo thn day by tmikinp up on poor
Iowa whisky. lie pot gloriously drunk bo-
foru evening and wandered down into the
Milwaukee yards. After st.ii.vori UK along
the main trad ; for some distance hoconduit-
od that lit ) wanted ono more drink and turn-
liiL- about commenced to ratraca his stops.
U was about this timu that the westbound
Milwaukee passonper train was uuo at tbo
local depot fij'iu o'clock. Ctilp was walking
along Just outside the tracks \\hon the train
came t/hiindnrlnp down upon him at a high
rate of npo'Jd. Gulp was too drunk to hear
the train approaching. The engineer nppliod
the air and the snecilof the train was slack
ened , but C'ulp was struck by tno pilot of the
enplno mitl thrown about fifteen foet.
The train was stopped and the train men
picked C'ulp up. Ho was unconscious and
mocdtnp urufuseiy at the mouth una nose.
Hn was taken to the Women's Christian
association hospital where the Milwaukee's
local physicians nttendcd him , They found
that Gulp had sustained n frightful scalp
wound and severe internal injuries , nlthougn
ttiere wns nothlni : to Indicate that any bones
were broken. At a late hour last night Culp
was resting as well as could bo oxpocto't.
Jitrvls 1S77 brandy , purest , safest , best.
Walnut block coal , $ \2 \ > per ton. Do
llvoroil anywhere in city. Carman's
700 Main street.
Oomilno tortoise shell combs nt Bur-
horn's ,
f 9 '
Jiirvliiwlld blauicborrv Is tha boat.
Very hiimlsoinoChristmas novelties al.
Do HavonV nothing poor or trashy.
Walnut block ami Wyoming coal ,
fresh mined , received ilalh Thatcher ,
10 Main.
Fresh oysters 2oo quart or 20c can at
C. O. D. Urown'8.
Commercial man , Hotel Gordon the
best * - house in Council lUulfs.
ClirlMnuiH at St. 1'aiil'H.
Services were hold yesterday morning at
St. Paura Kplscopal church. The building
was beautifully decorated with avercroens
and pal mi. A silver slur was hung In the
cuutor of the chuticcl over lha altar , and from
it were bung long , slender fuitponst of evergreen -
green to all part * of th chauc l. Tbo full
choir was on hand , and nn excellent musical
prouriini was rondorjd , Including n solo by
MrV. . \V. Sherman , in addition to the
choral selections. An Intorimlnp sermon wns
preached by the rector , Uev , V. J. UabcocV.
DoWltt's ' t.lttlo Earlv riisoM ; only pill to
cure sick heudncho and rcgulato the bowels.
Frost Qucon nntl Santa Glaus want to
BOO you nt Huirhos' hall , Wednesday
ovoninf , Docotnbot1 ! ! 0.
Of The Hco Ilitrcnii of Olnlin , Hoc
Hiilltllnt : , Omilr.1 , .Vl .
Under the dlroetlon of San Francisco
Dally lixamlnor , W. It. Heant , proprietor ,
associated with TIIR UBB UriiKAf or Cunts ,
under the dlroetlon of OUAIU Ditt.v Unc ,
Omnhii , Nob. ; and Pioneer Prosi Bureau of
Claims , under the direction of the St. Paul
Pioneer Press , St. Paul , Minn.
Pension , patent , postal , land , Indian dep
redation and customs claims prosecuted with
the urcatcst expedition at the lowest possible
expense ,
This prospectus relates to pensions. If In
terested in a claim of any character , send n
statement of facts to Tire Br.i : Ufiicvu OP
CMIM. * , where the samu will receive careful
consideration Hiid prompt attention.
riixaioxs WIKI AHI : nxTin.nn.
Soldiers -All Roldlors of the United States
who incurred disability of n permanent na
ture , whether wound , Injury ortiiscase. while
in the service or line of duty , are entitled to a
pctuion at rales varying from SI to tJ oer
month , according to the natur and severity
of the disability.
Soldiers who draw n pension for ono or
more disabilities , onu are nt th amo time
Buffering from other dl&abilltio ) I n cur red 1 n
the service and line of duty , may obtain nd
ditlonnl pension therefor.
Soldlors pensioned nt loss than ? ; ! 0 ner
month , and wholly di.sKblou for the perform
ance of manual labor oy reason of
disability on account of which they
are pensioned , are a titled to
of pension to that amount per month , and If
Iho disability is such that they require Iho
regular aid and attendance of another per
son , they may obtain pension at the rate ol
$ rJ per month.
Any pensioner under the old law , whoso
disability hus Increased slnco data of the
issue of his last pension certificate , may ob
tain an Increase of pension proportionate to
the increase or his disability.
AimiTioxu. xr.w r\w.
Soldlors pensioned ut loss than $12 per
month for disability inclined In the service ,
who nro also suffering from otter disability
of any nature , not due to ficloui habits , may
obtain ndullional pension under the now
aw. Tnls pension commences from the
data of tiling the claim and cannot exceed $12
per month. The now law is of special ad
vantage to this class of pensioners , for the
reason that if they have a disability other
tnan that for which they are pensioned , they
may obtain additional relief from date of til
ing claim , and if , in the future , the disability
for which they were originally pensioned
undcrtbo old law increases to such an extent
as to entitle them to inoro than $ \ " per
month , they may surrender their ponilou
under the now law and resume the penion
under the old law at sueti increased rate as
may bo proportionate to the degree of dis
ability nt that time.
Pensioners at loss than ? 12 per month , de
siring increase of pension , will find it to their
advantage to apply untior both the old and
now law , for the ro'ison that any increase up
to Jl'J per month will date from the day the
claim is filed in the pinslon bureau , whereas
a claim for increase under the old _ law , will
secure increased pension auty from Iho date
of examination , which , on account of the
work in the pension bureau being very much usually some months after the date
of filing the claim.
Any invalid panstonor under the new law
receiving loss than $12 per month may obtain
nn Inereaso of pension whenever the disabil
ity on account of which ho is pensioned in
creases in severity to a material extent , or ho
may procure , additional pension un to $12 per
montn on uccoiint of nay now or additional
disability which ho has incurred since his
last medical examination or which is not in
cluded in his present pension certificate.
Any soldier of the United States who
served ninety days or more in the war of the
rebellion , and was honorably discharged , may
obtain pension under the now law If now suf
fering from any disability of a permanent n&
lure , not duo to vicious habits. This pen
sion will commence from date of filing the
claim , and the rate of pension is from fO to
$12 per month , according to the depreo of dis
ability for the performance of manual labor.
Titio to the pension is solely dependent
upon u service of ninety days , an honorable
dischnrpo and iho present existence of n
disability , physical or mental , not duo to
vicious habits , which causes a partial inabil
ity to perform manual laborns n means of live
lihood , equal to the dopreo of disability re
quired to entitle a pensioner under the old
law to a pension of Hi per month or more , it
doer not matter what the disability Is , if not
duo to vicious habits , whether wound , injury
or disease , nor is the time and place of the
origin or incurrence of the same in any way
Title to pension under this law is no way
dependent upon the soldier's pecuniary cir
cumstances. The fact that ho is able to per
form skilled or professional labor to such an
extent us to enable him to earn a comfort
able support , or tliu fact that ho lias an in
come snliluioat for his support , lias no hoar-
ng upon his tltlo to pension under this law
The widows of soldiers who died from dis
ease , wound , or injury incurred in the United
Stntes service uro entitled to $12 per month ,
mill $1 additional for each child under the
ago of Itl years , to dnto from the day of the
soldier's death , oxcout in cases where the
death occurred prior to March 10 , 1SSO , when
the rate is $3 per montn up to said date and
f 12 par month thereafter.
The widows of soldiers who served ninety
days or more in the late war and vrgro honor
ably discharged nro entitled to pension under
the new law at tno rate or fS per month , and
$2 additional for each child under the age of
lit years ; provided , that thu widow was mar
ried to the soldier prior to June 27 , IS' ' ) : ) , and
is now dependent ill whole or in part on her
own labor for her support.
This pension commences from tno date of
liling the application therefor , and Is payable
whether the soldier's death v/.is o nusod by
disease or injury Incurred In the United
States service or int.
Widows may obtain pension under the now
law pemllnp the .settlement of their claims
to pension under thu old law without losing
any rights which accrue to them under the
od ! law ,
If ! > . widow receives a pension under the
now law , and afterwards establishes her
rlirht to a pension under the old law , she will
receive pension for the who o period from
thu dnto of the soldier's dentil , less the"n ! -
slon which lias boon paid to her in iho menu-
time under the now law ; in other words , she
will receive nn additional SI per month for
the whole of the period durinp which i > ho
draw pension under thu new law , and in addi
tion thereto , pension from the iiuto the sol
dier died to iho d.ito of the commencement of
the now law pension.
Whenever a soldier or sailor of tno late
war dies from causes oriplnntlnp in the serv
ice and line of duty , icavinp no widow , his
children un lor sixteen year * of ago are entitled -
titled to all the pension to which the widow
would have boon entitled were she livinp ,
ill ) to the date the yount-'uu uucomes in ycur.s
of ago. In case of the rom < irrmo ! of u sol
dier's widow thu pension which she has bo n
drawlnp or 10 which she would otherwise
bo ouiltiou , is payable to the children under
II ) years of npO at the dale of her romarrlaira
and continues until the youn&ust child
reaches iho ago of Hi years ,
Children Imvo the sumo rights under the
new law , no matter xvhat the cause of the
soldier' * death , provided tliuv have not autll-
cient Income from sources other than their
own labor for their comfortable support , ex
cept that tno pjnslon dooi not communed
until thn date of filing u claim therefor.
The parents nf soldiers who dlo.l lntin !
service or afterward from disease or Injury ,
or any cause originating in the survlcu and
line of duly , may obtain uontlon nt thn ruto
of $12 nor month. Provided , that the un *
dlor loft no widow or child surviving him ,
and that the parent U now wliollv rpan
dependent upon his or nor own labor for support -
port , The remarriage of ihotoldior's ' mother
doo.i cot barber from jaction under tueucw j
law , It her husband is for any reason unable
to nupoort her comfortably , n
Thu fact that the soldier ' 'Id or did not
contribute to the support or his parent * dur
ing his lifetime , and the faouttrat the parents
were or were not dopcndgjit upon the
soldier nt the time of nis a with , has no ooar-
Ing upon their tltlo to pension Under the now
law. , n '
The dnpartmunt luw hold that n widow
child or parent Is "dopoitdmil" within the
moaning of the law. If obliged to labor in any
manual capacity forth * tmrpqso of obtaining
u living , or is not in receipt of an Inconio of
f ( DO or inoro per year from solty-ccs other than
tholrown labor.
The new law provider that thc pension of
children who are parmanontly helpleis shall
continuo during tno period of such helpless
ness , or the llfotlmo of the clulil. This pro
vision extends to cases of children who nro
already on the pension roll under cither
Survivors of the Mexican war who were
employed in the military or naval service of
the United States for a period of sixty days ,
or were actually rngaeou in any uattiu in said
war , and honorably discharged , and who are
now over the ago of (52 ( yo.irs , or are subject
to any disability for the performance of man
ual labor are entitled ton pension of $3 per
Widows The widows of survivor. * of the
Mexican war nro also entitled to pension nt
tno rate of ( j par month , provided that tnoy
have not remarried , and nro over the ago of
02 , or If umlrr that ape are suffering from
any physical or mental disability , or depend
ent upon others for support.
Every soldier and sailor omplo od in tie
service of the United Stales for the period of
fourteen days , or engaged In any batilo in
any war of the United States prior to March
! t , 1855 , are entitled to bouniy land warrant ,
for UK ) ajres , provided they have not received
the same , or if they have received warrant
for loss number of acres , tnon they are en
titled to a warrant for such number of acres
as will make In the ngprorfnto Kij. In cnsoof
the death of thu soldier or sailor without ro-
celvlnp such bounty land warrant , the widow
is entitled thereto if she is not married. If
Ihero bo no widow , or if the widow has re
married und her husoand is now living , title
to the above bounty land warrant will v.estln
the children who were minors on the 'M day
of March , IS.rM.
There nro thousands of ex-soldiors , widows
of soldlom , children ol soldiers , nnd parents
of soldiers who are entitled to pension under
the provision of the proiont pension laws ,
which arj morn liberal and more poncrous
than nt uny time heretofore. The claims of
such will receive careful and diligent atten
tion , nnd may DO prosecuted to settlement
with the least possible delay by
Bee Building , Omaha , Nob.
was originally organized for the special pur
pose of affording claimants under the Indian
depredation act of March 3 , 1801 , the means
of relief from the oxhorbitnnt charges of un
scrupulous agents and attorneys who had
been charging their clients from < ' M } $ per
cent to 50 per cent of the amount of their
claims , but so many ex-soldiers and the
widows nnd orphans of soldiers olTurel their
claims for prosecution that it became evident
that the field of usefulness of the bureau was
not confined to the interests of claimants on
account of the depredations of Indians , and
the scope nnd plans of the bureau have been
enlarged to meet the constantly increasing
demand for its services in behalf of tno sol
dier public.
The bureau does nothing by halved , nnd a
soon a1it was decided that the claims of sol
diers arid their heirs mustoccupy u larposharo
of its attention an effort was made to-hccuru
the services or an export and thoroughly re
liable attorney to whom could bo sately en
trusted the delicate and Important interests
of its soldier clients , nnd whoso work would
meet their expectation. In this the bureau
has been eminently successful , having secured -
cured the services of Mr. Carroll O. Judson ;
into special examiner of the pension bureau ,
who resigned his olllcial position under Iho
government to take charge of the pension
claim business of T/iiE.Bijr : Ui'iiK AC 4 > pUi.ti MS.
Mr. Judson has spent nparly half a llfe-
tiineln prosecuting claiin's'of ex-soldiers und
heirs. Ho brings to thoqllcnts'of the Bureau
the fruits of many years' experience in the
prosecution of their claims , and a thoiouph
know.'edgo of the practice nnd methods o
the pension bureau gulnod through hisoftlcia
position thoreiu.
Wnenover it is found that any n
for advice is Justly entitled to pens o i y
additional allowances from the gov r.nmt
the proper papers will b < i prepared f excu
lion and forwarded to him by return mall
without chnrgo.
If thu applicant then desires the services of
the bureau in the prosecution of his claim , ho
will cxccuto tlio papers sent him according
to instructions , which will bo mailed there
with for tils guidance , after- which ho will
return thenT to the the ofllco of iho buicau ,
nnd upon their arrival there the claim will
bo promptly liled in the proper department ,
and prosecuted to completion at the earliest
practlciiDlo date and with Ihc utmost cnro
and diligence.
o charges will U ° made in any pension
claim until the allowance of the samo. nnd
then only Iho legal fea fixed by law.
In claims for increase of pension , the feu
charged by this bureau is only $ . ' , payable
only in the event of the allowance of Iho
claim. In other claims the amount usual
varies according to the naturoof ibo case and
iho law upon the subject.
Whenever the statement of facts presented
fails to Indicate Iho existence of a just and
valid claim , the applicant will bo so advised.
Tun Bin : Bnuu : ; OF CLAIMS rnvi for its ob
ject the securing ofJustice to veterans" and
their helM and will undertake no claims that
are manifestly without merit or 11 lepi.
If anyone to whom this circular comes
wishes "a copy of the same for tlio information
of uny comrade , neighbor , friend , or nay
numborof them , the same will ho chor fully
mailed to each person whose immo and post
ofllco address ho sends to Tin : BUG BunnAf
CI.M.MS for that purpose.
Thousands of deserving , and in many in
stances , needy ox-soldiers , veterans of luuny
fierce battles , and the widows and prplmns of
such , have often felt themselves justlv en
titled to relief nnd assistance at the hands of
Iho government which they so nobly fought
for in the hour of peril , yet Imvo not applied
for pension or ether allowance ! duo them for
the simple reason that they were not familiar
with the "rod tape" requirements of the gov
ernment , and were not personally acquainted
with an attorney ur an agent in Washington
or elsewhere , who was in possession of the
technical knowledge necessary to enable him
lo transact the business properly , nnd were
unwilling to entrust n matter to dcl cato and
important to any of the thousands of ago ills
and attorneys whoso pretentious circulars
they were receiving constantly ; while many
others equally descrying and to whom a pen
sion would bo nt least n partial relief from the
burden of arduous duulv manual labor , per
formed under the ulftjcuity ami pain incident
to disease antl advancing ago , have failed to
anply for the pension which is justly duo
ilium , because they were not nwaro of their
riulitu and pilvllopes ijntlcr the pension laws.
It Is for the benefit and aid of thu above
classo. > in particular , 0.1 well as for the assist
ance of any and all cxrsohllcrs and * ) heir heirs ,
that Tin : Lliii : III m.u : : < ) ! CI.UMS hat added
to its business the''prosecution of pension
claims , The attention of nil ox-soldiers ,
widows , children niut''jarciits ) of soldiers h
Invited to the nrtlc6" [ entitled ' "Pensions
Whn aroontllled , " which thov are requested
to road and consider 'chrofully. ' Any tutor-
o < lud parson who desires ndvlco in to his or
her rights under the luiv , Is nlso Invited to
forward to the principalolllces ) of ihoBtu :
HriiRAii OK CIUM < , Boo building. Omaha ,
Nebraska , n full stiituhient of the faclH in thu
case , and of the naturolilf ihucialmwhon the
inorltB nf the claim iv > H uo carefully investi
gated nnd a thoroughly-rollublo opinion given
as to the title of tlm sender to pension or in-
creasu or additional ponsion.
Address all communications lo
The organization ot iho now court of law
claims at Denver last month nnd the un
nouiu'cinont Unit tlm court will hold Its Una
session In thai city on Iho )7lh ) of November
live promise that ho iong-vuxod litlui In til o
western territories and state will soon bo In
a fair wav lo buliloinont , The disputed titles
under the Mexican and Spaniih grants have
proved especially iruublosomo In Arizona and
Now Mexico. They have delayed sotll'imont
an > i investment in somu of the talrost lands
of the southwest , and have proved annoying
In the district * further to the north. After
much agitation and complaint consrtm wa
nducod at the lut IMIIOO to provide a court
ran UK
lira n murvdloui
AnllJoto for'\Vi-nU
Hlnmiich ,
Impair *
( IonCon.
{ niinrileruil I.Ivor , etco.incl ; nljn to
J ! f ; > fclilly rfflcaclnnt and rouicJIal l > r
? FRMAt.D flUI'KritnitH.
Of nil ilniRplsn. 1'ricc 2K cents a box.
New \ ork IJcpct , 3 5 Canal St. 40
From _ a Catholic A h
lilshopdoun to the
Poorest of the Poor
P q nil testify , not only to the
virtues of
The Great Remedy For Pain ,
but lo its superiority ovrr nil otucr remedies ,
express , d thus :
It Cures Promptly , Permanently ;
uhlch menus Hrlrlly , thnt the pnln-Mrlckcn
t > cck a prompt relief with no return of the
pain , nnil th ! ? , they Fay , St. Jacobs Oil will
give This is its ciccllencc.
f r Iho consideration of ttils business , and -
vlll soon bo > : in to work ,
The organization of Ihis court jjivns TUB
UIB : BtniKAUopCuiMsachanco to extend Its
usefulness. It will take claims under this
law and proicputo them for persons who uo
not Icnow whom to cnga o lor the service.
Tjio business entrusted to the bureau in
.Washington Is being1 proseoL' 'd with energy.
The Indian depredations patent , land
mining anil other claims before Ihc courts
and departments ara bclnir pushed ns rapidly
as possible , with no delays on accunt of the
laruo amount of business which has been sent
to Iho bureau. Tlio laruo amount , of claims
ntrustud tolls enrols a standing proof of iho
tccrn and confidence in which Tnu Itni : Is
hold by the publicwhichltscrves. Itis like
wise a domonstralloli. if ono was required , o
ho need of such un organization
The revelations in regard to the Loomls
agency which have been published recently
go oven furthcrin Iho same direction. When
n man sought for by the police for nonrly'n
year on a warrant for embezzlement can setup
up ns a claim agent , flood the wotorn coun
try with circulars and roccivo assignments
for several million dollar's worth of claims.
It appears that thoru is little protection for
the claimant whosends to an unknown repre
sentative. The men who assigned thoi rclniin
lo Loomls would have had small ch anco o
their seeing any of their inonoy if thn
schnmer had boon given time to collect their
claims. When such risks uro run nnd mon
who arc not able to go to Washington nnd
know no ono thcro must hire their attornevs
ut haphazard , the nnod for a bureau to pro
tect tne people and do their work at reason
able rates is apparent.
The approval with which Tin : EBB enter
prise is received by Journalists and public
men is ns gratifying us Iho responsu of Iho
3HIS DUl'HKIt.lTlOX CK.tlll * .
The expcrionco of Tun HUB CLAIMS
BritBAU ha ? brought out the fact that many
of Its subscribers uo not , understand that the
Indian depredations act passed by iho last
congress annulled all previous contracts for
collccling claims under it. This is n fact
that llioy should know for their own protec
lion. When the act wns siirned all contracts
with agents were maila void by its terras.
The holders of claims were then frco lo make
such bargains with their n6enls as they
pleased , or could refuse to make any bargain
at all.
The framers ( if the act found it necessary
to take Ihis stop for Iho protection of the
claimants. Atlhollmo when Ihero seemed
little chance that suoh an net would bo
txisscd hundreds of claimants unu contracted
with agents to pay oulrugoous fens in case
Iho money could bo collected. Cases are
known in which the claimants had contracted
to give up to Iho agents over ono-hnlf the
amount collected. Cases in which or.o-third
Was promised were not at all uncommon. To
allow these contracts to stand would make
the law not nn act of justice , but , un act of
extortion for tlio bonetit of the claim agents.
The clause was inserted annulling all the
contracts , good , bad and intllffcront , and
limiting the percentage to DO charged by
ageuls lo 15 per cent , wih ; an extra 5 per
cent ullowanco for special cases. The claim
ugonls naturally objected to thl * , asserting
that it was beyond the po-vers of congress ,
but the best opinion of both houses was that
contracts made to colU'ct claims under u law
that did not exist could bo annulled in thse
On Iho 4th of March , therefore , the claim
ants who had signed contracts were as frco
from obligations to ngonts as these who had
not. If they were salislled with theiragcnts
nnd wl.shcd to sltrn a now contract within tha
It git of compensation llxod by the law , it
was their right , but ncno of thorn were
under any legal obligulion lo do so. The
tnoro unscrupulous of "tha ugonts naturally
represented lo Ihclr clients that they were
bound to renew their contracts , with merely
Iho substitution of iho lurms named by law
for the outrageous commissions nt llrst de
manded. Cases have been brought to the
attention of TIP : HKI : in which this
policy had boon tollowod succos 1 ly ,
by unscrupulous agents. They had in u word
bullied the claimants Into hiring thorn when
if ttio claimants had understood that they
were free of obligation , they would have
chosen ether roprosentr.llves. As others are
being worked upon In thu same way , the
facts of the case are sot forth for their pro-
lection. If they am satislled with Iho mon
they lirit cho o they are riglit in ro-engaging
thorn. If they are not satiliod , they arc free
to engage an body they chooso.
Tnu UKB CLAIMS DUKCAU was established
solely for Iho protection of the public. It
was established on account of Iho complaints
of lls subscribers who thought they were
being unjustly ircalo ; ! , and thoio , still inoro
numerous , who applied to it to llnd n reliable
agent. It will colloi-t the claims at only such
charge * as will p.\y the expenses of the Du-
reau. It is expected Ihat it will rarely Imp-
pen that the limit sot by the law will bo
needed to pav the expanse of collection.
Many of the claims can doubtless be collected
for f > per cent of their face. The bureau is at
the service of the subscribers and public a' ,
large , These who tuko nJvantage of its offer
will save inonoy by it. These who do not
plnco their claims in its charge will save
inonov , too , lor It has put ix chock on the ra
pacity of llio ugonis who would oihorwlso
fool free lo take ihu last ponnj the law al
lows. ItU the prlvilogo of u great nows-
jmper to bouullt all.
li .Moved.
The following n.inising . Incident is related
of II. C. Uurnubco , the popular comedian und
high sheriff of the Bostonluns : Onu morn
ing in Now York city , whllo Uarnnbeo wns
practising his cuglo eye In front of
the Standard theater a tramp snufllud up.and
bvJmeunH of n wall-concocted nnd well-deliv
ered lulu of woo obtained a quarter of a dollar
lar from him. On the following day nnd on
the same apot Mr. liiirnabeo wns again uc-
costod by tha man ol woo , who ground out
the iiionilcal doleful tune of yesterday.
"Say , inlstor , " inuuiroil the comedian , "do
you know how to play any gumoi"
"Rctyor life1 replied iho tramp , "I nave
known the time when I could hold a dandy
hand at poker , stand my chanqo ut oiichrc ,
chess npu evin checkers. "
"Oh , you play checkers , do youl" said
"I'd Uuo to sea tbo man that can play n
bettor KumQ than 1 can , " was the proud do
ll an re ,
"Well , then , " chuckled the high cucrlff of
Nottingham , "it's your move. "
St. Joe News ; "Mamma , " said llttlo 'Wll-
Ho earnestly , "won't you teach mo how to
lly some doy-llKo you caal'1
"Like leant Wnatdoyou mean , child ? "
"Why I heurd popper unylng today that
you How elf iho handle au eutlv , and I
thouRht "
Hut his mother persuaded him that hn'd
boiler uo ul thinking > n bed ,
Will Sell at these Special Prices from now until January 1st , 18
Axmlnstor .Kogular price $ 2.2't Cut price $1.74
Momiettu HojrHlnr unco 1 . ( . . . .Cut price .40
vwlvct Uogulnr prlco 1.0(1. ( . . .Cut price . .T2
; . ° lvo' " . ' , : ' . llogulnr prit-o l.Ho Out prlco .12
Hotly Hrussola , Hlgolow Koguliir prtuo 1 . ) . . . .Cut prlco .HI )
Hotly Urussol * Uogulur prlco 1 85. . . .Cut prlco .20
Hotly UriiHsols Ut'culnr prioo 1.SM Cut prlco .10
Tapestry Hrussols Ituuuliir price 1.10 Cut prlco .00
Tnpostry HrUNsols Kouulnr prloo . ! ) J Cut price .70
Tapestry Hrussols Hofrtilnr price .0" ) Cut price .fiU
IiiKfiiin , 8-ply. nil wool Moiftilur prlco 1.00 Cut price .85
Inyrain , Afjrn ' . . , .Hoirulnr prlco 1.00. .Cul prlco ,85
Ingrain , extra super . - Hoirulnr price .85. .Cut price .70
Ingrain , all wool Kuffulnr price .80. .Cut price .05
Ingiait ) . C. C. , wool Illlor Hogulnr price ,7o , .Cut price .00
Ingrain , Union H gultir prlco .6.5. .Cut nricu . -I1 ;
Ingrain , Cotton H-jgular price . -10. .Cut price .85
Hotnp Itogular price .HO. .Cut prloo . 25
Call early and make your selection before best patterns are sold
Special prices on Curtains. 1'orticres , Upholstery Goo Is , etc.
Prompt attention given to mail orders.
Council Bluffs Carpet CO.BR < S AY
JANUARY i , ' 92 :
Peril. Per Ib.
Tcntlorloln 18c Rack ii0 !
Short Loins 10o Whole Mutton 8o }
Loins , full 80 Hind Quarter 100
ilib Roast No 1 80' Lo8 I0o
Rib Roast No 2 7 < ! Sto WH go
Roast Lk'of , Shoulder 5o VEAL.
Rounds Whole < ic Lofrs lOo
Shoulder Cod Boneless 5c Whole Veal 80
Sirloin Buta for Stcnlc 8c One-half Veal 80
Top Sirloin for Steak 80 Hind quarter Veal lOo
Rolls of Beef for- Steak 8c Slow Veal Oo
Plaits Rolled for Roast 60
Corned Beef Rumps So
Corned Beef with bone Ho Tenderloin 12o
Boiliiiff Beef with bone He Pork Chops lOu
Boiling Beef Rtuntw ( boneless ) Co Pork Loins Oe
Pork Shoulder
Spiced Beef cooketl 7o 7c
Hind Quarter Beef ( steers ) 80 Salt , Pork fc )
Breakfast , Bacon No. 1 12o
Hind Quart > r Beef ( cows ) lie
Fore . Breakfast Bacon No. 2 lOo
Quarter Bouf ( pteor.s ) ( io
Fore Quarter Beef ( cows ) Ho HAMS.
Side Beef ( steers ) 7c Extra Cured llo
Side Beef ( cows ) iic Sugar Cured No. 1 lOo
Loin and Porterhouse. 1-io Sugar Cured No. 2. 9c
Single Pound lOo
Kettle Rciido : cd 8e
Kettle Rendered501b 8e
Vemo lOo No. 2 Tierce 7io
Bologna Go No. 2 COlb . . * 80
Liver. ( ii ! Compound Tioreo 7o
Head Cheese Go Compound , COlb 7o
Pork 8c Bultorino and Oleotnargiirina 20o
Don't fail to try the Newest Delicacy of the
Season , Green Bay Smoked White Fish.
LOST lletweon JlcAtco's store and I'rcsliy-
turlan t'hmrli u child's wlillu fur capu.
Kinder pluuso leave at 1'iirogoy & Mi/oru's
hi ore.
| j UR ) uxuhuiiBP , ) ncrus of land In South
-L c'hlcaiio , siiltaiilo for platting , for Onialul
proprrtv or cluar NouraiKii land. Address at
once IV-M lice , Council IIInil's.
UfANTKD-ltollablo npunt ? lo ropruMint
tlio I'raturiuil Investment asocial.on.
Council III jil's , la. , Xc. 4 1'our ! stieut.
[ \ ! > U HKNT Oooil barn , near court house ,
1 Apply lo Hi'c olllcc.
/"iOOI > nlrl wantol tit S1.1 1 South Seventh st.
vjl HofiTtneus ! reqiiIrml.
FOK BALK or uxi'h.iiitfB :0 : acres Imiiroved
lam ] il'/i miles from postollh'o. Will take
vacant property. ( in-onshluUIs. Nicholson ft
Co. , ( it ! ) llroadwuy , Connuil Illull'i.
I WANT to biiv stouk of ( jrouunei or hoots
and slides ; will pay part cash 1111 I p.irt by
u f > room house nutl lot In Omaha. U .8 lice.
Council II.tills.
OOMI'MCTK outfit hir llxtures and two pool
tables for sulu and bnl dim ; for rent. ( Inotl
location. K , 11. tihoufe , ovur Olllcur & I'usoy's ,
ba nu. '
IjlAUMS. ganlen lands , bonsai , lots anil
-L biislni'63 blouks for silo : or rou
Mess , U > I'earl slruul. L/ounull
Paid Up Capital . $100,03)
Oldoit orunnUoiI bini lln Hi ) cltr. KoruUn nil
domaitlo oxotiino nn I uiil HOT i.-itUi , KniMt
attention p.ihl to cDllidliiii Acoounti of InllvU-
uali , banki. bnnkun iinJ ojrpor tloai lOllolul
Corroipuiuldnco In vltll.
Uttu , I' . UANr' ) , 1'rail.lant.
A. T. IllOtf , Aulitant
A 25 cent Bottle may nave you
$100 In Doctor'o bills-may eave
your life. Ank your Druggiut
Dr. Acker's English Pills
NmolJ * , u fmorllo ulth llu * laillrn.
W. U. JIOOKCIl & CO . < 4 /i t Druailwoy. N. V. '
for sulo by ICulin & Co. , nnil Shonnnn
f : . McUonnoll , Omiihiv.
Galvanized Iron Cornice Works
11. tillAUl * A SON. l-HOl--i
1O15 and 1O17 rjronclwajj.
Eitliuntri furnlitioil nn Nil kliuU of
or I'urulcn Wurk. Iron llultti f , Slum rrunti ami
Open Work. Arllitlc Work H i' ciltrt'orrcs ! -
punilence toMclU'd frcm pvluti * XI uilUi from
C'Kunoll J II aril and Oni b .
Or Council Bluffs.
TSTOCK $150,003
TOTAL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $225,003 I. A. Mll'or. ' R O. Oloison : , R. I *
iriirl , Ii K. II , Tl , J. I ) . K'lmiinilson. ' Chariot
K. Iliinnun. Trmis.ict guna-rat bunklni ; bust-
ncs-i. ; i > stciittil ; : unJ surplus ot any ban'c
Intioutbwusieru low.i.
All I , lulls nf D/oUlK and Cleanlnilono In the stylt1 of Mio art. K.iilctl an I st.ilnud
fabrics made lo look as vood an now. lied
fo.ithttrs cli.'aiiu.l by suiam In llrst-ulaj.s man-
nur. Work promptly ilonnnml ilulivurnil In all
parts of the country. Head for nrlco list.
lOl.'l Itroadwuy. Near N'orthwuilevn Depot ,
C.'OUNCU. Hi.ui'i'J , IOWA.
Saidcrs0 °
Sims & 0 ryL , .
federal courts. Unims .I , . ! unU
Itcnobloulf , Council ItiuiTi. Ix
riiimhfire Attorney it [ < in N o
HI , UUUHIJl.l3 | I'uarl strunt , ever I
null's storo. Toluphono No. JH Duilnoit
hours. S u. in. to j p. in , Uuunoll Iliiilt-i , I i.
" "Ateolotelif the Best Made I
A Delicious Mflrtleatoil Con
fection" for the relief of Coughs ,
Colds , Hoarseness , Sore I'liroat , and
for clearing the voice. Per ealc by
nil Druguista nnil C o u f c c t i o n e r a.
racked in full two ounce packages ,
Cents. If you arc unable to
procure the Pomona Cough Tablets
from your dealer send un b cents in
stamps nnd receive n box by mail.
Made by the manufacturers of the
celebrated Pom oil a I'ruit Juice
Council BluiTu , la.