Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1891, Page 8, Image 8

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How the Oc-apsrativo Oharittos Eava Prc-
vided for thj Deserving Needy ,
ArrnnuoiiiontH for Gsttlnj ; the Sup-
to ThnsoVlio Arc to tto
l Clitiruli and
The mnn who bollovos or Imagines that
tlio pnoploof Omatm iiro not phllnnthroplc
nthunrt Is not ucn.unlnlcii with tliu inhabit
nuts of this great city , ,
A visit to the hoiulqunrtcrj of the Umnhn
Co-oporntlvo Clmritics at 105 South fif
teenth street will convince the pessi
mist In ilia community that thu good people
of Om.itia iiro tiuinoroiiH nnJ that nil they
ask Is a fair opportunity to help the poor and
they will supply the necessary lusUtanco In
For nearly a weak the charity association
has had c.wasscrs scouring the city In
search of needy people , with n vioiv of fur
nishing every ImliKont family with a good
Christmas dinner at least , and any other as-
Blstnnco needed. The canvassers have found
uoinothliM llkoL'X ( ) rumllioi In pressing need
of food and clothing. A general appeal was
issued to the people of Omaha for food and
clothing for tneso needy ones. And how tbo
provisions did roll In. The largo store room
occupied by these In charge of registering the
names and addresses of poor families and
taking charge of the donations looked today
like a general supply depot for the grass
hopper sufferers.
A .special request has been sent out for din
ners in baskets all ready packed and ready to
bo delivered. Hundreds of pcopln responded
to this particular call. Nearly all
day thcro was a continuous line
of" buggies drivingup to too char
ily headquarters , bringing baskets and
buckets filled with eatables. Many handed
the goods in without leaving their names , but
an effort was made by the clerks to keep un
nccurato record of every donulijii.
Itwaoa busy scene. Uov. A. W.Clark ,
Mr. Thomas Kilpatrick , Uov. C. II. Savidgo ,
sr. , Mrs. .lardlno , Mrs. II. II. Hanor , Mrs.
Kennedy , Mrs. A. P. Hopkins , Mrs. Maul ,
Mis. D arrow and othcis tiad ehtiriro of the
work of receiving and distributing the
"Wo need more shoes , " said Mrs. Ilanor to
n Dm. reporter.Vo liavo received u largo
amount of clothing , you see , hut we shall
need all that hns been sent and more.Vn
especially need small shoes for barefooted
chilutcn , It is astonishing to SPO the number
of children who are suftoring for want of
clothing unil particularly for want of shoos.
If the weather sliould turn cold hundreds of
poor little children would have frp eu foot.
The way the goods are coming in is great
encouragement to us. I have always main
tained thatthe people of Omaha would take-
good care of the worth- poor If they onlv
had an opportunity to contribute toward such
on effort In such a way ihat they would feel
certain the goods were coing to deserving
peoplo. This orgatmatton should by all
njoans bo made permanent. "
The work of distributing the goods among
the poor began this nftoinoon and will bo con
tinued nil day Christinas or as long as the
goods hold out. A dozen wagons will uo kept
busv bearing the clothing , groceries and good
things to eat to the huts and habi
tations of these who have been mi-
nblo to drive the wolf from the door.
it , is not too late to help these noble people
who have this work in hand. Contributions
of clothing , food , fuel or groceries will bo
thankfully received at the headquarters all
dav todao , and every article will bo conscien
tiously bestowed upon some deserving person
In need of help. The headquarters aio op-
postto the postolllco on Fifteenth .street.
Contributions ot clothing , provisions , shoes
nna sundries were received yesterday from
the following : Furnam school , Lutnrop
school , Central school , Webster school , Leav-
cnworth school , ] ? aric school , Vinton school ,
Pacific school , Mason school , Bancroft
Echool , Izard school , Hnrtinan school , West
Omaha school , Hickory school , Jackson
school , Long school , C.istcllar school , Frank
lin school. Central Park school , MM. E. D.
Kltton , Mrs. Thuslun , Mrs. ICano , Madam
Norrls , Mrs. Swatzlundcr , Mrs. A. F. Uoss ,
Mrs. J. M. Woohvorth , Llttlo & Williams ,
Mis. J ud go ICollor , Mrs. George W. Do.uie ,
William Fleming , William Gontloman. Mr.
Shook , U. U. Ponttte , John A. Wake-Mold , T.
S. Oregoranil fnmilv , H. S. Wllcox , Mrs. E.
O. Hamilton , Mrs. II. W. Cromar , U. T. Mc-
Ciltloch , Mrs. Atkinson , Mr. Uloom , Mrs.
Fred Kruir , Mrs. Millar , Mrs. .1. E. Wither ,
Mrs. S. A. McWhortor , Mrs. T. Kilpatrick ,
Mrs. E. T. Allan. Mrs L D. Fo.vler , Mrs.
Phillip F. Ipol , Mrs. L. Carter , Mrs. J. MO-
Loan , Mrs. Dr. Joiu-s , Mrs. Ahlquist , Mrs.
Mary A. Fried , Mis. Hosier , Mrs.Vinslow ,
Dr. Spencer , Mrs. G. W. Eabtimin , Mrs. T. H.
Gardner , Mrs , E. B. Branch , Mrs. Croigt ,
Mrs. Vradenburg , Mrs. Nee , Master Joe
Stone , II. H. Aim tin , Mrs. II. E. Jenr.ison ,
Mrs. M. U. Foster , L T. Linusey , Mrs.
Aaron Cahn , N. Whitney , Mrs. Dr. Sprnguo.
Mrs. Butts , , Chase- & Eddy , Mrs , W. F. Al
lan , Samuel Every , Mrs Kennedy , Mrs.
Elliott , Mrs. J. J. Monoll , Mrs. W. G. Maul ,
Mrs. Forbes , Mrs. Dr.Carrlkor , Mrs. P. Potter -
tor , Mr. Hospo , Mrs. Mavhew , Uortlo Car-
uenter and Harry Carpenter.
A charitably disposed coal merchant sent
ton orders forSUO pounds of coal each. Iho
Cuduhy Packing company sent four largo
boxes of beef. Several largo cash contribu
tions were made.
IV lint Some of the Churches OlTor
lor TliiH Mnrnltii ; .
St.John's promises to offer its worshipers n
very elaborate celebration of the great festi
val , A force of man has been at work dec
orating the beautiful church with trailing
lestoons of evergreen , hunches of the tlmo
honored holly and mlstlotoo , and a profusion
of ferns and llowcring plants. At 5 a , in.
solemn high mass will bo chanted by the
president of Lreighton college , K v. James
Iloi-ffer , S. J. , assisted by Kov. F. Mntticri
nnd Mr. Mara ns deacon and sub-deacon o'f
the mass , The music , furnished by n select
choir will bo the "Messo Paselmllo" In D by
Lnmbllouo. Following this earlv service
will bo n succession of low masses every half
hour until about II o'clock. At I0i0 : ! another
Boloum service will talio place , the "Mass of
Shopheads , " sung by Uov , P , JJoyco , S. J. ,
with F Uronsgost as deacon , ana Mr , ICulil-
iiiann ns sub-deacon , St.John's splendid choir
In full force , and .strongthened for iho dav
by Mesdames E , Cudahy , Schonk , Lunge , F.
Ilurkloy.MisbosC. Hancock and K.Crcighton ,
Mr Uovol Franco and other singers of note wll
render Wobor's charming mass In G. Albert's
phllharmonlu orchestra nnd the organ under
thu direction of Mr. Schenk , will furnish in-
etrumcntal accompaniment. Father Corbloy
will preach the Christmas sermon.
rimra will bo services at Kountzo Memo
rial English LAithorun church , corner Six-
tctnith nnd Hiirnoy , tomorrow morning at
ITiU. ! ; Bountiful decorations , special music.
mid aormon by the pastor , Uuv. A. J. Turkic.
All who do ire to enjoy an early Christmas
ion-Ice will recolvo u cordial welcome. At
: ! IU p. in , , thnro will bo an interesting
Christmas entertainment conducted by the
Sunday school , which promises to bo oxcep-
llonallv good. Everybody Invited.
At Trinity Cathedral , Eighteenth nr.d
Capitol avenue , them will bo a celebration of
the holy communion Just uftou midnight ,
Christmas morning , anil a second celebration
at U u. ui , Christmas day. The music at the
latter sorvlco will bo very buuuuful.
ChrUtiLas day at St. Phllomonu's ca
thedral , Hartley nnd Ninth streets , will bo
celebrated with all the solemnity which the
Hainan ceremonial n ( lords ,
Solemn ponlillcul high mass will bo sung
at A o'clock in the
morning by IlUhop Scan-
no ! . assisted by n mini Dor of priests , Miss
Swill's choir furnishing thu music. Thuro
will bo low masses at 7 and U o'clock and sol-
cm n ulRh mass nt 10t30 will bo sung by
FotbcrMcCartby assisted by Father Colauerl
and Father Kelly.
Father Briton pronclios the sermon ot the
day. Clmarosa's , "Mosso Mllltniro" will bo
given by liio full choir assisted by Hovel's
orchestra uudor thu Jlroction uf Mr. Hurt
Ilutler. The sorvlco will boirln vlth Gou
nod's "Maroli Ponttficlo. " Cappoool'sLau -
data Puorl" will bo sung at the offertory ,
ami the "Aucsto Fldolos" at the close ,
St. Philip's Chanel ( Episcopal ) Twenty-
flrat between Nicholas und Paul streets
John A. Williams , Driest In charge. Choral
celebration of the holy communion 0 a , ur
Morning pfrtyer , holy , communion nnd ser-
mnn , II ,
.Sunday , holy communion 7 a. m , Sunday
school 10. Morning prajcr , holy communion
and sermon , 11. Clidrul evensong 7:30. :
hunt i OlatiH miles.
A largo and heavily laden Chrlstnm tree
was stripped of it ) fruit last eight at Uov.
Charles W. Savldgo's rhurch on North
Eighteenth street in the nrcscnco of n do-
llghtcd nudlcnco of little folks , who went
homo with their hands Illlod with-gifts nnd
their hearts overflowing with jov.
Manager Burgess of the Fnrnatn treot
thoatcr was presented last night with a gold
headed cnno. a gift of the employes of the
house. I ID was called to the Rtago between
nets of "Sport McAllister , " and the curtain
was run up before ho could escape to the
wings. Mr. Uobort Oaylor made n happy
presentation speech , and his kindlv senti
ments were warmly echoed by the audience.
Mr. Burgess hns a peculiarly genial torn-
porament , a gift of good fellowship which
wins esteem on slight acquaintance , and ho
his n wide clrclo of friends who will bo
pleased with every evidence that his worth
Is nppieciated.
A Christmas trco entertainment will beheld
held nt' ' < ! ! ( ) Cuir.lng strcctundor the manage
ment of Missionary J. J. H. Keenly at . ' )
o'clock on Christmas day.
She was ! ) anil ho xv.w 7. Ilo wanted ho
to promise to marry htm. Ho offered candy
ice cream and nuts , but she was obdurate
Finally ho said ho would give her a buttle of
Haller's Sure Cure Cough Syrup. She
.smiled , hud her hand in his uud said , yours
till death.
TV. T. Seam in , w.tsro'is tn.1 cirrlagoj
Etui oT tlio Union I'aolllo'm Compact
\Vltli the Northwestern at II mil.
"Tho Union Pacific Uailway company is a
great contract maker and equally distin
guished as a contract breaker , " said a well
known Northwestern trafllc man to n BKK
correspondent on a Chicago , Buillngton &
Qulncy train comlntr out of Chicago yester
day. "You know how Gould trlod to craw
fish on the Adams' bridge agreement with
the Milwaukee. Well , the Northwestern Is
now having a nice little koltlo of llsh cooked
up for it.
"Before Charles Francis the First retired
from the nrosldcucv of the road two years
ago , I think \vo made a close trafllc agree
ment with the Union Paclllu on freight und
passenger ousines ? . A seciot circular was
issued by that company to its
local agents west of Omaha , In which
they were definitely instructed to divert nil
the business possible to our road. The trav-
( Jling agents of the Union Pacific took the
circular to all its agents clear-out to Port
land und after they had read it took the sig
nature of eao'i ' agent to u personal contract
with the management to give the Northwest
ern everything that was not dcllnitcly con
signed over some other road. Tlio agent was
expected to use his influence directly in our
favor wherever that was necessary. I sup
pose our agents had similar instructions with
rofoioncoto the Union Pacific. We have
boon going on delightfully and each line was
getting the bulk ot the business of the other.
"Tho Northwestern felt so sure of its
ground that tt did not consider it necessary
to bo clever to those Union Pa-
cillo agents. They could ask favors
and ho refused , because the tio-up was secure
and it was worth an agent's head to do any
thing in the passenger or freight line for any
of' our competitors. The Milwaukee , Uock
Island and Q. were disgusted of course , but
they always treated the boys well and man
aged to Keep thorn from tearing their shirts
about it when business did not go over the
"But now. the relations are changed.
Uocently Chuuncoy Dopew nnd Vice Presi
dent Webb came to Chicago , and it was un
derstood arrangement ! would be made for a
through sleeping car route between New
York and San Francisco. It was blocked ,
however , by the fact that the transfer from
thi ) Lake Shore to the Northwestern depots
was inconvenient.
"Now comes a report to mo from an apent
in Nebraska , through a mutual friend , that
the Union Pneitlo men have just been out
giving the agents a new tip. They are told
that the Northwestern secret circular of two
years ago does not count and it is broadly
intimated that the Milwaukee is as gooa a
road as the Northwestern. A Milwaukee
man told mo the other day , when I was try-
inir to sound him , that his company would
hereafter get Us share of the business , and
ho said ho know a circular would soon go to
the Nobrasun agents couched In language
which could not bo misundei stood. I thought
ho was giving me a name of bluff , but hero
is a circular which I got in the passenger
ollico yosterdav which is a regular danger
signal. It does not say anything , but tbo in-
terence is clour.1
The circular announced a change of time
whereby trains should connect , with a regu
lar Milwaukee passenger east from Omaha.
The agent was Instructed not to overlook
the fact that close connections were made.
"Now I am persuaded tno through cur
deal will bo made via Pennsylvania , Mil
waukee and Union Pacific , thus leaving one
line out , and I rather expect there will bo
rnusiu in the uir when St. John and the
tialllc department bccoiflo satisfied that the
Union Pacific is not giving us a square deal
according to our compact. , "
Ueoson ? Beecham's Pills net like magic.
A Clirlstmurt orov Voiir'a Dinner
ut homo is something to lie remembered.
Go homo and purtako of the coming ono ,
it may bo your lust chniiue. Ono and
oiio-thlril faro for the round trip via tlio
Union J'auilio.
For full information see
H. P. DIUIL : : , , City Ticket Agent.
l10i ! ! Fiirmun at.
Hnllilini ; 1'criiillH.
The following permits were Issued by the
superintendent/tof buildings yostordnv :
Mis. I ) , Hriiost , one and one-halt story
fiamu. I'JIKTIilriy-soeond . 8 250
.1 til In rinnnlxiin , frame Ice house
Thlity-llist and Spi igiie . 500
\ V.V. . llnlhrmik , onu-slory fr.inie , I'oity-
tluri' , ind Albor . 23
John D.lle. one story in I basement ,
fiuino , Nlnuluunth anil Oaitulliir. . . 1,500
Mowu .V llifun.story friinu' . IKIS South
Thirty-lliliil . soK ( )
Plowu A. llii'i'ii , two story and attic ,
f runic , Di'JMintli Thlity-thlrd . 7,000
llunrv llaiiliuns , onii-nory frame.
Twenty and Clink . l,5CO
William M.iloi.onu-itory frame , I'tvuniy-
ulghl and Maiilu . u ]
\\llll.ini Miili'i.onu-slory fruiiiu/L'nunty-
eir'ht null Mupio . 1.5JO
Jlri i : . Noiton , repairSlUMiinderMJii , . \M \
OvoiM.M,000 ) Itowo scales nave boon sold
and the demand increasing continually , Bor
dciiiStScllcck Co. Chicago , III ,
Four huiulrod and tlfty nollnr piano.
Warranted seven yoara for $187.50.
Now sualo. llaydon Bros.
The following iiurrt.i''o licaasai warj Is-
auod yesterday by Judto ; Shields :
Name an i Address , Ago.
t r.llh , M. ( Jaddls , Omulia . 2J
I llrl l ot A. li.iu.ifhor , Urn iliii . L\ )
( William M. Andes , Topolui , Kan . . . . . . a. )
1 Mitlltu I. Mori'in ' , HvanstonVyo . ju
I LilnluO. Walker , David City . ai
I May lluehos , l i ! > tUmihu . 17
t Itoburt Muiuloii , Dm ill t . 87
I Mary MoUlriuu , Uniuh i . 'Jl
JAndiowS. Unnoan , Umalia . ai
I l.llou Onuns , Uiiiah t . , . ; n
I ( Jhur'.us .lohimiu , Omulia . ao
I Ida Andurtun. Umiilut . sii
i .1 mill's W , Hull , Wnhon . : ia
I VirisluUruon , Attica. 1C in . 23
The delicious fragrance , refreshing cool
ness nnd soft beauty imparted to the skin by
Pozzonl's ' Powder , commands it to all ladles.
* . _
WoRtnan piano. Now scalo. Now
tunlii } ' ilovioo. Sold on
Iluydon llroa.
Tim Soldiers' Itollul Kunil. v
OMUU , Ooc , SI.-To the Editor of TUB
IUu : ; Tni : BKK has boon Imposed upon us
regards the Soldiers' Kelief fund by persons
ignorant of the facts , There la no shortage ,
Uioru never was one ; there are ample funds
to last us through the year. The annual m-
port U now being prepared and will oxplalu
luo whole matter.
U. M , Srosu , Secretary.
Competition trembles wnon fluydon
Bros , open uricos oa plixnos nna organs.
Sad Predicament in Which Littla 'Roy Fox
Finds Himsjlf Plncod ,
JlmmlG AKHCIV KIIOWM tlio Nnturc or
an O.ith anil How to
Ills KiHtN Mnulu City
Little Uoy FOK Is the main Witness In the
murder In which his mother was the victim
and his father the n < sussin.
Mr. Sherman , the eranMfathor of the boy ,
Is very averse to having the lad appear as a
witness , anil have the disagreeable feeling In
later years that ho helpad send tits own
father to the gallows. Mr. bliorman believes
that there Is evidence enough to convict Fox
without putting the hey on the witness
stand , i'lm prosecuting lawyer , however ,
will of course have the sny In the matter ,
The lad played a prominent part in the
awful tragedy. Ho says that when awai-
onod by the report of the revolver on the
morning of the assassination ho rushed out
Into tbo kitchen , Then ho saw his father
beating his mother over the head with a re
volver. In fright ho attempted to escape
through the kitchen door to run to his grand
father's. ' His father slezed > him by the arm
nnd throw him baoit Into a corner.
This momentary distraction of the mur
derer's attention afforded the unfortunate
wife a chance to escape through the door and
rush to her father's homo in her night clothes.
But the wounds she had already received
were mortal and her escape from being
brained gave nor only twelve more hours of
life and only a little over mi hour of con
Fox has admitted to Chief of Police Bron-
nun and u Bun reporter that ho shot his wife.
The confession was in each case voluntary.
Thosn confessions uro bolie'ved to bo sufll-
ciont to convict him , unless some tilck is re
sorted to byPtho defense to knock out this tes
timony ns was done in the case of Monday
McFarland , ono of the defendants in the
bhoedy murder case at Llnco.u.
JlivciillcH III Court.
"Jimmlo Agnew , do you know the nature
of an oath ! " nsneil Police Judge King of n
boy of 11 years who was on the witness stand
to testify In a case in which ho was the pris
"Yes , sir , " answered the boy.
"What arc theoffosts of swearing falsely J"
continued his honor.
"I would bo sent to the reform school , " an
swered the lad.
A broad smile went around the court room
at this reply.
An investigation of the case showed that
Jimmy was a budding young pugilist , proud
of his prowess and boasted of the fact , that
ho could "lick" any boy ot his ago i'n the
"bloody third" ward. In order to keep in
practice ho put young Daniel Connolly's eye
in mourning. As there wore no chances of
Daniel getting back at Jimmy by decorating1
his optio in a similar shape the seat of wor
was trans fcried to the police court. There
the 11-year-old offender was mulcted ? T.-0.
Uight on the hee ! of this case followed an
other in which Yoiiimerica played the
prominent part. Roy U'oodiing , a boy of 1'J ,
was the star. Ho did not boast of being u
bruiser , ns did Jimmio Agnew , but ho had
given it out cold "that no gals should ever
sass him. "
As a consequence when the 8-year-old
daughter of Mrs. Hobeck , a Bohemian ,
called him names ho kept true his threat and
administered a slap that knocked the young
toncno lasher down. Tbo girl ran to tell her
mother of the assault , and Mrs. Hobeclt
rushed out and cave the ungallant youth a
As n consequence both Uoy and Mrs. Ho-
bock were arrested , each on the charge of
assault and battery. To equnllro matters
Judge King charged each ? T.0 , and all par
ties. wont away satisfied.
Mysterious DiHnppi'urnnce.
Mrs. Snyder , who lives on O near Twenty-
lifth , has been very much concerned over the
mysterious disappearance of her husband.
Ho came homo from work nt ( judnhy's on
Sunday with a slight cut on ono of his hands.
Ho told his wife that ho was going to bunt
up a surgeon to dross tbo wound. He then
loft , and if the earth had swallowed him up
ho could not have disappeared more com
pletely. The anxious wife has waited in
vain to hear from him , and has been nearly
prostrated over the mysterious disappear
ance , imagining the numerous things that
are best known to femininity. Yesterday
afternoon Mrs. Snyder heard that her bus-
bi.nd had been scon in Council BlulTa.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Snyder have been married
only n few months.
City Miniatures.
Miss Alice Haven is at Atlantic , la.
i' . Monahan has gone to Stewart , In.
William Wyatt is Miltering from load poi
Miss Hope Hornby is spendine Christmas
at Wayne.
Miss Mary Soykora is spending Christmas
at Broolclyn , la.
James IColloy and Uobert LouQon nro in
Kearney visiting.
Mrs. Dr. Whinnoy has gone to Columbus ,
O. , to spend the holidays.
Paul McAhley was married Isst evening to
Miss Uruna Smith of Omaha.
Mrs. Christ gave a reception last evening
to Mr. Daniel Lowrlo and his bride.
Dr. Berwick hns recovoiod from his case
of blood poisoning suftlcionlly to leave for
the east tonight where ho will make a brief
Norah Loonov , the 7-year-old daughter of
Jerry Lo'jnoy ' , Twentieth and Brown streets ,
died nt , noon yesterday of diphtheria. The
funeral will occur at 10 a. in. today. Two
other members of the family are prostrated
with the same art'iid disease , including Mr.
Loonoy , the father , nnd his " -year-old son ,
Johnny ,
1H I'oiimlM of
Is about the quantity nature allows to an
adult person. It is of the utmost importance
that the blood should bo Uopt as pure nb pos
sible. By its remarkable cures of scrofula ,
suit , rU'um , etc. , Hood's Sarsaparllla has
proven its claim to bo the best blood purlllor.
For a general family cathartic we confi
dently recommend Bood's Pills , Thov should
bo In every homo modlclnoest.
Every ono should have a savings no-
count. Now IB tlio time to make a start
for 1892. The German Savings bank will
BOOH move into tholr now hanking room
on 16th street between Farnam and
Douglas , n very convenient locution.
They pay r pot- cent intqrost and appreciate -
ciato now accounts.
The .Muitittorriuionit
Is a favorite resort at tills season of tlio
your for dwellers in northern Kwopo.
but the American MoiUttorranonn , tlio
glorious Puget Sound , far excels in
beauty that much coasted son , and in
roauhod in blxty-four hours by tlio Union
Pacilic , the original overland route.
lOrror of HH | Ways.
Marcus Halm owned a flue brick flat at
Twentieth and Martha streets , which passed
Into the hands of the mortgagees some days
ngo. This hud a tendency to orclto Halm's '
olioler nnd ho wcnttlhoro Wednesday am
began abusing the toBcttU and ordered them
out Into the strocw.'Upon thnlr refusal to
obey ho began to roAtm-'tUe fitrtly. destroy Ing
furniture and averjUftng In sight. Judge
Helslcy gave bim ntTnrtnlght la which to
ponder on the errors bf his ways ,
All claims not conilntcnt with the high
character of Syrupi of Figs are purpose ! }
avoided by the Cal. tliff Syrup Company. It
nets gently on the klilifcys , llvor nnd bowels ,
cleansing the systemtJTcctually , but it U not *
n cure-nil and nmltoa no pretensions that
nvory bottle will not substantiate.
Dr. CulUmoro , oculist. Boo building
Now nnd rivro ( irngi and chotnli'tita.
Sherman ft McConnell , wostof pustolllco.
Kitty Cents on llto I'ollar May II <
I'nld Cor Arnold dootitru Tlukcti.
Sir ICdwnrd Arnold and hia ma miser , Mr.
W. S. Angleman , spent tl.o day qulatlv at
the Mlllard , nnd no effort was made to glvo
nn entertainment In Omaha. They lott for
the north last evening. Sir Kdwln'a next
reading will not occur until Monday even
Ing , but ho has an engagement to dine wttl
the governor of Minnesota on Saturday in
St. Paul.
Mr. Angleman smiled when told ot the de
mand to bo made on Major Pond for money
to reimburse Omana ticket buyers Ho said
that was n matter between the Omaha
people and N. du Shane Cloward of Kansas
city , and ho thought it very unlikely that
Mr. Pond would contribute any thing to make
good the losses.
At the store of Max Meyer & Bro. Co. , n
list Is boini ; made of ttio names of ticket
holders ns fast as they present themselves ,
and when the returns nro nil In the $11"
turned over to Mr. Julius Meyer will bo re
funded pro ratn. It Is thought that this dis
tribution will take place Siturday , .ivs $ J > 1
were paid in for tickets , buyers will realize
lo s than 50 cents on the dollar.
Mr. Meyer wiled Major Pond yesterday ,
but ho has yet received no response. Ho
also wrote n letter giving the Now York
manager full details of the affair and urging
him to reimburse Omaha people to retain
their good will for future entertainments
under his management.
F. C. F. Cratnor , the aeont of Howardwas
not to bo found yosterdav , and It is sup
posed that he had left , for Kansas City ,
Howard sings in a church choir and toiehos
music. At ono lime ho held a subordinate
position In n minor opera company. Ho re
cently managed a foot ball contest at Kansas
City , and is said to have lost money on tbut.
i Mr < win.
TUe Kansas City Journal reports Mr.
Cloward nt making the following statement
of the ( ifi'iiir at that end oC the line :
' I think tlmt.Sir Edwin himself Is largely
to blame for this fiilluio of the puoplo to nt-
tnncl his The Kansas City cluli hnit
arntiiKcd tu give him a reception and mid con-
Hiilteil his manager by who a * to the proper
time to have It. The miinazor had lived : i
o'clock In the iiftrrnoon sis sall&fauloiy , lint
wlion thoconi'iilttco from the club malted on
Sir Kdwln yesloiduy he snnhliod tbem Tlio
natural consequence was that the membei s of
the KIIIISRS t'lty olnl ) and tliolr friends did
not take much Interest In Sir Kdim or his
re idlnps after that. Then came the ram and
the unlooked-for expense I was put to In
keepln-r the football tcims over for another
day. The expenses for the foot lull came
v.oro over $400 and the receipts woio a little
over $100. 1 felt that my llrst duty was to set
tle with thoio hoys whom I hud Induced to
come a lonj : way to olay this came. [ did so.
and that took all the money I had. I could
do no more and no other couiso was loft for
mo but to throw up the contract , "
Cloward had contructcd to p.iy $1,200 for
the two entertainments ut Kansas City , nnu
ho rontea a theater nt $100 a night , The
treasurer nt the boofllco reported the re
ceipts for Monday night at SU'J.
They had lots -Wedding nresonts , but the
most precious was a box of Ilallqr's Aus
tralian salvo.
She said thoughtfully , it's so nice for the
little chaps ou 'my hands. JIo said , wo
havent pot any "lltllo chaps" yet. She
said , Why [ John , and' John , wns squelched.
A in on311 itnry Hon.
Lieutenant Nichols of Fort L.ogan was a
caller nt department headquarters yesterday.
Lieutenant Adams of San Francisco called
at military headquarters on his way east on
a month's leave ct abicnco.
Captain Humphrey returned Wednesday
from St. Louis , wnore ho took an examina
tion for promotion.
The following review of the sentence in the
court martial case of Private Adam Herbert ,
who was tried for refusing to let the army
surgeons manipulate iv stiff linger , has been
issued from tno headquarters.
The sentence wns us follows :
"To forfeit to the United States * 1 of his
pay. The court is thus lenient on account of
the suffering of the accused , the numerous
operations already submitted to , and the fact
of his already having been recommended for
discharge. "
In the foregoing rase of Private Adam
Herbert , Company C , Twenty-first infantry ,
thu proceedings were returnou for revision
anil attention invited to the inadoqunp\
the punishment Imposed , The court , upon
revision , ndhered to its oriclnal sentence.
The operation to which the accused
was ordered by the post surgeon to sub
mit , wns n minor oni > , and the purnoso of it
was , to use the Inngugo of circular 11 , A. G
O. , 1SS4 , "to enable him to perform the duties
for which ho enlisted. " The uvldunru shows
conclusively that tbo order was Inllv justl-
iled , and that the disobedience of the accused
was willful nnd deliberate. Thu court shoald
have Imposea un adequate punishment.
The proceedings and findings nro approved ,
The sentence is disapproved , nnd the court is
admonished that discipline- the army can
not ho uphold when otlloers specially charged
with its maintenance tail to perform their
whole duty. Private Herbert will bo released
from confinement.
By command of Brigadier General Brooke.
Assistant Adjutant General.
They wanted to got married , but had no
money to pay the preacher. The girl was
equal to the occasion , She took the preacher
nsldo nnd stated the -caso. She had no
inonov , but she did have a liottlo of Hnllcr'.s
Sure Cure Cough Syrup. Would ho marry
them for that I
The preacher would nnd two hearts boat as
Suspocteil ol Iliir-jlnry.
The residence of J. McOrath , BH ! South
Twenty-fourtn as'enue , was entered by burg
lars Wednesday night and several watches ,
$ y > In money and souin clothes were taken. It
is thought that the robbery is the work of the
party who "touched1tip" Hughes' drug store
Monday night. The'pollco ' suspect n gang of
tough youngsters wbo Infest the neighbor
hood making lite u burden to the citizens.
Chicago , \t Northwestern lltllwar
Olorical I'crinltH.
Resident clergymen who nro entitled
to clerical permits ! for 18:3 ! ) : nro respect
fully rcqucbtod to proouro the sumo at
their earliest convenience. Application
should bo made at the city ollloo , 1101
Fa main street. K. R R ITCH us ,
General agent.
All on Account ol' laiolln.
William Johnson , r. burly colored lean who
unites in himself tha avocations of preacher
and saloon-keeper , vrns up before Justice
Brandies yesterday ) trying to convince
him that hh Ufa was In jeopardy as long ns
Miss Luella Franklin , a dusKy oyprlan ,
roamed around the Third ward loose. He
was so poi'sutulva that Luella was bound
over In f KX ) to keep the peace.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard *
That's Our furnishing goods department is a - It's
mine of good things to give a man. There
what's ' is n
bothering possible
in Puffs .
, Tecks. Waterfalls , Four-in-
a hands , West of Englancls , Windsors , etc , thing
good that
in plain and fancy webs , in plain and
many iancy satins , plain and fancy silks. we ,
people in linens and silks , in plain and fancy with
borders , in wide and narrow hems. Red
just silk ones ? Oh yes : numerous
now. MUFFLERS years
Cashmere and silk , in cream , black
They and fancies , plaids and stripes and bro spent
cades , 18c to $2.BO.
don't in
know Cuff buttons , scarf pins , scarf rings , finding
studs , sets , single stone's and collar but
just tons ; solid silver scarf pins , 6Oc. out
what what '
Kid , castor , calfskin , dogskin , seal
skin , goatskin , buckskin , mocna and-
cloth , lined and unlined. man -
buy UMBRELLAS . wants-
In sateen , union , glorias and silks ,
some with steel or natural wood rods , -with can
gold , silver , nickel and handsome nat
particular ural wood handles. help
" " .
"He" you.
Jn Russia leather , dongola , ooze calf , al "
for ligator , plush and velvet. You can save "Try
* a big dollar on a pair of fine slippers
Christmas . here. us.
If you should happen to buy a suit of clothes here and make a bad
guess as to size , you could exchange it or get your money back after
So long , so well , so favorably known
among the sick nnd sulloring thousands
who dwell in every noolc and corner
in every city and villngo in the land.
The saino kind-hearted benefactors of
their race ,
Where , with nn abundance of room and
greatly increased facilities , they can
bettor than over hoforo minister to the
wants ol the alllictod.
The unrivaled , the unapproachable , the
unintitnidatcd , the invincible , the in-
l > ro siblo ,
Ilavo removed from 1109 Douglas street
to the handsome and commodious suite
of olllces in the elegant now building at
Fourtoontli and Douglns streets , whore
they will bo pleased to welcome all their
old patrons and nil now onus who desire
to know that they can bo cured of any
Nervous , Chronic ,
Private Diseases.
Consultation froo. Cull upon or nd-
dross with sttunp ,
119 Soiitli fai'tai ' Street ,
OMAHA , - - - - NEB.
Or , Bailey ( f |
' The Leading
Third I'loor 1'axtoa lllook.
Telcpono lOSIi. l tli ami rariian
A. full set of tooth , on rubber , for W I'orfoot
fit. Tooth without plutoi or romovublo
brldKo work , ju t tha thlim for Bliuurj und
publlo speakers , never drop down.
Teeth Extractal Without Pain.
All filling * at reasonable rates , ull work
warranted. Out tuU out for a
innilTI BANHALWOOH OAl'aUI.ES nra tin
IIIIIII I u Iiu4t un J oiilr capiuloi pruicribu.l Of
UUUU I n regular pljtcl n ) tor tUn euro of
Oooorrlum anil ulicbur ji from the uttnirr
< ! * / < < It.W p f tig
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent i > ednlUt In norvoii' , olironlo prlvatt * . blooil skin nnd urlnir ? rtl enus. : A regular nnJ
reKl'tprJdKriKluntclnmrnlclnc. HA dlplomis nnd cprtldoitoi inotr Is Hill trailing \vlti ! thofireiteit iuq-
cess cotirrh , sptr iiatorrhnoi , loit iimnhooilsinlinl n-iv.kno i nliht lujjoi , lniulenor. : ; yplilMi. itrlo-
turo kunurrhoe.v Klcotaric > celB oto No-nerci'ry n.od. Now troMmant for lo i of rltnl power. Partial
tn.iblc to viilt me cny bo trcitnil at home b7 oorrosponJent'O Me llcln ? or Instrnminti MODI by ! or
cjtpr S3 aecurelv pttekc I no TI irki to iTlloito contents or somlor Ono porion l tntorvlew proferred. Con-
sultntlon free. ( orrciponceneo alrlctly p-lvnto Hook ( Mystorlaj of Llfo ) sent free O31ce bourt , U in.
o p m bunday , 10 n. m , to I ! m Semi staiip for ruply
and All Fashlonnblo
WSotid for Fusbton Hook mailed froo.
Rolhble Manufacturers
FelnurnosjaBlotk , 191 & 1S3 Stale St. . Chicago
I'ltoei'Hi' .
Bee Bureau of Claims
Kqn.ll with tlio Interim of tliu > Imvliu clnl'ni
neiliiat HiuKOMTnmoiit la Unit nt 1NVCNTOIH , who
uf tun luau tlio boriullt of Tiilu.ibloluvontl.jii buuuiii )
of Iho Incnmpotont'y or InutteiUlim of the nttoruay t
employed to obtain thnlr pitonti. Too iniicli euro
ctinnot ho t > Yurchuil In unjlo/hif co niutoiit nil
rollnlilo fiillniiora to pit'j'iti. for tin v.iliu
of n pitoiitiluiionili Ktoitlr , If notoiitlruly , upon tlu
euro mid skill of the ntlornay
Will ! tlio vlow of ( irotoctln.1 Invo.itori fro wnjtli
lens or cnroloia iittornii ) s , unit "f o Mil { tli it inven
tion * nro well protocol by vail I pitunti , TiIK II J
IIUUI'AU Ini rofilnod lonntal ov.urt In P.UO.U
practice ; unit nro thuroforo prepirj 1 li
( Hltllill l > Uti'lltH ,
Coittlitrt tntv rt'i're li PC * ,
31 tiliHiii'ilnl < : titniliuiti > li ,
J'rttm'Piitc rt'ifctfil I-IIHI'H ,
Jii'ltili'itliitli - inin-tft mill ' j > Mf7if * .
lt < - iulc.iiiliil < in * HituHi'uinmill nillil-
ttu of imtfiitH.
JVoHc 'iif unit ileftiiit infrlif/aiii3 i
Hitltn , ftt : , < / .
If you hiwoim Invontlonon Imrjil ncrul'I'IIK I1KIS
lIUltUAIInnliutelt or pliouurnpli tlmruof , toKotliur
wltlin Ijrlof ilojcrlptlcui of the Import int Tonturoi
and yon will bo 01103 n'lvlso ' 1.11 . to tlu hoit OJ'.MO t )
pursuo. Moituli iiro not nooouiry union tlu Invoi-
lion In of n compllcntoil nttnri ) If otlieri arj In *
frliiKliiKon yourrUht' . orlt yon nrj cli irxo I with
InfrliiKoiniint by othorj , unti nit tha niittar to TIIK
IIL'HUAU for n rulli.blo Ol'l.NION bofuro actliu on
thu limlliT.
i > L 0 Hco Hiillillii' , ' . Omulii , Noli.
p'/'Tlila Hnruaii Is piiur intrud by the
Onmlm llvo , tlio I'luiiL'tT 1'ioss und tliu Sun
1'ruiK'Ki'o I'Xiiinlnor.
Gut this out and send it with your in
Cold Feet
Made warm by
HOT ran
2 quart 7fia
! I quart $1.00
J quart $1.62
I'hyBloinni prosurlp
lions prnpirud A
Next to 1'oitolllco ,
Monmoutli. Ill.Fj' > . 11 , ' 81.
Dr. , T. B. Moore , While suffering
from a sovorocold , I was induced to try
Mooro's Tree of Life ( totnrrh Curo. It
nfldrded almost immeiliato relief * , and
while I linvo boon a MilToror for years
from catarrh , since lining this remedy I
littvo not b'icn ' alTeuted in any way with
this doouloly annoying disoaso.
Moniu.s Tri'o of I/fu. uposllivo euro for Kld-
noy and I. Ivor Uoiniil ilnl unil nil blood ills-
UUBGS. Duos It piiy to snllor wlion you can bo
iMirud by uslim Mouro'd Trco of Llfo , tliu Uro it
1,1ft ) HcniL'dy ?
I'cr.-niis lie lutvo lost proportr from Indlitn
raids should Ilia tliolr vltilinv under tbo Indinu
Dnprolntlon Act ot .Mnruh ! , IBDI. Tlio tlinu li
llniltud , mid tlio claims iuo tukon up Uy tlio
court in tliu ordur In whluh thuy uro louulvud.
TakoNotlco that all coutraoU unterod Into
with attorneys prior to the Act are mads
null nnd void. Information ulvuii nnd nil
clulios uroinptly attoiulud to by tlio
'life itntltllnu.
llurcnii Is minranteod by the
Oinnliu Hi" , the I'loneur 1'rous and the Ban
rrunultico Kxumlnor.
Cut tills out nnd send it with your in
National Bank
a. s nni'CMiTo uv . OMAHA m :
Cupltnl $4OOOOO
Surplus OB.OOO
Olllcuri an < 1 DlraUor > lenrr ! Vf. Vatai , I'rollunl ;
I wU H. llojil. Vlco I'ruililunti U a Maurlgj.V. .
V. Menu , John a folllni , It. ( X Cuiblat , J. N , li.
I'ttrlck , W. II. A Ituirlia * , Cnililar.
c inner IS ill tn < l ri riiam rJt .
[ Rnffertrc from
tlio e'.tucta ot
joutliful orrun
torly dcrny , wmtlntr WfoUnru , lutt uunhiKXI , etc. .
I will fH'ti < I avaluanla truatlMJ ( tiutt ) coutalnlnij
( ull iiardculara for liomu cure , I'll mi of cliamu.
A riilfii'llil muUlcat wurk i lUnulUifi rrvl tij oven *
mill wliu U nirrniii ami iltlillluU-O. Adilrm
1'roC , I' . C. l'O\VLliU.flloodu , fouiU.